You may think these photos are fake, but the incredible images here were captured by talented Italian photographer Mauro Maione who spends hours painstakingly waiting for the right moment to snap away.
      He sets his shots up at an insect hotspot near his home prior to sunrise before patiently waiting for the sun to come up when thousands of butterflies descend on the plants.
      Mauro, an electronics salesman, said: 'I was really excited to see the composition of the butterflies I had photographed. For them to appear to land on the plants and use their wings like petals I thought was something very fascinating that I am unlikely to ever see again quite like that.'

      Here's Some Of His Amazing Photographs. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      A full six white butterflies have landed on the heart of a flower, making their wings resemble fluttering delicate petals.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      A group of the be-winged insects have landed on a flower still covered in dew for a chat in the early hours.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Their wings still wet, the butterfly couple take rest until the sun rises to dry them up.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      At first glance these might look like exotic flowers - but a closer look reveals that the petals are butterflies landing for a spot of breakfast.
Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Honeydew: Thousands of butterflies descend on the plants at dawn to feed from the flowers' nectar.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Mauro Says, 'I go to the fields before sunrise when the insects are still asleep and it is full of dew. Then I move around a little with my equipment to get into position but of course you need a lot of luck on your side too. Being in touch with nature is something I love which is why my favourite way to shoot is a macro technique because you are so close to the creatures - I love the animal world.'

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Like parent, like child: A beautifully patterned butterfly spreads its wings next to an equally exotic looking caterpillar.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      These two old world swallowtail butterflies above were spotted on a twig. Just below them is a butterfly chrysalis which has yet to hatch.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Two old world swallowtail butterfly face each other over a purple flower in the meadows of the Castelli Romani Park.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      In some cases the insects took the opportunity to touch antennae, like the two blue argus butterflies, Aricia anteros, shown above.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      Two black-veined white butterflies, Aporia crataegi, shown above, appear to be a perfect mirror image of each other on this white flower.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
      These two preying mantis pictured above may be a deadly predators but they also look beautiful slinging to the petals of this flower.

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers

Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers
Shangrala's Butterflies And Flowers

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SEE ALSO: Beautiful Monarch Butterflies!


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Special THANKS Goes To KAREN FRANKLIN For Sharing This With Us.

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