Jesus said:

John 8:17,18
"It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me."

Many people are into the TV series Law & Order. It is one of my personal favorites! I know some people that have told me that the only thing on TV they like to watch is that show! So lets see how that works with the above that Jesus just said. He's talking about credibility and law concerning who he says he is and who God says he is.

Let's take a certain religion, The Trinity, and put it's Creed of who Jesus is on trial and see if it passes the Jesus 'witness' test.

MANinTheNEWs: Trinity is being accused of wrongfully presenting who Jesus Christ is to the people.

We'll speed this up by giving you the defenses SUMMARY of their case:

Defense: In summary: '"Trinity'" says God is one '"essence'" who manifests Himself as three '"persons'": The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. These three beings are all co-eternal, co-equal, and incomprehensible. They are all God and yet there are not three Gods but one God.

Christians around the world recognize this and believe it. It is an age old truth. How else could of Jesus done all the great things he did if it wasn't for the fact that he was actually God in the flesh? Everyone knows this and it is really quite ridiculous for us to even be here today in this court of law!

I call on you - the fair and impartial jury to see past this evil ploy of the prosecutor into making this good and wholesome 'Trinity' into some sort of bad guy! I am sure you will find Trinity NOT GUILTY of any counts of untruth or evil misrepresentation! I rest my case.

MANinTheNEWs: BUT what does the Bible say about it? Will this hold up in a court of Law? How about we take the advice of Jesus and see how He and The Father bear witness for him and exactly who Jesus is. Is Jesus really God in the flesh?

WE THE PEOPLE want and Need to Know!

>-->Trinity is on Trial and YOU are the Jury!!

We will proceed with the prosecution side:

Prosecution: I call Trinity to the stand.

Trinity do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Trinity: Yes, I do.
You may take the stand.

Prosecutor: Who is Jesus?
Trinity: Jesus is God.

P: Did Jesus say He was God?
T: yes.

P: Could you tell us where that is in the Bible?
T: Well, He said He and the Father were one.

P: Please answer the question. Did Jesus say directly 'I am God'?
T: Not directly but he inferred it by..

P: Move to strike your Honor, the witness can not possibly know what Jesus was inferring.

Judge: Sustained - strike that. Jury you will please disregard. Trinity please only answer the question without adding your own feelings or thoughts about it.
Trinity: Yes, your Honor.

Prosecutor: So Jesus never directly said He was God?
Trinity: Right

P: I see. Please tell us is Jesus a man?
T: yes.

P: Is God a man?
T: Well, when he was in the flesh as Jesus.

P: God was only a man when He was Jesus?
T: Yes.

P: At Other times what is God?
T: A spirit

P: So God is a spirit?
T: Yes.

P: Is God holy?
T: Yes.

P: God therefore is Holy Spirit. Is this true.
T: Yes.

P: But you say Holy Spirit is a separate part of you, The Trinity?
T: Yes. He is.

P: If Holy Spirit is God and God is Holy Spirit, why do you have them separate?
T: The Holy Spirit is a separate 'persona' of God.

P: That is very unclear. Let us continue. You are saying that God is a man but is also a spirit?
T: Yes, God in the flesh as Jesus was made manifest as a man and God the Father is a spirit.

P: Is Jesus a spirit?
T: No. Jesus is a man.

P: But you said God is a spirit and you say Jesus is God, so why isn't Jesus a spirit?
T: Jesus is God in the flesh. He isn't a spirit.

P: So you are saying God changes?
T: No. God does not change.

P: But you just said God was a man when he was Jesus.
T: Yes.

P: SO what is God? A spirit or a man?

Defense: Objection! - Prosecutor is badgering the witness your honor, Trinity already answered that question!

Judge: Well, yes Trinity did answer it, but not to the logical clarification for this court! I would like to hear Trinity's reply. Objection over ruled! You may proceed.

P: SO what is God? A spirit or a man?
T: He can be whatever He wants to be.

P: So you say God is both a spiritual Father and the Son in the flesh?
T: Yes.

P: We know a family to have individuals who are separate and true. For instance a Father and his son are not both the father or both the son or somehow both one being. Why would God set us up differently then Himself?
T: That is the mystery of God.

P: But doesn't it make more logical sense for God to set up mankind more like himself so we COULD understand Him better?
T: We're not supposed to be able to understand everything of God.

Your Honor, I would like to reserve the right to call this witness later, but right now I would like to call the Bible to the stand as a rebuttal witness to the testimony of The Trinity.

Judge: It is so noted. Trinity, you may step down.

The Court calls the Bible to the witness stand. DO you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Bible: When I am God Breathed, YES.

Prosecutor: Bible, please tell us is the word '"Trinity'" in you?
Bible: No. I do not have that word in me.

P: You mean to tell me that within all your pages '"Trinity'" is not found?
B: Correct. I do not have that word in me.

P: Well, if the word itself isn't in you, how about it's definition of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
B: No sir. That is not in me.

P: Is there Any part of it in you?
B: Yes.

P: What part of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy spirit do you contain?
B: I have the words 'God the Father' in me 13 times.

P: Is there something in you about people understanding God?
B: Yes, many times.

P: Please give us an example.
B: Eph.5:17 says "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

P: I see. Bible, will you please tell us what God said He is.
B: He says He is many things. I could go on for a while...

P: Ok, so God does tell us a lot about Himself. Are the words "God is a man" or a reference to God being a man in you?
B: No.

P: Are the words 'God is NOT a man" or a reference to God NOT being a man in you?
B: Yes. more than 3 times.

P: Did Jesus call himself the Son of man in you?
B: Yes, many times!

P: Did God say he was the Son of man in you.
B: No.

P: What does it say in you, if anything, about that?
B: God said he was NOT the son of man.

P: Does it say in you that God changes?
B: No.

P: What does it say in you, if anything, about that?
B: My word says 'I am the Lord, I change not'

P: Did Jesus change?
B: Yes.

P: Explain some ways he changed according to the words in you please.
B: He was in the womb, born, grew in wisdom, grew into a man, died, was raised from the dead, and appeared unto many in his newly changed resurrected body.

P: Was there a record in you of Jesus doing miracles?
B: Yes, many.

P: I see. Did Jesus take the credit for these miracles he performed?
B: No.

P: Who did Jesus give the credit to?
B: He said it was God who did miracles and wonders through him and it wasn't himself.

P: I see. Who does Jesus say He is in you, the Bible?
B: He says that he is the son of God.

P: How many times is it in you that says Jesus is the son of God?
B: over 50 times

P: Who does God say that Jesus is in you, the Bible?
B: God spoke out loud to a group of people when Jesus was being baptized. This is recorded in me 4 times. God bore witness that Jesus is "my beloved Son". Everyone there heard him say it.

P: Thank You, Bible, you may now step down.

Your Honor, I would like to recall Trinity to the stand.

Judge: Trinity you may again take the stand. I remind you, you are still under oath.
Trinity: Yes, your honor.

P: Trinity, when were you conceived.
T: Are you talking about my Creed?

P: Yes.
T: It was around 325 A.D.

P: The early church believers were not alive at the time so Why did you come about so long after the original church?
T: I was made to settle disagreement in the Roman Catholic Church.

P: What was the disagreement about?
T: The deity of Christ.

P: Some believed Jesus wasn't God?
T: Yes.

P: This caused disagreement?
T: Yes.

P: How long did they disagree.
T: It was many years of dispute.

P: So, what did they do?
T: They made me - a creed that said Jesus was "of the same substance" as God - least it was my beginnings.

P: Who is they?
T: The church leaders but later Athanasius was primarily responsible for promoting the idea of me, the Trinity, and enforcing it.

P: He had to enforce the belief among the church people?
T: Yes.

P: Please explain.
T: Trinity was not simply something that was accepted right away, and many people were persecuted for maintaining even the slightest disagreement. It was only through much force, fear, and political influence that the doctrine of the Trinity has become Orthodox.

P: Why would they want this belief to be doctrine?
T: They were tired of the arguing and the disagreements and when Athanasius decided he had enough of it, he decreed his thoughts and beliefs and made the church accept it as true.

P: How could his ways be forced upon the church?
T: He was a very powerful Bishop. He was brought before the councils and the emperor on several occasions for charges of destroying sacred church objects, burning down the houses of rival priests, and brutalizing priests. He often had his opponents excommunicated and anathematized, beaten and intimidated, kidnapped, imprisoned, and exiled. He was charged with an assortment of crimes, including bribery, theft, extortion, sacrilege, treason, and murder, and he was exiled no less than five times.

P: I see. Thank you. You may step down.

Prosecution: You the jury are the ones who must make up your own mind on the facts before you in this case. Is Trinity correct in it's doctrine and it's position that there is 3 in One: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? Or have we all been MADE to believe something that has NO real Basis of truth in God's Own Word, the Bible?

You heard testimony today that there is NO basis for The Trinity in the bible - NO word 'trinity' and everything that is the heart of Trinity is contradictory to what the bible says. The Trinity would have you to be illogical, believing what it tells you to believe and literally making no sense when we put it up to God's own perfect and logical truth.

I think the evidence speaks for itself. Today, I am sure, like Jesus who bore witness of Himself saying he was the only begotten Son of God and God himself who said Jesus was His Son, that you will find that this is the real truth: as the bible says - there is but ONE God - The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob and The God and Father of Jesus Christ. And there is but ONE Lord and that is The Lord Jesus Christ.

The Trinity was made way after any of the original church believers were alive. It was born to settle dispute and NOT of any real biblical truth - only by an evil, brutal, man's ideas and beliefs forced upon the people of the church.

Today, men and woman of the jury, I trust you will find The Trinity GUILTY of misleading people into believing lies about God and His most beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. That can be your only Logical and True conclusion. Thank you. I rest my case.





*The Trinity History Creed quotes were taken from this study:

**PLEASE ALSO NOTE: This is a mock trial and has nothing to do with anything resembling any REAL trial. The author reserves the right to express she knows little about such things as a REAL trial with all its legalities and official court proceedings.

Thanks & God Bless :)



2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

May you, and all those you love,
be so blessed and fortunate
as to stand approved before God,
unashamed of your workmanship.

May God Always Bless You and Yours As
You Stand Steadfast on His Word Of Truth!


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