A Very Merry Christmas Weekend... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! ================ __,_,_,___) _______ (--| | | (--/ ),_) ,_) | | | _ ,_,_ | |_ ,_ ' , _|_,_,_, _ , __| | | (/_| | (_| | | || |/_)_| | | |(_|/_)___, ( |___, ,__| \____) |__, |__, | _...._ \ _ / .::o:::::. (\o/) .:::'''':o:. --- / \ --- :o:_ _::: >*< `:}_>()<_{:' >0<@< @ `'//\\'` @ >>>@<<* @ # // \\ # @ >@>*<0<<< __#_#____/'____'\____#_#__ >*>>@<<<@<< [__________________________] >@>>0<<<*<<@< |=_- .-/\ /\ /\ /\--. =_-| >*>>0<<@<<<@<<< |-_= | \ \\ \\ \\ \ |-_=-| >@>>*<<@<>*<<0<*< |_=-=| / // // // / |_=-_| \*/ >0>>*<<@<>0><<*<@<< |=_- |`-'`-'`-'`-' |=_=-| ___\\U//___ >*>>@><0<<*>>@><*<0<< | =_-| o o |_==_| |\\ | | \\| >@>>0<*<<0>>@<<0<<<*<@< |=_- | ! ( ! |=-_=| | \\| | _(UU)_ >((*))_>0><*<0><@<<<0<*< _|-,-=| ! ). ! |-_-=|_ |\ \| || / //||.*.*.*.|>>@<<*<<@>><0<<@>>>>>| ( ~~~ )/ (((((((()))))))) ~~~~~~~~ '""""`------' `w---w` `------------' >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) This year events beyond my control have systematically all worked together to completely devastate the web site. Please put ShangralaFamilyFun.com in your prayers. Also please forward all group emails and web site page links to all your friends and relatives. With your help perhaps we can in time get the web site back on its feet. Thank you! God's Most Abundant Blessings to you and yours! :) Shangy! -<>- .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. __,_,_,__) __,__ ,__) ,__) (--| | | _ ,_,_ (--/ `|_ ,_' ,-|-,_,_, _, , _| | |(/_| | (_| _\__)| || |/_)| | | |(_|/_) ( ,_| ( |_, |_, .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. >HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This super scorcher is from our friends Sharon, Bunni, and Carl. This one is sure to give you some smiles! Give it time to load and check out this old fashioned one here... A Country Christmas http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/countrychristmas.html --- ...So many warm and fuzzy smiles! Thanks Sharon, Bunni and Carl! -<>- * . . . | . * * . \|/ . . -->*<-- . /|\ . ' | ' * | . * . | . ' _ _ .:. . ( | .-. ___ .'_`. WWW \w/ \V/ |/(_)\ .'.-.`. `(_)' (_) (_) (_) |// \\ `/(_)\' // \\ _/ | _/ | _/ | _ _ \/| |/ //)_(\\ \| |/ %%__/| $$__/| &&__/| _-(_)- _-(_)- | | | /(o___))\ | | | | | | | | `(___) `(___) | | | ` / \' | | | | | | | | jgs // \\ // \\ | |_| /_____\ |_| |_| |_| |_| *~* May You Have A Blessed, Safe, And MERRY CHRISTMAS Celebration! :) >Our Christmas Pages: Christ's Bell!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bell.html Christ's Life!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesuslife.html Bailey's Jesus!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bailey.html Amazing Grace!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/amazinggrace.html Come Adore Him!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/comeadorehim.html No Words Needed!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/nowords.html Disney Christmas!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/disneychristmas.html Who Is This Jesus?- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesus.html Christmas With Pets!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/christmaspets.html When Was Jesus Christ Born?- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/whenjesusborn.html The Christmas Story!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/christmasstory.html Santa Ho Ho Oh-No's!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/santa.html Maxine On Christmas!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/maxineonchristmas.html Maxine On Holidays! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/maxineholidays.html Redneck Christmas Tree!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/redneck.html Puppy Days Of Christmas!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/puppychristmas.html Christmas Around The World!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/christmasworld.html Where's The Line To See Jesus?- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/seejesus.html Winter Wonderland And Life Lessons!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lessons.html Christmas Animations: For Angels, Candles, Doves http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs.html For Crosses, Hearts, God, And Jesus http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_f-j.html For Nativity Scenes and New Years http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_k-o.html For Prayers, Santa, Sledding, and Snow http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_p-t.html For Words:Merry (Christmas) and Xmas (all other Christmas related) http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_u-z.html Christmas and Holiday cooking: Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: \ / -->*<-- /_\ /_\_\ /_/_/_\ /_\_\_\ /_/_/_/_\ /_\_\_\_\ /_/_/_/_/_\ /_\_\_\_\_\ /_/_/_/_/_/_\ /_\_\_\_\_\_\ /_/_/_/_/_/_/_\ jgs [___] >MEMORY TREE by Michael T. Smith I pulled the boxes of ornaments from the closet and prepared myself for a trip into the past. No photo album can bring back as many memories as my box of ornaments. Like a picture, each ornament contains a memory. There's the box of wooden ones, handmade and painted with care. Within the assortment is a small man on skis, a mouse on a swing, even Santa in his sleigh. I remember when my Georgia and I had bought them. It was our first Christmas as a married couple. We hung them on the tree and dreamed how our future children would love them. I picked up a ceramic Santa. My aunt gave it to me when I was four. He holds a tiny box in his hands. There's a tear in its wrapper -- a tear caused by a boy who couldn't contain his curiosity. A tiny brass bell is next. My brothers and I had fun with this bell. We took turns hiding it in the tree. The others had to find it. We played "Find the Bell" until mom yelled at us for shaking the tree to make the bell ring and reveal its hiding spot. Mom knew how much the bell meant to me. The year I had my own family, she gave me the bell. I played the same game with my own children. I picked up a pretty red ball. When our daughter was two, we'd put Vanessa down for her nap and decorated while she slept. We wanted to surprise her. When we finished, I sat back with a glass of eggnog and waited for her to wake up. I can see her now -- running from her room, fully charged and ready to take on the world. She was five feet from the tree before she looked up and stopped. Her eyes opened wide. Her jaw dropped open, as she emitted a small cry of delight. She walked forward, raised her hand, and touched a red ball -- the ball now held in my hand. She turned to me. Her eyes reflected the colored lights. "Daddy, what is it?" "It's Christmas, Sweetie. It's Christ's birthday. We're going to celebrate it." Her sparkling eyes, hanging jaw, and soft skin made me hold my arms out. She ran into them and gave me a hug that could have melted even Scrooge's hard heart. I picked up a cracked green ball, a veteran of the first time I allowed my kids to decorate the tree. They hung all the balls on one branch. When they turned for another, I quickly moved the one before it to a better spot. I laughed when they told Grandma they decorated all by themselves. Near the bottom of the box, I found a brass plaque. It brought back a special memory. It has my son's name and birth date on it. Justin was supposed to be a New Year's Eve baby, but he decided he wasn't going to miss Christmas. Justin was three weeks old, when we took him to the Christmas Eve service at our church. That night, our minister explained to us the real meaning of Christmas. As she spoke, she wandered down the aisle and stopped beside us. She reached down and asked, "May I?" I nodded and handed him to her. She lifted him into her arms. She was quiet as she walked back to face the congregation. Turning, she held my son high and said, "This is the real meaning of Christmas. The birth of a new life!" She cradled my son as she spoke, but the ringing in my ears prevented me from hearing her words. Tears glistened on my cheeks, as she walked around the sanctuary displaying my son to those gathered for the Christmas service. The room was empty of everyone but her and my family. Overtaken with emotion, I reached out and hugged Georgia and Vanessa to my side, and thought, "This will be a Christmas to remember." In 2003, I pulled the ornaments out again. Justin and I were not going to be home for Christmas that year. We were going to spend Christmas with friends in Ohio, but I wanted Christmas to be the way it always was. I wanted Christmas to be the way Justin remembered. Georgia died two months earlier. Justin and I were alone in New Jersey. Vanessa was in Ohio. It had to be the way it was before -- the perfect tree. The ornaments -- the memories -- had new meaning that Christmas. The memories of her death were raw, but the tree overcame them. A tear trickled from my eye. Good things may pass, but their memories hang on. Last year, I hung a new ornament on our tree. It was one I got for my new wife, Ginny. It's a penguin. She loves penguins. This year, I have one she gave me to hang. It's a glazed ball with a penguin dressed in an Ohio State football colors, my favorite team. New pages have been added to my album. I hang my personal album for all to see, sit back and relax. For several weeks, I search my magical tree, until I find my special spot. I don't know where it is, but I know it's there -- a spot where light shines perfectly on one or two balls and reflects off a length of tinsel. It's perfect in every way. I lock my eyes on it and enjoy its beauty. I relive my life. It's there for all to enjoy. I invite you to share it with me. Look at the ornaments. Flip the pages. Share my life. It's my memory tree. -- Michael T. Smith ____________________________________________ Michael lives in New Jersey and is currently working on a collection of stories to be called, From My Heart To Yours. You can read more of Michael's stories at: http://subs.zinester.com/86758 ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseA :) __ [_ | _____||_____ .'` _ || .'`\ ,;;, / _[_]_ || / | _(\()/)___ | (") \/ | | /__(/\)___/| | >/ . \< | || || || | \_:_/ | _.'| || || '-----...----`\ |____||____|/ | | \ | | | '.__/ jgs | | >** Merry Christmas Dear Ladies ** If I were ol' Santa, you know what I'd do I'd dump silly gifts that are given to you. And deliver some things just inside your front door Things you have lost, but treasured before. I'd give you back all your maidenly vigor, And to go along with it, a neat tiny figure. Then restore the old color that once graced your hair Before rinses and bleaches took residence there. I'd bring back the shape with which you were gifted, So things now suspended need not be uplifted. I'd draw in your tummy and smooth down your back Till you'd be a dream in those tight fitting slacks. I'd remove all your wrinkles and leave only one chin, So you wouldn't spend hours rubbing grease on your skin, You'd never have flashes or queer dizzy spells, And you wouldn't hear noises like ringing of bells. No sore aching feet and no corns on your toes, No searching for spectacles when they're right on your nose, Not a shot would you take in your arm, hip or fanny, From a doctor who thinks you're a nervous old granny. You'd never have a headache, so no pills would you take, And no heating pad needed since your muscles won't ache, Yes, if I were Santa you'd never look stupid, You'd be a cute little chick with the romance of a cupid. I'd give a lift to your heart when those wolves start to whistle And the joys of your heart would be light as a thistle. But alas! I'm not Santa, I'm simply just me, The matronest of matrons you ever did see, I wish I could tell you all the symptoms I've got But I'm due at my doctor's for an estrogen shot. Even though we've grown older this wish is sincere, Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year! --- ...Aww, so sweet! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` >It Is Not Finished Real faith is not only getting beyond our past: it’s recognizing that faith is an ongoing process. None of us “have arrived.” At best, we can say we’re “on the way.” A big mistake many make is the notion that at any given moment we’re going to be complete and thus relieved from the prospect of additional construction. That is not and will never be the case. While I’m not everything I want to be, I’m not all the things I once was. Our lives are filled with pressure and stress. This is not necessarily bad. Stress and tension, properly balanced, actually give us strength. Faith involves having something in the distance to motivate us and keep us moving, as the apostle Paul admonished in his Epistle to the Philippians. We should “press on toward the goal.” Faith gives us a focus for our future, helps us move in the direction of our destiny, and gives us the capacity to continue working toward a worthy legacy. --- ...So true - part of renewing our mind to God's Word! Thanks LouiseA! ================================================================ >-->Speaking of which - From Our Friend Victor :) >'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson is under fire for bashing gays in a GQ interview in which he grouped gays with "drunks" and "terrorists." After he complained that "everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong ... sin becomes fine," the magazine asked what he considers sinful. "Start with gay behavior and just morph out from there -- bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," he said. Read More Here: http://tinyurl.com/k7nzoea --- ...Wow! Most Interesting! Thanks Victor! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' I watched The Kelly File Wednesday night and she had this as a discussion with her guest panel weighing in. I was stunned when one of her male guests said he found Phil's comments vile, very offensive and disgusting that he would liken his love with his man partner with bestiality. He called it hate speech. I was stunned because he used the same word the Bible used to describe his own unnatural affection... Romans 1: [26] For this cause God gave them up unto VILE affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. I also felt it odd that he took exception to being named along with those who engage in bestiality. What he doesn't understand is that for many of us, we see very little difference between what the LGBT does and what they do. To us, it is as vile, disgusting and offensive as much as bestiality seems to be to him. Yet I am sure some of those who engage in bestiality might take offense in being grouped in with gays. Sin is like that. We find some sins to be very disgusting until we actually cross the line and engage in them ourselves or find them less offensive and more acceptable as we are exposed to them over time. For example, a person who goes out with his buddies to get drunk doesn't find his behavior to be disgusting or vile but to those who are against drinking, his behavior may appear that way to them. It is all about our own personal perceptions. Phil was simply stating his own Christian belief. For those who would condemn or take exception to it, then I say, 'Hey, we didn't write the book. God did. If you don't like it, then by all means take it up with God.' 2 Pet.1: 21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. See these teachings: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Crossed The Line http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/crossedtheline.html Gay Agenda http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/gayagenda.html ============================================================ >-->From SermondFodder: .-"""-. /` .--.\ ; .' .-:| |._.|_._| () /\// \\\\/\ .:::. < //0 0\\ > _\d8b/_ `\ > /` | \ \ \ | _\ '=' /_ |\ \ \ \| /`||`---`||`\ |_\_\_\_| /\ |\_____/| /\ \_|/ /\ \/ \/ /\ /\-' /\ /| o |\ /\/\/ \-< | | \ /|/ \/\| o | `"` \/\ | /|\ o | `;-------;' | | | \___T___/ |==|==| jgs |==|==| o |==|==| o /(__/._T_.\__)\ \ | | / `""""` `""""` >Christmas Perspective WPSD-TV in Paducah, KY, is running a promo where their news anchors talk about their favorite all time Christmas presents. It reminded me of a story we put together during my time there in 1976. We were looking for some stories we could do ahead of Christmas that would be meaningful and allow more of the news crew to take the holiday off. We decided that over several weeks we would ask everyone we interviewed on other stories to talk about their favorite present and why, then string them together into a feature story. I happened to interview Football Great Gale Sayers when he became Athletic Director at SIU. I was already a Sayers fan from his years with the Chicago Bears. At the end of the interview I told him about our Christmas story plans and asked if he would talk about his favorite present. He took a deep breath and said, "Growing up in Omaha, Nebraska, my family never had much, but one year I got a BB Gun for Christmas. I was so happy, but not for the reason you might think. I was so proud of that BB Gun because I could use it to hunt pigeons and squirrels to help feed my family." There were several other folks standing around in the room listening to his response. You could've heard a pin drop. His answer really put Christmas in perspective that year and every year since. Keith Todd The Sermon Fodder Guy To subscribe send an e-mail to: Sermon_Fodder-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or go to http://www.sermonfodder.com =============================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: With permission of the author.. | '.|.' -= + =- ___ .'|'. ___ ******* | ******* /-====) | (_.- )) | / '( )' ) )) / / _/ \_( (( | |-( _ _ )) ) ) / | \ //| |\\ /'-( ( / \ \/\/ *** \/\/ / ) ) | |\ / .=. \ / ( ( `-;./ ;-' _\/(")\/_ '-; ) ) | \ |'---'| / ( ( | \ _| |_ / ) ) _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( jgs .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. `""---`-----` `----`----`""` >NEVER TOO OLD by Stephen T. Banko It didn't look much like Christmas that December 23, 1969. The trees were lush, the countryside awash in green. There was no hint of snow in the sweltering heat. In fact, I was the only thing that looked like Christmas. I was perched in the open door of a helicopter hovering about fifty feet over the center of a dusty village in the III Tactical Corps area of Vietnam. Instead of the ubiquitous olive drab the cloaked everything military, I was clad in a bright red Santa suit, complete with hat and white beard. I had a sack of toys slung over my shoulder replacing the M-16 I usually carried. I wanted to make the entrance into the village square as quickly as possible before the beard turned gray with sweat and dust. I checked the harness of my rappelling gear, gave a thumbs-up to the chopper crew, and jumped out into space. I slid down the rope and made a soft landing in the center of the square. The helicopter departed in a final cloud of dust while I looked around the square. Dozens of kids were arrayed around me. Interpreters and Vietnamese-language slingers informing them that something joyful and wonderful would happen had summoned them. I could tell from the puzzled looks on their faces though that these kids still weren't too sure that my arrival was the "something joyful and wonderful." My silly "ho-ho-ho" didn't help much either. The kids kept shrinking farther away from this stranger in red, and I thought my Santa Claus routine would be just another failed attempt to impose western ideas on an eastern culture. I sat down in the middle of the square, wondering how I could let these kids know that Santa was one of the good guys. My mouth was still fuzzy with dust from my landing in the village, so I opened a butterscotch drop and popped it into my mouth to chase away the cobwebs. Instantly, the kids started inching closer. It took me a minute to realize they were drawn by the sight of food. I peeled the wrapper off another and held it out in my hand. Slowly, one little girl allowed the allure of the candy to overcome her reluctance. She came forward to take the butterscotch from my hand. She put it in her mouth, and the half-frightened look on her face blossomed into a beautiful flower of a smile. Then the dam broke and all the kids from all corners of the square were ionized to the magnet of the sweet stuff. They sat on me and touched me and laughed and giggled and smiled. I couldn't peel wrappers off fast enough so I just started throwing the candy into the air. The kids scrambled frantically for it at first, but then returned to their better nature when they realized there would be enough for all of them. Having captured their attention with the candy, I then broke out some small spiral notebooks and pens. As they marveled over their collective treasures, I went into the crowd of adults in the periphery with my fellow GIs and started handing out food from c-ration packs and from the packages we'd received from home. My mother's chocolate chip cookies were a big hit. The Vietnamese bowed and gestured and spoke their rapid-fire reactions but what I understood best were the smiles. We handed out Coke and Dr. Pepper and Pepsi and whatever else we'd scrounged for our gift-giving and, after a short while, everyone in the village had been given something in celebration of the birth of a little baby none of them had ever heard of. We didn't have much peace to spread beyond that precious hour of sanity in the asylum of Vietnam, but we did have an abundance of good will to share. Yes, I've studied at some great colleges in my life and I've been taught by some of the greatest minds of our time, but I've never learned a lesson quite like the one I did in that tiny village square on that special Christmas in 1969. Those Vietnamese knew nothing of Christianity and cared even less about it. They never heard of Christmas before that day and certainly have never celebrated it since, however I know with utter certainty that they taught me more about the real meaning of Christmas than I ever thought I'd learn. Christmas is not complicated. It rests in the hearts of people everywhere, all the time. Christmas is pure and it is simple. We can find Christmas ever day, in so very many ways. Christmas is love and when we show it, we get it back. The child born that first Christmas was never too young to teach that, and I pray that none of us are ever too old to learn it. -- Stephen T. Banko -<>- .-----------------------------------------------------. | __ ___________________ | _________________ __ | || / / '.|.' \ \ || ||/ / ___ -= + =- \ \|| | / ******* .'|'. ___ \ | | / /-====) | ******* \ | || | / -( | (_.- )) || || / / _/ )- ) )) || || | |-( _ \_( (( || || / | \ //| _ )) ) ) || || / \ \/\/ |\\ /'-( ( || || | |\ / *** \/\/ / ) ) || || `-;./==;-' .=. \ / ( ( || || | \ _\/(_)\/_ '-;==) ) || || | \ |'---'| / ( ( || || | \ _| |_ / ) ) || || _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( || || .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. || |jgs `""---`-----` `----`----`""` || >A Journey of Faith [edited] Imagine with me, if you will, a journey. You are born of your faith and it is strong. You have a vision and feel compelled to follow your vision. The journey takes you to a strange land, but still you press onward because your faith has compelled you to do so. Finally, after a long, tiring journey, you arrive at your destination. However, when you arrive, what you expect to find and what your really find are totally different. Your faith has been shattered because of what your find has replaced your belief system for your whole life. You are now questioning everything that you have been told, been taught. Is your God so powerful? Was your religion correct? Does this sound far fetched? This has happened before. When? Just ask the wise men of so long ago. They were not Jewish. They were astrologers who followed the stars but wound up worshiping the son. They were guided by a Higher Power not of their beliefs but of His wonder. They played a part in the night of nights. BJ Cassady Guthrie, Oklahoma -<>- , , /\\ / \ | )|-""-, , \ /' \ ,_ , .'<_ / |"""-, _> `'-,'(_.-' _< , | ' '/::. `\ >_.--(.. ) .=;` / \_...._ .' _ ._o)`'` / V-'`\/`` { .' `'-....-' ; `"--'.--.=; * * * `/ / ::' / C ..\ * * | {;;}| :: | \ _.) * .:::.__* | , {;;;} \ ':| / \ * /'::::\ *\_ \ \ {;;} '-, \./ \)\) (` '::|* / \ .-' _.'.,____, _/`| `-| );/ _.,--`-.`_;/.-/ ; \ \` \ ( ( /` ,\|_ '--'_:-' `. `'._.' /| \ \ \ \ | ).-' .-'/. ` '._.-._.' / | jgs \ \ \ \ / .--'\ \ .-'` | `. .-' .' | \ \ \ \ / / \,\ \ \ \`. `-.__..--' _.-' .' , `#;==''` \ |\ /|# \ '-._ _.-' _.' .'( _.=' | \/ /._, \_ '--._.-'` _.' { `` _.=' | / ' ;--._, '._ \ _.-' { \` ; / \ / ' ) '-._\_.-'` _,_ `. `'=..' .=' ) /\ /, / _, /' '\ ,_ `=._ .=' / |/)|/(_ ((') \u u .-""._) \ '-`\\`__ | / -._\ /'--) | ':`----./.-. | `-._} {_} |_ \ | _.' _/, ``'""-`\ `.__.' `""{_} /_ / |`= `" `-.( ,__/. `""""`"` '^' ="`-` `"` >Forgotten Dog's Christmas 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there The children were nestled all snug in their beds With no thought of the dog filling their head And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap Knew he was cold, but didn't care about that When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter Away to the window I flew like a flash Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below When, what to my wondering eyes should appear But Santa Claus - with eyes full of tears He un-chained the dog, once so lively and quick Last year's Christmas present, now painfully thin and sick More rapid than eagles he called the dog's name And the dog ran to him, despite all his pain "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN! On, COMET! on CUPID! on, DONNER and BLITZEN! To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Let's find this dog a home where he'll be loved by all." I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year For Santa Claus had made one thing quite clear The gift of a dog is not just for the season We had gotten the pup for all the wrong reasons In our haste to think of the kids a gift There was one important thing that we missed A dog should be family, and cared for the same You don't give a gift, then put it on a chain And I heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight "You weren't given a gift! You were given a LIFE!" - Author Unknown -<>- , / `\ / _\_\ ___ | | | .'__::\ \;"``"/ {_.__.}:; / (-\-| ___ |-/-);\:| | `-=-( /.-.\ )-=-`;|{} .(`-.__/-,// || {\__.-' } /;;\`- 7;;// I BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her. On the way, my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she jeered. "Even dummies know that!" My Grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her "world-famous" cinnamon buns. I knew they were world-famous, because Grandma said so. It had to be true. Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm. Between bites, I told her everything. She was ready for me. "No Santa Claus?" she snorted...."Ridiculous! Don't you believe it! That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad! Now, put on your coat, and let's go." "Go? Go where, Grandma," I asked. I hadn't even finished my second world-famous cinnamon bun. "Where" turned out to be Kerby's General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. That was a bundle in those days. "Take this money," she said, "And buy something for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the car." Then she turned and walked out of Kerby's. I was only eight years old. I'd often gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people scrambling to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments, I just stood there, confused, clutching that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy and who on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school, the people who went to my church. I was just about thought out, when I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid with bad breath and messy hair, and he sat right behind me in Mrs. Pollock's grade-two class. Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I knew that because he never went out to recess during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but all we kids knew that Bobby Decker didn't have a cough; he didn't have a good coat. I fingered the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I would buy Bobby Decker a coat! I settled on a red corduroy coat, one that had a hood to it. It looked real warm, and he would like that. "Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the counter asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. "Yes ma'am," I replied shyly. "It's for Bobby." The nice lady smiled at me, as I told her about how Bobby really needed a good winter coat. I didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag, smiled again, and wished me a Merry Christmas. That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat (a little tag fell out of the coat, and Grandma tucked it in her Bible) in Christmas paper and ribbons and wrote, "To Bobby, >From Santa Claus" on it. Grandma said that Santa always insisted on secrecy. Then she drove me over to Bobby Decker's house, explaining as we went that I was now and forever officially, one of Santa's helpers. Grandma parked down the street from Bobby's house. She and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk. Then Grandma gave me a nudge. "All right, Santa Claus," she whispered, "get going." I took a deep breath, dashed for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pounded his door, and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma. Together, we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobby… Fifty years haven't dimmed the thrill of those moments, spent shivering beside my Grandma, in Bobby Decker's bushes. That night, I realized that those awful rumors about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were: ridiculous. Santa was alive and well, and we were on his team. I still have the Bible, with the coat tag tucked inside: $19.95. May you always have LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare and FRIENDS that care... And may you always believe in the magic of Santa Claus! Give back what you can, where you can, whenever you can. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Floating Hotel!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/fhotel.html Extreme Homes!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/exhomes.html Angels Are Watching http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/angelswatching.html Building Advertising Art http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/buildingads.html John Scapes' Basement!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/basement.html -<>- >From our Friend Bunni :) Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/embed/WxjZB5S_g7s?rel=0 --- ...Nice! Thanks Bunni! -<>- >From Our Friend Geniann :) What Is Christmas http://www.greatdanepro.com/Christmas/index.htm Christmas Card http://tinyurl.com/yjvcb7h --- ...fun ones! Thanks Geniann! -<>- >From Our Friend Karen :) Merry Christmas http://tinyurl.com/ycm8m98 Penguins in Santa suits take a Christmas stroll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15IF4l_XX7E --- ...Awww, Thanks Karen! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) Don't you just love vocal music? I sure do, especially when it's as clever and creative as this! A cappella super group Pentatonix returns with a stunning rendition of the Christmas classic "Angels We Have Heard On High." http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VAMzAIH12yc Are these Norwegians reenacting Michael Jackson's dance moves from his "Smooth Criminal" music video? Nope! They're trying to walk in extreme winds during a winter storm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rKUipxR3bDc You have to see this insane video! This driver spun out on a wet road and rolled the car. Her dash cam captured the harrowing crash plus her unbelievable reaction! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=e05BKmfKhTI When it comes to getting into the Christmas Spirit what better way that to connect with a ghost at Christmas time. The Magicians, Barry and Stuart and celeb guest Tina Hobley investigate a haunted hospital with three unsuspecting believers in search of Claus. I love the girl in the hat as she is totally into this Christmas Spirit ghost hunting expedition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZNFr3vf2mI&feature=player_embedded Sixteen-year-old David Thibault stunned everyone with his pitch-perfect imitation ofElvis' "Blue Christmas." But he was just getting warmed up! Here he is singing the King's "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" on a Quebec television program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga439cZAWcU&feature=player_embedded --- ...Cool! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) Easy Christmas Desserts http://www.countryliving.com/cooking/easy-christmas-desserts#slide-1 12 Holes of Christmas http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/12_holes_of_christmas The World Carrot Museum at Christmas http://www.carrotmuseum.co.uk/ Cats vs. Christmas Decorations http://www.pawbonito.com/cats-vs-christmas-decorations/ --- ...TeeHee! So Sweet! Thanks Melody! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Linda :) ___ /` `'. / _..---; | /__..._/ .--.-. |.' e e | ___\_|/____ (_)'--.o.--| | | | .-( `-' = `-|____| |____| / ( |____ ____| | ( |_ | | __| | '-.--';/'/__ | | ( `| | '. \ )"";--`\ / \ ; |--' `;.-' jgs |`-.__ ..-'--'`;..--'` >Author Unknown - Adapted A man punished his three-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the tiny child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought a gift to her father on Christmas morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy." He was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found the box was empty. He yelled, "Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there's supposed to be something inside it?" The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and sobbed, "Oh, Daddy, it is not empty. I blew kisses into the box. All for you, Daddy." The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. The man kept that gold box by his bed for years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. --- ...A heartwarmer! Thanks Linda! =========================================================== ___ / __'. .-"""-. .-""-| | '.'. / .---. \ / .--. \ \___\ \/ /____| | / / \ `-.-;-(`_)_____.-'._ ; ; `.-" "-:_,(o:==..`-. '. .-"-, | | / \ / `\ `. \ / .-. \ \ \ | Y __...\ \ \ / / \/ /\ | | | .--""--.| .-' \ '.`---' / \ \ / / |` \' _...--.; '---'` \ '-' / jgs /_..---.._ \ .'\\_ `. `--'` .' (_) `'/ (_) / `._ _.'| .' ``````` '-...--'` >An Unforgettable Christmas Story Editor: by Twila Ingham Joyce Schowalter Iowa, USA We started rebuilding my childhood home in 2004. Then my husband David fell sick. Progress on our house came to a complete standstill with no interior walls (tough to heat), no kitchen cabinets, etc. In late October, Deb and Rose, my husband's co-workers, came by with a collection they'd taken up at work for us, and we were incredibly grateful. About Thanksgiving, Deb and Rose called again -- to say they were ready to buy building materials to finish the inside of our house. We were stunned! They made a list and did the shopping. They bought ceiling insulation, drywall, drywall joint compound (mud), drywall tape, two windows, primer and paint. Deb and Rose "ran the show". They scheduled volunteers from work. Since Thanksgiving anywhere from four to 14 'Angels' were in our house each weekend, working to make it a home. The first weekend 13 people hung insulation and drywall. Some worked tirelessly for three days. Deb, Rose and Pam came that first Friday and hung ceiling insulation. Not an easy task since it was six inch insulation on eight foot ceilings. The drywallers started Saturday. Deb, Rose, Pam, Chester Linda, Jim, Chuck (6'4" tall and a lifesaver for ceiling work), Zhaia, Steve, Keith, Barb, Janet and Susie spent their entire weekend on this 'little' project. The next two weekends, with a couple weekdays thrown in, they returned to hang, mud, tape and sand the drywall, and put in the windows. Then Jan and Susie painted. Unfortunately, we soon discovered the living room's exterior plywood was so wet it had molded. Deb's response was "How much and what size? Don't worry about money, we've got it covered." Steve got the plywood that night. The next day, the guys knocked down bad wood, nailed up new, then added new house wrap, all in about two hours. Deb asked about storm doors. She indicated they had enough money for one, so she asked me to help pick one out. Then, last week another co-worker asked Deb how they were coming, because he or she wanted to donate to the cause. She said we needed one more storm door, and they donated enough money to buy it. Again, we were speechless! Even though Chester had to work at midnight one night, he and Deb came over to hang the storm doors. The dining room and our grandson's bedroom are DONE, including paint. All of this has been so unbelievable! We're down to final sanding and painting in the kitchen, bathroom and living room. Our 'Angels' deserve a rest and time with their own families through the holidays, so we'll pause a while. Today I'll get out the Christmas tree and decorations. When Kaeden, our grandson, gets home from pre-kindergarten this afternoon, he and I will decorate it together. But what a different setting we're in! What an unforgettable Christmas this is. We can't even put into words how special these people are to us. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: _.--"""--, .' `\ .-""""""-. .' | / '. / .-._/ | `. | | \ \ .-._ | _ \ `""'-. \_.-. \ ` ( \__/ | ) '=. ., \ / ( \ / \ / /` `\ | / `' '..-`\ _.-. `\ _.__/ .=. | _ / \ '.-` `-.' / \_/ | | './ _ _ \.' '-' | / \ | | .-. .-. | M E R R Y \ / o| |o \ / | / \ | C H R I S T M O O S E ! / `"` `"` \ / \ | '._.' \ | / | \ | | || _ _ / /|\ (_\ /_) / jgs \ \'._ ` '_.' `""` `"""` >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Linda's three granddaughters spent the weekend after Thanksgiving with them. Sisters Hannah, 12, Hallie, 4, and cousin Ashton, 10, love to sing and dance together. Linda was amused at Hallie's interpretation of "Deck the Halls." She sat at the piano and sang, "Check the halls for balls of holly!" -- Linda McCoy of Albion, Indiana Kyran, 2, was sitting in front of the TV playing on his toy computer. His mom was at the dining room table. Aunt Rhonda asked Kyran's mother, "What are you getting Kyran for Christmas?" She replied, "I think I will get him a d-o-g." Kyran sat still for a minute and then said, "I don't want no darn dog ... I want roller skates!" -- Rachel and Kenny Hays (parents of Kyran) of LaGrange, Indiana This past summer Barb was riding with her family in the van. Brian, 4, was sitting next to her. She used a mildly bad word. Brian said very loudly, "Aunt Barb, you shouldn't curse! If you do, then Santa won't bring you anything at Christmas!" Brian then gave her a 10-minute lecture about exactly WHY she should make sure it doesn't happen again! -- Aunt Barb of Warrington, Pennsylvania (\ /) (\ /) >`< >`< (/\ \/) (\/ /\) > < > < (/\ \.-"""-./ /\) ___\' _ _ '/___ \__` /-\ /-\ `__/ \ \o/ \o/ / \ _ / __| (_) |__ / \ | / \ .---| |'._^_.'| |---. / |__| ` |__| \ | \##/.__.-""\##/ | \__.-"__|____|____|`._ | j___|____|____|____|-' g_|____|____|____|_| s|___|____|____|___| |__|____|##__|____|| |___|__/####\__|___| |_|__/########\__|_| |__/############\_|| |/################\| /####################\ /########################\ /############################\ Matthew, 5, was on his way to his grandmother's house with his mom. He was singing Jingle Bells. When he came to "Jingle all the way" he sang, "Jingle half the way." When his mom corrected him, he said, "Mommy, I don't feel good today, so I'm not going all the way, just half the way!" -- Carol Davis (grandmother) of Winona, West Virginia This year's Christmas stamps reminded Debbie of a story about her son. Tim was about 6 when they stopped at the post office to buy Christmas stamps. The lady behind the counter asked Tim's dad if he wanted snowmen stamps or the Madonna stamp. Tim announced, "I didn't know Madonna was on a stamp. I want to see!" Tim is now studying to be a youth minister and Debbie reminds him of that story all the time. -- Debbie of Liberty, Missouri Kyler, 5, spends a lot of time with his grandmother Shari. Recently they attended the singing Christmas tree program and play at their church. The theme of the play, along with the singing Christmas tree, was a live 1944 radio show. An elderly lady was talking to her little neighbor boy. The lady showed the little boy a manger scene and said, "It is great knowing Jesus." The little boy said, "You know Him?" The lady said, "Yes, I know Him." Kyler had been a little bored but when he heard this he perked up and asked Shari, "Well, if she knew Him, how old is she?" -- Shari Mallory-Maxa of Texas .\/. >><><< '/\' /`x.`\ /;<> @ \ /& `';;;_\ |./ * O (_)| \ o .--. ! / .;`-'(_) '-`'. /_`;;, x <>* \ /(_) `';;;;,,_,;\ | !/ ^ & `(_) | \^ @/`\ . !/`\ O/ .'`-' + '--' _ '-`'. /;;<> !_ o (_) + . \ / `';;(_) . _x \ | _' & `';;;, O ^ (_),;| |(_) / ' * `'';;;;'` | \ /`\<> /``\ @ /`\ !/ .'`-' x '--' . '--'_. '-`'. /;;;,, O . _ + (_) . * \ /! `';;;;,, (_) ^ & <>,;;\ | @ (_)''';;;;,, o ,,;;;''` x| | * o ' _ `';;;'` O (_) | | _ + . ^ (_) .o _' . + | \ (_) __ & __. (_) __ ! @ / jgs '._.'` `'._.;;;;;;._.'` `'._.' Mark, 5, was helping his mom, Donelle, and a friend, Annette, bake up some Christmas cookies. When Annette asked if he wanted to wear an apron to keep the flour off his clothes, Mark informed them that he didn't need to wear an "acorn." Later he decided it was a good idea, and said he knew he was a "good cooker." -- Annette of Kalispell, Montana Mikey went door to door trick or treating for the first time this Halloween. At every stop Mom and Dad would ask, "What do you say?" And he would reply, "Trick or treat." A few days later Mikey was in the kitchen and he asked for some juice. His mom wanted him to say please, so she asked, "What do you say?" He replied proudly, "Trick or treat!" One of Lynn's grandsons, age 3, was sitting on the potty chair for what seemed to be a long period of time. His father checked and asked how things were going. He looked down and replied, "Won't work. Needs batteries!" -- Lynn and Caryl Davvorn of near Markle _...._ .' _`;, _ / .-'` _.\/ \ / .` _.-'` C/ | ; .' _ _ \ \ \/ a _ a | )/'. Y .' /` \ >._ ^ _.< \__//` ````` `\ | /.:.:.:.\ | \ \:::::::/ / \ |:::::| / |\,,/:::::\,,/| ;:':':':':':':; | | ;.-._.-. | ( =(_)= ) | |'-/T\-' | | //`\\ | | ` ` | | | /. \ |:::. '. |::::. '. |:::::. .:\ \::::: .::::| '-::: .:::::/ jgs `-._ :::::' `-.__:::' Sean, 9 years old, was getting some decorating done at his grandmother's house. He was having fun stringing lights all around. Then he got into the Christmas candles placing them all around the table. He said, "Gammie, you can light all the candles and put them like this, when you and Papa want a romantic moment." Barb replied, "For a nice atmosphere?" After a moment of silence, he said, "What is an atmosphere? I just meant it would look nice." -- Barbara Gocus (Gammie) of Clackamas, Oregon Kathy runs a daycare out of her home. Katie, 2, noticed Kathy had put a childproof lock on the fridge. One day Kathy couldn't get the latch open and she called her husband down to help her. As he also struggled to get it open little Katie stood quietly watching and then said, matter of factly, "Don't worry Bill, I can't get it open either!" -- Kathy Whirity of Chicago -=[ reindeer wreath ]=- 10/00 __...-------...__ _.-`` ``-._ .-' @ ()() [] '-. .' () @ '. .' [] () '. .' @ .:. [] ()() '. / ()() ':' [] ) / () _.--""`````""--._ \ ( .:. @ .'\/ \/ '. @ > / ':' .' -|` `|- '. () \ ( [] ) ,_\| |/_, ( ()() ) ; @ / \ / \ ; | ; .-.._)---(_.--. ; .:. > | () ) \_.-/ \-._/ ( ':' [] | ( ()() | | a a | < > | ) \ /`\ ( ()() ) < ; | | '. ; () @ | ; [] @ \ \0/\ '/`\ ,__ __,; ( \ |__.' / / "-._.-" \ \ () '. / _.' .| _'-_/ \_-'_ | ( ()() '._ '---' _.' | .- \_/ -. | \ [] '--.._____..--' \___.-' ;-.___/ ( @ [] / / \ / '. ()() .:. @ / / \ \ '. () ':' () @ / / .'\ \ '. @ ()() /_.'.' \ \ '-._ [] _.-' '._\ `-..__jgs __..-' ```--------``` Kathryn, a co-worker of mine, showed me this letter her daughter had written to Santa. The letter below includes her daughter's original spelling: Dear Santa, 1. Do you die? Circle one yes no 2. If you do who takes your place? write here _____ 3. Do elfs die? Circle one yes no 4. Does Mrs. Claus die? Circle one yes no 5. Do raindeer die? Circle one yes no 6. Can I be an elf? yes no If not, why? _____ Send (your answers) back please. Grace (Grace is the 7-year-old daughter of Kathryn Bassett) While Ally, 3, was driving with her grandmother they were discussing what she was seeing outside. Ally mentioned trees, houses, clouds, etc. The next day when she was again in the car with her grandmother, she said in a sad voice, "Oh, Grandma, the clouds have all melted!" -- Cheryl Barker (grandmother of Ally) of Kendallville, Indiana ========================================================== | | . , |_ . ,_ \_/ _,_, |__) _ _ _ _ / \,_ |_|_|_|_/_)| |_|_| |_\_| | (_) |_|_ | _(/_(_|_(__(/_ \__/| |_ __/ __ ___ (_ _ ,_-|-|_ _ ,_ _| | ,_ \_/ _,_, ,_ |__| _ _ ,_-|- (__(_|_|(_|_| |_ (_|_| |_(_|_ _|_| |_ | (_) |_|_|(_ | |_(/_(_|_|(_|_ _..._ _..._ .' _ '. .' _ './ (a) .-'-. / (e) .-'-. '-,-'` | '-,--'` / ; / ; | _ / |/ .\ _ (_\ __..;__ \ ::\ ,/_)._ _;\;``""----...___...---:"`` .-'_ `'. \ '::.()\__) (\())(`._'- `-._ ,:-" '. '. - : ; '::\--;__ _\()`''----...__ `-._ '-. '._ .' | .:::|()\_) (_/`;-. jgs _ ()`-. `""--...____..-'` ;_ .:::| `. \_) _;/_)/).;()'._ (`\.-();/_).__ .::::/().-./`) (_\`;(()(_/(()/(. __.--;();`\_)()\__) .::()--;__:() '-;---()_;\_/()"-._ (_/ (/ /()';();--._\_::'`.();\_)` ,() (_.-(); \._ ``""(_.();_().(`\.-();__)`(_/ `--.__ (_/ (_/() \_) __/(_/|\();__\_)` \_) ` (_/ \_)`-._); >-->From Our Friend Fran :) >My Christmas Wish If I could have a Christmas wish come true, I would wish for wonderful things to come to you. I wish you happiness in everything you do, And not many worries or problems will come to you. I wish you hope that can brighten the cloudiest day, And strength to accept all that life sends your way. May you rise each day with sunlight in your heart, And may all your hopes and dreams never fall apart. With my warmest thoughts and memories of you, I wish that all your joys and wishes will come true. When these special wishes are delivered to your door, There is no doubt they will be accompanied by many more. Of all the Christmas wishes delivered to you yearly, There couldn't be another that's wished more warmly or sincerely. ~ Author Unknown ~ --- ...Thank You Fran! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************