A Walk Around Yourself ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ . ... :``..': : ````.' :''::' ..:.. : .'' : ``. `: .' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :..''''``::. : ...:..' .'' .' .' .::::' :..'''``::::::: `:::: `::. `:: :::. ..:.:.::'`. ::'`. . : : . ..' `:.: :: :' .: .: .:``::: : .: :: .: ..'' :::.' :': : : .'' .:: : : ' : .'`:: :: :: :: :: :: :: Normand Veilleux >-->LINGERING MEMORIES by Joseph Walker "She's gone." It was my brother Bud on the phone. He had called earlier to advise me that mom's long and difficult battle with a killer called pulmonary fibrosis would soon be over. For months doctors had warned us that this was coming, and I thought I was pretty much prepared for the inevitable. But when Bud spoke those two simple, all-too-final words, it inflicted a wound deep into my soul. The blessed numbness that often accompanies the death of a loved one saw me through a week of funeral preparations and services. I found comfort in the laughter and tears I shared with my brothers and sisters, and solace in a quote my dad referenced several times during the week: I'm wounded, Sir Launfall said, Wounded -- but not slain. So I'll just lie and bleed a while Then rise and fight again! After the rites were over, however, the numbness wore away, leaving a gaping hole in my heart. I was the youngest of mom's eight children, and we shared a special relationship as a result of having her to myself during my teenage years. Even after Anita and I married, we lived close enough that we could drop in frequently for card games and Sunday dinners. Mom was a huge part of my life, and it was hard to let her go -- even after she was gone. No matter what I tried, I couldn't fill the hole her passing left in my life. I found myself stopping by the cemetery often and mourning at her grave, oblivious to the passage of time. These long absences were difficult to explain to Anita, who thought that instead of living in the past with my memories of mom, perhaps I should spend more time making memories with my own children. Anita was right, of course -- I understood that even then. But no matter how hard I tried to focus my time and attention upon the living, there was nothing I could do to fill the empty place in my heart. When my father remarried, I rejoiced in his happiness -- especially since Jean, the woman he married, is such a terrific lady. But I still missed mom, and I looked for every opportunity to go to the cemetery, where I felt closer to her somehow. A few years after dad remarried, he and Jean decided to take a few months to do some volunteer work for our church -- something he and mom had talked about but had been unable to do because of mom's health. To tell you the truth, I sort of resented that dad was going to fulfill this dream without her. And I think dad picked up on that. A couple of days before they left, he invited me to go to lunch with him. We talked about this exciting adventure, and how he was looking forward to it. Then he said, "You know, there's only one thing I regret about this." "What's that?" I asked. "That your mother and I weren't able to do this." He paused a moment, and for the first time I noticed that his eyes were moist and red. "There are many things that I wish we could have done before... well, before she moved on. But there's nothing I can do about that now. I've just got to move on." He looked at me seriously, then added, "And so do you." Somehow in that moment I began to understand. Mom had moved on. Dad was moving on. And now, it finally occurred to me, so must I. I began spending less time at the cemetery after that. These days, I mostly go on Memorial Day. I spend part of that special day there, lingering with my memories of mom. And then I spend the rest of the year moving on. -- Joseph Walker ================================================================== >-->From Our Friend Tony In Australia :) _|_ | / \ //_\\ //(_)\\ |/^\| ,%%%% // \\ ,@@@@@@@, ,%%%%/%%% // \\ ,@@@\@@@@/@@, @@@%%%\%%//%%%// === \\ @@\@@@/@@@@@ @@@@%%%%\%%%%%// =-=-= \\@@@@\@@@@@@;%#####, @@@@%%%\%%/%%// === \\@@@@@@/@@@%%%######, @@@@@%%%%/%%//| |\\@\\//@@%%%%%%#/#### '@@@@@%%\\/%~ | | ~ @|| %\\//%%%#####; @@\\//@|| | __ __ | || %%||%%'###### '@|| || | | | | | || ||##\//#### || || | | -|- | | || ||'#||###' || || |_|__|__|_| || || || || ||_/` ======= `\__||_._|| || jgs__||_/` ======= `\_||___ >About women…..by ‘ JusterMan’ Jochobed……. I don’t pretend to be an expert on ‘women’ but I do have some ideas about some of the women I have known! Hey! I didn’t mean that! I mean ‘people’ who happened to be women that have played a special role in my life. Obviously my Mother was rather special. It wasn’t until I reached the stage where I was ready to leave home that she told me that ‘parenthood’ was all about ‘doing for others’..and she did…to the point where( I found out) there had been many times when she went hungry whilst Dad and I ate well. Sure! We had “meat and tatie pie” often( Cheap meat and potato) but I was born and brought up in a mining district and a full belly and a glass of Stout was all thats was needed as well as a cheese sandwich to take for ‘smoko’( morning break). My wife and daughter have always been special and both have excelled as Mothers. My Mother in law is also used to being quite adept at raising children and looking after a husband for well over 50 years. He died very recently and she is a changed woman these days with almost too much time on her hands to ponder the past. Mothers….. Well God used Mothers to form nations. To bring up Kings and Princes, teachers and preachers, Doctors and coalminers had at least one thing in common….. A Mother. Moses was a great man…but if it hadn’t been for his ‘lowly’ Mother Jochebed, he may have been fish bait! Jochobed gave birth to her son Moses in a very dangerous period of time. But where in the world did she get the idea to build a tiny boat and set him adrift on a river? How did she think that was ever going to be a good thing for Moses? Well, somehow she knew…that there was a divine destiny for that little child wrapped up and placed in the hands of???... Did she do it out of weakness? Did she think “ I cant handle a baby right now “. Women do that all too often in todays times…babies are found on doorsteps all over this world all too frequently, but Moses? Well he became ‘royal’ and was mightily used by God. She KNEW! Jochobed KNEW! That Gods Hand was on Moses, and she had ‘confidence’ in that inner feeling that only Mothers know. She laid her hands on the materials she would need and she built a tiny cradle that would float.Where did she get the courage and the knowledge to do such a thing? Was it fear? Was she afraid to be caught by the Egyptians for thwarting and flaunting their laws? Hey! That river is and still is today…full of crocodiles! A paradise to Steve Irwin I am sure…. She has a plan! She told Miriam her daughter to hide and watch the cradle as if floated away from the bank of the river Miriam…well here’s another special lady….we’ll talk about Miriam later… -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Part 2 Special ladies MIRIAM Imagine how distraught Jochebed must have been to see her baby boy floating off in a tiny makeshift boat! Surrounded by hungry crocodiles! Then she asks her daughter Miriam to crouch in the bulrushes that cover the banks of the Nile for miles and miles, and Miriam watches and follows as if some ‘invisible hand’ seems to be guiding the little vessel along its way with its precious cargo. Then….the little Boat stops and is held still as if suspended. It was in fact, the plan of God that was suspended! Then it happened……Pharoahs daughter was bathing close by and she espies the little ark afloat and hears a babies cry and she sends her slave girl to rescue the infant. The slave girl is the childs sister Miriam, and The Pharoahs daughter takes pity on the child saying that she will raise him as her own son, naming him Moses….and the rest we all know. Three women, Jochebed, Miriam and the daughter of Pharaoh changed the destiny of a great nation. That little girl Miriam would grow up sharing a part of Gods plan and the salvation of hundreds of thousands of Israelites….. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Part 3 Special Ladies Rachel A friend just reminded me moments ago by email, on just how Jochebed was a ‘strong’ lady…Well, the Bible is full of accounts of ‘strong’ women, there seems to be no lack of them at all in the History of Israel. Joseph was born of a strong woman….her name was Rachel and apparently Rachel was very beautiful but sad to say she was barren. Combine strong desire and resilience and determination, cloth it in a woman’s body and you have a force to be reckoned with! Rachel decided to change what was seemingly a hopeless situation.She could have given up all hope of becoming a Mother and drowned in fits of depression, but instead..inside her was this ‘drive’ which seemed to be demanding fulfilment of some ‘destiny’. Let me tell you guys, especially those who are young and are intending to marry, if a woman sets her mind to do something, be it bad or good……she can do it! Rachel made up her mind…” I MUST have a son”!” or I will die…. Joseph was the outcome of this woman’s determination and praise God for that! There are chapters in the Bible of the life of Joseph that are repeated so many times during our Christian walk, that build and encourage us to never let our size, our physical appearances hinder our progress. Joseph was part of Gods plan, pure and simple and that plan was for him to born of Rachel and so it was.In the fullness of God’s time another significant child is born. Often our lives seem to be lived going from one crisis to another. Only a quarter of our lives are lived in relative peace and comfort, the other three quarters is striving, labouring and trying to achieve results either in our work or just generally in our humdrum lives on a day to day basis…and we hear ourselves often calling out “ Where are you now God??” Well, Job had the answer when he said that a man born of a woman is born to trouble! And Ned Kelly said…. That’s life! Ever noticed that in the Bible, some of the greatest events recorded there came from some kind of ‘crisis’ and in most of these tumultuous times…..there is a woman. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Final Part 4 Special Ladies Hanna Hanna gave birth to Samuel….She prayed for a son and God listened and out of her womb came a baby that would grow to be a great Prophet and would bring a whole nation to its knees and bring about a gigantic revival. One woman and a prayer is what it took!................. and in the fullness of time! Now we come to a lady LEADER…Deborah…. She was not only a strong lady, she was ‘strongly’ anointed! She led the nation with as much power as any man before her yet she remained her ‘feminine’ self. Deborah came to be know as the Mother of Israel and at times when no one else had the answer to Israel’s problems she became the ‘motivator’ When her nation was facing anihalation,she grabbed the bull by the horns, prayed and was answered and Israel had yet another great victory. That victory was sent by Gods will as a result of one woman’s answered prayers.! And lets not forget little ESTHER….an orphan living in extreme conditions and yet God had a plan for her to fulfil Just through prayer, she saved her whole nation…. In the fullness of time…..God sent a woman… Praise His Name…..Br Tony --- ...Amen! Great Job! Thank You Tony! Here is more teachings concerning woman and the bible... http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=5 ============================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: ..,,;;;;;;,,,, .,;'';;,..,;;;,,,,,.''';;,.. ,,'' '';;;;,;'' ;' ,;@@;' ,@@;, @@, ';;;@@;,;';. '' ,;@@@@@' ;@@@@; '' ;;@@@@@;;;; ;;@@@@@; ''' .,,;;;@@@@@@@;;; ;;@@@@@@; , ';;;@@@@@@@@;;;. '';@@@@@,. , . ',;;;@@@@@@;;;;;; . '';;;;;;;;;,;;;;@@@@@;;' ,.:;' ''..,, '''' ' .,;' ''''''::'''''''' ,; .;; ,;;; ,;;;;: "Crying Eye" ,;@@ .; ;;@@' ,; -Artist Unknown ';;, ,;' >A RADIANT GLOW by Janet Perez Eckles At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an ophthalmologist. As I sat in the examining chair, my face firmly on the chin rest and pupils dilated, the doctor looked into my eyes, shining a bright light. "She did inherit it," he said with coldness. "You need to be prepared. There is no cure for this retinal disease." My father carried the Retinitis Pigmentosa gene causing a deterioration of the retina which, in most cases, results in blindness. Although my brother's retinas seemed to be fine, I'd inherited the gene. Fifteen years after my initial diagnosis, my father began to lose his eyesight and so did I. He was 55 years old, but I was only 28. In a matter of two years, we had both lost our sight completely. I focused on the effects of my own darkness. My world crumbled as the black curtain fell, destroying the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I turned to God for hope and strength, He responded by opening my eyes to a new revelation. My father had given me not just the RP gene, but the example of determination and tenacity as well. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he defied the family's opposition to move to America. He and mom worked tirelessly to satisfy the requirements imposed by the U.S. Immigration Department to enter the country and establish residency. Once in the states, he overcame humiliation, intense loneliness, helplessness and uncertainty. He endured ridicule due to his lack of fluency in English, but he pressed on. And he managed to gather enough money for the basics -- rent a small apartment, buy modest furniture from thrift stores and put a down payment on a car. Nine months later, he sent airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me. Decades later, as an American citizen, I look back at what he'd shown me. He taught me the determination to move forward when facing adversity. He set an example proving that humility is crucial to success. He demonstrated the commitment to family and the importance of setting priorities. His journey taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness. Much like a baby takes its first steps holding tight to his father's hand, my dad held onto God as he stepped from the comfort of our hometown in Bolivia to the unknown in a foreign land. I did the same as I stepped into the unfamiliarity of a sightless world. Holding onto God's hand, I gained confidence and learned the language of gratitude. With profound appreciation for my father's example, I learned how he had applied a powerful blend of faith and tenacity -- the same blend I used to fulfill my own role as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher, Spanish court interpreter, inspirational speaker and writer. What I inherited from my father helped me to see my life with a more radiant and meaningful glow. -- Janet Perez Eckles ______________________________________________ Janet is an inspirational national speaker, freelance writer, and contributor to seven books including Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has authored "Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming adversities in Life." She imparts insights, inspiration and messages to uplift the soul at: http://www.janetperezeckles.com ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend Maxy's Pal :) _______________________________ __________________________ / \ / \ | The world is a giant cake Ann / | Just waiting to be eaten! | \_________________________ / | _______________________/ \ /_______\ / __....----''\./ | `````----....__ _-''' o o ```-_ .' \T/ /A\ `. |`-_ _/ \_ / \ _-'| | ```--....____ ____....--''' | | `````-----------''''' | |-__ __-| | ~~~--________ ________--~~~ | | ~~~~~-----------~~~~~ | |-__ __-| | ~~~--________ ________--~~~ | | ~~~~~-----------~~~~~ | `-_ _-' ```--....____ ____....--''' `````-----------''''' Smiley 8P Earthquake cake... This not only looked yummy, it looked pretty interesting too! Check it out here under desserts http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easy.html ...Thank You Maxy's Pal! -<>- __ .-.' '.-. .-( \ / )-. / '..oOOo..' \ , \.--.oOOOOOOo.--./ |\ , ( :oOOOOOOo: ) _\.\/| /'--'oOOOOOOo'--'\ '-.. ;/| \ .''oOOo''. / .--`'. :/|'-( / \ )-' '--. `. / //'-'.__.'-; `'-,_';// , /| '(( |\/./_ \\ . |\; ..-' \\ |\: .'`--. \\, .' .--' ))'_,-'` jgs //-' // // |/ There comes a point in your life when you realize: Who matters, Who never did, Who won't anymore.... And who always will.. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.. Give these flowers to everyone you don't want to lose in 2009, Including me, if you so choose. Try to collect 12; it's not easy! --- ...Beautiful! Thank You Maxy's Pal! ======================================================== >-->From Our Friend Jo Ann :) ()___ ()//__/)_________________() ||(___)//#/_/#/_/#/_/#()/|| ||----|#| |#|_|#|_|#|_|| || ||____|_|#|_|#|_|#|_|#||/|| jgs || |#|_|#|_|#|_|#|_|| >Point Of View I've heard it said, "Don't go to bed while hanging on to sorrow. You may not have the chance to laugh with those you love tomorrow. You may not mean the words you speak when anger takes its toll. You may regret your actions once you've lost your self control. When you've lost your temper and you've said some hurtful things, think about the heartache that your actions sometime bring. You'll never get those moments back, such precious time to waste, and all because of things you said in anger and in haste. So if you're loving someone and your pride has settled in, you may not ever have the chance to say to them again ... "I love you and I miss you and although we don't agree, I'll try to see your point of view, please do the same for me." -- Author Unknown --- ...Thank You Jo Ann! So true! We know there were times even our Lord lost his temper! We are given direction for this: ^^ @@@@@@@@@ ^^ ^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ pjb Ephesians 4:26: Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: The bible teaches us 'be [if] ye [are] angry' - the bible does not encourage us to be angry but knowing there will be times in our human life that things or people with bring us to be angry, the bible says it is OK. God understands, however, to avoid going against God on this, don't harbor this anger overnight or for very long. Anger carried on and on for days is against God's will and will cause you to be sinning. Why? Because God loves you and wants the best for you. What has that got to do with being angry for very long? Simple. God mostly is looking out for you and others. To not let go of your anger means you will eventually hurt yourself or others with all the negativity of it. Anger causes elevated blood pressure for one thing and left unchecked can cause a host of other physical, mental, and emotional problems. Many of God's sins's are like any loving parents restrictions to their child. We tell a child no to protect the child from hurting themselves or others. If the child disobeys us, it means he has gone against us. Same with God our father. He doesn't want you to hold on to anger because He loves you :) The restriction of no pork was another one. Back in the Old Testament days, people did not know that pork not cooked 'well done' could cause trichinosis. From the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/NCIDOD/dpd/parasites/trichinosis/factsht_trichinosis.htm#what What is trichinellosis? Trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, is caused by eating raw or undercooked meat of animals infected with the larvae of a species of worm called Trichinella. Infection occurs commonly in certain wild carnivorous (meat-eating) animals but may also occur in domestic pigs. _._._._.,-. XXXX&,-' ( /oo'.XXXXXX ====( # _(")===== _.-(# . /\-._.--. (###.\_(-'--'|_(\#\#####.' `-._###'#_#####.#_'.-'' kOs '.--' `-.-.-' What are the symptoms of a trichinellosis infection? Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever, and abdominal discomfort are the first symptoms of trichinellosis. Headaches, fevers, chills, cough, eye swelling, aching joints and muscle pains, itchy skin, diarrhea, or constipation follow the first symptoms. If the infection is heavy, patients may experience difficulty coordinating movements, and have heart and breathing problems. In severe cases, death can occur. For mild to moderate infections, most symptoms subside within a few months. Fatigue, weakness, and diarrhea may last for months. God knows all about this. Just like God knew the health risks of drinking blood and told people the life was in the blood so don't eat or drink it. /######\ /##########\ / \###/ \ / \#/ \ /\| |/\ | | \ ==\ /== / | | What? \| \<|>\ /<|>/ |/ /| drinking blood sucks? \__ | - \ - | /#| \#\ | | | /###| \##\ | \| | /#####| \###\ | _______ | /######| \####\ | / \/ \/ \|/#######| |######\| |#########| |########\______/##########| |#########\ /##########/ |##########\ |#########/\ /###########\/########/###\ /################\######/########\ /##################\###/###########\ /###################\#/##############\ /####################/#################\ /###################/####################\ VICKY WILKS Why? We now know that you can spread disease through the blood. God just expects us to do His Will and not worry about it. God gave the Old Testament people a whole bunch of do not do's wisdom for their own sake. God encouraged them to be good and do His will and live a long and healthy and prosperous life. Why? Because He loves us. :) Avenge Not Yourselves http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/avengenotyourselves.html Fear Of The Lord http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/fearofthelord.html Harmony With God http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/harmonywithgod.html -<>- ,ae, ,88888e ,a888b.9888888i 888888888888888 88888888888888Y '8888888888888' "S888888888" unknown "7888888Y "e88j "Y Don't let words destroy you I implore you For unkindness will eat away your heart And before you know it, you'll fall apart Don't let words beat you down Look around See what Heaven brings Only beautiful things You're not perfect or have you forgot? I know, I'm not I've slipped up, many times too We all do ... And if you have done something wrong It won't be long You will find Someone will approach you With words, that are kind For the Lord will not send Someone, in a mean and hateful way In bringing to your attention What HE wants them to say Yes, I do believe HE will seek The one that is not proud, but meek And, puts into their heart, to speak What HE wants you to hear Because the Lord holds everyone of us So dear --- ...Amen! Palms Of God http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/palmsofgod.html -<>- ) ( ) _.-~(~-. (@\`---'/. Tea, ) (' `._.' `) anyone? ( `-..___..-' ) .-.,--^--. _ \\| `---' |// \| / niki _\_______/_ >The Tea Cup Love this story or not, you may not be able to have tea in a tea cup Again without thinking of this. There was a couple who took a trip to England to shop in a beautiful Antique store to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both Liked antiques and pottery, and especially teacups. Spotting an Exceptional cup, they asked "May we see that? We've never seen a cup Quite so beautiful." As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke, "You don't Understand. I have not always been a teacup. There was a time when I was Just a lump of red clay. My master took me and rolled me pounded and Patted me over and over and I yelled out, "Don't do that." "I don't like it!" "Let me alone," but he only smiled, and gently said; "Not yet!" Then WHAM! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly I was spun Around and around and around. "Stop it! I'm getting so dizzy! I'm Going to be sick!", I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, Quietly; 'Not yet.' He spun me and poked and prodded and bent me out of shape to suit Himself and then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled And knocked and pounded at the door. "Help! Get me out of here!" I could See him through the opening and I could read his lips as he shook his Head from side to side, 'Not yet'. When I thought I couldn't bear it another minute, the door opened. He Carefully took me out and put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. Oh, that felt so good! "Ah, this is much better," I thought. But, after I cooled he picked me up and he brushed and painted me all over the Fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. 'Oh, please, Stop it, Stop, I cried " . He only shook his head and said. 'Not yet!'. Then suddenly he put me back in to the oven. Only it was not like the First one. This was twice as hot and I just knew I would suffocate. I Begged. I pleaded.. I screamed. I cried . I was convinced I would Never make it.. I was ready to give up. Just then the door opened and he Took me out and again placed me on the shelf, where I cooled and waited And waited, wondering "What's he going to do to me next?" An hour later he handed me a mirror and said 'Look at yourself.' And I Did. I said, " That's not me; that couldn't be me. It's Beautiful. I'm beautiful!!! " Quietly he spoke: 'I want you to remember, then,' he said, 'I know it Hurt to be rolled and pounded and patted, but had I just left you alone, You'd have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the Wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I know it hurt and It was hot and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn't put you there, You would have cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and Painted you all over, but if I hadn't done that, you never would have Hardened. You would not have had any color in your life. If I hadn't put you back in that second oven, you wouldn't have survived For long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a Finished product. Now you are what I had in mind when I first began with You.'" The moral of this story is this: God knows what He's doing for each of Us. He is the potter, and we are His clay. He will mold us and make us And expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kinds that we May be made into a flawless piece of work to fulfill His good, pleasing And perfect will. [as long as we desire him to] So when life seems hard, and you are being pounded and patted and pushed Almost beyond endurance; when your world seems to be spinning out of Control; when you feel like you are in a fiery furnace of trials; when Life seems to "stink", try this. Brew a cup of your favorite tea in your prettiest tea cup, sit down and Think on this story and then, have a little talk with the Potter. -<>- --- ...ahh, thank you Jo Ann. 'Have a talk with the Potter' - This would be because we wouldn't have the bible telling us... 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. If he [God the 'Potter'] is the one causing you all your grief! I know we have trials and tribulations to go through for Christ's sake, but certainly it isn't because Christ is the one throwing the fast balls at us so we can learn how to be better at playing dodge ball! Christ doesn't hurt us, it is the devil BECAUSE of Christ and God our Father. REMEMBER? We are in a spiritual war. ) ( ( ( ) ) " ( ) " | | | (( )) | )) )) ) // )) ( ) / / ( ( ( | .( \ \ ( ( ( ) ) ) )) ( ( ) '.' '. " .' / ( \ ) \ .' '._.' 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When you're blaming someone's weakness Or accusing some of self ... It's time that you went out To walk around yourself. There are lots of human failures In the average of us all. And lots of grave shortcomings. In the short ones and the tall. But when we think of evils Men should lay upon the shelves, It's time we all went out To take a walk around ourselves. We need so often in this life This balancing of scales. This seeing how much in us wins, And how much in us fails. But before you judge another Just to lay him on the shelf ... It would be a splendid plan To take a walk around yourself. --Author Unknown --- ...So True! Thank You Jo Ann! Walk in that person's shoes and 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' comes to mind with this one. Christian Walk http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/christianwalk.html -<>- ./==\ /~~~~~\V ./ / || (-_=====) ./ / || ( -=====\ ./ ./ /| \ ( ( )= ./ (./ / | \ ) ) _/ ./ ./ / | |\ ,__(__ ( ( ___/ ./ / | | \ ( L:\\ -v-\ / @@@/@@@@ @@@\@@@ / /\L:\\VV KK\/ (@@@/OO@@@@)@@@OO\@@@) / / |L:\\vKKxx) @/@@@@@@ @@@@@\@ MM#@#!!!| \\ MM#@#!!:!/ \\ MM#@#!!!| M\\ M#@#!!:\ Denia Straw MM\\ @#!!:!| <<:\\ @#:::/ ><<<:\/#|||| <>>>:@@#___\ \/~oO/ )Ooo >MY ATTORNEY After living what I felt was a "decent" life, my time on earth Came to the end. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting Room of what I thought to be a court house. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat By the defense table. As I looked around I saw the "prosecutor." He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen. I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me,I felt I knew Him. The corner door flew open and there appeared the Judge in full Flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as He moved across the room I Couldn't take my eyes off of Him. As He took His seat behind the bench, He said, "Let us begin." The prosecutor rose and said, "My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this man Belongs in hell." He proceeded to tell of lies that I told, things that I stole, And In the past when I cheated others. Satan told of other horrible Perversions that were once in my life and the more he spoke, the Further Down in my seat I sank. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at anyone, even my own Attorney, as the Devil told of sins that even I had completely forgotten About. As upset as I was at Satan for telling all these things about me, I was equally upset at My Attorney who sat there silently not Offering any form of defense at all. I know I had been guilty of those things, but I had done some Good in my life - couldn't that at least equal out part of the harm I'd Done? Satan finished with a fury and said, "This man belongs in hell, He is guilty of all that I have charged and there is not a person Who Can prove otherwise." When it was His turn, My Attorney first asked if He might Approach the bench. The Judge allowed this over the strong objection of Satan, And beckoned Him to come forward. As He got up and started walking, I was able to see Him in His full splendor and majesty. I realized why He seemed so familiar; this was Jesus Representing me, my Lord and my Savior. He stopped at the bench and softly said to the Judge, "Hello, Father," and then He turned to address the court. "Satan was correct in saying that this man had sinned, I won't deny any of these allegations. And, yes, the wage of sin is death, and this man deserves to be Punished." Jesus took a deep breath and turned to His Father with Outstretched arms and proclaimed, "However, I died on the cross so that this person might have eternal life and he has accepted me as his Savior, so he is Mine." My Lord continued with, "His name is written in the book of life And no one can snatch him from Me. Satan still does not understand yet. This man is not to be given justice, but rather mercy." As Jesus sat down, He quietly paused, looked at His Father and said, "There is nothing else that needs to be done. I've done it all." The Judge lifted His mighty hand and slammed the gavel down. The following words bellowed from His lips.. "This man is free." The penalty for him has already been paid in full. Case dismissed." As my Lord led me away, I could hear Satan ranting and raving, "I won't give up, I will win the next one." I asked Jesus as He gave Me my instructions where to go next, "Have you ever lost a case?" Christ lovingly smiled and said, "Everyone that has come to Me and asked Me to represent them Has received the same verdict as you, ~Paid In Full~ If you do not pass this along to 15 people immediately, Absolutely nothing will happen. Passing this on to anyone you consider a friend, (as I have done here), will bless you both. "Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!" --- ...Awesome! Thank You Jo Ann: Romans 10:9,10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Our Valuable Anchor http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/ouranchor.html The New Birth http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/newbirth.html ======================================================== >-->From Our Friend Viv :) Viv sent us a reminder for this page... , .-.-,_, )`-.>'` ( / `\ | | | | \ / / `=(\ /.=` `-;`.-' `)| , || .-'| ,_|| \_,/ , \|| .' |\|\ , ||/ ,_\` |/| |Y_, '-.'-._\||/ >_.-`Y| Rose Petals http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/poems/rose.html -<>- ,. \ '. > ).--. > ( o ,=====- <`'---. `. /, ) ) /^/^' / ) \v/)) /. \' ( ( ) ) . / / / : ' ptr / .' `. Hummingbird... I'm really enjoying mine again this year! This is rare........ BIRTH OF A HUMMINGBIRD This is truly amazing. Be sure to click on "NEXT PAGE" at the bottom right of each page; there are 6 pages in all. A lady found a hummingbird nest and got pictures all the way from the egg to leaving the nest. Took 24 days from birth to flight. Because you'll probably never see this again in your lifetime, enjoy and share. The very last picture is very enlightening. http://community.webtv.net/Velpics/HUM --- ...sweet! Thank You Viv. I love them too! Hummingbird http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/humming.html ===================================================================== >--->From InspiredBuffalo: . , )). -===- ,(( ))). ,((( ))))). .:::. ,(((((( ))))))))). :. .: ,((((((((' `))))))))))). : - : ,(((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))_:' ':_(((((((((((((((' `)))))))))))).-' \___/ '-._((((((((((( `))))_._.-' __)( )(_ '-._._((((' `))'---)___)))'\_ _/'((((__(---'((' `))))))))))))|' '|((((((((((((' jim `)))))))))/' '\(((((((((' `)))))))| |(((((((' `))))))| |((((((' /' '\ /' '\ /' '\ /' '\ '---..___..---' >GUARDIAN ANGELS By: Joseph J. Mazzella I believe in guardian angels. Since I was a boy I have felt watched over, loved, and protected by my unseen friends and I am so thankful to God for them. I have had far too many near misses with hurt and harm over the years for it to be mere luck. I guess my guardian angels are keeping me around for a reason and I will do my best not to make their work too hard in the future. I also believe in guardian angels because I have seen one in action over the years. My oldest son graduates from high school this Spring. Through all of his years in school he has struggled with Autism. It has made it difficult for him to learn, to relate to others, and to function in this world. Thankfully, though, he has had a guardian angel with him every step of the way. His aide has been there with him through all the difficulties, through all the triumphs, through all the pains, and through all the joys. She was there when he first started to speak in sentences. She was there when he first started to read. She was there when he first started to make friends and play with the other children. She helped him through every frustration he faced and comforted him through every bit of sadness he had to endure. She helped him to become the happy and loving soul that he is today. She loved him, cared for him, guided him, encouraged him, and watched over him. She has been his aide, his friend, his second mother, and his guardian angel. Words can never express all the good that she has done for him. All I can say to her is "Thank you so much for being such an angel in my son’s life." There are many guardian angels in our lives. Some are unseen, but some walk with us and help us everyday. Take the time then to thank God for all the guardian angels in this world. Take the time as well to thank all the guardian angels that touch your own life. But most of all take the time to be a loving, joyous guardian angel yourself to every hurting heart that needs you. --- ...Are Angels Real? http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/angelsreal.html -<>- >ECHOES OF KIND WORDS A little boy said to his father, "Let's play darts. I'll throw the darts and you say, `Wonderful!'" Here is a boy who was not afraid to ask for the encouragement he needs. Maybe we all have something to learn from him! Inspirational author and educator, Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, relates a story about the devastating effects of discouragement. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th Century poet and artist, was once approached by an elderly man who asked him to look at a few of his sketches and drawings. The gentleman wanted to know if the artist thought they were of any value. As gently as possible, Rossetti told the man that the sketches were of no value and showed little talent. He apologized for the harsh assessment but said that he believed he should be honest. The visitor was disappointed but asked the artist if he could take a look at just a few more, which were all done by a young art student. Rossetti looked over the second batch of sketches and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they revealed. "These," he said, "oh, these are good." He went on to say that the young student shows much promise and should be given every help and encouragement, as he may have a great future if he will study and work hard. The old man was deeply moved. Rossetti asked, "Who is this fine, young artist? Your son?" "No," replied the visitor sadly. "It is I - forty years ago. If only I had heard your praise then. For you see, I became discouraged and gave up too soon." Mother Teresa wisely said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." Sometimes it may be enough to just say, "Wonderful!" By Steve Goodier -<>- Links for Your Enjoyment Finalized MTG Minutes http://www.buffaloschips.com/ghjkikl.htm First Day At The Rifle Range http://www.buffaloschips.com/ghjkillo.htm First IT Consultant http://www.buffaloschips.com/gdfde.htm Fishing Boat http://www.buffaloschips.com/gdrese.htm Fitness http://www.buffaloschips.com/gdss.htm Subscribe send a blank email to: the-inspired-buffalo-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ================================================================ ___________ .;---------./| // S O A P // | |'---------'| / jgs | | / '-----------'` >Cut the Soap in Half Story Editor: by Ian Chai Joyce Schowalter Selangor, Malaysia In 1989, I was away from home, attending the University of Kansas in the USA. I found an advertisement for a summer job as a programmer at Forschungsinstitut fur anwendungsorientierte Wissenverarbeitung an der Universitat Ulm, in what was then West Germany. I was delighted to be offered the job; a good opportunity to see part of a new continent. Naturally, I expected things would be different -- big things, like language and culture. But I never expected small cultural differences would affect me. Both Malaysia and the USA emerged from the British Empire, so we have common standards for the way many things are done. For example, I was surprised that little things like how doors fit into doorframes were different. The bread was also very different. While it was fun at first to eat the various kinds of brotchen, after some time I longed for the white, square, soft bread I was used to. And the big things were not that bad: the folks in the village of Ulm mostly didn't speak English well, but were very friendly and helpful nonetheless. One of these small differences, however, tripped me up early in my stay. The first few days my employer put me up in a bed-and-breakfast hotel. Then I found a small studio apartment to rent. It was evening by the time I got settled in, and I walked down to the village to buy some provisions. To my surprise and horror, every single shop was closed! I was alone, with no food or any other kind of provisions. I wandered around for a while in a daze. I was about to walk back to the apartment, resigned to taking a soapless shower, going to bed without supper, and having no breakfast the next morning. Then I saw a university student. Why are the shops all closed? He explained that (unlike in the USA where there are all-night grocery stores, or Malaysia where grocery stores are open late at night) all shops in Germany (in 1989) closed at 6 p.m. But he didn't leave it at that. He took me back to his room and shared his supper with me. Not only that, he took out a knife and cut off half his bar of soap, half his cheese and half of his bread. He gave it all to me so that I would be able to shower and have breakfast the next morning! It was clear that he did not possess much. But what he had, he was willing to share with a poor Auslander (foreigner) wandering the streets of his village. Although we exchanged contact information, I didn't see him much after that. In the sixteen years since, I've even forgotten his name. But I still remember his kind deed, which has inspired similar actions in my own life. He is one of the biggest reasons I think fondly of my time in Germany. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From SermondFodder: Roman Numerals One of my college friends asked a group of us for advice on organizing his final report for the year. "Why don't you use Roman numerals to head the different sections?" another friend suggested. "I thought of that," he replied. "But my keyboard doesn't have Roman numerals on it." By way of Doc's Daily Chuckle -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Evidence OF BIBLICAL FAITH FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--Decades ago when T.W. Hunt was about to become a leader at a boys camp in Spain, he asked God to give him the type of biblical faith Paul, Timothy and Peter possessed. "I expected to get zapped and then drive into camp with that same kind of faith they had in the New Testament," said Hunt, one of the great prayer teachers of this generation. "But it didn't happen like that. God did give me faith, but it took years and years. And he did it by building five conditions into my life." Hunt - author of the "Doctrine of Prayer," "Disciple's Prayer Life" and "The Mind of Christ" - said you should write these five conditions of faith down and put them in your Bible and pray about each one: 1) For Christians with faith, prayer becomes their very breath. "You cannot help praying. Many times I've missed meals, and I hate to tell you this, I've even missed classes because I was praying," said the former music professor at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth. 2) Christians with real faith see life from a spiritual perspective. "You wake up in the mornings thinking about Jesus." 3) For Christians with biblical faith, Christ is the source of their joy. "Joy in the Bible is not happiness," Hunt said. "When the Bible talks about joy, it talks about joy in the Lord. Most people think joy is when you get credit for good things, but let me tell you, if God gets all the credit, there will be great joy." 4) Christians with real faith keep their eyes on the Lord, not just what they are praying for. The problem with some churches today, Hunt said, is that members don't let God take over. They don't keep their eyes on him. "They say, 'We know what to do. We're trained. We have methods, money and buildings.' Some of the churches I go to, I even wonder if God is there." 5) Christians with biblical faith know Jesus is real in the present. "Most of us think of Jesus in the past or future, and that is important. But the most important thing about Jesus Christ is what he is doing right now. Jesus is real right now." Hunt said once he realized God was giving him the faith he asked for so many years ago, he also discovered it was a package deal. "I began to realize that along with faith came two other things I was not expecting -- trust in the Lord and hope." Faith brings with it trust in the Father and hope in him - not just hope he will fulfill specific wishes, Hunt said. "Hope is never followed by the relative pronoun, that," Hunt said. "It is always hope in God, not hope that it won't rain or that I won't have cancer." A Christian falling on hard times may have a difficult time with faith and hope, he said, "but he can still trust in the wisdom of God." Hunt's latest project is a nine-week, video-based study by Hunt, "From Heaven's View." The study, co-written with Hunt's daughter, Melanna, discusses her experiences with cancer. by Terri Lackey www.Pastors.com ©Copyright 2003. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ========================================================= "He never does anything small. When he makes an ocean He makes it so deep that no man can fathom it. When He makes a mountain He makes it so large that no one can measure or weigh it. When He makes flowers, He scatters multiplied millions of them where there is no one to admire them but Himself. When He makes grace, he makes it without sides or bottom and leaves the top off. Instead of giving salvation with a medicine dropper, he pours it forth like a river. When God sets out to do a thing for us, He does it with a prodigality of love-prompted abundance that fairly staggers one who reckons things by the coldly calculating standards of earth. -- Lettie B. Cowman ---> Visit my CyberHome - ALWAYS OPEN HOUSEE :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/index.html Shangrala ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DAARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR Send a BLANK email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************