All About Love ... :) Shangy! __, ,___) __, ,_) ,_) ______) (--|__| _, _ _ (--| /_ | _ ,_-|-',_ _', (--| \ _, _| |(_||_)|_)(_| _|/(_||(/_| || || |(//_) _|__/(_|(_| ( | | ,_| ( |_, |_, ( ,_| ~*~ I HOPE EVERY ONE HAS A BLESSED LOVING VALENTINE'S DAY! ~*~ .-""""--. _ _ / ) ( \/ ) / --"` \ / _ _ / _`:____ \/ ( \/ ) | .-' `\ \ / \ / .----'./ \/ \ : ,-' ~(.).)\ _ _ \_| \ ._) | ( \/ ) _ _ / | \.__, / \ / ( \/ ) _.--' )`///-,-' _ _ \/ \ / / / _| (_\\ ( \/ ) \/ | (____/____) \ / \ ___/ | _ \/ `---( ` ) `-, .' (__.'._/'._/ |`| | __/ / / // | `--. || /_____) jgs `=---` >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: =========================== >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) >Hot Off The Shangy Press... _ _ ( \/ ) .---. \ / .-"-. / 6_6 \/ / 4 4 \ \_ (__\ \_ v _/ // \\ // \\ (( )) (( )) =======""===""========""===""======= jgs ||| ||| | | This sweet one comes from our friend Pat. She sent us a forward I thought was adorable and could not resist making into a page. Cats and Birds Together --- ...Thank You Pat! It reminded me of when I first moved here. We brought along our animals. We had a young black and white long haired cat at that time along with 2 other cats. Little did I know that they were leaving and getting into poison. Each one suddenly took ill and died. He was the last one. I held him in my arms while he died. We also had a robin who we were helping to foster till he was strong enough to go it by himself into the wild. Anyway, I was holding my cat as he was taking his last breaths. Suddenly the bird flew into the bedroom. He got wide eyed as he watched the robin then sighed and lay limp in my arms. I tried to revive him but the poison had done it's deed. ,;;;;;;\ ,;;;;;;, ,;;;@@@@@/ /;;@@@@@;;;, ,;;;@@,;;;\ \,@,;;;,@@;;;, ;;;@@;;;' '\ \;' ';;;@@;;; ;;;@@;;; / / ;;;@@;;; ;;;@@';;, \ \ ,;;'@@;;; ';;;@@';;,\ \;;'@@;;;' ';;;@@';/ /'@@;;;' jgs ';;;@/ /@@;;;' ';/ /;@;;' \;' That's what Pat's pictures of a little kitten with a parakeet reminded me of. My last moments with my young cat. Fortunately God is very good at hearing and answering our prayers when we ask him. About a year later, we found we were missing having cats in our lives so we went to the pet store and got two kittens. I asked God that the same thing would not happen to these cats as what happened to our last cats. I didn't want to have to live in fear and keep them shut up in the house worried that they may wonder outside and find poisoned food again and die in my arms. God is good and blessed us with two cats that have the run of the neighborhood but no desire for people food. So they are still with us. They are Spray and Shadow. You can see them on our Pet page here: .-"""-. .-"""-. / `..' \ _ | ___ _ _ _ _ | .-' / | | ( \/ )| | | ///// < <======\ | \ / | | /====<<<<< '-._\ \ _|_ \/ \_/ / \\\\\ `\ /' jgs `\ /' `\ /' `\/' God with his great love for us always will give us his peace. Not just worldly fleeting peace but the true peace of God that is way over our heads and is so perfect that we don't need to worry or fear. I'm talking about - The Peace Of God ================================================= >-->From TruthOrTradition: .-"""-. .-"""-. / `..' \ ; ___ _ _ ; | | | / \| ||_ | ; _|_ |__\_/|/ |_ ; \ _ / \__ \_// \| | / _ / | | \_/\_/ /' | \ \/_/\ /' \_\| / __ `\ /' \/_/__\ `\/' .--='/~\ ____,__/__,_____,______)/ /{~}}} -,-----,--\--,-----,---,\'-' {{~}} jgs __/\_ '--=.\}/ /_/ |\\ \/ >Four Kinds of Love By John Schoenheit There are four Greek words for love that are important for Christians to understand. They are agape, phileo, storge, and eros. Three of them appear in the Bible. [1] If we are going to understand the Bible and the biblical world, it is important that we understand what these words mean and how they differ. The Greek word for sexual love or passionate love is eros, and we get English words such as “erotic.” When eros was used as a proper noun, it referred to the Greek god of love. The Greek word eros does not appear in the biblical text, so we will not spend time on it in this article, but it has had such an impact on English and our view of sexual love that it is important to mention. The Greek word that refers to the love of God, one of the kinds of love we are to have for people, is agape. Agape is the very nature of God, for God is love (1 John 4:7-12, 16b). The big key to understanding agape is to realize that it can be known from the action it prompts. In fact, we sometimes speak of the “action model” of agape love. People today are accustomed to thinking of love as a feeling, but that is not necessarily the case with agape love. Agape is love because of what it does, not because of how it feels. God so “loved” (agape) that He gave His Son. It did not feel good to God to do that, but it was the loving thing to do. Christ so loved (agape) that he gave his life. He did not want to die, but he loved, so he did what God required. A mother who loves a sick baby will stay up all night long caring for it, which is not something she wants to do, but is a true act of agape love. The point is that agape love is not simply an impulse generated from feelings. Rather, agape love is an exercise of the will, a deliberate choice. This is why God can command us to love our enemies (Matt. 5:44; Exod. 23:1-5). He is not commanding us to “have a good feeling” for our enemies, but to act in a loving way toward them. Agape love is related to obedience and commitment, and not necessarily feeling and emotion. “Loving” someone is to obey God on another’s behalf, seeking his or her long-term blessing and profit. The way to know that we love (agape) God is that we keep His commandments. Jesus said, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me…” (John 14:21a). There are Christians who say they love God, but their lifestyle is contrary to the will of God. These people mistake their feeling of affection for God for true agape love. Jesus made this clear: “He who does not love me will not obey my teaching…” (John 14:24a). Love is the distinctive character of the Christian life in relation to other Christians and to all humanity. The “loving” thing to do may not always be easy, and true love is not “mushy sentimentalism.” There is often a cost to genuine love. For example, punishing criminals to keep society safe is loving but not easy or pleasant, and asking someone to leave your Christian fellowship because he persists in flagrant sin is loving, but never easy (1 Cor. 5:1-5). That is not to say the agape love cannot have feelings attached to it, and the ideal situation occurs when the loving thing to do also is what we want to do. Christians are to be known for their love to one another (John 13:35). READ THE REST HERE: ALL TOPICS OF LOVE HERE: ================================================= >-->From The Emergency Center: .-"""-. .-"""-. / `..' \ _ | | .-' / | E M A I L | ///// < <======\ /====<<<<< '-._\ \ W O R M S / \\\\\ `\ /' jgs `\ /' `\ /' `\/' FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning ================================================= >Rainstorm Story Editor: by Janet Hounsell Randy Cassingham New Hampshire, USA I live in a small New England Village. One summer's day, I drove slowly along our main street as a horrendous and sudden summer shower threatened. The sky darkened and the wind whipped around warningly. I pulled to the side of the street. A rusticating pick-up truck pulled ahead of me into the next parking place. Open to the weather in its body were what was obviously the family's entire belongings: mattresses on end, baskets and boxes of clothing, and other household goods. "Oh my, those poor people," I thought, observing children in the seat of the truck cab. They were obviously moving from one home to another and their belongings, humble though they were, were going to get soaked! Just then a little old lady whipped by me and into the variety store before which we were all parked to wait out the storm. In minutes, she was out again, tearing the wrapping from a package containing a huge sheet of plastic. She busily rapped on the window of the truck, and motioned the woman driver out and between them they whipped that covering over the entire load in the body of the truck! Rain came down in torrents and the wind whipped around in a demented fashion. Fighting the gale, the two women managed to weigh down the plastic sheet's corners and edges, thereby providing protection for the little family's belongings. Everyone back inside their vehicles, we sat out the brief storm. The sun broke out in all its splendor. I rolled down my window as the little old lady and the young mother emerged to meet at the rear of the pick-up. And I heard the wizened (and soaking wet) little old lady say, "Don't thank me, Just Pas It On when you have the opportunity." =======HeroicStories======= >-->From SermondFodder: .oOOo. .oOOo. .oO:::::Oo.oO:::::Oo. .oO::o88o::o::o88o::Oo. oO::888888o:o888888::Oo oO::888888888888888::Oo 'oO::8888888888888::Oo' "I Met This Lady Today" 'oO::88888888888::Oo' 'oO::8888888::Oo' 'oO::88888::Oo' 'oO::8::Oo' jgs 'oO:Oo' 'O' The Triumph of Faith Over Fear By Charles Colson from Americans are spellbound by the saga of Ashley Smith, the Atlanta woman held hostage by murder suspect Brian Nichols. Reporters covering the story are mystified over how anyone at the mercy of an escaped inmate-one who that very day killed another woman and three men-could remain so calm. The answer is that Smith had learned to trust God. During her ordeal, Smith-the widow of a murder victim who suffered much in her life-was able to enter into the suffering of her captor. She calmed him, and told him God just might have had a purpose in sending Nichols to her apartment. She even served him, making pancakes. In nearly 30 years of prison ministry, I've met many Ashley Smiths all over the country. What they have in common is the belief that faith in God can triumph over fear. One of the most memorable stories is that of a young Texas woman whose story has dramatic parallels to Ashley Smith's. Twenty-three years ago, Margaret Mayfield was shopping in San Antonio when a gun-wielding man suddenly confronted her. "I'm the man who killed the woman at the restaurant last night," he announced, "and I'm going to kill you if you make one move." Mayfield had just been abducted by mass murderer Stephan Peter Morin. Terrified, she began praying aloud. Instead of ordering her to drive away, Morin began to sob and talk about his unhappy childhood. Mayfield told Morin, "It's not coincidence you're here. God brought you to this car. Even though you have committed some horrible things, God still loves you." Morin then forced Mayfield to start driving and as she drove, Mayfield continued telling Morin about the love of Christ and playing evangelistic tapes. Morin suddenly had her pull off the road and he began to pray. "Jesus, I am sorry for everything I have ever done. Please save me." Morin then picked up his pistol, took out the bullets, and put them in Mayfield's hands. Morin decided to go to Fort Worth to see evangelist Kenneth Copeland, whose tapes Mayfield had played. Eight hours after her abduction, Mayfield watched as Morin boarded a bus and waved goodbye. When police picked him up hours later, Morin surrendered quietly. "This morning I would have got up and shot the gun," he told the officers. "But I met this lady today and now I'm different." Years later, after he'd been ministered to by Prison Fellowship in prison, he was taken to be executed for his crimes. His last words: "Lord Jesus, I commit my soul to you, I praise you, and I thank you." The stories of Margaret Mayfield and Ashley Smith and many like them are tales of the triumph of faith over fear. They illustrate the truth of the message John Paul II has preached so consistently for nearly three decades: "Fear not." Ashley Smith and Margaret Mayfield overcame fear with faith, and overwhelmed evil with good. There's a wonderful lesson in this-particularly at this season of the year, an encouragement to all of us. If we trust the promises of God, we need not be held hostage by the most dangerous hostage taker of all: fear. We can discover what we Christians will celebrate on Easter Sunday: The great joy and power of faith, no matter the circumstances. And we give a watching world hope. For printer-friendly version, simply visit and click on Today's Commentary. The printer-friendly link is on the left-hand column. Copyright (c) 2005 Prison Fellowship ==================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: ,;;;;;;, ,;;;;;;, ,;;;@@@@@;;;@@@@@;;;, ,;;;@@,;;;,@,;;;,@@;;;, ;;;@@;;;' ';' ';;;@@;;; ;;;@@;;; ;;;@@;;; ;;;@@';;, ,;;'@@;;; For Bleeding Hearts ';;;@@';;,;;'@@;;;' ';;;@@';'@@;;;' jgs ';;;@@@;;;' ';;@;;' ( ';' (#) ) (#) ( (#) ) (#) >THROUGH A WRINGER By: Joseph J. Mazzella When I was a little boy we used to have an old fashioned wringer washing machine. This was an early type of washing machine in which you had to hand feed the freshly washed clothes through a pair of moving rolling pins to squeeze the extra water out before drying. I often wondered how those clothes felt going through them. This curiosity was painfully ended one day when I was helping my Mom feed the clothes into them and got my own fingers caught instead. Needless to say, I was far more careful after that. Usually after we finished washing the clothes my Mom would hang them out on the clothes line to dry. I would hand her the wooden clothes pins as she hung them and help her fold the freshly dried clothes a few hours later. I can still remember how wonderful they smelled after warming in God's sunshine all afternoon. I would hold them up to my face and delight in their warmth, cleanness, and Heavenly scent. I know that sometimes it can feel as if life is putting us all though a wringer washer. The troubles and stresses of life always seem to want to squeeze and flatten every bit of peace and happiness out of us. Sometimes our whole day feels like my fingers did that time when I was a careless young boy. It is up to us, however, to not let ourselves stay flattened like an old, wet pair of pants. It is up to us to pick ourselves up and warm our hearts and souls again in the sunshine of God's love. It is up to us to choose the Heavenly scent of love and joy moment by moment to refresh our lives and to share with the world. I hope then that no matter how flattened you get by life at times you can still rise up to choose more joy and love. I hope that no matter how many times you are put through a wringer you can still come out stronger, better, and closer to God. -<>- .:::. .:::. :::::::.::::::: ::::::::::::::: ':::::::::::::' The Hug of a Child ':::::::::' ':::::' ':' By Victoria Harnish Benson As we drove across town, I prepared my two children for what they were about to see. A lady from our new church was dying of cancer, and I had volunteered to help her with the housework. "Annie has a tumor in her head, which has disfigured her face," I cautioned them. Annie invited me to bring my children with me one day, as I had told her so much about them. "Most children are frightened by my appearance," she said. "But I will understand if they don't want to meet me." I struggled for the words to describe Annie's appearance to my son and daughter. Then I remembered a movie I'd seen two years earlier with my son, when he was ten. I wanted him to understand that disabled people are like anyone else - their feelings can be hurt, too. "David, remember the movie Mask about the boy with the facial deformity?" "Yes, Mom. I think I know what to expect." His tone told me it was time to stop mothering him so much. "What does a tumor look like?" Diane asked me. Answering my nine-year-old daughter would be tricky. In order to prevent Diane's revulsion when she met Annie, I needed to prepare her just enough but not too much. I didn't want to frighten the child. "Her tumor looks like the skin on the inside of your mouth. It sticks out from under her tongue and makes it hard for her to talk. You'll see it as soon as you meet her, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Remember, don't stare. I know you'll want to look at it . . . that's all right . . . just don't stare." Diane nodded. I knew she was trying to picture a tumor in her mind. "Are you kids ready for this?" I asked as we pulled up to the curb. "Yes, Mom," David said, sighing as only a preteen can. Diane nodded and tried to reassure me. "Don't worry, Mommy. I'm not scared." We entered the living room, where Annie was sitting in her recliner, her lap covered with note cards for her friends. I stood across the room with my children, aware that anything could happen next. At the sight of my children, Annie's face brightened. "Oh, I'm so glad you came to visit," she said, dabbing a tissue at the drops of saliva that escaped from her twisted mouth. Then it happened. I watched David stride across the room to Annie's chair, wrap his arms around her shoulders and press his cheek to her misshapen face. Smiling, he looked into her eyes and said, "I'm happy to meet you." Just when I didn't think I could be more proud, Diane copied her big brother and gave Annie the precious, accepting hug of a child. My throat tightened with emotion as I saw Annie's eyes well up with grateful tears. I had nothing to worry about. -<>- _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / _ _ '. .' \ / '. .' _ _ /` \/ `\ \/ '. .' \/ /` \/ `\ \ / \/ \ / '. .' '. .' \/ _ H A P P Y _ \/ /` \/ `\ VALENTINE'S /` \/ `\ \ / D A Y \ / '. .' _ _ _ _ '. .' \/ /` \/` \ /` \/ `\ \/ \ / _ _ \ / '. .'/` \/ `\'. .' \/ \ / \/ '. .' jgs \/ >The Fern and the Bamboo One day I decided to quit.... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality..... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo". He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come," God said to me. " You will rise high!" "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned. "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you........ Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you Happiness. Bad days give you Experiences. Both are essential to life. Keep going... Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human, Failures keep you Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going! Have a great day! The Son is shining!! God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love and so small He can curl up inside your heart. Wishing you God's richest blessings!!!!! No one has ever been made more sensitive or more thoughtful by being judged, bullied, or frightened. Putting pressure on others does not change their hearts. It merely engages us in a pointless conflict that splits our mind and muddles our emotions. -- -<>- Links for Your Enjoyment Wake Up Bobble Moose 911 Call Fleas Tantrum To Subscribe Send a blank email to ================================================================ >-->From Heartwarmers: A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. -- Wizard of Oz Happy Valentine's Day! You'll love Anita's story today. A perfect Valentine's Day remembrance about her grandparents and what they meant to each other. You might have some similar memories about your grandparents. Meanwhile, have a happy Valentine's Day and share it with everyone you love. ..8888888.. ..8888888.. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::::::8:::::::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8. 8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8 8::::::::::/` \/ `\:::::::::::::::::8 8::::::::::\ /` \/ `\:::::::::::8 '8:::::::::::. .\ /::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::\/:::. .:::::::::::8' '8::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::8' two hearts '8:::::::::::8' beat as one... jgs '8:::::8' '8' >STILL HOLDING HANDS by Anita Burney I always said my Grandma and Granddad were "storybook" grandparents. Grandma, a little round woman with white hair, wearing an apron, and with glasses perched on the end of her nose was the woman my granddad loved with all his heart. Granddad was stooped and white-haired, but Grandma returned that love two-fold. Both of them doted on their three granddaughters, but since I was the youngest and the daughter of their baby daughter, I was the one who really got spoiled! Due to my mother's illness and hospitalization, I lived with my aunt across the street from my grandparents when I was a little girl. Every day after school, I went directly to Grandma and Granddad's for the cookies I knew would be waiting. Munching on my cookies, I would sit at Granddad's feet to listen to stories about the "olden days." Granddad came to Oklahoma in a covered wagon and I loved the stories about his trek across the country. Granddad was a registered pharmacist and at the time of his death at the age of 93, he was the oldest registered pharmacist in the nation. Neither of my grandparents ever learned to drive and one of my fondest memories is when Granddad still owned his drugstore. He walked to town every morning and at noon he closed the store and walked home for lunch. But before he arrived, Grandma would fix lunch and then take off her apron, hang it on a nail in the kitchen, and set off walking toward town. She'd meet Granddad halfway and they would walk home together, always holding hands. They did the same thing at the end of the day. On their 65th wedding anniversary, they were given a card with a poem on it entitled, "Let me hold your hand as we go downhill." The verse fit them perfectly -- they held hands everywhere they went. I never heard them raise their voices. The closest either of them would come is when Grandma was fixing a meal and Granddad would steal a kiss. She'd push him away and say, "Oh, Johnny!" rather loudly, but you could tell she was pleased. When Granddad got so feeble that Grandma could no longer care for him, their children decided it was time to send him to a nursing home. There was no way Grandma was going to be separated from him, so she went with him. There were twin beds in their room and that wouldn't do. So, their children got them a double bed. When Granddad died of pneumonia, Grandma followed within a year. They've been gone for many years now and I still miss my "storybook" Grandma and Granddad. I never make a blackberry cobbler when I don't think of Grandma and the blackberry patch she had in their backyard. She always made me a blackberry cobbler out of the first ripened berries and canned lots of quarts so I could have cobbler the year round. Every time I get a whiff of somebody's cigar, I remember Granddad with his after dinner cigar with the smoke that curled around his head as he told me those stories. Most importantly, I never see an older couple holding hands that I don't remember the deep love Grandma and Granddad shared. I know they're still holding hands in heaven. -- Anita Burney ------------------------------------------- ,;;;, ,;;;, ;;;;;;;,;;;;;;; .:::. .::::;;;;;;;;;;; :::::::.:::::::;;;;;;;;;' :::::::::::::::;;;;;;;' ':::::::::::::';;;;;' ':::::::::' ';' ':::::' ':' >TOGETHER, FOR ETERNITY by PS Gifford Two nights ago I went to bed as I always did. I took up a hot milky drink and a good book and as my wife drifted into her dream world, I drifted into the imagination of the writer. At some pint, I became defeated on my battle to maintain keeping my eyes open, and with the final remnants of my waking state somehow managed to switch off my reading lamp and bookmark my book. Typically, I am a sound sleeper. The only thing that ever awakens me is a storm or my dog needing to go outside. But that night I found myself wide awake. Fragments of the dream I had been having still flashed in my minds eye. I glanced at the clock. It was 3:30am. I desperately tried to recall my dream which was fading by the second. I remembered faces. Family faces. I remembered tears. I remembered black clothing. But what I remembered most of all was a feeling of peace. It is difficult to translate this feeling into words. I somehow felt strangely tranquil. I instinctively allowed my hand to drop to Tasha who was asleep on her bed alongside ours. As I scratched, she wriggled contently in her sleep. My eyes managed to adjust to the light and I could just make out the silhouette of my beloved wife cocooned in bed sheets by my side. Three and a half hours later the ringing of the alarm clock sounded particularly harsh as it pierced the morning silence. I abruptly awoke. I remembered I needed to take my father to an early morning doctor's appointment. My father, at 80 years old, has overcome some severe health issues. He is well on the road to recovery although he has difficulty getting about by himself. At precisely 8am, on my third cup of coffee, I arrived at his house. Traffic had been unusually light and I made it in ample time. He was still getting ready. As he got dressed he shared with me a curious thing that happened the night before. He told me how at 3:25am he had awoken and was so restless that he had gotten up and had a glass of milk before returning to bed. I suddenly recalled my waking at the same time. Then it all became clear. "You remember what day it is don't you?" he asked. I stared at him blankly. "It is the day that Olive and Frank get cremated." I could not believe I had forgotten. Olive was his older sister. Their passing had come as quite a shock. They were both discovered dead at the bottom of the staircase in their home back in England. They had apparently been that way for several days. They were found after their son had called authorities to check on them, after he hadn't heard from them for over a week. The coroner report concluded that Olive had fallen off a stool while attempting to change a light bulb. She had landed awkwardly and had fractured her hip and several other bones, rendering her unable to move. We can only assume that she called for Frank, who was 85 and incredibly frail and battling many health issues. When he went to investigate he must have suffered a fatal heart attack, brought on no doubt by the shock of seeing her like that. They had been married for over 60 years. My father was naturally heartbroken by the news, as was I. We had discussed flying over for the funeral services but the 11 hour flight was much too risky in my father's state of health. Because the coroner's report took some time, and because of issues with their son, their only child who lives in the States, the cremation was held back for an incredible two months. My father continued. "The service commenced at 11:30am." He looked at me solemnly and I gave him a hug. Suddenly it all became remarkably clear. With the time difference, that was the precise moment we both awoke the night before. Perhaps, in some sort of spiritual way, part of us was there after all. Here is a poem I penned the day I heard the dreadful news of their passing: Sixty plus years spent together - With nary a single day apart. Through fine times and the dire, they stood by their sacred wedding vows. They raised just one single son, who fulfilled his dreams in the States, six-thousand miles from Birmingham, Where he was born and lovingly raised. He is a success in each and every way, Blossoming career, loving wife and three kids. His parents were overflowing with pride For everything their son had achieved. Fifty years spent in the same house, Which sheltered them from the elements. Yet, despite its diminishing condition - they stubbornly refused to ever leave. Yes, sixty grand years spent together, and a modest legacy to be proud off. For they lived, essentially as one - able to finish each others thoughts, with a knowing nod. And now they have passed on as one Unexpectedly and shrouded in mystery From this earthly physical plane, Carried up to the next spiritual level. They were uncovered hand in hand, At the bottom of their stairs, several days after their passing, by a shaken investigating police officer. We don't know the cause of their demise We will need to wait to Friday to discover, the results of their scheduled autopsies For the puzzling and elusive answer Yet, I know those sixty years together, were simply a beginning to their love. For now, it is undeniably destined, That they shall be together for all eternity. -- PS Gifford ____________________________________________ Paul lives in California and says his story is "dedicated to my Uncle Frank and Aunt Olive." You can visit his website here: ==================================================================== >-->Special Delivery By Susan J. Siersma .-"""-. .-"""-. / '..' \ .-"""-; .-"""-. | _ / `..' \ | .-' / | | / ///// < (==========) A M B E R | (======<<<<< '-._\ \ & / /` \\\\\ \ U P S / /' `\ /' /' jgs `\ /'`\/' `\ /' `\/' Amber Lynn loved to read and sing to her younger sister, Crystal, and she also enjoyed watching NASCAR racing with her dad. Because United Parcel Service (UPS) sponsors driver Dale Jarrett, Amber's favorite commercial for the "big brown truck" would frequently appear during the races. Whenever she spotted the brown delivery truck in her neighborhood, Amber Lynn would squeal, "Mommy, Mommy, look - the big brown truck!" and a wide smile would cross her face. For Amber, watching for the delivery truck had become a daily routine. When the precious four-year-old died from complications of Byler's disease (a rare liver ailment), her family and friends were distraught. Her grandmother contacted UPS and related to them Amber's story. Tim, a UPS employee, responded to the call. On the day of her burial, Tim parked his big brown delivery truck directly in front of the funeral parlor. He quietly walked toward Amber's casket and reverently placed inside it a UPS teddy bear and a model of the big brown truck that Amber Lynn had loved so dearly. Then he said, "These are for Crystal" as he presented to Amber's parents a company pen and stuffed doggie. As he walked back down the aisle, Amber's parents watched tears slowly roll down Tim's face. He drove his big brown delivery truck in the funeral procession to the cemetery. Upon Amber's grave, Tim placed a small box with a rose on top and Crystal was told, "This special box is for you. It is filled with hugs, kisses and love from your big sister Amber." A few days after the funeral, Sue, another UPS driver, delivered a model big brown truck to Amber's family for Crystal. Sue would accept no payment for this special delivery but instead she simply replied, "I can afford it; this is something I want to do." Now Crystal would have a model big brown truck to play with just like the one her big sister Amber would be playing with in heaven. Dale Jarrett heard about Amber's story, and he sent a beautiful bereavement message to her family. But he did more than that. Dale pinned Amber's picture to the dashboard of his car, and as he drove laps around the track during a fall NASCAR race, the national audience saw Amber's sweet face flash across the television screen. They listened as the NASCAR announcer told how Amber Lynn's kidneys were donated to two different children. And they learned of another precious child (somewhere in Ohio) who sings and reads with the heart of Amber Lynn beating inside her. Amber Lynn became an organ donor so that others might live; now all would know. To Amber's family, Dale Jarrett had delivered more than a winning performance. And Tim and Sue had delivered more than packages. They delivered love. (c) 1991 from Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubery, Nancy Autio, Heather McNamara and Katy McNamara. =================================================================== >-->I've Been Called A Thousand Things This poem was posted in the Inspiration Peak guestbook by Terry from Illinois. Her 21-year old son returned from Iraq and soon afterwards passed away in an automobile accident. While going through his writings, Terry found this poem and has asked that it be shared in his memory. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ jgs \/ \/ \/ I've Been Called A Thousand Things "I've been called a thousand things, I need not speak my name, From 'good ole boy' to 'outlaw', I've seen poverty and fame. I know just where you're at and I've been there myself- So listen before you turn your back on music and yourself - A whole lot can come from nothing, I was living proof, You're doing good if you've got yourself four walls and a roof, If you give up the time, your soul will play the song, Do what you feel is right and don't do nobody wrong. Don't pay mind to the critics, they'll say what they'll say - You need to care more about your work than you do about your pay. Be careful where you tread, cause you'll always leave some tracks, But if you take some wrong roads, ain't no sense in looking back. Watch the name you live up to, you may have to live it down, Cause once you start to fly, it's hard to see the ground. Don't let anyone tell you who you are, or what you'll be, Be your own person and live your life accordingly. Don't burn all your bridges, you might have to cross them again - Make sure you know the people and the crowd you're hanging in. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right, Including causing trouble and picking out your fights. There are only two things for sure, one is life and then there's death- Make your dreams come true, Toss, and YOU decide the rest." =========================================================== >-->Jesus Saved Me _ _ /` \/ `\_ _ \ /` \/ `\ '. .\ / \/ '. .' jgs \/ He fills my mind, my heart, my life. My soul within denies me strife. His word I crave to learn and know, To polish my being through life I go. He's wiped away tears that I shed. Mornings faced I no longer dread. My life holds hope for me, at last. Jesus saved me from sins of past. He's brought repentance to my soul, Wrapped in love as I grow old. My desert turned to harvest's yield, Cleansed my weeds out in the field ... Became a rose out in my garden. >From life's dark, He's given me pardon, An example for the world to see. Jesus saved me from sin's of folly. He's given me faith without measure, A cup of wisdom more than pleasure, Salvation for my weary heart. At the cross, He tossed the dart ... That refined me like a precious gem; Giving credit to only Him. Not a decision made with haste, Jesus saved me from sins of waste. © 2003 by Carol D. Meeks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ _ _ \/ \/ \/ _ _ /` \/ `\ /` \/ `\ \ / \ / '. .' H A P P Y V A L E N T I N E' S D A Y '. .' \/ \/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ jgs \/ \/ \/ --> Visit my CyberHome - ALWAYS OPEN HOUSEE :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shangrala ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->Bigham's Computer Rescue - PC Sales & SService You can trust us to provide you with quality computer sales and repair. We've been servicing the Van Wert area since 1981 and can help you with all your computer needs. Please phone us at 419-238-5806 ************************************************************************ -->This is for all you who love food and DDARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. 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