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"We are each of us angels with but one wing,
and can only fly by embracing each other"
-Luciano Decrescenzo
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*~* WE NEED MORE 2009 CARING And SHARING Angels *~*
>Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel?
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Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click
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Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed!
PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help:
OR If you'd rather send us a donation,
Please MAIL it here:
Elrhea Bigham
502 S. Harrison
Van Wert, OH 45891
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>Jumping to the Rescue Story Editor:
by Bunny Chaney Joyce Schowalter
South Carolina, USA
My son and I had been looking for a Boston terrier for months when we
found one in 2002. He was emaciated, and both looked and smelled near
death. I thought the man who had him should be strung up for treating an
animal that way ... until he told us the story of Lucky, a
black-and-white Boston Bull Terrier with a funny pushed-in face and big
sad eyes.
Lucky had been owned by a man, "Fred", who had a mental disorder that
required he take medicine. This medicine made him sleep quite deeply, so
Fred only took it at bedtime. Lucky slept by his side.
One night, Fred took his medicine, went to bed and fell sound asleep.
The house wiring shorted and caught the house on fire. Being under the
medicine's power, Fred just continued to sleep. Lucky barked and barked.
Fred didn't hear him. Lucky wasn't a trained aid dog -- he was just one
of those special animals that knew what to do.
When Lucky realized Fred wasn't waking up, he jumped into the middle of
his chest and started licking his face. Fred finally began to wake up
and realized the house was on fire. He crawled out the bedroom window.
Once outside, it took a minute for Fred to wake up enough to realize he
had left his dog behind. He reached through the window and grabbed
Lucky, pulling him to safety.
After the fire Fred had to move into an apartment where he couldn't have
animals. So he placed Lucky with a friend of his -- with the intention
that a good home be found for him. My son and I saw an ad in the paper
offering Lucky for adoption to a good home, and called. Although he was
in another city, it wasn't far away so we took the drive to check him
out. Despite, or perhaps because of, his condition, we brought him home.
We've had him just under two years now, and he is four years old. Lucky
inhaled enough smoke the night of the fire that his bark will never be
normal again. He sounds like he has a throat full of pea gravel, but he
has the spirit of a lion.
Lucky sleeps with me now. If the least little thing happens that is not
normal, Lucky jumps on me to make sure I wake up to check it out. I
admire Lucky, I'm proud to have him around, and I'm looking forward to
many more years with this brave and worthy companion.
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>-->Thank You by: Bill Greer, Chicken Soup for the Veteran's Soul
Years ago I gave a speech called "Powerful Phrases for Positive People."
These are very simple -- but powerful -- phrases that we all like to
hear: "I'm proud of you." "I believe in you." "I trust you." "I love
you." "You can do it."
With Thanksgiving Day approaching, we all should be focused on another
one of these powerful phrases, in particular: "I thank you." We can
never wear out that phrase. It should always be on the tip of our tongue
if we are truly grateful to others who help us each day and to God who
has richly blessed us with more abundance and freedom than any country
in history.
Despite God's abundant blessings, we're often too slow to give thanks
and too quick to complain. Maybe we're so focused on ourselves and busy
with our lives that we forget to give thanks. Or maybe it's because
those of us in America have become complacent with a level of luxury and
leisure beyond the imagination of much of the world's population.
We tend to take our blessings for granted, like the story about a
homeowner who hired a real-estate agent to prepare an ad to sell his
home. The homeowner was reading the ad in the paper about his home's
many attractive features. He called the real-estate agent to say he no
longer wished to sell. When asked what changed his mind, the homeowner
said, "After reading your ad, I realized I already live in the house I
always wanted to live in."
In this season of Thanksgiving in particular, it's time to count our
blessings and pull out that simple phrase, "I thank you."
This story from:
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>-->From InspiredBuffalo: One More Little Cat
The old gentleman walked slowly into the veterinary examining room
and laid the small bundle on the table. He drew back a cloth fold
to show me the tiny, lifeless body hidden inside.
"I got here as quickly as I could," he said sadly. "I found it in
the ditch in front of my apartment building. It was still breathing
when I picked it up, but I don't know now...I think it died on the
car ride over here." The man's chin trembled as he studied the
"You know, I always liked cats. Can't have one where I live now. I
just couldn't leave it there to die alone. I really don't know what
I was thinking when I picked it up, I just felt sorry for it. I
can't afford to take care of it, and my landlord has a no pets
I know the feeling all too well. Sometimes being a Good Samaritan to
our animal friends can be a costly and disheartening experience
despite our best intentions. If the kitten had lived, it would not
have had a home after its recovery. The best I could do for the old
man was to assure him that he had done his best. It was a small
comfort to offer.
I said that I would take care of burying the little patient for him,
and he seemed relieved. When he asked how much he owed, I waved a
hand and told him, "Not a thing. We're just sorry we couldn't do
something for it." Normally there is a burial fee, but I felt that
we could ignore it this time. This gentleman didn't seem to have
funds to spare, and it was such a tiny little thing to bury, anyway.
He shook my hand and turned away sadly. After he left, I realized he
hadn't even told me his name.
I turned back to the kitten lying on the table and felt a regret
that its young life had been cut short. It was a black and white
kitten, not even old enough to be weaned. Its frail body was very
thin. As I touched it, I could feel the delicate skeletal structure.
Its eyes and nose were matted. It probably had a respiratory
infection that it couldn't overcome.
Then it gasped.
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I stared in surprise for a moment, then hurried to alert the
veterinarian. He laid his stethoscope across the rib cage and
listened, then murmured, "This kitten's not dead yet. We still have
a chance." The room was suddenly alive with a flurry of movement.
Everyone was busy at once, setting up a recovery room and working on
the limp patient. It was wrapped in warm towels from the dryer.
Injections were given and fluids started.
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Several times that day I went back to the intensive care cage and
checked on the tiny patient. It seemed to be at death's door. The
breathing was rough and ragged, and it lay on its side without
movement. But leaning over it, I could hear a faint purr as I
stroked its head.
Unable to sleep that night, I thought about the tiny kitten. Would
it survive? What would become of it? Who would pay the mounting
veterinary bill in the end? One thing I knew for sure -- trying to
save it was the right thing to do.
Anxious to know the kitten's fate, I hurried to work the next
morning. I peered into the recovery cage to see two small eyes
staring back at me. The kitten stood up took a few baby steps
towards me.
"Hey there, sweetie! You're looking much brighter today!" My heart
swelled with relief and happiness. My little friend just might make
it, after all. I rushed to open a can of the special diet we keep
for invalid animals and waved a spoonful under its nose. The kitten
attacked the food with gusto. Finally, with its rounded tummy full,
it curled up for a nap.
The veterinarian checked the patient during his rounds, and
pronounced it much improved over the day before. He also told me
that my new cat was a little female.
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"Oh, no, I can't keep her," I said sadly. "I already have four cats
and that's really too many for me. But I think I can find her a good
home." But can I really, I wondered? Not just any home would do.
Over the next few days the kitten continued to improve. Her matted
eyes turned a clear green color. A flea bath made her hair coat
shiny and soft. The special diet was changed to kitten food and she
began to put on weight. It wasn't long before her recovery cage was
full of catnip toys and a stuffed puppy, all courtesy of my
checkbook. I began to think of names, and finally decided on Paige.
A small voice in my head whispered, "You know what they say? If you
name them, they're yours. And you know you want her."
I tried not to listen.
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Often during the day, I would stop by for a snuggle. Paige would
work her way up under my chin and purr, happy and content to be held
and loved. That insistent little voice said, "Four cats aren't too
many. And besides, this is such a tiny one. How much trouble could
one more little cat be? You know you can make it work."
One day I opened her door, and Paige sprang through the air and
landed in my arms. The purring was loud as she snuggled close. The
vet tech said with a smile, "You know, I think she's chosen you. You
just got yourself a new cat." I turned around to protest, then
stopped. I had to be honest. I very much wanted this precious
kitten. And obviously, she wanted me, too. With a sense of relief, I
admitted that Paige now had a home.
And that stubborn small voice whispered, "Told you so!"
by Pamela Jenkins
Pamela Jenkins lives in Oklahoma with her husband of twenty-three
years and their four children. She is the office manager of a
veterinary clinic and enjoys writing in her spare time. She is a
contributing author to such books as Chicken Soup for the
Grandparent's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Fisherman's Soul and
Chocolate for a Woman's Dreams.
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>How To Create Beautiful Smoky Cat Eyes
It is easier than you might think to create professional
looking, "sex kitten", smoky eyes like Keira Knightley. This
vampy look can be as subtle or dramatic as you wish. The
tips below will create a more powerful look in black, but to
achieve a more understated look simply select light grey,
burgundy or dark khakis instead. Remember, a lot depends on
your skin tone and hair color - see blonde to brunette, so
why not try a few different tones to see which suits you best?
Ingredients for powerfully sexy eye makeup:
* Black eyeliner - pencil. Ensure that it is sharp.
* Black eyeliner - brush. The thinner the liquid eyeliner is
the better.
* Eye shadow brush. Thin stumpy bristles are best to maintain
* Dark eye shadow. Irridescent rather than flat matt (too
hard), or shiny (too messy).
* Highlight shimmer for under the eyebrow. Avoid garish
looking "high glitter".
* A good eyebrow pencil. Try to select the most natural shade
for you as possible.
* Eyelash curlers - see Jessica Alba.
* Black mascara. Obviously choose a quality brand to avoid
clumping and "spider eyes".
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Step-by-step Instructions For Smoky Cat Eyes:
Apply your foundation, under eye concealer and powder.
Using your black eyeliner pencil, start from the front corner
of your eyelid. Draw a soft smudge line to the end of your lash
Use your eyeshadow brush to apply the dark eye shadow over
the top of the smudged line for a soft smoky look. Ensure that the
edges are neatly blended.
Then take the brush eyeliner and apply as close to your lashes
as you can on the top lid only. Make the line as thick and
pronounced as you wish, but make sure that the line is thickest
at the outer corner, and thinner as you go inward.
Apply another smoky coat of eye shadow with the brush to blend
the harsh edges.
Subtly blend your darker eye shadow up from your lashes to your
eye crease. Then apply a shimmery highlight in white or cream
under the outside corner of your eyebrow.
Use your eyebrow pencil to make your eyebrow curve more pronounced.
Curl your eyelashes, then apply thin coats of mascara, building
the layers up gradually to avoid clumping.
Congratualations! You have achieved guaranteed show stopping
impact! You go girl!
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>Old Rough and Ready
Contributor: Paul Fritz
A famous Methodist evangelist named Peter Cartwright was known for his
uncompromising preaching. However, one day when the President of the
United States, Andrew Jackson, "Old Rough and Ready," came to
Cartwright's church, the elders warned the Pastor not to offend the
President. In those days, the President had great power to influence a
denomination for good or bad. Content, that their Pastor would not say
anything to discredit their church, the elders retired to the back of
the sanctuary.
When Cartwright got up to speak, the first words out of his mouth were,
"I understand that President Andrew Jackson is here this morning. I have
been requested to be very guarded in my remarks. Let me say this: Andrew
Jackson will go to hell if doesn't repent of his sin!" The entire
congregation gasped with shock at Cartwright's boldness. How could this
young preacher dare to offend the tough old general in public? they
After the service, everyone wondered how the President would respond to
Cartwright. When Andrew Jackson met the preacher at the door he looked
at him in the eye and said, "Sir, If I had a regiment of men like you, I
could conquer the world!" When we appreciate the power of the word of
God and the Holy Spirit speaking from the lips of people with conviction
we will make eternal differences. Old Rough and Ready
Contributor: Paul Fritz
A famous Methodist evangelist named Peter Cartwright was known for his
uncompromising preaching. However, one day when the President of the
United States, Andrew Jackson, "Old Rough and Ready," came to
Cartwright's church, the elders warned the Pastor not to offend the
President. In those days, the President had great power to influence a
denomination for good or bad. Content, that their Pastor would not say
anything to discredit their church, the elders retired to the back of
the sanctuary.
When Cartwright got up to speak, the first words out of his mouth were,
"I understand that President Andrew Jackson is here this morning. I have
been requested to be very guarded in my remarks. Let me say this: Andrew
Jackson will go to hell if doesn't repent of his sin!" The entire
congregation gasped with shock at Cartwright's boldness. How could this
young preacher dare to offend the tough old general in public? they
After the service, everyone wondered how the President would respond to
Cartwright. When Andrew Jackson met the preacher at the door he looked
at him in the eye and said, "Sir, If I had a regiment of men like you, I
could conquer the world!" When we appreciate the power of the word of
God and the Holy Spirit speaking from the lips of people with conviction
we will make eternal differences.
Links for Your Enjoyment
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>-->From Our Friend Tony In Australia :)
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>Are you a 'whinger'?
A wise mature person is known for his understanding. The more pleasant
his words, the more persuasive he is.
Prov 16:21
Do you ever wake up in the morning full of aches and pains and wondering
where the truck that hit you went?
Do you ever struggle to get moving, dragging your feet and complaining
because today you have to do things you really don’t have the heart to
Do you complain and moan at how life is treating to you and compare
yourself to others who may be living a better, more comfortable life
than you are??
Well, you are a member of the biggest club in the world if that is your
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“Whinging” as we call it here in Australia is a common human fault and
goes back to the beginning of time…or almost anyway..But let me take you
back to the Israelites in the desert, they complained! And moaned and
groaned at Moses! Some of them told him they would have been better off
back in Egypt as slaves! And then even Moses ! moaned at God…! So what
happened? God was so annoyed and disappointed with these ‘whingers’ he
wouldn’t allow that generation to go into the “Promised land”.
All that whinging and complaining didn’t do them the slightest bit of
good! And even today if we ‘whinge’ and complain, no one is going to
want to listen to you…
I don’t think I know anyone, including myself, who has never had a “pity
We all get down and depressed, and we look for ears to listen to us, but
really, who ‘wants’ to be inundated with someone else’s problems these
days? Unless of course, they are getting paid to listen!
It’s not wrong to have those feelings of being discontent, of being in
the wrong place at the wrong time, surrounded by the wrong people, but
if we succumb to that temptation of become known as the ‘eternal
whinger’ we will soon find ourselves with no one who will listen to us.
But rest easy, there IS a solution….there IS someone who has paid! To
listen to you! Amazing uh?….and that’s Jesus Christ, Our Saviour..
If you take the time to seek out God in His house, and take your
problems directly to Him, HE will not only listen, but He will show you
the way that you can become a ‘problem solver’ rather than a
complainer…! Pray this with me......
Lord, help us Father, each one of,,to try to solve our own problems
rather than be a burden to others,,We know Lord, that it is ok to seek
advice from those qualified, but it’s not ok to put our problems onto
others who may even be in a worse situation than ourselves, we just
don’t hear them complaining about it…Help us to understand, that
allowing ourselves to become ‘a negative influence’ on others will never
solve our own problems, but being a ‘problem solver’ may set a good
example for others to follow.
Help us now Lord, to seek solutions by not dwelling on the problems…In
Jesus Name..
We pray….Amen
Br Tony
...Great Advise! Thanks Tony!
>-->The Pretty One
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This was the last litter of puppies we were going to allow our Cocker
Spaniel to have. It had been a very long night for me. Precious, our
only black Cocker was having a very difficult time with the delivery of
her puppies.
I laid on the floor beside her large four-foot square cage watching her
every movement. I was watching and waiting just in case we had to rush
her to the veterinarian.
After six hours the puppies started to appear. The first born was a
black and white party dog. The second and third puppies were tan and
brown in color.
The fourth and fifth were also spotted black and white. "One, two,
three, four, five," I counted to myself as I walked down the hallway to
wake up Judy and tell her that everything was fine. As we walked back
down the hallway and into the spare bedroom, I noticed a sixth puppy had
been born and was now lying all by itself over to the side of the cage.
I picked up the small puppy and laid it on top of the large pile of
puppies, which were whining and trying to nurse on the mother.
Instantly Precious pushed the small puppy away from rest of the group
and refused to recognize it as a member of her family.
"Something's wrong," said Judy. I reached over and picked up the puppy.
My heart sank inside my chest when I saw the little puppy was
hare-lipped and could not close its little mouth.
We had gone through this once before last year with another one of our
cockers. That experience like to have killed me when the puppy died and
I had to bury it. If there was any way to save this animal I was going
to give it my best shot.
All the puppies born that night, with the exception of the small
hare-lipped pup, were very valuable because of their unusual coloring.
Most would bring between five to seven hundred dollars each.
The next day I took the puppy to the vet. I was told nothing could be
done unless we were willing to spend about a thousand dollars to try and
correct the defect. He told us that the puppy would die mainly because
it could not suckle.
After returning home Judy and I decided that we could not afford to
spend that kind of money without getting some type of assurances from
the vet that the puppy had a chance to live. However, that did not stop
me from purchasing a syringe and feeding the puppy by hand, which I did
every day and night, every two hours, for more than ten days.
The fifth week I placed an ad in the newspaper, and within a week we had
taken deposits on all of the pups, except the one with the deformity.
The little guy had learned to eat on his own as long as it was soft
canned food.
Late that afternoon I had gone to the store to pick up a few groceries.
Upon returning I happened to see the old retired school teacher, who
lived across the street from us, waving at me. She had read in the
paper that we had puppies for sale and was wondering if she might buy
one from us for her grandson.
I told her all the puppies had been sold, but I would keep my eyes open
for anyone else who might have a cocker spaniel for sale. I also
mentioned we never kept a deposit should someone change their mind, and
if so I would let her know.
Within days all but one of the puppies had been picked up by their new
This left me with one brown and tan cocker, as well as the smaller
hare-lipped puppy.
Two days passed without me hearing anything from the gentleman who had
placed a deposit on the tan and brown pup. So I telephoned the school
teacher and told her I had one puppy left and that she was welcome to
come and look at it.
She advised me that she was going to pick up her grandson and would come
over about eight o'clock that evening. Judy and I were eating supper
when we heard a knock on the front door.
When I opened the door, the man who had placed a $100 deposit on the dog
was standing there. We walked inside where I filled out the paperwork,
he paid me the balance of the money, and I handed him the puppy.
Judy and I did not know what to do or say if the teacher showed up with
her grandson. Sure enough at exactly eight o'clock the doorbell rang.
I opened the door and there was the school teacher with her grandson
standing behind her. I explained to her the man had come for the puppy
just an hour before and there were no puppies left.
"I'm sorry, Jeffery. They sold all the puppies," she told her grandson.
Just at that moment, the small puppy left in the bedroom began to yelp.
"My puppy! My puppy!" yelled the little boy as he ran out from behind
his grandmother.
I just about fell over when I saw that the small child was hare- lipped.
The boy ran past me as fast as he could down the hallway to where the
puppy was still yelping. When the three of us made it to the bedroom,
the small boy was holding the puppy in his arms. He looked up at his
grandmother and said, "Look Grandma. They sold all the puppies except
the pretty one, and he looks just like me."
Well, old Grandma wasn't the only one with tears in her eyes that day.
Judy and I stood there, not knowing what to do.
"Is this puppy for sale?" asked the school teacher.
"My grandma told me these kind of puppies are real expensive and that I
have to take real good care of it," said the little boy who was now
hugging the puppy.
"Yes, ma'am. This puppy is for sale."
The lady opened her purse, and I could see several one-hundred dollar
bills sticking out of her wallet. I reached over and pushed her hand
back down into her purse so that she would not pull her wallet out.
"How much do you think this puppy is worth?" I asked the boy.
"About a dollar?" He replied.
"No. This puppy is very, very expensive; more than a dollar." I told
"I'm afraid so." said his grandmother.
The boy stood there pressing the small puppy against his cheek.
"We could not possibly take less than two dollars for this puppy," Judy
said squeezing my hand. "Like you said, 'It's the pretty one'". She
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The school teacher took out two dollars and handed it to the young boy.
"It's your dog now, Jeffery. You pay the man."
I think it must be a wonderful feeling for any young person to look at
themselves in the mirror and see nothing, except "The pretty one."
There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the
highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in
your heart.
-by Roger Dean Kiser from The Life and Timmes of Roger Dean Kiser
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>-->"Pay Tribute"
How does one ever pay tribute
To a soldier who has paid the cost
The one who was fighting so bravely
Whose family now struggles with the loss
How do we ever express our feelings
Of the sorrow felt so deep inside
When each time we hear of a soldier dying
We all seem to take it all in stride
We hear news each day of one dying
We watch the news each evening and think
And we discuss our own views and opinions
As we wash the dishes while standing at the sink
But have any of us ever taken a minute
To just stop and for a moment or two
Bow our heads and say a short prayer
Please God help them in what they have to do.
They have been our nations hero's
They are the brave, the strong and the best
And we all know that with God's help
They will be able to withstand the test
But what happens when someone is taken
When a name we know and a face appears
Do we stop and gasp and remember
All the joys of knowing that person through the years
Do we take time to send a note to the family
Do we think of the price that they have paid
Do we take a moment to say thank you
For the many lives this person just saved
Why does dying in a war make you a hero
What about the others who were there by their side
Don't they also deserve our prayers and respect
For not wanting to run away and hide
Many will come home with the memories
Others will be missing their limbs as well
And all of them will have war stories
Of what it is like in a war . it is hell
Will we take time to listen when they come home
Will we be in a rush to get going on our way
Will we all just say hey welcome home friend
And then quickly get on with our day
There are many who have served this country
So many who you will pass on the street
Have you ever bothered to say thank you
To the ones you may be privileged to meet
Our nation is full of so many wartime heroes'
And as time ticks by, slowly they pass away
So take time to say a thank you to a hero
When you see them on Memorial Day
Yes all wars have given us heroes
Some are alive, and yet so many are now lost
To them we owe our true heartfelt thanks
For some of them paying the ultimate cost
And say a prayer for all who are still serving
Ask for God to guide them along the way
Because I am sure on the news tomorrow morning
We will learn of another who has been taken away
Written by
Mary Greeley
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>-->From SermondFodder: Apples by David Langerfeld
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales
convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would
be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner.
In their rush, with tickets and brief-cases, one of these salesmen
inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of baskets of
apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back,
they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly missed
All but one. He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his
feelings, and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose
apple stand had been overturned.
He told his buddies to go on without him, waved goodbye, told one of
them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and
explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal
where the apples were all over the terminal floor.
He was glad he did.
The 16 year old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears
running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time
helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about
her, no one stopping, and no one to care for her plight.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put
them into the baskets, and helped set the display up once more. As he
did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and
bruised; these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl,
"Here, please take this $20 for the damage we did. Are you okay?"
She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't
spoil your day too badly."
As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl
called out to him, "Mister..." He paused and turned to look back into
those blind eyes.
She continued, "Are you Jesus?"
He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made his
way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing
about in his soul: "Are you Jesus?"
Do people mistake you for Jesus?
That's our destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people
cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a world that
is blind to His love, life and grace.
If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would.
Knowing Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going to
church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day. You
are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been bruised by a
fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me up on a hill
called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.
Let us live like we are worth the price He paid.
From The Daily Encourager
>-->From Our Friend Jo Ann :)
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>Two Traveling Angels
Keep reading to the bottom of the page -- don't
stop at the feet (You'll see)..
Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night
in the home of a wealthy family..
The family was rude and refused to let the angels
stay in the mansion's guest room.
Instead the angels were given a small space in
the cold basement.
As they made their bed on the hard floor, the
older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.
When the younger angel asked why, the older angel
'Things aren't always what they seem.'
The next night the pair came to rest at the house
of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his
After sharing what little food they had the couple
let the angels sleep in their bed where they could
have a good night's rest.
When the sun came up the next morning the angels
found the farmer and his wife in tears
Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole
income, lay dead in the field.
The younger angel was infuriated and asked the
older angel how could you have let this happen?
The first man had everything, yet you helped him,
she accused.
The second family had little but was willing to
share everything, and you let the cow die.
'Things aren't always what they seem,' the older
angel replied.
'When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I
noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the
Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and
unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the
wall so he wouldn't find it.'
'Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed,
the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him
the cow instead.
Things aren't always what they seem.'
Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things
don't turn out the way they should. If you have
faith, you just need to trust that every outcome
is always to your advantage. You just might not
know it until some time later..
...Great classic! Thank you Jo Ann!
>-->FUN Places To Net Visit :)
The Last Day
Old Barns, Old People, Old Friends
Psalms 19
The 3 R's - Receive-Retain-Release
The Ministry Of Reconciliation
Aww Animals 3
Dog Logic
Hero's Truck!
Proud Of Our Troops!
Halloween Cakes
Casa Batllo - House Of Bones
Chapel With Bone Art
Horse Costumes
>From Our Friend Viv :)
The Lamb Of God
...Thank You for this sweet reminder Viv!
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Mike Hertz
>Who said they don't remember?
A two-minute video of a soldier being greeted by his dogs
upon returning home after 14-months in Iraq.
(I suspect even cat people will be touched by this)
...Awww, thank you Viv! This brought tears to my eyes! The
one dog barking and wagging his tail like crazy reminded me
of my Frisky. This will be the first Halloween with out him
being loud and obnoxious at my side since I got him over 16
years ago. I am still missing him.
It also reminded me of the way my daughter's dog acted when he
hadn't seen her for over a year. Yes they do remember!
>From Our Friend Maxy's Pal :)
Into My Life By Southbreeze
...Sweet! Thank You Maxy's Pal!
>From Our Friend Wesley :)
Happy Halloween!
Free Starbucks Coffee Recipe E-Book
Online Matrix Calculator
Online Cell Phone Radiation Chart
Kellogg's Freebies - A Complete List
...Great Ones! Thank You Wesley!
>From LynnLynn Links:
Love 2008
Love Boat
Luckiest Man On The Planet
Lucky 1
If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank
e-mail to
"I've always believed that we were, each of us,
put here for a reason, that there is a ...
divine plan for all of us. I know now that
whatever days are left to me belong to him [God]."
-- Ronald Reagan
>Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy!
-->This is for all you who love food and DDARE to make it at home Yep.
You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy,
good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :)
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