Be Ye Kind... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. If every one would chip in $25 or more, we'd be good for the whole year! So Please - I need your help today! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ _. ,-.,-"`""-./ \ / \ `-.| .:::.:::. \ / `-._ ::::::::: | "=\ ':::::' | .==" |o_|_ ':' | _o. ` (_) ,;;;,;;;, ; \\ ;;;;;;;;; \ _. /|-. ';;;;;' \ ` `'---'/ \ ';' \ .--._ /-' | ,-`. / `-._( / `-._`-._\ `\ '\ ( ` `'._ _, | \ / ~-. `| | | / `;-.| | | .' \ /| | / .'-. '. | \ | .' `-._ '. | /"` `\ jgs / `"--.,_'-._\-.___.'_ ; / `""";--' `. | / .'` \ /""-. ; / \""-, \ | / | \ | \ | '. |/ '. \ .'`-. / '._ '.,___,.;' '-.___.' `"""----------'` *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Like Me here... AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press This super scorcher new page is from our friend Linda. It is one to give your your awww quota for the day along with plenty of sweet smiles. Be sure to check this one and the cute video out here: _,.---""----.,_ .-' __.----...---.; .' .' `'. / .' '. / / `'", `\ .'_,' ,"` `'. /,' .-. \ .' .-. /___\ ( . `, / .-' /___\ |_ | \ '. \ ;| / |_ | \_)_/ | \ \ /| | ; _\_)_/ ` , / | \ / | | / ___ ` .-~`````~-. ,=' | | | ; \ \ /.-' `-._ | /| | \ .'``''--' _.- `\ | .' \ | |; / ' _, \ |-`| | | || / / /_\ /_\ .-~``~-. | | | / || | | \(/ |(| | / | | || ,| | -~~` ;`| .---. | | | / || .-/ | | / .-~`~ \| ( '.| / ;--/ /| / / | \ | -t- | -~'-\ \ `--' `-..-` ; |/| / \ |`._ \ -~` / | \ / /\| | .--' `\ `._`._ / |-~` | / \/\ '.____,.-' `""`-._.' ~-. / / .' .' \ .--._.-'` .'`- _.' (.-' | ( , ',_.-'`"""` | \ \ .-' '-;---;..--' /,----.y | jgs | '. `.__,-' / | | | | |`-.,__, Y | | | | | == | =| | | |- ~ -. | | .- ~ -. | | | | | == | =|~ - ~` | | '~ - ~' | /.-.-.-\-.-\ | | | | | | `""""""`""""`/.-.-.-\-.\-.-.-.-\ /.-.-.-.-.-.\ `"""""""`""`-------' '------------' Adorable Baby Elephant! --- ...Awww, so precious! I do love elephants! Thanks Linda! -<>- *~* We Had A Tremendous Month Of Sharing And Caring Last Month! .--, .-. __,,,__/ | / \-'` `-./_ | | `) \ ` `\ ; / , , | | / : O /_ | O .--;__ '. | ( )`. | \ `-` / | \ ,_ _.-./` / \ \``-.( / | `---' /--. ,--\___..__ _.' /--. jgs \ `-._ _`/ ' '. .' ` ' . `` ' . * Please Be Sure To Visit And Share These... A look At Mars! Earth Seen From The Sky! Is That A Bug? Ricochet At The Pentagon! No Words Needed 2! To Leash Or Not To Leash? Pan-Kun And James! When Graphic Artists Get Bored 2! Five Debt Tips! __ ( y--. .=-. \_\/_,' / | --("))))))= __|__ | / < > > `\ .=-. .-' `-:._.-. | | / \' / | .\_. | | | ,- `(\|.--. .' \ . / \ / `'| ),' `-\_/ |` ` (\ `-'| / \ ' ; .' \ , /\ .' \ '`-.___.-> \ .> \ /\\ `---'| `. -' || `-..-' hjw .=`-....___ || / _.-`--=._ `----.___// \.' _.-'-.`-. `----' '\ ;' \ ; _.'`-. .' / ___ ' _.-'`. / / ,' , `-._ _.-| / /.--\ \ `._ __.---' `./ | \' \ `. `._.-' `. ``. | | `. d8oooo._\_ `. \ /\ / 988888888b. `. \ /::`-.__.'\ 688888888888b : | ___ |::::::::::\ "d8b""888888, ; |`-. .' _`. |::::::::::::. 8888888 | `. / .::::\ |::::::::::::::. /888888' / / /:::::| \:::::::::::::::.._ .' d88888 ___ .' | |:::::| `:::::::::::::::::"--.' `88888`. .-' _`._ |:::::| `::::::::::::::::-' d8889 `/ ,.::.\`-.__ |:::::/ `::::::::::;'`-._ `"' / /:::::| `-. \:::;' ``''''' `-._ /::::::| `-`"' `-._ |:::::::/ `-._ |::::::/ `. \:::;' `--`"' ~ May God Super Bless All Our Sweet Contributors Who Add Spice To Our Lives With Their Thoughtful Sharing Email Forwards! :) =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: _ (_) |_________________________________________ |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |#########################################| | | |#########################################| | | |###################################JGS###| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | | >GRACE AND STYLE by Lea MacDonald It was noon on a Sunday as I recall -- the day a Mustang P-51 was to take to the air. They said it had flown in during the night from some U.S. airport. I marveled at the size of the plane dwarfing the Pipers and Canucks. It was much larger than in the movies. She glistened in the sun like a bulwark of security from days gone by. The pilot arrived by cab, then stepped into the flight lounge. He was an older man, his wavy hair was grey and tossed... looked like it might have been combed say, around the turn of the century. His bomber jacket was checked, creased, and worn, it smelled old and genuine. Old Glory was prominently sewn to its shoulders. He projected a quiet air of proficiency and pride devoid of arrogance. He filed a quick flight plan to Montreal -- to the Expo-67, Air Show -- then walked across the tarmac. After taking several minutes to perform his walk-around check the pilot returned to the flight lounge to ask if anyone would be available to stand by with fire extinguishers while he "flashed the old bird up -- just to be safe." Though only 12 years old at the time, I was allowed to stand by with an extinguisher after brief instruction on its use. "If you see a fire point then pull this lever!" I later became a firefighter, but that's another story. The air around the exhaust manifolds shimmered like a mirror from fuel fumes as the huge prop started to rotate. One manifold, then another, and yet another barked. I stepped back with the others. In moments, the Packard-built Merlin engine came to life with a thunderous roar -- blue flames knifed from her manifolds. I looked at the other's faces and there was no concern. I lowered the bell of my extinguisher. One of the guys signaled for us to walk back to the lounge. Several minutes later we could hear the pilot doing his pre flight run-up. He taxied to the end of runway 19, out of sight. All went quiet for several seconds. We raced from the lounge to the second story deck to see if we could catch a glimpse of the P-51 as she started down the runway. There we stood, eyes fixed to a spot half way down 19. Then, a roar ripped across the field, much louder than before, like a furious hellspawn set loose -- something mighty was coming this way. "Listen to that thing!" said the controller. In seconds, the Mustang burst into our line of sight. Its tail was already off and it was moving faster than anything I'd ever seen. Two thirds the way down the runway the Mustang was airborne with her gear going up. The prop tips were supersonic. We clasped our ears as the Mustang climbed hellish fast into the circuit to be eaten up by the dog-day haze. We stood for a few moments in stunned silence trying to digest what we'd just seen. The radio controller rushed by me to the radio. "Kingston radio calling Mustang?" He looked back to us as he waited for an acknowledgment. The radio crackled, "Kingston radio, go ahead." "Roger Mustang. Kingston radio would like to advise the circuit is clear for a low level pass." I stood in shock because the controller had, more or less, just asked the pilot to return for an impromptu air show! The controller looked at us. "What?" he asked. "I can't let that guy go without asking. I wouldn't forgive myself!" The radio crackled once again. "Kingston radio, do I have permission for a low level pass, east to west, across the field?" "Roger Mustang, the circuit is clear for an east to west pass." "Roger, Kingston radio, we're coming out of 3000 feet, stand by." We rushed back onto the second-story deck, eyes fixed toward the eastern haze. The sound was subtle at first, a high-pitched whine, a muffled screech, a distant scream. Moments later the P-51 burst through the haze, her airframe straining against positive Gs and gravity, wing tips spilling contrails of condensed air, prop-tips again supersonic as the burnished bird blasted across the eastern margin of the field shredding and tearing the air. At about 400 miles per hour, and 150 yards from where we stood, she passed with an old American pilot saluting. Imagine... a salute! I felt like laughing, I felt like crying. She glistened, she screamed, the building shook, my heart pounded. Then the old pilot pulled her up and rolled, and rolled, and rolled out of sight into the broken clouds and indelibly into my memory. I've never wanted to be an American more than on that day. It was a time when many nations of the world looked to America as their big brother -- a steady and even-handed beacon of security who navigated difficult political waters with grace and style -- not unlike the old pilot who'd flown into my memory showing America at her best. Consider this story a reciprocal salute to the old American pilot who wove a lifelong memory for a young Canadian. -- Lea MacDonald ___________________________________________ Lea lives in a small town in Ontario, Canada, and he says, "I've been doing a lot over the past few years, including working to give something back to the community that has treated me and my family so well. I was promoted to Captain with the fire department, and worked to help promote a wonderful band in this area called Bauder Road. Currently, I am working on a new innovation for the flooring industry, opening a retail flooring store, and working hard to start a record label." You can email him by clicking here: ========================================================== >-->Revisiting - From Our Friend LouiseAu :) _ .' `'.__ / \ `'"-, .-''''--...__..-/ . | \ .' ; :' '. a | / | :. \ =\ ; \':. / ,-.__;.-;` /| . '--._ /-.7`._..-;` ; | ' |`-' \ =| |/\ . -' / / ; | =/ (( ;. ,_ .:| | / /\ | =| ) / `\ | `""`; / | | / / =/ | ::| | \ \ \ \ `--' =/ / '/\ / ) |/ `-...-` / | | `\ /-' /; \ ,,/ | \ D .' \ jgs `""` \ nnh D_.-'L__nnh `"""` >The Elephant Rope As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life. Never be afraid to keep trying! Success is something that we have to keep trying at. Everyday is a second chance. Use your new day to start or do something awesome! --- ...Oh so true! Thanks LouiseAu! This story reminds me of a couple of things... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' #1: The Bible teaches us: Prov.22: [6] Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. That is why it is so important to instill godly morals and biblical teachings into our children at an early age - always using the agape love - or love of God in the Renewed mind in manifestation. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' #2: The bible also teaches us to have faith or believing in ourselves... Matt.17: [20] And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. A grain of mustard seed is the smallest seed on earth. Here Jesus says all we need is believing the size of a mustard seed and 'nothing shall be impossible' to us. Interesting too is that He used the word 'shall' instead of the word 'will'. Why? Because in the bible when you read the word 'will' it means it isn't definite - possibly could change. When you read the word 'shall' it means 'absolutely without a doubt'. So Jesus used the word 'shall' so that they would know there was no 'ifs' about it. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' #3: It, of course, reminds me of my own bible teaching here: Never Give Up! =========================================================== >-->Revisiting - From Our Friend Jacinto :) _____ / \/_ //\__(\_\ |\ ^ ^ | .//_O \O_ \ \_ (_) / \ \_/ / __/\ /\__ / \ \ / / \ / \/\/\/ \ / | . | \ / | . | \ JRO Cultivating with the seeds of gratitude, we can harvest happiness. "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." --- ...So Profound and True! Thanks Jass! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' That makes it easier to understand why the bible teaches Us: Eph.5: [20] Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Phil.4 [6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 1 Thes.5: [18] In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Also check out this wonderful teaching: =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. – Ephesians 4: 32 (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >A Kind Word A successful businessman, addressing the commercial club of his city, told a story in his after-dinner speech. It was the story of a boy named Jim, who was an orphan and the laughing stock of the whole town. He was twelve years old, slim and undersized. He never remembered having a kind word spoken to him in his whole life. He was accustomed to harsh words, suspicion, and rebuffs, and as a result became a shrinking, pitiful little figure, dodging people. And the more he dodged people, the more suspicious they became. The only earthly possession of which Jim could boast was a dog that cringed and shrank almost as much as his master and was as much hated. Jim was not cruel to his dog except in words - and that is really the worst form of cruelty, even to a dog. A harsh, unkind word can cause more misery, heartache, and anguish than actual physical cruelty. A cruel, unkind tongue cuts like a sword. One day as Jim walked down the street, he saw a bundle slip from the overloaded arms of a little lady just in front of him. As she stooped to pick it up, the others rolled down. Jim sprang to her assistance, gathering up the bundles and replacing them in her arms. "Thank you, dear; you are a nice little boy," she said kindly, and went on her way after giving him a bright smile. Jim was amazed; a queer choky feeling passed over him. These were the first kind words he had ever heard in his whole twelve years of existence. He stood and stared after her. He knew that she was the busy little dressmaker who lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. He watched her until she was out of sight, then he whistled to Tige and made straight for the woods and a stream that wound around the town. He sat down on the bank of the stream and did some thinking. "Thank you, dear; you are a nice little boy," he pondered. "Come here, Tige," he commanded, and Tige slunk to his feet. Then Jim lowered his voice in imitation of the little faded lady and said, "You are a nice little dog." The effect on Tige was electrical. He pricked up his ears, and if a dog could stand at attention, Tige did. "Uhum! Even a dog likes it," said Jim. "Well, Tige, I don't blame you; it is nice. I won't holler at you anymore." Tige wagged his tail joyously. The boy continued to think, and the dog sat and watched him. Finally the boy pulled from the odds and ends in his pockets a piece of broken mirror and looked at himself. He saw nothing but grime and dirt, the accumulation of many days. He went down to the water's edge and scrubbed it off carefully, almost painfully. Then he looked again. He scarcely recognized himself. He was surprised. He stood erect and looked up instead of down for the first time since he could remember. He distinctly liked the sensation. A feeling of self-respect awoke within his being. Ambition sprang full-grown into life. At that moment the course of his life was changed; a determination to be worthy of the kind words spoken to him by the little dress maker, and to pass them on, took possession of his soul. After telling this story of Jim, the orphan boy, the speaker paused; and then he electrified the audience by saying, "Gentlemen, I was that boy. This city - your city, my city - was that little town of forty years ago. Our plant stands upon the spot where that gentle woman stood when she implanted in my life the first seed of kindness. She sleeps out yonder in what was then the cemetery of a country church. As a tribute to her memory I have told you this story." Oh, that all of us would learn the lesson: "Be ye kind." What transforming power it has! By Adlai Albert Esteb, These Times, July 1965 -<>- .--._ .'""""-t--. /_. .-._ \ `. __.-. :/o: "o.` ; .'\.-" .--."-._ . /; ; :/ _;. ( `-._\ .-" "--._.: : :s, t,-"/ j"_. _._\`\ ___._.._.._/ _. _ \; .--. / "-: / 'o.` \.o`; ; .-"" ( "" / "-. : : ;,: . .$; :/:_.---.-. :: .-""""^._ / \ ;; ' __ :_; _.--`-.t ; Y ( : ;`^$$P^" ; : \ ' ` ; : ; l--t"'.;_ ,_.-. ; ; / \ ( : \ t-.___ / ;/ ,---=-: \ ;o; .o.` : : .-" \ ) ; `.; """\ .' .o' :o; ; : ; ; ; : ""--.._ `. : .'"-. Y .d.: : ; Ts,-. .-: `-- .' "-._`.; .' \ \ .---, ; : ---. ` : ; \ :.---: : ;-- __; : ;--.. " ) ; _:tjtjt-; ; : """"-.__L./ '^:;:^' `-._ bug : : /\ : >The Story Tellers..... We are the chosen. My feelings are that in each family there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them live again, to tell the family story and to feel that somehow they know and approve. To me, doing genealogy is not a cold gathering of facts but, instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the story tellers of the tribe. All tribes have one. We have been called, as it were, by our genes. Those who have gone before cry out to us: Tell our story. So, we do. In finding them, we somehow find ourselves. How many graves have I stood before now and cried? I have lost count. How many times have I told the ancestors you have a wonderful family you would be proud of us? How many times have I walked up to a grave and felt somehow there was love there for me? I cannot say. It goes beyond just documenting facts. It goes to who I am and why I do the things I do. It goes to seeing a cemetery about to be lost forever to weeds and indifference and saying, I can't let this happen. The bones here are bones of my bone and flesh of my flesh. It goes to doing something about it. It goes to pride in what our ancestors were able to accomplish. How they contributed to what we are today. It goes to respecting their hardships and losses, their never giving in or giving up, their resoluteness to go on and build a life for their family. It goes to deep pride that they fought to make and keep us a Nation. It goes to a deep and immense understanding that they were doing it for us that we might be born who we are; that we might remember them. So we do. With love and caring and scribing each fact of their existence, because we are them and they are us. So, as a scribe called, I tell the story of my family. It is up to that one called in the next generation to answer the call and take their place in the long line of family story tellers. That is why I do my family genealogy, and that is what calls those young and old to step up and put flesh on the bones. --- |V| .::| |::. ::__| |__:: >____ ____< :: | | :: '::| |::' | | | | jgs |A| ...It is why we don't do as ISIS and other radicals and destroy old historic landmarks and statues just because we don't agree with their lifestyle today. Those before us paved the way for us today. We are what we are because of what was done back then before us. Had they chosen a different way or life, then perhaps we would not exist today. That is why it is important to keep God in our loop. He helps mold and shape and develop the future that is supposed to be according to His Will. If we deviate from His Will, we make His vision for humanities future occur more slowly then if we give Him a helping hand. =_ ||\ C O C O |||\ C O c O (\/\/ C O (\/\/ ||||\O (\/\/ (\/\/ /| | (\/\/ c O /| | ||||\/\ /| | /| | / | /| /| | (\/\// | /| ||||// \ / | /| / | /|/__|/ | / | /| /| |__|/ | |||/ __\| /__|/ |/__|/ | " /__|/ | / | /| " |__: //| | " " " /__|/ | - c O ! " ( ) c O (\/\/ \ -\ (\/\/ c O /| | ___ \O - \O /| | (\/\// | /| / \/|) ( & )/) / | /| /| |__|/ || ./||\ _____ -\/|\ /__|/ | / | /| " \___/ | \ /\ | (_) | \ " /__|/ | /|\ |__\ -- | |__\ " " /|\ " God does not force His Will on people. Like an orchestra leader, He boldly conducts the musicians to play their part in the song the very best that they can. Like the music players, we need to always keep our eye on God our conductor and let him lead us to fulfill our great destiny. _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` Keep In Mind - God Moves When You Move... Even so faith [pistis – believing], if it hath not works [action], is dead, being alone. – James 2: 17 One way or another though, God's plan shall ultimately be... Num.23L: [19] God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? -<>- _(\_/) ,((((^`\ (((( (6 \ ,((((( , \ ,,,_ ,((((( /"._ ,`, ((((\\ ,... ,(((( / `-.-' ))) ;' `"'"'""(((( ( ((( / ((( \ )) | | (( | . ' | )) \ _ ' `t ,.') ( | y;- -,-""'"-.\ \/ ) / ./ ) / `\ \ |./ ( ( / /' || \\ //'| jgs || \\ _//'|| || )) |_/ || \_\ |_/ || `'" \_\ `'" >Kindness It was a bitter, cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man's beard was glazed by winter's frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind. He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one pass by without an effort to get his attention. Then another passed by, and another. Finally, the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue. As this one drew near, the old man caught the rider's eye and said, "Sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn't appear to be a passageway by foot." Reining his horse, the rider replied, "Sure thing. Hop aboard." Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away. As they neared the tiny but cozy cottage, the horseman's curiosity caused him to inquire, "Sir, I notice that you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I'm curious why, on such a bitter winter night, you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I had refused and left you there?" The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, "I've been around these here parts for some time. I reckon I know people pretty good." The old-timer continued, "I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no concern for my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, kindness and compassion were evident. I knew, then and there, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need." Those heartwarming comments touched the horseman deeply. "I'm most grateful for what you have said," he told the old man. "May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion." With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House. ~unknown to me -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Tree Trunk Art 2! Eye Catching Humor! Adorable Wrinkly Puppies! Origami Animals! Designer Toilets! Life's Little Oops 12! Dogs With Beautiful Long Fur! All About Hugs! Flower Art 2! Jesus Clinic! Romantic Castles 2! SUMMER INDEX: -<>- Be Ye Kind Agape vs. Phileo [The Love of God vs. The Love of the World] Appearances—The kind of “Look” that God Really Cares About! A Date With Destiny Of Thee I Sing Smile-- About Friendship (Very nice!) In His Time (with lyrics) In the Hands of God - Newsboys (lyrics) One day at a time (lyrics) Above All - Michael W. Smith with lyrics He Will Carry You I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - By Alison Krauss - With Lyrics -<>- >In The News: National media elites are sure President Trump is political "toast" in 2020. What do you think? QUICK POLL: Rate Trump's First Term BREAKING: 2020 Democrat PROTESTS National Anthem at Debate Westwing News: WhiteHouseNews: The left complains about high drug prices. President Trump is actually fixing it. Latest From AFA: Students For Life Latest From OperationRescue: Latest Product Alert: Beef, Cookie Dough, Toys, Pet Treats Latest Health Alert: Hepatitis Found in Berries, FDA Updates Click to Give Free Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >Keeping the Darkness Away Story Editor: by The Survivor Jack Lewis USA In February 2005, at age 50, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, Stage 3C. The symptoms of this cancer, I later learned, are called "whispers." I had been to two different doctors who diagnosed entirely different problems. The first one said I had ulcers, while the next one said it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome. All I knew was how horrible I felt. I was unable to eat or drink more than a swallow or two. I slept sitting up so I could breathe. My abdomen was so distended I couldn't wear any underwear. All in all, I was totally miserable. Finally, on a Wednesday morning, my husband helped me into the car and took me to the emergency room. The first question they asked was why hadn't I gone to the doctor. I had to explain myself over and over. The first doctor had diagnosed ulcers while standing in the doorway, given me sample medications and sent me home. The second doctor made a cursory examination, told me to eat lots of fiber and prescribed several new drugs. Because I have Parkinson's disease, I'm extremely cautious about taking new drugs. When I questioned him, the second doctor actually yelled at me and told me that he knew what he was doing. Then he told me I was obviously a hypochondriac and should stop wasting his time. I must have told this story 10 times as different people came in and asked me to again relate what had happened. Several tests later, as the day faded into evening, the results of my CT scan came back. The nurse knelt on the floor by my bed, holding my hands. Tears streamed down his face as they told me it was cancer. They scheduled me for surgery on Monday, the soonest that the gynecologic oncologist could get there. Finally, I found myself alone in a room. Frightened, very sick, dehydrated and weak, I wondered whether I would survive. My story had spread through the hospital, and as I lay in darkness that night, alone and afraid, the most amazing thing happened. Soon a doctor came in, held my hand and talked quietly of survival and of how good life is. When that doctor had to go, a nurse took his place for a half hour of quiet reflection. Then a pastor prayed with me through a lonely hour until another doctor took his place and just sat quietly while I dozed. I was never alone all that night. Every time I awoke I found someone quietly waiting with me, keeping the darkness away. As of today I am cancer free, and hope I will stay that way. I will never forget those busy doctors, nurses and many other professionals who took time to sit by my bedside and to try in their own way to take away my fears. Morning brought more than just daylight. It brought me peace. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupO'Cheer: .-""-._ / ___/ \ _&_ _.--""|/ `\| // \\ .' ( ^/ ^ )'. / / \ \ / | _ | \ // / \ \\ | _\____/ | /_/_/_\_\_\ | .' \____/-._ | .-"-. | / `; /# \ | / / _|_.---\ | | |.-.; :--.-(_/.____/.-""\___/"-. / \ / ~~/ /\ \{"=.______.="} /--. ; /___/_~~/ ; .--\"=...__...="} / \-/ `\______|/ \-.______..-; | /`| | \ | |||| || | /_ | |_______/ | |||| || | \_/| |-------' |--'||'--._|| | | | | || |> |______| |____________|._ || _..-;| | [___] | `||() || |______ |\/|____________|jgs|| () (__) \__/ (__) () >QUOTES A moment in His presence. A moment lost in praise. Sometimes that’s all it takes. Just a moment or clear away the fog, to give you perspective, to melt away the anxiety, to erase the hurry/worry lines from your face, to refill your empty cup...And even if you have only a will be the best moment of your day. -- Jack Hayford It is only through man, made in God’s image, that God could rightly reveal Himself. If the heavens stood alone, there would be silence. But when man was created, there was made an eye to see, and a heart to feel, and a voice to proclaim God’s praises. No One Else Can Say This: Christians never see one another for the last time. --Charles C. Albertson God never works only for today. His plans run on and on. The web He weaves is from everlasting to everlasting, and if I can fill a part of that web, be it ever so insignificant, it will abide forever. And this is one of the most comforting thoughts to us. While on earth we may do something for eternity. --Bishop Simpson "God is there to meet you in the center of all your trials, and to whisper His secrets, which will make you come forth with a shining face and an indomitable faith that all the demons of hell shall never afterwards cause to waver." --E. A. Kilbourne -<>- ,;;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;, ;;;'____ ; ;;;(\\\\\; `/'((||||| ___< C))|||| ,' \__(((||), | \ _)))))))\,_ /| |/"\`\`""""' |) ; \ \ ) \_____/_| | |\ \' _.,-' | | ' \ \.,-' _./ | ( _,-\ _.-'' | ; "'|___\__.-' ; ) |----| _.--,;' ; ,' , | ( __.,-' | ,' ,' `""'' `. | ; ) `, ( ) | ( ,' | | ( | | | | | | | |___________| | | | | Normand Veilleux based on work by Tua Xiong >DAD’S HUGS A few years ago the cartoon strip, “For Better or for Worse” showed Dad coming into the room where his teenage daughter was sitting on the couch watching television, eating popcorn. So he decided to sit down next to her and help himself to the popcorn. As he was sitting there, a little thought balloon appears over his head. He’s thinking, “I remember when she was so young. I held her in my arms and loved her, and it was wonderful. Now look at her. She’s all grown up, and such a beautiful girl, too. I wonder what she would think if I held her like I used to and told her again that I love her?” He finally concludes that she would be uncomfortable if he did that. While he’s thinking that, the little thought balloon pops up over his daughter’s head, and we learn that she is thinking, “I wonder why Dad never hugs me anymore?” (The Timothy Report, -<>- %%%% %%%%-( _%%%%%_/ \ ' / _%%%%%%%% - (_) - _%%%%%%%/ \% / , \ %%%%%%%%%\\ \_ %%%%%% \ \\ ) /\_/ /(___. \ '----' ( / ) ---....____/ (_____ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ / )---...___ =-= = -_= -=_= _-=_-_ -=- =-_ ,' ( ```--.._= -_= -_= _-=- -_= _=- ,-' ) ``--._=-_ =-=_-= _-= _ '-._ '-..___( ``-._=_-=_- =_-= ``---....__) `-._-=_-_=- )|)| `-._=-_ gnv '-'-.\_ `-. >AWESOME CREATOR OF WONDERFUL DAYS The sun glistens on the water Birds skim across the stream of light My heart marvels at such artistry You've painted a wonderful day Awesome Creator, Artist of all time This is the day You have made In it I will rejoice Waves come nowhere and splash against the wall Singing birds, chirping insects, jumping fish Such music to my soul You've orchestrated a wonderful day Awesome Creator, Musician of all time This is the day You have made In it I will rejoice Dark clouds roll across the sky Rain bounces on a moving sea I find delight in such a dance You've choreographed a wonderful day Awesome Creator, Choreographer of all time This is the day You have made In it I will rejoice A family of ducks passes by, conversing as they go A manatee just looks and swims away Simple drama, so profound You've written a beautiful day Awesome Creator, Playwright of all time This is the day You have made In it I will rejoice Awesome Creator of wonderful days My soul delights in You Author~ Patti Hollingsworth -<>- .::\)`:`, .:;\/~`\``;) ,.~-----, ;;==`_ ~:;( ,,~{*}\~~--,.`. ;:== 6 6;;) ,(((((({*});~~. .\ ;;C } )' (('`)))~({*}) . \ .\ :;` `--'; >6 6`({*}))) . \~~ | `____/ ( { ))())) . .`, ____._| |_____. `--' (((())) . | / \ \__ _| | \ `-- )))))) . .| | ) \/\/\_{@} | ,-| ((((((( . | | \_ \ \ | / | / | / ))))))) .| | |\ : \ |/ | Y | (/*@@*( ' ` ) . | \ \ \_\/_/ | | / */ \ \'/ /. | \ \ |o | | \. \ |'@'| .| \ \ | ; ,'--,.,.,., \ ~*@*~. . | \ \_________._--`((,:{@}.:))_\ |~@~| . | \ ' | ((,{@}:{@}.))-----' ;/\ (, \._____________`-__((;,{@},:))_________/|{ | . ; | | | `';{@},) /`-----'\ |. | | .__/\__ | `{@};,; / / | \ \ \/ .| | / :; \ | `(@))\ / \. . | | /! | \| ';; ))_/`-'/`_`., \. | | | ! | | ';(( | | ! `_ \ .| | | ! | | )) | | ! |.\_| | |/ ! | | (/ | | ! | . | | ! | | | | ! |~~~~' >WHO GIVES THIS WOMAN? By Leonard R. Davidson "Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?" Even though I was expecting this question, hearing it asked by the minister (who is my other son-in-law, Evan) caused a bit of pause. Keep in mind that other than writing a bunch of checks, this was my only real part in the ceremony. I was being asked to give my daughter to the man standing beside Evan. Not to go on a date. Not for a weeklong vacation. But forever! This beautiful bride-to-be, standing beside me and holding my hand was my daughter. When she was born I cut the umbilical cord. My wife and I stood beside her hospital bed at 1 year of age as she fought an unexplain- able blood infection. I taught her to ride a bike. To swim. To drive a car (hence much of my gray hair). Much of the money I have made in my life somehow poured through her hands. Megan (or "Boo" as she will forever be to me) is our daughter. Daddy's girl. My blood runs through her veins. I would, without hesitation, give my life for hers. I love her. Period. With all my heart. And I was being asked to give her away. Jared (her fiance) is an amazing man. He loves God, not just as talk, he walks it. He can pray. I know; I have prayed with him. Worship is a lifestyle to him. He has incredible talent as a musician and a voice that surprised me the first time I heard it. But, like my friend Charles Billingsley, he does more than sing. He worships. And he leads others to also worship. God's divine providence brought him into Megan's life. He loves her. I mean really adores her. He has adopted baby Elijah and cherishes the idea of being his daddy. Their story is a miracle. Even with all of this, I still took pause in answering the question. And then, this is how I answered, "Her Heavenly Father, her mother and I." And I did it with a willing, joyous, proud heart. However, if Jared had not been the man he is, if he hadn't loved her with his whole heart, if he was abusive or rude, if he treated her with disdain and disregard, I promise you, the answer would have been very different. In fact, we would not have even been to this point. Because with all that is within me I would have tried to stop the relationship. Megan is my daughter and I would never give her to a man who was not worthy. .-=====-. .-================-' '-================-. j| _ | g|.'o\ __ | s| '-.'. .'o.` | '-==='.'.=========-. .-========.'.-'===-' '.`'._ .===, | _.-' / '._ '-./ ,//\ _| _.-' _.' '-.| ,//' \-' ` .-' `//'_`--; ;.-' `\._ ;| | \`-' . | |_.-'-._| \ _'_ / |; -:- | || -.- \ |; .\ / `'\'`\-; ;` '. `_/ |,`-._; .; `;\ `.-'-; | \ \ | | `\ \ | | ) | | | / /` / | | /| | | | / | / | / |/ /| | \ / / | | /o | | | |_/ | | | '-=====-' But God shows us a different kind of love. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son." Gave Him. Simply because He loves the world. Love so powerful, so intense, so pure that He gave His only Son. And here is what totally blows me away about that kind of love. God gave His Son to a world that hated Him. He gave His Son to a world that would not even acknowledge that He was His Son. He gave to a world that totally and completely rejected Him. He gave His Son to a world that He knew would mock Him, brutally beat Him (to the point that He no longer even looked like a human being), strip Him totally naked, make Him carry His own instrument of death, spit on Him, whip Him, and ultimately kill Him in the most degrading and inhumane way possible. God, the Father, knew this. And yet He gave. At exactly the right time, when humanity was helpless, and being good enough to get to heaven was hopeless, God gave. Maybe if it was for good people, friends, people who loved Him, it could possibly be understood. But for sinners? Amazing. Amazing grace and mercy. This week, as you journey in this walk we call Christianity, think about this kind of love. Love that gave. A gift you do not have to earn, and no payment is necessary on our part because the debt was paid in full by the very Son of God. A God who gave freely and unconditionally. Take some time to thank your Father. Thank Him that He loved. Thank Him that He cared. Thank Him that He gave. To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ========================================================== \ | / -- * -- / | \ /') ./') ('\. ('\ /' /.--''./'') (''\.''--.\ '\ :--'' ; ''./'') (''\.'' ; ''--: : ' ''./') ('\.'' ' : : ''./' '\.'' : :--''-..--'''' ''''--..-''--: dp >-->My Hand in God's Each Morning when I wake I say, "I Place my Hand in God's today;" I know He'll walk close by my Side My every wandering Step to Guide. He leads me with the tenderest Care When Paths are dark and I Despair... No need for me to Understand If I but hold fast to His Hand. My Hand in His! - No surer Way - To walk in Safety through each Day. By His great Bounty I am Fed; Warmed by His Love, and Comforted. When at Day's end I seek my Rest And realize how much I'm blessed, My Thanks pour out to Him; And then I Place My Hand in God's Again. ~Florence Scripps Kellogg >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. 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