Beside The Still Waters... :) Shangy!
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I'm doing a 'Happy Angel' dance! Why? Because Shangrala
has been blessed with another donation from our long time
Shangrala Angel, M.D. from MO!
She has been stepping up to the plate to help Keep
Shangrala Alive with her sweet donations year after year!
We sure do thank God for her and all our past wonderful
If you'd like to help too and be counted as a Shangrala
Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button.
A Secure PAYPAL page comes up.
NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item'
form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is
you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your
normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United
States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like.
Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed!
PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help:
OR If you'd rather send us a donation,
Please MAIL it here:
Elrhea Bigham
502 S. Harrison
Van Wert, OH 45891
>-->2 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :)
Our too hot to handle new page is from our friends LouiseAu and
Fran. One thing we've seen over and over again this year is that
supporters of Trump are having lots of fun. They hold boat, truck
and car 'Trump Train' parades that have thousands joining in even
without Trump there. On the other hand Biden and even Obama can
barely get a hundred to come to their events with them there! This
page will give you plenty of Smiles if you are like most Americans
and love our President Trump. The rest should just hide in their
basement like their leader, Biden, does most of the time! Check
this fun one out here - sound on...
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Humor In Politics 20
...Absolutely great - Just like Trump! Thanks Ladies!
Our second hot new page is from our friend Linda. It is sure
to perk your interest with its little known facts that may just
surprise you that you never knew of them before! Be sure to
check this one out here...
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Amazing Trivia Facts 9!
...Awesome! Thanks Linda!
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*~* We Had A FANTASTIC Month Of Caring And Sharing Last Month *~*
Be sure to check these out and share them with all your loved ones!
Life Hacks!
Italy's Lifeguard Dogs!
The Pet Python!
Duesenberg Model!
Funny T-Shirt Wisdom!
When Artists Get Bored 4!
The Newly Born!
Jean-Marc Janiaczyk Art!
Weird Rainy Days 2!
Australia's Dugouts!
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*~* Big THANK YOU And Huggums In Christ To All Our Super Contributors!
>-->From HeartTouchers:
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>A Promise Kept
by Kristi Powers (from the book Heart Touchers: Life Changing Stories
of Faith, Love and Laughter)
In a world where so many lives are being torn apart by divorces and
heartaches, comes a story of a father and a daughter, and a promise
that was kept.
My father was not a sentimental man. I don't remember him ever
"ooohhing" or "ahhing" over something I made as a child. Don't get
me wrong; I knew that my dad loved me, but getting all mushy-eyed
was not his thing. I learned that he showed me love in other ways.
There was one particular time in my life when this became real to
I always believed that my parents had a good marriage, but just
before I, the youngest of four children, turned sixteen, my belief
was sorely tested. My father, who used to share in the chores around
the house, gradually started becoming despondent. From the time he
came home from his job at the factory to the time he went to bed, he
hardly spoke a word to my mom or us kids. The strain on my mom and
dad's relationship was very evident. However, I was not prepared for
the day that Mom sat my siblings and me down and told us that Dad
had decided to leave.
All that I could think of was that I was going to become a product
of a divorced family. It was something I never thought possible,
and it grieved me greatly. I kept telling myself that it wasn't
going to happen, and I went totally numb when I knew my dad was
really leaving. The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for
a long time. I prayed and I cried-and I wrote a long letter to my
Dad. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him.
I told him that I was praying for him and wanted him to know that,
no matter what, Jesus and I loved him. I told him that I would
always and forever be his Krissie...his Noodles. As I folded my
note, I stuck in a picture of me with a saying I had always heard.
"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a
Early the next morning, as my Dad left our house, I sneaked out to
the car and slipped my letter into one of his bags.
Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father. Then, one
afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the
dining room table waiting to talk to me. I could see in her eyes
that she had been crying. She told me that Dad had been there and
that they had talked for a long time. They decided that there were
things that the both of them could and would change-and that their
marriage was worth saving.
Mom then turned her focus to my eyes-"Kristi, Dad told me that you
wrote him a letter. Can I ask what you wrote to him?" I found it
hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad.
I mumbled a few words and shrugged. Mom said, "Well, Dad said that
when he read your letter, it made him cry. It meant a lot to him and
I have hardly ever seen your dad cry. After he read your letter, he
called to ask if he could come over to talk. Whatever you said
really made a difference to your dad."
A few days later my dad was back, this time to stay. We never
talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figured that
it was something that was a secret between us.
My parents went on to be married a total of thirty-six years before
my dad's early death at the age of fifty-three cut short their
lives together. In the last sixteen years of my parent's marriage I,
and all those who knew my mom and dad, witnessed one of the truly
"great" marriages. Their love grew stronger every day, and my heart
swelled with pride as I saw them grow closer together...
When Mom and Dad received the news from the doctor that his heart
was deteriorating rapidly, they took it hand in hand, side by side,
all the way.
After Dad's death, we had the most unpleasant task of going through
his things. I have never liked this task and opted to run errands
so I did not have to be there while most of the things were divided
and boxed up. When I got back from my errand, my brother said
"Kristi, Mom said to give this to you. She said you would know what
it meant." As I looked down into his outstretched hand, it was then
that I knew the impact of my letter that day so long ago. In my
brother's hand was my picture that I had given my dad that day. My
unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him,
my dad, who almost never outwardly showed his love for me, had kept
the one thing that meant so much to him and me. I sat down and the
tears began to flow, tears that I thought had dried up from the
grief of his death, but that had now found new life as I realized
what I had meant to him.
Mom told me that Dad kept both the picture and that letter his
whole life. I have a box in my home that I call the "Dad box". In it
are so many things that remind me of my dad. I pull that picture out
every once in a while and remember. I remember a promise that was
made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their
wedding day, and I remember the unspoken promise that was made
between a father and his daughter...
A promise kept.
Kristi Powers
Copyright © 2000 by Kristi Powers
Write Kristi and let her know your thoughts on her story!
Kristi is happily married to Michael and they have three boys. Her
writing appears in seven inspirational books, including many in the
Chicken Soup series, and their own book entitled: Heart Touchers.
Kristi is also homeschool mom and works with seniors who want to
stay in their home but need some extra help. She fills her "free
time" doing youth ministry with her husband.
>-->From Daily Encounter
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>Empowered by God's Spirit - Part III
Jesus said, "If you then, though you are evil, know how
to give good gifts to your children, how much more will
your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who
ask him!."1
Yesterday we discussed several of the steps we need to
take to be filled with and empowered by God's Holy
Spirit. These were: desire, faith, commitment,
confession of sins, openness, and personal honesty.
Today we want to discuss four more steps.
Sixth, removing barriers. Another barrier that blocks
God's Spirit can be an unforgiving spirit, which
usually has its roots in an impaired relationship or a
hurtful experience from the past. To be filled with the
Holy Spirit it is essential that, wherever humanly
possible, impaired relationships be resolved, hurt and
angry feelings resolved, and forgiveness extended to
those who we felt have hurt us. If it isn't possible to
reconcile the relationship (which takes both parties),
we need to at least deal with our side of the conflict,
resolve our negative feelings, and forgive the one who
hurt us.
Seventh, obedience. Another requirement for the filling
of the Holy Spirit is living in harmony with, and
obedience to, the will of God. As Peter said, the Holy
Spirit is given to those who obey God.2
Eighth, ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Jesus
said, "If you then, though you are evil, know how to
give good gifts to your children, how much more will
your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who
ask him."3
Finally, abiding. As Jesus said: "I am the vine, you
are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him will
bear much fruit; for apart from me you can do
Christ's allegory is a good illustration of how to have
a fruitful life. As we, the branches, abide in Christ,
the vine, by spending time with Him (learning what His
Word teaches, praying regularly, and living in
obedience to Him by practicing what His Word teaches),
so the Holy Spirit flows from Christ through us, the
branches. Fruit is the natural outcome.
The good news is that we don't have to struggle to
produce God's fruit. We can't anyhow; and if we try to,
the fruit is stunted and useless. That's what Christ
meant when He said that without Him, we can do nothing.
Only His Spirit within can produce His fruit without.
As we commit our lives in full surrender to Jesus
Christ, abide in Him, and resolve the barriers in us,
the Holy Spirit fills us and the fruit of the
Spirit--love, joy, peace, longsuffering--are produced
automatically like the grapes on a healthy vine. The
vine dresser doesn't put the grapes on the vine from
without. The fruit comes from within.
In conclusion, let me add that the evidence of the
filling of God's Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit--not
the gifts of the Spirit as many claim and are thus
confused. "By their fruit you will know them," Jesus
said, not "by their gifts."
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, again today I surrender
the control of my heart and life to You. Help me to
live according to the principles as found in Your Word,
the Bible, and as I do, please fill me to overflowing
with Your Holy Spirit so that the fruit of the Spirit
will be so evident in my life that others seeing Jesus
in me, will want Jesus for themselves. Thank You for
hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus
Christ's name, amen."
1. Luke 11:13 (NIV).
2. Acts 5:32 (NIV).
3. Luke 11:13 (NIV).
4. John 15:5 (NKJV).
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>Horse Sense
"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom
you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of
all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice. Be kind and
compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you."1
"On his radio broadcast Steve Brown explained that when
a group of thoroughbred horses face attack from an
outside enemy, they stand in a circle facing each other
and with their back legs, kick out at the enemy.
Donkeys, on the other hand, do just the opposite. They
circle up, facing the enemy, and use their hind legs to
kick each other! How often does the church [or
families] do the identical thing--ignore the real enemy
while attacking fellow believers?"2
An old cliche, but worth repeating, says, "The church
is the only army that shoots its wounded." Some
churches have fought and split over their church music.
Some denominations have split over insignificant
doctrinal issues. I've seen bickering and backbiting
destroy one church I know, and I know one pastor who
was "crucified" through idle gossip started by a
jealous, critical person. For the past few weeks, I
have seen and heard harsh words and judgement from one
Christian towards another regarding today's election.
And while this is an important matter, we should not
forget that God is in control and he has a plan and
purpose for anything he allows to happen. Our job is to
pray, do our part, and trust Him for the outcome.
Furthermore, when the name of someone we don't like
comes up, all we have to do is to say, "Oh him," in a
put-down-tone-of-voice, to sow doubt in someone's mind
about that person. And when we label people negatively,
we negate them.
When we do these things, we are not acting like
thoroughbred horses! Let us work on being peacemakers
and be living testimonies of the work God is doing in
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, deliver me from the sin of
gossip, slander, backbiting, and divisive behavior.
Help me to become a 'thoroughbred' Christian and not
like the other kind. Thank You for hearing and
answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Christ's name,
1. Ephesians 4:30-32 (NIV).
2. E. Glenn Wagner, Ph.D, The Awesome Power of Shared
Beliefs (Word Publishing, 1995).
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>Getting Rid of the Gunk
"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom
you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of
all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice."1
Ron Ledford reports how "each year thousands of
tourists journey to Mount Rushmore National Memorial
that is carved above the town of Keystone in
southwestern South Dakota. It is there that the images
of four of the great presidents of the United States
are carved in granite.
"What the average tourist does not realize is the
constant work that goes on to keep this giant sculpture
from deteriorating. For one week in September workers
go over this magnificent piece of art removing bird
nests, pulling shrubs that have grown in the crevices
in the rock. But the most important task of all is
filling the hundreds of natural rock fissures that
crisscross the executive figures. Workmen carefully
fill these cracks with a special mixture of white
granite dust, linseed oil, and white lead. If these
fissures were left unattended, the autumn rains and
melting snow could creep into the rock and freeze, thus
shattering a president's image."2
Our life is like that too. We need to constantly be on
guard against all things that in time, if not put away
or cleaned up, could destroy our Christian walk and
testimony, and eventually lead us far from God.
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, help me to be aware of
anything in my life that is not pleasing to You and is
harmful to me and my testimony for You. Let Your Spirit
convict me of these things and lead me to confession
and 'cleaning up my life.' Thank You for hearing and
answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Christ's name,
1. Ephesians 4:30-31 (NIV).
2. Ron Ledford. Cited by King Duncan
When copying or forwarding include the following:
"Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016
ACTS International.
>-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo:
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing
it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
-- unknown
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>A Little Boy Named Michael
- author unknown
I was on the aisle in a two seat row. Across sat a businesswoman
with her nose buried in a newspaper. No problem. But in the seat
beside mine, next to the window, was a young boy wearing a big red
tag around his neck:
Traveling Unattended.
The kid sat perfectly still, hands in his lap, eyes straight ahead.
He'd probably been told never to talk to strangers. Good, I thought.
Then the flight attendant came by. "Michael, I have to sit down
because we're about to take off," she said to the little boy. "This
nice man will answer any of your questions, okay?"
Did I have a choice? I offered my hand, and Michael shook it twice
straight up and down. "Hi, I'm Jerry," I said. "You must be about
7 years old."
"I'll bet you don't have any kids," he responded. "Why do you
think that? Sure I do." I took out my wallet to show him pictures.
"Because I'm six."
"I was way off, huh?"
The captains' voice came over the speakers: "Flight attendants,
prepare for takeoff." Michael pulled his seat belt tighter and
gripped the armrests as the jet engines roared. I leaned over and
said, "Right about now, I usually say a prayer. I ask God to keep
the plane safe and to send angels to protect us."
"Amen," he said, then added, "but I'm not afraid of dying. I'm not
afraid because my mama's already in heaven."
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Why are you sorry?" he asked, peering out the window as the
plane lifted off.
"I'm sorry you don't have your mama here." My briefcase jostled
at my feet, reminding me of all the work I needed to do.
"Look at those boats down there!" Michael said as the plane banked
over the Pacific. "Where are they going?"
"Just going sailing, having a good time. And there's probably a
fishing boat full of guys like you and me."
"Doing what?" he asked.
"Just fishing, maybe for bass or tuna. Does your dad ever take you
"I don't have a dad." Michael sadly responded.
Only 6 years old and he didn't have a dad, and his Mom had died,
and here he was flying halfway across the country all by himself.
The least I could do was make sure he had a good flight. With my
foot I pushed my briefcase under my seat.
"Do they have a bathroom here?" he asked, squirming a little.
"Sure," I said, "let me take you there." I showed him how to work
the 'Occupied' sign, and what buttons to push on the sink, then he
closed the door.
When he emerged, he wore a wet shirt and a huge smile. "That sink
shoots water everywhere!" The attendants smiled.
Michael got the VIP treatment from the crew during snack time. I
took out my laptop and tried to work on a talk I had to give, but
my mind kept going to Michael. I couldn't stop looking at the
crumpled grocery bag on the floor by his seat. He'd told me that
everything he owned was in that bag. Poor kid.
While Michael was getting a tour of the cockpit the flight attendant
told me his grandmother would pick him up in Chicago. In the seat
pocket a large manila envelope held all the paperwork regarding his
custody. He came back explaining, "I got wings! I got cards! I
got more peanuts. I saw the pilot and he said I could come back
For a while he stared at the manila envelope.
"What are you thinking?" I asked Michael.
He didn't answer. He buried his face in his hands and started
It had been years since I'd heard a little one cry like that. My
kids were grown -- still I don't think they'd ever cried so hard. I
rubbed his back and wondered where the flight attendant was.
"What's the matter buddy?" I asked.
All I got were muffled words "I don't know my grandma. Mama didn't
want her to come visit and see her sick. What if Grandma doesn't
want me? Where will I go?"
"Michael, do you remember the Christmas story? Mary and Joseph and
the baby Jesus? Remember how they came to Bethlehem just before
Jesus was born? It was late and cold, and they didn't have anywhere
to stay, no family, no hotels, not even hospitals where babies could
be born. Well, God was watching out for them. He found them a place
to stay; a stable with animals."
"Wait, wait," Michael tugged on my sleeve. "I know Jesus. I
remember now." Then he closed his eyes, lifted his head and began to
sing. His voice rang out with a strength that rocked his tiny frame.
"Jeeesus looooves me--thiiiiiis I knowwwwwww. For the Biiiiiible
tells meeeeee sooooo....."
Passengers turned or stood up to see the little boy who made the
large sound. Michael didn't notice his audience. With his eyes
shut tight and voice lifted high, he was in a good place.
"You've got a great voice," I told him when he was done. "I've
never heard anyone sing like that."
"Mama said God gave me good pipes just like my Grandma's," he said.
"My Grandma loves to sing, she sings in her church choir."
"Well, I'll bet you can sing there too. The two of you will be
running that choir."
The seat belt sign came on as we approached O'Hare. The flight
attendant came by and said we just have a few minutes now, but she
told Michael it's important that he put on his seat belt. People
started stirring in their seats, like the kids before the final
school bell. By the time the seat belt sign went off, passengers
were rushing down the aisle. Michael and I stayed seated.
"Are you gonna go with me?" he asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world buddy!" I assured him.
Clutching his bag and the manila envelope in one hand, he grabbed
my hand with the other. The two of us followed the flight
attendant down the jet way. All the noises of the airport seemed
to fill the corridor. Michael stopped, flipping his hand from mine,
he dropped to his knees. His mouth quivered. His eyes brimmed
with tears.
"What's wrong Michael? I'll carry you if you want."
He opened his mouth and moved his lips, but it was as if his
words were stuck in his throat. When I knelt next to him, he
grabbed my neck. I felt his warm, wet face as he whispered in
my ear, "I want my mama!!!" I tried to stand, but Michael
squeezed my neck even harder. Then I heard a rattle of footsteps
on the corridor's metal floor.
"Is that you baby?" I couldn't see the woman behind me, but I
heard the warmth in her voice. "Oh baby," she cried. "Come here.
Grandma loves you so much. I need a hug baby. Let go of that
nice man," she knelt beside Michael and me.
Michael's grandma stroked his arm. I smelled a hint of orange
"You've got folks waiting for you out there Michael. Do you know
that you've got aunts and uncles and cousins?" She patted his
skinny shoulders and started humming. Then she lifted her head
and sang. I wondered if the flight attendant told her what to
sing, or maybe she just knew what was right. Her strong, clear
voice filled the passageway, "Jesus loves me -- this I know..."
Michael's gasps quieted. Still holding him, I rose, nodded hello
to his grandma and watched her pick up the grocery bag. Right
before we got to the doorway to the terminal, Michael loosened his
grip around my neck and reached for his grandma.
As soon as she walked across the threshold with him, cheers erupted.
From the size of the crowd, I figured family, friends, pastors,
elders, deacons, choir members and most of the neighbors had come
to meet Michael. A tall man tugged on Michael's ear and pulled off
the red sign around his neck. It no longer applied.
As I made my way to the gate for my connecting flight, I barely
noticed the weight of my overstuffed briefcase and laptop. I
started to wonder who would be in the seat next to mine this time...
And I smiled.
Thank You Bill for sending this in....
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Van Moniek
>The Empty Chair
A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come
and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he
found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on
two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed.
The minister assumed that the old fellow had been
informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me,"
he said.
"No, who are you?" said the father.
The minister told him his name and then remarked, "I
see the empty chair; I figured you knew I was going to
show up."
"Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would
you mind closing the door?"
Puzzled, the minister shut the door. "I have never told
anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man. "But
all of my life I have never known how to pray. At
church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but
it went right over my head."
"I abandoned any attempt at prayer," the old man
continued, "until one day four years ago my best friend
said to me, "Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of
having a conversation with Jesus. Here is what I suggest."
"Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in front of you,
and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because
he promised, 'I'll be with you always.' Then just speak to
him in the same way you're doing with me right now."
"So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple
of hours every day. I'm careful though. If my daughter saw
me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous
breakdown or send me off to the funny farm."
The minister was deeply moved by the story and
encouraged the old man to continue on the journey. Then
he prayed with him and returned to the church. Two nights
later the daughter called to tell the minister that her daddy
had died that afternoon.
"Did he die in peace?" he asked.
"Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock, he called me
over to his bedside, told me he loved me and kissed me on
the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I
found him gone.
But there was something strange about his death. Apparently,
just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head
on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that?"
The minister just smiled and wiped a tear from his eye.
-Author Unknown
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>Will I Dream
I know you beckon me to come
But where and when
will we finally be together
It is autumn for me now
and I'm growing weary
of this lonely vigil
Too many roads less traveled
Always apart somehow
from all the others
I see them caught up
in things that don't matter
Forsaking their dreams
like misplaced treasures
Lying to themselves
and staying busy at nothing
have become their way of life
As if that would add
rather than subtract
from whom they are
I look forward to winter now
A sweet respite from life
and all its noisy confusions
and tangled webs
A simpler time
is what I crave
Like snow angels
born on a frosty night
just for the joy of it
And afterwards, the peace
of being cozy
by a crackling fire
while drifting with my dreams
But for this moment
I only feel
tears falling in the wilderness
for what we might have shared
Sleep will come for me soon now
And, I wonder, "Will I dream?"
And if I do,
"Will you be there?"
dennis j hopkins
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>Face The Storms That Come Your Way
A little girl walked to and from school daily. Though the weather
that morning was questionable and clouds were forming, she made her
daily trek to the elementary school. As the afternoon progressed,
the winds whipped up, along with thunder and lightning.
The mother of the little girl felt concerned that her daughter would
be frightened as she walked home from school and she herself feared
that the electrical storm might harm her child. Following the roar
of thunder, lightning, like a flaming sword, would cut through the
sky. Full of concern, the mother quickly got into her car and drove
along the route to her child's school. As she did so, she saw her
little girl walking along, but at each flash of lightning, the child
would stop, look up and smile. Another and another were to follow
quickly and with each the little girl would look at the streak of
light and smile.
When the mother's car drew up beside the child she lowered the
window and called to her, "What are you doing? Why do you keep
stopping?" The child answered, " I am trying to look pretty. God
keeps taking my picture."
May God bless you today as you face the storms that come your way.
Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes, it is the quietest voice
at the end of the day saying,
"I will try again tomorrow".
~Paulette Tuers~
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‘Human Flourishing’ / Trump Admin Launches Investigation of OH
Hospital That Left Premie Twins to Die / Women Traumatized by
Abortion Suffer ‘Lifetime Of Pain,’ More Studies Show / How
“Divine Intervention” from God Saved This Police Officer’s Life
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Hannity 11-4-20
Tucker Carlson 11-4-20
Laura Ingraham 11-4-20
This Is Not Normal Election Behavior - The sketchy details of huge
turnarounds in favor of Biden, overnight, in swing states raised
some eyebrows.
Former NeverTrumper casts her ballot: The 'overtly anti-American
direction of the left has been decades in the making'
CA Voters Save Uber and Lyft from Dem Legislature / Tucker: The Election
is in the Hands of Lawyers Now, Not the Voters / Frank Luntz’s Final
Prediction – Polling is Done / Al-Qaeda Calls for the Murder of All Who
Insult Mohammed / Woke Politics and Black Lives Matter are the Big Losers
of the 2020 Election / Rush Limbaugh Explains Why the Trump Campaign
Thinks it will Win Arizona and Pennsylvania And MORE:
Westwing News: The Trump Administration Scores Another Win for Peace
WhiteHouseNews: WATCH: The best is yet to come
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>From Our Friend LouiseAu :)
See a grocery store shopping cart collector having a bad day and one
of the rowdiest pool parties ever as you get your Daily Dose Of
Internet. I hope the law enforcement officer got a laugh out of
breaking up that crazy pool party but more likely was probably
disgusted that someone wasted his time with that call. I hope you
enjoyed today’s edition of your Daily Dose Of Internet.
See what wild animals look like from a very low perspective on the
ground and more cool and interesting videos. Seeing elephants,
hippos, and lions from a perspective on the ground is not something
I would want to experience first hand.
Take a short break from your day to watch a series of cool and
interesting video clips. I’m not really sure what is going on in
several of these clips but they are always interesting and
entertaining to watch. That stairway on the mountain in Hawaii
looks like it would be a crazy hike.
See one of the cutest puppies ever and more cool and interesting
videos as you get your Daily Dose Of Internet. I just love how
adorable that puppy is and it would be hard not to adopt him.
See the dumbest package thieves ever who stood in front of a Ring
Doorbell and more entertaining videos as you get your Daily Dose
Of Internet. I have no tolerance for people who steal and despite
the entertainment value, these idiots provided I hope they were
caught and punished. Given that he posed for the camera it should
have been easy police work to find them.
...Great Selection! Thanks LouiseAu!
There must be over a hundred pic's and I think you will love them
here is a sample:
The people that vote for him are Puppets AKA stupid empty headed
...LOL! Thanks LouiseAu!
Visit Melissa's Online Store
You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at
the online store
>-->From CupO'Cheer:
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Mike Hertz
Please read to the end and then click on the website -- this is
The elderly parking lot attendant wasn't in a good mood! Neither
was Sam Bierstock.. It was around 1 a.m., and Bierstock, a Delray
Beach, Fla., eye doctor, business consultant, corporate speaker, and
musician was bone tired after appearing at an event. He pulled up
in his car and the parking attendant began to speak. "I took two
bullets for this country and look what I'm doing," he said bitterly.
At first, Bierstock didn't know what to say to the World War II
veteran. But he rolled down his window and told the man, "Really,
from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you."
Then the old soldier began to cry.
"That really got to me," Bierstock says.
Cut to today.
Bierstock, 58, and John Melnick, 54, of Pompano Beach - a
member of Bierstock's band, Dr. Sam and the Managed Care
Band, have written a song inspired by that old soldier in the
airport parking lot. The mournful "Before You Go" does more than
salute those who fought in WWII. It encourages people to go out
of their way to thank the aging warriors before they die.
"If we had lost that particular war, our whole way of life would
have been shot," says Bierstock, who plays harmonica. "The WW
II soldiers are now dying at the rate of about 2,000 every day.
I thought we needed to thank them."
The song is striking a chord. Within four days of Bierstock placing
it on the Web, the song and accompanying photo essay have
bounced around nine countries, producing tears and heartfelt
thanks from veterans, their sons and daughters and grandchildren.
"It made me cry," wrote one veteran's son. Another sent an e-mail
saying that only after his father consumed several glasses of wine
would he discuss "the unspeakable horrors" he and other soldiers
had witnessed in places such as Anzio, Iwo Jima, Bataan, and
Omaha Beach.
"I can never thank them enough," the son wrote. "Thank you for
thinking about them."
Bierstock and Melnick thought about shipping it off to a pro-
fessional singer, maybe a Lee Greenwood type, but because time
was running out for so many veterans, they decided it was best to
release it quickly, for free, on the Web. They've sent the song to
Sen. John McCain and others in Washington.
Already they have been invited to perform it in Houston for a
Veterans' Day tribute - this after just a few days on the Web. They
hope every veteran in America gets a chance to hear it.
GOD BLESS EVERY veteran.....and THANK you to those of you
veterans who may receive this!
Before You Go
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By L. Wellington Miller, Westland, Michigan
The night was quiet as I sat at my desk with some bookkeeping.
I glanced over at the glass dome that displayed my father's pocket
watch. Not that it was going to tell me the time. The old watch had
stopped running after Dad died.
Dad was a fireman for the Pennsylvania Railroad in the days of
steam engines, and he truly worked all the livelong day, as the old
song goes. In fact, he was away most of the time, coming back for
a few days once a month to collect his paycheck.
There was an uneasiness between us when he was home since we
talked together so seldom. I never found words to tell him I loved
him, or that I was proud of him and his work on the railroad. I sat
quietly, just enjoying his company, the ticking of his watch
sometimes the only sound in the room.
The watch was a Hamilton, very popular with railroaders. It
slipped easily in the small watch pocket that trousers had in those
days. Sometimes I wished Dad could slip me in his pocket and
take me with him on his journeys.
My desk lamp illuminated the dome, and the watch's stainless-steel
case shone inside. There was a small chip on the edge of its
ceramic face, broken off once when it fell to the floor. Still, it
kept running. "A guardian angel looks after this watch," Dad
explained. I knew better.
Dad spent an awful amount of time looking after it himself,
winding it twice a day, an elaborate process which he allowed
me to witness. It was like time stopped for a while. If the hour
needed to be reset for some reason, my dad would put the palm of his
hand over the crystal faceplate and unscrew it from its case. At the
two o'clock position on the edge of the ceramic face was a small
lever that had to be pulled up. Once done, he set the correct time
by turning the stem. When the lever was down and covered he could
wind the watch.
Dad retired in the 1960s. He became ill soon after and was
hospitalized. I visited every day. We were mostly quiet, as always.
He kept his faithful timepiece on the nightstand, but it didn't run
well anymore. Dad was too weak to take care of it.
On the day he died I picked it up. It was no longer ticking. That
seemed right somehow. Later I bought the glass dome to display it.
I never took the watch to a jeweler. I figured I wouldn't know how
to maintain it anyway.
That night sitting at my desk I felt sorry I had never told Dad how I
felt. "Why, God? Why didn't I find a way to tell him?" I dropped
my head into my hands.
Something startled me. I heard a ticking sound, and looked up. It
came from my dad's watch. Impossible. I slid the dome closer to
the desk lamp. The second hand moved. The watch was running
again. Almost as if Dad had heard my thoughts. As if he had heard
my thoughts even when I was a boy, and knew I loved him.
Perhaps a guardian angel did look after Dad's watch, and after me.
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'He makes me lie down in green pastures...' Psalm 23:2 NIV
Are you like the man who said, 'The devil never takes a vacation,
so why should I?' Since when did the devil become your role
model? The words 'He makes me lie down in green pastures' teach
us that only the Shepherd can choose the path, prepare the pasture,
and protect us. Our role is simply to follow, feed and fellowship
with Him. Getting the idea?
Of the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses, which one do you
think required the most words? Adultery? No, that only took one
Hebrew word. Murder? No, that only took one word too. The
longest of the Ten Commandments is about taking a day off: 38
words! (Exodus 20:8-11) God knows us so well: He knew the store
owner would say, 'Somebody's got to work that day; if I can't my
son will.' So God says, 'Nor your son.' 'Then my daughter will.'
'Nor your daughter.' 'Then an employee.' 'Nor your servant.' God
says, 'One day a week you'll say no to work and yes to worship.
You'll slow down, sit down, lie down and rest. After all, I rested
on the seventh day and the world didn't crash. So repeat after Me,
'It's not my job to run the world.' Charles Spurgeon said, 'The
very sea pauses at ebb and flood; earth keeps the Sabbath of the
wintry months, and man... must rest or faint, trim his lamp or let
it burn low. In the long term we shall do more, by sometimes doing
The bottom line is that if you honour God's principles you will find
rest for your body, mind and emotions.
SoulFood Reading: 2 Pet 1-3, John 4:27-38, Ps 87, Pro 24:1-4
as seen in The Word For Today
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I want my church to be a place
Where I can meet God face to face,
And meditate upon His grace.
I want each worship hour so sweet,
That I can think each time we meet
A presence comes and takes His seat.
I want her doors to stand so wide
No hungry soul who waits outside
Will think that he has been denied.
I want my church to be much more
Than stone and timber, pew and doors,
Or carpet laid upon a floor.
But, oh, that which is found in me.
So teach me, Lord, to show forth Thee.
--Author Unknown
(The Timothy Report,
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>-->From LaughAndLift:
Knowing the Scripture is one thing; knowing the Author is another.
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>"Soul Food"
(Author Unknown)
I love the taste of T-bone steak,
Delicious every bite,
But there's nothing like the Word of God,
For my spiritual appetite.
The Word of God has milk and meat,
And even ice cream and cake.
Take a slice of the Bread of Life,
And coffee to keep us awake.
Open your Bible and turn to Psalms,
For David's famous buffet.
You can drink all the wine of the Word you want,
And still feel fine the next day.
There's enough of the Word for everyone,
And no one has to cheat.
The Word of God is a smorgasbord,
So take all you are able to eat.
Let's have a little long-suffering,
Job gives the recipe.
Patience is the main ingredient,
Self-denial is the fee.
Wrap that up in temperance,
It may not make much sense,
Cover that with contentment,
Then add some joy for strength.
Let's have love for dessert,
Jesus made this dish,
Cream of joy and peace together,
Sift out all selfishness.
Add some deeds of righteousness,
Enough to make it sweet.
Humility is the frosting,
That makes the dish complete.
Or are you on a diet,
Because the race seems hard to run?
For a weight losing menu,
Try Hebrews 12 and 1.
Are you suffering from malnutrition,
And don't know what to do?
Your spiritual growth seems hindered,
Try I Peter 2 and 2.
If when every time you battle,
The enemy always wins,
Try some Holy Ghost Protein,
And spiritual vitamins.
God's Word can feed millions,
And still have plenty left.
Because the Word of God is Soul Food,
Sent from the World's Greatest Chef!
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach
of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you
are beyond the need of God's grace.
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Vicky Wilks |__________________| \___________/
>The Teacup
(Author Unknown)
There was a couple who used to go to England to shop in the
beautiful stores. They both liked antiques and pottery and
especially teacups. This was their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary. One day in this beautiful shop they saw a beautiful
teacup. They said, "May we see that? We've never seen one quite
so beautiful."
As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke. "You
don't understand," it said. "I haven't always been a teacup. There
was a time when I was red and I was clay. My master took me and
rolled me and patted me over and over and I yelled out, 'let me
alone,' but he only smiled, 'Not yet.'
"Then I was placed on a spinning wheel," the teacup said, "and
suddenly I was spun around and around and around. 'Stop it! I'm
getting dizzy,' I screamed. But the master only nodded and said,
'Not yet.'
"Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I wondered
why he wanted to burn me, and I yelled and knocked at the door. I
could see him through the opening and I could read his lips as He
shook his head, 'Not yet.'
"Finally the door opened, he put me on the shelf, and I began to
cool. 'There, that's better,' I said. And he brushed and painted
me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. 'Stop
it, stop it!' I cried. He only nodded, 'Not yet.'
"Then suddenly he put me back into the oven, not like the first
one. This was twice as hot and I knew I would suffocate. I begged.
I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. All the time I could see him
through the opening, nodding his head saying, 'Not yet.'
"Then I knew there wasn't any hope. I would never make it. I was
ready to give up. But the door opened and he took me out and
placed me on the shelf. One hour later he handed me a mirror and
said, 'Look at yourself.' And I did. I said, 'That's not me; that
couldn't be me. It's beautiful. I'm beautiful.'
"'I want you to remember, then,' he said, 'I know it hurts to be
rolled and patted, but if I had left you alone, you'd have dried
up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if
I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I knew it hurt and was hot
and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn't put you there, you
would have cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and
painted you all over, but if I hadn't done that, you never would
have hardened; you would not have had any color in your life. And
if I hadn't put you back in that second oven, you wouldn't survive
for very long because the hardness would not have held. Now you
are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first
began with you.'"
The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying,
"Arise and go down to the potter's house, and there I shall
announce My words to you." Then I went down to the potter's house,
and there he was, making something on the wheel. But the vessel
that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter;
so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to
make. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Can I not, O
house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?" declares the
Lord. "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in
My hand, O house of Israel."
~ Jeremiah 18:1-6 (NASB) ~
Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean
humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE!
Read all about Laugh & Lift at
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>-->Beside the Still Waters
Beside the still waters, He walks and talks with me, each day.
He gave His life that I might live, again, in a glorious way.
He's the fairest of ten thousand. For Him the water doth still
And all, who truly love our Master, will live and do His will.
He leads me beside the still water. He restoreth my soul, today.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. Beside me He will
From now until forever, when I go up beyond the stars and sky;
Because I gave my life to Him and this is the reason why.
He gave His own life for me. He went to the cross, in my stead.
He watches over me at night, when I'm afraid in my own bed.
He preparest a table before me. Mine enemies He doesn't mind.
He doth lift me, when I am low. His heart, to me, is good and kind.
He maketh me to lie in green pastures. Beside the still waters He
I shall fear no evil. He is with me. He would have me to plant
good seed.
With me is His rod and staff. I shall never have naught to fear.
For, my Savior, of the still waters, is always standing near.
He is my Shepherd. I shall never want. He is my comfort in all
He is my Master of the universe. Goodness and mercy He brings...
Into this life of mine, as through the valley I goeth each day,
And He will go with me, beside the still waters, all the long way.
--Author Unknown
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