Biblical Truths & More ... :) Shangy!
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>-->In The 'Shangy' News :)
Still not 100% normal from that stupid bug, but working on it!
>We had a good question from our friend James...
He Asked - 40
"How many times in stories and otherwise does the bible equate
with this number?
Can you tell me why..."
The first part of James question I figured would be relatively easy.
At least it would have been with my old favorite on-line KJV Bible.
It has easy search options but after years of being available it
suddenly started flaking out and I could only get it to work on
very rare occasions. My new on-line KJV Bible site has the search
but also includes all the Apocrypha. So I went through and had to
manually subtract every reference to a book not in the Old or New
Testament from the total number of times the word forty was found.
During one of my double check times, I was surprisingly put through
to my old bible site and then easily was able to get the first part
of James questioned answered.
The second part, I thought I might have already from my old Teacher
In the Word teachings that I have put up on my site.
Numbers In Scripture:
But I found out it only teaches about the numbers 1 to 10. James wants
to know the importance of the number 40 in scripture - why it is used.
I did not know this from my own past teachings.
2 Timothy 2:15 says
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
I decided that since my old school bible teachings did not include this
information that perhaps my new found bible experts would. I turned to
Christian Educational Services and their web site Truth or Tradition to
see if they had it there. I found a whole lot of cool bible tools...
Keys to Understanding the Bible
but not what I was looking for so I decided to do a google search to
see what was available for '40 in the bible'.
Let me tell you something about the internet you might not already know.
It is a great place to find knowledge about something. But just because
there are many sites with the same thing on them, does not mean that the
knowledge is truthful or factual. It simply means the knowledge is well
known and used by many. I have found many hoaxes up on religious and
Christian sites. They didn't take the time to verify it and just because
it sounded good, they decided they wanted to use it.
I was taught it is better to say you don't know then to make up a lie or
use someone else's lies to answer someone who is wanting the truth.
It is like just throwing yourself into a tub of water without testing it
first. You just may get burned! You don't go telling people this is so
just because the majority of sites are saying the same thing on the
internet. That's what I was up against. I had no authority source that I
could trust. So I went back to my Teacher In The Word teaching and found
what I was looking for. It was right before my eyes. E. W. Bullinger is
the authority on numbers in the bible and spent his life dedicated to this
biblical work - a true workman that needs not to be ashamed!
So I was able to write James:
"I'll use a quote here ...
'For those of us who are not familiar with this principle, the God and
Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ DOES NOT use numbers in a
haphazard or random manner. There is a SPECIFIC PURPOSE for the use of
numbers in most situations. I would like to introduce you to a new idea
that will fascinate and bless you. You will be amazed at the decency and
order of the Word of God.
I Corinthians 14: 40 "Let all things be done decently and in order".
Most of this teaching will come from E. W. Bullinger's work entitled
"Number In Scripture"...
Above Quote is from here: NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE
The bible uses the number forty 158 times in both the old and new
testaments - [Only 24 times in the new testament].
E. W. Bullinger writes:
FORTY has long been universally recognized as an important number, both
on account of the frequency of its occurrence, and the uniformity of its
association with a period of probation, trial, and chastisement—(not
judgment, like the number 9, which stands in connection with the
punishment of enemies, but the chastisement of sons, and of a covenant
people). It is the product of 5 and 8, and points to the action of grace
(5), leading to and ending in revival and renewal (8). This is certainly
the case where forty relates to a period of evident probation. But where
it relates to enlarged dominion, or to renewed or extended rule, then it
does so in virtue of its factors 4 and 10, and in harmony with their
There are 15 such periods which appear on the surface of the Scriptures,
and which may be thus classified:—
* Forty Years of Probation by Trial:
Israel in the wilderness, Deut 8:2-5; Psa 95:10; Acts 13:18 (the
third 40 of Moses' life, 120 years).
Israel from the crucifixion to the destruction of Jerusalem.
* Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Deliverance and Rest:
under Othniel, Judg 3:11,
under Barak, Judg 5:31,
under Gideon, Judg 8:28.
* Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Enlarged Dominion:
under David, 2 Sam 5:4,
under Solomon, 1 Kings 11:42,
under Jeroboam II. See 2 Kings 12:17,18, 13:3,5,7,22,25,
under Jehoash, 2 Kings 12:1,
under Joash, 2 Chron 24:1.
* Forty Years of Probation by Humiliation and Servitude:
Israel under the Philistines, Judg 13:1.
Israel in the time of Eli, 1 Sam 4:18.
Israel under Saul, Acts 13:21.
* Forty Years of Probation by Waiting:
Moses in Egypt, Acts 7:23.
Moses in Midian, Acts 7:30
There are eight of such great periods on the surface of the Bible:
* Forty days Moses was in the mount to receive the Law, Exo 24:18.
* Forty days Moses was in the mount after the sin of the Golden
Calf, Deut 9:18,25.
* Forty days of the spies, issuing in the penal sentence of the 40
years, Num 13:26, 14:34.
* Forty days of Elijah in Horeb, 1 Kings 19:8.
* Forty days of Jonah and Nineveh, Jonah 3:4.
* Forty days Ezekiel lay on his right side to symbolize the 40 years
of Judah's transgression.*
* Forty days Jesus was tempted of the Devil, Matt 4:2.
* Forty days Jesus was seen of His disciples, speaking of the things
pertaining to the kingdom of God, Acts 1:3.
* Thus 40 becomes a number closely connected with Judah, as 390 (Eze
4:5) is the number of separated Israel. The significance of this will be
seen (on p. 215), for 40 is a multiple of 8, and 390 is a multiple of
13. It may also be noted that 65 (5x13) is the number of Ephraim, while
70 is specially connected with Jerusalem.
is a number connected with Antichrist. An important part of his career
is to last for 42 months (Rev 11:2, 13:5), and thus this number is fixed
upon him. Another number of Antichrist is 1260, and this is 30 x 42.
Its factors are six and seven (6x7=42), and this shows a connection
between man and the Spirit of God, and between Christ and Antichrist:
* Forty-two stages of Israel's wanderings mark their conflict with
the will of God.
* Forty-two young men* mocked the ascension of Elijah to Elisha, 2
Kings 2:23, 24.
* See note on p. 203.
Being a multiple of seven, it might be supposed that it would be
connected with spiritual perfection. But it is the product of six times
seven. Six, therefore, being the number of Man, and man's opposition to
God, forty-two becomes significant of the working out of man's
opposition to God.
There may be something more in the common phrase about things being all
"sixes and sevens." They are so, indeed, when man is mixed up with the
things of God, and when religious "flesh" engages in spiritual things.
See under "Six and Seven," pp. 158-167.
it is a factor in the number of Nimrod's name, which is 294, or 42 x 7.
It will be often found as a factor in the Antichristian names. See under
the number Thirteen.
It does not often appear as a separate number, but when it is thus seen
as a factor of another number, it always imparts its significance to it.
Visit Here for the rest of the numbers:
...Thank You AGAIN James for bringing this up to me. By doing some
research for you I found E. W. Bullinger's site. I had no idea his work
was online in such a wonderful study format. Sweet! I will put this
teaching up on my site for everyone!
Visit Here for the Full Bible Study Menu
>A Language of Their Own Story Editor:
by Aliza Garofalo Joyce Schowalter
New York, USA
My 8-year-old daughter Briana and I try to visit my mother in Florida
every summer for at least a week -- even though it's hotter there than
where we live in New York. That's where we were in August of 2004.
My mom's condo has a huge pool framed with palm trees on the
Intracoastal waterway, so of course there are always a few children
splashing around in it. Briana always looks forward to making new
friends down at the pool while we are there.
The first day we were there, Briana and I walked to the pool hand in
hand. I picked a lounge chair that had a full view of the pool and sat
myself down to read a magazine and sun myself. I watched out of the
corner of my eye as Briana, an excellent swimmer, swam around by
Then at one point, I looked up and saw her gesturing to another little
girl around her age. As they played together in the pool, diving under
the water and laughing, I saw them gesturing to each other again and
again. I assumed the girl was deaf.
Soon the girl offered a bag of potato chips for Briana to share. Briana
then motioned to her to follow her to the drinking fountain. The whole
afternoon was spent with the two girls gesturing and laughing together.
Even though other families had come to the pool with children near 8
years of age, the other kids had all stayed in the shallow end. Because
Briana's new friend was also a very good swimmer, they were able to swim
together from one end of the pool to the other.
I smiled to myself that my daughter always found it so easy to make
friends, no matter where we were or what the circumstances. They played
with each other and with the girl's brother all afternoon in the hot
Florida sun.
When the sun began to set families began to leave the pool area. As we
got ready to go and Briana was drying off, I asked her if the girl was,
in fact, deaf. She replied "No," the girl was on vacation from Russia
and didn't speak any English.
The two girls played together the whole week we were there, laughing and
gesturing and making themselves understood. I was so proud of my
daughter, and thought how the world of adults might imitate their
example. Instead of letting a little thing like language keep them from
making a friend, Briana and this girl enjoyed a week together by making
up a "language" they could both understand.
>-->From SermondFodder:
Culture Wars Seen Within Political Parties
"Despite talk of `culture wars' and the high visibility of activist
groups on both sides of the cultural divide, there has been no
polarization of the public into liberal and conservative camps."
That was the conclusion that researchers from the Pew Research Center
for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public
Life drew from the latest in their periodic surveys of public
opinion, conducted from July 6 to July 19 and released Thursday.
Americans, the researchers wrote, "are conservative in opposing gay
marriage and gay adoption, liberal in favoring embryonic stem cell
research, and a little of both on abortion."
Americans, according to this survey, based on telephone interviews
with a representative national sample of 2,003 adults, display what
the cultural warriors might find as a distressing inconsistency over
these issues, and yet a remarkable consistency over time.
Opposition to same-sex marriage, for example, appears to have changed
little over recent years: 56 percent of Americans are against it, 35
percent for it.
Religion appears to be the big factor here: 78 percent of white,
evangelical Protestants and 74 percent of African-American
Protestants are opposed to same-sex marriage. So are 58 percent of
white, non-Hispanic Catholics. Mainline Protestants are almost split
evenly. Only those identified by the researchers as "secular" are
solidly in favor, by 63 percent to 27 percent.
Opinions on abortion are even more unchanging. Asked which option
came closest to their own view, 31 percent of respondents said
abortion should be "generally available"; 20 percent said "available
but under stricter limits than it is now"; 35 percent said "against
the law except in cases of rape, incest and to save the woman's
life"; and 11 percent said "not be permitted at all."
These figures are a bit more conservative than those from 1996, but
most of the differences fell in the survey's margin of sampling
error — plus or minus four percentage points on some questions,
including those on abortion, and three points on others, like the one
on same-sex marriage.
There are signs, however, of changing convictions, more in the case
of homosexuality than in abortion; but the change regarding
homosexuality is in a liberal direction, while the more modest change
regarding abortion is in a conservative direction.
While continuing to oppose same-sex marriage, Americans, by 54
percent to 42 percent, have come to support civil unions that would
provide gay and lesbian couples many of the same rights as married
couples. Likewise, Americans are less likely to think that sexual
orientation can be changed than they were a few years ago, and adults
under 30 are much more supportive of same-sex marriage than are their
This support comes from mainline Protestants, Catholics and the non-
religious, with white evangelicals and Protestants constituting the
persistent opposition.
By contrast, support for keeping abortion generally available is
highest among men and women ages 50 to 64 — the survey found no
gender gap on this issue — and goes steadily lower as one moves down
the age scale.
More interesting perhaps than these views on the issues themselves
are the public's preferences on how the nation should address them.
For example, respondents consistently favored resolving these hot-
button questions at the national level rather than the state one,
although the results were virtually a dead heat in the case of same-
sex marriage.
Supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage showed strong caution
regarding their causes in the survey. Over 40 percent of those
opposing same-sex marriage said that amending the Constitution was a
bad way to do it. A similar percentage of supporters of same-sex
marriage questioned the wisdom of pushing hard for its legalization,
given the risk of an anti-gay backlash.
Although abortion remained, in the researchers' judgment, "the most
divisive social concern of the day," fully two-thirds of those
surveyed, rather than seeing "no room for compromise," said that "the
country needs to find a middle ground on abortion laws."
The question about finding a middle ground versus refusing compromise
was a new one, the Pew researchers said. Scott Keeter, director of
survey research for Pew, compared it with a 1997 question that asked
people whether they thought their political party should compromise
on abortion in order to reach some agreement, or stick to its
position even if that blocked legislative progress. Over 60 percent
chose "stick to its position."
While emphasizing that the two questions were not strictly
comparable, Mr. Keeter said that the results "would suggest that the
desire for compromise has grown since."
It is easy to prefer "a middle ground," of course, as long as it
remains conveniently undefined. Still, this desire for compromise
stretches across the political, ideological and religious spectrum,
attracting majorities of over 60 percent among Democrats, Republicans
and independents, among liberals, conservatives and moderates, and
among evangelicals as well as Catholics and mainline Protestants.
Debate on the legal right to abortion, as well as its underlying
morality, is not about to ease, but it will almost certainly be
increasingly staked out in terms of some "middle ground." Even those
opposed in principle to any compromise will take comfort in the idea
that by remaining resolute, they can shift the "middle" in one
direction or in another.
On abortion, the researchers found significant differences between
conservative Republicans, who have determined the party's public
stance, and moderate and liberal Republicans, whose views have been
eclipsed. On same-sex marriage, the conservatives were overwhelmingly
opposed in the survey; the liberals and moderates were similarly
opposed, but not so strongly.
Among Democrats, however, the gaps on these issues between liberals,
who have established the party's profile, and the moderates and
conservatives in the shadows are yawning. Sixty percent of liberal
Democrats believed that abortion should be generally available, for
instance, versus 25 percent of moderates and conservatives. Two-
thirds of liberal Democrats favored same-sex marriage, while 59
percent of conservative and moderate Democrats opposed it.
The real import of these splits within the parties — and the problems
they pose for Democrats — becomes apparent only when one seeks out
the weight of the differing groups within each party.
Moderate and liberal Republicans constitute only 36 percent of the
Republicans, according to Pew's findings, compared with the 62
percent considered conservative. The ideologically dominant group, in
other words, is also numerically dominant.
For Democrats, it is quite different: 67 percent fall in the moderate-
conservative category, while 31 percent qualify as liberals. The
ideologically dominant group — certainly on abortion, less so on same-
sex marriage — is the numerical minority.
In the end, opinion polls give only a partial view of culture wars,
just as body counts and troop levels give only a partial view of
guerrilla wars. One can be entranced by the figures and distracted
from the dynamics. The latest Pew survey, by confirming the
disjunction between the public and activist elites, provides at least
a few insights into the dynamics.
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>-->From InspiredBuffalo:
>Grandmothers Are Mothers Who Are Grand
G randmothers are mothers who are grand,
R estoring the sense that our most precious things
A re those that do not change much over time.
N o love of childhood is more sublime,
D emanding little, giving on demand,
M ore inclined than most to grant the wings
O n which we fly off to enchanted lands.
T hough grandmothers must serve as second mothers,
H elping out with young and restless hearts,
E ach has all the patience wisdom brings,
R emembering our passions more than others,
S oothing us with old and well-honed arts.
Speaker: Pastor. Joby Soriano
Power, glory, success: what do these words bring to mind
when you hear them? Throughout human history, they have captured the
hearts and minds of men and women. In our society today, a person's
self-worth is usually measured by his net worth. But the mark of a
true believer is humility and submission to authority. In the eyes of
the world, humility and submission are weaknesses rather than
strengths. And yet Jesus Christ himself lived in humility and asked
us to do the same. Today, even church believers have been influenced to
go their own way and do their own thing to make their mark. "Grab all
you can and make it to the top" is the in thing nowadays. The result
is that there's a crisis in humility throughout the churches. When
the world looks at most Christians, they see proud, self-centered,
self-seeking people that distract them instead of attract them to
Christ. How can we return to the biblical attitude of humility?
First, what is `humility'? Is it being shy, and
unimpressive? Is it a sign of weakness and cowardice? Do you fear
humility because you might be the object of ridicule and abuse by
others? On the contrary, true humility leads us to Christ and leads
us to our full potential in Him. The biblical humility that God demands
makes us a stronger person and results in better relationships.
Humility is realizing that all that is good in us, all of our special
gifts and abilities, all that we have and all that we accomplish is
from God, not ourself. As Ken Blanchard puts it, "Humility does not
mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself
What should we do to attain biblical humility?
In the first part of Peter's epistle, we are told to
submit to the human institutions and leaders that God has given us.
Peter then goes on to say that we must submit to our employers. And
then wives are told to submit to their husbands even if they are
unreasonable and aren't following the Lord. Peter also writes: "You
younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders..." (1 Peter 5:5a).
The word subject here is the word for humbly obey. We should humbly
obey those whom God has chosen and ordained to be spiritual leaders.
Who are the spiritual leaders? These are the elders, the pastors, the
Bible teachers, and the D-Group leaders. The instruction from Peter
for young men to be subject to spiritual leaders applies to all
believers. This must be voluntary submission because the leaders
cannot force you to follow and obey them. God's way is for you to
submit from the heart to God and then to your spiritual leaders by
honoring, respecting, obeying, and listening to them. The spiritual
leaders, on the other hand, are clearly instructed not to lord it
over God's people. Instead, they are to lead by being a godly example
for people to follow. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:17, "Obey those who
rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls,
as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not
grief, for that would be unprofitable for you." This is the balance
between spiritual authority and leadership and the believers'
submission. The leader is accountable to God for all his actions.
Part of humility is accountability. This is not just the
accountability between you and God, or you and your wife, or you as
parent to your children. This is an accountability between you and a
more mature brother or sister in Christ who is discipling you. This
is for your spiritual growth and protection. Pride would keep us from
being transparent with others. Don't let pride be the cause of your
own downfall. Live in humility before God and to others, and God will
bless you in ways that you cannot even imagine.
Peter writes: "...all of you, clothe yourselves with
humility toward one another" (1 Peter 5:5b). This includes every
single one of us - young or old, male or female, rich or poor; it
doesn't matter who you are or what you are. The word `clothe' comes
from the Greek word `ENKOMBOOMAI", which means putting something on
yourself and tying it with a knot or ribbon. It was the word used to
refer to a servant's apron. Humility during the time of Peter, just
like today, was not a virtue. The only humility tolerated in those
days was the involuntary humility of slavery. And basically, Peter is
saying, "All of you, put on a garment of a slave and take on
voluntary humility." He was relating this to the time when Jesus got on
His knees and washed the feet of His disciples. How does this apply to
us? We need to make a deliberate decision in our hearts to follow God's
Word and serve others. "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit
but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more
important than himself" (Philippians 2:3-4). We should be like Jesus
and treat others as more important than ourselves. That's a great
challenge because many of us without realizing it may consider
ourselves to be superior to others. It's a daily battle to fight
sinful pride in our lives. We've need to stop being self-centered,
self-righteous, and all the other `self'' word. We should change the
way we see ourselves because in all honesty, all that is good in us
is because of God's grace and mercy for apart from Him we are nothing
but wretched sinners.
Is there a valid reason why we should be humble? Peter
writes: "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to humble" (1
Peter 5:5c). The word `proud' is a compound word in Scripture, the
first part meaning above and the second part meaning to appear. So if
you put them together it means `to appear to be above.' We are proud
every time we think that we are better than other people. And God
hates the proud. Pride led Lucifer out of heaven. Pride removed
Nebuchadnezzar's sanity and resulted in him living like a wild beast
for seven years. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit
before stumbling. It is better to be of a humble spirit with the
lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud" (Proverbs 16:18-19).
Another reason to be humble is because God gives grace to
humble. Throughout the Bible, God gives victory to those who are
humble. For example, God told Gideon to use 300 men to fight 100,000
soldiers. God instructed Joshua to conquer Jericho by having the
Israelites walk around the city 1 time a day for 6 days, 7 times on
the 7th day and blow the trumpets and shout, a ridiculous strategy
from a human stand point. King Jehoshaphat was told by God how to
fight a war in which his army was greatly outnumbered. Logically
speaking, what God asked these men to do did not make any sense and
yet they submitted to Him and humbly obeyed Him. What was the result?
There was victory in their midst because God poured out His grace on
them. In the same way, we need to submit to God daily. There is
nothing greater than having the infinitely powerful and wise God on
our side. We must be humble and obedient to God just like Jesus
Christ was. "(Jesus) humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point
of death, even death on a cross. Therefore also God highly exalted Him,
and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name" (Philippians
Matthew 20:28, "Jesus said, "For even I, the Son of Man,
came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give My life
as a ransom for many." Humility does not come naturally. It is opposed
to everything our sinful nature wants us to do. Humility is a choice,
it's a decision you make on a daily basis by the power of the Holy
Spirit in your life. 1 Peter 5:6, "Humble yourself under the mighty
hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time!"
Plane Crash
Respect Your Elders
McDonalds Fishing
Drag Race
Funny Cats
Brave Dog
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>-->From Our Friend Tony :)
>End Times Part 1
I have been looking around the internet Christian web sites
and one or two chat rooms and it seems there is more and more
concern right now about the ‘end times’.
I also read MaryAnns post re all the things that are happening
all over the world.
I have to admit, I don’t dwell a great deal on the ‘end times’ but
perhaps I should.
I am not without my opinions, but I do try to allow oil to run on
troubled waters.
Some lists seem to be predomimently discussing the ‘who’ what’ and
whens’ of the end times.
Other lists actually ban discussion on the subject because it ‘thwarts’
Gods plans……little do they realize that God’s plans never get thwarted.
God isn’t destroying us… is, and he has been doing it for 6000
years. Some say we will continue to destroy ourselves for perhaps
another 6000 years but I personally doubt that.
No matter how much we are alerted to so called ‘evolution’ and holes in
the ozone layers big enough for our world to pass through, species
becoming extinct, people living shorter lives and more prolific killer
diseases entering into our lives etc… we just do what we always
do……ignore all the evidence.
The Bible tells us many things about the coming of the end.
Numerous ‘religions have their own versions of ‘when and where and how
and people even say’why’.? ‘why?…than ever before.
There is as much confusion nowadays as there must have been when ‘man’
built a high tower to ‘reach God’and God just decided right there and
then that ‘enough was enough’….and we all know the story……more confusion
than ever before!
Well, the Bible also tells us that know man will know the time nor the
hour of our future and so they will ignore what the prophets are
telling of or I should say ‘have told of’ because today we seem to have
an obvious lack…..of prophets. Even if we had…man hasn’t changed that
much since the days when a certain ‘prophet told them that the temple
would be cast down and not one stone would be left on top of another and
this prophet was Christ Himself and I am sure He wasn’t talking about
any other ‘temple’ but Himself and His Church YES! The Church will be
cast down……
The Disciples wanted signs of things He told them of…. and so would we,
if He sat amongst us! Math 24:3 talks of the end of an age, not
necessarily a physical age but I believe the ‘end’ really means the end
of ‘mans rule’ and until that happens there will be NO peace.
As for those who say we are living in the end times, they be just be
right… but that won’t happen till the seventh seal spoken of in
Revelations has been opened and I have a strong feeling we all know that
the time has come, and the Bible says that that period will last for 3
and a half years and in that time, it is said we will see the most
terrible wars and rumors of wars, cataclysms and catastrophies will be
all around us great nations shall be brought to their knees.
People, now is the time to plan your life as though the end could be
before you take your last breath…
Think seriously about where you heart lies and remember that YOU and
only YOU can look after your own salvation.
As for me and mine, well some of mine anyway…we try to live our lives
for God as hard or as easy sometimes, as it may be.
Those who choose to remain ignorant will have no hope, those who turn
their backs on the teachings of those who have remained faithful shall
feel the anger of God.
It is hopeless to wander round saying it doesn’t matter, one more sin
wont make any difference but it may be that at that moment and after the
time for you to repent has gone that you will see the proof you have
been waiting for. Don’t be one of them….
...Thank You Tony!
Here are some End Time teachings:
The Mystery Revealed
The New Birth
The Five Crowns
Hope Of The Return
Third Heaven And Earth
One thing that is a comfort to me Tony is God's Word! I find new
things in it to thrill me and make say wow! A new thing I recently
re-discovered was God's Promise to us after the flood. I found it
while doing this page...
While we are often reminded of God's promise to never flood the
earth again by giving us the rainbow to remind us, not much
importance was put on this part of God's promise...
Genesis 8:22
While The Earth Remaineth,
Seedtime And Harvest,
And Cold and Heat,
And Summer And Winter,
And Day And Night
Shall Not Cease.
Whenever God uses the word SHALL it means 'absolutely, without a doubt'
So this verse is telling us that ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT that as long
as the earth is here so will there be "Seed time, Harvest, Cold, Heat,
Summer, Winter, Day, And Night. God has decreed it. God says it, so it
is so. We are not going into a frozen tundra, or a hot wasteland or an
earth where people must live underground because of pollution or
depleted ozone or anything that the scare freaks what to scare us with.
Why? Because God Said So - That's good enough for me!
Praise God! Isn't He Good!
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good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :)
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