Blind Faith... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... AND For Google Plus Users: You can find me here... Shangy Bigham AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) + .-"-. * + ( / \ ) .-"-. ) + . |# | ( * / \ ( ) \___/ ) ( |# | ( ' * /^ ) \___/ ( * ' ( ^\ * ' . \ , , , , , ' \ + ) | | | | | ) . * . @%@%@%@%@%@%@ ( ) ( { happy } \ ( * ) * { birthday! } ) ( ( jgs %@%@%@%@%@%@%@% ) Today marks Paul's 65th birthday. I'm making him his favorite meal - Swiss steak with all the trimmings. If you want to, you can wish him a Happy Birthday on his Paul Bigham facebook page. :) -<>- >HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This flaming hot new page is from our friends Linda and PatDeE. This is something you will want to see! Possibly the first minivan! Give this one a view here... ________ /.--..--,\ //___||___\\___, #% / ,_, - ,_, \ jgs #%@# =(_/(_)\_____/(_)\__) 1936 Stout Scarab --- ...Loved it! Totally took me by surprise! Thanks Linda and PatDeE! -<>- >A New Recipe From Our Friend Norma :) She sent us one you can find under DESSERTS here... .-'"""""""\ |o\ __ ) | ;`----||-' / \ _||__ |::: ||`"""""`| |:::O|=\ /=, jgs `""""`'=`"""`==' EASIEST PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE By Norma --- ...Awesome! Thank You Norma! =========================================================== >-->From Archived 2005 Heartwarmers: >Hurricane Katrina: 10 Years Later _____ . '@(@@@@@@@)@. (@@) ` . ' (_____(_[h, . @@'((@@@@@@@@@@@)@@@@@)@@@@@@@)@ oo oo o @@(@@@@@@@@@@))@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)@@` . @.((@@@@@@@)(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@))@\@@@@@@@@@)@@@ . (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)@@@@@@@@@@@\\@@)@@@@@@@@) (@@@@@@@@)@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@@//@@@@@@@@@) ` __o .@(@@@@)##&&&&&(@@@@@@@@)::_=(@\\@@@@)@@ . .' /\ @@`(@@)###&&&&&!!;;;;;;::-_=@@\\@)@`@. _/| ` @@(@###&&&&!!;;;;;::-=_=@.@\\@@ ' ' / ,, ` @.#####&&&!!;;;::=-_= .@ \\ ` &@__, ####&&&!!;;::=_- _--_ ` " " ###&&!!;;:-_= `o--o' ,, ( __E_ ) ##&&!;::_= ~\/~----~ August 29, 2005 Early in the morning on August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. When the storm made landfall, it had a Category 3 rating on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale–it brought sustained winds of 100–140 miles per hour–and stretched some 400 miles across. -- SPECIAL HEARTWARMERS EDITION -- Under the worst of circumstances, Americans always rise to the occasion and become the most caring, the most compassionate and the most giving people on earth. With nearly 500,000 hurricane victims forced from their homes and jobs, their American neighbors are embracing the evacuees in an unprecedented show of support. Many of the victims have lost everything, and worse yet, some have been lost or separated from their families. However, citizens are hearing the call and not only opening their wallets, but are literally swinging the doors of their homes wide open to take in complete strangers. Today's story, from Barbara Hoffpauir, a Heartwarmer member from Lafayette, Louisiana, gives you a tremendous first hand report of what is happening there. It is a story of compassion that can be told countless times by those who have given, and received, needed help. Thank you Barbara for your efforts. And we thank everyone who has donated time, money and energy to the cause. With your unselfish efforts, America can turn this tragedy into an opportunity to build stronger and better lives. >RIPPLES OF GOODNESS by Barbara Hoffpauir This is such a difficult time for everyone here as we watch the accounts of devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina to our beloved Gulf Coast areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. There are so many homeless, so many who have died, and so many who are still trapped on rooftops and in attics with floodwaters continuing to rise. How difficult it must be to wonder, "Is someone coming or will I be left here to die?" There is no electricity, no water, and no food. The floodwaters are littered with debris, snakes, other reptiles, and dead bodies both from the recent tragedy and those unearthed by the storm. We have all heard the stories of looters ravaging unprotected businesses, and worse yet, some are shooting at the very people who are trying to rescue them and others. But I hope you all keep in mind that there is another side to this story that is not making its way into the news or headlines. Good and brave people are risking their lives every day, and thousands more are helping to feed, clothe, house, and comfort those who were able to evacuate and those who braved the storm, lost the battle, and are finally being rescued. That is the story I would like to tell you... My husband, John, and I went to bed on Sunday night, after hearing the weather forecast. As natives of south Louisiana, we had survived many hurricanes and we knew just by the tight formation of the eye of the hurricane that Louisiana was in for mass destruction. New Orleans would be spared, or so we hoped. Monday morning the sky here in Lafayette was dark and ominous, and there were only a few drops of rain as we made our way to work as usual -- John to Carencro, a small town about 10 miles to the north of Lafayette and myself to Abbeville, a small town about 20 miles southwest from Lafayette. To our east, however, things were much different. In Baton Rouge, our state capital located 50 miles to the east of us, my brother and sister-in-law were housing relatives from the New Orleans area. At 8am they lost electricity. Electrical power lines and trees littered several neighborhood roads, but most of the damage was relatively minor. The story was a lot different as you made your way eastward towards New Orleans, a mere 70 miles away from Baton Rouge (about 120 miles east of where we are), and on to Mississippi. Many residents had left their homes and headed west on I-10 either Saturday or Sunday. Others had gone to shelters in northern Louisiana. Thousands of people arrived in Lafayette expecting to find lodging at a major chain hotel. There were over three thousand confirmed reservations for a hotel that only has three hundred rooms. Hurricane Katrina had destroyed the computer system and hotels were full and there was no place to stay. Since there were no shelters open in Lafayette at the time, many parked in local business parking lots and spent the night there. One evacuee said they had traveled three miles in five hours despite the contra flow. (Contra flow is when both sides of the interstate are flowing in only one direction.) The evacuees were tired and in need of assistance. A local church was the first to open its doors to hundreds of people who had fled and were now stranded. The church pastor appeared on local television stations inviting those in need to find lodging and food at their facility. Local people donated cooked food and brought it to the church shelter the following morning to feed the evacuees. Lafayette soon opened the Cajun Dome and thousands flocked to the shelter. At last count there are over 6,000 people living in the Cajun Dome. A special needs shelter was opened near one of the local hospitals at the Heymann Center. At present it houses 140 patients. In Crowley, a small city in Acadia parish west of Lafayette, firemen distributed flyers to local hotels where evacuees stayed inviting them to come to the fire station for free meals. The local CBS television station reported that shelters were in need of supplies and local TV anchors stood on street corners collecting donations for the Red Cross. At last count, they had raised over $300,000. The ABC affiliate collecting for the United Way offered telephone numbers and email addresses for donations assuring viewers that all money would be used for victims of the hurricane. As John and I watched the broadcasts, a family of ten was featured. They were living in a small truck with a camper on the back. They were told the shelters were full, but had received diapers and meals from one of the hospitals. Unable to reach family members who stayed behind in the flood-ravaged area, they were fearful for their safety. They kept saying how thankful they were for the help they had received. By the end of the broadcast, however, officials at the Cajun Dome shelter had called the newsroom to inform the family there was room. In response to the call for supplies, John and I began to gather games left by our grown children and pulled books from our bookshelves. We stopped to buy supplies and then joined the caravan of vehicles delivering items to the shelter. Pain was evident on the face of each person donating as they unpacked their cars and vans. I watched a young couple who had car seats and strollers in the back of the van unload cases of diapers and formula for the evacuees. Each person asked himself or herself, "What would I need if this had happened to me?" The generosity of the community was overwhelming. Earlier in the day, Cajun Dome officials reported there had been only two small bags of supplies. By the time we reached the place to unload our car, they gladly accepted the bedding supplies, but they had so many books and toys they couldnąt accept anymore. The sidewalks leading to the Cajun Dome were overflowing with donated items -- bedding, toys, and stuffed animals peered out of the boxes. My husband looked at me and said, "How about the special needs shelter?" So off we drove to another shelter. Here again, people were dropping off supplies. Shortly after we began gathering supplies, an old friend called. "Barb," she said as her voice broke, "I need a really huge favor. I need a place to live." Iąd known Deb years before when she lived in our community. "Absolutely! How are you, and where are you now?" She told me they were in Florida vacationing when they learned the hurricane was headed for New Orleans. They had just completed their dream home in Slidell, just off of Lake Ponchitrain and northeast of New Orleans. I wish I could describe the look on their faces as I opened the door to let them in today. It was the desperate look of someone who feels they have lost everything. Even their dog seemed to sense something was wrong. Evidence of the power of this massive hurricane was everywhere. She said, "We saw a row of pine trees that were chopped off at the trunks all at the same height. It looked like someone had deliberately cut them that way." Louisiana is known as The Sportsman's Paradise. Many of its residents own boats for recreation. On Wednesday, a call for help went out to request assistance from owners of flat bottom boats to assist with rescue efforts. Over 300 people with more than 200 boats showed up at 4am at the Acadiana Mall in Lafayette to participate. Sadly, most of them were sent home having purchased supplies, gas, and traveling the distance to New Orleans on I-10. They were disappointed, but due to the size of the boats or the inability to safely manage that many rescuers they could not be used. Relatives, Tim and Debbie Ann, live south of New Orleans in Belle Chase. She called today to say that they are all OK. They had escaped to Florida. Their daughter and grandchildren are with them and they have heard from neighbors who weathered the storm in their area. But they canąt go home because the roads leading there are impassable. Tim's employer has decided to move the company to Houston and they'll probably be moving there soon. She and her sister, Jocelyn, work for the school board. She said, "Weąve lost three schools in our area which provided education to over a thousand children. No one knows if they'll have a job when we get back. I called the insurance carrier and told them I couldn't send the payment for the employees and wanted to know what I should do. They said not to worry about it." She continued, "Barb, the gulf used to be about 90 miles from my house. Now it's only 20." Port Sulphur and Fort Jackson are completely underwater. People are just thankful to be alive and so grateful for all the help they are getting. Debbie Ann told me her sister evacuated to Abbeville. She said everyone there had been so kind. "Jocelyn said that they have only had to buy one meal since they've been in Abbeville. Everyone has been so nice to them." Alexandria, in central Louisiana, has opened its coliseum to evacuees. There are approximately 8,000 evacuees in Alexandria at last report. Many families initially rented hotel rooms to flee the storm, but they can no longer afford the cost. They are forced to check into the shelters. My nephew, Matthew, is in the process of setting up a database to be able to communicate with the other shelters. Families have been separated. So many have no idea where their relatives have been relocated. The Jewish temple is housing displaced workers who stayed behind at area New Orleans hospitals to care for the patients. These employees were told by the hospitals that if they stayed they could bring their families to the hospitals to ride out the storm. Sleeping on the floor of the temple with nothing but the clothes on their backs, they are grateful to be alive. My brother, Henry, and sister-in-law, Betty, along with other residents have furnished bedding. Betty says, "I went through and washed all the sheets to make sure they smelled nice. One lady said, 'This smells so good. It smells like home'." Matthew's wife, Buffy, has taken the task of furnishing toys and coloring books to the children, many of whom are reported to be so traumatized that they continue to cling to their parents. Betty is participating in "story time" to entertain the kids. All parishes have opened their doors to school students displaced by the storm to make sure their lives continue as normally as possible. In New Iberia, Beverly, my sister-in-law, reports a locally owned funeral home has been turned into a shelter. Prior to this people were sleeping in the parks and in their cars. As Beverly was buying items to bring to the shelter, the cashier whispered, "They need personal items." Beverly responded, "Oh, you mean soap and deodorant." "No ma'am," the cashier responded shyly, "feminine things." Beverly filled her cart with tampons and pads. When she arrived at the shelter, the ladies all gathered around her. They had been embarrassed to admit what they needed. She emailed, "NOT ONCE did any of these evacuees demand anything. They had divided into groups. Men were the clean up unit, women were assigned cooking, cleaning and such. The older children were entertaining the younger. This was set up by a church and funeral home. Everyone had a job to do and everyone took care of each other. They pooled their money to buy things to cook. The pastor told me that he didn't believe in letting them just sit and become depressed. Before I left, the kids were handed garbage bags and were told that the one who picked up the most garbage would get a prize. They all ran out and, honey, there was practically no grass when they finished! They were all declared winners and each given a slice of gum. These kids were so excited and from that moment on they were on the lookout. Yes, I will be cleaning closets all night long. This pack rat is going to part with her 70s and 80s wardrobe and shoes and even some purses. I suddenly felt guilty for having so much and I realized today that I live with a bottle of water in my hand. I no longer drink carbonated drinks. I felt so guilty for having so much, so I will share." Chris, my son and his wife, Amanda, have recently moved near Houston, Texas. They haven't sold their old home yet and called to offer it to anyone who might need a place to live. My daughter, Naomi, and Thom, her husband, live near Denver, Colorado. She said she has been inundated by calls from people wanting to know what they can do. An acquaintance offered one of his rental properties in Denver to someone in need "until they can get back on their feet again." Rachel, my daughter who is also an RN, has volunteered to work overtime due to the influx of patients being evacuated from New Orleans and the surrounding areas. On days off, she and friends are planning to volunteer, as am I, at local shelters in need of nurses. Her husband, Colin, will be doing the same in whatever capacity they allow. My youngest daughter, Bridget, and her husband, Ian, report that Boise, Idaho has raised over $50,000, and plans to send supplies for those evacuated and rescued. Prayers are being said all over the world. The overwhelming outpouring of goodness that is being displayed by people everywhere is overshadowed by the relatively small amount of bad. That spirit of neighbor helping neighbor is what Louisiana has always been about. Itąs what visitors here call Southern Hospitality. For us, it's just called a way of life. Despite the efforts of so many, there is always more to be done. This is not a problem that will go away in a few days or a few months. Rebuilding of property, finances, and most of all, spirit, will take many years. I urge you to do anything that you can to help with relief efforts by donating money and supplies or volunteering at local shelters according to your ability. Most importantly, remember to keep us all in your prayers. At times like these, it is the efforts of all of us that cause a ripple of goodness. Thank you all, wherever you may be located, for all that you do and may God bless you for all your kindness. -- Barbara Hoffpauir ___________________________________________ Barb is lives in Lafayette, located in Southwest Louisiana. She says, "I've been married to my best friend, John, for 32 years, and we have four wonderful children who are also happily married. Almost ten years ago, I was lucky enough, to fulfill my dream to become a registered nurse at the age of 41." =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Jacinto :) . . .-. . _ * _ . * / \ (( _/ \ * . _ . .--'\/\_ \ ` / \ * ___ * / \_ _/ ^ \/\'__ /\/\ /\ __/ \ * / \ / .' _/ / \ *' / \/ \/ .`'\_/\ . . /\/\ /\/ :' __ ^/ ^/ `--./.' ^ `-.\ _ _:\ _ / \/ \ _/ \-' __/.' ^ _ \_ .'\ _/ \ . __/ \ /\ .- `. \/ \ / -. _/ \ -. `_/ \ / `._/ ^ \ / `-.__ ^ / .-'.--' . / `--./ .-' `-. `-. `. - `. @/ `. / / `-. / .-' / . .' \ \ \ .- \% @&8jgs@@%% @)&@&(88&@.-_=_-=_-=_-=_-=_.8@% &@&&8(8%@%8)(8@%8 8%@)% @88:::&(&8&&8:::::%&`.~-_~~-~~_~-~_~-~~=.'@(&%::::%@8&8)::&#@8:::: `::::::8%@@%:::::@%&8:`.=~~-.~~-.~~=..~'8::::::::&@8:::::&8:::::' `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.' >Quotes Whatever happens just relax and manage to make a smile, LIFE is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be enjoyed. Make everyday your best day! Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. ~ Elbert Hubbard People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ~ Maya Angelou The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. ~ Chinese proverb "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes "Look, I don't want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you're alive you've got to flap your arms and legs, you've got to jump around a lot, for life is the very opposite of death, and therefore you must at very least think noisy and colorfully, or you're not alive." ~ Mel Brooks If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today. ~ Joyce Chapman I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them. ~ Pablo Picasso Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat. ~ Malcolm Forbes Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy. ~ Robert Half When the archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim -- improve yourself. ~ Gilbert Arland I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. ~ Jimmy Dean --- ...Great advice! Thanks Jass! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: _ _ H / \ / \ \( | | | .-| OOOO| | | |_| ___OOOO|_|_|___|_ |____OO___________| j/\/\/O/\/\/\/\/\/| g\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| s/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| \\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ `'============='` >Picnic in the park By Bob Perks "Summer has just begun and already they are talking Fall," the old man said. "Why do we rush life?" I asked. "Because we always want to be somewhere else," he said. "Somewhere ahead in time where we think things will be better than they are right now." "So we never live in the here and now. We live in the future," I added. "Some live in the past. You see, they thought back then that today would be better. It isn't. Defeated now by broken dreams, they see no future, hate the present and have decided what they had years ago was the best they could do," he said. Looking at this man you would think he never let go of the past. He was dressed in a long sleeve white cotton shirt and pants, red suspenders, blue bow tie and yes, a straw hat with a blue band around it. His white hair, long enough to hold a wave around his ears, and slightly over his shirt collar, was clean, bright and well kept. "So where are you today?" he asked. "Right now I am here speaking with you and enjoying every minute of it." He smiled. "But I'll admit there are times when "being here" isn't good enough. I guess I float back and forth. I've enough great moments in the past to get me through some present day challenges and enough hopes and dreams to find myself lost in thoughts of tomorrow," I told him. "Someone once told me that it's okay to look back at yesterday, just don't sit there and stare," he said with a chuckle. "The best place to be is here." "What about you? Where are you today?" I asked him. We were interrupted just then, by the sweet sounds of a young girl approaching. "Grandpa! Grandpa!" He stood up and waved shouting "Over here, my love!" "That is my grandchild and my daughter. Today, right now, I will not think of yesterday, nor will I dream about tomorrow. Today is Friday and we shall picnic in the park." I sat there a moment longer and watched them walk down to the lake, picnic basket in hand. He was right. The best place to be was here. But oddly, I could see it all. There was the past, present and future right there before my eyes. So, where are you today? Why not "picnic in the park." "I believe in you!" Bob Perks Copyright (c) 2003, Bob Perks. I encourage you to share my stories with your friends but, when copying I ask that you keep my name and contact information attached along with this notice. Use of this story for commercial purposes is prohibited without direct permission from the author. -<>- _.-''''-._ .' `. : `. : : : : : : : : `. : _..-''-._ .-`. `-. .' `. .'.--. .---._ `. ; ; ..' `' `. : ; _ : .''. .''. : ; .' `.: .-. ; .-. ; ; ; : :--. :_:' :_:' .'_.--. ; .'`._.' `. .-' `. .' : `._ _.' : .---. : ``--`` `. .' ` .' `. _.' _ _.' ``-..__...---''; .'_.' `._`-._`' .' .'`` jgs `-._```_.-' ``` >Violet Carl Our family had two reasons to be excited about our vacation. First, we were flying across the United States to Los Angeles; home to Hollywood, The Beach Boys and Disneyland. Second we would be visiting my Uncle and his family for the first time in many years. We were eagerly anticipating many memorable experiences. Our vacation was wonderful, but the best part of the whole trip was a surprise; it was the opportunity of getting to know my cousin, Carl. Carl greeted us within moments after we arrived. "Hi, cousin Larry. Would you like to see my house?" He then gave us a complete tour. In the living room, he showed us the game table where he played with his dad. We saw the den where he watched movies and stored his wrestling magazines. But the best part of the house was his bedroom where most of his prized treasures were stored. There were pictures and memorabilia everywhere showing Carl with various celebrities. We heard about a chance meeting with Elvis Presley and saw a photograph of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team signed by each player. There were albums filled with letters and pictures of family and friends. Then, Carl turned to me and asked: "Larry, why haven't you sent any pictures or letters?" What could I say? "Carl, I didn't know how important they were to you. We'll send some family pictures when we go home. I am really sorry. Will you forgive me?" Carl flashed the sweetest smile I've ever seen and said, "Of course, I forgive you Larry, we're family." Carl has Down Syndrome, a genetic condition caused by the body having too many chromosomes. Symptoms include varying degrees of developmental delays. We don't know yet what causes Down Syndrome but we do know that nearly one in every thousand babies have it. That's a lot of folks. Some would say Carl is impaired. They are so wrong. Carl is different, but different is not impaired. Kay Drais, the mother of a child with Down Syndrome wrote: "Indulge me for a moment and imagine yourself to be a violet growing smack dab in the middle of a beautiful bed of daisies. And all of your (short) life, the multitude of daisies surrounding you seem frustrated that you are different. They try endlessly and to the best of their abilities to turn you into a daisy, despite the fact you aren't a daisy and never will be. Have you ever picked up a violet and wished that it were a daisy instead? Shouldn't you be glad of its violet-ness and that be sufficient? Is it any different with people?" Carl is a beautiful violet surrounded by a field of daisies. Yet, I could not help but feel that Carl is one of the fortunate ones. A loving family that provides for his every need surrounds him. He is nurtured and encouraged to learn and develop at his own pace, all within a safe and wholesome environment. One question bothered me: "Where would Carl go if anything happened to his mom and dad?" Recently, I was asked to write an article for Heart Havens, a ministry of the United Methodist church in Virginia, which is building homes for persons with disabilities who no longer have anyone to care for them. These are residential homes designed to hold four residents plus staff support. Virginia alone has more than 5,000 people on various waiting lists who desperately need this kind of support. In each home, residents will be nurtured and encouraged to develop at their own pace, all within a safe and wholesome environment. Just like my "violet" cousin, Carl receives from his parents. Our church and many others throughout the area will be working together with Heart Havens to build such a home for the "violets" who live within our own community. This project will take a lot of work and cost some money, but every time I see Carl's sweet smile, I know: It's the right thing to do. The night before we left Los Angeles, Carl and his dad were lying on the floor in the living room watching TV. At one point, Carl scooted closer and gently put his head on dad's shoulder and whispered, "I love you." Together arm in arm, father and son created a magic moment that turned out to be the highlight of my vacation and a critical lesson on the real meaning of "love." © Reverend Larry Davies -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Love Test!- Best Parents!- Think Positive!- Thank You Lord!- Are Angels Real?- Animal Friends 3!- Rescued Squirrel!- Maria The Goose!- Maxine On Fall!- The Blue Ribbon Maxine On Jesus!- Would You Care?- Adam In Paradise!- Who Is This Jesus?- Cat In A Box!- Value What You Have!- -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) A stand alone performance --- ...LOL! This was tremendous! Loved it! Thanks Melody! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) She sent us one we have here... If you were injured, you'd know exactly what to do. You'd find a doctor or go to a clinic or hospital. If it was bad, you or somebody else would need to call 911. But for wild animals, finding rescue isn't that easy. Watch what one dolphin did when it was caught in a fishing line. A beautiful and impressive 'Russian Style' magic act performed by Valeriy Bastrakov at the French television show The World's Greatest Cabaret. Watch some younger drivers get frustrated when they encounter a Geriatric Crosswalk. This little old grandma has a lot of ground to cover before she reaches the crosswalk and she's not moving very fast. Some of the drivers display some kindness and patience while the very last one is just plain obnoxious. Thankfully it was all Just For Laughs. This clip of an Old Lady Crossing The Road always makes me laugh when I see what happens to the obnoxious and rude guy driving the fancy Mercedes. This funny video clip is an Internet classic as it's been on YouTube practically from the start. I hope his car insurance didn't cover his air bag being deployed. It's no secret that cats love boxes, and there are plenty of YouTube videos that prove it. But this is no ordinary "cats-in-boxes" video. This one takes it to the next level. Watch and enjoy this 5x4 box grid made just for cats. --- ...Pretty awesome! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- >From Our Friend Bunni :) She sent us one we have here... Yes they have feelings too... --- ...A sad one indeed! Thanks Bunni! -<>- >From Our Friend Fran :) She sent us one we have here... Remember the Guy that Wouldn't take the Flag down in his yard? Here's His Story... --- ...A great hero! Thanks Fran! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) To Live In The 1920's - YouTube The Lord's Prayer --- ...Thanks Melody! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: ..:::::.. .:::::::::::. ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::_/|::::::: ::::=/_/::::::: `:_/ |::::::' ( / ,|:::'' \_/^\/||__ _/~ `""~`"` \_ __/ -'/ `-._ `\_\__ /jgs /-'` `\ \ \-.\ >The Eagle and the Wolf (By David Edwards from the book, "One Step Closer") [Edited] On the wall of a correctional center in Atlanta, a poem written in grease pencil caught my eye. It read: "The Eagle And The Wolf There's a battle between the eagle and the wolf. The eagle inside of me represents everything that is good and pure. And even though it soars through the valleys, it still lays its eggs on the mountain tops. There's a wolf inside of me. And the wolf preys upon my weaknesses and justifies itself in the presence of the pack. Who will win the war between the eagle and the wolf?" There was a big space and then there were the following words written by someone else: "The one that you feed." I'll never forget the power of those words scrawled on that wall. Who wins the battle for your mind? The one you choose to feed. Who wins the battle between right and wrong? The one you choose to feed. What thoughts are you feeding? Are you filling your life with God's truth, or are you feeding it a steady diet of TV, materialism, and out-of-control habits. It's easy to become desensitized and conformed to this world. But God calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, to take every thought captive, and to be doers of the Word. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:1-2 NIV) -<>- ______ '-._ ```"""---.._ ,-----.:___ `\ ,;;;, '-.._ ```"""--.._ |,%%%%%% _ , '. `\;;;; -\ _ _.'/\ .' `-.__ \ ,;;;;" .__{=====/_)==:_ || ,===/ ```";,,,,,,,;;;;;'`-./.____,'/ / '.\/ '---/ ';;;;;;;;' `--.._.' / ,===/ '-. `\/ '---/ ,'`. | ; __.-' \ ,' jgs \______,,.....------'''`` `---` >Nothing Can Separate Us (By Joe Diaz) "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" - (Romans 8:38-39). God's love goes way beyond any human love you have ever experienced! People may come and go from your life, but God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Human love may be conditional, but God's love is supernatural; it's unconditional, and it knows no limits. There's nothing you can do to earn His love and nothing you can do to stop His love. The scripture tells us that His love is patient and kind, His love believes the best in you. His love redeems and restores you. No matter what you've been told or what you may think about yourself today, you are His most prized possession. There's nothing that can separate you from His love! Remember, faith is activated by love. As you allow Him to flood you with His love, your faith will be ignited, and you'll be empowered to live the abundant life He has for you! Prayer: "Father in heaven, thank You for loving me and setting me free. Thank You for working in my life and restoring the broken places. Everything I have I surrender to You. Fill me with Your perfect love. In Jesus' Name. Amen." -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >The Secret to Contentment in Life (By Kerry S. Doyal) [Edited] Secrets are fun! Secrets are power. And, as Mom always said, "Secrets are for sharing." Allow me to share one with you. It has to do with contentment, life satisfaction and joy. This is a "fun" and powerful secret that we all need to know and is worth sharing. But first, let me tell you who told me. One might think such a special spiritual inside-scoop would come from a billionaire in a Penthouse suite - someone who has made it. Can I interest you in pulling up a chair to listen to a jailbird, a repeat offender no less? Who couldn't claim contentment in comfortable settings? But to know joy in jail, contentment in confinement, life with little... What's their secret? In jail again, the Apostle Paul is still joyous and content (Philippians 1:20-21; 4:4). His fellow missionary Epaphoditus has just returned from Philippi with a gift to help him in his ministry and imprisonment (probably house arrest in Rome). Writing a thank you note - the New Testament letter of Philippians - gives Paul a chance to challenge the Philippian church to be people of joy in all of life's circumstances. Having learned contentment, he now shares his secret. Listen in: Phil.4: [10] But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. [11] Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. [13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Their thoughtfulness prompted Paul to "mega-rejoice" in the Lord. Being remembered does that for people. Yet, as thankful as he was, he wants them to know that his joy was not due to their gift. Though it will help, it is not why he is contented. This sets up a teachable moment, his secret: contentment in all circumstances, being able to thrive no matter what. He has learned to live with a little: being hungry and hurting. Indeed, history tells he knew deprivation, beatings, unjust imprisonment and abuse. Yet, in such settings - nay, verily - through such settings, Christ taught him contentment. We should take note. He has also learned something else though: being content when we have a lot. Isn't it funny how being stuffed and supplied can make us still crave more? Ironically, it may be actually be harder to stay joyous and faithful when you have few needs. Yet, even in abundance, he has learned contentment, life satisfaction. The secret of contentment is Christ and His enabling. As Paul penned: 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Whatever settings Jesus puts me in -hard or soft, rough or restful - I can do it through Him and his help. This is not a new theme. He had already written that though he might be executed: "For me to live is Christ and die is gain" (1:20, 21). Not one to keep a secret - Mom would be so proud - Paul told the persecuted believers of Galatia the same thing: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." His life was one of faith in Jesus, God's Son, who gave Himself for us (Galatians 2:20). Paul blabbed it again to the Corinthian church. God told Paul three times that His grace in Christ is sufficient to handle life's challenges. God's power is made known to us in our weakness. He makes our puniness into places of power (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). To the Colossians, loose-lips Paul slipped: We serve and strive in ministry through His power, which powerfully works in us (Colossians 1:28, 29; see 2 Peter 1:2-11; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20). Christ Himself is the secret to contentment. Our means of joy is Jesus. It is the Savior who satisfies and fortifies us for life's difficulties and daily-ness. Whatever Christ calls you to do, He enables - if it leads to riches or even if it leads to death (Phil. 1:6, 20, 21). "For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need" (NLT). If Christ is not enough for you, what will be? Whatever you answer is your true God. (For further help, study Psalms 37 & 73; 1 Timothy 6; Hebrews 13:5, 6.) Look at the bodacious promise Paul made the Philippians. Consider its context and thank God for His provisions. "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (4:19 - NIV). Whatever life setting you are in, God can give you joy and He will provide what you need to do what He wants you to do! Do you live out this sacred secret? Are you content? SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ============================================================ >-->From Our Friend Geniann :) >Blind Faith ,_ , /^\\ //\ | \\ // \ | || ,==. // | \ ||.=~////"=,|| / /(\ /////////\\\\\ /) (/(((///`~\\\\\)))\\///\ (//)))/_.-"")))\\((//((()) (((((((_.-"///"")).`')\\(\\ )))())' ((( ( './//))) (////~/ )) (((/(/ /)///` ( ))\(( `//(/_ '._ _.' _\\\ ((((/^\ '. .' /^\))) (\)\\__\ ' ' /__/(( )))\ ' ' /))) )//)/| ' ' |((( //))))/\ : : / )) (((((\\| : : | ( \\)\\\| : : | )))))| _.--'''--._ | /(/// \.' _____ './ (JGS( / .-': :'-. \ ))) \.' . . './ (( | . . | ) |/ '. .' \| //( )\\ \\/ \// `\ ''' /` '.__.__.' `"""` An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area. Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse named Buddy. He hitched Buddy up to the car and yelled, “Pull, Nellie, pull!” Buddy didn’t move. Then the farmer hollered, “Pull, Buster, pull!” Buddy didn’t respond. Once more the farmer commanded, “Pull, Coco, pull!” Nothing. Then the farmer nonchalantly said, “Pull, Buddy, pull!” And the horse easily dragged the car out of the ditch. The motorist was most appreciative and very curious. He asked the farmer why he called his horse by the wrong name three times. The farmer said, “Oh, Buddy is blind, and if he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn’t even try!” --- ...Thanks Genainn! _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` Isn't this so true of many of us. If we think we are the only ones doing something, we get frustrated and wore out and give up. God understands us and tells us we are not alone - not ever - never. Jesus said... John 16: [32] Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. And this is what Jesus wanted for us too - to have the Father with us... John.17: [20] Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; [that's us - today's Christians] [21] That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. [22] And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: [23] I in them, and thou in me, [God In Christ in Us] that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. [24] Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. Col.1: [27] To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: So we know we can do all things because Christ is in us and strengthens us. We are never alone. Also it is good to know that we have many brothers and sisters in Christ. Over 2.5 BILLION today say they are Christians! That's a lot of 'Christs' walking around to hold the devil down! I cannot imagine how horrible it must have been in the days of Noah and Lot when their stand with their little family was pretty much the only ones standing in Faith with God. Today we have God in Christ in us every single moment of every single day. We are not like in the Old Testament times where only certain Holy men or woman got to have God's spirit placed on them. We are as God put it... 1 Peter 2: [9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: [10] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Gal.3: [26] For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. [27] For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. [28] There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. [29] And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. ================================================================= _....._ '. .-'` | `. ><---------|---) .' `-.,_ |_,' jgs ````` >A Vastly Improved Outlook Story Editor: by The Traveler Joyce Schowalter California, USA My siblings had planned this spring 2004 pack trip through the Grand Canyon for two years. I was breaking up with a man I adored, yet no way would I miss this trip. Mr. Wonderful called the day before the trip to say he wasn't going -- so I should make my own arrangements to get to Arizona from California. That was something of a problem. I'm far from wealthy, and my 52-year-old eyeballs aren't up to driving in unfamiliar territory. But a family edict is a family edict: I made it. The canyon was spectacular, the weather perfect, the company a hoot. Although we're all middle-aged and several decades from our last wilderness experience together, we comported ourselves quite competently. Sore, tired, yet full of a sense of having accomplished a small miracle, we gathered at a restaurant back on top of the canyon rim for a celebratory dinner. Halfway through, my brother-in-law looked me square in the eye and said, "We're not taking you to the airport." I was flabbergasted! We'd all met in Phoenix, and driven four hours into the canyon together. One naturally assumed we'd return to the airport to catch our respective flights home together. Apparently my flight, an hour and a half before the others, would entail everyone leaving at 9:30 a.m. versus 11 AM, and that just wouldn't work for them. Or something. Eccentric family dynamics notwithstanding, there was neither taxi service nor shuttle vans from the canyon to the airport. I'd just spent the week backpacking. I had no cash. My credit card was maxed out. My sibs were unsympathetic. I was broke, physically exhausted and spiritually drained. And I was stranded. In tears, I walked back to the hotel to try to figure out how to get home. I walked into the lobby at night, totally distraught. The woman at the front desk noticed my sniveling and asked what was wrong. When I told her, she went into action. Roberta W grabbed a phone and started calling. The Phoenix tour bus wasn't running, so she called her son. He couldn't get away to drive me, so she called a co-worker. As I watched slack-jawed, she arranged to switch shifts with him the next morning. "Be here at eight tomorrow, I'll take you. Go get some sleep." She showed up on the dot, and gathered my stuff into her van. I'll bypass the personal travails this dear woman was dealing with, and the challenges she's overcome. The long drive into Phoenix was filled with her wonderful stories and cheerful observations. Not only did I make my flight in plenty of time, I did so with a vastly improved outlook on life and its vicissitudes. I've no idea what motivates a person to spend her day off driving across a state in aid of a clueless stranger, but Ms Whitt's astounding generosity put the previous evening's pettiness into a perspective I have not forgotten. I'd like to publicly thank her for the lesson she imparted. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: __ _ / \_/ ) \ ` `\ ; a `-. | ) \ _..' /` <._._ / .'';_;'` \ .' : _/ / '. __..-` / | | \/\ \._ \ \ | ``--J \ | / \ | jgs \__.'-._____.' >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY Chris was driving her granddaughter to high school recently when they nearly hit a man on a bicycle. It shook Chris up so much that she began a litany of "Thank you, God! Thank you, God, that I did not hit that man!" She had forgotten about her 5-year-old foster son sitting in the back seat until she heard him say, "Bow your head, Grandma, me pray!" She laughed and said, "Silly! Grandma can't bow her head just now because she's driving." He repeated, "Me pray!" Then he began, "Thank you, God. Man ride bicycle real fast. Grandma not hit him. Amen!" Touched, Chris said, "Thank you, Dayton." He replied, "Welcome, Grandma. 'Morrow you drive... me pray!" -- Christine M. Smith of Oklahoma A number of years ago, Jerry and his wife pulled into a grocery story parking lot. She ran inside to get something and Jerry stayed in the car with their sons, ages 8 and 11 at the time. Three elderly women pulled up in a car beside them. Troy exclaimed, "Hey, Dad, look! The Golden Girls!" (Fortunately the windows were up!) -- Jerry Hochstetler of Ligonier, Indiana __..._.-. .-._...__ /.-. '-.) (.-' .-.\ \', \ / ,'/ | o'--D c--'a | \ / | | \ / ;._ _\ '-/ \-' /_ _.; .' __ `\`.-"-. .-"-.`/` __ '. .' .' '.|' ' '|.' '. '. / \ '._, ,_.' / \ ; '-._ \ / _.-' ; (| /'-.__/ \__.-'\ |) \ __ ,' '-. .-' ', __ / `/ `\.-'| '.' |'-./` \` | | '-. .-' | | | '-. ) ( .-' | jgs \ )-' '-( / '-----' '-----' Caleb, 4, was playing with his niece Emilee, 1, and singing songs, which she thought was funny. Even though it is September, he was singing "Deck the Halls." He sang, "Deck the halls with boughs of lolly..." His mom asked what "lollies" are and he said, "Mom, lollies are lollipops!" -- Patricia Stover (mother of Caleb) of Red House, West Virginia Being pregnant can seem like a never-ending experience, especially for a little boy waiting for a new brother or sister. Jonah, 5, was watching his mother go through her maternity clothes and he told his father that, "Mommy is sorting out her eternity clothes!" -- Neil Grepke (father of Jonah) of Kendallville, Indiana ,===,._ | `", | / ,-..-"-.=-,,_/ /,- \.""-`\ )_ \_ - '--' \ / 0 __0 7_/ |/ _ (__) \ /`| |/(@) |` _.-"\-; '. \ # \/ /'_.-" \ \ `)\ .="#,_ __ _,'` ;-'-.`) __`;.#/|/ \/ \. | /` # | () |\ _.-"`` | .--# |'--' `-`\|-'` \ / `)\ `./ \| '. | .-#\ \ \ \ `\__/# \ |_ /`-. /| / # \|`-` . ` } / .#-, | ; ,} / / # `' , .} / /`\ # _,-' //` `#_ ,--'{ (( _,;` { } jgs `""` / } { ,-'` } `-._ .' _,-``, `\ (_(_(_.' `-.__)_)/ Chelsee, 4, was looking up at the roof. She asked her dad if he could "get that thing" down from the roof. He asked, "What thing?" She replied, "That behind!" (She was pointing to a beehive!) -- Julie Wolf (mother of Chelsee) of Woodbury, Minnesota Christopher, 4, had been having a tough time behaving. At bedtime, he asked for a candy bar. His mother said, "You may have one bite of a candy bar. If you behave better tomorrow, you can eat more of the candy bar." She handed him the candy bar. Christopher put his hands together and prayed, "God, make my mouth big because I only get one bite tonight!" -- Lisa (mother of Christopher) of Syracuse, New York Every morning when Tammy takes her son Julian, 4, to pre-kindergarten, he will help by shutting the front door while his mother loads his 21-month-old twin sisters in the car. Every morning Tammy has to remind Julian to shut the door hard because if she doesn't remind him it doesn't close completely. One morning when she said, "Shut the door hard!" he replied, "Like a teenager?" Then she heard a slam, which shook the whole house. Julian happily skipped to the car, saying, "OK, Mom, I shut it like a teenager!" -- Tammy Altus of Oklahoma __.....__ .-"""-.-"`.- -.`"-.-"""-. / .--, .-. .-. , --. \ | / / ( o_)_(_o ) \ \ | | \_, ; '==`( )`==' ; ,_/ | \ ; "` '.' `" ; / `'--`'. -; . .'`--'` ;-._`'----'_.-; / / `'---'` \ \ / / \ \ / ; ; \ / | .----. | \ _,|`'; ' ;'`|,_ (_ | \ : / | _) (_\ \._ ' _./ /_) \ |.'-.....-'.| / jgs '.__/ \__.' Kailey, 3, has been blessed with a new baby sister. Kailey has been a little jealous of her new sister. One day their mother took the baby for a ride in the stroller. The baby decided she didn't like being in the stroller and she started screaming to be picked up. Kailey asked if she could ride in the stroller, because she liked it. Her mother said, "Where would we put the baby?" Kailey's response: "Put her back in your tummy!" -- Judy McKnight (grandmother of Kailey and newborn Kaitlyn) of Germantown, Maryland One evening, when Kelly was about 2, she kept pointing to the salad her mother had made and said, "More cute numbers, Mama, more cute numbers!" She was referring to the cucumbers. Kelly is now a 20-year-old college student and she still loves salad with "cute numbers!" -- Andrea (mother of Kelly) of Pennsylvania /\,%,_ \%%%/,\ _.-"%%|//% .' .-" /%%% _.-'_.-" 0) \%%% /.\.' \%%% \ / _, %%% `"---"~`\ _,*'\%%' _,--""""-,%%, )*^ `""~~` \%%%, _/ \%%% _.-`/ |%%,___ _.-" / , , ,|%% .`\ /\ / / `\ \%' \ / \ \ _,/ /`~-._ _,`\ \`""~~` `"` /-.,_ /' `~"----"~ `\ \ jgs \___,' \.-"`/ `--' Lesley Rebecca, 5, was the flower girl at her uncle's wedding. She wore a floor-length blue dress. With her blonde hair to her waist, she was a real charmer. After the ceremony, the priest knelt down in front of Lesley and said, "You are a very pretty little girl." She shifted from foot to foot, smiled demurely and replied, "I've always been pretty!" (She is 34 now and the mother of Madison and Koen who have been in past Kidwarmer columns.) -- Dennis Smith (father of Lesley) of Oak Ridge, North Carolina Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference as the source. ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Fran :) .-.*_, {*(,\}/___ .-"-, `;)@\*|" `", _.' \ '((/; | .-' | *;-.=-=-=._ .;-, | __;____..---/' -,\ ; .--';`_ __.-'` _/ / / `;---'__0 \ .' | / (__) \ _.' _.-,_ { |-'` ({\*,;) \,'-`-' /' /*(@-'}) ___",_ __ __,;`.--, \_,'-;}`.' `'."".,---.._, ) / _`) |`----'`( (= /`-._ / ', \ =";`--'\ '=. /| ()() | | /` / |\ '. ` | ()@()* | ,_/.=\ .; | | '. /-' -##@() \ || '--'/| \ \ \`-` ##)@() '.||_,.--'/ / / ) |/ *`(\A/)() || { |.'.| /_.'./ .-.* { >*< }*) |/ { | (\A/) @(/V\)()@() /{ \___{ >*< }()()##()()*{ { \ / ###(/V\)()@()(####\) | `--.. ,' #########()()##### { / <><><><><><><><><> \ | | ; \ / jgs \ | / _.-'` { `-. .' } .`\ `.-' _.-'`'-._ \' `"""` `""""` >The Lord is Listening! The Lord is always listening... When you stop to pray! He'll give you the strength and courage To face each day! His love will never fail you! It gives you strength anew! It works within the heart... To bring His peace to you! In times of trials and sorrows... You'll find Him always near! To help you through your trials... And fill your heart with cheer! No need to live in despair. Don't waist another day! Arm yourself with faith and trust, And don't forget to pray. -R.L. Bob Duncan --- ...A good one! Thanks Fran! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************