Building Your Life... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press! :) Today's too hot to handle page comes from a forward from our friend Brenda. It is sure to touch your funny bone as it did mine! Check it out here... _ (_) _ _ .=. (_) (_) _ //(`)_ //`\/ |\ 0`\\ ||-.\_|_/.-|| )/ |_____| \( _ 0 #/\ /\# 0 (_) _| o o |_ _ ((|, ^ ,|)) (_) `||\_/||` || _ || _ | \_/ | (_) 0.__.\ /.__.0 `._ `"` _.' jgs / ; \ \ 0'-' )/`'-0 0` Life's Little Oops 11! --- ...I sure do love this series! Thanks Brenda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >WHEREVER YOU ARE by Roger Dean Kiser It was not easy for a ten year old, runaway boy to walk the streets of Jacksonville, Florida. Even at that young age I already hated the Children's Home Society Orphanage where I lived. I had already been there for four years and little did I know that I still had six more years of hell to go. When the school bell rang, I headed out the back door and down Spring Park Road. I traveled for what seemed to be miles before I crossed over the Main Street Bridge. I walked, as fast as I could, through the downtown area hunting for something to eat. I made my way down to Bay Street and I stopped and stood in the doorway of the Trailways Bus Station. I watched as the dirty looking bums drank from their brown paper bags and argued with one another. "Sonny. Can you go into that store across the street and cash in these here glass bottles for me? I'll buy you a candy," said the old woman. "Sure. I can do that for you for noth'n," I told her. I loaded the bottles into the store a few at a time. Her large wooden type wagon cart was filled to the top with all varieties of soda bottles. I cashed in the bottles and I walked back out of the store to give her the money. "Can you count the money out for me, Sonny?" she asked me. "Can't you count?" I questioned. "It's not that, Sonny. I just can't see very well," she told me. As I stood there counting out the money in her hand, two large boys walked up and began pulling on her coattail. One of the boys was trying to grab the money from our hands while the other boy pulled her backwards. I immediately closed my hands and I fell to the ground trying to catch the coins which had fallen. "OUCH!" I yelled out as the one of the boys stomped on my hand, pinning it to the ground "Boy, you sure stink lady," said one of the boys. "You boys go on now. Leave us alone!" she yelled out at the two. "Shut up you retarded old bag!" yelled the young man as he started across the street with his friend. I got back down on my knees and I picked up what money had fallen to the ground. Again, I recounted the money and I placed it in her hands. "You sure count awful good for being little like you are. And you can count fast too," she said, as she laughed. "Are you retarded too, like me?" I asked the old woman. "You ain't retarded boy. You as smart as a whip. Look how fast you can count. And you real cute too," she replied. "You really think so?" I said, with a big smile on my face, and m eyes open wide. For the remainder of the day, I walked around and talked with the old woman. I stayed as close to her as possible. All the while hoping that she would once again say something nice about me. Throughout the years, I have often thought about that old woman. Especially when I drive through a large city and see someone pushing a shopping cart down the street. I could count on one hand the times that any grown adult ever gave me a compliment or made me feel proud of myself. The few times that it did happen, I soaked up the experience like a sponge soaking up water. I can remember exactly what she looked like and exactly how she smelled. I can remember her legs being fat at the ankles and the many veins in her legs were dark and broken. Her lips were rough and cracked and her hands were scarred and she had many sores about her hands and wrists. But what I remember most about her was her kind smile. Not the kind of look that one has when they actually smile -- it was a look that she must have been born with -- a constant smile which stayed on her face even when she was resting on the bus stop bench. I can remember we parted company late in the afternoon on that day we met. I stood for a while watching her as she disappeared into the evening. I never saw her again after that. But that was okay with me. Even if it was only for a moment, she gave me what I needed from a "mother" -- the thought that I might not be retarded, that I was handsome, and best of all, that I was "smart as a whip." Those few words turned into feelings and they followed me for the next fifty years of my life. This year the Mother's Day flowers are for you. Wherever you are. -- Roger Dean Kiser ___________________________________________ Roger lives in Georgia and you can contact him by clicking here: ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Linda :) |\| |\| ,_.-('--. |\| .( '-.'.\'\_, |\| / `-.`_;;==/(/=, |\| |.-.-'.'#, #`=.`.\ |\| { .-.' `##O##\\,| |\|/-'./ '._ # <| \) |\{ -./ |\ # | ,__ |\|{_/ \ |# | .--'( `""=--:;.;'+; |(# o/ .' `";";"#`` `# '. | `"` / .'.' #, ,# '.'. / _.-'| .'.'_ ##, ,## _'.'. `-._ .' .'/| '.__. `'.#####.-'.--'` _ `\ / .-'| \ , `'-._|#|_.'` ;-.__.' | / |( / | | / `'._ |#| _.-' \ \/ / \ ) \ / /`._ `"";"| /`-./ / |.' / )', \._ `\ |\| \___ / / .'_.; \ \ `) | |\| / /` '._;.-,) `\ \/ | |\| .-' / ( ) |_/ |\| |_.' jgs .-' / |\| \_.' |\| |\| |\| |\| |\| >Just Five More Minutes While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. "That's my son over there," she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide. "He's a fine looking boy" the man said. "That's my daughter on the bike in the white dress." Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. "What do you say we go, Melissa?" Melissa pleaded, "Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes." The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart's content Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. 'Time to go now?" Again Melissa pleaded, "Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes." The man smiled and said, "OK." "My, you certainly are a patient father," the woman responded. The man smiled and then said, "Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa. She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play." Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities? Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today! --- ...just a little can mean so much! Great advice - Thanks Linda! ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend PatDeE :) __ .d$$b .' TO$;\ / : TP._; / _.; :Tb| / / ;j$j _.-" d$$$$ .' .. d$$$$; / /P' d$$$$P. |\ / " .d$$$P' |\^"l .' `T$P^""""" : ._.' _.' ; `-.-".-'-' ._. _.-" .-" `.-" _____ ._ .-" -(.g$$$$$$$b. .' ""^^T$$$P^) .(: _/ -" /.' /:/; ._.'-'`-' ")/ /;/; `-.-"..--"" " / / ; .-" ..--"" -' : ..--""--.-" (\ .-(\ ..--"" `-\(\/;` _. : ;`- :\ ; bug >Don't let hate and anger wear you down! Have you ever been so angry at someone that your raging emotions have gotten the best of you? If you think about it, you’re the only one hurting; the person who has wronged you doesn’t care or has no idea that you’re dwelling on his transgression. You can either continue to stew or move on. It’s your choice. Let this movie help you make the right choice. Watch “Two Wolves Inside Me” by clicking the link below: Stop feeding your anger and start nourishing your soul to achieve inner peace. Help others do the same by sharing with them this inspiring video. --- ...So true! Thanks PatDeE! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' It is OK to be angry. Jesus was angry at times... Mark 3: [1] And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand. [2] And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him. [3] And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth. [4] And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace. [5] And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other. Jesus was angry at them because they were cold hearted people who only cared about their traditions rather then this poor man. Eph.4: [26] Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: It is OK if you get angry but the the bible says not to hold that anger very long. Let it go. -<>- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFEDERAL RESERVE NOTEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA XXX XX XXXX XX ------- ------------ XXXX XX XXXX XX / jJ===-\ \ C7675 XXXX XX XXXXXX OOO / jJ - - L \ --- XXXXXX XXXXX OOOOO | JJ | X | __ XXXXX XXX 3 OOO | JJ --- X | OOOO 3 XXX XXX | J|\ /| | OOOOOO XXX XXX C36799887 | / | | \ | OOOO XXX XXX | | | | -- XXX XXX ------- \ / \ / XXX X XX \ ____________ / X XX XX XXX 3_________ -------- ___ _______ 3 XXX XX XX XXX ___ ONE DOLLAR i XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -Songsinger- >Isn't it strange Isn't it strange how a $20 bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at church, and seem so short when you're watching a good movie? Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying but... you have no trouble finding things to talk about with a friend? Isn't it strange how boring & hard it is to read 1 chapter of the Bible but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel? Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games but do whatever is possible to sit in the last row in Church? Isn't it strange how we need to know 2-3 weeks ahead about a Church event so we can fit it into our schedule, but we can adjust it at the last minute for other events? Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God & share it with others but how easy it is to learn, extend & repeat gossip? Isn't it strange how we believe everything magazines & newspapers say but....we question the words in the Bible? Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven... but they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there? Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails & they're forwarded right away but when we go to send messages about God, we think twice before we share it with others? IT'S STRANGE ISN'T IT? Now that you've read this message, will you forward it to anybody you consider a friend, family member or foe ? *If you choose not to share His message you may deprive yourself from being blessed ... as well as depriving others who may need God in their life.* --- ...Yes, it is something to think about! Thanks PatDeE! ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend LarueR :) -------|--------------------------------------------------|--------- ___|___ ___|___ ////////\ _ _ /\\\\\\\\ //////// \ ('< >') / \\\\\\\\ | (_) | | (^) (^) | | (_) | |______|.===="== =="====.|______| ----------------------------------------------------------------ldb-- >Mom's Old Clothes Line Oh so true, I remember well. Memories...... remember those good ole days?? I sure do!! Remembering Mom's Clothesline There is one thing that's left out. We had a long wooden pole (clothes pole) that was used to push the clotheslines up so that longer items (sheets/pants/etc.) didn't brush the ground and get dirty. You have to be a "certain age" to appreciate this one.... (But you YOUNGER ones can read about "The GOOD ol' days"!!) I can hear my mother now..... THE BASIC RULES FOR CLOTHESLINES: (If you don't even know what clotheslines are, better skip this.) 1. You had to hang the socks by the toes... NOT the top. 2. You hung pants by the BOTTOM/cuffs... NOT the waistbands. 3. You had to WASH the clothesline(s) before hanging any clothes - walk the entire length of each line with a damp cloth around the lines. 4. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang "whites" with "whites," and hang them first. 5. You NEVER hung a shirt by the shoulders - always by the tail! What would the neighbors think? 6. Wash day on a Monday! NEVER hang clothes on the weekend, or on Sunday, for Heaven's sake! [Monday and Thursday for us] 7. Hang the sheets and towels on the OUTSIDE lines so you could hide your unmentionables" in the middle (perverts & busybodies, y'know!) 8. It didn't matter if it was sub-zero weather... clothes would "freeze-dry". 9. ALWAYS gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lines were "tacky"! 10. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item. 11. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed. 12. IRONED???!! Well, that's a whole OTHER subject! __ ( ) .==. | | | | | | | | | | | | |/\| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |/\|lc And now a POEM ... A clothesline was a news forecast, To neighbors passing by, There were no secrets you could keep, When clothes were hung to dry. It also was a friendly link, For neighbors always knew If company had stopped on by, To spend a night or two. For then you'd see the "fancy sheets", And towels upon the line; You'd see the "company table cloths", With intricate designs. The line announced a baby's birth, From folks who lived inside, As brand new infant clothes were hung, So carefully with pride! The ages of the children could, So readily be known By watching how the sizes changed, You'd know how much they'd grown! It also told when illness struck, As extra sheets were hung; Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe too, Haphazardly were strung. It also said, "On vacation now", When lines hung limp and bare. It told, "We're back!" when full lines sagged, With not an inch to spare! New folks in town were scorned upon, If wash was dingy and gray, As neighbors carefully raised their brows, And looked the other way. But clotheslines now are of the past, For dryers make work much less. Now what goes on inside a home, Is anybody's guess! I really miss that way of life, It was a friendly sign When neighbors knew each other best... By what hung out on that line --- ...Wow! Oh boy oh joy! Thanks LaRueR! Whoever wrote this one certainly is thinking with the Agape' mind - the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation! Either that or their idea of chores was a whole lot different then mine were! To me laundry days were hard work days. I had to stretch to get the clothes pinned on the line. It is like making an ode to sweeping and mopping the walls or floor. I must admit though, this one makes me think the writer must have used that special mentality that is mentioned in the bible. That old whistle while you work and have fun mentality. Col.3: [17] And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Now if in my youth I had thought I was hanging clothes and sheets and towels for my beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as this bible verse directs us to, then I think my attitude about laundry days would have been a whole lot different. But for me, it was something I had to do or get in big trouble if I didn't. Too bad I hadn't been instructed in God's word or I might have had a much better feeling toward laundry days. ;) ============================================================= >-->Tip from our friend Bunni :) \ / \ / \.-./ (o\^/o) _ _ _ __ ./ \.\ ( )-( )-( ) .-' '-. {-} \(// || \\/ ( )) '-. //-__||__.-\\. .-' (/ () \)'-._.-' || || \\ MJP (' (' ') >When You Get Ants, Make Lemonade! Well, don't really make lemonade, but I read in an old fashioned tip book that ants don't like lemons. When I got ants in my pantry, I took an old bottle of lemon juice, dampened my cleaning rag with it and wiped down the shelves and walls. The ants went away and haven't come back. I also cut up lemon peels and sprinkled them around an ant bed beside my patio and they left. I have used the lemons several times and it has always worked for me. Source: An old book whose title is missing. --- ...Cool tip - Thanks Bunni! Better then bleach! I used to use bleach in the same way but I prefer the smell of lemons any day! I'll give this a try! ==================================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: \. - - . ' _ , -`. ' _,' _,' ' ,-' _/ ' ,-' \ _/ __,,_ ' ,' \ _' ////6 6 ' ' _\' \\\' > ' , _,-' \ _______ ) _= \,_,--' \ \\__ __/ /_\ \ \\+/ ___ \ \ \\| '/ ),__) \ \\ /\/ ( +\ \ \\ \___`-.________ \ \\__,( \_____ - \ \ \`---\/\----), ) \ \ ||+=+=+=+=/ /\ \ \ ||________| /\ `. \ \ ||------- )/-\\ ) \ ejm/b'ger \|| ,'/ \\ \ \ / / '-` \/ >BUILDING YOUR LIFE By: Joseph J. Mazzella My wife and her brother recently built a new deck on the back of our house. It really looks fantastic, and one of the reasons for this is probably because I had nothing to do with it. The truth is that while I have gotten better at fixing things over the years I am still far more skilled at breaking them than putting them back together. It is a running joke here that my wife is both the better cook and the better handyman in this house. ,;;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;, ;;;'____ ; ;;;(\\\\\; `/'((||||| A Hug A Day Keeps The DOctor Away! ___< C))|||| ,' \__(((||), | \ _)))))))\,_ /| |/"\`\`""""' |) ; \ \ ) \_____/_| | |\ \' _.,-' | | ' \ \.,-' _./ | ( _,-\ _.-'' | ; "'|___\__.-' ; ) |----| _.--,;' ; ,' , | ( __.,-' | ,' ,' `""'' `. | ; ) `, ( ) | ( ,' | | ( | | | | | | | |___________| | | | | Normand Veilleux based on work by Tua Xiong As little as I know about building things with nails, screws, and lumber, however, I am happy to say that I know far more about building a life. While I still make mistakes in that area too, I think that I am becoming more skilled as I get older at knowing how to construct and live a life full of love, joy, good ness, and giving. __ Thank You Dear God \_/ ((6} For Sunshine and --(_)-- )( life's roses. / \ \(\) \.'-b____q <@l> <@l><@l> ;;---------;; \)/ \(/ \(/ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ldb I have come to know for instance that a great way to start the day is with a joyous: "Good morning God. Thank you for my life." I have come to know that few things feel better than giving a warm hug and few things sound quite so Heavenly as saying, "I love you." I have come to know that few things are as peaceful as a walk in the woods and that few things are as inspiring as watching a sunset. I have come to know that petting a dog or a cat is not only good for your health, but also good for your soul. I have come to know that any joy you get from your work or your life will be in direct proportion to the joy that you bring to them. I have come to know that it is the good things you do for your community, the kind acts you do for your friends, the compassion you show for strangers, and the love you give this world that bring meaning and richness to life. I have come to know most of all ,though, that it is with every choice we make that we build our lives, create our joy, share our love, and grow in our oneness with God. May you build your own life well then. And may God always smile upon your handiwork. -<>- __ __------ __/o `\ ,~ _~~ . .. pb. .. ~ -. ,' _~----- `\ ~~~--_'__ `~-==-~~~~~---' >FEATHERED FIDELITY by Michael Smith It's a sad reality. All relationships start with love and promise, but all too often we see them weaken, crumble and finally fail. It's too bad all relationships don't go to the birds. I know that sounds strange, but read on. Many years ago, when I was just a young boy, a small yellow bird hit our front door. When I looked outside, I saw its tiny, unmoving body on our deck. I opened the door to see if it was just stunned, or worse, dead. I was kneeling over it when my mom joined me. "Michael, I think it may be dead. I heard the bang on the glass. It hit pretty hard." "Mom, should we bury it?" "I'm not sure, Michael. When I first looked out I saw another bird land beside it. It looked like it was trying to pick this one up. I think we should let nature take care of this. Let's put it on the roof of the car and see what happens." We placed the unmoving, little bird on the roof of my dad's car and went back into the house. From our living room window we watched as the bird's mate flew to its side, carefully grip the back of the dead bird's neck in it's tiny beak, and with a strength only love and devotion could provide, lifted its mate in the air. It carried the body from the car, across the street, over the meadow on the other side and into nearby trees. It flew only a few feet off the ground. Sometimes it would get up to six feet high and then the weight of its companion would pull it lower again. Its struggle was great, but the desire not to be parted from its mate was greater. Thirty-five years later, I stepped out of my home on a warm summer morning. I looked toward my next door neighbor's -- we lived in attached townhouses -- and noticed a single strand of a spider's web strung from the bush by the corner of their townhouse to the wheel of one of their cars. I thought it was strange for a spider to spin such a web, especially just one tiny strand. I moved closer to investigate. When I reached down to break the web I discovered it wasn't a web at all. It was a piece of fishing line. I gave it a tug and saw it was tangled in the bushes, and the other end was knotted under the car. One of the boys was sitting on the front deck of the house. I remarked, "Looks like someone booby-trapped your friend's car." He came closer to see what I was talking about. I gave the line a tug. It was tightly jammed under the wheel of the vehicle. "Strange, it seems to go all the way under," I said. I walked to the back of the car and saw a robin. It fluttered to get away, but the line, which was wrapped around its tiny leg, held it firm. The poor bird flapped around on the pavement with only a foot of line for it to move. Slowly I approached and reached to grab it. When my fingers first touched his feathers it squawked and flapped away from me. I moved faster on the second attempt and managed to get a grip around his trembling body. It squirmed and twisted its head to snap at me, but I held tight. The boy came closer for a look, and then went for a knife. When he returned I realized he would probably break the poor bird's leg when the knife pulled the string tight before cutting it through, so I sent him for scissors. He came back and we carefully removed the string. The bird was free, but I held him a little longer, so I could remove one last strand of the line from his tiny leg. It made a great effort and escaped from my grasp. He flew low across the pavement, under a row of mailboxes, and up into a tree. It was free again. Then I noticed a second robin fly down from a nearby tree and land next to the newly-freed robin. It had stayed close by, as its mate struggled for freedom, and would not have left until freedom or death ended their relationship. The birds I witnessed mated for life and the struggles that come with it. Now don't you wish a lot more relationships would go to the birds? I know I do. -<>- __ /_/\/\ \_\ / /_/ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/ unknown >The U in JesUs Before U were thought of or time had begun, God even stuck U in the name of His Son. And each time U pray, you'll see it's true You can't spell out JesUs and not include U. You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name, For U, He was born; that's why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died. It even takes U to spell crUcified. Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand He rose from the dead, with U in His plan? The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U. When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He just had to mention. "Go into the world and tell them it's true That I love them all - Just like I love U." So many great people are spelled with a U, Don't they have a right to know JesUs too? It all depends now on what U will do, He'd like them to know, But it all starts with U.. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment John w/ Ain't No Wheels On This Ship If I Had Another Day The Bible Beaches In South Korea Creation Museum Planetarium AMAZING 6YR OLD MINNESOTA DRUMMER Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank e-mail to ========================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: _________ .`. `. / \ .======.\ | | |______|| | | _____ | | | / / | | | /____/ | | _ | | |/ \|.-"```"-.| `` ||| ||| jgs `"` `" >Multi-Talented Guy A wholesaler from up North sent a letter to the postmaster of a small Midwestern town. He asked for the name of an honest lawyer who would take a collection case against a local debtor who had refused to pay for a shipment of the wholesaler's goods. He got this reply: Dear Sir: I am the postmaster of this village and received your letter. I am also an honest lawyer and ordinarily would be pleased to accept a case against a local debtor. In this case, however, I also happen to be the person you sold those crummy goods to. I received your demand to pay and refused to honor it. I am also the banker you sent the draft to draw on the merchant, and I sent that back with a note stating that the merchant had refused to pay. If I were not, for the time being, substituting for the pastor of our local church, I would tell you fully just exactly what I thought of your claim. -<>- __ .-'||'-. .' || '. / __||__ \ | /`- -`\ | | | 6 6 | | \/\____7___/\/ .--------:\:I:II:I:/;--------. / \`:I::I:`/ \ | `------' | | \____/ | | , __ _____ , | |======| / / / _ \ |======| |======| / /__ \ <_> / |======| |~~~~~| | <_> \/ <_> \ |~~~~~| | |\ \____/\_____/ /| | \ \| |/ / `\ \ _ _.-=""=-._ _ / /' `\ '`_)\\-++++-//(_`' /' jgs ; (__|| ||__) ; ; ___\ /___ ; '. ---/-=..=-\--- .' `""` `""` >ED HOCHULI'S BIG MISTAKE JAMES 5:16 If you've ever watched football on TV, you've probably seen Referee Ed Hochuli. He's easy to spot; he's the one with the big arms. He's also one of the most accurate referees ever to work the game. Each week, the NFL invests 8 hours per game analyzing each official's performance on each play. Every play earns a grade; the highest scoring officials work the post season; the consistently low-scoring officials don't last long in the league. Ed has always scored among the top. Again, if you're a football fan, you know what I'm leading up to. In the final minutes of a game between the Denver Broncos and the San Diego Chargers, Hochuli made one of the worst calls of his career. When Denver quarterback Jay Cutler fumbled the ball, Hochuli blew the whistle and called it an incomplete pass. He knew it was a mistake the minute he made it, but there was nothing he could do; an inadvertent whistle is a non-reviewable, non- reversible call. Instead of San Diego getting the ball, Denver was allowed to keep it. They scored a couple of plays later and won the game. Needless to say, the San Diego fans were furious. They all but called for Ed Hochuli's head on a platter. Many wanted him fired and banned forever from the NFL. His office in Phoenix was flooded with angry calls. His Blackberry was jammed with angry emails. Ed's response to the mistake, first of all, was to admit it immediately to San Diego coach Norv Turner. He walked to the Charger sideline, told Turner that he had made a bad call, he apologized, and explained that there was nothing he could do about it. Ed also told the San Diego Union-Tribune that week, "Affecting the outcome of a game is a devastating feeling. Officials strive for perfection -- I failed miserably." And then, Ed began responding to those angry emails, one by one. His response amazed people, resulting in even more emails -- upwards of 20,000 -- many from fans thanking him for owning up to his mistake. Ed said, "People were saying how great it was that I admitted I made a mistake. Obviously, I was wrong. Obviously, I felt terrible about it. What's so surprising about it?" The best thing a leader can do is own up to a mistake. It's the best thing a father or mother can do, a coach or boss. Or a pastor. It's the only way to earn back credibility. It's also the best way to build accountability. James said, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16) Steve May Courtesy of Steve May's Monday Memo. If you wish to subscribe, visit ================================================================ ,"=-. / _),`'". ( /a( ), ) ) C = = ?/ ( )) (_ o-< ) ( `-' \; ( \_ ( | \ ) )| \_/} \ \ \(_;/-|_) )/) `._,--/ / / `!__!! ( (_o)) ---`-._, )--- ------( / |---- | ( | :__/|\_; \ |/ )(\_ /_)--` gpyy \_! >This is For Her Story Editor: by the Michigan Father Joyce Schowalter where December. 2011. Michigan. Times are tough, especially in small areas. I drove to a blighted part of the city with boarded-up homes. We were five months behind on electric payments and I'd been calling to delay the shut-off for one more week. Twice they delayed payment. At the zeroth hour I pulled up to the building, preceded by a black woman driving a rusted, crumbling beater that shuddered to a stop. I walked in behind her, cash in hand, and waited in line. My children bounced on chairs nearby. Two women behind bulletproof acrylic windows took money. But only one line moved. Delaying the other was a long conversation from a young white mother with a baby on her hip. She wore pajamas and a sweater, was good-natured and laughing. "Well, so..." she said, "you know how it is. I mean, they just sit there in a pile, right? I don't know where they go. I don't know, I probably lost it." The woman behind the two-inch thick bulletproof Plexiglas nodded, unspeaking. Her nameplate said "Ella". The young patron continued," I mean, I GUESS the payment plan is good. But that's... how much again??" "Fifty dollars," the woman behind the Plexiglas prompted. The young mother said, "Yeah... fifty. Dollars, I mean. And if we miss that today then what? Fifty?" Ella confirmed, "Yes, fifty. The payment plan we arranged." "Boy, how could it be so much?" A long pause. "So what happens if we don't have the...?" Ella: "Fifty dollars. Well, that's when the account needs to be discontinued." The woman with the baby on her hip looked at the floor during the whole conversation. Talking in a low voice, but in a silent room of people waiting. She talked as though every second she talked was another second the power stayed on. As though somehow in this circular conversation the situation would resolve itself. Momentarily irritated one woman was taking so much time, I then felt some shame. I'd just wait calmly. Clearly the young woman with the baby was just buying time. Seconds. Moments. Avoiding the inevitable: her power would be shut off in the morning. Slowly the line crawled. My children became more animated and impatient. The woman with the baby kept talking. Then the woman in front of me went up to the counter -- the woman who drove the rusted beater. She handed the teller a check. "This is for her," and pointed at the young mother with the baby. The woman who wrote the check left. She bee-lined to her beater and drove off. The two tellers looked at one another confused. One said to the young mother, "Well, I guess, Merry Christmas." The woman with the baby looked at the floor, "I don't think she pointed at me. I don't know her." || ---------||------------- | || | | |\ | >---\/\/\/-*-\/\/\/--*------|+\ | | | |--*-*--- > | --|-/ | ===== | |/ | | | | | ----------- __|__ ___ _ Op Amps "She paid your electric bill," said a teller. "Next!" And the people in line who'd been staring blankly burst out in a joyous murmur. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: >FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY .-"""-. _/-=-. \ (_|a a/ |_ / " \ ,_) _ \`=' /__/ / \_ .;--' `-. \___)// , \ \ \/; \ \ \_.| | | .-\ ' _/_/ .' _;. (_ \ / .' `\ \\_/ |_ / | |\\ / _) / / || jgs / / _/ / // \_/ ( `-/ || / / \\ .-. \_/ \'-'/ `"` Zackery is in kindergarten and his uncle asked him how he was doing in school. Zackery said he was doing fine, and his uncle asked him if he was making A's and B's. Zackery looked very disgusted and said, "I am 5 years old! I know how to make all my letters!" -- Betty Baker (grandmother of Zackery) of Dodd City, Texas Jennifer works at a child development center. Her classroom has ages 3-5. One day when she got to work, one of the little girls came running up to her. She hugged Jennifer and said she had missed her. "I missed you, too," Jennifer said. Her playmate looked up, thought for a moment, and quite seriously told Jennifer, "I almost missed you." -- Jennifer Paris of Lincoln, Nebraska Grammy told Zach, 5, that when he could write his last name she would take him to the library to get his own library card. Within two days he accomplished this feat and he and Grammy were off to the library. Zach's Dad said, "Zach, even Daddy doesn't have a library card." To which Zach responded, "Don't you know how to write your last name?" -- Sally Hershiser (Grammy) of Kent, Ohio ##, ,## '##, ,##' '## ##' ## __, ## ## __.-' \ ## ## ___.-'__.--'\ | ##, ## .-' .-, ( | | _ '## ##/ / /""=\ \ | | / \ ##, '#| |_\ / / | | / \ '## / `-` 0 0 '-'`\ | | | | \ ,## \_, (__) ,_/ / / | \ \ ##' / / \ \\ / / | |\ \ ## __ | /`.__.-'-._)|/ / | | \ \##`__) \ ^ / / | | | v## '--. '._ '-'_.' / _.----. | | l ,## (_,' '##'-, ` `"""/ `'/| | / ,##--, ) '#/` ` ' |' ##' `" | /\_/#' jgs | __. .-,_.;###` _|___/_..---'''` _/ (###' .-'` ____,...---""``` `._ ( --'' __,.,---. ',_) `.,___,..---'`` / / \ '._ | | ( ( `. '-._) | / \ \ \'-._) | | \ \ `"` | | \ \ | | .-, ) | | | ( ( / / | | \ '---' / / \ `-----` | , / |(_/\-, \ ,_`) `-._) One of Sally's math students stayed after school to get some extra help. Sally's school backs up to the high school. The little girl looked out the window at the field between the two schools and all of a sudden she said, "OH!" and her face brightened. "What are you so happy about?" Sally asked. The student replied, "My brother might still be at the high school because he had after school 'attention' (detention) today!" -- Sally Stolz (sister of Grace Housholder) of Rockville, Maryland Alex, 8, was getting his hair trimmed. He was shirtless, so his mom just wrapped a towel around his shoulders. During the course of the trim, the towel slipped down so hair pieces were sticking to his shoulder and chest. When Alex took the towel off and saw the hair on his upper body, he said with disgust, "Oh great. Now I look like an adult!" -- Sandi (mother of Alex) of Florida Moushumi was teaching her daughter at home and ended up doing a vocabulary lesson with her. Moushumi asked her if she could explain what cooperation meant, and she replied: "Grandpa had a cooperation and he died!" -- Moushumi Maharaj of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa __,__ .--. .-" "-. .--. / .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \ | | '| / Y \ |' | | | \ \ \ 0 | 0 / / / | \ '- ,\.-"`` ``"-./, -' / `'-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-'` .--'| \._ _ _./ |'--. /` \ \.-. / / `\ / '._/ |-' _.' \ / ; /--~' | \ / .'\|.-\--. \ \ / .'-. /.-.;\ |\|'~'-.|\ \ \ `-./`|_\_/ ` `\'. \ '. ; ___) '.`; / '-.,_ ; ___) \/ / \ ``'------'\ \ ` / '. \ '. | ;/_ jgs ___> '. \_ _ _/ , '--. .' '. .-~~~~~-. / |--'`~~-. \ // / .---'/ .-~~-._/ / / /---..__.' / ((_(_/ / / (_(_(_(---.__ .' | | _ `~~` | | \'. \ '....' | '.,___.' When Meghan was small, she spent a lot of time with her Aunt Mary. One day Meghan was driving with her mother, Amy, and they were reviewing what the colors on the traffic signals meant. Green - Meghan said that is for go. Red - Meghan said that is stop. Amy did not think she would know about yellow, so she explained that yellow meant to slow down, and be careful about driving on. "Oh, no, Mommy!" Meghan said. "Aunt Mary says yellow is to hurry and get across the street before the light gets red!" -- Amy Little of Kansas Tracy was driving her adopted daughter Juanita to school when she asked what an "osakin" was. Tracy had to confess that she had never heard of an "osakin" before, and she asked Juanita for more information. Juanita promptly stated, "People usually see it by the dawn's early light!" -- Tracy Grondahl of Norton, Virginia Susan was babysitting her two nieces when Kiera, 5, out of the blue hit her sister Mallarie, 13, over the head. When Susan asked Kiera why she hit her sister, Kiera thought for a minute and then replied very seriously, "Because she was there!" -- Susan Beasley of Fernandina Beach, Florida )\\\ |__/ _.---._ / / %%%%%% \_______/ / {\/}%%%%% )OO )\\ / {/\}- -%%% (_ // / %%%% o %%% O___/ / ___...."""" __) (_ ---...___ / .-.|/ __ __...---"""" _ /.-..-.\ __ |/ /| """---...___ ,//) ___/ ._.._. \ / _) / / | ) / / ___/\ /\ / / / / | / / (_/ ) .( \_/ / / | jro _,^^,/ / ////\\ /__/____| (G,66<_/ ////\\\\ / \ | _/\_,_) _ /////\\\\\ \\\(| | / _ \ ,' ) \ \/ /| | / /"\ \/ ,_\ /\ \ / \ \ __(,/ > e ) / (_\.oO / /| | \ \ \ \_ / ( -,_/ \_/ ) / | | \ \ \ U \_, _) ( / |/ /___|_____\ ( / )/ ( \ _/ _/ \ mic >/ " `-.`. (____(_____| (.oO Early one morning, Wendy found her daughter Olivia, 2, standing beside the bed, admiring her sleeping father. With a glow on her face, Olivia turned toward Wendy and said, "Mama, just look at this beautiful baby boy!" -- Lottie Royal (great-grandmother of Olivia) of Wray, Georgia ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend KarenF :) _____________ |.-----------.| A Prayer to || _ || GOD.Com || (\o/) || || /_\ || Guide my keystrokes, ||___________|| Keep my programs alive, `-)-------(-' Protect me from viruses, [=== -- o ]--. Back up my drive. and __'---------'__ \ Bless my on-line [::::::::::: :::] ) Friends, In Jesus `""'"""""'""""`/T\ Christ's Name, Amen. jgs \_/ >TO: God.Com Dear God, Every single evening As I'm lying here in bed, This tiny little Prayer Keeps running through my head: God bless all my family Wherever they may be, Keep them warm and safe from harm For they're so close to me. And God, there is one more thing I wish that you could do; Hope you don't mind me asking, Please bless my computer too. Now I know that it's unusual To Bless a motherboard, But listen just a second While I explain it to you, Lord. You see, that little metal box Holds more than odds and ends; Inside those small compartments Rest so many of my friends. I know so much about them By the kindness that they give, And this little scrap of metal Takes me in to where they live. By faith is how I know them Much the same as you. We share in what life brings us And from that our friendships grew.. Please take an extra minute From your duties up above, To bless those in my address book That's filled with so much love. Wherever else this prayer may reach To each and every friend, Bless each e-mail inbox And each person who hits 'send'. When you update your Heavenly list On your own Great CD-ROM, Bless everyone who says this prayer Sent up to GOD.Com Through Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen --- ...aww, such a sweet poem prayer! Thank You KarenF! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Chriistian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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