Choices And More ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ >OoooWEeeee!! (>, oo / 8 "} > @ < |`.8 .-._/| `-.'`')`_.' ) / / |__, | ( / .' , / `._/ '`- \| -- -`' - --- VK/ejm I'm doing the 'Happy Angel' dance! Why? Because Shangrala has been blessed with another Angel! Mr.& Mrs. James G. Cooper have joined forces to help Keep Shangrala Alive this year with their sweet donation! May God Bless them Abundantly in return for helping Shangrala meet expenses! If you'd like to help too and be counted as a 2009 Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OUR ANGELS MOST ABUNDANTLY! ================ >-->Be Sure To Visit Our Newest Pages... When Mr Sandman Attacks! Amazing Bus Stops! *~* AND Be Sure To Pass Them On - Thanks!! ============================================================ >-->From Heartwarmers: `--- `__' `--' `--' \ `---' `--\-' / / / \ \ \ / \ / / \ '`'^^'"^^'^^"`" Phil >GONE IN A FLASH Michael Smith The sun dropped below the horizon. The sky turned dark. The first stars of the night began to shine. It was the peak night for the Perseids meteor shower. We gathered our grandchildren in the backyard. S ome sat in chairs and others stretched out on blankets. No street lights were nearby to hinder our view. "There's one!" Seth, the oldest yelled. "I missed it!" I whined. "There's another one!" Josh yelled. "I saw it!" Ginny and I said together as a streak of dust burned across the sky and faded into nothing. The youngest, Benny, sat in a chair beside me. "Are you watching, Ben?" I asked. "Yes." "Did you see that last one?" "No!" He sighed. "I missed it." "Then you weren't watching, were you?" We cheered and pointed each time a meteor lit the night sky. "Poppa Mike?" Benny asked. "Yes, Ben?" "Clara is the loneliest train, you know?" I had no idea what Benny was talking about or where the thought came from, so I just played along. "Is that so?" I asked. "Uh huh?" "Why is she lonely?" "She has a boyfriend you know." He paused. "But she's still lonely?" "Yeah." Another meteor made a white slash in the night sky. "Wow! Did you see it, Ben?" "No, I missed it again." A few weeks later, a lightning storm slowly crawled across the western sky. We watched the bolts of lightning streak diagonally from north-to-south. It was a spectacular display of nature, one we safely watched from a distance. "Wow! Did you see that one boys?" I asked my grandsons. "No! We missed it again." "Guys, you have to focus, these things happen fast. If you don't focus, you'll miss them." Later that night, after the boys went to bed, I sat out on the deck while Ginny, her daughter, Heather, and her son-in-law, Nathan, watched a show on TV. They laughed each time I screamed, "WOW! That was a good one." Alone with my thoughts and the lightning, I remembered the meteor shower. The lightning was the same. The flashes of light were gone in the blink of an eye. I asked myself, "Mike, how many of life's meteors and lightning bolts have you missed because you weren't paying attention?" I had no answer to the question, for if I knew, then I wouldn't have missed them. How many times have I come home from work too wrapped in my own thoughts and missed those "daddy's home" smiles of my children? Those little smiles are lost forever, as I walked right by them. How many opportunities did I miss to praise my wife or my children? How many chances to say, "I love you" to my wife did I miss? I made a pledge that night to pay more attention to those around me. When I arrive home from work, work stays at work and my attention is on my family, because those opportunities -- those streaks of light -- don't last long. They're gone in a flash. -- Michael T. Smith ______________________________________________ Michael lives in Ohio with his wife Ginny and his stepdaughter's family. You can see a list of Mike's stories here: And you can get his stories email to you by signing up here: =================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: ___!___ / | \ / | \ / | \ /______|______\ \ )|( / \ ( | ) / \ =|= / \__|__/ ,,, ,;;;;;, '-===;;( );;===-' `<>o<>' //"\\ |/| |\| | | | | | | | | lc| >I ALREADY AM - By: Joseph J. Mazzella When I was a teenager I was in a group of students who took a trip to Pittsburgh. Being a country boy, I found it exciting just being in such a big city. While most of the students headed for the mall then I decided to tour the streets alone. It was almost Christmastime and the store windows were filled with beautiful displays, full of joy and delight. I bought several cinnamon sticks to ward off the chill and spent a while just walking and looking at the sights. At some point, however, the stores became less and less and the bars became more and more. I realized I had crossed into a not so good section of town. I saw a small bus stop and decided to sit and take a rest before walking back. The bus stop was just in front of a grocery store and before long an old woman in a tattered coat came out. She was carrying two large bags in one hand. Her other hand held a cane that steadied her slow, shaky walk. Her young, dark haired granddaughter clutched her coat as they made their way to the bench. I smiled at them both and we joked and laughed for a bit about how cold it was before the bus pulled up. When it arrived I picked up the old lady’s bags and carried them up the steps. Then I helped her cherub faced granddaughter up them while her grandma slowly climbed on behind us. I pulled out my last cinnamon stick and gave it to the sweet girl while her grandma smiled her thanks to me. I got off the bus and looked up to the window where the little, curly-haired Child of God was waving goodbye to me. Then I started back to meet the other students a little warmer at heart if not in body. As I was turning the corner, though, a voice called out from an alley. "Hey man! Want to get high?" I smiled without looking over and said, "No thanks. I already am." No drug in the world can ever match the high that comes from one kind act, one shared laugh, one second of giving love, or one moment of making God smile. Kindness is Heaven’s high. -<>- ,~~;,~~.~~, (`'` ` ` `, ~~``` ` ` ; |@ , @ | , '; ' ( ' ` ; `._o__/^;' '; ;..' ';.` ; . ' * _ ;.;)_____ . _- \____/ ) )_____ )’ _- __-- \_____/ |-_ -_:-._- __-- ___ |______| --_/:::\_-- _-- / , \---=|:::::|=---------- | , \ __-\:::/-__ -__ / ; | _- | -_sd--__ --- | , |_- . | . -_ --__ / ; | ‘ | ‘ -_ | , ; | ‘ | ‘ - / ; | |__'___^^_______^^ ~~ ^^ >God Our Father Dear God our Father, You see Your children growing up in an unsteady and confusing world. Show them that Your ways give more life than the ways of the world, and that following You is better than chasing after selfish goals. Help them to take failure, not as a measure of their worth, but as a chance for a new start. Give them strength to hold their faith in you, and to keep alive their joy in your creation. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen -Author Unknown -<>- >Choices + vAv .-. (")| # | / v \\# | + o c\\ //=.-'O/"-. |/~."| |"-/.-'| / . (__| | | (=/===)` ~-.|.-' a:f "'King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do.' Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?' Paul replied, 'Short time or long--I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.'"1 Phil Parrino, a Daily Encounter reader, tells the story how in "World War I there was a young American ambulance driver who personally witnessed all kinds of death and suffering. After the war he wrote dark brooding novels and finally committed suicide. His name was Earnest Hemmingway. "But there was another American Ambulance driver even younger than the first. The dead and dying he witnessed were mostly from the great influenza epidemic that swept Europe at the end of World War I. After the war he drew cartoons and made people laugh. When he died he was loved by millions. His name was Walt Disney. "As you have said, it's not only what happens to us, but how we react to it. Our personality predisposes us to a certain extent, but in the end we make the choice." Life is a series of choices. I am today where I am because of choices I made years ago. I will be where I am tomorrow based on choices I make today. And I will spend eternity based on the choice I make about accepting or rejecting God's great gift of salvation. As Paul challenged King Agrippa to become a Christian, he challenges you and me today to make that choice and not to be an almost-persuaded. For help be sure to read, "How to Be Sure You’re a Real Christian" at: . Suggested prayer: "Dear God, help me to see that my life has been shaped in so many ways because of choices I made in the past. Help me to make choices today for where I want to be tomorrow. And above all, help me to make the right choice about eternity by making sure I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and am a true follower of him. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Christ's name, amen." -<>- . / \ _\ /_ . . (,'v`.) . . \) ( ) ,' `. ( ) (/ \`. / `-' `-' \ ,'/ : ' _______ ' : | _,-' ,-. `-._ | |,' ( )__`-'__( ) `.| (|,-,'-._ _.-`.-.|) / /<( o)> <( o)>\ \ : : | | : : | | ; : | | | | (.-.) | | | | ,' ___ `. | | ; |)/ ,'---'. \(| : _,-/ |/\( )/\| \-._ _..--'.-( | `-'''-' | )-.`--.._ `. ;`._________,': ,' ,' `/ \'`. `------.------' SSt ' >I Am A Christian by Maya Angelou When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin." I'm whispering "I was lost," Now I'm found and forgiven. When I say..."I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride I'm confessing that I stumble and need CHRIST to be my guide. When I say.. "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need HIS strength to carry on. When I say.. "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say.. "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it. When I say.. "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches! So I call upon His name. When I say.. "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow. -<>- _--_ dMb __(._ ) d0P < (D) .MP .~ \ /~```M-. .~ V Mo_ \ -------============((((}{) ( (___. {:)-./ ~._____.(:} '94 the wolfe / .M\ / "" \ | /\ | / / \ \ / / \ \ \__/ \__/ / / | | .^V^. .^V^. +-+ +-+ >THE BASEBALL PLAYER Almighty Father, you who are called the "Mighty Umpire" in this game of life, we are not sure what uniforms we should wear. While we may be Angels in spirit, in reality we are Giants in pride, Dodgers of responsibility and Tigers in ambition. When it comes to faith, we find ourselves in the minor leagues. When it comes to good works, we strike out; when it comes to knowledge of your Word, we are not even sure of the ground rules. Therefore, we are thankful for your mercy when we find ourselves in foul territory; for your forgiveness when we commit one error after another; for your uplifting spirit when we find ourselves in the pitfalls of a slump. Dear God may our game plan be your will, and our response a sellout crowd with standing room only. And, when our number is retired here on earth, may we rejoice to hear you call out, "SAFE," in His name who gives final victory to all who believe in Romans 10:9,10! Amen. -- Author Unknown -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Korean Larry The Cable Guy 111 Love Bird Love Hurts Megan True Love From Shangy The Hippo And Tortoise The Hippo And Tortoise 2 Amazing Dog Houses Amazing Dog Houses 2 Dog Day Afternoon Road Train Trucks Prosperity And Health Haunting Bible: On Death - Topics: Dogs And People.pps Subscribe send a blank email to: ===================================================== >-->From Our Friend PatW: Oh, I think I will send you a very touching story about a dog who went to heaven. You might want to find a way to fit it into your next edition. -Peace and Blessings, Pat .--..-""""-..--. ///`/////////\`\\\ ||/ |///""\\\| \|| ## ( 6. 6 ) ## /_\ \ _. / /_\ _`) (`_ /` '--' `\ / _,,_ \ / /` `\ \ /\_/ / 6 6\ \_/\ \ \/\ Y /\/ / \ \/ `'U` \/ / \( \ / )/ |\_/ \_/| / ____ \ \ ( || ) / (__)||(__) | || | |__||__| jgs |==||==| /~`//~`/ / // / `""` `"` >There is Love This is one of the kindest things I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is a kind soul working in the dead letter office of the US postal service. Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so she dictated these words: Dear God, Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her. Love, Meredith. We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had. Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers, called, 'When a Pet Dies.' Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note: Dear Meredith, Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away. Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by. Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I am wherever there is love. Love, God --- ...Indeed it is a heart warming one! Thank You PatW! ================================================================ \ , |\.--._/| /\ ) )\\/ /( \ / \ /( J `( \ / ) | _\ / /|) \ eJ L | \ L \ L L / \ J `. J L | ) L \/ \ / \ J (\ / _....___ | \ \ \``` ,.._.-' '''--...-||\ -. \ \ .'.=.' ` `.\ [ Y / / \] J Y / Y Y L | | | \ | L | | | Y A J | I | /I\ / | \ I \ ( |]/| J \ /._ / -tI/ | L ) / /'-------'J `'-:. J .' ,' ,' , \ `'-.__ \ \ T ,' ,' )\ /| ';'---7 / \| ,'L Y...-' / _.' / \ / / J Y | J .'-' / ,--.( / L | J L -' .' / | /\ | J. L J .-;.-/ | \ .' / J L`-J L____,.-'` | _.-' | L J L J `` J | J L | L J | L J L \ L \ | L ) _.'\ ) _.'\ L \('` \ ('` \ ) _.'\`-....' `-....' ('` \ `-.___/ sk >Quick Thinking Story Editor: by Adrianne Rainwater Clayton Bennett California, USA One day, I was at work when my husband called and asked me to sit down. I guessed that he was going to tell me something very important, and frantically asked him what was wrong. He said I needed to go out to the pasture where the horses were, and go now. The pasture was 20 minutes from where I work as a graphic artist in a small town print shop. I had rented seven acres for my four horses to graze on, as I feel it is much healthier than keeping them in a stall. My yearling colt had evidently rolled in the dirt too close to the wire fence, and put his leg through the fence. When he stood up, his leg was caught, and he must have twisted around and around trying to get free. The fence wrapped around his back leg, cutting it to the bone. Our neighbor boy, "Jimmy", only 10 years old at the time, saw the colt's dilemma. He was very resourceful. Seeing a sign near the pasture offering the colt for sale, he called the number on the sign with his cell phone. He reached my husband, who then called me. Jimmy's quick thinking probably saved the colt's life. Then two more people pitched in. Some folks who live down the road saw the colt and stopped their truck. One worked to cut the leg loose from the fence while the other went running to look for a halter. At the same time, they called their veterinarian and took full responsibility for the cost. While they waited for the vet, they fixed the cut fence so the other horses wouldn't get out. They have horses so they knew just what to do. By the time I got there, no one was around -- but Jimmy came running when he saw me to let me know what had happened. The colt was well taken care of, beautifully stitched up and bandaged, and put away in the shed by the road. This was a perfect place to confine him; I kept him there to recover from his injury. He recovered perfectly and has only a tiny scar. I found out the names of his rescuers and went to visit with them. I wanted to thank them, pay the vet bill and find out what had happened. They were very gracious, saying what a beautiful colt I had and how perfectly he had behaved for them as they worked to free him and waited for the vet. Later, I explored the area and realized that was a favorite place for all the horses to roll. To prevent another accident, I laid down huge rocks there. And I now keep my horses in a different pasture with different fencing. Three people I didn't know went out of their way to rescue my colt from his own mistake. Crazy things happen, they just do, and I will never forget their instant, unquestioning assistance. =======HeroicStories======= _.-'~~`~~'-._ .'` B E R `'. / I T \ /` .-'~"-. `\ ; L / `- \ Y ; ; /> `. -.| ; | /_ '-.__) | | |- _.' \ | | ; `~~; \\ ; ; INGODWE / \\)P ; \ TRUST '.___.-'`" / `\ /` '._ 1 9 9 7 _.' jgs `'-..,,,..-'` >-->The Last Quarter By Ward Nickless When I decided my girlfriend Maria was the woman I wanted to marry, I told her I wanted to date her exclusively. A good friend of ours suggested we start "courting." Since neither Maria nor I knew the difference between courting and dating, our ever-helpful friend quickly pointed out they were similar, but with significant differences. "Appropriate physical boundaries" needed to be respected; and a dedicated commitment would enable us to grow individually and as a couple. Finally, according to my friend, courtship meant every time Maria and I saw each other, I was to give her a quarter. Yes, that's right - a quarter. Is this some mysterious, ancient ritual, I wondered? "Never mind," said my friend. "Just do it." So I took the "quarter" challenge, and decided to make a game of it. It became second nature to check my pockets for the appropriate pieces of silver. A dime wouldn't do. I hid quarters under her plate in a restaurant or left them with notes on her steering wheel, or gently slipped them into her hand as we walked to the movies. I loved to see the excitement and joy in her face every time I gave her a quarter. She saved each one and collected them in a green corduroy drawstring bag. When we were apart, Maria would hold the bag and think of all the fun we shared. Finally, the right time came for me to ask the Big Question. Almost finished with our premarital classes at the church, I'd never been more positive about a decision in my life. But doubt crept into my mind - did Maria feel the same way? More than anything, I wanted the proposal to be special and to incorporate our "quarter theme." Carefully, I formulated my plan. First, I chose a nice restaurant across from the performing arts center and bought tickets to a jazz show I knew she wanted to see. Then, I put words onto paper about how much Maria meant to me: The Last Quarter In the first quarter a comfort level was formed, In the second quarter a friendship was spawned, In the third quarter silver tokens of affection did abound, And in this final quarter - my true love I have found. This is the last "quarter" I will give you to celebrate our "courting" stage. For today I ask you to be my wife, and in exchange for the silver tokens that daily show my love, I humbly ask you to accept a silver ring, and thus daily share my life. I love you, Maria. Ward I framed the poem and letter and placed a quarter inside, too. I arranged with the manager of the restaurant to have the frame placed on a secluded table with the menus set directly over it. My plan? When Maria lifted the menus she would find the poem and, at that point, I would drop to my knees and propose. On the way to the restaurant, I felt confident. At least until Maria grabbed hold of my hand in the car. "Your hand is clammy. Are you nervous about something?" I made some lame joke in response while thinking, This woman knows me pretty well. I took that as another sign I'd made a good decision. About five minutes after we sat down, Maria lifted her menu and saw the framed poem beneath it. She picked it up and exclaimed, "Hey, they've got a quarter theme, too!" I didn't say a word. Maria was still reading. A look of confusion crossed her face. I guessed she reached my name at the bottom. That was my cue. I knelt down beside her and asked her those four little words: "Will you marry me?" Well, would she? There was a tantalizing moment before everything sank in. Finally, Maria said the one word I most wanted to hear. "Yes." The waiter brought the champagne on cue. As we laughed and held each other, I handed Maria my cell phone, programmed with her mother's number, so she could tell her mom the good news. Within a short while, Maria and I married. All the quarters I gave her remained in the same bag, sitting next to the framed poem. Our marriage was wonderfully happy, but I found I missed our quaint little custom. So I planned another surprise. Over a year later, we moved into our new home and had a special dinner on Valentine's Day. When Maria opened a box of chocolates she found - wrapped in tissue in place of a chocolate - a quarter. She looked at me, mystified. "Why am I getting a quarter?" "I miss 'quarting' you." I rolled the quarter up her arm. "I want to quart you and court you for the rest of my life!" Since then, I've been giving Maria a quarter every day. Sometimes I put them in the most unexpected places. Maria puts all the "new" quarters in a ceramic jar on her nightstand. She stores them in quart-size mason jars in her hope chest and promises to keep them forever. I've no idea how many are in her collection, but I do know that many quarters make infinite riches - of love. ================================================================= _____ _ _____ ____ /_ /, | ,-, ) /'_`\ |_ _| | __| \ \> | `-'< | (_) | | | | _| ) )__ ,_ |_|`\_\ \___/ |_| |_| (_.-'_)__$ ;-'' pb >-->LAUGHING DURING TOUGH TIMES Laughter and tears are part of living. But do you find enough time for laughter? I am not asking if you experience lots of good times. Of course we should laugh during the happy times. But do you also laugh during the difficult times? Erma Bombeck is known for her humorous books, but she wrote one that covered a more serious topic: cancer in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO GROW HAIR, I WANT TO GROW UP, I WANT TO GO TO BOISE (Harper and Row, 1989). Erma talks with numerous children with cancer and learns important life lessons from them. She learns, for instance, that cancer survivors know how to laugh. She cites the experience of 15-year-old Jessica from Burlington, VT. Jessica's leg was amputated at the knee because of cancer. She was learning to wear a prosthesis. Jessica tells about playing soccer. She kicked the ball hard and it flew off in one direction while her artificial leg flew another way. Then "the tall, gorgeous person that I am," she said, "convulsed on the floor in laughter." Jessica may not have laughed about her cancer, but she laughed about dealing with the consequences of it. And her laughter helped her cope. Then there is the story of 17-year-old Betsy. She made her way to the radiation room for her regular radiation therapy. As usual, she dropped her hospital gown and, wearing only her birthday suit, climbed onto the table and waited. After a couple of moments she began to realize something disturbing: the extra people in the room were not the medical students she had thought, but rather painters giving an estimate on painting! Betsy laughs heartily about the incident. And like Jessica, her ability to laugh helped her to cope with one of the most difficult things a young person can endure cancer. The Bible reminds us that "there is a time to weep and a time to laugh." Do you find plenty of occasions for laughter? You can...if you also find reasons to laugh during the especially difficult times. Survivors of all kinds usually know how to laugh! If you can laugh even when the going is rough, you'll have plenty of laughter your whole life long! -- Steve Goodier ================================================================ >-->From PetWarmers: `. ---)..( ||||(,o) ptr "`'" \__/ >ONE GOOD TURN... by James Colasanti, Jr. The fisherwoman heard the car doors slam above her on the bridge that traversed the river in which she was fishing. Intent on making her daily catch, she paid little attention to the noise above her until her dog, wading in the waters next to her, looked up and growled ominously. The noonday sun silhouetted the bridge railing. The fisherwoman could see the outline of a man with two burlap sacks heaving them over the railing toward the stream below. The sacks plummeted at an alarming speed, each bag twisting and contorting as something alive fought for escape. Whatever these creatures were, they were in trouble. The fisherwoman headed for the bag within her reach and commanded her dog to "fetch" the other one. After reaching the shore, she slashed the ropes binding the bags with her pocket knife, freeing the unwilling occupants. Out jumped a tan Boxer-Pit Bull mix from the first bag, her nursing nipples almost dragging the ground. Her three tan puppies came out of the second bag. The mother dog gathered her pups together, licking them and making sure they were all okay. Her eyes met those of the fisherwoman. The dog jumped up on her -- one paw on each of the woman's shoulders -- and licked her profusely about the face. It was the dog's way of expressing her gratitude for her life and the lives of her puppies. "Why, aren't you the sweetest thing alive?" the woman exclaimed amidst the bath she was getting from the dog's raspy tongue. "I think I'll call you, Sweetie." The woman toweled the mother dog and the pups, then everyone piled into the truck for the long ride home. Because of an already overflowing household, the fisherwoman could not keep Sweetie and her pups. She contacted the Animal Rescue and Foster Program to see if anyone could foster the dogs until they could get a permanent home. Sweetie came to live with us because no one wanted an adult dog with "pit bull" in the mix. Her puppies were all adopted out to good homes. At her new home with us, Sweetie joined the pack -- approximately 30 dogs and no cat (at that time) and she fit right in. Many months later, Sweetie would repay the kindness shown to her by the fisherwoman, and she would pay it forward to us. The rain that fell that night would not stop. The drops hit the tin roof echoing throughout the house's interior like the sound of popcorn popping in the microwave. Yet, even with the sound of nature's turmoil outside, I remained sound asleep inside. Unbeknownst to us, raccoons had entered our basement wrecking havoc on the downstairs facility and turning the sump pump over on its side, rendering it inoperable. Ever so slowly, the basement began to fill with water. Inching its way up, each drop seeped in through the aged walls. Our gas water-heater, on a platform in the corner, was surrounded on all sides by the incoming flood. As the rain continued throughout the night, the water level continued to rise, finally extinguishing the pilot light on the heater. Surreptitiously, the gas bubbled through the water and filled the entire basement, eventually rising through the vents to enter the main level of the house. Sweetie, alert to the storm -- disliking both the thunder and the lightning -- now smelled a new nemesis. As the gas permeated the bedroom, grogginess and delirium engulfed the bed like a noxious cloud. Sensing the imminent danger, Sweetie started jumping up and down on the bed and barking loudly at the unseen killer. Still, I was slow to respond. As the odor of rotten eggs became stronger, I quickly got up and realized what was happening. We got all of the dogs and ourselves out of the house and onto the covered porch and called the gas company for assistance. Sweetie had repaid the fisherwoman's kindness by, in turn, saving us. I believe in miracles in the world and I believe everyone needs that conviction in their lives. And as proof, at the foot of the bed, Sweetie lies in the bundled woolen blanket. Her head is cocked, listening to the sounds of the night -- her fur stiffening at any intrusive sound. Her soft brown eyes twinkle in the glow of the greenish night lights, holding a secret that only she and Heaven know. And as you may have guessed, Sweetie isn't telling! -- James Colasanti, Jr ___________________________________________ James is a former veterinary technician and now a lead clerk with Barnes & Noble Booksellers. He shares his home with his housemate, Sam, and 25 dogs, and an orange Tomcat named Pumpkin. A past president of the Animal Rescue & Foster Program of Greensboro, NC., he continues his support of various rescue organizations including the Doris Day Animal League. ---------------- (\ /) (( "-" )) \ @ @ / ( "Y" ) pils ".^." `-. _/( _) ( ) (((.\(((./( ( /.((("\ ) (((" " KITTEN FOUND SWIMMING THREE MILES OFF SHORE ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, July 9 -- When Maggie Rogers spotted something bobbing in the water three miles into the Gulf of Mexico while on a scalloping trip with friends, she assumed it was a turtle, or a piece of sea kelp. But as the boat got closer and slowed down, she found it was a tiny, apricot-colored kitten. Nine inches long and screaming at the top of its lungs, the cat was paddling furiously. "We scooped him up and he sat on the boat with me for eight hours," said Rogers, who is the finance director at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. "He was exhausted and stressed," Rogers said. "His heart rate was high." The boaters on the 17-foot Scout Current Drift did not know how the kitten arrived in the Homosassa Bay. There were at least 40 boats in the crowded area where he was found, they said. On Tuesday, three days after he was found, a veterinarian found the 10-week-old, 1-pound kitten had worms, but was otherwise healthy. He was adopted by Rogers' sister-in-law, and named Nemo. (copyright 2004, South Florida Sun-Sentinel) =================================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: ,v-, < , ) `_A_ /"\ / "P `-",V B" /"\ ,-,/\T_D, ,'( ) D ,7 P ) \ \( -' _A_"--',T H. ..-H'-\ _A_ /"\ ,;T___( ,/ | /"\ , _/" ,| C8>'" ( _ _A_ `q _ "" ) _A_ _./"\ ) <,sm> _/' /"\ | ""-._.H ,/ / _A_ ,-._,'`. \ _A_ ,/ /"\/ _A_ \ './"\ __, / /" /"\ '-."`. -="p"" ""\ _P" !_! "W " H \_ """"" ---// ( =' `"-' `w """' >THEY KNOW I AM A CHRISTIAN I got an email the other day from an acquaintance of mine who went overseas for some collegiate studies. Europe for seven months sounds like a good time to me! So I emailed him: “Tell me a story of someone you witnessed to while you were over there?” Here was his response: To tell you the truth, I am not really big into the verbal witnessing approach that I always used in high school. I study history and sociology at school, and I quickly became aware that the Christ was very concerned about the physical well being of people, especially those oppressed by social injustice, discrimination, and the effects of the Roman Empire. I think a modern parallel to this would be the ways in which the U.S. has colonialized the world both in the realms of politics and globalization as well as in the realm of culture. The majority of US Christians are not very aware of the syncretism that has influenced their religious views simply as a result of growing up in the States, and I believe that for a wise approach to sharing Christ's actual message learning other cultures and beliefs and allowing them to influence your understanding of the world is even more loving and Christ-like than attempting to sway people into thinking along the lines of your upbringing and religious concepts. I don't know if that makes sense to you, but I definitely witnessed to everyone around me from Spaniards them- selves to other exchange students from Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, etc. by listening to their frustrations with the immorality of my country and its devastating impact on their cultures and economies, and in doing so, I shared the love of Jesus and made quite a few friends. Part of my response to him was: I kind of figured you might have gotten off path. I see it happening to so many people in general, but definitely by so many college students who claim to be Christians. When Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, He meant that. Tell them the truth about Jesus Christ. When Romans says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, that means someone heard or read the word of God. When Philip witnessed to the Ethiopian eunuch, he did it with his mouth and not his actions. When Jesus witnessed to the woman at the well, it was a verbal conversation. You never see Him getting the water for that woman. Being nice to people is not witnessing. Should our actions go with our words? You better believe it! I will have a DVD coming out about that soon. But doing nice things for people is not a substitute for sharing the Gospel with them. Once I met some atheists who went down to New Orleans to help Katrina victims after the hurricane. Does that mean that people who received help from them are going to become atheists just because the atheists “shared their faith” by being nice atheists with good works? Of course not. That is a ludicrous thing to believe. So why do we believe when it comes to Christianity that people will get Christianity by osmosis from us? Another thing I got out of this young man’s email is that Mom’s and Dad’s, you better be very, very careful where you send your kids to college! All of that work that you put into that child, all the time you invested in that child, and all of that Biblical foundation you laid, can be destroyed by professors in universities and colleges all across America. Oh, and by the way, this individual is attending a “Christian” university! As you can see, he is missing scriptural authority in his argument. My next email to him asked if he believes hell is a real place and who goes there? One thing he wrote is that he made friends with lots of people in Europe, but just because you, I, him, etc. as Christians are just making friends with people, that doesn’t help them with where those friends will be 100 plus years from now! No, he hasn’t responded to those emails. He probably won’t. But that is okay. If I care about him, and I do; I better help him understand the Bible correctly. I really love the story of Stephen in Acts 6 and 7. Acts 6:12-15 says, “And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council, And set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law: For we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us. And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel." They were trying their hardest to get rid of this man who was speaking Biblical truth to them. Then in chapter 7 verse 1 it states, “Then said the high priest, Are these things so?” The high priest asks a very specific question to Stephen, and Stephen does the most amazing thing. He answers it! He didn’t say, ‘you have watched me for the last few months so you know what I believe.’ He didn’t say, ‘look at my Trinity Tunic with the special fish design to know what I believe.’ He didn‘t tell them to check his driveway because his donkey is gone every Wednesday and Sunday as he goes to church. He didn’t decide not to speak at all because they all knew he was a Christian. He didn’t say, ‘listen to the songs I have on my ipod and you will know what I believe.’ He did none of those things. What he did do is open up his mouth and proclaim a beautiful statement of eternal truth that still reverberates to this day. I am sure it didn’t even cross his mind to do some good deeds for that crowd. He had his God given opportunity to preach Biblical truth, and he went for it. Take a look and read Acts 7 to see those beautiful words that he spoke. But as you get to the end of the chapter, you’ll see something very interesting happened. Stephen was stoned to death because he was such a nice guy. No! He was martyred because he told them the truth about Jesus. One of our problems in America is that we have too few martyrs. Not enough people die for their faith in Jesus Christ. But if you are sharing your faith, you know the laws are changing. The world is coming much harder against Christians who verbally proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ. There will be more Christians dying for their faith in the coming days. But please remember that you won’t be dying for Jesus because you are a nice person. You will die for Jesus because you boldly proclaim repentance, judgment, holiness, and Jesus as the only way to the Father to a people and a country that does not want to hear it. Until the nets are full, Mark Cahill Compiled by: Kimberly B. Quiggle. Available Free by E-mail every other day. To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ======================================================= >-->Bible Teachings: My prayer to God for you is that you understand and apply these in your every day life... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Words of Edification, Exhortation, and Comfort These are the Words that God speaks to us. Examples are all throughout the Church Epistles in the Bible. When believers are together, God wants us to speak these same words to each other. I Corinthians 14: 3 -- But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. A more literal translation according to usage is: I Corinthians 14: 3 -- But he that prophesies [speaks forth God's Word and God's Will] speaks unto the listeners edification [words build them up in their minds] by exhortation [encouragement] and comfort [gentle speech]. This verse deals with the activities in the Church when believers come together to worship God and teach the Word to each other. The person who prophesies speaks God's Will in the language known to those present. They understand the words, so their minds are edified (built up) in believing, by way of the encouragement, entreaties, and gentle speech of the person speaking. Read More Here: -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Walking in Power: The Manifestations of Holy Spirit [This article was taken from our book 'The Gift of Holy Spirit: The Power to be like Christ.'] Each Christian has God's gift of holy spirit. Therefore, each Christian has spiritual 'power' and should be exercising that power. Remember that Jesus said that when holy spirit came, believers would have power. Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit [holy spirit] comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.' What is the power Jesus was speaking of? It is the power to hear from God, to speak in tongues, prophesy, do signs, miracles, and wonders, and much more. In short, we can bring into evidence, into manifestation, the gift of holy spirit inside us. The gift of holy spirit, the divine nature, that is sealed in each Christian, cannot be detected by the five senses. No one can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch it. However, holy spirit inside can be manifested, brought forth into evidence, in the nine ways set forth in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Read More Here: -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >WISDOM OF THE WORD Wisdom is defined in the dictionary as the 'power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience, and understanding'. E. W. Bullinger described wisdom more simply as 'the right application of knowledge'. In order to practice the wisdom of the Word of God, we must first have knowledge of the Word. By reading, studying, and learning the Word, we can apply the knowledge we gain, thus acting with wisdom. Read More Here: -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >THE RENEWED MIND - The Believer's Key To Power When a person becomes born again of God's Spirit, that person becomes a three-fold being -- body, soul, and SPIRIT. However, to the surprise of many Christians, that person's mind DOES NOT CHANGE. Another most important point that most Christians do not understand is that the true God NEVER oversteps a person's free will. "God made me quit my smoking." He may have inspired you to do so, but you quit smoking. You took the action. You believed and acted on a desire of your own heart. This is simply an example, but if you feel that something in your life is not in harmony with the Word of God, then YOU must ACT to overcome it. The true God NEVER possesses or controls. He wants you to love Him and act according to what He says in the Bible out of your own free will. This process of changing your thinking AND ACTIONS to line up with the Word of God is called the RENEWED MIND. Why do Christians need to renew their mind to God's Word? Because many are: 1) weak, 2) poor, 3) sick, 4) striving, 5) uncertain, 6) full of fear, 7) factious, 8) undisciplined, and 9) undedicated. This important principle, which is your key to power, is covered most succinctly in THE BOOK OF ROMANS CHAPTER 12, VERSES 1 AND 2. Now, let's look at both Scriptures first and then we will diligently STUDY individual words and phrases as we progress. Romans 12: 1, 2 -- I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Read More Here: *~* GOD BLESS YOU AS YOUR CHOICE IS GOD'S WAYS! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DAARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************