Christmas Story Time And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ _.-O-._ o_o_o_o_o \_`___`_/ } /. .\ { } | _c_ | { __}_\www/_{__ (((( { } )))) | |o { } o| | | |o {_} o| | |_\o _ o/_| \_/==L_I//\_/ \)-.__//-(/ | : //: | | :|/ : | | : | : | | : | : | |---|---| jgs |__ | __| (___|___) *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... AND For Google Plus Users: You can find me here... Shangy Bigham AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This super scorcher is from our friends LouiseAu And Melinda. It is sure to give you your aww quota for the day and even some chuckles for good measure. Also, be sure to check out the cute video here too... _.--"""--, .' `\ .-""""""-. .' | / '. / .-._/ | `. | | \ \ .-._ | _ \ `""'-. \_.-. \ ` ( \__/ | ) '=. ., \ / ( \ / \ / /` `\ | / `' '..-`\ _.-. `\ _.__/ .=. | _ / \ '.-` `-.' / \_/ | | './ _ _ \.' '-' | / \ | | .-. .-. | M E R R Y \ / o| |o \ / | / \ | C H R I S T M O O S E ! / `"` `"` \ / \ | '._.' \ | / | \ | | || _ _ / /|\ (_\ /_) / jgs \ \'._ ` '_.' `""` `"""` Look Who's Talking 12! --- ...TeeHee! An Adorable one! Love this series! Thanks Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: | '.|.' -= + =- ___ .'|'. ___ ******* | ******* /-====) | (_.- )) | / '( )' ) )) / / _/ \_( (( | |-( _ _ )) ) ) / | \ //| |\\ /'-( ( / \ \/\/ *** \/\/ / ) ) | |\ / .=. \ / ( ( `-;./ ;-' _\/(")\/_ '-; ) ) | \ |'---'| / ( ( | \ _| |_ / ) ) _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( jgs .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. `""---`-----` `----`----`""` Your morning thought for the day: The light of the Christmas star to you The warmth of home and hearth to you The cheer and good will of friends to you The hope of a childlike heart to you The joy of a thousand angels to you The love of the Son and God's peace to you. -- an Irish Christmas Blessing -<>- >I GET TO by Darlene A. Buechel Last night, on my drive home from work, I heard a Country song that gave me a truly "Aha!" moment. It wasn't the usual down-home twang, "I was drunk the day my mama got out of prison." No, this song was entitled, "I Get To" and had great lyrics beautifully sung by the group Blue County. It tells the story of a boy who used to have to go to church, cut the grass, and help his dad. The boy grew into a man and, especially since his father's heart attack, says, "These days helping dad is something I don't have to do... I get to." When he met his true love he used to have to say "I love you," until he dreamt she died. He concludes, "Now I realize I don't have to say I love you... I get to." Wow! The meaning behind the lyrics really made me think as I trudged into the house and reached into the fridge for an OJ carton containing... 3 whole drops! Instead of thinking I HAVE TO run to the store to spend $80 on groceries since Ben chugged a whole gallon of OJ last night, I'll think I GET TO buy groceries for my family because I have the money and I have a family, including 19-year-old Ben who inhales the refrigerator contents in Guinness Record Time The next time I hear 21-year-old Dani bemoan the fact she "HAS TO" commute to college, HAS TO work part-time, and HAS TO squeeze in time for her fiance, I'll mention this song. Since I regret the fact I didn't go to college, I'll stress she should be glad she GETS TO go to school, GETS TO work, and is lucky enough to have found a great guy who GETS TO help her make nine million wedding plans for the big day. As for myself, I work full-time to provide health insurance since my husband is a self-employed dairy farmer. I put in my 40 hour work week off the farm, but Rich easily puts in 13-hour days because you HAVE TO milk those Jersey Cows twice a day along with all the other chores. Of course, he should look at the fact he GETS TO work as his own boss and fulfill his boyhood dream of owning a dairy. Putting in those long farming days can be a challenge. Take this morning -- a cold December Saturday in Northeastern Wisconsin. The wind howled outside our bedroom window as the alarm clock beeps us awake at the ghastly hour of 4:45am. After hitting the snooze a few times, Rich finally shut it off, gave me a kiss, and headed to the porch for barn clothes and boots. But wait. He must have got my message when I talked about the song, since he turned around with a message of his own. "I know I don't HAVE TO trudge through the snow to go milk those bossies... I GET TO," he said with just a twinge of sarcasm. Oh well. It's a start. Speaking of starts, the Christmas season is once again starting to frazzle most folks I know. Along with work, school, or changing smelly diapers, they're expected to shop, wrap gifts, trim-a-tree, and bake tasty treats. This year, I'll try to change my Grinch attitude of previous yuletides. Instead of thinking I was on my feet eight hours at work today and still have to wrap presents, trim the tree, and bake three dozen gingerbread cookies, I'll think, I GET TO wrap these great gifts. I also GET TO decorate this tree that will bring joy to family and friends. I GET TO bake these cookies that might make me gain three pounds, but at least we have enough food that I even have to worry about the zipper on my favorite jeans. During this holiday season and throughout the New Year I think we should count our blessings and make the GET TO theory a part of our lives. Remember, we don't have to cook, clean, and wrap in preparation for visits with family and friends -- WE GET TO. -- Darlene A. Buechel __________________________________________________ Darlene, a Wisconsin Cheesehead, wrote this story a few years ago. Since then her daughter earned her college degree, moved out and got married. Her son is still home gulping the OJ, her husband is still milking those cows, and she still GETS TO enjoy reading, writing, and life on the farm. =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) /\ .--._/ \_.--. `) (` _.-' '-._ '-. .-' `) (' /.-"-. .-"-.\ jgs ` \/ ` /\ //\\ //||\\ // || \\ //\ || /\\ //'.\||/.'\\ //___> <___\\ //------------\\ // \\ // .-"-. \\ // ( (`\) \\ // '-/| `\ \\ // .-"-. / | || \\ // (.-. ) / | || \\ || / /)-' =`-.| || || ||/ / '-| .-""-. | =\| || |/ |'./ (__()__) | | || / /\====\ /==| |=|| /_.-' | >--< |-.-| || jgs |----' `-.-' || >WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME By Marcia E Clement The weather's getting colder The nights are drawing in My thoughts turn to the manger That my Jesus lay within. Made of simple timber By a carpenter was made And once the babe was fully grown It became my savior's trade. He came to set the captives free To bring this sinner home Not by my works but by the Son's Through grace and grace alone. He healed the sick, He healed the lame And broke the devil's grasp He demolished the evil gates of hell As he took his final gasp. He may have died but He's not dead He rose on the third day He died that we might all have life His blood our crimes to pay. From Nativity's bed to Calvary's cross He came for all to free Heaven's Son came down in human form And that's what Christmas means to me. Written 7th December 2014 Newport, South Wales. Nadolig Llawen! (Merry Christmas in Welsh) --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: . | . | . | \|/ \ / -= * =- '. .----. .' /|\ / \ ' | ' -= | .----. | | / /""\ | / \( / m m ' ) ) - ) / /-./~` ( ( `.`\ /| . ) )\ \/_/ / . | . ( ( \_.-'` \ ' / \ \.| -= <*^*^*> =- jgs |\____\\ | ( " ) | _) \ |()'"'()| _.-' , | | (___) | /| . ` ; (`-.___.-') /_/____________/ '-.___.-' >Night Of Love... The night was still and silent, Yet the heavens shone brightly above... Something extraordinary was happening... God was sending man His love... Shepherds fled from the fields To follow a wondrous star... Wise men watched with eyes of wonder And had traveled from homes afar... All were drawn to Bethlehem Town To a stable filled with hay, Where in a tiny manger stall, The holy Christ Child lay... Angels in the heavens high Sang praises of His birth... They brought a message of peace and love To everyone on earth... On every Christmas morning, Their message rings out still: "Glory to God in the highest And peace to men of good will..." Oh yes, the night was special; It was truly filled with love, For God, our heavenly Father, Sent us His Son, Jesus, from above... -<>- | -=*=- (| (} | |/||\ {\ | || ___o /|/_ jgs | || X--X |__\ >The Greatest Gift Of All "So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 Winter has arrived ahead of schedule this year. Tonight, I look out my window and see softly falling flakes of snow drifting in the dim light of the old lamp post in my front yard. How many times I've looked out and seen this same winterscape I cannot count. I wonder how many times I've looked at nearly the same scene and went about whatever business seemed important to me at the time. And how many times I've never really seen anything at all as life passed by me; and I never really saw anything. At all. But tonight I'm feeling wistful and pensive. Not sad. Just thoughtful. I guess life is flowing by faster than I ever imagined it could. I suppose none of us at age twenty-five can fathom the value of time; seasons come and go and here it is Christmastime again. And, it really felt strange this night to think that Christmas is only about a week away. When I was child a whole week to wait for Christmas to arrive seemed a painfully long time. Counting down the days and hours made it seem even longer. But Christmas did come - it came and went; it came and went many times and now here I am, many years older, and hopefully, many years wiser, looking back over all those Christmases past. A week until Christmas? And it will come and be gone in a blink of an eye. As I look back at Christmases past, the ones I remember most are the ones where I had the least. Perhaps the lavish gifts of the more prosperous years got in the way of the greatest gift of all. Maybe I buried the greatest gift under mountains of other less important gifts. You know the ones, those gifts that soon find their way into the dark, forgotten corners of cluttered closets. The ones that eventually end up discarded in the trash. It's such a difficult time now for the younger people in our world. It's hard recognize the greatest gift when television commercials try to teach us that we can buy someone's love with something as cheap as a diamond. For what kind of love is love that must be purchased? And, sadly it's true - sometimes it can be very hard to see any evidence of the true Spirit or Meaning of Christmas anywhere around us today. But, the Spirit of Christmas is like the wind; just because we cannot see it, does not mean it is not there. If you keep Christmas in your heart, then Christmas will be everywhere you go. Christmas is almost here again. And whether or not anyone believes in Christmas, does not matter to me. I believe in Christmas. And, all those like me, who believe in Christmas will keep Christmas alive despite those who try so hard to destroy it. It now falls upon those of us who still believe in Christmas to keep the bright Torch of Christmas burning for this generation and the next. I am certain that if we do, the glow from that Torch will continue to light the world. All we have to do is keep the Torch burning. And, never, ever let it grow dim. Over two thousand years ago a child was born in Bethlehem and during His short time upon this earth, He taught everyone, (believer and non-believer alike) the same lesson: Love others as you love yourself. This Christmas be an example. Keep the torch of Christmas burning. It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks; it only matters what you think. Say "Merry Christmas" with a smile and you'll keep the the Spirit of Christmas alive. And it will remain alive forever. Carry the Torch of Christmas wherever you go, and never let its fire die. Remember to love those that do not believe as you do as much as those who do. Be cheerful and compassionate; be understanding of others and have faith. Set a shining example by carrying the Torch of Christmas and holding it high. Let the world see your Christmas spirit and let the glow from it light the world. Be gentle, be kind, be understanding; be tolerant of others who do not believe as you do, in this world there will be many. And be of good cheer. Remember the Reason for Christmas. Celebrate Christmas in your own tradition and in your own way because it is your right to do so. Remember those who are less fortunate than you and help them as much as you can. This Christmas remember to give greatest gift of all. The greatest gift of all costs you nothing. You'll be far richer by giving it than by receiving it. And even the poorest among you can afford it. Carry the Torch of Christmas with you during this final week before Christmas and light the way for others. Say "Merry Christmas" and really mean it. This is the season of love and peace. Long ago Jesus came into this world and showed the world His love and brought His message of peace to all those who would listen. Honor Him this Christmas by showing the world your love. Be a bearer of the Torch of Christmas and hold it high for all to see. Only you can keep the Torch burning. Do it for yourself, do it for your children and do it for their children. Future generations depend on all of us who hold Christmas dear to keep Christmas alive. Christmas will never die as long as we keep Christmas in our hearts and never let the Torch of Christmas grow dark. Over two thousand years ago, the Star of Bethlehem shone brightly for all the world to see; let the Spirit of Christmas within you burn just as brightly - and let all the world see. This Christmas make the first gift you give the very best one: Give the greatest gift of all; give the gift of love. -<>- ..'''::::... .::' `'''':::.. '...::' `.----. /_.--._\ , |= | ,/ \,| =-| ,/ /`\ \, | ,/ /`___`\ \,-| ,/ /'.-:";-.`\ \| ,/ /` //_|_|_\\ `\ \, ,/\, ,/ /` ||_|_|_|| `\;/ /\ \, ,/ /` ||_|_|_|| ,/ /`/\`\ \, ,/ /` ==_`-------' ,/ /` ~\/~ `\ \, ,/ /` __| _ ,/ /` =`\ \, ,/ /`==_ __|___- ,/ /` ==-=|__| `\ \, ,/ /` --= ,/ /` __|-- `\ \, ,/ /` |__ ..----.. = ,/ /`() .-"""""-. 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' ``` `` `""""'""""'"`""".--------' >Mama's Paper Roses At Christmastime, anything is possible By Mitzi Carbaugh Shallotte, North Carolina While I was growing up in Mobile, Ala., my father was often out of work, and it was up to Mama to find a way to make ends meet. That wasn’t easy with five children to feed and clothe. Yet somehow, miraculously, she always found a way. The Christmas I was six, my two older sisters had moved out, so it was just me, my big brother, Junior, and my baby sister at home. What money we had went for groceries, maybe a few simple presents, but we couldn’t possibly afford a tree. Daddy took us all out into the woods, where we picked a scruffy pine to drag inside. But what about decorations? "I think I can find some," Mama said softly. She opened a cabinet that held a collection of gold foil rings pulled off cigars. "I knew these would come in handy someday," she said as she showed us how perfectly the rings fit over the tips of the tree branches. She made a garland out of colorful rags, tying the pieces together into a chain. Our tree was being transformed before our very eyes. "A tree fit for a king," Daddy declared when we were finished. Then Mama explained how Jesus was a king, even though his parents didn’t have a lot of money. "But that’s impossible, Mama. Everybody knows a poor child can’t be king." "With God, Mitzi, all things are possible," Mama said. "That’s what we remember each year when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday." I looked at our tree and imagined the presents with our names on them that would be waiting for us kids Christmas morning. Maybe nothing fancy like a king would have, but wonderful presents just the same. We found Mama stirring a pot at the stove the next morning. "What’s that, Mama?" I asked. "Breakfast?" Mama shook her head. "It’s hot wax," she said. "Now stand back." Junior and I watched Mama take the pot off the burner. On the table were brightly colored crepe paper, some old hangers and a pair of sturdy scissors. "Watch," Mama said. She plucked a bright pink sheet of crepe paper from the pile and cut out a funny-shaped piece that looked like a heart with a tail. Then she untwisted the hanger and straightened it out. She took the scissors to that too, squeezing her hands hard to cut the wire in half. "This will be a stem," she said. Mama’s fingers were red and pinched, but she went right to work, wrapping the tail part of the crepe paper around the stem. After she had four pieces wrapped around the wire, Mama curled the heart-shaped ends out at the top like petals. Mama proudly held up what she had made. "A rose!" I gasped as she held the stem and dipped the paper flower in the hot wax so the bright rose shone like real petals sparkling with early-morning dew. "Can we help you make another, Mama?" Junior asked. "Of course," said Mama. "How could I do it without your help?" All morning the three of us sat at the table making paper roses: pink, white, red and my favorite, bright yellow. Well, it was Mama who really did the work, but Junior and I picked out the colors and made Mama laugh while she wrapped and curled and dipped. By the middle of the afternoon bunches of roses lay across the table. "It looks like a garden in the middle of winter!" I exclaimed. "What are we going to do with them all?" Mama went to the closet and took out our coats. "I have a very special job for you," she said, brushing our hair and making sure our hands were clean. Junior and I nodded solemnly. We could handle a special job! Mama explained how we were to go to people’s houses and ask if they would like to buy some roses. "Sixty cents for a dozen, thirty cents for six," Mama said. Junior and I repeated the price three times to be sure we got it right. "Now you two stick together, and don’t go inside anywhere," Mama instructed as she buttoned up my coat. Her fingers were sore from cutting all of the wire to make the stems, and there were blisters on her hands from where the wax had splattered on her. "And don’t take anything besides the money." "Yes, Mama," we promised as we stepped out the door. The wind was strong, but Junior and I wrapped our arms around the roses to keep them safe. We visited plenty of houses that day, and it seemed like everyone wanted Mama’s paper roses for Christmas. "Just one more bunch, and we’ll have sold them all," I told Junior proudly as we rang the doorbell at a house with a big wreath in the window. A woman in an apron answered. "What beautiful roses!" she exclaimed. "Come inside and keep warm while I get my purse. Would you children like some cookies?" "No, thank you, ma’am," Junior said politely, just as Mama always taught us. "We’ll wait out here." But when the lady was gone we peeked inside the open door. "Mitzi, look!" Junior whispered. In the corner of the hall was a tremendous fir tree covered in gold and silver balls and twinkling lights, with a glowing star on top. I’d never seen such a tree in all my life! "It’s much fancier than ours," I observed. Junior nodded. "But I like ours better." I took one more look at the tree. "Yeah," I agreed. "Our tree is special. It’s a tree fit for a king." On the way home Junior and I discussed what kind of presents the people in that house might be getting. "I’ll bet the kids get tons of presents," Junior sighed. "Maybe even roller skates!" Roller skates! That was just about the biggest present we could imagine. Mama was waiting with hot cocoa and blankets when we got home. "We were real careful with the money," Junior told her as we pulled handfuls of nickels and dimes out of our pockets. "You did a good job," Mama said, helping us off with our coats. "I don’t know what I would do without you two." The next week Mama made lots more roses, and Junior and I sold every single one. "I’m going to miss going door to door," I said as Junior and I went to bed on Christmas Eve. "But we’ll definitely have enough money for groceries now." Bright and early the next morning I bounded out of bed and down to our tree. Sure enough, Santa had left a present for each of us kids, even the baby. There were two wrapped packages just the same size, one with my name on it and one with Junior’s. "What do you suppose those are?" Daddy asked. We carried the boxes to the middle of the room. They were surprisingly heavy. I shook mine a little and heard a thump from inside. What could it be? Junior and I tore off the wrapping paper. I gasped. "Mama! Roller skates!" Junior pulled his skates out of the box, turning them over in his hands like he was making sure they were real. "Let’s see them," said Mama. We rushed to her side and held up the silver skates so Mama could spin the wheels with her hands, still cracked and blistered from making those paper roses. "Santa brought us roller skates!" I said. I could still hardly believe it was true. But hadn’t Mama said at Christmastime anything was possible? "Of course he did," Mama said, sweeping us into a big hug. "Because you’re such a good boy and girl!" It was years before I questioned where those roller skates really came from, or wondered just what Mama did with the money she worked so hard for that Christmas. Looking back, though, I think that was just the way Mama wanted it. On that magic morning, I knew without a doubt that all things are possible—that roses can bloom in wintertime and a poor child can be King. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Dog Rescue Stories! God's Paintings! I Believe In You! Adam In Paradise! God's Night Lights! Salvation Mountain! Playing With Words! Cano Cristales River! God's Water Paintings! Believe In Your Dreams! Attitude Is Everything 3! Who Is This Jesus? Kids On Angels! Christmas Miracle! Journey Through Life! Kid Lessons! Ice Bubbles!- Life Train! Random Acts Of Kindness! World's Largest Model Railway! Ice Sculpture Art 3!- Disney Christmas 2!- Jesus Laughing Art!- The Christmas Story!- Shangrala's Christmas Index -<>- >Please Follow/Visit Me On StumbleUpon: -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) Santa Vision The Simple Truths of Service Inspirational Movie --- ...Awesome! Thanks Melody! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) A tribute by Tom Brokaw and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to Colonel Gail Halverson, “The Candy Bomber”. Colonel Halverson acquired the name for his efforts during the Berlin airlift to provide the German children with candy. He called this candy parachute supply effort “Operation Little Vittles” and it was greatly appreciated by the children. Music video by Elvis Presley & Martina McBride performing Blue Christmas. This is modern technology at it’s finest as someone has done a GREAT job of editing and putting these two singers together for this all time great song. --- ...So beautiful! Love Elvis! Thanks LouiseAu! More Christmas songs by Elvis... Best Christmas Songs By Elvis Presley - Merry Christmas 2017 Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) ___ / __'. .-"""-. .-""-| | '.'. / .---. \ / .--. \ \___\ \/ /____| | / / \ `-.-;-(`_)_____.-'._ ; ; `.-" "-:_,(o:==..`-. '. .-"-, | | / \ / `\ `. \ / .-. \ \ \ | Y __...\ \ \ / / \/ /\ | | | .--""--.| .-' \ '.`---' / \ \ / / |` \' _...--.; '---'` \ '-' / jgs /_..---.._ \ .'\\_ `. `--'` .' (_) `'/ (_) / `._ _.'| .' ``````` '-...--'` >AM I IN THE RIGHT PLACE? I Thought... I shook my head in disbelief. This couldn't be the right place. After all, I couldn't possibly be welcome here. I had been given an invitation several times, by several different people, and had finally decided to see what this place was all about. But, this just couldn't be the right place. Quickly, I glanced down at the invitation that I clutched in my hand. I scanned past the words, "Come as you are. No jacket required," and found the location. Yes, I was at the right place. I peered through the window again and saw a room of people whose faces seemed to glow with joy. All were neatly dressed, adorned in fine garments and appeared strangely clean as they dined at this exquisite restaurant. Ashamed, I looked down at my own tattered and torn clothing, covered in stains. I was dirty, in fact, filthy. A foul smell seemed to consume me and I couldn't shake the grime that clung to my body. As I turned around to leave, the words from the invitation seemed to leap out at me, "Come as you are. No jacket required." I decided to give it a shot. Mustering up every bit of courage I could find, I opened the door to this restaurant and walked up to a man standing behind a podium. "Your name, sir?" he asked me with a smile. I mumbled without looking up. I thrust my hands deep into my pockets, hoping to conceal their stains. He didn't seem to notice the filth that I was covered in and he continued, "Very good, sir. A table is reserved in your name. Would you like to be seated?" I couldn't believe what I heard! A grin broke out on my face and I said, "Yes, of course!" He lead me to a table and, sure enough, there was a placard with my name written on it in a deep, dark red. As I browsed over a menu, I saw many delightful items listed. There were things like, "peace," "joy," "blessings," "confidence," "assurance," "hope," "love," "faith," and "mercy." I realized that this was no ordinary restaurant! I flipped the menu back to the front in order to see where I was at. "God's Grace," was the name of this place! The man returned and said, "I recommend the 'Special of the Day'. With it, you are entitled to heaping portions of everything on this menu." You've got to be kidding! I thought to myself. You mean, I can have ALL of this! "What is the 'Special of the Day,' I asked with excitement ringing in my voice. "Salvation," was his reply. "I'll take it," I practically cried out. Then, as quickly as I made that statement, the joy left my body. A sick, painful ache jerked through my stomach and tears filled my eyes. Between my sobs I said, "Mister, look at me. I'm dirty and nasty. I'm unclean and unworthy of such things. I'd love to have all of this, but, I just can't afford it." Undaunted, the man smiled again. "Sir, your check has already been taken care of by that Gentleman over there," he said pointing to the front of the room. "His Name is Jesus." Turning, I saw a man whose very presence seemed to light the room. He was almost too much to look at. I found myself walking towards Him and in shaking voice I whispered, "Sir, I'll wash the dishes or sweep the floors or take out the trash. I'll do anything I can do to repay you for all of this." He opened His arms and said with a smile, "Son, all of this is yours if you just come unto Me. Ask Me to clean you up and I will. Ask Me to take away the stains and it is done. Ask Me to allow you to feast at My table and you will eat. Remember, the table is reserved in your name. All you must do is accept this gift that I offer you." Astonished, I fell at His feet and said, "Please, Jesus. Please clean up my life. Please change me and seat me at Your table and give me this new life." Immediately, I heard the words, "It is finished." I looked down and white robes adorned my squeaky clean body. Something strange and wonderful had happened. I felt new, like a weight had been lifted, and I found myself seated at His table. "The 'Special of the Day' has been served, "the Lord said to me. "Salvation is yours." We sat and talked for a great while and I so enjoyed the time that I spent with Him. He told me, me of all people, that He would like me to come back as often as I liked for another helping from God's Grace. He made it clear that He wanted me to spend as much time with Him as possible. As it drew near time for me to go back outside into the "real world," He whispered to me softly, "And Daniel, I am with you always." And then, He said something to me that I will never forget. He said, "My child, Do you see these empty tables through out this room?" "Yes, Lord. I see them. What do they mean?" I replied. "These are reserved tables. but the individuals whose names are on each placards have not accepted their invitations to dine. Would you be so kind as to hand out these invitations to those who have not joined us yet?" Jesus asked. "Of course," I said with excitement as I picked up the invitations. "Go ye therefore into all nations," He said as I turned to leave. I walked into God's Grace dirty and hungry. Stained in sin. My righteousness as filthy rags. And Jesus cleaned me up. I walked out a brand new man... robed in white, His righteousness. I'll keep my promise to my Lord. I'll go. I'll spread the Word. I'll share the Gospel... I'll hand out the invitations. And I'll start with you. Have you been to God's Grace? There's a table reserved in your name, and here's your invitation: "Come as you are. No jacket required." --- ...Aww, beautiful! A tear jerk-er! Thanks Bunni! =============================================================== _____ _____ _.-(_____`;--;`_____)-._ ,.-' ) |__| ( '-., > _.-\____.-' '-.____/-._ < `''` | | `"'` | H A P P Y | | HOLIDAYS! | ; ; / \ .' '. [___________________] jgs '==' >You Are Not Alone Story Editor: by Lucy Hanouille Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA My father died when I was twenty years old. Up until his death, I had never told anyone of his illness or the suffering that our family had endured for the past fifteen years. It was the family secret -- we learned well not to discuss it. Death sometimes has a way of revealing secrets. I was encouraged to take the news of my loss to the Assistant Dean of my art school, Doris Kinsella. Doris was, in my opinion, one of the world's best listeners. I found myself pouring my heart out to her. She listened, gave advice and encouraged me to stay in school and in counseling. As I left her office, she pointed down the hall at another girl I knew and liked and said, "See that girl? She lost her father this weekend. Heart attack. Very sudden, very unexpected." That was all she said. But from that moment, I looked for that other girl. If she was working in the studio, I worked. If she was going to classes, I went. I couldn't imagine how it felt to lose someone so quickly; I admired her courage. Having known my father was dying... if she could keep going, I could, too. At the school year's end, the other student, "Alice" and I were talking. We shared our deep respect for Doris and the comfort she had brought to our lives in this difficult year. Alice then told me her story. She also had been encouraged to see Doris when her father died. She also found a deep, thoughtful, compassionate listener in Doris. Doris had suggested grief counseling and encouraged her to stay in school. When they walked out of her office together, Doris pointed towards me and said, "See that girl? Her father just died after 15 long years of illness. No one really knows what made him ill." After that, Alice looked for me every day. If I was working in the studio, she worked in the studio. If she saw me going to classes, she went to classes. Alice said she couldn't imagine how it must have felt to live with the inevitability of death for so long. We both agreed that it didn't matter how the loss occurred -- it still hurt deeply. In that way, without even speaking, we kept each other in school. We kept each other going. With one simple sentence, Doris kept us both in school. We lost Doris to cancer almost 20 years ago, but her kindness and her love for me as a student and person have stayed with me to this day. I realize now that the lesson she taught me, by her simple statements, has been a guiding light keeping me going through the hard times in my life. No matter how alone depression or PTSD made me feel, I knew I was not alone after all. Her words made all the difference in my life. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Our Friend Fran :) * . . . | . * * . \|/ . . -->*<-- . /|\ . ' | ' * | . * . | . ' _ _ .:. . ( | .-. ___ .'_`. WWW \w/ \V/ |/(_)\ .'.-.`. `(_)' (_) (_) (_) |// \\ `/(_)\' // \\ _/ | _/ | _/ | _ _ \/| |/ //)_(\\ \| |/ %%__/| $$__/| &&__/| _-(_)- _-(_)- | | | /(o___))\ | | | | | | | | `(___) `(___) | | | ` / \' | | | | | | | | jgs // \\ // \\ | |_| /_____\ |_| |_| |_| |_| >One Bright Shining Star So long ago, so far away On a star filled silent night A miracle of birth took place Oh! What a Holy sight! The Angels filled a starry sky To trumpet in His birth For on this night a King was born And graced all upon this earth. With One Bright Shining Star The Angels led the way To guide them to the manger Where the tiny Boy Child lay. Just One Bright Shining Star They followed on that day And when they found the manger They all knelt down to pray. Peace on Earth, good will to all Sang a choir of Angel voices Jesus comes to us this night And all the world rejoices! ~ Charlotte Anselmo -<>- Dedicated to all military troops everywhere. .-----------------------------------------------------. | __ ___________________ | _________________ __ | || / / '.|.' \ \ || ||/ / ___ -= + =- \ \|| | / ******* .'|'. ___ \ | | / /-====) | ******* \ | || | / -( | (_.- )) || || / / _/ )- ) )) || || | |-( _ \_( (( || || / | \ //| _ )) ) ) || || / \ \/\/ |\\ /'-( ( || || | |\ / *** \/\/ / ) ) || || `-;./==;-' .=. \ / ( ( || || | \ _\/(_)\/_ '-;==) ) || || | \ |'---'| / ( ( || || | \ _| |_ / ) ) || || _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( || || .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. || |jgs `""---`-----` `----`----`""` || >THE SANDS OF CHRISTMAS I had no Christmas spirit when I breathed a weary sigh, And looked across the table where the bills were piled too high. The laundry wasn't finished and the car I had to fix, My stocks were down another point, the Chargers lost by six. And so with only minutes till my son got home from school I gave up on the drudgery and grabbed a wooden stool. The burdens that I carried were about all I could take, And so I flipped the TV on to catch a little break. I came upon a desert scene in shades of tan and rust, No snowflakes hung upon the wind, just clouds of swirling dust. And where the reindeer should have stood before a laden sleigh, Eight Humvees ran a column right behind an M1A. A group of boys walked past the tank, not one was past his teens Their eyes were hard as polished flint, their faces drawn and lean. They walked the street in armor with their rifles shouldered tight, Their dearest wish for Christmas, just to have a silent night. Other soldiers gathered, hunkered down against the wind, To share a scrap of mail and dreams of going home again. There wasn't much at all to put their lonely hearts at ease, They had no Christmas turkey, just a pack of MREs. They didn't have a garland or a stocking I could see, They didn't need an ornament - they lacked a Christmas tree. They didn't have a present even though it was tradition, The only boxes I could see were labeled "ammunition." I felt a little tug and found my son now by my side, He asked me what it was I feared, and why it was I cried. I swept him up into my arms and held him oh so near And kissed him on the forehead as I whispered in his ear. "There's nothing wrong, my little son, for safe we sleep tonight Our heroes stand on foreign land to give us all the right. To worry on the things in life that mean nothing at all, Instead of wondering if we will be the next to fall." He looked at me as children do and said, "it's always right, To thank the ones who help us and perhaps that we should write." And so we pushed aside the bills and sat to draft a note, To thank the many far from home, and this is what we wrote: "God bless you all and keep you safe, and speed your way back home. Remember that we love you so, and that you're not alone. The gift you give you share with all, a present every day, You give the gift of liberty and that we can't repay." ~ Michael Marks ~ Merry Christmas and a safe New Year to all troops so far from home! May God bless and keep you safe. --- ...A wonderful reminder! May God Bless All Our Veterans! Thanks Fran! =============================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: \*/ __\\U//__ |\\ | | \\| | \\| |\ \|()-() |\ \| |\\ |/. .\ |\\ | | \\|\ Y /_ .--.| \\| |\ O__`&`__O /____\\ \| |\\ |/ \ \~~~~/"[B]"""""()/^\() jgs `--` [A][C] >DECISIONS Trying to make an important decision? If you are, here are some suggestions to help you: * Don’t ask God to bless your plans, ask Him to show you His -- they’re already blessed! And remember, God will never tell you to do anything that doesn’t line up with what He’s already told you in His Word (Isaiah 8:20). * Make sure your goal is to glorify God. Sometimes that’s hard to know, for the worst pride often masquerades behind feigned humility. The human body is amazing, just pat a man on the back and his head begins to swell (James 4:6)! * Use your brain. God’s guidance transcends human reasoning, but it doesn’t exclude it. When God saves you, He doesn’t remove your mind, He renews it. So pray, then put it to work (Romans 12:2). * Seasons aren’t meant to be ignored. If it isn’t God’s timing, wait! In the right season, the plan will be clear, the people you need will show up and the funds will be provided (Ecclesiastes 3:1). God has promised it, so trust Him * Seek trustworthy counsel. Beware of those who patronize you for selfish reasons. Listen to those who value what you value and have been where you want to go (Proverbs 27:17). * Never act without the facts, but never limit God to them. When knowledge won’t take you another step, faith will carry you through, for that’s what connects you to the power of God. Now listen again: “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help (James 1:6). as seen in “First Impressions,” online newsletter of Wilmington First Assembly of God, Timothy Satryan, Sr Pastor -<>- >IF I DO THIS, THEN… Luke 15:28-31 But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, 'Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!' And he said to him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. (ESV) Thoughts Have you ever treated God like a vending machine? Or maybe like Santa Clause? Have you tried to manipulate Him or obligate Him to do what you want Him to do? Have you ever thought, "If I do this, then God will have to do this in return?" I know that I have been guilty of that very thing. (Jack M) Action Point We need to understand that God owes no one anything. All that He gives is because of His goodness, grace, mercy and love. He cannot be bribed. He cannot be tricked. He cannot be manipulated. The elder brother in the passage above (Read Luke 15:1-31) was angry because his father was generous and forgiving. He did not like it that his younger, lost brother had been reinstated to full status as a son and as an heir. This certainly cut into his own inheritance. What amazes us is that the father comes out to seek them both! When he speaks with the older brother, the younger is already present at the feast. The lost younger brother has now been found and is saved. The older, manipulative brother was still standing outside the banquet hall. Have you accepted God's offer of salvation in Christ, or are you still standing on the outside? Sportsmen's Tip of the Day Make a list. Check it twice. When heading out for a trip in the outdoors, especially to a remote area, make a list of all you will need ahead of time. Check off what you will need as you pack it. Chances are the wilderness areas will not have a store, a vending machine, or a retail outlet so you can purchase what you need in an emergency situation. as seen in Sportsmen's Daily Devotional -<>- * * * * * * .===.""* * /'::::\ *\_ (` '::|* / \ _.,--`-.`_;/.-/ ; _.-'; \ _`'._.' /| .-'/. ` '._(_\_.' / | .-'` | `. .-' .' | \`. `-.__..--' _.-' .' \ '-._ _.-' _.' \_ '--._.-'` _.' '._ \ _.-' jgs '-._\_.-' >THE BIRTHDAY OF OUR LORD It seemed to be a night like any other to the shepherds guarding their flocks, when suddenly they were surrounded by Light them quite a shock! Then spoke the voice of an angel, saying, There's no need for you to fear. The shepherds listened with thundering hearts ... for these words they wanted to hear. The angel delivered the message God was sending to them... This day Christ, the Savior, is born in Bethlehem! The Heavenly Choir was singing the most beautiful song ever given. When they were finished, the Host then returned to Heaven. The shepherds looked to their leader and found him looking at them. They all decided to check this out, so they headed toward Bethlehem. Sure enough, just as the angel had said, they found the Babe lying in the hay ...the long awaited Messiah had truly been born that day! Then, like a gaggle of gossiping women, they began telling what they'd seen and heard ...saying, This Day will go down in history as the Birthday of our Lord! -Virginia Archer 12-11 -<>- _..._ _..._ /\_|_/. .\_|_/\ |-(` \/\ /\/ `)-| '/_> \/\ /\/ <_/' _ \/\/\/ _ /'-:_\/\/_:-'\ | '=_/``\_=' | | .= \__/ =. | \_.-'/;|\'-._/ /\/|'||\/\ jgs /\/ / || \/\ /\/ |_/ | \/\ /\/ \_\ \/\ \/ \/ >WHAT A WEEK! Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks) where it seems like things continually go wrong? Well this past week was one of those for me. To start with, someone backed into my truck and did some minor damage to the body. The next day my office computer died, the following day my printer died and the next one of my hearing aids just quit working and today my glasses broke. Now all of these things besides being time consuming and an inconveni- ence also cost money. So, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to find time to deal with all of these things and where the money is going to come from and am just a little frustrated. I had to remind myself that all of these things are only "THINGS" and not anything that will really matter in the long run. Yet, don't our lives, far too often, become consumed with our concern for our "THINGS"? Sure they do, it seems that is part of the ongoing battle we have with our human nature! One of the best known parables of Jesus is about a rich farmer who had lots of things found in Luke 12:16-21, "And he spoke a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (KJV) That parable makes you stop and think, doesn't it? Where are our priorities, what do we really value in this life. How much time do we spend taking care of our things as compared to how much time we invest in the things of God? Now, my truck is being repaired by the Insurance Company and my computer was looked at by a member of our church who said it was beyond repair, but I have a backup, so that's OK. I was able to work with my printer and get that going again and I found out that my hearing aids were still under warranty and will be repaired for free. My glasses are a minor repair and only cost about $4. I think another scripture fits here pretty well. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." (NLT) I don't know about you, but I'm still working on being able to live that way. I don't know if I will ever reach the level of Spiritual Growth to never worry about tomorrow, but I'm trying. Russ Lawson - Messages From The Heart To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to --- ...This last article reminds me of this... _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` Matt.26: [6] Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, [7] There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. [8] But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? [9] For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. [10] When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. [11] For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. We often get caught up in the moment - we set our priorities to our work, our home, our church, our neighbors or any number of things that the devil likes to throw at us to distract us from what is REALLY important in our life. The old 'take time to smell the roses' is something we get too busy to do in our hustle bustle worlds. People like to judge others and bring them down especially when they they want to elevate themselves. Jesus recognized this in his disciples and gave them a lesson to help them understand how love and compassion work. He rightly told them what their priorities should be. The ones closest to them, they may not always have and should be their priority one. We need to take time to show love and compassion to our own loved ones as well as to others. Just doing for others leaves a hole in our world. Our loved ones need us just as much or more than our neighbors, fellow workers, church members and the poor do. Always make time for your family and friends giving them your attention and heart felt love. Don't neglect those that need you and love you the most. =============================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) \ | / -- * -- / | \ /') ./') ('\. ('\ /' /.--''./'') (''\.''--.\ '\ :--'' ; ''./'') (''\.'' ; ''--: : ' ''./') ('\.'' ' : : ''./' '\.'' : :--''-..--'''' ''''--..-''--: dp >In His Hands (By Betty Purser Parker) We know not what tomorrow brings Although we plan ahead For only God alone can know The pathway we must tread. We cannot know the future Not one minute nor one hour Each circumstance that we must face Lay only in His power It's vital that we live by faith From minute unto minute And trusting that each step we take He's walking with us in it. We cannot see the future Not the trials we must face But in all things, God promised us Sufficiency of grace. This alone should give us hope Whatever be our plans In knowing that our future lies In His sweet, loving hands. --- ...So true! Thank you LouiseAu! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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