Does a Dead Man Cry? ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ _,-""`""-~`) (`~_,=========\ |---,___.-.__,\ | o \ ___ _,,,,_ _.--. \ `^` /`_.-"~ `~-;` \ \_ _ .' `, | |`- \'__/ / ,_ \ `'-. / .-""~~--. `"-, ;_ / | \ \ | `""` \__.--'`"-. /_ |' `"` `~~~---.., | jgs \ _.-'`-. \ \ '. / `"~"` *~* WE NEED MORE 2009 CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a 2009 Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY! ================ >-->Hot Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This one comes from 2 of our friends Del and Viv. When I saw these two, I couldn't resist joining them together into one fun page. Check it out here... _____________ | | \ | PAMPA | | | * | | | | |__ | | __ \______ | |/ \_____ |_________________ | O \___________________/ \ | \\*****; \ \ | \\***********; \ \ ____________| \\************;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \ \ /____________| \\***** ***; ; | | \ \\*** *; ; \ \ | \\*** * ***;________________; | | \_ \\*** ****;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | | |_ \\***********;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _|_| | \\*.***;*****;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _/_/ \ \\ ******;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _/_/ \ ____ \\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; / |_/__/ \ \\ / / \ \\ / / \ \\ _ /_/ \ \\ / / \ \\ _ / / \ | | \ / / | / / \ / / | \ \ \ | | \_ | | \_ | | \__|/ Texas Rules Of Ettiquette --- ...Super! Thanks Del And Viv! ================================================================== >Chris's Wings Story Editor: by Jean Ang Anne Wilson California, USA In December 2001, my husband and I took our son Christopher on a flight from Seattle to Los Angeles. Chris had Duchene's Muscular Dystrophy. When we boarded in Seattle, the pilot, Gary, asked if we wanted to show Chris, 15, the cockpit. My husband carried him in for a look. Chris' face lit up as he told us when he became well he wanted to be a pilot. It made me cry. During our flight the entire crew was great to Chris. When we landed, Gary asked for our address to send Chris a card. Chris was so excited Gary wanted to write to him. Several weeks later Chris received a beautiful card. Pinned to it was a pair of wings. Gary wrote that he'd earned them while in the service and wanted Chris to have them. We put the wings on Chris and he didn't want to take them off. All he did was talk about the pilot that sent them. He even took them to school to show his friends. Three months later Chris had his 16th birthday. That Saturday there was a knock on the door. It was Gary, who said he was on the way to LA for a flight. He wanted to see how Chris was doing and had a surprise -- he'd brought Chris one of his old pilot jackets. Chris was just beside himself. We immediately put the wings on the jacket and took pictures of Chris wearing it. I'd never seen him so excited. The jacket was his most prized possession. Six months later, on August 10, 2002, Chris passed away. We sent Gary an email about Chris's death, but sadly it was returned. Four years later I found a web page looking for stories about wonderful customer service experiences while traveling on Alaska Airlines. Now was my chance to let the airline know about Gary and what he'd done for Chris. My letter was published on the web site. The next week, I received an email from the airline asking my permission to publish my letter in their upcoming In-Flight magazine. I was honored and thankful that Gary would be recognized for what he'd done. I received a call from Gary two months later asking if he could come over as he had something for me. When he arrived, he opened a box containing a model of a 737 Alaska Airline airplane. There was also a note from Alaska's CEO thanking me for writing the letter. Gary has since been promoted to Captain. This experience taught me the importance of being kind to one another. My older son became a pilot and teaches flying lessons. He is living Chris's dream -- because of the incredible kindness of one person. I will never forget how Gary made one special boy very proud, and how he made such an impact on our whole family. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Our Friends At , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Hello and God bless you! We wanted to let you know that we have two events that are now open for registration. Both will be held at our Camp Vision in Bloomington, IN. Our 20s Conference is September 4-7. The theme is "Make it Your Own: Fulfilling Your Ministry." If you are 19 and would like to attend, please let us know. In a culture that promotes irresponsibility and discourages seeking God for personal sufficiency our mission is revealed. We must stand in a firm relationship with God and seek to fulfill the personal ministries to which we have been called. 2 Timothy 4:5 (ESV) As for you, always be sober-minded ... fulfill your ministry. Our Silent Retreat is October 28-November 1. The theme verse is "Therefore consider carefully how you listen (Luke 8:18)." This is a great time to step back and take some time to strengthen your relationship with your heavenly Father and your Lord Jesus. We have had some amazing feedback from this event! If you are unable to attend, we ask that you please keep these events in your prayers. We are always in need of donations to our scholarship fund. If you would be blessed to sow into someone's life so that they may attend an event, please make a note with your donation that it is for the Scholarship Fund. You can donate online at For more information on these events, please visit We pray for you everyday! The Home Office Staff Spirit & Truth Fellowship International ============================================================ >-->From Our Firend Ar1 :) [POLITICS] .----. ===(_)== THIS WONT HURT A BIT... // 6 6 \\ / ( 7 ) \ '--' / \_ ._/ __) (__ /"`/`\`V/`\`\ / \ `Y _/_ \ / [DR]\_ |/ / /\ | ( \/ / / / \ \ \ / \ `-/` _.` jgs `=. `=./ `"` If you care about the future of this country read this and see what Obama has planned for each of us regardless of age. This is a naked power grab to take control of the life of every American and also will give equal benefit to all illegals at no cost to them! For the love of God, speak up before it is too late….call, e-mail, write your representatives…. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! I am 65 years old and will be gone before the full brunt of this plan reaches fruitation, probably due to rationed health care. AND HERE THEY ARE, LINE AND VERSE. HARDLY REFUTABLE, AS IT'S IN THE PROPOSED BILL. Some things included in the Health Care Bill: .-..-. (-o/\o-) /`""``""`\ \ /.__.\ / \ `--` / Gotta READ The Dang Thing! `) (' , /::::\ , |'.\::::/.'| _| ';::;' |_ (::) || (::) _. "| || |" _(:) '. || .' /::\ '._||_.' \::/ /::::\ /:::\ \::::/ _\:::/ /::::\_.._ _.._ _.._ _.._/::::\ \::::/::::\/::::\/::::\/::::\::::/ jgs `""`\::::/\::::/\::::/\::::/`""` `""` `""` `""` `""` Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Government will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!! Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!! Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice! PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise Pg 58HC Bill - Government will have real-time access to individuals' finances & a National ID Health card will be issued! Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community orgs (ACORN). Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Government is creating a Health Care Exchange to bring private Health Care plans under Government control. PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private HC plans in the Exchange PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Government will ration your Healthcare! PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill - Government mandates linguistic services. Example - Translation for illegal aliens Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Government will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Government HC plan PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs of Benefit Levels for Plans. #AARP members – Your Health care WILL BE RATIONED. PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue Government on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Government Monopoly pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill - Doctors/ #AMA - The Government will tell YOU what u can make. Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families. Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Employer with payroll 400k & above who does not provide public option will pay 8% tax on all payroll pg 150 Lines 9-13 Any business with payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable HC according to Government will be taxed 2.5% of inc Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay) Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records PG 203 Line 14-15 HC - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" (Yes, it says that) Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same PG 253 Line 10-18 Government sets value of Dr's time, professional judgement, etc. Literally value of humans. PG 265 Sec 1131 Government mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries PG 268 Sec 1141 Fed Government regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs PG 272 SEC. 1145. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing! Page 280 Sec 1151 The Government will penalize hospitals for what Government deems preventable readmissions. Pg 298 Lines 9-11 Drs, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission - Government will penalize you. Pg 317 L 13-20 PROHIBITION on ownership/investment - Government tells Drs. what/how much they can own. Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 PROHIBITION on expansion- Government will mandating hospitals cannot expand pg 321 2-13 Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required. Can u say ACORN?!! Pg335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339 - Government mandates establishment of outcome based measures. HC the way they want. Rationing Pg 341 Lines 3-9 Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Adv Plans, HMOs, etc. Forcing people in to Government plan Pg 354 Sec 1177 - Government will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people! Think about people in the Special Olympics to understand what this means. --- ...Thank You Ar1! _.-"\ _.-" \ ,-" \ ( \ \ \ \ \ 1,000 page kindling! \ \ \ \ \ _.-; \ \ _.-" : \ \,-" _.-" \( _.-" -shimrod `--" I wish they'd just scrap this horrible ObamaCare big brother government health bill and start all over! For those of us pro life, we'll even have to pay for abortions! Talk about NO FREEDOM To CHOOSE as a tax payer this isn't right! And That's Not All - check this out... >Here's More From GrassFire and Liberty Counsel: Despite theatrical backpedaling by the President on when his government-run healthcare will pass Congress, Obama and his allies are rushing ahead TODAY and TOMORROW at full speed to push the bill through two key committees. ABC News reports that if ObamaCare passes through the House Energy and Commerce Committee, it will be in "good shape" for passage in September. Meanwhile, Senate negotiators continue to feverishly work behind closed doors on their version. And it's STILL true that every version of ObamaCare currently being discussed includes the devastating Abortion Mandate that will require you and me to fund abortion with our tax dollars! PLUS, this bill is more than an Abortion Mandate. It also requires euthanasia counseling - the frequency of which increases with age and illness. It mandates counsel to "increase the frequency interval" between pregnancies (in other words, bureaucrats will tell you when you should have a child). And, it even requires taxpayers to pay for "sex change" surgeries! Not to mention the clear fact that ObamaCare is an economic suicide pill for our faltering economy! And don't believe for a minute that Democrat operatives are actually going on vacation in August. Barack Obama is back in full campaign mode... Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel is twisting arms like crazy... and Nancy Pelosi is making more deals than she can possibly keep track of! In fact, the President's ploy of conceding a "missed deadline" and reluctantly accepting a vote "in the fall" was only designed to stop public pressure against the bill. The key work on ObamaCare is still rushing forward even as I write... ...and the group of pro-life Democrats we have identified still hold the crucial key for this entire issue. + + Fax Your Rep and Key Pro-Life Democrats As I mentioned a few days ago, Liberty Counsel has identified the key pro-life Democrats who have taken a strong stand against any Abortion Mandate in the ObamaCare scheme. We must continue to flood these pro-life members of Congress with faxes opposing the oppressive ObamaCare and its Abortion Mandate today, tomorrow and even into next week to keep the pressure on! Go here to schedule your faxes for delivery to the key pro-life Democrats who will likely decide the fate of ObamaCare and its despicable Abortion Mandate: If you've already scheduled faxes this week, please forward this message to your friends so they can take a stand as well. (Please note that we have provided all the information you need to send your own faxes at the above link. Most importantly, please take action now!) + + Devastating Details of ObamaCare My staff in Washington, D.C., has been analyzing the House bill (over 1,000 pages in all, with even Members of Congress complaining that it is far too long and too complex to grasp!) What we are finding is absolutely shocking... ..Healthcare rationing ..Mandated audits of the books of private companies ..A National Health ID card, complete with government access to your personal information and even your bank accounts. ..Government decisions about what healthcare benefits you can receive, even from your private employer. ..Employers required to auto-enroll all employees in ObamaCare with no options. And of course, the implicit and completely unacceptable Abortion Mandate. I will be providing you with a more detailed analysis of ObamaCare soon. But for now, please... Send your faxes here: And continue to let your voice be heard. Call your Representative and Senators today and tomorrow! In OHIO: Rep. Latta 202-225-6405 Sen. Voinovich 202-224-3353 Sen. Brown 202-224-2315 Or, call the House Switchboard: 202-224-3121 Also, call the Senate "Gang Of Six": Max Baucus: 202-224-2651 Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744 Kent Conrad: 202-224-2043 Jeff Bingaman: 202-224-5521 Olympia Snowe: 202-224-5344 Mike Enzi: 202--224-3424 Talking Points: #1 -- The House and Senate and their committees should immediately CEASE work on the government-run healthcare plan and instead take time to listen to their constituents during the August recess. #2 -- I do not want the government to have more control and influence over my health care. That is why I reject House health care bill (H.R. 3200) and the soon-to-be-released Senate "compromise" plan that still creates a federal mandate. #3 -- America cannot afford the $1 trillion price tag of socialized health care during these difficult economic times. I flatly reject any health care proposal that increases costs or imposes new taxes on any American. Thank you for taking a stand! I know it's a lot to ask, but even if you've already sent faxes, I need you to send more while the President and his operatives are covertly making progress on pushing socialized medicine on America. And the Abortion Mandate imbedded in ObamaCare is still intact! We MUST let them know that we aren't going away on this issue! Thank you and God bless you. Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel ==================================================================== >-->From Our Firend Jo Ann :) ,-. ,-. ,-. ,----. ,----.,-. ,----. ,-. | `. \ `.| \\ .--`\ \"L \\ \\ .-._\ | `. o!0 | |. `. \ \ ` L \\ __\ \ . < \ \\ \ __ | |. `. | .--. `.\ \`-'\ \\ `---.\ \L `.\ \\ `-` \| .--. `. `-' `--``' `-'`----' `-'`-' `' `----'`-' `--' This is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!! Had to pass this on!!!!! I hope you can all listen to this. I can't imagine the work it took to pull this off. It is great. --- ...Yep! I love it too! Thanks Jo Ann! ============================================================= >-->From Heartwarmers: ,-, ,**@**. /&&&-b\ / &&&/& \ / _!!_ \ / /]{ }[\ \ \| (~~~~) |/ /^\) (/^\ ( \\(@*)// ) ," (*@@*) ". / ,~(*@)~` \ ' ;: ' / : ; \ ' ;: ' ' : ' ' @ @ ': ,@. ,@. ;' ' '-=-' '-__-' '-=-' ' ' ' / \ ~=._ _,=~ `=-.__ __,-=' gpyy `-=.____,=-' >PROUD TO JOIN THE MOB by Darlene A. Buechel A few months ago when my daughter's engagement hit the local papers, I became an official Mother of Bride (MOB). As a proud member of the MOB, I immediately became a prime target -- of advice that is. You know how a pregnant lady gets her belly rubbed "for luck" and her mind bombarded with horror stories? Same here. No one has dared massage my (not tiny) tummy, but I have been bombarded by the advice patrol. I ran into Vicki, a recent MOB member, at the grocery last week. Her cheery congratulations were followed by a stern warning. "Whatever you do, don't dance at the wedding!" I must have looked startled so she quickly explained. "I danced at my Jessica's wedding and I missed talking to so many people." My friend Lynn emailed congrats along with words of wisdom. "Make sure you dance and have fun. Don't worry if you don't get to talk to everyone, they'll come up to you if they want to talk." Okay, so now that that's settledŠ I've talked to many members of the MOB, and while they don't all agree how much money to contribute or how far to stick their noses into the planning, most concur that MOB attire is the biggest hurdle to jump. "You want your dress to be conservative but not dowdy, glamorous but not sexy," huffed a lady at Curves wearing purple sweatpants with a red sweatshirt. "Try to look nice but not too nice," was the general consensus. While I like to wear black since it trims my aforementioned tummy, I don't want guests to think I'm in mourning on my daughter's big day. Several advice givers raved about a dress store in Manitowoc which caters to MOBs so Dani and I took a road trip a few Saturdays ago. After the skinny-minny sales lady pointed her passion pink talons toward the size 18 frocks, Dani and I sifted through the huge racks. "Too glittery, too boring, too red, too beigeŠ" I muttered as Dani rolled her baby blues and shuffled more hangers. Finally I had six hopefuls so I packed myself and my stash into the tiny dressing room, shut the curtain, and hoped for the best. I zippered buttoned and shimmied my way through five of the garments before I found the dress. When I exited the dressing room to preen in front of the mirror everyone marveled at my beautiful wisteria blue gown. "It's a good color for you. Brings out your eyes," talon lady gushed. Yes, but does it bring out my stomach? Actually I felt the cut of the long dress with a matching beaded jacket did a decent job of hiding figure flaws. This dress was pretty, comfortable, and within my price range so "I'll take it!" were the next words out of my mouth. At the close of the sale the clerk suggested silver shoes and purse, so that will be another shopping trip or three, but it will be worth it for the big day. So what about the man married to the MOB? My husband Rick has it easy. He just has to pop into the local tuxedo shop for a five minute fitting in August, then pick up his duds in October. I sometimes wish I could rent an outfit. My dress is pretty but I'll probably never wear it again. Although, I did hear about a lady named Olive Wilson who got married eight different times. Hopefully her MOB duplicated some of the dresses! As for my daughter, I'm hoping this wedding will be her one and only. Frankly my ears are ringing from all the friendly advice and we still have six months before the big day. I think I'll just concentrate on enjoying the festivities and having fun as a member of the MOB. Soon the wedding will be history, but I'll keep my fingers crossed to join the rankings of the GOB (Grandma of Baby) someday. GeeŠ I probably won't get any advice then! -- Darlene Buechel ______________________________________________ Darlene, a Wisconsin Cheesehead, survived (and enjoyed) her daughter's wedding on October 27, 2007. She vows to help future MOBs by giving them the old smile and nodŠ but no advice! ===================================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: >FAT OLD LADY /'=----= ______ (( || "--.__." " @>||_____________// _______ /^\"""""""""""//\========) _--"""--/-. "\ // _\-:::-/_-. ." .-"""-/ "_\ "\ == // ;::\:::/::".\ ; / _/ " \\ "\-+//--..._\_/:::::\\ . ; o . || ( ()/)======(o)::::::. . \ ; .| -|.;____...."b:::::; . -._ _ - ; == :::::::::::; "-..____.' ls ":::::::' Nearing 40 and woefully out of shape, I resolved to buy a bicycle and begin an exercise regimen. As I browsed in the bike shop, a young, athletic-looking clerk approached. "What do you have for a fat old lady with a big, tender posterior who hasn't ridden in years?" I asked. He didn't even blink. "Well, why don't you bring her in, and we'll see what we can do," he said, clinching the sale. as seen in da Mouse Tracks -<>- * .-=-. * * . + .-" "-. * +. ` + : : , ' : : * * * , : : , - , : : '. .' + '-._.-' ' ` ` ./=/-.\ ,.=.__'i '=\._ /-' -.._.i'- .__=^.^/+._ =\._ /=,__.-=/..-' '-. .-'\= '=. .-' '/ ._y._ ./ _ ._.-' ' ._ - . ' .._+ .=\ ._=/ \=. \=. ' \'-. ._=/'-.. '.__/=' .-t '-.' /- '- .-'""-. /\=..-/= p ._" \.= '\=. .-' : '. . /()'. -\ =/ =' _.--.._ .' o o =/() : \=.-= .' '-/' .--' '--.. .-' ..--._ : /= \ / ()=\ ' .' '-.._.' .' '_ : =/() : : ()\= .' .' :__. ' \ / : .-' : : : .-' \ / /=,. : : .,\= .; i : : fsc : .' ,--' /=-. . \ / 'j ' _ .-: ,-=/ =\. t : : '. \ ! :--..__. : ! \ / : : : '. \ ! '-. .'\ ,f' : : ,\=.' :. '.u' i '-.u ' :=/ \ / o . '.uuu' '.uu' .-=/ . : : '|v' /' '.-;\. ,-/= '\|.- \ / .= \=,_ /[-' '/= () .-'/ /=' '[ ' >JOY IN THE JOURNEY Anonymous did it again. Whoever this person is put it well: "Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're at work in your underwear during a fire drill." Yes – some dreams should be forgotten as soon as possible. But when it comes to life dreams, rather than sleep dreams, I am coming to believe that it is less important whether you actually reach a goal or achieve a beautiful dream than just to follow. Simply start following and see where it leads. Let me explain. Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch. "What are you doing?" asked one of the visitors. "We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers volunteered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up jar full shiny pebbles, worms and a wide assortment of odd insects. He showed it to the scoffing visitors and said quietly and confidently, "Even if we don't dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way." Maybe their goal was too ambitious, but it did get them to dig. And that is what following a dream is about – our best dreams point us where we want to go and then nudge us in that direction. In other words, they set us to digging. But you know how it goes – you just won't achieve everything you attempt. You may shoot for the moon and only hit the neighbor's window. You may fully intend to be in love for a lifetime. But not every relationship will endure. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every endeavor will be completed. Not every dream will be realized. But here is the wonder of it all …when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, "Yes, but look at what I found along the way. Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something." I think those boys got it right. It is in the digging that life is lived. It's the joy in the journey that matters most. -- Steve Goodier as seen in Life Support -<>- _.----._ ,'.::.--..:._ /::/_,-;._.:._.;,-=_(.-' __ `._ ,;' _..-(((('' .,-'' `-._ _,'<.-'' _..``'.'`-'`. ` _.-((((_..--'' \ \ `.`. -' _.``' \ ` SSt ,' >THE WONDER OF GOD I am filled with wonder when I behold A tiny, little bird in its nest. My heart sings out in rapturous praise To God who knows and loves me best. Like the tiny, little bird, I am sheltered in God's care; He who knows when a sparrow falls Watches over me everywhere. I am filled with wonder when I behold A glimmering, star-studded sky. I am reminded of Him who calls the stars by name, Who loves me and keeps me as the "apple of His eye." Like the stars in the heavens, I am one in a multitude; Yet, He knows every hair on my head! For such love, I am filled with gratitude. I am filled with wonder when I behold Blue sparkling waters and shimmering white sands. He who "comprehended the dust of the earth In a measure," holds even me in the hollow of His hand. I am filled with wonder when I think that He who "measured the waters in the hollow of His hands, Meted out heaven with a span," never forgets me For I'm "graven upon the palms of His hands!" Written By: Wanda Sherman © 2001 as seen in da Mouse Tracks --- ...See the teaching: Palms Of God -<>- (\ /) (v\ /v) (vvv\ /vvv) (vvvvv\ /vvvvv) (vvvvvvv\ /vvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvv\ _---_ /vvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvv\/ XII \/vvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvvv/ / \vvvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvv/ / \vvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv|IX @ III |vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv\ \ /vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv\ /vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvv\ VI /vvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvv-___-vvvvvvvv) (vvvvvv/ \vvvvvv) (vvvvv/ \vvvvv) (vvv/ \vvv) ejm97 (v/ \v) (/ \) >"OFF-THE-CLOCK" CHRISTIANS By Jon Walker "But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you ...." (1 Peter 2:9 MSG) Here's the snapshot: As I write this, I'm sitting in a restaurant, pre-dawn, sipping on Southern sweet tea. (Who needs coffee when you can have the nectar of God? Ha!) The restaurant is a chain you would recognize if I gave the name, and in a booth a few feet away from me is a group of employees, mostly college age. Some of them are on-duty and in uniform; some are just getting off the night shift and, although still in uniform, shirt-tails are coming out and ties are coming off, and - a third category appears present - employees who evidently don't work this morning, but have just come in to hang-out. It is a slow time; I am the only customer in the place. As the group talks, one young man in particular punctuates his conversation with four-letter words, salted with a generous dose of seven-letter phrases. Following his conversational leadership, others in the group contribute their own forms of profanity to the mix. Far from being a prude, I could have been one of these kids, in my youth, about 227 years ago, but I still thought, "If this moment were captured for the next commercial for such a family-oriented restaurant, would the corporate office be pleased?" Some of these employees were "off the clock," some of them were out of uniform, but within this context, all of them were representing the restaurant. Snapshot point: There are no "off the clock" moments as a Christian, where you can "dis-identify" yourself from Christ. As a believer, you are a representative of Christ - but more so - you are a minister sent and authorized by God. The Bible teaches that every Christian is: Created for ministry (Ephesians 2:10) Saved for ministry (2 Timothy 1:9) Called into ministry (1 Peter 2:9-10) Gifted for ministry (1 Peter 4:10) Authorized for ministry (Matthew 28:18-20) Commanded to minister (Matthew 20:26-28) Prepared for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12) Needed for ministry (1 Corinthians 12:27) Accountable for and rewarded according to his or her ministry (Colossians 3:23-24). This means ordinary people with children and jobs and mortgages and really, really full calendars - in other words, people just like you - are called to be ministers from God. A fifth grade teacher writes, "I come from a very traditional Christian home. We believed missionaries had to be trained in seminaries and receive 'the calling.' "When the opportunity came to go with a mission team to Nigeria, I was concerned that I wasn't 'properly' trained, nor did I have enough theological knowledge," she says. "But my experience in Nigeria totally challenged my beliefs about missions. I became more aware of God's sovereignty and his ability to use anyone, even those who are 'unworthy.' We just have to make ourselves available." God doesn't want you to waste your talents; he wants you to make a difference with your life. He created you to make a contribution to the world now - in your lifetime. Now what? * You are shaped for this - The God of the universe shaped you uniquely to make a contribution, to make a difference - as you take steps of faith toward going on mission and completing your mission on earth. * God will support you - There is no way you can fail in your mission unless you fail to accept the calling of ministry that comes with being a believer in Jesus Christ or fail to follow in faith God's direction. * Just ask God - Ask him how he wants you to contribute. Ask him how he wants to use your SHAPE to make a difference in the world. Ask God, "Where can I make the greatest contribution for your glory? What kind of God- legacy do you want me to leave?" (c) 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Jon Walker is a pastor-advocate living in Southern California and the former pastor of communications at Saddleback Church. Courtesy of --- ...See The Teachings Babes In Christ Christianity -<>- Compiled by: Kimberly B. Quiggle. Available Free by E-mail every other day. To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ============================================================ >-->From SermondFodder: ) ,%, ) _(___[]_ %%%,&&&, ,%%, (;` /\ %Y/%&&&& %%%% ___/_____)__/ _\__ ,%%, ^^^||^&\Y&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%Y/%^^/ (_() ( | /____/\^^^%%%%^^ ` || _,..=xxxxxxxxxxxx, || |(' |LI (.)I| | LI || %\Y% -= /L_Y.-"""""""""`,-n-. ` @'---|__||___|_|____||_ || ___-=___.--'[========]|L]J: []\ __________@//@___________) )______ -= _ _ _ |/ _ ''_ " " ||[ -_ 4 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '-(_)-(_)----'v'-(_)--' jgs----------------------------------------------------------------- >Smoke Detector Warning One Sunday morning when my son, David, was about 5, we were attending a church in our community. It was common for the preacher to invite the children to the front of the church and have a small lesson before beginning the sermon. He would bring in an item they could find around the house and relate it to a teaching from the Bible. This particular morning, the visual aid for his lesson was a smoke detector. He asked the children if anyone knew what it meant when an alarm sounded from the smoke detector. My son immediately raised his hand and said, "It means Daddy's cooking dinner." -<>- >WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN? \ (\___/) \ (, ,) c\ >' )o_/ /\ ____/ /__ ,_ / \ __/ ` ~ ) / _/// /_ %%%___%, . ' .) \ /# _____________ %%% = =% , / \ / | | '\\\\\\ ___%% > __..,; \,/ | ' ____|_ /' \_% ^ % \:,# | + '||:::::: / %%%% .'%#.% | '||_____| /. ,- O < \%"# '________|_____| (\ <' ' |\ / '-.___ ___/____|___\___ _.\__\________\_\___/), |\\_______________| _ ' <<<:| |_________'___o_o| b'ger Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does a loving God allow death, sickness and other hard things to happen to His people? I have pondered those questions many times and although I am not eloquent in speech or an astute Bible student I have settled those questions in my own mind. The year 1998 is a year that I will never forget! In January my dear Mother lost her fight with cancer. It was her desire that she die at home and my husband and I honored that request. She breathed her last one afternoon with us at her side. She had been sick for about 2 years and in a way it was a relief to us because she had suffered so long and now she was at rest. But - knowing she was no longer suffering and that she was in a better place didn't soften our sorrow and as we picked up the pieces of our lives we often mentioned to each other how much we missed her. Then came the very worst day of my life. It was in early December, 1998, in Ocean Springs, MS. I was awakened in the night by the sound of my beloved husband's heart attack. He was lying on the floor at the foot of our bed - breathing his last! This was a man who was - seemingly - in the bloom of health. He was involved in fulfilling a dream - his dream of running across the United States - something he had dreamed about for several years, and there he was lying dead on the floor of our motor home. Even beginning to explain all the things that went through my mind that early morning --- I don't have the words to describe, even now over 10 years later. My life, my other self, the love of my life lay dead at my feet. God where are you? The blur of the funeral, decisions, where to live, what to do? God in his mercy helped me through those awful times. My son and daughter came immediately to assist with decisions that had to be made. I was numb. I couldn't think or make good decisions. I am thankful for my family and good friends who helped me through those dark times. Sadly, I couldn't see any good in my losses. I couldn't see that God in his mercy let my mother go to sleep so she wouldn't suffer anymore. I still don't know why He let my beloved and loving husband die at age 67 but I AM thankful that he didn't live to be an invalid. Still I struggled, I allowed myself to drift from God - not far - but too far. I muttered things like "why me?". I didn't get an answer, at least not right away. Fast forward to Christmas 2000. I had moved to Canada by this time to be near my daughter. I had been experiencing severe pain in my right hip and was using a cane to get around. Then one morning I heard a C-R-U-N-C-H and I knew, I just KNEW my hip had broken. 5 years went by in which I endured 10 surgeries on hip and thigh. Surgery #5 resulted in a severe Staph infection in my right thigh and the certainty of losing my leg loomed before me. God in his mercy, didn't let that happen - surgeries 6,7 and 8 resulted in a thorough cleansing of the infection and assured that I would not lose my leg. Praise God for an excellent doctor and for answering my prayers and those of my friends. As a result of the infection and in the process of the last 2 surgeries, my knee became damaged so that I can no longer walk without a walker but PRAISE GOD I can get around! It was near Christmas in 2005. I was sitting in my chair talking to a friend on the telephone when my daughter and son-in-law came in my home. They both work and should have been at their jobs so I knew immediately that something had happened. They came to tell me that my youngest son had died. He had been bothered with depression and finally the hopelessness of his life overcame him and he ended his life. What more God? Then I remembered something. God had to sit on his throne in heaven and watch HIS son die on that awful cross. Jesus who lived a sinless life died at Calvary so that you and I can have eternal life. Brothers and sisters - NO ONE knows better than God what it is like to lose a son. After awhile, as each affliction occurred, I drew closer to God. Once I cried out to God, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The answer came back to me "You have forsaken me". THAT is when I realized that my walk along the Christian pathway had been only a shadow of what it should have been. Now, each day I am walking closer to God. Each day I study His word and I invite Him into my heart and thank Him for my blessings. I can see, hear, use my hands and live an almost normal life. I have been blessed with loving children and grandchildren and many friends. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else besides where I am. Friends it is OK to be sad for a little while. Remember the shortest verse in the Bible? "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). Yes, it is all right to feel sad but then remember that Jesus sees our sorrow and He feels sad, too. Never take your eyes off of Jesus. He is there and He cares. I have read that when a butterfly comes out of its cocoon it has to struggle and if someone unwisely 'helps' the butterfly will not be whole. God gives us struggles so that we can grow to be the people He wants us to be. Everyone's struggles are different but they are for our good - to make us ready for heaven. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13) Wynona Gordon ==== This is the last of a 12 part serice on Dealing with Grief from The NUGGET. The Dealing With Grief devotionals are posted on-line at , or if you do not have full Internet access, email Lyn at To subscribe go to: Or send an email to: and write as subject "subscribe nugget". Tell them Sermon Fodder sent you. Be aware that you will receive a confirmation message. Once you receive it, please click on the link mentioned in the email. --- ...I can think of a few answers to this question 'Why do Bad Things Happen?' #1: We are in a spiritual war , /~/' ,--, _/`, ,/'/' /'/~ .'___|/ /____/'/' __/| /~ __ `\ /~~, /' _,-,__/' , \ /'/~/ /' .~ ` \_/ / , "~_/' ,-'~~~~~---,_ `, `~ `~~~| /' ~~\__ `~\_ |~~~/ `~---,__ _, /' | /~~\ _/' ~~\ `~, |/\`\ /' _,-~/ /' .' __ `/' `~\ \ |~~~/ `\`\ `-\/\/~ /' .' | `| \/ | `\_ | |/\`\ `,`\ /' |_ ,' /~\ /' |' | `\ \~\| `\`\ _/~~_/~' /' /' ~~/ / `\ `\, | \ | ~/ `\`\/~ _/~ ~/~~~~\/' `\__/' \/\ `\_/\ `\~~\ | \`\ _/~' \ /~~' `~~~\`~~~' `~~' `'__ `\`\/~ _/~\ `\ /' _/ `\ _,-'~~ | `\_/~ `\ `\ _|--' | `\ |' `\ `\ /' _/' | /' /\|' /\/~~\-/' _,-' | /' /' ` |_`\~~~/`\ /~ \/~~' /' |`\~ \ `\ `\ `| /' unknown #2: Christ has not returned and we are still living with Satan and his henchmen doing things to make our life as miserable as they can #3: God warned us! 1 Peter 5:8 'Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: ,w. ,YWMMw ,M , _.---.._ __..---._.'MMMMMw,wMWmW, _.-"" """ YP"WMMMMMMMMMb, .-' __.' .' MMMMW^WMMMM; _, .'.-'"; `, /` .--"" :MMM[==MWMW^; ,mM^" ,-'.' / ; ; / , MMMMb_wMW" @\ ,MM:. .'.-' .' ; `\ ; `, MMMMMMMW `"=./`-, WMMm__,-'.' / _.\ F"""-+,, ;_,_.dMMMMMMMM[,_ / `=_} "^MP__.-' ,-' _.--"" `-, ; \ ; ;MMMMMMMMMMW^``; __| / .' ; ; ) )`{ \ `"^W^`, \ : / .' / ( .' / Ww._ `. `" / Y, `, `-,=,_{ ; MMMP`""-, `-._.-, fsc (--, ) `,_ / `) \/"") ^" `-, -;"\: `""" `""" `"' `---" Be sober [be careful], be vigilant - [be ALERT] because your [what?] ADVERSARY [enemy] the devil is [locked in a cage? NO! is] Walking around like a [little kitty cat? NO! like a HUNGRY not full] roaring lion seeking whom he may [looking for someone] to [lick? NO!] devour! [KILL!]. Death happens because of Satan the devil who is our ENEMY. So we must be CAREFUL, ALERT, and be CLOSE to God so HE can protect us. Even then, we are in a war and casualties are a part of war. Until Christ returns: #1: We are ALWAYS AT RISK #2: We Have No Days OFF. #3: We are In God's Army as well as His Family. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' See also these great teachings from TruithOrTradition: Topics on the devil: Topics On Death Don't Blame God! ================================================================ ! ! ! ! ." ! ! ! / ." ! ! / ." ! / ." / ." o / ." / ." / ." / ." . '. / ." ' ' / ." / grh ." 0 | / |/ /| / | >Bowled Over by Kindness Story Editor: by Mia Shinbrot Joyce Schowalter British Columbia, Canada My old desk chair slanted forward and to the left from many, many years of use by the summer of 2004. I'd been badly in need of a new desk chair for some time and looking for one I could afford. I don't have much money, so that limits what I can buy. I tried second-hand stores but never found anything that was right for me. My physical limitations mean that the vast majority of chairs cause me problems of one sort or another. One week in August my friend Celu pointed out that a particular store was advertising in its sale flyer that they had a "leather" executive chair for $70 as part of their back-to-school sale. I went to the store on a Saturday to see it. I couldn't find those chairs, but a sympathetic clerk named Selena showed me that in fact there were six or seven of them left -- disassembled in boxes. I told her I needed to sit in a chair to work out whether it would work for me. She offered to have one of the men in the back assemble one for me if I could come back on Sunday. I said Sunday is fine, but I might still not buy the chair if it wasn't right. She said no problem; they needed a floor model anyway. (That left the point that if I *did* buy it, they'd still have no floor model.) I went back on Sunday. I decided that though not perfect, the chair would do. For $300 I would have been fussier; for $70 it was remarkable value. I took it through the register where the same clerk was working to pay for it and asked if the store had delivery. Selena wasn't aware of any, but a man who was passing said it could be arranged by asking a manager to arrange it with the receiving department. The clerk phoned the manager from the till. He asked her to ask me where I lived. As soon as I said "Esquimalt" she told him never mind and turned to me to say, "I live in Esquimalt and I have a truck. I'll deliver it for you when I get off work." That was going to be in about 15 minutes from that moment. I had other errands to do and was just about to think of a way I could be home when she delivered the chair, when she said, "Go on about your errands and just phone me whenever you get home." I left the store almost in tears from her kindness. I finished errands, got home, phoned her, and she delivered the chair. It's not perfect, but with a cushion I've made it work. Selena's kindness above and beyond the call of duty is something I'll never, ever forget. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From InspiredBuffalo: .==-. .-==. \()8`-._ `. .' _.-'8()/ (88" ::. \./ .:: "88) \_.'`-::::.(#).::::-'`._/ `._... .q(_)p. ..._.' ""-..-'|=|`-..-"" .""' .'|=|`. `"". ,':8(o)./|=|\.(o)8:`. (O :8 ::/ \_/ \:: 8: O) \O `::/ \::' O/ ""--' `--"" hjw >How To Forgive One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many things were not right. He thought about those who had lied about him back when he had a job. His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated him. He remembered family that had passed on. His mind turned to the illness he had that no one could cure. His very soul was filled with anger, resentment and frustration. Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree to seek the one he knew would always be there. And with tears in his eyes, he prayed: "Lord- You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have told me to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot. I don't know how. It is not fair Lord. I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done against me and I shouldn't have to forgive. As perfect as your way is Lord, this one thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I pray that you teach me to do this one thing I cannot do - Teach me To Forgive." As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt. He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had been was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them. He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak. "Have you ever told a lie?" He asked? The man answered - "yes, Lord." "Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?" The man answered - " yes. Lord." And the man sobbed more and more. "Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?" Jesus asked? And the man answered - "yes, Lord." "Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain? " The man, crying now, answered - "yes, Lord." As Jesus asked many more times, "Have you ever"? The man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - "yes, Lord." Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder. He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen or known before. Jesus said, "I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you." It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something, but when you look back in life, you realize how true this statement is. Read the following first line slowly and let it sink in. If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it. When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you! -<>- \\\\, / \\ '<' ) \- / _)_(_ .'\___/'. /.-.___.-.\ [_________] | | ( | , | (\/) ) _\)_ | -|- | <_@__> _(/_ || | | | (/\)(\/) || || | | (\/) <_@_> || || | | <_@_>'(/\) || || | | (/\|/|-. || || .---------. _|_|_ || ||_,-'---------'-,__ |WWWWW| ___jgs|_|____________________|_\_____/__ >CHRISTIAN WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS An Angel says, "Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice." 1. Pray 2. Go to bed on time. 3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed. --- ...Start your day with God - God First! Pray in the morning too. 4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health. 5. Delegate tasks to capable others. 6. Simplify and unclutter your life. 7. Less is more.. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.) 8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places. 9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; Don't lump the hard things all together. --- ...Do all things ONE STEP AT A TIME. 10. Take one day at a time. .--. .-..-..-..-. .--. .--. .-. .--. _.-._ : .--': `: :: :: :: .--': .--': : : .--' _.-._ : ` ' :`. `. : .` :: :: :: : _ : : _ : : : `; : ` ' : ,' '. _`, :: :. :: :; :: :; :: :; :: :__ : :__ ,' '. `-:_:-'`.__.':_;:_;`.__.'`.__.'`.__.':___.'`.__.'`-:_:-' unknown 11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it. --- ...Give it to God and THEN Forget it. 12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases. --- ...If you do for conveniance - ALWAYS PAY The whole thing off. This lets YOU use the money for FREE for one month! 13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc. - a copy of important files --- ...Like the Boy Scouts Motto - Always Be Prepared! 14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble. --- ...Would of caused a lot of less trouble with a certain professor and President Still in the news right now! .'''. ' ' '. .' '.' ' ' ' /")\ / /\ \ / ()""() |=( . .) | '(o)| /______| | | _ / ____ \ _ ( ) / \ ( ) |_|/ \|_| tre 15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday. --- ...Smile and dwell on your Father! 16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line. 17. Get enough rest. --- ...Remember God gave you a day off for a reason! 18. Eat right. 19. Get organized so everything has its place. 20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life. 21. Write down thoughts and inspirations. 22. Every day, find time to be alone. --- ...Gives you time to be 'alone' with God. 23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot.. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray. --- ...Pray without ceasing! This can only be by Speaking In Tongues silently to yourself as you are doing other things. Keep God First! 24. Make friends with Godly people. --- ...Light with Light - can have no good felloship with dark. 25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand. --- ...Nice to get rid of the stalking lion with! 26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good "Thank you God through Jesus Christ my Lord." 27. Laugh. 28. Laugh some more! _ ___ _ /`.`. .-=""_;_""=-. .','\ | \`.`#"'.-" ; "-.`"#'.', | \`=>-Y ,( O_;_O ) , Y-<'/ `--'\#>-`-'_;_`-'-<#/`--' TIGERS JUST DANCE _ / .:::::. _ \ _ .-' `-'i-_ |:::::| `i-' `-._ TO ' .-j' `:::::' `-j-. .' `L' "T" `j-. `. REDUCE STRESS! ,-'|\.___:___./| ` | `.____ .' | \ / _.. `. .' .-## `-. |=`.___.'| .' ## `. /_ =#`. .#b # \ .####.. .-._##". .'### \ | /###""" / ; `=##\,## "#b .j. / /==--.. / ; \/ "## " / `-._.' /##==-._ | ; | ##b / |########= | _..-d#b! "# / >###"" .=-+###" d###"`-._ .' |#" ,d## d### ##" `+. / d### d### #" \ .d8#o. / ###" ## \ | .' ### `. | ##" "# .'`. | /#b _# =# d\ \ "# __.--' ; `-.____/ (###b \#8 ##\ `.___..---'| ; | "##8/ \" d###\ hjw |=-""###| ; | `" \=##" ; |8#b "#/ ; / | =##| ;####b= / ; | |,#=,_| /""" | ; ; |#####| |_ -=##/ ; | | ,-=| |##b / ; / |_.d##| ;###=/ ; / |#####| | __ `. ; /. |`""""| /d####=- \ ; / b. | =##"\ /########= \ ; | ###-. \",=___\ _.,/##"" -==\ | ####" `. \####""8b#" #/ _d#8##b d"| / ###" #\ `#" ### ##|_d###""""8###| / #" _,"###| `.##" ###.\_.= _____ /-.'#, -=######/ `---""" `-. __####.'.' _d8' .-" "-< ( --'--._ .' .----._`.`-. `. | ,' \| `-. \ \( .' `---....__.' `---"""' 9. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all. --- ...You've been on this earth for how long? Compared to God and Jesus And the angels and the devil? Who do you think will have the upper hand and who is more apt to make a mistake? Laugh at yourself. Just do the best you can and let God do the rest! 30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can). 31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most). 32. Sit on your ego. 33. Talk less; listen more. O , ----@' O /'\_r-, | , \ \ ')) \ .| / \ /.*` + ,+ , | (' .+` | '++ | -Anderson Mills- .L-'' . / ,.--'--------.. _' .+ '+. ( .' + '++ ' , + .. ....+' ,' + ', '+. '''''''''''''''''' ..+' ,+ +.. '''------------------''' ..+' ''++____________________+++'' 34. Slow down. 35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe. 36 . Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before. GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) --- ...Give THANKS to God Almighty through Jesus Christ Always! -<>- ____ ____ _,',--.`-. _,',--.`-. <_ ( () ) > ( <_ ( () ) > `-:__;,-' \ `A:__:,-' \ / \ (( ) \-' \ \ ( ) -Shimrod `-'"`-----' >Does a Dead Man Cry? Roger McLaughlin was washing some dead soldiers in Vietnam, when his buddy asked, "What about tear glands? Can they still work after death?" It did appear that one of the dead was crying. Roger McLaughlin served in Vietnam as an Air Force medic. In 1971, following his tour of duty, he wrote the article below for the New Era magazine which has just been republished in Saints at War, Korea and Vietnam. Following the war he became a student in hospital administration at the University of Colorado and an early morning seminary teacher. The sun cascaded down in soft, warm waves of delight against my hardened muscles. The light and warmth gently massaged me from the lazy slumber by bringing to mind this morning's inner glow-this morning's miracle. It was a conference Sunday. Don, Tracy, and I were the only Mormons left on base. We were on call and couldn't get the day off to go to Nha Trang to conference. Since we were all in the same unit, we met after breakfast and had our own sacrament and testimony meeting. It had been a simple service, with two of us to bless and one to pass to the two who had blessed. It was solemn and very special to us. After our little meeting, Tracy left to go to the squadron post, and Don and I spent the next hour and a half at the Base Exchange, visiting and drinking thin, powdered milk malts. They weren't good, but the longer we were in Vietnam, the better they tasted. Then Don and I decided to go over to MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) and see the Vietnamese tailors about making some poncho jackets to take home. Don commented that Tracy wanted one, so we jumped in the cracker-box ambulance and drove down to the flight line to get him. Don went inside the rescue shack but soon returned with the news that Tracy had gone over to the morgue building to help with some KIAS (killed in action) that had just arrived. We sat there for a few minutes trying to decide whether or not to go and get him; if we did, we might get put to work. We could simply go on over without him. We decided we wanted him along, even if it meant working for a while on our day off. We were going to relax, even if we had to work all day at it. As we entered the building, the air conditioning felt like a tidal wave of relief from the smothering sun outdoors, which had soaked our fatigues with sweat. We stood there and enjoyed the cool breezes, joking about how if we got too cold, the sweat might turn to ice and then, of course, we wouldn't have to work. An army master surgeon, who had come through the door that led to the back rooms, asked us politely what we wanted. Don answered that we wanted Tracy. He pointed a thumb over his shoulder and said he was "back there." We walked through the doorway to the huge back room where Tracy was working. A strong odor of medical cleansing chemicals permeated the coolness. Tracy was standing over a nearly nude body lying on one of the cold metal tables. Corpses were on eight other steel tables. Some of the bodies were still clothed with muddy, blood-soaked fatigues. Others were nude except for a towel draped across them. The room was well-lighted, and there was no real feeling of being in a morgue, except for the presence of the bodies. Tracy looked up and smiled. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" We smiled back and told him about the jackets we were going to have made. He lit up like a diamond and assured us that he did want one, but he couldn't go with us until he finished cleaning the bodies. We asked how he had got this duty. He told us how he had been helping Dustoff go after casualties down by Dok. He helped pick up a bunch of guys and had taken them to 71st Evacuation Hospital (EVAC): when he had noticed these corpses in the emergency section, he volunteered to bring them here to the morgue and get them ready to be shipped stateside. The master surgeon appreciated the help, as his troops had left earlier that morning to go to Pleiku City. (Medical Evacuation helicopters were called, "Dust Off" in the 101st Airborne and were choppers that flew into combat unarmed. The Army decided to paint the "Dust Off" helicopters completely white, with giant red crosses, making them even better targets.) We understood Tracy's desire to help, and we pitched in to help him with the four remaining bodies so we could go over to MACV compound together. Don and I grabbed cleaning solution rags, and picked out the nearest casualty to work on. We talked about the way these guys had been killed and about the war in general. First we took off their fatigues, then washed and scrubbed their bodies with a thin green disinfection solution, rinsed them in warm clean water and dried them off. With the three of us working and talking together it didn't take long to finish cleaning the bodies. We were about ready to leave when Don asked, "Hey, Poco, is it true a person's system keeps on going in some respects after he has died?" I looked up at him and replied, "Well, I've heard the hair keeps growing for a couple of hours but it really isn't that noticeable. The brain can function a few minutes after the heart stops, but I guess that's about all. Why?" "Well, what about the tear glands? Can they still work after death?" "I've never heard of anything like that but I guess it's possible-why all the questions?" "Well, I thought we might have left some of the rinse water in this guy's eyes, but I've wiped them twice now and he is getting water in the corners of the eyes again. I think he's tearing." Tracy and I stood up and walked over to the body. As we looked into the face of the shrapnel-torn boy of about eighteen, a single tear crept and ran down the side of his face and into his ear. "This man is alive," I breathed. The response was immediate, as if we had done this a hundred times. Don grabbed the keys to the cracker-box ambulance and opened the doors for us as Tracy and I carried the body out. We put him on the stretcher and Don headed the ambulance toward the 71st EVAC, the siren blaring our warning. As we bounced along Tracy wiped another tear from the boy's face. I looked at his dog tag to get his name as I wanted to give him a blessing. It was then I noticed on the bottom of the tag three little letters-LDS. I placed my hands on his head and uttered an almost inaudible prayer: "By the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which I hold and through the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to stay alive until we can get the proper medical attention to restore your life." Tracy looked at me and wiped a tear from his own eyes, smiled a thankful smile, and bowed his head in a silent prayer. The siren stopped and we cruised down the asphalt road to the open door of the 71st EVAC Hospital. Army medics helped lift the soldier out of the ambulance and carried him into the emergency room. Two doctors began asking us questions, and we told them all we could. Without a word, they disappeared through the doors of the emergency entrance and we sat on a long wooden bench for more than two hours. We were discussing going over to get the jackets when one of the physicians came outside and walked toward us. We stood up. "I'm glad you guys waited." He began, "I want to tell you of a miracle that has happened. That boy in there should by all medical standards be dead. He had been wounded in nine places. He had lost so much blood he wasn't bleeding anymore. His heart was so weak we couldn't hear a heartbeat or feel a pulse. He had become so weak his breathing was unnoticeable. He was legally dead. But in reality he was still alive. "He was so weak he couldn't move or respond, and so he lay there on that cold table of the morgue and cried. He is mighty lucky you noticed the tears, because he could have died soon. As a matter of fact, he should have died even after you brought him here. Although we gave him four pints of blood and repaired his wounds as best we could, he still lacked the strength to recover, but he did." He paused, then looked directly at us, "In the eight years I've practiced medicine and for the fifteen months I've been here in Vietnam I've never seen such a miracle." He looked at the ground as he spoke. "You know something, that young soldier looked at me a few minutes ago, smiled a very weak smile and said, 'Priesthood.' What do you suppose he meant by that?" Not waiting for an answer, the doctor slowly turned and walked back through the opened doors of the hospital. Now as I lie here basking in the sun, I know I'll go back sometime and explain to the doctor. But right now I just want to rest and experience the joy of having participated in a modern-day miracle. Taken from Roger McLaughlin, "A Vietnam Sunday," New Era (January 1971: 13-14) -<>- Links for Your Enjoyment Window Washer Small Guy Smile Sneaky Water Virtual Factory Tours Small Thoughts Walk With Jesus Why My Son Lean On Me Subscribe send a blank email to: ================================================================== >-->By Steve Goodier http://stevegoodier .blogspot. com/ ____ '-..-' .-. ___||___ .-/ /-. /_______/| / / / / | || / / / / | o |/ / / / / '---`(--' Pru />>=<A LIFE THAT MATTERS They said he died. One morning in 1888, Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, the man who had spent his life amassing a fortune from the manufacture and sale of weapons of destruction, awoke to read his own obituary. Of course, it was a mistake. Alfred's brother had died, and the reporter inadvertently wrote Alfred's obituary. For the first time, Alfred Nobel saw himself as the world saw him – "the dynamite king," the great industrialist who had made an immense fortune from explosives. This, as far as the general public was concerned, was the entire purpose of his life. None of his true intentions surfaced. Nothing was said about his work to break down the barriers that separated persons and ideas. He was, quite simply, a merchant of death, and for that alone would he be remembered. Alfred read the obituary with horror. He felt that the world must know the true meaning and purpose of his life. He resolved to do this through his last will and testament. The final disposition of his fortune would show the world his life's ideals. And at that time came into being yearly prizes for chemistry, physics, medicine, literature – and the famous Nobel Peace Prize. If you were to read your own obituary today, what would it say? Do others know what you stand for, what you believe in and what truly matters to you? Dr. Philip Humbert asks, "What remarkable, extraordinary and amazing things will you do with this wild and wonderful miracle, your one and only life?" I believe that the question should also be asked this way: "What will you do with this wild and wonderful miracle, your one and only DAY?" For it's increasingly clear to me that the decisions I make every day, even little decisions, will decide how my life will eventually turn out. Hopefully, I won't wake up to read my own obituary. But I have already begun to write it – day by day, moment by moment. And if I live a life that matters today, then my obituary will already be written in the hearts of those who know me. -<>- =_ ||\ C O C O |||\ C O c O (\/\/ C O (\/\/ ||||\O (\/\/ (\/\/ /| | (\/\/ c O /| | ||||\/\ /| | /| | / | /| /| | (\/\// | /| ||||// \ / | /| / | /|/__|/ | / | /| /| |__|/ | |||/ __\| /__|/ |/__|/ | " /__|/ | / | /| " |__: //| | " " " /__|/ | - c O ! " ( ) c O (\/\/ \ -\ (\/\/ c O /| | ___ \O - \O /| | (\/\// | /| / \/|) ( & )/) / | /| /| |__|/ || ./||\ _____ -\/|\ /__|/ | / | /| " \___/ | \ /\ | (_) | \ " /__|/ | /|\ |__\ -- | |__\ " " /|\ " O ______________ /\/ /________________) O @ / \_|___O /___________| _|/_ \ O @ |/__ /_oo-#= | /( )_\ \-O \|_ | |\\ :|(/| \/ ;/_)_(_ \_\ O / |_\ ||__ |O _( ) \| /| / ( ) O / | |\\ =#-@@| / / / __\| / | ;/__)_( /_oo-#= \/ | //| | __|| ( ) | \/ __|| ___O //| | /_|_| ||__ ejm97 //| | \ \/ )>==O ' ' | |\\ | O \/) __|| /| | .-O ----- //| | / | __|| (=) ) \ __|| //| | \(/| \O //| | ___|| __/%) // | | (%%%) \/\| *__| \__* >THE MOST DIFFICULT INSTRUMENT TO PLAY Do you know what is the hardest instrument in the orchestra to play? The hardest instrument to play is second fiddle. While all the rest of the instruments have their own sections, the violins are divided into two parts - "first" and "second" violins. First violins are often the stars of the show. They get the melody lines. They get to show off. They sit next to the audience. Back behind, where they are hard to see, are the second violins. They play a supporting role. They play harmony to the first violins. Theirs is a service role. Their job is to round out the sound of the other instruments. They serve the orchestra. They do what is not glamorous so that the whole will be beautiful. Without the second violins, the orchestra would sound incomplete. You know what the hardest role to play in life is? Second fiddle. To play second fiddle is to play a supporting role for someone else. And it is sometimes a service role; doing what is not glamorous, usually behind the scenes, so that the whole can be more beautiful. The late Leo Buscaglia, that effervescent educator, speaker, author, and lover of life, used to tell his university students that there is a world out there dying to be loved! He challenged his students to love and often told them that serving others is the way they can find such things as happiness and joy. He sometimes told about Joel. Leo got Joel hooked on serving. He took him to a nursing home and said, "You see that woman sitting over there? I want you to go and introduce yourself to her." Joel was not looking forward to his nursing home visit. But he nevertheless went to the stranger and introduced himself. She looked at him skeptically and asked, "Are you one of my relatives?" Joel answered, "No, I'm not." And she said, "Good. I hate my relatives. Sit down, son, and talk to me." He did and they talked. He went back the next week. And the next. They developed a close friendship and Joel soon looked forward to his visits. He learned something about the joy of serving. About working behind the scenes. About playing second fiddle. And he made one woman's world a little more beautiful. ================================================================= >-->I Didn't Appreciate ,,,,, \ e e\ C _\/ |\\, )\_) \_ / _/|/_ _// ,'\ ~ /'-,_/ \ / \_/ / / , | \_._,-" ( < _' | \ \ ', -',-~.-' _/ ) | |// | ' ' ) | | | | ._., - |.,_ // _\-' )___|__|_ '-._ b'ger /____\__\ As I get older, I realize there are things in My life I didn't appreciate until it was too late. I didn't appreciate the naps they used to make Me take in kindergarten. I long for the day when someone says, "You Can't work anymore until you take a nap." I Guarantee you, I won't argue. I didn't appreciate one-cent candy or milk That was delivered to your front door. In the "do-it-yourself" world we'll never see either of. I didn't appreciate those face-squishing hugs My mother used to give me. Now that she's gone home to be with the Lord, I long for just one more. This time I would squish her right back. I didn't appreciate the days I danced barefoot In the rain with my mouth open wide trying to Get a drink of raindrops. I didn't appreciate the sacrifice my parents Made for my brothers and me to keep us clothed, Fed and happy. I didn't appreciate mom letting us mess up the Living room on a rainy day. I thought building a tent with a secret tunnel Is what everyone did on those days. I didn't appreciate the marvels of planting a seed And watching it sprout into a full-grown plant. I didn't appreciate the struggles we had to go Through as a family. Because of yesterday's struggles, we have Strength for today. I didn't appreciate the times my sons came to Me and asked those annoying, Unanswerable questions. "What makes a duck quack?" "Why is the sky blue?" I had no idea they thought I was smart enough To answer all their questions. I didn't appreciate the times our family had. I didn't appreciate those "primary" Sunday School teachers who went through so much Trouble to collect toilet paper rolls so I could Understand what a scroll was. I didn't appreciate those clear nights when the Stars danced with glee showing Off their awesome Creator. I didn't appreciate our son's "refrigerator Artwork" that made our house a home. I didn't know to appreciate the muddy Footprints my wife and I so often found making a Path across our carpet as a representation of life. I didn't appreciate the times my children fell Asleep in daddy's arms. I didn't realize it was there they felt Protected from all the elements of the world. I didn't appreciate my parents taking me to Church, the place I found Jesus! I didn't appreciate the ease at which I can access A Bible, while I know people Who hunger for a single page. And, even today, I can't fully appreciate what A great salvation I have. God, I have just one prayer for today. Open my Eyes that I may be able to see and appreciate the Things that you do each day. - By Walker Moore ---> Visit my CyberHome - ALWAYS OPEN HOUSE :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shangrala ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR Send a BLANK email to ************************************************************************