Frogs, Secret Ingredient And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... AND For Google Plus Users: You can find me here... Shangy Bigham AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This red hot new page is from our friend Bunni. I've long been a fan of kangaroos but never really knew much about wallabies. Here's a sweet page to give you plenty of awws and smiles for your day of these two adorable animals. Be sure to check it out and the fun videos here too... :e 'M$\ sf$$br J\J\J$L$L :d )fM$$$$$r ..P*\ .4MJP '*\ sed"""""" ser d$$$F .M\ ..JM$$$B$$$$BJ$MR ... dF nMMM$$$R$$$$$$$h"$ks$$"$$r J\.. .MMM8$$$$$LM$P\..'**\ *\ d :d$r "M$$$$br'$M\d$R J\MM\ *L *M$B8MM$B.** :fd$> :fhr 'MRM$$M$$" MJ$> '5J5..M8$$> :fMM d$Fd$$R$$F 4M$P .$$*.J*$$** M4$> '$>dRdF MMM\ *L*B. Rosemary Lyndall Wemm :$$F ?k"Re .$$P\ **'$$B... :e$F" '"""" Kangaroos And Wallabies --- ...In loving memory of our dear friend Bunni. =========================================================== >-->From Archives Heartwarmers: ___ ( ) ~=====~ ^ ^ e e | (A portrait of Stan Laurel, symbol of fun) - \_/ >COLOR ME CONFUSED Little Cindi graced me with a gap-toothed grin as she squirted catsup on her plump, juicy, hotdog. Her sweet, squeaky, "Here Auntie have a bite," was drowned out by my tomato-curdling scream. "Ewwwww! What's that?" I stared in horror as a big, PURPLE glop soaked into the bun. "It's our new cool catsup. We have purple and green in the cupboard," Cindi smiled. Color me confused, but the thought of purple catsup made my brow wrinkle almost as much as Granny Clampett's face. Believe me, I am not a catsup snob. In fact, I consider it one of the major food groups and think nothing of dousing fries, potato chips, hamburgers and fish sandwiches in rich, red, catsup. The problem arises when the catsup is not bright red, but Grinch Green or Passion Purple. I know color shouldn't affect the taste, but the thought of purple catsup is enough to give me sweaty palms, dry mouth, and heart palpitations (similar to seeing Brad Pitt on the movie screen). So what's the deal with all these food companies trying to "new and improve" their products? It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to put anything into my grocery cart these days. For instance, I recently stood in the garbage bag aisle and my brain turned to compost as I stared at the brands, sizes, and colors of bags that just get thrown out anyhow. Whatever happened to black cinch sacks for garbage, and clear plastic bags for recyclables? Scented bags, that's what! I actually saw "French Vanilla" scented garbage bags on sale. For only three times the cost of plain old "plastic scented" bags, I could buy a garbage bag that would "soar my senses" with aromatherapy. Somehow the thought of my garbage smelling better than me made me want to yank out my hair, but not my checkbook. So, besides sweet Cindi, who buys this supply of purple catsup and vanilla garbage bags? Probably the same try-anything-once folks who throw a vertically striped jar of peanut butter and jelly into their grocery baskets. Frankly, I find that concept as un-American as a kid who won't eat PB&Js at all. Everyone knows you have to slather creamy, gooey, peanut butter on one slice of Wonder Bread and then spread sweet, sticky, grape jelly on another piece before doing the old "slap and squish". You know, slap the bread together and the squish to join the flavors. The thought of calmly spreading PB&J at the same time should be grounds for court marshal! With all of these bizarre foodstuffs, it scares me to think what the world will be like when my kids (now in their terrible teens) go forth and multiply (after college and marriage) and take their kids to the grocery store. Will the little tykes beg for pink mac-and-cheese? Will the lime-green mustard clash with the purple hot dog nestled in its navy-striped bun? Color me old-fashioned, but no grandkid of mine is going to be served purple oatmeal or green spaghettios. Even if I have to stockpile "normal" foods, I will serve the little sweethearts food that is good, nutritious, and THE RIGHT COLOR. Now, all this talk about food is making me thirsty. Excuse me while I pop the top of a Code Red Mountain Dew. I know this soda "should" be green, but I broke down and tried a free sample the other day and its sparkly cherry taste is just like a kiddie cocktail. See, I'm not so set in my ways. I may never dunk my fries in green catsup, but color me courageous, there may be hope for me yet. -- Darlene A. Buechel ___________________________________________ We congratulate Darlene, as we proudly bestow upon her the title of Heartwarmer Gem. We reserve this honor for our most beloved writers who have consistently contributed outstanding and memorable works that have captured the hearts and minds of our members around the world. Darlene is well known for her humorous and light hearted stories that bring a smile to readers everywhere. And make no mistake. She has her opinions about colors too! She eats her RED catsup on GOLDEN french fries and throws her garbage in BLACK cinch sacks. She hails from Wisconsin. =========================================================== _ _ __ ___.--'_`. .'_`--.___ __ ( _`.'. - 'o` ) ( 'o` - .`.'_ ) _\.'_' _.-' `-._ `_`./_ ( \`. ) //\` '/\\ ( .'/ ) \_`-'`---'\\__, ,__//`---'`-'_/ \` `-\ /-' '/ ` ' VK >-->Speaking of Opinions... Frogs by emb Every year, I get excited to see what new Fall line-up shows will be on. This last year was no different. But lately, I've been getting rather disappointed at what is available for my relaxing viewing pleasure. So I turn to my favorite channel and mostly watch the true murder mystery crime stories they offer there. I do so love a good murder mystery! However, Hollywood misses the mark so bad on their shows I often get irritated with them. ,N. _/__ \ If you eliminate all other possibilities -/o\_\ the one that remains, however unlikely, __\_-./ is the right answer. / / V \`U-. ()) /, > o < \ Elementary my dear Watson. <\.,.-._.-" [-\ o /__..-' |/_ ) ) _.-"| \o/ | \ o!0 `'-'-" Take their show Elementary. I was all excited about a good show starring my earliest sleuths Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. But what did Hollywood give me? A small rich middle-aged white man fighting his former drug-addiction who was supposed to represent my great sleuth Sherlock and a young slender Asian woman doctor hired by his father to help him overcome his drug-addiction who was supposed to represent the good natured plump Dr. Watson character I had grown to love from my childhood mystery books. I stuck with it only because they did have a few good mysteries that Sherlock would solve in his extraordinary way. It soon got to be too much and I just decided not to waste my time on it any more. I also got excited when I saw the ads for the new show 911. This sounded like a good show to allow me to see inside the many emergency situations our hero responders deal with on a day to day basis. I tuned in and got rather deflated as only Hollywood can do. I kept tuning in and hoping it would get better, but found it just got worse and worse. Instead of focusing in on what the responders have to deal with every day, the show wanted to focus in on the responders themselves. Like some sort of soap opera the writers let us learn more and more each show about the starring characters. _____ .'.---.'. // , \\ || `| || || | || || -'- || .-"`'-.,_ _,.-'`"-. / .'--,___`"""`___,--'. \ | /:////_'---'_\\\\:\ | \|:|// `_ _` \\|:|/ '-/| (6/ \6) |\-' \\ | | // `| (._.) |` | _ _ | jgs \ '---' / '--.___.--' The fire chief, as time went on, I learned was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict that was seeking help from his Catholic church - not for his addictions so much as for his desire to commit suicide since he felt guilty over the loss of his wife and son who died in a home fire that he could have possibly prevented had he been sober. Under him in the fire station is a black woman who we learn is a Lesbian. Her ex is a white woman in prison (which I felt rather odd) and her current lover is a black woman with two young children. Also on duty at the fire station is a white man who tries to buy his fiance's affection. She isn't really all that into him but stays with him due to all the gifts he buys her. He winds up in a terrible car accident caused by his own road rage and winds up in the hospital requiring much recovery time. His fiance refuses to lift his spirits by even visiting him as she doesn't want to be tied down to helping him recover. This upsets the fire chief but try as he may, he can't get her to change her mind and she leaves him. Another fire station employee is a young man who is addicted to S. He uses the fire truck as a means to get in rescued women's pants until he almost losses his job for it and is working on recovering from his addiction. , /\ , / '-' '-' \ | POLICE | \ .--. / | ( 19 ) | \ '--' / '--. .--' jgs \/ A police officer who helps with much of the rescues is a black woman with a husband and two teenagers at home. We learn that their marriage is on the rocks as her husband has decided to come out of the closet and tells his son and daughter about himself - Which rightly upsets them. Later we find their daughter tries to commit suicide and her parents feel it is due to her dad preferring men over woman and disclosing this to her. However, it was because her elite classmates at school were bullying her. Lastly we have a character that I can relate to. She is the reason I kept tuning in each week hoping the show would be more about the title. She is a 911 operator. A white divorce having her mother with dementia live with her so she can take care of her rather than having her in a home. She's a likeable character. She hires a woman to watch her mom while she works - oh, guess who? Yep, a Hispanic lovable woman who tries to help her with her anxiety of her mom not getting any better and one day having to deal with her being put in a home. I can't really relate to the home worker as I couldn't afford such a luxury but at least I can relate otherwise. I finally decided to quit the show when I was fed up with all the soap opera shenanigans and faced the truth that this wasn't the show I had hoped it would be and I was only watching it because of the one woman. _____ _ _____ ____ /_ /, | ,-, ) /'_`\ |_ _| | __| \ \> | `-'< | (_) | | | | _| ) )__ ,_ |_|`\_\ \___/ |_| |_| (_.-'_)__$ ;-'' pb Now we come to the Roseanne show. My daughter likes this rough woman more than I ever did, but I liked that she gave me a few good laughs and many of her new 'rebooted' episodes hit home with what I could easily relate to. Of course, her being a Trump supporter, the left couldn't wait for her show to flop. Her show was a huge success as many people felt like I did - finally a show we can relate to! Then true to her hard brash character, she tweeted a bad joke that turned out more racist than funny and boom, they canned the show within hours even though she hardily apologized for her stupid tweet. All the cast and writers etc lost their job over her stupid mistake. ./==\ /~~~~~\V ./ / || (-_=====) ./ / || ( -=====\ ./ ./ /| \ ( ( )= ./ (./ / | \ ) ) _/ ./ ./ / | |\ ,__(__ ( ( ___/ ./ / | | \ ( L:\\ -v-\ / @@@/@@@@ @@@\@@@ / /\L:\\VV KK\/ (@@@/OO@@@@)@@@OO\@@@) / / |L:\\vKKxx) @/@@@@@@ @@@@@\@ MM#@#!!!| \\ MM#@#!!:!/ \\ MM#@#!!!| M\\ M#@#!!:\ Denia Straw MM\\ @#!!:!| <<:\\ @#:::/ ><<<:\/#|||| <>>>:@@#___\ \/~oO/ )Ooo I don't condone racism either, but I find it odd that people on the left can say nasty things about our President and his family and his supporters and not suffer such dire consequences. They've joked about him looking like an orangutan because of his hair, joked about assassinating him, joked showing a likeness of his bloody severed head, and had shows stabbing and shooting a likeness of him. They call him names like a white supremacist. Hillary and others on the left say nasty things about Trump's supporters such as they belong in 'a basket of deplorables' which she described as consisting of 'racist, s%xist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it.' people and she went on to say they were irredeemable. One comedian even joked that President Trump's daughter would pleasure her daddy if he would see things her way. Totally despicable! And calling VP Pence mentally unstable on the View because he as a Christian talked about hearing from God! Yet - no axe falls on their jobs. So I was thinking about a Bible teaching I had just read about worshiping God... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' What Will Worship Look Like in the Eternal Future? It brought to my attention that while we often think of worship as something we do while in church, it is not the case. God wants our worship every minute of the day. It said 'Worship is not an act of praise; it's a way of life'... 1 Cor.10: [31] Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Well, that pretty much covers it, doesn't it? Simple. Whatsoever you do - do all to the Glory of God. God gave us the most wonderful and diverse world that we live in. Lots of different things, lots of different animals and lots of different people - lots of ways we can Glorify God! Even us asking God for things can glorify Him through Jesus Christ... John 14: [13] And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our salvation... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' 1 Cor.6: [20] For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. _ _ (.)_(.) _ ( _ ) _ / \/`-----'\/ \ __\ ( ( ) ) /__ ) /\ \._./ /\ ( jgs )_/ /|\ /|\ \_( So, I got to reflecting on shows that I watch and got to thinking Hollywood is treating me like a frog. You know the frog story right? .-----. _.----"""""""----._ _.---//-"""-\\---._ .------.___ ( ) ( (/ `-' ) ( ___|-|`"""---..___..---""| _|`"--._________.--"'|_ `---'""" | | (_| |_) | | `--) (--' ________ | | | | _.--""""" """"----._ | | | (_ _)--.-----------. | | \`""---...________...----'/__/___ || `-.__ __.-' \___ __/ ""-----"""""""`' VK `""-----""' ""`-----------'"" It is a simple one. Put a frog in a big pot of cool water and place the pot on the stove on low heat. The frog is content to stay in the pot and not hop out. Eventually the frog gets cooked. However, place the frog in a pot of hot water and you'd have a very hard time getting him to stay in it to cook him as he'd hop out as fast as he could! That is what I was thinking about how Hollywood likes to start us out with it's shows with their agenda. They want to use their shows to program or indoctrinate us into thinking as they do so they start out slow with their agendas. ,;;;, ;;;;;;; .-'`\, '/_ .' \ ("`(_) / `-,.'\ \_/ \ \/\ `--` \ \ \ / /| | /_/ |_| jgs ( _\ ( _\ #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## Like this new show I've been watching. Instinct. It is a show about a professor who uses his extraordinary instinct and abilities of sleuthing to help out a woman police detective with some of her hardest to solve murders. Sounds like my kind of show! I learn on the first episode that my lead professor character is gay. Which I don't have a problem with as I feel people have a right to choose their own lifestyles. As long as the show is centered more around the sleuthing than him being gay and his lifestyle, I'm fine with it. However, like the frog, the writers have been heating up the water with each episode. We see more and more of him with his gay 'husband' and even his ex-gay lover who he calls on for illegal tech computer hacking to help solve cases. So now I have three main characters who are all gay and one main white woman detective and her less seen black woman boss. This is getting over the top for me. Then they further turn up the heat adding Whoopi to the show as his book consultant. He's writing a book and she is helping him with its direction. I'm immediately reminded of her rude, racist and nasty hate filled remarks on The View about Trump and his supporters. I hope she is not a regular - But then there she is again in the very next episode! (/_ /| ,o(_/)_/ | /` ___/ < /` _ | __ / / _` \/ \ \ Y / ))\ / \ | / /\ \ \_| /` \| | _,___/ \\_ \ / |\ \ \ | / | \ \ | |/ /|\ / / / | | \ s-v I've had it. They turned up the heat too fast and I'm hopping out of that show! I think of the bible teaching - how am I supposed to be worshiping and giving God the Glory watching this show and thus giving money to those that are mostly against obeying God's word? In all consciousness, I can't. So I deleted it on my DVR. Enough is too much! I think I'll be more careful in what I spend my time on and try harder to give God the Glory His way instead of just mine. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Prov.3: [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. See These Teachings: Gay Agenda Without Natural Affection Homosexuality, Gay Marriage & The Church Crossed The Line Is Your Toddler Gay? =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: >Grace For each need, there is grace. For each trial, there is grace. For each task, there is grace. For each step of obedience, there is grace. And for each circumstance of life, there is grace. Grace bears you up, lifts you up, and keeps you up. Grace strengthens you, empowers you, enables you, frees you, equips you, and motivates you. Grace comes to you freely and completely by the good and generous hand of God. It comes to the humble, the lowly, the needy, and to all who look to God alone. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' (Jesus said): "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 It is a happy face who knows God's grace and hands it to another who feels the refreshing wind of God whenever storm clouds gather. Roy Lessin -<>- >Let Your Yes Be Yes In one of his first attempts to run for political office, Lincoln was given $200 by the Whig Party to cover his election expenses. He won the election and then promptly returned all the money he had not spent on the election, $199.25. He explained that he had traveled on his own horse and stayed at the homes of his friends. He said, “My only outlay was 75 cents for a barrel of cider which some farm hands insisted that I treat them to.” Lincoln illustrated Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount when He said, “Let your yes be yes and your no, no.” Source: Reader’s Digest, February, 1959, p 252. -<>- {} {} ! ! ! II II ! ! ! ! I__I__I_II II_I__I__I ! I_/|__|__|_|| ||_|__|__|\_I ! /|_/| | | || || | | |\_|\ ! .--. I//| | | | || || | | | |\\I .--. /- \ ! /|/ | | | | || || | | | | \|\ ! /= \ \=__ / I//| | | | | || || | | | | |\\I \-__ / } { ! /|/ | | | | | || || | | | | | \|\ ! } { {____} I//| | | | | | || || | | | | | |\\I {____} _!__!__|= |=/|/ | | | | | | || || | | | | | | \|\=| |__!__!_ _I__I__| ||/|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|| ||_|__|__|__|__|__|__|\||- |__I__I_ -|--|--|- ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|-|| ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|-||= |--|--|- | | | || | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | || | | | | | |= || | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | ||= | | | | | |- || | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | ||= | | | | | |- || | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | ||- | | | _|__|__| ||_|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|| ||_|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|| |__|__|_ -|--|--|= ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|-|| ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--|-||- |--|--|- jgs| |- || | | | | | | | || || | | | | | | | ||= | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~ >NOT HOME YET By: Joseph J. Mazzella I love the story of the old missionary couple. A couple went to Africa to serve as missionaries right after they were married. They had planned to serve only a couple of years and then return home. They soon fell in love, however, with the kind people they had come to help. They stayed on year after year setting up a clinic and a school, helping the people build a sanitation system so they could have clean water, teaching children to read and learn, and sharing their faith and love daily with the villagers that they cared so deeply about. Finally, after over 50 years of faithful work, failing health caused the couple to decide to come home again. They wrote to their hometown community and church to let them know when they were coming. After sailing several days they arrived in the port community that they grew up in. They smiled when they saw a large crowd cheering the boat as it anchored. Their smiles and hearts fell, though, when they saw that the crowd was there to cheer a local politician on the same ship. The old man told his crying wife that he was going to ask God in prayer why after so many years of service not one person was there to greet them when they arrived home. He went into their cabin for several minutes then came out with a peaceful and joyous smile on his face. His wife asked him if God had said anything to him as he prayed. "Yes," he replied. "He said ‘You are not Home yet!’" This is something we all should remember as we journey through this life with all of its challenges, pains, and struggles. We are not Home yet. Home is the place where our loving Father awaits us. Home is the place where our true reward lies. Home is the place where the love we learned, the good we did, and the joy we shared will reside in our souls forever. Rejoice in your life here then. Love, help others and be happy. The lights will be on when you get home. -<>- , __ _.-"` `'-. /||\'._ __{}_( |||| |'--.__\ | L.( ^_\^ \ .-' | _ | | | )\___/ | \-'`:._] jgs \__/; '-. >The Traffic Court of Life We occasionally read about the arrest of someone with an astounding number of unpaid traffic tickets Although we don’t like to admit it, we all do a lot of trafficking in sin throughout our lives. We are born with a sin nature that often rears its ugliness even within born again believers. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” When we consider every sinful thought, word and deed we do, and all of the “should’s” that we do not do, we have enough unpaid sin tickets to paper the walls of a lot of houses. When we are hauled into judgment hall to pay our sin tickets, what relief there will be to find that Some One has not only paid the fines, but has had our tickets adjudicated and expunged from the record book. They will never again be brought up against us. This is exactly what happens when we confess our sins and sinfulness and receive the forgiveness of God through true repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. It happened because God loved us so much that He sent His beloved Son to pay the death penalty God’s law requires as wages for sin. Jesus came to pay our sin penalty by dying so that we would never have to if we will believe and ask for and receive God’s forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. When God declares us not guilty by virtue of our faith in Jesus, He also restores all of our rights and privileges as brothers and sisters and joint heirs with Christ. We are freed from slavery to sin and become partakers of the righteousness of Christ as we become more like Him by the power of the Holy Spirit living within us to conform us in His image. The traffic court of life is called judgment day. We had best be ready by having our sin tickets washed away by the blood of Jesus. -<>- _ _( ) ( ) ) _ ( _) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) _ ,-. _ ) ) ( ( ( ,-''' )_( ```-.,' ) `-( ) ) ( __|`-..._______...-'|__ ( ) [=== |==] ____(___ __,.--. | |__,-_''.------.``_-.-''__,.--' | | (( ))-' /| | | \`-...______...-'/ / / | `-..._______...-' `-...______...-' / / | / /`- ,-----. -' `- ,----. -' / / | / /___________________________________/ / | `---------------------------------------' | | _jrei____________________________ | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | | | |___-_-___-___-_-___-_-_____-_-___| | | | (___________________________________) | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | >That secret ingredient Some years ago when I was a pastor, I walked into my church office after a Sunday morning service to find a sandwich bag on my desk containing three chocolate brownies. Some thoughtful and anonymous saint who knew my love for chocolate had placed them there, along with a piece of paper that had a short story written on it. I immediately sat down and began eating the first brownie as I read the following story: Two teenagers asked their father if they could go the theater to watch a movie that all their friends had seen. After reading some reviews about the movie on the Internet, he denied their request. "Aw dad, why not?" they complained. "It's rated PG-13, and we're both older than thirteen!" Dad replied: "Because that movie contains nudity and portrays immorality, which is something that God hates, as being normal and acceptable behavior." "But dad, those are just very small parts of the movie! That's what our friends who've seen it have told us. The movie is two hours long and those scenes are just a few minutes of the total film! It's based on a true story, and good triumphs over evil, and there are other redeeming themes like courage and self-sacrifice. Even the Christian movie review websites say that!" "My answer is 'no,' and that is my final answer. You are welcome to stay home tonight, invite some of your friends over, and watch one of the good videos we have in our home collection. But you will not go and watch that film. End of discussion." The two teenagers walked dejectedly into the family room and slumped down on the couch. As they sulked, they were surprised to hear the sounds of their father preparing something in the kitchen. They soon recognized the wonderful aroma of brownies baking in the oven, and one of the teenagers said to the other, "Dad must be feeling guilty, and now he's going to try to make it up to us with some fresh brownies. Maybe we can soften him with lots of praise when he brings them out to us and persuade him to let us go to that movie after all." About that time I began eating the second brownie from the sandwich bag and wondered if there was some connection to the brownies I was eating and the brownies in the story. I kept reading... The teens were not disappointed. Soon their father appeared with a plate of warm brownies; which he offered to his kids. They each took one. Then their father said, "Before you eat, I want to tell you something: I love you both so much." The teenagers smiled at each other with knowing glances. Dad was softening. "That is why I've made these brownies with the very best ingredients. I've made them from scratch. Most of the ingredients are even organic. The best organic flour. The best free-range eggs. The best organic sugar. Premium vanilla and chocolate." The brownies looked mouth -watering, and the teens began to become a little impatient with their dad's long speech. "But I want to be perfectly honest with you. There is one ingredient I added that is not usually found in brownies. I got that ingredient from our own back yard. But you needn't worry, because I only added the tiniest bit of that ingredient to your brownies. The amount of the portion is practically insignificant. So go ahead, take a bite and let me know what you think." "Dad, would you mind telling us what that mystery ingredient is before we eat?" "Why? The portion I added was so small. Just a teaspoonful. You won't even taste it." "Come on, dad, just tell us what that ingredient is" "Don't worry! It is organic, just like the other ingredients." "Dad!" "Well, OK, if you insist. That secret ingredient is organic... dog poop." I immediately stopped chewing that second brownie and I spit it out into the waste basket by my desk. I continued reading, now fearful of the paragraphs that still remained. Both teens instantly dropped their brownies back on the plate and began inspecting their fingers with horror. "DAD! Why did you do that? You've tortured us by making us smell those brownies cooking for the last half hour, and now you tell us that you added dog poop! We can't eat these brownies!" "Why not? The amount of dog poop is very small compared to the rest of the ingredients. It won't hurt you. It's been cooked right along with the other ingredients. You won't even taste it. It has the same consistency as the brownies. Go ahead and eat!" "No, Dad...NEVER!" "And that is the same reason I won't allow you to go watch that movie. You won't tolerate a little dog poop in your brownies, so why should you tolerate a little immorality in your movies? We pray that God will not lead us unto temptation, so how can we in good conscience entertain ourselves with something that will imprint a sinful image in our minds that will lead into temptation long after we first see it?' I discarded what remained of the second brownie as well as the entire untouched third brownie. What had been irresistible a minute ago had become detestable. And only because of the very slim chance that what I was eating was slightly polluted. (Surely it wasn't...but I couldn't convince myself.) What a good lesson about purity! Why do we tolerate any sin? On the day of the Passover, the Israelites were commanded to remove every bit of leaven from their homes. Sin is like leaven - a little bit leavens the whole lump (1 Cor. 5:6). Jesus, "our Passover" (1 Cor. 5:7), and sin, don't mix. "Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet." - Anonymous --- / \ _(I)(I)_ ( _ .. _ ) `.`--'.' ) ( ,-./ \,-. ( _( || || )_ ) __\ \\||--||'/ /__ hjw `-._//||\/||\\_.-' `--'`--' ...Now don't you think it is interesting that out of all the archives from Inspired Buffalo that I would come across this one to share with you today right after my 'Frog' article? (first one I chose) Unlike the View folks, I do believe God talks with us and leads us when we ask Him to - which is what I did before composing and compiling today's inspirations. After all, I believe if we can go to our earthly dad and ask him questions and get him to respond, than our heavenly Father is surely much better and greater at being our parent. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' AND the bible says so not only once - but twice... twice it is established! Matt.7: [11] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Luke 11: [13] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? I consider good communication with my Father in Heaven a must and indeed a 'good gift'. It may seem a little thing to you that God directed me to this. but it is a big deal to me. God never ceases to amaze and bless me! -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Think Positive Think Happy Thoughts Thank You Lord! I am Who I Am Oregon Museum Fishing In Florida Detroit Steel! Attitude Is Everything Who Is Jesus Christ? Walk With Jesus! Christ's Life! Walking In Power Top Ways To Stay Healthy! Romantic Castles All Occasion Cakes MacGyver - How To Do It 3 Wall Mural Art 2 My Catty Life Ocean Exploration! Amazing Cop Cars Gasoline Price Humor! -<>- Absolute Bible Study Menu What does the Bible say about Armageddon? Owl’s Unusually Close Friendship With A Cat Has Animal Researchers Scratching Their Heads Kitten And Baby Owl Meet For The First Time And Their Next Move Is Too Much For Words -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) The Angels from France with their exceptional magic performance at the French television show 'The World's Greatest Cabaret' hosted by Patrick Sebastien. --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >Smiles and Extended Hands Story Editor: by Tim Miller Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA It was a tumultuous time. In 1986 I was an American living in Cairo, Egypt. America had just bombed Gaddafi's tent compound in Libya, and Gaddafi had issued a death threat to all Americans in the region. Internal strife in Egypt was building, too, from changes initiated by Hosni Mubarak after Anwar Sadat's assassination. Next, the Egyptian military police rioted and burned down the Holiday Inn complex by the Giza Pyramids. In spite of the unrest, I still felt safe walking the Egyptian streets. But after the bombing and riots, it seemed more and more folks stared or frowned at me. Maybe they assumed I was an American who thought I was somehow "better off" than they were. Probably my self-conscious expression didn't help. At dusk one evening, I headed along a dimly lit sidewalk towards a local grocery. Cairo sidewalks were always lined with Egyptian men -- socializing, sharing cigarettes, and talking of the day's events. This night, it seemed as if their mood and conversational tone changed just as I approached. I felt negatively judged. Worried, I avoided eye contact and looked away as I quickened my pace towards the grocery. Then, wham! I slammed face-first into the sidewalk. I was so busy *not* looking I missed a step. I was immediately surrounded by several men. Being used to city streets in America, I must admit my first thought was they were going to take my wallet. Then I realized they were just lifting me up to set me back up on my feet. They brushed me off, straightened my clothes and asked if I was hurt. I said I was fine, smiled at everyone and shook their hands to thank them for their help. I suddenly realized these men were all smiling back. In fact, as I turned to see other men, women, and children along the sidewalk, they too smiled and asked if I was OK. I smiled, nodded, thanked everyone for the help and concern, and headed on. But now, something was different. Everywhere I went, every Egyptian was smiling. In fact, I couldn't find stares or frowns anywhere. For the first time, I felt not a foreigner in a foreign land, but rather a friend among friends. I suddenly felt at home, though over 8,000 miles from my family. That night the Egyptians showed me what humanity really is. In spite of regional political and economic upheaval, they refused to judge me because I was an American. Their reaching out to me with helping hands and smiles made me realize that maybe they were "better off" than I was. That night, I learned that a smile is an important gesture in our universal language, a simple act of kindness that transcends cultural and language barriers. Today I'm so very thankful for that brief moment in time. A moment where a simple smile enabled an Arab and an American to understand each other, and where I came away a changed man. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Laugh&Lift: "You do not know what you are going to do; the only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing...It is this attitude that keeps you in perpetual wonder - you do not know what God is going to do next." - Oswald Chambers , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Giving Your Problem to God (By John O'Maley) Have you ever been in a situation where you were really scared about the outcome but the end result was completely out of your control? Usually if I am in such a predicament, I worry, fret, become anxious, annoyed and difficult to be around. Recently I found myself in a difficult situation which was really bothering me so I started down the familiar path of stressing out. I prayed for help, guidance and strength to deal with it but this time I did something different. I told God I was going to completely turn over the entire situation to HIM and let HIM worry about it. I determined I had done everything in my power and there was absolutely nothing else I could do but wait to see what happened. I decided I was not going to worry about the outcome and trust it would all work out IN HIS HANDS. The situation did come to a conclusion, not the way I wanted but not nearly as badly as it could have been. The remarkable thing was, however, that once I truly released my stress and turned it over to God, an amazing Calm and Peace came over me. I engaged in a lot of "self talk" such as "what is the worse that can happen....and if the worse happens, then I will find a way to deal with it with HIS HELP. After it all came and went, as all problems tend to do, I realized how much more enjoyable my life was by refusing to give in to the stress. I literally told God it was HIS PROBLEM NOW and I trusted that whatever happened I had faith that I would cope. I believe the stronger my faith becomes, the more I will be able to do that over and over again. Worrying is such a waste of precious moments. "Worrying is like paying the interest on a loan you never even took out." "God, please help me to learn from this experience, trust in YOU more everyday and turn my problems over to YOU as often as I can. Do Your work and if there are things I need to do, show me and empower me so I might do them. Thank you for your help. Amen." -<>- "But, you know, as a Christian, one of the biggest questions you always ask yourself is, 'So we believe in Jesus, we believe in the teachings of the church, but what does that look like when it's lived out.' Because surely, one of the things that Jesus said that I think we often overlook is, 'The person who hears my words and does them is like the wise man who built his house on the rock.' He didn't say 'the person who hears my words and thinks about 'em' or 'whoever hears my words and agrees with it.' But he said, 'Whoever hears it and does it.'" - Rich Mullins, the "Awesome God" guy . |\ /| \ / | \ .'. | \ '.|_(())))) ((((/.( ,))) _/ ((((_( )/ \\ \__/-) /\__ \_\(\ .'\ \ '. )\ \\\ ___..' o \ \.' / \ \\\ ''---. \_\ / '.\\\ . ' , '--.'\_ /. .| \-'---- O - \/O'. (_/ \ \| ) ' . ' |O O \___ /.'.__.'._.' | O|_O O/ /.'. .'. | |O |O O/) / O '._.' '.| |_O|_O'/ / O | ||/ / /'._________.'| \ )_/ /''.-.-.-.-.-.-| '. \ '.____________.' \ _\ |/ /mrf __'\\ __(,\_\_ _______ ____ __ ____(_'--_)__ (not Exactly the same as a Wemmick) >The Wemmicks (or Small Wooden People) (Written by Max Lucado) The Wemmicks were small wooden people. Each of the wooden people was carved by a woodworker named Eli. His workshop sat on a hill overlooking their village. Every Wemmick was different. Some had big noses, others had large eyes. Some were tall and others were short. Some wore hats, others wore coats. But all were made by the same carver and all lived in the village. And all day, everyday, the Wemmicks did the same thing: they gave each other stickers. Each Wemmick had a box of golden star stickers and a box of gray dot stickers. Up and down the streets all over the city, people could be seen sticking stars or dots on one another. The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint, always got stars. But if the wood was rough or the paint chipped, the Wemmicks gave dots. The talented ones got stars, too. Some could lift big sticks high above their heads or jump over tall boxes. Still others knew big words or could sing very pretty songs. Everyone gave them stars. Some Wemmicks had stars all over them! Every time they got a star it made them feel so good that they did something else and got another star. Others, though, could do little. They got dots. Punchinello was one of these. He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell. And when he fell, the others would gather around and give him dots. Sometimes when he fell, it would scar his wood, so the people would give him more dots. He would try to explain why he fell and say something silly, and the Wemmicks would give more dots. After a while he had so many dots that he didn't want to go outside. He was afraid he would do something dumb such as forget his hat or step in the water, and then people would give him another dot. In fact, he had so many gray dots that some people would come up and give him one without reason. "He deserves lots of dots," the wooden people would agree with one another. "He's not a good wooden person." After a while Punchinello believed them. "I'm not a good Wemmick," he would say. The few times he went outside, he hung around other Wemmicks who had a lot of dots. He felt better around them. One day he met a Wemmick who was unlike any he'd ever met. She had no dots or stars. She was just wooden. Her name was Lulia. It wasn't that people didn't try to give her stickers; it's just that the stickers didn't stick. Some admired Lulia for having no dots, so they would run up and give her a star. But it would fall off. Some would look down on her for having no stars, so they would give her a dot. But it wouldn't stay either. "That's the way I want to be," thought Punchinello. "I don't want anyone's marks." So he asked the stickerless Wemmick how she did it. "It's easy," Lulia replied. "Every day I go see Eli.""Eli?" "Yes, Eli. The woodcarver. I sit in the workshop with him." "Why?" "Why don't you find out for yourself? Go up the hill. He's there." And with that the Wemmick with no marks turned and skipped away. "But he won't want to see me!" Punchinello cried out. Lulia didn't hear. So Punchinello went home. He sat near a window and watched the wooden people as they scurried around giving each other stars and dots. "It's not right," he muttered to himself. And he resolved to go see Eli. He walked up the narrow path to the top of the hill and stepped into the big shop. His wooden eyes widened at the size of everything. The stool was as tall as he was. He had to stretch on his tiptoes to see the top of the workbench. A hammer was as long as his arm. Punchinello swallowed hard."I'm not staying here!" and he turned to leave. Then he heard his name. "Punchinello?" The voice was deep and strong. Punchinello stopped. "Punchinello! How good to see you. Come and let me have a look at you." Punchinello turned slowly and looked at the large bearded craftsman. "You know my name?" the little Wemmick asked. "Of course I do. I made you." Eli stooped down and picked him up and set him on the bench. "Hmm," the maker spoke thoughtfully as he inspected the gray circles. "Looks like you've been given some bad marks." "I didn't mean to, Eli. I really tried hard." "Oh, you don't have to defend yourself to me, child. I don't care what the other Wemmicks think." "You don't?" "No, and you shouldn't either. Who are they to give stars or dots? They're Wemmicks just like you. What they think doesn't matter, Punchinello. All that matters is what I think. And I think you are pretty special." Punchinello laughed. "Me, special? Why? I can't walk fast. I can't jump. My paint is peeling. Why do I matter to you?" Eli looked at Punchinello, put his hands on those small wooden shoulders, and spoke very slowly. "Because you're mine. That's why you matter to me." Punchinello had never had anyone look at him like this - much less his maker. He didn't know what to say. "Every day I've been hoping you'd come," Eli explained. "I came because I met someone who had no marks." "I know. She told me about you." "Why don't the stickers stay on her?" "Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what they think. The stickers only stick if you let them." "What?" "The stickers only stick if they matter to you. The more you trust my love, the less you care about the stickers." "I'm not sure I understand." "You will, but it will take time. You've got a lot of marks. For now, just come to see me every day and let me remind you how much I care." Eli lifted Punchinello off the bench and set him on the ground. "Remember," Eli said as the Wemmick walked out the door. "You are special because I made you. And I don't make mistakes." Punchinello didn't stop, but in his heart he thought, "I think he really means it." And when he did, a dot fell to the ground. "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'" I Samuel 16:7 (NIV) SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ========================================================== ,,,,, ////""\ . (((/ m m -|- __ )))c = ) | (__) ////-./~` . [] (((( `.`\ :: [] )))`\ \)).-;.' .------, [] (() `._.-'` _( )[] )/ `. | .'`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))\`.----'`[] jgs ( \' { ~ - ~~ _ ~ - ~~ - ~ - (( | | [] .-.--\ \ { )) | | [] |_;_._`\ |{ ((__|_|-----[] | ; ``` ;{ )) [] | /``-.____/ `~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-' [] `' (__) (__) >-->SO HUMBLY I BOW So humbly I bow as I come into Your Holy Presence My Lord, My Saviour and My Almighty God My soul is soaring high on Wings of Praise Praise to You, My Lord, as higher and higher I soar Because of your suffering as my pain You bore For the wonderful things You have done for me Saving my soul from the terrible agonies of Hell Your sacrifice on Calvary my salvation has won As I kneel at your feet, my Lord You are so beautiful to me and love me so much Your eyes look at me filled with Love I see your smile and my overflowing heart sings You gave your life for ME on that terrible old cross My Jesus You are the only one Who could ever care that much for me To bear all the terrible things You suffered Be nailed to that cross because you loved me Your love for me is so hard to understand Before I was born You loved me so much You thought I was worth the price of Your life You came down to this earth to be MY sacrifice I weep unashamedly at your precious feet Because of You I am free of all sin and condemnation My heart sings out to You My Lord and My King You have released me from sin's horrible price tag I know You are coming back for me Be it through death or Your appearance in the clouds I will rise up to meet You, my King To be with You forever Oh, how my heart sings Just the thought of being with You FOREVER Causes my eyes to fill with happy tears Just to be with You To be in your presence No more tears or fear Please come back SOON, my Lord I yearn to see those beautiful streets of gold Hear the angels singing praises to their Lord But most of all I want to see You, my Lord One day I shall be in that blessed number That mysteriously disappear from this old world I can hardly wait to be Whisked away to be with You Come Quickly, Lord Jesus I yearn so for your return Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I humbly bow? I really don't mind at all, my Lord Just allow me to say THANK YOU Lord Thank YOU for saving my sin stained soul Thank YOU for making me clean and whole Thank YOU for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free AMEN! Phyllis Smith (Bunni) November 19,2009 All Rights Reserved >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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