Getting Back To Basics... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. 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Shangy Bigham AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This super flaming hot new page is from our friend Linda. If you're thinking of getting a big dog or just curious about them, then this is the page to check out. Sure to delight all dog lovers! You'll want to see the video here too - Check it out... _ / \`. || \ \ \\ | \.:```````-. \\_/ '-. .:```-. /-.\ `. .:`-.`_ |_O.' | .`-. `. _...-----.._ /`-._ .' .' `----''''' `. / \ _.-' / `. / .- | | .' `. \ (_/ .' .'. | ' .' \ \ `-'`-' ):. | : / . | \ ):. ' |__.:`..:::..| | \ ):. \ | __.....\ |\ `:. .`| ))```\ `_..-` | \ | \ `-_-' / \ | \ | ' `. \ _.-' \| .' | \ `. `. __..-` | | \ /`. `. `-._.-` | ' `. | `. `-. ' .' \ / \ `-. / ] .' .'| / ' ] | ' .' .'-. | | .' .-' / / | \| ' _.-..' / / | .' |/ / .-. / .-' / .-' ' /_/___\__/ .'.' .' | .'.' .' ./ ( ( ( .' LGB ( ( ( .' `-`--`-` `-`--`-` World's Largest Dogs! --- ...Wow! What awesome dogs! Thanks Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: \_/ --(_)-- . / \ /_\ |Q| .-----' '-----. __ /____[SCHOOL]___\ ())) | [] .-.-. [] | (((()) ..|____|_|_|____|..................................)(... ldb >THE POWER OF SECOND CHANCES by Teri Goggin-Roberts Theodore Johnson, or "Mr. J" was my fifth grade teacher. He was a tall, slender man with a reputation for fun that made students pray to be assigned to his class. Mr. J was significant in my life for many reasons. As an educator, he brought mundane subjects to life with humor and passion. As a person, he taught me the blessing of an unexpected second chance. One Monday morning, the schoolyard buzzed with rumors about a fire in the school over the weekend. When the bell rang I raced inside, excited by the acrid scent of burnt wood that confirmed the rumors. Homeroom hummed with conversation. Mr. J quieted the class and explained that "Home Economics" would be cancelled due to a fire. He also warned us not to go near the room because it could be dangerous. At morning recess, my friend Kim and I cooked up a plan to check out the damage. A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch. Since Kim was in a different class, we decided to synchronize a time to go to the bathroom and divert to the "Home Ec" room instead. As the appointed time approached, I ignored a growing sense of dread. I didn't want to face the consequences at home if I got caught but I also couldn't "chicken out" and face Kim after school. When the clock ticked into position, I raised my hand and got permission to "go to the lavatory." Kim was already waiting in the hall. Kim and I safely reached the home economics room. We stood on tiptoes peering through the door window trying in vain to see what was forbidden. A firm grip on our shoulders stopped my heart cold. "Where do you belong? Certainly not here!" I whirled around to find a teacher staring angrily at us. I'd seen angry teachers before, but they were always glaring at someone else, not me. In those frozen seconds millions of thoughts flashed through my mind. My father would kill me for defying a teacher. Worse than that, my mom might be so mad she might not stop him. Utter terror froze my tongue but eventually I stuttered, "I belong in Mr. J's class." My spirits sank even lower when I realized my lie to Mr. J would soon be exposed. The arresting teacher led Kim and I back to our classrooms and knocked on the doors. I stood in the hall as my captor spoke with Mr. Johnson who rubbed his chin and arched his eyebrows as he listened. I wanted to melt into the floor. There was nowhere to hide from Mr. Johnson's angry eyes when they darted toward me during parts of the story. I lived with an alcoholic father so anger meant pain and I was already nauseous from the pain in my head. The teacher swished past, leaving my destiny in the hands of Mr. Johnson -- who now hated me. I blinked hard, fighting back tears of self-loathing. Like home, I desperately tried not to let Mr. J see me cry, instead, I braced myself for a barrage of anger. But Mr. Johnson had a different lesson to teach. Slowly, he knelt down on one knee and hunched his lanky body in an attempt to look me in the eye. When I glanced up from my shoes, I was met with a look of concern rather than anger. He spoke softly and carefully as he explained why he was disappointed in my decision to go where I may have gotten hurt. I was stunned that he cared more about my safety than the fact that I'd broken a rule. There was no yelling and no berating. As I looked into the eyes of the man who could send me to unimagined consequences at home, I began to cry. The full weight of disappointing Mr. J crushed my ten-year-old shoulders. I wiped my tears and wished I'd been expelled so I wouldn't have to return to a class full of staring eyes and spend the rest of the year hoping Mr. J would like me again. But the lesson was not complete. Mr. J stood up, indicating it was time to return to class. My heart was heavy with regret as we walked. The load lifted instantly with the gentle touch of Mr. J's hand on my shoulder. I glanced up and he smiled. My love for Mr. J blossomed in the moment I discovered that he still liked me even after I'd disappointed him. Slowly, it sunk in that he didn't raise his voice or threaten me. He didn't do anything but let me feel the impact of my actions. It was the first time I felt the exquisite freedom of forgiveness. Mr. J made no public mention of my crime, nor did he tell my parents. The rest of the day he smiled and acted normally. I saw the world from a fresh angle. At 10 years of age, I couldn't pinpoint what was different, I just knew I felt better about myself. I also knew I'd never disappoint Mr. Johnson again. Looking back, I can clearly see what was different. When I made mistakes at home the recovery from anger took days. But on that day, trust was restored the moment Mr. J smiled. I learned many things that year, but nothing more important than the power of being granted an unexpected second chance. -- Teri Goggin-Roberts ______________________________________________ Teri Goggin-Roberts taught at a men's prison near Philadelphia where she witnessed the power of unexpected chances. She is writing a book about second chances. If you have any examples from your life and want your story to be told by Teri, please feel free to email her. =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >The Nature Of God... We have faith in HIS abilities. When GOD doesn't solve our problems, HE has faith in our abilities. The Lives of each of us may be ordered by the Lord in a Beautiful Way for His Glory, if we will only Entrust Him with our Lives. If we try to Regulate our own Lives, we will have only Mess and Failure. Only God, who made our Brains and Hearts, can Successfully Guide them to a Profitable End. When you carry the Bible, Satan has a Headache; when you Open it, he Collapses. When he sees you Reading it, he loses his Strength, and when you Stand on the Word of God, Satan can't Hurt you! And did you also know: Life without God is like an Unsharpened pencil - it has no Point. I pray God bless you in ways you never even Dreamed. --- ...Awww, sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! =========================================================== >-->Getting Back To Basics - Make sure you VOTE Republican in November! Note: This was posted in 2009 but rings true for today as well... We Need to Get Our Country Back to what the Founding Fathers had in mind way back when. Here is a little of their thoughts on the matter of our Liberty and our Christianity... .-""-._ / ___/ \ _&_ _.--""|/ `\| // \\ .' ( ^/ ^ )'. / / \ \ / | _ | \ // / \ \\ | _\____/ | /_/_/_\_\_\ | .' \____/-._ | .-"-. | / `; /# \ | / / _|_.---\ | | |.-.; :--.-(_/.____/.-""\___/"-. / \ / ~~/ /\ \{"=.______.="} /--. ; /___/_~~/ ; .--\"=...__...="} / \-/ `\______|/ \-.______..-; | /`| | \ | |||| || | /_ | |_______/ | |||| || | \_/| |-------' |--'||'--._|| | | | | || |> |______| |____________|._ || _..-;| | [___] | `||() || |______ |\/|____________|jgs|| () (__) \__/ (__) () >From WallBuilders: A Few Declarations of Founding Fathers and Early Statesmen on Jesus, Christianity, and the Bible (This list is by no means exhaustive; many other Founders could be included, and even with those who appear below, additional quotes could have been used.) John Adams SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; JUDGE; DIPLOMAT; ONE OF TWO SIGNERS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS; SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1 The Holy Ghost carries on the whole Christian system in this earth. Not a baptism, not a marriage, not a sacrament can be administered but by the Holy Ghost. . . . There is no authority, civil or religious – there can be no legitimate government but what is administered by this Holy Ghost. There can be no salvation without it. All without it is rebellion and perdition, or in more orthodox words damnation.2 Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.3 The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.4 Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited. . . . What a Eutopia – what a Paradise would this region be!5 I have examined all religions, and the result is that the Bible is the best book in the world.6 John Quincy Adams SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES; DIPLOMAT; SECRETARY OF STATE; U. S. SENATOR; U. S. REPRESENTATIVE; “OLD MAN ELOQUENT”; “HELL-HOUND OF ABOLITION” My hopes of a future life are all founded upon the Gospel of Christ and I cannot cavil or quibble away [evade or object to]. . . . the whole tenor of His conduct by which He sometimes positively asserted and at others countenances [permits] His disciples in asserting that He was God.7 The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth. Never since the foundation of the world have the prospects of mankind been more encouraging to that hope than they appear to be at the present time. And may the associated distribution of the Bible proceed and prosper till the Lord shall have made “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” [Isaiah 52:10].8 In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior. The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.9 Samuel Adams SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; “FATHER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION”; RATIFIER OF THE U. S. CONSTITUTION; GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS I . . . [rely] upon the merits of Jesus Christ for a pardon of all my sins.10 The name of the Lord (says the Scripture) is a strong tower; thither the righteous flee and are safe [Proverbs 18:10]. Let us secure His favor and He will lead us through the journey of this life and at length receive us to a better.11 I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world . . . that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the Prince of Peace.12 He also called on the State of Massachusetts to pray that . . . * the peaceful and glorious reign of our Divine Redeemer may be known and enjoyed throughout the whole family of mankind.13 * we may with one heart and voice humbly implore His gracious and free pardon through Jesus Christ, supplicating His Divine aid . . . [and] above all to cause the religion of Jesus Christ, in its true spirit, to spread far and wide till the whole earth shall be filled with His glory.14 * with true contrition of heart to confess their sins to God and implore forgiveness through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Savior.15 Read More Here: --- ...Let Us INDEED PRAY For Our Leaders like Our Lord prayed ... that God's Will Be Done on earth as it is in heaven... _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ Please Pray With Me: Dear God I ask you please that all thoughts, plans and actions around the united States and the world that are against your sweet Will be foiled and utterly destroyed. Likewise all thoughts, plans, and actions around the United States and the world that are according to your Will please promote, bless and prosper them. According to your will be done, always, in the name of Jesus Christ, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you Father for all that you do for all your children alive in the flesh and for all those I hold dear to my heart. You are the best and I love you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ _..-''--'----_. ,''.-''| .---/ _`-._ ,' \ \ ;| | ,/ / `-._`-. ,' ,',\ \( | |// /,-._ / / ;.`. `,\ \`| |/ / | )/ / / /`_`.\_\ \| /_.-.'-''/ / / /_|_:.`. \ |;'`..') / / `-._`-._`.`.;`.\ ,' / / `-._`.`/ ,'-._/ / : `-/ \`-.._/ | : ;._ ( : | \ ` \ \ \ | : : ; | / ; ,' / / / / / SSt >Play Your Cards "How do you like the hand you've been dealt? Are you able to play it with savvy and stealth? Are you careful and crafty, as you work with your cards? Or do you curse them and think you won't get very far? More royalty would be the best thing for me. What am I supposed to do with these deuces and threes? From what I have seen when I've sat at the table... Every hand is a winner, every player is able. Take the cards you've been dealt, no matter what they look like... Work them out of a bust, with strategy and insight. Never curse the hand that you hold, for it rightly assures... That you're still in the game, play your best, make your move." Copyright 1999 by Virginia Santoro -<>- __ __ /' `\ Y. .Y _______ \`. .'/ ,-------------'======="--""""-""""---. __,=+'-------------------------------------|p .-/__|_]_] :"/:""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|' ,-'__________[];/_;_____________________T G V____| ,".../_|___________________________________________| (_> ,-------. ,-------. | `-._____.'(_)`='(_)\_7___7___7___7__7_.'(_)`='(_)\_/ hjw >The Train By B.J. Cassady I had Jake take my horse and rig back to the ranch while I boarded the train that foggy dreary night at the Guthrie, Oklahoma train station. I had vowed to visit my father's grave even if I missed the funeral in Montana and the train was the fastest way there. I climbed aboard and never even saw the conductor. I threw my saddlebags on the seat next to me as the train lurched forward into the misty night. The coach was pretty dark, lit by only one lantern. I did not see any other passengers. Fine, I could get some rest. I awoke about four hours later. My pocket watch showed it to be about six am, but the windows showed it to be dark. Strange I thought. The fog still hung around the train. I needed to stretch my legs and also I wanted to find the conductor to give him my ticket so I felt the proper course might be to go to the next car. I walked to the end of my car and opened the door and made the short walk to the next car, I opened the door and like the previous car there were not any passengers nor any train employees. This was odd. So I continued to the next car....same thing...nobody. The caboose. There has to be somebody in the caboose. So I walked back to the caboose. Nobody. Now this is too strange. Somebody is on the train. It is moving therefore someone must be at the controls. So I started back to the front. When I arrived at the last or the front most car, I had to climb outside to go over the tender car or coal car. &n! bsp; Aft er doing so, the next was the engine itself. I arrived fairly easy, by now the time was eleven o'clock, still dark, still foggy. This was the strangest day in my life. I jumped into the cabin area of the engine, nobody was there. Nor was there sign of anyone having been there for some time. I tried to use the lever to slow the train but nothing worked. How can the train keep going with nobody putting fuel into the furnace? I tried various levers, the brake to no avail. The train was rushing to it's destination wherever that may be. How was the train going to stop? What force was at work here? I decided to lean over and look at the ground we were passing. No ground was visible. What the heck was going on? I had been on this train for about nine hours and started on solid ground and now I was not on solid ground. The train stopped in my home town..stopped, then started. Now nobody is on the train but me. I am but a simple rancher. The year of 1892 is complicated enough for me. I needed to think so I decided to head back to my seat and try and figure things out. As I opened the door to my coach, I noticed it was almost full of people. There was a conductor taking tickets. What the heck is going on? There were Indians, white folks, children and all kinds of people there. The conductor came up to me and said, "Ticket please." I reached inside my pocket and pulled it out and gave it to him. He looked at it with his eyes and pulled his wire-rimed glasses down and did a double take and said, "Sorry sir, you are on the 2:05 train. Your train is the 2:15. You will need to exit. I will have the train stop and please gather your gear and leave. This train is not for you sir." I looked around in stunned silence. Everyone was looking at me. I noticed a man looking at me. It was my father. How could he be here? He was dead. He smiled at me. Was that a tear in his eye? The conductor reached over and pulled the brake cord and the train screeched to a halt. I had been traveling for nine hours. I must be about three maybe four hundred miles from Guthrie. I grabbed my saddlebags and followed the conductor. He put the steps down for me and took my hand. As I got off he put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Wait a moment." My father was there. He came to me and shook my hand. He looked at me in the eye and said, "This is better than you visiting my grave son." Then he turned and re-boarded the train. The train with it's faint lights faded away into the mist and fog. I noticed I was still in Guthrie. I pulled out my watch and the time was 2:01 am. I had lost one minute of time. Jake was just leaving with my horse, my train had not come yet. The fog lifted and the stars were shining in their glory. I called out to Jake, "Jake bring my horse. I do not need to go to Montana to visit my father's grave." Jake replied, "Are you sure Chase? No regrets" "I have no regrets. None. I have ridden the river with him." said I. The end -<>- z z Z .--. Z Z / _(c\ .-. __ | / / '-; \'-'` `\______ \_\/'/ __/ ) / ) | \--, | \`""`__-/ .'--/ /--------\ \ \\` ///-\/ / /---;-. '-' jgs (________\ \ '-' >POWERFUL DREAMS Are you aware that you will miss about one- third of this coming year? You will "miss" it by sleeping. Researchers tell us that the average person sleeps about one-third of each year - or one-third of a lifetime. But the experts also tell us that something important happens when we sleep - we dream. Apparently all people dream, even if they don't remember dreaming. And over the next twelve months, most of us will have about a thousand dreams. Dreaming is important. But equally important are those "dreams" we have for our lives - those plans, hopes and goals we will formulate concerning our relationships, our spiritual growth, self-improvement, our physical health and our world. The dreams, or wishes, we have for our lives are just as necessary as dreaming while we sleep. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale used to tell of a 79-year-young woman who was struck by a hit-and-run driver. She was expected to die from her injuries. When he visited, he found her wrapped in plaster from her hips to her heels. He glanced around the room, cluttered with mementos of a lifetime. He spotted a paisley shawl, a child's drawing of a horse (lavender) and shelves of much loved, much-thumbed books. One shelf was a row of brand new books - the only new items in the room. They looked as if they had never been touched. Dr. Peale asked her if she cared for poetry. Her answer was a beautiful tribute to hope and dreams: "I love poetry, but I haven't read those yet." Her face lit up. "I'm saving them for my old age." She did, too. She lived to read those books many times. When she finally died at 91, she was planning a trip to Europe. Louis Driscoll put it like this: "In your heart keep one still secret spot where dreams may go, and sheltered so, may thrive and grow." She kept her dreams alive. And they kept her alive. By Steve Goodier -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Just Have Faith Attitude Is Everything Believe In Your Dreams Rules For Raising Children Human Chameleon Horse Costumes Casa Batllo - House Of Bones Feather Painting 2 Leaf Art Paintings Extreme Poodle Makeover Until We Write Again! God's Water Paintings! My Precious Child! Christ's Life! Moses And The Red Sea Tricks For Treats 3! Never Give Up! Fall And Halloween INDEX! -<>- Some of Shangrala's Best Pages -<>- What does the Bible say about Cremation? Keys to Focused Prayer Underground Churches in China I Surrender - Hillsong Worship All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord MercyMe and David Crowder - All of Creation and How He Loves Josh Groban You Raise Me Up MercyMe - Finally Home (Video) Home Free - How Great Thou Art -<>- >From StudentsForLife: A new pro-life movie, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, is out in theaters today and I’m encouraging everyone I know to go see it. Please go here to find local show times and to watch the trailer: -<>- >From Hillsdale College - Do you support the Constitution? Sign the petition below to declare your support for the Constitution. Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== . ._O_. . /_\o/_\ . /H\ . (=O=). U. unknown >My Lady of the Fuses Story Editor: Ian King Jack Lewis Washington, USA Yesterday, I rode my 1957 Harley-Davidson panhead to work. After work I headed to the Redhook pub to meet a work buddy for dinner, when the panhead started to cough and buck. I'd filled the tanks the day before, but flipped the petcock to reserve anyway -- no help. Finally, the motor quit and I coasted to the side. The lights weren't lit. A quick check showed the fuse had blown. When this had happened a couple of weeks earlier, I'd dropped in another fuse and ridden off. I vowed to find the cause later and popped in a spare fuse that blew immediately, even with the motorcycle switched off. I opened up the dash and found a loose switch wire. I tightened it, buttoned everything back up and popped in another fuse -- which immediately blew. Not good: the last fuse. Even if I could pull a fresh fuse out of my ear, it would fry when I installed it. Finally, I discovered the speedometer cable and regulator side-by-side a half-inch from the front cylinder. Heat had softened the cable's coating, exposed the metal and grounded out the regulator. I found an airline ticket stub in my bag and insulated the cable with it, so it wouldn't short out before I got home. But I still needed another fuse! Lots of cars go by on Woodinville-Redmond Road. Many drivers seem to be talking on cell phones. None paid much attention to a biker stranded along the road -- not even the Redmond Police, who casually rolled by. I called the pub to see if my buddy would bring a fuse, but the barmaid couldn't find him. I was about to dig out my roadside assistance number (and figure on waiting an hour or more for them) when a voice asked, "Do you need help?" From the side street, a lady asked if I needed assistance -- the first of a gazillion passersby to do so. I told her I needed a fuse. She asked what type, and I showed her the blown fuse. She said "I'll get you a fuse," and drove off. After fifteen minutes, I wondered if I should've called roadside assistance. O ye of little faith: suddenly, there was my new favorite person carrying a small box of fuses. I thanked her profusely and attempted to pay her. She responded, "Don't even try," and walked away. With her new fuse and a couple of kicks, the old beast ran again. I made it to dinner, and made it home. I parked the panhead until I could figure out a more robust casing for the speedometer cable. I am thankful that there are still folks in this world who will not only stop, but will go out of their way to help someone in need. Even a biker. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupO'Cheer: . | . \ | / `. \ ' / .' `. .-*""*-. .' "*-._ /.*" "*.\ _.-*" : ; ____ """"': .. ; _.-*" \ `.__.' / "*-._ .' `-.__.-' `. bug .' / . \ `. / | \ ' | ` >BELIEVE GOD FOR GREAT THINGS! The poet wrote, "Beware of those who stand aloof, and greet each venture with reproof. The world would stop if things were run, by those who say, ‘It can't be done.'" Refuse to let the word "impossible" stop you. Jesus said, "With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) If those who've changed the world had left every "impossible" task undone, we'd still be living in the Dark Ages. Here are four examples: • German experts predicted that trains traveling at 40 kph would cause severe nosebleeds and the passengers would suffocate going through tunnels. American experts added that we'd need more mental institutions because people would go mad when they saw the first trains. • When the YWCA first announced typing classes for women, there was a furious backlash on the grounds that the "female constitution would deteriorate under such strain." • Experts insisted that iron ships would never float, that the iron would wreak havoc with the compass readings. • In 1797, New Jersey farmers denounced the first cast-iron plough, insisting it would poison the land and stimulate weeds. So much for "experts!" More of us are persuaded into believing for too little than believing for too much. Vision is essential for survival. And a God-given vision is conceived by faith, sustained by prayer and fueled by God's Word. It's not about what you can do, but what God can do with your life when it's fully surrendered to Him. It encompasses things outside the realm of the predictable, the safe, and the expected. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). If God has given you a vision, pursue it, and believe Him for great things! as seen in FirstIMPRESSIONS --- ...Reminds me of these ones... Worst Famous Predictions Think Positive -<>- __ /_/\/\ \_\ / /_/ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/ unknown >THE MOST - PRIZED POSSESSION Pastor Rittenhouse and his family were on vacation traveling down the highway when they saw a suitcase fly off the top of a car going the opposite direction. They stopped to pick it up, but the driver of the other car never stopped. The only clue to the driver’s identity was a twenty dollar gold piece inscribed: “Given to Otis Sampson at his retirement by Portland Cement Company.” After extensive correspondence, Otis Sampson was located and contacted. He wrote a letter telling him to discard the suitcase and all its contents, and send only the gold piece. Mr. Sampson used the phrase “my most precious possession” several times to describe the gold piece. Pastor Rittenhouse did so, and wrote a cover letter telling Otis Sampson about his most prized possession, Jesus Christ. A year later, the pastor received a Christmas package. In it was the twenty-dollar gold piece. Mr. Sampson wrote, “You will be happy to know we have become active members of a church. We want you to have this gold piece. I am 74; my wife is 72. You were the first one to tell us about Jesus. Now He is our most prized possession.” ~ James C. Wideman, WordSearch Encyclopedia --- ...Reminds me of this one... You Are The Only You God Has! -<>- uuu uuu uuu|=====uuu | | |======| |'| | | .==. | | | |___|##|___|/ (PS) >CROSSING THE LINE Commitment can be costly. Yet there are times when there is no cost that is too high, there is no line we will not cross to accomplish that which we truly believe in. On March 3, 1836 the cannons fell silent for a few moments. The Alamo, a small fort, was defended by a mere 190 men, but was surrounded by thousands of Mexican soldiers. The Mexican army, under the leadership of General Santa Anna, was determined to put down a revolt of colonists seeking freedom and independence. As the sun began to set, Commander Travis stood before the tired group of men. Legend recounts that he took his sword from his sheath, drew a line in the sand with its tip, and asked all that were willing to die for the cause of freedom to step over it. We don't know why each man chose to cross, but in the end, all the defenders except one crossed the line, including the ailing Jim Bowie who asked that he be carried across in his cot. The line in the sand may have been real or it may have been metaphorical, yet each man at the Alamo had already drawn a line in his heart and each had already crossed. They had committed their lives to a cause that they believed in -- freedom. Their attitude might best be illustrated by the final letter sent by Commander Travis seeking reinforcements: "I am besieged with a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna. I have sustained a continual bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours and have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded surrender at discretion; otherwise, the garrison is to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken. I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, and our flag still waves proudly over the wall. I shall never surrender or retreat....” He signed it with the following exclamation! VICTORY OR DEATH "Remember the Alamo" became the rallying cry of the Texas Revolution. Texas would later become a state of the USA, but people continue to remember the Alamo as a heroic struggle against overwhelming odds — a place where men made the ultimate sacrifice for something they believed in. When faced with over-whelming odds, remember the Alamo. Remember that freedom demands a price. Remember that independence comes with a cost. Remember that if you want to make a difference in the lives of others.. ...its time to cross the line! After all, Jesus crossed the line between heaven and earth and died for your freedom! Copyright 2004 by Ken Sapp as seen in Creative Youth Ideas --- ...Not to be confused with this one... Crossed The Line -<>- _________________________ (, ______________________ ) | | || | | @@@@ || @@@@ | | @@@@@@@ || @@@@@@@ | | @@ - - || - @@@@ | | @ c/ || '_ @@@ | | _@| |_ || __\@ \@ | | ( \ )/_\ /_ || _\\ (/ ) @\_/) | | \ \|) / \) || |(__/ / /| | | |\_/ ( -/ || \___/ ----/_| | | / \ || ,: '( | | : _/| || |: \ | | : | || |: ) | | : | || |: | | |_______'____,_|_______|| |_____,_| .---('________________________)--. | / ( |____ __________ _| | /\ ) |___| -o- | |__| -o- | ( \| / |___| -o- | |__| -o- | | /'=. b'ger|________| |__|______| '=>/ \ / \ /|/ ,___/| >BE WORTHY OF IMITATION They say imitation is the greatest compliment, but are your actions worthy of imitation? We are all in some setting of leadership. Whether it be as a parent, boss, or friend we should constantly examine the example we are setting for those around us. Are you being a positive role model? Are you treating others in a dignified way? Be a cheerful and diligent worker, parent, and boss to those around you. Children, especially, are like sponges taking in your every action and word-- they naturally want to be just like you. So be mindful of your word and deed, you never know who might be watching and silently learning what you are demonstrating. -author unknown -<>- _ (_) <___> | |______ | |* * * ) | | * * (_________ | |* * * |* *|####) | | * * *| * | (________________ | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | | * * *| * | | | | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | |~~~~~~| * | | | | |######|* *|####|##############| | | |~~~' | | | |######|########|##############| | | | | | | |######|########|##############| | |~~~~~~| | | | | |########|##############| | | '~~~~~~~~| | | | |##########JGS#| | | '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | "A TWISTED TRUTH IS STILL A LIE." By Bob Perks I am a tired American. I'm tired of all the lies. I am tired of being bombarded by messages meant to confuse, misguide and lead me where you want me to go. Here's the truth. No one party has all the answers. Not the Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, Coffee Party (yes there is one) or any other. You see us as sheep and you the sheep herders call us, not by name, you don't know our names. But by demographics, group, age, economic status and race. You take aim at the vulnerable. You tell the elderly that the other party will steal your security, make them stand in lines for healthcare. The elderly cry "fixed income" and you promise, "We'll fix it." The only thing you need to fix are the broken promises you've all made before. You create fear-filled television messages, with ominous looking images of angry people plucked from unemployment lines and senior centers, while you recite facts twisted to fit your view. In truth they are snippets of reality, incomplete sound bites and images of your opponent looking their worst. You wave the flag and gather your family for a portrait, shake hands with our military, nod your head in agreement with union members, stand near a tractor with a farmer whose very livelihood is being plowed under by over regulation and huge corporate control and we become numb to the relentless pounding of the distant drums of doom. It has been called the "dumbing down of America." You talk about securing our borders, strengthening homeland security and the possibility of the next terrorist attack. All of this while you fight on the floor of congress, in the halls of the state legislature and the corrupt chambers of local government over nothing more than the betterment, not of the people you serve, but your party's agenda and control. No one individual can solve all of America's problems. Not the President of the United States, majority or minority leaders, political celebrities or on air personalities. We all must work together or together we fail. America was established as "We the People." That means that we control this country. That is, my friend, a huge responsibility. It should not be taken lightly. How do we do it? By vote. That vote is the most powerful weapon on earth and it is placed in the hands of every American. It can be used as a weapon to destroy or a tool to build up. Don't vote against something, vote for what you know to be the truth. The difference is a vote is like buck shot. When you try to single out one thing you hit it all, taking down the good with the bad. Before you vote, research, read, talk it over with friends, family, check the facts, recheck the facts and yes, pray. We can still pray in America. Voting demands participation. Being an American is more than holding a birth certificate as proof. It is holding on when things get tough, holding out when others give in, and holding to this simple truth, that "All are created equal." Whether you pull a lever, tap a video screen, punch a hole, check a box,or sign your name to an absentee ballot, you are declaring, "I've done my job. I've taken responsibility, I've made an educated decision based on my own research, I've voiced my opinion and I declare myself one of the proud members of "We the people of the United States of America." Don't be led by the sheep herders any more. Vote smart for the good of all, not the betterment of a few. A twisted truth is still a lie. "I wish you enough!" Bob Perks To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ========================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` "Sooner or later we must leave our dream world and face up to the facts of God, sin, and judgment. The Bible says, 'All have sinned and come short of the glory of God' (Romans 3:23)." - Billy Graham "You and I, God's ambassadors, are called to sound the warning, to call sinners to repentance, to point the way to peace with God and the hope that is in Christ." - Billy Graham "The evangelistic harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is strategic. We are not responsible for the past generation, and we cannot bear full responsibility for the next one; be we do have our generation. God will hold us responsible as to how well we fulfill our responsibilities to this age and take advantage of our opportunities." - Billy Graham The Lift .---. /` ___|`\ |_/ \| ( -/- ) \_ - _/ .-'|_|'-. / \ / O \ / _____!_____ \ /.-------------.\ \| ,;, |/ | ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;; | | `';;;'` | | ;;; | | ;;; | | ::: | | ';' | | | _| _ __ __ _|_ jgs_/ _ __ ___ __ _\_ _/ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ \_ >This Is Wisdom? (By Rocky Henriques, The September 2010 edition of Reader's Digest included an interview with primatologist Jane Goodall. Goodall "is celebrating the 50th anniversary of her pioneering research among the wild chimpanzees in what is today Tanzania's Gombe Stream National Park." It is a very interesting interview, though as a follower of Christ I was saddened that someone so intelligent appears to have rejected the Biblical understanding of who God is. For whatever reason, interviewer Edward Klein asked her if she believed in God: "I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I don't know what to call it. I feel it particularly when I'm out in nature. It's just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me." The next question was "Who was the greatest influence in your life?" Goodall replied that it was her mother. She described her as "a very wise woman." But this is Goodall's understanding of what constituted "wisdom": "She would say, 'You were born into this family, and your grandfather was a Christian, so you grew up as a Christian. But you might have been born somewhere in the Middle East, and then you would talk about Allah. Or you might have been born in a Jewish family...Or a Buddhist family...' My mother always put things into perspective. She said there could be only one God, and what we call him depends on where we were brought up." I don't mean any disrespect to Jane Goodall or her mother, but it does seem to me that a "wisdom" that essentially says that Islam and Christianity and Judaism are basically the same isn't wisdom at all. That line of thinking is one fed to us by a secular society that refuses to admit that Jesus Christ is Lord. Fellow believers, this is the world we live in. This is our culture, and it is affecting us, our children and our grandchildren more than we realize. It is not Biblical, it does not proclaim Christ as Lord, it does not honor God. We who follow the Lord Jesus Christ must be careful not to allow this poisonous philosophy to creep into our hearts and minds. Today more than ever we must know what the Scriptures teach and be bold in our witness and testimony. "Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight." (1 Corinthians 3:18-19a NIV) --- ...Absolutely! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' People have to quit leaning over backward to please others. Jesus was a fighter who didn't put up with unglodly actions in his church - Matthew 21:12 In retrospect we have Christian churches who open their doors so others may worship their gods on the church premises: Churches Open Doors to Muslim Worship - Jesus did not sugar coat telling people about doing wrong in the eyes of God - see John 8:44-55 - He spoke the truth and didn't bend over backwards to make people like him. Jesus didn't care if they were His neighbor or not! He called evil out where he saw it! We need to be bold and do the same. Jesus defeated the devil on EVERY level: "After the devil had finished testing Jesus in every way possible, he left him for a while." , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Check out the great leadership example of Our Lord Jesus Christ: -<>- ,"``", / (-\-| ___ | `-=-( /.-.\ .(`-.__/-,// || / \ | // Destroy The Ites (By Steve Troxel, God's Daily Word Ministries, Moses had led the people of Israel through the desert for 40 years and was now preparing them to cross the Jordan River into the promised land of Canaan. As part of this preparation, Moses reminded the people how God had provided for all their past needs and reviewed the laws by which God expected them to live; "and if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as He has commanded us, that will be our righteousness" (Deuteronomy 6:25). The people of Israel would be brought into a right relationship with God as they worshiped Him and obeyed His commands. But as they entered the promised land, there were many enemies which had to be removed. Deuteronomy 7:1-2: "When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations - the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you - and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy." These enemies posed a serious physical threat, but the longer term danger was to their spiritual survival. God wanted these "Ites" completely destroyed because their worldly gods would continually pull at the heart of His chosen people; "Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods" (Deuteronomy 11:16). This can be a difficult message with today's soft view of sin. But there is an important lesson for each of us who desire a close relationship with God. Today, Jesus has provided the path to righteousness; "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe" (Romans 3:22). But God still desires the entirety of our heart and expects us to turn from anything which pulls us away from an unhindered and unrestrained devotion. As he leads us into His promised land of rest and peace, there will always be enemies which entice us to turn from God, many temptations which compete for our time and thoughts...and for our worship. These "Ites" will appear stronger than our ability to conquer. But as we follow hard after God, He will grant us victory; "the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you" (Deuteronomy 7:22). What enemies take us away from the worship of God? What addictions, activities, desires or fears are consuming our heart and keeping us from being focused on Jesus - keeping us from a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father? Let's be determined to possess the land and fully give our heart to God. Let's identify the enemies which hinder our walk and, without mercy, let's completely destroy the Ites. SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ========================================================== . -|- | /A\ //^\\ ,// _ \\, |/`/_\`\| | , | | /^\ | |//'\\| ,//` _ `\\, ,//` .'|'. `\\, ,//` |-|-| `\\, ,//` [_|_] `\\, |/T T\| | _ __ __ _ | | /_\ | | | /_\ | | |_| | .|. | |_| | | |__|__| | jgs '----[_______]----' ======= ====== ====== >-->Name You got it from your father It was all he had to give So it's yours to use and cherish For as long as you may live. If you lose the watch he gave you, It can always be replaced, But a black mark on your name, son, Can never be erased. It was clean the day you took it And a worthy name to bear When he got it from his father, There was no dishonor there. So make sure you guard it wisely, After all is said and done, You'll be glad the name is spotless When you give it to your son. -Author Unknown -<>- (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII) )'.'.'.':;:;:'.'.'.'( ('.'.'.;' | `:.'.'.') )'.'.';' | `:'.'.'( ('.'.;' | `:.'.') )'.';'____|____`:'.'( (==@' | `@==) )'.: @() :.'( ('.'. ()@() .'.') )'.'. ()@()@) .'.'( ('.'. _\|/_ .'.') )'.'. |-----| .'.'( ('.'.___\___/___.'.') jgs )'.'============='.'( ('.' '.') ~ ~ when God closes a door He opens a window... >It's Up to Me I get discouraged now and then When there are clouds of gray, Until I think about the things That happened yesterday. I do not mean the day before, Or those of months ago. but all the yesterdays in which I had the chance to grow. I think of opportunities That I allowed to die And those I took advantage of Before they passed me by. And I remember that the past Presented quite a plight. But somehow I endured it and The future seemed all right. And I remind myself that I Am capable and free. And my success and happiness Are really up to me --Author Unknown >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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