God Is Our Father... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To ShangralaFamilyFun.com The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. If every one would chip in $25 or more, we'd be good for the whole year! So Please - I need your help today! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* Happy Safe And Blessed Father's Day! :) >-->4 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This too hot to handle new page is from our friend LouiseAu. Another fun one with more of your favorite celebrities that have served in the US military. We now have 4 pages for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check out the cool videos on them as well! \\ ///// | | (| _ _ |) |` | '| | __ | >>>___/\_^__/\___<<< / ||| \ Mike Hertz Famous US Veterans! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/famousveterans.html Famous US Veterans 2! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/famousveterans2.html Famous US Veterans 3! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/famousveterans3.html WATCH: President Trump’s message to West Point’s graduating cadets "You chose to devote your life to the defense of America.” “You have come from the farms and the cities, from states big and small, and from every race, religion, color, and creed. But when you entered these grounds, you became part of one team, one family, proudly serving one great American nation.” “The survival of America and the endurance of civilization itself depends on the men and women just like each of you. It depends on people who love their country with all their heart and energy and soul.” See this video on our newest page here... Famous US Veterans 4! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/famousveterans4.html --- ...Awesome to see who have served! Thanks LouiseAu! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: Dad, you're someone to look up to no matter how tall I've grown. -- author unknown Happy Father's Day! Karla has an interesting story today. She lost her dad many years ago, but has noticed along the way that there are other trusted men that have come into her life who have partially filled the gap her father left behind. What does, or did, your dad mean to you? _....._ .--. _.-' `-._ o/o-;;; ( `-._ _.-' ) (_, z) `:-._'---'_.-:' ,,,, _|-' / : `'''`_,-/`-._ /.. ) /\`--/"\ : [_./_ /_ _(_& _P / \_/, | : :`-/(_`_____ _\-'_/___/ /| : _.-: 8 \=__))____/ | : |'_.-: \_ | / F : | : : //`7/ / / : | :.-: (( (( L_______/ : |o : /_>/_> / Y / : |_.-': / / / : : J J J (`'-._____,-'`) | | | | | | | | | | _J__J__J (_ _) (__(_____) cjr'-..___..-' 2may01 >GRATEFUL FOR MY MEMORIES by Karla Sullivan When I looked up the definition of father, I was amazed at how many categorized fathers we have today. From the weekend/holiday father, surprised father, stepfather, second father, to just mother's partner or husband -- all of which define "the Dad". And, believe it or not, there is the "DI Dad" who is the social/legal father of children produced via donor insemination. Father is also considered a founder of a body of knowledge or institution like George Washington, the Father of Our Country. And now I can understand why fathers are seen as authority figures and are suppose to possess experience and knowledge in life to pass onto others. That is what being a father is about -- the active father who speaks of wisdom and guidance. My father passed away when I was twelve and Father's Day was not a Hallmark occasion that was at the top of my list. My mother never re-married and not having a dad that I could call my own created a poor self-esteem and decision making skills that were less than desirable. Relationships sometimes suffered, bitterness surfaced when it wasn't necessary and even physical changes that will never be resolved. Someone said that a father is a girl's first love and somehow everyone else needs to live up to the expectation. With time, I realized my father, John, was gone and could not be replaced, though I would always be grateful rather than distressed for my passionate memories of his love for me. As the years passed, I figured out that I could have as many fathers as I wanted -- a trusted male friend who nurtures and helps you live a more fulfilling life. He could be a neighbor that offers support when you struggle, comfort when you are down, and even his snow blower when there is a foot of snow in your driveway. He can be a manager who reminds you that you are truly worth it regardless of your awkward stumbles at work. He can be a co-worker that offers you a smile, something to laugh at, a thumbs up and a cup of coffee when you are having a bad day. He can be a brother who offers unconditional love and commitment regardless of how you frustrate him. He can be any relative who is protective, concerned and sees your success rather than incompetence. He could be your best friend's father who spent hours tutoring you in math and building your self-esteem in a subject you never thought possible. He can be the salesman or contractor that is really looking out for your safety and best interests. He can be your postman who always makes sure your mail is delivered on time and doesn't rush off without saying hello. He can be a teacher and role model to all children of any age and family. One day, I noticed a chip on my windshield and called the first auto windshield repair place on the list. I thought of my dad who could have fixed the problem -- he actually had owned a small business in auto windshield repair. The company coordinated the details with my insurance and came to my work the next day to repair the chip at no out-of-pocket cost. The process was seamless and though the repairman only spent a few minutes fixing the problem, and wouldn't qualify as a father figure, my dad couldn't have done any better. -- Karla Sullivan __________________________________________________ Karla writes online articles focusing on career development and workplace suggestions. She has also published two books, an historical romance and a spiritual self-help called Caroline's Crescendo. -<>- /:""| .@@@@@, |: 66|_ @@@@@@@@, C _) aa`@@@@@@ \ ._| (_ ?@@@@ ) / =' @@@@" /`\\ \(``` || |Y| //`\ ."~~~~~". || |#| / | || | .:. | || |#| \ | || A | /6 6\ | || |#| / | || |~|_|_\ e /_|_ .@@@@, :| |=: / | |\ |_|)___`"`___(8 aa`@@@, ||_|,| | |_| \ |~~~~~~~~~| = `@@@ \)))|| | ((( | \_________/ )_/`@' |~~~`-`~~~| `~\~~~~~~| |/ /_\ \| / || @ | | `\ / ()/___\() | || @ |_________| ( || ||~~~~~|| /~|| "` |_________| | || || || /__W_\ | || | || || || ||| |_||__ __|_|| ||_____|| _||| jgs (____)) (:;:;)) ||-----|| ((___) >FATHER'S DAY ROOKIE by Joseph Walker Technically, Adam is a father this Father's Day. I know -- he hasn't changed a single diaper, or taken a turn staying up late with a fussy baby. He hasn't rocked his son to sleep, or bounced him on his knee, or tucked him sweetly in his cradle. And there isn't one spit up stain on any of his jackets or collars. But he's still a father this Father's Day. Technically. Adam's first child won't actually be born until September. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we already know he is a boy -- he and Andrea have named their son Alexander -- and that he has Adam's nose and, according to one observer anyway, Andrea's eyes (although I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone could tell that -- I mean, his eyes are still closed, for Pete's sake!). So Adam is still a rookie when it comes to being a father. He's doing a great job of taking care of Andrea through a sometimes- difficult pregnancy, so he's earning his stripes there. But he's yet to step up to the plate and take his first swings at hands-on fatherhood. So you can't blame him if he's a little nervous about it. These are, after all, life's ultimate Big Leagues. The margin for error is slight. You can go from Hall of Fame Father to bush league dad with one raging outburst of anger and frustration. Plus, the other team has great pitchers throwing hard, dirty stuff at you -- stuff like drugs, alcohol, gangs, cynicism and indifference. It's tough being a good dad under the best of circumstances. These days, with an extraordinary array of negative influences swirling all around us and blurring our values and priorities, it can be overwhelming. Especially for a rookie. Thankfully, Adam has a great image in his mind of what a father can and should be. He had a terrific dad, with whom he had a close and loving relationship. He has seen and experienced the positive influence of a good father in his life. But his dad passed away some time ago, so he won't be available to provide on-the-job training and encouragement. His mom is a great lady, and she'll fill in as much as she can. Andrea will certainly put in her two- cents worth from time to time -- you can count on that. And he has older friends and family members who will share their insights, experiences and -- occasionally -- warnings. But for the most part, he's going to be on his own, trying to figure out fatherhood as he goes along. Which is pretty much what we all do, now that I think about it. My dad was around for my first 25 years of fathering, and I did solicit his input from time to time. But for the most part I just winged it. And with Anita's help and God's, things turned out OK -- if you don't count the overwrought late-night lectures, the "Russia has just taken over America" experiment and the incident in the cul-de-sac. Don't ask. Fatherhood isn't a science, it's an art. Which means that there are precious few hard and fast rules, and almost no absolutes. There are no textbooks, no laboratories, no scientifically calculated models that can turn you into a good father. It's something you can only learn by doing -- which means that what you do will occasionally be... well... wrong. But guided by love and fortified by faith, you can overcome your mistakes. And so, thank God, can your children. Even if you're a rookie. -- Joseph Walker =========================================================== ,--. //^\\\ ,;;;, . ((-_-))) (-_- ; /_\ )))((( >..'. .:. .--. |SSt| ((_._ ) /. .| :-_-; /-_-)) _))A ((_//| S || ,`-'. ))-(( `( )`' |___|),;, C \\_/,`I )) \ / | | |`' |___(/-'|___() ,-. )( | | | | | | | | | (-_-) _____ /__\ |_|_| |_|_| |_|_| (\I/\.__|A|R|T| `'' `-'-' `-'-' `-'-' `'-`' `o' `o' >-->Quiet Heroes by Max Lucado Quiet heroes dot the landscape of our society. They don't wear ribbons or kiss trophies; they wear spit-up and kiss boo-boos. They don't make the headlines, but they do sew the hemlines and check the outlines and stand on the sidelines. You won't find their names on the Nobel Prize short list, but you will find their names on the homeroom, carpool, and Bible teacher lists. They are parents, both by blood and deed, name and calendar. Heroes. News programs don't call them. But that's okay. Because their kids do... They call them Mom. They call them Dad. And these moms and dads, more valuable than all the executives and lawmakers west of the Mississippi, quietly hold the world together. Be numbered among them. Read books to your kids. Play ball while you can and they want you to. Make it your aim to watch every game they play, read every story they write, hear every recital in which they perform. Children spell love with four letters: T-I-M-E. Not just quality time, but hang time, downtime, anytime, all the time. Your children are not your hobby; they are your calling. Your spouse is not your trophy but your treasure. Don't pay the price David paid. Look ahead to his final hours. To see the ultimate cost of a neglected family, look at the way our hero dies. David is hours from the grave. A chill has set in that blankets can't remove. Servants decide he needs a person to warm him, someone to hold him tight as he takes his final breaths. Do they turn to one of his wives? No. Do they call on one of his children? No. They seek ''for a lovely young woman throughout all the territory of Israel... and she cared for the king, and served him; but the king did not know her'' (1 Kings 1:3-4). I suspect that David would have traded all his conquered crowns for the tender arms of a wife. But it was too late. He died in the care of a stranger, because he made strangers out of his family. But it's not too late for you. Make your wife the object of your highest devotion. Make your husband the recipient of your deepest passion. Love the one who wears your ring. And cherish the children who share your name. Succeed at home first. Max Lucado From Facing Your Giants Copyright (W Publishing Group, 2006) Max Lucado -<>- Thought For The Day: "You always pass failure on the way to success." --Mickey Rooney Verse for the Day: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Kid's Thought For The Day: "Dirt is only considered bad when it's not on the ground." Parent's Thought For The Day "Shouting at your children to get cooperation is about the same as steering your car using the horn...same results." Coach's Thought For The Day "My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging." --Hank Aaron Writer's Thought For The Day "Out of suffering comes creativity. You cannot spell painting without pain." --John Lithgow Deep Thought For The Day Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -- Mark Twain =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ @@;, ( ; ? : ); _| |_ | | || | | _| |_ | \ \ \/ || \/ ___ / / | __| |\ __||____||___||______/| | ||| | |_______ _________| | ||| ||| |____ | | ____| ||| Design by \ \______ ) | | / ______/ / || | | | | | /___| || Samule J. Neptune || | | |_ /| | |\ _| || || || | \__, / | | | \<__/ | || >The Table I remember when growing up at my aunt and uncle's farm eating there on Sunday. The table would be pulled out and the leaves would be inserted for the family that would be there. Oftentimes the minister from the Church would eat with us. The men when they entered the home would take their hats off and hang them up by the door. All would wash their hands and sit at their designated place. My uncle would sit at the head of the table, his wife at the opposite end. The best dishes were used every Sunday along with the best silverware. During the hot, dusty summer, the dishes might be turned upside down to protect them from the dust and flies, as this was before air-conditioning. Sometimes if the meals were served and my aunt was not ready to eat, the plates would be covered with a clean dishcloth. Everyone sat upright, no elbows on the table, when my aunt entered the room everyone stood up, it was expected. She was being honored. My uncle would either say Grace or ask someone to say Grace. After the prayer was concluded he would take the first dish of food and put some on his plate and pass it to his right, and on it would go. Usually the elders would sit to his right with the children being the last served. This was normal and there were no questions asked. At the table people discussed family events, church events, school happenings, matters of consequence. Never was there a heated discussion, and always proper manners were in place. When finished eating, you asked for permission to be excused from the table and you cleaned your mouth with a real napkin. You politely removed yourself, and put your chair back into place. The women would clear the table and do dishes while the men would retire and discuss matters for menfolk. The children would go outside and play. The table would be put back in it's place until it was used again. When did the table lose it's place in our family? Or is the better question when did our family lose it's table? When did manners fade away? When did respect of our Elders dissolve? Do you pray before receiving your food? Do you bless your food? Do have your family time? Does what I describe to you sound like a better way of life, of living? Take the time. Start at home. Home...what a beautiful word. Think about this.... The Lord gave us Hope with His Last Supper at the Table. Commune with your family. Start today. BJ Cassady Guthrie, Oklahoma -<>- _()_ {____} {____} | || | / || \ /` ~~ `\ | | \ / jgs '._ _.' ```` >WHERE THE LIGHT IS By: Joseph J. Mazzella There is a delightful, old story that always brings a smile to my face. One day a man was walking down the street and saw his friend crawling around on his hands and knees looking for something. The man asks his friend what he is looking for on the ground. His friend says, "I lost my key." The man feels sorry for his friend and gets down to help look for it. After a long time of looking without success the man asks his friend where he was standing when he lost his key. The friend replies, "Oh, I lost it in my house." Outraged by this the man asks why they are looking on the street then. His friend says, "Because there is more light here." As funny as that sounds it is the way a lot of people think. They want to know the purpose of their lives. They want to figure out the secret to their own happiness. They want to find the key to living a loving and joyous life. Yet, they look everywhere except inside of themselves. Perhaps they think it is too dark and frightening to look within for these answers. They keep looking on the outside instead because they think the light is better there. The truth is if they were willing to look within they would find a light far brighter and more illuminating than any on the outside. They would find the glorious glow of their own souls that have been patiently waiting for their arrival. They would find the love of God that lights up the world and the light of their own love as well. They would find a beautiful fire that would warm their hearts and that they could give to everyone everywhere. Don’t be afraid to look on the inside. The light on the outside is nowhere near as magnificent and golden as the loving light that shines from your own soul. God’s loving light lives within each of us. That is the light you should seek. That is the light that will guide you to a joyous life and that is the light that you should share with the whole world. -<>- ( . ) ) ( ) . ' . ' . ' . ( , ) (. ) ( ', ) .' ) ( . ) , ( , ) ( . ). , ( . ( ) ( , ') .' ( , ) (_,) . ), ) _) _,') (, ) '. ) ,. (' ) jgs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WHEN I WAS a little kid, I got a pretty nasty burn on my leg... The doctor applied a bandage designed to adhere to the burned skin. The bandage was made of a material that had a healing ointment in it, and as the burn healed and the skin began to grow, the bandage and the skin fused. It worked almost like a skin graft, and it was very effective in the process of healing. This is a picture of what the local church should be. We are not to be a band-aid that provides a small amount of healing and protection for the hurting people around us, only to be taken off and once again made separate. The church should be fused with those who have been "burned," working as a unit to bring about healing. Part of our strategy is to become a vital part of life in our region, not just to be a place for people to visit on the weekends but truly to be a healing place for a hurting world. We want to be involved, to be part of the cure, and to be a resource for rehabilitation and spiritual restoration. (Dino Rizzo) KneEmail: "And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick." Matthew 14:14 Bible reading for 05.07.09: Luke 23:1-35; 2 Kings 1-3 -<>- %%%% %%%%-( _%%%%%_/ \ ' / _%%%%%%%% - (_) - _%%%%%%%/ \% / , \ %%%%%%%%%\\ \_ %%%%%% \ \\ ) /\_/ /(___. \ '----' ( / ) ---....____/ (_____ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ / )---...___ =-= = -_= -=_= _-=_-_ -=- =-_ ,' ( ```--.._= -_= -_= _-=- -_= _=- ,-' ) ``--._=-_ =-=_-= _-= _ '-._ '-..___( ``-._=_-=_- =_-= ``---....__) `-._-=_-_=- )|)| `-._=-_ gnv '-'-.\_ `-. >The First Time The first time I saw the ocean was the most wondrous experience of my life. I had been told many things about the ocean, but none of them were anything like what I experienced. The sound was bigger than life, the smell was incredibly fresh, and the feel of the sand under my feet was the most therapeutic thing I believe I have ever encountered in my life. I was completely unaware of the sharp shells under my feet I forgot all about worrying about Jelly Fish, and I was more in love with my boyfriend than ever before. At night when I sat quietly on the deck of our hotel room over looking the ocean I was captured in the wonderment of the music coming from the ocean's waves, and the best part of it all was that I found God in a whole new way. It was like being introduced for the first time all over again, but better. I've decided that I'll one day live at the ocean, I've suddenly over come my fear of bad storms and all I can think of, is how peaceful it was to fall asleep by the sound of the waves. Now, do you know what you've just read? Did you notice things left out of the descriptions of the ocean? Well, you have just read the description of the experience of a blind person's first trip to the ocean. Even if we've had a revelation, or realization, it's no good, if we've forgotten we've had it. Do everything you do with love and light! -Patty/Tazz! -<>- |><|~|><| /(((9)))\ //) -_- (\\ (((( ._. )))) ))))---(((( ((((`---')))) (___|xXxXx|___) \ | | / / ^ ^ ^ \ / \ (_._._._._._) \ | / ( | ) | | | hjw |-|-| /`-^-'\ (__,^.__) >Will you give this to my daddy !!!!! As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays." Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said "hi," the little girl then she asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, he didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it. After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying "your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon." The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, their were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek. We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an American. RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over- bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday - and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on. The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday. WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE. THEIR BLOOD RUNS RED---- SO WEAR RED! MAY GOD HELP AMERICA TO BECOME ONE NATION, UNDER GOD. HAVE A GREAT DAY. -<>- ~O /|\ ~o/ | \o ~o/ _o /| |\ |\ /| |\ jgs / \ |// > / \ / > >Happy Father's Day Dad, you have been gone for about forty years now. You left me when you were far too young, at the age of 52. I would like to thank you for teaching me to be a good father. Other teenagers said they wished I was their dad, for being a good grandfather. Dad did you know I have one great-grandchild and twenty-seven grandchildren? I was packmaster of my boy's cub scout pack. I coached each of their baseball teams. I even worked a second job in their school so I could eat lunch with them. I made a point to take off my regular job so I could enroll them in school each year. I loved being a dad... being there for them. Did you know I ran electric trains for their classes one day a year? I would look at their eyes as they stood back with pride in their eyes as their daddy was there in their classroom. Later when a scandal broke out in our neighborhood about a bus driver who abused a lot of children, I did not worry because I knew where my children where at all times. When they played at other children's homes, I went there with them and visited with the parents. When I arrived home from work, we went to the park to play. I knew my boys were boys and needed to expend some energy. So we ran and played. We laughed. We became weary. Perhaps the best memory was our Friday nights. I would drag my mattress into the living room and the boys would wrestle each other (again to drain their energy). If the tempers became short, I would stop the game or join it, them versus me. After supper we would lay on the mattress and watch TV, tired bodies, pop some popcorn and watch movies and drift off asleep. Me and my boys. Dad and sons. So Dad I would like to thank you for raising me and teaching me how to be a father...but I cannot. You were not there for me. You were a father to booze, not your son. You never played with me. We never had the father/son times that I craved as a child. What you did teach me was how not to raise a child. What I craved as a child, I passed on to my children. I remember you striking my mother, my children never had to see that ugliness in our home. I learned that behavior is accountable by my actions and not inherited or a learned process. However, I cannot judge you father. I do not know what made you the way you were. I do forgive you. So this father's day, I wish that you may see through my eyes and understand how a father can be. BJ Cassady Guthrie, Oklahoma --- ...See these teachings: THE SPIRIT THAT DWELLS IN AN ALCOHOLIC For those Christians that are ‘new’ to God’s Word, I am going to give you fair warning. Keep away from alcoholics!!! https://tinyurl.com/y2jto62n ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/alcoholanddrugs.html -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Thank You Lord!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/thanks.html Maria The Goose!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/goose.html Woman Cops Around The World!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/womancops.html At The Car Wash!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/carwash.html Adam In Paradise!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/adam.html Goose Calls Cops!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/mothergoose.html Hippo And Tortoise!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/hippo.html Playing With Words!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wordplay.html Healing Part 1 http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/healing1.html Healing Part 2! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/healing2.html Soap Carving Art!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/soapart.html K9 9/11 Heroes!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/k9-11.html Bear Playground!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bearplay.html World's Fastest Cars!- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/fastcars.html Women - Darkest Before The Dawn!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/womandbd.html Father's Day Index! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/momsanddadsindex.html -<>- Skillet - Legendary (Official Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DApP8dCZOdU King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQl4izxPeNU Only Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAtx1y58jS0 Leeland - Way Maker (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXQGTInPpZU -<>- >In The News: President Trump signed an executive order yesterday to promote safe policing and safe communities. “These measured but meaningful proposals are an excellent start and should receive broad bipartisan support in Congress and widespread adoption by law enforcement agencies,” writes Constitution expert John Malcolm in The Daily Signal. https://tinyurl.com/ydenw4zo “It should go without saying that the looting and rioting we witnessed recently was not justified by the death of George Floyd. Nowhere in the legal code does it say that one unlawful act can provide an excuse for other unlawful acts . . . Their behavior cannot be sanctioned, nor should it be covered up,” Frank Miele writes for RealClearPolitics. https://tinyurl.com/ychzchxk McEnany calls out 'sick hypocrisy' on media over Trump rally https://tinyurl.com/y7jqcn8y “For decades, women leaders lobbied, marched, and protested for equality and their right to vote in the United States," the first lady said. "It is my hope that this project will both support and expand the important conversations taking place on equality and the impact of peaceful protests, while encouraging children to engage in the history behind this consequential movement in their own home state.” https://tinyurl.com/y8udkfmk Report Reveals Shocking New Curriculum Now Being Taught in Public Schools https://tinyurl.com/y973fmdr With NASCAR, the Confederate flag is out, but the ‘Thin Blue Line’ is in Mike Harmon head of Mike Harmon Racing, Weatherman’s team, told CNN, “As far as this week’s paint theme, there’s thousands upon thousands of police officers in this country that serve us very well and they do not deserve to be disrespected and not be appreciated. https://tinyurl.com/y7kqf4vp Ted Cruz says accusing police of systemic racism is inaccurate and harmful https://tinyurl.com/ycnv5pze These Pastors Defy Left-Wing Bullies by Preaching Peace Amidst Rioting & Looting https://tinyurl.com/y9woorln Katrina Pierson on the politicization of 'Black Lives Matter' https://tinyurl.com/ybj72tee Guilfoyle: It's time for Biden, Dems to stop bending their knee for radicals https://tinyurl.com/yaekuaby Sarah Sanders reacts to 'conservative' censorship, DOJ suing John Bolton https://tinyurl.com/y7x2rdfx Ivanka Trump Visits Church, Participates In Food Distribution Event In Pittsburgh https://tinyurl.com/ya25sljb Westwing News: Under Donald Trump’s Leadership, the US Economy Will Come Back Strong https://www.whitehouse.gov/westwingreads/ WhiteHouseNews: President Trump unveils roadmap to stop veteran suicide https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600daily/ Latest From AFA: http://tinyurl.com/j7lakqw Students For Life https://tinyurl.com/yd5nxmu6 Latest From OperationRescue: http://www.operationrescue.org/ Latest Product Alert: Nuts, Fruit, Charging Cables http://www.emergencyemail.org/products/?fmt=text Latest Health Alert: http://www.emergencyemail.org/health/?fmt=text Click to Give Free https://tinyurl.com/y2abb8d2 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Harry Keaton, an incredible magician who performs the greatest magic trick they have ever seen in front of Penn and Teller and fools them. https://youtu.be/IWA5-WVDs_Q A close up look at a Beaver family working on their house on the Bow River in Calgary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beas8hgBl0k --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From Victor :) ,---. .--. ( . ) ( . ) `/--___ __`--`. ,. _'| |___||___| _|`. (-./_,|-,,' `.' |\ ` __`-`-'|// `:. \,|' -- - --- |\ | ||| ` | | -- | \ _|_|\\ jrei / | - _ \ \ ,-'-.`._____,',-'-. ______________ `[]\ .\____________________ |`.____________`. || \`| .::' ._ | |_''_o_o__o =.| || \|_________________ | | ,--. ,--. : _ || | |( () ) ( () )|: \`::') --- __ `.|_`-_'___`-_'_|`. / :: \ - _ - : \___:/ _ - - `--..___) >'We Need to Value Truth Over Feeling': Skillet's John Cooper Reacts to Christian Leaders Renouncing Faith Ok I’m saying it. Because it’s too important not to. What is happening in Christianity? More and more of our outspoken leaders or influencers who were once “faces” of the faith are falling away. And at the same time they are being very vocal and bold about it. Shockingly they still want to influence others (for what purpose?)as they announce that they are leaving the faith. I’ll state my conclusion, then I’ll state some rebuttals to statements I’ve read by some of them. Firstly, I never judge people outside of my faith. Even if they hate religion or Christianity. That is not my place and I have many friends who disagree with my religion and that is 100% fine with me. However, when it comes to people within my faith, there must be a measure of loyalty and friendship and accountability to each other and the Word of God. My conclusion for the church(all of us Christians): We must STOP making worship leaders and thought leaders or influencers or cool people or “relevant” people the most influential people in Christendom. (And yes that includes people like me!) I’ve been saying for 20 years(and seemed probably quite judgmental to some of my peers) that we are in a dangerous place when the church is looking to 20 year old worship singers as our source of truth. We now have a church culture that learns who God is from singing modern praise songs rather than from the teachings of the Word. I’m not being rude to my worship leader friends (many who would agree with me) in saying that singers and musicians are good at communicating emotion and feeling. We create a moment and a vehicle for God to speak. However, singers are not always the best people to write solid bible truth and doctrine. Sometimes we are too young, too ignorant of scripture, too unaware, or too unconcerned about the purity of scripture and the holiness of the God we are singing to. Have you ever considered the disrespect of singing songs to God that are untrue of His character? I have a few specific thoughts and rebuttals to statements made by recently disavowed church influencers...first of all, I am stunned that the seemingly most important thing for these leaders who have lost their faith is to make such a bold new stance. Basically saying, “I’ve been living and preaching boldly something for 20 years and led generations of people with my teachings and now I no longer believe it..therefore I’m going to boldly and loudly tell people it was all wrong while I boldly and loudly lead people in to my next truth.” I’m perplexed why they aren’t embarrassed? Humbled? Ashamed, fearful, confused? Why be so eager to continue leading people when you clearly don’t know where you are headed? My second thought is, why do people act like “being real” covers a multitude of sins? As if someone is courageous simply for sharing virally every thought or dark place. That’s not courageous. It’s cavalier. Have they considered the ramifications? As if they are the harbingers of truth, saying “I used to think one way and practice it and preach it, but now I’ve learned all the new truth and will start practicing and preaching it.” So the influencers become the voice for truth in whatever stage of life and whatever evolution takes place in their thinking. Thirdly, there is a common thread running through these leaders/influencers that basically says that “no one else is talking about the REAL stuff.” This is just flatly false. I just read today in a renown worship leader’s statement, “How could a God of love send people to hell? No one talks about it.” As if he is the first person to ask this? Brother, you are not that unique. The church has wrestled with this for 1500 years. Literally. Everybody talks about it. Children talk about it in Sunday school. There’s like a billion books written on the topic. Just because you don’t get the answer you want doesn’t mean that we are unwilling to wrestle with it. We wrestle with scripture until we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. And lastly, and most shocking imo, as these influencers disavow their faith, they always end their statements with their “new insight/new truth” that is basically a regurgitation of Jesus’s words?! It’s truly bizarre and ironic. They’ll say “I’m disavowing my faith but remember, love people, be generous, forgive others”. Ummm, why? That is actually not human nature. No child is ever born and says “I just want to love others before loving myself. I want to turn the other cheek. I want to give my money away to others in need”. Those are bible principles taught by a prophet/Priest/king of kings who wants us to live by a higher standard which is not an earthly standard, but rather the ‘Kingdom of God’ standard. Therefore if Jesus is not the truth and if the Word of God is not absolute, then by preaching Jesus’s teachings you are endorsing the words of a madman. A lunatic who said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” He also said that he was alive before Abraham, and to see him was to see God because he was one with God. So why then would a disavowed christian leader promote that “generosity is good”? How would you know “what is good” without Jesus’s teachings? And will your ideas of what is “good” be different from year to year based on your experience, culture trends, popular opinion etc and furthermore will you continue year by year to lead others into your idea of goodness even though it is not absolute? I’m amazed that so many Christians want the benefits of the kingdom of God, but with the caveat that they themselves will be the King. It is time for the church to rediscover the preeminence of the Word. And to value the teaching of the Word. We need to value truth over feeling. Truth over emotion. And what we are seeing now is the result of the church raising up influencers who did not supremely value truth who have led a generation who also do not believe in the supremacy of truth. And now those disavowed leaders are proudly still leading and influencing boldly AWAY from the truth. Is it any wonder that some of our disavowed Christian leaders are letting go of the absolute truth of the Bible and subsequently their lives are falling apart? Further and further they are sinking in the sea all the while shouting “now I’ve found the truth! Follow me!!” Brothers and sisters in the faith all around the world, pastors, teachers, worship leaders, influencers...I implore you, please please in your search for relevancy for the gospel, let us NOT find creative ways to shape Gods word into the image of our culture by stifling inconvenient truths. But rather let us hold on even tighter to the anchor of the living Word of God. For He changes NOT. “The grass withers and the flowers fade away, but the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8) See the full version here: https://tinyurl.com/y97kq5aj --- ...So thought provoking! Thanks Victor! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >God is Our Father :) My thinking on this is that it is a sign of our times. You can see it most everywhere. People letting their emotions rule their believing. Yet when their emotions run dry and their enthusiasm is spent, what have they got left? They are like a boat stranded on the deep sea without an oar, sail or motor. Or a ship without a rudder. That is why God gave us His Word. 2 Peter 1 [19] We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: [20] Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. How important is studying the bible and learning God's Word? Jesus said "But he [Jesus Christ] answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that [which] proceedeth out of the mouth of God. - Matthew 4: 4 You and I would die without food, yet our Lord Jesus Christ says we not only need food to live, but we need God's Word! If we are thriving on our emotions only and not dining at God's table (His Word), we will starve to death. So it is no wonder so many of our Christian leaders and song writers go down the drain so to speak when they are just thriving on their own juices. That is why as a Christian believer, you must dine wisely. If all you are doing is brunching at the local nightclub or Christian coffee shop, you'll grow very thin spiritually and it won't be long that your soul will suffer from it. Some call it backsliding or loosing your faith. But with God, it is like being a child born to such and such parent. Like it or not, they are always your biological parents. You cannot get rid of the seed that made you. God's seed is the same. Once born-again, you cannot undo it. You are God's child born-again with His seed of God in Christ in you. It is an eternal seed. Which in itself is awesome. You cannot mess it up and the devil cannot take it away from you. Romans 8: [38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We can 'loose our faith' in our mind but God shall always be our Father. Just like we can denounce our earthly parents but they will always be our earthly biological parents - we cannot undo what was done. God is even greater than our parents! So if you are following someone who once was strong in God but are now doing or saying things that you know are not Godly or according to God's Word, then have the gumption not to be a mindless drone. Leave them and find another who will be an inspiration to you! Make sure you have the fuel you need to always keep your spiritual light bright as a torch well lit! Study God's Word making sure it is from a good source that teaches it rightly so it is healthy to you. It is what you need in today's evil world... Heb.4: [12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. You owe it to God to be the best for Him and our Lord Jesus Christ as you can be. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Check out these teachings: Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone https://tinyurl.com/yb2w2p7h A BELIEVER'S STANDING AND STATE https://tinyurl.com/ydgh43nk ========================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - Brennan Manning "If you are true and faithful to the Most High, people will resent your unflinching devotion because it is a testimony against their iniquity." - Charles Spurgeon __________________________________________/ ------------------------------------------| | | |~~~~~~~~~~| | | | | *| *|Bless this|* |* | | |_____|_____| ~Home~ |______|______|____| ___________ | _______ | >Is Your House a Mess? (By Alan Smith) I recently heard the following story: "My daughter Michelle is the commander of a Coast Guard Cutter. When she gave my husband Bob a tour of her ship, he was impressed by the neatness of all decks. "However, when Bob went to Michelle's house with her, he couldn't believe the disorganization. 'Why is everything in its place on your ship,' he asked, 'but your house is such a mess?' "'My house,' Michelle said, 'does not take 30-degree rolls.'" I found the story quite humorous, but it made me wonder. How often do others notice that things are just fine in our workplace, but not at home? Things may be "in its place" at work (and elsewhere), but at home things are "a mess." One of the saddest passages in the Bible is found in I Samuel 8:1-3: "Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel...But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice." Here was Samuel - a great prophet, one of the greatest men in the Bible, arguably one of the godliest men in all of history, but his sons didn't follow after his example. Some commentators have speculated that it was at least partly due to the fact that Samuel traveled around Israel fulfilling his responsibilities as a prophet (I Sam. 7:15-16), neglecting his family in the process. It's a problem that everyone who works struggles with, but especially preachers because we often view our work as being done "for God" so we feel justified in pouring more of our time and effort into our work. But there is always the danger -- the temptation - that we may be neglecting things at home. Early in my ministry, my wife used to complain, "You always have time for anybody else who comes to you with a problem, but you can't find time for me." There were times she was right. I felt compelled to make sure that everything was in order at "work", but I sometimes allowed things at home to be a "mess." I'm sure there were many times my children felt the same way. I would like to think that I've learned from my mistakes and have a better balance now. My message today comes with an encouragement for all of you who work to make an assessment of your own. Are you more interested in keeping things in order at work than you are at home? May God help each of us as we strive to fulfill our God-given responsibilities to our spouses and children. -<>- "A child is not likely to find a father in God unless he finds something of God in his father." - Austin L. Sorensen /'\ / / , c-' / /'-._ ,____,' .-'''-. .-'.// \ '-;-========,"-,' ' ,` /, \_//\ ,/ ( '- *) ) ( ./ ) {,}========'===='- ' , , , \/ ', -muse. _____'-.-`_______________________'-..-'____ >"Of Boys, Bikes and Dads" (By Kerry S. Doyal, www.getgraced.org) Boys riding bikes. To me, that is one powerful memory and image of summer. Exploring, racing, being showoffs and daredevils. Taking a few hard earned or luckily found cents to the store for candy. Quick getaways from foes, real or imagined. Getting me to and away from trouble. Bikes meant exposure to a bigger world. They transported me from the circle - Keystone Court - I grew up on, to new worlds, vistas and experiences. They took me down the street, into town and across the tracks. Bikes carried me to friend's homes, baseball games, the library, bank, post office, Red's produce stand and "the woods." Bikes were my horse, my motorcycle, my racecar, space ship and friend. It knew my moves and I knew its every squeak, its potentials and limits. It lifted me skyward off of ramps. It sent me scrapping, sprawling into gravel, dirt and pavement. My father worked for the Phone Company, first as an installer, then a PBX repairer, then a manager, finally a safety instructor. He retired from "Ma Bell", and she and he paid for my upkeep coming up. My brothers and I, in our journeys on bikes, would often come across men in phone trucks, making repairs, fixing a line, climbing a pole, riding a cherry picker. What started as a "hey, do you know my dad?" became an obsession. Seeing these hard hat wearing, hard working skilled men would cause us to pull up to their work site on our bikes and ask if they knew Ronald Doyal. It always struck me odd to call my dad by his name. No doubt we asked more than one man "do you know my dad?", requiring them to ask "what's his name?". A few men came to recognize us. "Aren't you Ron Doyal's boys?" they would ask as we stopped to watch, getting a glimpse into our dad's world. It was a question I was always exceedingly proud to hear and even prouder to answer. The thing that made us habitually stop and ask our question was the answer we would often hear from the men we asked. Their response was frequently far more than we had asked, but no boy or girl could have asked for more. I can still hear and feel their reply. "Yes. I know your dad. He's a good man." With no effort, I can recall how much taller I rode in my bike's saddle after hearing those replies. These men not only knew my dad - validating this work site's solemnity due to its connection to my dad - these men respected my dad. He was a good man. Yes, they did indeed know my dad. It took just a couple of interactions like that to lead us to almost look for phone men when we were off on our bikes. If we saw them, you could be sure we would stop and ask "the question." More often than not, they knew our dad and would add "he's a good man." Sometimes, while biking with friends, I would stop to ask The Men if they knew my dad so my friends could hear the answer. Though it was not quite the "my dad can beat up you dad" scenario, I was bragging none the less. I could trust that if those phone men knew my dad, they would speak well of him. I had no idea how enviable that was for so many little boys and girls. For me it was a solid given, something I took for granted - for better and, I am sure, for worse. I was and am proud to be my dad's son. Period. No disclaimers. No qualifiers. I am Ronald Doyal's youngest son, and would have it no other way. Nor would my brothers or my sister. Just as my wife rightfully feels about her dad - another very fine man. If you feel that way about your dad, make sure you tell him. If you can't find your own words, give him this column. He will get it. Whatever you do, however you do it, let him know. A final thought about those bikes. It was my dad's hard work that provided them for my two older brothers', our baby sister and me. His sweat gave us the means to discover who he was, to see how others saw him. That was not the intent of the gift, but it was the precious impact none the less. It occurs to me that the same thing will happen in my efforts to raise my girl and four boys. For better or for worse, I pave the way - better yet - provide the wheels by which they will encounter me in this world. I can only hope and pray and try to make sure the kind of report my kids get about me is nearly as good as the one I was blessed to peddle up to about my dad. Thanks for a good name, Dad. I honor you. "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12 "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1 (NIV) SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com ========================================================== _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >-->From Carest to Prayers There is a footstool in my closet It is a very special stool but plain It's where I take my cares before I take them to the Lord in prayer! While in that little closet I reach for the tender Words That's found within the pages Of God's love and forgiveness. I thank Him for the blessings I try to name them one by one But keeping track of the numbers Reaches too far in this simple mind. I ask His grace for you and yours For our leaders and our troops For all the ones who serve Him When I take my cares to prayer. I always wish to thank Him For the roof that keeps me dry For the food that sustains me But mainly the source, the Bible. I don't think I have thanked you, Lord For providing the prophet's words Or for the heavenly angels, Lord Who proclaim your Holy Words. I ask that you might bless the ones The ones who read these words I know these words are through my pen Which is led by the Master's hand. If you feel burdened down with worries If your heart is heavy and sad Just go into your own closet Take your daily cares to prayer! By NormaLee Liles © >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. 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