God Is With You... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) Tis The Season for Holiday cooking! So, I got busy and did up some very yummy sounding recipes from our friends Jo Ann and Bunni and added them to our recipes here... .-----. _.----"""""""----._ _.---//-"""-\\---._ .------.___ ( ) ( (/ `-' ) ( ___|-|`"""---..___..---""| _|`"--._________.--"'|_ `---'""" | | (_| |_) | | `--) (--' ________ | | | | _.--""""" """"----._ | | | (_ _)--.-------------. | | \`""---...________...----'/__/___ || `-.__ __.-' \___ __/ ""-----"""""""--`' VK `""-----""' ""`-----------'"" Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Find These Two Under MEALS & BREADS: CocaCola CHICKEN Wings by Jo Ann Spiced Pumpkin BREAD by Bunni AND Find These Two Under DESSERTS: Death By Caramel Bar COOKIES By Bunni Mashed Potato Donuts DESSERT by JoAnn --- ...Can't wait to try these! Thanks Ladies! -<>- >-->Hot Off The 'Shangy' Press :) We have a super sizzler from our friend Linda. When looking for a little cheer, these cartoons are an excellent source! I couldn't resist doing up a page for all to enjoy! Give it time to load and Check it out here... ,-.-. / ,-. \ ,-. ( |a a| ) ,-. : `( : o ; )' : ____|____(_.>-<._)____|____ (_| / \ |_) || : `.|,' : || '|___..--|_\_|_/_|-...___|' ; | /SSt\ | : / ; ;| ,'|`. |: : \ / /| /|;._____.:|\ |\ \ / ,' `' / ;| |: \ `' `. \ `' / / | | \ \ `' / / ; : \ \ / / /| |\ \ \ / / / | | \ \ \ / / / ; : \ \ \ / / / /| |\ \ \ \ ( / / / | | \ \ \ ) `(_ / / ; : \ \ _)' `'.(_./___\._).`' Maxine On Holidays! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/maxineholidays.html --- ...Such a delight - as always! Thank You Linda! ============================================================ >-->From Heartwarmers: |L ,' ` /.o `, `, |-`, -', ' `,'_) '\ ,' `-`, _`o,- (_)/ '_ ' o `-, / ,-L `-' _`-`_ , `'. ;. (,' `| `.-. \ ,``_' (_) o `' ,` '_ ,|\ o _ \ /..-(_)' |','..-`(_)-` | | -bf- --' `-- >THE LITTLEST CHRISTMAS HELPERS by Kathy Whirity It takes a little effort to turn our home into a Christmas wonderland. Each year the totes filled with holiday treasures seems to magically multiply, so it takes a wee bit of motivation to get the halls decked out for the season. Turning on the radio was all we needed to turn on the Christmas cheer. Humming along to the tunes of Rudolph and Jingle Bell Rock helped us along. Bill and I, are a good team. Bill lugs in all the totes and boxes from the garage and I begin the Yuletide task of unpacking everything. Every year, I swear I'm going to take pictures of where everything goes but I never do. I tell myself I'll remember and then curse myself when I don't. This year we had unexpected helpers, our little grand girls, Avery and Gemma. Avery is a little over 3 years old and Gemma will be 2 in December. The Christmas tree was up but a strand of lights was out so Bill sat on the floor trying patiently to replace the defected set. It didn't stop Avery from gathering up ornaments and putting them on the tree. Gemma wasn't so helpful. She'd pick up an ornament and throw it back into the tote. Thankfully nothing shattered. Gemma was more enthused with the variety of snowmen I was unpacking. She began arranging them here there and everywhere. There was no pattern, no rhythm or reason. But we were accomplishing one thing -- we were having a blast with the grand kids. I showed them Baby's First Christmas ornaments that had photos of their mommy and their aunt when they were babies. I tried to keep them all in the middle of the tree, next to the pictures of them in their Baby's First Christmas ornaments. They weren't so impressed with Nonnie's nostalgia. They were too busy hanging Mistletoe on door knobs and wearing wreaths like necklaces. Every year since they've been born I've made it a tradition to buy each one a special ornament. This year, Bill got a train ornament with his name on it and the girls each got a personalized Princess castle. When Gemma, who has suddenly began talking non-stop, opened hers she looked at the pretty pink and purple castle and said, "Once Upon A Time..." When it was time for them to go home, Bill and I looked around our house, that now looked like a couple of dysfunctional elves had visited, and had a good laugh. The joy of sharing this experience with two bright eyed little helpers had reenergized my decorating duties. With Christmas carols blaring in the background I worked fast and furious to get the house done. This Christmas, I have the gift of three beautiful grandkids to share this special time of year. They are definitely the ornaments that decorate my heart with all the love this Christmas season can hold. -- Kathy Whirity > __________________________________________________ Kathy is a syndicated newspaper columnist who shares her sentimental musings on family life. She is also a contributing author to The Chicken Soup For the Soul book series. You can visit her website here: http://www.kathywhirity.com ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend Linda :) ____ ___ _.--"""-, / ) / \ .' `\ / _\ / \/ \ / .-' / _ | /.-.--.-.-.)/ / ( )\_ .\|(_._.__._._) / \,' \/ \ \ / : , | 0 _ 0 |/ : \ _/ (_) |`\ ,' `; "\ \ / / | | | /'. '._.' .' / \_,' .( '-----'` .'-. '-._ .-'\ '. [ `''''') ) `\ { ( ( ,\ / /\ '-..-'/ ; .-' ( '. / | .' ) `;---'` | /' /__.-' } / / O ' '----' ; / ! ___ { ! }/ \ ( _--- / | ___----'(__ .-' !\___/ .---' / .-.--' '------'------ --( ____)/ _-' (;(;;---'' (_(_(;; miraculis /jgs >Step Forward.... A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it. If you've previously told yourself that it can't be done, this is the moment to change your assumption. When you can dream it, imagine it and visualize it, you can do it. Instead of making excuses, make some progress. Instead of looking back with regret, step forward with enthusiasm. Choose to define yourself based on the person you know you can become. Choose to see your life in terms of the best of what is possible. If you focus too much on the past, you'll be held back by limitations that may no longer even exist. Instead, look forward with positive expectation, and you'll find yourself quickly moving in a forward direction. A new, fulfilling reality is calling to you. Step forward right now, and begin to make it happen. --- ...Awesome Advice - one step at a time and it'll get done! Thanks Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend PatDeE :) Thought you might like to see this. The editorializing comes from the pen of a boyhood chum. -Pat * , _/^\_ < > * /.-.\ * * `/&\` * ,@.*;@, /_o.I %_\ * * (`'--:o(_@; /`;--.,__ `') * ;@`o % O,*`'`&\ * (`'--)_@ ;o %'()\ * /`;--._`''--._O'@; /&*,()~o`;-.,_ `""`) * /`,@ ;+& () o*`;-';\ (`""--.,_0 +% @' &()\ /-.,_ ``''--....-'`) * * /@%;o`:;'--,.__ __.'\ ;*,&(); @ % &^;~`"`o;@(); * /(); o^~; & ().o@*&`;&%O\ jgs `"="==""==,,,.,="=="==="` __.----.(\-''#####---...___...-----._ '` \)_`"""""` .--' ') o( )_-\ `"""` ` >US Capitol Christmas Tree This was forwarded to me today & I think it is worthwhile to make note of it. It is from an online publication called Faith & Action so it obviously as a religious bias. Christmas is a day that celebrates the birth of Christ. For two thousand years that is what it has been about. In recent years those people & groups that try so hard to remove religion from public life have found fellow travelers in the retail industry, the media & the courts & together have pretty much introduced a shopping holiday to kick off winter in the northern hemisphere as a replacement - not for the holiday but for the meaning of the holiday. I think Boehner took a very courageous stand on the subject when he went beyond identifying the Christmas Tree as a symbol of Christ's birthday & identified it as "a symbol of everlasting life, and that light and life, of course, is Christ, whose birth to Mary fulfilled a prophecy of joy and salvation." The people at the ACLU are probably using incendiary & politically incorrect language in referring to Boehner. They might even be suggesting he do some things that are anatomically impossible. For those who like comparisons there is Boehner's stand on the Christmas Tree & Divine Barry's oversight in not thanking God in his Thanksgiving Day words on what we have to be Thankful for. Since he has a staff or writers & a teleprompter in each holster I think the chance it was an oversight is a number somewhere between zero & none. There is, of course, the possibility that he may have felt that thanking himself would be tacky. Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner (congressman from Ohio) took to a podium on the West Lawn of the US Capitol and came very close to what many might call, "good preaching." During the official lighting ceremony for the US Capitol Christmas Tree, Speaker Boehner said, "The Christmas tree flourishes as a symbol of everlasting life, and that light and life, of course, is Christ, whose birth to Mary fulfilled a prophecy of joy and salvation." For those of us who have worked tirelessly for years to preserve "CHRIST-mas" at the Capitol, hearing these words from the top official in the Legislative Branch of our Federal Government was just glorious! This was no watered-down, "holiday season," Washington-whispered nicety?it was the wonderful Truth about the Holy Day announced by the angels, "Today is born to you in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord!" (Luke 2:11) The tree lighting is an annual event at the Capitol. Each year a different state is selected to contribute a tree. This year's tree is a 118-year old, 65-foot Sierra white fir from the Stanislaus National Forest in California. A school-age child is always chosen by lottery to represent the state and help the Speaker flick the switch that turns on some 10,000 LED bulbs. This year it was 7-year-old Johnny Crawford of Sonora. This is the first time, though, that anyone can remember a Speaker of the House being so explicit in speaking about the real meaning of the Christmas season. Having been there the last 16 Christmases, I can attest that this was the most powerful, unapologetic, and accurate telling of the Christmas message I've heard from a sitting Speaker of the House. More than that, it was inspiring. Mr. Boehner is a political leader, not a preacher, but this came pretty close to a revival! I'm just grateful we heard the real Christmas Gospel preached on the West Lawn of the Capitol. Speaker Boehner deserves our thanks for speaking the truth and not cowering to political correctness. If you'd like to contact him to say thanks, you can do so at barry.jackson@mail.house.gov. Faith and Action is here in our nation's capital to declare Truth to those in power. It was gratifying to hear one of America's most powerful leaders echoing that truth! Your missionary to our nation's capital, Rev. Rob Schenck --- ...Great read! Thank You PatDeE! * . . . | . * * . \|/ . . -->*<-- . /|\ . ' | ' * | . * . | . ' _ _ .:. . ( | .-. ___ .'_`. WWW \w/ \V/ |/(_)\ .'.-.`. `(_)' (_) (_) (_) |// \\ `/(_)\' // \\ _/ | _/ | _/ | _ _ \/| |/ //)_(\\ \| |/ %%__/| $$__/| &&__/| _-(_)- _-(_)- | | | /(o___))\ | | | | | | | | `(___) `(___) | | | ` / \' | | | | | | | | jgs // \\ // \\ | |_| /_____\ |_| |_| |_| |_| Also, for Biblical inside-knowledge, Be sure to check out these... The Christmas Story! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/christmasstory.html When Was Jesus Christ Born? http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/whenjesusborn.html Who Is Jesus Christ? http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/whoisjesus.html ================================================================ >-->From CupO'Cheer: ) _ \ ) (_) _ () \ .-'` \ ) {_} () .-'````'-. / ) \ / `'-. ___ /.------. \| \ () \ .-'`___`;/ __ `\ | __ () | .'.-'` __'.| o/__\o |/ / /| \/ / o /__\o\ \\// /; // / ._ \_| \\//|`-.__.-'|\ '; / / \ .' \-.___.'| || |/ \/ `._ '-/ | || '.___./ . '-.\_.-' __'-._||_.-' _ / .`""===(||).___.(||)(||)----'(||)===...__ `"jgs"`""=====""""========"""====...__ `""==._ `"=. `"=. `"=. >DEALING WITH DISCOURAGEMENT (Nehemiah 4:1-15) Have you ever been discouraged? Depressed? Had the blues? Felt like a failure? Have there been times when you felt like nothing was going right; nobody was listening; and nobody cared? You felt as though you were doing God's will - and yet everything still seemed to be falling apart. Do you know the greatest producer of discouragement? Broken Dreams - broken promises - plans that have failed. Nehemiah was charged with an enormous task - rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He could have easily become discouraged. He could easily have given up. The first six verses in Nehemiah Chapter 4 describe what is happening to the wall-builders. Their enemies were angry with them. They had ridiculed them and persecuted them. They were under verbal assault and attack. Yet, in spite of the ridicule, in spite of the attacks, THE PEOPLE HAD NOT LOST HEART. (4:6) "So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart." In the beginning, the wall-builders were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing - praying and standing watch. They were doing God's will and they were ready for any attack that might come their way. (4:9) "But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat." So what happened? Why did they become discouraged? What changed their hearts? These people who were praying, who were doing God's will and rebuilding His walls. What happened? Three things caused them to get discouraged. 1. Fatigue (v. 10a) Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, "Their strength was failing." When are we most easily defeated by Satan? When are we most susceptible to temptation? When are we the most emotional or irritable or grouchy? When do we make the most wrong choices or say the wrong things? When we're tired. When we're exhausted. When we're fatigued. When we're tired, we make emotional decisions. When we're tired, we're irritable and easily upset... we make snap judgments and snap decisions and we snap at people. When we're tired, we are most susceptible to discouragement. 2. Frustration (v. 10b) "There is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall." Have you ever been overwhelmed and said, "There are just too many problems. If it was just one, I could handle it. But it's just way too many." When you're frustrated - when you're over- whelmed, the simplest things can frustrate you - the simplest things that you could normally handle will overwhelm you. We've all had it happen. Simple things. Something breaks, something spills, something won't open, somebody didn't do what they were supposed to do. Some little thing that you would normally laugh about or just clean up or quickly get over - now, it makes you frustrated, or upset or angry or makes you cry. Prayers seem unanswered. You feel like you're going through the motions; you don't feel like you have any joy any more. If it had been just a little rubble, the wall-builders probably could have dealt with it; but, it was "so much rubble" (v. 10b). Like the wall-builders, we, too, get frustrated - and then we get discouraged. 3. Failure (v. 10c) "Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, "The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall." Do you know what the greatest fear is? THE FEAR OF FAILURE! You feel as though you've let God down or that God has let you down. You feel like a failure - as a husband, wife, son or daughter. You feel like a failure - as a father, mother, worker, friend. You feel like a failure as a Christian. It's amazing that so many people give up too soon. They think that an early failure means continual failure. They believe that one failure is fatal. What if these people had listened to those who thought they were failures... 1. "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on their way out." Decca Recording Company when they turned down a recording contract with the Beatles in 1962. 2. Isaac Newton did so poorly in school he was called "Unpromising" 3. A Munich schoolmaster told a 10 year-old boy named Albert Einstein "You will never amount to very much." 4. Thomas Edison was told in grade school that he was too stupid to learn anything 5. A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he "lacked imagination and had no original ideas." 6. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. "There is too much rubble. There are too many obstacles. There are too many problems. We can't do it. We'll fail - we just cannot rebuild the wall." The fear of failure WILL cause discouragement. So, if those three things will cause discouragement, what are the things that Nehemiah did to overcome that discouragement? Three Principles for Overcoming Discouragement 1. Reorganize (4:13) "Therefore I stationed some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows." What did Nehemiah do? He reorganized. He assigned specific tasks. He reorganized and gave them a point of focus. When you're discouraged, what is the first thing you can do? Organize! Organize your work. Organize your home. Organize your life. How do you organize your life? Discipline yourself . Start on your projects now, not next week. Get on a schedule. When people are discouraged or have "the blues", the first thing a counselor will suggest to then is to get on a schedule. Discipline yourself. But don't try do it on your own. Ask Jesus how he wants you to do it! Ask Him to help you prioritize and organize your life according to His will. When someone is discouraged - there is one question I always ask - How's your devotional life? Are you having a daily quiet time with God with prayer and Bible Study? Almost inevitably, the person has stopped one or the other or both. They've lost the "discipline" of a daily devotional. Sometimes, they keep praying. But friends, it has to be both. We need to be talking to God (praying), but we need to be listening to God as well (Bible Study) One huge part of reorganizing is learning to deal with one thing at a time. One of the biggest reasons people get discouraged is that they are overwhelmed. There's too much of everything - too much rubble, too many problems, too much "stuff". They can't handle it all at once So, they become discouraged and don't even try. What's the solution? Prioritize. Turn it over to God. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Then, Reorganize. With the Holy Spirit's direction and guidance, work on one problem at a time. There's an old joke that asks, "How do you eat an elephant? The answer. "One bite at a time." That's what we have to do. Deal with one problem at a time. 2. Re-evaluate (4:14a) "After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them." What did Nehemiah do? He "looked things over" - he re- evaluated. He realized that there was nothing to fear. God had plan. God was in control. So, he told them, "Don't be afraid of them. Don't be afraid." If you're not afraid of failing, there's no reason for you get discouraged. Nehemiah had done everything he was supposed to do. He was doing God's will and even though the enemy was still there, he could say, "Don't be afraid - Don't worry". 3. Remember (4:14b) "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome." Remember the Lord who is Great and Awesome Remember His promises Remember His blessings Remember His grace Remember His mercy Remember the Lord Remember! 2 Corinthians 1:10 reminds us, "He has delivered us... He will deliver us... He will continue to deliver us!" Have you ever been discouraged or depressed and not felt loved or appreciated? Then you picked up a scrapbook or a memory book and you were reminded how much you were loved and how valuable you were to someone else. The Bible is God's Memory Book. It's a reminder of how great He is and yet, how much He loves you. Nehemiah told the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome." Our God is an awesome God, so Don't Be Discouraged. Reorganize, Re-evaluate and Remember "Do not be afraid, do not be 'discouraged', for the Lord your God will be with you - wherever you go!" (Joshua 1:9) -- David Langerfeld Received from: The Daily Encourager To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to cheer316@sc.rr.com. --- ...My two cents on this... _..._ _..._ .' _ '. .' _ './ (a) .-'-. / (e) .-'-. '-,-'` | '-,--'` / ; / ; | _ / |/ .\ _ (_\ __..;__ \ ::\ ,/_)._ _;\;``""----...___...---:"`` .-'_ `'. \ '::.()\__) ())(`._'- `-._ ,:-" '. '. - : ; '::\--;__ _\()`''----...__ `-._ '-. '._ .' | .:::|()\_) _/`;-. jgs _ ()`-. `""--...____..-'` ;_ .:::| `. \_) _;/_)/).;()'._ (`\.-();/_).__ .::::/().-./`) (_\`;(()(_/(()/(. __.--;();`\_)()\__) .::()--;__:() '-;---()_;\_/()"-._ (_/ (/ /()';();--._\_::'`.();\_)` ,() (_.-(); \._ ``""(_.();_().(`\.-();__)`(_/ `--.__ (_/ (_/() \_) __/(_/|\();__\_)` \_) ` (_/ \_)`-._); You are Never Alone - God Is With You! I tell my son and daughter this - Just do your best. That's all you can ever expect of yourself and all God asks of us is to always do our best AND always keep striving to improve your best. Never give up and never stop learning! Like the poem says: Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest, Until your good is better And your better is best! And repeat the above. Improve yourself with God's wisdom. This is God's point of view on wisdom... _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` Prov.4: [7] Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Prov.16: [16] How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! God's wisdom and understanding is the best! Thank God for it daily! _.-/`) // / / ) .=// / / / ) //`/ / / / / // / ` / || / \\ / )) .' jgs // / / Sometimes people think that when they are praying to God or asking God for something that they are bugging Him with their trivial things. God, however, is absolutely tremendous and if you let Him, he will blow your mind! I was talking to my daughter and quoting this scripture to her... .---. /-====) | / '( / / _/ | |-( _ / | \ //| / \ \/\/ | |\ / `-;./ ;-' | \ | \ _/ | jgs .--/ / `''---`-----` Prov.3: [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. In ALL Thy ways - means whatever you are doing - acknowledge God - means know that He is with you and thank Him - and He shall direct thy paths - Here's my recent story: _.-._ /| | | |_ || | | | | || | | | | _|| ` | \\`\ ; \\ | \\ / jgs | | | | | | When I have a big meal I am making for the family and I want it to turn out good for them, I'll ask God to help me with wisdom so I don't mess it up. This particular day I didn't have very much milk. Normally I always have a glass of milk with my meal, but I figured today, I would not. There didn't seem to be enough. As I was adding the milk and mixing the potatoes for mashed potatoes, I was going to add more milk when the thought came to my mind, 'that is yours.' Well I don't think like that to myself, so I knew it was from Father so I did as He directed and did not add any more milk to the potatoes. To my awe I found that the remaining milk in the gallon jug was just enough to fill one glass full. God is so perfect! He blows my mind! _____ /.---.\ |`````| \ / `-.-' ____ | /\ .' /\ __|__ |K----; | | jgs`-----` \/ '.___\/ As trivial as having enough milk for a full glass for yourself - that's how much God is on your side and looking out for you! You'd think He'd have far more important things to do, but it is according to His will that we include Him in our everyday chores and things we do. , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Here is another one just to us Christians... Col.3: [17] And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, wants to be a part of our everyday life - not just in prayer time or on Sundays or Church day - but all times - whatsoever you do - give thanks - acknowledge God - through Jesus Christ our Lord! Now isn't our Father God absolutely tremendous? ============================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: \||/ ,--. | o|o //OO\\ | _| ||c || |(_ | /| `--' `--' azc >A Lost Art? (By Lee Simonson, founder of Heartwarmers4u) [Edited] Why is it that the electricity always seems to go out at the worst possible time? This past week was no exception. In the middle of a late winter storm here in upstate New York, the television stopped - along with the lights, the stove, and everything else. Strange things happen to a family when the power stops. First, it's, "Don't open the refrigerator door, you'll let the cold air out." Then it's, "I can't leave the house, the garage door doesn't open." Then it's, "Don't use all the hot water." In other words, life ceases to exist as we know it. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, everyone starts to congregate in the same room. The search for candles and flashlights begins, but as expected, all the batteries are dead. Fortunately, we have a fireplace and had not run out of our supply of logs to throw on the fire. At least we didn't have to freeze in the luxury of our own home - we could "rough it" with a little comfort. Then, invariably, the comment is made, "Can you imagine what it was like 100 years ago?" Who has an imagination that good, I wonder. How could you explain the idea of a portable hair blow-dryer to someone 100 years ago? Or how a CD player plays music? Better yet, picture yourself telling someone in the year 1899, "In about another 50 to 60 years most everyone will be spending their time sitting in front of a box that has moving pictures of people doing just about anything - these pictures will be sent through the air and bounced off other boxes that are spinning around us in outer space. But not to worry, if you don't like it, you can press a button on something called a 'remote' and watch people doing something else." Forget a hundred years ago... how do you explain television TODAY? But something else happens when the electricity goes out. Something VERY strange that is rarely witnessed in today's sensory-overload attention-grabbing society. Many people think it's a lost art; maybe an art that has seen its best days come and go. But if you listen closely, you'll hear it. What happens when the electricity goes out is nothing less than amazing - a conversation breaks out! You heard me - a real life family conversation. You remember what that is don't you? That's when people, in the same family no less, actually sit down and use their vocal cords to talk with each other. It happens in the same room at the same time. No voice mail, no email, no "chatting" by typing on a keyboard, no texting or cell phones. Just old fashioned face-to-face talking. Without music or the television blaring in the background, these "no electricity" conversations can take on an impressive aura. With no lights, they can even be a bit spooky while you get reacquainted with your family. But there is also a nostalgic romance attached to the moment; doing something that people have done for thousands of years before electricity was even "invented." It's not often you can hear the pendulum ticking in the old grandfather clock. But in between the conversation and something called a "card game," and in between the stories, jokes and laughter, you can still hear time slowing marching forward, with or without electricity. We may not have much practice these days having family conversations, but it's a lot like riding a bicycle. Once you learn, you never forget. Despite all the high tech gadgets at our fingertips and the rat-racy busyness of our lives, sometimes it's not that bad to be thrust into a low-tech existence, even if only for a few minutes. Come to think of it, maybe the electricity should go out more often. -<>- The Laugh: ,N. _/__ \ If you eliminate all other possibilities -/o\_\ the one that remains, however unlikely, __\_-./ is the right answer. / / V \`U-. ()) /, > o < \ Elementary my dear Watson. <\.,.-._.-" [-\ o /__..-' |/_ ) ) _.-"| \o/ | \ o!0 `'-'-" >HOLMES AND WATSON Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. "Watson, look up and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars." "What does that tell you?" Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant in comparison. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Why, what does it tell YOU?" Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "Watson, you fool. Some knucklehead has stolen our tent!!" SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com =============================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: .--,--. ___ / o o \ ___ \\\(\ /o___o___o\ /)/// | _| \ \|(_)-(_)|/ / |_ | \ ( / ( < . ) ) ) / \ \ '\ = /' / / | \_______) - (_______/ | | / \ / \ | |,______/ \ | / \______,| ( \_/ ) \ / ) -o- ( / \ /_ __\ | \ __ / | | \ / | | \ / / \ \__/ / \ || / \ || / / , )( , \ \ || / \ || / ) || ( /\ || /\ ) /\ ( | || | \..\/,,/ ____________ __________/ \__________ | / \ | | / --- - \ | | /__________________\ | | \__________________/ | | | b'ger ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ >WILL YOU JUMP? You are trapped at the window of a building that is on fire. You hear a man's voice through the smoke below you shouting, "Jump! I'll catch you." Will you jump? The answer probably is: "It depends!" It depends upon how much immediate danger you believe you are in. Do you have other options? But it also depends upon how much you know about the person who is shouting to you. Is this man reliable? Will he let you fall to the ground or can he be depended upon to support your weight? Can you trust this person? So it is with all of our relationships. What do we know about the people we would like to trust? Are they reliable? Will they be there tomorrow? Will they stand by you when circumstances change? Can you depend on them to support you? It's like a woman who once purchased two watches from a street salesman on London's Oxford Street. When she asked if the street vendor could furnish her guarantees, he said, "Certainly, madam. I can give you five-year, ten-year or even lifetime guarantees." Then he added, "The only thing I can't guarantee is that I will be here this time next Monday morning." It's true that not all people are trustworthy. But it is equally true that many people can be relied upon, and that our very lives may depend upon our ability to trust. It requires some trust to leap into a new relationship, a business venture or an unknown future. Trust is needed to allow others to hold us up. It takes trust to jump. You may be deciding to make a jump. Staying in the burning building is always an option...but not one you'll want to make for long. And though it feels risky to leap into the smoke, you may discover there a safe and secure landing. You may also discover that there are those who can be trusted -- those who can be relied upon to stand by, to keep an eye out for you or to cushion your fall. You may discover how to trust. Will you risk the fall by trusting others? It can be worth the jump. - Steve Goodier -<>- ,~~;,~~.~~, (`'` ` ` `, ~~``` ` ` ; |@ , @ | , '; ' ( ' ` ; `._o__/^;' '; ;..' ';.` ; . ' * _ ;.;)_____ . _- \____/ ) )_____ )’ _- __-- \_____/ |-_ -_:-._- __-- ___ |______| --_/:::\_-- _-- / , \---=|:::::|=---------- | , \ __-\:::/-__ -__ / ; | _- | -_sd--__ --- | , |_- . | . -_ --__ / ; | ‘ | ‘ -_ | , ; | ‘ | ‘ - / ; | |__'___^^_______^^ ~~ ^^ >Loosing Faith IN THE ACADEMY award-nominated film Traffic, Michael Douglas plays the federal government's newly appointed drug czar, charged with leading the country's war on drugs... In a sad irony, he is so caught up in his rising political career that he is blind to the fact that his own teenage daughter is a drug addict. Because of his wife's own previous experimentation with drugs, she is able to see what her husband missed--the clear, unmistakable warning signs that her daughter was involved with drugs. When Douglas' character finally realizes that his own daughter has become hooked on illegal drugs, his wife chastises him for not picking up on the warning signs earlier. The film's audience feels Douglas' mix of frustration, self-anger, and helplessness as he realizes that he "should have seen it coming." Illicit drug users aren't the only ones who give warning signs. Research has shown that a wide variety of destructive social behaviors are preceded by visible early-warning signals. Many times, people whose spouses have been unfaithful to them say that, in hindsight, there were signs that something was amiss in the marriage. Similarly, young women suffering from eating disorders often drop clues to their behavior. And frequently those committing suicide will tip off their intentions ahead of time. Of course, not everyone in such situations exhibits the signs. And obviously, not everyone knows how to read the signs properly. But those who do are, more often than not, able to detect that something is wrong and successfully intervene either to prevent or minimize the negative behavior. Might the same be true for those falling away from the faith? Do those abandoning the Lord telegraph their behavior ahead of time? These are important questions because, if there are some telltale signs that a fellow Christian is drifting away from the faith, keen-eyed believers might be able to act to prevent him or her from falling away. (Brian Simmons) -<>- >Journey In every journey there is meaning. In every conflict, there is growth. In every action, there is purpose. In every moment of doubt, Remember to believe! - Author Unknown -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Get out of my bed cat http://www.buffaloschips.com/0106.htm GGG music video http://www.buffaloschips.com/0107.htm Girls scout cookie money http://www.buffaloschips.com/0108.htm Girl Vs desert Eagle http://www.buffaloschips.com/gjuki.htm Global Warming and the Classroom http://www.buffaloschips.com/gjiuk.htm Christ's Life! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesuslife.html Bailey's Jesus! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bailey.html Amazing Grace! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bailey.html The 2nd Commandment http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/2ndcommand.html Colorful Birds! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/birds.html God's Paintings 2! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/gpaints2.html Humor in Politics 4! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/politics4.html Just Have Faith! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/faith.html Never Give Up! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/nevergiveup.html Celebrities Then And Now http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/celebrities.html Ocean Exploration! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ocean.htm Why Dogs Bite People http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/dogsbite.html ========================================================== >-->From KidWarmers: __ __ .~'_ `'.~`~`~`~.'` _'~. { (_`.' _ _ '.`_) } \ .' _(0_._0)_ '. / } -.' (_) '.- { { / '.,__|__,.' \ } { { | | } } { '. \-"-/ .' } '._'. '-' .'_.' `'~-.....-~'` >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Uncle Tom asked Judy, 5, if she wanted a cup of holiday cheer. She said, "NO!" The rest of the kids were surprised that she would say that and they tried to convince her that there wasn't any "booze" in it. Uncle Tom made the best kiddie cocktails. After receiving much coaxing to have some cheer, Judy finally blurted out, "Why would I want to drink anything with laundry soap?" She was thinking of Cheer laundry detergent! -- Mary Linteau (older sister of Judy. This story is from the 1960s) of Macomb, Michigan Last Easter Kasey carried her daughter Megan, 2, to the mall to have her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. They were getting close to the bunny when Megan began screaming, "He bit me! The Easter Bunny bit me!" This Christmas season Kasey and Megan were at the same mall. They were approaching the area where they were setting up Santa's chair. Megan began to scream. When she finally calmed down, Kasey asked her what was wrong. Megan said, "Santa knows the Easter Bunny!" -- Dewayne (uncle of Kasey) of Louisiana __ .'` `'. / \ _ ; __.'` `'. | .'` `'. \ ; / HAPPY \ ; \; BLESSED ; | | BIRTHDAY | ; _ ; JESUS! ;-./-_-` '-. /\ /_(;'/ `\() '. ; '.__ .'\|| ' | '. | ),\| \\ \() (\ ; \ \|/ __/ () \ __ \ \||\.~'_ `'.;-.___.~'` _'~. '.__ _/|/|/{ (_`.' '.`_) } `)/`\\\\ \ .' _ 0_._0 _ '. / .,_ \|| } -.' (_) '.- { _{ `\ \|{_ / '.___|___.' \ } //`._ | /` \ | | } }:'-. ```'"--..==, { ,} \-"-/ .' } {,`-'. //>`\> {` _./|\._. '-' ._ .~` /` ;'. //> |> { {///( `-.-.-` ) _.' / '. ||> /> \ \|\);--`( )`--`(` } `\\>_.'> ; _/`/(__.'/`-'.,__/`, .` `"""` .-'` ;-.( \_(; \ .' .--, (`-._ ./ ` '. `-._..~` /o\\ jgs `'-;/``. `;-"`: |oo|| .--._ _.' . \ o ; . | /| /.-. ` . '._ _.' ' \_// ||oo\ `. `'-----` _.~`--..__,..' |\o | .~`'--......--' \'._/ _.~` `.__.-' When Susan's daughter was married last year she asked Susan's grandson Dylan, 6, to be her ring bearer. Dylan and his father Mike would be traveling from Alaska to be in the wedding. Later Dylan told his father, "I don't want to be a ring bear." His father explained to him it was "ring bearer" and he would carry the rings down the aisle for the couple to give each other. "Oh," Dylan said. "I can do that! I just couldn't figure out what kind of a bear was a ring bear anyway! We have lots of bears here in Alaska, but I've never seen a ring bear!" -- Susan Avirett Joyce and her husband met their daughter for lunch because she was in Denver for the weekend. They learned Olivia, 5, had been given a job to do while her mother was gone: "Have Dad bring up the tree from the basement OR maybe you can get him to get us a REAL tree!" Olivia's eyes grew wide and she asked, "You mean a tree that walks?" -- Joyce (grandmother of Olivia) of Colorado Springs, Colorado __,,,__ ,-""-,-" "-,-""-, /,-' , .-'-.7.-'-. , '-,\ \( / _ _ \ )/ '-, { (0) (0) } ,-' / > .---. < \ |/ .-' \___/ '-. \| {, / ,_ _, \ ,} \ {, \ / ,} / ',\. '---' ./,' _.-""""""-._ _.-""""""-._ .' `._.` '. _/_ _ \ .'` `\ | | \ / | | | ; | / |_| | \ ;'---' _ ___ _ _ ___ ; '. ; | | / \| || || _| _ ; `-\ | |_ | | || |/ /| _| .' `, `\ |___|\___/ \__/ |___| | \ \ _ _ \ | jgs `\ | | | /` _/ ,-""-. .'`\ | | | /`-,-'` .-""-, / `\.' `\ \___/ /` './` \ ; .--. \ '\ /' / .--. ; | ( \ |, '\ /' | / ) | \ ; } ;\ /; ` { ; / `;\ \ _.-' \ / `-._ / /;` \ \__.' _.-' Y `-._ '.__// '.___,.-' `-.,___.' Debi Pugh of Butler, Indiana, shares this holiday story from her aunt in Arizona: After the turkey dinner, Shae said, "Mamaw, don't put shaving creme on my 'punkin pie." Later Shae put her head on "Mamaw's" lap and said, "I love you, Mamaw, for Thanksgiving, Christmas and 'punkin' pie." Alison was looking for some important papers in her fireproof save when Claire, 4, saw Alison's passport. Claire looked at the picture and then looked at Alison and said, "Mommy, were you in jail?" The picture was THAT bad! -- Alison Hummel of Danville, Pennsylvania ,===,._ | `", | / ,-..-"-.=-,,_/ /,- \.""-`\ )_ \_ - '--' \ / 0 __0 7_/ |/ _ (__) \ /`| |/(@) |` _.-"\-; '. \ # \/ /'_.-" \ \ `)\ .="#,_ __ _,'` ;-'-.`) __`;.#/|/ \/ \. | /` # | () |\ _.-"`` | .--# |'--' `-`\|-'` \ / `)\ `./ \| '. | .-#\ \ \ \ `\__/# \ |_ /`-. /| / # \|`-` . ` } / .#-, | ; ,} / / # `' , .} / /`\ # _,-' //` `#_ ,--'{ (( _,;` { } jgs `""` / } { ,-'` } `-._ .' _,-``, `\ (_(_(_.' `-.__)_)/ Mari, 2, was with her grandmother for a week. Her grandmother was arranging things and Mari was undoing things faster than her grandmother could do them. Her grandmother jokingly asked, "Are you trying to stress me out?" Mari got a big smile on her face and said, "No, Grandma, I stress my mommy!" -- Barb (Mari's grandmother) of Iowa Marcy has a very large blow up, light up Santa in the front yard. Santa stays inflated by a fan, on a timer, so that during the day he's deflated. One morning they were outside and their 5-year-old said, "Hey, what happened to Santa, he is flat?" Without missing a beat the 2-year-old said, "Daddy's mouth got tired of blowing him up!" -- Marcy in Columbus, Ohio .-.*_, {*(,\}/___ .-"-, `;)@\*|" `", _.' \ '((/; | .-' | *;-.=-=-=._ .;-, | __;____..---/' -,\ ; .--';`_ __.-'` _/ / / `;---'__0 \ .' | / (__) \ _.' _.-,_ { |-'` ({\*,;) \,'-`-' /' /*(@-'}) ___",_ __ __,;`.--, \_,'-;}`.' `'."".,---.._, ) / _`) |`----'`( (= /`-._ / ', \ =";`--'\ '=. /| ()() | | /` / |\ '. ` | ()@()* | ,_/.=\ .; | | '. /-' -##@() \ || '--'/| \ \ \`-` ##)@() '.||_,.--'/ / / ) |/ *`(\A/)() || { |.'.| /_.'./ .-.* { >*< }*) |/ { | (\A/) @(/V\)()@() /{ \___{ >*< }()()##()()*{ { \ / ###(/V\)()@()(####\) | `--.. ,' #########()()##### { / <><><><><><><><><> \ | | ; \ / jgs \ | / _.-'` { `-. .' } .`\ `.-' _.-'`'-._ \' `"""` `""""` When Matthew was 2 he liked to play in the dresser drawers so his grandmother told him one day to get out of the drawer. He went to the second drawer and asked, "Is this a no, no, too?" -- Myrle Brown (grandmother of Matthew) of Georgia Traci's family loves Christmas and they usually put up their tree right after Thanksgiving. Traci starts shopping in October so it's very hard for Casey, 8, to not peek. This year Casey said, "You know, Mom, I could really use a new lunch box." Traci immediately knew that he had peeked... a lunch box is not very exciting. Little does he know that inside the lunch box is the video game he has been asking for! -- Traci Walker of Lebanon, Tennessee ,-""""-, ,-""""-, .' '. .' '. / __ \ ___ / __ \ | / \ |.-~~ ~~-.| / \ | \ \ ` ' / / \ / .' .--. .--. '. .' '. / .-. .-. \ / / \ / \ \ / |.=.| |.=.| \ / |o | |o | \ ; \__/.-"""""-.\__/ ; | ,` `, | | \ / | ; '--._ _.--' ; \ ._,' . Y . '._, / \ | . . | . . | / \ \ .'. / / \ '.___.-'._.'-.___.' / jgs '. .' /~=,_/'._ _.-'\_,=~\ / = ~=,_'-._ _.-' _,=~ = \ | = ~=,_`~~--..,,__,,..--~~` _,=~ = | / = = ~=,_ _,=~ = = = \ | = = = = '-.-"~~~"-.-' = = = = | | = = = '-./ = = \.-' = = = | / = = = - ( = = = ) - = = = \ \ = = = .-'\ = = /'-. = = = / | = = = = _.'-.,,,.-'._ = = = = | \ = = _,=~ / = | \ ~=,_ = = / | = = _,=~ / = / = \ ~=,_ = = | \ = _,=~ |= / \ \ ~=,_ = / \_,=~ | = | | = | ~=,_/ / = / | =| / = / \ = \ /= _.-' \ = \ '--' `'-.__\ Here is a Casey story from last Easter. Casey had gone to his bedroom to put on his pajamas. Traci had an idea to hurry and put his Easter present and his chocolate bunny on the coffee table and act surprised as if the Easter bunny had come while he was gone. The chocolate bunny had been hid in the refrigerator so when it was taken out and put in the warm room, condensation appeared on the package. Casey was so excited that the Easter bunny had come. He said, "Look, Mom, I think we barely missed him because this chocolate bunny still has dew on the box!" This Thanksgiving Jean traveled with her children and grandchildren to visit Great Grandma and Great Papa. Jean purchased a new bedroom set for Curissa, 7, and Corie Lynn, 5. They didn't have time for the mattresses to be delivered before they left. While at the home center Curissa spotted mattresses for sale and came running up to Jean saying, "Grandma, please buy these mattresses so the Counting Sheep will come to our house!" -- Jean Messenger of Byron, Illinois __..._.-. .-._...__ /.-. '-.) (.-' .-.\ \', \ / ,'/ | o'--D c--'a | \ / | | \ / ;._ _\ '-/ \-' /_ _.; .' __ `\`.-"-. .-"-.`/` __ '. .' .' '.|' ' '|.' '. '. / \ '._, ,_.' / \ ; '-._ \JESUS/ _.-' ; (| /'-.__/ \__.-'\ |) \ __ ,' '-. .-' ', __ / `/ `\.-'| '.' |'-./` \` | | '-. .-' | | | '-. ) ( .-' | jgs \ )-' '-( / '-----' '-----' Lori was traveling from Florida with her two children Savannah, 9, and Jackson, 4, to visit relatives in Ohio where it was snowing heavily. The children who don't have much snow experience living in Florida were very excited about the weather and wanted to play in the snow with their cousins. After about 5 minutes in the snow, Jackson came inside covered in white. With a perplexed and sad expression, he said, "Mom, I can't find any snowballs!" -- Deborah Hurley (co-worker of Lori) of Tallahassee, Florida The neighbor boy, Sean, Sally's granddaughter Danyelle, and Sally were talking about game boys. Danyelle said she would like one. Both children are 6. Sally asked Sean, "Don't they cost a lot of money?" Sean answered, "I got mine for Christmas. You just ask Santa." Problem solved. -- Sally Morris of Wellington, Florida __ _ / \_/ ) \ ` `\ ; a `-. | ) \ _..' /` <._._ Thank You Jesus / .'';_;'` \ .' : _/ / '. __..-` / | | \/\ \._ \ \ | ``--J \ | / \ | jgs \__.'-._____.' When Anne's daughter, Jenny, was in first grade, she came home one day all distraught because someone told her that there was no Santa Claus. Anne told her that was too bad because Santa did not bring presents to kids who did not believe in him. She thought about that for quite awhile, then she said, "I knew she was just kidding all along." -- Anne Streit of Cherry Valley, Illinois (Jenny is now 30 and still believes!) Koen, 2, is talking his head off. His PawPaw had an old Steve Miller Band CD playing. When the selection ended, Koen asked, "PawPaw, where'd the sing go?" -- Dennis Smith (PawPaw) of Oak Ridge, North Carolina _ _ (q'-"-'p) | 'Y' | \_ ^ _/ .'`(>O<)`'. / / .-. \ \ (_.'|| . ||'._) _/'.___.'\_ /"\ / \ /"\ jgs \__/ \__/ Brady, 4. and his family have moved very close by his grandparents. This spring they found out Brady's parents are expecting a new sibling for him and big brother, Nathan, 6. His grandmother was asked to babysit while Mom and Dad made their first trip to the doctor. As they said goodbye, Brady asked, "How did the baby get in there (Mom's tummy)?" The room fell silent. Then he asked, "Did you eat it?" About a week later he started "talking" to his new little sister by yelling down Mom's throat. Now he won't let his big brother sit on Mom's lap for fear the baby will be born flat. -- Rita Hubbard (grandmother) The Woodlands,, Texas Renee's son is now 20 years old. One night when he was 4 Renee called him inside from playing with the neighborhood kids so that he could get ready for bed. Rob obediently came in; he ran to the window and saw his friends still outside playing and asked why Renee wasn't making them come in too. She explained that she had no say as to how late they were allowed to stay out. The next morning he got up ran to the window and observed there were no children outside playing and exclaimed, "They're just like owls, they are up all night and sleep during the day!" .-. _,,,,,_ .-. ( , ' : : ' , ) / : : \ ; 0.---.0 ; \ / _ \ / \ | (_) | / ." `\ -'- /` ". / `"""""` \ / .' .-== '. \ / / .-=='\ \ ( / \ ) '-;`. .';-' jgs /_ `-.______ .-` __\ /` `\ / `\ / `\ \ | / \ | / `'--'` `'--'` When Rob was 3 they went to pick up a new car. It was raining outside so while Renee and her father went in to sign papers and get the keys, her mom stayed in the car with Rob who was very upset because he really wanted to go inside too. Rob drove home with Renee's parents and Renee drove the new car home by herself. Later that day as he was looking out the window at the new car he asked Renee who got the car. She replied, "We did, don't you remember?" He didn't say anything for a while just stared. Then he exclaimed, "Wow that must have been a really big box!" Rob's best friend was Eddie. They both were 4 when Eddie's grandma came to visit. She noticed that Eddie's jeans had holes in the knees. She said to him, "Eddie, you have holes in your knees!" He looked down at his knees and said, "No, I don't Grandma, my pants do!" -- Renee Trask of Brainerd, Minnesota ___ .--. .--.-" "-' .- | / .-,` .' \ ` \ '. ! \ | ! .--. | \ '--' /.____ /`-. \__,'.' `\ __/ \`-.____.-' `\ / | `---`'-'._/-` \----' _ |,-'` / | _.-' `\ .' / |--'` / | / /\ ` | | | .\/ \ .--. __ \ | '-' '._ / `\ / jgs `\ ' |------'` \ | | \ / '._ _.' `` Diane's grandson Alton Hyde is quite a talker for a 2-year-old. They had just finished a busy day when his parents came to take him home. He took a deep breath and began: "We raked leaves in a pile and we jumped in them and we swang on the swing and we played on the slide and we played with a rope in the garage and we decorated pumpkins and we put out corn and we played in the sandbox." He paused one second, smiled, and said, "The end!" -- Diane Schlemmer of LaGrange, Indiana Here's another one from Diane. Oggie, 4, began nursery school this year. His mother prompted him to tell Diane what he was learning. They had studied the letter "D" and he told Diane what "D" sounded like and gave examples of words that begin with "D." A few weeks later, Diane asked Oggie what he had learned in school that day. He replied, "We learned the F-word!" =============================================================== __ / \ /'. / | Some bunny loves you! ||'.\| | || \\ / /\ __ /^\/^\ \\ \\'```'-._ ; | /\ \ \ / \'./` __ `P | _/ /\_| `\/` \ .__|' ` -.| | ,' \ /^\/^\ \ .| - - | \ / \____,..-` \ _Y_ __/ `\/` / / `---'"""` `\ \| . __.._/ | '-.__.-""``.-./ |\ | ( _.'` |\ || .-| `` || || | ; || // jgs '-'\ //` `"""""""""`"""""` >-->THE ROAD YOU ARE ON How often you fear the road up ahead, How often you dread the unknown, How often, too, do you tend to forget That you never walk alone. For there's One who well knows where you're going, He's sure every step of the way, For, long, long ago He walked the same path That you and I travel today. And He understands every misgiving, For fear is a part of us all. But, in faith, make each step firm and steady, And the Father will not let you fall. Just remember He's walking beside you, With love that will never fail, His arm around your shoulders, His eye upon the trail. By Lee Simmons >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Chriistian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************