Got Stories? & More ... :) Shangy! >-->SPRING IT FORWARD .'`~~~~~~~~~~~`'. ( .'11 12 1'. ) | :10 \ 2: | | :9 @-> 3: | | :8 4; | '. '..7 6 5..' .' ~-------------~ ldb >Comment On "DST REMINDER" from our Friend Dee :) Just so you know.... DST was moved up... it usually IS in April. -Dee ...I didn't give it a thought - I always have to look it up as to when the DST is anyway. I never remember it, though I've been alerting the group to it now for 10 years. You are most correct, Dee - I looked it up ... Wikipedea says: "Start and end dates and times vary with location and year. Since 1996 the European Union has observed DST from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, with transitions at 01:00 UTC. Starting in 2007, most of the United States and Canada observe DST from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, with transitions typically at 02:00 local time. The 2007 U.S. change was part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005; previously, from 1987 through 2006, the start and end dates were the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October, and Congress retains the right to go back to the previous dates once an energy consumption study is done." AND With this comes an ALERT from Paul. He says that since this is a moved up DST, programmers may not have gotten this automatic for you with your computers. So you might have to manually spring your computer clocks forward too for this sunday. Thanks Dee for this correction! We appreciate your thoughtfulness. --- Now On To Our Regularily Scheduled Inspirations & STORIES --- >The Hitchhiker Story Editor: by Cathy Weber-Zunker Joyce Schowalter Minnesota, USA The memory of one particular summer evening is still burned in my brain as if it were yesterday. I can still feel the dry heat of the day in the air, being propelled out by storm clouds rolling in. There was nothing but wide-open fields for miles and miles around our rural Minnesota home. We saw occasional cars going by on the highway, but no one we knew ever just stopped by, this far out of town. We never saw strangers -- not ever -- and here on this sizzling hot evening was a real live one walking up our driveway. A young man, a slightly built hitchhiker, came walking up our long curved gravel road to the house while we kids stood and gawked as he approached our door. This young man was out in the middle of nowhere. He knew there was a storm coming, and desperately needed to find shelter. Not wanting to intrude on our home and family, he asked my dad if he could sleep in our barn for the night, for protection from the rain. Instead of saying yes, my dad loaded us all up in the 1959 Chevrolet: the kids, my mom, and the hitchhiker. Our family consisted of three older children whose father had died young, and three more children from the union of my mother and father. Our older brother Jerry was in the Navy, on a ship somewhere over seas. It was too far away for me to even imagine what kind of a world he was seeing. All we little kids knew was that Jerry was a very long way from home and that our mom and dad worried about him. I had never seen my mom sit next to my dad in the car before, but the hitchhiker took her seat near the passenger door, and so she scooted to the center next to my dad. Mom watched the man fidget nervously as we drove him 10 miles to the next town where dad bought the stranger a room for the night along with a hot evening meal. After we dropped off the hitchhiker, as we headed home in the car that night I heard my dad say to my mom, "I just hope that if Jerry ever needs anything, that this kindness will be returned to him." Weeks later, having told my uncle about the hitchhiker, the uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shouldn't have taken the risk of having a stranger in our car. My dad replied, "You are absolutely right. I should have invited him into our home." =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Heartwarmers: _.--. _.-'_:-'|| _.-'_.-::::'|| _.-:'_.-::::::' || .'`-.-:::::::' || /.'`;|:::::::' ||_ || ||::::::' _.;._'-._ || ||:::::' _.-!oo @.!-._'-. \'. ||:::::.-!()oo @!()@.-'_.| '.'-;|:.-'.&$@.& ()$%-'o.'\U|| `>'-.!@%()@'@_%-'_.-o _.|'|| ||-._'-.@.-'_.-' _.-o |'|| ||=[ '-._.-\U/.-' o |'|| || '-.]=|| |'| o |'|| || || |'| _| '; || || |'| _.-'_.-' |'-._ || |'|_.-'_.-' jgs '-._'-.|| |' `_.-' '-.||_/.-' >UNTOLD TREASURES by Betty King When our four children were young, we took our first vacation to Florida and to Daytona Beach. I remember I was in awe of the scenery when we entered Florida, that beautiful sunshine state. It was much different than we were accustomed to in our homeland state of Illinois. The palm trees stood tall and regal and the tropical flowers among the lush greenery made me think we had arrived in a location much akin to paradise. Arriving in Daytona, I savored my first ever glimpse of a beach. I fell in love with the ocean rolling in from somewhere out in the deep. As our week provided unrelenting pleasures I came to love scanning the sand along the water's edge for sea shells, small sea critters and other possessions brought in and deposited as treasures at my feet. I waded out into the water up to my shoulders, and scanned the water's floor with my feet, looking for assets transported from other lands by the turning of the tides. Daily our children sat in the sand, constructing castles and forts, only to watch the waves carry off their fantasies to lands where only visionaries and fairies could interpret and foretell. Like greased babies bottoms, we stayed covered and protected from the rays. Yet my husband, whose feet had been confined for years beneath dark dress coverings, was shocked to be introduced to the sun intensified by the sand, as he walked along the beach. Soon his feet took on the appearance and pain of trapped lobsters. I had not known the power water possessed beyond what came through copper tubing. I stood mesmerized as waves in their might rolled over themselves, again and again carrying me with them into the future where dreams lay and memories are collected. Our children stood leery of the imposing authority, fearful of the bashing abuse, petrified of yielding, but determined to step out to conquer the strength of the deep. They soon overcame their fear, triumphant over the insults inflicted upon them. They took their stance and tasted the salty rewards. At night, we walked the abandoned beaches looking out at the moon, reflecting off the blackness and listening to the tide bringing in more treasures. What would dawn reveal buried beneath a footstep? What creatures would we find trapped behind, gasping, searching for a lost love -- the depths of the sea. Soon our vacation came to an end, our days swallowed up in seven rolling tides. Seven days of paradise blissfully came to an end, carried away to be stored as future treasures, memories never to be forgotten. That vacation was many years ago and our children are all grown. Their children are now learning the beauty and might contained within great bodies of water. They are finding pleasures untold and seeking treasures of their own. They are forming their own love affair with beaches and casting upon the waters their own dreams and visions. They are storing away albums of memories, visual pictures never to be forgotten. My husband and I have gone on to walk other seashores, and form other love affairs with beaches around the world, but like one's first love affair, we have never forgotten our first -- Daytona Beach. -- Betty King ___________________________________________ Betty is a Heartwarmer Gem, an author of three published books, her latest being, The Fragrance of Life. She is a freelance writer, a newspaper columnist, of two weekly columns, and a public speaker. You can visit her website by clicking here: or you can email her by clicking here: ======================================================================= >-->From Our Friend Pat :) >For Woman - THIS SAYS IT ALL: Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Men don't do what they're supposed to do. Hearts break. Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Careers end. BUT - Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her. When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you, or come in and carry you out. Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins and extended family all bless our life. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead, nor did we know how much we would need each other. Every day, we need each other still. Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful. I just did. There are more than 20 angels in this world; 10 are peacefully sleeping on clouds, nine are playing, and one is reading her email at this moment! ---- ...Thanks Pat. I hope this blesses most of our woman readers. It saddens me though. I lost my childhood best girl friend that I grew up with when she left town. She went south and the next I saw her, years later, she came back to visit me with a youngster on her arm. She had lost considerable weight, changed her hair style, and had acquired a southern draw. She was like a complete stranger. She informed me she even changed her beliefs from the church she had gotten me into. The best friend I knew and loved was gone. We haven't spoken since. I lost my sister years ago too. She was my new best friend for years though she lived many miles away. We would write each other and keep very close. Then for reasons she would not tell me, she quit talking to me. She would not write nor answer any of my phone calls. I tried apologizing for whatever I might of done and begged etc. I'd even send her gifts without any response. She died from cancer last year and sadly I barely cried as I had already gone throught the grief of losing her. For me, friends aren't always there for you and sisters aren't always there for you - people change - even if it isn't your doing - the only ones who have been there for me ALWAYS is God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I guess that is why I devote much of my life giving back to them by way of my web site and these group emails. They deserve my devotion and praise! Praise God for God! :) Love Thoughts Dreamy Ladies ======================================================================= >-->If You i think i can ( i Think i Can ( ) ) I Think I Can ( ) ) () ____.______._____ .--. ----- | _ - a:f - | __||___|[_]| |.|#|.[].[].[]..| o)__ |_ | ..|=|_|-|___________| __ <(__(*)_(*)_~_____~(*)____(*)_____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you like to win but think you can't It is almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost. For out of the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will. It's all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are. You've got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But soon or late the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. ========================================================== >-->LIVE THE ANSWERS By: Joseph J. Mazzella As I looked up at my Mom’s picture hanging above my desk today, I realized that it is now almost 15 years since her death. Thankfully, over the years the pain and sense of loss have eased while the memories of her life and her love have remained. I can still feel her presence as I write this. I am sure that she is not only smiling down on me from her picture on the wall, but from Heaven as well. I only wish she hadn’t left us quite so soon. The great teacher, author, and speaker Leo Buscaglia said that he was often asked by his classes why we have to go through pain, suffering, and even death. He stated that he never did find out why, but at some point in his life he stopped asking the questions and started living the answers. "That", he said, "made all the difference." How do we live the answers? I think we do so by choosing love, joy, and oneness with God everyday of our lives. We do so through pain as well as comfort. We do so through suffering as well as happiness. We do so even in the face of death. Some of the wisest, gentlest, kindest, most loving, and most joyous people I have ever known are those who have suffered the most. The only difference is that they used that suffering to help them to grow into the people God wanted them to be. What good is pain, suffering, and even death if we don’t use them to grow more loving, more giving, more compassionate, more peaceful, more joyous, and more at one with God? I think my Mother knew this as she battled cancer in her final years and faced death at such an early age. She blessed us all with her love, her joy, and her gentle laughter right up until her dying day. I only hope and pray that I can live my own answers as beautifully and wonderfully as she lived hers. May all of you lovingly live your own answers then in this life and in the next. ========================================================================= >-->Inspirationals To Begin With (for granparents) Give Me Flowers ========================================================================= >-->From EmailMinistry: CELL PHONE vs. BIBLE I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several time a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? What if we gave it to Kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency? This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible? Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill. Makes you stop and think "where are my priorities? ======================================================================== >-->From InspiringWords: . .-~\ / `-'\.' `- : | / `._ | | .-. { \ | `-' `. \ | / ~-.`. \| .-~_ .\-.\ .-~ \ `-'/~~ -.~ / .-~/|`-._ /~~-.~ -- ~ / | \ ~- . _\ Happiness Is Like a Butterfly Source Unknown... Someone once said happiness is like a butterfly: if we chase it, we'll never find it. But if we sit quietly, it will come and land on us. Faith and courage are the same. All we have to do is sit quietly and ask for these gifts from God. In time, and with patience, they will be ours, and so will the happiness we can then pass on to others. Anne Frank wrote the above words facing a concentration camp and certain death. If she could find happiness and faith and courage within herself under those circumstances, then certainly we can too. These gifts are ours, already within us, if we but look for them. ===================================================================== >-->From HeartWarmers: .---. ___ /_____\ /\.-`( '.' ) / / \_-_/_ \ `-.-"`'V'//-. `.__, |// , \ Character - the willingness to accept |Ll //Ll|\ \ |__// | \_\ /---|[]==| / / responsibility for one's own life - is the \__/ | \/\/ /_ | Ll_\| |`^"""^`| source from which self respect springs. | | | | | | | | | -- Joan Didion | | | L___l___J jgs |_ | _| (___|___) ^^^ ^^^ It was 1866 and the United States was recovering from the long and bloody Civil War between the North and the South. Surviving soldiers came home, some with missing limbs, and all with stories to tell. Henry Welles, a drugstore owner in Waterloo, New York, heard the stories and had an idea. He suggested that all the shops in town close for one day to honor the soldiers who were killed in the Civil War and were buried in the Waterloo cemetery. At about the same time, Retired Major General Jonathan Logan planned another ceremony, this time for the soldiers who survived the war. He led the veterans through town to the cemetery to decorate their comrades' graves with flags. It was not a happy celebration, but a memorial. The townspeople called it Decoration Day. In 1882, the name was changed to Memorial Day and soldiers who had died in previous wars were honored as well. In 1971, along with other holidays, President Nixon declared Memorial Day a federal holiday on the last Monday in May. Today, Memorial Day is not limited to honor only those Americans from the armed forces. It is also a day for personal remembrance. Families and individuals honor the memories of their loved ones who have died. Church services, visits to the cemetery, flowers on graves or even silent tribute mark the day with dignity and solemnity. In celebration of Memorial Day, we present to you three special stories. Today, a short story from Al Batt who talks about his experiences with his older cousin. Thanks, Al. >DARYLE I got a bunch of them. They were in all different sizes, ranks and poses. They were even on different sides. They were miniature Revolutionary War soldiers made out of pewter. They were well-crafted and amazing things to see. They were given to me and I took them, without even mumbling a "much obliged." My older cousin, Daryle, had given them to me. Daryle was all dressed up in his army uniform. He looked even more impressive than the little soldiers. I didn't really want the little soldiers he offered me, but I took them. Daryle was older that I was and, as my elder, he deserved some respect. I was at that awkward age when it came to such things. I was too old to play with the small troops and too young to really appreciate them. The only material things I was interested in at that age were my baseball glove, my GE transistor radio with the earplugs and my dream car, that I would be much too young to drive, even if I could afford to buy it. My mother always told me that a person can never be too thankful. Even with that wonderful instruction, I had neglected to thank Daryle for the little soldiers. I wish my mother had taken them from me, along with my old comic books and baseball cards, and told me that she would give them back to me when I turned 30, in the hopes that I would have developed a brain by then. I had a Springfield single-shot .22 rifle. I wanted to practice with it. Daryle had shown me his marksmanship badge and I thought maybe I could earn myself one of those one day. He was plenty proud of that badge and told me that it had taken a lot of practice to get it. A decent target cost good money and I wasn't much of a hunter, so the little soldiers were the perfect prey for me. I set the little army men up on a rockpile and then began picking them off one-by-one with my Springfield rifle. The shooting did wonders for my marksmanship, but it didn't do the little pewter figures much good. Soon they were all gone - shot to pieces -- yet another item tossed upon my life's scrap heap. Time passed. I had forgotten all about the tiny pewter soldiers until I received word that Daryle had been killed in Vietnam. The day he gave me the little soldiers was the last day I was to ever see Daryle alive. He left a wife and two young children. I wanted to bring Daryle back. I wanted to bring those little army men back. I never did thank Daryle for those little soldiers. Perhaps playing with the little soldiers is what made Daryle want to make the Army his career. I will never know. Since that day that I learned of Daryle's death, I try very hard to thank everyone for everything. Sometimes I forget, but I try real hard. Some years ago, I made a trip to Washington, DC, and visited the Vietnam Memorial. I was going to make rubbings of Daryle's name on the Memorial Wall, keeping one for myself and giving the rest to a number of my aunts. I was doing okay at this task until a little blond haired girl, wearing a white dress, put a flower at the base of a row of names. This little girl, probably the grandchild of one of the deceased, brought back a flood of memories for me. She caused me to give much thought to Daryle and some to those little Revolutionary War soldiers made out of pewter, as I stood by that Wall. I cried as I made a rubbing of Daryle's name from that Wall of names of people who died doing their duty in the jungles of a foreign land. It took me a number of attempts before I was able to finish making the rubbings. I never thanked Daryle for the little pewter soldiers. I never thanked Daryle for serving this country well, for being willing to die for all of us back home. Daryle died for his country and for all the things it represents. People like Daryle have made this country what it is -- the greatest place on Earth. For some reason, I know that whenever I thank a veteran, that Daryle hears me and understands that I am thanking him, too. Thank you. -- Al Batt ___________________________________________ Al Batt is a storyteller who lives on a farm near Hartland, Minnesota. ======================================================================= >-->From InspiredBuffalo: I believe- That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I believe- That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I believe- That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. I believe- That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe- That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe- That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe- That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I believe- That you can keep going long after you think you can't. I believe- That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I believe- That either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe- That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. I believe- That money is a lousy way of keeping score. I believe- That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. I believe- That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up. I believe- That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated. I believe- That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I believe- That no matter how badly your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief. I believe- That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. I believe- That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do. I believe- That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. I believe- That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I believe- That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you. I believe- That even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help. I believe- That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. I believe- That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon Subscribe send a blank email to: ======================================================================== >-->From PetWarmers: >DON'T FORGET TO THINK OF ME by Kathy Pippig Harris When you honor the red, white, and blue When you celebrate our nation's liberty Think of the one who's been beside you in spirit, in heart, in body... No being could be as loyal as me, for I am your best friend, your partner... your family. When our nation was young I was the runner, carrying messages in a war that would leave us undone where brother fought beside brother. And, alone in the face of terror I moved through enemy lines, as families fought one another, my mission foremost in my mind. I was the one waiting for you even though I sensed you would not be coming home I languished on our wooden porch growing thinner, until the war was over and my days on earth were done. I was in the trenches, fields, and meadows accompanying you into foreign lands. With you in the jungles and swamps and at your heels on hot, dusty roads or on blistering, desert sands. I have been first in the line of fire first to enter a field laden with mines putting myself in your stead. I went unflinching, leading, to wherever, doing whatever you said. With you I've jumped from the belly of a plane dropping into places neither of us had ever seen. All for the greater glory and good. All for humanity. When a bullet took your life I laid by your side my chin on your chest, despair in my eyes. Content to have remained with you, until a man in our unit lifted me up, carrying me back to the war... as he cried. When we had parted, when you'd gone home and when on foreign soil I was left all alone through no fault of your own I was forsaken. The government advised you that your friend and helper; the soldier who'd been by your side, would not be accompanying you home... To our home, our country, I could not be taken. And so it was that we were abandoned after you tearfully told us we could not follow the men with whom we had served. Confusion set in as we watched you depart; being left behind, we had not deserved. You left us dispirited, empty, and hollow for we had given to you all of our all. Like ghosts were we, missing our souls, for you had taken with you... our hearts. I have been injured for you. And I have died for you. In your absence I have wasted away from the loss of you. I'm the scruffy, thin dog sitting quietly next to the veteran in his wheelchair. On the hill, the band plays a song and the man softly cries, while fireworks light up the night's air. Gently I place my paw on his knee lay my muzzle on his withered leg. He looks at the small flag he is clutching then he turns his attention to me. His eyes are filled with thoughts and tears but his smile is as warm as the sun. "Thank you for reminding me," says he, "what's been sacrificed for the freedom we've won." In the now, we cannot know who will be needing who. But what you may not know is that when you'll be needing me I'll be needing and looking for you. We've been a team, you and me through the many years that have shaped this land, and God has blessed us mightily. So, every now and then, thank me -- with a look, kind words, and the touch of a gentle hand... When you think of liberty and count the reasons you are free Don't forget to think of me! -- Kathy Pippig Harris ___________________________________________ Kathy is an author and animal lover, dedicated to make a difference for the furry innocent ones who cannot do so themselves without human help. ___________________________________________ THREAT FROM ABOVE by Clara Wersterfer Linda and her family live in a city near Atlanta, Georgia. The idea of a predatory animal attacking one of their pets never crossed their minds. The household's latest acquisition is a little Chihuahua they named Tito. Booger, the year old Lab took to Tito as if he was his own puppy. The two played together and romped in the yard. Linda didn't worry about them as the yard was fenced. About three weeks ago, tragedy struck. A large chicken hawk mistook Tito for dinner. Swooping down, the swift hawk grabbed Tito in his claws. The hawk was fast, but Booger was faster, rushing to Tito's defense. Booger could only jump high enough to grab Tito by his hind leg. Booger held on for dear life. The hawk, unable to hold the weight of both dogs, turned Tito loose. Linda rushed Tito to the vet who found extensive damage to his leg, probably from Booger, many cuts and a large laceration to his stomach, made by the claws of the hawk. After three weeks, the help of an orthopedic surgeon and medical bills in excess of $3,000, Tito is still alive and did not loose his leg or his life. Had Booger not been vigilant and nearby, it could have been an entirely different ending. Please, all you readers who have small dogs or kittens, do not leave them unattended in the yard, no matter how heavily congested the neighborhood, with fenced yard and trees. These once wild animals must forage larger areas and more hours to find food as acres and acres of their habitat is destroyed by builders. They have had to move in near the humans to survive, reduced to raiding garbage cans or stealing our domestic animals. Rats, squirrels, rabbits and other small animals, once the mainstay of large birds are becoming scarce. A small dog or kitten is easy prey, looking like a rabbit from many feet up in the air. A hawk, owl or even a raccoon can sweep in and take them before you can reach them. Should you be lucky enough to have a dog like Booger, he may not be close enough, or quick enough for the rescue. Your furbabies are not safe alone outside your home. I keep my two small dogs on a leash. Watch them constantly, don't turn your back on them. Be aware of your surroundings. It might also help to carry a big stick. -- Clara Wersterfer ___________________________________________ Do you enjoy Petwarmers? Maybe your friends would too. They can join for free by sending an email to: ----------------- ) ( /( \yYYy,_I_`; JgLFO^JL_ \ `- \, ` Qr+as IS THIS POSSIBLE? While domestic cats may not know human language, a study suggests the animals, which have lived alongside people for thousands of years, have adapted their "meows" to better communicate with humans. You can get details of this new science at: ____________________________________________ DOG DENIED VOTE LAFAYETTE, Calif., May 17, 2002, (Reuters) -- Barnabas, the toy poodle, has been a registered Republican for two years but never got a chance to vote. Now his owner, Donald Miller, faces a court date on charges of misdemeanor vote fraud, carrying a maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine, for his attempt to prove that California is too lax when it comes to registering new voters. "I got the attention of the authorities," Miller, 78, said Thursday. "I think this is just a beginning. This is a sign there are lots of things wrong with the whole system." Miller, a resident of the San Francisco-area town of Lafayette, registered Barnabas as a Republican two years ago, using simple mail-in forms. "Barney went to the polls with us every time we voted but I wouldn't let him vote. That would be a horrendous felony," Miller said. "But his name was definitely on the list. He got all the voting materials, all the ballots, everything." Miller said he realized Barnabas' jig was up when the poodle received a jury summons in March, prompting him to go to a local newspaper to describe what he said was the "alarming laxity" of California's voter registration process. That article caught the attention of the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office, which charged Miller with misdemeanor registration fraud. Miller declined to outline his court strategy, but said prosecutors had been "extremely nice" about the whole thing. "This is not political, this is moral," Miller said. "We've got to see what we can do to start tightening up some of these regulations." ====================================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: QUOTES and Stuff People are willing to meet each other halfway, but their judgments of distances vary considerably. Man's problem rises from the fact that he has not only lost the way, but he has lost the address. Nicolas Berdyaev "Don't ask the Lord to guide your footsteps unless you are willing to move your feet." Stress is what happens when we try to impose our will on life. -- Karl Schmidt Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Glasgow "Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble." - Psalm 119:165 Every day every Christian must choose among progression, digression, and retrogression. If you are tired of the load of your sin, let Jesus come into your heart. A shady business never produces a sunny life. "Creeds grow so thick along the way their boughs hide God." - Lizette Woodworth Reese "Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; and to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God." - Psalm 50:23 Life is tragic to him who has plenty to live on and nothing to live for. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." - John Keats "I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-being, let me do it now; let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." - Drummond People seldom get dizzy from doing good turns. "Sacrifice in the Bible means that we give to God the best we have; it is the finest form of worship. Sacrifice is not giving up things, but giving to God with joy the best we have." -- Oswald Chambers >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Wow Baby :)Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->Bigham's Computer Rescue - PC Sales & Serrvice You can trust us to provide you with quality computer sales and repair. We've been servicing the Van Wert area since 1981 and can help you with all your computer needs. Please phone us at 419-238-5806 ************************************************************************ -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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