Happy, Blessed, And Safe Memorial Day Weekend! ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ .-"""""""-. .' __ \_ / / \/ \ | \_0/\_0/______ |:. .' oo`\ |:. / \ |' ; | | |:.. . \_______ | |::.|' , \,_____\ / |:::.; ' | . '| ====)_/===;===========;() |::; | | ; ; | | #######:::::: /::::.|-| |_|-|, \ #######:::::: /'-=-'` '-' '--'\ #######:::::: jgs / \ #######:::::: ############# H A P P Y ############# ############# M E M O R I A L D A Y ! ############# ############# ############# *~* Happy, Blessed, And Safe Memorial Day Weekend! :) >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This steaming hot new page is from our friend Geniann. This young man did a project for school that went viral. I reached out to his mom who had posted it on Facebook, but I guess with over 250,000 shares there, she was pretty overwhelmed. In any case, she didn't respond. You will want to check this out here: Jacob's US Flag! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jacobsflag.html --- ...Wow! I was amazed at this one! Thanks Geniann! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: Your morning thought for the day: We who are left, how shall we look again Happily on the sun or feel the rain Without remembering how they who went Ungrudgingly and spent Their lives for us loved, too, the sun and rain? -- Wilfred Wilson Gibson Memorial Day will be here soon, and Shelley shares her observations about liberty and the price others have paid to insure our freedom. It really is a "home that soldiers built" for us. ============;===========;() # # # #:::::: # # # #:::::: # # # #:::::: # # # #:::::: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # jgs # # # # # # # >A HOME THAT SOLDIERS BUILT by Shelley Madden The colors of the American flag ripple above as the winds toss and snap it, demanding my attention. I gaze at it in awe as it waves proudly against the cobalt sky. Mesmerizing colors melt and swirl together until they are one. They quickly reform with the next breeze. My mind journeys back in time as I watch it. Red might be the blood lost in battle so we could have our freedom. Blue could be the blue-eyed soldier standing on the battlefield ready to give his life for ours. White may be the color of angels who ultimately guide our nation's heroes to the next and final frontier. A frontier where there are no battles. Highways and bi-ways moan and groan under the weight of thousands of motorists as they journey home in a never ending rhythm of gleaming steel and metal. Malls full of shoppers haggling over goods and rushing to sales. The farmer plowing a field in endless rows, praying for rain. The roar of the buses and trains and planes. Tiny windows glittering amber light within the towering skyscrapers overlooking it all. Our land. Our freedom. Our country. Home after home I passed, as I commuted to my destination. Maybe someone in that endless row lost a father or brother or son or even a daughter. A life given so I could have mine. A century of lives given so we could have futures. Thousands of soldiers who now lie forgotten in cemeteries washed away by time. Granite markers long gone, their names crumbled away by the winds and the sun and the rains. The once dotted hillside no longer carries the scars of their fight for ours. It has become smooth again, only rolling fields of meadow grass dotted with the occasional wildflower, rippling in the silent winds. The same winds that whip the flag above me. I gaze at the flag as people hustle by. They rush back and forth, reminding me of a million ants in an ant farm. One day a year set aside to remember them. One day. A day off work which has become a day for many to lie in the sun at the beach, or indulge in an enormous meal of BBQ and beers with family and friends, laughing the day away. Day after day they fought for us, year after year. Battle after battle was won, so we'd have a home to come home to, and food on the table. So we could have malls and trains and buses and planes. So we could indulge in the frivolities of existence. I shed a tear to the beat of drums in the distance, as the majestic flag is lowered. It is carefully folded by two misty-eyed soldiers while dozens of watery eyes watch in hushed melancholy. They slowly march to the grieving widow, and solemnly present it to her in unison. Her dark glasses hide her misery. Another life forever changed. Another life given so we could have ours. The sun is setting on my meager home when I return. Golden hues gently light the familiar weathered wood and sagging sills. But today, somehow, it looks different. It looks better. It is a home that the soldiers built. Maybe not by hand, but definitely by spirit. A home within a city, within a state, within a great country. A country the eagle proudly soars over -- an icon of the sacrifices made for our land, for our homes, for our freedom, for our very existence. I will make it a pact to remember the soldiers, and thank them for what they have given us, every day. -- Shelley Madden __________________________________________________ Shelley is an author who resides in Wise County, Texas with her son, Dustin, along with her ponies, poultry, dogs and cats. She enjoys writing, fishing, shooting her pink guns, and falling off her horse, Diamond. She writes a weekly column for an Entertainment magazine, and is a frequent contributor to Heartwarmers and Petwarmers. Her short stories have also been published in newsprint and on numerous websites and e-zines across the nation. She aspires one day to learn how to change the light bulb in her gun cabinet. =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Linda :) _______ `*******' .---. ( --- ) ( /m m\ ) ___( = )___ .'----`\ /'----`. //' .-'': ;``-. `\\ // / Y \ \\ // / (|) \ \\ // : .-' | `-. ; \\ // `.__.-'^`-.__.' \\ ^. .^.^/ \^.^. .^ ^ / \ ^ / \ jgs _.' `._ '._ _.' `--..___ ___..--' ``` >"7%" Written by a 90-year-old. Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more: 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short – enjoy it. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry, God never blinks. 16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways. 18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. 19. It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today IS special. 22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?' 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles. 34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do. 35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 36. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. And be Thankful! 42. The best is yet to come... 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44. Yield. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift." Its estimated 93% won't forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%.' I'm in the 7%. Friends are the family that we choose! --- ...Wonderful Advice! Thanks Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: .-""-. _______ .-""-. .'_.-. | ,*********, | .-._'. / _/ / **` `** \ \_ \ /.--.' | | **,;;;;;,** | | '.--.\ / .-`-| | ;//;/;/;\\; | |-`-. \ ;.--': | | /;/;/;//\\;\\ | | :'--.; | _\.'-| | ((;(/;/; \;\);) | |-'./_ | ;_.-'/: | | );)) _ _ (;(( | | :\'-._; | | _:-'\ \(((( \ );))/ /'-:_ | | ; .:` '._ \ );))\ " /(((( / _.' `:. ; |-` '-.;_ `-\(;(;((\ = /););))/-` _;.-' `-| ; / .'\ |`'\ );));)/`---`\((;(((./`'| /'. \ ; | .' / `'.\-((((((\ /))));) \.'` \ '. | ;/ /\_/-`-/ ););)| , |;(;(( \` -\_/\ \; |.' .| `;/ (;(|'==/|\=='|);) \;` |. '.| | / \.'/ / _.` | `._ \ \'./ \ | \| ; |; _,.-` \_/Y\_/ `-.,_ ;| ; |/ \ | ;| ` | | | ` |. | / `\ || | | | || /` jgs `:_\ _\/ \/_ /_:' `"----""` `""----"` >Memorial Day Prayer A very dear and knowledgeable friend sent me this. I was surprised because this friend knows better than to forward chains. I am complying with her wish to send the prayer but I am going to the trouble to copy the text and paste it in this message. PLEASE COMPLY..... I am breaking this one. If I get it a 1000 times, I will copy & paste it a 1000 times, then send it to all of my book. Love, Chan Let us pray... Prayer chain for our Military.... Please do not forward. Copy & paste, then send to all in your address book. Don't break it! Please send this on after a short prayer. Prayer for our soldiers. Prayer: "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus Christ's Name, Amen." Prayer Request: When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world. There is nothing attached. Just copy & paste, then send this to all in your address book. Do not let it stop with you. Of all the gifts you could give a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, National Guard, Merchant Marine & others deployed in harm's way, prayer is the very best one. -<>- .:::. 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Whether camping with the family, swimming, fishing or preparing BBQ for the grill, I do my very best to keep the memory of my fallen brothers and sisters in the foreground of my mind at all times. As a young 17-year-old boy, going into the service of my country, I was not the brightest bulb on the tree. Truth be known, I was a bit of a basket case in severe need of psychological counseling. After almost two years, I was discharged from the United States Army as an "undesirable" individual. For some reason, I just could not adapt to military life. I should have been prepared for military life, having spent my entire childhood in a very strict and regimented Jacksonville, Florida, orphanage. If not that, then my two years at the Florida School for Boys Reformatory in Marianna should certainly have prepared me for such rigid training. "Freedom" to me had nothing to do with love or family. My mind was totally blank of what having a mother and a father felt like. I didn't know anything about those types of people. The only freedom I was looking for was the right to get a drink of water or to be able to go to the bathroom without having to ask permission. Or being able to open a refrigerator and get something to eat when you were hungry (which I had never done before.) Just being able to do those things was something worth dying for. For years, I was ashamed of myself. I constantly wondered why I had failed in my duties and responsibilities as a young boy. Why did I find it so difficult to help defend my country's freedom? Now, at age 61, I can clearly see what I could not see when I was a young man. I was so proud of myself when I graduated from boot camp at Fort Gordon, Georgia. For the first time in my life, I had accomplished something of value. When the ceremony was over, thousands of soldiers ran off the parade ground and into the waiting arms of their loved ones. Every soldier screamed and yelled with joy as they hugged, laughed and headed off to spend time with their families. Every one of them had someone to be proud of them. Within fifteen minutes, everyone had disappeared into the distance. In the quiet, I stood alone on the large grassy field. Looking down at the one medal on my chest, I could feel the tears, rolling down my cheeks. It was at that very moment, I realized that I had no reason to defend freedom. That freedom was not worth dying for unless it brought one a sense of happiness and security. I sat down in the grass, placed my hands over my face, and I cried. Not for myself but because I realized that I had no one to die for. Today, as I look out my window, I see my grandchildren, running in play while smiling and laughing. I see no fear on their faces or in their eyes. I can clearly see what I could not see back then. I now realize the sacrifice that a soldier must give. I now realize the sacrifice that I should have been willing to give so others could be happy. There is nothing I can do to undo my irresponsibility as a 17-year- old young man. The best I can do is to forever honor, with all my heart and the greatest of serenity, those who gave me and my family the freedom that I now enjoy, not only on Memorial Day but every day of the year. By Roger Dean Kiser trampolineone@earthlink.net -<>- .-. <~~~~~> .-. .-. <*****> .-. .-. <+++++> .-. / _ \.-----./ _ \ / _ \.-----./ _ \ / _ \.-----./ _ \ | /:\(((((()))/ \ | | / \((())))))/ \ | | / \((/. .\))/ \ | ||' :(( '_' )): `|| ||: :(( '_' )): `|| || :(( o )) : || ||: \`---'/ :|| || : )))---((( : || ||: (('---')) || || :/' ) `\: || || ((( _ ))) :|| || (((\ /))): || ||: / (,) \ || ||: :/ /|\ \: || || : / ^ \ :|| || / ,__[_]__, \:|| || / ,/\|/\, \ :|| || / \\\ /// \: || ||:\___)_._(___/ || ||: \___/ \___/ || ||: \__\\V//__/ || || : || ||: || || : || || : || || :|| || :|| || / | | \ || || / | | \ || ||: / | | \: || ||:| | | |:|| ||:| | | |:|| || | | | |:|| | / | | \ | | / | | \ | ||/ | | \|| |/ | | \| |/ | | \| |/ | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | jgs |~~~~~| |*****| |+++++| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >GUARDIAN ANGELS By: Joseph J. Mazzella I believe in guardian angels. Since I was a boy I have felt watched over, loved, and protected by my unseen friends and I am so thankful to God for them. I have had far too many near misses with hurt and harm over the years for it to be mere luck. I guess my guardian angels are keeping me around for a reason and I will do my best not to make their work too hard in the future. I also believe in guardian angels because I have seen one in action over the years. My oldest son graduates from high school this Spring. Through all of his years in school he has struggled with Autism. It has made it difficult for him to learn, to relate to others, and to function in this world. Thankfully, though, he has had a guardian angel with him every step of the way. His aide has been there with him through all the difficulties, through all the triumphs, through all the pains, and through all the joys. She was there when he first started to speak in sentences. She was there when he first started to read. She was there when he first started to make friends and play with the other children. She helped him through every frustration he faced and comforted him through every bit of sadness he had to endure. She helped him to become the happy and loving soul that he is today. She loved him, cared for him, guided him, encouraged him, and watched over him. She has been his aide, his friend, his second mother, and his guardian angel. Words can never express all the good that she has done for him. All I can say to her is "Thank you so much for being such an angel in my son’s life." There are many guardian angels in our lives. Some are unseen, but some walk with us and help us everyday. Take the time then to thank God for all the guardian angels in this world. Take the time as well to thank all the guardian angels that touch your own life. But most of all take the time to be a loving, joyous guardian angel yourself to every hurting heart that needs you. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: _ (_) <___> | |______ | |* * * ) | | * * (_________ | |* * * |* *|####) | | * * *| * | (________________ | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | | * * *| * | | | | |* * * |* *|####|##############| | |~~~~~~| * | | | | |######|* *|####|##############| | | |~~~' | | | |######|########|##############| | | | | | | |######|########|##############| | |~~~~~~| | | | | |########|##############| | | '~~~~~~~~| | | | |##########JGS#| | | '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | Why My Son?- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/why.html The Blue Angels!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/blueangels.html Heroes Truck!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/herotruck.html WWII P-51 Mustang Pilot!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wwiipilot.html World's Fastest Plane!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/fastestplane.html Semper Fidelis!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/semperfi.html Fighter Aircraft!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/fighteraircraft.html Lest We Forget 2!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lestweforget2.html War Pics: Daily 3!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/daily3.html Rolling Memorial!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/trucking.html No Words Needed!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/nowords.html Freedom Isn't Free!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/freedom.html Angel Wing Decoys!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/angel.html War Pics: Humor 4!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/humor4.html Ray's Freedom Rock 2!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/freedomrock2.html Proud Of Our Troops 7!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/troops7.html Chevy: American Pride!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/chevypride.html USS New York LPD-21 Tribute!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ussny.html Why Trump? http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/whytrump.html -<>- >Please Visit This Link to Get New Traffic For Shangrala :) Fun Pages http://www.funpageexchange.com/go.php?uid=3559 -<>- >Follow Me On StumbleUpon: http://tinyurl.com/jy5368p -<>- >In The News: AFA: Absolutely No Absolutes in the New America In America today, open sacrilege is the norm, especially in popular culture. We think we can make up our own truth instead of submitting to the truth of Scripture. This mindset is a path to destruction. http://www.afa.net/ It took just one question for famous actor Gary Sinise to destroy Obama - awesome! http://tinyurl.com/jpprqlk An Email from Gary Sinise for this Memorial Day http://tinyurl.com/zrttn23 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Magician Hans Klok and the 'Divas of Magic' break a new record, performing 15 illusions in 5 minutes at the French TV show "The World's Greatest Cabaret.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BCJhRfwylSI Tsetseglen Odgerel from Mongolia with a beautiful performance of amazing flexibility and graceful movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19KsavjatHQ&feature=player_embedded 30 Classical Pieces we should all know https://www.youtube.com/embed/?list=PLsCWuacPiZHXd6f7_GOh75RRuq7u9i4qM&autoplay=1 --- ...Wow! Love these! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- >From Our Friend Geniann :) Shadow Puppets - Amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAQxNVQF_I0 Truly a great and factual story of a real American Patriot. Totally under the Radar Baseball and WWII - Mo Berg http://www.aish.com/ci/s/Baseball-Player--Spy.html --- ...Awesome! Thanks Geniann! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From Laugh And Lift: _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` >Guidance (Author Unknown) When I thought about the word guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person relaxes and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word guidance. When I saw "G," I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i." God, "u" and "I" dance. God, you and I dance. This statement is what guidance means to me. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Nobody Needs Your Religion (By Stan Buckley) [Edited] Nobody needs your religion. It's true. Nobody needs your religion. Nobody. And they never have. The people of Jesus' day did not need any more religion. There was plenty around but it wasn't what they needed. The blind and the deaf and the sinful and the leprous and the demon-possessed and the crippled and the prostitutes and the swindlers - the outcasts of society - did not need man's religion. Becoming religious would not have given them sight or hearing or forgiveness or clean bodies or sanity or working legs or a new life or a second chance. If they had only become religious, they would have been merely blind people who were religious, deaf people who were religious, sinful people who were religious, leprous people who were religious, demon-possessed people who were religious, crippled people who were religious, prostitutes who were religious, swindlers who were religious. They didn't need religion. They needed Jesus. They needed His presence and His power and His love. They needed Him. And when they experienced Him, everything changed. How often today do we Christ-followers offer our religion to a hurting and hopeless world? We offer them our organization and our morals and our culture and our way of doing things. We offer them our traditions and our songs and our styles. We offer them our denominations and our organizational charts and our complexities and our list of religious things to do and to not do. And some of them accept our offer. But at the end of the day they are still blind and deaf and sinful and leprous and demon- possessed and crippled. What if, instead of offering our religion, we offered them Jesus? What if we introduced them to the One who could give them sight and hearing and forgiveness? What if we introduced them to the One who could give them the abundant life today and eternal life that begins now and goes forever? It seems that the offer of Jesus would be so much more valuable, infinitely more valuable, than the offer of our religion: you know, our rules made by men; our organizations; our stones tied around the necks of lost and hopeless people. And what if they embraced Jesus and after that we still refused to entangle them in our religion? What if, instead of trying to turn them into good religious people, we just kept teaching them about Jesus? What if we helped them to become not better religious people but better disciples of this Jesus Christ? What if this Jesus was the primary topic of conversation in our churches and our small groups and our Bible studies and all of our religious gatherings, both formal and informal? What if we talked more about this Jesus than we talked about our religion, our organizations, our denominations, our structures, our power struggles, who we are for and who we are against, and all the other things that, if we were finally honest, we would admit take up the vast majority of our time and our energy and our conversations, but have little or nothing to do with Jesus Christ? It's true. Nobody needs your religion. But they sure could use your Jesus. SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com =============================================================== <*****> ."^". ,;;;, ."^". {.'^'.\//a a\\/.'^'.} {{ (( L )) }} {{ \ = / }} {{ .-'\`-`/'-. }} {{ / \_/ \ }} {{ / \ }} {{/ /| |\ \}} {| | | | | |} {\___| >===;=< |___/} {{(_/ | : | \_)}} {{ _/| : |\_ }} {{ _/ | : | \_ }} jgs {{/ | : | \}} `-` | : | `-` | : | | : | | : | |___:_| (_/ \_) >Doctor Tim Story Editor: by The Patient Joyce Schowalter USA Over 25 years ago a friend recommended a doctor to me. The doctor had a private practice and his office was nearby. Best of all, he favored "preventive and natural medicine", important to me as I seem to be allergic to half the substances known to mankind. Foods, chemicals, dyes, you name it, I'm allergic. I appreciated he was a small business owner, being one myself. I didn't have insurance, because one month of insurance cost more than I usually spent in three years at the doctor. (Even 25 years ago, policies for one person were extremely expensive.) So I went to see Doctor Tim. He was a great guy, very helpful, very respectful. Afterwards, the gal at the front desk printed out a bill for $80. As I was writing my check, Doctor Tim came up, took the bill, drew a line across it, and wrote in "$60.00". I was floored. "Look, he said, "If we bill an insurance company, it takes an incredible amount of our time, energy and money. Insurance companies don't pay the full amount of the bill, and it takes a long time for us to be paid. People who pay in the moment deserve to pay less, it's still better for us." "Wow, thanks!" I replied. Years later, Doc Tim joined a big medical business in my metro area, in charge of one of their offices. At that big business, still uninsured, I had to pay full price. Then one day the front desk clerk said, "If you're paying today, self-insured, there's 20 percent off your bill." Amazing. Next time I told Doc Tim, "Great news on the 20 percent off!" He said, "Let me tell you a story about that. "I went to meetings for two years, saying that I thought our self-insured customers deserved this. People finally agreed. But the computer guys said they had to change the system to accommodate it. Next meeting, same conversation. "Finally, after two years, I sent a bill out front with the instructions, 'Take 20 percent off, patient is self-pay." The front desk did just that. Soon my phone lit up with the billing department, 'Why did you do this?' "I told them I did it because they'd been talking about it for years, plenty of time to get it done, and I was going to continue. Within *one month*, the 20 percent off was in the computers, system-wide, for all our locations." Needless to say, my jaw dropped. One person, one conviction to do what was right, thousands of patients paying a more "fair" rate, probably still more money than insurance companies paid. Imagine how many people, how many families that would help over the years. It's probably been 10 years. I still don't see the doctor often. But when I do, there's 20 percent off my bill. On my behalf, and the thousands of people who don't know the story: Thank you, Doctor Tim. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Our Friend Fran :) , _/ \_ _,--. < , > .-'.' /(/.\ .' .' .""". `/ ` / / / \ /) ; ; ,_.;._ _;-'}/ | | '. )( /' | | /'-._/\_.-' ; ; \_.' \ , \ \ / | _.'/ '. `'-\ /.-/.;,\ '-._ `"""""`_.|`"""`| jgs `"("\/")` |# | \(_/ `-...-' >Never Look Down On Someone Unless You Are Helping Him Up My jobs took me to all parts of the country and I saw many homeless. After awhile I could tell who were there because of drugs or drink or just circumstances. Some are there because of things that happened in their lives they could not or did not know how to handle. Many were Vets from the Viet Nam War who, for one reason or another, did not fit into the main stream America – or just felt they did not fit in. They suffered many horrors they could not get out of their heads. Even those homeless who were addicted to drugs or alcohol would sometimes get “hungry” for someone to talk to. Some had jobs but could not afford rent. In my 15 months working as a senior engineer in San Francisco in 1995 and 1996, I was on the streets several times a week, measuring and fielding locations for new cable or conduit systems for Teleport Communications Group, and I really got to “know” a lot of these men. I would say hello to them and buy the newspaper they sold that was put out for the homeless to earn enough for the next meal (or drinks or drug). They would walk with me, talk to me and also “hungry” to be treated with respect and friendliness. I would joke with them. One fellow who had really grimy hair and clothes, (he smelled awful too) had one beautiful earring that was about an inch and a half long. I always used to comment to him about how jealous I was because I didn’t have one as pretty. After knowing this man for several months, he offered it to me. I refused of course telling him that I always wore two earrings that matched, otherwise I would love to have it. I could tell this made him proud. I would always try to find something good about each of them and compliment them. Sometimes it was their humor, sometimes, even though their hair was filthy, I would tell them they had a good head of hair. One man started taking care of his hair and bought a comb after I told him he had nice hair. Some had pretty eyes, some were educated, I could tell. Sometimes I would have to really look hard, but I was always able to find the good even though it was buried just a little deep in some of them. Once I was measuring the distance between manholes that were located in the streets. I would walk on the sidewalk, line them up, and use my “wheel” to measure to the next manhole. I had four of my homeless “friends” walking with me when we came to an intersection where there were several manholes and I could not tell which one was the one I was looking for. There was one from PacBell, one from the power company and two others. They all look alike from a distance so I would have to go into the intersection to make sure I would measure to the right one. I left my wheel on the sidewalk and asked one to watch it while I went into the street. I told him not to move it because it would change the footage. By the time I explained this to him, the other three were in the middle of the intersection stopping traffic in all directions so I could go into the street. If anyone has ever driven in downtown San Francisco you know this created a major problems. Traffic was piling up in all directions. I backed off and told the guys I knew which one it was and moved out of the street to my wheel which I lined up with one of the manholes and wrote down a measurement. These men were having a ball, happy and hollering, stopping traffic in all four directions. Probably the most fun they had in years. I was afraid the cops would come and arrest me. After I convinced them to come back on the sidewalk and let the cars move, I said that was the last of the fielding I had to do that day. (I went back later and re-fielded, making sure none of the four saw me.) I then bought a newspaper from one of them then we went to the nearest McDonalds and I bought them all the All American Deal, which at that time was a cheeseburger, fries and a coke for $1.99. Of course I had them wait outside sitting on the curb. They were shabby and most people would probably shun them but, You know. They treated me with respect and they ”helped me do my job.” Maybe it was because I treated them with respect. I would buy inexpensive food if I ran into one of them and he looked hungry. The All American from McDonalds was filling and cheap. I never gave any of them money but, like I said I would purchase the newspapers put out for the homeless to sell. Those papers were only printed in San Francisco as far as I know. I accepted a job in Town and Country Missouri and left San Francisco. I was at a Burger King in St. Louis and a guy about 50 walked in and you could tell he was from the streets. It was cold outside and he bought a small coffee. I watched him count his change and thought if he had more money he would have bought the larger coffee, I knew he was in there to warm up – it was winter. After I finished my hamburger with fries I went back to the counter and asked for the number one, which I think was the Whopper, fries and coke and also a large coffee, I paid and when it was ready, I took it over and put it in front of him and said, “Have a nice day.” You would have to be there to define the look on his face. I felt good all day. When I hear about or see a homeless person it reminds me of these guys. I saw them all over the country: in Albuquerque I bought hamburgers for two of them; in St Louis I used to get a discount at the Chinese place after I told him what I wanted the “To-go’s” for. In Texas there were many – in Colorado, Arizona and yes ... I am still doing it in Florida. Many may think that I am stupid, but I feel I am just another one of God’s children and maybe it is the one type of compassion he blessed me with, or perhaps it is a test, if so, I hope I passed. I only weigh 105 and I am 5 foot 2 inches tall, so I could not fight my way out of a paper bag. Fortunately, I never needed to. I was always thanked and treated with respect, because I treated them with respect – not revulsion, not fear. To get, you have to give. I am retired now and occasionally run into some “down ‘n outer”, I always smile and say, “Hi how you doing?” Sometimes I invite them for fries and a hamburger if there is a place within walking distance. By the way, these “gents”, if I may use the word loosely, come in all colors and sizes. And in 2016, there are now women I am helping, some homeless with children who lives in their car. So sad. I am glad that God has put me on this mission. Written by Frances Booth 2003, but still helping them in 2016 --- ...A most beautiful story! Thank you for sharing with us Fran! ========================================================== >-->From Kidwarmers: .-"""-. , (_ _ \ /| ____ _ )= `) ) ,"";, |(| ()___>===(()====( ( (//``;\\ (| ||~\__ `) ( ) ;|| || `==\--`.-; ;|| \\ / |`-._, ;\\ , `---;` / `._`\\ ,/| >~~~~`._ `"` |(| / ' `""---.....___ (| | '. ' _ . ``\ \ '-. '- . _ / \ '. - ._`\ '. '. '-.. _/ jgs '._ - ._ _/ `-..__ .-'` `"'""` >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY Ella, 4, was at her aunt's house. They started watching the movie "The Wizard of Oz." Her aunt asked her if she knew what the lion got from the wizard. Ella couldn't remember. But she did remember that the tin man got a heart and the scarecrow got a brain. As they continued to watch the movie, Ella said, "I think I know what the lion gets. I think he gets cabbage. Yep, that's what he gets, he gets cabbage!" -- Polly (mother of Ella) of Huntertown, Indiana Dart has been approved to adopt (one more time!) and she recently met two adorable bi-racial twin boys who are available. Dart was telling her daughters Waverly, 10, and Amberlyn, 4, about the boys. She explained that they are half black, half white and they look so identical "Mommy could only tell them apart by the clothes they were wearing. Amberlyn said, "Well, which one is black and which one is white, Mommy?" -- Dart of San Diego, California Louise took her niece Leah, 3, to Pizza Hut for a lunch buffet. Leah loves salads and Louise fixed her one. Leah was enjoying her salad and pizza when she took a bite of her onion from her salad. She laid it on her plate and said, "Aunt Louise, I have got to let it cool for a few minutes. It's too hot to eat right now!" -- Louise of Virginia -=====- -=====- _..._ _..._ .~ `~. .~` ~. ,_ / } { \ _, ,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/ \~~`'._ / ,--'/_, \'--,_`{_,} -( )- {,_}`_,--'/ '.`-.`\;--,___.'_ _'.___,--;/`.-`.' '._`/ |_ _{@} {@}_ _| \`_.' / ` |-';/ _ \;'-| ` \ / \ / | _ {@}_ | \ / \ / '--;_ _ {@} _Y{@} _;--' \ _\ `\ {@}\Y/_{@} Y/ /` /_ / |`-.___. / \Y/\|{@}Y/\|// \ .___,-'| \ ^^jgs^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`--`'------`--`^^^^^ Charlie, 12, is over 6 feet tall and already wears a size 12 shoe. Their class had a pool party and the teacher actually taught Charlie to swim. Anna was relating this on the phone to a classmate who had been absent and she said, "It's kind of funny that he didn't know how to swim since he has built-in flippers." -- Debbi Armstrong (mother of Anna) of Orlando, Florida Kara, 8, spent the night at her grandparents' house. In the morning their "Nana" asked Kara if she slept well and Kara replied, "Yeah, I did because you sounded like a fan (from her snoring)!" -- Tausha Mason (mother of Kara and Hannah) of Kendallville, Indiana Here's another one from Tausha. The other day Tausha was frying some fish and before she knew it the kitchen had filled up with smoke. Hannah, 4, walked into the kitchen and yelled, "HEY, EVERYBODY... WE NEED TO DROP AND CRAWL...THERE'S SMOKE IN THE KITCHEN!" On waking up the morning of his 5th birthday Logan looked himself up and down and said, "I don't look any different for being 5." -- Pat Bush (Logan's daycare provider) of Colorado Springs, Colorado __ {\ <__> {\ \ _)( _ { ~\ \ _______ //|! _.-'| {* \ \ <:<:<:>:> //||! | | { ~ * \ \(((//^^\ //|||! | () {* ~ \((((/ e e //||||! () { * ~ * |))))c o ) //|||||! {* * ////'_/~` //||||||! {~ * (((( `.`\ //|||||||! _ `{.~ ~ )))`\ \))_.-||||||! |`-._ _. `{ ~ *(() `\_.-'`|||||||! | | |=' `{.__.* `-*. ||||||||||! () | | .* ~ *.||||||||||! () () .*. * ~ *.|||||||||! .* . . *.||||||||! .* ~ * *.|||||||! .* * ~ *.\|||||! jgs .* ~ . *. `\|||! .* * . ~ * ~ *. :~~: ..* ~ * ~ *. .::::::. ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* .::::::::::. Joe, 4, had been riding a bicycle without training wheels for a while and he wanted more excitement. So he hopped on his older brother's bicycle. That adventure resulted in a broken leg. Due to the size of his cast, he had difficulty going to the bathroom. A friend who is a nurse suggested Joe use a urinal. His mother explained the urinal to him. They next day Joe, who was getting used to being waited on hand and foot, called to his mom, "Mom, I need to use the FUNERAL!" -- Nancy Crager ("Nana") of Corunna, Indiana Dillon was watching his mother nurse his younger sibling. He sidled up to her and quietly asked, "Is dat pop in dere?" His mom told him, no, it was milk. He stood for a couple minutes longer, thinking and then asked her again, "Is dah other one chocolate?" -- Donna M. Johnson (neighbor of Dillon's family) of Ashby, Minnesota Brooke, 3, was excited because she was going to her grandmother's house after her baby cousin's baptism. She told her grandmother they were going to church "because Delaney is going to get appetized!" -- Bev Goshorn (grandmother of Brooke) of Shelby, Iowa Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference http://www.funnykids.com as the source. ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) ­­ ­_ (_) |_________________________________________ |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| | * * * * *| | |* * * * * |##########################| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |#########################################| | | |#########################################| | | |###################################JGS###| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | | >GOING TO THE GONE A checklist for Memorial Day by Greg Asimakoupoulos Go look in on your children still asleep within their bed. Remind yourself they're safe and warm because of some long dead. Go for a walk through cemeteries lined with little flags. Take time to ponder homebound heroes flown in body bags. Go stand between those granite stones engraved with names and dates. Imagine all who died defending our United States. Go on and kneel beside a marker offering a prayer with gratitude for those who gave their lives defeating terror. Go home and count your blessings from the hands of those now gone. Then vow to the Almighty that their mem'ry will live on. --- ...Excellent! Thank you LouiseAu! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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