Happy Blessed Easter Weekend... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To ShangralaFamilyFun.com The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ ,_ ,_ (\/) _, _, | '. '. \/ .' .' | \ \ \ / / / '.__\_|_ _|_/__.' /` '. .' `\ / ^ ) ( ^ \ / __.' '.__ \ .' (_ _) '. .' \'-._ _.-'/ '. / '.__)(__.' \ ; .-. '. .' .-. ; /`| / '._)(_.' \ |`\ | \ /--. .--\ / | '--'\ '-.__) (__.-' /'--' jgs )_____) (______( *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ *~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._ __, ,___) ______) ,_) (--|__| _, _ _ (--|__ _, ,-|-_ ,_ _| |(_||_)|_)(_| _|___(_|/_)|(/_| ( | | ,_| ( *~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This flaming new page is from our friends Bunni and Deci. If you are unaware of this natural phenomenon, it will astound you. Either way, this new page is sure to delight you with plenty of eye candy for your day. Be sure to check this one out here... __________________________ |.-----------..-----------.| || || || || || || || || || || || || ||_ || || || '. || || |||\ \ || || ||;_\_;______||___________|| ||--,-.------..-----------.| || \| | _.||"'--. || ||\ | | _." .||-"_) `) || ||_) `" .-.|| __.-' || || ( ||` || || ' . | || || || () \ || .-. || ||\/_ | _||' _;\ || ||_`_____/_'_||____/______|| '---------------------jgs--' Amazing Light Pillars http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lightpillars.html --- ...Most beautiful! Thank you my friends! A NOTE: Please Pray For Bunni that God will bless and heal her over her issues with a low blood count through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bunni Updated me... Thanks so much. Got some blood and feeling better today. Just having problems with doctor now. He Never did call back so you don't know which way to go. Had to go to the emergency room to get the blood last night. Sometimes I think doctors are really incompetent for anyone that needs anything more than a three month checkup. Thanks for you prayers. Much appreciated. Hugs..... Bunni =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: "There are only two kinds of people on earth today Two kinds of people, no more I say. Not the rich and the poor, for to know a man's wealth You must first know the state of his conscience and health, Not the happy and sad, for in life's passing years, Each has his laughter and each has his tears. No, the two kinds of people on earth I mean Are the people who lift and the people who lean." -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox | \ _ / -= (_) =- / \ _\/_ | //o\ _\/_ _ ___ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ | __/o\\ _ =-=-_=-=-_=-=_=-_=_=-_=-_-_=_=-= _=_=-=_,-'|"'""-|-,_ =- _=-=-_=- _=-= _--_ =-= -_=-=_-=_,-" | =- =- =-= =- = - -===- -= -= ." jgs >KEEPER OF THE SPRING The late Peter Marshall was an eloquent speaker and for several years served as the chaplain of the US Senate. He used to love to tell the story of the "Keeper of the Spring," a quiet forest dweller who lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern slope of the Alps. The old gentleman had been hired many years earlier by a young town councilman to clear away the debris from the pools of water up in the mountain crevices that fed the lovely spring flowing through their town. With faithful, silent regularity, he patrolled the hills, removed the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt that would otherwise have choked and contaminated the fresh flow of water. The village soon became a popular attraction for vacationers. Graceful swans floated along the crystal clear spring, the mill wheels of various businesses located near the water turned day and night, farmlands were naturally irrigated, and the view from restaurants was picturesque beyond description. Years passed. One evening the town council met for its semiannual meeting. As they reviewed the budget, one man's eye caught the salary figure being paid the obscure keeper of the spring. Said the keeper of the purse, "Who is the old man? Why do we keep him on year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know, the strange ranger of the hills is doing us no good. He isn't necessary any longer." By a unanimous vote, they dispensed with the old man's services. For several weeks, nothing changed. By early autumn, the trees began to shed their leaves. Small branches snapped of and fell into the pools, hindering the rushing flow of sparkling water. One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring. A few days later, the water was much darker. Within another week, a slimy film covered sections of the water along the banks, and a foul odor was soon detected. The mill wheels moved more slowly, some finally ground to a halt. Swans left, as did the tourists. Clammy fingers of disease and sickness reached deeply into the village. Quickly, the embarrassed council called a special meeting. Realizing their gross error in judgment, they rehired the old keeper of the spring, and within a few weeks, the veritable river of life began to clear up. The wheels started to turn, and new life returned to the hamlet in the Alps. Never become discouraged with the seeming smallness of your task, job, or life. Cling fast to the words of Edward Everett Hale, "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do." The key to accomplishment is believing that what you can do will make a difference. -------------------------- "The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances." -- Robert Flatt _, __.=""=._/'/`-,' `"=.__, ( ,"==" ; `=, `^`^`^"`', ; jgs '; ( `` >NEW LIFE AT EASTER TIME by Diane Dean White Years ago at a car show, surrounded with all kinds of booths offering an array of items for sale, my eyes fell upon a variety of unique birdhouses. They were actually too cute to use, and I suspected they were more for decoration purposes. The house was made out of a fine polished wood with a license plate that fit over the top as a roof. I sought out the year of my high school graduation and the fact that it was a Michigan plate made it perfect! We hung it in sheltered areas where we could enjoy it and visitors would see the unique craftsmanship of this decorative birdhouse. A few years later when we moved from Michigan to South Carolina, we hung it outside our front door where guests would notice it. The birds, however, just flew by it! Recently, I heard some chirping outside the window near the area where I work on my computer, and I noticed a bird, possibly a finch that kept flying around the decorative bird house with the Michigan license plate. I listened as she sang and fluttered, and I continue to do my computer work. A little over a week later I was again working at my computer and my hubby and I heard another sound. We heard little peeps and the sounds of baby birds! I was amazed to think that this decorative birdhouse was actually being used for that purpose. I tried to get a good picture of the mother at feeding time, but the hole into the house was no bigger than my thumb, and I could not imagine ever seeing more than the feathers. One afternoon we heard a number of little birds calling for their dinner. My husband stood at the front door, with camera in hand and through the glass inside was able to capture the Mother guarding her babies. I'm going to be watching for the day that the Mother bird takes her continued role, and pushes them out to learn to fly, in order to allow them to go on their own. As the sounds of Spring are in the air and this precious guest and her babes are outside our window, I started thinking about another Mother and her role in life, and how as a young woman she was told she would give birth to the King of Kings. She was obedient to God and Christ was born of a virgin in a meager cave surrounded by animals. When He was a young man, his Mother Mary, had to allow him to do his own thing, and let go. Thinking that He was lost in a crowd one day she found him teaching at a temple and when she questioned what he was doing, he told her he was doing his Father's business. Although quite young, she had to let go. His 33 years of life on earth was consumed with teaching, preaching and miracles. On a dark Friday, the babe born to Mary gave the world His greatest gift. He was taken by Roman soldiers to a wooden cross, where he was nailed and tortured, spit upon and left to die; and yet spoke these words, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Friday was a dark day, a day of weeping for Christ's followers, but on Sunday morning, the sun shone and the tomb that was sealed was open and His body was gone. Christ ascended into heaven and all who doubted would believe. Just like the Mother bird who looks after her babies allowing them to be on their own, Mary had to allow Jesus to do what God ordained, letting Him go. We celebrate His resurrection and new life on Easter Sunday. Come to think of it, it was just about that time that those little birds left the nest! Happy Easter! -- Diane Dean White __________________________________________________ Diane is a published author of two books and many short stories and articles in various magazines and books. She and her husband are the parents of three grown children and three grand gals. They make their home in the sunshine state of Florida where Diane continues her writing. You may visit her website at: http://www.dianedeanwhite.com __________________________________________________ .-.*_, {*(,\}/___ .-"-, `;)@\*|" `", _.' \ '((/; | .-' | *;-.=-=-=._ .;-, | __;____..---/' -,\ ; .--';`_ __.-'` _/ / / `;---'__0 \ .' | / (__) \ _.' _.-,_ { |-'` ({\*,;) \,'-`-' /' /*(@-'}) ___",_ __ __,;`.--, \_,'-;}`.' `'."".,---.._, ) / _`) |`----'`( (= /`-._ / ', \ =";`--'\ '=. /| ()() | | /` / |\ '. ` | ()@()* | ,_/.=\ .; | | '. /-' -##@() \ || '--'/| \ \ \`-` ##)@() '.||_,.--'/ / / ) |/ *`(\A/)() || { |.'.| /_.'./ .-.* { >*< }*) |/ { | (\A/) @(/V\)()@() /{ \___{ >*< }()()##()()*{ { \ / ###(/V\)()@()(####\) | `--.. ,' #########()()##### { / <><><><><><><><><> \ | | ; \ / jgs \ | / _.-'` { `-. .' } .`\ `.-' _.-'`'-._ \' `"""` `""""` >EASTER JOKES FOR YOUR FAMILY Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end. Is it true that bunnies have good eyesight? Well you never see a bunny wearing glasses, do you? What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit $20 bill? One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny! Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken! Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered? Because he was eggo-centric! Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has four rabbits' feet. What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion? A bunion. What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force. What do you call a bunny with a large brain? Egghead! What does a bunny use when it goes swimming? A hare-net. What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit? Cheer up! How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter? Hoppy Easter =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend John-Paul :) ______ '-._ ```"""---.._ ,-----.:___ `\ ,;;;, '-.._ ```"""--.._ |,%%%%%% _ , '. `\;;;; -\ _ _.'/\ .' `-.__ \ ,;;;;" .__{=====/_)==:_ || ,===/ ```";,,,,,,,;;;;;'`-./.____,'/ / '.\/ '---/ ';;;;;;;;' `--.._.' / ,===/ '-. `\/ '---/ ,'`. | ; __.-' \ ,' jgs \______,,.....------'''`` `---` My Song to You---- >I'm Going To Go Walking On The Clouds With Jesus It got quiet in Heaven Then Jesus looked around He caught the eye of HIS Heavenly Father About the time He heard the Trumpet sound. With a nod of His head Jesus said I know exactly what YOU want me to do I'm going to go down to Earth below, and bring back those belonging to YOU. Then Jesus mounted HIS GREAT WHITE HORSE, and THUNDERED through the Sky TEN THOUSAND Angels spread their wings As they begin to fly With a GREAT and POWERFUL MIGHTY NOISE HE will appear in the Eastern Sky I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS In the Great bye and bye YES!, I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS, in the Great by and by I`m on the way to meet my Savior up yonder in the sky I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS Would YOU like to come along with me? we`ll be on our way to Our HOME in GLORY Where Our Souls Longs To Be Now, OUR SOULS will be quickened by the HOLY GHOST, And the Dead in CHRIST WILL RISE, Every knee SHALL BOW, Ever tongue CONFESS, As we look into our SAVIOR'S EYES. This old corruptible body will be made brand new, In The Twinkling of An Eye And GLORY HALLELUJAH, We'll meet Jesus In the Sky YES!, I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS, in the Great by and by I`m on the way to meet my Savior up yonder in the sky I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS Would YOU like to come along with me? we`ll be on our way to Our HOME in GLORY Where Our Souls Longs To Be Well, We been on our knees, and we've prayed through, And received The HOLY GHOST We'll be singing with new Heavenly TONGUES, As we walk along, Among the Heavenly Host. my feet are dancing, my body is light, This old World can't hold me down, SO EVEN COME NOW LORD JESUS, AND WE'LL BE HOMEWARD BOUND. YES, I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS in the Great by and by I`m on the way to meet my Savior up yonder in the sky I'M GOING TO GO WALKING ON THE CLOUDS WITH JESUS Would YOU like to come along with me? we`ll be on our way to Our HOME in GLORY Where Our Souls Longs To Be John-Paul Wood --- ...So sweet! Thanks John-Paul! Why He gave His life for us so we could be with Him and God our Father. John 17: [3] And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: , , , , , <(__)> | | | | \/ | \_|_/ \^ ^/ | /\--/\ /| jgs / \/ \/ | >THE CONVENTION --(author unknown)-- Once upon a time, Satan called a worldwide strategy convention of his evil demons. In his opening address to his evil angels, he said, "We can't keep the Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles & knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from having conservative values. But we can do something else. We can keep them from forming an intimate, abiding relationship experience in Christ. If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So let them go to church, let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, energy and focus so they can't gain that experience in Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do, evil ones. Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!" "How shall we do this?", shouted his angels. "Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent un-numbered schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, then, borrow, borrow, borrow. Convince the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6 or 7 days a week, 10-12 hrs. a day, so they can afford their opulent lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children and passing on their faith and Christian values to them. And soon, as their family fragments, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work, and we can deceive their children however we like in school. Over-stimulate their minds with useless concerns so that they cannot hear that still small voice of God. Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive, to keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their homes. This will take away time they may have used to pray. And see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical mind-numbing background music constantly. This will pre-occupy their minds and break that union with Christ." "Fill their coffee tables with worldly magazines & newspapers. Pound their minds with worldly news 24 hrs. a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services, and false hopes." "Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their vacations exhausted, disquieted & unprepared for the coming week. Don't let them go out into nature to reflect on God's wonders. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts & movies instead. Keep pounding them with the lie about evolution, so they will doubt the fact that God created all of this. And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk, and see to it that they avoid praying and reading their Bibles, so that they leave unfulfilled with troubled consciences and unsettled emotions. "Let them be involved in soul-winning. But crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Christ. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family unity for the good of the cause." It was quite a convention in the end. And the evil angels went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busy, busy, busy & rush here & there. Has the devil been successful at his scheme? You be the judge. ---- THE NIGHT THE EARTH STOOD STILL http://poetrybyginny.com/NIGHTTHEEARTHSTOODSTILL.htm ANGELOH Don't say you're not important http://www.angel9oh7.com/ukndontsay.html -<>- .-------. |(~\o/~)| _.||\/X\/||._ ,-" || \ / || "-, ,' () ||o X o|| () ', / () ,-|| / \ ||-, () \ : o ,' ||/\X/\|| ', o ; .----------._).-.-.(_.----------. |\/)~~(\/\ o ( ) o /\/)~~(\/| |(X () X) .-.\ : /.-. (X () X)| |/\)__(/\/( .`:`. )\/\)__(/\| '----------( /|\ )----------' ; o ', |"` | `"| ,' o ; \ () '-| /o\ |-' () / ', () |(~\ /~)| () ,' '-._ ||\/X\/|| _.-' '|| \ / ||' || X || ||\(/\/|| ||=)O(=|| ||/\/)\|| || X || || / \ || ||/\X/\|| jgs |(_/o\_)| '._____.' >Springtime At Last Warm spring days, oh how I can remember springs as a child. The excitement of spring break and knowing school would soon be out and summer was on the way. Along with summer I always looked forward to all my aunts, uncles and cousins coming home for vacation to visit all the family. There would be so many of us that the kids would camp out on the floor on pallets because we didn't have enough beds for all of us. This was a thrilling time for me because I was an only child and I really enjoyed all the cousins and the fun we had together. I can remember us all gathering at my Aunt Bertha's with all kinds of food to eat. The grown-ups would get into clusters, the men outside underneath the shade trees visiting and telling stories about fishing, hunting or something funny that happened at work. While, the women would gather in the kitchen, and try to catch up on all the gossip of friends and family here and in Indiana (a lot of the family lived in Wabash, Ind.). I enjoyed the evenings most because by then they would all gather outside, with tall glasses of ice tea and tell stories of when they were all kids or sometimes see who could tell the tallest tale. All of us kids would always beg for them to tell ghost stories about the old home place, or the church and cemetery that was just down the road from the old family farm. When we got bored with the adults, we would catch lightning bugs or play hide and seek or tag in the dark. Sometimes we would climb the old apple trees or sit under them in the back yard and make up scary stories of our own. But one Sunday when I was about seven-years-old, stands out in my mind. We were all gathered at grandpa's farm. It was a beautiful warm early summer day and all of us kids decided to go down to the creek and play. Now I was an only child, and mom and dad were very protective of me. But that didn't always stop me from doing things. So this particular day I slipped off with the group and we were having a great time, catching frogs and we had a contest seeing how far each of us could jump across the creek. We also were jumping on the rocks in the creek, trying not to fall in. When one of my cousins, Bryan, decided he would give me a little help jumping from rock to rock, he gave me a push. Not to be out-done I pushed him back and before I knew it, I slipped and fell in the creek. We all laughed and thought it was funny. We started splashing each other with water and had a great water fight. Until Tana, Bryan's sister, said "Pat we're all in trouble. Your mom and dad are going to have a fit, you're all wet from head to toe." It was getting dusk dark out and we had been gone for quite awhile. We just hoped our absences hadn't been noticed yet. So we started trying to figure out how we could get back to the house without being noticed. We hoped to find Aunt Edith or Aunt Ann maybe they could help us get out of this mess we were all in. The boys said they would go up to the house in front of Tana and e, we were the only girls, and see where everyone was. So off we went, with the boys in the lead. We snuck up behind the old smokehouse and the boys went around the house checking on everyone. When they came back, they informed Tana and me, the men were in the front yard and the women were still in the kitchen. That was great, because we weren't very far from the back door and could go straight into the kitchen. But then we were worried where my mom might be. So Tana went in the house alone, and told her mom, aunt Edith, about us playing in the creek and that I was all wet and so were the rest of the kids. Aunt Edith, told Tana to get me in the house and she would send my mom out front with ice tea for the men. So Tana hurried back to me, I was still behind the smokehouse. Tana and I snuck back in the house and aunt Edith was waiting for us. Aunt Edith looked at us and laughed and said, " Pat you look like a drowned rat." About that time Aunt Ann and Mom walked in. Mom took one look at me and laughed. She told me that if Dad seen me like that he would have a fit. So they all decided to iron my clothes dry. Grandpa didn't have a clothes dryer. They wanted to get me dried off as quickly as possible and hoped the men stayed outside a while longer. Tana wasn't as wet because she hadn't fallen in the creek. Everyone got into the act. Mom went to get a towel so I could dry off and dry my hair we didn't have hair dryers then. Aunt Edith got the ironing board and iron out while I went into the pantry to get out of my wet clothes. They decided to wrap me in a blanket until they had my clothes dried. Tana stayed with me in the pantry so, that we wouldn't be seen if the men happened to come in. The women were laughing about us playing in the creek and how funny it was if they could pull this off, and my dad didn't find out. They also hoped I didn't catch a death of cold, since the temperatures had dropped and the evening was cool. Well I managed to get dried off and dressed again, and Tana and I went outside to join the boys. They were sitting around and listening to the men telling stories. The boys had stayed outside, they hadn't gotten as wet, because like Tana they hadn't fallen in the creek. So we sat on the front porch with some of the boys and acted like everything was fine. By the time we went home, my hair was completely dry and as far as I know Mom never told Dad about my little episode in the creek. Tana and I still laugh, about that summer day so many years ago. Pat Wellen fleur@hamiltoncom.net About me I live in a small town in Southern IL. I am a regular writer for Storytime Tapestry. I have also done some writing for Betty King's web site "Moments of Reflections". I have had some poetry published through poetry.com. and I am a local columnist for a newspaper near my home. I enjoy working in my flower gardens, tole painting, writing and singing in the church choir. I am a mother of three grown children and grandmother of four wonderful grandchildren. I enjoy hearing from the readers and you may contact me at fleur@hamiltoncom.net -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: For The Joy That Was Set Before Him! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/joy.html Christ's Life! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesuslife.html Good Easter! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easter.html Just Have Faith!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/faith.html Cost Of A Child!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/costofchild.html A Butterfly's Story! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/butterflystory.html God's Most Beautiful!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/mostbeautiful.html Transparent Butterfly!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/butterfly.html Big Hearts In Nature!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/heartsinnature.html Church Mouse Wisdom!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/churchmouse.html Attitude Is Everything 4!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude4.html I Believe In You!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ibelieveinyou.html Butchart Gardens!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bgardens.html God's Instructions!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/instructions.html Friends And Health!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/friendhealth.html Beautiful Butterflies!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/butterflies.html Playing With Words!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wordplay.html Easy-Does-It Recipes! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easy.html Full Easter Index! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easterindex.html -<>- >Please Visit/Follow Me On StumbleUpon Here: http://tinyurl.com/n33tjmc -<>- From Return To Order: http://www.returntoorder.org/ From Manhattan Digest: http://mailchi.mp/colsoncenter/manhattan-declaration-digest?e=9293d8b9e8 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Mr Bean - Goes on Date -- Mr. Bean hat einen Verabredung http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31A5-ThrllI&feature=player_embedded Clumsy Cats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_teB4ujKzdE&feature=player_embedded --- ...LMAO! These are great! Thanks LouiseAu! How things looked in 1944 and how they look today. Hard to believe 70 years. To get this link to work. Left click, hold and drag you mouse gently from right to left on the original photo and it will become the exact same location today. Repeat the motion to take it back to the original. http://tinyurl.com/jwayvqr --- ...Wowsers! Amazing! Thanks LouiseAu! After a long winter tucked away in their dark den, these polar cubs are ready to see the sunlight. Mama bear leads the way as they venture out into the world. This clip from Planet Earth gives us a peek at the polar bear life cycle. Watch as they slip and slide down the slopes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JD_P2J24g --- ...So Adorable! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== \ | / -- * -- / | \ /') ./') ('\. ('\ /' /.--''./'') (''\.''--.\ '\ :--'' ; ''./'') (''\.'' ; ''--: : ' ''./') ('\.'' ' : : ''./' '\.'' : :--''-..--'''' ''''--..-''--: dp >Smiles and Extended Hands Story Editor: by Tim Miller Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA It was a tumultuous time. In 1986 I was an American living in Cairo, Egypt. America had just bombed Gaddafi's tent compound in Libya, and Gaddafi had issued a death threat to all Americans in the region. Internal strife in Egypt was building, too, from changes initiated by Hosni Mubarak after Anwar Sadat's assassination. Next, the Egyptian military police rioted and burned down the Holiday Inn complex by the Giza Pyramids. In spite of the unrest, I still felt safe walking the Egyptian streets. But after the bombing and riots, it seemed more and more folks stared or frowned at me. Maybe they assumed I was an American who thought I was somehow "better off" than they were. Probably my self-conscious expression didn't help. At dusk one evening, I headed along a dimly lit sidewalk towards a local grocery. Cairo sidewalks were always lined with Egyptian men -- socializing, sharing cigarettes, and talking of the day's events. This night, it seemed as if their mood and conversational tone changed just as I approached. I felt negatively judged. Worried, I avoided eye contact and looked away as I quickened my pace towards the grocery. Then, wham! I slammed face-first into the sidewalk. I was so busy *not* looking I missed a step. I was immediately surrounded by several men. Being used to city streets in America, I must admit my first thought was they were going to take my wallet. Then I realized they were just lifting me up to set me back up on my feet. They brushed me off, straightened my clothes and asked if I was hurt. I said I was fine, smiled at everyone and shook their hands to thank them for their help. I suddenly realized these men were all smiling back. In fact, as I turned to see other men, women, and children along the sidewalk, they too smiled and asked if I was OK. I smiled, nodded, thanked everyone for the help and concern, and headed on. But now, something was different. Everywhere I went, every Egyptian was smiling. In fact, I couldn't find stares or frowns anywhere. For the first time, I felt not a foreigner in a foreign land, but rather a friend among friends. I suddenly felt at home, though over 8,000 miles from my family. That night the Egyptians showed me what humanity really is. In spite of regional political and economic upheaval, they refused to judge me because I was an American. Their reaching out to me with helping hands and smiles made me realize that maybe they were "better off" than I was. That night, I learned that a smile is an important gesture in our universal language, a simple act of kindness that transcends cultural and language barriers. Today I'm so very thankful for that brief moment in time. A moment where a simple smile enabled an Arab and an American to understand each other, and where I came away a changed man. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From LaughAndLift: ,,, _,_ _@_ _(_ _?_ >*< _/. .\_ _/- -\_ _/, ,\_ _/' '\_ _/a a\_ _/. .\_ (.\_o_/.) (.\_-_/.) (,\_e_/') (.\_^_/.) (.\_~_/') (.\_c_/.) (.`,.`'.') (.`,.'.'.) (.`'.,'.') ('.,'.`'.) (.'.,'.`.) (.,'.,'',) ('.`,'`,) ('.`,'',) ('.','.`) ('.,'.',) ('.,'.`.) (',.'`.,) ('.`,'`) ('.','`) (.'.,'.) ('.`.,') ('.','') (.'.'.') jgs `--'"` `--'"` `--'"` `--'"' `--'"' `--'"' >Bibs or Aprons? (Author Unknown) "For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:28 I recently visited a fast-growing church in Minnesota to learn from their staff. It was a privilege to witness their passion for doing high quality ministry in Jesus' name. I left with some new insights and renewed passion for the Gospel. One of the phrases that I heard while I was there was, "We want our members to wear aprons, not bibs." Here's what they meant: Bibs are for people who only want to be fed. Bibs are for those who are not yet ready or willing to feed themselves. Bibs are for those who are more interested in being served than in serving. Bibs are for those who insist that the church exists for them and their needs. Bibs are for babes in the faith, those who haven't caught God's vision for the church, or those who are not yet of the faith. Aprons are for those who have a heart to serve others in Jesus' name. Aprons are for those who know that they are the church. Aprons are for those who don't mind getting their hands dirty. Aprons are for those who take the time daily to feed their spiritual hunger. Aprons are for those who are growing in faith, and hunger to help others grow. Church growth consultant, Win Arn, interviewed thousands of Christians in America several years ago and asked them, what they thought the church existed for. Eighty-eight percent said, "The church exists to serve my needs and the needs of my family." In other words, 88% of Christians in America are still wearing bibs. On the night when he was betrayed, just hours before he was crucified, the very Son of God took off his outer garments, wrapped a towel around his waist, and washed his disciples' feet. When he was done he said, "I have just given you an example to follow." In other words, Jesus called his disciples to wear aprons, not bibs. In Matthew, Jesus is recorded as saying, "For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." He also said, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will find it." Jesus calls us to wear aprons, not bibs. Which are you wearing? Bringing It Home: 1. How would you answer the question, "Why does the church exist?" Does your answer reflect your bib or your apron? 2. How can you help others in your Christian community to trade their bib for an apron? 3. If you're not already serving in a ministry in your church, make a commitment to begin this month. Prayer: "Dear God, thank you for feeding me daily with your word. Fill me with your redeeming love. Open my eyes to clearly see the needs of those around me, and then open my hands to serve them. Each day, strengthen me with your Spirit, so that I might choose to wear an apron, not a bib. This I pray in your Son's glorious name, Jesus Christ. Amen." SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com --- ...See Also... Babes In Christ http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/babesinchrist.html ========================================================== ...THE FIRST EASTER BUNNY... by Francine M. O'Connor (ASCII Art by joan stark) __ /^\ .' \ / :.\ This is the story of a long-eared rabbit / \ | :: \ who couldn't learn to do the bunny hop. / /. \ / ::: | His ears were floppy, his feet were sloppy, | |::. \ / :::'/ he'd hippity hop, then he'd trip and plop. | / \::. | / :::'/ `--` \' `~~~ ':'/` / ( So this little rabbit developed the habit / 0 _ 0 \ of staying awake when the sun went down. \/ \_/ \/ He'd stay up all night, -== '.' | '.' ==- till the morning light, and /\ '-^-' /\ practice his hopping just outside of town. \ _ _ / .-`-((\o/))-`-. _ / //^\\ \ _ On the first Easter morn, ."o".( , .:::. , )."o". just before dawn, |o o\\ \:::::/ //o o| He was startled by a bright \ \\ |:::::| // / and blinding light. \ \\__/:::::\__// / And Jesus was there in the \ .:.\ `':::'` /.:. / shimmering glare, \':: |_ _| ::'/ smiling at that funny bunny's plight. jgs `---` `"""""` `---` Don't worry, little lad, and don't be so sad, .-"-. for humankind will celebrate this special day. .'=^=^='. You must bring the word to every beast and bird /=^=^=^=^=\ that I have risen and am in the world to stay. :^= HAPPY =^; |^ EASTER! ^| You should've seen that cottontail hop away, :^=^=^=^=^=^: feeling mighty proud to be the chosen one. \=^=^=^=^=/ Though this story is quite old, it can now be retold `.=^=^=.' to make little children smile on Easter morn. `~~~` >-->From Kidwarmers: .-^-. .'=^=^='. /=^=^=^=^=\ .-~-. :^= HAPPY =^; .'~~*~~'.|^ EASTER! ^| /~~*~~~*~~\^=^=^=^=^=^: :~*~~~*~~~*~;\.-*))`*-,/ |~~~*~~~*~~|/* ((* *'. :~*~~~*~~~*| *)) * *\ \~~*~~~*~~| * ((* * / `.~~*~~.' \ *)) * .' jgs `~~~` '-.((*_.-' >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY Having gone hungry as a child in a Florida orphanage, Roger still does not like wasting food. His granddaughter, Madison, 5, wanted an apple and Roger knew her new tooth was hurting her a little. He explained that if she got the apple she would have to finish it. Roger watched as Madison, with much difficulty, bit at the fruit at various angles trying to finish it. Within 5 minutes the red apple was all white and down to about the size of a lemon. Madi walked up, held out what was left and said, "Papa, I can't eat no more. I got it down to the bone." -- Roger Dean Kiser of Georgia Alyssa, 5, was puzzled when her mother, Kathryn, told her they were going to dye Easter eggs. Alyssa asked, "How are we going to kill the eggs?" Kathryn said they were going to color them. Alyssa asked, "How are we going to kill them with color?" -- Donna Moller (Grammy) of Katy, Texas Lisa was reading a book to Nolan, 4, and little sister Chloe, 1, when he asked what God's mother's name was. Lisa told him that God doesn't have a mother. He answered, "Yes, he does. She gave Cinderella a beautiful dress for the ball." (The fairy god-mother gave her the dress and he heard "God's mother!") -- Lisa Billingsley of Scaly Mountain, North Carolina Max, 6, went bowling with his mother. He was all eyes and ears, and remarked about the loud noise when the balls knocked down the pins. A few days later, it rained, accompanied by thunder. After a few claps of the loud thunder, Max asked, "Is that the angels bowling?" -- Sandi Pound (grandmother of Max) of Lehigh, Florida /`\ / | _.._ | / /` \ | / | .-._ '-"` ( |_/ / e e\ | = @ )= \ '--`/ / ---<` | , \\ | | \\__ / ; |.__)==, (_/.-. ; //"""\\ {` | \_/ ||___|| '-\ / | |(___)| | / | |XXXXX| / \ '-.\XXXXX/ jgs \__|----' `"""` Caylie 8, was spending the night with her Aunt Laura on spring break. Her Aunt Laura was pointing out the night lights in her house to Caylie. She said here is one in the bedroom, one in the hall, one in the kitchen, and one in the bathroom. Caylie added, "And one in your ear!" Aunt Laura had a Bluetooth cell phone in her ear! -- Harold and Elizabeth Wiese (grandparents of Caylie) of Quitman, Texas Christine's 5-year-old grandson wanted chips with his sandwich but Christine told him to eat half his sandwich and then he could have chips. "Please, could I have just one chip, Grandma?" he asked. "Not until half your sandwich is gone; then you can have chips," Christine repeated. "But, then my tummy might not have room for chips, Grandma..." He sniffled, lowered his head, and softly said, "You're breaking my little heart, Grandma!" -- Christine Smith of Atoka, Oklahoma Here's two more from Christine. Her 21-year-old granddaughter asked her, "Grandma, did they make hair dye when you were my age?" Talk about making Christine feel old! She's not even 60! Chris named her daughter after her sister which was fine until her daughter grew up; then they had two "Aunt Vina's!" They solved this problem by addressing Chris' sister as "Auntie V" and her daughter then became the only "Aunt Vina." Chris' granddaughter, Airianna, 8, asked Chris to write her name and address in her new address book. Chris wrote she asked, "Grandma, if Aunt Vina is named after Aunt T.V. does that mean she's named after a television?" \ / \\ // _______ )\-/( (M==M=M=)/e e\ .-'"-\=N==N/( =Y= ) .-'(___.-'\M=M/ /`---'\ (______(____)=(_/ /___\ \_ (M==M=M==M=M==M'''M=M=```M) \=N=N==N=N==N=N==N=N==N=/ \M==M=M==M=M==M==M==M=/ \N=N==N=N==N=N==N=N=/ jgs \M==M==M=M==M=M==M/ `---------------' Dawn's dad and daughter, Katelyn have a tradition of eating two Oreo cookies as a treat in the afternoon. They had emptied the package and Katelyn, 11 months, was playing with it. In the morning, they gave her to Dawn's dad (he is her babysitter). Katelyn had her bottle and banana. She went back to sleep for a while. When she woke up, she was very fussy because she wanted something. Dawn's dad couldn't figure out what it was. He put her down and said "Katelyn, I don't know what you want. I wish you could tell me what you want." She walked over to where she had left the Oreo package and gave it to her Papa. He gave her an Oreo and she was happy. -- Dawn of New Mexico Dalton, 6, and his dad were in the kitchen preparing to have a snack. Dad asked Dalton to hand him a container of yogurt. When Dalton produced cherry flavored yogurt, his dad, said, "I don't really like cherry. How about bringing me a different flavor?" Dalton turned to his dad and said, "Suck it up! Get over it! Be a man! That's what you always tell me!" -- Dennis Smith (PawPaw) of Oak Ridge, North Carolina Alieta recently went to Disney World with a family group that included their two little granddaughters. It was the first visit for Katie, 4, and Joanna, 2. Katie is in her second year of preschool and she loves her teacher. Alieta sat beside Katie on the plane. As they were waiting at the gate for take off, Katie kept looking out the window and asking, "When will we go? When will we take off?" Alieta kept answering, "Pretty soon. Any time now..." Finally, Katie looked at Alieta and said, "Maybe he's waiting for everyone to stop talking!" Alieta laughed because she could just picture Katie's preschool teacher saying that! -- Alieta Graft of Noble County, Indiana | \ / .---. '-. | | .-' ___| |___ -= [ ] =- `---. .---' __||__ | | __||__ '-..-' | | '-..-' || | | || ||_.-| |-,_|| .-"` `"`'` `"-. jgs .' '. At Kendall's school all the substitute teachers are mother volunteers. One of the teachers approached Kendall's mother about being a substitute. When her mother (India ) explained that was what Gramsey (a retired teacher after 25 years) did, Kendall replied, "She can't be a substitute. Gramsey doesn't know enough." -- Rebecca Hayes of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania Brent and Rochelle Schlemmer made a CD of their singing for Diane, Brent's mother. Diane was listening to it with Ogden, 6, and Alton, 5. The boys informed Diane that they were playing instruments in one of the songs -- Alton on tambourine and Ogden on bongos. "Sometimes we sing, too," Alton said. "But we can't sing the bad word. Momma says we have to sing 'kick your butt' but Joe (a family friend) sings (whisper) 'kick your ask.'" "Ask?" Diane repeated. "Yes," Alton whispered. "That's the bad word!" -- Diane Schlemmer (grandmother of Ogden and Alton) of LaGrange, Indiana Alyssa, 5, was aware of the last presidential election and its candidates. She consistently referred to Barack Obama as "Rocky Obama." -- Donna Moller (Grammy) of Katy, Texas Here's another story from Donna. Julia, 3, is terribly sad she won't be able to go to school like her 5-year-old sister, Alyssa. The day before Alyssa's kindergarten orientation, Julia had a teary meltdown because she couldn't go to school. When her mother, Kathryn, patiently explained that she wasn't old enough to go since she was only 3, Julia sobbed harder and said, "I've been 3 long enough!" .-. .-. / \ / \ | _ \ / _ | ; | \ \ / / | ; \ \ \ \_.._/ / / / '. '.;' ';,' .' './ _ _ \.' .' a __ a '. '--./ _, \/ ,_ \.--' ----| \ /\ / |---- .--'\ '-' '-' /'--. _>.__ -- _.- `; .' _ __/ _/ / '.,:".-\ /:, | \.' `""`'.\\ '-,.__/ _ .-. ;|_ /` `|| _/ `\/_ \_|| `\ | ||/ \-./` \ / || | \ ||__/__|___|__|| / \_ |_Happy Easter_| / jgs .' \ = _= _ = _= /`\ / `-;----=--;--' \ \ _.-' '. / `""` `""` Ginny, who is 27, told her friend Amy about the time when she was in the second grade and on the first day of school they all told what they did over the summer. When it was Ginny's turn, she told that she had been to Spain, Portugal, Australia, and a bunch of other places. The teacher told her she could not have been all of those places, so she went home and told her mama what the teacher said to her. Her mother said, "Ginny, you were at EPCOT!" -- Amy of Brunswick of Georgia Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference http://www.funnykids.com as the source. ========================================================== .======. | INRI | | | .========' '========. | _ xxxx _ | | /_;-.__ / _\ _.-;_\ | | `-._`'`_/'`.-' | '========.`\ /`========' | | / | |/-.( | |\_._\ | | \ \`;| | > |/| | / // | | |// | | \(\ | | `` | | | \\jgs _ _\\| \// |//_ _ \// _ ^ `^`^ ^`` `^ ^` ``^^` `^^` `^ `^ >-->Victory In Christ Death searches the flowers, birds and trees. Death has come, from the body it frees. Death can never conquer one. All it does is set me free. Death came. I flew away to the arms of Christ, you see! Death can't hold me, 'cause Jesus Christ raised me. His precious face then, I shall forever see. "Victory in Christ", my song shall be... Because He defeated sin, and death to save me! Copyright Howard Vern Nicholson ~ T H E J E L L Y B E A N P R A Y E R ~ __ RED is for the blood he gave. .;;. /;;;. GREEN is for the grass he made. /;;;;\ ,..., |;;;;;\ YELLOW is for the sun so bright. |;;;;|/;;;;;;;::.;;| ORANGE is for the edge of night. \;;;;/\;;;;;/::::\;' __ BLACK is for the sins we made. `''` `''''|::::| .;;;\ WHITE is for the grace he gave. jgs .;;;\ \::::/ ,;;;,:;;;;;| PURPLE is for his hour of sorrow. /;;;;;| `''` /::::::\;;;/ PINK is for our new tomorrow. |;;;;/ .-""-.:::::/''` `''` / \'''` A bag full of jelly beans \ / colorful and sweet, HAPPY EASTER '----' is a PRAYER, is a PROMISE, is a SPECIAL TREAT. >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************