Happy Memorial Day Weekend! ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ A special THANK YOU to ALL Our Veterans and Their Families :) .-"""""""-. .' __ \_ / / \/ \ | \_0/\_0/______ |:. .' oo`\ |:. / \ |' ; | | |:.. . \_______ | |::.|' , \,_____\ / |:::.; ' | . 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Who were willing to give their all. -- Freda Fullerton We bow our heads and thank them true As only our God and Father can do We Ask that He keep them safe and sound In His loving Arms where all goodness abounds -added verse by emb If you haven't already, Be Sure to Visit And Pass These On... ( (_) ### . (#c __\|/__ #\ wWWWw \ \-. (/. .\) /\ /`\/\ /\ |\/ \_) (_| `\.' ; ; `' ;`\ `\; ; . ;/\ `\; ; ;| \ ; .' ' ; / |_.' ; | /) ( ''._;/` | ' . ; |.-' .:) | | ( .' : | |,- .:: | | ,-' .;| jgs_/___,_.:_\_ [I_I_I_I_I_I_] | __________ | | || | | || | _| ||_|__|_|| |_ /=--------------=\ / \ | | Freedom Isn't Free http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/freedom.html Military Motivational Posters http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/military.html WWI Human Art http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/humanart.html Military WWII Posters http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/militarywwii.html Daily With The Troops 3 http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/daily3.html Humor With The Troops 3 http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/humor3.html Why My Son http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/why.html US Animations http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_u-z.html ========================================================= >-->From HeartWarmers: All we have of freedom, all we use or know - This our fathers bought for us long and long ago. -- Rudyard Kipling America honors those who have protected its freedom this Memorial Day. Kay offers us a wonderful story today about her grandmother, Memorial Day, and those thousands of servicemen and women who have given us our way of life. .--.-,-.-.-,-.--. | \ / | | \ / | | .===,=,===. | _/\_; .-'`^`'-. ;_/\_ ( /` /_________\ `\ ) | | |===========| | | | | | | | | | | | , | | | | | ;_{_________; | | | |/===`>========\| | | ;-._<`________.-; | | | | U | | | / | |___________| | \ | | |jgs | '-------------------------' >WHITE ROSE WREATH by Kay Seefeldt Vernal rebirth to our small coastal island seemed to come much later than any where else in the state of Maine. By Memorial Day, April showers had not yet kept its promise of May flowers. Due to this annual shortage, ingenious island women made up this deficit by spending days with scissors in hand, crafting miles of crepe paper into floral facsimiles fit to grace cemetery lots of their deceased loved ones. Grammie was master of this art form. She would cut stacks of pink, red, yellow, and white petal shapes. With her nimble fingers, she pulled and puffed them into lush fullness. With a rolling motion of the scissors, she fluted the petals' tips. By attaching and overlapping those petals to green paper wrapped wire stems, roses magically burst into full bloom. Or sometimes, small buds. My favorites though were the single petaled white flowers with the long yellow stamen. Grammie told me they were calla lilies. Years later, I saw my first real calla in a florist's shop and recognized it immediately. I still marvel over their simple elegance. Several of these exotic beauties have a home in my garden window. Patiently, Grammie taught me the fine art of petal arranging. My first attempts weren't very professional, but when mine were combined with hers in vases, they became breathtaking bouquets. After the flowers were completed, Grammie dipped them in melted paraffin. Instantly, they were transformed into translucent splendor that rivaled the real thing. With a bit of imagination one could almost smell their fragrant scent. I'm not so sure that Grammie didn't drop a bit of her Evening in Paris perfume from the cobalt bottle into the melted wax. As Memorial Day approached, our teachers explained its significance as a special time to honor and show appreciation to fallen American soldiers. In the mid 50s, WWII was still a haunting memory to many. To commemorate Memorial Day, students and teachers marched from school to the nearest wharf. One of the teachers offered a prayer of thankfulness for soldiers who willingly paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country. After singing God Bless America, a student solemnly tossed the wreath of white roses onto the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in honor of those buried or lost at sea. Seeing those white flowers floating on the cold, dark ocean waters left me with an indelible memory and a feeling of sadness for parents who'd never be able to welcome their loved ones home. In profound silence, we returned to school to be excused. Island women no longer painstakingly make their paper roses. Plastic Memorial flowers became a much easier alternative. The school's tradition of tossing the white wreath into the ocean ended as well. I do not know why. But I do know how my entire being filled with awe, knowing I was part of a small band of children and teachers to remember and honor the brave men who gave their lives to keep America a place where freedom rings. May they never be forgotten. -- Kay Seefeldt ___________________________________________ Kay is a published author and she enjoys gardening, reading, painting in watercolors, and teaching watercolors to adults. Kay was pleased to see in the daily paper recently that elementary school children near where she lives in Maine are creating a display of candles and flags for a park as a Memorial Day tribute to service men and women. She thanks God for all the blessings in her life, great and small. ================================================================= __ _,, /_ \ sSSSs \_\( s\_SS .-""-. (\/`"`\ __/`"`\/) ( , ( ) \/)-(\\`--')=(\/ .-""-, ) ) /___\\) |__\ /\ ( , ) ).-_' //||__ ||\\//` ( ( / , )/ /\ _ \\'--.) \\`` jgs '--),--' \/_/ ==- (/ (/ >-->WATCH THE CHILDREN By: Joseph J. Mazzella I just love weekday afternoons in May. It is during this special time that I get to see one of the most wonderful sights in the world. It is a sight that teaches me again and again about what life truly is all about. I get to see it mainly when I go to pick up my youngest son from school. I can even hear it as I get out of my car. Its musical and magical sound floats happily through the air from the playground just off the preschool building. It is the sound of children at play. Each day just before I pick up my boy I take in this glorious and happy sight of the preschool children having one last recess before they go home. Many of the parents are there as well smiling as they watch that special joy that their children are creating. I look on as one happy boy swings and calls out for his teacher to watch. I see two smiling girls skip, laugh, and gather handfuls of dandelions to give their Moms. I watch as two boys ride the rocking horses with all the energy and delight that their little hearts can muster. I smile upon seeing a girl hanging upside down from the miniature money bars and giggling at the whole world. As I get my own son he too runs for the swing set for one last ride as well before we head home. He may have the body of a 12 year old, but he still has the bliss of a child's heart, mind, and soul. These beautiful children remind me everyday that life truly is about joy, laughter, and love. Anything else is just details. We may all have to go to our jobs, clean our homes, raise our families, and take care of all the tasks in life. Still, there is no reason we can't do all these things with love, laughter, and joy. In fact the only thing we should take seriously in this life is the love and joy that we choose and share. It is what makes life worth living and it is God's greatest gift to us all. Cherish that gift then. Rejoice in it. Share it with the world. And if you don't think you can remember how to then stop by a playground one day and watch the children. ====================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: _ _..._ \':, `._..-""` ) \\ ___/9 \ |/ P 9 | \ | '--. _/ (`'---'_) ()`---'` \ | ', | `'. , ; '-._ /( \ _ `'. | \ | , .' '. \ `\ | | ; / \ \ \ | | |. | | / | | | | `-.\ |"` / .-;.| | _..;._ /-..-' (( .-;. | (( _..`> / `(( _/ '-(( ` .__) jgs `"""` `"--'` >A Great Dog Story Mary and her husband Jim had a dog, Lucky. Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably someone would forget and something would come up missing. Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's favorite toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box. It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this disease...she was just sure it was fatal. She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders. The night before she was to go to the hospital she cuddled with Lucky. A thought struck her...what would happen to Lucky? Although the three-year-old dog liked Jim he was Mary's dog through and through. If I die Lucky will be abandoned, Mary thought. He won't understand that I didn't want to leave him. The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death. The double mastectomy was harder on Mary than her doctors had anticipated and Mary was hospitalized for over two weeks. Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully but the dog just drooped, whining and miserable. But finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital. When she arrived home, Mary was so exhausted she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom. Jim made his wife comfortable on the couch and left her to nap. Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called. It made Mary sad but sleep soon overcame her and she dozed. When Mary woke for a second she couldn't Understand what was wrong. She couldn't move her head and her body felt heavy and hot. Panic soon gave way to laughter though when Mary realized the problem. she was covered, literally blanketed in every treasure Lucky owned! While she had slept the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement and back bringing his beloved mistress his favorite things in life. He had covered her with his love. Mary forgot about dying. Instead she and Lucky began living again, walking further and further together every night. It's been 12 years now and Mary is still cancer-free. Lucky? He still steals treasures and stashes them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure. Live everyday to the fullest...because every day is a blessing from God! -<>- .---. /` ___|`\ |_/ \| ( -/- ) \_ - _/ .-'|_|'-. / \ / O \ / _____!_____ \ /.-------------.\ \| ,;, |/ | ;;; | | ;;;;;;;;; | | `';;;'` | | ;;; | | ;;; | | ::: | | ';' | | | _| _ __ __ _|_ jgs_/ _ __ ___ __ _\_ _/ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ \_ >Couple makes Jesus Christ the king of their hearts By Greg Miller Jorge and Jillian had been married for five years when they asked Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and reside in their hearts. The couple were baptized the following Sunday. They loved the Lord, and they wanted their lives to please Him. But they realized that there was room for continued improvement in their walk with God. Jorge observed that he still had a problem with lying. Looking in her spiritual mirror, Jillian realized that pride was still trying to raise her ugly head. The couple prayed about their problem and came up with the solution. "We've asked Jesus Christ to come into our hearts," Jillian said. "But we're doing some things that don't honor Him as the Lord of our lives." "You're right, Honey," Jorge said. "Jesus is our savior, but we need His help in certain areas. We need for Him to be the King of our Hearts." "Wow!," exclaimed Jillian. "Another of those `bright idea' light bulbs just turned on inside my brain!" Jillian was known throughout the community for her "bright ideas," some of which were a little dimmer than others. "What's your idea?," Jorge asked. "Let's have a ceremony to officially make Jesus the King of our Hearts," Jillian said. "We'll ask the pastor to officiate, sort of like a wedding ceremony, and invite a few friends. It will also give us an opportunity to share our faith with some friends who aren't Christians." The couple made a list of everyone that they wanted to invite to the ceremony. Before long, they realized that their home would not hold the large number of people. Jorge asked their church's minister, Pastor Jackison, if the ceremony could be held in the mega-church's fellowhip hall. They asked him if he would write special vows that they could recite to the Lord. The couple felt their "Day of Commitment" would be one of the most well- attended events in the town's history. Jillian submitted a news release to the local newspaper, inviting the entire community. Nearly 1,000 people showed up for the special event. Jorge and Jillian recited their vows, each promising to worship and obey Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives in every way. "I promise not to lie again," said Jorge. "And I won't be prideful anymore," said Jillian. After the closing prayer, Pastor Jackison invited attendees to stay for refreshments. Everyone stopped by to congratulate Jorge and Jillian for taking such a courageous stand for the Lord. One of their friends, Jorg E. Anna, said, "It's great that you decided to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. But I was just wondering why you had such a big get together with refreshments and everything." Jorge responded, "The reason is simple. As Pastor Jackison has taught us for the last five years. Anything worth doing is worth doing right!" ------------------------ To contact the writer of this column, e-mail kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com. -<>- _ __ / \Y \ __/______\__ `~~// 6 6\~~` C 7 | \ '='/ \__/ /\ |\ .-`\_\_//\ /-. `|o |\ __ | | | | \ |\/ / | | |o | \ /`\_/ | | | | Y / | | |o |\ / \ \ | | `--' \ \__|o_| `\ /I=[]=| >THE WALK By: Joseph J. Mazzella Did you ever have one of those dreams that seemed to go on forever? I had one like that last night. I was walking down an old, side road that I used to walk along as a teenager. I wasn’t quite sure where I was headed, but I felt very determined to get there. Like in many dreams time seemed fluid and people seemed ageless. As I walked along I kept meeting people from both my past and my present. I saw both my Mom and my Grandma who have passed away and was able to give them both one more hug. I ran into many childhood friends and we talked, joked, and laughed just like we were kids again. Still, I kept walking hoping to reach wherever I was headed. Around every curve, though, there was something new. I saw strangers in need and stopped to help them. I found ancient books and gemstones along the side of the road and shared them with others. I met a smiling, old man who happily shared his life’s wisdom with me and then I lovingly passed it on to young children further down the road. With every few steps it seemed there was a fresh adventure in learning and love. I never did get where I was going and woke up feeling like I had lived a lifetime in a single night. It bothered me for a bit that I never did reach where I was headed but then I realized that this dream was a lot like our years here. Maybe we are not supposed to reach where we are going, at least not in this life. Maybe it is the walk that matters. As you walk through this life don’t keep your eyes so far down the road that you miss what is right in front of you. Life is a journey of joy. Life is a journey of learning. Life is a journey of love. Take God’s hand then and delight in every step you take. You will meet a lot of wonderful people and go through a lot of interesting experiences. And you might just want to reach out your hand and help up a few hurting hearts who stumble along the way. -<>- ________________________________ |.==============================,| || || || .----. , || || / >< \ / || || | |/\ || || \______//\/ || || _(____)/ / || ||__/ ,_ _ _/__________________|| '===\___\_) |====================' |______| | || | |__||__| jgs (__)(__) >Life's mathematics Add your friends Subtract your enemies Multiply your joys Divide your sorrows and draw a circle with God as center and love as radius -<>- |\ /) /\_\\__ (_// | `>\-` _._ //`) \ /` \\ _.-`:::`-._ // ` \|` ::: `|/ | ::: | |.....:::.....| |:::::::::::::| | ::: | \ ::: / \ ::: / `-. ::: .-' jgs //`:::`\\ // ' \\ |/ \\ Rabbi Akiva Eiger of Posen (born 1761, died 1837) once traveled in a coach in the rain, when the wheels loosened. The driver climbed out to fix the wheels, and became very wet. Rabbi Akiva Eiger handed the driver a pair of dry socks, and the driver gratefully accepted them. When the coach reached its destination and Rabbi Akiva Eiger got out of the coach, the driver noticed that the Rabbi was not wearing socks! The driver exclaimed: IF I HAD KNOWN! The Rabbi responded: My feet were dry. Was it correct that I sit dry and warm, oblivious to your needs? That is no way to behave! -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment English speaking FFs http://www.buffaloschips.com/dfrf.htm Erl I love you http://www.buffaloschips.com/ghygh.htm Ethan http://www.buffaloschips.com/ffdd.htm Euflorie http://www.buffaloschips.com/fgjkh.htm Explain that to the boss http://www.buffaloschips.com/cvbn.htm To Subscribe send a blank email to: the-inspired-buffalo-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ================================================================= >-->From Our Friend PatH :) o o^\^o o\*`'.\|/.'`*/o \\\\\\|////// {><><@><><} }}} _ _ {{{ Queesn Of The Ball }}}} 6 6 {{{ {{{{{ ^ }}}}} {{{{{{\ -=- /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend. I certainly enjoy dancing!!! This is such a delightful message. Have a wonderful day and keep those feet a moving!!! Hugs, Pat I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom. I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank. "Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite food was. I'm guessing; I'll never know. It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special." If you received this, it is because someone cares for you. Take a few minutes to send this to a few people you care about, just to let them know that you're thinking of them. "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance." ============================================================= , (@| SWORD OF THE SPIRIT ,, ,)|_____________________________________ //\\8@8@8@8@8@8 / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \\//8@8@8@8@8@8 \_____________________________________/ `` `)| jgs (@| ` >-->From Truth Or Tradition: What is Jesus Christ Doing Now? That’s a good question. What would your answer be? If you’re not sure, we hope this brief article helps you understand the moment-by-moment involvement of your living Lord Jesus in your life to the end that you grasp the reality of his presence and are energized by it. Sad to say, too many Christians have never been taught what Jesus Christ is doing today, and every day since he became the “Lord” and the “Head” of the Church, which is made up of the members of his Body. All know that he died for us, was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven and is now “seated” at God’s right hand. But does that mean he is “just chillin’”? No way. He is even busier than he was when he lived on the earth, and Mark 5, for example, is a great chapter to illustrate what kind of days he had then. Whew! Jesus studied the Hebrew Scriptures and understood all the prophecies about his life, death, resurrection, ascension, and future kingship of the world. He fulfilled all those prophecies relevant to his first coming on the earth by being obedient all the way to his torturous death on the cross. Because of his obedience to his God and Father, Jesus was highly exalted as Lord of Heaven and Earth, and seated at God’s right hand (Phil. 2:8-11). In biblical times, the right hand was the hand of blessing, authority, and power, as opposed to the left, which was the hand of cursing. This is where we get our common phrase, “right hand man.” A right hand man does not sit around, but is very vigorous in carrying out the orders of the one he serves. This relationship is typified in the Old Testament account of Joseph and the Egyptian Pharaoh. Because of what Joseph did to save the people of Egypt, the Pharaoh gave him all authority in the land of Egypt. As Joseph said, “God has made me lord of all Egypt” (Gen. 45:9). Pharaoh gave Joseph his signet ring (which symbolized his all-encompassing power and authority in Egypt) and had him ride in a chariot as his Second-in-Command. Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt” (Gen. 41:44). Pharaoh was still Pharaoh, but he had given all authority to Joseph and fully equipped him with the power to carry out his work, thus making Joseph functionally equal with him. 1 God has done the same thing with Jesus Christ. He gave Jesus “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18), and made him “Lord” (Acts 2:36). God is still God, but Jesus is now functionally equal with Him, and that was God’s idea. Jesus now has everything he needs in order to carry out his function as second-in-command, God’s “go-to-guy” and right hand man. So what is the Lord Jesus Christ doing now? Let’s take a look. Where? Not in People magazine, or even Sports Illustrated. We want to know what the Word of God says. Jesus Christ is now the Head of the Church. Ephesians 1:20-23 (20) Which he [God] exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, (21) far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. (22) And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, (23) which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. As the “Head” of his “Body,” Jesus is constantly connected to each of his body parts, i.e., you and me. Thus we can have continuing communication with him, and that comes in handy as we pick our way through this fallen world. Jesus is the only human being who ever perfectly entrusted himself to God despite all the temptations thrown at him, and he is ready, willing, and able to mentor each of us in the art of faith and help us maximize our unique spiritual potential. We “re-present” him in the world today, and he will help us be our best for him. As our Head, the Lord Jesus is our leader, our example, and the captain of our salvation. He is also our Commander-in-Chief, who leads us into battle. Jesus Christ is building his Church by pouring out the gift of holy spirit to all those who believe. It is the head that regulates the growth process of the body, and it is the Lord Jesus who is adding to his body by saving those who call upon his name. Acts 2:46 and 47 (46) Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, (47) praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:32 and 33 (32) God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact. (33) Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. 2 >VISIT HERE For The Rest of This Great Teaching... http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=450 =================================================================== >-->Quotes: "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." -- Abraham Lincoln "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own." -- Benjamin Disraeli >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes > Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ > TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************