Happy St.Patrick's Day Weekend! :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ >-->OoooWEeeee!! oo 8 "} > @ < .8 .-._/| .'_'`')`_.' \| ) / (>'/ |_,_ | (,| .' ,'\| `._/ ) \| '`- -- ''-- --- VK/ejm I'm doing a 'Happy Angel' dance! Why? Because Shangrala has been blessed with another donation from our long time Shangrala Angel, M.D. from MO! She has been stepping up to the plate to help Keep Shangrala Alive with her sweet donations year after year! We sure do thank God for her and all our past wonderful angels! If you'd like to help too and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL HELP! Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* HAPPY SAFE AND BLESSED ST.PATRICK'S DAY WEEKEND! :) _____________ ( ) | | ( ) %%%%%%% |____-----____| ( ) %%%% %%%% | \___/ | ( ) %%%% %%%% _______________________ ( ) %%% %% %%% \\ // ( ) %% %% (o)(o) %% \\__~~~_______~~~__// ( ) %% ____ %% / \ %% |\ |(0) (0)| /| ( ) % / __ \ %% / \ .. ) % |\ \| (. .) |/ /| ___ %% / / \ \ %% /\__/ %% \ ||| , ||| / [ ] % ( \ \ \/%% / % |||| \_______/=============| | %% \ \__ \/ %% __ %% ||||| --- ||||| \_/ % \ \/ /%% /__\ % ||||| ||||| ||||| %% \__ ' /\ %%// \> %% ||||||||||||||||| %% \ /\ \_%% %% ||||||||||||| %%% \_/ \__/%% %%% ||||||||| %%%% %%%% ||||| %%%% %%%% %%%%%%% Mike Jittlov >-->In The 'Shangy" News :) I went to my eye surgeon Tuesday. I am scheduled for next Thursday for surgery to remove the film covering my right eye lens. He set up an appointment with a retina specialist for my right eye which developed a 'wrinkle' that is inhibiting my normal vision from it. So I am still in a big fog for now. Please excuse any 'stupid' typing mistakes. I am trying hard to correct them, but it is difficult with such limited vision. Thank You for your patience during this time. :) -<>- >HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This flaming hot new page is from our friend Linda. It is a fun one showing how even in the worst of weather, love conquers all. Be sure to check this one out here... .::\)`:`, .:;\/~`\``;) ,.~-----, ;;==`_ ~:;( ,,~{*}\~~--,.`. ;:== 6 6;;) ,(((((({*});~~. .\ ;;C } )' (('`)))~({*}) . \ .\ :;` `--'; >6 6`({*}))) . \~~ | `____/ ( { ))())) . .`, ____._| |_____. `--' (((())) . | / \ \__ _| | \ `-- )))))) . .| | ) \/\/\_{@} | ,-| ((((((( . | | \_ \ \ | / | / | / ))))))) .| | |\ : \ |/ | Y | (/*@@*( ' ` ) . | \ \ \_\/_/ | | / */ \ \'/ /. | \ \ |o | | \. \ |'@'| .| \ \ | ; ,'--,.,.,., \ ~*@*~. . | \ \_________._--`((,:{@}.:))_\ |~@~| . | \ ' | ((,{@}:{@}.))-----' ;/\ (, \._____________`-__((;,{@},:))_________/|{ | . ; | | | `';{@},) /`-----'\ |. | | .__/\__ | `{@};,; / / | \ \ \/ .| | / :; \ | `(@))\ / \. . | | /! | \| ';; ))_/`-'/`_`., \. | | | ! | | ';(( | | ! `_ \ .| | | ! | | )) | | ! |.\_| | |/ ! | | (/ | | ! | . | | ! | | | | ! |~~~~' Rainy Day Wedding http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/weddings.html --- ...So Sweet! Thank You Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: .'`'.'`'. .''.`. : .`.''. '. '. .' .' .``` .' '. ```. '..',` : `,'..' `-'`'-`)) (( ldb \| May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours! ,'-', :-----: (''' , - , ''') \ ' . , ` / \ ' ^ ? / \ ` - ,' `j_ _,' ,- -`\ \ /f ,- \_\/_/'- , `, , , /\ \ | / \ ', , f : :`, , <...\ , : ,- ' \,,,,\ ; : j ' \ \ :/^^^^' \ \ ; ''': \ -, -`.../ ' - -,`,--` \_._'-- '---: Storm >TRULY GRITTY by Joseph Walker A few days have passed since the Academy Award ceremonies in Hollywood. I think I can finally talk about my disappointment. And no, it had nothing to do with what I saw on the red carpet (but seriously, whoever heard of a Roger Vivier tube clutch with a silver sequined Gucci gown?) Nor did my disappointment have to do with the hosts for the evening, even though I did find myself subconsciously humming "Thanks for the Memories" a few times during the evening. I was disappointed because my movie didn't win. Not "my movie" in the sense that I wrote, directed, produced, starred in or had anything to do with a movie that was up for an award (although I do have a great little Christmas story that could be made into a movie -- have your people call my people.) It was "my movie" because I saw it, I liked it and I wanted it to win. And it didn't. My movie was "True Grit." I thought it was terrific. Of course, I'm old enough to remember the John Wayne "True Grit," and I liked that version, too -- Glen Campbell notwithstanding. I like the story. I like imperfect good guys -- knights in dingy armor, so to speak. I can relate to that. I like it when the bad guys are clearly bad, and get what they have coming to them. I like justice that is neat, clean and uncomplicated by confusing realities. I like escaping in a darkened theater to a world in which a man with true grit can ride into the fray, reins in his mouth and rifles blazing, and take care of the problem. ANY problem. But mostly, I like grit (not to be confused with grits, for which I have never been able to acquire a taste.) I like the idea of grit. And I like people who have it. According to my dictionary, one who has grit -- true or otherwise -- has "firmness of character, an indomitable spirit, pluck." These are excellent traits, even if they can sometimes get you into trouble -- just like they did with Rooster Cogburn. My wife, Anita, for example, is as firmly charactered and indomitably plucky as they come. Not too long ago she was riding mass transit with our eldest daughter, Amy, and her family to a concert in a nearby city. No sooner had the trip begun than a rather large and mostly inebriated gentleman sat next to her and began to talk to her. Loudly and obnoxiously. Unlike many of us who would be uncomfortable with that situation, Anita chatted pleasantly with the gentleman even though much of what he said was... well... relatively incomprehensible. Watching this conversation, Amy's husband, Brock, moved from his seat on the train to a standing position right behind Anita and the gentleman. I should mention here that Brock has served three tours of duty in Iraq. He can handle himself in a confrontational situation, if you know what I mean. And he was prepared to come to his mother-in-law's aid. But Anita gave him a look that let him know she was fine, and continued her conversation. At one point the man became agitated about something and started using harsh, vulgar language. Brock was about to intervene when Anita straightened up and faced her neighbor. "I don't like that kind of language," she said, looking him pluckily in the eye. "If you don't stop talking like that I'm going to move." Brock waited to see how the gentleman would respond, ready to... well, the "fill your hand!" scene in "True Grit" comes to mind. But the gentleman calmed down immediately. "I'm sorry," he said, firmly chastened. "I'll watch my mouth." Now, you might think that Anita was emboldened knowing that Brock was hovering nearby, just an eye patch away from doing a Cogburn on the man. But I've lived with this woman for nearly 34 years. She would have responded in the same way if she had been traveling alone. She's plucky. Indomitable. Spirited. Truly gritty. Hopefully you know someone like that. In fact, you very well may BE someone like that. If so, I salute you. In a world filled with vacillating morality and wavering will, we need more gritty, plucky people. Even if you don't win Academy Awards. -- Joseph Walker =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) I love this analogy! You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. { { } }_{ __{ .-{ } }-. ( } { ) |`-.._____..-'| | ;--. | (__ \ | | ) ) | |/ / | / / -Felix Lee- | ( / \ y' `-.._____..-' Why did you spill the coffee? "Because someone bumped into me!!!" Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. *Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.* Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled. *So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"* When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions? Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it. Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others. --- ...It is inspirational! Thanks LouiseAu! At first I thought it was about this... 90/10 Principle http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/giving.html I do have to smile though thinking of our sweet Lord Jesus Christ. The one time we know he was angry and His 'cup was spilled' out, He showed His deep love and passion for God! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' John 2: [13] And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, [14] And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: [15] And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; [16] And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. This was holy pass over and Jesus found people selling things INSIDE of the church! How totally disrespectful to God! If you are like me, you may know of this record but hadn't been aware of this 'scourge of small cords' that it says Jesus made to drive them out. I don't even know for sure what a 'scourge of small cords' is though I can guess. But with the bible, I don't like to assume or guess at what something is, so I looked it up. The definition is "A scourge is a whip or lash, especially a multi- thong type, used to inflict severe corporal punishment or self- mortification." I can just envision Jesus being so angry that he made a whip and used it to drive all those merchants out of the church. Not only did He get physical with them, he was so upset he was throwing their chairs around and upturning their tables! So all their mergendice went everywhere! A big mess! So Jesus was very upset to say the least! All sweetness, honey and love didn't come out of His so called cup that day! We all know He was pure and completely holy. Jesus was used by God almighty to be mankind's sacrificial lamb so we know He was undefiled by sin. John 1: [29] The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. We all get riled from time to time because of our passion and love for God and His people. Sometimes the things the devil does is just way out there and even though we know who the author of the evil is, we still get upset at those that let the devil use them against God. The bible puts it pretty plainly... Eph.4: [26] Be (if) ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: If you get angry, it is OK - just 'don't let the sun go down upon your wrath.' - simply means don't dwell on your anger and let it fester and grow inside of you so it turns into hate. Pure love is of God. Pure hate is of the devil. Notice it says 'wrath'? Check this definition of the word wrath - extreme anger. Similar: anger rage fury People think as a Christian we have to be all lovey dovey towards others, but God doesn't expect that of us. Our Father knows we have feelings and emotions. Suppressing our anger all the time is not healthy. God loves us and wants the best for us. He knows that sometimes we have to vent. As long as we keep to His commandments and do our best, we are not going against God. And that's our goal. - To be always doing the will of the Father like our Lord Jesus Christ did... John 5: [30] I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Phil.2: [5] Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Thinking of all the times Jesus could have been angry and yet this is the only one that comes to mind. Why? Most times getting angry is futile/ It is the soft answer that turns away wrath - Prov.15: [1] A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. We mostly want to engage people with the Love of Hod in the renewed mind in manifestation. We can't do that in anger. Jesus got angry because of His great love for God and their great disrespect for God. It set Him off. All the other times, even when He was greatly disrespected during his Crucifixion, He did not get angry at them, but asked God to forgive them knowing the author of the evil was the devil and they were all being used by Satan. Here is a great teaching on this... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' The Futility Of Anger http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Advanced/The_Futility_Of_Anger.htm =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: For I am mindful of the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. You call upon me and come and pray to me, and I heed you. You seek Me and find Me: Now you seek Me with all your heart and I am at hand for you, says the Lord. - Jeremiah 29:11-14a; Matthew 7:7 -<>- ..::''''::.. .:::. .;'' ``;. .... ::::: :: :: :: :: ,;' .;: () ..: `:::' :: :: :: :: ::. ..:,:;.,:;. . :: .::::. `:' :: .:' :: :: `:. :: '''::, :: :: :: `:: :: ;: .:: : :: : : :: ,:'; ::; :: :: :: :: :: ::,::''. . :: `:. .:' :: `:,,,,;;' ,;; ,;;, ;;, ,;;, ,;;, `:,,,,:' :;: `;..``::::''..;' ``::,,,,::'' >The Secret One day, one friend asked another, "How is it that you are always so happy? You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down." With her eyes smiling, she said, "I know the Secret!" "What secret is that?" To which she replied, "I'll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to share the Secret with others." "The Secret is this: I have learned there is little I can do in my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God to make me happy and to meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust God to supply according to His riches. I have learned most of the time I don't need half of what I think I do. He has never let me down. Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy." The questioner's first thought was, "That's too simple!" But upon reflecting over her own life she recalled how she thought a bigger house would make her happy, but it didn't! She thought a better paying job would make her happy, but it hadn't. When did she realize her greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren, playing games, eating pizza or reading a story, a simple gift from God.. Now you know it too! We can't depend on people to make us happy. Only God in His infinite wisdom can do that. Trust Him! And now I pass the Secret on to you! -<>- _ _ //\ /\\ // \______ / \\ // / \ \\ // / \ \\ // / sSSSs \ \\ //_ / sSSSsSs \ _\\ //`_\ Ss. . s /_,\\ // \` Ss\ _ /Ss , / \\ // / \ \sSs_) (_sSs/ / \ \\ // / \_|_ \ / _|_/ \ \\ \\ / sS\ _^_ /ss \ // \\/ ) ( \// `===========================' drx/ejm >Windshield wipers! One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick. Suddenly, my daughter, Aspen, spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat "Dad, I'm thinking of something." This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some fact for a while and was now ready to expound all that her six-year-old mind had discovered I was eager to hear. "What are you thinking?" I asked. "The rain, she said, "is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away." After the chill bumps raced up my arms, I was able to respond. That's really good, Aspen." Then my curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take this revelation? So I asked... "Do you notice how the rain keeps on coming? What does that tell you?" Aspen did not hesitate one moment with her answer: "We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us" I will always remember this whenever I turn my wipers on. -<>- ,--. //^\\\ ,;;;, . ((-_-))) (-_- ; /_\ )))((( >..'. .:. .--. |SSt| ((_._ ) /. .| :-_-; /-_-)) _))A ((_//| S || ,`-'. ))-(( `( )`' |___|),;, C \\_/,`I )) \ / | | |`' |___(/-'|___() ,-. )( | | | | | | | | | (-_-) _____ /__\ |_|_| |_|_| |_|_| (\I/\.__|A|R|T| `'' `-'-' `-'-' `-'-' `'-`' `o' `o' >Togetherness Home is where the heart is, that's what they always say, But you and I know better, for we live it everyday. Home is where you are, for together, we must be, Home is us together, with love for the family. Put not your dreams in a house, the family is what counts, A house can't make a home, but a home can make a house. By Charlsa Nichols -<>- \\\\, / \\ '<' ) \- / _)_(_ .'\___/'. /.-.___.-.\ [_________] | | ( | , | (\/) ) _\)_ | -|- | <_@__> _(/_ || | | | (/\)(\/) || || | | (\/) <_@_> || || | | <_@_>'(/\) || || | | (/\|/|-. || || .---------. _|_|_ || ||_,-'---------'-,__ |WWWWW| ___jgs|_|____________________|_\_____/__ >The 7-Ups 1. WAKE UP - Decide to have a good day. "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice & be glad in it" Psalms 11824 2. DRESS UP - The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart" I Sam 167 3. SHUT UP - Say nice things & learn to listen. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. "He who guards his lips guards his soul" Proverbs 13:3 "Gossip betrays confidence avoid men who talk too much" Proverbs 20:19 "Listen to advice, accept instruction and in the end, you will be wise" Proverbs 19:20 4. STAND UP - For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good.." Galatians 6:9-10 5. LOOK UP - To the Lord. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13 6. REACH UP - For something higher. As Jiminy Cricket sings "High Hopes" Always try to better yourself. Have FAITH. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 7. LIFT UP - Your Prayers. "Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING" Phillipians 4:6 {author unknown} -<>- __ _.-~ ) _..--~~~~,' ,-/ _ .-'. . . .' ,-',' ,' ) ,'. . . _ ,--~,-'__..-' ,' ,'. . . (@)' ---~~~~ ,' /. . . . '~~ ,-' /. . . . . ,-' ; . . . . - . ,' : . . . . _ / . . . . . `-.: . . . ./ - . ) . . . | _____..---.._/ ____ Seal _ ~---~~~~----~~~~ ~~ >YOUR WORDS MATTER (c) Ridgely Goldsborough Amidst much groaning and moaning, we carried one of our two kayaks from the bayside of the key to the beach two hundred yards of sweat and hand chafing. Loaded down with paddles and life preservers, we herded the kids to water's edge. Captain Linus on the bow, oarsman Dad behind him, first mate Camille next in line and oarswoman Mom at the stern into the waves we surged. After a few wobbly moments in the break, the crew settled. We began to scour the depths for the Gulf's finest cow rays, turtles, fish of assorted sizes and our family favorite dolphin. "Look, Momma," squealed Camille. Two hundred yards offshore we spotted the gently undulating fins, rising and falling like the waves they glided through. "Let's go play with them," Linus called out. We dug into the water and pulled away from the coastline. At three boat lengths, we violated their comfort zone. Repeatedly they dove until we slowed behind them and gently kept pace. Suddenly, the lead male leapt high into the sky, spun and crashed into a trough. "Whoa," Linus yelled. "I want him to do that again." "Ask him," Ali counseled. "Use your mind and make a wish." I watched my son concentrate, gaze across the sea and softly say to himself: "Come back and do another show. Come back and jump again." And then they surrounded us, a pod of eight leapfrogging through the surf. Once. Twice. Three times. Four soaring twirls, completely air born. Spectacular. Magnificent. They snorted hellos through their blowholes. In all her years on this island, Ali had never witnessed anything so magical. They swam on. Wait. Linus craved more. "Maybe another day," said Ali. Armed with confidence and determination, Linus focused his attention. "I'm gonna' tell them again," he proclaimed. "One more show." His brow fixed in thought, Linus mumbled to himself before looking up. On the horizon, within seconds, a colossal vault, as if to salute us adieu, one final glimpse goodbye. "Told you," Linus beamed, triumphant. We could debate for hours the true influence mind over a group of swimming mammals. I choose to believe in his charm and spell. You might draw a different conclusion. One fact remains Indisputable the impact of a few emboldening words on one small boy's beliefs. He will face the world with his head held a tad taller and his shoulders slightly further back because of a mother's Encouragement as would we all. Fortunately, this phenomenon continues throughout adulthood. Declarations of courage, expressions of spirit, pledges of the heart every utterance bears a torch, lighting the way or burning it. Nothing sits in a vacuum. We have much power to pick up a wounded soul, spur on a frightened yet hopeful comrade, challenge a friend to not give up. Watch what comes out of your mouth. Criticism damages far more than it heals. Kindness builds. Insensitivity destroys. Only three feet separate a pat on the back from a kick in the rear. One helps. The other hurts. Which would you rather feel? Your words matter. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Humor With Buses http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bushumor.html Never Give Up! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/nevergiveup.html Walking In Power! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/walkingpower.html Attitude Is Everything! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude.html Believe In Your Dreams! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/poems/dream.html I Believe In You! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ibelieveinyou.html Life Is...Continued! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lifeis2.html Pay It Forward! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/payitforward.html Playboy Bunny Calendar! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/calendar.html Red Hat! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/redhat.html Thank You God! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/thankgod.htm Think Positive! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/positive.html Top Reasons To Smile! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/smile.html What I've Learned In Life! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/learnedinlife.html Butchart Gardens! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bgardens.html Akiane Child Prodigy! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy.html St. Patrick's Day Animations http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_p-t.html Spring / St.Pat's Day https://tinyurl.com/y4xyz2w8 -<>- What’s in a Word? – Faith/Trust\ https://tinyurl.com/uvn5jyh -<>- >In The News: Trump Coronavirus Response Will Protect America’s Economy, Workers and Businesses - video - details plans! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a1Mdq8-_wo Chuck Schumer recently took to the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States and THREATENED Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “I want to tell you, [Justice] Gorsuch, I want to tell you, [Justice] Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.” - Chuck Schumer, March 4, 2020 Add your name NOW to our Official Demand Chuck Resign Petition to be one of the first names President Trump sees https://tinyurl.com/sml2zdm Troop Deployment Announced https://tinyurl.com/uqruy39 Westwing News: Trump Coronavirus Response Will Protect America’s Economy, Workers and Businesses https://www.whitehouse.gov/westwingreads/ WhiteHouseNews: https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600daily/ Latest VA News: Veteran Coronavirus Update, Veteran News Network 24/7, Five VA Jobs You May Qualify for with your MOS https://tinyurl.com/vku7zz2 MyHealthVet: Update | March 11, 2020 - Skip the ER, use VA Video Connect https://tinyurl.com/sqz7r4g TrumpWomenDaily: Ivanka Tweets Another Bipartisan Deal - Increased Funding for National Parks - The deal will "permanently fund the #LWCF" and "would be the most significant conservation legislation enacted by Congress in nearly half a century," according to Ivanka Trump in a tweet on Tuesday morning. https://tinyurl.com/rh3s27a Melania's Keynote Speech at Opioid Summit https://tinyurl.com/ujrwhxy Latest From AFA: http://tinyurl.com/j7lakqw Students For Life https://tinyurl.com/yd5nxmu6 Latest From OperationRescue: http://www.operationrescue.org/ Latest Product Alert: Vegetables, Nuts, Vehicles http://www.emergencyemail.org/products/?fmt=text Latest Health Alert: http://www.emergencyemail.org/health/?fmt=text Click to Give Free https://tinyurl.com/y2abb8d2 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Why deadly viruses like SARS and COVID-19 keep emerging from China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPpoJGYlW54 --- ...Interesting! Thanks LouiseAu! Trump was smart to ban them from coming here early on! Thank God! Godly wisdom no doubt has been at play with Trump with this! This is absolutely beautiful... Please take a couple of minutes to watch this .......... "WHISPERS" https://www.youtube.com/embed/zf_0jzPQ8lo?rel=0 --- ...Lovely! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- Revisiting... >From Our Friend PatDeE :) Can we believe our lying eyes? https://www.youtube.com/embed/3PszMaZ5Ipk --- ...Hmmmm Thanks PatDeE! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) One of the most beautiful and impressive juggling acts - performed by Krachinov for the French television show 'The World's Greatest Cabaret.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_t2CQ3M8jbs Take a look at the beauty of America as The Charlie Daniels Band sings their song My Beautiful America - in this entertaining music video. The United States is a vast land and there are so many beautiful places to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=B2AEkfjc6-o Flying Over America is sure to entertain both aviation fans as well as music fans in this nicely done video that showcases some of America's most famous sights as seen from the air. I'm sure the pilots and film crew had a blast filming this. The video was created by Yessian, a global collective of producers, composers, music supervisors and recording artists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcuDdPo0WZk&feature=player_embedded --- ...Very Nice! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) Train Of The Future https://www.youtube.com/embed/ON1j2TJCoQU Polar Bear Love http://www.youtube.com/embed/CbILj_CYqno --- ...Awww, Thanks Linda! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Fran :) *** *** ***....** **...*** **........** **.......** *** **..........*.........** *** **.....** **..................** **.....** **.........** **..............** **.........** *..............* *..........* *..............* **..............* *......* *..............** **..............** *....* **..............** *......................................* **..............**........**..............** **..............* *....*....*..............** *..............* *........* ...*..............* **.........** *............* ...**.........** **.....** **...............**....**.....** *** **...................**...* *** **...........*...........**...* **.........* *.........** *...*..*..*..* *......** **......* *........* ** * * ** *...* * >Irish Prayer May those who love us And those who don't love us, May those who love us love us. May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles. So we'll know them by their limping. - Unknown - but the poet was certainly Irish -<>- May your blessings outnumber The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go. -<>- May your wishes come true and your truth be wise. Happy St Patrick's Day -<>- Irish Milkshake 1/2 to 3/4 pint stout 1/2 shot glass Irish cream Liqueur 1/2 shot glass Irish Whiskey Irish Cream Fudge Recipe http://candy.about.com/od/chocolatefudgerecipes/r/Irish-Cream-Fudge.htm Bittersweet Chocolate Irish Whiskey Cake recipe http://tinyurl.com/j66amgu Irish Potatoes Recipes - Food.com http://www.food.com/recipes/irish-potatoes --- ...Awesome! Thanks Fran! ================================================================= |><|~|><| /(((9)))\ //) -_- (\\ (((( ._. )))) ))))---(((( ((((`---')))) (___|xXxXx|___) \ | | / / ^ ^ ^ \ / \ (_._._._._._) \ | / ( | ) | | | hjw |-|-| /`-^-'\ (__,^.__) >What Courage Really Is Story Editor: by The Counselor Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA I'm a child counselor for an organization providing therapeutic foster care for children who've experienced abuse or neglect by their families. One of my former clients now lives with her grandparents in another state. She was placed into foster care with her two older sisters because her mother's boyfriend sexually molested all three of them. At the time of this story, she was eight years old, about four feet tall, weighed 41 pounds, and looked like a little elf. When her abuser went on trial, the District Attorney tried him on charges against this child only, because she got the very worst of the abuse. She returned to our state to testify, spending two hours on the stand recounting in excruciating detail everything that he did to her over two years. She didn't back down when the defense lawyer tried rattle her during cross-examination. Instead, she announced that she knew he was trying to trick her, and he'd better knock it off! The investigating police officers, the doctor who examined her, the police examiner, her former foster mother, her grandparents and I also testified. The jury took 30 minutes to convict. My client's sister testified to his abuse of her during the penalty phase, to establish a pattern, and the jury gave him 30 years. The District Attorney found two prior felony convictions for aggravated assault which this abuser lied about, adding another five years to his sentence for aggravated perjury. After sentencing, this tiny girl amazed us all. When she entered foster care she was so scared of her abuser she could barely even speak his name. After the verdict she informed her former foster mother that she had something to say to the perpetrator. "You need to help me find a way to do that." The foster mother talked to the District Attorney, who talked to the judge. The judge said this was unprecedented -- she'd never had a victim in any sexual assault case want to make a victim's statement. But nothing legally prevented it, so she agreed. After the jury announced the abuser's sentence, this little girl stood up in the witness stand, looked straight at her abuser, and said, "I'm really sorry you have to go to jail, but you deserve it for what you did to me. I'm really happy to know that you're never going to be able to hurt me again. And that's all I have to say to you." Everybody in the room, with the exception of the defendant and his family and lawyer, was in tears by the end of her statement. We were all so proud of her! She made it possible for justice to be done that day. She faced her abuser bravely -- in a way that few adults have the courage to do. From the look of it, this little child is going to be just fine. Seeing her on the stand that day made it clear to me exactly what courage really is. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupOfCheer: \ / \ / \.-./ (o\^/o) _ _ _ __ ./ \.\ ( )-( )-( ) .-' '-. {-} \(// || \\/ ( )) '-. //-__||__.-\\. .-' (/ () \)'-._.-' || || \\ MJP (' (' ') >GET IN THE GAME By Rick Ezell "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise" (Prov. 6:6, NIV). No one has to tell an ant what to do. It just does it. They are creatures on the move. You've heard the story about the two ants on the golf course. A ball had landed close to them. The hacker started swinging his club and missed the ball. He did it once, then twice. One ant started scurrying toward the ball. The other asked where he was going. He said, "Follow me, if we don't get on the ball we are going to die." Getting in the game is doing what needs to be done. "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied" (Prov. 13:4 NIV). God put us on this earth to act. Courageously and diligently we must act. When it comes to relationships, the courageous take the time to develop the relationships. They invest the necessary energy. With their spouses they make time for each other. With their children they discipline rather than give in. With friends they overlook petty faults because they care. With all relationships they go the extra mile. When it comes to purpose, the courageous find a reason for living. They discover how God has gifted them. They seek ways to help others. They give of themselves to a cause or an institution. They look beyond themselves. They agree with Everett Hale, "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do." When it comes to responsibility, the courageous refuse to look the other way. They do their part and their fair share. They join an advocacy group. They share in the ministry of the church. They seek out ways they can help in the community. When it comes to spiritual direction, the courageous engage in the necessary disciplines to keep their bearings. Church attendance, reading and studying scripture, prayer, fellowship, giving, and service are practiced faithfully. These spiritual disciplines keep the wells of refreshment and renewal full of fresh water, leaving their souls with no possibility of drying and parching. The courageous live by three life-changing words: DO IT NOW! They refuse to delay and to procrastinate. They don't evacuate. They see what needs to be done and do it, now. They choose not to stand on the sidelines and merely watch. They get in the game. From The 7 Sins of Highly Defective People, Copyrighted 2003, Rick Ezell. -<>- .-. o \ .-. .----.' \ .'o) / `. o / | \_) /-. '_.` \ \ `. | \ | \ | .--/`-. / / .'.-/`-. `. .\| /.' /`._ `- '-. ____(|__/`-..`- '-._ \ |`------.'-._ ` ||\ \ || # /-. ` / || \| || #/ `--' / /_::_|)__ `|____|-._.-` / ||`--------` \-.___.` | / || # | \ | | || # # | /`.___.'\ |.`|________| | /`.__.'|'.` __/ \ __/ \ /__.-.) /__.-.) LGB >INVISIBLE TATTOOS There are those who have physical challenges others cannot see. Have you ever seen someone park in a handicap spot and questioned what right they had to it? Sure there are some who shamefully take advantage of it and know they have no right. But, there are millions who suffer from chronic pain and neuromuscular diseases in early stages. If you saw them you might not be aware that, although they look perfectly fine to you, most of their life their disease keeps them from functioning well in everyday tasks. Their invisible tattoo is pain. You can't see it, but it's there. Why then are we so skeptical? Why do we first choose to criticize, doubt, and reject others who are different then ourselves? You may argue that your life is such that you can clearly declare you have no "invisible tattoos." Under the black light you may discover that "Denial" is yours. I believe if I keep my mind and my heart open I can benefit from every person who crosses my path. By shining the light of love I will see the markings of goodness in them. Remember, too, everyone has invisible gifts to offer the world. Those are often shadowed my insecurity and doubt. By shining the light of mistrust and skepticism, one only reveals to the world their own markings of prejudice and fear of the unknown. Don't judge me for what you see, love me for who I am. -Bob Perks as seen in Inspiration Plus -<>- D. Hopwood ________ _jgN########Ngg_ _N##N@@"" ""9NN##Np_ d###P N####p "^^" T#### d###P _g###@F _gN##@P gN###F" d###F 0###F 0###F 0###F "NN@' ___ q###r "" >WHY ARE THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE? During my junior year in high school, Mr. Reynolds, my English teacher, handed each student a list of thoughts or statements written by other students then gave us a creative writing assignment based on one of those thoughts. At 17, I was beginning to wonder about many things, so I chose the statement, "I wonder why things are the way they are?" That night, I wrote down in the form of a story all the questions that puzzled me about life. I realized that many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps others couldn't be answered at all. When I turned in my paper, I was afraid that I might fail the assignment because I had not answered the question, "I wonder why things are the way they are?" I had no answers. I had only written questions. The next day Mr. Reynolds called me to the front of the class and asked me to read my story for the other students. He handed me my paper and sat down in the back of the room. The class became quiet as I began to read my story. Mommie, Daddy........Why? Mommie, why are the roses red? Mommie, why is the grass green and the sky blue? Why does a spider have a web and not a house? Daddy, why can't I play in your toolbox? Teacher, why do I have to read? Mother, why can't I wear lipstick to the dance? Daddy, why can't I stay out until 12:00? The other kids can. Daddy, why don't the boys like me? Why do I have to be so skinny? Why do I have braces and wear glasses? Why do I have to be 16? Mom, why do I have to graduate? Dad, why do I have to grow up? Mom, Dad, why do I have to leave? Mom, why don't you write more often? Dad, why do I miss my old friends? Dad, why do you love me so much? Dad, why do you spoil me? Your little girl is growing up. Mom, why don't you visit? Mom, why is it hard to make new friends? Dad, why do I miss being at home? Dad, why does my heart skip a beat when he looks in my eyes? Mom, why do my legs tremble when I hear his voice? Mother, why is being "in love" the greatest feeling in the world? Daddy, why don't you like to be called "Gramps"? Mother, why do my baby's tiny fingers cling so tightly to mine? Mother, why do they have to grow up? Daddy, why do they have to leave? Why do I have to be called "Grannie"? Mommie, Daddy, why did you have to leave me? I need you. Why did my youth slip past me? Why does my face show every smile that I have ever given to a friend or a stranger? Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver? Why do my hands quiver when I bend to pick a flower? Why, God, are the roses red? At the conclusion of my story, my eyes locked with Mr. Reynold's eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. It was then that I realized that life is not always based on the answers we receive, but also on the questions that we ask. ~by Lisa Burchett~ as seen in Inspiration Plus -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >A PSALM 23 LIFE Mary Southerland Today's Truth Psalm 23:1-6 (NIV) "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Friend To Friend As I drove home from a busy day of running errands, my thoughts drifted to the absurd schedule through which I had hurled myself that day. It was a schedule without margins or boundaries, every moment assigned to something or someone. My stress level grew with every task, threatening to overwhelm my heart and soul in a torrential downpour of anxiety and tension. I couldn't wait to get home, change into my comfort clothes of sweatshirt and jeans and sink into solitude and rest. But stress was waiting to greet me, just inside my front door. Children needed clean clothes, hot food, transportation to various events, help with homework and a listening ear. My husband had experienced the same kind of chaotic day I had and was in desperate need of peace and quiet for his frazzled soul. Ah, life! Stress is a familiar and faithful companion, an unavoidable part of life. It doesn't matter where we work or live, whether we are married or single; have no children or dozens of them, are filthy rich or dirt poor. We will encounter stress as we strive to honor God by becoming His fully devoted followers. Unless we learn how to manage stress - God's way - we will become a sitting duck for the enemy. Stress management is a spiritual discipline. The truth of Psalm 23:1 is the starting place for dealing with stress. Life begins here - in a vital, personal relationship with the living, peace giving God It is very frustrating to try living the Christian life when you are not one. I know. For years, I tried desperately to be a Christian, saved by knowledge and good works. It simply cannot be done. To know who we are, we must understand whose we are. I grew up in a Christian home, attending church every time the doors were open. I sang all the right songs, spoke all the right words and did all the right things. I prayed that my works would validate my faith and desperately hoped that by following the rules I would please the Ruler. It was not until middle school that the authentic life and spiritual integrity of a dynamic youth pastor made me hunger and thirst for God. During a Saturday evening worship service, I sat in a church pew, wrestling with God over my soul. After all, I was a very active church member, a soloist and pianist in worship services, and even directed a children's choir. I argued that I knew all about God - and then it hit me. Yes, I knew about Him but I did not know Him. That night we met. I surrendered all I knew about myself to all I knew about Him. The course of my life was re-set and I was changed forever. Over the years, there have been times when sin has hindered my relationship with God - but it has not and cannot sever that relationship. Nothing can separate us from His love. However, when we cherish and harbor sin, life inevitably spirals into a swirling cesspool of chaos where stress reigns and self-doubt flourishes. What a powerful promise found in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". Every time I read that verse, I am amazed by the hope it conveys. When we confess sin, God not only forgives that sin but removes the stain it leaves behind. The stain of sin is one of Satan's favorite weapons. With it, he births guilt and shame, crippling us spiritually. When we buy into those lies, allowing them free reign, we are telling God that sending His son to die on the cross was not enough. I cannot even imagine what it must do to His heart, as He watches His children settle for so little when He offers so much. Knowing whose we are empowers us to live and serve from His love - not to it - and is the first key in dealing with stress. I have spent a great deal of my life wondering who and what I am. Much of my stress and frustration could have been avoided by understanding that my identity can only be found in a personal relationship with God... I am His sheep and He is my Shepherd. That knowledge frees me - to be me. Knowing whose we are brings peace and settles our souls. Today, sit at His feet. Allow Him to draw you into His arms. Listen to His heart and voice. And you will know that you belong to Him. Nothing else matters. Let's Pray Father, I thank You for loving me and for making me Your child. As I face each day, help me to remember that I am Yours, Lord and because I belong to You, I have everything I need and can truly dwell in peace. Today, I choose to trust and rest in You, my Shepherd and my God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen. Now It's Your Turn Identify the most stressful areas of your life. Read Psalm 23 every day this month, committing each one of these areas to the Good Shepherd. As you walk through each stress-filled day, lean on the truths of this psalm. At the end of the month, evaluate your stress level. I encourage you to list the sins that stand between you and God. Face them, deal with them and turn away from them. Perhaps you have sinned against someone. Don't wait another minute. Ask their forgiveness. Sin that has never been confessed is a stronghold of the enemy from which he dispenses guilt, condemnation and stress. as seen in Girlfriends in God To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to cheer316@sc.rr.com. ========================================================== , \. /J ..---.. .-```-. L`\ \-.__.-` L .-`` ``-. / \ | \ \ J .` _. `. J J \ `\ L/ /` \ . \ \ | | \ `, | ``-.o\ /_.-``\ L L L `\ | J , `/\` , | J J `\ / L /( `` )\ J | | , `\ | `\`---.....--`/` | L L | ` | \ (__Y__) / L-.-' J |\ | `-.____.-` / __ | | \ |`. .` ( ) `-._.-` \ | `-.. ..-` `-` `-.___.-` ``---`` NDT >-->I Refuse... I refuse to be discouraged, To be sad, or to cry; I refuse to be downhearted, and here's the reason why: I have a God who's mighty, Who's sovereign and supreme; I have a God who loves me, and I am on His team. He's all-wise and powerful. Jesus is His Son's name; Though everything is changeable, My God remains the same. My God knows all that's happening; Beginning to the end; His presence is my comfort; He is my dearest Friend. When sickness comes to weaken me, To bring my head down low, I call upon my mighty God; Into His arms I go. When circumstances threaten to rob me of my peace; He draws me close unto His breast, Where all my strivings cease. When my heart melts within me, and weakness takes control; He gathers me into His arms, He soothes my heart and soul. The Almighty is with me. My life is in His hand. The "Son of the Lord" is my hope. It's in His strength I stand. I refuse to be defeated. My eyes are on my God; He has promised to be with me, As through this life I trod. I'm looking past all my circumstances, To Heaven's throne above; My prayers have reached the heart of God I'm resting in His love. I give God thanks in everything. My eyes are on His face; The battle's His, the victory mine; He'll help me win the race. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!! Pass it on! .##@@&&&@@##. ,##@&::%&&%%::&@##. #@&:%%000000000%%:&@# #@&:%00' '00%:&@# #@&:%0' '0%:&@# #@&:%0 0%:&@# #@&:%0 0%:&@# #@&:%0 0%:&@# "" ' " " ' "" _oOoOoOo_ .-.-. (oOoOoOoOo) ( : ) )`"""""`( .-.`. .'.-. / \ (_ '.Y.' _) | # | ( .'|'. ) \ / '-' | '-' jgs `=========` "Vision is not seeing things as they are, but as they will be..." -Unknown >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ********************************************************************** >TO SUBSCRIBE:Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com **********************************************************************