Heaven's Heroes... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ ,-. ,-. ||,\ -=- /,|| F'\\\,o8o,///`J J'J`,\(".")/,'F`L |F||\ \>PVDo You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a 2011 Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OUR ANGELS MOST ABUNDANTLY! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) I got busy Tuesday night and added several more Valentine Animations to our gallery here: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_u-z.html For those of you with a fast internet, it is easier to view these if you click on the V on the left side of the menu. Other Valentine Animations can be found here: _ _ ( \/ ) .---. \ / .-"-. / 6_6 \/ / 4 4 \ \_ (__\ \_ v _/ // \\ // \\ (( )) (( )) =======""===""========""===""======= jgs ||| ||| | | Heart Animations http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs_f-j.html -<>- Well, we survived the great snow storm! What a mess it made with its freezing mix of snow, and sleet! So thankful we didn't loose power and praying for all those that did! Another little bright spot yesterday was that the groundhog didn't see his shadow! I can't remember when that last happened! Amazing amidst the blizzard and the ton of snow and ice around his little burrow, he walks out and predicts an early spring! I think we can ALL handle that! YEAH Groundhog! Good job! High PAW! -<>- *~* We've Had A GREAT Month Of Caring And Sharing! Be Sure To Visit And Pass These On To Your Friends And Family: Venice Of Holland! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/gvillage.html Attitude Is Everything 3! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude3.html Sweet Wooden Car! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/woodcar.html Life's Little Oops 8! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/whoops8.html John Scapes' Basement! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/basement.html Stuck Animals! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/stuck.html Did You See That? http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/seethat.html Snow Fun! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/snowfun.html Attitude Is Everything 4! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude4.html Akiane Child Prodigy! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy.html *~* SPECIAL THANKS AND HUGS TO ALL OUR ANGELS AND CONTRIBUTORS! --- You are truly part of God's Best --- ================================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers _____________,-.___ _ |____ { {]_]_] [_] |___ `-----.__\ \_]_]_ . ` | `-----.____} }]_]_]_ , |_____________/ {_]_]_]_] , ` hjw `-' >CHOCOLATE KISSES by Kathe Campbell Back in the dark ages when I turned eleven in Ms. Daisy Blogg's classroom, the most wonderful thing happened -- I fell in love. It was magical as Buddy O'Toole and I zinged whimsical grins across four rows of sixth grade desks. I was tall for my age and just about as gangly as they come, while Buddy was short and just about as round as they come. But it hardly mattered, for nearly all the boys were shorter than the girls. My mother assured me I was experiencing "puppy love" and that Buddy was just slow shedding his baby fat. Memories of chocolates and surprises beset my every thought as Valentine's Day drew near. I could barely wait to hear what our teacher had planned as our tall classroom windows glittered with familiar sweet red angels and assorted hearts. Would we cut and paste tiresome construction paper, add bits of ribbon over paper lace doilies, and exchange the results? Gladly, no. We had made that big step from childhood to upper classmen and could create our own valentines at home, or purchase them at the local five and dime. "Please bring a decorated container with your name clearly marked on the outside," announced Ms. Blogg. "You will make enough Valentines for every box." How familiar that sounded as I pondered two scruffy and cantankerous boys who still dipped pigtails in inkwells despite the principal's wrath. And, of course, equality prevailed to include our class haughty and mean-spirited girl. While the ladies fancied Valentine greetings, the sixth grade boys were not as sold on the custom, suddenly all too juvenile, silly and mushy. Regardless, Buddy told me to make sure my container was at least as big as a shoe box, that he had been working on an idea. 'Twould be my first experience on cloud nine. Walking to school, none of us escaped the cloudburst and squall swirling about the playground as we and our Valentine treasures ran for cover. The swings and trapezes banged and twirled, ensnarling their chains around and around, then a sudden lull while they untangled at breakneck speed. After placing our wet boxes on the window sills above the radiators, we spent the morning glancing the wrinkled and fading coverings. Ribbons and string hung in limp shambles making strange arrays of bleeding pigments and hues upon all they touched. Nontheless, for the girls the day drug endlessly as we contemplated the party and sharing of our treasures. As Ms. Blogg read the history of Valentine's Day aloud, a sudden psst, psst, psst, emanated from the radiator. The class broke out in giggles as we watched chocolate drip, drip, dripping from a corner of the big red shoe box marked, "Kathleen." I glanced over at Buddy, but there were no smiles or giggles, just horror written all over his face. He had spent his allowance on the newest Hershey sensation -- foil-wrapped chocolate kisses, each pasted meticulously upon a sensational card. For Buddy, the welcomed three-o'clock bell rang and the class gathered their Valentines under their coats for the drizzly trek home. I caught up with Buddy in the hallway and asked him to meet me across the street at the library. After choosing a corner spot, I set the table with his lovely chocolate-covered card and the knurly candy kisses. We sat and talked until a grin crossed Buddy's chubby cheeks. We then finished off the remains of a Valentine box neither of us ever forgot. -- Kathe Campbell __________________________________________________ Kathe lives her dream on a Montana mountain with her mammoth donkeys, a Keeshond, and a few kitties. Three children, eleven grands and three greats round out her herd. She is a prolific writer on Alzheimer's, and her stories are found on many ezines. Kathe is a contributing author to the Chicken Soup For The Soul and Cup of Comfort series, numerous anthologies, RX for Writers, magazines and medical journals. ================================================================== >-->From Laugh & Lift: Thought for Today __ __ /' `\ Y. .Y _______ \`. .'/ ,-------------'======="--""""-""""---. __,=+'-------------------------------------|p .-/__|_]_] :"/:""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|' ,-'__________[];/_;_____________________T G V____| ,".../_|___________________________________________| (_> ,-------. ,-------. | `-._____.'(_)`='(_)\_7___7___7___7__7_.'(_)`='(_)\_/ hjw "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." - Corrie Ten Boom, author and Holocaust survivor The Lift ... ;::::; ;::::; :; ;:::::' :; ;:::::; ;. ,:::::' ; OOO\ ::::::; ; OOOOO\ ;:::::; ; OOOOOOOO ,;::::::; ;' / OOOOOOO ;:::::::::`. ,,,;. / / DOOOOOO .';:::::::::::::::::;, / / DOOOO ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;, / / DOOO ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/ / DOOO :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::# / DOOO ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# / DOO `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/ DOO :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::## OO ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::# OO `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::# O `:::::`::::::::;' / / `:# ::::::`:::::;' / / `# unknown Overcoming the Fear of Death (By Neil T. Anderson) [Edited] Fear was the first emotion expressed by Adam after the Fall (see Gen. 3:10); and because of the Fall, the most repeated command in Scripture is "fear not." What Adam and Eve lost in the Fall was life; and according to Scripture, "The last enemy to be destroyed is death" (1 Cor. 15:26). Because we are alive in Christ, death is no longer a legitimate fear object. Even though physical death is still imminent (see Heb. 9:27), it is no longer potent. "Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" (1 Cor. 15:54-55) No one looks forward to the process of dying, but there is no reason for us as believers to fear death. "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord" (2 Cor. 5:8) The spiritual life we have in Christ is eternal. Our physical life is temporal and perishable. Paul wrote, "The perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality" (1 Cor. 15:53). In other words, our perishable physical life must be joined with the imperishable life of Christ so that when we physically die, "death [will be] swallowed up in victory" (v.54). In order to be with God in heaven, we must physically die and receive a resurrected body, because "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (v.50). When we physically die, we will be absent from the body, but present with the Lord for all eternity. If we have not received spiritual life before we physically die, we will face eternity [apart from God] in hell. Therefore, we should place the highest value not on our physical life, but on our spiritual life in Christ. Paul says, "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21). Nothing else will fit that formula: For me to live is my family, and to die would be loss. For me to live is my career, and to die would also be loss. If we are free from the fear of death, we are free to live responsible lives [in Christ] today. Being free from the fear of death is not license to commit suicide, nor is it a license to needlessly throw ourselves in harm's way. Our physical life is an entrustment of which we are to be good stewards. "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful" (1 Cor. 4:2). Yet, even as good stewards, we must be willing to part with that over which we have stewardship... This world is not our home. We have been allowed to remain on this planet for a purpose. If we fear the Lord [truly reverence the Lord], we will seek above all else to fulfill our calling. Paul said, "I am torn between the two; I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far, but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith." (Phil. 1:23-25) SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com --- ...My two cents... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' The part that is not being made clear here that Paul very well understood but seems to be so often lost, is that when we die, we are not instantly given a new body and zapped into heaven with God and our Lord Christ Jesus and all our good family members that died ahead of us. WE HAVE TO WAIT JUST AS THEY ARE WAITING. What Paul understood was that when we die, it will SEEM like we are instantly with God, but the fact of the matter is that ALL of us MUST wait for the resurrection and the return of Christ before we get new bodies and be with our heavenly family. Paul wrote here... 1 Thes. 4:13-18 [13] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep [dead in Christ], that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope [dead without Christ]. [14] For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him [God keeps our soul safe and sound with him until the Resurrection]. [15] For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord [the Resurrection] shall not prevent [hinder or stop] them which are asleep [dead in Christ]. [16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: If they are already in Heaven with a new body this would not be necessary. [17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. [18] Wherefore comfort one another with these words. And this is also confirmed by Paul again here: [20] But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. [Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead] [21] For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. [22] For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. [23] But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; [dead in Christ waiting] afterward they that are Christ's at his coming [alive at the time at the Resurrection]. [24] Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. [25] For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. [26] The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. AFTER Christ has reigned and put all enemies under his feet THEN Death being the last enemy of God left shall be destroyed. You need not fear death as once you are dead you sleep until Christ returns. BUT value your life like Paul said because while you are alive in the flesh, you can serve the Lord and help others. So while you have the choice to continue the hard work and the race or sleep, it is better to be alive for Christ then asleep waiting for Christ. See these teachings... Teachings on Death: http://tinyurl.com/5rpx9cq Do Christians go to Heaven if they die? http://tinyurl.com/49n22t3 ================================================================ >-->From CupO'Cheer: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >OBEDIENCE RELEASES GOD'S POWER IN YOUR LIFE by Rick Warren "We see, then, that they were not able to enter the land, because they did not believe." – Hebrews 3:19 (TEV) The saddest verse to me in the entire Bible is today's verse. It says the people of God were not able to enter the Promised Land because of their unbelief. Think about this: For 400 years God planned the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt. To convince Pharaoh to let them go, God sent the various plagues to Egypt. He opened the Red Sea and he fed the Israelites with manna and quail. He took care of all of their needs as he brought them to the edge of the Promised Land. But at the point of decision, God's people say, "We can't do it." And the Bible says because of their unbelief, they were not allowed to go in and they missed all that God had planned for their lives. I do not want that to happen to you. I do not want you to miss what God has planned for your life simply because you were afraid or unwilling to take a step of faith. Your unbelief limits God. We must choose to obey God in faith. Every time we trust God's wisdom and do whatever he says to do, even when we don't understand it, we deepen our relationship with God Understand, though, we obey God, not out of duty or fear or compulsion, but because we love him and trust that he knows what is best for us. We want to follow Christ out of gratitude for all he has done for us, and the closer we follow Jesus, the deeper our relationship with him becomes. Unbelievers often think Christians obey out of obligation or guilt or fear of punishment, but the opposite is true. Because we have been forgiven and set free, we obey out of love – and our obedience brings great joy! Jesus said, "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!" (John 15:9-11 NLT) The greatest tragedy this year would be for you to stand at the edge of your destiny, but to be afraid to enter into all that God has planned for you. Your obedience in moving forward – to take risks and step out in faith – will release God's power in your life. What are you afraid of in 2011? Whatever it is, it doesn't stand a chance when you do whatever God tells you to do. There is no reason to be afraid. The Lord is on our side. as seen in Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotional" --- ...Memorize this verse... , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' 1 John 4: [18a] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: IF you love God - prove it - trust God: Prov.3: [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. -<>- _ .....Hit me I dare you......ya ya ya.... / \ __/ \_ /_ - \ \ ,:',:`,:' ........Oh yeah, yes you...HA! / / / \ \ __||_||_||_||___ | | / | ____[""""""""""""""""]___ / / \ \ \ " '''''''''''''''''''' \ ~~^~^~HZ~~^~^~^~~^~^~^~~jgs~^~^~^^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~~^~^~^~^~~^~^ >BENEATH THE SURFACE An honest look at what is going on beneath the surface of your life can contribute greatly to your spiritual health. You can think of your life as an iceberg. We are told that the visible part of an iceberg, the part we see above the water, is about one-tenth of its total size. Its bulk lies beneath the surface and is revealed only to those who are equipped to go down below the waterline. Our lives are like that. There is much more to them than we see on the surface. Think of the visible part above the waterline as representing the things you do, the thoughts you consciously think, and the feelings you sense going on within you. The mass below the waterline represent the things that go on inside you that cannot be clearly seen or understood, such as motives, attitudes, impulses, and so on. Facing what goes on above the waterline – our visible behaviors and actions – is a whole lot easier than delving below the surface. And this is why many Christians concern themselves only with what they can see, know, and understand. These people can be described as "surface copers." They cope with life by dealing with whatever they can see and ignoring all the rest. But, it's far better to enjoy a deeper relationship with God. That will happen only as we come to grips with the tough issues that lie beneath the surface of our lives. Psalm 51:6 says "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. May God help each of us to stand in complete and utter honesty, not becoming a "surface coper," and giving us the grace we need to face the things we would otherwise avoid. as seen in firstIMPRESSIONS -<>- H=============================================================================H H _______ CAPTAIN -FUTURE- H H ,--' `--._ H H ( `-. __ H H ,-' _ ) ,-' `-. H H / `. , | ,' `. H H | -.\_(_ __ | ,' .,, ) H H | /\) `----' ( ) ,' _((((\ ( H H | / _____ ___| ( ( ---' )\ \ H H |,-. \ <_____) (__ ; / `. |( ) '. H H |) ) ( (o) (o| ( ) \ i )/ '. H H ( | | ) . | ; ( \-=- (( : H H \ \| ( __) |( \ `--' \)\ . : H H ) `--' _____ (__) `. _' '-'`---.; H H `-.| `. `---- / ,-' / ,' `. H H |`-._`-. ( / | , / \H H ___| `- `--^--' (`. | ,' \: / H H ,-. ,-.--' | |-._.-... _`.`. ;/ \/ H H_,'\ \\ \ `-._ __| \ \\ \__ ) | \ \ H H. \ \\ \ `-----__,' \ \\ \ `. \ | `. \ / ,H H `. \ U ) ___,----' \ V /,-'\ /`-. ; `. =|=-.__,-' / H H`-' ) /,---'_,---._ \-' \,,-\ `-; ;\ =|= _,' (H H '----/ ,',-----._`. [III] '. \,-\ ; \ | ,----' H H /// ; / \ \ \ ,-\`. ; ) | `.______ ,'H H _//| | | | | \ \,| `._ | ;--|___,------.'-.H H _,: _/ | | | | ; | [III] \-. \ `--' ;--._()_,------| H H' :/ | | : \ ; ; / \__/ ; ( H H ; \ \ `.'.____,' / [MEPH] / \ ; \ H H ; \ `. `--.__,-' / ) \ ; \ \ H H / `._`.____________________,-' / | ; \ _.-----| H H/\ `-._________________ / | ; \ ,-' |==| H H \ _,-'| \ `-. | | ; \ / |==| H H `. _ ,-' | | || ( ; \_/ |==| H H )/ \ | | | |(\ \; ; | |==| H H || | | | | | )\ ____( ; | ``| H H || | | | | |/ \,-' \ ; | ; H H \) \/ | | | ( \ ; | | H H | | | | \ \ ; : ; H H | | | | \ \ ; | ; H H | | | | \ \; | ; H H=======================================================================H >LOOKING AHEAD By Rick Ezell "The wise man looks ahead" (Prov. 14:8 LB). Bill Walsh, the former head football coach of the San Francisco 49ers, was thought eccentric because of how extensively he planned his plays in advance of each game. Most coaches would wait to see how the game unfolded, then respond with plays that seemed appropriate. Walsh wanted the game to respond to him. Walsh won a lot of Super Bowls with his "eccentric" proactive approach. He was a coach that looked into the future in advance. Looking ahead is the process of creating the future before it happens. Like Bill Walsh, it is creating your own actions in advance so that your life will respond to you. What are the benefits of such a proactive pursuit? Looking ahead gives direction. It's like using a highlighter on a roadmap that indicates where you are, where you are going, and how you are going to get there. The highlighted roadmap not only provides information for where you are going; it also suggests where you are not going. Looking ahead helps us to create rather than react. Each step along our journey we are faced with a choice either to create or to react. Many people spend their entire days reacting. Like goalies in a hockey game, with pucks flying at us all day, we react. We react to news, cars in traffic, people, events, challenges, and obstacles. A better way involves making choices and following plans. Looking ahead saves time. "One hour of planning saves three hours of execution." Looking ahead provides a savings return. We only have twenty-four hours in a day and 365 days in a year. If we don't use them wisely by looking ahead we will forever forfeit those gifts. Looking ahead reduces crisis. Our daily lives have two controlling influences: plans or pressures. When we look ahead and choose to plan we take charge and control of our days. If we fail to look ahead we will spend our days in crisis mode. We will fall into a trap of panic planning-planning on the fly with no time to effectively map out a strategy. Looking ahead gives energy. Failing to look ahead, we dissipate our energy on less important matters, improper agendas, and lost crusades. We waste our time on the trivial many. Be wise: Look ahead. It's eccentric, but well worth the effort. Copyright 2010, Rick Ezell. --- ...My Two cents... .---. |[X]| _.==._.""""".___n__ d __ ___.-''-. _____b |[__] /."""".\ _ | | // /""\ \\_) | | \\ \__/ // | |pentax\`.__.'/ | \=======`-..-'======/ `-----------------' hjw Planning ahead is like taking a picture - envision what you want, get it in focus, check to make sure the distance and lighting are just right, then snap the picture and patiently wait for it to develop. See this teaching... When You Pray http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/pray.html -<>- __ __ ,-' `' \ _---``-- / _ _ ; __ `. / / `' \; /`----- ) / .-/ ,( ), \-. ; | \( \ / )/; | - _5 `7 -; / ( ___-' `-____ | ( ___`-_ \ ____| \ / `,/ \ _(\__ / \ \ ; \ .' /' `i. / | | \ _-'( _\__-/ `- | | ` ,` `_ | BP >TRUE FRIENDS Harboring sadness as you go by might leave you standing alone till you die. Don't just hold it as a fool. Learn to use it as a tool. Let that sadness help you grow reaching out to ones you know. For just holding it too tight, might find you a dismal sight. Let some others come along and then maybe you'll be strong. You'll find truly your true friends, for they're ones without no ends. ©By Bill Pearce Jan 1, 2011 -<>- .---. /_____\__ .===. _ _ `\/6.6\/--` / _/\ \ / )%.===.%( \ ( _ ) \/6.6\/ | // ,,, \\ | ,'---', ( _ ) \/ \/6.6\/ \/ .===. / _ \ _)---(_ /\ ( _ ) /\ / ,,, \ /\/ (_) \/\ / `~` \ ^^ /()-()\ ^^ ( /6.6\ ) .=@=. \ | (_) | / /\/ \/\ / /o o\ \ )( _ )( / \ \| |/ \ | | / (._\ Y /_.) (_/;---;\_) \ 6.6 / |_____| \|_____|/ (O_`&`_O) / `"*"` \ ( _ ) | | | | L | / / \ \ ( (_.@._) ) .-'---'-. | | | |__|__| / ()/^\() \ /'._\|/_.'\ / . . \ \__|__/ | | | /. . . . . . .\ /. . . . . .\ _/ /| , |\ \_ |_|_| |_|_| `"`"`|`|`|`"`"` `"`"|"|"|"`"` (__/{`"==="`}\__) jgs _|_|_|_ _|_|_|_ _|_|_|_ _|_|_|_ /\_ _/\ (___|___) (___|___) (___|___) (___|___) _| /`"`\ |_ ( \ / \ / ) \_/ \_/ >WITH HEART HEADED HOME by Max Lucado Search the faces of the Cap Haitian orphanage for Carinette. She’s been adopted. Her adoptive parents are friends of mine. They brought her pictures, a teddy bear, granola bars, and cookies. Carinette shared the goodies and asked the director to guard her bear, but she keeps the pictures. They remind her of her home-to-be. Within a month, two at the most, she’ll be there. She knows the day is coming. Every opening of the gate jumps her heart. Any day now her father will appear. He promised he’d be back. He came once to claim her. He’ll come again to carry her home. Till then she lives with a heart headed home. Shouldn’t we all? Carinette’s situation mirrors ours. Our Father paid us a visit too. Have we not been claimed? Adopted? “So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God’s very own children, adopted into his family calling him ‘Father, dear Father’ ” (Rom. 8:15). God searched you out. Before you knew you needed adopting, he’d already filed the papers and selected the wallpaper for your room. “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters” (Rom. 8:29). Abandon you to a fatherless world? No way. Those privy to God’s family Bible can read your name. He wrote it there. What’s more, he covered the adoption fees. Neither you nor Carinette can pay your way out of the orphanage, so “God sent [Christ] to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children” (Gal. 4:5). Adopted, but not transported. We have a new family, but not our heavenly house. We know our Father’s name, but we haven’t seen his face. He has claimed us, but has yet to come for us. So here we are. Caught between what is and what will be. No longer orphans, but not yet home. What do we do in the meantime? Indeed, it can be just that—a mean time. Time made mean with chemotherapy, drivers driving with more beer than brains in their bodies, and backstabbers who make life on earth feel like a time- share in Afghanistan. How do we live in the meantime? How do we keep our hearts headed home? Paul weighs in with some suggestions. Paul calls the Holy Spirit a foretaste. “We have the Holy Spirit…as a foretaste of future glory” (Romans 8: 23). No person with a healthy appetite needs a definition for that word. Even as I draft this chapter, my mind drifts toward a few foretastes. Within an hour I’ll be in Denalyn’s kitchen sniffing the dinner trimmings like a Labrador sniffing for wild game. When she’s not looking, I’ll snatch a foretaste. Just a bite of turkey, a spoon of chili, a corner of bread…predinner snacks stir appetites for the table. Samplings from heaven’s kitchen do likewise. There are moments, perhaps far too few, when time evaporates and joy modulates and heaven hands you an hors d’oeuvre. • Your newborn has passed from restlessness to rest. Beneath the amber light of a midnight moon, you trace a soft finger across tiny, sleeping eyes and wonder, God gave you to me? A prelibation from heaven’s winery. • You’re lost in the work you love to do, were made to do. As you step back from the moist canvas or hoed garden or rebuilt V-eight engine, satisfaction flows within like a gulp of cool water, and the angel asks, “Another apéritif?” • The lyrics to the hymn say what you couldn’t but wanted to, and for a moment, a splendid moment, there are no wars, wounds, or tax returns. Just you, God, and a silent assurance that everything is right with the world. Rather than dismiss or disregard such moments as good luck, relish them. They can attune you to heaven. So can tough ones. “Although we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, [we] also groan to be released from pain and suffering. We, too, wait anxiously for that day when God will give us our full rights as his children, including the new bodies he has promised us” (v. 23). Let your bursitis-plagued body remind you of your eternal one; let acid-inducing days prompt thoughts of unending peace. Are you falsely accused? Acquainted with abuse? Mudslinging is a part of this life, but not the next. Rather than begrudge life’s troubles, listen to them. “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever” (Rev. 21:4 TLB) Write checks of hope on this promise. Do not bemoan passing time; applaud it. The more you drink from God’s well, the more you urge the clock to tick. Every bump of the second hand brings you closer to a completed adoption. Blessings and burdens. Both can alarm-clock us out of slumber. Gifts stir homeward longings. So do struggles. Every homeless day carries us closer to the day our Father will come. From Come Thirsty Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2004) Max Lucado To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to cheer316@sc.rr.com. ============================================================= >-->From Archived InspiredBuffalo: >Zoe... |\ \`-. _.._| \ |_,' __`. \ (.\ _/.| _ | ,' __ \ | Not as mean as she looks! ,' __/||\ | (Y8P ,/|||||/ | `-'_---- / /`-._.-'/ `-.__.-' jg This is a great story from someone whose dog works to make others happy: Judy Grumbling in Southside, West Virginia writes to tell about the important work that her dog Zoe does. Zoe is a rottweiler who went through training and a great deal of testing to receive the title of "therapy dog". She also has a Canine Good Citizen certificate. However, the therapy that she does is really quite different than most work that therapy dogs do. The R.E.A.D. (Read Education Assistance Dogs) program helps children work on their reading skills. It may sound silly, but children read aloud to dogs. And it works! Children who are slow readers are embarrassed to read aloud in front of peers who may ridicule them. Reading shouldn't be stressful. It should be fun! And who knows better about fun and how to be an attentive pal than a dog? This is where Zoe comes in. Zoe sits quietly and listens while children read to her. With Zoe's unwavering attention, the children feel she is soaking up every word. Judy writes that she and Zoe have been doing this work for three years and to date 130 children have moved up in reading levels under Zoe's watchful gaze. Instead of feeling like outcasts, the children feel like they are given special treatment with a dog for a friend. Judy has watched many shy children go from low slow embarrassed reading to excited participation. She feels that Zoe has opened a door for many children who have gone from hating to read to loving to read books. Judy is proud to have such an amazing companion who does such wonderful work. -<>- ___ /~ ~\ |_ | |/ __-__ \ /~ ~~-_ ~~ -~~\ ~\ / | \ , / / \ // _ _---~~~ //-_ \ / (/~~ ) _____/-__ ~-_ _-\ _________ / _-~\\0) ~~~~ ~~-_ \__--~~ `\ ___---~~~ /' /_-~ _-/' )~/ /' (___________/ _-~/' _-~~/ _-~ _ ----- _~-_\\\\ _-~ /' __--~ (_ ______---~~~--_ _-~ ~-_~\\\\ ( ( -_~ ~-_ | ~-_ /~~~~\ \ \~~ ~-_ ~-_ ~\ ~~--__-----_ \ ; / \ ______-----\ ~-__~-~~~~~~--_ ~~--_ \ . | | \((*)~~~~~~~~~~| __--~~ ~-_ ) | | | \ |~|~---------)__--~~ \_____________/ / , \ ~-----~ / /~ ) \ ~-----~ / ~-_ _-~ /_______________________________/ `-_ _-~ ~ ----- ~ ~ ----- ~ -TX >ON THE SLOW TRACK By: Joseph J. Mazzella "Get on the Fast Track to success in life Now!" These were the words blaring out of my car radio when I turned my engine on the other day. I didn't wait to hear what it was advertising before I switched to another station. The fast track in life has never been for me anyway. I have always found my own success in life on the slow track. Being on the slow track gives me time to talk to my friends and be with my family. It lets me watch the sun rise in the morning sky and set at the end of the day. It gives me moments to sip coffee and laugh at the comics in the newspaper. It reminds me to stop and sniff the dogwoods and flowers in the Spring, walk barefoot in the grass in the Summer, romp in the leaves in the Fall, and make snow angels every Winter. It helps me to keep my arms, hands, and face in good shape by giving me plenty of time to hug my kids, pet my dogs and cats, and smile at all of life's simple pleasures. It allows me to take long walks on warm evenings and feel the breeze on my face. It lets me read uplifting books, listen to beautiful music, and dare to sing along myself. Most of all it gives me time to pray. It gives me time to thank God everyday for my life. It gives me time to ask for His help in loving others, spreading joy, and growing in oneness with Him. Being on the slow track helps me to be the person I was meant to be, to do the things I was meant to do, and to learn the wisdom I was meant to learn. That to me is what true success in life is all about. The slow track may be a quiet path. It may be the road less traveled. But it is a path that is full of love and joy and its road leads to eternity. If you are on the fast track in your own life perhaps you might want to take a detour. The slow track may not make you a lot of money, but it will make your heart smile. The slow track may not help you to gain the whole world, but it will help you to keep your soul. --- ...Reminds me of this video... A Long Road out of Eden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piWZMXBD41w As beautiful, stunning, and sad as the pictures in this video are it also brings to mind this... Ecclesiastes 1: [14] I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. -<>- ___ .dSSSS$$pp.. .dSSSS$$$$$$$$; .dSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$ :SSP^" T$$$$$$$$$$b_ dSSP $$$S$$$$$$$b` dSS$;_. .:$$$SS$$$$$$b dSS$$$_ ; __."^TSS$$$$$b dSS$$P;" ""' :lSS$$$$$b :SS$$$ ; ::SS$$$$$$b_. SSS$$$ : ` ;:SS$$$$$$$bp. :SS$$$$b \ -=- .-" SSS$$$$$$$$$$b SSS$$$$$b.`. / d$SS$$$$$$$$$$$b :SS$$$$$$$; ""T :$$$SS$$$$$$$$P^^t--' SSS$$$S$$$ : $$$$$SS$$$$$$$ : :SS$$$SS$; __; _$$$$$$SS$$$$$$ : SSS$SS l;: ; : $$$$SS$$$$$; ; :SS$SS $;: ; : $$$SS$$$$$$; /; TSSSS :$ \ ; ; :$S$$$$$$$$.-"/ `SP; :; ;: ; T$$$$$$$$; /; : ; ; : `.; /)T$$$$$P .' : ; : : ; .'/ :$$$P'.' .'\ ; \ :; / /$P^".' .-" ; : ;: .' .-" / \ `.____/_'.___:--""\ --' .' ) .-" .' "-._ "-._ ..--"")\ :-' : "-. "-._ ---""" /; ; : : \ "-._....____; : : \ :\ `. \ ; ; \ \\ \ \ ; : : `. \\ \ \ : ; ; ;"-t\ `. \ : : : : `; \ ; ; ; ; : \ / : : / ; \-..__ .'; : ; / : ; """T ; : / / ; \ : ; ; ;/ : : \ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; / : : : ; ; ; / ; :; : ; ; / : :: ; ; ;_ `""--..__; :_; __ ;____;.-;'; ;.__.: :..t-"" j" ; ; : ; ; ;--"" \ [bug] ; ; ; : ; : \ ; ; : \ ; ; ;. ; ; \ \ ; : / ; ; ; \ \ ; : ; ; ; \ `-. ; ; .' ; ; \ \ ;___/ /______;.-' \ ---; / / ;______: .-' / '-------' >"I'm Sorry" Dear God, I'm writing to say I'm sorry For being angry yesterday When you seemed to ignore my prayer And things didn't go my way First, my car broke down I was very late for work But I missed that awful accident Was that your handiwork? I found a house I loved But others got there first I was angry, then relieved When I heard the pipes had burst! Yesterday, I found the perfect dress But the color was too pale Today, I found the dress in red Would you believe, it was on sale! I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blessed For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best! I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean the world to me; Some days I "send" and "send", At other times, I let them be. When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And "well wishes" were their intent. I am so blessed to have these friends, With whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the "Most"! So to you, my friends, I would like to say, Thank you for being a part; Of all my daily contacts, This comes right from my heart. God bless you all is my prayer today, I'm honored to call you "friend"; I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until we write again. God Bless -<>- ..:::::::.. //////\\\\\\\ ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| HH ||||||||||||| HH HH==================HH HH==================HH HH ############# HH HH ############# HH HH ########### HH HH ######### HH HH ####### HH HH ##### HH HH () HH \\ () // \\ () // \\ () // \\ (// \\ //)( ____\/___() ,#################.... ##################### ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unknown >The Broadcasting Station George Washington Carver observed, "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." But it is sometimes hard to hear the message when it is broadcast by equipment that is dirty, corroded and abused. Carver was born 150 years ago, before we used terms like toxic waste, air pollution, global warming and deforestation. Today, we have figured out that we need to take good care of the broadcasting station if we are to hear what the Divine is saying. This is a beautiful and fragile planet we live on. As much as we can fall in love with magnificent sunsets and pristine landscapes, few people have ever experienced its beauty as acutely as those who've seen it from afar. Senator Jake Garn was one of those privileged people. He observed earth aboard Discovery Space Shuttle and wrote of that experience in "Parade Magazine" (11-3-85). "I know now what if feels like to be out of this world," he said. "The experience is exhilarating, breathtaking, awesome. No. Those words aren't strong enough; space flight is indescribable." Listen to these words from his space diary: "I was overcome by the beauty of the earth below. I don't think the words exist to convey what it's like to see the earth from space. The curve of the earth, the swirling eddies, the patterns of clouds marbling the surface above the brilliantly blue color of the water and the blue-green of the land.the sheer beauty of the earth and the excitement of being in a position to see it made this the greatest experience of my life. Using binoculars, I once counted 22 discernible layers of blue in the band of sunrise color that would be seen from earth simply as blue." This is indeed a beautiful and fragile planet. But it's changing. And we humans are the cause of much of it. George Burns once quipped, "I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty." All right, he lived to be 100, but we can bring those days of clean air back. We can live simply and responsibly. We can walk gently upon the face of the earth. And with our broadcasting station once again in good order, I think I know what we'll hear God saying: "Thank you." ~ Steve Goodier ~ -<>- .=., ;c =\ __| _/ .'-'-._/-'-._ /.. ____ \ /' _ [<_->] ) \ ( / \--\_>/-/'._ ) \-;_/\__;__/ _/ _/ '._}|==o==\{_\/ / /-._.--\ \_ // / /| \ \ \ / | | | \; | \ \ / / | :/ \: \ \_\ / | /.'| /: | \ \ | | |--| . |--| \_\ / _/ \ | : | /___--._) \ |_(---'-| >-'-| | '-' snd /_/ \_\ >Heaven's Heroes Winning souls tend to change everything, Including who and what we are. When our darkness within transforms to light And our eyes have the luster of a star. We must always pray for the lost among us Who eagerly race toward the wrong direction. So they may know their own repentance Blessed by God's, grace, love and protection. All of heaven's heroes have suffered remorse From hate, fear, lust, loneliness and war. They do what they do with deliverance of heart Defeating the dark side of life and more. Noah found safety within the beams of his ark To endure heaven's cleansing of earth. Moses the deliverer, climbed a mountain Descending with God's guidelines of worth. David the shepherd, a boy among men Slew evil's giant with a flying stone. Samson the strong man, broke from his chains Toppling the temple with God's help alone. Jonah was swallowed by a monster fish To be cast up on shore with a prophecy to tell. Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to the cross And without his forgiveness we're doomed to fail. Lord I'll feel blessed to greet all your heroes When it is my time to escape my woes. I'll clutch their hands and kiss their face As we celebrate the journey we chose. ~ Tom Zart ~ Soldier For The Lord -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Animal Thieves http://www.buffalosjokes.com/011158.htm Weird Animals http://www.buffalosjokes.com/011159.htm Deep Tissue Massage http://www.buffalosjokes.com/011608.htm Dog Dance http://www.buffalosjokes.com/011609.htm Adam In Paradise! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/adam.html World Of Wonder! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/worldofwonder.html Ricochet The Surf Dog http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ricochet.html Super Puppies! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/puppy.html Reasons To Smile http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/smile.html Friends Together http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/poems/together.html Thailand's Tigers http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/tiger.html It Takes Two http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/poems/two.html Visit our site at http://www.inspiredbuffalo.com If you are looking to join any of our other fine e-zines visit www.buffalosjokes.com ================================================================= .-""""--. / ) / --"` / _`:---. | .-' `\ \ / .----'./ \ : ,-' ~(.).)\ \_| \ ._) | / | \.__, / I LUV Helping Others! _.--' )`///-,-' / / _| (_\\ | (____/____) \ ___/ | _ `---( ` ) `-, .' (__.'._/'._/ |`| | __/ / / // | `--. || /_____) jgs `=---` >Coupon Chain Reaction Story Editor: by Vickie Clark Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA My friend Joe is in the early middle stages of dementia. After his last car accident, his children decided it was no longer safe for him to drive, and didn't replace his car. Since then Joe's friends and church family have helped with his transportation needs. In December 2010 I drove him to the grocery store to buy a bag of sugar for 99 cents. The store is small and the atmosphere is reminiscent of a time when most people at a store knew each other. While my friend shopped, I did too; we met at the cash register. On second thought I asked Joe to get me a bag of sugar. I took Joe's sugar to purchase, and he went to get another for himself. I kept watching for him and finally spotted him in line at the register next to me. As I paid my bill, the clerk for the next line told a customer, "I'm sorry, but you can only buy four boxes of cake mix for 99 cents. You'll have to pay the regular price of $2 each for the other six boxes." I heard the customer reply, "I was only trying to help my kids save a little money." The clerk appeared to be an assistant manager. He was tall, thin, young, and although he kept repeating store policy, seemed a bit unsure of himself. He repeated, "I understand, Ma'am, but you can only buy four at the sale price." After years of reading HeroicStories, I've started looking for opportunities to help others. Joe was in line behind this kind-faced woman, so I said, "My friend can buy four boxes of cake mix for you." After checking out I joined Joe in line, and the lady handed us four boxes of cake mix and $5. As Joe checked out, he was told his bag of sugar would only be 99¢ with a $10 purchase. Being easily confused, Joe argued with the clerk. "But the sign says 99¢." "I know, sir, but the fine print says with $10 purchase." "No, the sign says 99 cents. Come look, I'll show you." I intervened, "I understand, but Joe will have a hard time understanding." The clerk looked confused and repeated that the small print said Joe had to buy $10 worth of groceries. The next woman in line was well dressed with beautiful gray hair and a full grocery basket. She stepped up, "I'll buy the sugar for him." I told Joe to give the lady behind us $1 and the sugar. He did. We purchased the cake mixes, and gave them with the dollar change to the woman who was waiting for them. This prompted a discussion among us ladies about how nice it is to be neighborly to strangers. We thanked the lady for the sugar and left... and I spent the drive to his home trying to explain the whole chain of kindness to Joe. ===HeroicStories======= >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Chrristian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DAARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ************************************************************************