Hero Story Time & More ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net =========================== >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) I found out the world has a new FAST Car so I Updated our page . .. __..---/______//-----. (( ) .".--.```| - /.--. =: ( VROOM! )) (.: {} :__L______: {} :__; __--( __- -_= ) *--* *--* jnh Worlds Fastest Cars: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/fastcars.html -<>- _.====.._ ,:._ ~-_ `\ ~-_ | _ _ | `. ,/ /_)/ | | ~-_ -..__..-'' \_ \_\ `_ ~~--..__...----... When I saw this one, I just had to check it out - a huge frozen wave in Michigan? Just sounded Hoky-Poky to me! It turns out it was but not the pictures! These are REAL Pictures and NOW has the correct story to go with it! Check out our newest page here... Wave Frozen In Time: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wave.html -<>- | | *tock* | | *tock* | <-*) | |(() | |"/ | |' PhS >Be Sure to Visit All Our GOING GREEN Picture Pages... Amazing Air Cars http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/aircars.html Boeing 787 Dreamliner http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/b787.html Awesome School http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/gschool.html Awesome Hotel http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/qhotel.html ~*~ BE SURE TO PASS THIS ON - THANK YOU! ~*~ =================================================================== ___ / ,_\ _____ / _)/ /o \ | \ /_ ` \__________ | \____ >__,_ \ | | ____, | \,___________ | \ | \ ( \ |__ \ \ \ \ _)_ __________\/ \ \____/ | ) \ | _________ , | | / | / | / | / | /_ | / %%%% %%%%% | ) | \ %%% ,, %%%%%%%% \ / | / (< ?%%%% | / | / ^ .' /_/ | (_ ___ /(___ | ) /\ ~ /_\ \ / _/\(\_)(_/)\ \_ | / /\_/ \ x / \_/\ ____ /_/_____ \_/ ) x \ \_/ |_____________| __// /==o==\ \\__ ) _________ (____/__/___( - \___\__\___________ || ||____ ____| __\ ________ _____ || || \// \ / \_ \// || || //\ \ / \ //\ || b'ger || \\/ \_/ \ \\/ || || /\\ \ / | /\\ || || \// / _ | \// || ||____//\________| |_____//\______ ||_________||______________/ |______________ )___________( /\_________\ |_____________| / | | \ \=/ \=/ .. . >-->Strong as a Rock by Denise Hills Honolulu, Hawaii, USA As a graduate student in geology, I often teach. I may not inspire students to become scientists, but hopefully we'll all have fun and learn something about our world. I am always pleased when a student comes to me for help, in class or out. When Betsy held me back after class one day, wanting to talk, I was curious and flattered. Betsy made me promise not to tell anyone what she was going to tell me: she was contemplating suicide. She was in an abusive home, but "couldn't leave" because of financial concerns -- a condition of her tuition waiver was that she lived at home. Her story wrenched my heart, especially because it brought up memories of my own, previous, assault (although different circumstances). I somehow managed to talk her out of her action that day, and she began to rebuild her trust in others by sharing her secret. Over the next few months, we talked a lot about how I survived my abuse, and ways she could survive hers. I encouraged her to get professional help, but she refused. She had once talked to a counselor who hadn't believed her, and therefore didn't trust them. I was her only support. However, I couldn't convince her the most important step was for her to move out. "No one will believe me," she'd say, "and I can't move without help." But, I'd tell her, I believe you, and so will others. One night, I convinced her to leave. I took her to my sister's house nearby. It was a rough night, with little sleep for either of us. That night, Betsy shared with my sister what was happening with her. Betsy was finally able to tell someone else. Even though we tried to convince her not to, her fears drove Betsy back home the next morning. But, she realized that other people will believe her. As Betsy started to believe more in herself, we started building a plan for her to leave home. We even set a date, at the end of August. In June, though, she stopped calling me. I was panicked -- I thought that she might have gone over the edge. I tried calling or e-mailing her, but no response. Finally, she called. She had started taking control of her life by telling her mother and moving out. She had worked out a way to be financially independent of her abuser, and also started seeing a counselor. Betsy and I know in many ways she was lucky -- she moved out before serious physical harm came to her. Some people may say that I was a hero for being there for her. For me, the real hero is and always will be Betsy. Through talking with her, I also realized that I needed to get counseling for the assault I had survived. Whenever I start to think that things are bad, I think of what she had to face every day for years, and that she found the strength to finally change her situation. To me, Betsy is strong as a rock. =====HeroicStories===== >-->From Our Friend John-Paul :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' THE BIBLE Contains the mind of God, The state of man, The way of salvation, The doom of sinners, And the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, Its precepts are binding, Its histories are true, And its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, Believe it to be safe, And practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, And comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, The pilgrim's staff, The pilot's compass, The soldier's sword, And the Christian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, And the Gates of Hell disclosed. CHRIST is its grand subject, Our good the design, And the glory of God Forever. It shall fill the memory, Rule the heart, And guide the feet. Read it slowly, Frequently, And Prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, A Paradise of Glory, And a River of God`s Holy Pleasure and Joy. Its Words gives you Life, will be Opened at the Judgment, And be remembered Forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, And will condemn ALL who trifle with Its Sacred contents. O`, Hear me, Old World, Reach out and take hold of Its Greatness, Taste its Goodness, And be Aware, fall not into the Pits of its warnings. GOD will not be Mocked, Nor HIS words return Void! Be sure, Repent of your Sins Pray Daily Study His WORD. And Be Ready, For it is Written "I COME QUICKLY" Even So, Come Now Lord JESUS! With~His~Love~~~John-Paul http://community.webtv.net/pally-paul/ITSABEAUTIFULWORLD --- ...So True! Thank You John-Paul! Speaking of HIS COMING, Our Forever HERO Is Christ! So, You may Find these Teachings of interest :) THE SEVEN ADMINISTRATIONS http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/sevenadministrations.html THE FIVE CROWNS http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/fivecrowns.html THE 'SLEEP' METAPHOR http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/sleepmetaphor.html THE HOPE OF THE RETURN http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/hopeofthereturn.html =================================================================== >-->From Heroic Stories: Through A Child's Eyes ,,, _,_ _@_ _(_ _?_ >*< _/. .\_ _/- -\_ _/, ,\_ _/' '\_ _/a a\_ _/. .\_ (.\_o_/.) (.\_-_/.) (,\_e_/') (.\_^_/.) (.\_~_/') (.\_c_/.) (.`,.`'.') (.`,.'.'.) (.`'.,'.') ('.,'.`'.) (.'.,'.`.) (.,'.,'',) ('.`,'`,) ('.`,'',) ('.','.`) ('.,'.',) ('.,'.`.) (',.'`.,) ('.`,'`) ('.','`) (.'.,'.) ('.`.,') ('.','') (.'.'.') jgs `--'"` `--'"` `--'"` `--'"' `--'"' `--'"' Reflections On Birth And Death By Elizabeth Feldman, MD When our daughter Hannah was not quite three years old, she participated in the birth of her younger sister, Leah, in our bedroom, the same room into which she had been born. She gently placed washcloths on my head, helped bring up the bassinet from the basement, spent time in the kitchen with her Aunt Julie baking a cake for the baby and held Leah within minutes after she was born. When Hannah was almost five, she was present during the final days and the death of her grandfather, in the den, which became his room during his dying days. She put a washcloth on his head, helped to smooth his sheets, brought her crayons in and colored pictures sitting by his side and touched his body after he died. Hannah is now ten years old, and her reminiscences about these events are neither profound nor startling; they are, in fact, entirely ordinary. She remembers the strawberries on the cake, and how Julie had to come upstairs and ask me where the flour was, in the middle of the noisy, hard contractions. She remembers how she ran to get her favorite doll right after Leah came out, and how Doctor Fred pretended to tie off her doll's umbilical cord just as he had done to Leah's. She saw the baby go directly into my arms for nursing at the breast. And she remembers how we were building our sukkah, the temporary shelter for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, just outside the window of Grandpa Albert's room, and how pale and sleepy he was. She perhaps recalls that my dad, who hadn't been eating at the nursing home, eagerly polished off a bowl of my mother-in-law's chicken soup with matza balls on that Friday night we first brought him home, and how he roused from his drowsy state to join us in the Hebrew blessing over the challah to mark what would be his last Sabbath. She observed me sitting at my father's side, holding his hand, humming a song while I nursed a sleepy toddler. Visit Here for More: http://tinyurl.com/6z9gp6 ====================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: >Childhood Doesn't Wait ,,,)),, .' `. _/ \_ (_ O O _) | .:(_):. | _.--\ .___. /--._ ,' |`-.___.-'| `. >--.__|| ||__.--< __/ _)l_______l(_ \___ (__\|_|_|_____________|_|_|/___) |#| /o\_______/o\ |#| |#|| _ ||#| |#|| =(.)__ ||#| |#|| ..(___/.. ||#| |#|| _ ||#| |#|| | ||#| |#|| .^. ||#| |#|l_____|_|_____l|#| .-/ /|:::::::::::::::|\ \-. |/ / |:::::::::::::::j \ \| / / /---------------\ \ \ .-/ / / \ \ \-. |/_/__/___________________\__\_\| || || `|_____________________________|' hjw I was sitting on a bench while in a nearby mall, When I noticed a young mother with two children who were small. The youngest one was whining, "Pick me up," I heard him beg but the mother's face grew angry as the child clung to her leg. "Don't hang on to me," she shouted as she pushed his hands away, I wish I'd had the courage to go up to her and say... "The time will come too quickly when those little arms that tug, Won't ask for you to hold them or won't freely give a hug. "The day will sneak up subtly just as it did with me, When you can't recall the last time that your child sat on your knee. "Like those sacred, pre-dawn feedings when we cherished time alone Our babies grow and leave behind those special times we've known. "So when your child comes to you with a book that you can share, Or asks that you would tuck him in and help him say his prayer... "When he comes to sit and chat or would like to take a walk, Before you answer that you can't `cause there's no time to talk. "Remember what all parents learn so many times too late, That years go by too quickly and that childhood doesn't wait. "Take every opportunity, if one should slip away Reach hard to get it back again, don't wait another day." I watched that mother walk away her children followed near, I hope she'll pick them up before her chances disappear.. by Kathie Davis -<>- ||__|| |__||| ..______________________________________||__||___________ . | [Home sweet Home] |__||| .____. . | .________. ||__|| |/\ *| . | wwwwwwwww | .'| |__||| |____| . | |)__|__(| (Moo) | .' | __||__||__. . /| | |\ | /| \\|(__)| | /__|__||/_/| . /%| | '=======' |(oo)| | |_._____._|| |@/ | | \/ |o | |_|/^^^\|_|| |/ |_____________________|____| ,|____|_|*****|_|/________ . | , ____________ . ._. . __________. |. =/ o o /= /| . /_/-----/_/| __ =/ X . /= /|| . ( ( ' ' ( (| /'--'\ =/___________/= . /|/| . (_( ' ' (_(|/. .\ |/|| / /=====/ /| '||' /|/ /_//____/_/ | || _ ,/| . |/ (o|:.....|o) | || '\`o.O' _ / |_|:_____|_|/' _||_ =(_*_)= ( ' ' /____\ ) ( _) . / \( -Steve- ______________________________________________(/`-'\)_____. -Stewart- >THINGS OF VALUE You've heard the question asked, "If your home were on fire, what you try to save?" Most people answer that they would rescue people and pets and as many photographs and memories as possible. The question we faced was similar. We were forced to consider, "If we have to evacuate our home, what should we take with us?" Or, put another way, which of our possessions could we live without? Our area was just a few miles from largest wildfire in Colorado's history. We were on "evacuation alert." If we got the call to evacuate, we would have to grab whatever we could save and leave immediately. We packed suitcases with a few clothes and toiletries and set them by the door. Though these things were not valuable, time was. We moved the computers ... I made a living with my computer. We cleared out books we sold from our home office. Those books represented our livelihood. We packed financial records - who wants to hassle with the government for years over missing documents? Now, what else? We snatched family pictures from the walls and packed scrapbooks in boxes - all sentimental objects that could not be replaced. Then we took a hard look at all that remained. There was a lamp that belonged to my great grandmother. It was a connection to my family. And there was the piano my wife Bev learned to play when she was a little girl. Not of great value in itself, but another family connection. We would be leaving a hutch that belonged to her grandmother and handmade quilts and gifts from dear friends and family. All represented connections to people and memories we value, but if we were to be evacuated immediately, we would have no way to move these items. I've never been much attached to things, but the thought of leaving behind something passed down through our families or handmade for us by dear friends saddened me deeply. It's about what they represented -- family and love. Each had a story to tell, and some of them spoke in the voices of our parents and grandparents and a few friends as close to us as family. The fire never reached our home. We were lucky. And though I felt grateful that all was spared, I realized also just how fortunate I had been in another way. I saw just how rich my life had been. Not in things I owned, but in love I've known. Someone wisely said, "There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money." And now I knew. I was indeed rich. I was rich in friends and family. Rich in memories. Rich in everything that really matters. I wonder if there is any other kind of wealth worth seeking. -- Steve Goodier -<>- >More From Steve Goodier ... No Regrets -mark zen- o, o__ o_/| o_. - >GOD BLESS YOU By: Joseph J. Mazzella _________ _________ _,.,-----''''---.. _,--' '-.. __ ___________ _,' '-."+_ .-"""+.-' .- ___.' \ L )-.__ _/---"""""' .-'\`\ __ `-..-' """"---------""(____ ___.-'\ \\ \ \ / .:----'\___\ \_\ |/_/ _.---. ( :" _ ( `\ ( \_.\ __________ / `--.'.==< . `G \.\`'/`. ________ __ ______ ( \_.--/ '/ | /_ __/____/ /_ ____ ____\ _a8a._/_.---:-..`,+| ' ,' / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \`---'_ _ \|'('|| ,-'. / / (__ ) / / / /_/ / /_/ /__ _/_)_ _,+'|.;' /.:::. /_/ /____/_/ /_/\____/\____/ _ _`-:-=_/`---;',/|\|' ,-'.::::: _______ ` _ -,/://:|/|_/.|,/++/\--'.:::::::' _________ ` _\.,-';'),;//(_+:|:,_+.:'.::::::::::' - :./-;/'=\,;/.',|;|','/'/.:::::::::::' -,-/','/;|;,'//,,/|'/:/-.::::::::::::' - : -/'/'/',';:/,|,//:+'|',:::::::::::::' _.-,,/-//.=,'/:'|//+;-.::::::::::::::' /';_'-'/:/ ;'|-::::::::::::::::::' _+..::':::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::' .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '''''':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ''''::::::::::::::::a:f::::' "God bless you!" I have been hearing that a lot lately. Unfortunately, it usually comes after a thunderous sneeze on my part. Spring is in full bloom here. The trees are full of beautiful white, pink, and yellow blossoms. In the fields a million flowers are stretching their golden, purple, red, and white heads towards the sun. Butterflies are floating peacefully and happily on the air. And while I am watching it all with a smile on my face and a song in my soul, I am also seeing it with dry eyes and a runny nose. I take heart, however, in knowing that my allergies will ease up as the pollen count goes down but that Spring is here to stay. I do feel blessed by God then. I feel blessed with being given this chance to watch the Earth come back to life again here in the mountains of my home. I feel blessed to hear the sweet music of birds singing and children playing outside my window. I feel blessed to feel the hugs of my own children and to listen to those Heavenly words, "I love you Dad." I feel blessed to have furry, four-legged friends lovingly brushing against my leg, climbing on my lap, and curling up at my feet. I feel blessed to have kind neighbors and caring friends who touch my heart with their goodness. I even feel blessed by this sneezing nose, because it reminds me that Spring is here in all her glory. I feel truly blessed everyday of my life and I do my best to thank God for all of my blessings even though there is no way I could ever keep up. The truth is life is overflowing with God’s blessings. It is up to us to embrace them, though. It is up to us to welcome them all into our souls. It is up to us to share them with everyone we meet as well. Remember the more blessings you share with the world the more blessings God showers on your life, and the more love you give to others the more love God pours into your heart. God bless you always then and may you always be a blessing to others as well. -<>- Links: Ball In Pocket http://www.buffalosjokes.com/080313.htm kissing test http://buffalosjokes.com/3219.htm Ladder accident http://buffalosjokes.com/3220.htm last wish http://buffalosjokes.com/3221.htm Lawn chair drill team!! http://buffalosjokes.com/3222.htm To Subscribe send a blank email to: the-inspired-buffalo-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ================================================================== >-->From Heoric Animal Rescues: _|\ _/|_, ,((\\``-\\\\_ ,(()) `))\ ,(())) ,_ \ ((())' | \ ))))) >.__ \ (((' / `-. .c| hjw / `-`' Hero Risks All to Save Horses from Hurricane Darnell Stewart swam 23 horses and mules to safety when he found the stables he worked in flooded by Katrina. For five days Darnell made his way neck deep through the waters to keep them alive. Darnell is now being helped by IFAW's Emergency Relief team to care for the animals at the disaster response shelter based at the Lamar-Dixon Center in nearly Gonzales. Darnell left his home in Gordon Street to sleep with the animals at the stables of a tourist city tour company, Mid City Carriages, where he worked as supervisor of the stables. When the water rose, he realised he had to get the 20 horses and three mules to high ground if they were to survive. With the help of a friend and a work colleague the remarkable rescue began. "The water was so deep we had to swim some of the way as we took the animals one by one across to a park where there was dry ground. It was nearly impossible in the strong currents and my own horse Brandy injured his legs as we fought our way across. It took all day to get them to safety. We were wiped out by the end of it," said Darnell. Incredible animal rescue operation continues That was just the start of Darnell's rescue operation. "For the next five days, I had to keep swimming and wading through the water to get feed from the stables for the horses or they would have starved," he said. "I even had to stop looters from stealing them." Visit Here for the Rest of this story: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=154178 ==================================================================== >-->Making History: Food Memories .-'''''-. |'-----'| /`-.....-`\ | <_} | | .-\-. | _,._ | /# ` \ | __.-` `"""-. | \ / | ..--' `"-. `)_,._ \ '-'-' / (` )--.-"``` `"-.`'-----'` '-----------' ( ) jgs `-------------` To my mother, raised poor during the Depression and deprived of luxuries as a teenager during World War II, the 1950s and 60s were a revelation in both abundance and convenience. Canned vegetables, what a miracle! She could go to the store and choose from a large variety, bring the cans home and open them, pour the contents into a pan and just heat it on the stove. No picking, washing, shelling, peeling, chopping, boiling, bottling or capping. No sweating in a hot kitchen on a summer afternoon. Just poof and abracadabra, her children were served a nourishing vegetable in a mere five minutes. Of course, no one told my mother about any sodium or preservatives packed into those cans along with the vegetables. I'm not sure she would have cared anyway. In my child's opinion, she certainly didn't seem to care about their taste. No matter how much my brother and I complained, canned vegetables appeared on the dinner table every night. Canned green beans with a tinny aftertaste, canned creamed corn with gritty bits, canned beets that stained your teeth, canned spinach with a dark metallic taste and the texture of slug slime. What are your food memories? Such as: What was your favorite, or least favorite, food as a child? What did your mother cook that was particularly great? Or particularly horrible? (I still remember an anchovy-lime jello mold that I ate -- and spit out -- when I was ten.) What's your favorite cookbook, or your signature dish? What foods do you eat when you are sad, lonely, excited, happy? One of the best ways to trigger your memories of a particular time and place is to remember what you were eating. An excellent book that can help you remember is "The Warmest Room in the House" by Steven Gdula, full of wonderful trivia about the American kitchen, and where some of our most cherished food traditions come from. Visit Here for More Stories: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/makinghistory/archives/135945.asp ====================================================================== >-->Heroic Kid: Julia McLane - Small Girl with a Big Heart When she celebrated the New Year, ten year old Julia McLane did not yet realize that 2005 would be such a challenging year. She also didn't know that events were about to unfold that would give her an opportunity, at such a young age, to demonstrate the depth of her personal heroism, unselfish giving, and love for her family. .---------. _ |:: [-=-] | | | |_________| |~| |_| ,;;;;, I\ ,__ ,;;;, __, ///\\\\\ I |{ / . . \ } / " \\|| I | ) ( _ ) ( \_= _/// I |{___'-. .-'___}\___ )_\ I ||~/,'~~~~~,\~~|'---(( \ I \ // \\ | \ \ \ I \/ // | | /-/ I (/ (/ | |/||\ I | | | | I | | |____/ I :-----_o_-----: || | I | /~~|===|~~\ | (( | jgs I || |===| || ||_/ /^\ "~ '^^^' "" ((__| On Sunday afternoon, January 30, 2005, Julia's dad, Mark McLane was riding his bicycle with approximately 10 other bicyclists near Point Reyes, California. To avoid running into a rider ahead of him, Mark fell and was hit by a car head-on. He sustained severe head, neck and back injuries from the accident. Surgery repaired his fractured skull that the doctor described as "putting a jigsaw puzzle together." Mark was fortunate to be alive, but the doctor told him that he had lost sight in one eye and ear and should never ride a bicycle again. While her dad was going through his own heroic challenges from the accident, Julia was devastated. It was hard for her to deal with the realization that she came so close to losing her dad. It was also hard to see him in so much pain from all his injuries. As Julia watched her dad go through tedious and painful rehabilitation, she was relieved to see him make so much progress. She knew how much he missed bike riding, though. Then she got an idea. She would surprise her dad by getting him a stationary bike! On her own initiative Julia researched on the internet what type of bike to get for him. The one she wanted to buy was $500. Since she didn't have that much money, she decided to raise it through donations by selling milk and homemade chocolate chip cookies at a local park. Julia baked the cookies herself and asked her mom to buy a few extra gallons of milk to sell. Then Julia posted signs around the park and she set up a table with the cookies, milk, information and pictures about her dad's injuries, and a sign requesting contributions. Many people who heard Julia's story were moved to buy cookies and milk for 25 cents and put in a little extra donation for her cause. Julia continued to bake cookies and request donations at the park every weekend until she had raised the entire $500 she needed to purchase the bike. Julia ordered the bike without any help from adults. The only time she asked for assistance was when she needed her mom to help her pick it up. On Father's Day, Julia's dad was completely surprised when she presented him with her gift of the bike. He was amazed and touched by what his daughter had done for him. When describing her granddaughter, Ruth Kornhauser said, "Julia has always been a giving child." It is inspiring to know that someone who is so small has such a big heart. Her generosity of spirit and tenacity to accomplish what she set her mind to do are great lessons in heroism for us all. It bodes well for our future to know we have kids like Julia leading the way! Visit Here for More Stories: http://www.heroicjourney.com/pages/resources/heroicstories.htm ========================================================================= >-->Giving Till it Hurts by Steven Mansell Downey, California, USA When I was a kid, my brother Lee and I were close and played lots of games together. We used to walk around the house together so that Lee could interpret my sounds for the adults. I loved it since I didn't have to articulate my desires but just grunted to Lee and then he told them what I wanted. It also made me the center of attention. One day Lee and I were visiting our grandparents. They lived in a desert community of California on a parcel of land. Lee and I loved to visit Grandpa and Grandma's place since there were so many places to investigate and it was so different from our suburb home. The place was teaming with curious bugs and animals like huge red ants, horned toads, birds and snakes. We took every opportunity to investigate these creatures. I remember digging up ant lions, putting them back and watching them dig their trap for the next ant that came along. The only exception to our curiosity was Grandpa's dog. I don't remember his name, just that he was always angry and could not be trusted outside of his cage. He stood about a foot high but I was terrified of that dog and never went close to his cage if I could avoid it. |\ \`-. _.._| \ |_,' __`. \ (.\ _/.| _ | ,' __ \ | ,' __/||\ | (Y8P ,/|||||/ | `-'_---- / /`-._.-'/ `-.__.-' jg One day when I was about 5 and Lee was about 8, the dog got out of his cage and saw me walking in his path. That monster came at me with teeth bared and nothing but hatred for me. I took off running for the house as fast as I could, screaming for help. But I was no match for the dog's speed and he was fast gaining on me. When Lee heard my cries for help he came running to help me. He got between the dog and me to allow me to run on ahead. But this meant the dog was after him now, and there was no one to help him. The dog bit him once on the thigh and twice on the shoulder before grandpa got there to pull the dog off. Lee still has the scars of that horrifying experience to this day. I'm 48 now and I still have a vivid memory of running scared with the dog very close, but then it not being close as I made it to the house. I never saw the dog bite him but I can just imagine the horror on his face as he took the bites meant for me. . | . \ | / `. \ ' / .' `. .-*""*-. .' "*-._ /.*" "*.\ _.-*" : ; ____ """"': .. ; _.-*" \ `.__.' / "*-._ .' `-.__.-' `. bug .' / . \ `. / | \ ' | ` Each of us has people in our lives that influence us for good or bad. I'm here to say thanks to Lee for being an influence for good in my life, for showing me a prime example of sacrifice for others. Not just giving, but giving 'till it hurts. Thanks Lee. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CES: Hello ---,< .,.,.,,.,.,.,,.,._,,,____,,,...,.,.,,.....,....,.,..,,. ,-=--'\\_\/ """""""""############z_ _`"""########################' ,---'>__,>,_`- | : | `"""V#######,,_ `- ""##################' --z--;" /_/ `.| | `/"""".`|`|| } }|.""""""""|""""" --'//`/' ` | : : |: || | | : : | : ,_\---_\._ :./ : / : | | || : : : //--'> ___ ``-, \ `"^ : ` || || | : : '=-`',' / `-, _-. : : : : : | | || : --- //7;<\ / ,-_ ., : : | ||| || ' : -/;\'/` -='/|( \ %#' : `| ||| | : : : // '\ // | ` | : : `' : : || # | ||| : ` . | : | ||#|#| | ': : : : '#" : : : | ||,|, || : / : : ""' : \\|\ X XX///` :| : | : : | : : / >\\> <\/\< Updated FUN STUFF URLS - YabbaDabbaDoo! :) Shangy! ----------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ----------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************* >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com *******************************************************************