In His Hands... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ >-->In The Shangy News :) . . . . ,-,--. __| //``-, \ \_`\ )\a-a-? \ \ \_`(_=_/_-`__ \__, , \| | _ _,' ___7 ) | (_)(_`__(_,---' | ( _( ) | / /_| |________| __/__/__|__|_________) _________(__,_|)/ (__)|/____\(_______________ mic Lately I've been thinking of a way to promote the Shangrala website along with Pres.Trump for reelection. I came up with a design in the wee hours of the morning to do just that. I am pleased to announce that for a limited time while supplies last, you can not only help the web site stay alive, but help support Pres.Trump with every donation of $20 or more you make through the Shangrala Web Site. We'll send you your own 9" X 3.75" bumper sticker like this smaller one here... If you'd like to help and get your own Shangrala / Trump 2020 bumper sticker, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site here, Scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL HELP! BUT REMEMBER for a limited time while supplies last, you can get the free bumper sticker with your $20 or more gift! Contact me for larger orders. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. We'll give a portion of all proceeds directly to the Trump Campaign. Any amount is greatly appreciated and much needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 After all, We are in this together - For God And Country :) *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! -<>- >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This flaming hot new page is from our friend Linda. It will give you plenty of eye candy and smiles for your day. Be sure to check it and it's video out here... .-..-. (-o/\o-) /`""``""`\ \ /.__.\ / \ `--` / `) (' , /::::\ , |'.\::::/.'| _| ';::;' |_ (::) || (::) _. "| || |" _(:) '. || .' /::\ '._||_.' \::/ /::::\ /:::\ \::::/ _\:::/ /::::\_.._ _.._ _.._ _.._/::::\ \::::/::::\/::::\/::::\/::::\::::/ jgs `""`\::::/\::::/\::::/\::::/`""` `""` `""` `""` `""` US Natural Works Of Art! --- ...Absolutely Stunning! Thanks Linda! -<>- *~* We Had A Fabulous Month Of Caring And Sharing Last Month! ._ __. / \"-. ,-",'/ ( \ ,"--.__.--".,' / =---Y(_i.-' |-.i_)---= f , "..'/\\v/|/|/\ , l l// ,'|/ V / /|| \\j "--; / db db|/---" | \ YY , YY// '.\>_ (_),"' __ .-" "-.-." I," `. \.-""-. ( , ) ( \ | ( l `"' -'-._j __,---_ '._." . . \ (__.--_-'. , : ' \ '-. ,' .' / | \ \ \ "- "--.._____t____.--'-""' / / `. ". / ": \' '. .' ( \ : | l j "-. l_;_;I l____;_I cgmm >Be Sure To Visit And Share These With All Your Friends... Gateway Auto Museum! LA Beard Battle! God's Most Beautiful 5! North Korean Life! Lala The Penguin! Rescued Moose! Only In Dubai! Walmart Shopping! Cops For Kids! Tale Of Three Tails! ___ / _ \\ ,, /=(_)=\\// \ =(_) (O} \_____\\ .--. Jonathon R. Oglesbee /=(_)\\\ .'_\/_'. \____/// '. /\ .' aka JRO ()) "||" || /\ /\ ||//\) (/\\||/ ____________\||/________________________________ * May God Smile On All Our Sweet Contributors! Thank You! :) =========================================================== >-->From Hearttouchers: \ i. / s / \ \ / / .n' | a |_.-._ / / / .-' `-. --._ / / | / \-.__' `. | ( | | _ \ _ .-. \ | `-.-' | .-' '-. | ' `-. ( )_ | `-._ \ ( | \ / \ `-' `. `--. \ ) \ \`-' / | .' \ .- '-.| `-._.-' \ / \ | / \ . `._.-' | | / | | ' / | (_/ | `-._ _.' \ //\ .| `--' \" \ '\ \___/)_ | | ` \_ \` , \ \ (\ .o-`-o | \__ _______,-'\` \ ( | | | \\ | [nabis] b "" \ >Take in the View By Ken Pierpont When I was about fourteen we took a family vacation through the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. When you drive through the Smokies there are winding roads all through the mountains. It is, in places, beautiful beyond description. I mean to return someday and share the beauty with my family. Along the way there are places to pull off to enjoy the view. The pull-outs are lined with low walls constructed from native stone. I think many of them were the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps. They are a quiet and valuable attraction, beautiful and understated. There is no admission charge to enjoy them. They would be easy to miss. You could go whizzing past to get to the nearest trinket shop filled with things made many oceans and continents distant but that would be a mistake. The kinds of things they sell at those shops are made cheap and quick somewhere else and stamped with the name of the nearest attraction. They are not mountain crafts created by local artists, who have the hills in their own hearts. They are just cheap trinkets. They won't last and they won't satisfy. The mountains, the valleys, the wild birds, the wildlife, the wildflowers, the native timber, they are real. The beauty of the mountains is there for the taking, free-of-charge the bounty of rich and poor, wise and simple. Just to stand there and take in the autumn color is the kind of thing that will still hang in your memory many decades from now like the mist over the mountains in the early morning. The beauty and order of creation will never be out-of- style. In this journey we call living there are beautiful things to see and there are places along the way to pull quietly over. I don't want to be the kind of person who is obsessed with gathering things that I cannot keep, when there are beauties and wonders all around me. When I am long gone and my children and grandchildren think of me I want them to remember me as the kind of guy that pulled over and took in the scenery whenever possible. I want them to know that I saw beauty in each of them. I want them to learn from watching me how to see the hand of God in all the world around them. Along the path of living maybe they will say, "Dad would have pulled off to take in the scenery here." "Do you remember how Grandpa's eyes would cloud with tears at a sight like this?" -Ken Pierpont Ken Pierpont is the Director of the Riverfront Character Inn and International Conference Center in Flint, Michgian. He and his wife Lois have four sons and four daughters. =========================================================== >-->From Daily Encounter: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >What Is Sin Anyhow? "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."1 Some sins are easy to see--such as stealing, cursing, violence, drunkenness, abuse, adultery, lying, cheating, and so on. These are all obvious. These are sins of commission. But there are also sins of omission. As James pointed out, if we know to do good and don't do it, that's sinning too. There are also subtle sins, sins that are often hidden. These could be called sins of the spirit such as greed, jealousy, envy, pride, self-righteousness, lust, bitterness, resentment, hostility, manipulative and/or impure motives, and the desire to control others, and so on. Even more subtle, and perhaps the most common sin of all and practiced by so many, is the sin of denial. It is lying to one's self--which is as big a sin as lying to anyone else. Denial is being out of touch with reality. It can be a silent killer. It is being emotionally and spiritually asleep, and we don't become aware of it unless we wake up. It usually takes a crisis of some kind to wake us from this dangerous sleep. We deny our true feelings, we deny our motives, we deny many of our sins, we rationalize our behavior and end up believing the lies we tell ourselves. In other words, we hide from the truth. And the more in denial we are (that is, dishonest with ourselves), the more we will distort all other truth, including God's truth, to make it match our misguided perception of reality. Sin is a cancer of the soul. The reason God is so opposed to it is because it hurts and ultimately destroys those whom God loves--us! Unconfessed and unforgiven it will separate us for all eternity from a holy and loving God. But thank God there is a remedy. It is found in the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ. Suggested prayer: "Dear God, help me to be real with myself, with you, and with at least one or two safe, non-judgmental friends. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen." 1. James 4:17 (NIV). <:))))>< , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Truth Decay "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place."1 I'm sure most readers will be familiar with the concept of selective exposure, selective attention, selective perception, and selective retention. In other words, most of us tend to expose ourselves and give attention only to messages we want to hear. Furthermore, we see things the way we want to see them, and remember only what we want to remember. Everything else we filter out. We turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what we don't want to see or hear. The fact is we see and hear things not the way THEY are, but the way WE are. We all see things through our mental filter which has been formed by years of past experiences. The more we were hurt or felt disillusioned in the past (unless these are resolved), the more distorted our view of reality will be--and the more selective we will be in what we unconsciously choose to hear and see. Plus, the more we are into denial about past hurtful experiences and are not being honest with ourselves, the more TRUTH DECAY sets in causing us to distort all other truth (including God's truth) to make it match our distorted perception of reality. For instance, why do so many people twist God's Word to make it say what they want it to say? On the other hand, the more honest and truthful we are with our inner self (our gut level feelings and motives), the clearer we will see--and the less we will distort--all other truth, including God's truth. Also, the closer our relationships with others will be. People who hide their true self cannot have in-depth relationships with others or with God. Truth decay is destructive to one's physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. It is a destroyer of societies and opens the door for evil to enter. It is not without very good reason why God desires truth in our innermost being--not for His sake, but much more so for ours. Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank You that You are the source of all truth. Please confront me with the truth about me, deliver me from the sin of denial, and help me always to walk and live in the way of truth. Help me to be an honest, open, and authentic person. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Christ's name, amen." 1. Psalm 51:6 (NIV). --- ...Truth is most important - The Full Truth! I saw a Democrat post about what the Democrats stand for vs what the Republican say the Democrats stand for. The first item up was this: D: Women should have the right to choice R: Democrats condone murder Think about this for one minute. On the surface, it sounds good to allow a women to have the right to choose since it is her own body. But we aren't talking about a diet vs having a dessert or what to wear today. The Democrats are talking about abortion. To them it is just that, a choice a woman should have if she should get pregnant. But abortion actually is just another word for murdering a growing baby inside a female's body. Why is it murder instead of a killing? A murder is one human being intentionally causing the death of another human being. A killing is usually an accidental death such as being killed in a car accident. ... Another difference is animals can be killed but not murdered. Murder refers only to human death. Video by a doctor of abortion - Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters - Caution - very graphic! /:""| .@@@@@, |: 66|_ @@@@@@@@, C _) aa`@@@@@@ \ ._| (_ ?@@@@ ) / =' @@@@" /`\\ \(``` || |Y| //`\ ."~~~~~". || |#| / | || | .:. | || |#| \ | || A | /6 6\ | || |#| / | || |~|_|_\ e /_|_ .@@@@, :| |=: / | |\ |_|)___`"`___(8 aa`@@@, ||_|,| | |_| \ |~~~~~~~~~| = `@@@ \)))|| | ((( | \_________/ )_/`@' |~~~`-`~~~| `~\~~~~~~| |/ /_\ \| / || @ | | `\ / ()/___\() | || @ |_________| ( || ||~~~~~|| /~|| "` |_________| | || || || /__W_\ | || | || || || ||| |_||__ __|_|| ||_____|| _||| jgs (____)) (:;:;)) ||-----|| ((___) The Democrats like to say 'choice' for abortion. It is a way to water down the truth. However, with God, a sin is a sin just as a lie is a lie which is a sin even if it is just a little lie. It is nevertheless a sin. So having a baby aborted for any reason other than for health or medical reasons is murder - especially if the fetus is 3 months or older because it has developed more into a human being vs some cells coming together. ,,, _,_ _@_ _(_ _?_ >*< _/. .\_ _/- -\_ _/, ,\_ _/' '\_ _/a a\_ _/. .\_ (.\_o_/.) (.\_-_/.) (,\_e_/') (.\_^_/.) (.\_~_/') (.\_c_/.) (.`,.`'.') (.`,.'.'.) (.`'.,'.') ('.,'.`'.) (.'.,'.`.) (.,'.,'',) ('.`,'`,) ('.`,'',) ('.','.`) ('.,'.',) ('.,'.`.) (',.'`.,) ('.`,'`) ('.','`) (.'.,'.) ('.`.,') ('.','') (.'.'.') jgs `--'"` `--'"` `--'"` `--'"' `--'"' `--'"' The Democrats lately have even gone so far as say it is OK for a woman to have a live baby delivered and choose to just let her baby die or not. That is murder. The doctor, the hospital, the nurses and the woman all intentionally cause the death of another human being by conspiring together to do nothing to save the baby from dying. Women have lots of choices. They can choose not to make love, choose to have the man or themselves use protection or they can choose to use the after drug to make sure they are not pregnant after having intercourse if they were forgetful, unprepared by the spur of the moment or were forced into it. _)_ .-'(/ '-. / ` \ / - - \ (` a a `) \ ^ / '. '---' .' .-`'---'`-. / \ / / ' ' \ \ _/ /| |\ \_ `/|\` |+++++++|`/|\` /\ /\ | `-._.-` | \ / \ / |_ | | _| jgs | _| |_ | (ooO Ooo) Nobody should have the right to choose to murder an innocent baby. We water down the truth so much that after a while we don't even know what the truth is. We start to question what is real and true. God's word is the truth. The devil loves when we water down the truth because if we don't know what the truth is, then we won't be able to abide by it. We become sinners pushing God away from us thus allowing the devil to have at us! Check out this great teaching... Sugar-Coating The Word <:))))>< .-"''-. _ .' `( \ @/ ') ,--,__,-" / / \ / / _/ __| , |/ / .~ `\ / \ , | / .~ `\ ` / _/ _/ .~ `\ ~~`__/ / ~ `--'/ / / / / /' /jgs >You are Important “The Lord gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."1 In the first chapter of Jeremiah, we read the calling of Jeremiah. This is one of those passages that I love reading over and over. Many may believe that this passage applied only to Jeremiah, but we know that the Bible is God’s Word to all of us, His people. Therefore, this passage applies as much to you and me as it did to Jeremiah. We may not all be called to be a prophet, but God formed us and has chosen us for an important task. There are three things that stand out to me in today’s passage, and that I believe God is reminding us of. I knew you. God knew everything about us even before we were born. God knows us better than we know ourselves! Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." I set you apart. God has chosen us for a purpose. We ares pecial to him. Deuteronomy 14:2 says, “You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure." I appointed you. God has called us and sends us out as his children to the world to be a testimony. John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you." There may be times when we lose sight of our purpose or feel discouraged because we feel we do not have the needed qualities for our situation. However, just as God prepared Jeremiah for the time he was living, God has also prepared you and me for the times we are living. He has been preparing us since before we were born, and we can be confident that He is with us always. Each of us is unique. God never made another person like you and he never will. There is no one that possesses the same gifts as you and no one can do the things you do like you do. God is our strength and we can trust that we can do all things through Him. Even in moments of discouragement, let us remember that God has chosen us to do great things. He knows everything about us, and still chose us to be his children. When we choose to see ourselves as God sees us, we will begin reaching our potential and be used by God in a big way. Just as God told Jeremiah, he is also telling us “Getup and prepare for action!"2 Suggested prayer: “Dear God, what a great privilege to be fully known and fully loved by you. Thank you for choosing me to be your child and making me unique. Help me to believe that I can do great things, not because of what I have done, but because of what you have done and can do through me. Thank you for being with me always and preparing me for such a time as this. I am ready to be used by you. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus Christ’s name, amen." 1. Jeremiah 1:4-5 (NLT). 2. Jeremiah 1:17 (NLT). When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: .----. ______. | | _ _ _ _o' \ `----' o `-- -' o .---. o o `---' o o .--. o o `--' o __ _ o .--. - - -' ` -o_ / `--' `----' .--. `--' >Golden Footprints. Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who lived in the village below the Mountain of the Golden Footprints. She was feeling very sad and depressed. Nothing or no one could make her happy. She had been very unhappy and depressed for a long time. What is the use of going on, she asked? Nothing anyone said seemed to make a difference. Her best friend went to visit Sarah and told her the story of the Mountain of the Golden Footprints. It is a special place whereas the sun sets you can look out over the city and see sparkling golden footprints on the places and people where you have made a difference. But I haven't made any difference in anyone's life, she said. There won't be any golden footprints for me to see. So why should I bother to go here? But, said her friend, If you don't see any golden footprints, there is a special village on the other side of the mountain. That is a place for all those people who haven't made a difference. It is comfortable and very pretty and there you can be happy. So you see, you have other options besides not going on with your life. If you went to the village on the other side of the mountain, I would miss you, but it would be better than your not being alive. You have nothing to lose. So Sarah decided to give it a try. After all, she only wanted to do something. She could not go on the way she was. Besides, although she was sure she would not see any golden footprints, she had a little glimmer of hope that going there would make a difference in her life. The village on the other side of the mountain also sounded like it could be a place where she could be happy. She walked up the path to the top of the Mountain of the Golden Footprints. It was a long walk and sometimes very difficult, but she had made the decision to go to the top and continued on, although sometimes she just wanted to stop climbing and curl up and cease to exist. She reached to top and came to the lookout point. She was greeted by a woman called Faith who watched over the Mountain of the Golden Footprints. Sarah sat on a rock at the top of the mountain and looked out over her village far below. Although the sun was not setting yet, she felt inside as though she were looking out over her life. She could see her house and the house of her friend, the house of her parents, her school, and many places from her childhood. She remembered many things as she looked out over these places, some sad and some happy. And as she was thinking about her life, the sun began to set. She did not really pay any attention since she did not expect to see any golden footprints. But soon a golden twinkling light began to appear in the park in the middle of the village. She did not still believe it could possibly be a Golden Footprint. "Look," Faith said excitedly, There is your first Golden Footprint!" But how could that be, asked Sarah? I don't ever remember anything I did in the park that could have possibly made a difference. That is my department, answered Faith. I have watched people make Golden Footprints from this mountain top for many years. I remember all the Golden Footprints happenings. One day a long time ago, when you were a little child, you went laughing through the park. There was a man sitting there who had just left his wife and child over a silly argument. He heard your laughter and missed his child so much that he returned to his family and lived with them happily ever after. Well, that was kind of accidental. I certainly didn't know I had done that, said Sarah. As she finished speaking, another golden sparkling footprint appeared on the house of her friend. Well, you have loved your friend very much. Remember when she was very sick? You went to see her and brought her flowers and stayed with her and talked many hours and you held her hand. If you had not done that, she would not have survived. But how could that be, asked Sarah? I'm not a doctor. I do not give medicine. How could I have saved her life? The doctor gave her good medicine, but you gave her hope. You gave her strength and courage, so that her body could make the medicine work. And as she finished speaking, the valley below was aglow with Golden Footprints. There was one on the school where her smile and love for learning had inspired a fellow student to stay in school and become a great philosopher. There was one over a tree that she had planted in the yard of her house, and one over the flowers that she had planted. There was one over the place where her stubbornness had convinced the King that the village needed a smoother road for travelers, and he had smiled at her outspokenness and feisty nature. There was a footprint right on top of the roof of her house. That was where she had taken her children one night to watch the stars. There was one over the pub in the village. There was where she had met her husband and where they had fallen in love. I had forgotten all those things, said Sarah. I was so depressed that I only remembered the sad things and not the good things. I guess I have made a difference. And you will in the future said Faith. There are stars to show your grandchildren and a birthday to share with your friend. And your husband needs a romantic evening at the pub. Sarah sat for a long time until the sun had set and the Golden Footprints disappeared and the lights of the village were lit in the streets and homes below and flickered, not as Golden Footprints, but as tiny footprints of fireflies. Soon Sarah would start the climb down the mountain, guided by the tiny lights below. Sarah smiled and thanked Faith. She started on her way down the mountain and knew that someday she would tell others about the Mountain of the Golden Footprints and make a difference in their lives too. Always remember you DO make a difference to many people whose lives you touch every single day. . . including me. ~ Author Unknown -<>- \ / \ / \.-./ (o\^/o) _ _ _ __ ./ \.\ ( )-( )-( ) .-' '-. {-} \(// || \\/ ( )) '-. //-__||__.-\\. .-' (/ () \)'-._.-' || || \\ MJP (' (' ') >The Ant and the Contact Lens: a true story. Brenda was almost halfway to the top of the tremendous granite cliff. She was standing on a ledge where she was taking a breather during this, her first rock climb.. As she rested there, the safety rope snapped against her eye and knocked out her contact lens. "Great", she thought. "Here I am on a rock ledge, hundreds of feet from the bottom and hundreds of feet to the top of this cliff, and now my sight is blurry." She looked and looked, hoping that somehow it had landed on the ledge. But it just wasn't there. She felt the panic rising in her, so she began praying. She prayed for calm, and she prayed that she may find her contact lens. When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye and her clothing for the lens, but it was not to be found. Although she was calm now that she was at the top, she was saddened because she could not clearly see across the range of mountains. She thought of the bible verse "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." She thought, "Lord, You can see all these mountains.. You know every stone and leaf, and You know exactly where my contact lens is. Please help me." Later, when they had hiked down the trail to the bottom of the cliff they met another party of climbers just starting up the face of the cliff. One of them shouted out, "Hey, you guys! Anybody lose a contact lens?" Well, that would be startling enough, but you know why the climber saw it? An ant was moving slowly across a twig on the face of the rock, carrying it! The story doesn't end there. Brenda's father is a cartoonist. When she told him the incredible story of the ant, the prayer, and the contact lens, he drew a cartoon of an ant lugging that contact lens with the caption, "Lord, I don't know why You want me to carry this thing. I can't eat it, and it's awfully heavy. But if this is what You want me to do, I'll carry it for You." I think it would do all of us some good to say, "God, I don't know why You want me to carry this load. I can see no good in it and it's awfully heavy. But, if You want me to carry it, I will." God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Yes, I do love GOD. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I am nothing, but with Him......I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) --- ...I found the cartoon for you here... -<>- (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >A Kind Word A successful businessman, addressing the commercial club of his city, told a story in his after-dinner speech. It was the story of a boy named Jim, who was an orphan and the laughing stock of the whole town. He was twelve years old, slim and undersized. He never remembered having a kind word spoken to him in his whole life. He was accustomed to harsh words, suspicion, and rebuffs, and as a result became a shrinking, pitiful little figure, dodging people. And the more he dodged people, the more suspicious they became. The only earthly possession of which Jim could boast was a dog that cringed and shrank almost as much as his master and was as much hated. Jim was not cruel to his dog except in words - and that is really the worst form of cruelty, even to a dog. A harsh, unkind word can cause more misery, heartache, and anguish than actual physical cruelty. A cruel, unkind tongue cuts like a sword. One day as Jim walked down the street, he saw a bundle slip from the overloaded arms of a little lady just in front of him. As she stooped to pick it up, the others rolled down. Jim sprang to her assistance, gathering up the bundles and replacing them in her arms. "Thank you, dear; you are a nice little boy," she said kindly, and went on her way after giving him a bright smile. Jim was amazed; a queer choky feeling passed over him. These were the first kind words he had ever heard in his whole twelve years of existence. He stood and stared after her. He knew that she was the busy little dressmaker who lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. He watched her until she was out of sight, then he whistled to Tige and made straight for the woods and a stream that wound around the town. He sat down on the bank of the stream and did some thinking. "Thank you, dear; you are a nice little boy," he pondered. "Come here, Tige," he commanded, and Tige slunk to his feet. Then Jim lowered his voice in imitation of the little faded lady and said, "You are a nice little dog." The effect on Tige was electrical. He pricked up his ears, and if a dog could stand at attention, Tige did. "Uhum! Even a dog likes it," said Jim. "Well, Tige, I don't blame you; it is nice. I won't holler at you anymore." Tige wagged his tail joyously. The boy continued to think, and the dog sat and watched him. Finally the boy pulled from the odds and ends in his pockets a piece of broken mirror and looked at himself. He saw nothing but grime and dirt, the accumulation of many days. He went down to the water's edge and scrubbed it off carefully, almost painfully. Then he looked again. He scarcely recognized himself. He was surprised. He stood erect and looked up instead of down for the first time since he could remember. He distinctly liked the sensation. A feeling of self-respect awoke within his being. Ambition sprang full-grown into life. At that moment the course of his life was changed; a determination to be worthy of the kind words spoken to him by the little dress maker, and to pass them on, took possession of his soul. After telling this story of Jim, the orphan boy, the speaker paused; and then he electrified the audience by saying, "Gentlemen, I was that boy. This city--your city, my city--was that little town of forty years ago. Our plant stands upon the spot where that gentle woman stood when she implanted in my life the first seed of kindness. She sleeps out yonder in what was then the cemetery of a country church. As a tribute to her memory I have told you this story." Oh, that all of us would learn the lesson: "Be ye kind." What transforming power it has! By Adlai Albert Esteb, These Times, July 1965 -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Niagara Falls In Neon Our Valuable Anchor! You Are The Only You God Has! Directions Home! I Believe In You! Akiane - Child Prodigy Real Eagle Story! John Scapes Basement! Auto MotorPlex Awesome Bikes! Designer Toilet Paper Home Security! Hot Air Balloons! Tigerfish! Zoo Animals! Full Summer Index: -<>- In His Hands! P A L G E Y M A Y I M What’s in a Word? – Mercy Our Righteous Guide – Hearing His Voice -<>- >From Christian Life Daily: Video: Planned Parenthood Admits “Murder for Hire” Scheme In the Aftermath of George Floyd’s Death, God Proves He’s More Powerful Than Any Protest How the Gospel Brought a Hollywood Homosexual Atheist to “the Edge of His Seat” Ministry’s Bank Account Shut Down After Homosexual Activists Launch Brutal Online Attack Unprecedented New Survey Reveals Heartbreaking Truth About Palestinian Christians Liberal Activists Celebrate “Completely Absurd” Redefinition of Marriage -<>- >In The News: VA News: Most Unique State Veteran Benefits, C&P Exams Resuming, Free Yoga, Free Reading App Poor Joe - Hannity 8/5/20 Rush 8/5/20 Mark Levin 8/5/20 84% of Black Americas Want Police, 1 in 4 Ballots Disqualified in Epic Mail-In Primary Fail, Biden Now Claims He Did NOT Take Test After Claiming He Did, Facebook “Fact Checkers” Linked to George Soros Funded Groups Gates and Fauxi....the two people complaining the most about the virus are the two with the most to gain. Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions from COVID Vaccine and “Owns Half the Patent” ABC Ignores Leaked Video of George Floyd Arrest; CBS & NBC Caught Editing Out “Stop Resisting” Trump: “We Caught Obama and Biden Spying, It’s Breathtaking What They Found!” Lindsey Graham: Sally Yates Threw “Radioactive” Comey “Under The Bus” Alyssa Farah highlights success of HHS foster care initiative Italian Island Miraculously Avoids Exposure, Perplexing Scientists Everywhere Trump Doubles Down on American First, Fires Fed Board Members Who Hired Foreigners Westwing News: ‘Only a Safe, Effective Vaccine Will Get Our Approval’ WhiteHouseNews: Latest From AFA: Students For Life Latest From OperationRescue: Latest Product Alert: FDA Toxic Hand Sanitizer List Expands Latest Health Alert: Click to Give Free -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Interview With God - Video --- ...So nice! Thanks LouiseAu! Trump Ad --- ...Awww, love it! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From our Friend Cloie :) A LOT OF COMMON SENSE--ALL GOOD POINTS . .' \ .' . .' ...'.` ___.-. .' ...'.' _.---' `..' ...'.' __.---' .' ...'.' .--' .' ...'.'. /` .' ...'.' `. / .' ...'.' `. / .' ...'.' `-. / .' ...'.' `. / ` _.-.' ...' `-._____.-' / / .' ...' /` /.'. ...' / .' .`.' \ / .' ...' | \ / /\ .' ...' \ | / / .' ...' / \ | /_/ .' ...' / | | |' `._..' .-------.__________.' .' .'---- .' | | | .' .... | | .' ...'| \ __.' | ___ / \...' \_`------------------._____ ___.---' / .-' | | \__/ `--.__ _.-' /.-' \__/ `------' ' VK >An Open Letter to the Legion of Lamentation By: E.P. Unum July 13, 2020 It is a fact of life in our country today that there are people who seem to live to be offended. They’re called Progressives. They are offended by Confederate statues and the Confederate Flag, by monuments that they say celebrate white supremacy and colonialism, by Trump supporters, by Trump himself, and by those who refuse to get on their knees and grovel before Black Lives Matter. Well, I am not one of them, and I’ve got a big revelation for them. Here are ten things for which I will never apologize, and I don’t give sour owl crap if you’re offended by any of them: 1. I’m white – I was born white and I don’t feel guilty about slavery, segregation, the Trail of Tears, or the treatment of Chinese railroad workers – because (now get this) I didn’t have anything to do with any of these. I’m no more responsible for these injustices than the Indian of today is responsible for the Black Hole of Calcutta. The idea of racial guilt is absurd. White privilege and white supremacy is a myth. Where is the White Miss America Contest; White History Month; and White Entertainment Television? Where are the white-only colleges and universities; white-only dating sites; or white-only bars and restaurants? Where are the quotas and set-asides for Caucasians? Do we need to address these things? To some degree, yes, but not by rioting, tearing down statues; looting and destroying businesses; or changing names of sports teams and products. We can and should address these things with civility and shared dialogue by all concerned. 2. I love America – I believe in American exceptionalism. America pioneered representative government guided by a written constitution. We fought a war with 620,000 dead to end slavery. We defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and liberated the death camps. We saved Europe from tyranny, twice, in the 20th century and then, with American investment, innovation, resourcefulness and generosity, rebuilt the economies of 17 nations of Europe and the nation of Japan. Our arms kept communism from conquering the world. Our factories and workshops produced a flood of inventions and products that benefited humanity. We built the greatest most respected medical system in the world and earned more Nobel Prizes in Medicine than any other nation on earth by a factor of ten! What country has done as much – especially in 244 years, a relative hiccup in time? 3. I’m a Christian – I love God and his son, Jesus Christ. I am proud of my faith, but I do not wear it on my sleeve. I respect all religions. I also believe in the State of Israel. Modern Israel is a miracle and a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Israel is a beleaguered outpost of civilization in a savage region and a bulwark against the forces of darkness. The next time your physician gives you a shot of penicillin, look up who discovered this miracle drug. 4. My heroes include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt – Washington and Lincoln were indispensable men. Washington defeated the greatest army on earth and led our country for the first quarter-century of its existence. Lincoln saved the Union, abolished slavery and inspired generations with his rhetoric. The Declaration of Independence shines with the eloquence of Thomas Jefferson, arguably the most intelligent man to ever serve as President of the United States. Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, represented the pioneer spirit. Teddy Roosevelt led the charge into the 20th century, the American Century. Together, they gave us a country so free that malcontents like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib can dump on it without fear of reprisal. Indeed, if you listen to all the complaints voiced from all the liberal/progressive democrats and communists like NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, you are hard pressed to understand why there are so few people leaving our country! It is harder still to understand why, with all of our so called “problems”, millions of people from around the world want to come here! 5. I support our Police, and I believe police officers are generally decent/honorable men and women who are doing a difficult, dangerous, often thankless job – You couldn’t pay me enough today to do it. Besides risking their lives every time they go to work, they bear the added burden of listening to insults shouted at them by spoiled, ungrateful people many of whom are wet behind their ears and probably should still be wearing diapers. Police today have become the punching bag for the nation and, sadly, they receive little or no respect or support from their superiors and the gaggle of incompetent democratic mayors around the country. And, like our military, they are all that stands between us and the abyss. When the Twin Towers were attacked in New York City on 9/11, we were reminded by liberals to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few. Yet today, mobs are willing to judge all police by the actions of a few police. Does that make sense to you? Defunding the police because of a few "bad apples" is just plain STUPID because the end result will be more crime. If you find that difficult to comprehend, just check the crime statistics for these liberal democratic controlled cities: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Newark, Trenton and check out the number of shootings and stabbings on any given weekend! You would think these cities are in a war zone. 6. I support the Second Amendment, and I own weapons – It’s one of the reasons why Japan thought long and hard about attacking us. It’s a major reason why we’ll never have a Holocaust here. Europe has had the divine right of kings, religious persecution, Communism and Nazism. We have the Second Amendment. The anarchy in our streets, coupled with calls to defund the police, only serve to underscore the need for civilian gun ownership. 7. Reparations are racial plunder. The idea of racial guilt is an obscenity from the dark recesses of 19th century European history. There’s no group in the world that hasn’t been oppressed at some point in time. Will Denmark pay reparations to the English for the Danelaw? Will Mongols and Manchus compensate the Chinese? Will Japan compensate the Chinese for the Rape of Nanjing? How about the English and the Irish, the Mongols and the Russians, the Cossacks and Jews? Will bi-racial Barack Obama take money out of one pocket and put it in another? 8. There are only two genders. Deal with it – Gender is determined at birth by your DNA. Just as you can’t change your DNA, you can’t change your s&x. You should not be able to force others to participate in your fantasy. Reality isn’t hateful. 9. I support President Trump and will vote for him in November, 2020 – The president loves this country. He really does have Israel’s back. Who else is strong enough to stand up to China and Iran? Unlike almost everyone else in Washington, as a businessman, he understands finance and the market economy. He is not the most eloquent President in our history - - he’s not a professional politician; he’s a businessman. But he knows how to get RESULTS! He's giving us judges who deliberate instead of legislate. And he has the guts not to be liked. Prior to COVID-19, President Trump built the greatest most prosperous economy in the world and he gave power back to the people. He understands that we are a people who happen to have a government, not the other way around, and this American experiment in which government derives its just power from the consent of the governed is still the most unique, treasured and progressive form of government in the history of mankind. 10. You have a right to disagree with me, but you do not have a right to try to silence me – Being offended doesn’t trump the First Amendment. Attacking statues and assaulting those with different values is the kind of thing we saw in Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia. Generations of Americans died for freedom of speech, not freedom to suppress speech. To say you’re offended is merely an attempt to prioritize your feelings above everyone and everything else. It’s not an argument, but a call to end discussion – an admission of intellectual impotence. Being offended isn’t a mark of virtue; it’s a sign that you might be immature - - one who will throw a tantrum if you can’t get your way. Wagging fingers and shouting obscenities at me is just plain disrespectful, and might get you a punch in the nose. Sadly, that is what we see today with some liberals and progressives. They do not maintain a dialogue, they respond with insults and attacks, and that is fundamentally because they have not done their homework, are poorly educated, lack historical perspective and context and have no inclination or desire to reason. We have the right to disagree... but what I see taking place in our country today is simply not right from any reasonable perspective. Many in politics have lost their sanity for political reasons. I heard AOC state this week that riots and looting are taking place because of the pandemic - people don't have food, so they have to riot. Does anyone believe this dribble? For what food were they looking at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Macys, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc? I imagine the Reverend Martin Luther King is looking down from Heaven at all the rioting, looting, black-on-black killing, BLM-led destruction and saying to himself, "I can’t believe I died for this." --- ...Very well said. Thanks Cloie! See Also: 10 Things for Which I'll Never Apologize A memo to the legion of the chronically aggrieved. Wed Jul 1, 2020 Don Feder /\ ,'.' ',' _.,._ _,.-+`'+-._ .|. _.+'` `.' \ (___) ,' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _.-~`'~-._ _\_.-+'`'`+-._\ ag `,' `---` Looking at the comments on the above page, I think people get caught up in 'names'. If someone claims to be Christian or a Jew others will try to make them prove it or try to disprove it. So it is with calling oneself a Conservative or a Democrat or a Republican or Libritarian. People like to act like the devil and snare other people in an invisible net or trap with this proving or disproving of whatever they say after they say they believe or are this way or that way. Silly. If we just judge a person by their actions or by what they say then we don't have to force them into some sort of pigeon hole of how they are supposed to be by some name. Everyone is unique. God made us that way to be a blessing to each other. We are like-minded when it comes to God's Word but have diversity when it comes to our own way of doing things. Else we might as well be robots. Here is an example of a controlling person. It always upset me as a teen when my mom would try to control me to the point that she didn't want me to do the thing she wanted me to do in my own way. She would use the shame tactic of saying hurtful things such as 'Do I have to Draw you a picture?!?' One time I was folding towels and my mom was watching me and she got mad at me. 'Oh For goodness sake, can't you do anything right? You always do things the hard way! Do it like this!' And she grabbed the towel from my hands and proceeded to show me how to lay it out on the table and fold it just like she did. "There! Is that so hard?!?" Well, I had had enough of her controlling, degrading ways so I just said what I thought. 'Mom, you do it that way, but I have two hands and it is easier for me to do it like this.' Normally I would get smacked in the face for talking back to my mom, but I had had enough. She sheepishly agreed and thought twice about griping at me at how I did things from then on. Many of you may not know, but my mom lost her right arm up to almost her elbow in a car accident. So when she folds clothes, she has to use a table to do so. Not me. It is faster and easier, most of the time, if I don't. The problem we are seeing with our Left today is that many do not like diversity of others. They want everyone to conform to what they think is right and if they don't, they want to shut them down by shaming them, demonetizing them, or violently shutting them up. The only freedom they want is for themselves. ========================================================== (\ \'\ \'\ __________ / '| ()_________) \ '/ \ ~~~~~~~~ \ \ \ ~~~~~~ \ ==). \__________\ (__) ()__________) unknown >A Creative Solution Story Editor: by John Cowan Joyce Schowalter New York, USA I work as a programmer for a news service, a small subsidiary of a larger news and financial information company. We write and publish medical news over the Internet; our customers include companies with medical websites, pharmaceutical companies, newspapers, and specialized and general-use web portals. In 2002, advertising-supported media (which means most media) had fallen on hard times as a result of a slow economy. Our subsidiary, like many media companies, had to cut back on its staff. For us the need was particularly acute, as most of our customers were Internet-based, and about half of them went belly-up after the dot-com bubble burst in 2001. We had staved off the problem for about a year, thanks to having annual contracts. But eventually we had to cut costs, and the only way we could do that and still maintain service to our remaining customers was to cut staff. As a result, in August 2002 the "powers that be" declared that one or two people would have to be sacrificed from each department: sales, financial, news-writing, and technical. The financial department was abolished altogether and its functions transferred to a group in the parent company. Most of the other groups naturally suffered as a result of losing journalists, editors, and salespeople -- but they survived, still able to perform their missions. Our technical department, however, consisted of just two programmers and a system administrator. Without the programmers, we couldn't maintain our existing systems and implement new ones. Without the system administrator, who doubled as a help-desk person, we would have been unable to support the rest of the subsidiary or keep our production systems backed up and running smoothly. Terminating any of us would have meant a massive workload for the remaining two, much of it work they were not trained to perform. It was an ugly choice to make. "Sandra", the director of the technical department, decided to meet the challenge in a creative way. She was going on maternity leave just after the announcement came out, and decided to terminate herself instead of one of her staff. She said that she considered herself the "most expendable" person in the technical department. Management was shocked by the idea of losing a department manager instead of regular staff. They protested loudly and tried to make Sandra change her mind, but to no avail. Her clear-headed analysis prevailed, and it was decided that after Sandra's departure we would report jointly to a technical manager within the parent company and the CEO of our subsidiary. Sandra returned from maternity leave and worked until the end of 2002, then left to devote herself to motherhood and free-lance work. As a result of her selfless action, the three of us who remain are able to fulfill our customers' and employer's needs. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From LaughAndLift: If you think you are important, just remember that a lot of famous men of a century ago have weeds growing over their graves today. ( ) ( ) ( ) _ ) ( \_ _(_\ \)__ (____\___)) !!!!!Krogg98 >Milestones and Manure (By Ron Hutchcraft) [Edited] As a city boy, I have a lot to learn about the country. I remember the time when I was a teenager and our youth group played this hide- and-seek game on a farm. This one other kid and I crawled under this piece of machinery, where we had to stay for about a half an hour. I didn't know what it was. After we were stuck there, my nose and I wanted to know what we were hiding under. My friend said, "Oh, this is a manure spreader." Hmmm. Well, in recent times, I've helped out a friend who has some horses, and part of taking care of equine pets is what they call "mucking out" their stables. Now if you've been a farmer your whole life, please do not laugh at me, but I've been dealing with manure more in the past few months than I have in all my life up until now. And, frankly, I'm not fond of it. I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Milestones and Manure." There's a passage of scripture that I've been familiar with most of my life that has recently taken on a graphic new meaning to me, because in a very real way, it's about manure. I know this is a strange subject for a Christian discussion, but tell that to the Apostle Paul. He's the one who used the analogy. It's in Philippians 3 , beginning with verse 7. Paul has just listed many of the great accomplishments of his life as a religious leader. It's an amazing list, demonstrating why he was one of the most respected, most successful Jewish religious leaders of his generation. Then he met Jesus. He follows his list of life achievements with this statement, "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings." Now that word that's translated "rubbish" in this translation is translated "dung" in the King James Version. Folks, that's manure. That's basically what the original Greek word means. Paul says that compared to what he has found, and knowing and serving Christ, every other milestone and title and achievement in his life is - well, it's like manure. And that is values clarification; that right now you may be wondering how your life could be so full and yet it's not fulfilling. How you could be enjoying such success and yet feeling like your life isn't all that significant. There's a reason. You're created, the Bible says, with "eternity in your heart" (Ecclesiastes 3:11 ), and no earth-stuff can possibly give you the meaning and fulfillment you need. Only what you do with and for Jesus can do that. If you want to make the greatest possible difference with however much life you have left, spend as much of what you have, what you are, and what you've got in loving and serving Jesus. Paul said really knowing Jesus made everything else seem worthless. It's not the championships, the scholarships, the memberships, the friendships that will captivate your heart and thrill your soul. It's making Jesus the central passion; the magnificent obsession of your life. I haven't heard that little poem since I was a young man, but it's as true now as it ever was, "Only one life...t'will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." [Permission to distribute this material via email, or individual copies, is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, and will not be sold. To reproduce "A Word With You" transcripts in any other format, including Internet websites, written permission is needed.] SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at --- ...This reminds me... I remember reading about how God so much did not like the idols back in the Old Testament that He actually wanted His people to use the shrines to these fake gods as toilets! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' "Then they demolished the pillar of Baal, and destroyed the temple of Baal, and made it a latrine to this day" (2 Kings 10:27). Made me laugh. Shows God's humor and how He feels about idols. Now they have found proof that this was true... Toilet Found in 3,000-Year-Old Shrine Verifies Bible Stories Against Idol Worship Go figure. :) ========================================================== \ | / -- * -- / | \ /') ./') ('\. ('\ /' /.--''./'') (''\.''--.\ '\ :--'' ; ''./'') (''\.'' ; ''--: : ' ''./') ('\.'' ' : : ''./' '\.'' : :--''-..--'''' ''''--..-''--: dp >-->My Hand in God's Each Morning when I wake I say, "I Place my Hand in God's today;" I know He'll walk close by my Side My every wandering Step to Guide. He leads me with the tenderest Care When Paths are dark and I Despair... No need for me to Understand If I but hold fast to His Hand. My Hand in His! - No surer Way - To walk in Safety through each Day. By His great Bounty I am Fed; Warmed by His Love, and Comforted. When at Day's end I seek my Rest And realize how much I'm blessed, My Thanks pour out to Him; And then I Place My Hand in God's Again. ~Florence Scripps Kellogg >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ********************************************************************** >TO SUBSCRIBE:Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to **********************************************************************