In Honor of our Children & More... :) Shangy! >-->S P E C I A L C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ,_ | `""---..._____ '-...______ _````"""""""'`| \ ```` ``"---...__ | |` | ``! | | A | /\ /#\ /`--..______..-' | ### | / `\ /`--. | ### _| | .-;`-./;-. || ### / \ \ /\#| |#/\/ /\ ##' | `-' \__/ _ \__/ | |`# \_, /_/ `\ / '. '.__.' .' jgs `-,____,-' /"""I""\ /`---'--'\ To ALL OUR NEW OR 'GONNA BE' GRADS!! - YOU'RE THE BEST - |""-..._____ '-.____ _````"""""'`| \ ``` ``"---... _ | | / /#\ }--..______..-{ ### }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ }}}} 6 6 {{{{ {{{{{ ^ }}}}} {{{{{{\ -=- /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` after/jgs `@` GOD BLESS YOU ON YOUR LIFE JOURNEY! =============================================================== >-->In Honor of our Children... >Hot off the 'Shangy' Press :) This new one was inspired by our friend Betty J I loved it and had to do up a page on it so all could enjoy it! _..._ .~ `~. / } \ _.'`~~/ {_,} -( ,'-,___.' .-. / |_ /| __| |__ / ` |_/ [__ __] / \ / | | / '--;_ | | _\ `\ | | / |`-.___. / | | ^^^jgs^^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ God Is Like... God is like -<>- >May 25 is National Missing Children's Day It's a reminder for all parents, guardians, teachers and other role models to make child safety a priority. | . | "-._ || : '. `~~`~88`~~^`~~`~^88~^`~~`~~`~^~`. `> ' . 88' ". _ '-"88` . ` ' . | .' ,'~^~8^~^`^~~^`^~8`~~~^~~~^~`; ' .-' 8 8 \ ` : ` 8 8 | : | 8 8 || ' 8 8 | | : 8 8 `| . ' 8 8 | .' | 8 \ 8 | . \ 8 8 || : 8\, ___ ,/8 | \ 8 \\//"\\// 8 `| | .' 8 \('_')/ 8 | .' (8'---`-'---'8) | | ' " 8`"-. .-"`8 | : | 8###|===\###8 | .' jgs #####\ \ \### | \ \ \ | | : ' \()() | | . | ' " -'-"_'"-'_"'-_'"-_''_"-"-_"-\ \/' ' "-_ --"-"_'"-_""-_'"--"'_-"-'\\/.\\' / /". "'"-"-'_-"_-"-_"-"'_'-"-"_``"-`"_`'""-`''""' Take 25 mins. to help make children safer. Learn More here: Take 25 ================================================================== >-->As little children we learned _..._ .~` ~. { \ \~~`'._ / )- {,_} '.___,-', Jesus Loves Us |\ _| \ \_| ` \ \ / \ _;--' \ /` /_ \ .___.-'| \ ^^^jgs^^^^^^^^`--`'------`--`^^^^^^^ Many of us leaned about God and Jesus Christ at a very young age. We were taught that Jesus loves us. The scripture we were taught and the picture we were shown was of Jesus with a group of little children gathered around Him... Which comes from Mathew 19:13-14 "Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We grew up loving Jesus because we knew He loved us. We learned that Jesus always did the will of the Father and that is why He was blameless and sinless and could give His life and blood for the sins of all mankind. He was God's Lamb, our savior. We learned that God, like Jesus, loves us because we learned that God let His only begotten son whom He loved with all His heart, be crucified, tortured, and humiliated for our sakes so we could be saved. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" We then grew to love God because God first loved us. We learned that to please God we should be like Jesus and always do the Will of God. Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." These things also we learned about God... Deuteronomy 4:24 "the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God." Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." So, that brings us to todays question. When we pray, is it OK to pray to Jesus or is it against the Will of God? We know God wishes us to give Him the praise and Glory as is rightly due Him. [Acts 12:23] Today we have a wonderful full teaching on this... >From CES Can We “Pray” to Jesus Christ? There is a controversy among Christians who believe that Jesus is not God but the Son of God, about whether or not we can pray to Jesus. The only definitive place to go for an answer to that question is the Word of God. It is important when trying to answer such an important question that we do not base our position upon only one Greek word or one verse. Rather, we must examine the scope of Scripture to see what it says. We believe that the Bible makes it clear that one can pray to Jesus, but does not have to, and we will do our best to show why that is. There are many points of logic in understanding why we can pray to Jesus. Before we delve into the issue, however, it is important to understand that the basic and fundamental definition of “prayer” is “asking.” Our prayers may also include some praise, but in every language, prayer is fundamentally asking for something, as is clear from studying the Hebrew and Greek words translated prayer, and even looking up “prayer” in an English dictionary. Below are some points of logic and Scripture that indicate we can pray to Jesus. 1) Jesus is Lord of all (Acts 10:36; Rom. 10:12), and has all authority in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18). How can he be “Lord” in any real sense if we cannot ask him for things? Now that the Lord Jesus has all authority, it makes even more sense that we petition him, even as it made sense that people petitioned him when he was alive in his earthly ministry. Hundreds, even thousands, of people asked Jesus for things when he was on earth. Does it make sense that someone could ask Jesus for something 2000 years ago, but cannot do so now? 2) We are to have fellowship with the Son (1 John 1:3). How can we have fellowship with Jesus, which clearly indicates being in relationship with him, but not ask him for anything? We have fellowship with God and ask Him for things, and we have fellowship with other Christians and ask them for things, so does it make sense that we are to have fellowship with Jesus but not ask him for anything? 3) Jesus said that his followers could ask him for things. John 14:13 and 14 (13) And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. (14) You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. These verses become especially enlightening when they are read as they were written in the original text, which was without punctuation: “…I am going to the Father and I will do whatever you ask in my name…you may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” It is clear from these verses that Jesus knew he was going to the Father, and wanted people to ask him for what they needed. Their doing so is a prayer, whether it is formally in a church building or informally as one is going about his or her daily business. 4) The Word of God makes it clear that believers in the early Church thought it normal to talk with the exalted Lord Jesus Christ. A) After his ascension, the disciples prayed to Jesus about choosing a replacement for Judas. This was logical because they understood it was Jesus who had originally chosen the twelve. Acts 1:24 and 25 (24) Then they prayed [proseuchomai], “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen (25) to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” Although some have contended that the Lord in the above verse is God, it is more logical that it refers to Jesus. He was the one who chose Judas, and he was addressed as “Lord” by all the apostles over and over in the New Testament. B) Stephen called upon Jesus, not God, when he was being stoned. Acts 7:59 and 60a (59) While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed [epikaleo= “calling upon”], Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” (60a) Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” C) Paul pleaded with the Lord Jesus about his “thorn in the flesh,” as is clear from the context of the following verses. 2 Corinthians 12:8 and 9 (8) Three times I pleaded [parakaleo=to beseech] with the Lord to take it away from me. (9) But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 5) Verses such as Acts 9:34 and 1 Timothy 4:17 show that as the Head of the Body, the Lord Jesus is actively involved in healing and sustaining its members. It is our contention that any Christian can ask the Lord Jesus to do for him anything that would help him do the works that Jesus did. As Head of the Body, he converses with believers and asks things of them. It is only logical that we would also ask things of him. The New Testament tells us of his personal interaction with Stephen (Acts 7:56); Saul/Paul (Acts 9:1-9; 23:11; Gal. 1:12; 2 Cor. 12:9); Ananias (Acts 9:10-16); Peter (Acts 10:9-22; 2 Pet. 1:14); [1] and John (Rev. 1:9-18). E) Since Pentecost, many things come to the Body via the Head, Jesus Christ. It is he who: * Pours out the gift of holy spirit (Acts 2:33) * Gives us grace (Rom. 1:5; 16:20; 1 Cor. 16:23; 2 Cor. 8:9; 13:14; Gal. 1:6; 6:18; Eph. 4:7; Phil 4:23; 1 Thess. 5:8; 2 Thess 1:12; 3:18) * Gives us peace (2 Thess. 3:16) * Gives us mercy (1 Cor. 7:25) * Blesses us (Rom. 10:12; 15:29) * Nurtures and cares for the Church, holds it together and causes it to grow (Eph. 5:29; Phil 1:19; Col. 1:17; 2:19) * Directs us (1 Cor. 16:7; 2 Thess. 3:5) * Is interceding for us (Rom. 8:35) * Gives the leadership ministries to the Church (Eph. 1:1; 4:8,11) * Gives revelation (2 Cor. 12:1; Gal 1:12) * Will transform our bodies at his appearing (Phil 3:21) * Will judge, reward, and punish people, according to what they deserve (John 5:21,22; 2 Cor. 5:10; Eph. 6:8; Col. 3:23-25; 1 Thess. 4:6; 2 Thess 1:8) Could it really be that with such an intimate connection to the members of his Body, the Lord Jesus could then not be addressed by his Church? Surely we can ask our Lord and Head for whatever that we need. 6) Calling on the Name of the Lord One evidence in Scripture that people can pray to Jesus is seen by paying attention to the phrase, “call upon the name of the Lord.” Through the Old Testament, when people “called upon the name of the Lord,” it was to pray to, appeal to, or ask for help from God. Abraham was in the habit of praying to God, and though there are many examples in Scripture, one will suffice. Genesis 12:8 From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal as to who was the true God and who was not. He and they each prayed to their god, and the one who answered by fire would be known to be God. They prayed, which in the Hebrew idiom is to “call upon the name….” 1 Kings 18:24 Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the LORD. The god who answers by fire—he is God.” Then all the people said, “What you say is good.” Naaman, the great Syrian general who was also a leper, expected Elisha to come out and pray for him. He expresses his thought about prayer by the phrase, “call on the name of the Lord. 2 Kings 5:11 But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. In Psalm 99 we see that when the great men of God prayed to God (“called on the LORD”), He answered them. Psalm 99:6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the LORD and he answered them. God tells the people that when they pray to Him (“call upon my name”) He will answer. Zechariah 13:9 This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’” Just as the Old Testament records people calling upon the name of the Lord in prayer, so the Church Epistles use the same terminology to record people praying to Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours: This is clearly the same phrase used in the Old Testament, and is applied to Jesus as well as God. Vincent writes: “It is used of worship, and here implies prayer to Christ.” [2] R. C. H. Lenski writes: “‘To call on him’ means to praise, bless, thank, worship him, and to ask of him all that we need for body and for soul.” [3] It seems clear that even as the Old Testament believers called upon God, we today can call upon Jesus, and that means we can pray to him and expect him to answer our requests. Calling upon Jesus, our Lord, also occurs in Romans 10:12-14 and 2 Timothy 2:22. 7) It is honoring to God when we honor Jesus. John 5:22 and 23 (22) Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, (23) that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. The first thing we notice about these verses is that God’s intent is that people honor the Son just as they honor Him. More than that, if we do not honor the Son, we do not honor the Father. The pertinent question we must ask ourselves is, “How do we honor the Father?” Surely one way we honor Him is by our praise and thanksgiving to him, and by our prayers to Him. According to Scripture, we are to honor the Son in the same way. 8) There is no verse, and nothing in the scope of Scripture, that forbids us from praying to Jesus. This is important, because God’s prohibitions in Scripture are quite plain. Since we can ask both God and other people for things we need, it is only logical that if we could not ask our living Lord Jesus for things, the Bible would say that somewhere. However, no verse prohibits us from asking Jesus for things or thanking him for what he has done for us. Thanking Jesus Not only can we ask Jesus for things, we can thank him for what he did and is doing for us, and that is only logical. Think about it. Jesus is alive. He is Head of the Body of Christ. He is our Lord. How could we not be able to lift up our voices in praise and thanksgiving for what he has done? We thank God for all kinds of things, and we thank other people for their acts of kindness to us. We are also able to, and should, thank Jesus Christ for what he did and is doing, even as Paul did. 1 Timothy 1:12 I thank [charin] Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. Praising Jesus Jesus is worthy of our praise. On this earth we praise men who have done far less for us than Jesus ever did. We throw them parties, give them certificates and medals, and sing them songs. Surely Jesus is worth at least that much praise, and Scripture says he will get it. Jesus is lauded and praised by the 24 elders (Rev. 5:8-10); by the multitudes of angels (Rev. 5:11, 12), and by all God’s created things (Rev. 5:13). If we are going to praise him in the future, surely it is not out of bounds to praise him now for what he has done for us. Worshiping Jesus Many verses show that people worshipped the Lord Jesus Christ. This was natural because it was very common to worship (i.e., pay homage to) men of a higher status. This is hard to see in the English translations of the Bible. The translators usually render the Hebrew or Greek word as “worship” when it involves God or Jesus, but in some other way, such as “bow before,” or “pay homage to,” when it involves men. Nevertheless, “worship” is clearly used in the Hebrew and Greek texts, and that is how it should be understood. For example: * Lot “worshipped” the two strangers who came to Sodom (Gen. 19:1) * Abraham “worshipped” the pagan leaders of the land in which he lived (Gen. 23:7) * Jacob “worshipped” his older brother when they met after being apart for years (Gen. 33:3) * Joseph had a dream that his parents and brothers “worshipped” him (Gen. 37:10) * Joseph’s brothers “worshipped” him (Gen. 43:26) * Joshua fell down and “worshipped” an angel (Joshua 5:14) * Ruth “worshipped” Boaz (Ruth 2:10) * David “worshipped” Jonathan (1 Sam. 20:41) * Abigail “worshipped” David (1 Sam. 25:41) The above list is a small sampling of all the examples we find in Scripture. There is a sense, of course, in which there is a very special worship (homage, allegiance, reverent love, devotion) to be given only to God, but there is no unique word that represents that special worship. Rather, it is a posture of the heart. Understanding that both God and men are worshipped in the Bible forces us as readers to look not at the specific word for “worship” but rather at the heart of the one doing the worship. It explains why God rejects the worship of those whose hearts are not really with Him. People fell down and worshipped Jesus while he walked the earth and performed great miracles because they loved and respected him greatly. It is clear why we are to worship him now: he has earned our love and our highest reverence. He died to set us free, and God has honored him by seating him at His own right hand above all other powers and authorities. Jesus was worshipped by his followers both before and after his resurrection (Matt. 28:9, 17; Luke 24:52). Thus it seems very unreasonable to assert that Christians should not worship Jesus today just as people did when he was on earth: by homage, praise, thanksgiving, and with requests. [For further study read our article, Can We Worship Jesus Christ?, posted on our site.] Conclusion It seems clear that we can pray to Jesus for things we need. However, the Bible does not give us clear direction as to when or about what a believer should talk to Jesus, as opposed to God. Whether a believer prays to God or Jesus is left up to the individual. However, the vast majority of scriptures dealing with prayer make it clear that God is the principal source of all things, and therefore should be the chief focus of our worship, praise, and supplication. Those who enthusiastically embrace the idea of praying to the Lord Jesus must recognize that this practice ought not to be carried out to the point of distracting one from the worship of the Father. We are sure that the Lord Jesus would find it ironic indeed if he himself were to become the principal object of Christian worship and adoration, when his entire life and ministry was devoted to the glorification of his Father. We should also make it clear that we are not saying that a Christian must pray to the Lord Jesus as part of his or her Christian walk. Because there is no clear command to do so, as there is to God (Eph. 5:19,20; Col. 1:3,9; 4:3), we must never tell anyone they must pray to Jesus. On the other hand, we shudder at the idea of any Christian telling another that it is wrong for him to talk/pray to the Lord Jesus. We would particularly hate to see believers judge one another and segregate themselves from other Christians over the issue of whether or not they pray to the Lord Jesus. We think whether or not one prays to Jesus is a matter of individual conscience, and not an issue about which believers ought to tyrannize one another. This fine teaching is from: Can we pray to Jesus? ---- The Teens n 20s Camp early registration deadline is May 25th (forms and payment are due at the same time) and the final registration deadline is June 15th. The 20s Conference final registration deadline is June 1st. The Expressions of Praise and Worship Conference early registration deadline is August 2nd. For more information on these and all our events, please visit Have a great day in the Lord and know we are praying for you! The Home Office Staff Spirit and Truth Fellowship International 1-888-255-6189, M-F, 8:30-5 (EST) International callers use 317-255-6189 ==================================================================== >-->From Our Friend Steve :) >Negative People by Catherine Pratt negative people are like black holes which just suck all your energy Negative people. They are like human black holes which suddenly come out of nowhere and just suck the life out of you. You try to stay positive and remain strong but their negativity ends up just completely draining you, you feel exhausted, and you may also start to feel depressed too. So what can you do? One of the first things to do is to be aware of who the negative people are in your life. This may not be as easy as you first think. Some very nice people are as Judy Orloff says in her book, "Positive Energy" are really energy vampires. Here's some of the signs she says to look for: - you experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted or attacked. - you intuitively feel unsafe, tense or on gguard. - you sense prickly, off-putting vibes. You can't wait to get away from them. - your energy starts to fizzle. You may feell beleaguered or ill." She also refers to them by the following names which you might recognize: the sob sister, the blamer, the drama queen, the constant talker or joke teller, and the fixer-upper (requires endless help). Also, pay attention to what the person talks about. Is it always about how bad things are? Do they just complain and never actually do anything about what's upsetting them? ---- ...Yeah, people are often our problem - or as Paul the Apostle put it - a thorn in the flesh... 2 Corinthians 12:7 -<>- _ _ / )%.===.%( \ | // ,,, \\ | \/ \/6.6\/ \/ /\ ( _ ) /\ ^^ /()-()\ ^^ / /o o\ \ (._\ Y /_.) (O_`&`_O) / / \ \ / ()/^\() \ /. . . . . . .\ `"`"`|`|`|`"`"` jgs _|_|_|_ (___|___) The Love Movie: Love Movie ... Very Nice - Thanks Steve! =================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: ___ _.-' ```'--.._ .' `-._ / `. / `. / `. : ( \ | ( \_ ) `. | \__/ '. / ) ; | (___: \ _/__/ ; : | _ ; .' |__) : : |` \ | / / / \ |_ ;| /`\ / / \ ; ) :| ;_ ; / / \_ .-''-. | ) :/ / .- ` .--.' / : _.----._ ` < : -'........'- `. `. `''''` ; `'-.__ ,' ``--. :'-------' jgs : : .' '. Your Sin Will Find You Out -Author Unknown When I was a child I lived in a little town in Texas and attended a small country church. We were encouraged to memorize Bible verses, and there were two particular verses that made a great impression on me. One was Numbers 32:23 "Be sure your sin will find you out." The other one was Proverbs 28:13 "He that covers his sins shall not prosper." I wasn't clever or devious enough to get away with anything, and it seemed that every time I did something wrong I was always found out. Each time this happened I was reminded of those two verses. But those verses really came to life for me one Wednesday evening when we were all at church for Prayer Meeting. At that time we had a little yellow pet canary named Tweetie that we kept in a cage. I especially loved to hear Tweetie sing, and each night we carefully covered his cage so he could sleep, and in the morning we put a little bowl of water in the cage so he could take a bath. He was my special pride and joy. That night when we returned home we opened the door and heard the dreaded rattle of a snake. We looked up at Tweetie's cage, and were horrified to discover that a rattlesnake had crawled into the cage and swallowed Tweetie whole. Somehow the snake had stretched the bars enough to crawl through them, but after swallowing the canary, there was a huge bulge in the snake's belly, and there was not enough room between the bars for the snake to crawl back out of the cage. So the snake was trapped inside the cage with its "sin" obvious for all to see. My brave mother was able to kill the snake, but I grieved over the loss of my special pet bird. _.--.... _....---;:'::' ^__/ .' `'`___....---=-'` /::' (` \' `:. `\::. ';-"":::-._ {} _.--'`\:' .'`-.`'`.' `{I} .-' `' .;;`\::. '. _: {-I}`\ .' .:. `:: _)::: _;' `{=I}.:| /. ::::`":::` ':'.-'`':. {_I}::/ |:. ':' ::::: .':'`:. `'|':|:' \: .:. ''' .:| .:, _:./':.| jgs '--.:::...---'\:'.:`':`':./ '-::..:::-' Never again did a snake find its way inside our house, but I always remembered the lesson learned that day from a snake, for his sin was found out, and he certainly didn't prosper! -<>- _ _(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/ jgs|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BUTTERCUPS By: Joseph J. Mazzella I am getting a nice patch of buttercups in my front yard this year. I didn't do anything to help them, though. God planted them there all on His own. Each morning I admire them as I walk out to get the paper. Their beauty is a delight to the eyes and their scent is a pleasure to the nose. Everyday they soak up the morning sun and with each rain they drink in the moisture. With each passing week the patch seems to grow a little larger too. I am making an effort to mow around them for as long as possible. I don't want this beautiful blessing to end. I want to enjoy these wonderful wild flowers just as God intended. I am sure that in Heaven the fields are always full of buttercups, dandelions, and sweet clover, and there is not a lawn mower in sight. Looking out on these delightful buttercups I am reminded too of all the wonderful souls out there like them. These are the souls God planted among us to show us just how beautiful life and living can be. Everyday that soak up God's love, joy, and light and then share it with the world. When it rains in their lives they use it to grow bigger, better, and stronger too. Everyday their numbers grow as well. Just as the buttercups fill the meadows here with patches of priceless gold these glorious spirits fill the whole world with golden glimpses of what Heaven is like. I know too that nothing will keep them from sharing their gifts of wisdom and happiness for all of their lives. No lawn mower would even stand a chance against them. God loves us all and God planted us all here for a season. What we grow into, however, is up to us. You too can be a wonderful soul spreading love and light to the world. You too can be a glorious spirit sharing a little Heaven while still here on Earth. You too can bloom like a wild flower everyday in beauty, joy, and delight. You too can stand tall against the lawn mowers of this world. Either that or you can be a weed. The choice is up to you. -<>- >Take A Few Steps : : : : : : : : : : .' : _.-" : _.-" '. ..__...____...-" : : \_\ : : .--" : `.__/ .-" _ : / / ," ,- .' (_)(`,(_,'L_,_____ ____....__ _.' "' " """"""" """ cgm Take a few steps away from the chatter and confusion to a place where you can see more clearly. Take a few steps away and give yourself a new and empowering perspective. You'll see that much of what concerns you, need not concern you. You'll see that the problems are more than overwhelmed by all the opportunities and positive possibilities. You'll see that many of the things which hold you back do so only with your consent. You'll see how easy it can be to let them go and to let yourself move forward. Take a few steps away, to a place where you can focus on what is truly important. It's a place where your purpose really matters, where your efforts truly and easily make a positive difference. Life is beautiful, and filled with an unending stream of wonderful possibilities. Take a few steps away from the noise and confusion, and you'll see the best of those possibilities come clearly into focus. Ralph Marston To Subscribe send a blank email to: ========================================================================= >My Dad, the Ump Story Editor: by Trisha Mason Joyce Schowalter Texas USA When we were kids my dad sometimes announced our baseball games over the PA system. He called out the batters' names, the count and the play in the field in his big friendly voice. In between innings he sang out an old baseball chant: "Visit the concession stand, Get your Pea Corn, Pop Nuts, Chewing Water and Soda Gum!" Dad always volunteered to umpire our games. He said he didn't think he would be a good team coach because he would push us to win all the time instead of to enjoy the game. So he umpired. One day in 1968 when he was umpping second base I was at bat. The pitch came fast and fell right into the sweet spot on my bat. The crack was wonderful to hear and I was off and running for first base. While racing for first I saw the centerfielder miss the catch, so when I touched first I made the curve and headed for second. Then someone snagged my sleeve and said, "Get back on first!" It was my Dad. He had seen what I hadn't; the centerfielder had the ball and was throwing it to second. I quickly backtracked to first base. I don't remember the rest of the game and probably wouldn't remember that incident -- except for what happened after the game. My Dad came up to and apologized. He said what he'd done was wrong, that he had let his feelings as a father (wanting me to win) get the way of being fair while umpping a game. He said it would never happen again because he was going to the scheduler and have himself taken off of umpiring any of his three children's games. The rest of that season dad umpired for other teams, taking time he would have spent with us, because he had promised to ump a certain number of games. He never seemed to care if we won or lost, but he always told us, with a glow of happiness, he only wanted us to enjoy playing and to play fair. Near the end of my Dad's life he suffered from Alzheimer's and rarely knew who we were, but one spring day we took him out in the wheel chair to watch his grandson, my brother's boy, play baseball. My brother announced the game and called out his son's name when it was his turn to bat. My father saw his grandson Aaron walk up to the plate and his eyes perked up, he smiled and said, "Go, Stan!" my brother's name. Tears ran down my Mom's face between innings, when my bother's voice on the PA sang out: "Visit the concession stand, Get your Pea Corn, Pop Nuts, Chewing Water and Soda Gum!" My dad had faithfully coached us at home: how to throw, catch, bat and run the bases, how to win and lose with grace. He also taught me a lesson in integrity I will never forget. ---- HeroicStories has the greatest readers in the World Including *YOU*! Thank you for being here. Our readers are our primary source of support. If you're able, please pitch in a bit: =======HeroicStories======= >-->From SermondFodder: # #### #### ### \/#|### |/#### ##\/#/ \||/##/_/##/_# ### \/###|/ \/ # ### ##_\_#\_\## | #/###_/_#### ## #### # \ #| / #### ##/## __#_--###` |{,###---###-~ \ }{ }}{ }}{ ejm {{} , -=-~{ .-^- _ `} { THE SEED A successful Christian business man was growing old and knew it was time to chose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together. "It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO," he said. "I have decided to choose one of you." The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. "I am going to give each one of you a seed today - a very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO." One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Every day, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a failire. Six months went by - still nothing in Jim's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn't say anything to his colleagues, however. He just kept watering and fertilizing the soil - he so wanted the seed to grow. A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn't going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick at his stomach. It was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful--in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed. A few felt sorry for him! When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives. Jim just tried to hide in the back. "My, what great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!" All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the financial director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, "The CEO knows I'm a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!" When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed. Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, "Here is your next Chief Executive! His name is JIM!" Jim couldn't believe it. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. How could he be the new CEO the others said? Then the CEO said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone in this oom a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. "When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive!" If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If you plant goodness, you will reap friends. If you plant humility, you will reap greatness. If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective. If you plant hard work, you will reap success. If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation. If you plant faith in Christ, you will reap a harvest. So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later. Two thousand years ago Paul wrote to the church at Galatia the same story but with fewer words, "What you sow, so shall you reap" (Gal. 6:7). "We are grass that will wither and die but the incorruptible seed of God's Word will live forever - sow it daily into the life of your family! (1 Peter 1: 23 - 25). --Author Unknown >From ===================================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: | ____.......__ |\ .' _.--""''`` ``''--._ | \ .'/ ..--'` .-'` .._ | \.' / ..-'' .-' '.`'"-: ' .-'` .-' '. __...----""""""""""--.. \ - ..-'' ``""-._ \ .' _. \ `"- \ _.-'` | /-. \ `-. \ | / `. \ wkm `.\ |/ `-\ `. | >STAR IN MY DAUGHTER'S EYES by Michael Segal "You know there might be some movie stars in the audience," my wife Sharon told my 13-year-old daughter, Shawn. "I know, but I'm only going to L.A. to hear and support Dad. Celebrities are just people too," replied Shawn. That was a conversation made after I was invited to speak at a synagogue in Los Angeles during the holiday of Yom Kippur -- one of the holiest days for the Jewish people. I had been somewhat hesitant to accept the invitation to speak in California as my father is a Rabbi in Houston, my hometown, and family is very important to me, especially during the holidays. However, my parents, as well as my wife's family, said, "Go, enjoy the holidays in California." So, my wife, daughter, and I spent Yom Kippur in Tinsel-Town. I spoke before 2000 members of the congregation in the Wilshire Theater where the services were conducted. As we entered the beautiful theater we noticed the marquee. On one side it read, "Coming Soon: The Graduate" while on the other side it read, "High Holiday Service." We chuckled as we walked into the theater and thought, "Only in Los Angeles." The services were beautiful, filled with inspirational readings and music. You could feel the spirit in the synagogue -- I mean inside the theater. The rabbi preached a beautiful and uplifting sermon, and then it was my turn to speak. I spoke on resiliency, hope, and overcoming obstacles. When I concluded my talk, 2000 people spontaneously gave me a standing ovation. (Perhaps, they all had to stretch their legs.) I looked down at my wife and daughter, and both appeared to be so very proud. I thought, "It's amazing. There are many celebrities here, however, my family is thinking only about me, even Shawn." The services, both evening and day services, flew by quickly. My wife was correct. There were many celebrities who did inspirational readings as well as inspirational songs. The services were beautiful. However, I was even happier when I realized that my 13-year-old daughter was in Los Angeles to hear and support me. What a feeling! After services were concluded, my family, as well as approximately 100 guests, was invited to the rabbi's beautiful home to "break the fast." (On Yom Kippur, a Jewish person over the age of 13 is obliged to fast 24 hours so that he/she should concentrate on the meaning of Yom Kippur and not on the food.) The rabbi came up to us at his home and thanked us for coming to California "to help make the services so special." I quickly replied, "The services were so beautiful, so uplifting, and so full of spirit." The rabbi thanked me and then quickly turned to Shawn, my 13 year old daughter, stating, "Shawn, it's a shame Jennifer (the rabbi's step-daughter) became ill. Ordinarily, she would have been here tonight. If she would have been here, her boyfriend, Tobey Maguire would have also been here." My daughter's face dropped and she quickly began screaming, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? MOM, IS HE KIDDING ME?" People all around the room began wondering what was wrong when they heard Shawn yelling. However, soon, people realized that nothing was wrong -- that is, except for my deflated ego as I realized that Shawn was more excited about the possibility of having been in the same room of a "movie star" than supporting her father. I quickly regained my confidence when I thought of a phrase made just a few months earlier by someone whom I admire, respect, and love. I remembered the wise quote: "They're just people, too." I smiled as I secretly asked the rabbi if he could possibly arrange for an autographed photo for Shawn. A few weeks later Shawn received something in the mail from Los Angeles -- the autographed photo of Tobey Maguire. As I sit in my office I wonder which photo Shawn, the 13 year old teenager, keeps closer to her bed -- Tobey Maguire, the actor, or me, her father? -- Michael Segal ___________________________________________ Shot in the head as an innocent witness to a robbery, Michael defied all odds by returning to college, earning two degrees with honors, marrying his highschool sweetheart, Sharon, and together with her becoming a parent to their daughter, Shawn. Mike now works as a social worker at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, is an inspirational/motivational speaker and an author. You can visit his website here: ===================================================================== The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault. -- Henry Kissinger ---> Visit my CyberHome - ALWAYS OPEN HOUSE :)Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shangrala ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->Bigham's Computer Rescue - PC Sales & Serrvice You can trust us to provide you with quality computer sales and repair. We've been servicing the Van Wert area since 1981 and can help you with all your computer needs. Please phone us at 419-238-5806 ************************************************************************ -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. 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