Jesus Loves Me ... :) Shangy!
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>-->In The 'Shangy' News :)
I've added more animations for your Halloween Fun:
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HALLOWEEN GIFS: bats, draculas, ghosts, houses,
monsters, trick or treat, witches, words
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I've been working on more of the Bible Study lessons. I hope
to get them done this weekend or at least put a huge dent in
them. Once you get going on studying the bible, you will find
it as fasinating as God's wonderful world He created for you.
I've been having trouble deciding which ones I have already
done to share with you. That seems to be the hard part for me!
I love them all so much.
I just completed a series of three that I always found very
fun and interesting so I will give you them to chew on until I
have them all available or can figure which to share:
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Orientalisms of the Bible 1
Orientalisms Part 1
Orientalisms of the Bible 2
Orientalisms Part 2
Orientalisms of the Bible 3
Orientalisms Part 3
This week I found a teaching from Truth or Traditions that I
think will bless you. Just another part of God's wonderful Word!
>-->Figures of Speech /\
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I love figures of speech! Giving human characteristics to inhuman
things - like toons - that happy face on a car would be a good
example of a visual figure of speech. It gives us fun and variety.
So it is with God's Word. He is the perfect Author and He certainly
does know how to write and entertain and get a point across!
Today we have a teaching from CES that helps explain this better:
>Figures of Speech in the Bible
[This article was taken from “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible by
E.W. Bullinger.”]
What is a Figure of Speech?
A departure from the normal rules of grammar or word usage. Examples:
“breadth and length and depth and height”
“The mountains will sing.”
What is the purpose of figures of speech?
To give special emphasis.
To call attention to the point.
To add force or power to an expression. Which sentence is more
memorable? “A burglar snuck into my house.” OR “A burglar slipped into
my house like a cat stalking prey.”
Why are figures of speech in the Bible?
Figures of speech are universal to human communication. Every language,
including the biblical languages, has them.
God used figures of speech to call attention to a point in the
Why it is important to understand figures of speech in the Bible?
To get to the correct interpretation of Scripture.
Serious misinterpretations of Scripture come from:
Calling something figurative that is literal. For example, the 6
days of Creation in Genesis 1 are literal 24-hour periods. But many who
want to believe Creation couldn’t have happened that quickly say they
are figurative.
Calling something literal that is figurative. For example, John
8:58, “Before Abraham was, I am” is used to support that Jesus is
eternal and pre-existed Abraham. Really, it is the figure of speech
heterosis or switching of word forms (here, verb tense). It emphasizes
the certainty of Jesus’ coming.
It is not honest biblical interpretation to call something figurative
simply because you don’t understand it or don’t want to believe it.
The words in God’s Word are perfect. God has a reason for everything He
says – where He says it; when He says it; to whom He says it; and how He
says it.
Figures of speech in the Bible are precise and exact, not haphazard.
How do we know when the words should be taken literally or figuratively?
The Bible should be understood literally whenever possible.
But when a statement appears to be contrary to our experience, or to
known fact, or to the general teaching of truth, then we can expect that
a figure of speech is present.
If a word or words are truly a figure of speech, then that figure can be
named and described. It will have a specific identifiable purpose.
How can we recognize figures of speech?
The words don’t make sense literally.
1 Corinthians 11:16-21, Paul calls himself a fool. He isn’t one, but
is using the figure “sarcasm.”
Isaiah 55:12, “the trees will clap their hands.” Trees don’t have
hands and don’t clap. The figure is personification.
The words are clear and literal, but meant to convey a deeper lesson or
application, such as in a parable.
The words are clear and literal, but are put together in a grammatical
or structural way that brings emphasis to the section. This kind of
figure may be lost in translation.
Genesis 2:17, “you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” The Hebrew
reads, “dying you will die,” using the figure “many inflections,” that
is the same word in different forms.
Ephesians 3:18, “to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the
love of Christ.” The “and’s” is the figure “Many ands” and gives
separate emphasis to each part, more than a comma would.
What are the various kinds of figures of speech?
The study of figures of speech is complex because of the number of
languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and English) involved, and because
each language has many figures.
But the patterns of language are so universally common to mankind that
most of the figures of speech cross over from language to language in a
recognizable way.
Various scholars through the centuries have offered systems of
classifying figures of speech. The clearest and best documented is by E.
W. Bullinger, as follows:
1. Figures Involving Omission (words or meaning left out)
a. Affecting words (grammar or sentence structure)
b. Affecting the sense (the meaning)
2. Figures Involving Addition (words or meaning inserted)
a. Affecting words (grammar or sentence structure)
b. Affecting the sense (the meaning)
3. Figures Involving Change (words or meaning changed)
a. Affecting the meaning
b. Affecting the order of words
c. Affecting the application of words (interpretation of words)
Examples of Figures of Speech
1. Figures Involving Omission (words or meaning left out)
a. Affecting words (grammar or sentence structure)
Ellipsis – words are left out.
Matthew 11:18, “For John came neither eating nor drinking.” Being
human, John had to eat and drink. What is left out is “declining
invitations to eat with others.”
b. Affecting the sense (the meaning)
Tapeinosis – lessening, demeaning or understatement
Acts 5:36, “Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be
somebody…” meaning “someone great.” Antenantiosis – meaning “opposite.”
Psalm 84:11, “No good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is
blameless,” meaning He will give him every good thing.
2. Figures Involving Addition (words or meaning inserted)
a. Affecting words (grammar or sentence structure)
Epizeuxis – duplication; repetition of the same word in a sentence.
Isaiah 40:1, “Comfort, comfort my people…” John 1:51 (KJV), “Verily,
verily I say unto you…” Translated in the NIV as “I tell you the truth.”
Anaphora – like sentence beginnings; repetition of the same word at
the beginning of successive sentences.
Matthew 5:3-11, “Blessed are the poor… Blessed are those who
mourn… Blessed are the meek…”
Polysyndeton – many ands; repetition of the word “and.”
Acts 1:8, “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Paradiastole – neithers and nors; repetition of neither or nor.
Romans 8:38 and 39, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any
powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God…”
Epistrophe – like sentence endings; repetition of the same word at
the end of successive sentences.
Psalm 115:9-11 all end in “he is their help and shield.”
Epanadiplosis – encircling; the same word and the beginning and end
of a sentence.
Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; I will say it again,
Anadiplosis – like sentence endings and beginnings; the same word at
the end of a sentence and beginning of the next sentence.
Psalm 121:1 and 2, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills – where does
my help come from? My help comes from the Lord…”
Repetitio – repetition of the same word irregularly in the same
John 16:12-15, the words shall and will, depending on the
translation, appear 11 times in 4 verses.
Polyptoton – many inflections. The repetition of the same word in
different forms.
Ephesians 6:18 (KJV), “Praying always with all prayer…”
Revelation 17:6 (KJV), “I wondered with great wonder…”
b. Affecting the sense (the meaning)
Hyperbole– exaggeration
2 Samuel 1:23, “Saul and Jonathan…they were swifter than eagles,
they were stronger than lions.”
3. Figures Involving Change (words or meaning changed)
a. Affecting the meaning
Metonymy – change of one noun for another related noun.
Proverbs 10:20, “The tongue (words, speech) of the righteous is
choice silver.”
Matthew 6:21, “for where your treasure is, there will your heart
(thoughts and affections) be also.”
Synecdoche – transfer; exchange of one idea for another associated
Mark 16:15 (KJV), “Preach the gospel to every creature (man).”
Philippians 3:19, “Their god is their stomach (themselves)…”
*Metonymy and synecdoche are very similar. The distinction is that
in metonymy, the exchange is made between two related nouns; in
synecdoche, the exchange is made between two related ideas.
Hendiadys – two for one; two words used, one thing meant.
1 Timothy 1:17, “honor and glory” meaning “glorious honor.”
Luke 1:17, “He will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power
of Elijah…” (the powerful spirit, or spiritual power of Elijah)
Antonomasia – name-change; change of a proper name for an
Acts 3:14, “You disowned the Holy and Righteous One (meaning
Euphemismos – euphemism, change of what is unpleasant for something
Genesis 15:15, “You, however, will go to your fathers (die) in
John 11:11, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep (died)...”
b. Affecting the order of words
Hyperbaton – transportation; placing a word out of its usual order
in a sentence.
John 6:60 (KJV), “Hard is this word…”
1 Timothy 3:16 (Greek), “Great is, of Godliness, the mystery!”
c. Affecting the application of words (interpretation of words)
Simile – resemblance; a comparison by resemblance.
Psalm 17:8, “Keep me as the apple of your eye.”
Ephesians 5:22, “Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”
Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the
Metaphor – representation; a comparison by one thing’s representing
Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd…”
Matthew 26:26, “Take, eat; this is my body.”
Hypocatastasis – implication; implied resemblance of one thing to
Matthew 7:6, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your
pearls to pigs.” (both dogs and pigs imply people)
Mark 1:17, “I will make you fishers of men.”
Parabloa – parable; continued simile.
Matthew 13, the parable of the sower. The story may be true or
imaginary, but the events must be possible or likely.
Gnome – quotation
Matthew 1:22 and 23 quotes Isaiah 7:14.
Amphibologia – double meaning; has two interpretations both of which
are true.
Acts 13:22, “…‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own
heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’” A man after my own
heart could have two correct interpretations. From God’s perspective,
David was like-hearted with God; from David’s, he was after, or seeking,
God’s heart.
Eironeia – irony; expression of thought in a form that conveys its
Judges 10:14, “Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them
save you when you are in trouble!”
Job 12:2, “Doubtless you are the people and wisdom will die with
Oxymoron – wise-folly; a wise saying that seems foolish.
Isaiah 58:10, “Your light will rise in the darkness, and your night
will become like the noonday.”
1 Corinthians 1:25, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s
wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.”
Idioma – idiom; peculiar usage of words or phrases.
“break bread,” “turn to ashes,” “hide from your eyes,” etc.
Prosopopoeia – personification; things represented as persons.
1 Corinthians 12:15 and 16, “If the foot shall say, “Because I am
not the hand, I am not of the body…And if the ear shall say, “Because I
am not the eye…”
Leviticus 18:25, “The land vomited out its inhabitants.”
>This wonderful teaching is from:
Figures of Speech in the Bible
>-->Just a Moment
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Love that is hoarded molds at last
Until we know some day
The only thing we ever have
Is what we give away.
- Louis Ginsberg
>-->From our friend Maxy's Pal :)
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"You Are Here" . . + . . .
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How Great Thou Art
...Pretty one! Thanks Maxy's Pal!
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>Respite from the Middle School Jungle Story Editor:
by Jennifer Schrader Joyce Schowalter
Missouri, USA
These days we hear stories about the hazing and cruelty that can exist
between kids in middle school. But when I was there in the late
seventies, such things were never discussed.
A clique of about five girls had it in for me; they would literally wait
outside the door to my classes to accost me, taunting me to get a
reaction. I was a nerd, and my responses, when I dared to retort, were
graceless. Seventh grade was one long year of torment; every day the
girls found me somewhere, cornered me and called me names. It never
occurred to me to get parental help, but it was easily the worst year of
my life.
When I entered eighth grade I was afraid. My fears were realized when
the same bunch of girls, with new additions, started harassing me again.
I struggled on. A few weeks into the year, I noticed that one of the new
girls, "Darlene," now led the clique. I didn't know her and never
noticed her around when I was attacked, but I feared her.
One day, the girls cornered me again, I got angry and yelled insults
back, whatever nasty words came to mind. It was an incident like a
hundred others, forgotten it by the time I got to gym class. But
suddenly I was alone in the locker room with Darlene advancing on me
with her jaw set. She confronted me angrily, saying I had insulted her
friends, and must answer to her.
It was too much for me. I started to half cry, half protest, wailing
that they had insulted me first, that they did so all the time, that I
was just trying to defend myself. Darlene listened in silence, and when
I was done, she said something that changed my life.
She said simply, "I didn't realize that. I'm sorry; I'll talk to them."
She must have, because they never, from that moment on, picked on me
What Darlene changed for me, more than anything, was my understanding of
my enemies. The notion that they were people, that they could possibly
be reasoned with, that they might be kinder to me if I showed them my
own humanity and not only my defensive thorns shook my whole
understanding of the world.
Darlene caused me to believe that strangers might bring something good,
and that life is lived best in that hope. She helped me notice that I,
too, had been cruel, even though only in defense, and that it was not
the best choice.
Darlene and I didn't become friends. But I believe she changed me more
than almost anyone else through that one compassionate, sensible act.
And she gave me a sense of what character and integrity can mean even in
the heart of the middle school jungle.
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As I arose from bed, this morn,
And looked up at the sky
My heart gave song, and I rejoiced,
As mallard ducks flew by.
The mountaintops were shrouded,
With early mountain dew
And I was glad to be alive,
And start the day anew.
The songbirds all were waking up,
Their sounds soon filled the air
The chipmunks and the squirrels,
Were scampering everywhere.
The flowerbeds were in full bloom,
The bees flew to and fro
The hummingbird danced up and down,
He knew not where to go.
I looked around this place of mine,
And thanked the LORD, above
For blessing me with special friends,
And a family that I love.
Success to me is not measured,
By materials and wealth
For you are rich, if you have friends,
A family and good health.
Some people are not content, until,
They have more than they will need
But I have found true happiness,
Without the stress and greed.
Just look about, check for yourself,
You'll see that I am right
You too are rich, you have so much,
Thank GOD for it TONIGHT!
© 1988 Joe Pielmeier Sr. Â
Joe left us on 12/05/02
>-->From InspiredBuffalo:
>Making butter long Ago.
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Memories of growing up visiting my grandparents on the farm.
My grand mother would let me churn the milk in a real old churn.
They had them in their families for years as they had to be very
careful and not break anything. She would let it sit by the fire all
day and it turned.. That is when it separates or clabbers, she
called it.
When she thought it was the right temperature she would let me churn
the milk. To churn you used a dasher.
It had a handle through the lid into the churn and on the part in
the churn was a dasher or paddle like and when you raised it up and
down it moved the milk around and eventually made butter.
It would be fun at first and then seem like forever before the
butter started to make. I would start off standing up but before I
was done I needed to sit down beside it. up and down, up and down,
until it was getting about ready for the butter, To know when it was
getting done, you could see it on the stick as it came up and down.
I watched her take out the butter. She would put it into a bowl
with cold water in it. That would make it start gathering together.
Then she went through all that washing and patting with another
little paddle made from wood like a spoon. Then it would form a ball
and she kept draining the water away as it formed .You did not just
stir it. There was a knack to it.
She then put it into a nice mold, and when one got ready to serve
it, she turned it out onto a butter plate; there was a nice print
all over the top like the shape from the mold.
But we did not care that she had went to all that trouble to make
it pretty as we were only wanting to taste it on one of her hot
rolls or Biscuits right from the oven...that was sooo goood!..
My grand father made his own molasses too. but that is another
good memory to pull out and share with everyone who can enjoy the
good times long ago.
@Anne glover.
I live in a small town near tupelo, Miss. I am 64 years old. I was
raised on a small farm near my grandparents north of Memphis, TN. my
husband was in the army for 25 years and we lived out west and
overseas. We have been married for 45 years. We had three children;
we now have 5 grands and 5 great grands.
I love to sew, read, walk and I write short stories and poems of
things I have learned and lived along the way.
>GIVING THE LAW "A HEART" by Roger Dean Kiser
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In 1988, I was working as an administrative advisor in
California for a county welfare rights organization and represented
people whose welfare benefits were threatened.
My client, an older gentleman, had been fired by the Salvation
Army for having a beer with his lunch. If the charge against him was
upheld, then he stood to lose his welfare because, in our state,
indigent people without children had to work part time in order to
quality for benefits.
When the judge finally arrived, we entered the small side room
which had been set up for the hearing. We took our positions at the
various tables.
As the hearing began, the first person took the witness stand.
I could hardly believe the heartlessness of the woman who had fired
this kind faced old gentleman. She went on and on about how disgusting
this man was and how dangerous he was to himself and to everyone in the
building who had to work with him. She told the court that he was slow
in getting up and down the stairs and that he needed to be reminded,
almost everyday, that it was time for him to go home and that the work
day was over.
Finally, I got my chance to question her. The first thing I
asked was if she had ever had a drink with her meal while on her lunch
break. She was very quiet and acted as though she did not want to answer
the question. Then she finally said, "I never drink beer."
"That is not what I asked you. I asked you if you had ever had
a drink while eating a meal," I said.
"Yes, I have a wine with my lunch almost everyday", she
replied, in a harsh tone."
"Then why is it wrong for this gentleman to have a beer with his
lunch?" I asked.
"Because people who drink beer are alcoholics," she told the
"Then that must make you a wine-o," I said.
Of course, the judge told me to tone down my comments and keep
my personal opinions to myself. At that point in the hearing the woman
started trying to change things around and told the court that the
real reason she fired the old man was not because he had a beer, but
because the old man was a danger to himself and to everyone working at
their facility.
She said that the old man was psychotic and depressing and that
he could possibly hurt someone if allowed to stay on the job.
The judge called for a recess and we retired for a one hour
lunch break. I immediately drove over to the Salvation Army office and
asked to see the old man's employment file, which the secretary denied
me. I was told that I would have to request that information from her
supervisor, who was presently appearing in court, and that she would not
be back until after court was over. I asked the secretary her personal
opinion of the old man and she told me that he was one of the most kind,
sweet, and gentle human beings that she had ever met.
I then asked her why the old man had been fired if he was so
nice and kind. She told me, off the record, that the old man had taken
several old stained mattresses from the dumpster and had given them to a
woman and her two small children because they could not afford to
purchase new beds.
I could not understand why he would be fired for such a random
act of kindness. It was explained to me that the law prohibited
mattresses to be sold unless they had been sterilized. I understood
what the woman was telling me. However, the mattereses were given away,
not sold.
This led me to believe that this was a matter of the Salvation
Army losing a sale. That could be the real reason behind this whole
I told the secretary that the old man was going to be tossed
out onto the street if we did not win this case. She then got up from
her desk and walked over to a cabinet and took out a file. She put it
on the desk and said she would return in 10 minutes.
It was the old man's file and I read it as quickly as I could,
noting that the gentleman had been working at the facility for about
four years. He was a hard worker and had been known to spending his own
money on those in need, even though he had very little.
Before leaving, I noticed something in this file which I
removed and stuck in my coat pocket.
The hearing resumed at 1pm and the woman once again took the
stand, and I began to question her.
"So what you are telling this court is that the real reason
that you fired this gentleman is not because he had a beer with his
lunch but because he is a danger to himself, his work place, and all who
work there with him. Is that correct?"
"That is correct," said the woman.
"What makes you think he is a danger at the work place?" I
asked her.
"Because I have had to take pencils away from him for fear that
he might stab himself or somebody else on the job," she replied.
"Why would he want to do that?" I asked her.
"Because, as I said, he is a psychotic alcoholic and he cannot
follow directions. He is just an old man," she said.
I walked over to my coat, now hanging on the back of my chair,
reached into the pocket and took out a piece of paper and began to
unfold it.
"So what you are saying is that you have dismissed this man
because he is old, drinks beer and will probably kill someone on the job
one day. Is that correct?" I asked her.
"Yes, that is why I fired him," she told the court.
I turned towards the judge and held up the front page of the
Modesto Bee newspaper. On the front page was a large picture. I turned
the newspaper toward the woman sitting on the stand and said, "Is this
the man that we are talking about?"
She just sat there not saying a word. Turning towards the
judge, I showed him the front page of the newspaper. The large picture
showed this same woman smiling from ear to ear while handing my client a
large carving knife and fork. They were both standing in front of a
long line of about two hundred people and were preparing to carve up
fifty or so turkeys to feed the poor and homeless on Thanksgiving Day.
I turned to the court and said, "Your honor I belive this
vicious killer has a partner in crime."
The judge looked directly at me, winked, smiled, and then
said, "I think I have seen enough." He dismissed the entire case.
I will never forget that case or that old man for as long as I
live. He sat there in that court room being talked about as though he
was nothing more than an animal -- smiling kindly at everyone the entire
Though I spent most of my young life in an orphanage, reform
school, jail and finally prison, I have always loved and respected the
law. I just wish things could have been different for me as a young
If I had the chance to go to college, I know that I could have
grown up to be the kind of lawyer that could have given the law "a heart."
--Roger Dean Kiser
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>-->From SermondFodder:
>Drive-thru prayer?
Prayer booth enhances church’s outreach
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By Ken Walker - State Correspondent
TUSTIN, Calif. (BP) —Two newcomers attended a free Wednesday evening
barbecue in late June at The Main Place Christian Fellowship, a
Baptist congregation amid the sprawling suburbs south of Los Angeles.
One woman was embroiled in a legal dispute with her mother and other
family members. The other had just escaped from an abusive
Seniors Pastor Martin Mosier met both women earlier that day at the
church’s drive-through prayer booth, a 7-by-10 foot building that
used to hold a photo developing shop.
Located in a strip mall across the street from the church, the unique
outreach has prompted a stir in the community since opening in March.
It also has been featured in the Los Angeles Times and on National
Public Radio.
Missions Pastor David Cottrill said it has spread awareness of the
church across the region. More importantly, he said he believes
divine guidance is behind the project.
“Someone’s coming onto our turf, which gives us an excellent
opportunity to point them to Jesus Christ,” Cottrill said. “We get
the sense that a lot of people have nowhere else to go. They don’t
have a priest, pastor or ... anyone else they can talk to, and we
have a lot of people who don’t know what their need is.”
After praying with the two women in distress, Mosier said, both had
tears in their eyes. They also expressed gratitude that someone could
talk with them—and provide them a meal.
THE MAIN PLACE Leaders at a Baptist church in Los Angeles say the
drive-in prayer booth near Los Angeles is serving a need in the
community for people to drop by and share prayer requests, many times
when they feel like they have nowhere else to go.
“I know from being there it’s a blessing,” said Mosier, one of 10
staff members who cover the booth weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. “We
have people come through who break down and weep because they’re
going through a divorce or a child custody battle.
“We feel it’s a timely ministry,” Mosier added. “It gets us out among
the hurting. It’s exceeded our expectations in meeting needs and
showing how desperate people are for prayer. This is the kind of
ministry that every church can do.”
Cottrill credited Senior Pastor Rich Mathisrud with the idea to open
a prayer booth. A successful businessman who became a Christian at
age 30, Mathisrud always is “thinking outside,” Cottrill said.
“The prayer booth wasn’t unusual because the church has operated a
thrift store for 10 years,” Cottrill said. “It’s normal for staff
people to pray with others. This is just one more place where people
can go for prayer.”
In addition to free prayer, the 500-member church offers free
16-ounce bottles of water and Bibles at the booth. During a typical
week, staff give away a case of water bottles and thus far have
distributed about 40 free Bibles.
The first Bibles were in English and Spanish. Thanks to a donation
from the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, the church
recently acquired versions in Arabic, Chinese and two Indian
dialects. Leaders hope to obtain some Bibles in Farsi to serve a
large Iranian community in neighboring Irvine, Cottrill said.
“Just love ’em”
No census of conversions or answered prayers is being taken. But
Cottrill knows that people have found jobs, clothing and places to
live. Visitors also have seen other breakthroughs in their lives.
Each request is forwarded to the church’s prayer group, which meets
at 5:30 a.m. during the week and one Friday a month at 7 p.m., he
Don Rayl, the church’s pastor of prayer and a high school baseball
coach, recently prayed with a teenage girl who became a Christian. On
each of his visits to the booth Rayl has prayed with at least two
The prayer pastor also looks for additional involvement as awareness
of the booth’s effectiveness spreads.
The church advises volunteers to avoid confrontation or trying to
meet every need and simply share what Christ has done in their lives.
“We tell them not to push on people, just love ’em,” Rayl said. “We
don’t want to grab people and be forceful. We want to approach people
the way Jesus did and tell them how they can know Him in a personal
Interestingly, organizers said, half the booth’s visitors are members
of other churches. They either have a need that day, or they know
shared requests will remain confidential, Cottrill said.
A veteran of international mission trips, Cottrill said the prayer
booth is similar to any outreach outside the church where people make
themselves available to God.
The Main Place’s most valuable aspect is that it shows members they
can minister to people any time and in any place, Cottrill said.
Many Christians think unchurched people aren’t interested in hearing
about God, he noted, but the prayer booth has shown that many people
are searching for truth.
>-->Jesus Loves Me ...
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| / SO MUCH - He
/-.( Gave His Life For All!
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Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in him.
Yes, Jesus Loves me.Yes, Jesus Loves me.
Yes, Jesus Loves me for the Bible tells me so.
Though my steps are oh, so slow,
With my hand in his I'll go.
On through life, let come what may,
He'll be there to lead the way. (Chorus)
Though I am no longer young,
I have much which He's begun.
Let me serve Christ with a smile,
Go with others the extra mile. (Chorus)
When the nights are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear,
"Have no fear, for I am near." (Chorus)
When my work on earth is done,
And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above,
Then I'll understand his love. (Chorus)
I love Jesus, does he know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say,
That I love him every day. (Chorus)
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