Little Lessons ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ .---. / ,-- \ .--. ( (^_^) ) .--. ,' \ (.-`-'(_) / `. / `-/ \ `. \-' \ : (_,' . / (.\_ ") \ . `._) : | `-'(_,\ \ / /._)`-' | | . `.\,O,'.' . : | | . : ! /\_ /\ ! . ! | | ! |-'-| : ""T"" : |-'-| | | | |-' `-'| H |`-' `-| | `-' | H .:| `-' | . H !|| | : H :!| | ! H !|| | | H ||| | | H ||| Ojo 98 /_,'V.L|.\ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels For 2011 *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a 2011 Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OUR ANGELS MOST ABUNDANTLY! ================ >-->Hot Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This super hot one is from a forward from our friend PatDeE. It is an endearing heartwarming story of a mother's love. Be sure to check it out here... , ,, , , ,; ; ;; ; ; ; , ; '; ; ;; .-''\ ; ; , ; ;` ; ,; . / /8b \ ; ; `; ; .;' ;,\8 | ; ; ` ;/ / `_ ; ;; ; ; ; |/.' /9) ; ; ` ; ; ; ,/' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; /_ ; ; ` ; ; `?8P" . ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; | ; .:: ` ;; ; ; ` ; ; `' `--._ ;; ;; ; ; ; ; `-..__..--'' ; ; ;; ; ; ; fL ; ; ; ; ; ; Lion Cub Rescue --- ...Aww, such a sweet one! Thank You PatDeE! -<>- >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >PRAYER REQUEST I have an older friend who has a bad case of asthma. He wrote today and was telling me about the problems he has and I am asking you to please put him on your prayer list. I know asthma is a bad thing and can even kill at times. He is an older his 70's....but he is a good friend of mine and I don't want to lose him. I know asthma is a bad thing. His name is Tom. Thanks so much for your prayers. Hugs....... Bunni --- ... So sorry to hear. Please Pray with me: Dear God bless and protect Tom from evil. Please open up his lungs so his breathing is not labored but free and open. Please give him a sound mind and a sound body through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Also you may want to go here and have a larger group pray for him: _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ World Network Of Prayer They are awesome! I will add Tom to my prayer list! Thank You Bunni! -<>- >From Our Friend Wesley :) _.-, _ .-' / .._ .-:'/ - - \:::::-. .::: ' e e ' '-::::. ::::'( ^ )_.:::::: ::::.' '. o '.::::'.'/_ . :::.' - .::::'_ _.: .-''---' .'| .::::' ''':::: '. ..-:::' | .::::' :::: '.' :::: \ .::::' :::: :::: .::::' :::: ::::.::::'._ :::: ::::::' / '- .:::: '::::-/__ __.-::::' '-::::::::::::::-' jrei '''::::''' 10 Famously Haunted Houses --- ...Amazing what lengths they'll go, Huh? Thanks Wesley! See... Haunting What Can We Learn from the Bible About the Devil? The Devil - Topics ============================================================ >-->From Heartwarmers: (\ /) (v\ /v) (vvv\ /vvv) (vvvvv\ /vvvvv) (vvvvvvv\ /vvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvv\ _---_ /vvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvv\/ XII \/vvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvvv/ / \vvvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvvv/ / \vvvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv|IX @ III |vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv\ \ /vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvvv\ /vvvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvvv\ VI /vvvvvvvvv) (vvvvvvvv-___-vvvvvvvv) (vvvvvv/ \vvvvvv) (vvvvv/ \vvvvv) (vvv/ \vvv) ejm97 (v/ \v) (/ \) >SPEND AN EXTRA MINUTE by Frank P. Cotter They crossed in front of me as I was driving out of the store parking lot. My first reaction was anger at being delayed for a whole ten seconds. I was quickly jarred back into reality when I realized that this was an elderly couple who briefly delayed my departure. The man was large in stature but bent over from a lifetime of hard work. He leaned on his wife who walked in front of him. He not only used her for support but it was obvious that he was visually impaired as well. She was his eyes and his crutch, not just in the emotional sense, but literally as well. The two of them worked as one -- each needing the other to function in this fast changing world. That little example of true strength changed my whole personal, perception of life that day. Suddenly, I wasn't so mad about having to work a few extra hours on Saturday. I had my strength and I was still relatively young. That's the term most of us "Baby Boomers" use for growing old gracefully. That picture of those two elderly people, walking with dignity and strength, stayed with me the entire week. My life wasn't so bad after all. I had my health and a good job. I had a wonderful supportive wife. I started to think, not only was I lucky to have it all, but so was that wonderful old couple, who despite the trials and tribulations of a long life, still had the love and support of each other to carry them through this world. You can't put a dollar value on true love and emotional support. There are so many people out there just like that couple. We should all have a little extra time and patience when it comes to helping our elder friends. My wife and I sometimes picture ourselves in our old age, walking arm in arm into the sunset. That image always gives us a warm feeling of comfort. Just remember, none of us would be here if it wasn't for our elders. Spend that extra minute to listen, learn and help. -- Frank P. Cotter ____________________________________________ Frank says, "I am married to the most wonderful woman on this earth. I have been blessed with three beautiful children and my life is pretty darn good." ____________________________________________ _ _|=|__________ / \ / \ /__________________\ || || /--\ || || ||[]|| | .| ||[]|| ()||__||_|__|_||__||() ( )|-|-|-|====|-|-|-|( ) jgs^^^^^^^^^^====^^^^^^^^^^^ >IS YOUR HUT ON FIRE? The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly to God to have someone rescue him. Everyday he scanned the horizon for help, but nothing happened. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements and to store his few possessions. One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger. He cried out, "God! How could you do this to me?" Early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. It had come to rescue him! "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied. The moral of the story: It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the help you need. ========================================================== >-->from Our Friend Bunni :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' This makes me want to leave a Bible laying open in my house all the time! Ruth Graham did. Did you know that when you carry “the Bible,” Satan has a headache; when you open it, he collapses; when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength; AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you? And did you also know... when you are about to forward this email to others, the devil will discourage you? Forward it anyway. God Bless You All --- ...Right back at ya! Thanks Bunni! -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >God Is And Jesus Is... [edited] God Is... He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He is the Creator of all creation and the Keeper of all he created! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is, and He always shall be... Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone! He is light, love, longevity, and Lord God Almighty. He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness. He Is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal. Jesus Is... God's Only Begotten Son He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings Peace! The world can't understand him, The armies can't defeat Him, The schools can't explain Him, and The leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, The Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, and The People couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him, The New Age can't replace Him, and Oprah can't explain Him away! His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me. Jesus is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, and He is my peace! He is my Joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life! I serve Jesus because... His bond is love, His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Jesus because He is... The wisdom of the wise, The power of the powerful, The ancient of days, The ruler of rulers, The leader of leaders, The overseer of the overcomers and the sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this on for size... THEIR goal is a relationship with ME! They will never leave me, Never forsake me, Never mislead me, Never forget me, Never overlook me, and Never cancel my appointment in Their appointment book! When I fall, They lift me up! When I fail, God forgives! When I am weak, God is strong! When I am lost, Jesus is the way! When I am afraid, Jesus is my courage! When I stumble, Jesus steadies me! When I am hurt, God heals me! When I am broken, God mends me! When I am blind, Jesus leads me! When I am hungry, God feeds me! When I face trials, God is with me! When I face persecution, Jesus shields me! When I face problems, Jesus comforts me! When I face loss, God provides for me! When I face Death, Jesus shall carry me Home! They are everything for everybody, everywhere, every time, and every way. God is faithful. I am His, and He is mine! My Father in heaven can defeat the god of this world. So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this... He said it and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul. Every day is a blessing - for GOD Is and Jesus Is! -- Author Unknown --- ...AMEN! Most Powerful! Thank You Bunni! ============================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: ____ ____ ____ ____ |2 | |A | |Q | |T | |(\/)| | /\ | | /\ | | & | | \/ | | \/ | |(__)| |&|& | | 2| | A| | /\Q| | | T| en Bukkems `----` `----' `----' `----' The Excessive Sin Two deacons who were lifelong friends had a disagreement. One had criticized the other for playing cards. As they discussed the ramifications of this perceived "sin" the card player pointed to his accuser and observed, "You criticize me for playing cards, yet you smoke cigars, something that others consider to be a sin. How is it my card playing is sin and your smoking isn't?" Without hesitation the other deacon offered in his defense, "There is a big difference. Smoking is only a sin if you smoke to excess. I don't smoke to excess." The first deacon thought for a moment and then pressed his point, "And why is it you don't consider what you do do smoking to excess?" "I never smoke more than two cigars at a time," his friend replied with a broad smile. === From Sermon Fodder and Joke A Day Ministries. To subscribe drop a note to or to Please leave this attached if you forward this to friends or post on the net. ================== Worth Repeating.... A new study found that the average child is more likely to own a cell phone than a book. I guess that would explain why he's average. >From Da Mouse Tracks To Subscribe: ================= .=., ;c =\ __| _/ .'-'-._/-'-._ Save Them One At A Time! /.. ____ \ /' _ [<_->] ) \ ( / \--\_>/-/'._ ) \-;_/\__;__/ _/ _/ '._}|==o==\{_\/ / /-._.--\ \_ // / /| \ \ \ / | | | \; | \ \ / / | :/ \: \ \_\ / | /.'| /: | \ \ | | |--| . |--| \_\ / _/ \ | : | /___--._) \ |_(---'-| >-'-| | '-' snd /_/ \_\ >Just One: One Note By Phil Ware [edited] We have lived with this phrase so long that it is almost as universally accepted as the law of gravity. Yet when we first heard it as kids, we thought it was dumb and unfair. However, most of us have heard it so frequently that we don't even think about it: we assume it is true because we've heard it so much. Despite our promises to ourselves as children that we would never tell it to our kids, we now pull out this little nugget of "truth" and use it with our own children, grandchildren, and students. More than likely, you first heard this axiom of wisdom from a parent, grandparent, teacher, or coach. And what is this widely accepted kernel of truth? "If I do it for one, I have to do it for everyone!" Of course you probably heard it phrased something like this: "If I let you lick the chocolate icing off the beaters then I have to let your brothers do it too and I only have two beaters." "If I let you leave practice early today, then I will have to let everyone else leave early some day." "If I let you have ice cream ... or stay up late ... or watch that show or have a sleep over or ... then I will have to let your brothers do the same." And when it comes to people who desperately need help, our subconscious minds rush to this supposed universal truth: "If I do it for this one, I have to do it for everyone!" So we end up doing it for no one. And here's the rub: it's not true! It's not true about ice cream, staying up late, watching shows, or sleep overs. Now granted, there is generally more peace if parents and teachers and coaches apply this truth, but that is not the issue. There is no reason to not handle individual requests by unique people ... individually and uniquely. It just requires more effort and explanation. Let's face it: when it comes to helping people in need, we are inundated and overwhelmed everyday with more and more information. We didn't have this thirty years ago. We knew about a few big things going on in our area, but now, we are bombarded in TV commercials, ad slides during the movie previews at the theater, bumper stickers, posters at church, outdoor advertising, website ads, special mailing appeals, magazine ads, and the Hollywood stars and starlets pitching their latest charity. And we also know about our own friends and people around us who are in trouble with health, marriage, kids, and financial issues. So being overwhelmed, when we see another image of the latest need, we respond a little emotionally, then we usually move on without doing anything to help. Because we can't do something for everyone, we end up doing nothing for anyone! Just imagine what would happen! Our (psuedo-)compassion becomes limited to that little rumble in our gut when we first see and hear about the need, but then it is quickly gone. The Holy Spirit nudges our spirit to help us respond more fully, but we put the concern to bed by thinking, "If I do it for one, then I'm going to have to do it for everyone." Thankfully, Jesus introduces us to a whole new approach to this problem (Mark 1:35-45 — please read to see Jesus in action on this principle). Jesus acts this way: "I will do for one what I would like to do for everyone!"* If you look at this story, Jesus had a busy day the previous day (Mark 1:21-34). His day lasted well into the evening after dark (Mark 1:32). He had gotten up early the next morning and went off to a secluded spot well before daylight (Mark 1:35). He prayed. Then his followers, Peter and his friends, found Jesus and let him know that everyone was looking for him (Mark 1:37). Jesus knows the "One Tune" God wants him to play — his mission at this time in his life. Jesus is determined to stick to this "One Tune"! So he moves from that area and goes to other villages and towns accomplishing his mission (Mark 1:38). Yet on one special day as Jesus is following his mission and playing this "One Tune" with his life, God places a man with leprosy directly in his path (Mark 1:41). And what does Jesus do? Well he doesn't do what the priest and Levite did in the parable of the good Samaritan who walk by a hurt man in the road ignoring his needs (Luke 10:30-37). Jesus reaches out his hand and touches the man to show this man love, acceptance, and grace, then heals him of his leprosy (Mark 1:41). As Jesus does this, he reminds us of another crucial principle to help us live our lives for God and love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40): "I can do for one what I wish I could do for everyone!" In our series called "Just One!" we are learning from Jesus how to balance our lives and do what God wants us to do. Our first principle was this: I can't do everything, not even everything that matters, so I will do what matters most to God! We discover what that "One Tune" is by spending time in prayer and Scripture with God, asking Him to reveal it to us. And as we ask this life-ordering question, we also should be asking the Lord to help us recognize our "One Note," our one touch of grace that we are to share with someone this week. And because we are asking God and paying attention to Him and to the people God places around us, I am convinced that God will show us who needs our touch of grace, our "One Note" we are to share this week! We can't do it for everyone, but just imagine what would happen if all of Jesus' followers would do for one what they wish they could do for everyone! We would certainly get a lot closer to blessing everyone! So let's do for one what we wish we could do for everyone! From =============================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: ,,,,, ////""\ . (((/ m m -|- __ )))c = ) | (__) ////-./~` . [] (((( `.`\ :: [] )))`\ \)).-;.' .------, [] (() `._.-'` _( )[] )/ `. | .'`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))\`.----'`[] jgs ( \' { ~ - ~~ _ ~ - ~~ - ~ - (( | | [] .-.--\ \ { )) | | [] |_;_._`\ |{ ((__|_|-----[] | ; ``` ;{ )) [] | /``-.____/ `~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-' [] `' (__) (__) "Think of the last thing you prayed about--were you devoted to your desire or to God? Determined to get some gift of the Spirit or to get at God? "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." The point of asking is that you may get to know God better. "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Keep praying in order to get a perfect understanding of God Himself." - Oswald Chambers !|| !|||| ,/|||| !|'''| `\ | )\ \ ejm / \ \ \ >Fighting for Focus in the Frenzy (By Kerry S. Doyal, Grace Bible Church) Want to know a "sure fire" method of inflicting guilt on Christians? Ask about their prayer life. Or, discuss witnessing, parenting or marriage. These, and a few select topics, are almost always sure to pile their plates with a full heapin' of guilt - deserved or not. Ahh, but prayer. who couldn't and shouldn't be praying more? Prayer is a spiritual discipline that is more of a source of regret than retreat and refreshment for too many of us. Yet, it is needed to keep life in perspective. Crazy thing is, we often try to beef up our prayer lives. Yet - take a deep breath here - our frenetic and frenzied lives fight against fellowship with the Father which facilitates focused living. (Go ahead, re-read it, I'll wait.) Stated in the key of "P": If we are not purposeful to provide peaceful pockets of time for prayer and pondering, we will not possess it. Period. Life's hectic pace blurs focused living. Time in prayer with the Father is a key means to fight back. And, since "The Good" easily replaces "The Best", we must keep our lives before the Lord in prayer to keep clear His marching orders for us. This is a truth we see in Jesus' life. Observe how Mark 1:35-39 shows how Jesus kept on track by keeping in touch with the Father. "The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray. Later Simon and the others went out to find him. They said, "Everyone is asking for you." But he replied, "We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too, because that is why I came." So he traveled throughout the region of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and expelling demons from many people." (New Living Translation) In the crush of ministry and the temptation of growing popularity, Jesus maintained time with His Father in prayer. This helped Him keep His priorities, make wise decisions and serve and teach with power. And, as always, He is an example for us. Re-read Mark's 78 wonderful and weighty words. Sound familiar? Every parent knows what it is like to seek solitude only to be sought out themselves. Want to locate your children (or spouse, or pet)? Take a moment to read the Bible and pray. Practicing spiritual disciplines makes phones ring, dogs bark, and children and calendars call out. Certainly, we should seek to find time for the Lord all throughout the day. However, fitting Him in around other things limits one's ability to hear, meditate, process, remember, rediscover, and enjoy Him. To keep perspective in and on life, we need - as best as we can arrange it - uninterrupted times before the throne of grace with our Father - King. Keeping focused in your frenzy requires a couple of key elements, both seen in Mark 1:35-39. First is sacrifice. It was early, still dark when Jesus slipped off to pray. This was after a full day of ministry that stretched into the night. While it is not sin to sleep in when needed (examine Elijah's example in 1 Kings 18, 19), the sacrifice of time with the Father is an act of worship and self-denial. Did God make you more of a night owl than early bird? Then give Him some significant after hours time to speak to you and hear from you. Whenever and however, we must make, not just take time for God. Little sacrifice will equal little prayer. Secondly, Jesus shows the need for sanctified time away with God, not just time away per se. This should be time to re-create, not just recreate. Reworking the axiom: "All play & 'no pray' makes one a spiritually dull boy." Prayer is not merely meditation, time away or "getting centered". Prayer is time set apart (sanctified) to be with God, who is to be our center (Col. 3:1-3). It would not hurt us to risk being "so heavenly minded we are no earthly good." See Mark 6:30-32; Ps. 84:1-7; 73; 34:1-7; 40; 42. About that guilt, don't be bound by it (see Rom. 5:1-2; 8:1, 2) But, if needed, by all means, repent. For further growth in seeing the need and beauty of prayer, get paper and pencil and discover some of prayer's life-giving and preserving fruits. Prayer develops our: Union with God (it develops the relationship - Is. 50:4; Ps. 84), Communion (it maintains the relationship - Mk 6:46; 9:28, 29; Ps. 95) and provides a Reunion (breaks a fast of time away - Ps. 42; 91; 92; 96; 100). It is Ounces of Prevention (Mk. 14:38; Ps.119:9-11; Col. 4:2-3; Ps. 130; 139), and Pounds of Cure (Josh. 1:8, 9; Psalms 1; 73; 100; 119:5; 141). It leads to Obedience (Mark 6:30-32; 14:32; 1 Thess. 5:17; Ps. 105, 106), Self-Discipline / Denial (Luke 9:23-26; Col. 4:2-3; Ps. 15; 24; 113; 114), and helps us Refocus & Refuel (Mk. 1:35; Is. 40:28-30; Ps. 73; 7; 11; 16; 25; 131). SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ============================================================== >-->From Our Friend EdLaF :) ,-----. W/,-. ,-.\W ()>a a<() (.--(_)--.) ,'/.-'\_/`-.\`. ,' / `-' \ `. / \ / \ / `. ,' \ / / `-._.-' \ \ ,-`-._/| |=|o |\_.-< <,--.) |_____| |o____| )_ \ `-)| |// _ \\| )/ || |' | `| || | | | || ( )|( ) || | | | || | | | || |_.--.|.--._| || /'""| |""`\ [] `===' `===' hjw >Do you like being old? As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend.. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 & 70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love .. I will. I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. They, too, will get old. I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things. Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect. I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore.. I've even earned the right to be wrong. answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it). MAY OUR FRIENDSHIP NEVER COME APART ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART! --- ...aww, sweet! Well said! Thanks EdLaF! ========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ /.- _____ // /_____'/| [ ]| [Orange]| [ Juice]| [ ]| [ ]| [ ]/ jgs '------' >Orange Juice One spring our family was driving from Fort Lauderdale to Tampa, Florida. As far as the eye could see, orange trees were loaded with fruit. When we stopped for breakfast, I ordered orange juice with my eggs. "I'm sorry," the waitress said. "I can't bring you orange juice. Our machine is broken." At first I was dumbfounded. We were surrounded by millions of oranges, and I knew they had oranges in the kitchen--orange slices garnished our plates. What was the problem? No juice? Hardly. We were surrounded by thousands of gallons of juice. The problem was they had become dependent on a machine to get it. Christians are sometimes like that. They may be surrounded by Bibles in their homes, but if something should happen to the Sunday morning preaching service, they would have no nourishment for their souls. The problem is not a lack of spiritual food--but that many Christians haven't grown enough to know how to get it for themselves. -Author unknown but appreciated --- ...Reminds me of this... Babes In Christ -<>- , }`-. , , \ \ '-' \ .-'{ _} . | ,`\ / ' ; .-;\ { \ | | / `/ '-.,/ ; | { -- -. ' '`-, .--._.' ; \__ \ \ | ' / |`. ; _,`\ '. '- ' `_- '.`; ; ,-`_.-' ,--. \ ` /` '--' `;.` (` _ .--.\ '._) '-. \ \ `-. ; `-';| '. -. ' __ '. ; ; _,-' / { __'.\ ' '-,/; `-' ';`.- ` .-' '-. `-._' | `; ;`' .-'` <_ -' ` .\ `; ; (_.'`\ _.;-"``"'-._'. `:; ___, _.-' | .-'\'. '.` \ \_,_`\ ;##` `'; _.' /_'._\ \ \__;#####./###. \` \.' .'`/"`/ (#######)###::.. _.' '.' .' ; , |:. `|()##`"""` jgs `'-../__/_\:: /O()()o ()'._.'`()()' >LITTLE LESSONS By: Joseph J. Mazzella Everyday life has taught me a lot of things over the years. It has filled me with hundreds of little lessons that have brought so much laughter into my life, love into my heart, and joy into my soul. Here are just a few of the many wonderful bits of wisdom that life has given me. When raking leaves in the backyard always rake them into a big pile. This makes it easier for you and your children to jump and play in them. Shoveling snow off the driveway isn’t complete until you make a snow angel, build a snowman, and have at least one snowball fight. When mowing the lawn always leave a clump of dandelions or sweet clover standing for the butterflies to enjoy. You will get tired of playing fetch long before your dog does, but you should still play anyway. An empty lap is far less happy than one that has a cat, dog, or young child sitting on it. A clean house isn’t always a happy house. The best homes look lived in, laughed in, and loved in. It is hard to give away a smile. It almost always gets returned to you. Arms are meant for hugging, hands are meant for holding, and lives are meant for living. You can’t give too much love or share too much joy. The more love you give to others the more love you have in your heart. The more joy you share with others the more joy you have in your soul. If you are too busy to watch a sunset, play with your kids, read a book, listen to music, or gaze at the stars then you are just too busy period. We can create Heaven on Earth or we can create Hell on Earth. It is our choice. I much prefer Heaven on Earth myself. One last thing that I have learned is that God loves us more than we will ever know and that God wants us to be happy in our lives. Why else would we be down here learning these little lessons about life, love, and joy? I hope that you have a lifetime of happiness learning yours and sharing them with others. -<>- .-----------. .------------. :`.__________` :`.____________` .-----.._ '.'_.------._.' `.|__.-------..' |`-..___.'| | ||__..| | |-._ __ | | |.... || |-._`--..__ |.'---. .::/ / | | | | ___ `-| | | _ || | | | | | | \ `. _.-.` -`.|_| `.|.' /`. `. '.|_\ `|.' | | | | || `. `. '. `. `- _ _ | `.__` _ _ `.|.' | ||`. \ \ | `. __`. _ _ `. | | `-- _ _ '.|| \ `.____. /`. | | .'`---...____ `'---' _ _ _ | | `.|_..-' | /`|__.' |`---...___ . | `-- ______________________`.|_| | ` | | | | '| `---...____|.' _ |`._-_______-______-_____`. | | | .| | | | _ | | | | | '| `- '.| ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' || | | ' `| | | / | | |'| | _ |'.__.-------.__.-----.__.'| | .- |\ | | |' | | | | | | | `-- _ | |..| | |''| -| |::| `.|_..-' | \ `|_.' _ | | |_| '. | .`-._ | | | - | | | _ | | | `-- .' '. | | | | | | |`. `. _ | | | _ | | | | | | _ `. '-. _ '._|.' | | | | `.__`. | | | __ | | |__ | | | `-- _ | `''''. _ `-.|.' '. | | `|__| ___ `.|__| _ `.|__| / LGB : _ _ `.|_.-' `- _ _ .' `-._______.::.__ `- _ _ ___.:::.__.-' `----.....__..------------` >The Little Rock Bill Walker Bill don't kick or move any rocks. I remember my mother saying that many many years ago. It was my first visit I remember of going to the cemetery where my Grandfather Sonner and Uncle Homer was at. I thought it was strange. There was lots of rocks. Some was small, but here or there was a somewhat larger rock. Which was I to kick or move? Which was I not to kick or move? Well I was told not to,, so I did as told. I guess I might have said why? I think the answer was might be the marker for some grave. Grandfather and Homer has a old cheap looking marker, but it was a marker. Had the names and dates on them. I was thinking today of all the people that has walked on the face of this earth. The unknowns, the forgotten, the billions of people the number must be. Where is their marker? Even the ones we read about in history. The grave has been long forgotten. Where is Adam and Eve, Cain, and Able, just a few, where? There is God only knows how many. God seen fit to take care of Moses, no man know where Moses was planted at, only God, and God took care of that task himself. I was back east some years ago. At the little town where one branch of the family tree should be. My mothers side. her father came from there. I asked a lady that is related to me where is the founder of our tree buried at. She showed me graves of some of the family, but not his, or the two women he was attached to. She took me out in the country about a mile or two. Said up on that hill, but the owner of the land allows no one to go up there. I got a letter from her while back. Guess I could if an ever that way again go visit the grave. Seems like the school bought the land where those would be resting. I could drive right up and maybe park my car on top of his grave. You see it is now a parking lot for the school. Graves lost now and forever. She said when the land was sold, a lot of old time grave markers was found in a heap. No one remembers any thing about just where the markers was at. What with all the earth moving that was done to build the new fancy school and parking lot. When thinking about it I guess this is the way it has been all through the history of this world. I remember living for a year or two in the little city of Hayes, Kansas. One of those wild west towns of the mid 1800s. Had a place called Boot Hill. Men and women died with their boots on you know. A person died by what ever means. Was stuffed into a box of some kind, maybe, and dropped into a hole. Might have a wooden marker. Marker would tell the date Joe got gunned down by Cody, or Wildbill. They both was town Marshall one time or other. Some time they both killed some poor slow on the draw, on both sides of the law. Didn't take much to get Wildbill to draw, call him Duckbill, he put you in a hole. He got that name from his big over sized nose. Just don't say it to his face. Well this was in the mid 1930s when I was there. Town people thought all had been dug up and moved out to the new cemetery. Was putting in new street, and water lines and so on. Guess what? Found bones, people unknown as to what, when and who these bones belonged to. Some day you and I will be under the sod some where. That is our bones, slowly going back to the dirt the body was made from. Some day the land may be needed to build a school or church on, even a road or street. I guess it makes no difference. This has been going on for how many years? I am sure in your travels, you too have walked over, or drove over many graves of people long gone and forgot about. Don't kick or move that rock Bill. Might be a marker of a grave. I still remember mother saying that. I noticed the last time I was there. Seems like the rocks has got moved, not as many as there used to be. Grandfather and Homer, and now Grandmother has nice new later stones. Don't think their graves will be in danger of being moved. Town never grows in size. Just more sleeping dogs in the road, you got to move to get to the grave yard, and the little Baptist church, that was there when Grandfather died, back in 1914. And he was dressed in his officers uniform of GRAY. Hoo Ray for Dixie. --- ...Interesting! Thank God, God remembers all of us and He keeps our souls safe until Judgement Day - The Day Of Our Lord. We don't have to rely on the shifting, changing, world. We put our trust into the never changing God of gods and Lord of lords - The God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The one and only true God. Check out this one... The Sleep Metaphor -<>- A Bit of Humor _________ ( \ \ ) )'-. ( ' _.-' / ) ('-._ / \ _/ AoS ========'' There's a little old Christian lady living next door to an atheist. Every morning the lady comes out onto her front porch and shouts "Praise the Lord!". The atheist yells back, "There is no God". She does this every morning with the same result. As time goes on, the lady runs into financial difficulties and has trouble buying food. She goes out onto the porch and asks God for help with groceries, then says "Praise the Lord". The next morning she goes out onto the porch and there's the groceries she asked for, and of course, she shouts "Praise the Lord!!!". The atheist jumps out from behind a bush and says, "Ha, I bought those groceries - there is no God". The lady looks at him and smiles, she shouts "Praise the Lord, not only did you provide for me Lord, you made Satan pay for the groceries!!" -<>- __________ | __ __ | | | || | | | | || | | | |__||__| | | __ __()| | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | |__||__| | ejm |__________| >A Door Left Open Dear God, First, my car broke down I was very late for work But I missed that awful accident Was that your handiwork? I found a house I loved But others got there first I was angry, then relieved When I heard the pipes had burst! I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blessed For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best! I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean the world to me; Some days I "send" and "send," At other times, I let them be. I am so blessed to have these friends, With whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the "Most"! When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And "well wishes" were their intent. So to you, my friends, I would like to say, Thank you for being a part; Of all my daily contacts, This comes right from my heart. God bless you all is my prayer today, I'm honored to call you "friend"; I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until we write again. Happiness comes through doors you didn't know you left open. --- ...I ditto this prayer to God! Thank you my friends! Friends Together It Takes Two Friends And Health Friendship! -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Granny Air Bag Guys Head Butt Bathroom Videos Flying Forrest Prank Weird Rainy Days! Casa Batllo - House Of Bones! Chapel With Bone Art! Endangered Wolf! Horse Costumes Romantic Castles Strange Tombstones Tricks For Treats 3 Wild Bear Release Visit our site at If you are looking to join any of our other fine e-zines visit ============================================================== |\|\ .. \ . o-- \\ / @) v__///\\\\__/ @ { } { } \\\{ } <_| <_| bw >The Traffic Terrorist Terrier Story Editor: by Betti Daniels Joyce Schowalter California, USA I have a three-year-old black Patterdale Terrier named Lola, whom we call "the terrorist" because she can intimidate larger dogs easily. She can steal their bones, back them down by barking her head off, chase or outrun them, all without appearing to try very hard. She is really sweet by nature -- just dominating. Lola has enormous amounts of energy, and doesn't seem to lose steam even after an hour of full-on running. She needs plenty of exercise. After a long day of painting bedrooms in May, 2007, I decided that Lola and my other dog, a six-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier named Desi, needed some fun. I took them up a local hill close to sunset -- aware that the park would be closing, they could go off leash and no other dogs would be around. That would help us avoid any trouble. Sweet Desi came running up to me when it was time to go, but not Lola. She kept up her little game of running just out of sight and then back to me -- and RIGHT PAST me. I could not get a grip on her! As we got close to the car parking lot, which is right on a busy thoroughfare, I realized I would not be able to catch her. Sure enough, she darted into traffic several times, each time my heart jumping into my throat. Yet people always stopped, managing to see her in spite of the twilight. Finally, after nearly hitting her, two women turned their SUV around and got out holding a bag of chips. The two, a mother and her daughter, managed at least to help me keep Lola out of traffic. Another driver nearly hit Lola, too. He stopped as well. When he got out of his SUV, he was holding just the tool to draw Lola close enough to grab. He had just been to a fast-food restaurant, and tempted Lola with the last two bites of his hamburger. I will never forget the terror I felt watching that crazy dog run across the two-lane road up the freeway ramp. Still watching as for some reason turning back around -- and then the delight when she managed to cross back to the car park and get her treat for being so mischievous. I will also NEVER forget the kindness of these total strangers who helped me rescue my dog from her own energy. I introduced myself, wanting them to know how much I appreciated their patience and help. Neither the mother-daughter team nor the gentleman gave me their names, but I hope they know how grateful I am, from the bottom of my heart. Now Lola has another reason for her nickname: She terrified me! I'll never let that goofy dog off leash near traffic again. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From KidWarmers: >FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY (:;( :;;::.. .. ) ...::::.... .. ___________ (( :;;: ) ,'" . . "`.( :;; : ; ;;: ;;.:) .. ____,----'''""``-/ \ ; : ___ : ) . --=;"" ,-'"`'""`. . |_;; |,',' __`.;; ) .. `"""---.._____,(_,-. ,'"`. . j_`.)|;/ ,';;`.) ) _|o_,|o | /__\ /,--._ ' ) ..::.. _,----'""" `._,' |';;;j (/ __ \ ) _ ,' . . |'`;; ,'o;`/| --=;'" `;=-/. . | ( ;-----;;;;) )j .. "`-' (____________,,---') . | j . l) o l__ \/ \/ | j . : :. l . _,-' \ . . . . |/ : ;. \ """ .. `._ |: .; . :;. \ `"----......._ . |; :; : ::;. \ `. . |; ;; .: ; :;; \ .. j l:.; :; . ; :;.`. __ / \:: .;: : ;; :;. `. ```-----....._________________f ( . \ |__;:_______;,,,,--`- . . . . .....:::::::;;;;| \ | |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: . . . . .....:::::;| . ) j |:::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . ...:::| / / |:::::::::::::::::::: . . . . ...j / / |:::::::::::::::.... . . . .| . ,-' . / |................ . .. . . . | / , ,' . |. . . . . . . . . . . . | (_/| | l |. . . . . . . | V l_j\_) | . . . . | . V V. | . "Dino" . | -=> Philip Kaulfuss <=- When Kim was pregnant, she and Sean, 3, would rock and sing together every night before Sean went to bed. One night Kim told Sean that she thought the baby could hear them singing through her tummy. Sean said, "Open your mouth, Mommy, I want to sing to the baby!" -- Kim Murray of Manassas, Virginia Kathryn's 5-year-old developed a strong interest in spelling once she learned to spell STOP. After that, she tried to figure out her own words. From the back seat of the car she'd yell, "Mom, what does fgrpl spell?" "Nothing," Kathryn said. Sitting at breakfast she'd suddenly ask, "Mom, what does doeb spell?" "Nothing," Kathryn answered. This went on for several weeks. Then one afternoon as they sat coloring in her room she asked, "Mom, what does lmdz spell?" Kathryn smiled at her and said, "Nothing, sweetheart." The 5-year-old carefully set down her crayon, sighed and said, "Boy, there sure are a lot of ways to spell Nothing!" -- Kathryn Lay of Texas _._ _/:|: /||||||. ||||||||. /|||||||||: /||||||||||| .||||||||||||| | ||||||||||||: _/| |||||||||||||:_=---.._ | | |||||:'''':|| '~-._ '-. _/| | ||' '-._ _: ; | | | ' '~~ _; | ' _.=._ _-~ _.~ { '-_' _.--=.-~ _.._ {_ } _.-~ @-, { '-._ _. '~==+ | (' } \_ \_.=~ | | `,,,,,,,' /_ ~-_ ) <_oo_> `-----~~/ /'===...===' + / <_oo_> / // / // <_oo_> "Dimetrodon" While his family was in the Smokey Mountains, Harrison, 6, was concerned about bears eating him. His mother told him that bears don't eat sweet things like him, only sour things. His reply was, "Like you, Mommy!" -- Sheila Osborne of Bluffton, Indiana Kheri's three children, ages 5, 7 and 8, were playing in the bedroom. The 7-year-old came downstairs crying and holding her eye. When Kheri asked what happened, she said that they had all been playing on the bunkbeds and the 5-year-old punched her in the eye, knocking her onto the floor. When Kheri asked the 5-year-old what happened, he hemmed and hawed. So Kheri asked him point blank, "Did you hit your sister in the eye to keep her from getting onto the top bunk?" He thought for a minute and then in the most serious tone that a 5-year-old can muster said, "I don't know, Mom. I was looking the other way!" -- Kheri of St. Cloud, Minnesota <\ _ \\ _/{ _ \\ _- -_ /{ / `\ _- - -_ _~ = ( @ \ - - -_ _- - ~-_ \( =\ \ - -_ _~ - ~_ | 1 :\ \ _-~-_ - -_ _- - ~ |V: \ \ _-~ ~-_- -_ _-~ - / | : \ \ ~-_- -_ _-~ - _.._ { | : _-`` ~- _-_ _-~ -__..--~ ~-_ { : \:} =~__.--~~ ~-_\ : / \ : /__ //`Y'--\\ <+ \\ \\ WWW "Pterodactyl" ' During Tracey's painful divorce, Grace, 2, caught her Mommy crying once in awhile. After making up many excuses and trying many times to cover her tears with a smile, Tracey finally conceded to Grace that her heart was broken and crying helped to fix it. One morning during a particularly emotional week, Grace was on her knees fastening the last few buttons at the bottom of Tracey's long robe. She looked up at her mother and asked, "Is your heart broken today, Mom?" Tracey was taken aback, but replied, "No, honey. I'm O.K. today. You help me. But Mommy's heart has been broken a lot lately, huh?" Grace replied with words to last a lifetime, "Is your heart broken? You can have mine! Mine's not broken!" -- Tracey Bloom of Kenosha, Wisconsin After buying a new wall calendar that featured baby animals, David sat down and showed each picture to his son Erick. When they got to the picture of the baby raccoon, Erick thought for a moment and then said, "Dad, I don't know how it works, but my friend said that butterflies come from raccoons!" (He meant cocoons!) -- David Sims of Carson, California /~~~~~~~~~~~~\_ _+=+_ _[~ /~~~~~~~~~~~~\_ {''|''} [~~~ [~ /~~~~~~~~~\_ ''':-'~[~[~'~[~ ((++ [~ _/~~~~~~~~\_ '=_ [ ,==, ((++ [ /~~~~~~~\-~~~-. ~-_ _=+-( )/ ((++ .~~~.[~~~~( {@} \`. / }\ / ( } ( . ''} ( .+ \ / // ) / ., ''''/ \\ \ \ ( .+~~\_ /.= /''''' <'_V_'> \\ \ ~~~~~~\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ <'_V_'> <'_V_'> "Ankylosaur" When Juli was 4, the family purchased its first Dalmatian puppy. Shortly after that, on a drive through the countryside, they saw some black and white spotted cows. "Oh, look, Mom," Julie said, "Dalmatian cows!" -- Marlis Landreth of Tucson, Arizona Cole, 6, asked his mother, "What is God's last name?" Before she could answer, Cole's little sister said proudly, "It's Zilla!" -- Agnes Denton of Lenoir City, Tennessee. . . / `. .' \ .---. < > < > .---. | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / | ~-..-~ ~-..-~ \~~~\.' `./~~~/ \__/ \__/ / .- . \ _._ _.- .-~ ~-. / } \/~~~/ _.-'q }~ / } { ; \__/ {'__, / ( / { / `. ,~~| . . `''''='~~-.__( /_ | /- _ `..-' \\ // / \ =/ ~~--~~{ ./| ~-. `-..__\\_//_.-' { \ +\ \ =\ ( ~ - . _ _ _..---~ | | { } \ \_\ '---.o___,' .o___,' "Stegosaurus" At church Lisa let her daughter Amanda, 6, put the envelope in the basket for the weekly offering. After Mass, they stopped to get some gas. Lisa paid for the gas and then Amanda asked her to buy her a pack of gum. Lisa explained that Mommy had no more money. Amanda looked at Lisa and said, "Mommy, why don't we just go ask God for our money back?" -- Lisa of Rhode Island Steve, 3, asked his grandmother, "Let's ask each other questions." Being a retired school teacher, she was very pleased and said, "OK, why don't you go first." Steve replied, "Grandma, do you still know how to make cookies?" -- Florence in Alabama ___......__ _ _.-' ~-_ _.=a~~-_ --=====-.-.-_----------~ .--. _ -.__.-~ ( ___==> '''--...__ ( \ \\\ { ) _.-~ =_ ~_ \\-~~~//~~~~-=-~ |-=-~_ \\ \\ |_/ =. ) ~} |} || // || _// {{ "Hypsilophodon" '='~' \\_ ~~' Pat works with preschoolers. On the way to the cafeteria, she heard a child singing "The Eensie, Weensie Spider." In the midst of the song, the little girl sang, "Down came the rain and washed the spider's mouth..." -- Pat Shackelford of Port Charlotte, Florida Bev's 3-year-old came to her with some gum caught in her hair. Bev had just read a tip about using peanut butter to get gum out of hair. As Bev started rubbing peanut butter into her daughter's hair, the little girl said, "Mommy, are you going to put jam in it, too?" -- Bev Barton of Victoria, B.C., Canada =============================================================== ____ SSSS____. (WW);;;;;\ `WW'____ | ,_____ UU ||||\ \___/,---. ) UU |||||\____/||| // UU ||||||||||||" // UU |||||||||||' // UU |||||||||" // UU ||||||||' // UU |||||||" // UU ||||||' // UU ||||" // UU |||" // UU ||' // UU |" // ,UU,' || (~~~~~~~~~~~~]""' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferenc Riesz >-->"THE BROKEN HARP" In the corner, of the basement, Stood a cobweb covered harp. Broken now and so forsaken, There it stood back in the dark. No one, in the little village, Could repair the harp again. And, you'd never guess the music ~ Or the places it had been. Came a ragged man a beggin' For a place out of the cold, He was bent and slightly limpin'. He was lookin' frail and old. So, the houseman gave permission. He could sleep upon the floor Of the basement, where was kept The harp - with melody no more. Soon, the house was filled with music! 'Twas as sweet as angels bring. And, the household came a-runnin', Just to see the vibrant strings! Dusted now, it stood in beauty. Every web was cleared away. And, the ragged man was singing Very softly as he played. In his song, he told the story How he'd made that harp, when new. Since he'd made its first beginning, Fixing wasn't hard to do. Dear friend, if you are needing Just a touch from God above, Just remember Who has made you. He can "fix" you with His love. He can fill the empty corners Of your heart with song anew. He can take each day and make A special melody for you! He can fix the broken pieces, Better even than before, And open wide the storehouse Of His blessings evermore! ========================================================== .'''. ' ' '. .' '.' ' ' ' /")\ / /\ \ / ()""() |=( . .) | '(o)| /______| | | _ / ____ \ _ ( ) / \ ( ) |_|/ \|_| tre God Counts! Many of the things you can count, don't count. Many of the things you can't count, really count. -- Albert Einstein >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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