Little Things Mean A Lot... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) I am one of the few still using the old land line so it came as np surprise when my son informed me that the web site pages were not displaying correctly on his cell phone. I started editing each of my web pages with the code so it will be able to correctly display the page for cell phones, iphones and other devices. The web site has over 800 pages so this will take some time. I do have the major pages, animated library and the Bible pages done so far. /\ / \ / _o \ / <(\ \ / />`A \ '----------` Stef As always, please be patient with me. I'm working on it. :) =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: __--_ //~-----\|/ _----__ . / /-~~---~\\\ /______, | / `c ` . ||| | | | (.. _ ..|||| _O----| | \ _ _ | || `- |___| /~` `\ `__ _/ |||/||~~| .' '~\ |||||||--| | |_| |||||||( | |____| | |______``` |____``` | | | |_|_| .'\\,\\_) /_/___| >LITTLE THINGS MEAN A LOT by Ellie Braun-Haley Is it possible to alter the actions of school children? To take the focus from bullying and that of reporting inconsequential tales of fault finding? Well one young woman thought so and she worked a year to achieve this goal. Laurie Braun, a concerned and caring mother -- a woman with a lot of imagination and the determination to make a difference -- became the igniting force behind an avalanche of kindness in a Canadian elementary school. Laurie wanted to help the students to focus on positive actions and words. After gaining the approval of the principal, Laurie developed and operated a program that would do just that. She set about to inspire and motivate hundreds of children to file reports on one another for their kind gestures no matter how small the deed. "The interesting thing about it all," says Laurie, "is that it truly was the little things that they all began noticing." She picked up two reports at random and read them. "When I was by myself, Jeffry sat on the swing with me." "I slipped and cut myself on the ice and Sara sat with me." These and other similar reports handed in by the school children eventually soared from the hundreds, to well over the thousand mark. "The children revealed a lot about what their concerns are during these early school years. I saw a noticeable pattern regarding the reports," says Laurie. "They (the children) spoke a lot about their appreciation for being included, their appreciation for having someone to play with and their relief and appreciation when another student comforted them after a spill." The response was magnificent and participation of the students increased weekly. Subsequently, the load of volunteer work for this one parent, increased leaps and bounds. Students had filed sixty reports of kindness, in one week alone. "It became a challenge," said Laurie, "to fit everything on the bulletin board and to keep it sparkling and colorful. I think the kids loved the glitter of the displays the most!" Ms. Braun devoted well over a hundred and seventy hours working both at home and at the school to prepare materials and build weekly displays to keep the children interested. The elementary school took on a conspicuous change. Kids were sharing lunches and opening doors for one another. Kindness thrived! Even the crossing guard at the cross walk was reported for her acts of kindness. "The wonderful thing about this," commented Laurie, "was that the report was put in by a youngster who was so shy he had never even spoken to the crossing guard, although the guard had spoken words of encouragement to this one particular youngster many times." A child who held the reputation of being arrogant was suddenly helping another clean out her desk. One lonely child reported on a classmate, "When I needed a friend to play with, she was there." The reports went up weekly, but not just as ordinary reports. Over the weekend, the innovative and artistically inclined Laurie, chose a theme so that every single report was set on special paper, highlighted with sparkling glitter. One week she placed the names of the youngsters on lightning bolts and another week every report was done on teddy bears and yet another time on little T-shirts, all hanging on a clothesline. The bulletin board itself was always eye-catching and crowds gathered so that soon parents, teachers and other staff were also gathering around to take in the theme and designs for the new week. When the school year drew to a close, Laurie took each and every "good deed" report filled in by the students and teachers and attached them to one long continuous roll of paper. Once posted, this was to be the final reminder to all, that little things do make a difference. She chose a time when only teachers were at the school and she and her young daughter literally wrapped the school walls with over a thousand kindness reports. What was it that motivated this woman? She says, "It all came about because I could see some of the younger children in the elementary school were worried over bullying. Others concentrated too much energy on reporting the wrong choices of others. I was looking for something to counteract this when I came up with the idea of reporting one another on acts of kindness. I sincerely believed, and still do, that an act of kindness should receive ten times the attention given to a deed that came about because of wrong choices. I wanted my program to encourage both students and adults to focus on the positive, on what is appreciated, not what is annoying or hurtful." The program also had some unforeseen side benefits. The reports often indicated when problems were at hand and Ms. Braun was able to alert the school authorities. "I noticed one week that many of the reports spoke of various individuals being helped up after falling on the ice. I contacted the school and they were able to alleviate the ice problem." On the final day for that school year, Laurie asked the principal if the children could leave their classrooms and walk about to view this huge accumulated list of their good deeds and thoughtfulness. The students were told that any reports which featured their name could be taken home as souvenirs. Laurie watched as the excited students gathered around the reports, first reading them, then commenting and remembering and finally reaching to retrieve the reports to take them home as mementos. "I watched those youngsters that day and felt so proud of their accomplishments. I thought, look at the huge amount of kindness you all gave to one another. You all noticed even the smallest of gestures and you have made such a difference in the lives of one another." Choked with emotion, Laurie felt the tears and an overwhelming warmth of pleasure for the success of her quest. Is it possible to alter the actions of school children? To take the focus from bullying and fault-finding? One woman proved that "yes" anything is possible when you follow your instincts and your dreams. -- Ellie Braun-Haley ___________________________________________ Ellie lives in Alberta, Canada, and wrote this story about her middle child. She says, "I've always been amazed at Laurie, at her resilience and her determination. I'm proud of her for her willingness to share with others and for the care she demonstrates toward family, friends and even strangers." Ellie has a number of stories and books published and is the author of A Little Door A Little Light, a book she was challenged to write following the death of her 17 year old son, Jason. Ellie presents talks on the material from the book, hoping to help ease the pain of others due to a death. You can reach her here: ========================================================== >-->Story Time! From Our Friend PatDeE :) ... * . _ . * . * . * (_) * . |* .. * .. . * \| * . . * * \/ |/ \/ *. . . _\_\ | / * _/_ * \ \| /,-------- .. _-----` |(,__,__/__/_ . \ || .. ___ ||| . {o,o}___ * ||| /V( (vv' ejm98 ||| /\: " " , -=-~' .-^-__/_/ ..,;;`#%/__) >Flying Lessons By Anne Burkart One warm night in June our son hustled us outside to see a most enchanting sight. For months we had heard an owl hooting from deep within the thick wooded portions of our property. We live in the Lee Park area of Columbus, on a large wooded lot. Seeing hawks, deer, raccoons, possums and even a woodchuck is not uncommon, but owls are rare. We had thought our feathered neighbor had moved on because lately the woods had been silent and lonesome. Even though it was 8:30 at night the light was good enough to see not one but three owls silhouetted against the sky, 30 feet above us on the edge of our roof. Two large owls with a smaller one between them stared down at us with the sharp look of disdain only owls can give. We actually did not realize we had two adults patrolling our woods and certainly did not know they had hatched an owlet. We stood quiet as mice in the cool dusk and watched Mama and Papa give flying lessons to a very dubious chick. We heard them clicking to encourage him and saw his many false starts. The parents flew to a large live oak on the edge of the woods and urged Junior to join them with clicks and short hoots. He was quite happy where he was, thank you very much. The sharp calls grew louder and more pointed until finally their offspring unfolded his wings and flapped unenthusiastically to a tree six feet from the house. Something did not suit him among the foliage and twigs of the redbud tree and almost immediately Junior flew back to our roof. The sharp hoots began with gusto upon his retreat, first from Mama on a lower branch of the oak, then from Papa higher up. He tried to ignore his parents by turning his back and walking like a top-heavy chicken further up the roof. Mama and Papa were not so easily put off. They flew to the roof and wedged the sulky owlet between them on the edge. Junior was the picture of misery as he seemed to shrink inside his feathery coat. The downy feathers stuck up along his head like a kid with a spike haircut. Although we did not see the parents move a muscle or say a word, the pressure finally got to their reluctant flyer. With a peep of resignation, Junior suddenly launched himself from the roof and flew toward the live oak. It was like watching a lead balloon set sail. We found ourselves straining to help keep him aloft. Slowly the stubby wings flapped noisily as he flew over our heads and crash landed on a limb of the big tree. Both parents joined him and seemed to display owl-y pride in their Graduate. Junior held his head high and appeared to strut as he hopped along the limb. We wanted to cheer and clap but also did not want to disrupt the moment. As dusk gave way to darkness, and we could no longer see the family, the three of us slipped away inside to regale each other with the delights we had witnessed. For live action, drama, comedy and victory, we had just seen the greatest show in town. This article first appeared in Community Expressions Magazine. --- ...A good heartwarmer! Thanks PatDeE! ================================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ __/ \__ / \__/ \ \__/..\__/ / \__/ \ \__/ \__/ \__/ || || || .'/.'\.'. ..'.'..'..'.'. Imran >HAPPY SPRING By: Joseph J. Mazzella Spring has definitely sprung here in the mountains of my home. As I walked in my yard this morning I heard a hundred different birds greeting the sunrise with a chorus of delight. Later as I sat on my porch swing I saw my first butterfly of the year circling down in the wind until it touched my hand and passed on its loving greeting. Then as I walked with my sons around the local lake this evening we saw dozens of yellow and purple flowers sticking their heads through the ground to soak up the warm sunshine. These were complimented by the red, green, pink, and white of the trees eagerly bursting in growth. A cool and gentle breeze kissed our faces, filled the air with sweet smells, and brought music to our ears as we heard hundreds of frogs singing together in a joyful jubilee. Spring is such a glorious time. It is a time of rebirth, new beginnings, and fresh starts. It is a time of growth, a time of beauty, and most of all a time of life. Being out there among it helped to stir the life and joy within me as well. It awakened my spirit, warmed my heart, enlightened my mind, energized my body, and uplifted my soul. It made me aware of just how precious each day is and just how priceless each moment of our lives can be. It showed me again that life is for living and for loving not just for existing. I hope that the spring of this year adds a spring to your own step as well. I hope that the new life bursting forth in nature awakens you to the endless life in your own soul. I hope that all the new growth and new beginnings around you help you to choose new growth in love and new beginnings in joy in your own life. I hope that all this wondrous glory of creation reminds you of the loving hand of God that created it. Have a happy Spring. -<>- >\_/< _\*v*/_ \\ // ===="==== /^\ as >FEATHERED FIDELITY by Michael Smith It's a sad reality. All relationships start with love and promise, but all too ften we see them weaken, crumble and finally fail. It's too bad all relationships don't go to the birds. I know that sounds strange, but read on. Many years ago, when I was just a young boy, a small yellow bird hit our front door. When I looked outside, I saw its tiny, unmoving body on our deck. I opened the door to see if it was just stunned,or worse, dead. I was kneeling over it when my mom joined me. "Michael, I think it may be dead. I heard the bang on the glass. It hit pretty hard." "Mom, should we bury it?" "I'm not sure, Michael. When I first looked out I saw another bird land beside it. It looked like it was trying to pick this one up. I think we should let nature take care of this. Let's put it on the roof of the car and see what happens." We placed the unmoving, little bird on the roof of my dad's car and went back into the house. From our living room window we watched as the bird's mate flew to its side, carefully grip the back of the dead bird's neck in it's tiny beak, and with a strength only love and devotion could provide, lifted its mate in the air. It carried the body from the car, across the street, over the meadow on the other side and into nearby trees. It flew only a few feet off the ground. Sometimes it would get up to six feet high and then the weight of its companion would pull it lower again. Its struggle was great, but the desire not to be parted from its mate was greater. Thirty-five years later, I stepped out of my home on a warm summer morning. I looked toward my next door neighbor's -- we lived in attached townhouses -- and noticed a single strand of a spider's web strung from the bush by the corner of their townhouse to the wheel of one of their cars. I thought it was strange for a spider to spin such a web, especially just one tiny strand. I moved closer to investigate. When I reached down to break the web I discovered it wasn't a web at all. It was a piece of fishing line. I gave it a tug and saw it was tangled in the bushes, and the other end was knotted under the car. One of the boys was sitting on the front deck of the house. I remarked, "Looks like someone booby-trapped your friend's car." He came closer to see what I was talking about. I gave the line a tug. It was tightly jammed under the wheel of the vehicle. "Strange, it seems to go all the way under," I said. I walked to the back of the car and saw a robin. It fluttered to get away, but the line, which was wrapped around its tiny leg, held it firm. The poor bird flapped around on the pavement with only a foot of line for it to move. Slowly I approached and reached to grab it. When my fingers first touched his feathers it squawked and flapped away from me. I moved faster on the second attempt and managed to get a grip around his trembling body. It squirmed and twisted its head to snap at me, but I held tight. The boy came closer for a look, and then went for a knife. When he returned I realized he would probably break the poor bird's leg when the knife pulled the string tight before cutting it through, so I sent him for scissors. He came back and we carefully removed the string. The bird was free, but I held him a little longer, so I could remove one last strand of the line from his tiny leg. It made a great effort and escaped from my grasp. He flew low across the pavement, under a row of mailboxes, and up into a tree. It was free again. Then I noticed a second robin fly down from a nearby tree and land next to the newly-freed robin. It had stayed close by, as its mate struggled for freedom, and would not have left until freedom or death ended their relationship. The birds I witnessed mated for life and the struggles that come with it. Now don't you wish a lot more relationships would go to the birds? I know I do. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: 90/10 Principles! Adopted Chimp Advice For Living Among Orchids Beautiful Cactus Blooms Chevy:American Pride Code Of Ethics Day And Night! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) Two Classics, One Car: A Collector Shows Off Her Lifelong Favorite --- ...Beautiful! Thanks Melody! Extreme Mountain Water Slide | Xtreme Waterparks | ulive --- ...WOWSERS! Hang On! Thanks Melody! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== _____ /_..._\ (0[###]0) `' `' -Lester AMC >Mike the Cabbie Story Editor: by The Sister E. Izawa Oregon, USA I know very little about Mike the cabbie, really. I know he has his own family with grown kids, and that his wife also works for the cab company. In my city, we typically do not "hail" cabs on the street, but instead call ahead and arrange for pickup. This is where Mike comes in. There are a lot of people out there who look for disadvantaged individuals like my brother, "Jack", to manipulate, to cheat, and steal from. We've met several, but we've also met a few gems -- like Mike. My brother has a form of drug-resistant epilepsy that leaves him unable to drive, coupled with a brain injury sustained 15 years ago that left him with no short-term memory. Independence is a key to maintaining a positive self-esteem, so while I would gladly drive him around, having to rely on your sister isn't exactly being "independent". Thus, Jack came to an agreement with one of our local cab companies to have one particular driver take him wherever he needs to go, whether to simply run errands or drive three hours round trip to visit our mother. Mike's wife was on the cab company's side of the initial arrangements, and felt her husband would be best suited for the job. She was so right. Mike started driving my brother late in 2002. He is quiet, unassuming, and someone who "won't take no guff". He's got short gray hair, a neatly trimmed moustache, a ready smile, and a heart of gold. He's very quiet; I don't know what, if anything, he and my brother talk about when they're together -- but I do know they have incorporated little things to help my brother on a daily basis. Jack once forgot to retrieve his ATM card and money from a bank ATM (some kind soul turned it all in to the bank), so now every time he withdraws money and returns to the cab, they check that he has both card *and* cash safely stowed. Every time. Mike understood to make it a ritual of caring, not nagging. Jack grins when he tells me about this. More importantly, the few times a year Jack has to go to the hospital emergency room for epilepsy-related injuries, Mike and I communicate. I call immediate family (Mom, Dad, my husband), AND I call Mike. Or vice versa, if Mike took Jack to the hospital. The most recent time this happened, in July of 2005, Mike called me at home that evening to check on Jack -- he didn't want to call my brother's house in case he was resting. Mike and his wife had been sick with concern for my brother's well being. Mike doesn't have to do this, but that's just the kind of guy he is. We're lucky to have him in our lives. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: |\ /| |\ /| | \ / | |\\ //| | | | | | \| |/ | \ | | / \ || || / \ |_| / \||_||/ .' '. .' '. | | |o o| / \ /= Y =\ `'-. .-'` `'-.^.-'` _| |_ _| |_ /` `\ /` `\ | / \ | | | |/ \| | ( ) | / \ /\ \ / /\ | .-~-. | | '._)_.' | \ { } / \ / jgs \ '-=-' / \ '.___.' / .--' ;---; '--. .--' \---/ '--. `-------' '-------` `-------' '-------` >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY On Easter Sunday Maulena went to breakfast in a pancake house. There was someone dressed up as the Easter Bunny. Two ladies came in with three darling little girls who were so excited about meeting the Easter Bunny. The bunny came inside and the little girls decided they wanted to draw a picture of it on their placemats with the crayons provided by the restaurant. One little girl told the bunny, "Stay still because we need to get a good shot of you!" After talking to the Easter Bunny for a while, the girls realized it was actually a girl because you could see a bit of her face inside the "eyes." The littlest girl said, "We know where your husband is. He's at the Mall!" -- Maulena of Phoenix, Arizona I ran into Olga the other day and she told me about her granddaughter, Kyrie, who is in middle school now, who decided to play Easter Bunny this year. Kyrie got 30 eggs to hide -- but she only had six prizes. So inside of 24 eggs she put the message: "Sorry!" When little Mariah was done with Kyrie's egg hunt she announced, "I don't like the Easter Bunny. There are too many 'sorrys!'" -- Olga Hernandez of Kendallville, Indiana Like many mothers with lots on their mind, Tricia is constantly forgetting things. She finds that an easy way to remember something is to tell Olivia, 7, and Ethan, 5, to remind her. They make good "walking lists" because they have great memories! One day Tricia told Ethan to remind her to stop and pay the insurance bill at State Farm after she picked him up from pre-school. He proudly said he would remember. Then he added, "Mommy, do you think they will let me pet the cows?" -- Tricia Olmstead of Hillsdale, Michigan _ , (_\______/________ \-|-|/|-|-|-|-|/ \==/-|-|-|-|-/ \/|-|-|-|,-' \--|-''' \_j________ (_) (_) hjw JoAnne was grocery shopping with Brian, 7. When she got to the check out she realized she had forgotten to get the whipped topping. She asked Brian to run and get her any kind. Brian came back and said, "Here, I got you the free one." JoAnne said, "Well, I still have to pay for it." Brian said, "No you don't -- it says FREE on it!" It was "fat free!" -- JoAnne Johnson (mother of Brian) of Chews Landing, New Jersey Bob and Ruthie's 8-year-old granddaughter is playing softball this year. She was telling her dad how well she can hit the ball, and said, "Yesterday I was smacking those balls out of the park - whatever that means!" -- Ruthie Garvin of Humboldt, Tennessee Fern gives her four sons stars on their charts for being good. She told them she should get stars for being a good mother. Tim, 7, said, "Well, you wouldn't get one every day!" -- Fern Boldt of St. Catharines, Ontario __..._ _...__ _..-" `Y` "-._ \ Once upon | / \\ a time..| // \\\ | /// \\\ _..---.|.---.._ /// jgs \\`_..---.Y.---.._`// '` `' Bailey, 5, asked her cousin Macey to go get her a book and when Macey asked where it was, Bailey said, "On the loving couch." (She was referring to the love seat). Bailey's Aunt Melandie took her to Farm Animal Days at the local university. When Bailey's mom asked where she was going, she replied, "On a chill frit." (She was trying to say field trip!) -- Bailey's great aunt Margaret of Garner, North Carolina Nan's husband went on the Atkins Diet and it worked so well that Nan tried it. She lost more than 50 pounds in eight months, going from a size 18 to a size 10. One morning Nan was getting ready for work and her daughter Katie, 9, was watching. Katie said proudly, "Mom, you look ALMOST NORMAL!" -- Nan Asher of Ypsilanti, Michigan Sam, 2, is talking up a storm. His father asked him recently what he wants to be when he grows up. After thinking for a moment or two, he replied, "Four?" -- Michelle Munroe (aunt of Sam) of Cape Cod, Massachusetts _.--. .-"`_.--.\ .-.___________ ."_-"` \\ ( 0;------/\"'` ,."=___ =)) \ \ / \ `~` .=`~'~) ( _/ / / \ =`---====""~`\ _/ / \ `-------"` / \ jgs / \ ( ) '._ _.' '----' When Riley was 4 he waited patiently for his new baby brother to be born. When the nurse brought the new baby out for Riley to see for the first time, Riley stared at the baby for a minute and then turned to his Memaw and said, "You know, he's kinda dusty!" -- Jennifer Rees of McAlester, Oklahoma ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) ___ .dSSSS$$pp.. .dSSSS$$$$$$$$; .dSSSS$$$$$$$$$$$ :SSP^" T$$$$$$$$$$b_ dSSP $$$S$$$$$$$b` dSS$;_. .:$$$SS$$$$$$b dSS$$$_ ; __."^TSS$$$$$b dSS$$P;" ""' :lSS$$$$$b :SS$$$ ; ::SS$$$$$$b_. SSS$$$ : ` ;:SS$$$$$$$bp. :SS$$$$b \ -=- .-" SSS$$$$$$$$$$b SSS$$$$$b.`. / d$SS$$$$$$$$$$$b :SS$$$$$$$; ""T :$$$SS$$$$$$$$P^^t--' SSS$$$S$$$ : $$$$$SS$$$$$$$ : :SS$$$SS$; __; _$$$$$$SS$$$$$$ : SSS$SS l;: ; : $$$$SS$$$$$; ; :SS$SS $;: ; : $$$SS$$$$$$; /; TSSSS :$ \ ; ; :$S$$$$$$$$.-"/ `SP; :; ;: ; T$$$$$$$$; /; : ; ; : `.; /)T$$$$$P .' : ; : : ; .'/ :$$$P'.' .'\ ; \ :; / /$P^".' .-" ; : ;: .' .-" / \ `.____/_'.___:--""\ --' .' ) .-" .' "-._ "-._ ..--"")\ :-' : "-. "-._ ---""" /; ; : : \ "-._....____; : : \ :\ `. \ ; ; \ \\ \ \ ; : : `. \\ \ \ : ; ; ;"-t\ `. \ : : : : `; \ ; ; ; ; : \ / : : / ; \-..__ .'; : ; / : ; """T ; : / / ; \ : ; ; ;/ : : \ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; / : : : ; ; ; / ; :; : ; ; / : :: ; ; ;_ `""--..__; :_; __ ;____;.-;'; ;.__.: :..t-"" j" ; ; : ; ; ;--"" \ [bug] ; ; ; : ; : \ ; ; : \ ; ; ;. ; ; \ \ ; : / ; ; ; \ \ ; : ; ; ; \ `-. ; ; .' ; ; \ \ ;___/ /______;.-' \ ---; / / ;______: .-' / '-------' >JESUS SET ME FREE She had totally lost her way Falling into deep despair and pain Like falling into a deep, bottomless pit No reason to go on and nothing to gain Confusion and despair growing ever stronger More and more with each passing day Just drifting along Barely staying afloat Each lonely day ending with tears Nothing to say Was life really worth the living? Her whole life noe turned upside down Just sad, lonely days with no reason to go on Only more tearful days to face all alone Thoughts become disoriented Desperately seeking relief from sadness deep inside Depression slowly creeping in Taking control and throwing reality aside Is this the way it was to end? Her mind taken over by unbearable sadness?? She stands there with her life in the balance Is there no end to this madness? Silently contemplating ending her life Just end the pain once and for all So close to giving up and ending it all When she hears a sweet voice whisper her name "MARIA" With tears streaming down her face She looks up to see Jesus standing there Softly whispering "Maria, I Love You So Much I stretched out my arms and died for You" She sees His body hanging there on the cross Nails driven so deep in his hands and his feet His arms outstretched in love for her Suffering such anguish to insure Hell's final defeat Looking into his eyes she sees his total love for her Never in her life has she felt such overwhelming love Deep inside her heart begins to live again She falls to her knees crying out with love "My, Lord Jesus! I love you so much Your love for me is so wondrous and true Your love has saved me from eternal destruction I give my life and my soul, now and forever, TO YOU!" "Your great love has saved me from deep depression I can never thank you enough, My Lord On that cruel cross YOU purchased my soul's salvation YOU SET ME FREE ..... My Saviour and My Lord!" THANK YOU MY JESUS! Phyllis Smith (Bunni) Copyright February 12, 2010 Revised April 20, 2014 All Rights Reserved --- ...aww, so Sweet! Thanks Bunni! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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