No Fear In Love... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* . , |`. ,'| \_`-._ _,-'_/ ./ \-._`-._ _,-'_,-/ \, \._/._ `._>`-.__ __,-'<_,' _,\_,/ /_ \_.`-._\_-._ `--__ __--' _,-_/_,-',_/ _\ /._`\_./ _`_./`.-._ `-. ,-' _,-,'\,_'_ \,_/'_,\ \._`/ _/ _`_./ _/`\_ `. ,' _/'\_ \,_'_ \_ \'_,/ /._`/ _/ _`_./` _/ `\_ `\_ _/' _/' \_ '\,_'_ \_ \'_,\ \._`/ _/ _`_./` __/ >. `-.,-' ,< \__ '\,_'_ \_ \'_,/ /_`/._/._`_./` __.`.-\_.-`'-._/-,',__ '\,_'_,\_,\'_\ `\._`_./`\._/_/' _ `\_\_,/'\,_'_,/' /_\ \./ __/(__ / `--' \ / _ _ \ \'| |`/ \|____|/ \/ -] \/ / | \ | | | | | \ / | \ \__,-`\___/ (_) |__) mic >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. 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THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This piping hot new page is from our friends PatDeE and Victor. It is one that is sure to tickle your funny bone and give conservatives plenty of Smiles. Be sure to check out the video here too - an oxymoron at it's best! ________________________ |.----------------------.| || || || ______ || || .;;;;;;;;. || || /;;;;;;;;;;;\ || || /;/` `-;;;;; . .|| || |;|__ __ \;;;| || ||.-.|;| e`/e` |;;;| || || |;| | |;;;|'--|| || |;| '- |;;;| || || |;;\ --' /|;;;| || || |;;;;;---'\|;;;| || || |;;;;| |;;;| || || |;;.-' |;;;| || ||'--|/` |;;;|--.|| ||;;;; . ;;;;.\;;|| ||;;;;;-.;_ /.-;;;;;;|| ||;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|| ||jgs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|| '------------------------' Humor In Politics 17 --- ...So much fun! Thanks guys! I do so love that video! HaHa! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can, paradoxically, make you a far happier and more productive person. -- Dr. David M. Burns ,--, ,.-. , \, '-,-`,'-.' | ._ /| \ , |\ } )/ / `-,', [ ' |\ /| | | / \| |/` ,` | | ,.` `,` `, | | _,...( ( _', -ART BY- \ \ __ ,-` ` , , `/ |,' Y ( \_L\ -ZEUS- \ \_\,``, ` , , / | ) _,/ \ ' ` ,_ _`_,-,<._.< / / ', `>.,` ` ` ,., |_ | / \/` `, ` ,` | /__,.-` _, `\ -,-..\ _ \ ` / , / `._) _,-\` \ \_,,.) /\ ` / / ) (-,, `` , | ,` ) | \_\ '-` | `( \ / /```( , --, ,' \ |`<` , | / /_,--`\ <\ V /> ,` )<_/) | \ _____) ,-, ,` ` (_,\ \ | /) / __/ / `----` (-, \ ) \ ('_.-._)/ /,` / | / ` `/ \\ V V, /` / ,--\( , <_/`\\ || / ( ,``- \/| \-A.A-`| / ,>,_ )_,..( )\ -,,_-` _--` (_ \|` _,/_ / \_ ,--` \( ` <.,../` `-.._ _,-` ` ``` >HIDDEN FEARS by Mary Jane West-Delgado I just saw a movie about a man who was given a diagnosis of cancer and had a slim chance of coming out of surgery alive. As I sat in the theater alone (my husband is out of town for two days), I couldn't help but think about my own history of brain surgery to remove a tumor that was thought to be cancerous, and that removal of it may cause a stroke during surgery. The scene in the movie that really hit home with me was when, in the pre-surgical room, the family was present until the last second before he was taken away. This is a moment of panic for everyone. As I sat in the theater watching this family and patient clinging to each other, I realized that I had never told my family how very afraid I was after leaving them behind in that room. Though the surgical team was very pleasant and attentive, they were also necessarily pre-occupied and sterile, leaving me to fend for myself emotionally. I lay there worrying about waking up with severe disability, or maybe not waking up at all. I needed someone to be holding me until I was asleep. I really did, but I never told anyone. I was the mother of three toddlers at the time. My doctor advised me to get all of my affairs in order prior to surgery. I wrote letters to each of my children, to be read if they had to grow up without me. Our oldest son was 4 years old, our only daughter was 2, and our youngest son was 11 months old. I felt that I had to be strong for them -- I had to be sure that my kids weren't afraid. I couldn't show my fears, I thought I had to be in "mommy mode" until the very end. It's no secret that a patient and family are desperately afraid at these times. What hit me at this moment during the movie is that, in all these years since then, I never told anyone how afraid I was. I suddenly felt as though I had missed an important step in the grieving process of my own trauma. Those few moments in the surgical suite, before drugged induced sleep, are cold and lonely and downright scary no matter how old you are. So, there I sat in the theater, sobbing uncontrollably for not having let anyone know that I really wasn't the brave little warrior that I had pretended to be. It doesn't matter that I was already a mother at the time. It doesn't matter that I am now 26 years post- op and in good health. What matters is that when I came home from the theater, I emailed my family about it and then cried on the phone about it with my husband. I got it all out, finally. Gosh, I feel so good, now that I've told everyone! -- Mary Jane West-Delgado __________________________________________________ Mary Jane West-Delgado has been published on Heartwarmers twice before with "Cheerleader Mom" and "Wearing 9/11." It is the personal connections she's made, and continued emails from children and parents that make writing a complete joy. Mary Jane is a retired physical therapist and current algebra/chemistry tutor, transplanted from Wisconsin to the Central Coast of California. =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) === === === === ___===____________oooo___________oooo____________===___ |___===___________________________________________===___| === | /O O\ | === dwb || || jrb === || || === ( | _ | ) || ( ) || _ || _/_-_\_ || \ ooooO /___|___\ Ooooo == ((( )|____^____|( ))) / \ (|)MMMMM| |#####(|) |MILK| (_)MMMM/ \####(_) |____| --------------------------------------------------------------------- __ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ ( )(_ _) ( \ / \( _)/ __) )( )( ) ) )( () )) _)\__ \ (__) (__) (___/ \__/(___)(___/ ____ _ _ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ __ __ __ ___ _ (_ _)( )( )( _) ( ,) / \( \( \/ ) / _) / \ / \( \ / \ )( )__( ) _) ) ,\( () )) ) )\ / ( (/\( () )( () )) ) )\_/ (__) (_)(_)(___) (___/ \__/(___/(__/ \__/ \__/ \__/(___/ (_) One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?" You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit. Many years later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ... "Paid in full with one glass of milk." (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly. Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands." There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about? Now you have two choices. 1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message. 2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart. The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which -- To burn .. --- ...A heartwarming classic! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- ________________ '------._.------'\ \_______________\ .'| .'| .'_____________.' .| | | | | Scooby _.-. | . | | * (_.-' | | | Snacks | .| | * * | .' |______________|.' LGB >Oaths for a Dog to Take to be a "GOOD DOG" - I will not eat the cats' food before they eat it or after they throw it up. - The garbage collector is NOT stealing our stuff. - The Litter Box is not a cookie jar. - The sofa is not a 'face towel'. - I will not play tug-of-war with Dad's underwear when he's on the toilet. - Sticking my nose into someone's crotch is an unacceptable way of saying 'hello.' - I must shake the rainwater out of my fur before entering the house - not after. - The cat is not a 'squeaky toy' so when I play with him and he makes that noise, it's usually not a good thing. -<>- .-------------. . . * * /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ \ * . ) . //_/_/_/_/_/_// _ \ __ . . /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/|/ \.' .`-o | ||-'(/ ,--' | || _ | | ||'' || |_____________|| |_|L hjm >Questions dogs might ask God: Dear God: When we get to heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or is it still the same old story? Dear God: Why are there cars named after the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, the colt, the stingray, and the rabbit, but not ONE named for a Dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? We do love a nice ride! Would it be so hard to rename the 'Chrysler Eagle' the 'Chrysler Beagle'? Dear God: Are there mailmen in Heaven? If there are, will I have to apologize? Dear God: Why do humans smell the flowers, but seldom, if ever, smell one another? Dear God: We Dogs can understand human verbal instructions, hand signals, whistles, horns, clickers, beepers, scent ID's, electromagnetic energy fields, and Frisbee flight paths. What do humans understand? --- ...TeeHee! Thanks LouiseAu! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: ,-. _,. / / ; \____,-==-._ ) //_ `----' {+> ` `'--/ /-'`( / / dew `=' >MIRACLES, DELIVERANCE In a recent issue of his Friday Evening devotional newsletter, Tom Barnard includes this story: Eddie Rickenbacker was a fighter pilot and Ace in World War I. His life was a kaleidoscope of events centered around airplanes and cars. He accumulated more than 300 hours in combat flying during the First World War and had more than 20 "victories" (where he survived and an enemy pilot did not). Later he was awarded the highest honors for bravery in battle by the United States and France. During World War II, he served as a consultant to the military in England, as well as the United States. In October 1942, he was sent on a tour of the Pacific theater to deliver a secret message to General Douglas MacArthur. After visiting bases in Hawaii, his plane --a B-17 Flying Fortress--was en route to another military base in the Pacific when navigation failure caused the plane to stray miles off course, eventually losing fuel and forcing the pilots to crash- land into the rough seas of the Pacific Ocean. Amazingly, the crew of eight survived the crash, but with injuries-- one fatally. They made it aboard their life raft, but with very few provisions. Their food and water supply was exhausted in three days. The crew fought the sun, weather and sharks. They needed a miracle. On the eighth day, the crew had an impromptu devotional service, praying for a miracle. Time dragged by very slowly. Trying to take a nap, Rickenbacker pulled his military cap over his nose. Suddenly, he felt something land on the top of his cap. It was a seagull. He carefully reached up and captured the gull. It wasn't much of a meal for the men, but it was something. After devouring most of the bird, they used the intestines for bait, with which they caught fish and survived until they were rescued--after 24 days at sea. Years later, Billy Graham asked Rickenbacker to share the story of his life-threatening experience and the events that led up to his affirming faith in Christ. Eddie said, "I have no explanation except that God sent one of His angels to rescue us." God answered their prayers by sending an angel in the form of a seagull. Do you sometimes feel like you are adrift in a sea of frustration and hopelessness, praying for a miracle but only seeing endless sea and insufficient provisions for the trip? Pray to God for a miracle. Pray for an angel of the Lord to locate you and deliver you. His angels are always near. Watch for them -<>- _____ /.---.\ |`````| \ / `-.-' ____ | /\ .' /\ __|__ |K----; | | jgs`-----` \/ '.___\/ >Perspective There are two ways to look at every situation in life: Is the cup Or is the cup half empty? half full? It is amazing how our perception can be changed by our attitude. For example, think about God and then look at these letters. N-O-W-H-E-R-E You can assume that God is NO WHERE. Or you can believe that God is NOW HERE! Follow this advice and you can improve your life: Always remember that you are loved, even when it doesn't seem like it. Believe in yourself and your values. Don't sell out when things go wrong. Don't let anything get you down; always bounce back up. Set goals for your future and never settle for anything less. Realize that there are others in the world with much bigger problems than you. Appreciate the good things in your life, and be thankful for the time you have with your loved ones. Spend more time with your family and friends. Appreciate the simple things in life, and don't get caught up in material things. If you follow that advice you can't go wrong! So the next time you're looking at a situation in your life: Is the cup Or is the cup half empty? half full? Be an optimist and see the cup as being half full. Before long, your attitude will rub off on others. You can make the world a better place by simply making yourself a happier person. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. Here's one to get you started. Have a terrific day! -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Attitude Is Everything!- Until We Write Again!- God's Water Paintings!- God's Paintings!- Whale Rescue!- Sweet Baby Overload!- Top Ways To Stay Healthy!- Tricks For Treats 2!- I Believe In You!- Awww Animals 4!- Rarely Seen Babies!- Thoughts For Today!- Proud Of Our Troops!- Believe In Your Dreams!- Bible: Our Valuable Anchor!- Val's Stationery Creations -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Toss juggling is hard enough as it is, but contact juggling is absolutely amazing. Contact juggling is different because it focuses on object manipulation and the illusions that can be created through the positioning of the object in regards to the body. It sounds pretty complex, so watch this video to see how incredible contact juggling really is. --- ...Totally mesmerizing! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- >From Our Friend Victor :) Here's a budget breakdown of a couple that makes $200,000 a year and yet is scraping by --- ...Not good! Geography plays a big factor too. Thanks Victor! Here's the WH recommended reads: New Tax Code will Accelerate Financial Growth for Middle Class Workers... “TAX REFORM WILL GIVE WORKERS A RAISE” - Lawrence Lindsey, The Wall Street Journal Laura Olson of The Morning Call reports President Trump will pitch his tax plan to “roughly 1,000 people, including lots of truckers,” in Harrisburg, PA on Wednesday. The President plans to speak about how his plan “will benefit truckers by lowering their tax rates, boosting manufacturing, and making it easier for families to pass their trucking business onto their children,” Olson writes. Tony Sayegh writes in Wisconsin Business Voice that “it is time for lawmakers to put partisanship aside and come together to get our economy and wages growing at a much faster rate,” calling President Trump’s tax plan a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to put “America first.” Joseph Lawler reports President Trump’s tax reform plan looks to “increase the typical family’s earnings by $4,000,” an estimate that remains consistent with his argument that lowering the corporate tax rate and reforming corporate taxes will raise earnings for the American people. Andy Puzder, opinion contributor at The Hill, comments that the 16-year low unemployment rate of 4.2 percent is a result of President Trump’s deregulation efforts, which have led to “businesses across the country are [sic] hiring and more Americans are [sic] working better jobs for higher pay.” Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From Voice Of The Martyrs: 50 Years Ago This Month /,, /\ ) \,' /`'`\ , ,@, ,@@@, ,@@@@@, `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` `@@@@@@@@@@@` ,@@@@@@`@@@@@@, @@@@` `@@@@ ;@` `@; _ _ _ _ ( ( ( |_) ~ ~ ~ | What we have forgotten about Communism... >It Started with One Imprisoned Pastor Pastor Richard Wurmbrand left his apartment and headed to church as usual one Sunday morning in February 1948, but he never arrived at church that day. Instead, he was kidnapped off the streets by Romanian secret police. He would spend 14 years in Communist prisons. When he came down with tuberculosis and appeared close to death, guards moved Pastor Wurmbrand into the “death cell.” But he didn’t die. Instead, he survived and was eventually ransomed out of Romania. After arriving in the West, he immediately began to tell the story of his imprisonment and the many Christians still suffering in Communist prisons behind the Iron Curtain. In October 1967 — 50 years ago this month — those stories were typed up and mailed out to Christians who wanted to know more. It was the first issue of what later became the VOM newsletter. A ministry was born. Select the link below to watch a video, and request a free DVD to share with your church family on IDOP Sunday, Nov. 5. Watch a Video Story from Richard’s Life ============================================================= _____ (((\\\\\ )_ \\\| / \\|\/ \\( ), & \) ( (( |` \\ ))) _ | \` __| ` | , \ ` , \ | \ ,\ , \ ' \/ \_ \/ \ `_,`-._ ` \ ejm / `-. _ \ ` / ,`. \ === / '== =`. | ==== / | === ` / /========= / | / , /______| / , ======== __-' | = === / ,======= ' - -- ( \ \ \ ` \ ` \ ` \_____ \ / ` _/ / '-- ' >My Turn to Break Down Story Editor: by John Stevens Clayton Bennett Florida, USA I've been in the pressure cleaning business since 1979, and one of my accounts was a large grocery store chain in Florida. One day in 1984, I came out of a store after dropping off the invoice for the previous night's work, and spotted a woman walking with two small children. She was probably in her early thirties, with dishwater-blonde, shoulder-length hair. One of her children was a boy, about six years old; the other, a girl, looked like she was about four. When her little family arrived at their car, I heard it try and fail to start -- and then the battery went dead. In my truck, I had a battery load tester as well as tools, so I asked her if I could help. She just broke down and started crying. She said her husband had died without insurance, so she and her children were going back home -- somewhere in New England. The young woman had purchased a quart of milk, bread and bologna. She gave it to the children, who acted as if they hadn't eaten in a while. She said she only had $10 to her name, and was going to try begging for money when she ran out of gas. The weather was terribly hot, and the air conditioner in her car didn't work. Her car battery had a dead cell, so I removed the whole battery. Then I went to a parts store, bought a new battery, and installed it in her car. I remember wondering if that old car would make it up to New England, but I could only do so much. Just to make sure she'd be able to get somewhere, I dumped two 5-gallon cans of gas in her tank and gave her $50 in cash. Wouldn't you know it, she started crying all over again. She told me she couldn't afford to repay me right then, so I gave her my business card and told her to pay me when she could. She just kept thanking me over and over and over. I figured I'd never see that money again, but at least I felt good by helping her and her children. My late wife of 27 years used to get halfway mad at me, because I was always stopping to help disabled motorists, who most of the time simply ran out of gas. I just helped because I could. In all those years, only one person took the time to repay me. Almost three years after helping that young mother I received a letter from an unknown address. I opened it to find a money order for $95 and a short note. It was from that young woman, telling me she was finally back on her feet, and thanking me again for helping her when she was broke and broken down. She said she would never forget my kindness. Now it was my turn to shed the tears. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Our Friend Fran :) _ \`*-. ) _`-. . : `. . : _ ' \ ; *` _. `*-._ `-.-' `-. ; ` `. :. . \ . \ . : .-' . ' `+.; ; ' : : ' | ; ;-. ; ' : :`-: _.`* ; [bug] .*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*' `*-* `*-* `*-*' When I was young, fear was a strong influence on many aspects of my life. I've since come to understand that many people go through this, and that as a part of our development we learn how to overcome everyday fears. But it took me a long time, and I needed the help of another person. In my junior year of college in Boston, I adopted a cat. It wasn't a well thought out idea -- especially since I lived in a school dormitory! Fortunately I had a single room, and Neebo, as I called her, was perfectly happy there. She would acknowledge and greet visitors, but was utterly devoted to me. Just having her sit on my lap and purr as I petted her was soothing. As I graduated and moved on to New York, Neebo went with me. She never complained, was always waiting for me when I came home, and came whenever I called her. When times were tough we shared ham sandwiches until I could afford cat food. In the mid-80s I decided to go abroad for a year to work in Japan. I arranged for Neebo to stay with an old friend in Brooklyn. About three months after I arrived in Tokyo I got a phone call from my friend: Neebo was not taking this change well. She took every opportunity to escape, wasn't eating, and seemed quite disturbed. I had decided to stay in Japan for a while, so we made arrangements to ship her to me. She arrived, and after a few days we quickly resumed our life together. After a couple years I noticed Neebo licking a sore on her abdomen. As months went by, the sore became an ugly wound. I avoided taking her to the veterinarian because, what if she had something serious or terminal? I dreaded losing her more than anything else at the time. One day my good friend, Kathy, noticed Neebo licking her wound. "Andrew" she said "I think it would be a good idea if you took Neebo to the vet and had that checked out." She didn't scold me or point out that I was endangering my beloved cat, she just told me what I ought to do. And so I did. Neebo did not live much longer. The vet told me her form of cancer was fatal even before symptoms arose, which slightly assuaged my guilt. Kathy and I are still friends, she and her husband in Washington, my wife and I in San Francisco. I often remind her of that day and what it did for me. 25 years later, I have never let fear stop me from doing something I know I have to do. That's the lesson I took from Kathy's words that day in Tokyo, and it has served me well time and time again. by Andrew Scal --- ...Yes, A great reminder! Thanks Fran! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >No Fear In Love by emb The bible puts it simply... 1 John 4 [18] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I was taught to memorize bible verses to use when I was in special need. The bible is our weapon against the devil... Eph.6 [17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Heb.4 [12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Anyway, I had some particular trying times in the 90's. My doctor had thought I was having schizophrenia problems as I was hearing voices and seeing hallucinations. It reminded me of what a bad acid trip might be like. But for me it was never ending and was my experience every waking minute. The only thing I could do was remember the first half of this verse to help me overcome my extreme fear... 1 John 4 [18a] There is no fear in love; I would recite this and renew my mind to God's Word so that the things that were happening in my life that were making me want to cower in a fetal position in a corner would go away. I could face this without fear - because as we all know, God is love. 1 John 4: [16] And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. So if I believed in God and loved Him, then fear had no place in me. I remember reciting this 'There is no fear in love' over and over again. It was the only thing that got me through my most desperate of times. I am sure many will not agree with this, but I found my problems that mimicked schizophrenia were caused by my overactive thyroid. Once my thyroid was shut down, all my schizophrenia symptoms were shut down as well. It is therefore my belief that many people suffering from schizophrenia should start taking thyroid medicine to shut down their own thyroid to see if their symptoms go away as mine did. The medicine they gave me to control my symptoms before learning of my thyroid problem only made me want to sleep all day. With a family to care for and raise, this was not a good option. I wound up throwing most of it in the garbage every chance I could and got so I didn't tell anyone what was really going on with me. I tried my best to fake being normal - I wasn't really seeing that floating in the air or outside of our window and I didn't really hear it just say that. Oh, sure, you have my full attention - NOT! Yes, they had checked my thyroid for problems but found none. I am most thankful my thyroid problems finally became evident after a year and a half with it causing my neck to swell. I was later put on thyroid medicine to shut it down. No more scary visions or voices every day! Thank God! I'll always remember the bible verse that kept my sanity - 1 John 4 [18] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. ========================================================== >-->From Kidwarmers: .-..-. (-o/\o-) /`""``""`\ \ /.__.\ / \ `--` / `) (' , /::::\ , |'.\::::/.'| _| ';::;' |_ (::) || (::) _. "| || |" _(:) '. || .' /::\ '._||_.' \::/ /::::\ /:::\ \::::/ _\:::/ /::::\_.._ _.._ _.._ _.._/::::\ \::::/::::\/::::\/::::\/::::\::::/ jgs `""`\::::/\::::/\::::/\::::/`""` `""` `""` `""` `""` >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY One evening, after having a small disagreement with her husband, Cyrethia walked into their room, mumbling under her breath. Ceylor, 3, was sitting on the floor, reading a book. A few minutes passed and Cyrethia heard her asking her Daddy questions. She said, "Daddy, are you OK? Does your head hurt? Daddy, do you need to go to the hospital?" After each question he replied, "No, I am fine. Why are you asking?" Finally Ceylor replied, "Because I heard Mommy say that you were sick in the head." -- Cyrethia Vines of Lynn Haven, Florida Leon was a stickler for details. He kept himself meticulously groomed. Shoes shined. Hair just right. One day he was crossing the street with little Cathy Lynn. A car was coming really close. Cathy Lynn cautioned, "Uncle Leon, you had better watch it. You are going to get your shoes run over!" -- Delores Mays (aunt of Cathy Lynn) of St. Louis, Missouri MiKenzie, 4, was very excited because her parents' new car has "sunglasses" (tinted windows)!" -- Anne (grandmother of MiKenzie) of Cherry Valley, Illinois ` . , * , ` *~.|,~* ' ' ,~*~~* ` _ ,* / \`* ' // ,* ; \,O. // ,(:::)=// ( `~(###) %---'`"y \ / \ / __)(__ hjw '------` Ever since Jamari has been 18 months old there have been regular times for his grandmother to take him on an outing and then they'd get an ice cream. One day his grandmother had to take him to the grocery store with her first. In the store he had to talk to everybody. Two elderly ladies were talking with him and out of the blue he said, "My Umma is senile. She told me so." His grandmother could have died.... yes, she is always saying that when she can't find something. But that's not the end of the story. In her rush to pick Jamari up, his grandmother had quickly put on her tennis shoes. She was in the store, looked down for something, and saw she had on two different tennis shoes. Without thinking, his grandmother said, "Jamari, I told you Umma was senile; she can't even put on a matching pair of shoes." They left the store and went to get ice cream. While their order was being filled Jamari told the people at the counter, "Umma's senile and she don't know how to match her shoes!" -- Sherry Blevins (Umma) of Borger, Texas Alex, 9, took his grandmother by the arm to help her. She was having difficulty that day as her arthritis was acting up. She thanked him for helping her and he answered, "You're welcome, Meme. You can be my practice mommy til my mommy gets old." -- Joan Aronberg (Meme) of New Bedford, Massachusetts Amberlyn was at Wal-Mart with her mother. She wanted a toy, but her mother said, "No, we are not buying toys today but maybe you can ask Santa to bring it to you." Amberlyn was indignant: "NO, Santa don't shop at WAL-MART!" -- Dart Rhoades (mother of Amberlyn) of San Diego Elena tells about when her father took her 5-year-old sister shopping. On the way home they got pulled over by an officer. Elena's father drove an old 1977 Ford van so you couldn't tell if he was wearing a seat belt, it only went around his stomach. Well, when the officer approached him, he asked him if he was wearing his seat belt, and he answered, "Yes, Sir, I am." Elena's little sister heard the conversation and she yelled out, "Daddy, I wasn't wearing my seat belt!" -- Elena Rodriguez of Houston, Texas .... .: :..:::::' ..:.::'''' ''' .. . . .':: ::'' .. .. .::'' ''' ':::' .::.':: .'..::::::. ..:.::::: '.. :.'.:''' ...:''' '':'::':' '' :^ ^ 'o> .:''' :..' '. ''''':: ': ......... : :. ...::''' ' ' '''::. .:: ':::.:':''''' :::':. .::' ::: ::' ::. ...::. .::' . '''.' . :. '::. ::... . .'.''':::. ':. ....:::::':::::. ':::.. .:' .:'.:.'::::::' ' ':::.. ':::::. ....:::::.. .:::::::'' ' '':. '':' .':.:.:::::::'. ...:: '' .'.'' .':'::' LGB .::' .'':: ' ':':'.. . '''.' While driving on a rural road in Connecticut, 4-year-old Allyson observed a Deer Crossing sign and shouted, "Mommy! I just saw a sign with a picture of a deer on it! That must mean that we're very close to the North Pole and Santa Claus!" When Mommy informed her it was a way to warn drivers that deer lived in the woods nearby, Allyson exclaimed, "Wow! You mean that reindeer live here, too?" -- Allyson's mom of Easton, Connecticut As everyone knows after the hurricanes there were tornadoes in the South. Little Sara asked, "Did the tornado come here?" Her grandma, Janice, said, "Yes, in the early hours today." Sara replied, "Bad tornado... I'm going to spank it or shoot it with a BB gun!" -- Janice Finley of Arab, Alabama | -+- _ Todd and Laura _|_ {@} _|=|_ /___\ /(")\ (") .---'-'---. /((~))\/\ _ .-. /___________\ ~~/@\~~\|_|/ ((_)) | A /^\ A | / \ ||| ((_)) '-' | |"| | /~@~@~\ ||| '-' ldb_|___|_|___|_____/_______\|||___December 14th 2000___ The year was 1961. Nubar and Ruth were about to be married in the Enon Methodist Church on June 24. There was a rehearsal the evening before at the church. Their ring bearer was Mark, 5, the son of their minister. When it was his turn to walk down the aisle at the rehearsal, he would not go without his Mommy. So Nubar asked Mark's mother if there was anything he would like to have. She said he had wanted a bow and arrow for some time. Nubar told Mark that if he would walk down the aisle without his Mommy at the wedding he would get him a bow and arrow. Sure enough the next day he walked the aisle like a trooper. At the reception, Mark came over and tugged on Nubar's jacket and asked, "Where is my bow and arrow?" Nubar left the reception to go to the car and retrieve the bow and arrow! (Note from Grace: When I first read this story from Ruth I immediately thought of Cupid!) -- Ruth Najarian of Fairborn, Ohio Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference as the source. ========================================================== /^L_ ,."\ /~\ __ /~ \ ./ \ / _\ _/ \ /T~\|~\_\ / \_ /~| _^ / \ /W \ / V^\/X /~ T . \/ \ ,v-./ ,'`-. /~ ^ H , . \/ ; . \ `. \-' / M ~ | . ; / , _ : . ~\_,-' / ~ . \ / : ' \ ,/` I o. ^ oP '98b - _ 9.` `\9b. 8oO888. oO888P d888b9bo. .8o 888o. 8bo. o 988o. 88888888888888888888888888bo.98888888bo. 98888bo. .d888P 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888P" "" " """9888P" P" "8P" ""*9888888888 Veer Kothari + Ojosh!ro >-->His Promise Land Man struggles and works, Each waking hour To amass a fortune, Fame and more power. We've conditioned ourselves, To accumulate more We call it success, It's a disgrace to be poor. We lie and cheat, And through unopposed greed We keep hoarding more, Than we'll ever need. We stop and reflect, Some time in our life If what we accomplished, Is worth all the strife. There's so much around us, That GOD gives us FREE Just open your eyes, And what do you see? The sweet green grass, The sky of blue The misty fog, The morning dew. Majestic Mountains, That touch the sky Ducks on the pond, And the butterfly. Vast quiet deserts, That calm the soul A friendly oasis, And its waterhole. A ragging rapid, With its waterfall The lonely wolf, And his mating call. Mighty ocean waves, That touch the shore The flight of an eagle, As he glides and soars All the beautiful flowers, The fields of grain A quiet walk, Down a country lane. The land, the water, The air that we breathe A winter's snowflake, And autumn leaves. The list is endless, Earth's beauty abounds Taste all of life's pleasures, Hear all the sounds. Just stop and enjoy, Reach out your hand Ask GOD to show you, HIS PROMISED LAND! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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