Nobody Needs Your Religion... :) Shangy!
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"We are each of us angels with but one wing,
and can only fly by embracing each other"
-Luciano Decrescenzo
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Elrhea Bigham
502 S. Harrison
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>-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :)
This sizzling hot new page is from our friends Geniann, LouiseAu
and Bunni. It is sure to spike your aww meter for the day and
give you plenty of warm smiles. Check it out here...
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Animal Friends 6
...Awww, so cute! Love this series! Thanks Ladies!
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*~* Another Super Duper Caring And Sharing Month Last Month!
Please Be Sure To Visit And Share These With Your Friends:
Revenge Parking!
Morons At Work 5!
Unique Homes!
Houses Of Power!
IRONIC Isn't It 3?
Amazing Benches!
Amazing Benches 2!
Polar Bear Twins!
Orangutan Mom And Son!
Beautiful Monarch Butterflies!
Thoughts Into Action 9!
God's Sky Paintngs!
Sands Of Normandy!
Normandy Then And Now!
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* Abundant Thanks And God's Blessings To All Our Contributors!
>-->From Heartwarmers:
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Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older
woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags
weren't good for the environment.
The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing
back in my earlier days."
The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation
did not care enough to save our environment for future generations."
She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its
Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to
the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and
sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over.
So they really were recycled.
But we didn't have the green thing back in our day.
Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we
reused for numerous things, most memorable besides household garbage
bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our
schoolbooks. This was to ensure that public property (the books
provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our
scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the
brown paper bags.
But too bad we didn't do the green thing back then.
We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every
store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't
climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.
But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.
Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the
throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling
machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry
our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes
from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.
But that young lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in
our day.
Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every
room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief
(remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In
the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have
electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile
item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion
it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up
an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower
that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to
go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.
We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup
or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled
writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the
razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just
because the blade got dull.
Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their
bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour
taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire
bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a
computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000
miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.
But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old
folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then?
>-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :)
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>All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From My Cat
When in doubt, cop an attitude.
Life is hard, then you nap.
Nap often.
Climb your way to the top ... that's why the drapes are there.
When you go out into the world, remember: being placed on a pedestal
is a right, not a privilege.
Make the world your playground.
Whenever you miss the sandbox, cover it up. Dragging a sock over
it helps.
If you can't get your way, lay across the keyboard till you do.
When you are hungry, meow loudly so they feed you just to shut you up.
Always find a good patch of sun to nap in.
When in trouble, just purr and look cute.
Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.
Variety is the spice of life. One day, ignore people; the next day,
annoy them.
Make your mark in the world, or at least spray in each corner.
Always give generously; a bird or rodent left on the bed tells
them, "I care".
...HaHa! Cute! Thanks LouiseAu!
>-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo:
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>When Satan Comes Calling
Key Bible Verse: We know how much God loves us, and we have put our
trust in him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and
God lives in them (1 John 4:16). Bonus Reading: 1 John 4:15-19
A stalwart believer who worked in the mines was injured at a young age
and became bed-ridden. Life passed him by.
When he was old, a young-er man visited. "I hear that you believe in
God," he said. "How can you with what's happened to you? Don't you
sometimes doubt God's love?"
"Yes," the old miner admitted. "Sometimes Satan sits by my bed where
you're sitting now. He points out my window to the strong, still-
active men I once worked with, and asks, 'Does Jesus love you?' Then
he casts a jeering glance around my tattered room, points to the fine
homes of my friends, and asks again, 'Does Jesus love you?' Finally
Satan points to the grandchild of a friend of mine—a man who has
everything I don't—and whispers, 'Does Jesus really love you?'"
"And what do you say?" asked the young man.
"In my mind," the old miner said, "I take Satan by the hand to
Calvary. There I point to the thorn-tortured brow, to the nail-
pierced hands and feet, and to the spear-wounded side. Then I ask
Satan, 'Doesn't Jesus love me?' "
— Bryan Chapell in The Wonder of It All
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by Stephen Covey
Being loyal to those who are absent and assuming good faith of others
are keys to building trust in a culture. The ultimate test of principle-
centered leadership is to be loyal to people who are absent when their
names come up in conversations and meetings. When other people are not
with you, they're in the dark they don't know what's happening, what
you're saying about them, and whether you are loyal to them. And that's
when you show your true character. That doesn't mean you're not critical.
You could be critical. But you're constructively critical and loyal to
the point that you would not be ashamed if they happened to overhear the
conversation, or if word got back to them, as it often does. You don't
just sit on the sideline cutting, labeling, and stereotyping people and
then look for evidence to support it.
Once I was a faculty member at a university in Hawaii. I was very upset
about our housing situation, and so I went directly to the president,
since he worked with me on my visiting professorship. In the meeting, I
complained about his housing director, who seemed to me to be
incompetent and uncaring. The president immediately said to me,
"Stephen, I'm sorry to hear about your housing situation, but I want
you to know that our housing director is a very fine and competent
person. Why don't we have him come here right now so we can solve the
problem together."
Can you see how loyal the president was toward that man? I was
embarrassed because the president was so right in what he was doing.
I hesitated to say to him, "No, you go ahead and handle it. I just
wanted you to be aware of the problem," because he was forcing me to
take the responsible position, too.
Well, the president got on the phone and invited this man to join us.
Soon I could see this guy walking across the campus. Meanwhile, I was
thinking, "I wonder if I communicated clearly? Maybe I'm partly
responsible for this mess." By the time the housing director arrived,
I was very mellow and humble. I was also very impressed by the
character of this president, by his loyalty to the absent, even though
it was embarrassing to me. The president was teaching me a correct
principle the hard way.
When the housing director entered the room, my whole spirit had changed.
I was nice to the guy: "How are you? Nice to see you." Just minutes
before, I was criticizing the guy behind his back, so the president
could sense my duplicity, adding to my embarrassment. But this was a
powerful learning experience for me. I learned not to talk behind
people's backs in ways that I would be ashamed to have them overhear.
People who are present know you would do the same thing to them,
especially if there was a strain on your relationship.
One time I told this story in a speech. After my speech, an executive
vice president of a large bank came up to me and said, "I've had a
similar experience. I visited a branch bank and was served by one of
the tellers. The service was so poor that I complained to the
department head about the woman who served me. Most department heads
are so awed by my very presence that they can hardly even deal with
me. But this department head said, 'I'm sorry to hear about your bad
experience. She's such a fine person. Let's call her in and talk this
through together. Maybe you can tell her directly what your experience
was.'" The VP then said to the department head, "No, go ahead and
handle it. I just wanted you to be aware. I don't want to get
involved." But the department head said to this executive VP, "Well I
know that if it were me, I'd want to get involved. If you were this
teller, wouldn't you want to be involved?" Imagine the courage it took
for this department head to deal with the executive vice president of
the bank in that direct, truthful manner. The answer was so self-
evident: "Yeah, I guess I would." "Well, then, let's call her in." So
she came in, and they dealt with it. The person received the feedback,
and it was handled in a responsible way.
The vice president then told me, "Later when we were trying to select
a president for one of our branch banks, I nominated this department
head totally on the basis of that experience, because I knew if he
would have such courage, honesty, and loyalty to someone who wasn't
there in the face of a highly positioned individual, he would handle
other matters with integrity. So I nominated that person to be the new
president without knowing anything more about him."
Story 3. Once a manager of a remote service station trained his new
attendants how to make higher-margin revenue from customers who drove
into the station by teaching the attendants how to find problems inside
a car that weren't there. So, when a car pulls in, the manager first
sees the plates and says, "Notice this is an out-of-towner. That means
you'll probably never see the person again. So probe to learn if the
person knows anything about his car. Talk to him about some technical
thing under the hood. You might say, 'Your starting motor looks like
it might go out on you.' If the person says, 'Starting motor? What's
that?' then you know you've got a total idiot, so you can do whatever
you want." You then say, "Well, if it were my car, I wouldn't want to
take a chance with my starting motor, especially driving through the
desert. I could be stranded." "I can't have that happen. What should I
do?" "Well, we could give you a good deal on a new one. I'll sell you
one at cost and throw in all the labor free." So the victim thinks,
"What a deal I got! I only had to pay $200 for the starting motor. It
was normally $349 with labor." But the manager winks at his attendants,
knowing he has a 40-percent margin built into the price of the motor.
Later, the attendants huddle and say to each other, "Now, if this guy
would do that to his customers, how is he going to deal with us?" Each
attendant knows that the manager will look for ways to cheat them as
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>Enough is enough
What does it take to make you happy? How much must you have to be
To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of old shoes. To the man with
old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s
more stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would be
happy being barefoot.
This leads to the ancient insight: If you want to be happy, count your
blessings, not your burdens. Measure your life by what you have, not by
what you don’t.
Yet in our modern world where we’re continually exposed to endless
increments of more and better – others with more money, better TVs, and
bigger houses – this is very difficult.
For some people, the pleasure of having something good is drained as
soon as they see someone else with something better. Our sense of
contentment is created or destroyed by comparisons.
A life consumed with unfulfilled wants is an affliction. The antidote
is understanding the concept of "enough."
Start by thinking more clearly about the difference between your needs
and your wants, between sufficiency and abundance.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more and
striving to fill our lives with things and experiences that give us
pleasure, so long as we don’t believe we need whatever we want.
When we think we need what we really only want, we make our desires
preconditions to happiness, thereby diminishing our ability to
appreciate and enjoy what we do have.
It’s easy to think that happiness is achieved by getting what we want
when it’s really a matter of wanting what we get.
In the end, enough is enough
- Michael Josephson
>Links for Your Enjoyment:
Our Gifts And Callings!
Value What You Have
City Silhouettes!-
Thank You Lord!-
Maria The Goose!-
At The Car Wash!-
Adam In Paradise!-
Hippo And Tortoise!-
Playing With Words!-
Mother Horse's Love!-
Sand Sculpture Art 3!-
Crocodile Man!-
Tale Of Two Swallows!-
Attitude Is Everything 5!-
Kyle The Goose!-
There's Something About Mona 2!-
Snowflake The Duck!-
Beautiful Exotic Birds!-
The Black Dot!-
>Please Add/Follow Me On StumbleUpon Here:
>In The News:
BREAKING: Captain America Actor Receives Bad News After Attacking
Trump On 24/7 Rant
...Why? He's for abortion and President Trump is pro-life. He calls
Us who voted for Trump the ignorant masses just voting for him
because we wanted something new. Silly.
This from Students For Life:
Planned Parenthood aborted more preborn babies last year (328,348)
than it did the year before (323,999). Every single day, 897 little
boys and girls have their lives ended at the hands of Planned
Parenthood abortionists.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood performed 19,843 fewer breast exams
and pap tests than they did during their 2014-2015 fiscal year.
The bottom line is this:
Last fiscal year, Planned Parenthood received more taxpayer dollars
from us, committed more abortions, and performed fewer real
healthcare services that women actually need.
Over the coming weeks, the latest ObamaCare replacement bill – which
would defund Planned Parenthood of over $400 million, giving that
money instead to local Federally Qualified Health Centers that do
not perform abortions – will be debated and voted on in the U.S.
Senate, so it’s critical that you and I continue to ramp up the
pressure on Washington, D.C.
Why would we vote for Hillary just because we want unborn babies
killed? She did everything against America except possibly sell
Russia the White House kitchen sink. She would have too if they had
made her a decent offer! She put all our brave patriotic heroes at
risk with her unsecured use of US classified information on her many
phones and computer devices. We are learning now the extent at how
much she and the Obama administration went to lengths to secure their
own jobs against all of us by using the power of their positions in
Government. I think it was treasonous what she did. Selling out
America to our enemies just so she could make millions in secret
House Panel’s ‘unmasking’ Subpoenas Unleashes Political Feud
He's right - Julian Assange Slams Bitter Hillary Clinton: ‘You
Can’t Blame Wikileaks For Your Failures, Blame Yourself’
>From Our Friend Melody :)
Christus Gardens Wax Museum at Holyland Experience
A tour inside the burial site of Jesus Christ
...Wow! Pretty Cool! Thanks Melody!
>From Our Friend Karen :)
I love Aaron Wilburn ...!!
...TeeHee! Thanks Karen!
>From Our Friend LouiseAU :)
A breathtaking look at the massive continent of Africa filmed by drone
for Rhino Africa, a leading safari company. I was lucky enough to
visit Africa and see some of these wild animals on a short one-day
safari to Tsavo East National Park in Kenya.
The Friesian is a horse breed originating in Friesland, Netherlands.
Friesians are graceful and nimble for their size. Though the breed
nearly became extinct on more than one occasion, the modern day
Friesian horse is growing in numbers and popularity. With their black,
shiny coat, their noble standing, their large, muscular bodies and
strong spirit - these horses truly display the traits and grace that
make us to fall in love with them.
...Beautiful! Thanks LouiseAu!
Visit Melissa's Online Store
You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at
the online store
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>Assistance on Icy Ground Story Editor:
by The Bystander Joyce Schowalter
England, United Kingdom
One freezing November day I drove to the market along an icy road. As I
came around the corner, a motorcyclist was on the freezing ground, his
bike partly under a car. I joined the crowd of people surrounding him
hoping to help. He was bleeding, his left ankle and leg clearly broken,
and perhaps worse, he was struggling to breathe.
The man whose car had hit the motorcyclist was hysterical, yelling, "My
God, I didn't see him, I didn't even see him!"
Then a car pulled up, and a heavy lady with a stick hopped out. She told
her husband, "Get my first-aid kit and blankets." She put bystanders to
work: "Direct traffic around us." "Put out those cigarettes!" "Go to the
intersection and flag the ambulance." People were grateful to be useful.
She knelt on the icy ground and assessed the motorcyclist. He was in the
middle of an asthma attack, so she helped him use his inhaler, calmed
him and gave him a sense of safety. I could see his breathing improve.
She smiled, "I'm a nurse, I'm going to help you. Just be calm. The
ambulance will be here soon. Everything will be OK." She quickly
splinted his ankle and leg.
She turned to the driver of the car, and said, "He's OK, now go sit,
it's all right." The warmth of her words calmed the hysterical man.
When the ambulance arrived half an hour later, she handed over his care
and offered to call the motorcyclist's wife to meet him at the hospital.
I overheard, "Your husband is OK, no, he's fine, really, but he's been
in a little accident...."
As police spoke to the car's driver, with the ambulance on the way, we
all began to leave. Then I saw the nurse's husband helping her to her
feet, and supporting her as she struggled to walk back to her car. As
he walked around to his door, I asked her husband if she was OK.
"She has a spinal injury and is in constant pain, and kneeling on the
cold ground is about the worst thing for her," he said. "She'll be in
bed for a week now."
I asked why she stopped. He looked at me and said, "She's a nurse. She
couldn't possibly drive by anyone who needed her, no matter what. She
doesn't care about her own pain... well, she's a nurse, that's all."
She called him to the car. They waved goodbye.
About a month later, I saw the motorcyclist in a local coffee shop and
asked how he was doing. "Great!" he said, "You know that nurse saved my
leg? The blood flow to my foot stopped; she fixed it when she splinted
my leg. If we'd waited for the ambulance it would have been too late.
She didn't give my wife her name, do you know her?"
All her husband said, I replied, was: "She's a nurse".
>-->From LaughAndLift:
"Christians don't work in order to go to heaven; they work because they
are going to heaven. Arrogance and fear are replaced with gratitude and
joy." - Max L. Lucado
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>Nobody Needs Your Religion
(By Stan Buckley)
Nobody needs your religion. It's true. Nobody needs your religion.
Nobody. And they never have. The people of Jesus' day did not need any
more religion. There was plenty around but it wasn't what they needed.
The blind and the deaf and the sinful and the leprous and the demon-
possessed and the crippled and the prostitutes and the swindlers - the
outcasts of society - did not need man's religion.
Becoming religious would not have given them sight or hearing or
forgiveness or clean bodies or sanity or working legs or a new life or
a second chance. If they had only become religious, they would have
been merely blind people who were religious, deaf people who were
religious, sinful people who were religious, leprous people who were
religious, demon-possessed people who were religious, crippled people
who were religious, prostitutes who were religious, swindlers who were
They didn't need religion. They needed Jesus. They needed His presence
and His power and His love. They needed Him. And when they experienced
Him, everything changed.
How often today do we Christ-followers offer our religion to a hurting
and hopeless world? We offer them our organization and our morals and
our culture and our way of doing things. We offer them our traditions
and our songs and our styles. We offer them our denominations and our
organizational charts and our complexities and our list of religious
things to do and to not do. And some of them accept our offer. But at
the end of the day they are still blind and deaf and sinful and leprous
and demon-possessed and crippled.
What if, instead of offering our religion, we offered them Jesus? What
if we introduced them to the One who could give them sight and hearing
and forgiveness? What if we introduced them to the One who could give
them the abundant life today and eternal life that begins now and goes
forever? It seems that the offer of Jesus would be so much more
valuable, infinitely more valuable, than the offer of our religion:
you know, our rules made by men; our organizations; our stones tied
around the necks of lost and hopeless people.
And what if they embraced Jesus and after that we still refused to
entangle them in our religion? What if, instead of trying to turn them
into good religious people, we just kept teaching them about Jesus?
What if we helped them to become not better religious people but
better disciples of this Jesus?
What if this Jesus was the primary topic of conversation in our
churches and our small groups and our Bible studies and all of our
religious gatherings, both formal and informal? What if we talked more
about this Jesus than we talked about our religion, our organizations,
our denominations, our structures, our power struggles, who we are for
and who we are against, and all the other things that, if we were
finally honest, we would admit take up the vast majority of our time
and our energy and our conversations, but have little or nothing to do
with Jesus?
It's true. Nobody needs your religion. But they sure could use your
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>-->From Kidwarmers:
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Katelyn, 2, and her mother were blowing bubbles. They were having fun
when Katelyn asked very seriously, "Where do bubbles go?" Her mother
asked her where she thought they went. Katelyn said that bubbles go to
heaven to be kisses for her grandpa and her sister. - Dawn Keen (mother
of Katelyn) of New Mexico
Grandpa Smith took Shae, 8, mushroom hunting in the woods. When they
got in the woods Shae told Grandpa, "This looks like Avater!" - Mike
and Janice Smith (grandparents) of Corunna, Indiana
When Beverly's two granddaughters were small she asked them if
they would like to go to the movies to see "The Parent Trap." They
both said "yes." After about 30 minutes of the movie the youngest
granddaughter pulled on Beverly's sleeve and said, "Grandma, where are
the parrots?" -Beverly Hughes of Moreno Valley, California
Jacob, 4, had spent the night with his grandparents and it was time to
take him home. He asked to spend the night again that night. When he
was told that he had school the next morning he replied, "No, I don't...
I quit." - Cathy Youngblood of Carthage, Texas
Here are more from Cathy. When his grandfather takes him home Jacob
and his grandfather always race to the car. Of course Jacob always
wins. He laughs and enjoys the game. As soon as he gets in he says,
"I'm tired of that game. Don't want to play it anymore." They repeat
this game every time and every time he says the same thing.
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Jacob, 4, was at Nana and Papa's. Nana told Jacob she was fixing to
take her bath. Jacob said, "OK. Just yell if you need anything."
Jacob was yawning but didn't want to go to sleep. When Nana asked if
he was sleepy, he said, "No, I'm just playing like I am."
Erin shares this serious talk she had with her daughter Ella, 3,
recently. Erin: Ella, if you were ever lost, let's practice what you
would say. Ella: Uh, OK. Erin: What are your parents' names? Ella:
Mommy and Daddy. Erin: No, what do other people call me? Ella: Stinky.
Erin: Uh, I hope not. Anyway, where do you live? Ella: Eyeballs. (Erin
doesn't know why but Ella talks about eyeballs all the time.) Erin:
You know where you live. Ella: Indiana Erin: Well, more specifically.
Where at in Indiana? Ella: In my house. Erin: Uh, we'll work more on
this later. -Erin Doucette of Huntertown, Indiana, is KPC's
presentation editor.
When Lisa's family got a fish for a pet, Lisa told Nolan, 5, that they
couldn't feed the fish too much because it would get sick. Nolan said,
"But we could just get him some medicine and let him swim in it."
-Lisa Billingsley of Scaly Mountain, North Carolina
Kyler, 7, was taking a rest during all the excitement of the petting
zoo at his sister's birthday party. He was lying on a big tree trunk
left on the ground for everyone to sit on. His grandmother walked by
and asked, "A penny for your thoughts." Kyler sweetly sat up and
replied, "Well, I really don't need any money right now." - Shari
Mallory-Maxa (grandmother of Kyler) of Austin, Texas
Tony asked Izaak, 7, to go into the garage and get something. He
turned on the garage light, but apparently the other light switch was
stuck halfway, for the light did not come on. His concern was, "Daddy,
I think we're out of electricity in the garage." - Tony Carson of
Holly Springs, North Carolina
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Alexis, a third grader, told her mother, "Mom, I'm writing a musical
play. I was inspired by the Phantom of the Oprah!" - Cecelia of St
Louis, Missouri (aunt of Alexis of Clay Center, Kansas)
Breann, 5, Huntertown, was with her mother who babysits a 7
month-old. Breann's mom was holding the baby boy on her lap. Breann
took his hand and said, "If you were 5 years old I would marry you
because you are such a cutie pie!" - Zelma Feltner (grandmother) of
Kendallville, Indiana
Here is another story from Zelma. Breann was spending the night with
Zelma. She said, "Grandma, my dream is to be a fashion model when I
grow up... There is one problem. I will have to get fake teeth because
my teeth aren't as white as the models on TV."
Anne heard this from her niece, Beth Jackson, about Trey, 3, who said,
"I want to marry you, Mom." She told him that he can't marry her, he has
to pick another girl. He replied, "Well, I do have a girlfriend but we
can't get married because we can't drive yet." - Anne Streit of Cherry
Valley, Illinois
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Zach was in Walmart with his mom and sister, Cali looking at the car
radios. Cali pushed the button that made the radio start playing and it
was VERY loud. They got it turned off and were walking away. Zach told
his mom, "That scared me so bad my freckles about jumped off my face!"
-Cathy (mother of Zach and Cali) of Dillard, Georgia
Tonya, took her daughter Abigale, 2, on the bus. Abigale was sitting
in her stroller facing the back of the bus when she spotted a man with
a full white beard. He noticed her looking at him and said, "Hi!" In a
loud voice Abigale said, "Ho, ho, ho!" Everyone on the bus laughed.
Then the man asked her how old she was and she said, "Two and a half
at the end of next month." - Arlie (Abigale's great-great aunt) of
Victoria, British Columbia
The little girl that Donna takes care of as a home care pediatric nurse
is 5 years old. She is extremely talkative and bright, and Donna loves
to go to work because she is such a joy. Recently she said, "Donna? Do
you think I'd be able to split my toothbrush in half?" Donna said,
"Well, Honey, I don't think so. The plastic handle is very hard
material, and I don't think your muscles are quite strong enough to
snap it in half. Why would you want to do that, anyway?" Her totally
serious answer was, "I just wanted to share it with one of my friends."
- Donna Henry, RN, of Medway, Massachusetts
Stella, 3, lives with her mom, Nana and Grandma. Grandpa passed away
last month after being ill for some time. Stella was very close to him
and is trying to understand why he can't be with them anymore. Each
person she asked about Grandpa being gone gave her a little different
answer than the one before. Her cousin told her that Grandpa was now
an angel living in heaven. When Stella saw Grandpa in his casket, she
turned and said, "Grandpa can't be an angel; he doesn't have wings!" -
Suzy Payne (Nana) of Springfield, Oregon
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Here are more stories from Suzy. During Stella's first thunderstorm,
Nana told her that it was the angels playing their drums. She has
always told them to be a little quieter because they are too noisy.
Nana told her that Grandpa was now with them and he would be playing
the drums too. Stella said, "Good! He knows they are too noisy and
he'll make them be more quiet!"
Stella asked her mom why they didn't need to water their flowers any
more. Mom told her that they were being watered by the angels. After
Grandpa passed away, her mom told her that Grandpa was now helping to
water the flowers. To which Stella said, "No he's not! He never waters
the flowers!"
While driving to the airport to return Aunt Theresa to Indiana after
Grandpa's services, Stella got very upset and kept saying, "Nana, this
is terrible! This is just terrible. Whatever will I do?" When Nana
asked her what the problem was, she said, "I don't know how to stop
When Mom and Nana were putting together a car that Stella got for
her birthday, Mom was having a hard time getting a screw into a tight
spot and keeping it there while trying to screw it in. Stella said,
"I'll just go get a hammer and take care of it!"
Lily, 4, had gone to the pet store with her dad, Chris. When her mother
got home Chris told Lily to tell Mom what she saw at the pet store.
Lily said, "We saw this huge fish, Mom. Now I'm not saying it looked
like Dad, but it was big!" - Linda Stewart (grandmother of Lily and
Tucker) of Otto, North Carolina
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Another time Lily's father took her to a pottery store. There was a sign
outside that read "Do not touch." Lily was walking behind her dad when
he turned just in time to see her put her hand out to touch something.
He ran back to her and said, "Lily, did you not see that sign outside
that says 'Do not touch'? Lily said, "Dah, what part of 'I can't read'
don't you understand?"
Tucker, 2, was sleeping in a playpen in his mother's bedroom while
visiting his grandparents' house. When he woke up in the morning he
could hear his sister and cousins playing in the living room. Tucker
said, "Everybody, everybody, come wake me up."
Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share
these stories, but please reference as the source.
>-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :)
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>All Creatures great and small
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
From a poem by
~ Cecil Frances Alexander ~
...A sweet one! Thanks LouiseAu!
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