Peaceable Fruit & More ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ====================== >If You Haven't Already, PLEASE Take A Moment to... |: | |: | .-T-. ___|:_|__ / \ Easier // \ | }=) o o (={ then b\__/FIRE | \_===_/ 123 |_______|(_) _.-"""-._ |: | |\/`/+' _ '+\`\ .----. |: | \__\ +[_]+ /=| /[====]\ |: | )====={\=\_ |'----'| |: | | . | `( ) |USMAIL| |: | |_/ \_| | """" | |: | <__| |__> | | |: | |=| |=| |:____:| |: | |_| |_| jgs |/----\| |: | (___Y___) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sign My Guestbook! *~* Lots Of Thanks And {{{Hugs}}} God Bless Those Of You Who Have Already Signed it!! -<>- >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) Guess what? We had another Shangrala Angel step forth and give us a donation to help support and keep Shangrala alive! That brings our total to 4 for the year! So important too! Especially since we just got notice of a rate increase starting in October. It will cost around 30% more just have Shangrala on-line! Not to mention the additional fees for high traffic times! , _/ \_ _,--. < , > .-'.' /(/.\ .' .' .""". `/ ` / / / \ /) ; ; ,_.;._ _;-'}/ | | '. )( /' | | /'-._/\_.-' ; ; \_.' \ , \ \ / | _.'/ '. `'-\ /.-/.;,\ '-._ `"""""`_.|`"""`| jgs `"("\/")` |# | \(_/ `-...-' Shangrala's ANGELS Are: Laurie Vela Romilda Wilder Patsy Felmet Jerida Hathcock We applaud and Thank You Bunches for helping Paul And I keep the web site going! May God Bless You Richly! {{{HUGGUMS}}} Anyone else feel compelled to help out the web site, you can always make a secure PayPal donation through the home site page here All Donations are Greatly Needed and Appreciated! Thank You! -<>- >HOT off the 'Shangy' Press ... This one comes from our friend Jo Ann. When I saw this, I did a double take and had to go look for authenticity of it. The art was so darn good, I couldn't believe it was all done on a typewriter! Absolutely amazingly true! So I of course had to do up a page to honor the artist! Check it out here: .-----------. ___ | | /_._`.__| |_ `(|_|_m_______m_|_|) |_______________| /o o o o o o o o\ /o o o o o o o o o\ ;[]o o o o o o o o[]; jgs | -============- | '------------------' Typewriter Art --- ...Wonderful! Thank You Jo Ann!! -<>- >I found some more bugs... Nasty critters! __ (__) _,.-~> __`~~>_.-~` CUT THEM OUT! jgs (__)~` `~-.> I was checking out the new page to make sure it worked fine in IE and decided to check a few others from last year. I found more pages with bugs that caused them to not display correctly in the IE browser. You may have to refresh your browser to see the corrected changes... Awesome School Awesome Bridge Awesome Hotel -- Reminds me of a sign I saw recently -- it said: "I've learned so much from my mistakes that I plan on making more!" Well, I don't have to plan on them, they just occur naturally for me! Aren't I the fortunate one! "Giggles" ================================================================= >Learning to Receive Story Editor: by Susan Saunders Joyce Schowalter Victoria, Australia With two children in elementary school and one toddler in diapers, mornings were busy. One morning in 1987 all was well as I headed out, carrying my baby, diaper bag and purse. Just as I stepped through the front door, the baby vomited on us both. Throwing down diaper bag and purse, I bathed us and changed our clothing. I snagged the diaper bag, ran out, buckled all three children and drove away. And we arrived as the first warning bell sounded! Then my car died. A janitor heard me trying to restart it and came to assist. We couldn't start it, so this gentleman helped PUSH my car a mile to a garage. The owner never lifted his head, gruffly saying he couldn't look at my car for days. I asked to use his phone to arrange a tow. I found a mechanic, then notified my work. When the towing company asked for a credit card, I went after my purse... to find I'd left it when I grabbed the diaper bag. OK. I could bus home on my pocket change, and still get the car fixed before the kids finished school. I called for the bus schedule, and saw the bus! I hung up and chased the bus a half block before it pulled over. Halfway home I realized the apartment keys were in the dead car's ignition. I still wasn't worried. A handyman had been working on my place for three days so I wouldn't be locked out. He wasn't there. I asked neighbors; no one had seen him. I sat on the porch with the baby to wait. It was cold with snow on the ground. I was sitting in snow holding a wiggly, wet toddler. Two hours later... I just cried. The neighbors invited me inside but I just wanted to be alone at that moment of despair. As I sat, a stranger walked past to visit a neighbor. Minutes later, he returned and introduced himself as Dave, the neighbors having filled him in. suggested I get in his truck to see what we could do. While I was reluctant, my older kids would be out of school and worried I hadn't picked them up. After hearing the car's symptoms, Dave stopped and bought spark plugs and a condenser kit "just in case". We picked up my older kids. At the car, he ascertained the problem was the coil. Dave then stuffed myself and my three children into his truck cab, and towed the car to his father's junkyard. He grabbed a good coil and fixed my car. I offered to pay him. He utterly refused. He wouldn't let me pay for the tune up parts, his gas, time or skills. Dave simply made sure I had directions to get home safely, and sent me on my way. Dave didn't know me. He had no reason to care. But he gave his time, skills and caring to a stranger on that cold wintry day. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Our Friend PatH :) , /) // (/ _/ ______ ) ( (-----( /INK\ \ \ \___/ \ \ jgs _)_____) `------` >A Memo from God Date: TODAY From: GOD Subject: YOURSELF Reference: LIFE This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you. P.S. And, remember...If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not your's. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Should you decide to send this to a friend; Than k you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know! Now, you have a nice day. God God has seen you struggling, God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, please send to ten people (including me) please don't ignore this. You are being tested. -<>- .::""-, .::""-. /:: \ /:: \ |:: | _..--""""--.._ |:: | '\:.__ / .' '. \:.__ / ||____|.' _..---"````'---. '.||____| ||:. |_.' `'.||:. | ||:.-'` .-----. ';:. | ||/ .' '. \. | || / '-. '. \\ |. | ||:. _| ' \_\_\\/( \ | ||:.\_.-' ) || m `\.--._.-""-; ||:.(_ . '\ __'// m ^_/ / '. _.`. ||:. \__^/` _)```'-...' _ .-'.' '-. ||:..-'__ .' '. . ' '. `'. ||:(_.' .`' _. '`'-. '. . ''-._ ||:. : '. .' '. . ' ' '.` '._ ||:. : '. .' .::""-: .''. ' . . ' ':::""-. ||:. .' ..' . /:: \ '. . '. /:: \ ||:.' '. .' '. |:: | _.:---""---.._' |:: | ||. .: '\:.__ / .' -. .- '. \:.__ / ||: : '. . ||____|_.' .--. .--. '._||____| ||:'.___: '. .' ||:. | ( \/ ) ||:. | ||:___| \ '. : ||:. | '-. .-' ||:. | [[____] '. '.-._||:. | __ '..' __ ||:. | '. : ||:. | (__\ (\/) /__) ||:. | '. : ||:. | ` \/ ` ||:. | '-: ||:. | () ||:. | '._||:. |________________________||:. | jgs ||:___|'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-||:___| [[____] [[____] >Prayer request for a precious little 3 year old girl!! Check this one out here... Pray for Katie... AND Her Site... --- ...So Sweet! Thank You PatH! ===================================================================== >-->From Our Friend Becky :) _ _.-'`-._ _ ;.'________'.; _________n.[____________].n_________ |""_""_""_""||==||==||==||""_""_""_""] |"""""""""""||..||..||..||"""""""""""| |LI LI LI LI||LI||LI||LI||LI LI LI LI| |.. .. .. ..||..||..||..||.. .. .. ..| |LI LI LI LI||LI||LI||LI||LI LI LI LI| ,,;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;,;;;,;;;,;;,, ;;jgs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; >LAUS DEO by Wilda One detail that is never mentioned is that in Washington , D.C. there can never be a building of greater height than the Washington Monument . With all the uproar about removing the ten commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time. I was not aware of this amazing historical information. On the aluminum cap, atop the Washington Monument in Washington , D.C. , are displayed two words: Laus Deo. No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there and for that matter, probably couldn't care less. Once you know Laus Deo's history , you will want to share this with everyone you know. These words have been there for many years; they are 555 feet, 5.125 inches high, perched atop the monument, facing skyward to the Father of our nation, overlooking the 69 square miles which comprise the District of Columbia , capital of the United States of America Laus Deo! Two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words. Out of sight and, one might think, out of mind, but very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world. So, what do those two words, in Latin, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they say ' Praise be to God!' Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States , it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. It took twenty-five years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation, Laus Deo 'Praise be to God!' From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its divisio n into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles l'Enfant ..a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north. The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. A cross you ask? Why a cross? What about separation of church and state? Yes, a cross; separation of church and state was not, is not, in the Constitution. So, read on. How interesting and, no doubt, intended to carry a profound meaning for those who bother to notice. Praise be to God! Within the monument itself are 898 steps and 50 landings. As one climbs the steps and pauses at the landings the memorial stones share a message. * On the 12th Landing is a prayer offered by the City of Baltimore ; * On the 20th is a memorial presented by some Chinese Christians; * On the 24th a presentation made by Sunday School children from New York and Philadelphia quoting Proverbs 10:7, Luke 18:16 and Proverbs 22:6. Praise be to God! When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4th, 1848 deposited within it were many items including the Holy Bible presented by the Bible Society. Praise be to God! Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual mood given by the founder and first President of our unique democracy 'One Nation, Under God.' I am awed by Washington's prayer for America Have you ever read it? Well, now is your unique opportunity, so read on! 'Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.' Laus Deo! When one stops to observe the inscriptions found in public places all over our nation's capitol, he or she will easily find the signature of God, as it is unmistakably inscribed everywhere you look. You may forget the width and height of 'Laus Deo ', its location, or the architects but no one who reads this will be able to forget its meaning, or these words: 'Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.' (Psalm 127: 1) It is hoped you will send this to every child you know; to every sister, brother, father, mother or friend. They will not find offense, because you have given them a lesson in history that they probably never learned in school. With that, be not ashamed, or afraid, but have pity on those who will never see this be cause someone failed to send it on. --- ...Pretty Cool! Thanks Becky! For Full inot on this visit site here: ====================================================================== >-->From Our Friend Viv :) >Hard to watch but needs to be... Speechless.... ,,, _,_ _@_ _(_ _?_ _/. .\_ _/- -\_ _/, ,\_ _/' '\_ _/a a\_ (.\_o_/.) (.\_-_/.) (,\_e_/') (.\_^_/.) (.\_~_/') (.`,.`'.') (.`,.'.'.) (.`'.,'.') ('.,'.`'.) (.'.,'.`.) ('.`,'`,) ('.`,'',) ('.','.`) ('.,'.',) ('.,'.`.) ('.`,'`) ('.','`) (.'.,'.) ('.`.,') ('.','') jgs `--'"` `--'"` `--'"` `--'"' `--'"' Please watch this short clip and then pass it on to everyone on your e-mail list. This story has got to be told. Phyllis REAL HARD TO WATCH BUT YOU NEED TO!!! --- ...Thank you Viv! We already Know Obama hasn't got the Church education he fist said he had as a christian. This is then not so surprising. That seems to be what I have learned about the democrats. They separate morals from their party. It seems like if it is against God, they are for it. They are for abortion and for gay rights and gay marriage to name a few. In other words, they are more liberal in their views. I didn't think I was for either party till I came to understand this. The republicans are more conservative in their views - or more for Godly morality. So I guess where I used to think I was not for any particular party - I guess I am - Republican all the way :) This is So sad too! I am one for Pro Choice AND Pro Life - I personally feel woman should have a right to abort UP TO 3 months but at 3 months and older, they should loose that right and the rights should go to the infant to have a chance at having a life. What is described in this video, in my opinion, is nothing short of murder. ________________________ / ___ ___ '. |\ .-------|:::/:::|--------; | | |:::|:::| | |\|_ ___ _|:::/:::| __ ____| | __ ___""" """_ ____ __`\ | |\##\\###\\##\\###\\##\\### \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ |\ \||||||||||||||||||||||||||_| | | ;"""""""""""""""""""""""";"| | | |"""""".----------.""""""| | | | | |\ \ | | | | | |-----|\\___________\-| | | jgs | | | | |---------- | \ | | `\| | | | | | `| | \_| | | `\| I just watched a show where a premature girl was born so early her eyelids had not yet developed so she was born blind. She was also autistic so she was a challenge to her parents and some may think she would of been better off aborted. But no. She is a real blessing not only to her parents, but to many others. Who would of known that this terribly handicapped girl would of been such an exceptional person? She has an unusual talent to be able to hear any piano music up to 15 min. long and repeat it note for note in front of awestruck concert audiences! She is amazing. But the world would of been deprived of her special joy for life and music if she had been aborted just because of her early problems. You just never know. -<>- .--. /`\| / .;;.;;;;. '-.""""-./;;;;;;;;;\ / / \ \;;;;;;;;;;| / | \;;-;;;;;/`\ .' / | \ '| \()| ;. __'._/ | \__.\ _/;;`--/ } / '.-'`"""`'-._ \;;;-'\.' \ __\'-.__-' /`-' _.' \ ;\-_- //`''-'-._.-' | __|_'---'`-..______,.____.../__ |_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._| __| || || || || || || || || || || | |\ | || || || || || || || || || || | \\ | || || || || || || || || || || | |\\|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_| ||\|.---..---.--.---.--..--.---..-.| || ||jgs \ / / | || | || || || || \/_ / _|==||==| || || || | |`\ ( `-| '-| || || \ _\_/ '.__/\__/ || >A HUG No moving parts, no batteries. No monthly payments and no fees; Inflation proof, non-taxable, In fact, it's quite relaxable; It can't be be stolen, won't pollute, One size fits all, do not dilute. It uses little energy, But yields results enormously, Relieves your tension and your stress, Invigorates your happiness; Combats depression, makes you beam, And elevates your self esteem! Your circulation it corrects Without unpleasant side effects It is, I think, the perfect drug: May I prescribe, my friend,....the hug! (and of course fully returnable!) --author unknown ============================================================= >-->From AFA: O ~O <|\ /|\ | ~o/ | \o ~o/ _o |\ /| |\ |\ /| |\ jgs / | / \ |// > / \ / > Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends. Your tax dollars fund Planned Parenthood's shocking new Web site for youth August 29, 2008 Planned Parenthood, the billion dollar corporate abortion provider, has taken immorality to a whole new level and is using your taxpayer dollars to spread its toxic propaganda. A new Planned Parenthood promotional Web site (, which targets youth and is called "Take Care Down There," features short "public service" video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual sex, immodesty, homosexuality and even group sex. Please click here to see what Planned Parenthood is doing with your money. For example, one video on this new Web site depicts what appears to be an African-American male teenager relegated to performing oral sex on a white male teenager while another white male (an adult authority figure in a suit) stands nearby giving instructions. During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood received a total of $336.7 million from government grants and contracts. In 2008, $300 million was given to family planning clinics, under the Title X program. These funds were used to service over five million people, a third of which received "care" from a Planned Parenthood clinic. This new Planned Parenthood Web site has again raised the necessity to put an end to the federal government's funding of Planned Parenthood. It's time to defund Planned Parenthood - contact your U.S. senators and representative today: Take Action! Send e-mails to your two U.S. senators and representative urging them stop using your tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and its promotion of casual sex among our nation's youth with a Web site like Let Planned Parenthood be funded with public funds, not tax dollars. Forward this e-mail to everyone on your list asking them to e-mail their U.S. senators and representative. We must stop funding Planned Parenthood with tax dollars and we must stop now! Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help us continue? Sincerely, Don Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association Donate with confidence to AFA =================================================================== >-->From InspiredBuffalo: .'| () .-' | / .-} /.-} | .-} / |_| ( |_|-.| |_|/\ (_), \(_) (_) / | \X\ | \\ | \/ |\_/\\_ |\_/ |\_\ |:| \/ |:| \:\ |:| |:| |\:| jgs |:| |:| ||:| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Practicing There is a story about a pre-civil rights African American community in Florida . The story says that during times of political elections, this community would rent a voting machine and go through the voting process. Now, they knew that their votes would not be counted, but they voted anyway. When asked by members of the white community why they did this every year, they replied, "Oh, just practicing. Just practicing." Believing in what is not yet seen means we practice or behave as if it is already exists. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." This is what leaders and visionaries do. They believe in something bigger than themselves and they begin to act as if it is so. Wyvetta Bullock, Must We See to Believe? -<>- ___, _.-'` __|__ .' ,-:::\;',`'-, / .'-;_,;::':-;_,'. / /; '/::::,::_`.-\ | |:'`. (`:::::/` ` \`| | |:.::`\`-.:::\_ /:| | |:::::( `,::.`\ ;'| \ \:::::| .':::::`-'/ \ `::::;/:::::::::' '._ `'-:::::::-'` `-.____| _____|_____ jgs /___________\ Making the World Right >"Will you be made whole?" It's an old parable but still relevant. You've probably read about the pastor who was having a difficult time on a Saturday trying to prepare his sermon for the following day. He couldn't concentrate because his young son kept pestering him because he had nothing to do that would interest him. His dad thumbed through a magazine trying to get an idea to occupy his son for most of the morning. He found a map of the world, tore out the page, and cut the map into many small pieces, mixed them up and, placing all the pieces facing upwards on the floor, told his son that if he could get all the pieces together, he would give him 50 cents. The son accepted the challenge. In a very short time the son had all the pieces together. He realized that on the other side it appeared to be a photo of a man, so he carefully turned all the pieces over and in not time had his "jig-saw" puzzle all put together. Placing a sheet of paper over the finished puzzle, he carefully turned it over and there was the map of the world! "Son, how did you get this done so quickly?" his father asked. "It was easy," he replied, "on the other side was a man, I just put him together and turned the paper over, and the world got right." The minister smiled and handed his son the promised fifty cents and said, "And you've given me my sermon for tomorrow too. If a man is right [made whole], his world will be right." --- ...Wish it were that easy for us at election time - eh? -<>- ## _[]_ [____] .----' '----. .===| .==. |===. \ | /####\ | / / | \####/ | \ '===| `""` |===' .===| .==. |===. \ | /::::\ | / / | \::::/ | \ '===| `""` |===' .===| .==. |===. \ | /&&&&\ | / / | \&&&&/ | \ '===| `""` |===' jgs '--.______.--' >Stop Light Two men were in a car when they had to stop at a red signal light. The man at the wheel did not say anything. The other man by his side, fretting and fuming, said, "The time we waste at these red lights - why, a man could write a book!" The driver still said nothing. Finally the man beside him said, "Didn't you hear what I said?" "No." "How come?" "I was talking." "Whom were you talking to?" "I was talking to God," he said. "I've been making it a practice every time I get to a red light to pray for one of my friends. It is wonderful how many folks I have on my prayer list and how many I have time to pray for in this way." - By Arthur L. Bietz, Signs of the Timess, May 23, 1950 -<>- .----. _.'__ `. .--(#)(##)---/#\ .' @ /###\ : , ##### `-..__.-' _.-\###/ jgs `;_: `"' .'"""""`. /, JOE ,\ // COOL! \\ `-._______.-' ___`. | .'___ (______|______) >SNOOPY By: Joseph J. Mazzella We added a new member to our household recently. We adopted a 2 month old female beagle that we affectionately named Snoopy Girl. Snoopy shares a lot of the same qualities of the comic strip dog she was named after. Just like the "Peanuts" Snoopy our new puppy has a sense of adventure, stubbornness, and independence. She also shares his wonderful joyousness, enthusiasm for life, and boundless appetite. Most of all, though, our Snoopy shares her namesake’s loving nature. She will bound up and give anyone close enough a shower of kisses. The kids and I don’t mind this at all and will laugh happily at her cheerful affection. The cats, however, often react like "Lucy" and will leap for higher ground to get away from the dreaded dog germs. Watching my Snoopy Girl has given me a fresh lesson in living. From now on I am going to try and follow her wonderful example. Like her I am going to do my best to greet each day with energy, adventure and joy. Like her I am going to try and find enthusiasm and delight in everything that comes my way. Like her I am going to do all I can to share my love happily with everyone everywhere no matter what I get in return. It doesn’t matter, after all, if you get hugged by "Charlie Brown" or yelled at by "Lucy". All that matters is that you continue to Love. I pray that Snoopy Girl continues to bless me with her happiness and vitality for years to come. She not only has a love of living, but also a life a loving. I think that God in His loving wisdom must have given us animals like her for a special reason. In the midst of our daily work, struggles, and details of living they remind us of what life is truly about: giving love and sharing joy. May we always clearly see the lessons they teach. May we always follow them in our hearts, souls, and lives as well. -<>- Links: National Anthem Cactus Perro Al Volante Pinches escuincles 1 Pinches escuincles 2 Pinches escuincles 3 Subscribe send a blank email to: =================================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: (() ()) (() ()) (() ()) (() ()) (() .+. _.-//_\\-._ .'.-' XII '-.'. /`.'* *'.`\ / /* / *\ \ | ; _/ ; | | |IX (_) III| | | ; \ ; | \ \* \ */ / \ '.* \ *.'./ jgs '._'-.__VI_.-'_.' '-.,___,.-' >THE TIME LADY by Diane Dean White Three of us became friends in fourth grade and have continued our friendship to the present. Back then, so much was changing in the world and in our personal lives as well. We were too young to date so we always did plenty of talking about when we would finally arrive at that special and romantic time. The telephone lines were bustling after homework was done. We didn't have three way calling, but we had our own conference line all figured out. At 8pm sharp we each called the "Time Lady." Now she wasn't real. It was just a recording which said, "At the tone the time will be..." We had our conference line talking over the Time Lady and if anyone else came on the line when we were talking, they never said anything. Or maybe they just listened in, thinking our conversation was more interesting! We discussed our classes and what we would be wearing the next day, and anything else that we felt needed discussing before first hour when we'd meet at our lockers. The Time Lady was easy to talk over and we continued with this neat idea until, one day, the operator called my mother. I was no longer able to make conference calls with my friends, and when I did call for the time, I discovered the lady had been turned up! Saturdays were ours to enjoy. After my room was cleaned, I joined my friends and we made tracks to the local drug store. Now this may seem boring in comparison to the malls of today, but this store had the greatest selection of Hollywood movie magazines imaginable. We wanted to keep up with our teen idols and what they were wearing and any new movies they were in. We had been with Sandra Dee since "Gidget" days, and felt we were right there on the beach with her and Moondoggie, surfing the waves with the whole gang. Never mind that we lived in Michigan, surrounded by the Great Lakes, with no ocean in sight. We were official members of the "Gidget", thus, Sandra Dee fan club. We oohed and awed at Sandra's tiny waist and beautiful blond hair (straight out of a bottle to be sure)! Naturally, we were all hurt to the core when she eloped with that Bobby Darrin -- so much older and there would be no wedding pictures in the teen movie magazines! After that we changed gears. Annette was a former mouseketeer and started making beach party movies. She had her own T-Bird and perfume collection to boot. Yes, Annette was a striking dark haired beauty, she would go far. We joined her fan club. The old Kresge store was our next stop. It always contained abundant supplies of the latest in new perfumes and make-up. "Evening in Paris" was all the rage, in a tiny little cobalt blue bottle. It was what every movie star wore. We'd dab a bit on our wrists and wave it through the air to catch the breath-taking fragrance. "Tangerine" was the most beautiful shade of lipstick. We each bought a tube, vowing to keep it in our lockers at school, just in case we needed to freshen up our "natural" look during the day. Depending on hair styles, there were rollers for each size, and if they didn't work, empty soup or orange juice cans with both ends out worked great! Just stick a clip in to hold it until it dried, and pray nobody saw you! We looked through fashion magazines and decided we loved the angora sweaters in the peach color. And wouldn't it be cool if you were "going steady" to wear the matching color yarn around his high school ring? We'd all screech and the laughter could go on for hours. Little did we know that those years, and the days ahead, would be some of the happiest times of our teen years. After all, how much trouble can you get into with perfume, Tangerine lipstick and Sandra Dee or Annette? But just don't try talking over the Time Lady, or you might find out what real trouble is! -- Diane Dean White ___________________________________________ Diane and her husband Stephen reside on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. She is a former newspaper reporter and writer for fundraising organizations and historical research projects. Her new book is a variety of short stories and can be reviewed at: She also has an outreach for women called SEEDS of Encouragement at: ==================================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: _....._ .' `'-. / (- J-E-S-U-S ->< '._ _,.-' \ jgs ````` Things Overheard at Promise Keepers 25> "Imagine, this many guys and not a beer, recliner, or remote in sight." 24> "What, no cheerleaders?" 23> "I wonder why the Pope never attends Promise Keepers?" 22> With this many guys in one place, surely SOMEbody's gotta have a church key." 21> " My Bible cover ripped. Anybody got any duct tape?" 20> "Wouldn't it be cool if our church had a fellowship hall THIS big?" 19> "Wouldn't it be great to be a Bible salesman about now?" 18> "Wow, the parking lot looks like a church bus convention rolled into town." 17> "Yeah, Real men singe REAL loud, but does George have to sing THAT loud?" 15> "I wonder why they didn't hold this at Churchill Downs?" 14> " I'm not sure the Pastor's suggestion that all 20 of us cram into a15 passenger van for four hours was such a good idea." 13> "One more chorus of 'Kumbaya' and I'm gonna barf!" 12> "Man, I see Lousivlle's FREEDOM Hall in a whole new light" 11> "Excuse me -- When does Minister Farrakhan come on?" 10> "I'm more of a Promise Breaker. I'm just came for the free t-shirt." 9> "You guys up for wings at Hooters after we're done here?" 8> "One more hug from you, Bob, and I'm tellin your wife!" 7> "If they make us do one more Macarena, I'm converting to Judaism." 6> "Promise, Schmomise -- I'm doing an ESPN all nighter. Wanna Join me?" 5> "Oh great... They brought 30,000 bibles, but only twenty rolls of toilet paper." 4> "I haven't seen so many men cry since Pam Anderson left Baywatch." 3> "Hmmmmm, all these people and no one to convert." 2> "We will, we will ROCK YOU. Come on, everybody...... We will, we will ROCK YOU." and the Number 1 Thing Overheard at the Promise Keepers Rally... 1> "Hey, isn't that Waldo?" -<>- + | /o\ |~| , | | , /\/ _ \/\ .-.-.-|| (_) ||-.-.-. | # # || _ || # # | jgs _| || ||| || |_ """""""""===""""""""" === >A PK Revelation: Promise Keepers and Racial Reconciliation _.-/`) // / / ) .=// / / / ) //`/ / / / / // / ` / || / \\ / )) .' jgs // / / By Keith Todd I was fortunate as a white kid growing up in small-town America to have quite a bit of contact with African-Americans. Until I was about 16, our family shared a party-line phone with a black family that lived up the road. It's funny how lives can intermingle when you share a phone line. Occasionally, the blind grandfather who lived in the household would leave the phone off the hook, prompting my Mom to send me up the hill to ask someone to replace it. The black family operated a slaughterhouse. We always took our livestock there in late fall. I got to know some of the aging black gentlemen who would hang out there. Occasionally, I would get up at 5:00 a.m. and ease up there to hang out around the potbellied stove so I could listen to those old men share stories. I now realize it was an important part of developing my lifelong interest in humor and storytelling. They would often invite me share a breakfast of fried eggs or fresh chitterlings. I've probably eaten more "chitlins" than a lot of my African-American friends. By the way, the secret to good chitlins is to wash them thoroughly before cooking in lots and lots and lots of cold running water (you can't wash them too much). When I started attending the Promise Keepers stadium events in 1995, I was baffled by the fixation on "racial reconciliation." In fact, it eventually really became a problem for me. I believe that if you are a Christian, then that racism, as well as many other issues, should be off your plate. It was about the only area where I thought Promise Keepers might be off track. If you have truly accepted Jesus into your heart, then racism can't be in there too. It was for that reason I considered the time Promise Keepers spent on racial reconciliation pretty much wasted, or at the very least a strange fixation. It became a factor in my decision not to attend a PK stadium for a year or two. While I served on a regional PK task force with some great Christian men of color, it took a chance encounter for me to fully understand why Promise Keepers was spending so much time on racial reconciliation. I making a delivery on Paducah's North side in what would be considered a predominantly African-American part of town. I was looking for a street that is only a couple of blocks long and is difficult to find. I know it's "a guy thing" that we're not supposed to ask directions, but I saw a black gentleman who appeared to be in his 70's ambling down the sidewalk and pulled over. I figured he'd be nice enough not to tell anyone I stopped to ask directions. I asked where I could find the street. He said, "It's the fourth or fifth street up here to your left." I said, "Thank you, sir," and started to drive off. He held out is cane to stop me and said, "Wait a minute, what did you say?" From the unusual look on his face, I thought maybe he had misunderstood me and somehow taken offense at something he thought I said. I recited clearly, "I said, thank you, sir." A satisfied-looking smile came to his face and he said, "I thought that's what you said." Without me having to ask for an explanation he added thoughtfully, "You know, this is maybe the fourth or fifth time in my life that a white man has ever called me 'sir.' I want you to know that I appreciate it." We both smiled and I drove off. I wish I had asked him his name. It was only later while thinking about the curious encounter that I had one of those, "OK Lord, I get it" moments. I was suddenly aware that all that time Promise Keepers spent on racial reconciliation wasn't as wasted as I once thought. I realized that I have minority brothers in Christ who still do not feel honored and respected in this world. As a Christian, I have an obligation to do something about that. It also reminded me of a great story shared by my friend Bob Swisher. Bob told about an elderly black man who would sometimes hang out at the local pool hall in our hometown, Marion, Kentucky. During the "race riots" of the 1960's a couple of young tough-guys cornered the gentleman and were giving him a hard time. One of them said accusingly, "You know, we've been seeing a lot of black folks on TV being critical of white people and we want to know what you think about that." The old man straightened himself and replied directly, "Well, I'm a Christian. When I die I've always known that I'll go to heaven, and I've always thought that, when I get there, I might discover that God just might be a white man. I don't suspect you'll hear me saying anything ill about white folks." I've always wondered how different the world might be if more of "us white folks" could imagine getting to heaven and finding out that "God just might be a black man." I suspect Promise Keepers would be able to spend a lot less time working on racial reconciliation. ===================== Keith Todd runs a marketing, advertising, and corporate relations firm in Paducah, Ky. In his spare time he is a freelance writer and humorist. He is moderator of the Sermon Fodder list which provides a daily dose of Christian humor and modern-day parables by email. To subscribe to Sermon Fodder drop a note to or go to ======================================================================= >An Unexpected Moment By Sara L. Henderson _ _ /_) (/| __|___ ./ \. ./) (\. (______________) ((( ))) ((( ^ ^ ))) (( @ @ )) (c C o)> \ ___, / \_ _/ jgs `--' It was hard to watch her fail. Physically she was growing thinner and more stooped. Mentally she was losing her ability to sort out reality. Initially, my grandmother had railed angrily against the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease that were eroding who she had always been. Eventually, the anger gave way to frustration, and then resignation. My grandmother had always been a strong woman. She had a career before it was common for women to have careers. She was independent. In her eighties, she was still dragging out her stepladder every spring to wash all the windows in her house. She was also a woman with a deep faith in God. As my grandmother lost her ability to live alone, my father moved her into his home. Grandchildren and great- grandchildren were often in the house. She seemed to enjoy being surrounded by the noise and activity of a large, extended family. As she slipped further away from us mentally, my grandmother would occasionally have moments of lucidity when she knew where she was and recognized everyone around her. We never knew what prompted those moments, when they would occur or how long they would last. Toward the end of her life she became convinced that her mother had knit everything she owned. "Mama knit my boots," she would tell strangers, holding up a foot clad in galoshes. "Mama knit my coat," she would say with a vacant smile as she zipped up her raincoat. Soon we were putting on her boots for her and helping her zip up her coat. , {|'--. {{\ \ |/`'--./=. `\.---' `\\ |\ || | |// \//_/| //\__/ jgs // |/ During my grandmother's last autumn with us, we decided to take a family outing. We packed up the cars and went to a local fair for a day of caramel apples, craft booths and carnival rides. Grandma loved flowers, so my dad bought her a rose. She carried it proudly through the fair, stopping often to breathe in its fragrance. Grandma couldn't go on the carnival rides, of course, so she sat on a bench close by and waited while the rest of the family rode. Her moments of lucidity were now a thing of the past - having eluded her for months - but she seemed content to sit and watch as life unfolded around her. While the youngest members of the family ran, laughing to get in line at the next ride, my father took my grandmother to the nearest bench. A sullen-looking young woman already occupied the bench, but said she wouldn't mind sharing the bench. "Mama knit my coat," my grandmother told the young woman as she sat down. When we came back to the bench to get her, the young woman was holding the rose. She looked as though she had been crying. "Thank you for sharing your grandmother with me," she said. Then she told us her story. She had decided that day was to be her last on Earth. In deep despair and feeling she had nothing to live for, she was planning to go home and commit suicide. While she sat on that bench with Grandma, as the carnival noises swirled around them, she found herself pouring out her troubles. "Your grandmother listened to me," the young woman informed us. "She told me about a time in her own life, during the Depression, when she had lost hope. She told me that God loved me and that He would watch over me and would help me make it through my problems. She gave me this rose. She told me that my life would unfold, just like this rose, and that I would be surprised by its beauty. She told me my life was a gift. She said she would be praying for me." We stood, dumbfounded, as she hugged my grandmother and thanked her for saving her life. Grandma just smiled a vacant smile and patted her arm. As the young woman turned to leave, she waved good-bye to us. Grandma waved back and then turned to look at us, still standing in amazement. "Mama knit my hat," she said. =======HeartWarming======= >-->From PetWarmers: -=====- _..._ .~ `~. ,_ / } ,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/ \'--,_`{_,} -( '.`-.`\;--,___.'_ '._`/ |_ _{@} / ` |-';/ _ / \ / | _ {@}_ / '--;_ _ {@} _Y{@} _\ `\ {@}\Y/_{@} Y/ / |`-.___. / \Y/\|{@}Y/\|// ^^^jgs^^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >PEACEABLE FRUIT by Janice L. Smith Tigger has been a cherished family member for over fourteen and a half years. He was abandoned by his former owner, so we're not sure how old he is. Our tiny tiger has a loving and affectionate nature, is exceptionally intelligent, and can also be very manipulative. Several times a day he demands that we stop whatever we happen to be doing so that we can pet and cuddle him. He especially loves to curl up beside me when I work at the computer, and I enjoy having him so close to me. When Tigger demands to be petted while I'm trying to type, I pet him with one hand and type with the other until he's satisfied and curls up for a nap. The first thing people notice about Tigger is how gorgeous he is. He is a large black and gray tabby with sleek, silky fur. Even people who claim to hate cats are quickly charmed by him, and cat lovers find him irresistible. One Sunday afternoon, I noticed a small patch of bare skin between Tigger's left eye and his ear. This confirmed a fear I was having at the time that, despite my efforts to keep his ears clean. My baby had ear mites. I decided not to go to work the next day so I could take him to the vet and stay home with him afterwards. Visits to the vet's office are scary for him, and when he gets shots he usually runs a fever and feels pretty lousy, so I make it a point to stay close to him and try to find ways to help him feel better. Tigger did not enjoy the trips to the vet or having me put goo in his ears everyday for three weeks. Too bad. I did what was best for him, and he got over it. I'm sure that it would be difficult or even impossible to convince Tigger that he was extremely lucky that I took him to the vet and put goo in his ears, but he was. I've seen stray and feral cats with huge sores behind their ears, and more sores and scratches on their heads and necks. These poor animals had literally mutilated themselves because ear mites had caused them so much irritation. Ear mites can be a relatively minor problem, but if left untreated they can lead to serious infections that can even kill the afflicted animal. Although Tigger didn't like the treatment, he trusted me enough that I could take care of him. The feral cats didn't trust anyone, although they would eat the food and water left for them. It may sound strange, but the difference between being able to treat Tigger and not being able to help the feral cats reminded me of a scripture: "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of the righteousness unto them which are excercised thereby." (Hebrews 12:11) Tigger's treatment, or "chastening," was certainly not joyous, but it eradicated the ear mites that were tormenting him, yielding the "peaceable fruit" of restored health, and no more irritating ear mites. Sometimes the lessons we need the most in our lives are also the most difficult and painful. That's when we need to trust that God loves us and knows what is best for us and that the "peaceable fruit" will be worth our effort and patience. -- Janice L. Smith ____________________________________________ Janice L. Smith's mystery novel, Daddy's Little Secret, is available at She has BA and MA degrees in psychology. Tigger cuddled up with her by the computer as this article was written and sent. Janice enjoys reading, writing, music, and needlework. She's written various articles, and is also working on Second Thoughts, her next novel. She lives in Kingsville, Texas. You can reach her here: ==================================================================== >-->DEAR GOD .---. /-====) | / '( / / _/ | |-( _ / | \ //| / \ \/\/ | |\ / `-;./ ;-' | \ | \ _/ | jgs .--/ / `''---`-----` I'm writing to say I'm sorry For being angry yesterday When you seemed to ignore my prayer And things didn't go my way First, my car broke down I was very late for work But I missed that awful accident Was that your handiwork? I found a house I loved But others got there first I was angry, then relieved When I heard the pipes had burst! Yesterday, I found the perfect dress But the color was too pale Today, I found the dress in red Would you believe, it was on sale! I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blest For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best! I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean the world to me; Some days I "send" and "send", At other times, I let them be. When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And "well wishes" were their intent. I am so blessed to have these friends, With whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the "Most"! So to you, my friends, I would like to say, Thank you for being a part; Of all my daily contacts, This comes right from my heart. God bless you all is my prayer today, I'm honored to call you "friend"; I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until we write again. God Bless You --Author Unknown >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :)Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->Bigham's Computer Rescue - PC Sales && Service You can trust us to provide you with quality computer sales and repair. We've been servicing the Van Wert area since 1981 and can help you with all your computer needs. Please phone us at 419-238-5806 ************************************************************************ -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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