Proud To Be & More ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: =========================== *~* MAY EVERYONE HAVE A VERY BLESSED AND SAFE MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! *~* .. * * * * * * * * * * $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .$$$$. * * * * * * * * * * $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. .$$$$$ * * * * * * * * * * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::' * * * * * * * * * * $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$F * * * * * * * * * * $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$d$$$$$$$" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" ^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" ""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L ;; ;::::::::::::::::;; ;;:::. $$$$$$" "" $$$$$; DShepherd ^$$" $$$$ "" >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) I've been working on finding more good quality Father's Day animated images. I found around 15 more to add to the Gallery and hopefully will have time this weekend to do so. I also added a couple new teachings for our on-line Bible Study. This one blessed me when I first was taught it and I hope it will bless you as well... . .::. ::::. '::::. ':: .::' {} _, ___/__\_// (_\_ _/ -' `)(` jgs ~""~ Joy Is An Inside Job This next teaching I hope EVERY Single One Of You Masters! This one kind of flew over my head when I was first taught it as a teen and just in the last couple years has struck me with it's importance. I've been working to renew my mind to it ever since. How many times have you heard or actually said yourself 'Once I get a sign from God, then I'll know what to do' - 'I'm waiting for a sign from God' - God will show me what He wants me to do'? It is no wonder we think like this. It is what we have always heard - Seeing equals Believing - the old 'Once I see it, then I'll believe it'. The trouble with that is that it is what the world teaches and it is NOT what God teaches. God teaches just the opposite - BELIEVE It THEN You'll See it. What a mind renewed! We have to keep renewing our mind to What God says instead of What the world says so we can live the life Jesus Christ came to give us. __.------. (__ ___ ) .)e )\ / /_.------ _/_ _/ __.' / ' `-.__ / <.--' `\ / \ \c | / / ) GoT x \ | /\ |c / \.- \ \__/ ) /( ( \ <>'\ / _/ _\- `-. \/_|_ /<> / /--/,-\ _ \ <>.`. \/`--\_._) - / `-/\ `.\ / `. / ) `\ \ \ \___/----' | / `( ___________ \ ./\_ _ \ ______________ / | ) '| __________________ | / \ \ ___________a:f / | |____.) / \ a88a\___/88888a. \_ :)8888888888888888888a. /` `-----' `Y88888888888888888 \____| `88888888888P' John 10:10 - "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." What an awesome verse! The thief is satan. This verse tells us that Satan just like a thief comes into your life to steal the good things away from you, to kill those that you love like your friends, family, and pets, and to destroy your life personally - job, home, security, physical and mental health and well being. But in contrast, Jesus Christ comes into your life to give you eternal life and give you a more then abundant life while here on earth! Notice that Jesus Christ says - 'Might have'. This is because it is not forced on anyone. Jesus does not possess. The person chooses to accept Christ into their heart and do as Romans 10:9 says for salvation or they don't. It is their choice. So it is too with the More Then Abundant Life that is available through Jesus Christ. Once we are saved, we can choose to have it by doing God's Word and renewing our mind to it or we can choose not to. That is why Jesus said 'might have' instead of 'shall have'. This is why I said I hope every single one of you Masters this next teaching. I want God's Best for you! What is God's Best? Salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and doing what Romans 10:9 tells you to do [which is to say OUT LOUD 'Jesus Christ is my Lord' and BELIEVE deep inside yourself that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead] AND the second part of why Jesus Christ came - is that you might have the more then abundant life - [which is having nice things from God as well as all your needs met, safety for yourself friends, family, and pets, a sound mind, healthy body, joy, peace, love, and happiness.] Please Study this teaching well, renew your mind to it, and practice it! _ " _ _ " _ (_\|/_) (_\|/_) _ " _ _ " _ (/|\) (/|\) (_\|/_) " _ (_\|/_) (/|\)_\|/_) (/|\) ejm97 (/|\) God Moves When You Move! -<>- This next was our Wednesday Extra that is good to repeat for our friends who may have missed it... Have you checked out some of our bridges lately? After seeing these, I just had to do up a page on them... ______________________________________________________ [[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]]-[[]] .-.`| `-/-.__/.-'\_.-._,'/`-._'\_.-._`-'_/-._.'|/.-'\- \_.-`./`-._'\__.-`-.__.-`--._/--.`-._\`-._\__.-)`-'._/ `._-'.\_.---._-.\_`-..`\_.---._`-.__.-`'._.--./`-'._,' __/`.-/ `.'_`./`.' '.\__.-`.' (_.-\_,-. `._-/' |._.-| |.'`.| `(_.`-._ .-',`) | /`.| |`-/`| ;.-'_/ `\,-/ |\.-'| |\-'`| ;\_,- -./`._ [[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[ .',-' `.`--.~~-^_~-/.`-._`-.\^~-_~-^/`-.'-,.'\^~-~_^"'`-.'_ -,.'"-"~^-~_~- - - _- -~^-_.~ - -_ - - -~- . "'"-"-"" ""-'"-""-"~- _~.^-~-^.-^_.- .^~.- ~-. ~^_-""-""-"'-" jgs ""-'"-" ~- ^. - ~ -~^ - ~ ^~- ~ ""-"'-' Beautiful Bridges -<>- .---------. _ |:: [-=-] | | | |_________| |~| |_| ,;;;;, I\ ,__ ,;;;, __, ///\\\\\ I |{ / . . \ } / " \\|| I | ) ( _ ) ( \_= _/// I |{___'-. .-'___}\___ )_\ I ||~/,'~~~~~,\~~|'---(( \ I \ // \\ | \ \ \ I \/ // | | /-/ I (/ (/ | |/||\ I | | | | I | | |____/ I :-----_o_-----: || | I | /~~|===|~~\ | (( | jgs I || |===| || ||_/ /^\ "~ '^^^' "" ((__| >To Answer the question, 'Why Does God allow Pain And Suffering?' Many of you already know the answer. God gives us freedom of will. Unlike a certain bad guy and his henchmen, God will never ever force you to do anything you don't want to do. He will not control you or possess you or make you do something against your will. Love doesn't do that. God is love so He doesn't do that. As people we often choose to do things that are not good for us - over eat, over drink, smoke, do drugs, gamble, etc. We go against God's will and do the things that hurt us. When we go against God and sin, we push God away from us. By pushing God away from us, we also push His protection and care away. Like a child that would push a parent away only to run into the street and get hit by an oncoming car. Did the parent allow the child to get hurt? If the parent would of locked the child up and never had the child out of the house, this would not of happened. But then that would be considered child abuse. The child getting hurt was an accident. Not meant to happen but did because the child was acting out and going against the parent. We need to keep God close to us and then we reap the benefits. We cannot jump to conclusions though and figure all who get hurt do so because they are out of fellowship with God and are sinning. We are in a war ... "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" - 1 Peter 5:8 We need to be sober - which according to Webster dictionary means: marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor We need to be vigilant - which according to the Webster dictionary means: alertly watchful especially to avoid danger. Earnestly thoughtful and alertly watchful avoiding danger - this is a warning directly from the bible. In other words, the bible is telling you that the devil is out to get you - you are marked. Just like any predator he is watching you for any sign of weakness. He could strike at any time. That is why you must be earnestly thoughtful and alertly watchful avoiding danger - which would be reckless endangerment type of things. Don't play with fire because you could easily get burned! Avoid danger and of course dangerous things, dangerous activities, dangerous people, dangerous places etc, etc. etc. Not in fear or scared because You have overcome him - because... "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4 But you need to do this: Ephesians, chapter 6: "10": Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. "11": Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. "12": For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [from on high]. "13": Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. "14": Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; "15": And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; "16": Above all, taking the shield of faith [believing], wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. "17": And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: "18": Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit [speaking in tongues], and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints [born again believers]; AND ALWAYS put your Trust in God... Philip Kaulfuss . : . . : | : . . | | | , \ | | / . ,-'"""`-. . "- / __ __ \ -" |==| I |==| - --- | _`--^--'_ | --- - |'`. ,'`| _- \ "---" / -_ . `-.___,-' . / | | \ .' | | | `. : | : . : . TRUST IN THE LORD *~* Please Be Sure To Share This With your Friends And Family - Thanks! ======================================================================= >-->From Heartwarmers: \\ ///// | | (| _ _ |) |` | '| | __ | >>>___/\_^__/\___<<< / ||| \ Mike Hertz >THE UNDESIRABLE SOLDIER by Roger Dean Kiser Memorial Day has always been a very special day to me. Whether camping with the family, swimming, fishing or preparing BBQ for the grill, I do my very best to keep the memory of my fallen brothers and sisters in the foreground of my mind at all times. As a young 17 year old boy going into the service of my country, I was not the brightest bulb on the tree. Truth be known, I was a bit of a basket case in severe need of psychological counseling. After almost two years, I was discharged from the United States Army as an "undesirable" individual. For some reason I just could not adapt to military life. I should have been prepared for military life, having spent my entire childhood in a very strict and regimented Jacksonville, Florida, orphanage. If not that, then my two years at the Florida School for Boys Reformatory in Marianna should have certainly prepared me for such rigid training. "Freedom" to me had nothing to do with love or family. My mind was totally blank of what having a mother and a father felt like. I didn't know anything about those types of people. The only freedom I was looking for was the right to get a drink of water or to be able to go to the bathroom without having to ask permission. Or being able to open a refrigerator and get something to eat when you were hungry (which I had never done before.) Just being able to do those things was something worth dying for. For years I was ashamed of myself. I constantly wondered why I had failed in my duties and responsibilities as a young boy. Why did I find it so difficult to help defend my country's freedom? Now, at age 61, I can clearly see what I could not see when I was a young man. I was so proud of myself when I graduated from boot-camp at Fort Gordon, Georgia. For the first time in my life, I had accomplished something of value. When the ceremony was over, thousands of soldiers ran off the parade ground and into the waiting arms of their love ones. Every soldier screamed and yelled with joy as they hugged, laughed and headed off to spend time with their families. Every one of them had someone to be proud of them. Within fifteen minutes everyone had disappeared into the distance. In the quiet, I stood alone on the large grassy field. Looking down at the one medal on my chest, I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. It was at that very moment that I realized that I had no reason to defend freedom. That freedom was not worth dying for unless it brought one a sense of happiness and security. I sat down in the grass, placed my hands over my face, and I cried. Not for myself but because I realized that I had no one to die for. Today, as I look out my window I see my grandchildren running in play while smiling and laughing. I see no fear on their face or in their eyes. I can clearly see what I could not see back then. I now realize the sacrifice that a soldier must give. I now realize the sacrifice that I should have been willing to give so that others could be happy. There is nothing I can do to undo my irresponsibility as a 17 year old young man. The best I can do is to forever honor, with all my heart and the greatest of serenity, those who gave me and my family the freedom that I now enjoy. Not only on Memorial Day but every day of the year. -- Roger Dean Kiser ____________________________________________ Roger is a Heartwarmer Gem and a legendary writer who has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world. He has written over 20 books and you can review and obtain them here: ____________________________________________ .---. ___ /_____\ /\.-`( '.' ) / / \_-_/_ \ `-.-"`'V'//-. `.__, |// , \ |Ll //Ll|\ \ |__// | \_\ /---|[]==| / / \__/ | \/\/ /_ | Ll_\| |`^"""^`| | | | | | | | | | | | | L___l___J jgs |_ | _| (___|___) ^^^ ^^^ >A MEMORIAL DAY WORTH REMEMBERING by Andy Rooney Tomorrow is Memorial Day, the day we have set aside to honor by remembering all the Americans who have died fighting for the thing we like the most about our America: the freedom we have to live as we please. No official day to remember is adequate for something like that. It's too formal. It gets to be just another day on the calendar. No one would know from Memorial Day that Richie M., who was shot through the forehead coming onto Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944, wore different color socks on each foot because he thought it brought him good luck. No one would remember on Memorial Day that Eddie G. had promised to marry Julie W. the day after he got home from the war, but didn't marry Julie because he never came home from the war. Eddie was shot dead on an un-American desert island, Iwo Jima. For too many Americans, Memorial Day has become just another day off. There's only so much time any of us can spend remembering those we loved who have died, but the men, boys really, who died in our wars deserve at least a few moments of reflection during which we consider what they did for us. They died. We use the phrase "gave their lives," but they didn't give their lives. Their lives were taken from them. There is more bravery at war than in peace, and it seems wrong that we have so often saved this virtue to use for our least noble activity -- war. The goal of war is to cause death to other people. Because I was in the Army during World War II, I have more to remember on Memorial Day than most of you. I had good friends who were killed. Charley Wood wrote poetry in high school. He was killed when his Piper Cub was shot down while he was flying as a spotter for the artillery. Bob O'Connor went down in flames in his B17. Obie Slingerland and I were best friends and co-captains of our high school football team. Obie was killed on the deck of the Saratoga when a bomb that hadn't dropped exploded as he landed. I won't think of them anymore tomorrow, Memorial Day, than I think of them any other day of my life. Remembering doesn't do the remembered any good, of course. It's for ourselves, the living. I wish we could dedicate Memorial Day, not to the memory of those who have died at war, but to the idea of saving the lives of the young people who are going to die in the future if we don't find some new way that takes war out of our lives. That would be a Memorial Day worth celebrating. -- Andy Rooney c. 2005, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. ____________________________________________ This segment was originally broadcast on May 29, 2005. --- ...Visit WHY MY SON? ====================================================================== >Chivalry Rides Again Story Editor: by Naomi Russell Joyce Schowalter Scotland I was an Australian living in England. I changed jobs in the summer of 2003, transforming my commute from a 40-minute train ride to a 40-minute walk. What a wonderful lifestyle change -- strolling through parklands with birds and squirrels scampering around. Walking home one Friday afternoon I saw a young man sitting with his bike on a bench by the path. A few moments after I passed, he rode by on his bike. Then I spotted him sitting on the next bench along the path. This seemed odd and I felt uncomfortable, so I got out my mobile and pretended to ring someone. I could've turned off and gone out onto the road but thought I was over-reacting. He rode by again, went off the path and into the trees. I thought "See, he's gone". Passing the spot where he turned I glanced over to see him about 20 metres away, exposing himself. I thought "What an idiot!" and walked on with the sound of his laughter ringing in my ears. He picked the moment when no one else was around, unusual considering the number of people around. Calling 999 (the emergency number) seemed excessive, so I rang my boyfriend. By the time he answered I was in tears. I told him what had happened and asked him to pick me up from the nearby road. I talked to him until I saw other people ahead. I composed myself and asked a man fishing in the lake with two young boys if he knew the local police number. I gave a brief explanation of what had occurred, leaving out detail around young ears. He rang his wife but she didn't know. I thanked him, saying I had to walk to the road to meet my boyfriend. He told me to come back immediately if I saw the man again and resumed fishing. As I walked away the two young boys, about 10 years old, appeared on their bikes beside me. They were dressed in tracksuits and sneakers, probably enjoying riding around the park after school. They asked me what type of bike the man was riding and I admitted I knew nothing about bikes. I referred to the fisherman as their father and they informed me he wasn't, just a man fishing they had stopped to chat to. The conversation moved on to the hot air balloon festival happening in the park over the weekend -- a much more pleasant topic -- and we joked and laughed about going up in a balloon. They rode slowly, weaving their bikes across the wide path, making sure they didn't get ahead. They escorted me all the way to the street and then rode away, waving. What wonderful boys! If I could, I'd let their parents know what perfect gentlemen they were. Through their thoughtfulness not only was I escorted safely to the road, my mind was distracted from the incident and -- best of all -- they made me smile! EDITOR'S NOTE: The author suggests: =======HeroicStories======= >-->From InspiredBuffalo: | \ | / \ / ,d8b, ., (')-")_ 88888 --- ;';' ';'. ('- (. ')98P' ';.,; ,; '-.(PjP)' \ '.';.' | \ | >©Brutus The Greeter There could be none sweeter as a welcoming greeter… than Brutus... Down Isleton way on the Sacramento River Delta… You always find more at Jan's shop than just things to buy… The first experience of course was from the special greeter, Brutus. He was a very large canine type fellow, Rot and Lab I believe. He would be greeting you at the door. His Fur as black as the night, he kept watch as any good sentry over the entrance to Jan's shop. As he greeted each one of us as we came to the door he would then escort us inside the shop. Always keeping close watch on Jan. Then you're greeted by Jan with her warm smile and hello and some good conversation and then some sharing of Jan's latest creations, which are fabulous by the way. And sometimes Stormin' Norman even comes out to greet you and shares a story or two. He's the human type fellow there at Jan's shop. An occasional town's person will drop by and join in the conversation that makes things complete. Jan's shop is a special place to visit and to shop. Everyone in town and all frequent visitors know and love Brutus. Brutus is even a hero who saved many from burning to death in a large group of building's fire a while back. The fire was at night while all were sleeping, but Brutus he sprang to the rescue and woke everyone up and got them all safely out without harm. That was how special Brutus was filled with love and Caring for his Jan and Stormin' Norman, all the neighbors and all who visited the shop. Brutus made the town newspaper as a hero. I can safely say Brutus was a very special fellow! Things down Isleton way just won't be quite the same without Brutus keeping watch and greeting us at the door. But I have a feeling that he is still keeping watch and waiting at The Rainbow Bridge to greet and welcome us once more… another day! Until we see you again dear Brutus, frolic in the meadows and run free with the others there, We'll be happy when we See you again waiting at the bridge to greet us and to welcome us home. ©Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth, April 20, 2005, ®All Rights Reserved -<>- . . . . | . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ` `'`L'`O'`V'`E ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L ' ' ' ' O ' ' ' ' V ' ' ' ' E ' ' ' . . '`E' `L''. . `. `$' `L' `O` `V' `E' `$' .' ` , , , , , , , , , , ' ( ) ) ) * ( ( ( L ) ) ) O ( * ( V ) ) E ( ( * ) ) L ( ( O ) ( V ) ) E ( ( * ) `@~@~@~@~@~@' `@.@.@.@.@' Carolyn Stewart >"A Lamp for All" Let love be the lamp to guide your way When all seems dark as night; Let love be the key to every door Of peace and Joy and light. No gulf is too wide for love to span, No wound too deep to heal; No tear too wet to wipe away, No heart too cold to feel. Let love shine though so all may see, Let love shine clear and bright! True love is such a magic thing, It gives us... second sight. --Phyllis C. Michael -<>- >The Diploma _______________________ _ ,' _j'_.' .'``.\ / /,--.\ /,--. \\ | |({{}})| |/,--,\|| | \`--'/ ||\___/// \ /""/\ \`.__// `.____/ /._`.________`._.' hjw / / /,'\| (From the book: Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter) by Michael T. Powers I was exhausted from working my two jobs over the weekend and was not looking forward to the graduation ceremony. I have been to many graduations and I know how boring they are for most people. To top everything off, my wife and I had our two kids under the age of three with us. Both of the kids were squirming and whining, and I knew it was going to be a long afternoon. Our sole comic relief came when my three-year-old patted and rubbed the head of a bald man we did not know in front of us. As the ceremony dragged on I kept thinking of all the places I would rather be, and made up my mind that I wasn't going to enjoy myself. It was your ordinary graduation ceremony: a hot, sweaty auditorium filled with people fanning themselves with their programs, listening to speech upon boring speech, and the endless calling of names as each matriculator walked across the stage to grab this piece of paper that symbolized his or her academic accomplishment. It was getting harder and harder to pay attention. Just as my attitude started to go sour, they began calling out the graduate's names. The classmates formed a single file line and made their way up towards the podium. That's when I caught my first close-up glimpse of Kim. She looked up at us and was trying in vain to hold back the tears. She was not doing a good job of it. Believe me, holding back emotions is not something that Kim does very well. There she was, standing in line, about to receive her diploma, and she was probably thinking about a number of things. Maybe her dad who passed away a few years ago and didn't get to see her reach her goal, or her grandmother, who also passed away recently, and who had always wanted to attend college, but her family didn't have the money... For me it was like something from a movie. You know, the dramatic slow motion scene where all the crowd noise grows quiet, and the camera slowly moves up on her face as the tears begin to fall. She was a good distance away from us, but to me it was as if she were standing in front of me. That simple act of looking up at those loved ones who had come to watch her graduate, and gently rubbing the tears of joy, accomplishment, and pride out of her eyes really got through to me. The selfishness in me melted away, and I realized why I was there and not somewhere else. "KIMBERLY ANNE CONWAY, GRADUATING MAGNA CUM LAUDE," came booming over the auditorium's sound system, and she walked gracefully across the huge stage and received this piece of paper that symbolized so many things to her. Then just before she walked off the stage, she turned around towards those who had come to share the day with her, and, with the brightest smile on her face, waved and grinned at us like a little girl getting on the school bus for the first time. I glanced at my wife, and saw the tear-drops roll gently down as the love she had for her sister manifested itself on her face. You see, Kim is not your ordinary college graduate. She is thirty- eight years old, and has stuck with her goal of graduating from college for the past twenty years. It's not like she is going to look back on that part of her life, sigh, and say, "College... the best twenty years of my life!" She attended college while working full time, and she studied extremely hard, especially the past couple of years as she pushed toward her goal of a college degree. Many times she felt like quitting, and, if it weren't for her support group of other nontraditional students that cared for her, she would have given up on her goal. Many times she would call one of the other students she knew and tell them she wanted to quit, and would be talked out of it. Then a while later this student would call her and say she wanted to quit and Kim would talk her out of it... (Luckily, they both didn't want to quit at the same time!) I have the utmost respect for Kim. It takes a special person to stick with a goal as long as she has. I attended college for three years when I got out of high school, but I stopped when I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life. Many times I have looked back and wished that I had stuck with it and gone on to be a high school teacher. If for no other reason, I wish I had finished something that I had started. I know what it feels like to walk out of that last final exam of the semester, breathe in the fresh air just outside the doors of the university, and feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders for at least a little while. I can't even begin to imagine what it felt like for Kim after so many years... I love you, Kim, and I want you to know that I admire you for that symbolic piece of paper that will soon adorn a wall in your house. In the words of Caleb, my three-year-old: "HAPPY GRADULATION, AUNT KIMMY!" Michael T. Powers Copyright © 2000 by Michael T. Powers Michael T. Powers resides in Wisconsin with his wife Kristi. His stories appear in 22 inspirational books including his own entitled: Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter." -<>- 980819 ,="=-. ,`'oo' \o`. ( .88 |^||^)) ) , ) ) `@ (@' (. Will you give this to my Daddy? ( ` , `C ' ) `) `-=' ,/ ._c/ `-=' ,-( `-.,')-. gpyy `( ) As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support 'Red Fridays.' Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of pat- riotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camos. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said 'hi.' The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her Daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter Courtney missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it. After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, 'I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.' He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying 'your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.' The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek. We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an American. RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the 'silent majority'. We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity an d resp ect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-b looded American who supports our men and women afar will wear some thing red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once 'silent' majority is on their side more than ever; certainly more than the media let s on. The first thing a soldier says when asked 'What can we do to make things better for you?' is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday. WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE. THEIR BLOOD RUNS RED---- SO WEAR RED! --- MAY GOD HELP AMERICA TO BECOME ONE NATION, UNDER GOD. -<>- Links: plane plane crash plunge off the new river bridge Mobile Hot Cup Hot Drink Wild Bear Release: Rolling Memorial Where Was God? USA & Troops Animated Graphics Subscribe send a blank email to: ===================================================================== >-->From Our Friend Tony In Australia :) >End times Part 2 , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' As much as most of us would deny it, our own nature is what causes most of the ‘hassles’ we have to deal with. Its our nature that causes arguments, greed and anger, even wars but just as much ,it causes death and unhappiness by stress related illnesses. Why? The Bible tells us… to receive,.. we must first learn to give, but do we heed that? Some do, most don’t. Even children who have learned about wars and conflicts will demand other children ‘give that ball!! And if the ball owner refuses? Armageddon in the back yard. No! ITS TRUE! I have seen it in my OWN backyard…… Bullies and ruffians have been around since the days of Cainn and Abel! They are not ‘new’…. It’s painful to have to admit, that animals are used as measuring stick when it comes to ‘decency’, and when we say “ That ‘person’ is an animal,”… by the standards set by ‘some’ humans….that would have to be a compliment to the person and an insult to the animal! “What an unkind remark!”……Unkind you say? ME being unkind? You ought to see some of the things that I see.!Hear some of the things I hear! Prejudiced you say? We as a race live with a heap of prejudices… and yet we see prejudice in others but can’t see it in ourselves! We have them! We just don’t admit them.. Color? Race? Does it matter? Well… some it does, but I tell you…. GOD …made us ArrrGGGHHH Dare I say it? GOD….MADE… US ..EQUAL! Yeah yeah! I heard it before He just made some of us more equal then others……well many an unkind word is said in jest let me tell you!... Now we come to Religious prejudice… Prejudice is always about ‘division’…you stay one side of the line, and I will stay on tother! You believe what you want …and so will I! Well, I reckon I can say no matter what ‘religion’ you have belonged to. You have been lied to…… OH WOW! Get out the tar and feathers!Lets get him! Religion…..HAS caused so many wars we have lost count and even within its own ranks, there is mass division and its human nature again! defend our beliefs. We tend not to recognise the lies that come from top levels, just the same as they do when it comes to politics. Again, many of us stick our heads in the sand and let the world blow on by… we simply do NOT want to hear the truth if it makes us ‘just a tad’ uncomfortable. Lies ( some say ‘mistruths) cause so much stress. Husbands lie to their wives …and of course vice versa. We know that advertising (which swamps us)! Is for the biggest part a bunch of lies! “ This product” will make you look younger! Or stronger! Or smarter! Eat BRAINFOOD! Beans and Bananas! A bean and banana on toast uh? For breakfast will help you make all the smart decisions in the day ahead Lies break friendships and marriages day in day out….. How long since someone lied to you? how long since YOU! Told a lie? Religion does have a lot to answer for as far as lying is concerned and I believe that the ‘times’ are reflected very much so by the clash in religions. Soon enough, lies will be exposed and if we have put all our eggs into one basket, what do we do if we find the basket has holes in it? For over 40 years I listened to this preacher and that preacher, I saught something I could believe in rather than seeking the truth and the only thing that IS true… God….and He loves us to have sent His Son…..oh! let me stop right there…. He loved us enough…. to endure more suffering than you and I EVER would or could! And… HE BOUGHT OUR FREEDOM and conquered death for OUR sakes …not His. So, when it comes to who has three truth and who hasn’t and the Day comes when all is revealed about 85% of the worlds churches will have to close their doors. God told us Himself there is but ONE GOD and ONE truth….So how come there are so many versions as to ‘who’ GOD is? Will God EVER? Reveal Himself to us? Well he did that already! And we killed Him….or someone did, not me! But someone…. God WILL reveal Himself but first I believe He will send someone else to help us be ‘convinced’ . What a job that will be!.... If there is ONE God, is it the same God for the Catholics as it is for Protestants? If they are both Christians and ‘followers’ of God why have spent a great many years killing each other? That’s not Godly! 3.5 billion people say the spring from Abram and if that’s true, then why are trhere so many versions about the ‘one God’ they serve? Confusing isn’t it? Even the ones who say they are not ‘religious’ have differences of opinion as to “who” God is and what His role is! And yet the ALL believe they have the truth! Well they can’t all be right uh? Does the COFE have the same God as the Catholics? Do the revere God as supreme? Does Christ have any say in what is and what should be? Do Mormons Jehovahs Witnesses and Pentecostals serve the same God? Because they do NOT teach about God in the same way! If they did…..they would all be able to join together in ONE accord, as Jesus asks us to…. Let me ask this…. In both world wars, Churchs were involved in supporting the men in the front being killed by the opposite side. So Americans and Italians and Brits were being blessed by their Vicars and Priests as the went off to kill their enemy……. Did that confuse or sicken God? If there was such a thing as not only teaching about being unified in God but behaving in like manner then how come we still have wars? Muslims and Hindus fight over religious beliefs just as did Catholics and Protestants.There has hardly been a time in recorded history where the Middle east hasn’t been at war… the name Jerusalem means peace……but the city has rarely seen peace. End of part 2 --- ...Thank You Tony! Peace will come when man stops his traditions and starts doing God's Will - then and only then. So the bible tells us there will be wars and rumors of wars - why? Because man cannot do all God's Will - Why? Jesus tells us... Matthew 22:14 'For many are called, but few are chosen.' Check out Truth Matters Topics here for more: =================================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: \\\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\\ \\\ \\ \\\ \\ \ \\\\ \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ` \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ . \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\wWWWWWWWww. \\\\\\\ ` \\ \\\WWW"""::::::""WWw \\\\\ , \ \\ \\wWWW" .,wWWWWWWw.. WWw. \\\ ` ` \\\\\wWW" W888888888888W "WXX. `\\ . `.\\wWW" M88888i#####888"8M "WWX. `\` \ \` wWWW" M88888##d###"w8oo88M WWMX. `\ ` \wWWW" :W88888####* #88888M; WWIZ. `` - -- wWWWW" W88888####42##88888W WWWXx . / "WIZ W8n889######98888W WWXx. ' '/"Wm, W88888999988888W >WWR" : ' "WMm. "WW88888888WW" mmMM" ' "Wmm. "WWWWWW" ,whAT?" ""MMMmm.. _,mMMMM""" ""MMMMMMMMMMMMMM"""" Mike Jittlov 12/95 >BATTING MY EYELASHES by Janet Perez Eckles A baby camel asked his mother, "Why do we have such large hoofs on our feet?" She turned to him. "God made us that way for a very special reason," and she began her explanation. "The big hoofs are to keep us from sinking into the sand." "Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?" "It's to protect our eyes from the sand." "Why the big humps?" "That is to store fat and have enough energy to go long distances in the hot desert!" "I see!" the baby camel stretched his neck and looked up at his mother, "The big hoofs are to keep from sinking into the sand, the long eyelashes are to keep the sand out of our eyes, and the humps are to store energy to travel long distances -- then what are we doing in this cage in the middle of a zoo?" Like the camel, I had asked the same kind of questions. When my blindness set in, I initially locked myself in a cage of self-pity and bitterness. Weary from pacing within that gloomy cage, something nudged me to see beyond my circumstance and unfortunate plight. Heavens! What was I thinking? Those bars were self-imposed. But worst of all, I'd supported them with the cold metal of my negative attitude. Eventually, eagerness to leave my stuffy cell of discontent prompted me to open my ears to hear a reassuring whisper -- God had created me for much more. Itching to break free, I broke down those bars and stepped out into the desert of life. I trudged through the heat with determination and drive. I endured the blistering sun with perseverance and tenacity. I quenched my thirst with fresh inspiration and encouragement. And the hooves of confidence kept me from sinking into the sand of insecurity. Thinking ahead, I made sure I'd stored a healthy supply of wisdom and positive attitude to take me through the long haul. Goodness gracious. Each time I reached another point in my journey, my eyes saw a whole new world with opportunities to make a difference. Best of all, I was delighted with the affirmation that I was indeed created for much more! Bars come in all sizes and shapes. Some are physical, others are emotional or even mental. But none can withstand the force of determination that breaks them down. The effort is worth it and the results, simply amazing! So, batting my long eyelashes to keep out the sand of discouragement, I challenge you -- Step back and peek at what bars limit you. Take a deep breath, break them down, and emerge into the freshness of a new life! -- Janet Perez Eckles ____________________________________________ Janet lacks physical sight, but uses her insight to impart inspirational messages across the country. She's a freelance writer and contributor to seven books including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. nShe authored "Trials of Today, Treasures For Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life." You can visit her website here: ____________________________________________ >HEADS UP by Laurel Jean The morning's radio interviews were a success! Having just completed a few errands, my assistant and I are looking forward to lunch at an area Chinese restaurant before driving the forty miles back to my office. I exited the department store near the radio station and crossed the parking lot. Caught up in the momentum of the day, I held my white cane in front of me, tapping the rhythm of my footsteps, brisk with the chill of a midday in February. As I approached the van, the rhythmic brush of my cane against the pavement was interrupted by a delicate, jingling sound. My attention became like that of a child who has just seen a glint of light reflected in a coin on the sidewalk. I gingerly followed the length of my cane to the ground, and there I found a penny, heads up, just waiting to be discovered. While many people consider the penny to be a nuisance and certainly not equated with success and achievement, finding a penny on the sidewalk was the highlight of a busy work day for me. According to the memory of my grandmother's folklore, this treasure must be immediately placed in my right shoe for good luck. I stood on one foot in the middle of the parking lot and with all of the dignity of my twenty-something years, I slipped the coin into my right shoe. Throughout my childhood, I waited for this, smiling at such treasures when they were found by the sharp eyes of my sighted playmates. Now, this finder's moment is mine to keep. For the first time in my life... "Hey! I found a penny... Heads Up!" -- Laurel Jean ____________________________________________ Laurel is a traveling musician and speaker with an outreach promoting blindness/braille awareness. You can visit her website here: =================================================================== >-->FUN Places To Net Visit :) Hip DJ Violin -<>- >From LynnLynn's Links: Memorial Day Judy w/ Beholding Beyond Words Daily With The Troops 2 Portrait of Middle Age 'Trust God' Animated Images Home Security Tantrum Amazing Child Snow Plow Oh No! Alarm Cool Parrot Cookie Blues Dentyne Dogs Domino Mouse If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank e-mail to =================================================== And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. -- Lee Greenwood >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->Bigham's Computer Rescue - PC Sales & SService You can trust us to provide you with quality computer sales and repair. 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