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THANK YOU! -<>- >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This flaming hot new page is from our friend LouiseAu. It is sure to give you your aww quota for the day along with some good belly laughs. Check this one out here and don't miss out on the laughs with its video! .-"""-. _/-=-. \ (_|a a/ |_ / " \ ,_) _ \`=' /__/ / \_ .;--' `-. \___)// , \ \ \/; \ \ \_.| | | .-\ ' _/_/ .' _;. (_ \ / .' `\ \\_/ |_ / | |\\ / _) / / || jgs / / _/ / // \_/ ( `-/ || / / \\ .-. \_/ \'-'/ `"` Pan-Kun And James --- ...So cute and sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- >In The 'Shangy' News :) Don't forget to get in on the summer sale of buy one get one free doses and free shipping on all your pet supplies from our sponsor here... _ \`*-. ) _`-. . : `. . : _ ' \ ; *` _. `*-._ `-.-' `-. ; ` `. :. . \ . \ . : .-' . ' `+.; ; ' : : ' | ; ;-. ; ' : :`-: _.`* ; [bug] .*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*' `*-* `*-* `*-*' Frontline for Cats: Buy 4 Get 4 Doses Free + Extra Discount & Free Shipping __ /\/'-, ,--''''' /" ____,'. ) \___ '"""""------'"""`-----' pb Advantage for Dogs: Buy Online Cheap Advantage For Dogs with Free Shipping in US Anytime you click through their ad and buy something, you will be not only purchasing an excellent low cost item, but you will be benefiting our website so that I may continue to provide you with fun and inspirational emails and pages to add a little variety and SMILES for your day. So, if you see an ad on my website, please click through and check them out knowing I have chosen them for their quality of service and items. Why? Because I care About you! :) =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: One of the most appalling comments on our present way of life is that half of all the beds in our hospitals are reserved for patients with nervous and mental troubles, patients who have collapsed under the crushing burden of accumulated yesterdays and fearful tomorrows. Yet a vast majority of those people would be walking the streets today, leading happy, useful lives, if they had only heeded the words of Jesus: "Have no anxiety about the morrow"; or the words of Sir William Osler; "Live in day-tight compartments. -- Dale Carnegie \\\\ c oo | .U __=__ ,,, |. __|___ oo ; ||_/ / / U= _ 0 \_/__/__E o /. .| | (___ || |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----'~| I---||| |-----------------------| I ||| | c(__) | ^ '--'' ^ ^ Petrus >HOUSTON MEDICAL Nobody wanted to be there. Not even one person. However, they were all there, and in a strange way, glad they were. It was the waiting room of the Neuro Trauma Intensive Care Unit (NTICU) at Memorial Hermann Hospital, one of only two "Level One Trauma Hospitals" in Houston, Texas. (Memorial Hermann Hospital is the site of this summer's ABC medical drama entitled Houston Medical.) When a person is critically injured -- when one's life is hanging in the balance due to some traumatic event -- the family should always attempt to see to it that its injured loved one goes to a Level One Trauma Unit, if it's possible. The families in the waiting room of the NTICU almost always appear to be petrified because they know, at any moment, a physician might enter the unit and tell them, "I am very sorry. We tried everything possible, however..." The first few days, as a rule, the families keep to themselves. However, as time passes by, the families usually get to know each other -- they share the joy when there is good news for a family, and they also share their sorrow when there is poor news for a family. The Unit's many families become a "support group" for each other. I have seen it often. As one of the social workers for the hospital, I understand the dynamics of hope and the importance of support. I have seen families volunteer to take a family from out-of- town to their homes so that they could rest and shower. I have also seen strangers pray for the recovery of someone whom they did not even know 24 hours earlier. There are many "miraculous" stories about the families in the NTICU. Unfortunately, there are many times when there is not "a happy ending." On one occasion, a young man was severely hurt and suffered a traumatic brain Injury and was rushed to our hospital. For days, his prognosis was in doubt. His mother was always in the waiting room and I am sure she experienced a roller coaster of emotions, and of course, she breathed a huge sigh of relief when the doctors gave her reason to hope. Then she saw another mother in the waiting room whose daughter had not been given that hopeful prognosis. The daughter, she was told by the doctors, would probably soon pass away as a result of the severe injuries that she had sustained in a car accident. The two mothers were soon linked together -- strangers joined forever by a universal magnet -- motherly pain. They became very close, supporting each other in both good and bad times. Ironically, the predictions for the two mothers were eventually reversed. The young man who was supposed to survive, unfortunately passed away, while the girl who was supposed to die is now making progress in Florida, in her home. Families in the waiting room can eventually develop very close relationships and begin to care for each other. For example, there were two patients -- one elderly gentleman and the other a teenager -- who had been in the Unit for quite some time. Their families got to know each other, and became close. The parents of the teenager were always at the hospital, night and day. But, one night, the teenager's mother returned to her home while his father remained in the waiting room. The next morning she returned to the hospital and said to the wife of the elderly patient, who regularly remained at the hospital night and day, "I was worried about you all night." The elderly woman responded, "I figured you were worried because last night I WAS SLEEPING WITH YOUR HUSBAND IN THE WAITING ROOM AND I WOULDN'T HAVE MISSED IT FOR THE WORLD!" Everyone burst out in deep laughter. Humor can be a great coping mechanism. Yes, life can be very difficult. However, it can also be tempered if one has a support system to help and assist during those strenuous and exacting moments. Support is very important -- especially in the waiting room. -- Michael Jordan Segal -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Segal is a social worker at Memorial Hermann Hospital (which is where the current ABC television series "Houston Medical" is filmed), writer, and well sought after motivational speaker. He married his high school sweetheart, Sharon, and together they have a daughter, Shawn. Mike has had national recognition about his "miraculous" comeback after being shot in the head as an innocent witness to a robbery. You can visit his webpage at: =========================================================== lunar lander ____ /___.`--.____ .--. ____.--( .'_.- ( ) -._'. .'.' |'..'| '.'. .-. .' /'--.__|____|__.--'\ '. .-. (O).)-| | \ | | / | |-(.(O) `-' '-'-._'-./ \.-'_.-'-' `-' _ | | '-.________.-' | | _ .' _ | | | __ | | | _ '. / .' ''.| | / \ | |.'' '. \ | |( )| '. || || .' |( )| | \ '._.' '. | \ / | .' '._.' / '.__ ______'.|__'--'__|.'______ __.' .'_.-| |------| |-._'. //\\ | |--::--| | //\\ // \\ | |--::--| | // \\ // \\| /|--::--|\ |// \\ / '._.-'/|_______/ |--::--| \_______|\`-._.' \ / __..--' /__|--::--|__\ `--..__ \ / / '-.|--::--|.-' \ \ / / |--::--| \ \ / / |--::--| \ \ _.-' `-._ _..||.._ _.-` '-._ '--..__..--' LGB '-.____.-' '--..__..-' >-->50 years ago, Apollo 11 launched for the Moon 50 years ago today, Apollo 11 launched for the Moon On July 20, 1969, humans walked on another world for the first time in history. Four days earlier, on July 16, the Apollo 11 mission launched with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins onboard. The Moon landing achieved a goal that President John F. Kennedy set in 1961, before Americans had even orbited the Earth. After a landing that included dodging a lunar crater and a boulder field just before touchdown, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the area around their landing site for more than two hours. They collected soil and rock samples, planted an American flag, and left behind a plaque with a simple message for the heavens: “We came in peace for all mankind.” For this historic anniversary, the National Air and Space Museum held a special ceremony today, displaying the same space suit that mission commander Armstrong wore when he took that “giant leap for mankind.” NASA: At 9:32 a.m. ET, Apollo 11 launched, sending 3 astronauts to the Moon “At that moment, the nation held its breath—a nation that had been deeply divided during the tumultuous 1960s,” Vice President Mike Pence said during the unveiling ceremony. “On top of the contributions to science and human understanding, for that brief moment, the man who wore this suit brought together our nation and the world.” Neil Armstrong was known as ‘Ice Commander’ among his colleagues, a testament to his strength of character and ability to remain calm under pressure. His iron will was on full display while touching down on the lunar surface, during which he likely saved the lives of his two crewmembers. The designated landing area, it turns out, was full of boulders large enough to potentially doom the entire mission. Armstrong calmly took control of the module and found a safe spot to land with only 17 seconds of fuel left to spare. “The debt this nation owes to our Apollo astronauts, including the man who wore the suit that we unveil today, we can never fully repay,” the Vice President said. Heroes such as the Apollo 11 crew helped pave the way for more achievements by the men and women of NASA. Under President Donald J. Trump, the best is still to come. America is renewing its commitment to be the sole leader in space activity and exploration. After remaining dormant for the past quarter- century, the National Space Council was given new life by President Trump. NASA now has a renewed mission: to return America to the moon within the next five years—and, from there, on to Mars. “I have a feeling that the man who wore the suit that we will unveil today would be glad to know that the first woman and the next man on the moon will also be an American,” the Vice President said. Watch Apollo 11 Launch on 50th Anniversary -<>- .--. .--. : (\ ". _......_ ." /) : '. ` ` .' /' _ _ `\ / 0} {0 \ | / \ | | /' `\ | \ | . .==. . | / '._ \.' \__/ './ _.' jgs / ``'._-''-_.'`` \ `--` >SMOKEY THE BEAR - Smokey Bear's 75th Birthday! "Only you can prevent forest fires." Smokey the Bear (originally just called Smokey Bear) first uttered those words in 1944, and seventy-five years later he's still keeping forests safe for everyone. This website chronicles the history of Smokey, and includes videos of vintage television commercials, original radio broadcast recordings, old posters, the story of the real bear that inspired the creation of Smokey, and just about everything else you wanted to know or see about Smokey the Bear but were afraid to ask. The videos in particular are fun to watch, and there's also a special kid's section that includes online games and all sorts of fun. Smokey The Bear =========================================================== , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >-->Taking Revenge by emb Romans 12: 19 – Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 'To renew your mind to this commandment in the Word of God is perhaps the most rewarding and the most difficult accomplishment you may ever make. It seems to take forever for a Christian to APPLY this simple commandment of God. The god of this world is extremely tricky and deceiving in this area. He is very good at manipulating even the most mature Christian into seeking vengeance or revenge and justifying his or her actions as lining up with God’s Word. IT IS NEVER RIGHT TO SEEK REVENGE.' - From 'Avenge Not Yourselves' I agree with this teaching. It is very hard to not take revenge on someone when they have done you or someone you love wrong. Especially when it is your own child. I'm like a mamma bear and want to rip into the person who has harmed my child. I am most protective. But I keep God's Word in mind knowing God does not want me to get in trouble or go to jail for taking revenge on someone. I totally respect God and once I know His Will, I will do my best to please Him and not go against Him. After all, what idiot would purposely go against God Almighty? - The Creator of the entire Universe! We are held accountable especially for deliberately going against God's Word. Normally I take things in stride and figure the person will 'reap what they sow' and I forget about the injustice done. However, when it comes to something I consider a high offense such as someone purposely badly hurting my child, then I invoke what I consider God's justice and remind God in prayer of His promise, 'Vengeance is mine;'... in the name of Christ Jesus my Lord! When God repays, it is swift and just and far better than you could ever do on your own. He is SO much more powerful and wise. The last time I invoked this with God in prayer, instead of the person being sentenced to prison right away, he was first sent away to a hospital for psychiatric care and evaluation giving me and my family full peace of mind that he wouldn't be harming us or anyone else for quite some long time. Remember to put your trust in God. He's always got your back! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Colossians 3: 25 -- But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. Don't you love that word used - 'shall' - not 'will' but Shall - absolutely without a shadow of a doubt! God is good! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: \\ ///// | | (| _ _ |) |` | '| | __ | >>>___/\_^__/\___<<< / ||| \ Mike Hertz >It Has Always Been the Soldier By Jene Lind. When you lay your head down on your pillow Say your prayers at night. Be sure to pray for all our soldiers That must go and fight. It was the soldier of the field Who paid for our liberty He has always been the one To make this country free. Yes, it has always been the soldier Who has gone so far away And it has always been the soldier For our freedom, with his blood paid. It was the one in the foreign land So far away from home. He was the one who sacrificed So we could all stay home. Their holidays spent in jungles Some in deserts and some in mud. Some in a foxhole in a cold, cold land And it's he who sheds his blood. He writes his son or daughter From the swamps and jungles dim. He asked them to pray for him Sends his love to wrap them in. They know that Daddy's far away And he may not come home. Yes, it has always been the soldier Who in foreign lands roamed. Yes, it has always been the soldier Who has gone so far away. And it has always been the soldier For our freedom with his blood paid. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >What You Give Is What You Get "What you give is what you get." I am sure that everyone of us have heard those words uttered again and again in our lives. They remain age old words of wisdom that go back thousands of years. They go along with "reaping what we sow" and "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you." What amazes me most about these wonderful words, though, is the truth that lies in them. I see this truth everyday in my own life. This truth shines through the actions of my youngest son whose smiles, hugs, and laughter light up the world around him in spite of his handicap. This truth glows from the life of my daughter whose kindness, friendship, and loving spirit brightens the lives of those around her. This truth flows out of the behavior of my oldest boy who is a friend to the world and never met anyone he didn't like. This truth radiates from everything I watch my wife do as she makes the world a better place for her family, friends, co-workers, and the many pets she rescues. This truth lights up my own life as I see again and again every good, kind, and loving thing I do come back to bless me with even greater joy. Don't be afraid to give then. Give your time, your energy, your talents, your love, and your joy. Share all the fantastic blessings God gives to you with those around you. Become as Leo Buscaglia said "the most beautiful, sensitive, wondrous, magical, unique, fantastic person in the world", so that you can share that person with everyone everywhere. If you can do this then what you will get back will be so glorious and wonderful that you will never want to stop giving. It is true that what you give is what you get. But if what you give is love, joy, peace, happiness, goodness, delight, and oneness with God then what you get will be a thousand times greater. by: Joseph J. Mazzella -<>- _____ /`.---.`\ / /.---.\ \ ; |/ e e \| ; ; \| ^ |/ | | \_=_/ | |.-"` `"-.| / `'-...-'` \ | | | , | \ './|\.' / ;._(/:\)_.; || : : || || ; : || || : : || || '.' || || + || || || || || |'-.___.-'| | | '-.__ __.-' jgs (_/`\_) >Sister Mary ~Bill Walker~ Sister Mary, well Sister Mary Walker was one of the most kind, nice ladies I have ever met. I think if you would ever had the good luck to have met her you would have to say the same. But then maybe I should add to this by saying I am not a Catholic. I know very little about the good sisters. You see I met Sister Mary quite by accident. I got up one morning and found my mother in a very bad way. She was undergoing a bad heart attack. I knew the minute I saw her, she was in deep trouble. I called for the ambulance. None of this 911 stuff. I called the guys on duty. Short cut you know. I also knew every second counted. Well Gene Sullivan was on duty. One of the best. When he answered the phone on the second ring, I told him, "Gene get to my house, don't spare the horses. Heart attack." Well it is only about a mile and a half to the house, and four blocks back to the hospital. So it didn't take but a couple minutes for them to be at the door. We loaded all the time piping oxygen. They pulled out and I followed in my Jeep. Wrong buggie as it proved later. Dr. C.T.Frerichs was called. Doctor Frerichs was a heart doctor. He gave her a going over which in this case was fast. He stepped out of the E.R.Room and told me it was bad. Her chances were slim and none.. Her heart is a race horse one minute, and drops into the 30 clicks a minute rate. She needs a pacer put in and maybe that would work. Nothing for sure. The problem is she may be too far down to stand it. Also the best place to do that would be Bryan Memorial Hospital in Lincoln, 40 plus miles north. We can try it here, but the batting average is not all that great. I said "Lincoln." The ambulance was readied for a flying trip. A nurse was added to the crew. And away they went. Well here goes Bill trying to keep up. Poor Jeep tongue was hanging out, and the ambulance were out of sight. Now Bryan is one of the best hospitals any where in the country when it comes to heart, bar none. At that time the real tough cases, first stop is what was know as the cave. It was a long row of beds, each person in a bed is on the list of may make it, may not. The best nurses and doctors worked the cave. When I got there, mother was in one of those beds. A team of nurses was so thick I wondered how anyone could do anything. There was also a doctor on each side. One nurse was getting the low down from the nurse that rode the ambulance. Clip board in hand. Writing and looking over the papers that was brought from Beatrice. Someone asked me who was I and what is it you want. Well I got told where to hang out at and there is free coffee. Like I didn't know. Shucks a good ambulance crew is just like a good cop. They find the free coffee and donuts fast. Well I didn't have to wait but a few minutes. Here is a doctor. Dr.Guard.. He is a guard all right. Guards every word. Sure didn't at this point want to build my hopes up. He said well from what he read of her medical history, and he had talked to Dr.Frerichs on the phone a couple times, she might be able to pull it off, but the problem is this up and down running horse. Plus the fact she is in a coma. He said something about they had to stop the run away heart, it was in this case working itself to death, and also stop the far down swings. And he said. "You know there is a great chance the brain has been damaged. Just how far should we go to keep life here?" I said. "Well Dr.Frerichs said what he did about the pacer." Dr.Guard said. "Pacer is not now.. She might not live through that right now.. We have to get her out of the coma and get the heart running some what normal. Which that part can be done with meds." So I joined the crowd of people in the little wait and see room. [You can call it the wait and set room, to me it is see what is going to happen.] If you have never been in one of these rooms. You find all kinds of people. A man with a long face. A woman with a long face. A son or two with a long face. A daughter or two with a long face. Some talk, some just set and look lost. Some quick friendships come about. Every one in the room is in the same boat. There may be a total of at one time 20 or more people in this crowd.. There is a television going.. One or two may be giving it a blank stare. You could ask them what is on, as a rule no one knows. There is papers here and there, someone seems to bring in one now and then. May be a blanket piled in a corner. A table with a phone on it.. Once in a while it rings. Someone will answer it. Ask is anyone name of Smith or whatever the name is. Someone gets up talks a minute and walks fast out the door. They may come back, may not. These are the real close ones to someone in the cave. Down the hall is another room. This is for the friends, shirt tail relation. The small crowd get about five minutes a hour to send one member of each person in the cave in to look at them. Ever once in a while a call would go out. "Doctor Blue." I knew full well who Doctor Blue is.. Then another call.. "Dr.Guard, call 34" Someone is in deep trouble. Once in a while a nurse and a doctor meets with a family. They walk out to a real small little room. The door closes. In a few minutes the family comes back. Tears are flowing, they mumble some words to others, pick up a few things and stumble out the door and down the hall. But as a rule all of the crowd does a lot of hugging and wishes for the best, both ways. You see all these people has something in common. One family may have lost, but they wish the best for those still waiting. The ones waiting say some mumble words to the family that lost. It is indeed a sad room. The ones left in the room look at one another as in a trance. There is some happy times in the sad room. The doctor may stop in and say "Mr.Walker. You mother has come out of the coma." At that time things brightening up not only for you but others too has a new hope. Mother had been in the cave two days, still in the coma. I walked in and found a card on the little stand. It was from someone I knew not. It was addressed to Sister Mary Walker. I told one of the nurses. I didn't believe we knew the people on the return address. She looked at it and then said. "I bet this is meant for the Catholic Sister. She is on a training deal here. Her name is Mary Walker. Your mother is Mary Walker." Well I never thought any more about the Sister. Other then this is very strange. Two Mary Walkers in the same place at the same time. Now when a person improves to a certain point, they are moved to a upper floor. Mother at last after about a week was at the move stage. I really think the nurse staff was happy to see her moved, but they were going to loose the candy man. Every time I came, I would have a sack of home made peanut brittle. One told me they had to hide it. Darn doctors. They would have a piece in mouth, and a couple in each hand. Then I became the candy man to the nurses on the 4th floor. I didn't really forget the ones in the cave. I got them the biggest box of Stovers I could find. Mother still didn't have the pacer. Dr.Guard said that would be up to a doctor Wilson. So I got to meet with Dr.Wilson. He told me that it would be done as soon as he felt she could stand it. He said we have her here. We have the meds working that control the ups and downs swings. It is just get her strong enough to go through it. May be a few days. So I felt like I could spend a little while with her in the room. Get up and go else where in the city for a hour or so and come back.. One day I came walking back into the hospital. And guess who I ran into? Sister Mary Walker. Now how she picked me out I will never know. But she walked up to me and said. "You Bill Walker." I said. "Yes." she told me I was to get up to my mothers room fast. I think she had a kind of bad spell for a few minutes.. Any ways Dr. Guard had been called up. He told me "these things do happen.. It was just a set back, not bad, she a tough old girl." Well they figured they better go for the pacer the next day. Dr Wilson said it was to be done at 10 in the morning. Don't take too long. She be out for a few minutes, put it in watch her for a couple hours and back in room.. So at about 9 she gets a shot. 10 comes and goes. Here we are with another shot about 12. We going to do it at 1 PM. Ok. 1 PM comes and goes. About 3 or so here we are with a shot. We going for it in a hour. 6 PM a nurse comes with the needle again. Mother is out like a light. Nurse said she don't need this. We are going to get it this time. And she told me what happened. Seems like every time they was going to do it a bad case happened. Well at last she had her pacer. It must have been a good one. Must have been like one of those just keep on going and going watches, you know the brand. She also had a lady setting in the chair besides her bed. Sister Mary Walker. That lady never left her bed side, all night long. She set there. When I pulled up to the door to bring mother home. A few days later. Sister Mary walked to the car. I told her we were not Catholics. But I wished to think her for what she had done. She told me, It makes no difference what you are. We are God's children. We should do for one another. I slipped a 20 in her hand and told her I know she has a place for it. Wish I would have had a million. She was one of the best of the best. That was the last time I ever saw Sister Mary Walker. God Bless Her. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Who Is Jesus Christ? Full Bible Study Menu Jesus Clinic! Let's Dance! Moses And The Red Sea! Hong Kong's Noah's Ark! That's God! Christ's Life! Rich VS Poor! Hill Of Crosses! Thank You God! SUMMER INDEX!- -<>- Bible - The Battlefield of Fear God Bless the USA - Video of the day: One 'Squad' Under God President Trump Meets with Survivors of Religious Persecution President Trump Rally in Greenville, North Carolina Carson defends Trump's tweets about 'The Squad' House Dems Trump: If you want to leave America, you can leave America Sean Hannity 7/16/19 Ilhan Omar's SHOCKING Anti-American Ploy How much lower could she possibly go... SURPRISE: Trump Commends Ocasio-Cortez For Doing THIS Has the world turned upside down… Justice System SHAKEN by What Jeffrey Epstein Did in JAIL His level of filth has no bounds… Justice System SHAKEN by What Jeffrey Epstein Did in JAIL His level of filth has no bounds… Kamala Harris On Reparations, Asking For MORE Than Money Let’s pray she never becomes President… Westwing News: WhiteHouseNews: Latest From AFA: Students For Life Latest From OperationRescue: Latest Product Alert:Beef, Chicken, Vegetables, Hummus, Toasters Latest Health Alert: Flour Contaminated with E. Coli May Still Be in Your Home Click to Give Free -<>- Revisiting... >From Our Friend Cloie :) BIG vocabulary, LITTLE context: The art of being 3 - YouTube --- ...Teehee! Thanks Cloie! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) RMR: Rick and ZENN Car - YouTube 6 Pretty No-Bake Desserts Anyone Can Make | Reader's Digest --- ...Yummy! Thanks Melody! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Every magician likes to involve a pretty girl in his magic tricks but it's not often that the pretty girl is also a magician herself. This magic duo performs a stunning illusion during the World Magic Awards in 2009 that will leave you wondering exactly how they pulled this trick off. World Champion of Magic Greg Frewin at the French TV Show 'The Worlds Greatest Cabaret'. Greg Frewin's awards include First Place at the International Brotherhood of Magicians, The Gold Medal of Excellence, First Place at the Society of American Magicians' annual magic convention competition... This video is as High Definition as I've ever seen on a computer.... almost 3D. Be sure to watch on full screen. Extremely well done and every scene leaves you wanting to see more. --- ...Most Beautiful! Thanks LouiseAu! A poor baby elephant got separated from its herd when it fell into a water well. Rangers were able to save the baby elephant and decided to help it find its herd. You just have to see the elephant's reaction once it catches up with its family. --- ...Aww, so sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! Reminds me of our Elephant pages we have here... Elephant Rescue Elephant Rescue 2 Elephant Rescue 3 Elephant Rescue 4 Elephant Hotel Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== __..._ _...__ _..-" `Y` "-._ \ Once upon | / \\ a time..| // \\\ | /// \\\ _..---.|.---.._ /// jgs \\`_..---.Y.---.._`// '` `' >Book Return Story Editor: The Lender Joyce Schowalter USA Moving west after attending university, I lived in a smallish town in the middle of Washington State. It was hot and dry in the summer, surrounding agricultural farms were supported by gravity-fed irrigation water from the Cascade Mountains. It was cold with crunchy snow underfoot in winter, with definite spring and fall. It was the mid 1970s. There was a college they're, since upgraded to Central Washington University. I ran with a creative crowd, mostly attending the college. We also socialized with a few younger college professors, including from the Ethnic Studies and Sociology Departments. Some of my friends took modern dance classes and gave performances. One friend owned a bicycle shop downtown. Once I purchased a bicycle there with a guarantee tag stating, "15 minutes or 15 centimeters, whichever comes first". Some of our friends had grown up locally, so we had ties to local farming families. Heck, in small towns, you're tied to almost everybody, almost every institution. That's the beauty of small town life. It fosters deep relationships because you see people often -- and also fosters diversity of relationships. Since people "just like you" are few, most people have diverse friendships. One gal I met was Diane. She was getting a degree in Elementary Education. We knew each other a little -- our social circles overlapped, but saw each other rarely. Diane once borrowed a book: "The Golden Egg Book" by Margaret Wise Brown and Leonard Weisgard. It was a talisman book from my childhood, with gorgeous, elaborate illustrations, and a poignant story about a lonely bunny who finds friendship. My parents had read that book so many times to myself and my siblings, the cover was tattered. The book was magical to me, cherished for its precious memories. One day there was a knock at my door. Diane said, "I'm moving to California, and I'm returning "The Golden Egg Book". I really like it, and I knew I could take it with me, because I knew you'd have forgotten who had it, all these months later. I kept feeling too busy packing to take the time to bring it over. But I didn't want to do that, because I knew how much it meant to you. So, here it is." I still tear up every time I tell this story. I'd spent hours listening to lectures about morality, why it's imperative to do the right thing. But that one small event changed my life. It demonstrated what living a moral life is, that it involves sacrifice at inconvenient times. When I'm faced with everyday moral choices, I know what I have to do. I have to make the kind of choice Diane did, so I can live with my own conscience, and so the other person feels the relief I did. Thanks to Diane, my own children were able to sink into that magical story, gaze at the mesmerizing illustrations, and turn the pages of the very same "Golden Egg Book". =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupO'Cheer: _..-.._ .' _ _ `. /_) (_) (_) (_\ / \ |'''''''''''''''| / \ | | |-------------------| | | | | |'''''''''''''''''''| | .--. | | // \\=| | ||- || | | \\__//=| | '--' | |...................| |___________________| |___________________| |___________________| |___________________| LGB /_______________\ >2 DEGREES Normally, with no phone or e-mail interruptions, I look forward to redeeming the time on a plane by writing, reading, or doing correspondence... But after the battery on my computer ran out, and sitting next to someone for what seemed like forever, I finally struck up a conversation with my next-door neighbor. He was an engineer from the Houston area. "Petroleum engineer?" I asked. "No, I work for NASA," he admitted. And of course, for the next hour I'm sure that's something he wished he hadn't confessed. Like most people my age who grew up watching the build-up of manned space flight to Neil Armstrong leaving his footprints on the moon, I was an astronaut "wannabe" as a kid. Here at last was my chance to talk to a genuine missile scientist and ask all my questions about space flight! He was patient and shared some incredible behind-the-scenes stories, including his role in the last Apollo space flight. But at one point I hit a nerve when I brought up what I thought was a simple "margin of error" question. "What are the tolerances you build into the trajectory when you blast off and head to the moon?" I asked him. "For example, after you blast off, could you be just a little off, say like a couple of degrees off on your flight path, without it being such a huge problem?" Out came his briefcase and his hybrid handheld calculator that would make a Texas Instruments T3000 blush and feel like a slide rule. In wnet the "very approximate" distance of 217,614 miles from earth to the moon (depending on the time of year and apoge of the moon's orbit around the earth, of course). Fingers flew furiously for a few moments as some Einsteinian calculation continued. "Be just two degrees off from when you blast off, and roughly talking into account the time and distance traveled," he said as he turned his calculator toward me, "and you'll miss not only your point of orbital entry, but you'll miss the moon by a measly 11,121 miles." I wrote down that number on a torn off page of a USA Today that served as an impromptu notepad. "11,121." I finally left my new NASA friend in peace, but I've never forgotten his conclusion or what it can tell us about the most important relationships and areas of our lives. Add in enough time and distance, and be just two degrees off and you'll miss your target by miles. I think that thought impacted me so much because it seemed to answer why and how the church of Ephesus had lost her first love. Just be two degrees off from a right heart attitude, add in enough time and distance, and an entire church can end up miles from God's heart. John Trent, "How a 2 Degree Change Can Ruin or Renew Your Life," HeartShift, 16-17 KneEmail: "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place--unless you repent." Revelation 2.4-5 Bible reading for 06.13.11: John 21; Ezra 6-8 as seen in KneEMAIL -<>- | | | _ | | <_> | | | | | `-._ | |`-._| | | _________________________________|____ `-._ `-._ | `-._ `-._ | kat `-._ `-._ >ED HOCHULI'S BIG MISTAKE JAMES 5:16 If you've ever watched football on TV, you've probably seen Referee Ed Hochuli. He's easy to spot; he's the one with the big arms. He's also one of the most accurate referees ever to work the game. Each week, the NFL invests 8 hours per game analyzing each official's performance on each play. Every play earns a grade; the highest scoring officials work the post season; the consistently low-scoring officials don't last long in the league. Ed has always scored among the top. Again, if you're a football fan, you know what I'm leading up to. In the final minutes of a game between the Denver Broncos and the San Diego Chargers, Hochuli made one of the worst calls of his career. When Denver quarterback Jay Cutler fumbled the ball, Hochuli blew the whistle and called it an incomplete pass. He knew it was a mistake the minute he made it, but there was nothing he could do; an inadvertent whistle is a non-reviewable, non- reversible call. Instead of San Diego getting the ball, Denver was allowed to keep it. They scored a couple of plays later and won the game. Needless to say, the San Diego fans were furious. They all but called for Ed Hochuli's head on a platter. Many wanted him fired and banned forever from the NFL. His office in Phoenix was flooded with angry calls. His Blackberry was jammed with angry emails. Ed's response to the mistake, first of all, was to admit it immediately to San Diego coach Norv Turner. He walked to the Charger sideline, told Turner that he had made a bad call, he apologized, and explained that there was nothing he could do about it. Ed also told the San Diego Union-Tribune that week, "Affecting the outcome of a game is a devastating feeling. Officials strive for perfection -- I failed miserably." And then, Ed began responding to those angry emails, one by one. His response amazed people, resulting in even more emails -- upwards of 20,000 -- many from fans thanking him for owning up to his mistake. Ed said, "People were saying how great it was that I admitted I made a mistake. Obviously, I was wrong. Obviously, I felt terrible about it. What's so surprising about it?" The best thing a leader can do is own up to a mistake. It's the best thing a father or mother can do, a coach or boss. Or a pastor. It's the only way to earn back credibility. It's also the best way to build accountability. James said, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16) [Steve May] Courtesy of Steve May's Monday Memo. If you wish to subscribe, visit -<>- .----.-----.-----.-----. / \ \ \ \ | \/ | | __L_____L__ | | | | ( \ | \___/ / \______/ | | \___/\___/\___/ | \ \ / / | __/ \_ __/ | | | | | | | >MAY GOD BLESS YOU...TO KNOCK LOUDLY You come to a house. The lights are on. Loud music and laughter can be heard within. You race across the lawn and reach for the door, but it's locked. You knock and hope someone hears. It isn't a light tap or a hardy rap with your knuckles. Knuckles don't figure in at all, but a hand, balled up into a fist. Perhaps there's an emergency or simply an overwhelming desire that drives you on. But it does drive you on. The side of your fist furiously pounds the door with great force, time after time, sending thunderous echoes throughout the house. Finally someone comes and opens the door. Can you see the scene unfold? You aren't there to borrow a cup of sugar. You're there to have the way opened to you. Do you sense the boldness? Ah, now you're beginning to understand what Jesus meant when He commanded His followers, ...knock and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7b). When Jesus first taught this, He used different words that carried fuller, sometimes even different, meanings than what we often assume today. Take the word for knock. This isn't a one time or occasional event, but a continuing action. In our time, it would be better translated, "knock and never stop." There's an urgency. We are to keep on knocking because something is incredibly important. But what? Well, it isn't to open a door. I used the translation above to point out an assumption that has been made. The word for door (thura) isn't there. Some people with good intentions have assumed it's a door, at least a metaphorical one. But inserting words often restrict the message and we end up putting God into a box we ourselves have made. A better translation is, keep on knocking and it will be opened to you (see Amplified version). Now it all makes perfect sense...well, except for that it part. An important Greek word used here is anoigo, which means to open or give access to, and yes, it can be used for opening a door. But remember, the verse doesn't mention a door. So what will be opened? Let's go back to the knock. What is the initial purpose of knocking? It isn't to gain entrance. It's to gain...attention. A knock shouts, "Here I am!" It doesn't have the distance of a phone call or the potential misunderstanding of an email. It is up front, personal and physical. HERE I AM! There's also a mission attached to it. No one just shows up. Perhaps there's a question or something being sought. Whatever the reason, there's a clear declaration of desire. Why else would the master of the house reply, "Yes? Can I help you?" Now the message of the knock becomes, HERE I AM AND I WANT WHAT YOU CAN GIVE ME! And what will be given? What will be opened to us? What will we have access to? A way. A way to discover answers to the questions we hold. A way to lead us to the treasure we seek. A way to join the party inside. A way to ask the master of the house to come be with us. It is the way that will be opened. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7). I am the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6). Here I am! I stand at the door and knock (Revelation 3:20). Jesus is the way. He also stands at a door...the door to your heart. And He wants you to follow Him. Take care & be God's, Chuck as seen in A Note of Encouragement -<>- `~ _ _____ ` _ ~ 7____// - ` ~ _ ~ `/----/( / / `& ad ( ( ) `(O)_`&_.% | | | | o >HOW TO RAISE KIDS WHO STAY IN BOUNDS (By Ron Hutchcraft) If you watch sports very much, you've no doubt seen some great plays that ended up not counting, because they made that great play out of bounds. Oh, I've seen many arguments over whether or not they actually were out of bounds at the time; many of them have been resolved by video replay. But you don't see arguments over where the boundaries are. No, everybody knows that when they go out on the field or the court, and they know exactly what the penalties are going to be for breaking the rules. I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "How to Raise Kids Who Stay In Bounds." If you don't have clear boundaries and clear penalties, you can't have a game. If children don't have clear boundaries and clear penalties, they can't have a life! Everywhere you look these days, you see kids who are out of control, as if there's no such thing as out of bounds. Guess where they learned that? From parents who never taught or never consistently enforced boundaries. Disciplining your child is not an option; it is a Biblical mandate for moms and dads. Our word for today from the Word of God, Proverbs 29:17, says, "Discipline your son and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul." How to have a child who gives you peace and makes you happy: discipline them. Discipline is one of the highest forms of love for your child. It's a love that cares how far they get, and it does something to bring them back when they've gone too far. Proverbs 13:24 says, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." This would be a good time to make the all- important distinction between discipline and punishment. When you discipline your child, you respond thoughtfully in the way from which they will learn the most. When you punish, you're just dumping your anger on them. All they learn from that is that you're out of control. Here's how seriously Scripture takes our responsibility to help our children learn that "what you sow, you reap" (Galatians 6:7 ). It says, "Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death." (Prov. 19:18). So how do we help our kids learn to stay in bounds and live under control? Well, it's just like sports: clear boundaries, clear penalties, consistently and quickly enforced. There need to be clear, unmoving boundaries in your home, stopping them before they go too far but allowing them enough room to make some choices. And there need to be clear penalties that define exactly what will happen if they do go out of bounds. Too many parents either decide the boundary or the penalty in the heat of a confrontation ("OK, you're grounded for a year!") or they just keep changing the boundaries or the penalties. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause in a sporting event? It causes that kind of confusion in the life of your child. The boundaries, the penalties, need to be discussed in advance; not in the middle of some tense situation. As kids get older, they should even have some input; not the deciding vote, but input into the final decision. Family sanity is based on clear boundaries and clear penalties, decided and discussed in advance, and then quick and consistent enforcement. The refs don't blow the whistle when the player is running through the bleachers with the ball. They blow the whistle the second his or her foot touches the line. Take the time to enforce the boundaries early, and ultimately, you will reap a more peaceful home. One more thing: the refs need to agree on where the boundaries and penalties are and the calls that are made. Mom and Dad can disagree in private about disciplinary decisions, but never in front of the kids. Not if they want their children to respect their authority. If you've been lax or inconsistent in helping your children understand the boundaries, penalties, ask them to forgive you. Let them know that, before God, you owe it to them to do a better job "ref-ing" the game of their life. Clarity, consistency, mutual trust and walking your talk: those are building blocks in authority that a child can respect and build a life on. [Copyright Ronald P. Hutchcraft. Distributed by Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc."A Word With You" by Ronald P. Hutchcraft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.] To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ========================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: "So much so-called 'testimony' today is really autobiography and even sometimes thinly disguised self-advertisement, that we need to regain a proper biblical perspective. All true testimony is testimony to Jesus Christ, as he stands on trial before the world." - John Stott _ /(_)) _/ / // / // / /\__/ \O_/=-. _ / || \ ^o \\/ ()_) \. ^^ <__> \() //||\\ //_||_\\ ds // \||/ \\ // || \\ \/ |/ \/ / | \ / | \ | >Of Vacuum Cleaners and Telescopes (By Roy Irwin) [Edited] My wife and I spent our honeymoon in Sedona, Arizona. It was the first time either of us had been to this beautiful area that is known for it's spectacular red rock formations. As we approached Sedona, we could see these colorful hills in the distance. The beauty of the area immediately overwhelmed us. We continued our drive into the city where we saw a number of local businesses. We took turns reading the signs of the businesses on each side of the street. There was one sign in particular that caught our attention and piqued our curiosity. The sign read: Sedona Vacuum & Telescope Vacuum & Telescope? What an unusual combination! We speculated as to why they had chosen these two dissimilar and unrelated items to sell. Each morning as we went out we passed this curious store; each evening when we returned we would pass it again. Each time we went by the sign we smiled and continued our speculation. On our last day in Sedona, our curiosity had reached its limit. We stopped and went inside... Once inside we found the sign had been accurate! On one side of the showroom were vacuum cleaners; on the other side was a line of telescopes. We introduced ourselves to the owner and asked how these two unique items had been chosen. He told us that when he and his wife went into business, they could not agree on which product to sell, so as a compromise, they agreed to sell both products! Finally, the mystery had been solved! Today as my wife and I travel, we continue to look for other unique combinations in business names and try to guess their origins. Two of my favorite combinations here in Indianapolis are a "Sports Apparel & Beauty Supplies" business and another shop specializing in "Tax Preparation and Tool Sharpening"! Seeing these curiously 'odd' combinations has provided a lot of fun for my wife and I over the years. However, I often wonder if my life is not unlike these signs. Do people see 'odd' combinations through the inconsistencies in my life? What do others speculate about me when on one day I have all the time and patience in the world and on another day little things easily annoy me? Or when one day I commit to doing something and then do not follow through with keeping that commitment? Fortunately, as imperfect as I am, it is comforting to know that the character and nature of Jesus Christ NEVER changes. I am thankful that His love has no boundaries and endures from generation to generation. And that Jesus keeps His promises! The Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 that: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (NIV) Why is that so important? Because in a world filled with uncertainty and doubt, we need a firm foundation on which to base our lives. Jesus Christ provides that foundation, giving us hope to live today and every day! We don't have to try and guess the sincerity of Jesus' love for us. He demonstrated His love through His death on the cross - taking our place to pay for our shortcomings (sin) and providing the means for us to spend eternity in heaven with God and Him. Do you want to know what God is like and the sincerity of His feelings for you and me? 26 times in Psalm 136, the last sentence in each verse ends with a promise for each of us that is echoed again and again throughout the Bible and throughout history: "His love endures forever." (NIV) How about you? Are you discouraged about where your life is today? Have you been let down by the broken promises of others? Do you need a foundation of hope that can sustain you today and every day? Jesus and God's love endures forever. (Copyright 1998 Argyle Giraffe Productions. This may not be resold or used for the enhancement of any product sold without the written permission of Argyle Giraffe Productions.) SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ========================================================== _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >-->I TRUST YOU IN THE LITTLE THINGS (By Debbie Preuss, 1/7/08) Lord, I trust You in the little things? Why do I hold the big ones back? Why can't I just trust You? Why does my faith always lack? I can say I trust You Every single day that I live That I know that You know me That Your very best You'll give But when the big things come around I try to do it on my own When they start to fall apart I come to You and moan "I thought that You were in charge That You'd take care of me" But I can faintly hear You saying That You made me free That I can do what I want Or I can trust in You That You have been here waiting To see what I would do The little things are easy Lord To put into Your hand The big ones are harder God But I'm beginning to understand That I can trust You always For Your love for me is true Help me to forever In big and small Lord, trust in You. >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ********************************************************************** >TO SUBSCRIBE:Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to **********************************************************************