Simple Heroics And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) ,,,,, ////""\ . (((/ m m -|- __ )))c = ) | (__) ////-./~` . [] (((( `.`\ :: [] )))`\ \)).-;.' .------, [] (() `._.-'` _( )[] )/ `. | .'`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))\`.----'`[] jgs ( \' { ~ - ~~ _ ~ - ~~ - ~ - (( | | [] .-.--\ \ { )) | | [] |_;_._`\ |{ ((__|_|-----[] | ; ``` ;{ )) [] | /``-.____/ `~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-' [] `' (__) (__) This hot new page comes from our friends Karen and LouiseA. This is sure to give you some heartwarming smiles. Check it out here... Kids On God --- ...Aww, these are indeed Priceless! Thank You Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: + (|) _____.___.|_|. | / \ |===| | / \ | o | |__/__v__\|, ,| | | | | | || || |/| . . . |','| ||| A A A | , | ||| M M M | | wtx --------------------- >SIMPLE HEROICS by Joseph Walker It was the simplest of gestures, really. But something about it was terribly poignant and profound -- and instructive to anyone looking for solutions in today's complex world. Sixteen-year-old Brian had been asked to participate in a program at church. Never much one for public speaking, he accepted the invitation apprehensively. His younger sister, Gretchen, knew of his anxiety, and tried to soothe him with some good-natured teasing. "Don't worry about it, Brian," she reminded him more than once. "You can't really disappoint anyone because nobody is expecting much." You know -- the sort of thing you'd expect from a little sister. On the appointed day Brian was in his place wearing his best clothes, a fresh haircut and the most strained smile this side of Miss First Runner-Up. Blame part of that on pre-speech jitters. Blame a little more on the car accident Brian was involved in on the way to church -- not to mention the broken rib he sustained in the collision. "Look at it this way," I whispered to him as the meeting got underway. "The worst thing that could possibly happen has already happened. It's clear sailing from here on in." Well, not quite. When Brian rose to speak, the pocket on his jacket somehow became tangled with the armrest of his chair. The unmistakable ripping sound elicited an audible gasp from the congregation, and brought a pained expression to Brian's mother's face. As Brian turned to see what the ripping was, he lost control of the book he was holding, and it fell on the foot of the woman sitting next to him. The congregation was beginning to titter, and he hadn't said a word. I saw him glance at the door. I'm sure he considered running, and I doubt any would have blamed him. But he bravely made his way to the podium and began to present his message. He was doing a pretty good job, all things considered, when I noticed something unusual -- blood. Dripping from Brian's nose. And not just a little. At first Brian was unaware of what was happening, even though it was painfully obvious to those in the congregation. Then he absently rubbed his nose, and stopped speaking in mid-sentence when he saw the bright crimson fluid that stained his hand. To his credit, he plunged ahead with his remarks, as if he hoped no one would notice the blood running down his face. He tried to disguise his feeble attempts at wiping the blood with his hand, but unfortunately, he only succeeded at making the mess worse. Most in the congregation were transfixed. It was sort of like driving by an accident on the freeway. You didn't want to see it, but you couldn't keep yourself from looking. Then one person decided to stop being a spectator. It wasn't until she had almost made her way to the front of the chapel that I noticed Gretchen. You might expect that a little sister would be taking secret delight in her brother's humiliation, but not this 12-year-old. As Brian continued speaking she walked purposefully up the aisle and directly to his side, a look of sincere concern on her face. She handed him the handkerchief she was carrying and stood there with him, her arm around his waist as he quickly mopped his nose, mouth and chin. When he finished he handed the hankie back to her. She smiled at him, gave him a quick squeeze and returned to her seat. Brian finished his talk, and I'm not the only one in the congregation who thought his performance after the incident was more confident than before. Nor was I alone in feeling that the day's greatest sermon had been preached -- wordlessly -- by his sister. Like I said, Gretchen's gesture wasn't exactly overwhelming. Still, it was heroic in my view, in part because of its simplicity. Gretchen didn't worry about whether or not taking a hankie to her brother in the middle of a church service was appropriate. She didn't form a committee to study her options. She just saw someone who needed help, and she provided it. You don't have to look hard to find everyday parallels, do you? We stumble upon similar situations all the time -- the disoriented tourist on the street, the elderly woman struggling to reach that first step on the bus, the lost child in the department store. Usually it doesn't take much to ease the trauma of the moment -- some pocket change, an outstretched hand, a few kind words or a couple of minutes of time. But too often we choose not to get involved, assuming that others will come along to offer the kindness we keep to ourselves. And usually, others do. It seems there's always a Gretchen around who is willing to step outside herself and do what needs to be done. But the world can always use a few more. Yeah, I know -- there's the risk that our helpful zeal will lead us to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time. But the way I see it, that risk is worth it -- especially when you consider the prospect of someday being the one who is up there with a bloody nose. And without a Gretchen in sight. -- Joseph Walker ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Melody :) _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >Katy Perry Even big-time pop stars, who have performed before thousands of adoring fans, can get a case of the jitters when called upon to perform on television’s largest stage. Katy Perry, who grew up in a Christian home, and got her start singing before church audiences, turned back to her faith roots to find strength. During an interview on the red carpet at Sunday night’s Grammys, Perry told E! News’ Ryan Seacrest right before the Super Bowl’s half-time show: “I was praying and I got a word from God and he says, ‘You got this and I got you.” Then she felt God reinforced the word He spoke to her heart, when she was on “top of the lion and a random guy looked at me with a headset that I’d never communicated with before, he looked me straight in the eyes and said ‘You got this.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, that’s God confirming I can do this!’” The day of the Super Bowl, Perry tweeted out to her 60 million-plus followers Psalm 118:24: “Today in the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Her encouraging message was retweeted 25 thousand times and favorited by 53 thousand. Read the full of this here: --- ...Awesome! I love this Melody! Thanks! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' This one just fills me with awe. I am always in awe at how Great our God and Father is - especially when I hear stories like this one. Just think of all the major horrific things and spiritual warfare going on in this world of ours right now. Just think of all the cries to God for help and justice and to fix the terrible things going on. Yet our God is so awesome He can be there for each and every one of His children on an individual personal level just as any loving father would be for his child. Here God comforted her and helped give her the confidence she needed in her time of need. God was there for her exactly when she needed Him to be! Isn't that awesome? It blows my mind! That's how loving our Father is! It reminds me of a couple scriptures... Matt.7 [11] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Eph.3 [20] Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, It also pleases me that she used the same positive scripture I use in days where I am especially leery or negative. Psalm 118:24 Years ago I used a half piece of white ceiling tile and carved this verse into it and then used a marker to make it show up boldly. I then put it in my closet so every morning when I opened the closet to get dressed, I would have the scripture in front of my face to help me renew my mind to it. Brought a smile every time! I'm wondering right now, though, how many of you may be jealous of Katy? Maybe wondering why you don't get answers from God like she did? First off You have to realize if this is the case that the problem is not that Katy is better then you are or that God favors her over you. Why? The Bible says so: Acts 10: [34] Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: Meaning that God doesn't favor any one person over another. So why don't you get answers when you ask God? Sometimes God doesn't want to answer a question at the moment and you will get nothing in response from Him until He is ready to answer. Second, you may not be believing to get an answer. Mostly though, I figure if that person is doing that with God, then I can do that too! There are no limits with God. The only limits are in our own selves. God is never to blame. It is our own faith or believing that holds us back. For those of you who have trouble with 2-way conversation with God our Father, it isn't as hard as you may think. My daughter was all the time asking me what God said about this or that so I told her it was high time she asked God herself and find out for herself. I instructed her according to God's Word... Pss.46 [10a] Be still, and know that I am God: Once you ask God a question, generally if you are quiet and expecting God to answer you, the first thought in your mind will be from God. God speaks to your spirit and your spirit speaks to your understanding. However, the bible does say... 1 John 4: [1a] Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: If I am doubtful of the answer, I will again ask out loud in the name of Jesus Christ whether such and such is true and the first thought in my mind will answer me. Or you can have reassurance from an outside source like what God gave Katy through the stranger. Which is the most comforting and awesome! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Jacinto :) ,==c==. |_/|\_| | '|` | | | | | | | |__|__| Riitta Rasimus A man bought a new pair of trousers for his primary school mates reunion dinner. When he tried out at home, he found that the trousers were too long by 10cm. He asked his mother to help him shorten the pants. His mother said she could not do it as she was not feeling well and would like to rest early. So the man approached his wife to shorten his pants. His wife said she was very tired and had a lot of work to do that night, so she could not help him to shorten the pants that night. Then the man asked his daughter. His daughter apologized for not able to do it that night because she had agreed to go dancing with her boyfriend "Ah well!" The man thought and decided he could wear his old trousers to the reunion. Later that night, his mother thought to herself, "My son has been very nice to me. I'll just help him to shorten his pants before going to rest." So she shortened the pants by 10cm. Then his wife finished her work and thought," My husband knows I am always very busy and seldom asked me to help him. I would oblige him today." So she shortened the man's pants by another 10cm. His daughter came home from dancing, and thought, "Papa loves me very much and when I declined to shorten his pants, he was not angry at all! I would help him to shorten his pants." So she shortened her daddy's pants yet another 10cm. On the next day, the three ladies told the man that his pants were shortened. He tried them on and found that his pants had become shorter by 30cm! His reaction: He laughed heartily, and said, "I must wear this pair of pants to show my schoolmates that my mum, my wife and my daughter are such loving people." At the dinner, his old classmates were very envious of his loving family. His mother, wife and daughter were very happy to learn about his classmates' reaction. What would you do if it happened to you? Very often, many would have lost their temper. How many of us has the "EQ" of this man? Many of us have "High EQ" when dealing with people outside the family, "Low EQ" when dealing with our own family member! I feel your love from heaven. It guides me through my days. --- ...Awww, such a heartwarming story! Thanks Jass! While this story said his friends were envious of the ladies in his life, I am sure many of us ladies are thinking how fortunate his woman are to have such a man in their life. Good-natured people are always a pleasure to be around! ========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __________ __ | ___ _|__|_ | ,' '. {'\) | : O O : )( | : ._\. :/ )\ | '.___\\/ / | | '-' | |_________| | /-----\|___| jrei / \||| .:;; >The Painter and The Child Hugh B. Brown Centuries ago a great artist was engaged to paint a mural for the cathedral in a Sicilian town. The subject was the life of Christ. For many years the artist labored diligently, and finally the painting was finished except for the two most important figures: the Christ Child and Judas Iscariot. He searched far and wide for suitable models. One day while walking in the city he came upon some children playing in the street. Among them was a 12-year-old boy whose face stirred the painter's heart. The artist took the child home with him, and day after day the boy sat patiently until the face of the Christ Child was finished. But the painter still had found no model for the portrait of Judas. The story of the unfinished masterpiece spread afar, and many men, fancying themselves of wicked countenance, offered to pose for Judas. But in vain the old painter looked for Judas, as he envisioned him-a man warped by life, enfeebled by surrender to greed and lust. Then one afternoon as he sat in a tavern, a gaunt and tattered figure staggered across the threshold. 'Wine, wine,' he begged. The startled painter looked into a face that seemed to bear the marks of every sin of mankind. "Greatly excited, the old painter said, 'Come with me, and I will give you wine.' For many days the painter worked feverishly to complete his masterpiece. As the work went on, a change came over the model. A strange tension replaced the stuporous languor, and his bloodshot eyes were fixed with horror on the painted likeness of himself. One day, perceiving his subject's agitation, the painter paused in his work. "My son," he said, "what troubles you so?" The man buried his face in his hands, sobbing. After a long moment he lifted pleading eyes to the old painter's face. "Do you not then remember me? Years ago I was your model for the Christ Child.'" --- ...Reminds me of this... FAQ: What does the Bible say about using drugs and alcohol, other than for diseases and cooking? ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE -<>- o \ o `. o o o o \ ` -. .-.-. .---. .-.,-.,-. ..-. / )| | `'____\' o _____\|| ` `' | |-._--.| |----.| | o |o ||-.| ||,-. || | o o | ||_|| |/ oo\ || | | || || C ._)o || | o o| || ||o|\`-/ || | ,. o | ||_|| ,'\,\ || | _\('') | ||o||/\ \ .: o|| | (; .) | || |( \_\||___|| | _,.(|___)-. | o||_|||`-`,\)----' | o o | | ||..|.| o _ |-. _.-. `.-.|._|_.-:|__|_|-.-' `-'.__ o o '--`-` o - SSt >RUSHING OR LIVING By: Joseph J. Mazzella I found myself following a snowplow home from the office the other day. I didn’t really mind, though. A Winter storm had dumped two inches of fresh snow on the road that morning and I was happy to have the truck clearing the highway ahead of me. It gave me a chance as well to enjoy the scenery as we moved along at twenty miles per hour. The snowy hillsides were so beautiful. They looked like a sparkling glimpse of Heaven. Seeing them filled my heart with such peace. I smiled as I drove along and thanked God for this glorious sight. My mood, however, was not shared by the driver behind me. Just as we were nearing some curves the snowplow started to pull off to let us pass. The driver behind me didn’t even wait for it to get off the road before speeding past us both. His car slid in the snow and almost off the road as he went around us. As I watched him speed up again I said a quick prayer that God would keep him alive until he learned to slow down his car and his life. It seems like far too many people in this world are like that driver. They seem in a constant rush to get somewhere. They rush to work. They rush home. They rush off to their vacations and then rush back. They rush through every part of their lives. No matter how much they rush, though, they never seem to get anywhere. That is because they mistake rushing for living. God gave us these lives to learn in, to grow in, and to love in. Don’t rush through them. There is no place that you need to be except where you are right now. You were meant to experience life, to cherish life, and to enjoy life: not to hurry through life. Your life is meant to be a journey of love and happiness not a race to some unseen finish line. Take your time and rejoice in every second that you are given here. Then when you look back on the life you have lived you will see a million moments of love and not a blur of wasted years. -<>- >The Beattitudes?? If the devil were to write his beatitudes, they would probably go something like this: 1. Blessed are those who are too tired or busy to spend an hour once a week with fellow Christians -- they are my best workers. 2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked -- I can use them. 3. Blessed are the touchy who stop going to church -- they are my missionaries. 4. Blessed are the trouble makers -- they shall be called my children. 5. Blessed are the complainers -- I'm all ears to them. 6. Blessed are those who are bored with the minister's mannerisms and mistakes, for they get nothing out of his sermons. 7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church - for he is a part of the problem instead of the solution. 8. Blessed are those who gossip -- for they shall cause strife and di visions that please me. 9. Blessed are those who are easily offended -- for they will soon get angry and quit. 10. Blessed are those who do not give their offering to carry on God's work -- for they are my helpers. 11. Blessed is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister -- for he shall be with me forever! 12. Blessed are you who, when you read this think it is about other people and not yourself -- I've got you, too! -<>- >Electronic Lies by Tim Hall If gave frequent flyer miles, I'd have enough points to take a vacation. For those who aren't familiar with Snopes, it's a site on the Internet that attempts to set records straight. At any given moment there are dozens of hoaxes and lies shooting through the ethernet. Sometimes it's easy to spot a lie, but at other times we just don't know. Snopes investigates the most common stories and reports their findings to any who are interested. I visited there again yesterday. The e-mail I received was alarming. It spoke of the dangers posed by a certain world view, a view that is seemingly incompatible with the American way of life. As the message concluded, it connected a high profile political candidate with those very views. How could we even think about voting for this person if they hold views as dangerous as this?! Snopes debunked the claims. A lengthy explanation stated the candidate's actual views, and a video was included in which the candidate gave a detailed response to the charges. If a person is allowed to speak for himself, then this man answered the accusations I had read earlier. I know the person who sent the e-mail with these charges. You'd be hard pressed to find a more dedicated Christian. But this person erred in forwarding the e-mail without checking the facts. "He who speaks truth declares righteousness," wrote the wise man, "but a false witness, deceit" (Proverbs 12:17, NKJV). According to scripture, it's a serious matter to spread erroneous views, whether we do it knowingly or in ignorance. When we have the ability to know the facts, we should go to great lengths to check them out. If we don't have that ability, we should remain silent. The principle continues today: "Therefore putting away lying, 'Let each of you speak truth with his neighbor,' for we are members of one another" (Ephesians 4:25). Paul doesn't limit truth-telling to messages of a religious nature. Any message we share with others ought to be based on truth. Now for the rest of the story: What should I do once I know a message is wrong? I'm not excited about the candidate who was slandered. Why not just keep quiet and let others think the worst about him? In that way, a better candidate might be elected. But can God's people allow error to go unchallenged? How does that fit with this admonition: "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid" (Proverbs 12:1). Should I allow my brethren to continue forwarding misleading information? Truth is truth, whether it's what we want to hear or not. As people of God, we have an obligation to communicate only what we know to be true. And when error comes our way, let us have the courage and love to correct it. --- ...I do love the truth! But I also do take exception here. I understand that many of my readers when forwarded an email of a warning or something alarming do so out of the goodness of their heart. They certainly do not mean to cause harm - instead they mean to be helpful to others. I do not hold them accountable for an email lie. These are purposely made to deceive the readers and often the person who composes them thinks of themselves as a winner for having duped the unknowing public. I know this is true for I caught old emailer group Linky&Dinky boasting of one they fooled everyone with. I have been fooled by them as well. Some seem so real! And unless you are learned in looking them up, they are not often easy to vet until they are huge lying successes on the internet. Yes, we should try to vet before we send. But in reality, it isn't always that easy to do. I don't think it is such a bad thing. /T /I / |/ | .-~/ T\ Y I |/ / _ /T | \I | I Y.-~/ I l /I T\ | | l | T / T\ | \ Y l /T | \I l \ ` l Y __ | \l \l \I l __l l \ ` _. | \ ~-l `\ `\ \ \\ ~\ \ `. .-~ | \ ~-. "-. ` \ ^._ ^. "-. / \ | .--~-._ ~- ` _ ~-_.-"-." ._ /._ ." ./ >--. ~-. ._ ~>-" "\\ 7 7 ] ^.___~"--._ ~-{ .-~ . `\ Y . / | <__ ~"-. ~ /_/ \ \I Y : | ^-.__ ~(_/ \ >._: | l______ ^--.,___.-~" /_/ ! `-.~"--l_ / ~"-. (_/ . ~( /' "~"--,Y -=b-. _) (_/ . \ : / l c"~o \ \ / `. . .^ \_.-~"~--. ) (_/ . ` / / ! )/ / / _. '. .': / ' ~(_/ . / _ ` .-<_ /_/ . ' .-~" `. / \ \ ,z=. ~( / ' : | K "-.~-.______// "-,. l I/ \_ __{--->._(==. //( \ < ~"~" // /' /\ \ \ ,v=. (( .^. / /\ " }__ //===- ` / / ' ' "-.,__ {---(==- .^ ' : T ~" ll -Row / . . . : | :! \\ (_/ / | | j-" ~^ ~-<_(_.^-~" ->Eagle01<- Unless it was like the Eagle Story I found being reposted on tons of Christian sites - which I have a hard time finding now - Thank Goodness! - but the email said in effect - 'When an eagle is old, its eyesight dims and its feathers and wings become heavy. To rejuvinate itself, the eagle flies up to the region of the sun, which burns away the mist over its eyes and burns off its old feathers. The eagle then plunges three times into water, and its youth is restored. Also as a result of age, the eagle's beak grows until it can no longer eat; by striking it against a rock, the eagle breaks its beak which then grows back. That was posted on many Christian bible sites and the Atheists were laughing at how stupid the Christians were. That was bad. So I did this page to show them up: /T /I / |/ | .-~/ T\ Y I |/ / _ /T | \I | I Y.-~/ I l /I T\ | | l | T / T\ | \ Y l /T | \I l \ ` l Y __ | \l \l \I l __l l \ ` _. | \ ~-l `\ `\ \ \\ ~\ \ `. .-~ | \ ~-. "-. ` \ ^._ ^. "-. / \ | .--~-._ ~- ` _ ~-_.-"-." ._ /._ ." ./ >--. ~-. ._ ~>-" "\\ 7 7 ] ^.___~"--._ ~-{ .-~ . `\ Y . / | <__ ~"-. ~ /_/ \ \I Y : | ^-.__ ~(_/ \ >._: | l______ ^--.,___.-~" /_/ ! `-.~"--l_ / ~"-. (_/ . ~( /' "~"--,Y -=b-. _) (_/ . \ : / l c"~o \ \ / `. . .^ \_.-~"~--. ) (_/ . ` / / ! )/ / / _. '. .': / ' ~(_/ . / _ ` .-<_ /_/ . ' .-~" `. / \ \ ,z=. ~( / ' : | K "-.~-.______// "-,. l I/ \_ __{--->._(==. //( \ < ~"~" // /' /\ \ \ ,v=. (( .^. / /\ " }__ //===- ` / / ' ' "-.,__ {---(==- .^ ' : T ~" ll -Row / . . . : | :! \\ (_/ / | | j-" ~^ ~-<_(_.^-~" ->Eagle01<- The Real Eagle Story -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Giant Panda Bear Grand Canyon Skywalk Desert Skiing Hiking In China The Real Angry Birds The Story Of LuLu -<>- >From Our Friend Geniann :) Neat Idea You might enjoy this clip. --- ...Cool! Thanks Geniann! -<>- >From Our Friend PatDeE :) Interesting historical pictures --- ...Great! Thanks PatDeE! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) People spend thousands on African safaris to witness wildebeest migration. But did you know we have a massive herd animal migration right here in America? If you've never seen the Wyoming Mule Deer Migration, you need to watch this video. Check out this adorable video that proves how much fun life on a farm is. The extremely graceful 'Duo Resonance' brings something special and loving to their acrobatic act. --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) Yardsales Garage Sales tips Yardsale Rummage - free tips Pain Connection - Chronic Pain Outreach Center Paper airplane - The best paper airplane in the world! --- ...Good Info! Thanks Melody! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Fran :) __.------. (__ ___ ) .)e )\ / /_.------ _/_ _/ __.' / ' `-.__ / <.--' `\ / \ \c | / / ) GoT x \ | /\ |c / \.- \ \__/ ) /( ( \ <>'\ / _/ _\- `-. \/_|_ /<> / /--/,-\ _ \ <>.`. \/`--\_._) - / `-/\ `.\ / `. / ) `\ \ \ \___/----' | / `( ___________ \ ./\_ _ \ ______________ / | ) '| __________________ | / \ \ ___________a:f / | |____.) / \ a88a\___/88888a. \_ :)8888888888888888888a. /` `-----' `Y88888888888888888 \____| `88888888888P' >Tips Not all thieves are stupid: LONG TERM PARKING: Some people left their car in the long-term parking at San Jose while away, and someone broke into the car. Using the information on the car's registration in the glove compartment, they drove the car to the people's home in Pebble Beach and robbed it. So I guess if we are going to leave the car in long-term parking, we should NOT leave the registration/insurance cards in it, nor your remote garage door opener. This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. GPS: Someone had their car broken into while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen. The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents. Something to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it. Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen. *~»§«~* Puter Tip: iPAD tip: Q: How do I delete the character to the right of the cursor? Backspace deletes to the left. In BlackBerry land, Alt/Backspace deletes to the right. Does iPad have that facility? which would be so much quicker/easier than manually moving the cursor . . . . A: Unfortunately, the built in keyboard on an iPad does not have a delete function, as opposed to backspace. You would have to move your cursor to where you need to delete than use the backspace (x) to erase. You can make it easier to move your cursor where you’d like it by using the magnify function, by doing a long press. Then you can use the backspace key to erase whatever you need to remove. --- ...Great tips! Thanks Fran! ========================================================== .----. ===(_)== // 6 6 \\ ( 7 ) \ '--' / \_ ._/ __) (__ /"`/`\`V/`\`\ / \ `Y _/_ \ / [DR]\_ |/ / /\ | ( \/ / / / \ \ \ / \ `-/` _.` jgs `=. `=./ `"` >Doctor Tim Story Editor: by The Patient Joyce Schowalter USA Over 25 years ago a friend recommended a doctor to me. The doctor had a private practice and his office was nearby. Best of all, he favored "preventive and natural medicine", important to me as I seem to be allergic to half the substances known to mankind. Foods, chemicals, dyes, you name it, I'm allergic. I appreciated he was a small business owner, being one myself. I didn't have insurance, because one month of insurance cost more than I usually spent in three years at the doctor. (Even 25 years ago, policies for one person were extremely expensive.) So I went to see Doctor Tim. He was a great guy, very helpful, very respectful. Afterwards, the gal at the front desk printed out a bill for $80. As I was writing my check, Doctor Tim came up, took the bill, drew a line across it, and wrote in "$60.00". I was floored. "Look, he said, "If we bill an insurance company, it takes an incredible amount of our time, energy and money. Insurance companies don't pay the full amount of the bill, and it takes a long time for us to be paid. People who pay in the moment deserve to pay less, it's still better for us." "Wow, thanks!" I replied. Years later, Doc Tim joined a big medical business in my metro area, in charge of one of their offices. At that big business, still uninsured, I had to pay full price. Then one day the front desk clerk said, "If you're paying today, self-insured, there's 20 percent off your bill." Amazing. Next time I told Doc Tim, "Great news on the 20 percent off!" He said, "Let me tell you a story about that. "I went to meetings for two years, saying that I thought our self-insured customers deserved this. People finally agreed. But the computer guys said they had to change the system to accommodate it. Next meeting, same conversation. "Finally, after two years, I sent a bill out front with the instructions, 'Take 20 percent off, patient is self-pay." The front desk did just that. Soon my phone lit up with the billing department, 'Why did you do this?' "I told them I did it because they'd been talking about it for years, plenty of time to get it done, and I was going to continue. Within *one month*, the 20 percent off was in the computers, system-wide, for all our locations." Needless to say, my jaw dropped. One person, one conviction to do what was right, thousands of patients paying a more "fair" rate, probably still more money than insurance companies paid. Imagine how many people, how many families that would help over the years. It's probably been 10 years. I still don't see the doctor often. But when I do, there's 20 percent off my bill. On my behalf, and the thousands of people who don't know the story: Thank you, Doctor Tim. =======HeroicStories======= ,'-', :-----: (''' , - , ''') \ ' . , ` / \ ' ^ ? / \ ` - ,' `j_ _,' ,- -`\ \ /f ,- \_\/_/'- , `, , , /\ \ | / \ ', , f : :`, , <...\ , : ,- ' \,,,,\ ; : j ' \ \ :/^^^^' \ \ ; ''': \ -, -`.../ ' - -,`,--` \_._'-- '---: Storm >-->LIVING LONG ... OR LIVING WELL? A tough, old cowboy was asked by his grandson how to live a long life. "The secret of living a long life is to sprinkle a little gunpowder on your oatmeal every morning," the grizzled man replied. The grandson did this religiously and he lived to the age of 93. When he died, he left 14 children, 28 grandchildren, 35 great grandchildren and a fifteen foot hole in the wall of the crematorium. He definitely went out with a bang. Personally, I would rather remember somebody for how beautifully she lived than how spectacularly she died. And I would prefer she leave a hole in my heart than in the crematorium. Besides, it has never been about how long we may live, but always about how well we are living today. Dave Dravecky, pitcher for the San Francisco Giants baseball team, learned a lesson about what it means to live well. Dave was enjoying an outstanding career until the day he was diagnosed with a soft tissue cancer in his left arm. His professional baseball career was over. After various treatments failed to stop the cancer, doctors advised Dave to have his arm amputated. Some people may feel that a diagnosis of cancer, the loss of a career and the amputation of an arm may as well be a death sentence. Of course, many survivors know better. Dave, too, learned that his life was far from over. When his little daughter Tiffany first saw her father after surgery, she went straight to him and hugged him long and hard. Then she smiled and announced that she was happy his left arm was gone. She explained that over the last few weeks, the arm had caused her father so much pain that he hadn't been able to hug her. With the arm out of the way, they would be close again. Dave Dravecky will never be the baseball star he had hoped to become. He lost his arm and will always wonder if cancer will return. Maybe he will live a long life, and maybe not. But regardless of how long he lives, what matters is how well he lives. He only has to hug Tiffany to remember. -- Steve Goodier -<>- _..-""""-.._ _.-' `-._ / \ : .-'; ;'-. : | / _.-: :-._ \ | : ; ; o/ \o ; ; : / \_!-' '-!_/ \ :'-..__ __..-': / \ / \ .'\ \ / /'. .' ; `-. .-' ; '. ; : '..' : ; : | __...__ | : ; | .-' `-. | ; : : / \ : : : / / \ \ : ; .' : : '. ; ; : : : : ; ; : : : : ; : / : : \ : ;; \ / ;; ;-. '-. , .-' .-; ;;'-... '-..___..-' ...-';; ";, \ ""--....________....--""/ ,;" '. .' '. .' \ / \ / : : : : : \ / : / '. .' \ .' _. / : : '. ____________________"/_) : ') \_/ (' : ( \"_______________fsc__ >Choosing to End Anger Imagine a fine, spring day. A man is driving cheerfully along a picturesque road, which winds through the lazy countryside. Suddenly, from around the next curve, a car barrels toward him in his lane. He brakes hard, and as it swerves past, the woman driver screams at him, “Pig! Pig!” Furious, he shouts back at her, “Sow! Sow!” Pleased with himself, he drives around the curve and runs smack into a pig. Anyone can get angry. But like Aristotle pointed out, “To be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way is not so easy.” Which is to say, much of the time we get angry either with the wrong person, or to the wrong degree, or at the wrong time, or for the wrong purpose, or in the wrong way. Few of us are experts here. And there is no shortage of tried and true anger management techniques. Skilled practitioners tell us to slow down and think before we speak, to take a timeout, to find an emotional “happy place,” to use humor, to learn how to relax or may use some of these methods yourself. And these practices certainly have a place in keeping ire in check. But a piece of advice from ancient wisdom may be the most useful of all. It gets at what is probably the most important thing we can do when we become upset and angry. The advice is this: decide to end it. That’s right; anger should be ended. Get it out, then put it down. Biblical wisdom teaches, “Don’t let the sun set on your anger.” Anger without end is the worst. As Frederick Buechner (Wishful Thinking) observes: “To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past ... to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back – in many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." Anyone can get angry and all of us will. But lingering acrimony hurts everyone, especially those who pick away at it. And no anger management technique will work if we don’t finally make the decision to push away from the table and leave it all behind. Healthy people know not to gorge on anger. At the end of the day, they walk away. They choose to end it. And it’s an easier choice the next time. -- Steve Goodier ========================================================== !|| !|||| ,/|||| !|'''| `\ | )\ \ ejm / \ \ \ >-->ASAP There's work to do, deadlines to meet; You've got no time to spare, But as you hurry and scurry- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER In the midst of family chaos, "Quality time" is rare. Do your best; let God do the rest- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER. It may seem like your worries Are more than you can bear. Slow down and take a breather- ASAP - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER God knows how stressful life is; He wants to ease our cares, And He'll respond to all your needs A.S.A.P. - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER. >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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