The Best Of Times... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This new flaming hot page is from our friend Bunni. It is one that will give you your aww quota for the day. Check it out here... __ / _,\ \_\ ,,,, _,_) # /) (= =)D__/ __/ // C/^__)/ _( ___// \_,/ -. '-._/,--' _\\_, / -//. \_ \_/ -,._ _ ) ) \/ / ) / / \-__,/ ( ( ( \.__,-)\_ )\_ / -( b'ger / -(//// //// Adorable Animal Selfies! --- ...Excellent photos! Lots of SMILES here! Thanks Bunni! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: _____ | D | | | | \___| _ || _______ -( (- |_'(-------) '-' | / _____,-\__..__|_____Pr59 >LOCK THE BATHROOM DOOR by Ken Pierpont When I was a boy I got into a lot of mischief. Sometimes I got in trouble for the mischief I did. Sometimes I didn't get caught. Other times I got in trouble for things I didn't do. Sometimes I was blamed for things over which I had no control. Some days my life just took an ugly turn and one bad thing led to another like falling dominoes. One afternoon, I was sitting on the toilet after school in the privacy of our own bathroom. I finished my business and rose to leave. I looked up and there conveniently in front of me were two handles for the metal wardrobe that my mother used to store cleaning supplies and clean linens and towels. When I pulled myself up, the door came open and the cabinet started to tip over. I didn't have time to pull my pants up. With my pants around my ankles I pushed the cabinet back into an upright position. Then I bent to pull my pants up. What I didn't know is that the cabinet was resting on the base molding and when I let go to pull up my pants the cabinet door opened and the wardrobe started down again. This time things began to spill out and crash into the toilet. My sister Melony heard the commotion and took it upon herself to whip open the door, whereupon she began to scream loudly. She didn't come in and help. She didn't go out and shut the door. She just stood there and screamed while I struggled with my pants around my ankles to get the cabinet back into an upright position and dodge the cans and jars and linens that were falling into the toilet. That was forty years ago, but what is fresh in my mind is the thing that bothered me the most. Not the mayhem in the bathroom, but my irritation with my sister for standing there screaming while my pants were down. I try not to be bitter but it troubles me. How could she do that to me knowing that if I bent to pull up my pants the cabinet would fall over, and if I didn't I would be exposed and publicly shamed? That's a heavy burden to carry for four decades. Mom came in and saw the toilet full of towels, linens, broken furniture polish and other things. The first thing she said was, "Kenny, pull your pants up!" The other day, my mom and I were having a laugh about this incident. It's good to remember that when everything is coming unraveled in your life and all the bad things you have ever done are catching up to you at once, that one day you will be able to laugh about it. Trust me, you will. You will laugh some day. In the meantime it might be a good idea to get in the habit of locking the bathroom door when you use it. -- Ken Pierpont __________________________________________________ Ken is a storyteller, writer, and pastor from Michigan. He met his wife Lois in college. They have been married thirty years and have four sons, four daughters, two grandsons and stories to tell. He is the author of the book Sunset on Summer. He publishes a weekly newsletter. You can subscribe free at =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) O (_) _ )_( _ /`_) H (_`\ .' ( { } ) '. _/ /` '-'='-' `\ \_ [_.' _,...,_ '._] | .:"`````":. | |__//_________\\__| | .-----------. | | | .-"""-. | | | | / / \ | | | ||- < -|| | | | \ \ / | | | |[`'-...-'`]| | | | ;-.___.-; | | | | | ||| | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | _|||_ | | | | | | >===< | | | | | | |___| | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | ;-; | | | | | | ( ) | | | | | | '-' | | | | | '-------' | | jgs _| '-----------' |_ [= === === ==== == =] [__--__--___--__--__] /__-___-___-___-___-__\ `"""""""""""""""""""""""` >HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT TIME? Slowly I have come to realize life surely does change But I have also found nothing is more important than making it HOME one day Finally realizing there really is a Heaven and an Eternity And If I make the wrong choice my soul will forever have to pay Once I was just a little girl so fresh and new My steps were stumbling and slow as slowly I grew Then one day I was able to walk all on my own No more falling down somehow I just knew The things I could do as I ran and played all day I actually learned to tie my own shoes I just beamed with pride way deep inside Going to be a big girl soon as I thought of all I would do Childhood quickly passed and I was a teenager now Growing up and learning about life and how to cope One day I would be all grown up and ready for life To meet my future husband I'm filled to overflowing with hope Then a wonderful surprise as that special day arrived I met the one I would marry and never more roam Deep happiness we felt as three children to us were born One by one they arrived to bless our happy home The years went by swiftly as it seemed that time almost flew Until one day we realized they were all grown up now Each one married with homes and children of their own To our total surprise we found We were just the two of us now We spent each day together as we lived our lives As each day ended we were together once more We looked at each other and slowly began to realize We weren't young anymore as time silently opened its door We knew we didn't have a lot of years left to live Sadness slowly crept in like shadows on the wall It's rough realizing you are old with not many years left To live and call our own Tears softly began to fall As our steps became slower our future became brighter As we happily realized that we would soon be going HOME Our race was almost run and our victory surely won Soon we would be going HOME to see our wonderful Lord There we will see our loved ones that have gone on before Those we've missed for so long we will see once more But the one I want to see the most of all that day Is My JESUS and being Home at Last! CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE??? Phyllis Smith (Bunni) Copyright July 7, 2010 All Rights Reserved --- ...Aww, yes! Thanks Bunni! When Christ Returns as Lord of Lords and King of Kings what an awesome day that shall be! Until then we run the race and do our best for Him and God our loving Father. Gal.6: [9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Cloie :) [Politics] >STORY TIME! Here’s a very scary thought… no, it's a nightmare! _______ /______/"=, [ | "=, "=,, [-----+----"=,* ) (_---_____---_)/ (O) (O) Emiliano I had to take my vehicle to the mechanic the other day for service. The Service Manager, Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government. At first I thought it a bit far fetched. But as I listened to him it began to make sense, scary sense... “I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November,” Pete began. “Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted. The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.” “Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency.” “The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.” Pete believes Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties. The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge. Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if Pete is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying changing the country to fit his stated goals. I thanked Pete for the ride home – and for messing up my day. Now I’ve got more things to worry about! Some imagination, huh? --- ...Scary for sure! Thanks Cloie! I wouldn't put it past this administration. They seem to think they are above the law and can do whatever they want to - so far they have been able to - which shows you our laws are not strict enough. All our government counter balances when tested don't really work to secure us a corrupt free government body. That being said, I looked this up and this fellow gave some insight into this growing email forward... He echos my own thoughts on it: greg mcelvy 13 days ago Clinton can be inaugurated even if she is under indictment. She cannot be inaugurated if she had been somehow convicted which could not happen fast enough. Assuming she was convicted, she could ostensibly pardon herself. However, she would have to withstand impeachment proceedings. If impeached by the House and removed by the senate, a duly sworn in Caine would become President. ---- Just another note here I want to add. Hillary keeps bashing Trump over not releasing his income tax records since she did. I think this is so ironic of her. First off, she is so above the law that unlike Trump, she is not being audited by the IRS - which with all her shady dealings with the Clinton Foundation, she SHOULD be! Second, I found her talking about his economic tax proposal being sided to benefit him truly over the top! How dare she be criticizing Trump when her tax records show that 96% of the Clinton's tax write-offs for charities were given to - wait for it - can you guess? Yes. They gave them to the Clinton Foundation! Wowsers! What a deal! Just put the money in a different bank account and viola! Taxes reduced and money saved! Nothing like paying yourself! No wonder they are smiling. Oh yes, to their credit the Clinton Foundation does do lots of good charity work to the tune of 10% of all donated money does goes to charitable aide. ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) 8 8 .,,aadd88P=8=Y88bbaa,,. .,ad88888P:a8P:d888b:Y8a:Y88888ba,. ,ad888888P:a8888:a8888888a:8888a:Y888888ba, ,a8888888:d8888888:d888888888b:8888888b:8888888a, ,a88888888:d88888888:d88888888888b:88888888b:88888888a, ,d88888888:d888888888:d8888888888888b:888888888b:88888888b, ,d88888888:d8888888888I:888888888888888:I8888888888b:88888888b, ,d888888888:d88888888888:88888888888888888:88888888888b:888888888b, d8888888888:I888888888888:88888888888888888:888888888888I:8888888888b d8P"' `"Y8:8P"' `"Y8:8P"' 8 `"Y8:8P"' `"Y8:8P"' `"Y8b " " " 8 " " " Normand 8 Veilleux 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,8, 888 888 __ Y88b,,,d88P `Y8888888P' `"""""' >BRING YOUR UMBRELLA (by Steve Goodier) One summer, a drought threatened the crop in a small town. On a hot and dry Sunday, the village parson told his congregation, "There isn't anything that will save us except to pray for rain. Go home, pray, believe, and come back next Sunday ready to thank God for sending rain." The people did as they were told and returned to church the following Sunday. But as soon as the parson saw them, he was furious. "We can't worship today. You do not yet believe," he said. "But," they protested, "we prayed, and we do believe." "Believe?" he responded. "Then where are your umbrellas?" The story applies to all of us. There are those people who leave their umbrellas at home. Throughout their lives, they are merely hoping their wishes and prayers will bear fruit, but they expect little. Others expect their God-given dreams and desires to come to pass. It is as if they journey through life always prepared for something to happen. Today, how will you approach that which you are yearning for? Will you expect answers to your prayers and work to bring about hoped- for results? Will you bring your umbrella? --- ...Thanks LouiseAu! Yes. This is an absolutely pointed reminder of what 'believing' in the word of God is. James 2: [17] Even so faith (believing), if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. faith [believing] without works [action] is dead [worthless or useless] because it is alone or by itself. _____|\ _.--| SSt |: <____|.----|| .---''---, ;..__..' _... ,'/ ;|/..--'' \ ,'_/.-/': : _..-'''/ / | \ \ _|/| \ /-./_ \; \ \,;' \ ,\ / \: `:\ \ // `:`. ,' \ /-._; | : : :: ,. . ,' :: /`-._| | | || ' : `.`.) _,' |;._:: | | | | `| : `' ,' `. / |`-:_ ; | | | : \ `--. ) /|-._: : | \ \ / / :_| ;`-._; __..--'; : : / ( ;|;-./_ _/.-:'o | / ' | / , \._/_/_./--''/_|:|___|_,' | : / `'-'--'----'---------' | | : O ._O O_. O ._O O_. ; ; : `. // // // // ,' / ~~~`.______//____//____//____//_______,'~ // //~ // // ~~ _// _// _// ~ _// ~ ~ / / / / / / / / ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ This is not taught enough in our churches. We think believing is something we just do in our mind, but the Word of God says it is worthless if that is all we do! We must accompany it with works - an action - or it is like a boat sitting in the water without a sail, motor or oars. You are NOT going to get very far! Dead in the water without works to go with your believing. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | OV"|OOOOOOOO> U N I T E D S T A T E S OF A M E R I C A O N E D O L L A R A Dollar For God Nine thousand for my brand new car Five thousand for a piece of sod Fifty thousand for my brand new house A dollar I gave to God! A tidy sum to entertain My friends in pointless chatter And when the world goes crazy mad I ask God what's the matter ---A DOLLAR I GAVE TO GOD! Yet there is one big question For the answer I will search With things so bad in this whole world What's holding back the church? ---A DOLLAR I GAVE TO GOD! -<>- _.--._ _.-'(//|(\'-._ _.-'(\)))(\\\\((|\'-._ _.-')/)/)\((|\))/(/\()\\(/'-._ .-'/))/))(\\))\)//)\\)))(/))\)(\\'-. /')/)\(/\)\))/\(/|)\))/((||\/)\)\)\\'\ \((\\(/((\///)))/(\\(/)\\\\\)\)\))\))/ V )/.-.__(/|_/|' ' ' |\_|)/__.-. ))V | | | |_/| ' ' '|\_| | | | | | | |_/|' ' '|\_| | | | | '-.__| |_/| ' ' '|\_| |__.-' | | |_/|' ' '|\_| | |_ |_/| ' ' '|\_| _| ||'-._ |_/|______|\_| _.-'|| '-.|_/< >\_|.-' >Empty Shanty Occasionally God surprises us by letting us find out how He used some word we spoke or action that we took years ago and perhaps forgot all about. About a century ago Stephen Grellat was led one day to go out to a heavily forested area of America to preach. It was a strong inward compulsion of the Holy Spirit. When he arrived at the loggers' camp, he found they had moved to another location, and their shanties were deserted. However, he was so sure he was sent by God that he went into an empty shanty and preached to the bare walls the sermon God had placed upon his heart. He then returned to his home, He could never understand why God would send him to preach to an empty shanty. Many years later, as he walked across a bridge, a man grasped his arm, "I found you at last," the man said. "I think you are mistaken," said Mr. Grellat. "No, Didn't you preach in an empty shanty in the woods years ago?" "Yes," Mr. Grellat admitted, "but no one was there." "I was the foreman in charge of the loggers," the stranger explained. "We had moved to a new location, before long I realized I'd left one of my tools behind. I returned to get it and heard a voice in one of the shanties, I peered through a crack between the logs and saw you. You never saw me, but I listened to the rest of the sermon, God touched my heart that day and I became so convicted of my sins, that after some time I purchased a Bible, repented of my sins, and became a Christian, then I began to win my men to Christ. Your sermon has led over a thousand people to Christ, and three of them have gone on to become missionaries!" -Wesley L Duewel -<>- .--, .--, ( ( \.---./ ) ) '.__/o o\__.' {= ^ =} > - < / \ // \\ //| . |\\ "'\ /'"_.-~^`'-. \ _ /--' ` jgs ___)( )(___ >Mouse Story... A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning. "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it." The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The pig sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers." The mouse turned to the cow and said, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but it’s no skin off my nose." So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap-- alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. But his wife’s sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral; the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. MORAL: The next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember -- when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Wieliczka Salt Mine! Who Is Jesus Christ? 90/10 Principle Tale Of Two Swallows! Driftwood Horses! Naval Fleet Art! Advice For Living! Attitude Is Everything 5 Dogs As Best Friends! Friends And Health! Niagara Falls In Neon Nanny Animals #2! Ocean Exploration! Kinkade - Painter Of Light! Chevy Selling It! Extreme Noodling! Kid Lessons Maxine On The Economy! Paranting No'No's Ten Life Tips! World's Fastest Cars! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) #BoycottTarget: Company Reports a 7.2% Decrease in Revenue --- ...Aww, music to my ears! Thanks Melody! When a business chooses to do something that may harm their customers and doesn't care about public outcry over it, then they should not be in business to serve the public. La. Floods Worst Natural Disaster Since Hurricane Sandy --- ...Horrible! Thanks Melody. In light of the many charity scandals like this one: NEW YORK – Former President Bill Clinton developed a methodology of exploiting epidemics and natural disasters to raise hundreds of millions in “charitable donations” that in a relaxed regulatory environment could be diverted to personal gain, funding Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns and supporting Democratic Party causes, charges Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel, who has conducted an in-depth investigation of the foundation’s finances. Read More: It is best to use a reparable charity if you wish to help them. -<>- >From Our Friend Geniann :) This kid has to be one of the best Photoshop guys around. His work is amazing! Here is why you should not believe everything you see on video or film. --- ...HaHa! Grandkids love his videos! Thanks Geniann! A Simple Question --- ...Great Answer! Thanks Geniann! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) Take a walk back in time as the Statler Brothers sing “Do You Remember These." If you like this you might also enjoy The Best Of Times, a memorable look back at the 1950?s and 1960?s. --- ...Fun! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== %%%% %%% , %%%6 ` """" %%% < oo''@ @ | %%% )( __o / 9 %%%_ \ _/ \ / \= / |_\ ) _| |__ Y__ ___ /___ \ \__/..<' |_| ---/ / \H/ \ \_..--<__________/ / | \ )==0 ____oooo______oooo______ ####### /_______________________/ ######## [_______________________] ####### || | | || | \ || ||___| |___||/ \ || || || || || / // || || || || ( || || || || || \ || || || || || )|| | == | | == | |\\ |(__)/ \(__)| _apc____V\\\____________________ ====================___ >Unforgotten Sacrifice Story Editor: by Maddy Jonas Joyce Schowalter New York, USA In June of 1993 I had just graduated from Towson State University, outside of Baltimore, Maryland. I got a job waiting tables at a restaurant near the college. Money was tight and the only place I could afford to live was a local motel that rented rooms by the month. To keep costs down, I ordered the daily special at work -- whatever it was. The $5 price tag was discounted 50 percent for employees. I ate half for lunch and saved half for dinner. Evenings were busy with the dinner crowd and summer school students looking for cheap drinks and free munchies. Being the new kid, I got the lunch shift. The lunch shift "crowd" was very slow -- almost non-existent. One very hot afternoon a man wearing a long dirty coat came in. His hair was scraggly and he apparently hadn't shaved in weeks. No one wanted him at their station so I said I'd serve him. Very quietly, so I strained to hear him, he politely asked for a cup of coffee and the $5 lunch special. I figured that $6 bill was a lot of money to him -- it was certainly a lot of money to me. As I placed his order in the kitchen, my colleagues told me not to waste time with him. He'd probably skip out on his bill. He most certainly, they said, wouldn't leave any tip. I tried to remember that he was a customer like everyone else, and checked on him as I would any other customer. He sat quietly. Unlike other customers dinning alone, he had nothing to read. He just stared at his coffee or off into the distance, perhaps remembering a better time. He ate his food slowly and deliberately, savoring each bite in his mouth. The meal was probably more than just sustenance to him. It offered a quiet and cool place to sit and relax, even if for a brief moment. When his plate was empty, I stopped by to refill his coffee and drop off his check. There's no rush, I told him. It wasn't like I had people lining up for his table, why make him leave? I took a ladies room break. Upon returning, my customer was gone. The others laughed, reminding me they'd warned me of being stiffed. I silently went over to clean off the table, leaving the check holder for last. When I lifted it, change came tumbling out. The $6 bill had been paid in full with well-worn and crumpled bills. I sat to count the coins -- $1.20 entirely in nickels and pennies. It was worth so much more to me. As I stared down at the change in front of me, I realized that through quite probably a great sacrifice, my customer had taught me an invaluable lesson. We make an impact on every life we interact with. It is our choice as to what kind of impact we want to make. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From our Friend Linda :) __ /.- ______ // /______'/| [ ]| [ ]| [ Juice ]| [ _\_ ]| [ ::: ]| [ :' ]/ jgs '-------' >The Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice The pomegranate has been part of human history since biblical times and is mentioned in Exodus, as well as in ancient Babylonian texts. The pomegranate is actually a berry, and each fruit contains between 200 and 1400 seeds. The pulp that covers the seeds is what we generally eat and drink, and it is very healthy! Nutritional Value of Pomegranate: Pomegranates are rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant, and punicic acid, an Omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial for cell regeneration. The juice is a great source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium and more. Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice: Used for its medicinal benefits throughout the Middle East and Far East for thousands of years. It contains many nutrients like quercetin, which helps protect the body from diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. 1. Heart Benefits: Pomegranate juice helps to keep your heart healthy by assisting arterial elasticity and reducing blood-vessel inflammation. It also reduces atherosclerosis – a leading cause in heart diseases. The juice also helps lower the risk of arterial blockage, reduce LDL levels and increase HDL levels. 2. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels: Despite containing fructose, pomegranate juice doesn’t elevate sugar levels in the blood. Research showed that diabetics who drank pomegranate juice for 2 weeks did not experience an increase in blood sugar levels. 3. Maintains Blood Pressure: Pomegranate juice reduces lesions and inflammation in blood vessels, reducing high blood pressure. It also works as a natural aspirin, thinning the blood, thus improving blood flow in the body. 4. Protection from Cancer: The antioxidants in the juice eliminate free radicals, inhibiting cancerous cell growth. Pomegranate juice is believed to induce apoptosis – a state where cancer cells destroy themselves. It’s considered highly beneficial in preventing prostate cancer, as well as block the hormone believed to be one of the main causes for breast cancer – aromatase. 5. Soothes the Stomach: Pomegranate juice has been used to treat diarrhea and dysentery since ancient times. It increases the production of enzymes that assist in digestion. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of pomegranate juice to treat indigestion. 6. Boosts Immunity: The antioxidants in the juice stimulate white blood cells, boosting their efficiency. The juice has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, helping to reduce mouth bacteria that causes cavities and staph infections. 7. Prevents Anemia: Anemia is caused when your body is low on red blood cells. The high levels of iron in the juice helps the body produce more red blood cells. It is also considered a great remedy for red and sore eyes – simply put a few drops of the juice in your eyes. 8. Improves Digestion: When it comes to the digestive system, pomegranates work wonders in aiding the stomach and liver. It also helps soothe urinary tract infections and ease the flow of urine. Rich in dietary fiber, it helps regulate bowel movements. 9. Helps in Cartilage Regeneration: Pomegranate juice is known to inhibit the enzymes that cause damage to cartilage, reducing future damage to the region. Unsweetened juice can relieve arthritis, and bone inflammation. A regular intake of juice is believed to curb the onset of Alzheimer’s and other neurological issues, as well as dissolve kidney stones and even help erectile dysfunction. 10. Anti-Aging Benefits: A diet rich in pomegranate juice helps slowing down ageing by reducing wrinkles and fine lines caused by exposure to the sun. It also helps to sustain the regeneration of the skin, preventing hyperpigmentation and dark spots. 11. Suited for All Skin Types: The juice works wonders on dry skin, effectively penetrating the skin and moisturizing it. Punicic acid, an Omega 5 fatty acid in the juice, keeps the skin hydrated by locking in the moisture. The juice also helps reduce the production of sebum, preventing outbreaks of zits. 12. Helps to Heal Scars: Pomegranate juice improves cell regeneration of the skin and can hasten the healing of wounds. The seeds themselves are also full of skin-beneficial nutrients, protecting against sunburns and healing sun-damage. 13. Improves the Texture of Skin: A glass of pomegranate juice will give you fair and glowing skin. It will also prevent wrinkles by increasing the body’s production of collagen, which provides support and strength to the skin. 14. Good for Prenatal Care: Pomegranate juice contains many vitamins and mineral, as well as folic acid, all of which are essential in a prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory properties help improve blood flow for both the mother and the fetus. The potassium in the juice prevents muscle cramps associated with pregnancy and is even believed to prevent premature childbirth. 15. Pomegranate Face Mask for Glowing Skin: Mix 1 tsp of powdered green papaya, 1 tsp grape seed oil, and 1 tsp grape seed extract with 2 tsp of pomegranate juice, then apply to the face. Leave it on for an hour, then wash in warm water. 16. Prevents Skin Cancer: The anthocyanins and tannins in pomegranate are powerful friends in the fight against skin tumors. Apply it directly to the skin and let the ellagic acid do what it does best – inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. 17. Prevents Hair Fall: Pomegranate juice strengthens the hair follicles, preventing hair loss and giving you rich, healthy hair. Precautions: If you’re taking blood pressure medication, the pomegranate’s natural pressure-lowering abilities may result in dangerously low blood pressure. Do not consume pomegranate juice if you have the flu, a cough or constipation, or if you’re suffering from a phlegmatic condition. Similarly to grapefruits, pomegranates can interfere with some types of medication, especially statins (cholesterol medicine), antidepressants, AIDS medication and narcotic pain relief medication. Pomegranate nutritional facts: Now that you know all of this about pomegranate juice, it's not too late to add it to your daily diet. --- ...Wow! Great info! I'll have to get some! Thanks Linda! ========================================================== >-->From Kidwarmers: .-. _\...._ .-"` `"-. |` ._ _. `| | \ `"""""""` / | \ | | / ; | / \ | ; | | _ _ | | | | / | | \ | | _\/ \0| |0/ \/_ / \ .-----. / \ | /_.-\ /-._\ | \|/ '--;' \|/ | / \ | | `\'.___\ | ; \ | ; \ \'-\ / \ '--' / \ / jgs ____\_ _/____ '._ \ / _.' '-, ^ ,-' / ___ \ / --- \ >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY Ralph and Karen Noll of Auburn, Indiana, have 11 grandchildren with one on the way, six great-grandchildren with one on the way, plus a variety of foster grandchildren. Recently grandson Alex, 3, visited with his parents, Andrew and Missy McComb. Missy related this story: Alex is learning his right from his left by riding in the kid's seat of his parent's bicycle. Alex is to say "right" or "left" to arrive at their destination. Missy asked him, "Alex, right or left?" and he insisted upon right. She told him, "Alex, that is a dead-end." But he insisted upon right, so they proceeded. Alex became very quiet and Missy asked what was wrong. He replied, "Mommy, who killed the dead-end?" Monica's daughter's friend was having a baby. The whole family was invited to the baby shower. Her 6-year-old nephew asked if there was a baby in her tummy. She said yes. Then he asked, "Want me to help you get it out?" -- Monica Ackerman of Hayward, California Barb tells about her 3-year-old nephew who was telling her about the new toys he'd gotten that day. They were "Handsome and Gretel," "Little Red Wagon Hood" and "Humpty Dunky." -- Aunt Barb of Warrington, Pennsylvania o _ =\.= | \ ='\____/__/....,_ | .' _-; |/;-._ -_,' / \ ``"""` ( | | ^ ^ \ /`'` o _ o \ \_, ' ' | ;. /.__.' / .`._`'._____.'-. /`.| `-,.____.-;\ / | | | \ \ jgs | | '------' | | \ \ | / Four-year-old Natalie was in the garage with her daddy when she suddenly piped up with: "Why is there Red Sox all over this house?" Her daddy explained he loves the Boston Red Sox baseball team. She looked to his feet and said, "If you like Red Sox, why are you wearing white socks?" -- Matt Getts of Kendallville, Indiana Koen, 3, loves all tractors and lawn mowers, but is extremely partial to the John Deere brand, which are distinctively painted John Deere Green with yellow wheels. Additionally, the throttles are marked with pictures of a turtle for "slow" and a deer for "fast." Recently, Koen's Dad borrowed his father's John Deere yard tractor. When Koen was telling his PawPaw about riding on the mower with his Daddy, he said, "Daddy has Grandpa's lawn mower, and it has a moose on it!" -- Dennis Smith of Oak Ridge, North Carolina Koen, his family and a group of friends were gathered around the picnic table eating dessert in celebration of July 4. Without warning, Koen said, "Sing Happy Birthday!" When asked to whom they should sing, he replied, "America!" .-""',.-"""-. ,_ .'.--. /_.---. `-.__., '\`'-' _ /___ `-._.-/ '-..-'_'` _ `'-._ _.; .' /_ _ \` \ / /(_9 (_9 . | \ ; _/ ( \`-' / `(_\ .===, '.___.' '. `""` _(_) '-. .-'` .====="""| |""======, '. | | .' jgs `-. |_.-' .-' `-. ` _.-' '-.-' Here is another one from Dennis. Dylan's parents are building a new house. They have also built a fire pit. The family had built a fire and they were roasting wieners when Dylan, 6, said with a concerned look on his face, "Daddy, I sure hope we can pay for this new house. You know it's going to cost a lot!" Sami, who loves taking a bath, was getting baptized at the church and told her mother outloud, "I'm ready to get bath- tized!"-- Jeanne Escher-Pickel of North Carolina Casey, 9, and his mom Traci went to an old-fashioned "drive-in" restaurant. They sat in the car to eat. When Casey opened his fries, he noticed there were only two packets of ketchup. In a very serious voice he said to his mom, "What does a man have to do to get a little more ketchup?" -- Traci Walker (mother of Casey) of Lebanon, Tennessee _...._ .' '. / __ \ | .' \ / \ | /.' \ | '.\ _ \_><_\ | `-._ _...__ | -"`` ``"-, |, _. ) / /``"'---"`|-' / | .-' '-; | \ 6_) 6_)\ \ '. ) \ '. ,---' _.--.` / '-.._\- `""`.' `'-. .--' .=========| |=========, '. | | .' jgs `-._ `-._| .-' `-._ `_.-' '-.-' Barb and her husband are fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time with their only grandchild, Brianna, 8. Tuesday nights Brianna stays overnight with her grandparents and they take her to school the next morning. Brianna has a very sensitive head so combing her hair is difficult to do without hurting her. This week was no different. She was grabbing her hair and saying "ouch" a lot. "Brianna," Barb said, "What would you have done in the old' days when girls combed their hair 100 strokes morning and night?" She quickly answered, "I would have skipped numbers!" -- Barbara Roney of Portland, Oregon Earlier this year, while Kristen was out of town at a conference, her youngest daughter, Ryan, 4, had to go to the hospital to have an ultrasound. When Kristen got back in town, her oldest daughter, Carmen, 8, couldn't wait to tell Kristen how brave Ryan had been during her "jam test." Kristen was confused. Carmen explained the "jam" test this way: "You know, when they put the jam on your tummy (the jelly they use for the ultrasound)!" -- Kristen Johnson of Kendallville, Indiana Years ago Carol's 3 year old had to have a TB test. The nurse explained that he was having a TB test and it would only sting for a second. He cheerfully put out his little arm for the test, and at supper that evening Carol asked him to tell his dad about his day. The little guy proudly said, "We went to the doctor's and I HAD A TELEBISION TEST!" -- Carol Girard of Silver Springs, Florida Faith, 9, had been organizing the DVDs in the living room. She turned to Debbi in the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I have put all my Strawberry Shortcake DVDs in a spific... sapific..." "Specific," Debbi told her. "Spapific..." "Specific," Debbi said. Shaking her head, she continued trying. "Suspicic... suspicious... suspific... spaficic... Mommy, I have put my DVDs in a very particular order!" -- Debbi Armstrong of Orlando, Florida _ /|\ .--, | |/__.'/`/ | .-~-(--' | .-~~-\ ; \ | .-. .\ | | | |`\ | _\o|_|o|\ | / __--,=""", | | || '=,_,'\ ; | || /\ | \; \ \_.' |\/ \\ \._ \ ;-, jgs \\ \_:-' /_ ((\\_____/_)) }'======'{` /`"""""""""`\ Kristopher and Kyle, 9, were attending a funeral with their mom. The funeral was about over and they were getting ready to open the casket one last time for viewing. Kristopher looked toward the back where the funeral directors were standing and asked his mom if those were the Paul Bunyans (meaning pall bearers). -- Angie Strong (aunt of Kristopher and Kyle) of Dalton, Georgia When Jackie's son Nicholas was about 4 (he is now 15), they went to South Dakota for a holiday. While driving through Custer State park slowly, they had a herd of donkeys approach their truck. Jackie was videotaping them with the window down a bit and one stuck his nose in. They were very friendly but Nicholas in the back seat was getting nervous and said, "They're nice donkeys, right Mom? And we're nice people, right? And they won't hurt us then right, Mom?" -- Jackie Pluim of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada One afternoon as Dana was in the kitchen making supper, Josiah, 7, was playing with his doctor set. He had a stethoscope, a play shot kit and other doctor items. Josiah was working on their dog Jesse, checking her heart, seeing how long her tail was and inspecting her ears. During that time, Justin 4, went up to Josiah and started bugging Josiah. When Josiah looked up at Justin he said, "Would you stop? I am trying to be a vegetarian!" Dana explained to him that a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat and a veterinarian is someone who works on animals to make them feel better. Josiah looked up at Dana and said, "Veterinarian, vegetarian, same thing." And kept working on Jesse. -- Dana VanAuken of LaGrange Mackenzie, 7, has several newborn guinea pigs. She was playing with them one night and called 911. Her mother didn't know that she had called. The 911 center called to ask if everything was OK. Her mother said yes. Mackenzie then explained that she had called 911 because her guinea pig was a boy and she wanted a girl! -- Myrle Brown (grandmother of Mackenzie) of Georgia , __,.._; ) ,--``' / ,";,\ | __; `-' ; |``` ; _ '-""`!------'/ _,-'`/ "===`-'"|_|" ____,(__,-' (ctr`.________,,---``` ;__| | ,-"""""\-..._____,"""""-. |;;;'''':::````:::; ;'''': : (( .---. )) ( ( .---.) ) : \ \ ; ____ : / / ; \ |````|',-"----`-| |' (`----' `----' /(____\ /____) ,-\ / / ,\ \ (_ _/ / (__\ \ ,-\ / ;-._ | (___)_/ (____\| A few days before her granddaughter Kindall's 7th birthday, Sharon stopped over to help her daughter with a chore. As Sharon was leaving she noticed Kindall pouring over her birthday list of friends. Sharon told her she would see her on Saturday for her party. Kindall looked at Sharon, then looked at her paper, then back at Sharon, and said, "Are you on the list?" -- Sharon Schafer of Texas Jace, 4, asked his grandma about her grandparents. Lynda said they are all in heaven now. "What are their names?" Jace asked. Lynda replied that on her daddy's side Granny's name was Connie and Grampa was Eustace. Jace laughed for a long time at the name Eustace. "My Grampa's name was Victor... my grandmother's name was Dorothy." That did it. Jace got a wondrous look on his face and said in a voice filled with awe, "Dorothy is in the Wizard of Oz." Lynda tried to tell him that was a different Dorothy but he didn't even hear it. "I guess Grandmother was in the Wizard of Oz!" -- Lynda of Missouri When Mimi's grandson Bruce Lauderdale III was about 3 and learning to write his name, he learned to add the Roman numeral III at the end. He called it his "little ladder." -- Carol "Mimi" Guise of North Carolina ,--. ,--. ((O ))--((O )) ,'_`--'____`--'_`. _: ____________ :_ | | ||::::::::::|| | | | | ||::::::::::|| | | | | ||::::::::::|| | | |_| |/__________\| |_| |________________| __..-' `-..__ .-| : .----------------. : |-. ,\ || | |\______________/| | || /. /`.\:| | || __ __ __ || | |;/,'\ :`-._\;.| || '--''--''--' || |,:/_.-': | : | || .----------. || | : | | | | || '----SSt---' || | | | | | | || _ _ _ || | | | :,--.; | || (_) (_) (_) || | :,--.; (`-'|) | ||______________|| | (|`-') `--' | |/______________\| | `--' |____________________| `.________________,' (_______)(_______) (_______)(_______) (_______)(_______) (_______)(_______) | || | '--------''--------' The other day Leena went to visit her 4-year-old son, Samar's class teacher, during which she learned that the principal of the school, Father Evarist, had visited their class the previous morning. Since Samar had not mention it to Leena she I went home and asked Samar if someone special had visited his classroom. Initially he denied it and after much coaxing told Leena that the principal of his school had come to class. So Leena asked him what his name was and he said, "Mrs. Father!" (They call their class teacher Mrs. Fernandes!) -- Leena Sabharwal of India ,.-""``""-., / ,:,;;,;, \ \ ';';;';' / `'---;;---'` <>_==""==_<> _<<<<<>>>>>_ .'____\==/____'. |__ |__| __| /C \ |..| / D\ \_C_/ |;;| \_c_/ |____o|##|o____| \ ___|~~|___ / '>--------<' {==_==_==_=} {= -=_=-_==} {=_=-}{=-=_} {=_==}{-=_=} }~~~~""~~~~{ jgs }____::____{ /` || `\ | || | | || | | || | '-----''-----' When Mary's daughter Rhonda was 3 they attended a fish fry. When she finished her fish, french fries and hush puppies Mary asked Rhonda if she would like more fish or fries and Rhonda said, "No, I want another one of those sleeping dogs," referring to the hush puppies! -- Mary Boggan of Lumberton, Texas Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference as the source. ========================================================== . | . \ | / `. \ ' / .' `. .-*""*-. .' "*-._ /.*" "*.\ _.-*" : ; ____ """"': .. ; _.-*" \ `.__.' / "*-._ .' `-.__.-' `. bug .' / . \ `. / | \ ' | ` >-->A New Dawning I awaken sleepily yawning A bright new day is dawning, Time to arise and greet the morn A new world is just being born. I hear the morning doves coo Another restful night is through, A glorious sunrise for me waits, Out near the rose garden gate. God has painted the skies and land With a gentle gesture of his hands And the autumn colors of the leaves Are a wonderland of delight to see. I take my seat in the old wicker chair And marvel at sights around me there, I tremble but not from the cold As God's majestic miracles unfold. The countryside like a kaleidoscope Reflects new colors and inspiring hope, I witness God painting from his palette And am awed by the pure majesty of it. Dark clouds part making room for hues Of sun struck gold, orange and blues And as sunbeams warm my smiling face I prayerfully thank God for his grace. I am reluctant to leave God's show But it's time to get ready to go As I rise to bid farewell to the dawn I pray for this earth we live on. ©Written by: Kenneth J. 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