The Christ Child And The King ... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ | | . , |_ . ,_ \_/ _,_, |__) _ _ _ _ / \,_ |_|_|_|_/_)| |_|_| |_\_| | (_) |_|_ | _(/_(_|_(__(/_ \__/| |_ __/ __ ___ (_ _ ,_-|-|_ _ ,_ _| | ,_ \_/ _,_, ,_ |__| _ _ ,_-|- (__(_|_|(_|_| |_ (_|_| |_(_|_ _|_| |_ | (_) |_|_|(_ | |_(/_(_|_|(_|_ _..._ _..._ .' _ '. .' _ './ (a) .-'-. / (e) .-'-. 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':| _| |(_||_)|_)\/ |:.'.||"|.'*:| ( | | _/ \:~^~^~^~^:/ __, ,___, /`-....-'\ (--|__| _ |' _| _, , jgs / \ _| |(_)||(_|(_|\//_) `-.,____,.-' ( _/ >PINK CHRISTMAS SURPRISE by Kathe Campbell The VA Hospital doctors and pharmacy had been waging war with my husband Ken's rheumatoid arthritis for years, providing the latest medicines as quick as they became available. His long monthly trips for checkups also necessitated serums specially packed in Styrofoam coolers surrounded by frozen ice bags. We stored the bags out in the small fridge-freezer on our back deck. He is a WWII Army Air Force vet, and had business near the VA Hospital just before Christmas. He decided to divest our burgeoning freezer of countless ice bags by returning them back to the pharmacy. It was just a nice way of telling the VA he was an appreciative veteran. Upon his return home that evening, I inquired as to his day with the doctors. All had gone well, but he looked tired and remarked that the pharmacy was very glad to have the cooler box and ice bags back. "One thing though," he mentioned offhandedly, "they wondered why all the freezer bags were pink." "Pink?" I queried. "What do you mean, pink?" "Yeah, pink," he adamantly muttered again. "But haven't you ever noticed, the pharmacy bags are always white?" I insisted. "Beats me. I thought they came in colors," as he heaved an unconcerned sigh and tilted his recliner back for a well-deserved snooze. While I stared unfocused into the fridge trying to conjure up a dinner idea, the deepest recesses of my mind kept wandering back to pink. Pink, pink, pink, why would those bags turn pink, I mulled over and over? Suddenly a light came on and the awful reality began setting in. Oh mercy no, it just couldn't be as I raced into the laundry room to check out the freezer, then downstairs to the old freezer in the basement where sure enough, the answer loomed before me. "Jumpin' Jehosafats, Pops, you gave away my stash of frozen strawberry daiquiris that I made last summer!" "Sorry dear, thought they looked a little different. You can whip up some more can't you?" Ken concluded as he tossed me a devilish grin. Our marriage was a good one. First, we kept faith with both our Christian upbringings, and secondly, we didn't hesitate to state our minds. Long ago a friend had advised that keeping it all in was best, even though her marriage failed. That wasn't going to happen to us for after fifty years we had amiably exchanged a few honest words uttered over a myriad of touchy subjects. But there are times, circumstances, and an old friend's well meaning advice when one keeps it all in, especially when a husband is unwell. Chagrined to the core, and finally slightly amused, I took the phone in hand to catch one of the VA pharmacists who seemed tickled pink when he heard my name. The jig was up and all I could say was... "Whatever you do, don't throw the pink bags out that my husband returned to you today. They were my stash of strawberry daiquiris, so treat them with care and enjoy your holiday on us." "Ma'am, we opened one up after hours in the back room, and are sharing it as we speak. They're the best. Thanks, Mrs. C., and tell that old man of yours he can cross our palms with strawberry daiquiris any time. He really knows how to liven up a long day." With little left to say, I sent my compliments to all and raised my cup of coffee in an appropriate toast... "Here's to you, VA Pharmacy. Divvy them up and have yourselves a merry little Christmas." -- Kathe Campbell __________________________________________________ Kathe lives her dream on a Montana mountain with her mammoth donkeys, a Keeshond, and a few kitties. Three children, eleven grands and three greats round out her herd. She is a prolific writer on Alzheimer's, and her stories are found on many ezines. Kathe is a contributing author to the Chicken Soup For The Soul and Cup of Comfort series, numerous anthologies, RX for Writers, magazines and medical journals. ============================================================= >-->From Laugh&Lift: _ J I N G L E \ (__ Y O U R '.__`'-. T R E E ! `'. \ __ .--._) | __..--''__``--../ \_/\.' .'`__..--`` ``--..\ \ / | ( '--' \ ;--. /\_/ \__ .--. \ \ /__`'--/\_/ \ '--' `'--\ / /----. '--`-----.`\ __) | .'__.' jgs /_( >"The Trouble Tree" (Author Unknown) [Edited] The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric-saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. After opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles, and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward, he walked me to my car. We passed the tree, and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning, I pick them up again." "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before." APPLICATION: As Christians, we know that we've got something even better then a "trouble tree," we've got Jesus, whom we can give all our daily burdens. And what's better, is we don't have to (and really shouldn't) take them back! Have a bad day at work? Give it over to your Jesus who loves you, and let it go, and start fresh anew the next day. The more we give our burdens to Jesus, the lighter our loads and the better our relationships with others. -<>- | '.|.' -= + =- ___ .'|'. ___ ******* | ******* /-====) | (_.- )) | / '( )' ) )) / / _/ \_( (( | |-( _ _ )) ) ) / | \ //| |\\ /'-( ( / \ \/\/ *** \/\/ / ) ) | |\ / .=. \ / ( ( `-;./ ;-' _\/(")\/_ '-; ) ) | \ |'---'| / ( ( | \ _| |_ / ) ) _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( jgs .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. `""---`-----` `----`----`""` >The Christ Child and the King (by Karen Ehman) "Read it again Mommy. Pleeeease read it again," Mackenzie, my then seven-year-old, begged. Her three-year-old brother, Mitchell, echoed her plea. "Yes Mommy, especially the part about the little boy and his donkey!" Their freshly washed faces and still wet hair glowed in the light of the Christmas tree as they sat with pajamas on next to me on the couch. A nightly December ritual, they chose a book from our "Baby Jesus Basket" full of story books about the birth of Christ. Their favorite this particular year was The Small One, a fictitious story of a too small donkey who has to be sold in order to bring in one piece of silver. His young master takes him to town, but no one wants such a small creature except for the village tanner. The donkey is ready to give up his life when a kind man offers to buy him to help carry his pregnant wife to Bethlehem. So the small donkey is given the great task of carrying the mother of Jesus to the stable where He will be born. I have always loved reading Christmas stories to my children and each year they receive a new nativity book from my mom. That year, however, my eyes were opened to part of the story that I had been unintentionally leaving out. After tottering over to the "Baby Jesus Basket" to put away the book we'd just finished, Mitchell asked me to read him a story from the Bible about the other Jesus. "What other Jesus?" I asked. "Not baby Jesus," he replied. "Big Jesus who died on the cross." Now realizing that he'd not connected the two in his mind, I sat and explained that the baby Jesus grew up to be the same Jesus who died on the cross to save us from our sins. Somehow he'd figured baby Jesus was a fairy tale and big Jesus was "for real." I thought of how we adults can do much the same thing. Oh, we know there is just one Jesus and that He is for real, but we are content to leave Him harmlessly in the manger. Somehow a sweet adorable little baby is acceptable to the world around us. But a Lord who calls for men and women to choose either to obey Him or suffer the consequences is not. But we can't have one part of the story without the other. We must never forget that the hand-hewn manger one day became an old rugged cross. We can't just peer lovingly into the manger without looking obediently to the cross. Baby Jesus deserves our adoration and the Lord Jesus deserves our allegiance. The next year I did not neglect the entire story of the one true Jesus when reading nativity books to our children. Starting with Luke chapter two from God's perfect word before I chose a picture book from our special basket we read of God's wonderful plan of sending Jesus to earth. We worked on memorizing more of the Scripture in order to put on our annual nativity play for Grandma and Grandpa complete with baby Spencer starring as the Christ child. Still today, we're inventing ways to keep the story going until Easter in order to tie it all together. One woman told me of how they save their Christmas tree, cut off all of the branches so they are left with one large trunk. They then cut off the top about one-third of the way down and then using twine tie the two pieces together in the shape of the cross. It is then placed in their house where the Christmas tree had been as a visual reminder of the entire life of Christ. From the cradle to the cross . . . oh come let us adore Him! -<>- The Laugh \ / \ / \ / \ / _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ (_, ,_) (_, ,_) (_, ,_) (_, ,_) | ^ ^ | | o o | | a a | | 6 6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Y | | @ | | O | | V | `._|_.' `._|_.' `._|_.' `._|_.' Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen \ / \ / \ / \ / _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\/ \/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ _\-'"'-/_ (_, ,_) (_, ,_) (_, ,_) (_, ,_) | q p | | @ @ | | 9 9 | | d b | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | | \_/ | | V | | (_) | | 0 | jgs `._|_.' `._|_.' `._|_.' `._|_.' Comet Cupid Donder Blitzen \ / _\/ \/_ _\-'"'-/_ (_, ,_) | e e | | | '-. | _ | .-' --= |((@))| =-- .-' `._|_.' '-. jgs Rudolph ?Quick Jokes About Christmas We were studying Christmas customs from around the world. It was an ideal opportunity to share the Christmas story. I explained that Mary and Joseph had gone to Bethlehem to pay taxes. It was time for the baby Jesus to be born and they needed somewhere to spend the night. I told my students that when they went to the inn, there were no empty rooms. I compared the inn to a modern-day hotel or motel. I was leading up to the stable when I asked, "What do you suppose they had behind the inn?" One little guy, who had been listening intently, began to frantically wave his hand. His face was alight with knowledge. "A swimming pool." -------- After some last-minute Christmas shopping with her grandchildren, my friend was rushing them into the car when four-year-old Jason said, "Grandma, Susie has something in her pocket." He reached in and pulled out a new red barrette. Though she was tired, my friend knew it was important for Susie to put the item back where she had found it. They did just that. Later at the grocery store checkout, the clerk asked, "Have you kids been good so Santa will come?" "I've been very good," replied Jason, "but my sister just robbed a store." -------- Did you hear about the family who owned an English pointer and an Irish setter? The dogs get together at Christmas time and have pointsetters. Did you hear that one of Santa's reindeer now works for Proctor and Gamble? Its true....Comet cleans sinks! SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ================================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: ------- . : . | | '.:.' {}} | .-'|'-. =========== * _ _ (( @ @ )) ..' ( \ / ))) o (( '. \ V / (( <=======[] (= ) ))`. ,. '(( `\ \_(( \___/ ))_\ \_ / | \ (____) / \/^\/ \ / `"` \ ( * ) `. * .' gfj/98 *_**_*_**_*_**_*_**_* >WELCOME HOMES My husband had to take a business trip this week. It is only the second time we have been apart in our three years of marriage. I always hate when he leaves. I arrive at the airport at least a half hour in advance in the event his plane should arrive early. We live in Canada, and he flies through the Toronto airport. For anyone who has ever traveled through Toronto, you know how busy it can get. I was surprised though how busy it was for a Tuesday evening. There were hundreds of people waiting in an area made for half that many people. Everyone was trying to squeeze as close as they could to the ramp where the departing passengers emerge. I stood back a bit since I still had time to wait for my husband. For the next forty-five minutes, I watched the crowd. There were people holding balloons, teddy bears, and flowers waiting for their loved ones. There were people videoing reunions and people taking pictures of friends and loved ones as they embraced for the first time. There were French kisses (a kiss on each cheek) and French kisses (the passionate kisses of lovers who have been apart too long). .------. ( #-....'`\ \ # | _ )"====="| _ (_`"======="`_) /`"""""""""`\ | o _o\ | (_>| \ '.___/--# '. ;-._:'\ )`===| <)_/ __ .---""`====`--'\__.' `| / ()\ / \___..--' \_.-' | () | ; ; \ ()/ \ '. / _.'`\ `; ( `\ \_ \ .-`\ `\ jgs \___) `.______.' There were hugs, smiles, tears and more hugs. As one man came down the ramp a group of about 20 people started cheering. There was a young woman who dropped her luggage half way down the ramp and ran into the arms of the young man who was so excited to see her. Minnie, Mickey, Eeyore and Pooh arrived in the arms of a group of children who went running into the waiting arms of parents and grandparents. I saw so much love in that waiting area that as I was standing there waiting for my husband I could not help but wonder what the world would be like if everyday life were like the waiting area of that airport. Imagine how loved we would all feel if at the end of every day, we were welcomed home with hugs, kisses and smiles and knew how much we were valued and missed. A few minutes later, I saw the love of my life coming down the ramp. I knew the smile on my face matched all the others in the crowd and it wasn't long before I was in his arms. As we headed out of the airport hand in hand, I looked over my shoulder and smiled as the next group of passengers came walking down the ramp. ~ Original by Donna G., Canada~ -<>- .-------. |# | __|_______|__ _ '-/ 0 0 \-' \\/ | V | ==.\ \ '...' / _o_ \\ /`'.__ ,-'\ .-'---'-. \\| | \ / _....._\ \/'-.....\ _/|`\ | / e.e \| ; | (\ '-. \| ._. // | o \ \\ '-=_~ ( '-.__.-' `| ; o | |\\ _=_=~ .'`-_ _/ `\ \ o _=' / \\ ~ / / `)-.;_ | .'.__ ,-_~_=`, /\\__ \___\_/ / \ / / ~ ~ \ \\ / '...\__./`\ / \ `-.,___/\___..-' ; ; | _ | | | |___|___| ; ; jgs / T \ \ / '---'---' '.__ __.' `` ' ``` >WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? A poem sent to Dear Abby from a couple who have too much stuff So many of you asked us (since Yuletide's drawing near) "What do you want for Christmas? What can we give you this year? If we say, "We want nothing!" you buy something anyway, So here's a list of what we'd like; believe now what we say: Pajamas for a little child, food to feed the poor. Blankets for a shelter, and we ask a little bit more-- Perform good deeds and let us know, or volunteer your time. These last are worth a fortune, and they needn't cost a dime. We have to many things now, vases, candles, tapes and clocks. We have our fill of garments, ties, underwear and socks. Candy is too fattening, crossword books we've more than 20. We don't need trays or plates or cups, and knickknacks we have plenty. We've no walls to hang more pictures; we have books we've not yet read; So please take what you'd spend on us and help the poor instead! Just send a Christmas card to us and tell us what you've done; We'll open them on Christmas Eve, and read them one by one. It won't cost as much for postage as a package sent would do, You'll need no wrapping paper, ribbons, ink or glue. And we'll thank God you listened to what we had to say, So we could be the instruments to help someone this way. -- Author Unknown -<>- ..'''::::... .::' `'''':::.. '...::' `.----. /_.--._\ , | =-| ,/ \,|=- | ,/ /`\ \, -| ,/ /'.-.`\ \, | ,/ /`//_|_\\`\ \| ,/ /` ||_|_|| `\;, ,/ /` ||_|_|| ,/ \, ,/ /` ==_ `-----',/ /``\ \, ,/ /` __| == ,/ /` ~~=`\ \, ,/ /`==_ _|___- ,/ /` ==-= `\ \, ,/ /` --= ,/ /` =-- `\ \, ,/ /` |__ .... = ,/ /o = .-""""-. =- o\ \, / /`| .'_.._'./ /;{_} .'.-""""-.'. {_}`\`\ |/` |_| =/.; || ;|/` ||:|/.' ____ '.\|:|| `\| | |/_|_||_|_\| |\:/|| /|__|\ ||\:/| | -=|| | || | || | | || |_|__|_| || |_| | , ||-|-||-|-||=| T || |_|__|_| || T | |/_\||_|_||_|_||-|' || .::. ||= | /_ (|| | || | || | =_|| /::::::\ || __P__ /_\ \|-|-||-|-|| | || |::()::| ||/\ | `\ `>/ _\\_|_||_|_||-|'|_|| \/`\/`\/ ||||_____| /_/ <---------' | ||()\_/\_/ ||/ || / ` \_ ( ==_ __| |_|_|| /\ \ || =_|| `/_) | _ <` _ | || /_/\_\ || || > / \ == _ = | || ||= || jgs /_/ ( \ `\ __ =|_|_||----------||_| || )-._/ _\ _,-(' __.;-'- `""""""""""` `||-. '-,._ \__.-`-;''` ``--'`""'""`""""`-- `-- ``` `""""`"""'"`""" ----' >THE POWER OF SERVING OTHERS By Os Hillman "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:9-11). There is a Kingdom principle I find few others really understand. The principle is this: When you focus on serving others, your need is often met through God's supernatural law of serving. I've seen this happen so many times. The law of sowing and reaping comes into play in this Kingdom principle. "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love" (Hos 10:12). "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Cor 9:6-9). Whenever God calls me to serve another person with my time and resources I notice how God measures resources back to me from unrelated sources. Sometimes it comes through an unexpected donation to our ministry or a speaking engagement or a new opportunity. It is uncanny how this happens consistently when I serve others. We are never to view people or organizations as competition. The Bible says that God has already assigned our portion. We need not have to manipulate outcomes. "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps 16:5-6). We don't serve others to get. However, when we do serve others, there is a Kingdom principle that works on your behalf as fruit of your service. Is there someone you need to serve today? as seen in Today God is First -<>- ,;;, ';;;' )`\ .--' ) .--' / .' ( ."`-./_ _ _ _\.-'". | (` `=``_````_``=` `) | `) (0)__(0) (` /` .-( )-. `\ | ( \/ ) | \ '._/\_.' / '-._ `""` _.' jgs /'-. _.;_...-'' | ()` | '-`/\`-./ ((\\ \)\\ )) (/ >THE RIGHT WORDS Lord, give me the right words to say To broken hearts that come my way To those who have been hurt before That, I not hurt them any more To those whose hearts have hardened up To those who won't hold out their cup That, Lord, You long to overflow With love and mercy. Lord, let me know That I might have the words to say That I might plant a seed today That glory would be given to You Through all I say and all I do Lord, give me the right words to say More hearts are breaking every day They're out there crying in the night I long to help them see the light But, fragile are those souls and weak So this is why Your words I seek And pray Thee give me words to say That I, not one soul, turn away. ~by Susan Tier~ as seen in da Mouse Tracks -<>- _..--""""--...___ .---, ,' \ `'--.___ / / /`\ \ ``''--:'`--' ( ,'. '. _____..--''` )__/`-'._;__ .-'` _/ e /.-| / \ _/ | |_, ( \ / \______\__\_.-'////// |||||||||}////////;._ __/\ _..----''```` \_ / /. ( / | `'._---:./ '. '---\_;-...______. '. |_, \ ===--- / .` '-' / _.' ===--- /___.._ _..-'`\ / /`' \ '--.______ \ / / \ \ \#\ | | '---------'-. \#\ ---jgs----------| /----------------------\_\-\----------------- |__| ._\ __.' | /______| ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. (___#__#____ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' '':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' >IT MUST BE RAINING The images flash across my television screen as I sit there in the comfort of my home. "It's that time of year again," I thought to myself. Then realizing how foolish that was to say, I sat up in my chair and watched closer. The news reporter was telling the story of one of many food banks in our area that were serving those in need of the basics for the holidays. This particular place had both food and clothing. Food for the body and warm second hand coats for children. "It's that time of year again," replayed in my mind. I meant that throughout the holidays we see such reports over and over, unlike the other 11 months when the same people are hungry, in need of clothing, basic services and a little help life. Maybe I said it because I was becoming numb to it all, like watching the same commercials a hundred times. I was about to feel the real impact of it all. I was sitting at the counter having breakfast at a local diner the next day. It's a small "quaint" place. Local people, husband and wife cook and serve. A man walked in and sat next to me. There is little elbow room as it is and he was a big fellow. On top of the milk dispenser is a small television placed there for both the customers enjoyment and the owners when things get slow. It just so happened that the news was on and once again that same report on the food bank. This time it included more information and a few interviews of some of the people who participated. There was a little girl looking through the coats. The reporter asked her if she found something that fit. She turned toward the camera and smiled. She flipped her soft brown hair up over the collar as she pulled and tugged at the front to make sure it would zipper properly. "I like this store. Mommy said I could have any coat I wanted, but I'm getting this one for my friend. Her daddy won't come here. Mommy says he's too proud. Whatever that means. All I know is Mandy needs a coat." Out of the corner of my eye I could see the man next to me lower his head. Without looking up he fumbled for a napkin and began to wipe his eyes. "Incredibly sad, isn't it?" I said. He didn't respond. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes," he said quietly. "Hey, don't feel bad, I've shed many tears through the holidays for those who don't have nearly as much as I and I am in no way financially set for life," I told him. "I'm a writer. I live on my dreams," I added. He turned toward me. I could still see the dampness of tear filled eyes. He raised his hand to his chest and pointing at himself he said..."I'm Mandy's father. That's the first I've seen that. The little girl goes to school with my daughter." Oh, my goodness! My chest tightened, my hands shook and I shared in his tears. "It must be raining," he joked. We spoke for a few more minutes about how he felt and what he needed to do. Turns out he's unemployed for more than a year now and doing odd jobs to pay bills. We said our goodbyes and I approached the register. I whispered that I wanted his check. "He only gets coffee," she said. "Well, here. This is for my meal, his coffee and tell him this is for Mandy. He'll understand." Many years ago I spoke at my friend's church in Atlanta, The Ark of Salvation. A woman came up to me and said God told her to give me everything she had in her wallet. I was shaken by the thought and began to refuse it. Things were better for me back then. I couldn't justify what she offered. God spoke to me as I listened to her explain. "It isn't very much, but God said that it would multiply. Please take it." I did. I shared the story with Nathaniel Bronner, the pastor of the church and he smiled assuring me I did the right thing. It was $57. I always carry it with me until this very day. I give it away and replace it. It has indeed multiplied many times. God is an amazing God Who has never failed to replace that $57 each and every time I use it. I turned to walk away and another man sitting at the counter grabbed my arm and said..."I overheard your conversation with that man. I'll help him, too." He then wiped his eyes and said, "He's right. It must be raining." - author unknown To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ============================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >The Living Water God is the Living Water The ever-flowing Tide The steady Rock of Ages An Ocean, vast and wide. He restores my fleeting spirit Puts spring into my step Adds a bit of sunshine. Where Godly things are kept. He is a sure Foundation Removes the doubts and fear When I am overcome by life His voice, I often hear. He is the Rose of Sharon The Keeper of my soul The Lily of the Valley The One who makes me whole. He is a gentle Current A River, running free My Refuge at the harbor An Anchor on life's sea. He is the Living Water The Fruit upon the vine The Grapes when I am hungry The Essence and the Wine. by Marilyn Ferguson -<>- .-----. ( #-...'`\ \ # | _ )"===="| _ (_`"======"`_) /`""""""""`\ | o _o\ ,_ | (_>| ___ {` `}__ \ '.___/--# _ _ ."` `"=, `;"` `"=, '. ;-._:'\ {_}:_`'=='` _,=="""=,\ / _.-'`\ )===\ <)_/ __ `'--.=" _.====, `| ; _.'` _.;` .---""`====`-'\__.' `| `'_(| ^.^ |)/ ;'` _.:_^} / ()\ / )';_'='_/.' _ .'=_._\___.-|`|| || _ \___..--' \_.-' .'` '.=/(__/` | _`-.=||_||_||_||_|/` | | () | / / o| \ \_/ .=`-`/ \\_/ ; ; /`-,_/ o| |-' /`-..-' ~~ |/ \ ()/ `(`___ o/__/ \_/` / \ '. / _`\ \`""` \ __ __\ \ '-./ __, _.'`\ `; || `'.'._ /-"// {{o '.'. //" // ( `\ \_ || ,/`-.`./ // {{ \/`.`.// // \ .-`\ `\ jgs `\\_/ `'-.// `\\_/ `'; o// \___) `._____.' `"` `"` >Leadership by Example Mark Gibson, a former gymnastics coach who worked with many elite athletes, tells a wonderful story about a 15-year-old girl whose work ethic and attitude brought out the best in everyone. Cindy wasn’t a great gymnast, but when she was in the gym everyone complained less, worked harder, and achieved more. Cindy was a powerful motivator because she was blind. When it was her turn to do the vault, her mom would run alongside her telling her how close she was to it. When her mom said, “Vault!” Cindy would reach out and jump – trusting her mother and herself. Cindy loved the sport and kept improving because she and her mom refused to let the disability defeat her. Mark called her the most important member of the team, not because of her athletic ability but because of her heart and because she demonstrated a standard of fortitude and courage that inspired others to get more out of themselves. Everyone who watched her strive to be the best she could be realized how much more they could be. This is leadership by example. We see it not only in sports but in families and in the workplace. Often the most important members of a team are not the smartest, most skilled, or most powerful. Their power is in their attitude and their ability to energize and encourage others with their optimism, enthusiasm, and determination. People who know how to get the best out of themselves get the best out of others. -Michael Josephson -<>- * , _/^\_ < > * /.-.\ * * `/&\` * ,@.*;@, /_o.I %_\ * * (`'--:o(_@; /`;--.,__ `') * ;@`o % O,*`'`&\ * (`'--)_@ ;o %'()\ * /`;--._`''--._O'@; /&*,()~o`;-.,_ `""`) * /`,@ ;+& () o*`;-';\ (`""--.,_0 +% @' &()\ /-.,_ ``''--....-'`) * * /@%;o`:;'--,.__ __.'\ ;*,&(); @ % &^;~`"`o;@(); * /(); o^~; & ().o@*&`;&%O\ jgs `"="==""==,,,.,="=="==="` __.----.(\-''#####---...___...-----._ '` \)_`"""""` .--' ') o( )_-\ `"""` ` God is not necessarily looking for ability, He is looking for availability. Some Christians doubt that God can use them, because they don't have any great talents or skills. However, God doesn't necessarily look to use people with great talent; He examines the heart (see 1 Samuel 16:7). Paul wrote, in 1 Corinthians 1:26-27, Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God often chooses to use lowly or seemingly foolish people so that He can show His greatness through them. When you think you have it all together and have everything going in your favor, then you won't lean on God--you'll rely on your own strength. But if you know that you can't do something on your own, then you'll rely on God for strength--and that's when God can show His greatness. Every single person has amazing potential to do great things for God. Regardless of your talents, you can do outstanding things for God. All God is looking for is people like David, who have a right heart that is open and available for God to work through. If you find yourself broken and in obvious need of God's help, don't despair. God can use you anyway, because God is not necessarily looking for ability; He's looking for availability. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Gunfighter Guterbike Love Hair Piece Hang Onto That Pole You Are The Only You God Has When Was Jesus Christ Born? The Christmas Story Who Is Jesus Christ? Come Adore Him Friends And Health Pink the Pig-Puppy! Jesus Laughing Art Angel Falls Christmas Around The World God's Night Lights Humor In Religion 3 In The Pink! Maxine On Holidays Visit our site at If you are looking to join any of our other fine e-zines visit ============================================================ ) _ \ ) (_) _ () \ .-'` \ ) {_} () .-'````'-. / ) \ / `'-. ___ /.------. \| \ () \ .-'`___`;/ __ `\ | __ () | .'.-'` __'.| o/__\o |/ / /| \/ / o /__\o\ \\// /; // / ._ \_| \\//|`-.__.-'|\ '; / / \ .' \-.___.'| || |/ \/ `._ '-/ | || '.___./ . '-.\_.-' __'-._||_.-' _ / .`""===(||).___.(||)(||)----'(||)===...__ `"jgs"`""=====""""========"""====...__ `""==._ `"=. `"=. `"=. >Title Story Editor: by The Caroler Joyce Schowalter California, USA In 1990, as was our family tradition, my husband and I invited children from the local high school aCappella choir, including our son, to sing Christmas Carols to people we felt could use some special Christmas cheer. My husband dressed up as Santa Claus and drove a rented flat bed truck. The group tied our spinet piano in the flat bed truck and Santa called "All aboard!" Bundled up, we filled the truck with excited carolers. A woman from our church played the piano as we drove and sang. It was cold and windy for southern California. We first caroled for an 11-year-old boy who was dying of AIDs. He was so weak he couldn't come outside, but "Santa" backed the truck up to the house windows and his parents held him while we sang to him. Then Santa jumped out and visited George. (George died 3 days later.) Our next stop was an older couple whose son had committed suicide a few months before. With our hearts full of love we sang to this bereaved couple, giving them homemade Christmas cookies afterwards. We caroled for several other families. Then Santa asked the group if we minded making just one more stop. We were all tired, cold and wishing to return to "Santa's" house, but begrudgingly agreed to carol again. Santa drove our cold, tired group of carolers to the home of a vital, loving and very outgoing woman who shared her love with many others. We got out of the truck, tromped across her lawn and began singing, but got no response. I told my husband it was silly to sing to a dark house with no one answering the door. We didn't even have cookies to share with her. He said he "felt" very strongly that we needed to carol there. He asked us to be patient while he went around to the back of the house. The kids were really cold standing around, not singing and getting grumpier by the minute. About 10 minutes later, "Santa" opened the front door with his arm around a sweet little old lady, and we began caroling again. When we had finished several songs, with tears running down her cheeks, the woman clung to Santa as she thanked us and Santa took her back inside. After cookies, hot chocolate and a Christmas movie, everyone went home. Then my husband shared the story of our last caroling stop. "Mary" had recently received divorce papers and was in complete shock. After trying to cope with this devastating news, Mary was in the process of ending her life at the very moment when Santa interrupted her. If not for Santa acting on his gut feeling, this woman would no longer have been in this world. Christmas is indeed a time for loving, sharing, caring and giving. One never knows what the next minute will hold. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: >FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY _jgs_____________________________________ | ___ ___ _ _ _____ ___ .-""", | | / __/ . \ \| |_ _| . \ /____, \ | | \__ \ | ` | | | | | {_____}`{} | | \___/_|_|_|\_| |_| |_|_| (/ . . \) | | ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ {`-=^=-`} | | / _/ | | . \ | | __/ { ` } | | | (_ |__| | | |__ \ { } | | _ \___\____|_|_|___/___/ { } | | (_)_______ `-,-` | | |/| NORTH | aka: "St. Nicholas" | | |/| POLE | "Kris Kringle" | | |/|"""""""` "Father Christmas" | | |/| "Pere Noel" | |_________________________________________| Randy, 11, asked his mother Angie if Santa is real. Angie replied, "Of course -- where would I put all of the gifts that Santa brings to you in this house?" Randy came back with, "Well, I think you need to be honest with me, because if this man doesn't exist and I don't know it, my kids will be very disappointed." -- Lisa Schwebke (friend of Angie's) of Newnan, Georgia _ ,;;{ }.._, _,;;;;;{ } a j-,_ {}`"""';{_}``};_ __/ `/( `'--.._,_ /, `'---;--'-;` / /'. _,\ | | )-'` _} |-\ {_,,;;;;\ `" \;;;;;;\ /;;/\;-'`} {___}',-"`\ .-"\ / | `-. \.__.-" / - . | / _..-`""` _,`~ ~- `~, -~ ^`- ~^ jgs `~ _/;-"" , = -~ ~- ^ ` ` ~^ ` ~-"` =~ =~ =~^ ~^ - ~ ~^- ~ `^ - ` -. ` ^ - ^- `~,_ ,`==,_ _,~``'` ~, ,=. ^ ~^ - ~ - ~- ` ~ "~ ~ =~^ `~ ` `,_ , ` ~-^ ` ~^ ~^ -~^ ^~ -~^ -~ `^ ~~ -~ Beth's daughter is expecting her second child any minute. Her 5-year-old son, who is dealing with mixed emotions about the whole thing, was a well-behaved observer at the baby shower, but didn't comment much about the presents or proceedings. Later that week, Beth was reading him the Christmas Story and got to the part about the Wise Men bringing gifts. Her grandson interrupted to say, "Oh -- baby shower!" -- Beth Fryer of Lebanon, Pennsylvania .-""""""""""-. / `\ / .--.---.-.-.--.-;. ; { ' . ' . ' . '} | {__'_,__.__'__.__'_} | / _ _ \ | ; / \ / \ ; | | |0| |0| | \ | \_/ \_/ | .-'\; \ / ; |. ' \ '. .' / \ ` / '. '-.__.-' .' '--' '-._ _.-' jgs '''' Christine's sister and her son were decorating Christmas cookies. Stephen carefully colored a snowman with blue frosting. When his mother asked him why the snowman was blue, Steve replied, "Because he's cold, Mom!" -- Christine Krueger of Aurora, Colorado .-----------------------------------------------------. | __ ___________________ | _________________ __ | || / / '.|.' \ \ || ||/ / ___ -= + =- \ \|| | / ******* .'|'. ___ \ | | / /-====) | ******* \ | || | / -( | (_.- )) || || / / _/ )- ) )) || || | |-( _ \_( (( || || / | \ //| _ )) ) ) || || / \ \/\/ |\\ /'-( ( || || | |\ / *** \/\/ / ) ) || || `-;./==;-' .=. \ / ( ( || || | \ _\/(_)\/_ '-;==) ) || || | \ |'---'| / ( ( || || | \ _| |_ / ) ) || || _/ | /\ /\ | ( ( || || .-/ / '=' \ ( )-. || |jgs `""---`-----` `----`----`""` || Linda and her grandson, Jordan were singing "Frosty the Snowman" at the piano. Right after "... he came to life one day" Jordan said, "Grandma, now I know two people who came to life ... Jesus and Frosty!" -- Linda May of LaGrange, Indiana ||::|:|| .--------, |:||:|:| |_______ / .-. ||::|:|| ."` ___ `". {\('v')/} \\\/\///: .'` `'. ;____`( )'____ \====/ './ o o \|~ ^" "^ // \\// | ())) . | Get Your \ || \ `.__.' /| Chili // || _{``-.___.-'\| Donuts Here \ || _." `-.____.-'`| ___ // ||` __ \ |___/ \_______\ ."|| (__) \ \| / / `\/ __ vvvvv'\___/ | | (__) | \___/\ / || | .___. | || | | | ||.-' | '-. jgs || | ) ||----------'---------' Ken, his wife and their 4-year-old were visiting his grandparents house on a cold weekend. Snow was falling when Ken and his wife stepped outside to smoke. As it happened, the neighbor lady saw them and came outside to talk for a bit. During the conversation, Ken's wife commented, "It sure gets chilly, don't it?" A short time later, Ken and his wife discovered their son crying. When they asked him why he said, "You guys got doughnuts and I didn't." When they said they didn't have any doughnuts, the little boy said, "I heard you talking to that lady next door and you said you got Chili Doughnuts!" -- Ken Gibson of Rockwell City, Iowa .---. .' , _\ _ /_____\{_} / ( . {_______} | `|_ / . . \ \_.'_} |. v .| {_.'| \ '...' / | \{`'.___.'`} \ /'._ _.'`\ \ ; o ``` \ ; o \ \_ | o_ \.'` } ;==[_]======{__.'\ \ |/) | `; .' /_/ / `- / / / /\ \ {`-._/ \ _.'`} ;-.__} {__.'\ __/ / \_ \ ( ` / / / jgs '.__/ (__.' Mary's husband was having kidney trouble, so she bought him some cranberry juice. Joey, 7, saw the juice and asked if he could have some, too. Holding his knees, he said, "My kid knees are hurting me, too!" He was serious! -- Mary Civella of Denham Springs, Louisiana _...._ .' '. / _ _ \ | O O | ; ; .-;-. \ '--' / /\.7./\ .-. '. .' .-./\/ )/ (_ \ ) ( / _)/ ` \ '-' '-' /\/ '. () .'\/ | | |/ | () | ; ; | () | ; /\ ; _ / / \ \ _ jgs / ` .' '. ` \ \___.' '.___/ Tomara is the mother of four children and she breastfed all of them. One day, after feeding her twin boys, her 4-year-old daughter came into her bedroom while Tomara was getting re-dressed. She looked at her mother and tears welled up in her eyes. Tomara asked, "What's wrong, Baby?" The 4-year-old said, "Poor, poor Mommy... your poor breasts look so tired!" -- Tomara in Milwaukee, Wisconsin _____ .'~ ~ ~`. | a a | `. ~ .' .----'(>o<)`----. ( S S ) `---. o .---' ; o : ; o : / \ jgs / /\ \ .-' ~~ / \ ~~ `-. `.___.' `.___.' Little Danielle told Kay that her class was going to have fried bikinis with ranch sauce for their Harvest party at school! Kay later found out that what they had was fried ZUCCHINIS with ranch sauce! -- Lisa Gerhardt (about her friend Kay) of Las Vegas, Nevada _.--""""'. .' `\ / \ _/_ _,__ __ __/ | |`_o)/ ` ` | ; | )/o\> \ / ;"`""`""`"""`";.""-. .' .--._.--. / ' \ / / _ _ \ |'. '| / | / \ / \ | \__'/ ; .-' \o/ \o/ '-. ; | | () .-"""-. () | | ; | \ / | ; \ ; \ / ; / /`\ \ \ / / /`\ / .:`""--....Y....--::` .:\ \:' .:' .:' .:' .:'/| /'._.:' .:' .:' .:'.;':\ / ``;--::.___::.--;``` | \ / / \ |':.| ; | | \ ':| | | _..._ | \ \ | \ .' o o'. / |:. | \ './ o.-"-. o\.' \ ':.\ ;. `-; ;-' .;\ | | `-._ _/ \_ _.-' | |:. | | | ```\o (>0<)` /``` | |/__':/ ; \ '._/`\).' / ;77777 \ \ /```\ / / \ '. .' / \ `-.__ __.-' / '. ``` .' jgs /`-._ _.-'\ / , ``;---;`` , \ | / | | | | \ | '-'|__/\_/ \_/\__|'-' Sue's 3-year old son answered the phone one day. Sue's sister was on the other end and she told him she wanted to talk to his mommy. He yelled, "Mommy, it's Sheri, you know, your best friend." -- Sue Decker of Candor, New York Karen is a preschool teacher. One day a beautiful little girl in her class came to school with a pair of stretch pants on. Karen noticed that there was a seam where the threads had come loose. Karen didn't say anything, because she thought the little girl wouldn't notice. But a little while later, the little girl looked at the hole and said, "Teacher, I have a crack in my pants!" -- Karen Crane of Oneonta, Alabama _.-O-._ o_o_o_o_o \_`___`_/ } /. .\ { } | _c_ | { __}_\www/_{__ (((( { } )))) | |o { } o| | | |o {_} o| | |_\o _ o/_| \_/==L_I//\_/ \)-.__//-(/ | : //: | | :|/ : | | : | : | | : | : | |---|---| jgs |__ | __| (___|___) Tyler, 8, is one of the kids on Doug's church bus route. Tyler asked Doug to show him a book Doug had -- a lesson plan book for the Junior High Department, where Doug helps. Instead of asking Doug to turn the page when he showed him the front, Tyler said, "Click on it, please." Too much computer! -- Doug Fowler of Canton, Ohio ___,@ / < ,_ / \ _, ? \`/______\`/ ,_(_). |; (e e) ;| \___ \ \/\ 7 /\/ _\8/_ \/\ \'=='/ | /| /| \ \___)--(_______|//|//| \___ () _____/|/_|/_| / () \ `----' / () \ '-.______.-' jgs _ |_||_| _ (@____) || (____@) \______||______/ Mary's grandson has always been told that he is not to ask for anything when they go food shopping. One time his mother saw him squatting by the candy. "I told you not to ask for anything," his mother said. The little boy replied, "I was smelling it." -- Mary Vanbeber of Bartlesville, Oklahoma .-"""-. /` .--.\ ; .' .-:| |._.|_._| () /\// \\\\/\ .:::. < //0 0\\ > _\d8b/_ `\ > /` | \ \ \ | _\ '=' /_ |\ \ \ \| /`||`---`||`\ |_\_\_\_| /\ |\_____/| /\ \_|/ /\ \/ \/ /\ /\-' /\ /| o |\ /\/\/ \-< | | \ /|/ \/\| o | `"` \/\ | /|\ o | `;-------;' | | | \___T___/ |==|==| jgs |==|==| o |==|==| o /(__/._T_.\__)\ \ | | / `""""` `""""` Barbara's husband took the children to get their first Easter chickens. The youngest child asked, "Why did one man buy 25 chicks?" Barbara replied that some people like to raise them and put them in the freezer. The little boy asked, with a concerned tone, "How long do chickens live in the freezer?" -- Barbara Hill of Glenn, Georgia ================================================================= __,_,_,___) _______ (--| | | (--/ ),_) ,_) | | | _ ,_,_ | |_ ,_ ' , _|_,_,_, _ , __| | | (/_| | (_| | | || |/_)_| | | |(_|/_)___, ( |___, ,__| \____) |__, |__, | _...._ \ _ / .::o:::::. (\o/) .:::'''':o:. --- / \ --- :o:_ _::: >*< `:}_>()<_{:' >0<@< @ `'//\\'` @ >>>@<<* @ # // \\ # @ >@>*<0<<< __#_#____/'____'\____#_#__ >*>>@<<<@<< [__________________________] >@>>0<<<*<<@< |=_- .-/\ /\ /\ /\--. =_-| >*>>0<<@<<<@<<< |-_= | \ \\ \\ \\ \ |-_=-| >@>>*<<@<>*<<0<*< |_=-=| / // // // / |_=-_| \*/ >0>>*<<@<>0><<*<@<< |=_- |`-'`-'`-'`-' |=_=-| ___\\U//___ >*>>@><0<<*>>@><*<0<< | =_-| o o |_==_| |\\ | | \\| >@>>0<*<<0>>@<<0<<<*<@< |=_- | ! 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These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************