The Love of God... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ \ / _ _ /` \/ `\'. .'/` \/ `\ \ / \/ \ / _ _ '. .' _ _ '. .' _ _ /` \/ `\ \/ /` \/ `\ \/ /` \/ `\ \ / \ / \ / '. .' _ _ '. .' _ _ '. .' \/ /` \/` \ \/ /` \/ `\ \/ \ / _ _ \ / '. .'/` \/ `\'. .' \/ \ / \/ '. .' jgs \/ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... AND For Google Plus Users: You can find me here... Shangy Bigham AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This too hot to handle new page comes from our friends Karen and LouiseAu. It is sure to give you plenty of eye candy for your day. Be sure to check it and the video out here... \| , \,/ .|/, . \|`@,"@,@`,@",@`@,@,\/_ _\`@,"@,"@,"@`@,"@",@`@,"@",|_ \,"@",@`@,"@,"@",@`,@",@`@",@"@/_ _\,"@`@,"@",@,"@",@`@,'@",@,"@`@",`@/, \|,@`@,",@'@",@",@",@`@",@,"@,@,@`@,"@`< >,"@",@",@`",@",@",@`@",@",@,'@,"@,"@,"@,/_ _\,"@`@,"@",@`@",@"@,`@,\!/@,"@,`@",@",@",@` @,"@"@,`@",@,"@,@",@",\W/,@",@`@",@",@`,@,/_ \`@",@`,"@`@,"@,`@,@`,@/ a_\`@","@","@,`@"@,` /,@`@,"@`@,"@,"@",",`@,| (`@",",@",`@`@",",@_ _'@,'@,"@,"@`,","@`,"'-' |",`@",@",",`@",`@\ /`@`,@,"@,'@`@,"@,"= |@",@`@",@`@",@`@< >.@',@","@,"@,","@/,___/ `@,",`@",@",`@"_` /,"@."@'@,"@`," / | `@",`@",`@",\ jgs /,@`@`,",@" _| _| ` "`@",<- /|`/` /\ /\ `\ Natural Show-Offs --- ...WoW! A Stunning collection of creatures! Beautiful! Thanks Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. Joe Walker tells us that after 33 years of marriage, things aren't exactly what they used to be. But as he says, "passion can burn at different temperatures." Have a Happy Valentine's Day with all your loved ones. _ _ ( \/ ) .---. \ / .-"-. / 6_6 \/ / 4 4 \ \_ (__\ \_ v _/ // \\ // \\ (( )) (( )) =======""===""========""===""======= jgs ||| ||| | | >FIRST DEGREE ROMANCE by Joseph Walker Well, it's finally happened. After 33.5 years of marriage and 34 Valentine's Days as a couple (I count that first one because I was TOTALLY concentrating on her from across the room during that church Valentine's dance even though she was so busy being a dancing queen with that one ballroom dancing guy that she didn't even notice me), Anita and I have hit the wall -- Valentinsically speaking. This realization dawned on me last night, shortly after the following conversation (the "I saids" and "she saids" have been omitted because, frankly, I forget who said what): "Well, Valentine's Day is coming up." "Yeah." "So... what do you want to do?" "I don't know." Pause. "What do you want to do?" "I don't know." Another pause. "Do you want to go out to dinner or something?" "We could do that, I guess." Still another pause. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" "I don't know." Pausing yet again. "What do you want?" Sound familiar? Please don't misunderstand. It's not that the fires of romance have gone completely cold in our relationship. It's just that Anita and I are... well... older than we used to be, and we both channel so much energy into daily living that it's kind of hard to generate much enthusiasm for life's hearts and flowers. I mean, do you really think Anita wants to have me chase her around the house all night after she's spent the day chasing information from the world financial markets at her office? Romance is a very different thing for us today than it was 34 years ago. And that's OK, I guess. "Different" doesn't necessarily mean "worse." It can also mean "deeper," "richer" and "more fulfilling" -- especially if we can find a way to follow Janet and Jerry's example. Janet and Jerry have lived in our neighborhood for years. They raised a good family together. They were successful enough in their professional lives that they had a lovely home and the time and means to do the things they wanted to do in their retirement years. But for all of that, there was never any question in the minds of those who knew them well what was most important to Janet and Jerry -- Jerry and Janet, respectively. You could see it in the way they held hands at church. You could hear it in the kind, loving, respectful words they used to talk about each other -- even when the other wasn't within hearing distance. And you could feel it, palpably, whenever you were with them --the stolen glances, the knowing winks, the gentle teasing and words of praise. Every shred of evidence convicted these two people of First Degree Romance. Jerry died recently after a long and difficult illness. And while I don't think any of us who knew them will ever get used to seeing Janet sitting by herself at church, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to see Janet without seeing a little of Jerry there, too. They became so much a part of each other, so inseparably connected, it's almost as if their love transcends death. Which, in a very real way, it does. "I've always drawn strength and energy from our love for each other," Janet told me not too long ago. "That hasn't changed. It's different now, obviously. But the love remains, and still gives focus and meaning to my life." So I guess it's OK if the onset of Valentine's Day doesn't set our hearts aflutter like it used to. Life's seasons ebb and flow, and the only thing we can absolutely count on is that things will change. But change can be a positive thing, even in our most cherished relationships. Hearts can grow fonder even as they grow older. Love can be compelling even when it is calm. Passion can burn at any number of different temperatures. And romance can flourish even when you're too tired to be romantic. Valentinsically speaking, or otherwise. -- Joseph Walker =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) .--. .--. : _ \/ _ : _\/ \ 6 6 / \__\ ' / \'--'/ \__/_ /\ /\ \ / \/ \ \ / jgs _\ /_ (__\ /__) >A Church Truth in Poem (Author Unknown) I think that I shall never see A church that's all it ought to be; A church whose members never stray Beyond the straight and narrow way; A church that has no empty pews, Whose pastor never has the blues; A church whose elders always speak, And none is proud and all are meek. Such perfect churches there may be, But none of them are known to me. But still, we'll work and pray and plan To make our own the best we can. -<>- _/\_ | \/ | _ | () | (_) |====| / /\""""/\ _/ |_/'--'\_| .' \ (| ^()^ |) _ |,_/ \ .__. / (_) \ `\ ;===|'----'|===; / \.-`\ ||| \ ::.-,_||| _..-,/ \ `'| \ \ ://\;`'\\`-' \(` | \ | \ // ||'-.\\ .'`-` `---\___;; ||_.-||-` )__|| ||`-.|| / || /;_.-;; / || //`-. // `-.__\\_//__.-// || '---.,.'` || | | ________ || | \ [________] || _| / |\ /\ | || | | | \ / \| || | | |__\/____| ||___|___|_[________] L \_____\jgs \___\ >The Drum (by Francine Christiane Marsh) There is a drum that's beating Deep within my soul It calls to me, it is constant, A beat I don't control! It speaks to me in rhythm Like a heartbeat, ALWAYS there It guides me and it comforts, and it tells me what to share! All the WONDERS that it shows me, All the BLESSINGS that it sends All the messages it whispers Like a TRUE and constant friend! When I'm lonely, or I'm frightened, It reminds me, it's STILL there With its subtle beat it takes me, from the world, to AWESOME prayer! There's a dream that I keep having In my spirit and my mind and if I close my eyes and listen, I hear sounds of other times! Like the steady hammer pounding driving nails that screamed of pain or the thunder and the lightening, and the ever pounding rain. I can hear the wailing women and the sobs of heartsick men In the distance, sounds of marching, then the weeping sounds again. As those sounds begin to grieve me, other sounds come, with a beat Like the marching of the soldiers and the rhythm of their feet. Sounds of AWE at something wondrous, Something there, that should not be A voice as soft as angel wings Oh How I wish that I could see! And the JOY in all the voices, as they praise His Holy Name I hear crying men and women, but their cries are not the same! And my dream takes on new meaning, as the drumming starts again To the steady, soothing rhythm, Of my Godly, CONSTANT Friend~ There's a drum that beats WITHIN me, It's the SPIRIT of the SON JESUS wrote the precious music The HOLY SPIRIT PLAYS the drum!!! --- ...Absolutely! Thanks LouiseAu! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: (\/) \/ (\/) .-. .-. \/ ((`-)(-`)) \\ // (\/) \\ // \/ .="""=._))((_.="""=. / ., .' '. ,. \ /__(,_.-' '-._,)__\ ` /| |\ ` /_|__ __|_\ | `)) ((` | | | jgs -"== =="- If you have a hundred rupees in your hand, and you give away ten rupees to someone, there will be only ninety rupees left. But with love it is different. No matter how much love you give, it can never be exhausted. The more love you give, the more love your love increases, like a well that never dries up. People are born to love and live for love. But it is not to be found anywhere. At present, there is a love famine in the world. Selfless should flourish instead of selfishness. We should stop bargaining with each other in the name of relationships. Love should not be a bondage. It should be like a life-giving breath. -Mata Amrutanandamayi, The Hugging Saint -<>- .:::. .:::. :::::::.::::::: ::::::::::::::: ':::::::::::::' ':::::::::' ':::::' ':' This is a true story. Told by me with much love, and gratefulness. I wouldn't be alive today had it not been for this man and the fact that when God spoke to him he obeyed with out any question. For almost three years I've been that calm reassuring voice on the other end of the phone. Telling people of all walks of life and faith that their world hadn't ended and that they were just having a hard time. I was always the one that said, "Suicide is a final decision that we can never take back. However on that cold and seemingly empty Monday morning just a little over a week ago, I was ready to take my own life, and had I not felt the obligation to call this friend and supervisor of mine I would have most likely gone through with it. Now, as I sit here typing up this story to you I am thankful beyond words for the fact that he and God stepped in and stopped me. Below is the story that has forever shaped my life, and has started me off in a new and most wondrous direction. I hope to never see that darkness again, but if I do, I'll always know that I've a friend to turn to, and if he is not available then God most surely is. >A VERY HAPPY ENDING As I sit here a little over a week after a scary moment for me I think about how close I came to making a fatal mistake and how sad it would have made some of my closest friends and family had I been successful. I attribute my not making this mistake to the holy spirit and a good friend who knew to listen to the small still voice that some times shows itself completely out of no place. Rewind to a little over a week ago to a dark moment in my life, and here's the story. On Monday morning I woke after only an hour's sleep to find that I felt much like some one who has just stepped off the edge of the world. I felt as if there was no light at the end of a long tunnel and that the only way I would find that light would be to end my life. However, something deep within me did not really want this to be so. I felt as if I at least should say good-bye to a special person who had made himself a big part of my life without even asking to do so. Some years back I had started on a journey that would teach me much, but that would also bring to me a certain amount of pain. Now as I lie there on my bed, unable to stop crying and unable to see any thing but sadness in my life I felt that pull to call my special friend. My fingers trembled as I dialed the phone, and my heart sank as I heard the voice mail answer instead of a volunteer's voice. I felt I must at least leave a message and after I'd done so, I suddenly became scared that he'd not hear it and that he might never know how I felt. The guilt from how badly I'd treated this friend over these last few weeks ate at me, and finally I tried the number again. This time a caring voice answered, and I asked her to please make certain that he heard the message I'd left. Something in my voice made her ask if I were okay, and I honestly told her that I did not feel well. She must've called him right away because just a few moments later my phone rang and it was him on the other end of the phone. As he and I talked, it did not take him long to realize that I was in serious trouble, and after a few direct questions and some hard persuasion he was able to talk me into going to the hospital with him. As I got ready to leave I figured he'd just dump me off on some one else and be on his way, just as so many before him had done. I couldn't shake the empty feeling I had, nor could I feel any thing but the sad numb feeling that had been plaguing me for days. Now at the emergency room he was telling me he'd not just leave me to face this horror alone. I did not understand how some one whom I'd treated so badly just a few days before could possibly be so caring. I did not understand the fact that he had forgiven me, and that although I'd hurt him badly he was still willing to stay with me, and to see to it I got the help I so badly needed. As the day progressed, I felt many different emotions. I felt fear, and deep sadness. I felt anger, and deep regret for the way I'd behaved, but most of all I still felt that same admiration for this strong man who had such great faith in God and followed his teachings to the letter. At first I thought that maybe he'd just forgiven me because that is what God instructs us to do, but as the day wore on, and as I sat in the middle of the bed there in the exam room crying and feeling very frightened and as he patted my leg or hand to reassure me that it would be alright, I began to realize that he'd forgiven me because he did for sure care about me and what happened to me. It dawned on me that he could've very easily just sent the police to my home, and turned me over to them and gone on with his day, but he hadn't chosen to do that. After six long hours in the emergency room, the hospital staff decided that I would be admitted to a psychiatric hospital there in the area, and it was only then that my friend told me that he would have to go now. I was again very afraid, but before he left me, he put his arms around me and hugged me tightly, repeating over and over to me that I would be alright, and that I would not stay over the edge forever. The love and care that he showed to me that long horrible day stayed with me all through out my hospitalization and now I'm back home, and feeling much better. All because some one was willing to give me just one more chance, and all because God had spoken to him as he listened to that message I'd left, and had told him to not wait but to call me back right then. Had he let his human side win that day, I do not think I'd be here, but he chose to let the Spirit lead him, and because of that I'm here to tell the tail. Thanks to you God, and thanks to you Lynn for caring enough to be firm and for making me do what I couldn't do alone. I am going to be okay now, and I will rise above this and I will go forward and be successful. I am going to take your advice seriously. You've told me, "Don't Let A Set Back Hold Me Back.". And I'm not going to. I have a new story to add to my testimony and now God can truly work in my life. He couldn't before because I stood in his way, but that has passed, and although I still have some bad days, I know in my heart that there are people in my corner, and that one of them is you. May God give to you a most wondrous blessing and may he remember the most loving act that you performed that snowy cold, and very empty day for me. With Love, and Friendship, To Lynn Sorrell, From, Patty/Tazz! For almost three years I worked as a volunteer, and a Vista (Volunteers In Service To America) For a very wonderful organization called: 2-1-1/Contact Concern. They are a help line that provides not only information and referrals for basic needs, but they are also a listening ear should you become despondent and ready to give up. To find a center in your area you may look on: www.2-1-1 contact or you can see the United Way web site at: www.United Or just pick up any land phone line and dial 2-1-1 and you should get a center as close to you as it is possible for them. If that fails, call your United Way agency in your area. Either way never be afraid to phone. Check out this wonderful teaching: The Terminator Full Index of Dealing With The Adversary -<>- ,;;;;;;\ ,;;;;;;, ,;;;@@@@@/ /;;@@@@@;;;, ,;;;@@,;;;\ \,@,;;;,@@;;;, ;;;@@;;;' '\ \;' ';;;@@;;; ;;;@@;;; / / ;;;@@;;; ;;;@@';;, \ \ ,;;'@@;;; ';;;@@';;,\ \;;'@@;;;' ';;;@@';/ /'@@;;;' jgs ';;;@/ /@@;;;' ';/ /;@;;' \;' >Cell Phone VS Bible I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bibles like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? What if we gave it to kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible? Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill. Makes you stop and think 'Where are my priorities?' And no dropped calls! -<>- ,;;;, ,;;;, ;;;;;;;,;;;;;;; .:::. .::::;;;;;;;;;;; :::::::.:::::::;;;;;;;;;' :::::::::::::::;;;;;;;' ':::::::::::::';;;;;' ':::::::::' ';' ':::::' ':' >NAMASTE Has this ever happened to you? The day after we moved to a small town in Colorado my wife Bev did grocery shopping. We moved few food items with us so she filled four grocery carts full. She asked if she could pay with an out of state check. "We just moved here," she explained, "and don't have local checks yet." They said, "Yes, no problem." But when she began looking for her checkbook, she discovered that she had left it at home. All of the groceries had been checked and sacked. "I'm so sorry," she said, "I thought I had it with me. If I could just leave the groceries here for a few minutes, I'll run home and get the checkbook." "Don't worry about it," the cashier told her. "Take the groceries home. The next time you're in the store you can pay for them." We had just moved from a large city and she couldn't believe what she was hearing! This clerk had never seen her before. But she treated her as if she were a VIP. She was somebody! Don't you love it when you are treated like you are somebody? Because the truth is, we are all somebody. We are all important. And maybe most businesses cannot (and should not) let everybody pay with credit, but even strangers can be treated with honor and respect. "Namaste" is a polite Indian gesture of greeting or farewell. From Hindi, the word literally means "bowing to you." Namaste has also been used to mean "I honor the sacred that is within you." What a remarkable thing it would be to actually honor the sacred that is within each person we meet! Even strangers. Nobody would go unnoticed and everybody would count. Here is an exercise that may dramatically change your life: for one month treat everybody you meet as if she or he is the most important person in the world. The man sweeping the sidewalk, your spouse and children, a teenager in the neighborhood, the elderly woman seated across the aisle from you -- honor that which is sacred in all of them. Give your undivided attention. By your words and actions, communicate to them all how important they are to you. Show them great respect and kindness. You may be amazed at what happens to your relationships! You may not single-handedly solve the problem of world peace -- but in one small way at least, you will make a great difference. Namaste. -- Steve Goodier -<>- .-""""--. _ _ / ) ( \/ ) / --"` \ / _ _ / _`:____ \/ ( \/ ) | .-' `\ \ / \ / .----'./ \/ \ : ,-' ~(.).)\ _ _ \_| \ ._) | ( \/ ) _ _ / | \.__, / \ / ( \/ ) _.--' )`///-,-' _ _ \/ \ / / / _| (_\\ ( \/ ) \/ | (____/____) \ / \ ___/ | _ \/ `---( ` ) `-, .' (__.'._/'._/ |`| | __/ / / // | `--. || /_____) jgs `=---` >GENTLENESS AND HUGS By: Joseph J. Mazzella In my life I have experienced a lot of different types of hugs. I have gotten the warm hug that goes on forever. I have gotten the bear hug that squeezes the air right out of your lungs. I have gotten the neck hug where the little child jumps in your arms and wraps lovingly around your neck. I have gotten the back slapper hug where the hugger gives you the bam, bam on the back. I have even gotten the leg hug which toddlers all over the world use to melt your heart. The most memorable hug I ever got, however, came when I was a teenager. I was visiting a monastery in the Midwest with several other boys. Our guide took us through the simple rooms where the Priests and Monks lived, worked, and prayed. As we entered a small kitchen one of the Brothers walked in. To say he was intimidating would have been an understatement. He was a giant of a man. He stood well over six and a half feet tall. He must have weighed over three hundred pounds as well. He looked like a lineman for a professional football team dressed in a brown, wool robe. As we talked, though, his kind spirit and delightful sense of humor put us all at ease. That is until he rose to leave. Then he walked right at me to give me a hug. At first I feared he might crack a rib, but when he took me in his huge arms all I felt was the love from his soul. It was the gentlest hug I ever got. Leo Rosten said: "It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong." I learned that lesson first hand in the arms of one of the strongest but gentlest spirits I have ever met in this world. He showed me with one hug that God is love and that our real strength comes from loving each other as He loves us. He showed me that our true power comes when we aren’t afraid to embrace our goodness or express our joy. He showed me too that gentleness and hugs will forever go together. May your life always be full of both. -<>- ..8888888.. ..8888888.. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::::::8:::::::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8. 8:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8 8::::::::::/` \/ `\:::::::::::::::::8 8::::::::::\ /` \/ `\:::::::::::8 '8:::::::::::. .\ /::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::\/:::. .:::::::::::8' '8::::::::::::::::\/:::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::::::8' '8:::::::::::::::::8' two hearts '8:::::::::::8' beat as one... jgs '8:::::8' '8' >LOVE LETTERS FROM GOD by Lydia E. Harris (edited) As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. Isaiah 62:5 Read: Isaiah 62:1-5 On Valentine's Day I like to send and receive love notes with the special people in my life. I'm always eager to tear open the envelopes from family and friends and read the special sentiments. The cards may be humorous, sweet, or even romantic if they are from my bridegroom of 40 years. Often I save messages in my "special cards" file to reread later. I treasure another volume of love letters written to me--the Bible. God's Word overflows with messages to encourage, affirm, and guide me. But I'm ashamed to admit, I don't always read it as eagerly as my valentines. Although God's Word is penned with sacrificial love, at times it remains unopened. Busyness, interruptions, and life's cares may cause my disinterest and neglect. Just as love between a husband and wife wanes if it isn't nurtured, love for my heavenly Bridegroom grows cold if I don't cherish my time with Him. Yet God's love for me never changes. In Isaiah 62, I learn He sees me as a crown of beauty and a royal diadem in His hand (v. 3). And He delights in me (v. 4). Not only that, He rejoices over me as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride (v. 5). Ponder that thought: God Almighty rejoices over you and me. Incredible! Author Joni Eareckson Tada describes God's amazing love this way: "It's a jump-up-and-down, throw-your-head-back, yell-out-loud 'Rejoice!' God is brimming with heartfelt love for you. This is a God in love." Lord God, I'm thrilled by Your love for me through Jesus Christ. Give me a deep, consistent love for You and Your Word. Day by day, may I fall more in love with You. Amen. Questions: What causes you to neglect God's love letters to you? What can you do to be consistent? How has God shown His deep love for you? What can you do to fall more in love with Him? Perhaps one way is to reflect on the words of the hymn, ..8888888.. ..8888888.. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::::::::::8. .8:::''''''''':::8:::''''''''':::8. .8::: .::::::. ::::: .::::::. :::8. 8::: ::::::::::. ' .:::::::::: :::8 8::: ::::::::::::.:::::::::::: :::8 8::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::8 '8::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::8' '8::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::8' '8::: ':::::::::::::::::' :::8' '8:::. ':::::::::::::' .:::8' '8:::: ':::::::::' ::::8' '8::::. ':::' .::::8' '8:::: ' ::::8' jgs '8:::::8' '8' >"The Love of God." by Frederick M. Lehman. Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade, To write the love of God above, Would drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky. About this Author: --- ...See this great teaching... Magnifying God’s Love For You -<>>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Life Is...!- I Believe...!- Lean On Me!- Kid Lessons!- God's Little Love Notes!- Love Stories!- Love Thoughts!- What Is Love 1!- All About Hugs!- No Words Needed!- My Precious Child!- Jesus Laughing Art!- Who Is This Jesus?- Playing With Words!- More Abundant Life!- Making A Difference!- Unforgettable Photos!- Random Acts Of Kindness!- Sweet Humanity!- That's God!- -<>- >Please Visit/Follow Me On StumbleUpon: -<>- >New Articles From TruthOrTraditon: The Pieces of the Puzzle How Do We Know that Jesus was the Promised Redeemer? Worship – Fun and Not Fun Why read the Bible? Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->Story Time From Our Friend Fran :) What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on. - Jacques Yves Cousteau The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. - Isaac Asimov The Means we use must be as pure as the Ends we seek. - Martin Luther King, Jr. _.-"""""'. .;__ `\ / `\ | ;a/ a `'. _ | ,_ |/_ _) / {(}`\ \,___. \.' '--''-.( \_ _ / .-\_ _."-.... ;_ _/ '--. \ ."\ _/\ , | / \_.' /'./ ; \__.' '-./ ' / __/ `\ / .' ``""--..__\___/ / | | , | \ ';_ / \ \`'-...-' \ \ | __ \ \ /-----; '. .--\_.-"\ | \ jgs / |._______|\ \ \_____,__/ '.__| >Eleven Roses My two-year-old daughter and I often get smiles from strangers as we walk through town with Clara riding in her backpack, singing and swinging her feet. I felt extra grateful for my sunny little girl on one walk at the end of April, 2006. Just three days before she woke up from her nap with a fever of 106 degrees. We spent a traumatic evening in the emergency room. Any parent or child is frightened by such an experience. So it was a great feeling that Clara was so happy that day. We were heading home from a local grocery store, which wisely gives out free balloons to children. Clara always looks forward to getting a balloon there. She had done an especially nice job being patient at the store, after waiting a long time for a prescription. She was thrilled when the selection included pink balloons. Pink looms large in her philosophy, especially these days, since the antibiotic she is taking for the infection that caused the high fever is bubble-gum pink. Clara was singing "Mister Golden Sun" to her balloon, as we walked under a tree, when POP! There went the balloon. Clara immediately burst into tears. "My pink balloon popped!" She has had many balloons before, but is always very careful with them. This was the first time she experienced this minor trauma of childhood, and she was inconsolable. A college-aged young man, about 21, with light brown hair, who was walking behind us noticed Clara's tears. He was clearly preparing for an important date, as he was carrying a bouquet of a dozen long-stemmed roses. He stopped and talked to Clara. "Your balloon popped, that's very sad." "What's your name?" Unfortunately, Clara was too shy and upset to answer, but I filled in for her, touched that a young guy, probably hurrying home to get ready for a date, would stop to comfort a little child. "Clara is a pretty name," said the young man. "Would you like a flower? It's pink, just like your balloon." Clara was still crying inconsolably, unable to say that she would really like the rose. The young man said jokingly, "Uh-oh, I'm in trouble if girls don't like these!" He tucked a pink rose into Clara's backpack, and went on his way. Shortly after the young man was too far away to hear, Clara said "Thank you for my rose," in a quiet voice. She carried the rose in her hand the rest of the way home, finally waving at the young man, who was much too far away to see. A block later, Clara was singing to her flower. Somewhere in Ithaca, a lucky young lady is receiving a bouquet of eleven roses. I hope she asks why one is missing! by Katherine E. Lockwood -<>- ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ jgs (_K_) (_I_) (_S_) (_S_) (_E_) (_S_) >CHOCOLATE KISSES Back in the dark ages when I turned eleven in Ms. Daisy Blogg's classroom, the most wonderful thing happened -- I fell in love. It was magical as Buddy O'Toole and I zinged whimsical grins across four rows of sixth grade desks. I was tall for my age and just about as gangly as they come, while Buddy was short and just about as round as they come. But it hardly mattered, for nearly all the boys were shorter than the girls. My mother assured me I was experiencing "puppy love" and that Buddy was just slow shedding his baby fat. Memories of chocolates and surprises beset my every thought as Valentine's Day drew near. I could barely wait to hear what our teacher had planned as our tall classroom windows glittered with familiar sweet red angels and assorted hearts. Would we cut and paste tiresome construction paper, add bits of ribbon over paper lace doilies, and exchange the results? Gladly, no. We had made that big step from childhood to upper classmen and could create our own valentines at home, or purchase them at the local five and dime. "Please bring a decorated container with your name clearly marked on the outside," announced Ms. Blogg. "You will make enough Valentines for every box." How familiar that sounded as I pondered two scruffy and cantankerous boys who still dipped pigtails in inkwells despite the principal' wrath. And, of course, equality prevailed to include our class haughty and mean-spirited girl. While the ladies fancied Valentine greetings, the sixth grade boys were not as sold on the custom, suddenly all too juvenile, silly and mushy. Regardless, Buddy told me to make sure my container was at least as big as a shoe box, that he had been working on an idea. 'Twould be my first experience on cloud nine. Walking to school, none of us escaped the cloudburst and squall swirling about the playground as we and our Valentine treasures ran cover. The swings and trapezes banged and twirled, ensnarling their chains around and around, then a sudden lull while they untangled at breakneck speed. After placing our wet boxes on the window sills above the radiators, we spent the morning glancing the wrinkled and fading coverings. Ribbons and string hung in limp shambles making strange arrays of bleeding pigments and hues upon all they touched. None the less, for the girls the day drug endlessly as we contemplated the party and sharing of our treasures. As Ms. Blogg read the history of Valentine's Day aloud, a sudden psst, psst, psst, emanated from the radiator. The class broke out in giggles as we watched chocolate drip, drip, dripping from a corner of the big red shoe box marked, "Kathleen." I glanced over at Buddy, but there were no smiles or giggles, just horror written all over his face. He had spent his allowance on the newest Hershey sensation -- foil-wrapped chocolate kisses, each pasted meticulously upon a sensational card. For Buddy, the welcomed three- o'clock bell rang and the class gathered their Valentines under their coats for the drizzly trek home. I caught up with Buddy in the hallway and asked him to meet me across the street at the library. After choosing a corner spot, I set at the table with his lovely chocolate- covered card and the knurly candy kisses. We sat and talked until a grin crossed Buddy's chubby cheeks. We then finished off the remains of a Valentine box neither of us ever forgot. -- Kathe Campbell --- ...Aww, sweet stories! Thanks Fran! ========================================================== .-. .-. ( \/ ) .-. .-. \ .-. .-. ( \/ ) \ ( \/ ) \ .-. .-. / \ / jgs \ ( \/ .-. .-. / .-. \.-.\ ( \/ )/ ( \/ )\ /\ // \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ \ / \ / \/ \/ >Brother Ed Story Editor: Jayleen L. Hatmaker Joyce Schowalter Ohio, USA In August 1980 an ugly scene brought my 13-year marriage to an end. I fled our home with my two children, $5 and nowhere to go except my mother's. Staying there more than a couple nights wasn't an option. The next morning I headed out to find help. The welfare office referred me to an emergency agency that found a small apartment. It was dismal and in a rough area, but I had to make the most of it. A woman there wrote down an address and said to go tell "Brother Ed" she'd sent me. The address was a nondescript warehouse near a Catholic school. Inside, floor to ceiling held everything imaginable from furniture to clothing. A short, unassuming, thin Caucasian man approached, introduced himself as Brother Ed and asked how he could help. Scared to death about the future, I told him who sent me. Brother Ed led me through the packed maze to a clearing, his "office". He sat me down, offered a soda, and his lunch! He softly asked me to tell my story. He listened as it poured out... years of abuse, the fix we were in. He nodded, concerned, asked few questions, and accepted my tears. He offered neither sympathy, nor disapproval. When I felt too wrung out to speak, he went to work. We toured the place as he anticipated our needs, referring to himself in third person, as "Brother Ed". He selected twin beds for my children, a sofa bed for me, sheets, blankets, clothing, towels, washcloths, small kitchen appliances, cooking utensils, everything we'd need -- including ironing board and iron! With each step I felt more dumbfounded. Was I expected to pay? Nothing was new, but it represented a small fortune to me. I couldn't believe he was GIVING this stuff to us! Within minutes, a huge pile was gathered near the doors, and Brother Ed explained the furniture would be ready that afternoon. With his next question my heart sank, "Do you have a way to move everything?" As my mind whirled, he said, "You can use Brother Ed's van." I should return at 5 p.m. with helpers, load the van, move everything, then return the van. All matter-of-fact, as if he'd known me his entire life. Overwhelmed, I couldn't believe that he seriously would allow total strangers to disappear with his personal vehicle, possibly never to be heard from again! But that's exactly what happened. I did, of course, return Brother Ed's van along with my eternal gratitude. I later learned Brother Ed was a local Jesuit. The warehouse stored donations for the order's second-hand store. Though his vocation was helping others, I will ever remain indebted to Brother Ed. I do what I can to pay it forward. I've never forgotten his selflessness, and am still deeply touched and grateful, and can only guess how many lives he has touched. I truly believe Brother Ed saved me and my children. I know he saved my spirit. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupO'Cheer: ,@@@@@, ,@@@@@, ,@@,;;;,@,;;;,@@, @@;;;' ';' ';;;@@ @@;;; ;;;@@ '@@';;, ,;;'@@' '@@';;,;;'@@' '@@';'@@' jgs '@@@' '@' >DON'T GIVE UP And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -- Romans 8:28 Many years ago in London, a talented young man began preparing for the ministry. He had surrendered his life to Christ and wanted so badly to be used by the Lord. He was a brilliant student and completed his seminary studies with honors. Prior to his ordination as a minister, he was required to preach a sermon before a select group of clergymen. The intensity of the situation made him nervous—especially when he saw his lovely fiancee sitting in the audience. In his anxiety, he lost his train of thought as he preached...which resulted in the board not approving him for ordination. The rejection was a bitter disappointment, and his grief increased when his fiancee broke off their engagement because he had performed so poorly. After these two events, he fought depression for quiet some time. Several weeks later, He poured out his complaint before God, and was reminded of God's promise in Romans 8:28..."in all things God works for the good of those who love him...." It was then that he experienced an incredible peace in his soul. When the chance to preach happened again, the young man delivered a powerful sermon to the examining board and he was ordained to the ministry. Since this time, the dynamic preaching of G. Campbell Morgan has impacted thousands of people. This infamous expositor authored several Bible commentaries and 60 books on theology. Morgan left a legacy that still stirs hearts today—and the crisis he went through and overcame with God's help played a huge part. Failure can often cause us to question the calling God has placed on our lives. But many times we can't see the big picture. Friend, whether you can see it or not, God is working in your life—but sometimes He works behind the scenes. If you are a believer and have experienced failure, don't give up! God can use that failure to produce success and blessing in your life according to the promises in His Word. PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God to turn your failures into triumphs, and thank Him for the promises of His Word. as seen in Daily Living For Seniors -<>- ...... ...... .:oOOOOo:. .:oOOOOo:. .:oOO:'':Oo:. .:oO:'':OOo:. .:oO:' ':Oo:oO:' ':Oo:. :oO: ':O:' :Oo: :oO: ' :Oo: ':oO: :Oo:' ':oO: :Oo:' ':oO. .Oo:' ':oO. .Oo:' ':oO. .Oo:' ':oO. .Oo:' jgs 'oO:Oo' 'oOo' 'o' >TAKE ONE MORE STEP Written by Bob & Debby Gass 'We get knocked down, but we get up again.' 2 Corinthians 4:9 TLB Failure can feel like a punch in the gut. And when it keeps happening it's tempting just to give up. But you can't; you must 'get up again'. Failing doesn't make you a failure, quitting does. H. E. Jansen said, 'The man who wins may have been counted out several times, but he didn't hear the referee.' A failure-free life feels safe, but it fosters boredom, apathy and low self-esteem. Ever noticed that the devil never reminds you of what you've learned? No, he wants you to keep reliving the painful details. Learn the lesson, then forget the details! Victory requires building on what you've learned and moving on. Theologian Brooke Foss Westcott said, 'Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards, they simply unveil them...Silently, as we wake or sleep, we grow strong or weak, and at last some crisis shows us what we have become.' This article ran in The Wall Street Journal: 'You've failed many times although you may not remember. You fell the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim. Did you hit the ball the first time you swung the bat? Heavy hitters, the ones who hit the most home runs, also strike out a lot. RH Macy failed seven times before his store in New York caught on. English novelist John Creasey got 753 rejection slips before publishing 564 books.' H. Jackson Brown gives us two rules for winning: Rule One: Take one more step. Rule Two: When you don't think you can take one more step, refer to rule number one. SoulFood: Isa 42-44, Luke 2:41-52, Ps 74:12-23, Pro 2:7-8 as seen in The Word For Today -<>- Love to you. .--. .--. / \/ \ | ;--. .--. \ / \/ \ '. .'| | `\/` \ / '. .' `\/` >DIVINE INTERVENTION Lord Hard-times are here We are steeped in fear Enveloped by daily worry Our lifelines are blurry. Our labors seem in vain With so little to gain If any employment at all The earnings are small. Many homes will be taken Or in despair forsaken Because employment is rare And our savings bare. Families are torn asunder For they're leaden under The oppression of their debt And every dawn is a threat. Leaders refuse to lead today And won't get out of our way They hinder us at every turn As we watch our lives burn. Pockets empty we come to you With prayer long overdue For it is only you precious Lord That can relieve the discord. In praise from faithful voices We pray for better choices And plead you come to our aid For we are helplessly afraid. Poverty spills over the earth There is little of any worth And the resolution is not in us, It is in your love Lord Jesus. We live by the sweat of our brow And Savior we need work now, We stand ready with sleeves rolled, Father let your mercies unfold. With empty pantries but a full heart Lord we pray for a fresh start, It is divine intervention we need, It is for tender mercies we plead. ©Written By: Kenneth J. Ellison 12-28-10 -<>- .@@@@@. .@@@@@. @@@@@@@:.:@@@@@@@ @@@@:':@@@:':@@@@ '@@@: '@' :@@@' '@@@. ' .@@@' '@@@. .@@@' '@@@. .@@@' "@@.@@" jgs "@@@" '@' >GIVING YOUR BEST By Rick Ezell "Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine" (Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV). In Biblical thought what was first was best: first of the harvest, first of the flock, first of the children. When Abraham sacrificed Isaac he was giving his best. Isaac represented all the best things, the good things in Abraham's life. He represented his hopes, his dreams, his love, his future, his security, his prestige, his power, his life. Isaac was the most precious thing that he could have offered God. God doesn't want our leftovers; he wants what is best. Many years ago my wife and I were called to pastor a small church while I attended seminary for the second time. While I had served on staff at various churches this was my first pastorate. As was their tradition, they gave us, the new Pastor and his wife, a "pounding," a throw back from the old days when church members would bring a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of sausage, and so on to help the pastor's family set up house. When we arrived at the parsonage for our first night in our new home, we opened the cupboards to discover the shelves were filled with canned goods, the refrigerator was stocked to overflowing, and several craft items were lying on the kitchen counter to decorate the new home. We were very thankful and appreciative. But as we began to place the craft items around the house we noticed that some items had pieces missing and others were broken. When we checked out some of the items in the refrigerator they had already passed their expiration date. Then we started to go through the canned goods in the cupboard. Some were so old that rust was on the cans. While many of the church members donated items that were of good quality others gave items that were destined for the garage sale or the garbage can instead redirected to our pounding. They gave leftovers. They gave less than their best. We had two simultaneous emotions: one was of great joy for the generosity of many of the people and the other was of great sadness for getting unwanted discards. I wonder if God often feels the same way. The fact is that many people give their best to God. But, others give their leftovers. They treat God and his church like a garage sale. If it is something they have already used and worn out then they will give it to the church. The fact is that most of our giving is done from our surplus, not as a sacrifice. In other words, if we have any money left over after we have paid the bills, had a good time, and set aside some for ourselves, then we will give. Often times those gifts are nothing more than pocket change, spare time, and burned-out talents. Giving secondhand items to the church or Goodwill is better than throwing them away. But giving something away because we don't want it in the first place is not giving; it is selective disposal. Sacrifice is giving what we had rather keep. It is parting with the new and keeping the old. It is yielding the best and holding on to what will make do. Sacrifice is proven not by the gift made, but by what is left over after the gift has been made. Copyright 2012, Rick Ezell. -<>- .oOOo. .oOOo. .oO:::::Oo.oO:::::Oo. .oO::o88o::o::o88o::Oo. oO::888888o:o888888::Oo oO::888888888888888::Oo 'oO::8888888888888::Oo' 'oO::88888888888::Oo' 'oO::8888888::Oo' 'oO::88888::Oo' 'oO::8::Oo' jgs 'oO:Oo' 'O' >BECOMING OUR OWN ROLE MODELS There was a time where women stood together in a bond of sisterhood, women supporting women. As women embrace the fullness of who they are as individuals, they may find themselves supporting other women, helping others to reach the level of inner comfort and outer freedom that they themselves have found. Among those who are less sure of themselves and their place in the world, it may be more common to criticize other women than to seek their help. But there are things that a woman can only learn from another woman, as there are things about being a man that can only be learned from other men. We all recognize that we have much to learn from each other regardless of gender, but sometimes we could use a supportive role model that gives us a more precise example of what and who we can become. There was a time where women stood together in a bond of sisterhood, women supporting women. It is only natural that the pendulum swings out of balance for a while so that we may have the experience of what we do not want. It is up to women to bring the pendulum back into balance and bring back the sacred sisterhood we yearn for at our core. If we envision a world where women support each other and help each other find their place in an ever-changing world, then we can become the change we want to see. Jealousy, envy, criticism, and judgment are refuges for the insecure. As we help others to become self-assured, we create a world in which all people help each other, regardless of gender. Only women can make the change in how women are seen and understood, not just by other women but by the world at large. The way we speak about each other to other women and to the men in our lives informs everyone to treat us with the respect that all women, and all people, deserve. as seen in Inspiration Plus -<>- .-. .-. .-.| .-./ | | \/ | / \ / /` `\ /`/` jgs `\/` >HOW WILL I GET IN? A man had a friend who was a highly decorated Air Force officer. One day, the officer decided to give him a tour of the Air Force base. As they were approaching the front gate, he wondered to himself, “How will I get in? Will they ask me lots of questions and make me wait while they do a background check?” But just as they arrived at the gate, a burly sergeant waved them through without hesitation. “How did we get in so quickly?” the man asked the officer. “This sticker,” he replied, pointing to a decal in the corner of the car’s windshield. “It lets me and any of my guests onto the base.” Because this man was with a decorated officer who had previous clearance, he could get through the gate with no difficulty. This is exactly how you and I can get into heaven! On our own, we wouldn’t stand a chance trying to enter those gates. We don’t deserve the right and could never earn it. But when you trust Jesus your Savior, you become identified with Him. And if you are “in Christ Jesus,” you have free access to God’s favor in this life and a sure hope of entering heaven’s glory! --Author Unknown (The Timothy Report, -<>- .-""""-. .-""""-. ./ \/ \. | _ _ | \ \. _(9><6)_ ,/ / `\ \==_) (_==/ /' `\ -'= ='- /' `\ /' jgs `\ /' `\ /' `\/' >FROM A FRIEND… author unknown Me (in a tizzy) : God, can I ask you something? GOD: Sure. Me: Promise you won't get mad? GOD: I promise. Me (frustrated): Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today? GOD: What do you mean? Me: Well, I woke up late, GOD: Yes Me: My car took forever to start, GOD: Okay.... Me (growling): At lunch, they made my sandwich wrong and I had to wait GOD: Hmmmm.. Me: On the way home, my phone went dead, just as I picked up a call GOD: All right Me (loudly): And to top it all off, when I got home, I just wanted to soak my feet in my foot massager and relax, but it wouldn't work. Nothing went right today! Why did you let that happen to me? GOD: Well let me see..... the death angel was at your bed this morning and I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that. Me (humbled): Oh... GOD: I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that might have hit you if you were on the road Me (ashamed): ............ GOD: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick and I didn't want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn't afford to miss work Me (embarrassed): Oh..... GOD: Your phone went dead because the person that was calling was going to give a false witness about what you said on that call, I didn't even let you talk to them so you would be covered Me (softly): I see God GOD: Oh and that foot massager, it had a short that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn't think you wanted to be in the dark. Me: I'm sorry God. GOD: Don't be sorry, just learn to trust all things. Remember you gave your life to me and asked me to intervene always for you the best in all things be they good or be they bad? Me: Yes, I WILL trust you God GOD: And don't doubt that my plan for your day is always better than your plan Me: I won't God. And let me just tell you God, thank you for everything today. GOD: You're welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I love looking after my children. Scriptural References: II Samuel 22:31, Proverbs 3:5, Hebrews 2:13 To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ========================================================== __ _ / | | \ \/_/ \_\| / __ \/_/__\ .--='/~\ ____,__/__,_____,______)/ /{~}}} -,-----,--\--,-----,---,\'-' {{~}} jgs __/\_ '--=.\}/ /_/ |\\ \/ >-->ANOTHER DAY by Jack Young (C) 1-21-12 Another day the Lord has given me, And I'm as grateful as can be; Another day to feel His precious love, Sent down to me from Heaven above. Another day to make amends, If I have done anything to hurt a friend; Another day to realize, I'll be with Jesus in paradise. Another day to look forward to, Whatever Jesus plans for me to do; Another day to kneel in prayer, To know that Jesus is listening there. Another day to think of when, Jesus bled and died to erase my sin; Another day to look forward to, When I'm there with Him, to start anew. .o##o. .o##o. ######o.o###### ############### .o88o. .o88o##########' 888888o.o888888########' 888888888888888######' '8888888888888'#####&o. .o&&o. '88888888888' '#&&&&&o.o&&&&&& '8888888' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& '88888' '&&&&&&&&&&&&&' '8' '&&&&&&&&&&&' H A P P Y '&&&&&&&' v a l e n t i n e'&&&&&' D A Y '&' >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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