The Paradox Of Our Time... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) \\\\ c oo | .U __=__ ,,, |. __|___ oo ; ||_/ / / U= _ 0 \_/__/__E o /. .| | (___ || |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----'~| I---||| |-----------------------| I ||| | c(__) | ^ '--'' ^ ^ UPDATE ON PAUL: He is mostly back to his normal self but still stuck in the hospital until his blood thins to normal. Thank all you so much who prayed for his recovery. We are praising God! -<>- >HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press! :) This too hot to handle one comes from our friends Linda and Bunni. One that is sure to warm your heart and maybe even bring a few tears. Check it out here... _ /\.'|_ _.-| |\ | / |_ / \ _>-"""-._.'|_ >`-.' `./ \ /`./ \-< `-| |_/ /_| |_\ ) | | | -<| |\/ `'_\ /`< |_/`. .'\_/ \_/ >-.._..-'\_| `-`_| \_\|_/ | `' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /\ | | | /| \ |\ | |/ |/ \| \| The Blue Ribbon --- ...I loved this one! Thank You Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: ________ W = '\ `._ \ \` \ ) \ / , ) | / _| /' / | | / / / / / |' ( | | | | | |\ ( ( (/ /) ' \" " " / _ \ \ ( ,-' _\_) ') _.,-'-/ b'ger . ... ",",,,,,,,'.'_ _.,-' .. . '-,-/_ /_ >HE MAKES THEM SHIVER NOW by Steve Banko I was going to work a few weeks ago and my route took me past the weathered hulk of the now-abandoned Freezer Queen plant on the lakefront. I spent a lot of time in that building back when life was so much simpler than it was today and I started thinking about those "better times than these." My beloved Uncle Iggy died long before the recent news that the warehouse he managed and doted over for much of his professional life was being shut down for major health violations, but I know that not even heaven can diminish the impact. While a lot of Western New Yorkers remember my uncle as golf pro at South Shore Country Club, he actually earned his living managing the Merchants Refrigeration plant that morphed into Freezer Queen back in the 70s. Few years in my life held the promise that 1964 presented. I had just graduated from high school and had earned a basketball scholarship to the University at Buffalo. I was looking forward to the new challenges the college would provide. But I had to earn some money, so it was off to Merchants to work for Uncle Iggy in the rail cars and the tractor-trailers, unloading everything from washing machines to 100 pound sacks of flour to sides of beef. Halfway through the summer, I got a respite from the backbreaking labor of the stevedore. Merchants had secured a contract from Southland Foods to package frozen beans for shipment to stores. My uncle told me to round up kids from South Buffalo to carry out that mission. The youthful work force I assembled included Mike Kull, who would later go to the Final Four with St. Bonaventure, and Paul Fitzpatrick, a gridiron standout at the University of Maryland and a legend as Timon High's football coach. The others were also jocks at my alma mater. My job was to supervise this eclectic and eccentric group of kids who were only a year or so younger than I. I've seen a lot of television sitcoms in my life that aren't half as funny as what went on at Merchants Refrigeration that summer. But the work got done, Southland got their truckloads of "French Cut Whole Beans" and the kids got paid. Everything was copacetic. We got a rare visit from Uncle Iggy one morning and with him was an altar boy-looking kid. This newcomer already looked out of place among our gang of wits and half-wits. My uncle told me he'd be with us for the rest of the summer and left him in my charge. Before we got to names, we had to ascertain his pedigree. "Where do you go to school?" I asked him. "Canisius," the new kid answered. This wasn't going to be good. Canisius was a Jesuit high school. Our high school was a Franciscan school. Canisius and Timon were like cobras and mongeese. One of the features of our corner of the massive warehouse was the freezer, where produce was kept. As a Crusader instead of a Tiger, the new guy would need to be initiated. I told him that he had to go into the freezer and count the boxes of beans. He would never actually complete the job as there were scores of racks, full of hundreds of packages of beans. I thought we'd leave the new guy in there for a few minutes and let him out to shiver for the rest of the day. I had just closed the freezer door when a signal bell rang, indicating my uncle wanted to see me. I headed down to his office and was told to grab a fork-lift and unload a truck. It took about ten minutes to send the truck on its way and about then my scruffy band of bean packers were making their way to the lunchroom for their coffee break. I started counting heads and found I was one short. "Who are we missing?" I asked. "The new guy," one of the kids said. "Where is he?" "In the freezer -- where you left him." Oh My gosh, I thought, he's still in there! I raced up the stairs and yanked open the door to see the young guy, shaking uncontrollably but still counting bean boxes. "OK kid, great job!" I told him, yanking him back into warmer air. "You are now officially a 'green bean packer'." Though his face was fairly frozen, I think I saw the kid smile. At least I hope I did. I hope Iggy is smiling too, as I tell that story. I'm pretty sure this is the first time he's hearing it. As it turned out, being locked in freezer was probably a great start for a kid we see every Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press. That "kid" was Tim Russert. -- Steve Banko ___________________________________________ Steve lives and writes from south Buffalo, New York. Only four years after meeting Tim Russert, he was immersed in Vietnam combat. He is the author of Memories of War, Dreams of Peace: Echoes from the Vietnam War. One of his memoirs was included in the Marlo Thomas compilation Right Words at the Right Time, Vol. II published in April, 2006. ========================================================== >-->From oru Friend Bunni :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >SCRIPTURES: The cross of Christ bridges the gap we could never cross on our own. Read Romans 3:23 (All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.) If you aren't sure what you're doing or about to do, don't do it. God's Word is full of loving warnings to protect and preserve us. Read Proverbs 6:23 (Reproofs and instruction are the way of life.) In a world of superlatives, God is the greatest. Read Exodus 34:6 (The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious.) Sin's contamination requires the Savior's cleansing. Read Revelation 1:5 (To Him who loved us and washed us from our sin in His own blood.) COURAGE is not having strength to go on. It is going on when you don't have the strength. Read phillippians 2:29-30 (Hold such men in esteem because for the work of Christ he came close to death.) The Christian life is a battleground. Read 1 Peter 5:8 (Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.) Even when we don't sense God's presence, His loving care is all around us. Read Psalms 22:26 (Those who seek Him will praise the Lord. Let your heart live forever!!!) --- ...Sweet! Thanks Bunni! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Linda :) .---. .---. ,';' `.';' `.. f :Bo. ` d88: `\ /d88P' `\ ; /d888P' `. ',d8&8P' : ;d8&7' | :8: | qx >Perfect Love... He fills my heart with gentleness He touches me with peace The beauty of his countenance My vision life's timepiece The way he gathers moonbeams The stars that he designs The canvas of my heaven His art of love enshrines The walks upon the earth now The softness of the grass The flowers made of velvet This garden ours at last The hand that touches softly He glides across my face No gentleness is greater Than beauty I embrace The lips that kiss so gently Like whispers of a breeze Makes my spirit pirouette With love's sweet rhapsody Words he speaks like parables Fulfill my every wish I hear him gently telling me No love could be like this All these treasures perfect The love we feel divine Like waves upon the ocean Will last till end of time Love's journey has no ending Like the full moon in its glow The circle of our destiny It follows where I go The messenger of beauty Will soar across the sky For perfect love is gathered With the gentle wings that fly. -Author Unknown --- ...Aww, so nice! Thanks Linda! ========================================================= >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ _|_ |+-==| .'.':`.`. | |+--=| / / | \ \ /'\ '+ -=| ^^^^^^^^^^^ //|\\ =| &C O__u | u O~ O ^^^^^ /\_u/\/uuu|uuu\/\ &C /|\_@| C__@ /) ( '--------' ,| /\_ \@@@@|@@\/\ /_| \_\ | /_| | ( ( `,o--------') /| / | /|\ |\ /'\ /__\ /`' | <| _|_ //|\\ /| /> /|\ \` .'.':`.`. ^^^^^ / / | \ \ %%|%% O _|_ ^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%|%%%_/\\ .'.':`.`. C_/ | '-------' ) / / | \ \ d}<|8888|888 {b | / \ ^^^^^^^^^^^ _888/\_88888|8888_/\ /|\ | \ ~C | O '--|(-------+----' ,| /),\_ O | \/|\/ | |_\ | \ | |/_( o /( ) /|\####|###### O | | \ /|\ | \\ (`' )_( \|'-----------'/\\ /\ / | |\ | _o / ) ejm |/ /|\ (`' /| /> \ \ Perhaps you can relate. One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited patiently for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became angry. Seeing one of those photograph booths nearby (the kind that accepts coins into a slot and takes four shots while you pose on a small bench), he had an idea. He assumed the most ferocious expression he could manage, which wasn't difficult under the circumstances, and in a few moments he was holding four small prints that shocked even him! He wrote his wife's name on the back of the photographs and handed them to a clerk behind the desk. "If you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, apparently looking for someone, would you please give her this?" he said. He then returned to his office content that, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then four photos must be a full-blown lecture! His wife saved those pictures. She carries them in her purse now. Shows them to anyone who asks if she is married... How are you with patience? One person calls it "wait-training." It seems that there is always something we are waiting for. We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school or to retire. We wait to grow up or for maturity in a child. We wait for a decision to be made. We wait for someone to change his or her mind. Patience is an essential quality of a happy life. After all, some things are worth waiting for. Every day presents plenty of opportunities for wait training. We can resent waiting, accept it or even get good at it! But one thing is certain - we cannot avoid it. How is your wait training coming along? By Steve Goodier -<>- _ _ / \ _ _ _ / \ | | / \/ \/ \ | | % | |I| || || |=o | % % | | j_jj_jj_j | | % v % V | | ||_________|| | | .:,>@<%% >@<| ; | | | || || | | | | ~*~ | |% *| |:X:| |I| || || | | | |*'|`\|/|| ~@~ * ,||/|`|'|_| |_||_||_| |_|,||,|/ |,||Vv,`|',v`|v hjw >Carl’s Garden *Carl was a quiet man. He didn't talk much. He would always greet you with a big smile and a firm handshake. Even after living in our neighborhood for over 50 years, no one could Really say they knew him very well. Before his retirement, he took the bus to work each morning. The lone Sight of him walking down the street often worried us. He had a slight limp from a bullet wound received in W.W.II. Watching him, we worried that although he had survived W.W.II, he may Not make it through our changing uptown neighborhood with its Ever-increasing Random violence, gangs, and drug activity. When he saw the flier at our local church asking for volunteers for Caring for the gardens behind the minister's residence, he responded in His characteristically unassuming manner. Without fanfare, he just Signed up. He was well into his 87th year when the very thing we had always feared Finally happened. He was just finishing his watering for the day when three gang members Approached him. Ignoring their attempt to intimidate him, he simply Asked, "Would you like a drink from the hose?" The tallest and toughest-looking of the three said, "Yeah, sure," with a Malevolent little smile. As Carl offered the hose to him, the other two grabbed Carl's arm, Throwing him down. As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing Everything in its way, Carl's assailants stole his retirement watch and His wallet, and then fled. Carl tried to get himself up, but he had been thrown down on his bad Leg. He lay there trying to gather himself as the minister came running To help him. Although the minister had witnessed the attack from his window, he Couldn't get there fast enough to stop it. "Carl, are you okay? Are you Hurt?" the minister kept asking as he helped Carl to his feet. Carl Just passed a hand over his brow and sighed, shaking his head. "Just Some punk kids. I hope they'll wise-up someday." His wet clothes clung To his slight frame as he bent to pick up the hose. He adjusted the Nozzle again and started to water. Confused and a little concerned, the Minister asked, "Carl, what are you doing?" "I've got to finish my watering. It's been very dry lately," came the calm Reply. Satisfying himself that Carl really was all right, the minister could only Marvel. Carl was a man from a different time and place. A few weeks later the three returned. Just as before their threat was Unchallenged. Carl again offered them a drink from his hose. This time They didn't rob him. They wrenched the hose from his hand and drenched Him head to foot in the icy water. T*hen they had finished their Humiliation of him, they sauntered off down the street, throwing Catcalls and curses, falling over one another laughing at the hilarity Of what they had just done. Carl just watched them. Then he turned Toward the warmth giving sun, picked up his hose, and went on with his Watering. The summer was quickly fading into fall Carl was doing some tilling when He was startled by the sudden approach of someone behind him. He Stumbled and fell into some evergreen branches. As he struggled to Regain his footing, he turned to see the tall leader of his summer Tormentors reaching down for him He braced himself for the Expected attack. "Don't worry old man, I'm not gonna hurt you this Time." The young man spoke softly, still offering the tattooed and Scarred hand to Carl. As he helped Carl get up, the man pulled a Crumpled bag from his pocket and handed it to Carl. "What's this?" Carl asked. "It's your stuff," the man explained. "It's Your stuff back. Even the money in your wallet." "I don't understand," Carl said. "Why would you help me now?" The man shifted his feet, seeming embarrassed and ill at ease. "I Learned something from you," he said. "I ran with that gang and hurt People like you. We picked you because you were old and we knew we could Do it. But every time we came and did something to you, instead of Yelling and fighting back, you tried to give us a drink. You didn't hate Us for hating you. You kept showing love against our hate." He stopped For a moment. "I couldn't sleep after we stole your stuff, so here it Is back." He paused for another awkward moment, not knowing what more There was to say "That bag's my way of saying thanks for straightening Me out, I guess." And with that, he walked off down the street. Carl Looked down at the sack in his hands and gingerly opened it. He took out his retirement watch and put it back on his wrist. Opening his wallet, he checked for his wedding photo. He gazed for a moment at the young bride that still smiled back at him from all those years ago. He died one cold day after Christmas that winter Many people attended his funeral in spite of the weather.In particular the minister noticed a tall young man that he didn't know sitting quietly in a distant corner of the church. The minister spoke of Carl's garden as a lesson in life. In a voice made thick with unshed tears, he said, "Do your best and make your garden as beautiful as you can. We will never forget Carl and his garden." The following spring another flier went up. It read: "Person needed to care for Carl's garden." The flier went unnoticed by the busy parishioners until one day when a knock was heard at the minister's office door. Opening the door, the minister saw a pair of scarred and tattooed hands holding the flier. "I believe this is my job, if you'll have me," the young man said. The minister recognized him as the same young man who had returned the stolen watch and wallet to Carl. He knew that Carl's kindness had turned this man's life around. As the minister handed him the keys to the garden shed, he said, "Yes, go take care of Carl's garden and honor him." The man went to work and, over the next several years, he tended the flowers and vegetables just as Carl had done. In that time, he went to college, got married, and became a prominent member of the community. But he never forgot his promise to Carl's memory and kept the garden as beautiful as he thought Carl would have One day he approached the new minister and told him that he couldn't care for the garden any longer. He explained with a shy and happy smile, "My wife just had a baby boy last night, and she's bringing him home on Saturday." "Well, congratulations!" said the minister, as he was handed the garden shed keys. "That's wonderful! What's t he baby's name?" "Carl," he replied. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment You are The Only You God Has Haunting Fear: Feeling Kind Of Buggy Maxine on Halloween! Strange Tombstones! Maxine On Jesus! Sweet Baby Overload! Tricks For Treats 2! Tricks For Treats 4! Weird Rainy Days! Why Dogs Bite People! Sweets For The Sweet! Scientists Unveil New Species! -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) She sent us one we have here... Maxine On Fall --- ...Such a fun reminder! Thanks Linda! -<>- >From Our Friend Johanna :) She sent us one we have here... Giethoorn - The Venice Of Holland --- ...So beautiful! Thanks Johanna! -<>- >From Our Friend JoeL :) [politics] Glenn Beck - Libya The Real Story - YouTube Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank e-mail to ========================================================== \ /\ 7_\ \, / {))) _/|,~, ((( / ())) )__/)))) /(\|((( | (/ /_|\\ | \ \|\(` | \ // \\ | \ ejm // \\ |_____\ == == -- -' >Modern Chivalry Story Editor: by The Mom Joyce Schowalter USA I'm close to 40, raised old fashioned, and frequently mourn the loss of a time when people took care of one another. I wonder if my three sons will be the gentlemen I try to raise them to be. Mid October, 2010 I had to get my youngest son from school drama practice. I buckled my daughter in her car seat and took off like a herd of turtles. First stop: the closest air pump as I had a tire going flat. I filled the tire with my last dollar. Once out of the gas station, POP!, the van jerked, then thump, thump, thump. Sigh. The tire is 100% flat and I'm out of cash. OK, I can change a tire. However... the l'il one has been sick since she was born and when she's *this* sick, I can't leave her unattended beyond a couple minutes. I have to be ready to assist her with any problems. AAA phone call done, I wait for my temporary champion in a tow truck and grease-smeared hands to help change the flat. I call my son and husband to inform them of the delay. I put the cell down and get scared half to death: someone is beating on my window. It's a young African American man. I freak because where I'm broke down is not the best place for safety. He asks if I need help. I nervously told him I have assistance coming. The area -- not the person -- made me nervous, he was well-mannered and polite. His response, "Yeah, but I'm here NOW!" I took all the factors into consideration. Sick child, another child stranded, husband working too far away to help, van on a busy street, still half an hour wait for AAA. I thanked him and told him I couldn't afford to pay him. He chortled and told me he didn't ask for money. Together we worked to replace the tire with the spare. He did the majority of it, since I had to watch my daughter. In under 15 minutes he had me ready to drive. When I asked him his name, he said Tracey. I thanked him appreciatively for the help he had given. He walked off before I could say anything else. I passed him a minute later, and waved thank you again as he smiled and waved back. I seriously thought chivalry was dead. Here a young man, young enough to be my son, stopped to help a complete stranger out of the blue, for no reason at all. Now I know I might not ever get to tell Tracey's family they should be proud of their boy. But I can put this story out there, in hopes it might reach them. I can be grateful for Tracey showing me something I needed to learn, and giving me a little more hope about today's young men. Thank you, Tracey, your actions meant a great deal to me. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY ___ .-. __/+++\__ ___\"/___ //@ @\\ /---\`/---\ \_u_/ _\.W^W------/ \-------./_ ==|_______. |: ._____|== / | |: | \ | |: | :-------: | | | | |.-.| .-"-. | |'-'| /(\ /)\ |___|___| \ '.' / /(|| ||)\ ''''''''`'''`''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ldb Aunt Elaine went to help out with the Davidson kids while Kim was traveling on business. The Davidson house is decorated for Halloween with a bale of straw, pumpkins and a scarecrow in the front yard. On Monday, the kids were excited to come home to find a digger, dump truck, and a couple small holes in the front yard to fix a water leak which escalated into the sewer line as well. Tuesday, it rained ALL day and let up just before Aunt Elaine picked up the kids from school. Aunt Elaine went inside the house while the boys checked out MUD and holes. Little Katie ran to give the scarecrow a hug. Pretty soon she came running to the front door shouting, "Aunt Elaine, the scarecrow peed his pants!" -- Aunt Elaine of Indianapolis (sister of Mike Davidson of Kendallville) Logan, 5, is a very serious child. He went shopping with his grandmother and mother. As they drove around looking for a parking space, they decided that Logan's mom would just jump out and run into the store. Logan said, "Oh, by the way, you need to go back there and get that person out of the trunk of the car back there. The arm is hanging out and it's all bloody!" It was one of those fake arms that people use for Halloween decorating! When the adults burst out laughing Logan continued, "It's not funny! Get that person out of that trunk!" -- Lesa Price (grandmother of Logan Moore) of Pleasant Lake Sabrina, 9, awakened one morning and asked, "Mommy, do your eyes roll back when you sleep so that you can see your dreams?" -- Bonnie Scarlett of Tacoma, Washington . |\ ' ` __ \ \ .-:'.-' ) ) / / \ '-'' ' , '` -.\ ./ O o `_ `---o--'. \ \|/ / BUNNY .###._.'._ BOXING '#####'H ' === /'#####'HH,\ \========== (__.###'HHH ` ) \ ( ) /'-' \-----/ | | \ `-- `-- kOs ( ) \ ) | | | | | | | | '-' `-`\. / \ ( `-. (____) `--._.' ===== === Here is another one from Bonnie. Hayley, 4 is a complete tomboy. She has an older sister and brother-in-law who enjoy watching boxing. At the store one day, they found some boxers on sale with the characters from the movie Cars on them and bought them. When she got home Haley ran to her room, took off all her clothes, and put them on. She came down the stairs and declared proudly to Daddy, "Look at my fighting pants!" Last week on the morning of the first visible frost Jared, 4, exclaimed, "Mommy, Mommy, look! Jack Frost was here and he blew his cold breath on our car windows... I wonder if that means Santa really is watching me like you say he has been? Do you think I'm in trouble, Mommy?" His mother Debbie was at a loss for words! -- Debbie Pipkin of Michigan (\ _\_(`\_ `/` _ `/,-'=/` _,'|`._ /' `/` ,-' |||._ `-._ i_i _,-' ,-' || `__ `-._ "=(. .)=" _,-' _,-' --||- (..=`/._ `-/#\ ( i_i ,\ _,-' | )|_|-==` \_)`-/ /v "=(. .)=" ,' ,|/ \ |__||\ //|\\ / / #/ ,/ \ ( ,' ,' ((_.--._)) || )(/|\)' /# ; ,/ #,/v ,' ,' |`- -' ||/ (/\\ / #; ,/# ,/ ,' ' / | \ */"-._ |/ _____,-''"/_)/__ / ,',---|((_.--._(__/ _.--""_____)-//_______"-. (,-.)| `- -( _,"_.--"" |||(( __ "-.: ___,/ ;| \ */ _\'_," (\__/) |||\\\ |__`,()() . \ (,_.) (_| (__/,'_,' /_/)=\.\. = |||||| | `( ` ``\|\)\ ( ;.__| _,-'_,' =//. ==> _7)< |||||| |`` , ` * "") ___\ _,--'_,-' //_(7__/) ////\ |||||| |``` \___.--' \_"""_,--' <*)_//'"" )/_/-"""":|||||,""""(("-._/ | """" ) ( _(-' _.---"\___,----. |||||| | ,' "`._ ,(( | ) ( \_/' ,' _"" "_ `.||||| |,"\\'--._) "._ \ \_/<. .>""( ( . .) )|||| |\\ \/,"\\ /`--._) <. .>|_/\| \/ ) \,-( \(||||| | \\)"\\ \) ||_/( ( | |\/ /, \ \ )\\(:|||||,()""""-.:| | \ `-\ | |__\/, :`/-`._____,-""_,' ctr:| |"""\___,""""""""""""""\(_,( (__,-"||---""""""; \---""""---------""""""""````/////))----""""/ ~~~\ ~///////~ ~/~~~~~ \ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ /~~~~/ ~~/ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pnina, age 3 1/2, loves to read. Among other things, she is very familiar with the Torah (first five books of the Bible). The week that the story of Noah was read in synagogues, it was cloudy out. Pnina looked up and said that there were gray clouds, so it was going to rain for 30 days and 30 nights. Her mother Brandel suggested that she reread the story. Pnina replied, "No, for 10 days less! God promised that he wouldn't do that again!" -- Brandel of Jerusalem, Israel Ginger was walking with her great-nephew Jordan, 5, to visit the home of a relative. They told Jordan his aunt was probably in Minnesota. Jordan said, "Why do they call it Minnesota? Is it because they have a lot of many sodas?" -- Ginger Thomson of Waterloo, Indiana Several years ago Shirley worked for a dental laboratory making deliveries of dentures and other supplies. One day some young children saw her carrying a box into a dentist's office. One of them asked her what was in the box. When Shirley said, "Teeth," the response from the child was, "Oh, you must be the Tooth Fairy!" -- Phyllis Myers (sister-in-law of Shirley) of Indiana : : : : : : : : : : .' : _.-" : _.-" '. ..__...____...-" : : \_\ : : .--" : `.__/ .-" _ : / / ," ,- .' (_)(`,(_,'L_,_____ ____....__ _.' "' " """"""" """ cgmm Sally and her husband are in the process of adopting their granddaughter, Danyelle. As part of the process they went for fingerprinting. The technician was reading the vital statistics from a paper and typing them into the computer. "Hair color? Eye color?" The technician turned to Sally's husband and asked, "6 feet?" Danyelle quickly interrupted, "He doesn't have six feet. He only has two feet." -- Sally Morris of Wellington, Florida Nathan, 2, stays with Linda and her husband on weekends. Daddy is a volunteer firefighter so needless to say Nathan loves anything to do with firetrucks and he even sleeps at his grandparents' house in a firetruck bed. His grandmother, Linda, had put him to bed and a while later she thought she heard him get up. She went to check on him and he was sound asleep. She adjusted his blankets and was getting ready to walk out of the room when she heard in this very soft, sleepy voice, "beep beep beep, firetruck, beep beep." (The beep beep beep is the back up noise they make.) A true future firefighter! -- "Grammy" Linda Davis of California, Pennsylvania Mackenzie, 6, was being picked up at school by her mother. Mackenzie saw a lawman picking up his little boy. Mackenzie asked her mother, "Why are the lawmen here?" Her mother said, "They are picking up their kids." Mackenzie asked her mother, "You mean lawmen have youngens?" -- Myrle Brown (grandmother of Mackenzie) of Georgia || || || || || || _ /\ || /\ _ / X \.--./ X \ /_/ \/` `\/ \_\ /|(`-/\_/)(\_/\-`)|\ ( |` (_(.oOOo.)_) `| ) ` | `//\( )/\\` | ` ( // ()\/() \\ ) ` ( \ / ) ` \ / Eeek! ` ` NDT. Taylor was riding along in the car with her mom singing a song that went like this..."Little Ms. Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her turds and way!" Taylor's mom told her that it was kurds and way. Taylor then put her hands on her hips and said that "Maw Maw" told her it was "turds and way" and Maw Maw is always right! -- Cristy Hazelwood (Taylor's mom) of Peterstown, West Virginia Weston came home from kindergarten and asked his mother if dogs could talk. She told him no, they couldn't. Then he asked if they could talk on the phone. She told him they couldn't talk with or without a phone. He thought for a minute and then said, "Then why do they keep making us sing that song... 'Knick-Knack Paddy-whack give the dog a phone.'" -- Kas Quimby (grandmother of Weston) of Elma, Washington Savannah, 6, is usually known for cutting her own hair. This time she did things a little differently. She cut their cat Outlaw's whiskers off. When asked why she would do such a thing, she replied that she was just getting rid of the split ends! -- Susan Wilkinson (grandmother of Savannah) of Alton, Illinois _____________________________________________ | _________________________________________ | | |26.1.00 | | Z | | | | z | | Napoleon Bonaparte | | z .-------------------------------------. | | Z | ...and then, in 1808, he entered... | | | z | ... he ente... hez... zZzZzZzZ | | | '-,-----------------------------------' | | ___ _/ | | | | .´ __) | |_________________________________________| | ( /_ _(\ |_____________________________________________| ( _| > )) ( ( (---'-. (_ `)\-`` ) `/-/ ) \ ----(__.´--------------. \ \ \\_______________________\ |,------------------------' gnv While cleaning out drawers Doris ran across some old keepsakes including this poem her grandson wrote when he was 12. He is now 31 years old. I go to school and listen to teachers They sound a lot like preachers All I hear is do your math do your spelling and don't be bad or I'll start yelling It's bad enough to eat the lunch yes you know it I don't like it much But still yet I'm not a fool I'll just be good and go to school. -- Doris Reesor of Battletown, Kentucky Tatum, 5, and Kaelyn, 2, were visiting Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Ruben. The girls were playing in front of the house and being giggly. The next door neighbor's son Keeton, 6, came over and asked who the girls were. Brenda told them they were her granddaughters. Keeton looked at Brenda very seriously and said, "Now I know why your hair is white!" -- Grandma Brenda Motsinger of Grand Prairie, Texas ========================================================== O (_) _ )_( _ /`_) H (_`\ .' 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Let our choices be the type that lift up God and bring glory to His name. >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Chrristian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DAARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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