The Place Where You Are... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News Our friend Jo Ann sent us a new recipe I added here: Easy-Does-It Home Recipes - Under Desserts: Almond Joy Pie --- ...Sounds super yummy and easy to make! Thanks Jo Ann! -<>- Somehow I missed our Friend GloriaB's forward I made into a new page recently. I added her name as credit at the bottom of it's page here... Famous People! --- ...So Sorry to have missed it GloriaB. Thank You!! -<>- >Oh, did I happen to mention, I love Animations? Lately I've been spending hours and hours playing with dolls - animated dolls that is. I've been searching and collecting, listing, categorizing and uploading them. I have over 120 of these delightfully cute, well animated dolls now available on the web site here: Animated Gallery - under 'DOLL PAGE' So while I was going bug eyed working on all these, Guess what comes in to further bless my heart? --- More dolls! >HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press This super hot sizzler is from our friend Brenda. It came right on time to add to my recent doll obsession! These are not animated - however they look like they could be! Check out these beautiful dolls here... _._ _._ ///\\ //\\\ //. .|\||. .\\ //\_-_/_/\_=_/\\/) \/_) `\_ `\// /_| |_\| |\/ \\___// \___/\ /\) \/ \ /_______\______\ |_|_| |_|_| jgs (__/__)(__\__) Porcelain Doll Art --- ...Most Exquisite and lovely! Thank You Brenda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: .-"''-. _ .' `( \ @/ ') ,--,__,-" / / \ / / _/ __| , |/ / .~ `\ / \ , | / .~ `\ ` / _/ _/ .~ `\ ~~`__/ / ~ `--'/ / / / / /' /jgs >A SILENT SENTINEL by Linda Strong I was recently called upon as a grandma for the very first time. My daughter had given birth to my first grandchild on January 2, 2005. She and her husband live about a three hour drive from us, and before the baby was a month old, her husband was scheduled to be out of town on business for several days. He didn't want to leave the two most important girls in his life home alone. Since I'd only seen this precious baby the day of her birth and one time since then, I was more than happy to go spend a few days getting to know this little one. I had also not spent much time alone with my daughter in the years since she left home to attend college, so I was anticipating the mother and daughter time together. As I watched my "baby" gently caring for and feeding her baby, there were many times tears began to well up into my eyes. But one night, there was no more controlling them. They weren't sad tears, but just the kind a mother gets throughout the life of her child. Those same tears that show up when her baby turns one year old, or takes a first step. These tears seem to be a lifetime part of being a mother. When my daughter was growing up she received as a gift from her grandmother, a large white teddy bear. This bear became a permanent part of her nights. She always slept with him, her arms wrapped around his plump middle. Leaving for college, the bear went along too. He sat on or near her bed in the dorm. Following her graduation, Mr. Bear made the move out of state, continuing to keep his place in the bed. After her marriage, we were amused to hear her husband joke that he never thought he would be sharing his bed with his wife and her teddy bear. She was so accustomed to sleeping with her arms around her little stuffed friend, he'd become like a body pillow for her. He could always be found during the day leaning against the pillows of their new king sized bed. Sleeping on the sofa that first night, I awoke suddenly. As I looked at the clock I realized that several hours had passed, yet I had not heard the baby awake for her feeding. This was unusual, since she was still nursing quite often. I wondered if she had not awakened, or if I had just been sleeping very soundly. Creeping to my daughter's bedroom door, I noticed that it was only partially closed. Quietly, I stepped inside to take a peek. There in the center of the large bed slept my beautiful redheaded daughter, still looking ever so much like a baby herself to this mom. Her arms were wrapped softly around her infant, who cooed quietly as she slumbered. Turning to leave, I made my way back through the open door. As I crossed the threshold, my foot struck something soft. Sitting there beside the door, a silent sentinel in the night, was the white Teddy bear. Crawling beneath the covers, tears streamed down my cheeks. In my mind's eye, I saw once again the baby, nestled in her mother's arms, having been the first to displace the bear. I concluded that the teddy bear has a new job at night, at least for now. As I spoke of my late night visit to my daughter the next morning, I was told that the bear would be passed on to her daughter -- when she was old enough, of course. -- Linda Strong ___________________________________________ Linda lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband and high school sweetheart, James. They have two daughters and one very precious, new granddaughter. As is evident by her email address, Linda loves cats and provides a loving home for several who were abandoned. -<>- .---. //"""\\ (( '_' )) _))-_-((_ /.-.' `\))\ /( " ) (, \ \)`"`() / / (___) (\/ | |` | | | | | | | | jgs | | """"""" >A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND by Anita Burney BECAUSE Just like a beacon, She is always there, Shedding love and understanding, And showing that she cares. BECAUSE She knows you at six, All giggles and smiles, She appreciates the silliness And loves you all the while. BECAUSE She knows you at thirteen, All awkward and unsure, She remembers a first kiss, And a first love, sweet and pure. BECAUSE She celebrates our strengths As we begin to grow, And graciously accepts advice When we tell her what WE know. BECAUSE She knows about the joy Of bringing forth new life, And understands the anxiety And uncertainty and strife. BECAUSE She will stand at the kitchen sink, With two spoons and ice cream, And listen into the wee, small hours As we question our life's dreams. BECAUSE Throughout all her life, A girl knows she can depend That there's always someone there for her, Her mother, her best friend. -- Anita Burney ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend KarenF :) _..._ .~ `~. / } \ _.'`~~/ {_,} -( ,'-,___.' .-. / |_ /| __| |__ / ` |_/ [__ __] / \ / | | / '--;_ | | _\ `\ | | / |`-.___. / | | ^^^jgs^^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >A WISH Today I wish you a day of ordinary miracles... A fresh pot of coffee you didn't make yourself... An unexpected phone call from an old friend ... The fastest line at the grocery store... A good sing-along song on the radio... Your keys found right where you left them. --- ...TeeHee! A Day in heaven! Thanks KarenF! ======================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: _..._ .~` ~. { \ \~~`'._ / )- {,_} '.___,-', |\ _| \ \_| ` \ \ / \ _;--' \ /` /_ \ .___.-'| \ ^^^jgs^^^^^^^^`--`'------`--`^^^^^^^ It's good to be saved and know it! It's also good to be saved and show it! >The Lift A Different Type of Prayer There's always two sides.... "Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and was rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with her children. Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can't make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for next semester. Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go shopping together. Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Open our hearts not just to those who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be slow to judgment and quick to forgiveness and patience and empathy and love. IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME, AMEN!" SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ========================================================= >-->From CupOfCheer: | . | "-._ || : '. `~~`~88`~~^`~~`~^88~^`~~`~~`~^~`. `> ' . 88' ". _ '-"88` . ` ' . | .' ,'~^~8^~^`^~~^`^~8`~~~^~~~^~`; ' .-' 8 8 \ ` : ` 8 8 | : | 8 8 || ' 8 8 | | : 8 8 `| . ' 8 8 | .' | 8 \ 8 | . \ 8 8 || : 8\, ___ ,/8 | \ 8 \\//"\\// 8 `| | .' 8 \('_')/ 8 | .' (8'---`-'---'8) | | ' " 8`"-. .-"`8 | : | 8###|===\###8 | .' jgs #####\ \ \### | \ \ \ | | : ' \()() | | . | ' " -'-"_'"-'_"'-_'"-_''_"-"-_"-\ \/' ' "-_ --"-"_'"-_""-_'"--"'_-"-'\\/.\\' / /". "'"-"-'_-"_-"-_"-"'_'-"-"_``"-`"_`'""-`''""' >HELP ME OVERCOME MY UNBELIEF Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:21-24 In the Gospel of Mark we read an account of Jesus healing an evil possessed boy. Here's the link to the passage if you are interested. Our focus today is on the conversation between the boy's father and Jesus. It is evident that the father was not fully convinced that Jesus could heal his son. True, he had some hope otherwise he wouldn't have brought his son to Jesus. But he was not very sure if Jesus could indeed help him. His doubt came out in the words he used like 'if', 'but', 'anything' etc. and Jesus did not miss noticing it. So, He asks the father, "(What do you mean) 'if you can' ?" and goes on to assure, “Everything is possible for him who believes.” The boy's father admits the slightest doubt he still has and pleads Jesus to help him overcome his unbelief. Jesus performs the miracle rebuking and chasing out the evil spirit from the boy, thus proving to the father, "Yes, I can!". In our lives also, though we are steadfast believers, we do struggle with some trace of doubt from time to time. We can't deny that. To us Jesus gives the same answer He gave to the boy's father: “(Why doubt?) Everything is possible for him who believes.” Are we ready to admit our unbelief and pray to overcome it? When we do, our help will be near... as seen in Coffee With Jesus --- ...See Also: Walking In Power -<>- __.....__ .-" "-. .' '. / _..._ \ ; .;//T\\;. ; | /////\\\\\\ | ; |////\\\\\\\| ; \ |/ __ __ \| / '. )\ ` , ` /( .' ///'.__=__.'\\\ ,_ _.-"`/`\__ __/`\`"-._ _, | \'-.___.-` / _"_ \ `-.___.-'/ | \ '-. | / | \ | .-' / '-. \ | ) | ( | / .-' \ '._ | /'.|.'\ | _.' / '._ `'. | .' / \ '. | .'` _.' `'. \ | / \ | / .'` \ '-\__/ \__/-' / '-..-| |-..-' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ("-.___.-") /'._ _.'\ jgs _.' `"""` '._ _,.-' '-.,_ ( \ _._ _._ _._ / ) \ '-'_ '-.-' _ '-.-' _'-' / '--' `'.___.' '.___.'` '--' >THROUGH A PRAYER Many wonder times unfair and find peace then through a prayer. Moments torment comes in phase in some segments of our days. Through a prayer your peace can be found in life and given free. Yet some moments time might show lack of prayer and feeling low. Let not sadness fill your heart. Through a prayer let Jesus start. Let Him help you find your peace Through a prayer of sweet release. (c) By Bill Pearce Oct 28, 2012 -<>- __________________ / _@___@___@___@_ \ |@/ \@| | | | | |@| ,;;;-, |@| | | /;/))))) | | |@| (;/ . .(( |@| .-;;;-. | | ):( > )) | | (((;(::(\ |@| (;)\ = /( |@| ).`\):):) | | )):) .'):) | | < (:(:( |@| .:(:\_(_)( |@| = `\:):\ | | /`::) `\ | | '--')(:(:) |@\_/___________\_/@| )(::)"( jgs \___@___@___@___@___/ .' (::)) / / ;;-` \/ / | >I’D BE HAPPY IF… Sharon Jaynes Today’s Truth “Don't be deceived, my dear brothers (and sisters). Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:16, 17 NIV) Friend to Friend Adam and Eve lived in a perfect world. All their needs were cared for. They had perfect communion with God and each other. They were “naked and unashamed.” The only restriction placed on them was that they were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil located in the middle of the Garden. God warned them, “If you eat of it, you will surely die.” As they basked in the light of God’s love, darkness slithered into the Garden with his plan to kill, steal and destroy the image bearers. And how did he do it? He did it with the most powerful weapon of all…lies. “Now the serpent…” The great deceiver clothed himself as a serpent and slithered up to Eve with a game plan to destroy God’s prized possession. He didn’t come with a sword, or a gun, or even a knife for his attack. He simply wielded lies. The serpent knew Adam and Eve would not buy into a radical flamboyant denial of God, so he slithered into the garden with a twist and a turn of the truth. He began by causing Eve to doubt... “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” (Genesis 3:1). Satan knew exactly what God had said. He was simply trying to confuse Eve. Perhaps he was evaluating just how well she knew the truth. He found out. “We may eat fruit from the tress in the garden,” Eve replied, “but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die” (Genesis 3:3). Bingo. She didn’t know the truth that well after all. God never mentioned not touching the fruit. That seems like a pretty good idea, but it was not what God said. Second he denied God and lied about the consequences of disobedience. Satan said, “You will not surely die.” (3:4). He didn’t even try to disguise the deception. He told a flat-out lie. And finally, he told her she could be like God: “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5). In other words, “God doesn’t know what He’s talking about. He’s holding out on you. You don’t need Him. You can be your own god.” Eve rejected the truth and believed the lie. She believed that she could be like god…in control of her own life. “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her.” And as she sunk her teeth into the forbidden fruit of deception and the lie slid down her delicate throat, the temptation settled in her soul and fermented into shame and condemnation. Her husband, who chose the woman over God, also felt the sickening rot of sin settle in his very soul. Suddenly shame and fear entered the world, and Adam and Eve hid from God like wayward children. All temptation is an attempt to get us to live our lives independent of God. Satan is not very creative, but he is very affective. And he has been lying to us ever since. Why? Because it works. Every one of his lies springs from the idea that happiness is just a decision away. Satan wants you to believe God is holding out on you. You can be like God. You can be your own god. Rather than being thankful for what we do have, he points out what we don’t have. Think about it. Eve had at her disposal every tree in the garden except one. Every one! That is a smorgasbord of goodness! But rather than being thankful, she bought the lie that the one thing she couldn’t have was the one thing that would make her happy. I would be happy if… Is any of this sounding familiar to you? It should. Satan uses the same tactics with us that he used with Eve. Ingratitude is the infection of Eden, and it is cured with praise. Eve believed the enemy’s lie over God’s truth. His plan worked. But what the serpent did not know was that God’s amazing plan of forgiveness and grace was about to unfold. Satan did not win the battle for man’s soul in the garden. Jesus Christ won the war on Calvary’s Cross. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” and then breathed his last, He made a way for all mankind to regain all that Adam and Eve had lost. Let’s Pray Dear God, help me to recognize the lies of the enemy. I am so thankful for all that You have given me. I commit, right now, that I will not entertain thoughts that “I would be happy if…” but rather praise You for all that You have given me: freedom in Christ, eternal life, access to You through prayer, salvation, redemption, and purpose. I love You and Thank You. In Jesus Christ's Name, Amen. Now It’s Your Turn When was the last time you said or thought, “I would be happy if…”? What does that thought imply? Where does true joy come from? The way we fight Satan’s lies is with the Truth. What is one lie he has told you and the truth that proved him wrong? as seen in Girlfriends in God --- ...See Also: In The Beginning -<>- To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ================================================================ >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) >The Place Where You Are _._ .' '. | / //\\\ \ | ( ( -\- ) ) | '-\_=_/-' // .-'\ /'-. (|/ / '-' \ / / | \__ __/_/\/ /| | |\ / \ / \ \ \ '-' `\/\ ; |/|\ | | | | | | | |_______| | | | \ | / jgs /=|=\ (_/T\_) The place where life happens is the place where you are. The place where you build success and achievement is the place where you are. You cannot change the places where you came from, and you've not yet arrived at the places you'll be. The place where you are is the only place where you can think and act and make life happen in the way you intend. If you spend your time wishing you were someplace else, then you lose the opportunity to get there. Instead, see the power and the possibilities of the place where you are, and tap into the real value of what you now have. If you fill the place where you are with worry, frustration, anxiety or anger, you put needless limitations on what you can do. Instead, fill this moment, this set of circumstances with joy, love, gratitude and enthusiasm for the positive possibilities. Give the best that you can to the place where you are. For your world is determined not by what you hope to do on some distant someday, but by how you live right here and now. This is the place where you are. Live it for all that it is. Ralph Marston --- ...Great Advice! Thanks Bunni! It all goes to positive thinking - Be thankful for what God has given you and helped you achieve in life. Like Jesus teaches us. He said... John 8: [28] Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. Make the most of what you have and keep working to improve yourself. Think Positive Think Happy Thoughts Thank You Lord! ================================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ __ / \ /| |'-. .\__/ || | | _ / `._ \|_|_.-' | / \__.`=._) (_ |/ ._/ |"""""""""| |'. `\ | | ;"""/ / | | jgs ) /_/| |.-------.| ' `-`' " " >YOU DON’T HAVE TO TELL ME TWICE By: Joseph J. Mazzella An early April snow had caught us by surprise here in the mountains of my home. Flowers that had just popped out of the ground a week before were now drowning in a sea of white. It felt like someone had turned back the clock two months. Slowly it grew warm enough for the snow to begin to melt in the late afternoon but soon the temperatures dipped again as the cold, evening air turned the melted snow into ice. Early the next morning I walked out to my cars. I needed to take my sons to school and then had a 30 mile round trip to make after that. I wondered which car to take. My little one had the better gas mileage, but the tires on my bigger one were less worn. Just as I took a step towards my little car, however, my foot slipped on a patch of black ice and I felt my body hitting the driveway. I got up slowly and smiled. "You don’t have to tell me twice God!", I said before heading over to start the car with the better tires. After dropping off my boys at school I made the round trip safely. I felt my car hit patches of black ice several times, but each time the tires gripped and adjusted well. I found myself laughing and grinning even with my still sore left hip and shoulder. I was happy I had followed God’s guidance and I felt loved and watched over. God’s loving guidance comes in many ways. You can hear its gentle whisper in your heart. You can listen to it come out in the touching lyrics of a beautiful song. You can see it in the wise passage of a book. You can notice it in an overheard scrap of conversation. You can feel it in the quietness of nature. You can even get it when you fall to the pavement of your driveway. However it comes to you, though, don’t turn away from it. Don’t make God have to tell you twice. Listen to Him the first time. Trust Him, love Him, and follow Him. He will take you to ever greater love, joy, and learning. He will keep you safe and lead you home. -<>- _,,,_ //_\\\\ ;/ \\\\; ( '7' ) ; _ ; \ _ / .---)_(---. /\\ <_> //\ ; > / \ <' _; | | | | | | _____| |\_|_|_/_ |_______ / / / / / /| / \/==/------, /==/ //| / (\( - / \\( //|| / / ~~~~ / // || / '------' // || /__________________________// || |-------------------------;; || || || | || |==|| || || || || |==||==| || || || ||jgs|/ / / / / || |/ || (__/ (__/ || || || || || |/ |/ >Joy Joy does not come about as the result of agreeable circumstances. Joy is, rather, a powerful and reliable cause of agreeable circumstances. There's no need to wait for things to be just right before you begin to enjoy them. Instead, enjoy what is, and that joy will begin to transform what is into what you would like it to be. Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to enjoy the best that life has to offer? It's not really because more good things come their way, but rather because they find and enjoy the good in whatever does come their way. Imagine how very much more effective your work would be if it was done with sincere joy in your heart. Consider how much more richly you could relate with others if you consistently did so from a perspective of joy. Rather than looking for something to be joyful about, look for things, for people, for situations to be joyful upon. Let joy freely flow from you and you'll find that there's always plenty of joy around you. Ralph Marston -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Attitude Is Everything Attitude Is Everything 2 Who Is Jesus Christ? Walk With Jesus! Christ's Life! Miracle Baby Thoughts Into Action Up Close And Personal Wall Mural Art 2 Romantic Castles Adam In Paradise Aww Animals 5 World Of Big Cats Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== .-"```'. / \ \ / / `\__/ | .' _ _| \(\ 6 6 | \ _\ | |\ `~`= `/ | '.___.' .'` \ |_ jgs '-__ / `- >The Courage to Tell the Truth Story Editor: by Karen Rudd Joyce Schowalter Washington, USA When I was seventeen in the late 1960s, my mother was stricken with colon cancer. She was given six months to live, so she asked my father for one thing, that we would all start going to church until the end. Shortly after her diagnosis, she asked our new pastor if she could be anointed with healing oil and prayer. She did not ask to be completely healed, only that she be given life long enough to see that all her children were safely on their own road to life. She became ill for the last time when my baby sister (who was eleven at the time mother was afflicted with cancer) graduated from high school. Seven *years* after her diagnosis. While she was hospitalized, I watched her mental condition deteriorate to the point that she began to get confused. Her kidneys were shutting down, so her blood chemistry was completely out of whack. Tumors had been found in her brain. Several days after she was admitted, I arrived for my daily visit only to have her question me angrily about not telling her the "real" reason she was in the hospital. She went on to explain that she was really in the hospital for her nerves, not because of her terminal condition. I didn't know what to do. I was twenty-four at the time, and had never dealt with someone dying of disease. I was paralyzed by indecision and fear. In the midst of all this turmoil, my brother arrived for a visit. I watched my mother start to tell him the same thing she had told me. My heart was pounding as I wondered how he would deal with her confusion. Calmly, he pulled a chair near her bed and took her hand. As he held it gently in his, he spoke softly, "Mother, you know you will not be leaving this hospital alive." Tears welled up in my eyes, nearly blinding me, as my mother covered his hands with her own, and in a moment of lucidity, she whispered, "I know." I stayed long enough to watch the two of them face her frightening future together. They spoke of death as an inevitability, instead of some far off enemy. He didn't know it at the time, but he was giving Mother permission to stop the war against her disease. She went into a coma that night, and two days later she died. I've never forgotten the courage I saw my brother summon that night. He had taken a difficult walk with my mother from her state of denial, to the peace of acceptance. That moment has been a life lesson for me. It has helped me to face my own mortality and the mortality of people I've known who've died since then. Perhaps my brother thinks what he did that day was nothing special. It was. Sometimes truth isn't pretty or pleasant, but it can set us free. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: _..._ (,-'-,) / `"""` \ | /_ _\ | .--.\( _ )/.--. / .' '-...-' '. \ | / _/|\_ \ | / | -' \|/ '- | \ / \__..-'-..__/ \ ( / \ ) '-'._/ \_.'-' / \ ( ) jgs \ / `'-._____.-'` >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY When Amy told her 4-year-old daughter that they were going to a baby shower, the little girl asked, "How do you rinse your hair in a baby shower?" -- Amy Cranford of Chestertown, Maryland Abby, 6, was with her Aunt Kristi while her mother was in Krogers. Abby asked if God made Krogers and Kristi said no but God made the people who made Krogers. Then Abby asked how God made people, so Aunt Kristi told her how God made Adam from dust and then made Eve from Adam's rib. Abby replied, "So you need dirt and a rib to make a baby?" -- Amber Lee (mother of Abby) of Logan, West Virginia When Sara, 6, was admitted to the hospital the nurse came in to take her vital signs and get her oxygen count. Bravely, Sara said, "OK. I know the routine." Then Sara held out her hand and said, "Go on and get my finger pressure." -- Janice Finley (grandmother of Sara) of Arab, Alabama -=====- -=====- _..._ _..._ .~ `~. .~` ~. ,_ / } { \ _, ,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/ \~~`'._ / ,--'/_, \'--,_`{_,} -( )- {,_}`_,--'/ '.`-.`\;--,___.'_ _'.___,--;/`.-`.' '._`/ |_ _{@} {@}_ _| \`_.' / ` |-';/ _ \;'-| ` \ / \ / | _ {@}_ | \ / \ / '--;_ _ {@} _Y{@} _;--' \ _\ `\ {@}\Y/_{@} Y/ /` /_ / |`-.___. / \Y/\|{@}Y/\|// \ .___,-'| \ ^^jgs^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`--`'------`--`^^^^^^^ Kathy was helping her son Justin, 4, put on his shoes and get ready to leave for daycare. Older brother Jarrett already had his coat on and was "patiently" waiting at the door. Justin, however, was having issues with his shoes. He told Kathy that they hurt his feet. "Be more specific," Kathy said. Justin replied, "You know, Mommy, on my big thumb toe!" -- Kathy Beasley of West College Corner, Indiana Madeline, 2, was spending the night with her grandmother. It was a work night so they had to go to bed early. They had been in bed about 15 minutes when Madeline started talking. Her grandmother told her not to talk because she was sleeping. Madeline leaned way into her grandmother's face and saw her eyes open and said, "No, you're not sleeping, Gammie!" -- Barbara Gocus (grandmother of Madeline) of Clackamas, Oregon The school district is building a new elementary school that triplets David, James and Grace, now 6, will attend, starting in the fall of 2006. They drive by the new school site each day on their way to kindergarten. Each day the children comment on the work that is going on and the progress that is being made. One day James noticed the "porta-potty" that had been brought in for the work crews. "Look, they are putting in the new school bathrooms!" he exclaimed. Then his voice changed, as he added, "Oh, but they're the toilets without the flushers!" -- Kathryn Bassett (mother of the triplets) of Indiana .-""-. _______ .-""-. .'_.-. | ,*********, | .-._'. / _/ / **` `** \ \_ \ /.--.' | | **,;;;;;,** | | '.--.\ / .-`-| | ;//;/;/;\\; | |-`-. \ ;.--': | | /;/;/;//\\;\\ | | :'--.; | _\.'-| | ((;(/;/; \;\);) | |-'./_ | ;_.-'/: | | );)) _ _ (;(( | | :\'-._; | | _:-'\ \(((( \ );))/ /'-:_ | | ; .:` '._ \ );))\ " /(((( / _.' `:. ; |-` '-.;_ `-\(;(;((\ = /););))/-` _;.-' `-| ; / .'\ |`'\ );));)/`---`\((;(((./`'| /'. \ ; | .' / `'.\-((((((\ /))));) \.'` \ '. | ;/ /\_/-`-/ ););)| , |;(;(( \` -\_/\ \; |.' .| `;/ (;(|'==/|\=='|);) \;` |. 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The 2-year-old figured out that if she punched "1" she would dial grandma and grandpa. One day Heather was not happy with her mother so she punched "1" and when her grandmother answered, she said, "Grandma, will you come down here and do something about your daughter? She's being mean to me!" -- Jimmie Lindabury of Auburn, Indiana __ {\ <__> {\ \ _)( _ { ~\ \ _______ //|! _.-'| {* \ \ <:<:<:>:> //||! | | { ~ * \ \(((//^^\ //|||! | () {* ~ \((((/ e e //||||! () { * ~ * |))))c o ) //|||||! {* * ////'_/~` //||||||! {~ * (((( `.`\ //|||||||! _ `{.~ ~ )))`\ \))_.-||||||! |`-._ _. `{ ~ *(() `\_.-'`|||||||! | | |=' `{.__.* `-*. ||||||||||! () | | .* ~ *.||||||||||! () () .*. * ~ *.|||||||||! .* . . *.||||||||! .* ~ * *.|||||||! .* * ~ *.\|||||! jgs .* ~ . *. `\|||! .* * . ~ * ~ *. :~~: ..* ~ * ~ *. .::::::. ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* .::::::::::. Rose Ann's friend is a first grade teacher. Recently a student told her, "I'm sorry you won't be our teacher next year. I hear you are going to expire!" -- Rose Ann of South Lyon, Michigan Casey, 7, was lost in thought one winter day as his father drove him home from school. Finally, Casey asked, "Dad, how many more months until Christmas?" His father replied, "Oh, about 11 months." Casey asked, "Well, how many days is that?" His father said, "About 340, or so." Casey replied, "Whew! I have time to straighten up before then!" -- Traci Walker (mother of Casey) of Lebanon, Tennessee ========================================================== _ "we are each of us angels with but one wing, _ *"_"* and can only fly by embracing each other" *"_"* /_ `\ _..._ _..._ /`_`\ |/ `-.| .' '. .' '. ( / \ ) \^_^/ / \ -Luciano Decrescenzo , / ')\^_^/( __> <_/ \ , \`--' .--. (_.> <._)` '-' `\ .---. '--`/ jgs '.__.' '._/ \_/ \ \.' '.__.' >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) >God Walks with Me There's times when life just gets us down And we truly feel God is not around The devil whispers in our ears And fills our heads, with doubts and fears No matter what we try to do He tells us we are "failures" too As vicious as a lions bite He "drains us of our will to fight To beat depression, to smile again We need to turn to God again. We feel defeated and so sad too It seems "Impossible" for us to do. Yet have you noticed when you are down Then other "Christians" come around It isn't just by chance, you know God "sends them to us", when we're low. He picks us up, through "Christian cheer" And reassures us He Is Near No matter what our problems be He's always close to you and me. So though our woes be small or large Our Heavenly Father "is still in charge" If you should ask me "how I know" "I went through this", just hours ago. I felt so "hopeless" and so down Yet now "I stand on solid ground" It wasn't God, who turned from me Yet by "His Grace" He's set me free. I pray, If nothing else I learn When I am down "To Him, I'll turn" My trust, in Him, is up to me For He controls My Destiny. Whatever God may lead me to He's promised "He will walk me through" I know I've learned and now I see I'll always know "God Walks With Me". --Author Unknown >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************