The Power Of Kindness... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ .-. %%%%,/ :-. % `%%%, / `\ _, |' )`%%| '-' / \_/\ %%%/`-.___.' __/ %%%"--"""-.%, /`__| %% \%% \\ \ / | /'%, \] | /----'. < `%, || `>> > || ///` jgs /( //( *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels For 2011 *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a 2011 Shangrala Angel, please visit the site and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL page comes up. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OUR ANGELS MOST ABUNDANTLY! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News: Friday my internet decided to go out around 2:00pm. It has been doing this lately but normally comes back after an hour or two. Yesterday I kept checking and finally gave up on it around 11:30pm. Thankfully, it is back on today. I hope it stays on too! ============================================================= >-->From Heartwarmers: ,_ ___ _, .---.| '. _.' , '._ .' |.---. / \`\\' :;: '//`/. \ |; |; \,_ ' _,/ ;| ;| |;. \_|\d| _ |b/|_/ .;| \;;. /\_ /"\ _/\ .;;/ ';;;. |//( ___ )\\| ,;;;' \;;;-"` \ \V V/ / `"-;;;/ \/ / )-( \ \/ | , / | | \ , | ; ;/ | | \; ; \ | | . | | / \ \ |;:;| / / '. ` /:;:\ ` .' |'.__/--.--\__.'| |/` | `\| / , | , \ | / | \ | || | || ;\ / \ /; \\ | | // \| | | |/ jgs / \_/ \ ( `-._ ) `-. `-; `\|`, \'._\ \/ ` >THEY FORGOT ONE THING... by Mary L. Motley About 30 years ago the only law enforcement in Miller, Missouri, was Marshall Shorty Johnson. He arrived in town from parts unknown when he was about 65 years old. He was about 5' 8", a slow moving, grey haired man. He lived in a small house one block from Main Street that he rented from a "widow lady." I think it had once been a one car garage. Shorty mowed lawns and ran errands for the local elderly ladies. There were plenty of widows who needed help. He could be found every afternoon, taking a nap, his chin on his chest, sitting in a metal lawn chair near the cash register in the one and only grocery store, Avon's. Shorty did not own a car but paroled on his riding lawn mower. It was rumored that he only carried one bullet. That was OK because there's very little crime in Miller, except for the time two robbers held up the Miller Bank located on Main Street in broad daylight. Marshall Shorty was walking into the bank as they were running out. While plotting their crime the thieves forgot one important thing -- they forgot to buy gas for their get-away car. The day of the great bank heist Gary and I were visiting my parents in Everton, a nearby small town with a population of about 400. News travels fast in small towns. Someone called my mom a few minutes after the robbery with the news. Mother was told the robbers were headed in our direction towards Springfield, the closest large town. Everyone stood in their yards waiting to see them go by. The only thing we saw was local farmers driving slowly by in their pick up trucks. Gary, being an AP reporter, and I drove to Miller to get details. When we got there we were told the robbers had run out of gas just a few miles out of town. They jumped out of their car and were hiding in the nearby woods. Various law enforcement agencies were hunting for them. I always liked to see all the action, so Gary and I drove out to the site of the hunt. It was dark by the time we got there. Gary got out of the car, locked his door, told me to stay in the car, and keep my door locked. I sat there alone in the darkness. About ten minutes later I heard someone walking in the gravel, getting closer to me all the time. It was so dark I couldn't see them! Someone reached their hand into the car and unlocked the door. It was Gary! He had forgotten to roll up his window. He scared me half to death. The bank robbers were captured the next morning walking on the highway hitching a ride. They were soaking wet, tired, hungry. They had spent the night before hiding in the woods in pouring down rain. They made one more mistake. They had hitched a ride with a highway patrolman. He was glad to give them a ride to jail. -- Mary L. Motley __________________________________________________ Mary is a great-grandmother from Louisville, Kentucky, and was a friend of the late Joe Edwards, a popular Heartwarmers writer. She is the author of a previously published story, Joe Cat, and says she "writes memoirs for my children and their children so they'll know how life was in the 'old days.'" ============================================================ >-->From Our Friend Linda :) .-""-. .-""-. .'_.-. | | .-._'. / _/ / _______ \ \_ \ /.--.' | | `=======` | | '.--.\ / .-`-| | _.---._ | |-`-. \ ;.--': | | .' / '. | | :'--.; | _\.'-| | / _/ \ | |-'./_ | ;_.-'/: | | / .-'` '. \ | | :\'-._; | | _:-'\ \.' | ^ _ ^ | './ /'-:_ | | ; .:` '._ \.' \ _ / \ / _.' `:. ; |-` '-.;_ ./ '.___.' '.` _;.-' `-| ; / .'\ | | _.' '._ \'| /'. \ ; | .' / `'.| .' `"---"` '. |'` \ '. | ;/ /\_/-`\ | | /-\_/\ \; |.' .| `; \ | | | | /;` |. '.| | / \.'\_/\ | :--"""--: | /`_/'./ \ | \| ; | ; |/) | | | | (\| : | ; |/ \ | ; | // \.'-.....-'./ \\ | ; | / `\ | |`/ .' / ;|: | \ '. |`| | /` jgs .-:_/ \_.-' .' / ' . : '. '. /`\_:' | \``` .' ; \ `: \ \ ' `'. .--'\ | ' ' . `-._ /`;--' /_.' . `-. | `--` / \ \ \ .' ' '-. | \ ' ' __\ | '. . _.-' `) / '-._ _.-' `| .-` _.' `'--....____.--'| (` _.-' / | | \ `"` \__/ \__/ >NEED WASHING? A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there, under the awning, just inside the door of the Wal- Mart. We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. Her little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, 'Mom let's run through the rain,' she said. 'What?' Mom asked. 'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated. 'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied. This young child waited a minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's run through the rain.' 'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said. 'No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm. 'This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?' 'Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ' If God can get us through this, He can get us through anything!' The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one left. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith. 'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just need washing,' Mom said. Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They got soaked. They were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing. Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories every day. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. I HOPE YOU STILL TAKE THE TIME TO RUN THROUGH THE RAIN. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Send this to the people you'll never forget and remember to also send it to the person who sent it to you. It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them. If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry. Take the time to live!!! Keep in touch with your friends, you never know when you'll need each other -- And don't forget to run in the rain! --- ...Awww, A sweet classic! Thanks Linda! -<>- ___ ,_ '---' _, \ `-._.---._.-' / | //. .\\ | | (/\ Y /\) | \ / `"` \ / jgs '._\) (/_.' | | /\ _ /\ \ / \ / (/ \) >This explains why I send emails. A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?' 'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked. 'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.' The man gestured, and the gate began to open. 'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked. 'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.' The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book. 'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?' 'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.' 'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog. 'There should be a bowl by the pump,' said the man. == == <^\()/^> <^\()/^> \/ \/ \/ \/ /__\ . ' . /__\ == /\ . | . /\ == <^\()/^> !_\/ ' | ' \/_! <^\()/^> \/ \/ !_/I_|| . ' \'/ ' . ||_I\_! \/ \/ /__\ /I_/| || -== + ==- || |\_I\ /__\ /_ \ !//| | || ' . /.\ . ' || | |\\! /_ \ (- ) /I/ | | || . | . || | | \I\ (= ) \__/!//| | | || ' | ' || | | |\\!\__/ / \I/ | | | || ' . ' * || | | | \I/ \ {_ __} | | | || || | | | {____} _!__|= || | | | || * + || | | | || |__!_ _I__| ||__|__|__|_|| A ||_|__|__|__||- |__I_ -|--|- ||--|--|--|-|| __/_\__ * ||-|--|--|--||= |--|- | | || | | | || /\-'o'-/\ || | | | || | | | |= || | | | || _||:<_>:||_ || | | | ||= | | | |- || | | | || * /\_/=====\_/\ * || | | | ||= | | | |- || | | | || __|:_:_[I]_:_:|__ || | | | ||- | | _|__| ||__|__|__|_||:::::::::::::::::::::||_|__|__|__|| |__|_ -|--|= ||--|--|--|-||:::::::::::::::::::::||-|--|--|--||- |--|- jgs|- || | | | ||:::::::::::::::::::::|| | | | ||= | | ~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~ They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree. 'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked. 'This is Heaven,' he answered. 'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.' 'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's Hell.' 'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?' 'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.' Soooo. Now you see, sometimes, we wonder why friends keep forwarding stuff to us without writing a word. Maybe this will explain it. When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch, guess what you do? You forward emails. When you have nothing to say, but still want to keep contact, you forward jokes. When you have something to say, but don't know what, and don't know how - you forward stuff. A 'forward' lets you know that you are still remembered, you are still important, you are still cared for. So, next time if you get a 'forward', don't think that you've been sent just another forwarded joke, but that you've been thought of today and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send you a smile. You are welcome at my water bowl anytime!! --- ...Ditto! Thank You Linda for thinking of us! -<>- -=====- _..._ .~ `~. ,_ / } ,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/ \'--,_`{_,} -( '.`-.`\;--,___.'_ '._`/ |_ _{@} / ` |-';/ _ / \ / | _ {@}_ / '--;_ _ {@} _Y{@} _\ `\ {@}\Y/_{@} Y/ / |`-.___. / \Y/\|{@}Y/\|// ^^^jgs^^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >10 Beautiful Thoughts 1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout. 2] Why is a Car's WINDSHIELD so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on. 3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write. 4] All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either. 5] Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold! 6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end! 7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities. 8] A blind person asked St. Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!" 9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, And sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. 10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES, it takes away today's PEACE. --- ...Yes And may add to tomorrow's sorrows! Thanks Linda! -<>- , _/ \_ _,--. < , > .-'.' /(/.\ .' .' .""". `/ ` / / / \ /) ; ; ,_.;._ _;-'}/ | | '. )( /' | | /'-._/\_.-' ; ; \_.' \ , \ \ / | _.'/ '. `'-\ /.-/.;,\ '-._ `"""""`_.|`"""`| jgs `"("\/")` |# | \(_/ `-...-' >Might need to get the tissues out for this ..... This summer, Philips and director/producer Ridley Scott launched a global film making competition dubbed "Tell It Your Way" following its Cannes Lions award-winning short-film project "Parallel Lines." The entrants were given freedom of expression and could take up any theme they wanted. There were two strict rules— The dialogue could be precisely six-lines (as it was in the ‘Parallel Lines’ films), and entries could not exceed three minutes. Here's the prize-winning entry in Philips' "Tell It Your Way" competition. Easy to see how it impressed and touched the judges. Watch it here: --- ...Yep, Tissues needed! So heartwarming. Thanks Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Laugh And Lift: __ {\ <__> {\ \ _)( _ { ~\ \ _______ //|! _.-'| {* \ \ <:<:<:>:> //||! | | { ~ * \ \(((//^^\ //|||! | () {* ~ \((((/ e e //||||! () { * ~ * |))))c o ) //|||||! {* * ////'_/~` //||||||! {~ * (((( `.`\ //|||||||! _ `{.~ ~ )))`\ \))_.-||||||! |`-._ _. `{ ~ *(() `\_.-'`|||||||! | | |=' `{.__.* `-*. ||||||||||! () | | .* ~ *.||||||||||! () () .*. * ~ *.|||||||||! .* . . *.||||||||! .* ~ * *.|||||||! .* * ~ *.\|||||! jgs .* ~ . *. `\|||! .* * . ~ * ~ *. :~~: ..* ~ * ~ *. .::::::. ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* ~~* .::::::::::. >Getting Our Bragging Rights Right (By Rev. Kerry S. Doyal, Kingsport, TN) [Edited] "...What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" 1 Corinthians 4:7 NIV Those are two good questions. Ones that correct and sharpen our focus and perspective. Check 'em out again. . . They remind us that any ability, skill, talent, gift, endowment, blessing or advantage we have is a "gracin" from God. A gift - undeserved through & through - from our lovin' Lord. Yet, we act as if who we are & what we can do is solely of us. Yes, we may have worked diligently to develop our abilities. And yes, we may have applied ourselves to get where & what we have. BUT - even the ability to apply diligence, spunk, moxy and even elbow grease is an enablement of the gracious Almighty. So kudos to any and all who work hard to make something of themselves. YET, all due proper respect, regard and credit should point Heavenward. I guess that why we call the gifted just that..."gifted"?! Let us remember to give credit and thanks to WHOM it is ultimately due. --- _______ / /_ / -/- / / / / / / /_______/ / jgs ((______| / `"""""""` ...Yes, I like to think of this... James 1: [17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. This verse tells us that no matter what the thing or item is, if it is good and perfect, it is from the Father of Lights - God Almighty. 1 John 1: [5] This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Not only is God light but He is the Father of lights unlike the devil who is darkness... Ezek.28: [15] Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. He did not just give the perfect and good gift to this person or that person - there is 'no variableness' - no body singled out for special treatment everybody gets the same thing - And 'no shadow of turning' - meaning God isn't going to take it away - Why? Because He is unchangeable. It is the devil who takes them away. It is the devil who corrupts God's good gifts. He lies, steals, and destroys all your good things from God that he can. The devil hates people. No matter what he may say or do, he doesn't like you at all. If he pretends to like somebody, you can bet he will turn on that person just as soon as that person is no longer of any use to him. Why? Because in truth, he hates them. You didn't get that fine car, nice house, good clothes, yummy food to eat, clear clean water to drink, medicine to help heal you better, AC or fan to keep you cool, and heater to keep you warm because the devil was nice and made them available to you just because he loves you. No. God made all these things available for the sake of all people so they may live a comfortable and long life. Why? Because God loves you. People may not all have access to the best that God has available for mankind, but God made it available. It is up to each person to overcome the devil's evil to get it if it is not readily available to them. This is the devil's world. Adam and Eve gave it to him at the time of their fall. God does His best to bless us any way. Jesus wasn't living with blinders on. He knew what was going on. He told his disciples this... Mark 14 [7] For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. The world shall always have the poor. The bible says so. But I love this, Jesus tells them you will always have the poor people to do good for them whenever you want to but you only have me for a little while! Why did he tell them this? Check out the whole story: Mark 14: [3] And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head. [4] And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? [5] For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her. [6] And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. [7] For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. [8] She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. [9] Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. Also note that Jesus didn't say that they MUST take care of the poor. He said "whensoever ye will ye may do them good". It is up to you. According to your own feeling coming from your heart. God knows if you give from a feeling of being forced to. But if you give from the heart then that is when it matters to God and you gain what I like to call 'brownie' points with God. 2 Cor.9: [7] Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. -<>- >The Laugh Words of wisdom from and about employers: "We are going to continue to have meetings, everyday, until I find out why no work is getting done." "I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame it on you." "The beatings will continue until morale improves." "We passed over a lot of good people to get the ones we hired." "What you see as a glass ceiling, I see as a protective barrier." "When I started working for myself, I found my new boss was an idiot, also ... but at least I respect him." "Some people climb the ladder of success. My boss walked under it." "I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression your input would have any effect on my decision for the outcome of this project!" "I see you've had no computer training. Although that qualifies you for upper management, it means you're under-qualified for our entry level positions." "We're only hiring one summer intern this year and we won't start interviewing candidates for that position until the boss' daughter finishes her summer classes." SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ================================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: _..._ ,;;;;;;;;;, / _,' _ \ | \ - - / | \_> - <_/ ,__.-"""-.-`. .'-.-"""-.__, '-. /_.'-.-'._\ .-' \_ / .-.-. \ _/ './ \/|/ \|\/ \-' | | | | \__.' '.__/ | | | | | | | | | | jgs \__,_,__/ >Be a Good Steward 12 small things you can do to improve the planet By Matthew Sleeth, M.D. Wilmore, Kentucky 4 Things You Can Do Today 1. Pick up and throw away any trash you see on the ground. 2. Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth and shaving. 3. Give something away. 4. Spend at least 10 minutes quietly in nature (it’s okay if that means your backyard or your town park). 4 Things You Can Do This Week 1. Take a day of rest—no shopping, no working, no driving. 2. Recycle everything you possibly can. 3. Change at least some of the light bulbs in your home from incandescent ones to compact fluorescents. 4. Air dry your laundry on a clothesline. 4 Things You Can Do This Month 1. Stock up on cloth shopping bags to kick the paper habit. 2. Talk to your school or workplace about using recycled paper in the printers. 3. Donate clothes you haven’t worn in the past year. 4. Install low-flow showerheads in your bathroom. Matthew Sleeth is the author of Serve God, Save the Planet. For more information, visit, -<>- .--,.-, /.-',\:.\ .===. ,;;,;;, /; \\:.\/ _) ;;;;;;;;; |' \\:( _,`'> ';;;;;' |; \\(_/ ._= ';' |; ;/ /`|\ /, _/ |-' `\ /; __//( \_,;;,;;, |; __/ / \ /);;;;;;) | _/|/ / \/`';;;;;' ,;;,;;, |/ / ( ';' ;;;;;;;;; ( .-, \ ';;;;;' ) /`\ ) \ ';' '._/|/| |.' jgs _// \| | / || |/ / | `\| ' >The Power of Kindness After having just lost his bride of 42 years, a reader named Bob wrote to tell me how deeply important it's been to him to be the beneficiary of grand and spontaneous acts of kindness of strangers. In one case, he was overcome with emotion and began to cry while making copies of all the notes of love and support he received. Seeing his pain, a young woman hugged him until he regained control. Weeks later, he was at a restaurant alone and began to cry when he thought about his wife. A waitress sat beside him and held his hand. As long as there are people like that in the world, Bob concluded, there's still hope. The great musician Pablo Casals said, "Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he acts on it and listens to it, he is giving a great deal of what the world needs most. It is not complicated, but it takes courage. It takes courage for a person to listen to his own goodness and act upon it." Poet William Wordsworth put it another way, declaring that the best portions of a good person's life are "little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love." And novelist Henry James said, "Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." Think how much better the world would be, and how much more gratifying your life would be, if every day each of us set out to lighten the life or brighten the day of another with simple kindness. This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts. -<>- _ _ / \ / \ _|_0/-\0_|_ / " \ \'-._____.-'/ .--.'._ _.'.--. | \/ \/ | | / \ | ___\ / / \ \ /___ \__ ( \__ __/ ) __/ /__ |\ _/_ /| __\ jgs |_/ /_/\_\ /_/\_\ \_| >KEEP SWIMMING!! Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl. One was an optimistic soul. But the other took the gloomy view. "We'll drown," he lamented without much ado, And with a last despairing cry, He flung up his legs and said "Goodbye." The other frog said with a steadfast grin, "I can't get out but I won't give in, I'll just swim around 'till my strength is spent, Then I'll die the more content." Bravely he swam to work his scheme, and his struggles began to churn the cream. The more he swam, his legs a flutter, the more the cream turned into butter. On top of the butter at last he stopped, and out of the bowl he gaily hopped. What is the moral? It's easily found... If you can't hop out, keep swimming around! -<>- _______ |#######| _|#######|_ '--(o)-(o)--' / " \ /\'---'/\ /| (>o<) |\ // \ / \\##, /|\ / /^\ \ /|\'# / .' '. \ '#, \ ( ) / '#, / | | \ '#, jgs / | | \ '#, '-'-' '-'-' '# >Enough is enough What does it take to make you happy? How much must you have to be grateful? To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of old shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would be happy being barefoot. This leads to the ancient insight: If you want to be happy, count your blessings, not your burdens. Measure your life by what you have, not by what you don’t. Yet in our modern world where we’re continually exposed to endless increments of more and better – others with more money, better TVs, and bigger houses – this is very difficult. For some people, the pleasure of having something good is drained as soon as they see someone else with something better. Our sense of contentment is created or destroyed by comparisons. A life consumed with unfulfilled wants is an affliction. The antidote is understanding the concept of "enough." Start by thinking more clearly about the difference between your needs and your wants, between sufficiency and abundance. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more and striving to fill our lives with things and experiences that give us pleasure, so long as we don’t believe we need whatever we want. When we think we need what we really only want, we make our desires preconditions to happiness, thereby diminishing our ability to appreciate and enjoy what we do have. It’s easy to think that happiness is achieved by getting what we want when it’s really a matter of wanting what we get. In the end, enough is enough --Michael Josephson -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Jump Kayak Kidnap Take Two Amazing Child Americas Funniest Home Videos Bad Flight Feather Painting Art Awww Animals 4 VOLKNER MOBIL RV! Hand Painting Art Our Valuable Anchor Are Angels Real Signs You're Having A Bad Day Chinese Olympic Cuisine Wild Bear Farm Visit our site at If you are looking to join any of our other fine e-zines visit ================================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: ' . ' . . . : . . '. ______ .' ' _.-"` `"-._ ' .' '. `'--. / \ .--'` / \ ; ; - -- | | -- - | _. | ; /__`A ,_ ; .-' \ |= |;._.}{__ / '-. _.-""-|.' # '. ` `.-"{}<._ / 1938 \ \ x `" ----/ \_.-'|--X---- -=_ | | |- X. =_ - __ |_________|_.-'|_X-X## jgs `'-._|_|;:;_.-'` '::. `"- .:;. .:. ::. '::. >WHERE I'M FROM by Carla Stewart I am from endless sky, long hot summers, Rainbow bread and rabbit-eared television. From Nehi orange and cinnamon rolls hot from the oven. I am from a cracker box house, gray-shingled, single bathroom, and three sisters giggling as the breeze riffles the bedroom curtains. From prairie grass bent in the wind, horny toads, and rainbows after a hailstorm. I am from hopscotch on sidewalks, skate keys, and limbo under the broom handle. >From lilac bushes, fingers black from cherry picking, baby chicks, and playing nursemaid to orphaned bunnies. I am from the land of pump jacks nodding against a purple and scarlet sunset, the noonday whistle, daddy leaving for the graveyard shift. I am from Mike and Pat, supper at six o'clock, Avon calling, and pennies saved for a spinet. From German prayers at Thanksgiving, grandpa's whiskey jug, and Granny's rice pudding. I am from second pew on the right, Easter bonnets, Just As I Am, and baptismal waters. I am from No Man's Land, long stretches of time in the state of the Alamo, from Boomer Sooner and a college parchment stamped with RN. I am from keep your nose clean and to the grindstone, laughter around the oak dining table, the snap of playing cards shuffled, and a family of storytellers. From elbow grease and belief in the American dream. I am blessed and rich in family and love and grace. -<>- __ (___()'`; /,`.':/` jgs \\"--\\ >WOOF! (By Susanne Scheppmann) Proverbs 8:33-34, "Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." (NIV) Woof! I thought I heard one small bark. Not sure, I turned the shower off for a moment. No, I couldn't hear my little dog yapping. Jasmine is a twelve-pound black and white Shih Tzu and a yapper. If anyone knocks on the door, she goes crazy barking like a hundred pound Rottweiller. I turned the water back on, stuck my head under the spray, and reached for the shampoo bottle. However, a voice inside my wet head nudged me. You heard her bark. Something is up. A realtor could be showing the house! Our home had been on the market for almost a year. About once or twice a week, various realtors would bring a potential buyer to walk through the house. However, it was stipulated that they must call first. The "woof" replayed through my thoughts. Maybe Jasmine doesn't bark at people coming in anymore. Quickly, I turned the water off again. I jumped out on to the cold tile floor. To my horror, I heard voices. My bedroom door was wide open. I raced toward the door dripping water along the way. However, it was too late. The realtor along with a husband and wife previewed me along with my bedroom. They saw crisp floral drapes and soft beige carpet, and then they spied cellulite and flab jiggling toward them, reaching out for the blue tattered robe hanging behind the door. I almost slid into their arms as I crossed the wet tile. With wide-eyed shock, they scurried from the house without a word. I collapsed on a rug with laughter and tears. Jasmine came by to lick me dry. She looked at me as if to say, "Hey, I warned you, but you didn't listen!" Eventually my heart stopped pounding and my red face returned to its normal color. After the initial mortification, I began to wonder how often I do not listen when the Holy Spirit speaks to me. How many times have I shrugged it off as just my imagination? Jesus said, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:26 NIV). I need to learn to listen to His instruction and be wise, not to ignore Him as I did with Jasmine's first "woof." The next time I feel a nudge from God, I will remember my "woof" incident. I plan on listening and moving a lot more quickly than I did. I do not want to repeat the lesson I learned today. Oh, I never heard back from the potential buyers. I guess they didn't care for the preview. Reflections: Do I sometimes intentionally ignore God's voice? How could listening to the Holy Spirit help guide me each day? What does the term wisdom mean to me? "Dear Lord, how often have I not listened to Your voice when You warned me of something in my life? Today, I ask that You help me to listen to Your instruction and to be wise. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit to teach me. Let me become a quick learner. In Jesus' Name, Amen." -<>- .-""-. /.-'.'/`\ _&_ _.--"|( ;--`)( | // \\ .' / |e e/ ) / / \ \ / | )| ^ | ) \ // / \ \\ | /( )\-__/( )| /_/_/_\_\_\ | ( ;-'/__/\ ) / .-"-. | .' `/ '--'. /# \ | / /\ : _ _.---\ | | |.-.; :--.-(_/.____/.-""\___/"-. / \ / ~~/ /\ \{"=.______.="} /--. ; /___/_~~/ ; .--\"=...__...="} / \-/ `\______|/ \-.______..-; | /`| | \ | |||| || | /_ | |_______/ | |||| || | \_/| |-------' |--'||'--._|| | | | | || |> |______| |____________|._ || _..-;| | /___\ | `||() || |______ |\/|____________|jgs|| () (__) \__/ (__) () >THE POWER OF QUIET Gwen Smith Today’s Truth The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul (Psalm 23:1-3a, NIV). Friend To Friend There are times when laundry takes over my house. Piles build up, though I try to stay on top of them. Many of the clothes are clean and even folded, but not put away. That tricky put-away-part is always hard for me. Then there are the socks. Oh, the socks! They burden me so!! I’m half tempted to believe that a great sock nation exists, and that sock-soldiers are on a secret mission to destroy my testimony by driving me crazy! Divide and conquer. That’s what they do! Why can’t socks just behave? Why can’t they ever stay in pairs, and where am I supposed to put the socks that remain unmatched? (Insert dramatic sigh here…) Unmatched socks and folded-but- not-put-away-laundry tie me up in knots. I don’t like to admit it, but sometimes days go by before I make the time to put them away. Is it just me? I’ve come to realize that my days can be a lot like my laundry situation. At times they get piled up with “busy.” Sabbath gets squeezed out. Now, when I say Sabbath, I mean the priority of sitting before the Lord just to sit with Him … quietly … expectantly … to listen. Though I do include God in my days and breathe prayers throughout, when I don’t sit before the Lord – and exercise the spiritual discipline of being quiet before God – it seems that both old and new burdens can tie my heart into a frazzled knot. It had been one of those weeks. Knots. Knots. Knots. Then I finally remembered the power of quiet. As I sat in the cool still of the morning with a hot mug of coffee in my hand and the warming presence of God in my soul, the burdens of my heart began to drift away. Direction came. Joy resounded. Mercy rained. Peace … deep peace fell. It was when the companion of God’s Spirit had begun to transform my soul, my thoughts, my goals, and my day that I realized, as if I had slumbered half the week away … this is where they go! This is where my burdens belong! The old ones that I’ve written about time and time again in my prayer journal and the new ones that are just beginning to unravel from my heart. This is where they go! I just needed to put my continuous stream of life-burdens away like the unending piles of laundry! Then … order, soul order. Peace, compelling peace. Joy, divine joy. It all comes. I sat in wonder. Still. In His presence. Convicted of my failure to remember the power of being quiet before the Lord. “Of course this is where they go. I knew that. I knew that! Lord, forgive me. Oh, how I’m thankful for your daily mercy showers.” Jesus tells all who believe that we should go to Him. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). When our lives get too busy … when the laundry piles up in our homes and the burdens pile up in our hearts, we often forget the power of quiet. The power of being still before God. The power of listening, expecting, soul-pouring … receiving rest. His presence sorts souls and never leaves anunmatched burden. His presence never leaves and un-lifted burden. Hallelujah! What a Savior! Take some time to power-down and be still before Him right now. Remember the power of quiet as you exchange your burdens for His peace. LET’S PRAY Dear Lord, Your mercy is fresh each day, and Your grace piles higher than all my laundry and all my heart-woes. Thank You, Lord! I’m here. Please align my heart to Yours. Quiet me with Your love, direction, and peace today. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN When is the last time you sat and were still before God – with no music playing, no TV on, etc.? When we spend purposed time with the Lord, beautiful things happen. Look up Zephaniah 3:17 and fill in the blanks below: “The LORD your God is _______ _________, he is mighty to save. He will take ___________ ______________in you, he will _____________ you with his ______________, he will _____________ over you with ________________.” as seen in Girlfriends in God -<>- To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ============================================================== >-->From KidWarmers: /| , ,/// /| // // ,/// // // // // // // || || || || // // || || // // || || // // || || || || \\,\|,|\_// \\)\)\\|/ )-."" .-( //^\` `/^\\ // | | \\ ,/_| 0| _ | 0|_\, /` `"=.v.="` `\ /` _."{_,_}"._ `\ jgs `/` ` \ ||| / ` `\` `",_ \\=^~^=// _,"` "=,\'-=-'/,=" '---' THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY A number of years ago Bill was helping his daughter Kyleigh, 3, take a bath and wash her hair. They lathered it up and when she leaned back to rinse her hair, Kyleigh swallowed some water. She coughed and acted like she was choking. "What's wrong, Honey?" Bill asked. "I swallowed some water," she sputtered. "It's just bathwater - no big deal," Bill reassured her. "But, but, but," she stuttered, "I pee'd in it!" - Bill Johnson of Waterloo, Indiana Virginia's great-grandson James, 3, went with his mom to have some pillows mended on the sewing machine. His little hands were everywhere so his mother made him sit on the couch in the living room with his grandpa. James said, "Grandpa, my mom and Grandma just drive me crazy!" -Virginia Stout of Ligonier, Indiana Harold and Elizabeth were shopping in Texas with their granddaughter, Caylie. They were looking at some leather items made out of cowhide, and Caylie said, " Granny, look at all these things made out of bull hair!" -Harold and Elizabeth Wiese of Quitman, Texas Ann's neighbors had their second child when their oldest son Hylke was almost 4. Ann heard him playing in the back yard but couldn't see him because of the fence. She called to Hylke and asked, "How is your new baby brother doing?" Hylke answered, "Just fine. He's born, you know!" -Ann Antoon of Holland ___ _.-' ```'--.._ .' `-._ / `. / `. / `. : ( \ | ( \_ ) `. | \__/ '. / ) ; | (___: \ _/__/ ; : | _ ; .' |__) : : |` \ | / / / \ |_ ;| /`\ / / \ ; ) :| ;_ ; / / \_ .-''-. | ) :/ / .- ` .--.' / : _.----._ ` < : -'........'- `. `. `''''` ; `'-.__ ,' ``--. :'-------' jgs : : .' '. As Shari and her granddaughter Mallory, 4, stood on the front porch watching a very heavy downpour, Mallory started watching a big crawling snail with her dad. He was showing her it was alright to touch its back, and when she tried, he kidded her and said, "But you will turn into a princess." Mallory looked at him with her hands on her hips and said, "But I am already a princess!" - Shari Mallory-Maxa of Austin, Texas Cheyenne, 2, was with her neighbor Velda for the day. While inspecting the soil Velda was going to use to plant flowers, Cheyenne said, "Zelma, if you plant green beans in the dirt you will grow a bean stalk and I can climb on top of your house!" - Zelma Felter of Kendallville, Indiana Here is another story from Zelma, who was babysitting Cheyenne one day. Cheyenne was eating grapes and then decided to pour them on the floor. Zelma told her to pick them up. Cheyenne put the dish over them and said, "Zelma, you can't see my grapes because they are upside backwards!" Zelma tells this story about her granddaughter, Breann. Breann's mother was babysitting a 9-month-old baby. The baby scratched his ear and Breann's mother saw blood. Breann looked at the baby and said, "Oh, Jackson, did you have a heart attack in your ear?" Janet 's grandson, Hunter, 3, was in the pool with Janet. He was jumping off the diving board but grabbing onto a "noodle" in the water. Janet was holding it for him and said, "I don't want it to be too far out." He said, "Mimi, just one far out!" - Janet Stork of Kendallville, Indiana ,,,, )))) .-"";___ / _."` `; | (_.--""-./ \ | (.)(.)\ jgs ) \ // [ `]'-'\`] `""` ` Sophia, almost 2, told her mother she is scared of "robots, tractors and sharks!" - Nadine Kline of Kendallville, Indiana Pnina, 7, had never seen doughnuts before. Her big brother was making them from scratch and was about to fry the raw dough. Prina asked him, "Are you stir frying bagels?" - Brandel (mother of Pnina) of Jerusalem, Israel When Robin was teaching children she was taught to say "Tell me about the picture you drew " not "What is it?" A young boy shared a picture of a boy (himself) with his hand extended to the sides. In each hand stood a horse. When Robin asked the boy to tell about his drawing, he said, "My mother always tells me to hold my horses. That's me holding my horses!" - Robin Joy Houlgate of Santa Cruz California (When the story happened she was an NAU student teaching in Flagstaff, Arizona.) Haley, 3, was wearing a two piece bathing suit and her mother asked her to tell Grandma what she was wearing. Hayley happily yelled, "A zucchini!" -Donna Kensky (grandmother of Haley) of Fort Wayne, Indiana David has three older sons from a previous marriage. His youngest daughter Brittany from his second marriage was 3 when a lady asked her if Chance was her half brother. She immediately responded, "No, he is a WHOLE brother!" - Diane Mogg (co-worker of David Brotherton) of Plainview, Texas / , /\ \|/ /\ |\\_;=._//| \." "./ //^\ /^\\ .'``",/ |0| |0| \,"``'. / , `'\.---./'` , \ /` /`\,."( )".,/`\ `\ /` ( '.'-.-'.' ) `\ /"` "._ : _." `"\ `/.'`"=.,_``=``_,.="`'.\` jgs ) ( Ali's daughter was putting on Ali's 3-year-old grandson's shoes. She asked Jarrett if she should put on his socks and he responded, "No, just my toes!" - Ali Arnerich of Santa Rosa, California Cindy Lee was helping with a recipe from memory and wanted to add some Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, but she could not remember the name. She asked for Lee Ann Rimes sauce! - Carol Guise (grandmother of Cindy Lee) of Cashiers, North Carolina Anne walks in the morning and three day care moms walk also with their kids. One morning they stopped to talk to each other and Pam's 4-year-old twins had to give Anne a hug. One of them was misbehaving and when she was called out on it, she said, "I'm sorry, I didn't have my listening ears on." Wonder who she heard that from! - Anne of Cherry Valley, Illinois One night Carol and her granddaughter Keli, 7, were lying in bed pondering the big questions of the world, when she started wondering about death. She asked, "Grandma, when you die will you go to heaven?" Carol said, "Yes, I believe I will." Then Keli asked if Carol would meet her at the gate? Carol said, "Yes, if it is allowed. I certainly will." After a few minute Keli said, "Grandma, I am going to miss you when you die... Grandma, would you stick your head through the clouds once in a while so I can see you?" - Carol of California Sara asked Grant, 4, to perform a somersault because she hadn't seen him do one in quite a while. He replied, "Mom, I can't do a somersault right now because it's winter, not summer!" - Sara Lake of Albion, Indiana _..._ ___ .:::::::. `"-._.-''. , /:::::::::\ ': \ _._ \:-::::::::::::\ :. | /|.-' /:::\ \::::::::\:::::| ': | | / |:::| `:::::::|:::::\ ': | `\ | __ |\::/\ `-:::-|::::::| ': | .`\ .\_.' `.__/ | |::::::\ ':. | \ ';:: /.-._ , / |:::::::| :. / ,`\;:: \'./0) |_.-/ ;:::::::| ': | \.`;::. `` | | \::::::/ :' / _\::::' / / \::::| :' / ,=:;::/ | \:::| :' | (='` // / | \::\ `: / '--' | /\ | \:::. `:_|.-"""-. \__.-'/::\ | '::::.:::...:::. '. /:::| | '::/::::::::::::. '-.__.:::::| | |::::::::::::\::..../::::::| / |:::::::::::::|::::/:::::::// \:::::::::::::|'::/::::::::/ /\::::::::::::/ /:::::::/:| |::';:::::::::/ |::::::/::; |:::/`-:::::;;-._ |:::::/::/ |:::| `-::::\ `|::::/::/ jgs |:::| \:::\ \:::/::/ /:::/ \:::\ \:/\:/ (_::/ \:::;__ \\_\\___ (_:/ \::):):)\:::):):) `" `""""` `""""""` When Sara's boys ask for something but she doesn't want them to have it, she usually responds by saying, "That is nice asking, but no, not at this time." She had promised their two boys, Grant and Cole, an ice cream cone after supper for their super behavior at the dentist earlier that day. They were rushing around that evening, and she asked the boys if they could just have ice cream in a bowl that night. Grant, 4, quickly replied with his mother's own words, "That is nice asking, Mom, but no. We want our ice cream cone." Stella, 4, was flower girl and ring bearer at her mother's friend's wedding. During the ceremony, Stella turned to her mother and said, "Momma, when I get older will you marry me? But our wedding won't be so boring." - Suzy Payne (Nana) of Springfield, Oregon. Cathy keeps kids in her home and one of the kids bit another one. Nolan came running to Cathy and said, "Aunt Cathy, Cale is eating John!" -Cathy of Dillard, Georgia Christina was trying to explain to her 3 year old which way the shirt goes when there are pictures on both sides. He smiled at her knowingly when she showed him the tag in the front and said, "Just relax, jeez." -Christina Martin Blaskie of Rome City, Indiana Alton, 6, was discussing his future with his grandmother. Alton said when he is a dad he will have two kids. "The girl will be named Pickles Schlemmer," he said, "and the boy will be Bologna Schlemmer." - Diane Schlemmer (grandmother of Alton) of LaGrange, Indiana .-----. .' - - '. / .-. .-. \ | | | | | | \ \o/ \o/ / _/ ^ \_ | \ '---' / | / /`--. .--`\ \ / /'---` `---'\ \ '.__. .__.' `| |` | \ \ '--. '. `\ `'---. | jgs ,__) / `..' Janet told Emerson, 3, to pick his toys up in the living room and put them in the toy room before he could play the Wii. After Janet repeated her request several times Emerson turned around, looked at her and said, "You're the wife, you pick them up." - Janet Funk of Prairie Grove, Arkansas -<>- _.-"""-._ / _ _ \ / (9) (9) \ /_, ,_\ | \ / | _ \ \._____./ / __ \`\ \ \___/ / _| \ \ `\ /\ /\ \ / | `\/ /`'-----'`\ \/ / |_|\/ / \ / / /| |\_/ \___/ | | \ \ . | | \ \| | | | | `. .' | \ `-.___.-' / `\ | /' jgs `\ | /' .-.-.`\ | /'.-.-. (,(,(,`^ | ^`,),),) '-'-'-----`-----'-'-' >TEACHABLE MOMENTS Here are some helpful thoughts from about ways you can be your child's first and best teacher! Be careful about over-structuring your child's time with formal classes and activities. Allow time to "just be," to play, to explore, and to create. Check with your local YMCA for fun summer activities for the whole family. Swimming, yoga, running, and basketball are just a few opportunities available. Children develop gross motor skills and the whole family has fun together. Rainy day color mixing is amazing! Take advantage of a soft rain or drizzle for a fun color mixing lesson. Drop several colors of food coloring onto white paper plates. Dress in rain gear and head outside. Put the paper plates where the rain can hit them and watch as the colors run together to make new colors and patterns. Take the plates inside to dry before the rain washes all the color away. The activity can be done inside too using a spray bottle of water set on mist. For more great parenting information visit: ============================================================= ,_('--, (.--; ,--')_, | ;--.) .-. |.| .-. \|\|/ .-. .-.`\|/|/`_ `\|/|/` ' `^jgs`^^`^``^``^``^``^`` >An Unexpected Connection Story Editor: by PJ Rose Joyce Schowalter Wyoming, USA It was a lovely Passover Seder at our little temple in Wyoming, with centerpieces on each table sporting seasonal flowers in glass vases. After dinner, as we were helping to clean up, my friend Brian scooped up a few of the floral arrangements, and motioned for me to do likewise. Brian told me to follow him and we walked through a mild spring night to a nearby nursing home. It was quiet and dimly lit inside, with the residents apparently all snug in their beds. We carried the flowers to the nursing station, where my friend asked the nurses to distribute them as they saw fit. Never ones to pass up on a ready opportunity, we were chatting up the pretty nurses when we heard a squeaking sound behind us. Turning around, we saw -- complete with lace handkerchief in her sleeve and seemingly straight out of central casting -- a little old lady slowly wheeling herself our way. She was thin, wearing a blue dress, with stiff white hair, and tortoise-shell glasses with a beaded neck chain. Finally reaching the nurses' station, with an obvious effort she pushed down on the arms of her wheelchair until she raised herself high enough to place her face right up to one of the vases on the counter. After a deep breath, followed by a contented sigh, she slowly lowered herself back into her chair and said, "Ah, lilies. My favorite." We watched her wheel herself down the hall toward her room for a moment before turning back to the nurses. To our stunned surprise, both of the young ladies were slack jawed and bug eyed, with astonished looks on their faces. When they had regained their composure, one of them said that the woman in the wheelchair had not spoken aloud for more than a year, and was thought to have lost the ability to communicate! Who could have guessed that such a random act of kindness instigated by my friend would result in a breakthrough for someone? Indeed, a person who had been assumed by the medical staff at the nursing home to have been "shut in" for a long time? What had started as a small, kind thought by my friend made a huge difference in the life of someone who was thought to be beyond reach, as well as the lives of the other four people who witnessed a small miracle that April night. =======HeroicStories======= .--------. <<<<*>>>> .--------. / .-----. \ ,#####, / .-----. \ / /{{{{{{{`. \ #_ _# / .`}}} }}}\ \ / /{{ {{{ {{ ".\|6` `6|/."}} }}}} }}\ \ { {{ {{{ {{{{ {{;| u |;} }} }} }} }}} } { {{{{ {{{{ {{{{ \ = /}}} }} }} }}} } } { { {{{ {{{{{ {{{|\___/|} }} }} }}}} }} } { {{{ {{{ {{____/: :\____}}}}}} }}} } { {{{{.'"""`.-===-\ /-===-.`"""'.}} } } { {{{/ ""-.-"" \}}} } jgs \ \/' '\/ / "It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn't in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals." -- Charles Kuralt >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************