The Right Side And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ (( "####@@!!$$ )) `#####@@!$$` )) (( '####@!!$: (( ,####@!!$: )) .###@!!$: `##@@!$: `#@!!$ !@# `#@!$: @#$ #$ `#@!$: !@! 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We do so Value Your Thoughtfulness! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: ( .===. /-=(o=`. | ,__.-"`` _/ : | _..--""` : | .-" : ' : | ." : : ; ." : : / _,.-" : . : / `---'=-.,_;` ' ,=' `:=-=.=-=' jgs | /`| /` |(__|(__ `^```^``` >THE RIGHT SIDE by Jaye Lewis It was an innocent mistake. But sometimes innocence makes terrible mistakes. I was 17 years old and it was my first year on the farm. I saw a mother quail pulling a string behind her, parting the thick, green grass. I was charmed by her adorable headdress -- a little decoration, really, that bobbed as she walked along. I watched from the kitchen window, as she proceeded along in a straight, determined line. Was the string attached to her leg? Or did she pull it along in her beak. The string stretched back, a good six feet behind her. I just had to find out what was going on. I slipped out the back door, and I tip-toed from tree to tree, coming ever closer, for a better view. I could see, at one point, that she noticed me, cocking her head, just barely. That should have been warning enough to make me turn back. But my curiosity became unbearable, as I sought to expose her secret. I inched closer and closer, until I was right upon her. Taking my eyes off of the lady, I gazed straight down, right into the frightened eyes of a covey of baby quail! Stunned, I took a step back, and the babies began to scream! Each scream was multiplied by fifteen tiny, scurrying, scattering babies. They ran, flat out for the rhubarb patch! I figured I was in for a pecking from Mamma quail, and I stood stark-still. Then Mamma began this little dance. Suddenly her wing became "broken" as she fluttered and dragged it, ever approaching closer to my feet. She came right up to me, and she flopped like a wounded chicken, enticing me to take her, and not her babies. "I'm so sorry, little mother," I cried, backing away. She followed me all the way up to the back door as I slipped back inside, and only then, did she go tearing over to the rhubarb patch. With shrieking cries and flapping wings, she searched and called to her babies. My heart broke, as I watched her, helplessly wondering if she would ever find all of them. I never knew. How awful I felt. I knew that I had blundered onto something precious and sacred. A cruel unknowing had caused the real terror of innocent, living beings. It has haunted me for forty years, and it still bothers me. It occurred to me, recently, that there are many such blunders, in this life, that hurt others. That first rush to tell someone, how awful their new haircut looks. That irresistible urge we have to explain to someone with medical problems, how "Aunt Sadie died." And what about the things that we are not certain of? What about the times that we repeat the gossip we hear, just to feel a part of the crowd? How do we treat that new family at church? Do we grill them for information, and then dump them once we know everything? Or do we speak to them at all? And the new girl at work. Do we overcome our own discomfort so that we can help her over those first terrible weeks, when she feels new, and strange, and friendless? Or do we cling to those we know, comforting ourselves with the notion that we belong, never thinking about how uncomfortable it must feel to be a stranger? How we treat others says a lot about who we are. What we say about others, speaks volumes about what we are. The things we say about others, says more about us, than it says about them. I've been on the "inside" and I've been on the "outside," but the happiest times of my life are when I have been on the "right" side -- the side of sensitivity, acceptance, compassion and love. -- Jaye Lewis ___________________________________________ Jaye Lewis is a Heartwarmer Gem, who lives and writes in the Appalachian Mountains of southwestern Virginia. Jaye is currently writing her first book of inspirational stories, entitled "Entertaining Angels" which will include this story. Jaye says Heartwarmers was her first big break as a writer and says, "Thanks to all the Heartwarmers across the world, for their encouragement, kindness, and loyalty." Jaye can be emailed at ============ ,(()). ,;;;;. __ ________ _____ ___ ((_ _));'_`'_( _| __ __ __ _| _| _| __ __ () \ /)\ ) / (_|__ _|-_| _(_|(_|(_|__ _|-- ((\ O(() \ O / _____(_|(_|_____________(_|_ SSt >NEVER COLD AGAIN I attend SummerSongs, a week long songwriter's camp in the Hudson River Valley of New York, every August. There are about 60 students and a dozen teachers who help us to hone our writing, singing, performance and musical skills. People come from all over the country to attend. I always come away feeling renewed both musically and spiritually. The second day of classes I ran into Beth, who was looking very sad. When I asked what was wrong, she told me that her grandfather had died the day before camp started and that she had to return home that evening for his funeral the next day. Her plans were to come back to camp after the funeral. The reason that she did not cancel camp altogether was that she knew that her grandfather would have wanted her to go. Every evening, we have something called "Coffee House", where people can sign up to perform one song for their peers. Although it does not get started until about 10pm, most everyone tries to attend because the talent is so good and also to support each other. On the night that Beth returned from the funeral, I was surprised to see that she had added her name to the roster to perform. When it was her turn, she got up and explained that the song she was going to sing was written about her grandfather and that she wanted to do it in memory of him. He had fought in WWII for the 101st Airborne and had been in the Battle of the Bulge. The song title is "Never Be Cold Again". It's about how cold it was in the freezing trenches in Belgium. Beth did her very best to make it to the end of the song, but as she got to the last chorus she broke down. With tears streaming down her face she heard her new SummerSong friends sing that last chorus for her... "He'll never be cold again. He's got layers on from end to end. He'll keep his fears and tears at bay By never having much to say." There was silence, for a moment, then a thunder of applause. There was not a dry eye in the room. I felt blessed to be a part of that sacred moment. -- Fran Stone ___________________________________________ Fran says, "I am a nurse, Healing Touch Practitioner and a singer/songwriter living in South Florida. Beth Smolko wrote the words and music to the song, and I share this story with her permission." You can learn more about SummerSongs, the camp for song writers, at: ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend KarenF :) .-'\ \:. \ |:. \ /::' \ __/:::. \ _.-'-.'` `'.-'`'._\-"`";.-'-, .`; : : : : : `. / : : : : \ / :/\ : /\ : : \ ; : /\ \ : : /\ \ : ; . : / \ \ / \ \ . ; /_)__\ \ : :/_)__\ \ : ; ; `-----`' : , :`-----`' ; | : : / \ : : | | / \ \ : : | | : : /___\ \: : | | : : `----`' : | ; |;-.,__ : : __.-'| : ; ; : || \ \``/'---'\`\` / || ; . : \\ \_\/ \_\/ // ' . ; \'._ /\ /\ _.-'/ : ; \ : `._`'-/ /\._./ /\ .' : / `\ : `-.\/__\__\/_.;' : /` jgs `\ ' : : : : /` `-`.__` : :__.'-` `-..`.__.'..-` >It's Pumpkin Time! Pumpkins are gathered Stacked in a pile Look at those colors And look at those styles There are pumpkins aplenty Gathered from the fields Some for plump pies And some for a meal! We hollow and scrape And carve out a face Those pumpkins will decorate All over the place The shapes are amazing The colors intense Put them in dark corners For Halloween suspense Put them with the colors Of bright autumn flowers Put them in the yard Under fall rain showers Enjoy the season At pumpkin time The memories they bring Will last a life time! ~ Marilyn Lott ~ -<>- ______ _\ _~-\___ = = ==(____AA____D \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._ / o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o |\_ `~-.__ ___..----.. ) `---~~\___________/------------````` = ===(_________D -Roland >The Pilot A priest was on a long flight home after a Church Conference. The first warning of approaching problems came when the 'Fasten Your Seat Belts' sign flashed on. After a while a calm voice said, "We shall not be serving beverages at this time as we are expecting a little turbulence. Please make sure your seat belt is fastened." The priest looked around the aircraft and saw that many of the passengers were becoming apprehensive. Later, the voice on the intercom said, "We are so sorry that we are unable to serve meals at this time… The turbulence is still ahead of us." And then the storm broke. The ominous cracks of thunder could be heard even above the roar of the engines. Lightning lit up the darkening skies, and within moments that great plane was tossed around like a cork in a celestial ocean. One moment it was lifted on terrific currents of air, the next it fell as if about to crash. As the priest looked around he could see that nearly all the passengers were alarmed - except one little girl! She sat calmly, feet tucked under her, looking at pictures in a book, oblivious of the turbulence around her. Sometimes she would close her eyes, and then she would go back to her book. The storm blew over. When the plane landed and the passengers were disembarking, the priest approached the little girl and asked her why she was not afraid like the other passengers. The little girl replied, "Cause my Daddy's the pilot and he's taking me home." There are many storms that buffet us…Physical, mental, financial, domestic and other storms that can darken our skies and throw us into turmoil. Like the little girl, let us always remember: Our Father is the Pilot. He is in control… He will take us Home… AND Our Co-Pilot is our Lord Jesus Christ! We have nothing to fear - Don't worry! --- ...Aww, so sweet! Thanks KarenF! ============================================================= >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >SCRIPTURES God knows where we are. Sometimes we forget this. Sometimes we even feel that God has forgotten us. He hasn't. God knows exactly where we are. So when you are afflicted with those forsaken feelings, when you are on the verge of throwing a pity party, thanks to those despairing thoughts, go back to the BIBLE. God says "I know where you are." Read Isaiah 41:10 Have you ever become overwhelmed with your own weakness and failure? Take a look at the cross and remember that God remembers. He loves you and has forgiven you. He is eternally committed to you. His covenant is unconditional! Read Romans 5:5 So many feel a need for affirmation. Does your self-esteem need attention? You don't need to drop names or show off. You need only to pause at the base of the cross and be reminded that the maker of the stars would rather die for you than live without you. And that is a fact. So if you need to brag, brag about that fact. Read Galatians 6:14 When we let God love us unconditionally at the deep level that we tend to become the person He really wants us to be. It is only when we feel His total Love for us that we are free to be genuine in all of our relations with others. This genuineness is what pleases God most. Read 1 John 4:18 As you and I see the snow give way to spring flowers and the summer's heat then give way to autumn's briskness, we are reminded that in back of the changes is the God Who never changes. The sun that always rises every morning and always sets every evening and the stars that always come out in the night, all reveal the Glory of God. God is good.... Read Psalms 89:11-13 We should rejoice every day we can live for God. Read Psalms 100:3 Just as God was faithful to preserve Joseph through thirteen years of slavery in Potiphar's house and Pharoh's prison, just as He was faithful to preserve the little baby Moses floating on the Nile God will be faithful to you. Read His promises. Read Proverbs 30:5 --- ...Thanks so much Bunni! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >My Two Cents... In my own life, I find God so totally amazing because of His ability in this day and time to care for not just a few of His alive in the Flesh children at one time but every single one of us every single minute of the time. What earthly parent can actually do that when they have just one child let alone millions? I used to think God was only there for me during the really emergency type times, but as I have grown and got to know God better, I have learned that if it is important to me, then it is important to God and He is there for me. We don't have to be close to death for God to answer our prayers or to help us. He's like the best parent there is was or ever shall be. Whenever we call upon Him, He is there. I liken God and Jesus Christ as the most greatest Dynamic Dual ever! They are the best! None are or ever will be better. When you need God. When You have any worry, fear, or even a small doubt or fear or problem, remember what the bible says... 1 Pet.5: [7] Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. This is a small verse. Easy to memorize and in so doing will help to remind you to give it to God - not just the big things but 'all your care' - God will take care of it! That frees you to do as God wants you to... Phil.4: [4] Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. You can't rejoice in the Lord if you are worrying and fretting over things. You need to be carefree - so cast those cares upon God - why? Because He careth for you! That's why AND Because... Eph.3: [20] Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Hey! He can handle it! EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL That you are able to even dream up - God is able to do - as long as you let Him do it for you! ============================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: .==,_ .===,_`\ .====,_ ` \ .====,__ --- .==-,`~. \ `:`.__, --- `~~=-. \ /^^^ ...always on the go! --- `~~=. \ / `~. \ / ~. \____./ jgs `.=====) ___.--~~~--.__ ___\.--~~~ ~~~---.._|/ ~~~" / >The Road of Life At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn't know Him. But later on when I met Christ, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal. I don't know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since. When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable it was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!" I worried and was anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer, and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure, and when I'd say, "I'm scared," He'd lean back and touch my hand. I gained love, peace, acceptance and joy; gifts to take on my journey, My Lord's and mine. And we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away. They're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light. I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it; but he knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten, scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ. And when I'm sure I just can't do it anymore, He just smiles and says... "Pedal." -<>- _ /_) (8_))}- . \_) '. .--. . , .-.-,_, : '. .' )`-.>'` ( '---'`; / `\ | . | | | _.' \ / / .' `=(\ /.=` ' `-;`.-' '._ `)| , ` ' ' ' ' ' || .-'| ,_|| \_,/ , \|| .' |\|\ , ||/ ,_\` |/| |Y_, '-.'-._\||/ >_.-`Y| ` ,_|| \|| || jgs || |/ >Farewell Summer by Bob Perks I don't understand why you have to go. Was it something I said? Was it something I did? I know we've been through this before. But it's different now. Back then, I was young and foolish. I'll admit I took you for granted. You came into my life and I never really appreciated you. When you left each time, I hardly noticed you were gone. Maybe because I knew you'd be back. You always came back. But now, more than ever before in my life, I need you. The last time you left me, I thought you'd be gone for good. I longed for the warmth of your touch. My world seemed dark and dreary. These past few months together have been glorious. I awakened each day eager to see you again. Never once did you let me down. Our time together along the shore was absolutely perfect. Our days together basking in the sunlight will serve me well as precious memories in the cold empty days ahead. The flowers you gave me were beautiful, matched only by colors of the blue skies, rainbows and sunsets. I would follow you if I could. But you know I must stay behind once more. Please promise you'll come back. But before you go, give me one last, magnificent day, then lay upon my lips a final kiss, so warm and tender. I will remember you, my friend, as I close my eyes and face the cold winter days ahead. You will be tucked away in a safe place in my soul, with the memories of the red rose, the sunflower, lilies of the valley, peonies, and yes even the dandelion. I will remember the sounds of laughter in the park, the fireworks after dark and the sweet smells of church picnics, ethnic festivals and fresh mowed lawns. I am getting too old to face the cold. But if God should grant me more time with you, you'll find me here waiting with open arms for your return, once more. Farewell... Summer! Bob Perks -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Our Valuable Anchor Choose His Children When You Pray Love Thoughts Play On Words Thinking Positive Who Is This Jesus? Bruno's Fantasy Art! Playing With Food 4 Akiane - Through The Years Birth Of An Island Harvest Moonbow -<>- >From Our Friend Bunni :) If you eat Gluten-free, these recipes might help you out. --- ...Thanks Bunni! -<>- >From Our Friend Johanna :) I don't believe this is just for Conservative women, its for all women, I am sending this to all my female friends and relatives who I love and treasure their friendship. I know there are worse things going to happen that will affect our lives, when this law activates this next yr and the yr after....this is mostly aimed at the ladies on here that are around my age...after 70 there will be not much that Medicare etc will pay for....this Dr has a series of videos that explain the new Health Care law known as if you want to be informed, it doesn't much matter whether you are left or right, we will all be affected. The Supreme Court made the decision, and it will be please inform yourselves....send on if you want, if not, delete! XO, PLEASE READ - VERY IMPORTANT Mammogram Radiologist... Dr. Jill Vecchio, a Colorado Radiologist who is head of the Breast cancer section at Lutheran Hospital. This should be frightening to women everywhere! --- ...Wow! Good to know! Thanks Johanna! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >A FAMILY MOMENT My grandson challenged me to a burping contest last night at dinner. I told him that we should wait until after we ate because we are polite and civilized. He was kind of bummed out, but he waited 'til after dinner. He's a good listener. So, we had the contest. The winner, yours truly, was praised by my grandson and I did the same for him. He said, "Nice game, Grampa." I almost cried, but I held it together until the non-smoking section of the Denny's Restaurant gave me a standing ovation. I balled like a baby. Family moments are so special. === As seen in Da Mouse Tracks via Cup O'Cheer. === This post is brought you in a spirit of good clean fun by way of the Sermon Fodder list. To subscribe drop a note to or go to and click at the bottom to be added to our merry email list. Please leave this attached if you forward this to friends or post on the net. =============================== Worth Repeating...... What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family. - Mother Teresa ================================ What's interesting about this next item is that I have some Amish friends. They really really feel this way. Really. -The Sermon Fodder Guy ================================= ___________ /.---------.\`-._ // || `-._ || `-._ || `-._ || `-._ || `-._ || _____ ||`-._ \ _..._ || | __ ! || `-._ | _/ \|| .' |~~|| `-._ | .-`` _.`|| / _|~~|| .----. `-._| | _.` _|| | |23| || / :::: \ \ \ _.--` _.` || | |56| || / ::::: | | | _.-` _.|| | |79| || | _..-' / _\-` _.`O || | |_ || |::| | .` _.`O `._|| \ | || |::| | .-` _.` `._.' || '.__|--|| |::| \ `-._.-` \`-._ || | ": !|| | '-.._ | \ `--._|| |_:"___|| | ::::: | | \ /\ || ":":"|| \ :::: | | \( `-.|| .- || `.___/ / | | || _.- || | | / \\.-________\\____.....-----' \ -. \ | | \ `. \ \ | __________ `. .'\ \| |\ _________ LGB `..' \ | | \ \\ .' | / .`. | \.' | |.' `-._ \ _ . / \_\-._____) \_.-` .`'._____.'`. \_\-| | `._________.' >The Phone Booth "As you probably know the Amish believe in living a simple life - no electricity, no telephones, no motorized vehicles. Yet in many of their communities there is a pay phone. When asked about this apparent discrepancy one elder explained, 'If the telephone were in our home it would control us. As long as it is out here we control it.' He went on to say, 'Most people drop everything they are doing the instant the telephone rings and run to answer it. In their lives the telephone takes precedent over everything. (Of course cell phones have only made this addiction far worse.) The pay telephone, on the other hand, is our servant. It is there if we need it but we do not allow it to intrude into our lives.'" - Richard Exley Wizard =============================================================== ' . ' . . . : . . '. ______ .' ' _.-"` `"-._ ' .' '. `'--. / \ .--'` / \ ; ; - -- | | -- - | _. | ; /__`A ,_ ; .-' \ |= |;._.}{__ / '-. _.-""-|.' # '. ` `.-"{}<._ / 1938 \ \ x `" ----/ \_.-'|--X---- -=_ | | |- X. =_ - __ |_________|_.-'|_X-X## jgs `'-._|_|;:;_.-'` '::. `"- .:;. .:. ::. '::. >Farmhouse Welcome Story Editor: by Susan Letourneau Joyce Schowalter Alberta, Canada In 1984, I participated in a golf tournament in a small town 50 miles from my Alberta home. When the time came to drive home, it was evening and dark clouds were forming on the horizon. Five miles into my journey I was enveloped in a deluge of rain. Visibility fast diminished as the rain increased and night approached. I had unwisely chosen to drive home on backcountry roads rather than the highway, so there were no lights, and with the increasing rain, I was hardly able to see the road. I missed a hairpin turn and drove straight off the road, literally sailed through the air, over a barbwire fence, and landed in a hay field. As the car hit the ground, my face hit the steering wheel and my lip split open. I struggled out of the car, found the road and began to walk. With no warm clothes, I was very cold in the pouring rain. As I walked, I watched for farmhouses where I could find help. I knocked on the door of two different houses, but no one answered. I was surprised because Alberta is known as a very friendly place, but it was after 11 p.m., so the homeowners probably didn't feel safe opening the door to a stranger so late. Cold, wet, and bleeding profusely, I walked on another half hour before lights appeared from another farmhouse. It was past midnight, but when I knocked on the door, it was opened immediately by a woman about 70 years old. She enveloped me in a huge hug and said everything would be OK. She sat me down in her kitchen, gently mopped my face, made me tea and wrapped me in a blanket, trying to stop my shaking and shivering. She called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to come to help. While we waited for them, she wrapped her motherly arms around me and rocked me like a baby -- treating me as though I was her own daughter. As we talked, she told me her name was Gwen Hurler and she lived there alone. The RCMP arrived and drove me to a hospital to get stitches. When I got home the next day, I sent Gwen flowers and a heartfelt thank you letter. For years after, we exchanged Christmas cards; each of mine included another note of thanks, not just for her help, but also for her courage in opening that door. At 70, she would not have been able to defend herself had I been a burglar rather than a woman in great distress, yet she didn't hesitate one second to open her door to me -- blood, sweat, tears and all. Gwen has since passed on to what I'm sure is a great reward. I want to let others know what a warm, kind and lovely woman she was, and take one more opportunity to say thank you to her. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: ___________________________ | ________________________ | | | || | | Vote || | | Obama .*`. || | |_/___ / | Hello? || | | | / | || | | | `O.__,. || | | | _//------. || | | |/ \ \ || | | / '-------' || | |____\ ) || | | | '---/ , || | | | / | | || | | | / ` , || | | ._. ' ' || | | ( , || ----- | |------- ( ; ----- ||------ | | ( ; || | | (___, || | | ( ( ) || | | {( ) || | ------------------------ | | mb | |___________________________| Many of us are being barraged by political news and advertisements. Whenever I go to the polls, I recall the story my friend Marty shared with me. A number of years ago, she took her son Mike, 4, to vote with her. The voting was in a school that had lots of paper turkeys decorating the walls because Thanksgiving was only a few weeks away. As she entered the voting booth, Mike asked Marty, "Which turkey are you voting for?" -- Grace Witwer Housholder --- ...We in Ohio get phone calls all the time. This one came in and it was an 'Ohio' call, thinking it was from my daughter or son, I picked it up. I had to chuckle as I realized it was from a political survey group. They got me! I answered their question with 'Mitt all the way' and quickly hung up the phone. First time I think I ever got on one of those Nation Wide surveys. Usually I can avoid them. Just showing my age I guess. -<>- ,-. ,--' ~.). ,' `. ; (((__ __))) ; ( (#) ( (#) | \_/___\_/| ," ,-' `__". . ( ( ._ ____`.)--._ _ `._ `-.`-' \(`-' _ `-. _,-' `-/`. ,') `.`._)) ,' `. `. ,',' ; .' . `--' / ). `. ; ; `- / ' ) ; \ ') ,' \ ,' ; \ `~~~' ,' `. _,' hjw `. ,--' `-._________,--' >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Mariah, 8, was spinning a tall-tale about her homework. Her mother said, "Now, Mariah, you know where you will go for lying..." Paul, 5, Mariah's little brother chimed in, "Yeah, Congress!" -- Cindy Pugh (grandmother of Mariah and Paul) of Ossian, Indiana Here's another Paul story. He walked off the bus and into the house with only one shoe on. When his grandmother asked where the other shoe was, he replied, "Oh, Nonnia, it must be in the LOST AND FOUNTAIN at school!" }\"99" 999 "999" (**:;"999" :../| "999"_ (_/:| ;"99"9--...-6_.-._,=(\) : \; [| |] ) (() '' [L____J] ) (() ( "||""" / (( // /"--.||-""""\ )__ // /"" || \_\_ \ __ // / /__\ "":"\ \ __ ," "-._ // / \ \ \_.-" ". :(. ) "-..// / _\.-" ( .); "-" `-._ "--.___ ctr ___.--" _.-' "-" ""-.__ """""""""" __.-"" "---....____....---" Lisa was putting her daughter Cassidy, 3, into the car to take her to pre-school. Cassidy had a bagel and bottled water, and she handed them to her mother when she crawled into the car seat. Then she said, "When I get locked up can you give me my bread and water?" -- Lisa Howard of Alexandria, Virginia Natalie, 5, told her grandmother about a boy who was dropped off by the school bus driver and his mommy wasn't there to meet him. "It was OK," Natalie continued, "the brown man that sells boxes helped him (the UPS man)!" -- Joyce Hosler (grandmother of Natalie) of Fort Wayne, Indiana A kindergarten teacher took her record player to school along with one of the old records. When she started to put the record on, one child said, "That's the largest CD I've ever seen!" -- Jean Felfe (aunt of the teacher) of Spicewood, Texas _.- ~~^^^'~- _ _ .,.- ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ ________,' ::. ~ -. (( ~_\ -s- :: _ - ;, \\ ______<.._ .;;;` ,' } `', ``~~~~~ ~` ~- _ ; ; `\ _ _- _ ( } { , \, `, / ((/ _ _i ! _ , ,' \, , / ((((____/ ~ - - - - _ _'_-_,_,` \, ; < ----,____ (,(,(, ____> \,' \ ________`--.__ _ _ ____ ____ __ ______ _ _ ____ ____ __ `------__------- ______ _ _ ____ ____ __ -cfbd- Bailey, 2, held out his sippy cup and said, "More milk, please." His mother, who has been encouraging him to learn good manners, got him another cup of milk. Then, as she handed him the milk, she asked, "What do you say?" Bailey looked at her with a worried look. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Moo?" -- Amy Garnsay (aunt of Bailey) of Eaton Rapids, Michigan Julie and her two boys, Sydney, 4, and Benjamin, 3, were shopping for birthday presents at the local mall. While in a card shop, the boys were getting bored and asked to sit on the floor. Julie told them not to touch anything. Sydney was content to sit still, but Ben couldn't. He was looking at a few small figurines and after he touchd one he said, "Ouch! It touched me!" The store clerk could not contain her laughter! -- Julie Adelman of Lake Mary, Florida Timmy's mother made him a sandwich to take to a friend's house while his father was doing yard work there. His mother noticed that it was all gone. "Did you finish all of it?" she asked. Timmy looked bewildred and replied, "I had to eat it all. I could not find a trash can!" -- Lynda Redus (mother of Timmy) of San Antonio, Texas _....._ /::::::.\ /xx::::::.\ |#xx|n|:xx| \##x/xxxx#/ | |\-.-.|\#/#####/ | . |.-,-/| /\__V_\'|B""""|\-.-|| :o. /_v_=\ \ \ /, |0| o,o|/ / /==o=|\ \ \|o.- |0|_.O-- |||\_|=_=/]/ ||o.o|| \[\_v_|.-'\.' |(_)=)-=== \]=-=|/ | @ \-' \ '=: \V| m|--e-+------ |=O==| '._|=._\| |\_\_v_E)| '/\ '/==..__ / |//'. | |=>o<=| |-\"\ /-=/ '. | './-\_/-\ |_o| '.___.' _/._/ |-|_ _|._/ \_.| \_/\ /:__o| |o_:\ /:_o| |o_:. /:_o| l42 Haley, 2, spent some time with her grandmother. When she got home, her mother noticed there was black under her fingernails. "What did you eat at Grandma's?" her mother asked. "Wing bells," Haley replied. Her mother had no idea what Haley meant. It was only later, when her husband translated, that Haley's mother learned Haley had enjoyed "Ding Dongs!" -- Linda Diehl (grandmother of Haley) of Avilla, Indiana Kolton, 7, was walking down a trail to the ocean to build sandcastles with his grandmother. Kolton asked, "How old are you, Grandma?" She replied, "I'm 59." Kolton thought for a minute and then said, "Do you realize that in 21 years you will be 80!" His grandmother laughed and said, "No, I hadn't thought of that. And you know what? You'll be 28." Kolton replied, "I hope we're still camping together then, Grandma!" -- Susan Titus Osborn (grandmother of Kolton) of Fullerton, California ========================================================== __ /_/\/\ \_\ / /_/ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/ unknown >-->Jesus Saved Me He fills my mind, my heart, my life. My soul within denies me strife. His word I crave to learn and know, To polish my being through life I go. He's wiped away tears that I shed. Mornings faced I no longer dread. My life holds hope for me, at last. Jesus saved me from sins of past. He's brought repentance to my soul, Wrapped in love as I grow old. My desert turned to harvest's yield, Cleansed my weeds out in the field ... Became a rose out in my garden. >From life's dark, He's given me pardon, An example for the world to see. Jesus saved me from sin's of folly. He's given me faith without measure, A cup of wisdom more than pleasure, Salvation for my weary heart. At the cross, He tossed the dart ... That refined me like a precious gem; Giving credit to only Him. Not a decision made with haste, Jesus saved me from sins of waste. © 2003 by Carol D. Meeks >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Chriistian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARRE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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