To Not Be Silent... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->In The 'World' News: [Politics] Well, as many of you already know, we have the same President for 4 more years. Please keep America in your prayers. Please also make sure you batten down the hatches and are prepared for a storm. Higher inflation is a given, so do as much as you can to stock up on food and essentials. Take two jobs if need be and lift your family and home to God through Jesus Christ to be safe from the thief both day and night. Through the Grace of God we shall prevail and make it through these hard times. Trust in God and be most vigilant. I will keep you in my prayers daily and I hope you will do the same for me. Thank you! God's Most Abundant Blessings Always! :) Shangy! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: ____ : : ___ :____: ___ ---\ ~~ /---___ : []: \ \ ~ \~ /~~~/~~~/ ----,------- ,' \~~ \~~ \/ ~~/~~~/ `, ,' 0 0 __ -_~~ \ \,------, / ~ _` ; _____\ ; - _ \,'^^^^^^^ ""`,_- \ `, `--'; u ; ~~ ,'^^^^----------- / ,'`,,,' ;~ ---, ^^^,`__----, ..`,/ ,'..,' `, ~ ,^^ <_'__--__ `, .. `,/ .. ` `,---` ^<________-- `, .. .. ,' ___ [] ___ `,---` <__ -__ ___ ,' .. . ,` _/ \)(/ \_ `, --` <__ __ _ ,' ... _,` / / \ \ `--,___<___ ,'`-___,' ,' : | `, <___,'(||) : : : || || : : | ; __||_ _||_ \_ : _/ // ;;\\ ;;\\ \_ \ | / _/ ~~ ~~ ~~ \__________/ >GRANDPA'S THANKSGIVING GIFT by Diane Dean White What we didn't know when we planned our special trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house that year, was that it would be our last Thanksgiving in that old rambling home. My younger brother and I were in our teens and although we knew Grandpa was in his eighties and had been under a doctor's care, we are never really prepared for the things in life that God controls. So, with only exciting thoughts for the holiday ahead, we started out in Dad's old Studebaker for the house where they lived. The trip was a good three hours drive from the city, and it was the house Dad had grown up in. My grandfather had been the editor of the town newspaper as well as a school teacher. Grandma had been busy raising a large family, and although most of her family were now scattered in various directions across the states, on this special Thanksgiving everyone was together. With large bedrooms upstairs and family members who lived in town, there was ample room for sleeping. The day before Thanksgiving always demanded a lot of time and energy, as the preparations for a large group and meal was always made into a fun and loving time. How I enjoyed learning to fix fresh pie pumpkins, cooking them until tender, and mixing the pumpkin with eggs, sweet milk and spices, while someone else made the crusts. We could bake three pies at one time in the old oven, and to this day, I cannot eat a store bought pumpkin pie! There was ongoing activity in that large kitchen, and an old table on a screened porch outside to place items that couldn't be refrigerated, due to space. Many times we would go ice skating or just walk in the snow. We always found fun things to do. Grandma usually had a wonderful hot kettle of soup simmering, with the smell of homemade breads, fresh from the oven. The night before Thanksgiving was more casual and after eating we often played board games or sang songs around the piano. The smell of good things cooking would awaken us on Thanksgiving morning and we'd make our own breakfast taking turns helping out when needed in the kitchen. As I think back, I don't ever remember it being a chore, rather a fun time with laughter and talking with my cousins, aunts and grandmother. On Thanksgiving morning, a few of the guys would join Grandpa down in the old cellar and shovel coal into the furnace. The women would help Grandma set the table and assist with the large hearty breakfast menu. My Grandfather had been in good spirits and happy to have his family around. It was fun to talk with him, because he had so much history to share about "the olden days." But after the food had been prepared, and the turkey was roasting in the oven, Grandpa said he had a surprise. And soon we heard it -- the sound of bells. Grandpa told us to get our warm coats, hats and mittens on and everyone was to gather on the front porch. With the new snow that had fallen during the night the sight in front of me that afternoon was breathtaking. It wasn't like anything I'd seen in the city. In front of the driveway, was a team of horses pulling a sleigh. Grandpa told us to all pile into the sleigh, and sit close to one another to stay warm. There were two long benches that faced one another, with seating in the middle, and blankets that Grandma brought out to help keep us warm. Some friends who had a farm nearby were seated up front to take charge of the horses. Everyone, young and old, got into the sleigh on that Thanksgiving Day. I remember the country roads and the beautiful white snow that blew like a soft feather into my face, and made such a picturesque landscape where we rode. It was bumpy in spots, and over the fields the sleigh runners threw off snow as we sped along. Songs that the older crowd knew were sung and we joined in, while the sleigh bells made music as two farm horses led the way. It was like magic to me. And I only wish it could have happened again. I don't remember the details of the big meal that year, only that it was a wonderful Thanksgiving because of the memory that Grandpa helped to make. When we trust God and know He holds the future, we can be assured that He has some special plans. I think Grandpa knew that this may have been his last Thanksgiving, and wanted to make sure that year was special. A number of Thanksgiving years run through my mind as I recall my youth, yet whenever I see a Christmas card with a sleigh on the cover, it brings back a vivid picture of that day with my loved ones. I'll always be grateful that God allowed Grandpa to share that last Thanksgiving with us and for the memory of the family sleigh ride -- with the bells ringing and the horses that took us through a glistening white blanket of snow. -- Diane Dean White ___________________________________________ Diane is a freelance writer and author. She is a columnist for Frank Talk and the Editor of HeartCatchers, and the author of Beach Walks and recently released Carolina in the Morning, a moving Christian story set in present day near Charleston, SC, introducing adventure, history and romance into the lives of some unsuspecting visitors. Diane and her husband Stephen are the parents of three grown children and three grand-gals. They make their home on the Carolina Coast. To read more, you can visit Diane's website at ========================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: _.-.._ _._ _,/^^,y./ ^^^^"""^^\= \ \y###XX;/ / \ ^\^\ `\Y^ / .-==||==-.)^^ ,.-=""""=-.__ /^ ( ( -/<0>++<0>( .^ .: . . :^===(^ \ ( ( /```^^^^^^^) / .: .,GGGGp,_ .( \ / /-(o'~'o)) .^ : . gGG"""YGG}. \ ) / / _/-====-\ / (. .gGP __ ~~ . .\ \ ( ( _.---._) / (. (GGb,,)GGp. . . \_-^-.__(_ /______./ ( \ . `"!GGP^ . . . . ^=-._--_--^^^^^~) ( /^^^\_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) / /._. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._.=) \ / | ^"=.. . . . . . . ._++""\"^ \ \ | | )^|^^~'---'~^^ \ ) ) / ) / \ \ \ |` | \ /\ \ ( / | | ( ( \ . .\ | ( ) | ) ) ^^^^^^ | | /. . \ | '| ) ( ^^^^^^ ) \ /. . \ / . . \ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Allen Mullen. >SIGNS YOUR CHILD IS BEING BULLIED Bullying is an intentional, aggressive and repeated behavior that involves an imbalance of power or strength. It can take several forms: Physical (hitting, punching, beating) Verbal (teasing, name calling, threats) Emotional (intimidation using gestures, social exclusion, threats) Sexual Racist Bullying Cyberbullying (Online harassment, hate messages, threats, impersonation, and other digital abuse) Hazing Warning Signs: •*Your child comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings * Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches * Has few, if any friends, with whom he or she spends time * Seems afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with peers * Finds or makes up excuses as to why they can’t go to school * Takes a long out of the way route when walking to or from school * Has lost interest in school work or suddenly begins to do poorly in school * Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home * Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches or other physical ailments * Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams * Experiences a loss of appetite * Appears anxious and suffers from low self-esteem Note: Children with disabilities may be at a higher risk of being bullied than other children. as seen at Please go to this website for more information and resources -<>- ,,,,, \ e e\ C _\/ |\\, )\_) \_ / _/|/_ _// ,'\ ~ /'-,_/ \ / \_/ / / , | \_._,-" ( < _' | \ \ ', -',-~.-' _/ ) | |// | ' ' ) | | | | ._., - |.,_ // _\-' )___|__|_ '-._ b'ger /____\__\ >I MET THE STRANGEST MAN ON THE WAY TO CHURCH He said he believed in the Bible, but he never reads it. He said he thought well of the church of which he is a member, but he never attends or invites others to share in its ministry. He said a man should be honest with God in money matters, but he never tithes. He said the younger generation needs the Lord, but he isn’t leading them in that direction. He said the church needs dedicated Christian members, but he isn’t one. He offered some “constructive” criticism of some of the workers— but he never works. He said the church should do more in ministering to people, but he doesn’t help. He is critical of the way the church is “run,” but he never participates. He says he believes in the Second Coming, but he lives as though the Lord will never return. He says prayer will change things, but he never prays. He was a strange man, indeed! --Author Unknown (The Timothy Report, -<>- [2D deer] __ __ __\_\___ ___/_/__ /_______ \___ ___/\_______\ \_\ \/__/\_____/\__\/ /_/ \/_____\/ __ \o | o/_____ ________________/\_\ \ | /_______\_______________\/ \_/ / b'ger | /\ _ | / /\_________/ |__| / / / / /_/ /_/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \_\ /_/ /_/ |_| >TURN THE PAPER SIDEWAYS Sometimes I need to approach a persistent problem with a new way of thinking. The Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez said, "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." His image reminds me to always be my own person, but it also challenges me to think creatively. Turning the paper sideways is like looking at situations from different angles. Henry L. Mencken said it first: "For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong." And how often I am determined to keep pounding on that simple and neat solution until I make it work, or else I finally give up altogether. But success will surprisingly come when I decide to look at the thing from a wholly different perspective. Several all night convenience stores in New York City learned something about viewing problems another way. Evidently, some of the stores had a problem with teenagers hanging out in their parking lots late into the night. Not that they didn't like kids; they liked them very much. But customers complained that they were afraid to approach them in the dark and push through them to enter the store. Neighbors complained that couldn't sleep with the noise. And store personnel were worried about the well-being of the young people themselves. Late at night, these neighborhoods were unsafe. Managers tried various methods to solve the problem. They asked the kids to find a safer place to congregate. They asked them to move away from the doors so customers didn't have to push through them. They asked them to discard their cigarette butts and trash in outdoor receptacles and not litter the parking lot. Each solution was simple, neat and completely ineffective. It seems that any of them should have worked. But none of them did and many of the store managers eventually gave up in frustration on solving the problem. Finally, one man came up with an unusual idea. He decided he had been approaching the situation all wrong. Asking the teens to change their behavior didn't work, so he tried something different. He just piped easy-listening music into the parking lot -- slow, soothing instrumentals especially suited for mature listeners. No more loitering. Sometimes we just need to look at things differently. Again and again we butt up against the same old problem. It may involve a child or parent, a friend or lover. It might be a problem with a co- worker. Maybe it's just a complex situation we're working through, or a personal problem with which we can't seem to make any headway. And so far, everything we've tried has failed. Perhaps it's time to turn the paper around and write the other way; to look at the problem a whole new way. Here's a good question to ask: "How can I come at this thing from a different angle?" Because there is likely something you're not seeing. A father and his daughter were stopped by a flight attendant before boarding their plane. The problem? The little girl was clutching a large bouquet of balloons. In sympathetic tones, the attendant told the child that she would not be permitted to travel with all of the balloons. "Only one is allowed per passenger," she said in a voice that concluded there's nothing to be done. After all, rules are rules. Father and daughter decided they could each carry one. So with tears in her eyes, the little child selected her two favorite balloons for the flight. But before she could discard the rest, another passenger intervened. "Here, I'll take one," he said. He quickly saw a solution to the problem and proceeded to give one balloon to anybody in line who would take one. As she disembarked, every balloon was returned to the happy child. Here was a man who just looked at the problem a different way. Instead of saying, "There's nothing be done," he turned the paper sideways and the answer was clear. When you turn your paper sideways, what do you see? -- Steve Goodier -<>- . ~ ~ ~ . ~ `. ` ~ ` ~ )- ' ~ ~ ~ , / ~.` ~ . ._| |_. .`'~ _ _____(_. % ._)_~ ~_____( ) _______\\ ,/>__~~______| | .\\.//. ~ ~ | | / \// \ ~ | | ____ / // \_________| | / -''-{@ \ / | ____vvvvvvvvvvvvv_______/ | _______\\ .//___________|__| `;' \\// ':' || \|/''..` \\, .`\|/..`Pru'.`. `\\. ( \ |_`. >MAY GOD BLESS YOU...TO NOT BE SILENT! Unless the LORD had helped me, I would soon have died. Psalm 94:17, NLT What do you think this verse is all about? Certainly sounds simple and straightforward. Or is it? I chose this particular translation because despite best intentions, it probably does the least in telling us the message behind the ancient Hebrew words. Here's what I mean. "Unless" is better translated as an emphatic Except for. "the LORD" is actually YHWH (Yahweh), the proper name for the One True God. "had helped" is from two words which mean help and belonging to. "me" is not in the original text at all. "I" encompasses the whole person. "soon" is correct, though some translations use almost. But "would have died" deviates significantly from the Hebrew words which refer to a remaining or continuing condition that is not about death, but silence. Putting this together, we discover a deeper message: Except for help belonging to the One True God, I and all that is me - spiritual, mental, emotional, physical - would soon have caused continuing silence. Just a little different, isn't it? Not understanding the meanings and use of these words can cause confusion. And it's not that the first message is wrong, but that there's so much more. God is not simply telling us what the psalmist believed. He's sending us a message - a warning - about being silent. The other day I saw a news report titled "Chick-fil-A CEO slams gay marriage". But the media had lied. Dan Cathey did not "slam" gay marriage. That word, as they know, implies a vehement attack. He simply answered a question, saying in part, "We are very much supportive of the family - the biblical definition of the family unit...We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles." * What followed were cries of outrage and calls to boycott his restaurants. It wasn't that they simply disagree with Mr. Cathey. They do not want to live in a country where others can share their values or operate on biblical principles. They do not respect those with beliefs different from their own nor want to discuss them. What they want is for those who disagree with them to remain and continue in silence. We live in an age where people try to force their position on others and prevent anyone from opposing them. They alone want to be the ones who speak, keeping everyone else silent. We find this from dictatorships and other oppressive governments to universities and colleges, even within the doctrine of some religions. But we who follow God cannot be silent. We are called to seek, understand, and share. Jesus commanded, What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs (Matthew 10:27). But how can we do this in the face of so many who vehemently, sometimes violently, want to keep us silent? As the psalmist wrote, we look to the help that belongs to Yahweh, the One True God, and we know, I can do everything through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). The battle may be ours, but the war is His...and He has already won. Take care & be God's, as seen in A Note of Encouragement -<>- To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to ======================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: ,,-,-.,-. ,-. ,,-. ,-,-. ,-.-. ,-.. ,-. ,-.,-.-.. (( ( ( ( '( ' ( ' ) ' )' ) ) ) )) \\ \ \ \ \ ,\ /. / / / / // \\ \ /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /\ / // gpyy'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' >Heartprints "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." "Whatever our hands touch... we leave fingerprints. On walls, on furniture, on door knobs, dishes and books. As we touch we leave our identity. "Oh [God] please wherever I go today... help me leave heartprints--Heartprints of compassion, understanding and love. Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern. "May my heart touch a lonely neighbor, or a runaway daughter, or an anxious mother, or perhaps a dear friend! "I shall go out today to leave heartprints, and if some one should say, 'I felt your touch,' may that sense be your loving touch through me!" Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me today and every day so that my life will reflect your likeness so that the people I rub shoulders with will see your love shining through me so that I will leave heartprints from you on them. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Crhist's name, amen." Corinthians 3:18. -- Author Unknown. -<>- \\\ ____ ________``` \ =|- [________] \ | =| | _ | | \ __ ejm |__=|- O--(_) `.______.' \ O=======(__) /|\ (/(|(\ >God's Cake Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation! A daughter is telling her mother how everything is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away. Meanwhile, her mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love your cake." "Here, have some cooking oil," her mother offers. "Yuck" says her daughter. "How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Mom!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Mom, those are all yucky!" To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful! God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart. -<>- _,_ + __ ',' /\ `. `. . .' \ + " | / \ / .' . .'\ .' \ `"` + .-' `. / `. . .' \.' \ .-' \ \ .-`"`-. . + .'.' \ \.' `-. / `. .-'\ `-._ .' \ .-' `-. `-. .-------------------''''''''''''''' _.-- .' ___.. _.--'' .'jb --'''' ' .' >ALMOST HEAVEN By: Joseph J. Mazzella There is a reason why the beautiful state I live in is called "Almost Heaven" West Virginia. John Denver's song had it right. It often feels like Heaven here. Right now outside my window the Autumn leaves are beginning to change colors. The radiant reds are glowing in the sun. The peaceful yellows are rustling in the breeze. The brilliant burgundy's and outrageous oranges are making entire trees as bright as flowers. Even the fallen leaves are turning the paths into multicolored, crunchy carpets that are a delight to walk on. I can hear children laughing and see adults smiling as they stroll through these leaves and enjoy the wonderful scent of them in the air. Everywhere I look I can see God's colors painting the trees and mountains with beauty. If it isn't Heaven here then it certainly is close. It isn't just the mountains that make it Heavenly here either. I can see bits of Heaven in so many of the people too. There is a kindness in their smiles. There is a gentleness in their voices. There is a goodness in their actions. There is a patience in their manner. There is a peace in their souls. There is a love in their hearts. And there is a joy in their lives. Everyday they grow a little more in oneness with God. Everyday they bring a little more Heaven into this world. I feel truly blessed to live in such a beautiful state with such good people. West Virginia, however, isn't the only place that can be Almost Heaven. Anyplace on Earth can be Almost Heaven if we take our Heaven with us. How much Heaven is within you? No matter how much you said take heart in knowing that it can always be more. God gives us that choice every single day. Everyday we can choose to love more, give more, care more, and help more. Everyday we can choose to bring the joy of Heaven into our hearts and souls and then share it with the world. Everyday we can live in Almost Heaven while still here on Earth. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Curse of the law Straying From The Lord God's Little Love Notes Proud Of Our Troops 5 Who Is This Jesus? Pencil VS Camera Amazing Gibraltar Airport Beautiful Flowers Extraordinary Photos Microscopic Winners When Sandman Attacks Story Poem -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) She sent us one we have here... Newborn Moose --- ...Awww, such a nice one! Thanks Linda! -<>- >From Our Friend JoeL :) Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations and Smiley Faces - Webopedia The Dad's Song The Woman's Song Sean Morey - The Man Song - YouTube He Said, She Heard - Sean Morey - YouTube Socialism Explained - Abbott & Costello Explain The Stimulus Plan --- ...Oh My! Thanks JoeL! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store ========================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: ,-`"-=') =/////// ,== _,_(((((-`6\ ==.| /,,...\\\C _| .--. ((((\\\\\` _, /;_| )9 )))))./ `. / } _\,_ ,-'))) \ / /=-. ,-./ \/ '))) . /\_/ / \ (,-.%\ / /-' ') \/\ / ( \ (/ \ ' /( ' `-/ \( \ ,- / ( `-' \ . / / \ \ &_) /\ \ | ( /--.- \ \----,------=;% | _/ _); `. ` `-. .`\ ) +++/ \ ,," %&-. ; \\| `-` `-=.;_,.__.__\_,/ )_/___+_/_________\,"(_//_(__)______:-._) gpyy >Mixed Metaphors English professors love to catch the errors students make in their term papers, and they love nothing better than to catch mixed metaphors. The "friends and survivors" of Calvin College English department collected this list of mixed metaphors and posted them on their web site: "He swept the rug under the carpet." "She's burning the midnight oil at both ends." "It was so cold last night I had to throw another blanket on the fire." "It's time to step up to the plate and cut the mustard." "She's robbing Peter to pay the piper." "He's up a tree without a paddle." "Beware my are skating on hot water." "Keep your ear to the grindstone." "Sometimes you've gotta stick your neck out on a limb." "Some people sail through life on a bed of roses like a knife slicing through butter." Clean Laughs. To SUBSCRIBE: ==== To get a regular dose of Christian humor and a modern-day parable drop a note to Please leave this attached if you forward to friends or post on the web. ================================= Worth Repeating....... "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. Never lose a holy curiosity." - Albert Einstein ================================ .---------------------------. /,--..---..---..---..---..--. `. //___||___||___||___||___||___\_| [j__ ######################## [_| \============================| .==| |"""||"""||"""||"""| |"""|| /======"---""---""---""---"=| =|| |____ []* ____ | ==|| // \\ // \\ |===|| hjw "\__/"---------------"\__/"-+---+' >ANGEL ON THE BUS by Susan MacGregor A friend of mine, Kathy, is a soon-to-be first time grandmother but was upset that her daughter lived in Alberta. Kathy lived in British Columbia and wouldn't be able to see her grandchild as often as she would like. I am not a grandmother myself and was having a hard time convincing her that there were ways to make a long distance grandparent relationship special too. But never take lightly the forces of angels! Here is her story of a conversation with a "stranger" on her bus ride to work one morning: Kathy was knitting a baby sweater on her way to work on the bus and a young woman in front of her noticed and struck up a conversation, asking Kathy what she was knitting. Kathy replied, "A baby sweater. I'm going to be a grandma in 4 weeks. The only thing is that my daughter lives in Calgary." The young woman nodded in sympathy and began to tell her story about her mom and dad who live in Newfoundland. Her mom was not happy that her grandchildren live so far away, but over the years they have developed a very special relationship. The kids, 3 and 6, call Grandma every day and sometimes on the webcam. When the 6 year old boy does something special (like learn a new dance at school) he performs it for Grandma over the webcam. She went on to say that her kids love the mailbox and very often grandma mails them things -- simple things like stickers from the dollar store. During Christmastime, she buys those musical cards from the dollar store and starts sending them, each day leading up to Christmas, with little surprises inside. She said her son has a very special bond with his grandma -- more so than her sister's kids who live in the same town. She then went on to speak about her 56 year old dad who has Parkinson's. One day she was sharing with her mom that it was soon to be Special Person Day at her son's school and that it usually was for grandparents. She told her mom, "No worries, I'll take the day off and be there." A few hours later the phone rang and it was her mom saying, "Your dad will be there." When grandpa arrived and was at the school, his grandson realized something was wrong with him. As the children were lining up in the gym beside their special person, grandpa's hands were shaking as his grandson held on. His grandson whispered, "Grandpa, did you forget to take your meds?" Grandpa had tears in his eyes, as did the lady behind who heard, and as Kathy did as she listened to this story. Kathy thanked the young woman for sharing her story with her and told her it really helped her! The young woman said she'd tell her mom too because it would make her mom happy to know that her own story had helped someone else. Kathy's comment after that bus ride was, "OK, I'm good with it now and it will be fun to create special little things to do for my grandchildren at a distance!" An angel on the bus -- indeed!! -- Susan MacGregor Susan lives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. As seen in Heartwarmers ============================================================= >-->From Laugh&Lift: . ._a |8P __| __ .-------, w \ . / w )a:f( . /_ \ | Cruising on (___2___) `. _ ,' the ASCII Sea .c@a. _______ ( )._______ ~ `Y888P ~ ~- ~~~~ ~ ~~ =- >Step of Faith (By Steve Troxel, God's Daily Word Ministries, [Edited] Imagine reading this journal entry in Peter's journal: Today was a busy day! Early this morning we heard that King Herod killed John the Baptist. Jesus seemed to take this news pretty hard; "When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place" (Matthew 14:13). I knew He wanted to be alone, but the crowds kept following Him. Soon there were "about five thousand men, besides women and children" (Matthew 14:21). When it started to get late we tried to send the people home, but Jesus had everyone sit down and He fed them with "five loaves of bread and two fish" (Matthew 14:17). What a day!! Finally, Jesus sent us across the Sea of Galilee; "After leaving them, He went up on a mountain to pray" (Mark 6:46). I'm glad Jesus is getting some time alone, but I wish He was here right now. It's dark and the waves are so high. Wait, there's something out there; something, or someone, walking on the water; "It's a ghost, they said, and cried out in fear" (Matthew 6:26). No, I think it's Jesus! Matthew 14:28-29 "'Lord, if it's You,' Peter replied, 'tell me to come to You on the water.' 'Come,' He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus." When we read these stories in the Bible we often forget that these were ordinary people involved in something very extra-ordinary. When Peter took that first step onto the water, there was nothing within his physical senses which told him the water would hold. The boat was being tossed by the wind and waves, and Peter certainly had many past experiences which told him that heavy objects sink in water - telling him his step would fail. But Peter KNEW Jesus. He had spent time with Jesus - he walked with Him, talked with Him, prayed with Him, and witnessed His miracles. Peter knew the face of Jesus and knew His voice. He knew if Jesus said "Come," He would also provide a way for him to follow. Jesus made the water solid, but only when and where Peter stepped - only after he stepped out in faith and in response to the call. The step of faith is needed for any situation which requires a solution beyond what our physical senses can understand (which describes pretty much all situations). "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1). The situation may be related to relationships, finances, jobs, or ministry opportunities. But it may also be related to raising children, challenges at school, the apparent inability to forgive, or anything else which requires us to operate outside the comfort of the boat. God calls us to a life of faith. We must spend quality time with our Lord so we can recognize His voice. But when Jesus says "Come," our only response is to step. Our past experiences may scream it's not possible and that we will fail. We may not see solid ground, but we must trust that the One who called will provide the solid foundation. Let's trust Him to provide a way with each and every step of faith! SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at ============================================================== _ _ _ _ . /\\/%\ . /%\/%\ . __.<\\%#//\,_ <%%#/%%\,__ . . <%#/|\\%%%#///\ /^%#%%\///%#\\ ""/%/""\ \""//| |/""'/ /\//"//' . L/'` \ \ ` " / / ``` ` \ \ . / / . . . \ \ / / . . \ \ / / . . . ..:\ \:::/ /:. . . ______________/ \__;\___/\;_/\________________________________ YwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYwYw >Good Turn on Waimea Canyon Road Story Editor: by Stacy Wilson Joyce Schowalter California, USA My 13-year-old daughter and I were vacationing in Hawaii in April, 2002, on the island of Kauai. One day we were caravaning with my aunt and uncle who were driving another car, trying to find the outlook stop which would overlook Waimea Canyon. We had spent over an hour driving on a narrow, winding mountainous road. I have no directional sense, so I had to pull over several times to confer with my aunt and uncle about which route to try next. I would stop my car, leave my daughter in it, and walk over to their car. We would unfold our Hawaii maps on the hood of the car, try to figure out where we were, and how to get to where we wanted to be. At our last stop, we finally looked out at the spectacular view of the Waimea Canyon, and took pictures in that fantastic spot. Then we spread out and discussed the maps again, returned to our respective cars and headed back down the mountain. After a minute or two, I noticed a car in back of my aunt flashing his lights at her. I found out later that he was also honking his horn. We assumed he was another impatient driver, some of who had managed to clearly convey their displeasure with tourists who didn't want to drive the winding mountain roads at the speed of light. So we ignored him. However, the driver was trying to get my aunt's attention because he had seen my little purse -- which I had been using to hold down the maps -- go flying from the hood of the car when we began driving away from the Waimea Canyon outlook point. While we paused for a stop sign at the foot of the mountain, he jumped out of his car, ran up to mine, and told me that my purse had fallen onto the road two and a half miles back, and that everything had flown out of it. Everything I had was in that little bag: my only cash (about $120), my only credit card, my ONLY driver's license! I was frantic, wondering how I would get on the plane to return to California without any photo identification. I raced back up the mountain looking desperately for credit cards and receipts blowing in the wind. I finally saw a car on the other side of the road, with its door open, and my purse on the hood. The driver was going through my things trying to find out how to contact me to get the purse to me. He returned everything to me, cash and all, and told me he is an employee of NASA in Kauai. Knowing the kind of people these two were, I hope they read HeroicStories and recognize themselves -- so they know how grateful I still am for their help in such a stressful situation. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY _.-''''-._ .' `. : `. : : : : : : : : `. : _..-''-._ .-`. `-. .' `. .'.--. .---._ `. ; ; ..' `' `. : ; _ : .''. .''. : ; .' `.: .-. ; .-. ; ; ; : :--. :_:' :_:' .'_.--. ; .'`._.' `. .-' `. .' : `._ _.' : .---. : ``--`` `. .' ` .' `. _.' _ _.' ``-..__...---''; .'_.' `._`-._`' .' .'`` jgs `-._```_.-' ``` Britt, 6, went to Disneyland with his Nonnie. They went on the Roger Rabbit ride. As they were walking to the next ride, his Nonnie asked him how he liked it. "Good!" Britt replied. "But I can't get the smile off my face!" -- Britt's "Nonnie" in Cameron Park, California (Nonnie says that one comment made the whole trip worthwhile!) Playing in the yard late one evening, Mikie came running to Dale saying, "Daddy, Daddy, a bug flew in my ear." His father replied, "Let me look." Then he said, "Mikie, I don't see a bug in your ear." Mikie replied, "Well, that's OK. It probably came out the other ear." -- Dale Thomas of Deatsville, Alabama Alexa, 5, came over to visit her grandmother. Looking at Alexa while she was telling about a little incident, her grandmother said, "Oh, Alexa, you are so beautiful." Alexa replied very seriously, "Yes, Gramma, I know. I always have been." -- Bobbie Miller (grandmother of Alexa) of New York . \ | / _\|/_ .' ' ' '. ___ _.|.--.--.|.___.--'___`-. .'.'|| | ||`----'"` ``'` .'.' ||()|()|| .___..-'.' / \ `----'"` / .-. \ (.'.(___).'.) `.__.-.__.' jgs |_| |_| `.`-'.' `"` Siddharth, 2, went on a golf outing. Priya's husband was taking a long time positioning his club. After a while Siddharth got impatient and said, "Take a shot, Mister!" -- Sid's mother, Priya, of Rockford, Illinois Here is another story from Priya. When Sid was 3 they were constantly buying batteries for his toys. One night they were taking a stroll and Priya commented to her husband that the moon was not very bright. Sid said, "Mom, maybe it needs new batteries!" Joey, 4, has cute twists on everyday phrases. Almost since the day he was born his mother has told him, "I love you with all my heart." His response is, "Mom, I love you with all your heart." And whenever he wants to be held, he says, "Mom, I need to hold you!" -- Kim (mother of Joey) of Cedarburg, Wisconsin .:::::::. .::::::::::::. .::::::::::::=='=-, _;;;;=='''` _; / __,,==::::. \___,,,===''':::::::::::. ;|_ __ `::::::::::. :\__. __.` ::-.::::::: ::)#_\ `#_\ : _,\:::::. ::| ` _/:::::: ::| ,. |\::::::: ::; / ;:::::: :::\ .-._, / ;::::: ':::\ \^/ / ;::::: ':::\ ` /` ;::::: ':::'.__.:\ ;::::: ':::::::::| ;::::: :::::::::| .-. \::::: ::::::::/__.' '.\:::: ::::::(`/ / \|::: ::::-'--'`|--'--'--|::: .::' / | | | / |::' .:/ `"---"'`| | /:: jgs .:; | |-'|' Leanne, 4, was living in a predominantly adult household and she spoke like a young adult. Her mother was disconcerted when Leanne started to use the word "ya" for "you." For example, she would say, "What are ya eating?" Her mother patiently explained the correct word was you. A few days later while they were strolling around the garden her mother told her the names of the various flowers in bloom. Leanne stopped her in her tracks and corrected her mother by emphatically stating, "They are DAHL-YOU's, not DAHL-YA's (dahlias)!" -- Graeme Robinson (older brother of Leanne who is now a mother herself) of Sydney, Australia Here is another one from Graeme. His son Brett had just turned 3 and loved to engage strangers in conversation with a patter of questions: "What is your name? My name is Brett. How old are you? I'm 3." Brett assumed that since he was always with his mother everyone had a mother, also. His next question therefore was, "Where is your mother?" One Sunday they were eating breakfast in a restaurant. Brett cheerfully called out his standard questions to a middle-aged man who was eating alone. The man replied with amused chuckles. But when Brett asked him where his mother was the man, who had a mouthful of food, pointed heavenward. This stopped Brett in his tracks, and he asked in great astonishment, "Why is she on the roof?" The poor man almost choked with laughter as did all the attentive fellow diners! (Brett is now a free-lance games review writer for computer magazines.) .-"""-. / \ \ / .-"""-.-`.-.-.< _ / _,-\ ()()_/:) \ / , ` `| '-..-| \-.,___, / \ `-.__/ / jgs / `-.__.-\` / /| ___\ ( ( |.-"` `'\ \ \/ {}{} | \| / \ , / ( __`;-;'__`) `//'` `||` _// || .-"-._,(__) .(__).-""-. / \ / \ \ / \ / `'-------` `--------'` Debbie is studying for her doctorate degree in natural medicine, so in her house, natural/herbal remedies are everyday language. Kori, 4, calls her grandfather several times a day on the phone. "Papa" caught a cold that wouldn't go away. In his second week of the cold, Kori offered some advice. "Papa," Kori said, "you need to get some echinacea." Debbie was very impressed that her 4-year-old daughter would know the name of the herb and offer advice on her own. Every day Kori checked on her Papa and asked if he was taking his echinacea. On about the third day of giving advice, Kori was becoming slightly frustrated with her Papa. Once again she told him, "Papa, just go down to the store, and get echinacea." The family had become quite concerned about Papa's health so Debbie's husband called him to get the straight story about his condition. Well, apparently Papa, who doesn't hear his best, was under the impression Kori was telling him, "Papa, you need to get euthanasia!" -- Debbie Thompson of Killeen, Texas __,,,,,,,,,_ .-' ___ .\ / /__ `\ , `\ ,""") / @ \ =\ : `\ .\_/`"'".`~'""'~' : `\ :. _\____,; . ;`. `\ : `\_| .) .: .' `. \ ' \...:/ /\`. `. \ `-._\::/ ./. \ `. ; \ _.)--'`--....-'.' ( \_) `. \ | _( -== .' \ `"'' .( -=- ,' \ ( =-= ) \ `( -= ) . `\ .' `( - ); ; `\ ; `( _.'.' .' \ , ; .';`"'~~'` .' .'; ;' ). \\\_; ;: :'(( _.' ( ; ). jgs .'`: ''"' \ ; ) _,-----'" `._ .-' - ._; )' / / __.`._ .' / `--' `'`'`'`'`''""" `": , ; :_/ / .' `''--'` Shirley was in Nashville visiting her son and his family when their 6-year-old, Zackary, looked at Shirley's legs and said, "Grandma, don't you know you shouldn't write on your legs with a marker?" (He was referring to her varicose veins.) -- Shirley B. from Wisconsin Here is another one from Shirley. When Shirley commented to Grace, 5, about the big pumpkins on their front porch her granddaughter said, "Those are from my Grandpa... but not the one in Heaven." (Shirley's husband died before Grace was born.) ========================================================== _ .-' '-. / \ |,-,-,-,-,| ___ | _)_(_ | (/ \) | _\_/_ /) / \_/ \// |( )\/ ||)_( |/ \ n| | / \ | |_|___| \|/ jgs _/L\_ >-->Reflections of a Parent I gave you life, ... but cannot live it for you. I can teach you things, ... but I cannot make you learn. I can give you directions, ... but I cannot be there to lead you. I can allow you freedom, ... but I cannot account for it. I can take you to church, ... but I cannot make you believe. I can teach you right from wrong, ... but I cannot always decide for you. I can buy you beautiful clothes, ... but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can offer you advice, ... but I cannot accept it for you. I can give you love, ... but I cannot force it upon you. I can teach you to share, ... but I cannot make you unselfish. I can teach you respect, ... but I cannot force you to show honor. I can advise you about friends, ... but cannot choose them for you. I can advise you about sex, ... but I cannot keep you pure. I can tell you the facts of life, ... but I can't build your reputation. I can tell you about drink, ... but I can't say "no" for you. I can warn you about drugs, ... but I can't prevent you from using them. I can tell you about lofty goals, ... but I can't achieve them for you. I can teach you about kindness, ... but I can't force you to be gracious. I can warn you about sins, ... but I cannot make you moral. I can pray for you, ... but I cannot make you walk with God. I can tell you how to live, ... but I cannot give you eternal life. I can love you with unconditional love all of my life, ... and I will. - Author Unknown >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ************************************************************************ >TO SUBSCRIBE: Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ************************************************************************