Unremembered Acts... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) _____________ __________ /\ \_____ _ (\ -=- \ |; _____|_| `\ --=-= \ \/____________/ \ -==--=- \ __ ) -==-==- ) jgs \/ ( =-==-= ( \ -=- \ /_) -=- ) `""""""""""` I got a message from our friend Carol the other day. In it she said 'I don't see recipes in your sending'. The only reason this is true is because I hoard them. It's not because I don't share them though. I share everything I get - eventually - when I get around to it :) Now that the kids are going back to school, perhaps I'll have more time to share the ones I've been getting. I collect them. Like so many things. I've been building my web site since 1997 - no Obama and the government didn't hand it to me on a silver platter - I've been building it and working on it all these years. It has many of my most favorite things, like recipes on it. You can find my own recipes and some of my favorite ones here: Easy-Does-It Home Recipes! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easy.html I've collected over 4000 Animated Images and have them tucked away in an easy to use A-Z listing here... Animated Gallery http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/agifs.html My own Bible Teachings and some of my favorites from TruthOrTradition.com are here... Bible Study Menu http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/BibleStudy.html I've collected Dog Breed images and put them here... Dog Gallery http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/dog.html Some of my favorite word phrases and or origins are here... Word/Phrase Origins http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/origins.html I've collected some most useful, fun and educational web site links and put them all here... FUN URLS http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/urls.html I have many more things I collect on my web site too. I update and add to these collections all the time. I collect, hoard and share. It is what I do. With school starting I'll be going through my FUN URLS and get the dead or bad links out of there. I haven't done that yet this year. It takes several hours. You can see all my collections from my Home Page Here... Shangrala Family Fun http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com Just thought you'd like to know. :) -<>- >Page Resolution Oh yes, another thing I'd like to bring up. All my pages are in the 800 rather then the 1024 resolution. Sorry, but I have degenerate cornea disease so my eyesight is limited. To make my pages fill out to the 1024 resolution, press Ctrl + [Control plus] keys or to make them smaller, Ctrl - [Control minus] keys. I learned this trick to help me see things better. :) -<>- >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This summer scorcher is from our friend Linda. She sent us such a heartwarming story, I couldn't resist sharing it with you. Check it out here... __ .--.;_.'-. _., \__.' ;@ '. .'; `. ; __..-"'o ; ;' ; ;_/ ._.-' '. } : / `. _i/v\. ; i',; ( \_.' .(_) ; ' /{ \/ '. .r_.' .'\ ; .' .''-';_ ; ''-. ; / '.`. \ ; '. ; '. '._.; _ ; ; ; \.' '.__.-i ; fsc 'wWw' "wWw' Rescued Squirrel! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/rsquirrel.html --- ...Awww, so cute! Thanks Linda! ============= >-->From Our Friends At TruthOrTradition: Next Wednesday August 29th! Live teaching with John Schoenheit http://tinyurl.com/9ny69pw =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: --- ...Grab a warm drink, settle in and .--. .-..-..-..-. .--. .--. .-. .--. _.-._ : .--': `: :: :: :: .--': .--': : : .--' _.-._ : ` ' :`. `. : .` :: :: :: : _ : : _ : : : `; : ` ' : ,' '. _`, :: :. :: :; :: :; :: :; :: :__ : :__ ,' '. `-:_:-'`.__.':_;:_;`.__.'`.__.'`.__.':___.'`.__.'`-:_:-' in your favorite chair and read... >UNREMEMBERED ACTS OF KINDNESS by Thomas F. O'Neill When everyone seemed to be delighting in the game of life, Frank Hempstead carried a feeling inside of him as if he were benched on the sideline, a mere spectator. He had a habit of thinking about how he barely graduated from high school and how the people in his life got married, had children, landed good jobs, and moved into nice homes. Some of his friends later divorced and remarried, and unlike Frank, they appeared to be maintaining a decent living. He dwelled on the fact that he was unmarried because he felt there was a significant other in his life that was just beyond his grasp. He would have liked to have settled down and had a family of his own but he resented the fact that he was a mere cab driver struggling through life. He was unable or unwilling to remove that feeling that life was passing him by and that he was a failure. He was blind to what matters most in life -- a person's self-worth -- because through his self-pity he failed to recognize that he was a kind person with a deep compassion for the needs of others. He failed to see his own goodness as he struggled through life trying to get by from day to day. He was also unable to remember the small acts of kindness that he bestowed on others like the time he bought a homeless man a cup of coffee and allowed the man to warm himself in his cab on a bitter cold February day. He rarely thinks about the selfless act of picking up groceries for his elderly neighbor and listening to her same stories each day. "She has no one that will take the time out of their day to check on her and listen to what she has to say," Frank thought to himself as he was driving through a main intersection. With the exception of Frank, people have overlooked his elderly neighbor's existence, and in turn, Frank was oblivious to the importance of his kindness and selfless acts. On a cold November evening after Frank paid for his gas and as he was returning to his cab, he noticed a little old lady sitting in the front seat. "Hey lady you need to get in the back," he said to her. "How did you get in the front seat? I keep that front door locked for protection." "I promise I won't hurt you," she said to him. "I don't hear too good. That's why I got in the front." "Where to?" Frank asked her. "I'm not sure? I don't get out much," she said. "Hey lady you're on the meter," he told her. "That's fine. Why don't we just drive around," she said. "Well it's your money," he said. "Is there anything in particular you would care to see in our great city? Like maybe a club? Dance joint?" he asked with a little sarcasm in his voice. "You dance, Frank?" she asked. "How do you know my name?" he asked her. "It is on your license on the dash board," she said. "Well there is nothing wrong with your eye sight, lady," Frank said. As he was driving down a busy street and as he was heading towards a major intersection, she said to him, "Hey, Frank, don't go straight. Turn down the next street before the traffic light." "Hey lady, it is nothing but a little ally, there is nothing to see there but a few junkies," he said with a sarcastic voice. "Just turn there," she said pointing to the little ally on their left. "Ok lady, it's your money but there is no way in hell I am stopping on that street," he said. As he stopped to turn down the alley. The traffic light at the next street's intersection turned green. A cement truck ran the light with two police cars chasing from behind. "Did you see that lady? If we went through that green light that truck would have broadsided us," said Frank. "You have to have eyes in the back of your head Frank. Hey, you know what, I changed my mind, you can go straight ahead," she said. "Whatever you say, lady," he said. "What is your name and what do you do?" "My name is Julia and I have lived in this city for many, many years," she told him. "Do you have family here?" Frank asked. "Because you said you don't get out much." "I don't need to get out much because there is a nice family living where I live. I have lived there since the late 20s," she said. "You mean you moved here in your late 20s?" Frank asked. "I was 19 when I got married in 1927 and my husband was a carrier army man but we kept the house and I stayed there to look after things," she said. "Is your husband still around?" he asked her. "Oh no, he moved on in 1944 during the war," she said. "I am sorry to here that Julia. It's Julia right?" he asked. "Yes it is Julia," she said. "So who are you living with?" Frank asked. "The people who bought my house," she said. "Family?" Frank asked. "No, I never saw them before in my life until they moved in. They can be awfully noisy at times. They have a young daughter that plays this god awful music, but little Anthony is 4 years old and cute as a button and little Jessica is 6 years old and so sweet and cute. This is their mother's second marriage and she has a teenage daughter Brigit from her first marriage. She is the one that plays that noise and that is why I needed to get out for awhile. They are good people and, for the most part, they don't even know I'm there most of the time," she explained to Frank. "So let me get this straight. You sold your house to a family that you don't know and they are allowing you to live in their new house?" Frank said in a bewildered voice. "Where is your family? Can't you stay with them?" "My granddaughter lives in the city but I can't leave my house. I love that place and I enjoy the company of little Anthony and Jessica. I visit my granddaughter now and then. She is so bright and beautiful. The only problem is that she gets so bogged down with her job that she overlooks the important things in life," she said to Frank. "She sounds like a very independent person," said Frank. "She needs another person in her life Frank, not just all work," she said. "Well I get up at 3am and drive this cab into the late evening so that I can pay my rent and eat," he said to her. "I am sure your granddaughter is working to pay her bills and get by." "Frank she needs to live life and see the beauty in people and learn life's lessons by giving what she knows best to others," she said to Frank with a soft and sincere tone of voice. "She needs someone like you, Frank." "I am a cab driver. She would have no interest in me especially an ambitious woman like your granddaughter," he said to her. "I know you Frank. You are a good person and she needs to learn from what you have to offer," she said. "From what I have to offer? What would that be?" Frank asked. "What is in your heart, Frank," she said to him. "You can take me to 498 East Primrose Avenue." "What is at that address?" Frank asked her. "That is where my granddaughter lives," she said. When they arrived at the address Julia asked Frank to check and see if anyone was home as she waited in the cab. He went up and rang the doorbell and no one answered. When he went back to the cab Julia was gone. "I can't believe that, she stiffed me!" he said to himself. As he was heading to return his cab to Monroe's Taxi service he thought to himself, "She doesn't seem like the type to cheat a cabbie out of a fare." He also wondered if she was putting him on because he realized that if she was 19 in 1927 that would make her 96 years old and she didn't look anywhere near that age. When he arrived at Monroe's Taxi service he noticed a stack of letters on the passenger seat where Julia was sitting and he took them with him. "How was your evening?" asked one of the owners. "OK, until this little old lady stiffed me," said Frank. "So granny stiffed you?" said one of the owners while laughing. "She left these letters in the cab," said Frank. "She's probably a senile old bat," said one of the owners. "No she was far from being senile," Frank said. Frank took the letters to the White Horse Tavern, a bar that he hadn't been to in a long time. He was curious about Julia and he wanted to read the letters to learn more about her. While at the bar he opened one of the letters to read it and the female bartender asked him what he would like to drink. "What do you got there?" the bartender asked him. He explained to her about his experience with Julia and how she left the letters in his cab. "Read one of them to me," the bartender said in a curious manner. Frank noted that the letter he began to read was dated June 5, 1944. "1944," said the bartender in a surprised voice. Frank began to read the letter... "My dearest Julia, I am about to be deployed on an important mission. They tell us that it is a turning point in the war with Germany. Hopefully, the war in Europe will soon end and I will be sent back home to you." "World War II he is writing about," said Frank. "At this moment you and I are angels each missing a wing yearning to embrace one another in order to fly and soar to the heights of each others love." "God why can't I meet a man like that?" said the bartender. "That is so beautiful." "My gifts to you are not of gems and flowers but loving thoughts. I truly understand that just as diamonds are made under pressure, so too have the pressures of this war strengthened my love for you. I yearn to hold you in my arms and feel your gentle touch in my heart." The bartender was glued to Frank, and awestruck by what Frank was reading to her. "Do not worry. For this war will not make me an expert on, but rather an apprentice, in life. With each second, minute, and day passing I am learning how to live and soon I shall return to you so that our two souls can once again become whole." "God that is so damn beautiful," said the bartender. "The love in our hearts are like the angels wings we fly for each other, but not for things. For our love Julia are the enlightening words of the soul more precious than the diamonds and gold of the world." "Man, I wish I could write like that," said Frank. Frank and the bartender read through the rest of the letters, a total of thirteen. "These are the most beautiful things I have ever read. You have to return them to Julia," said the bartender. "God why can't I meet someone like that in my life?" The next day Frank went to the address that was on the envelopes and knocked on the door. "Can I help you," asked a women. "Yea, last night Julia was in my cab and she left these letters on my front seat," he said to her. "So," she said as she was distracted by her 4 year old son. "You must be Anthony," Frank said to the little boy. "How do you know his name?" asked the women. "Julia told me," said Frank. "Who the hell is Julia?" asked the women. "You know Julia?" the little boy asked Frank. "Yea, she told me about you and your sister Jessica," Frank said. "She sure loves you guys very much." "Ok, who put you up to this? Was it Hank? Where is he? This is some kind of joke, isn't it?" asked the women referring to her husband Hank. "What do you mean? I'm just trying to return Julia's letters," said Frank. "Julia is someone my kids made up, or some sort of ghost, because ever since we moved into this place weird stuff has been happening," said the women. "Like what?" Frank asked. "The TV will switch channels to Sesame Street without anyone touching the remote control. CD players will turn off without anyone touching them. My two youngest kids have full conversations with someone they call Julia. They say she is an elderly woman as if she is some sort of invisible nanny and I'm beginning to think she is a ghost," said the women. "Hey, Anthony, tell your friend Julia I will give the letters to her granddaughter," Frank said to the little boy. "Are you for real?" asked Anthony's mother. "I wouldn't worry about Julia. She cares for your family very much," Frank said to her. "Come on, are you for real? This is not a joke," she said. "My house is haunted by a little old lady named Julia?" Anthony began tugging on his mother's shirt to get her attention. "What is it sweetie?" she asked her son. "Julia said she's not a little old lady," Anthony paused as if he was listening to someone telling him what to say. "She said she doesn't feel a day over 40." "You see what I mean? This goes on all day between him and Jessica," she said to Frank. Jessica, the woman's 6 year old daughter walked into the living room. "Come on into the living room," the women said to Frank. Frank sat down on the couch next to Jessica. "So you must be Jessica," Frank said. "Yep, and you're Frank, Julia's friend. She said you can give the letters to Kimberly, her granddaughter," Jessica said to Frank. "Mommy, Julia wants to watch Days of Our Lives on TV now," Anthony yelled to his mother. "That is fine sweetie, don't put it on too loud," the women told her son. "Would you like a cup of coffee or something? I have cake if you would like that as well," she said to Frank. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I really would like to return these letters," he said. Frank told Anthony, "Tell Julia that the letters are the most beautiful things I have ever read and you take care, Anthony." Frank went to Julia's granddaughters home and he wasn't sure how to give the letters to her. "I'll just hand the letters to her and leave, maybe she won't be home," he thought to himself. Frank nervously rang the door bell and a woman in her mid to late twenties came to the door just as Julia described her the night before -- young and beautiful. She appeared sure of herself. "Can I help you," she asked. "I have something that belongs to your grandmother," he said to her. "Both of my grandmothers died," she said. "These are your grandmother Julia's letters that your Grandfather wrote her," as he handed her the letters he turned to walk away. "Well you're just going to hand me letters that my grandfather wrote and leave?" she said to him. "Why the big mystery?" "They were left in my cab and I had to return them," he said to her. She began to read the letters and at the same time she asked Frank to come into her home. He sat down at her kitchen table and she continued to read the letters. "They are the most beautiful letters I have ever read," he said to her. "My name is Frank." "My name is Kimberly and I never knew these letters existed," she said. "Someone left them in your cab?" "Yeah," said Frank. "Who?" she asked. "You can tell me." "Julia," he said. "Julia who?" Kimberly asked. "Your grandmother," said Frank. "Yeah, OK, what did she look like?" she asked him skeptically. Frank said, "Well, for one thing she is a big fan of Days of Our Lives." "That is true. She watched it everyday and on the days she couldn't watch it when she started getting sick she asked me to tape the episodes," she said. Frank explained to Kimberly the whole story of her grandmother being in his cab and taking him to Kimberly's home the night before. "I was working late last night. That's why I wasn't here. I am really skeptical about all of this and I don't believe a word of it," she said to him. "The people who are living in her home have two young children; they can see her and talk to her. Perhaps the children's mother will allow us to come over," he said. "I have their number. I will call them," she said. Kimberly went into another room and came back into the kitchen a short time later. "Meet me at my grandmother's home," she said with a stunned look on her face. "I spoke to Lucy Stetlock, the women who bought the house. She said it is OK for us to go there now." When Frank arrived at the house, Kimberly was already there talking to Jessica and Anthony. "She is glad you got the letters," Anthony told Kimberly. Tears began to swell up in Kimberly's eyes. "I didn't know about the letters. They are very beautiful," she said. Jessica told Kimberly, "Julia wants you to know that Frank is a good person." She then paused as if listening to Julia and said, "You can save anything in life but life itself." Anthony then said, "How you spend your life is determined by your life's worth. Julia says you can measure a person's worth by what they give to others." "Frank needs someone to help him realize his true worth. She told me to tell you that," Jessica told Kimberly. "Julia wants me to tell Frank that the greatest achievements in a person's life are all the unremembered acts of kindness and love that were bestowed on others," Jessica told Frank. Anthony began to tug on his mother's shirt. "What, sweetie," Lucy asked her son. Anthony said, "Julia said that Frank and Kimberly are each other's better half." Anthony then turned to Frank and Kimberly, "Julia wants me to tell you that nothing goes unnoticed in life." Jessica said to Frank and Kimberly, "Julia says you are now learning how to live and you need each other to grow." "Thank you," Kimberly said to Lucy unable to hold back her tears. "Your grandmother is a remarkable woman," Lucy said to Kimberly. "So was my grandfather," said Kimberly. * * * Frank and Kimberly believed in Julia's message and they dated. Frank went back to school, and with Kimberly's help, graduated from college and is now a renowned parapsychologist. Kimberly also went back to school and achieved a law degree. Frank understands more about himself and the countless possibilities that lie ahead because he has Kimberly in his life. They are continuing each day to learn and recognize that it's the small subtle acts of loving kindness that determines the true worth of a person's character. They understand also that they are truly each other's better half. Frank and Kimberly are now married and have two children. One is named Julia, after Kimberly's grandmother, and the other is named Charles after her grandfather, who was killed at Normandy on June 6, 1944. -- Thomas F. O'Neill ___________________________________________ Thomas lives in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, where he was born and raised. He has lived in various places in the United States and around the world, even working at centers in India with Mother Teresa in the early 1990s. He is presently an employment specialist. You can visit his online blog here: http://thomasfoneill.blogspot.com You can email him by clicking here: mailto:introspective7@hotmail.com ========================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: ___ _-"_-" _-_-" _-_-" _______________________-"-"_ \ / \ / mga .--_\______________________/_--. ""--------------------------"" >Pancakes Mary offered to care for the eight-year-old daughter of neighbors who were going away for the weekend. On the Saturday morning, she made breakfast, laying a generous helping of bacon and eggs in front of the child. "Mummy always serves hot pancakes for breakfast," said the eight-year-old. So Mary, very eager to oblige, hurried into the kitchen and quickly prepared a plate of hot pancakes, which she laid in front of the girl. "No, thank you," she said. "But I thought you said your mother always has hot pancakes for breakfast!" said Mary in surprise. "She does," said the youngster. "But I don't eat them!" === This post comes to you by way of The Sermon Fodder list. To subscribe drop a note to sermon_fodder-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Please leave this attached if you forward this to friends or post on the web. ======================================= Megachurches article below.... I thought this was particularly interesting because the average church has less than 100 members. Our church, with about 400 members, would almost be considered a megachurch. That's just odd. ====================== _ ///-._ ////////-._ /////////////-. ////////////////`. //////////////// .'`. //////////////// . '.'`. '|`'//////////// . .'.::|` : `'/////// . 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'#| |#| | .|##|'::: `-{_/'|_ |_.-'/}_/'-._ '#| :. |##:'.:| `'{._('}_)-' `-}_}(-._ . . | ' '` .'::| `-' `-.} /-._ . : .'.'_:-'\ `-}_}(-._ | . _.-')_(-' `-/_)`-.:.-{ \{-' `-{_'_)-'' ^ God as a drug: The rise of American megachurches DENVER — American megachurches use stagecraft, sensory pageantry, charismatic leadership and an upbeat, unchallenging vision of Christianity to provide their congregants with a powerful emotional religious experience, according to research from the University of Washington. "Membership in megachurches is one of the leading ways American Christians worship these days, so, therefore, these churches should be understood," said James Wellman, associate professor of American religion at the University of Washington. "Our study shows that -- contrary to public opinion that tends to pass off the megachurch movement as consumerist religion -- megachurches are doing a pretty effective job for their members. In fact, megachurch members speak eloquently of their spiritual growth." Wellman and co-authors Katie E. Corcoran and Kate Stockly-Meyerdirk, University of Washington graduate students in sociology and comparative religion respectively, studied 2008 data provided by the Leadership Network on 12 nationally representative American megachurches. Corcoran will present their paper, titled "'God is Like a Drug': Explaining Interaction Ritual Chains in American Megachurches," at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Megachurches, or churches with 2,000 or more congregants, have grown in number, size, and popularity in recent years, coming to virtually dominate the American religious landscape. More than half of all American churchgoers now attend the largest 10 percent of churches. Megachurch services feature a come-as-you-are atmosphere, rock music, and what Wellman calls a "multisensory mélange" of visuals and other elements to stimulate the senses, as well as small-group participation and a shared focus on the message from a charismatic pastor. The researchers hypothesized that such rituals are successful in imparting emotional energy in the megachurch setting -- "creating membership feelings and symbols charged with emotional significance, and a heightened sense of spirituality," they wrote. As part of their study, Wellman, Corcoran, and Stockly-Meyerdirk analyzed 470 interviews and about 16,000 surveys on megachurch members' emotional experiences with their churches. Four themes emerged: salvation/spirituality, acceptance/belonging, admiration for and guidance from the leader, and morality and purpose through service. The researchers found that feelings of joy felt in the services far exceed the powerful but fleeting "conversion experiences" for which megachurches are often stereotyped. Many participants used the word "contagious" to describe the feeling of a megachurch service where members arrive hungry for emotional experiences and leave energized. One church member said, "(T)he Holy Spirit goes through the crowd like a football team doing the wave. …Never seen it in any other church." Wellman said, "That's what you see when you go into megachurches -- you see smiling people; people who are dancing in the aisles, and, in one San Diego megachurch, an interracial mix I've never seen anywhere in my time doing research on American churches. We see this experience of unalloyed joy over and over again in megachurches. That's why we say it's like a drug." Wellman calls it a "good drug" because the message provides a conventional moral standard, such as being a decent person, taking care of family, and forgiving enemies and yourself. Megachurches also encourage their members, such as by saying, "Things can get better, you can be happy," he added. This comforting message also is a key to megachurches' success, Wellman said. "How are you going to dominate the market? You give them a generic form of Christianity that's upbeat, exciting, and uplifting." The researchers also found that the large size of megachurch congregations is a benefit rather than a drawback, as it results in resources for state-of-the-art technology -- amplifying the emotional intensity of services -- and the ability to hire more qualified church leadership. Wellman said, "This isn't just same-old, same-old. This is not like evangelical revivalism. It's a new, hybrid form of Christianity that's mutating and separate from all the traditional institutions with which we usually affiliate Christianity." Megachurches, which rarely refer to heaven or hell, are worlds away from the sober, judgmental puritan meetinghouses of long ago, Wellman said. Wellman will continue studying the topic of the new American Christianity with a book-length profile of Michigan-based pastor and author Rob Bell due out in late fall, and a book in 2013 titled "High on God: How the Megachurch Conquered America." A grant from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion funded the project. ### By: Daniel Fowler, American Sociological Association (202) 527-7885, ============================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: ____ ____ _,',--.`-. _,',--.`-. <_ ( () ) > ( <_ ( () ) > `-:__;,-' \ `A:__:,-' \ / \ (( ) \-' \ \ ( ) -Shimrod `-'"`-----' >BATHED IN TEARS ByKathleene S. Baker I was bathed in the tears, Of some lady called “Mom.” She said, “You're Miss Josey,” Her voice sweet and calm. I was a soppin’ wet pup, Cradled snug in strange arms. As she promised a life, Free of danger or harm. One look in her eyes, I saw straight to her soul. Our bond was a treasure. And we two made a whole. Sometimes when happy, She wept just from joy. As we romped and we played, With some silly new toy. Our good times were many, And bad times were few. But at the sight of a tear, I knew what to do. I was right by her side, With the loss of her mom. Drenched with her tears, But I helped her hang on. I’d curl up in her lap, Or just snuggle real close. And when tears started falling, They’d be licked from her nose. She taught me tricks and games, And ‘bout all kinds of tears. But I started getting tired, As my days turned to years. Mom’s eyes lost their twinkle, And often she’d weep, When I gave up my toys, Preferring to sleep. My naps brought me visions, Of beautiful things. A bridge and bright rainbow, And I heard angels sing. The last thing I remember, Was Mom’s magical tears. As they swept over me, Away went all fear. Away…went...all……….fear…. ©2005Kathleene S. Baker Lnstrlady@aol.com -<>- __..-' _.--'' _...__..-' .' .' .' .' .------._ ; .-"""`-.<') `-._ .' (.--. _ `._ `'---.__.-' ` `;'-.-' '- ._ .--'`` '._ - ' . `""'-. `---' , ''--..__ `\ ``''---'`\ .' jgs `'. ' `'. >Being Yourself, Becoming Real by: Simon Heighwaya " Your goal is to find out Who You Are." --- A Course in Miracles I heard a story once about an eagle's egg that had got lost or abandoned and was found by chickens. When the eagle hatched, it was loved and cared for by the chickens, brought up to act and behave as if it was a chicken. It knew nothing else. Until one day, the eagle was with his brothers and sisters pecking at the ground, like a chicken, when something made him look up to the sky. High above he saw a majestic sight, a beautiful bird soaring gracefully. Something was stirred inside him, a remembrance, a recognition of 'home'. He asked the chickens, "What is that beautiful bird up there?" The chickens looked up. "Oh that," they said, "that's an eagle, king of the birds. But forget about him, you are one of us, you are a chicken.." I don't know how the story ended and, to me, it is not a case of an eagle being superior to a chicken.just different. The same story has been told about a duck's egg and one day the duck arrives at a great lake just swims, "because he can" --- "it's natural", leaving his family on the shore. As I understand it, it's all just about remembering Who/What we really are, regardless of what we've been told by others or how we have been brought up. A rose will grow into a rose even if it's in the middle of a field of tulips. There is an ancient Indian word "Dharma", which has two meanings. The first is, "Your nature, your true, real, essential nature." The second is, "Your purpose in life". To me the two are inseparable. I believe the word literally translates as Truth. "You are what your deep driving desire is; as your desire is so is your will; as your will is so is your deed; as your deed is so is your destiny." --- Upanishads, India Or, like they said in ancient Greece, "Character is fate". Whatever we are at our most fundamental level, at our most base, whether that be something metaphysical, or something like DNA, I believe that to discover, or remember it is our 'raison d'etre'. And to live in accord, harmony with our deepest selves is the meaning of success. "Above all, to thine own self be true." --- William Shakespeare It's been said that when we die and go back home to 'our maker', we will never be asked why we didn't cure the common cold, why we never made a billion pounds or anything else like that, but simply be asked, "Why didn't you just be yourself?" -<>- >Powerful Message BUZZARD: If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and it is entirely open at The top, the bird, in spite of it's ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The Reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 Feet. Without space to run, as is it's habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will Remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. BAT: The ordinary bat that flies Around at night, a remarkably nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level Place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about Helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it Can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash. `>.___ o-.--.-o ___,<' / `. / ,, \ .' \ { `.; ,__, ;.' } `._ }`.__.'{ _.' `,=."' `".=,' .' /`-.____.-'_ `, \_.';`-.______.-':`._/ `+-.______.-'' `-.____.-' / || \ ; ;; ; `-./ \.-' fsc BUMBLEBEE: A Bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is Taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find Some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, Until it completely destroys itself. PEOPLE: In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat, and the Bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations, not ever Realizing that all they have to do is look up. God is there with love in his heart for You...just look up. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment The Sacred Secret http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/secret.html Advice For Living! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/advice.html Friends And Health http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/friendhealth.html Real Three Bears http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bears.html Thank You Lord! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/thanks.html Graffiti Art http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/graffiti.html Corner Of Paradise http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/corner.html Extreme Homes http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/exhomes.html Just Have Faith http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/faith.html Road Train Trucks http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/roadtrain.html Until We Write Again! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/write.html >From Our Friend PatDeE :) Jesus Will Not Be Mocked! http://tinyurl.com/8qjpkof --- ...Absolutely! Thanks PatDeE! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Johanna :) _____ / \/_ //\__(\_\ |\ ^ ^ | .//_O \O_ \ \_ (_) / \ \_/ / __/\ /\__ / \ \ / / \ / \/\/\/ \ / | . | \ / | . | \ JRO >BLESSED Do you cower in the darkness, For the ones you tried impress, Or do you smile to yourself, For you're too blessed to stress. The things once thought important, Just ripples in your lake, And as you watch them fade away, More chances you will take. You'll simply make decisions, That once made you aware, That who you are and what you are, Is what you wish to share. What does it mean to be Blessed, does it mean that everything you have ever wanted is yours? Or does it mean that everything you'd found contentment with in life has already been given you. Does wealth, health, security, love mean you have attained all there is in life or does it mean your goals are limited in your search for what is truly important. Blessing can be as simple as a look of thanks, a smile of gratefulness, a touch appreciation. Blessing can be found in a beautiful sunset or sunrise, the grin of a newborn, as your mind allows you for a moment to wonder its cause. The contented sounds of a loved on peacefully sleeping in the middle of the night, or a frightened hug because of a loud thunder clap during a storm. Blessing can be all or none of these, but sometimes the little ones can end up being the biggest. Cherish them, each and every one? If silently you wonder, This thought you must address, No matter what the circumstance, You're just too Blessed to stress. --- ...Sweet thought! Thanks Johanna! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend JoeL :) >Read and return If God brings you to it he'll bring you through it ... Read this...I mean REALLY read this This is without a doubt one of the nicest good luck forwards I have received. Hope it works for you -- and me! You have 6 minutes There's some mighty fine advice in these words, even if you're not superstitious. This has been sent To you for good luck from the Anthony Robbins organization. It has been sent around the world ten times so Far. Do not keep this message. This must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired. ..::''''::.. .:::. .;'' ``;. .... ::::: :: :: :: :: ,;' .;: () ..: `:::' :: :: :: :: ::. ..:,:;.,:;. . :: .::::. `:' :: .:' :: :: `:. :: '''::, :: :: :: `:: :: ;: .:: : :: : : :: ,:'; ::; :: :: :: :: :: ::,::''. . :: `:. .:' :: `:,,,,;;' ,;; ,;;, ;;, ,;;, ,;;, `:,,,,:' :;: `;..``::::''..;' ``::,,,,::'' 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully 2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. 3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.. 4. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it. 5. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye 6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. 7. Believe in love at first sight. 8. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much. 9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. 10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. 11. Don't judge people by their relatives... 12. Talk slowly but think quickly.. 13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?' 14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 15. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze. 16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson ! 17. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions. 18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship... 19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. 21. Spend some time alone.. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.. Do not keep this message. --- ...Positive thinking! Thanks JoeL! ============================================================= _____ .'.---.'. // , \\ || `| || || | || || -'- || .-"`'-.,_ _,.-'`"-. / .'--,___`"""`___,--'. \ | /:////_'---'_\\\\:\ | \|:|// `_ _` \\|:|/ '-/| (6/ \6) |\-' \\ | | // `| (._.) |` | _ _ | jgs \ '---' / '--.___.--' >In the Hearts of Mankind Story Editor: by Bruce McCormick Joyce Schowalter Mississippi, USA My wife, three young daughters and I were starting dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2001, when I smelled a hint of smoke. As my wife's candles had caused this before, I wasn't alarmed, but started looking around. Coming back from the kitchen the smell was stronger. Suddenly my wife and I both noticed a thin haze near the ceiling of the family room where we were eating. Against everything I've been taught, I opened the laundry room door. Two feet of black smoke rolled from the ceiling with a roaring fire several feet away. (The fire could easily have been embedded in the smoke, I was fortunate.) Our small kitchen fire extinguishers were worthless against the blaze; with a larger extinguisher we could have stopped it. I called 911 and cleared everyone out of the house. Adrenaline flows and you feel like you're not watching reality. You smell smoke. You hear the loud popping of things breaking inside as the fire grows. You watch firemen climb onto the roof and cut holes with chainsaws. As fire leaps from new holes it created in your roof, a sick feeling grows in the pit of your stomach. What should have been controllable is destroying your home. In the midst of this surrealistic horror something incredible happened. I have no explanation for what happened, as I'm reclusive, not someone who associates easily with others. People from the neighborhood started showing up with clothing. One family took our daughters in. Another took in our two big Labrador dogs. People we'd never seen brought us coats, a chair for my wife, food to eat, a sweater for me. One family gave us a piece of paper with a prepaid hotel reservation -- something I'd not even thought of. Over several weeks more families -- some we knew, most we didn't know -- prepared dinner and brought it over. They lent and donated furniture for our rental house, gave us clothing, provided toys for our children, and some included us in their prayers. Unknown individuals and groups took up collections and sent us money. Though so very embarrassing to accept, it was so very welcome, for we were not in the best financial state, and our insurance firm wasn't easy to work with. We had to bear implications that we could've started the fire ourselves from the insurance company investigators. I learned what emotional shock means. Often I would cry just describing the situation to people. I had no comprehension of the kindness of friends and strangers until this happened. I had done nothing to deserve this kindness. Their outpouring was from their hearts, and at their expense -- just to help. I can't thank them all personally, for some I never met, but I am so thankful for them, they were our angels. I have learned a lesson of human spirit and what is in the hearts of mankind: a lesson to be remembered forever. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: _ _ ((`'-"``""-'`)) ) - - ( / (o _ o) \ \ ( 0 ) / _'-.._'='_..-'_ /`;#'#'#.-.#'#'#;`\ \_)) '#' ((_/ #. .# '#. .#' jgs / '#. .#' \ _\ \'#. .#'/ /_ (((___) '#' (___))) >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Zoe, 3, loves to meet new people and ask them what their name is. She was in the church nursery and she asked the girl who was babysitting what her name was. Zoe was disappointed when she heard the response. So later, after church, she told her grandmother, Sue, "That little girl won't tell me her name." The babysitter told Sue, "I keep telling her my name (but she doesn't understand)." So Zoe asked again, "What's your name?" The babysitter replied, "Chantell." "See, Grandma," Zoe said quickly. "She won't tell me!" (Zoe heard the name as "Can't tell!) -- Sue Sherer of Kendallville, Indiana (Zoe is the daughter of Nathan and Sandra Sherer who live in Kouts, south of Valparaiso, Indiana. After spending the weekend in Dayton at the air show, Bret told his grandma Alisha that he saw the Blue Angels and got to sit in a real cakepot (cock pit)! -- Midge Baughman (grandmother of Bret) of Garrett, Indiana Dwayne and his two sons were visiting. They ordered a pizza for supper. After polishing off the cheese pizza they had ordered especially for the boys. Dylan, 5, decided he wanted to try the ham pizza. His dad put a piece of the ham pizza on Dylan's plate. Dylan looked at the pizza, began picking off the pieces of ham and explained, "I just don't want to get any of that 'nasty stuff.'" He was referring to the pizza sauce. -- Dennis Smith (Koen's and Dylan's PawPaw) of Oak Ridge, North Carolina ,===,._ | `", | / ,-..-"-.=-,,_/ /,- \.""-`\ )_ \_ - '--' \ / 0 __0 7_/ |/ _ (__) \ /`| |/(@) |` _.-"\-; '. \ # \/ /'_.-" \ \ `)\ .="#,_ __ _,'` ;-'-.`) __`;.#/|/ \/ \. | /` # | () |\ _.-"`` | .--# |'--' `-`\|-'` \ / `)\ `./ \| '. | .-#\ \ \ \ `\__/# \ |_ /`-. /| / # \|`-` . ` } / .#-, | ; ,} / / # `' , .} / /`\ # _,-' //` `#_ ,--'{ (( _,;` { } jgs `""` / } { ,-'` } `-._ .' _,-``, `\ (_(_(_.' `-.__)_)/ Abbey, who turns 7 this month, has an expansive vocabulary... but she doesn't always use exactly the right words to convey her meaning. The other morning, after finding that the dog had chewed on one of her mom's dress shoes Abbey said, "Mom, I hate to be the bird of bad news (bearer of bad news), but Ruby ate your shoes." Another day, Abbey and her cousin Laine were watching Mike (Abbey's dad) park the riding lawn mower. Laine asked if the dogs could drive the tractor. Before Mike could answer Abbey responded, "Of course not! Dogs don't have supposable (opposable) thumbs." -- Lynn Walkup (mother of Abbey) of Garrett, Indiana The little 3-year-old girl across the street was playing with TerryAnn's grand-daughter the other day. TerryAnn asked her how her dad was feeling as he had been sick. She told TerryAnn he was fine and that he was going to go to "beer" camp the next weekend he was off. (The 3-year-old meant deer camp!) -- TerryAnn Fielding of Brandon, Mississippi First grader Brianna was spending the night with her grandparents. They were talking and playing cards. The TV was on. A child in the show apparently wanted to stay home from school, so she was "playing" sick. Brianna looked at her grandma and said, "I've done that." Startled, her grandma asked, "What have you done?" "I pretended I was sick so I could stay home from school," she answered. "Brianna, how did you know to do that?" Giggling she said, "Well, Grandma, I do watch TV you know." -- Barbara Roney (grandmother of Brianna) of Portland, Oregon .-.*_, ."". ."". {*(,\}/___ .-"-, | ' | `;)@\*|" `", _.' \ \ / ."". ."". '((/; | .-' | '. .' | ' | *;-.=-=-=._ .;-, | ' \ / __;____..---/' -,\ ; _,__ '. .' .--';`_ __.-'` _/ / ,-..-" "-, ' / `;---'__0 \ .' /,- \. \-. | / (__) \ _.' \_ - - \ _.-,_ { |-'` / 0 __0 7_/ ({\*,;) \,'-`-' /' |/ (__) \ /*(@-'}) ___",_ __ __,;`.--, |/ |` \_,'-;}`.' `'."".,---.._, ) \ \/ /'_.-"/ _`) |`----'`( (= /`-._ .="-,_ __ _,'` / ', \ =";`--'\ '=. /| ()() __`;.____...-'\. | | /` / |\ '. ` | ()@()* /` ' | ,_/.=\ .; | | '. /-' -##@() | .--, `y-'`\ || '--'/| \ \ \`-` ##)@() \ / `) \ '.||_,.--'/ / / ) |/ *`(\A/)() '. | ,-' } || { |.'.| /_.'./ .-.* { >*< }*) `\__/ _..._| |/ { | (\A/) @(/V\)()@() /`--....--` . `} /{ \___{ >*< }()()##()()*{ { ; } { \ / ###(/V\)()@()(####\) { , } | `--.. ,' #########()()##### \ _,' { / <><><><><><><><><> `,_ ,--'{ \ | | } { } ; \ / jgs / } { \ | / ,-` } `-._ _.-'` { `-. .' _,-``, `\ .' } .`\ \(_(_.' `-.__)_)/ `.-' _.-'`'-._ \' `"""` `""""` Lauren, 7, asked, "Mom, how old are you?" Her mother said, "I'm 43." Then Laura asked, "How old is Grandma A?" Her mother replied, "She's 64." Lauren said, "So.... Grandma's older than you." Her mother said, "Yes." Lauren said, "She doesn't LOOK older than you." Her mother replied, "YES, she does!" Lauren said, "Well, she's not taller than you." (So her mother guesses taller means older!) -- Tamara A. (mother of Lauren) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Isaiah, 3, and Elijah, 9, had worn their mother out with their arguing and nitpicking one hot summmer's day. As Mom was sitting and trying to have some quiet time, Isaiah came running up, crying and complaining about his brother taking something from him. Mom sighed and said, "Just ignore Eli, he's just trying to get your goat." Isaiah turned and trotted out of the room. Mom was amazed that this explanation had seemed to work... until she heard Isaiah shriek "Eli, I want my goat back!" -- Tanya Redfield (mother of Isaiah and Elijah) of Minnesota Lake, Minnesota Ava, 2, her mom and grandmother were out taking a walk. Ava spotted some flowers and said, "Oh, Mama, look at those beautiful daisies! Her mother responded with, "Oh, Honey, those are actually marigolds." When they got back home, Ava ran to her grandfather and said, "Oh, Papa, we just saw the most beautiful ACTUALLY's!" -- Melody Taninies (friend of the family) of Ankeny, Iowa __ / \ /'. / | ||'.\| | || \\ / /\ __ \\ \\'```'-._ ; | /\ \ \'./` __ `D | _/ /\_| \ .__|' ` -.| | ,' \ \ .| - - | \____,..-` \ _Y_ __/ / / `---'"""` `\ \| . __.._/ | '-.__.-""``.-./ |\ | ( _.'` |\ || .-| `` || || | ; || // jgs '-'\ //` `"""""""""`"""""` "Ouch!" Marie said. Her friend's child was visiting. The child had stuck her with a pin. "Why did you do that?" Marie asked. "We wanted to see the blood sales," the child said. "You mean blood cells?" Marie asked. "Yes!" the child replied. "It's not a sale going on," Marie said. "It's what it's called!" -- Marie of Rainbow City, Alabama Sam, 3, was sitting at the kitchen table with his baby brother, Gavin, 10 months, eating lunch. Gavin was trying to grab several things from Sam's plate. Sam said to his mother, "Gosh, Mom, Gavin needs some bug spray, he is bugging me!" -- Carrie (mother of three) of Indiana Chris told her two foster children, Dayton, 6, and Skyland, 5, to mind their manners while visiting relatives. She carefully went over the "do's" and "don't's" so that they would know how to behave. They had a tendency to be loud, rowdy and argumentative. The evening went well and Chris was quite impressed with the behavior and manners of the two children. They cheered from the sidelines while Chris's husband, James, won several games of pool. Out of 10 opponents only one beat him. Dayton and Skyland were excited as they cheered, "PaPa... you won again!" Chris was berating herself for being so apprehensive about the children remembering their manners. But then she was brought back to reality as they waved good-bye from their vehicle and Dayton stuck his head out the window and shouted, "Goodbye losers!" __..._.-. .-._...__ /.-. '-.) (.-' .-.\ \', \ / ,'/ | o'--D c--'a | \ / | | \ / ;._ _\ '-/ \-' /_ _.; .' __ `\`.-"-. .-"-.`/` __ '. .' .' '.|' ' '|.' '. '. / \ '._, ,_.' / \ ; '-._ \ / _.-' ; (| /'-.__/ \__.-'\ |) \ __ ,' '-. .-' ', __ / `/ `\.-'| '.' |'-./` \` | | '-. .-' | | | '-. ) ( .-' | jgs \ )-' '-( / '-----' '-----' Cristina and her husband had been working with her son on doing things on his own ? cleaning his room, brushing his teeth, etc. One night they went out to dinner when Cristina was sick. Cristina's aunt, the family cut up, had been asking Cristina's son silly questions. He had lost his first baby tooth and Cristina's aunt asked him why. He thought a minute and said, "I don't brush my teeth very well." -- Cristina Ware of Rock Island, Tennessee Sally is a high school guidance counselor. Last spring she explained to 6-year-old Danyelle that her seniors were graduating and going to college. Danyelle asked: "Do you have to get another job?" She thought Sally wouldn't have any students left. -- Sally Morris (grandmother of Danyelle) of Wellington, Florida ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend KarenF :) __ _ / \_/ ) \ ` `\ ; a `-. Dear GOD, | ) \ _..' PLEASE /` <._._ Bless My Puter / .'';_;'` \ Friends. .' : _/ / '. __..-` / | | \/\ \._ \ \ | ``--J \ | / \ | jgs \__.'-._____.' >Bless this Puter Every night I lie in bed This little prayer inside my head God bless my mom and dad And bless my children And take care of my spouse Who brings me so much joy... God, there's just one more thing I wish that you would do If you don't mind my asking To bless my 'puter', too?? Now I know that it's not normal To bless a small machine But listen just a second And I'll try to explain... You see, that little metal box Holds more than odds and ends Inside those small components Rest a hundred loving friends. Some it's true I've never seen And most I've never met... Never shaken hands or Ever truly hugged, and yet... I know for sure they love me By the kindnesses they give, And this little scrap of metal Is how I get to where they live. By faith is how I know them, Much the same as I know You. I share in life it brings them, So if it's OK with you... Just take an extra minute From your duties up above... To bless this little hunk of steel that's filled with so much love. So God, Please Bless My Puter... --Author unknown --- ...Aww, such a sweet one! Thanks KarenF! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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