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"We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ ,_ ,_ _, _, | '. '. .' .' | \ \ \ / / / '.__\_|_ _|_/__.' /` '. .' `\ / ^ ) ( ^ \ / __.' '.__ \ .' (_ _) '. .' \'-._.===========._.-'/ '. / '.__) HAPPY (__.' \ ; .-. '.| EASTER! |.' .-. ; /`| / '._)===========(_.' \ |`\ | \ /--. .--\ / | '--'\ '-.__) (__.-' /'--' jgs )_____) (______( *~* Have A Happy Blessed Easter In Christ Jesus :) May you all have a very blessed and happy Easter celebration. We celebrate the life that Jesus Christ died to give us through God. Without their sacrifice, we'd be dead in sins and without God in this evil and troubled world of ours. Thank God for God and our Beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Hold your friends and family close through prayers this Easter. May God bless you and yours and keep you safe! -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >-->In The 'Shangy' News :) If you are like me, you found that one of your main sources for the KJV bible - ie - http://www.hti.umich.edu/relig/kjv/ No longer was a valid link to the KJV Bible text! I was thinking it would come back after the colleges got back to running normally again and so started to use a less favorite and harder to use resource for my online text - the Bible Gateway - https://www.biblegateway.com/ It was OK but I was missing my familiar resource. I had another bookmark for the bible and was quite pleased that it brought up my familiar site! Praise God! It is here... http://etext.virginia.edu/kjv.browse.html It flips to this site automatically - https://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kjv/ So when you see me quoting scripture, most often it is from this site. They make it easy to find what you are looking for. :) -<>- >2 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) Our latest red hot scorcher new page is from our friends Linda, Jo Ann, and Sharon. This one gives you some of the world's most interesting and amazing sights that you may never have seen before. Be sure to check it and its video out here... .-. [.-''-., | //`~\) (<| 0\0|>_ ";\ _"/ \\_ _, __\|'._/_ \ '='-, /\ \ || )_///_\>> ( '._ T |\ | _/),-' '. '._.-' /'/ | | '._ _.'`-.._/ snd ,\ / '-' |/ [_/\-----j _.--.__[_.--'_\__ / `--' '---._ / '---. -'. .' _.-- '. \_ '--.___ _;.-o / '.__ ___/______.__8----' Amazing Things http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/amazingthings.html --- ...Wow! Stunning! Thanks Ladies! This flaming hot new page is from our friend Linda. It is one sure to give you plenty of smiles and meet your aww quota for the day. Take a moment and check this out along with its cute video here... _ \`*-. ) _`-. . : `. . : _ ' \ ; *` _. `*-._ `-.-' `-. ; ` `. :. . \ . \ . : .-' . ' `+.; ; ' : : ' | ; ;-. ; ' : :`-: _.`* ; [bug] .*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*' `*-* `*-* `*-*' Pam Pam The Kitty http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/pampam.html --- ...Aww, How adorable! Thank You Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: "The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances." -- Robert Flatt ,_ , .'<_ _> `'-,'(__.-' __< >_.--(.. ) =;` jgs `V-'`'\/`` >NEW LIFE AT EASTER TIME by Diane Dean White Years ago at a car show, surrounded with all kinds of booths offering an array of items for sale, my eyes fell upon a variety of unique birdhouses. They were actually too cute to use, and I suspected they were more for decoration purposes. The house was made out of a fine polished wood with a license plate that fit over the top as a roof. I sought out the year of my high school graduation and the fact that it was a Michigan plate made it perfect! We hung it in sheltered areas where we could enjoy it and visitors would see the unique craftsmanship of this decorative birdhouse. A few years later when we moved from Michigan to South Carolina, we hung it outside our front door where guests would notice it. The birds, however, just flew by it! Recently, I heard some chirping outside the window near the area where I work on my computer, and I noticed a bird, possibly a finch that kept flying around the decorative bird house with the Michigan license plate. I listened as she sang and fluttered, and I continue to do my computer work. A little over a week later I was again working at my computer and my hubby and I heard another sound. We heard little peeps and the sounds of baby birds! I was amazed to think that this decorative birdhouse was actually being used for that purpose. I tried to get a good picture of the mother at feeding time, but the hole into the house was no bigger than my thumb, and I could not imagine ever seeing more than the feathers. One afternoon we heard a number of little birds calling for their dinner. My husband stood at the front door, with camera in hand and through the glass inside was able to capture the Mother guarding her babies. I'm going to be watching for the day that the Mother bird takes her continued role, and pushes them out to learn to fly, in order to allow them to go on their own. As the sounds of Spring are in the air and this precious guest and her babes are outside our window, I started thinking about another Mother and her role in life, and how as a young woman she was told she would give birth to the King of Kings. She was obedient to God and Christ was born of a virgin in a meager cave surrounded by animals. When He was a young man, his Mother Mary, had to allow him to do his own thing, and let go. Thinking that He was lost in a crowd one day she found him teaching at a temple and when she questioned what he was doing, he told her he was doing his Father's business. Although quite young, she had to let go. His 33 years of life on earth was consumed with teaching, preaching and miracles. On a dark Friday, the babe born to Mary gave the world His greatest gift. He was taken by Roman soldiers to a wooden cross, where he was nailed and tortured, spit upon and left to die; and yet spoke these words, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Friday was a dark day, a day of weeping for Christ's followers, but on Sunday morning, the sun shone and the tomb that was sealed was open and His body was gone. Christ ascended into heaven and all who doubted would believe. Just like the Mother bird who looks after her babies allowing them to be on their own, Mary had to allow Jesus to do what God ordained, letting Him go. We celebrate His resurrection and new life on Easter Sunday. Come to think of it, it was just about that time that those little birds left the nest! Happy Easter! -- Diane Dean White __________________________________________________ Diane is a published author of two books and many short stories and articles in various magazines and books. She and her husband are the parents of three grown children and three grand gals. They make their home in the sunshine state of Florida where Diane continues her writing. You may visit her website at: http://www.dianedeanwhite.com ------- .-. .-. / \ / \ | _ \ / _ | ; | \ \ / / | ; \ \ \ \_.._/ / / / '. '.;' ';,' .' './ _ _ \.' .' a __ a '. '--./ _, \/ ,_ \.--' ----| \ /\ / |---- .--'\ '-' '-' /'--. _>.__ -- _.- `; .' _ __/ _/ / '.,:".-\ /:, | \.' `""`'.\\ '-,.__/ _ .-. ;|_ /` `|| _/ `\/_ \_|| `\ | ||/ \-./` \ / || | \ ||__/__|___|__|| / \_ |_Happy Easter_| / jgs .' \ = _= _ = _= /`\ / `-;----=--;--' \ \ _.-' '. / `""` `""` >EASTER JOKES FOR YOUR FAMILY Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end. Is it true that bunnies have good eyesight? Well you never see a bunny wearing glasses, do you? What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit $20 bill? One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny! Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken! Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered? Because he was eggo-centric! Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has four rabbits' feet. What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion? A bunion. What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force. What do you call a bunny with a large brain? Egghead! What does a bunny use when it goes swimming? A hare-net. What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit? Cheer up! How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter? Hoppy Easter =========================================================== ~ T H E J E L L Y B E A N P R A Y E R ~ __ RED is for the blood he gave. .;;. /;;;. GREEN is for the grass he made. /;;;;\ ,..., |;;;;;\ YELLOW is for the sun so bright. |;;;;|/;;;;;;;::.;;| ORANGE is for the edge of night. \;;;;/\;;;;;/::::\;' __ BLACK is for the sins we made. `''` `''''|::::| .;;;\ WHITE is for the grace he gave. jgs .;;;\ \::::/ ,;;;,:;;;;;| PURPLE is for his hour of sorrow. /;;;;;| `''` /::::::\;;;/ PINK is for our new tomorrow. |;;;;/ .-""-.:::::/''` `''` / \'''` A bag full of jelly beans \ / colorful and sweet, HAPPY EASTER '----' is a PRAYER, is a PROMISE, is a SPECIAL TREAT. =========================================================== >-->From DailyEncounter: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Part Truth: The Most Deceptive Lie And he [Satan] said to the woman [Eve], "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' And the woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"1 When God placed the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, he gave them a free will to choose whether or not they would follow God's ways or go their own way. He did this because he didn't create mankind to be puppets on a string. God gave Adam and Eve total freedom with one exception. That was they could eat of every tree in the garden but not of just one tree--the tree of "the knowledge of good and evil." Then came Satan (the father of all lies, deception and evil) disguised in the form of a serpent to tempt Adam and Eve. He said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."2 True, if they ate of the forbidden fruit, they would know the difference between good and evil, but what Satan didn't tell them was that if they ate of this tree, they would be forever confirmed in a state of evil and that they would die spiritually and be forever separated from God. Tragically, Adam and Eve took the bait and ate of the forbidden fruit. Mankind has paid the price ever since. They were deceived by a part truth--the most deceptive form of lying--and chose to believe Satan rather than God. Satan has been deceiving people the same way ever since. Every false religion has an element of truth. This makes their teachings believable to those who don't know and believe what God says in his Word, the Bible. Satan also makes temptation sound very appealing by luring us with part truths. But he never reveals the tragic consequences of all sin--the ultimate end of which is spiritual death and eternal separation from a holy and just God. The good news is that God, because he loves us with an eternal love, gave his own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place on the cross to pay the penalty for all our sins and defeat Satan's evil purposes for mankind. Be assured, according to God's Word Jesus is the only way to God and only he has the gift of forgiveness and eternal life. Whatever you do, believe and trust God--never trust or believe Satan and/or man-made religions that claim there is any other way to God other than through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.3 To believe and follow what God says leads to eternal life. To believe and follow Satan's lies leads to eternal death which is eternal separation from God in the place God's Word calls hell. Whatever you do, read and accept God's only plan of salvation at: http://tinyurl.com/8glq9. Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please give me a hunger to study and know what Your Word teaches so I will never be deceived by Satan's lies. And help me to understand and accept Your only plan of salvation so that I can have the assurance that all my sins are forgiven and that I have received Your gift of eternal life. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus Christ's name, amen." 1. Genesis 3:1-3 (NIV). 2. Genesis 3:4-5 (NIV). 3. See John 14:6 and John 3:16 in the Bible. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Love God ... Love People "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'.and.'Love your neighbor as yourself'."1 Ron Clark of Tasmania, Australia, tells how he "read of a halfway house for men released from prison where they could stay until they got a job and somewhere to live. One young man had been in a penal institution for most of his adult life. One day as he, the ex-prisoner, sat in the lounge, the three-year-old daughter of the couple who ran the shelter crawled up onto his lap, put her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. With tears running down his cheeks he said, 'This is the first time I can remember anyone touching me in love.' "A few weeks later he gave his life to Jesus Christ. God used that unique communication of physical contact and love to break the scars of all those years." I recall reading in one of Leo Buscaglia's books about a fairly small child who went to a neighbor's house where a husband lived whose wife had died. When she returned home, her mother asked what she did. She said, "I just sat on his lap and helped him cry." If there were one answer for the ills of the world, it could be summed up in the words of Jesus when He was asked by a lawyer, "Which was the greatest of all the commandments?" To which Jesus replied, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."2 If we truly love God, we will serve him. We will also love people and do all we can to help them because we serve God by serving people. Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to love You with all of my heart, soul and mind, and love my neighbor as myself, and to serve You by giving and ministering to others. And help me to always do this with a pure motive--one that will glorify You in all that I am and do. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus Christ's name, amen." 1. Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV). 2. Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV). -<>- | \ ' / '-. | .-' --= --|-- =-- _. | ._ ' __|__ ' d88888b >Who is Jesus to You? "A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, `Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!' When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked,`Who is this?' The crowds answered, `This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.'"1 When Jesus entered Jerusalem during what we know as the "Triumphal Entry", the crowds were excited for his arrival. They had seen Jesus perform many miracles and knew he possessed great power. However, did they truly know who Jesus was? In the passage for today from Matthew we read their response. "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee." They had Jesus right in front of them but were still unable to see his true identity. Perhaps this is because they had previous expectations of what the Messiah would look like or what he would come to do. For starters, they probably were not expecting the King to come riding on a donkey. However, Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy that had been given claiming his rightful place as the Messiah. In Zechariah 9:9 we read, "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout,Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious,lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." But even with the religious leaders of that time having knowledge of the old testament prophecies,they were still not able to see that it was happening. their King had come! As we prepare our hearts this week to remember Jesus' sacrifice and celebrate his resurrection, my question is, who is Jesus to you? We have all the information we need in the Bible regarding who Jesus was and all he did. But are we like the crowds in Jerusalem that day that shouted excitedly at Jesus' arrival only to fail to see him as their King? Or will we be ready to open our eyes and hearts to our King and submit to his authority in our lives? It is easy to celebrate Jesus' resurrection, as it gives us hope for the future, but allowing Christ to be the King of our lives involves a constant surrender of our will to His. It is much more than a one-time deal, but rather a daily choice to give Him complete control. So again, I ask. who is Jesus to you? Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank you for giving us the gift of your Son Jesus. Thank you for such great love that He paid the ultimate price for us in giving His life to free us from the bondage of sin. I ask that you open the eyes of my heart and allow me to see Jesus, not only for who I think he should be, but for who he truly is. The only begotten Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer and King. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus Christ's name, amen." 1. Matthew 21:8-9 (NIV). NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this. * * * * * * * Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com ACTS International P.O. Box 73545 San Clemente, California 92673-0119 U.S.A. Phone: 949-940-9050 http://www.actsweb.org Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International. When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: _ xxxx _ /_;-.__ / _\ _.-;_\ `-._`'`_/'`.-' `\ /` | / /-.( \_._\ \ \`; > |/ / // |// jgs \(\ `` >THE STORY OF EDITH BURNS... Happy Easter! Edith Burns was a wonderful Christian who lived in San Antonio, Texas. She was the patient of a doctor by the name of Will Phillips. Dr. Phillips was a gentle doctor who saw patients as people. His favorite patient was Edith Burns. One morning he went to his office with a heavy heart and it was because of Edith Burns. When he walked into that waiting room, there sat Edith with her big black Bible in her lap earnestly talking to a young mother sitting beside her. Edith Burns had a habit of introducing herself in this way: "Hello, my name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?" Then she would explain the meaning of Easter, and many times people would be saved. Dr. Phillips walked into that office and there he saw the head nurse, Beverly. Beverly had first met Edith when she was taking her blood pressure. Edith began by saying,"My name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?" Beverlysaid, "Why yes I do." Edith said, "Well, what do you believe about Easter?" Beverly said, "Well, it's all about egg hunts, going to church, and dressing up." Edith kept pressing her about the real meaning of Easter, and finally led her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Dr. Phillips said, "Beverly, don't call Edith into the office quite yet. I believe there is another delivery taking place in the waiting room. After being called back in the doctor's office, Edith sat down and when she took a look at the doctor she said, "Dr. Will, why are you so sad? Are you reading your Bible? Are you praying?" Dr. Phillips said gently, "Edith, I'm the doctor and you're the patient" With a heavy heart he said, "Your lab report came back and it says you have cancer, and Edith, you're not going to live very long." Edith said, "Why Will Phillips, shame on you. Why are you so sad? Do you think God makes mistakes? You have just told me I'm going to see my precious Lord Jesus, my husband, and my friends. You have just told me that I am going to celebrate Easter forever, and here you are having difficulty giving me my ticket!" Dr. Phillips thought to himself, "What a magnificent woman this Edith Burns is!" Edith continued coming to Dr. Phillips. Christmas came and the office was closed through January 3rd. On the day the office opened, Edith did not show up. Later that afternoon, Edith called Dr. Phillips and said she would have to be moving her story to the hospital and said, "Will, I'm very near home, so would you make sure that they put women in here next to me in my room who need to know about Easter." Well, they did just that and women began to come in and share that room with Edith. Many women were saved. Everybody on that floor from staff to patients were so excited about Edith, that they started calling her Edith Easter; that is everyone except Phyllis Cross, the head nurse. Phyllis made it plain that she wanted nothing to do with Edith because she was a "religious nut". She had been a nurse in an army hospital. She had seen it all and heard it all. She was the original G.I. Jane. She had been married three times, she was hard, cold, and did everything by the book. One morning the two nurses who were to attend to Edith were sick. Edith had the flu and Phyllis Cross had to go in and give her a shot. When she walked in, Edith had a big smile on her face and said, "Phyllis, God loves you and I love you, and I have been praying for you." Phyllis Cross said, "Well, you can quit praying for me, it won't work.. I'm not interested." Edith said, "Well, I will pray and I have asked God not to let me go home until you come into the family." Phyllis Cross said, "Then you will never die because that will never happen," and curtly walked out of the room. Every day Phyllis Cross would walk into the room and Edith would say, "God loves you Phyllis and I love you, and I'm praying for you." One day Phyllis Cross said she was literally drawn to Edith's room like a magnet would draw iron. She sat down on the bed and Edith said, "I'm so glad you have come, because God told me that today is your special day" Phyllis Cross said, "Edith, you have asked everybody here the question, "Do you believe in Easter but you have never asked me." Edith said, "Phyllis, I wanted to many times, but God told me to wait until you asked, and now that you have asked." Edith Burns took her Bible and shared with Phyllis Cross the Easter Story of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Edith said, "Phyllis, do you believe in Easter? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is alive and that He wants to live in your heart?" Phyllis Cross said, "Oh I want to believe that with all of my heart, and I do want Jesus in my life "Right there, Phyllis Cross prayed and invited Jesus Christ into her heart. For the first time Phyllis Cross did not walk out of a hospital room, she was carried out on the wings of angels. Two days later, Phyllis Cross came in and Edith said, "Do you know what day it is?" Phyllis Cross said, "Why Edith, it's Good Friday." Edith said, "Oh, no, for you every day is Easter. Happy Easter Phyllis!" Two days later, on Easter Sunday, Phyllis Cross came into work, did some of her duties and then went down to the flower shop and got some Easter lilies because she wanted to go up to see Edith and give her some Easter lilies and wish her a Happy Easter. When she walked into Edith's room, Edith was in bed. That big black Bible was on her lap. Her hands were in that Bible. There was a sweet smile on her face. When Phyllis Cross went to pick up Edith's hand, she realized Edith was dead. Her left hand was on John 14: "In my Father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." Her right hand was on Revelation 21:4, "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Phyllis Cross took one look at that dead body, and then lifted her face toward heaven, and with tears streaming down here cheeks, said, "Happy Easter, Edith - Happy Easter!" Phyllis Cross left Edith's body, walked out of the room, and over to a table where two student nurses were sitting. She said, "My name is Phyllis Cross. Do you believe in Easter?" If you believe in Easter, forward this on. God works in wonderful ways, and to believe in his power is to truly be free. If Jesus had e-mail, he'd do the same for you. (Actually, maybe He just did) "Father, bless this person in whatever it is that You know he or she may be needing this day, in Jesus Christ's name, Amen." -<>- . | . \ ' / '-. | .-' --= --|-- =-- _. _|_ | _|_ ._ ' _|__|__|_ ' ____/HEISRISEN\_____ >The Message Of Easter Easter is the most joyous of all Christian holidays. It is the foundation of the Christian faith. Without Easter and the Resurrection there would be no Christianity. The message of Easter is not just for Christians. The message of Easter goes beyond Christianity and touches the hearts of all good people everywhere. The message of Easter is a message of celebration; a celebration of the ultimate triumph of hope and love. In a weary world, battered by hate, war, greed, dwindling resources, starvation, hopelessness, violence and evil, the message of Easter shines like a lighthouse above a dark and treacherous shore. It is a message that all who listen will hear - whether they be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, agnostics or atheists. Open eyes and hearts and see and hear the true message of Easter - and it belongs not to Christians alone. For the message of Easter brings the broader message of hope; of love conquering evil; and of life conquering death. The message of Easter is one of light victorious over darkness; of hope triumphing over hopelessness; of love conquering hate; and of faith reigning supreme over fear. It is the single most hopeful message to all mankind that ultimately right will prevail over wrong. The message of Easter gives all of us, Christians or not, a promise that life trumps death; good trumps evil; light trumps darkness; and that love trumps hate. Who among us wishes that death will ultimately prevail? Or that darkness will be victorious over light? Would any good person hope that hate will ultimately triumph over love? The true Christian is tolerant of other religions and other beliefs. And in that spirit of Christianity we must make the message of Easter more than just a Christian message. We must share this message of rebirth and hope with all our brothers and sisters, of all other religions and beliefs; even non-believers. Those who listen will hear the message of Easter. They will not be deafened by secularism or doctrine or ideology. Easter's message of hope, light and love is universal. This Easter, let all Christians hope that all good people people, everywhere, listen and hear the message of Easter and the Resurrection as a universal message of life, hope, light, love, and faith. A message that will touch every good human heart. And let us all remember that without hope there can be no love; and without love we are nothing. Above all, Easter's message is one of hope. It is a message which proclaims the triumph of love over hate and of life over death. This year, more than ever before, we hope that in this world tormented by hate, war, greed and despair and hopelessness, the message of Easter will be heard by all good people all over the world regardless of religion. Hope and love do not belong to one religion, they are universal. And so is the message of Easter. With hope and love, we wish you all a very Happy Easter. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: God's Little Love Notes!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/notes.html I Believe In You!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/ibelieveinyou.html Attitude Is Everything!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude.html Proud Of Our Troops 2!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/troops.html Believe In Your Dreams!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/poems/dream.html BibleStudy: Our Valuable Anchor!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/ouranchor.html Old Barns, Old People, Old Friends!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/barns.html Christ's Life!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesuslife.html Who Is This Jesus?- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jesus.html Good Easter!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easter.html For The Joy That Was Put Before Him!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/joy.html Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Desserts http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Animated Angel, Bible, Church, Cross, Easter http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/agifs.html Full Easter Index http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easterindex.html -<>- Jesus Christ Our Passover http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Advanced/Advanced.htm Bible: Four Crucified With Christ! http://tinyurl.com/3w8ftsv What is Easter? https://www.truthortradition.com/articles/what-is-easter What does the Bible say about Easter? https://tinyurl.com/s89s7sz Sowing Right This Easter https://tinyurl.com/voql5f4 -<>- >In The News: "In the midst of Holy Week, which is also supposed to be the point of peak coronavirus deaths, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was able to deliver some welcome news": Over 50,000 U.S. citizens have been safely returned home from more than 90 countries. "This worldwide scale of our repatriation efforts is without parallel in our lifetime," Secretary Pompeo said. Read more from Fred Lucas in The Daily Signal. https://tinyurl.com/rzamsky CDC Coronavirus https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html "The first obligation of every president of the United States since the founding of our nation has always been to protect the American people from harm. President Trump invoked his powers under the Constitution and under laws to do this when he ordered illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to be immediately deported to combat the spread of the coronavirus," Thomas Homan, former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, writes for Fox News. https://tinyurl.com/wn47hoj Second Lady Karen Pence announced her new lead role as ambassador for PREVENTS, a task force created by the president to prevent suicide among veterans and all Americans. https://tinyurl.com/t2ekzzp From TrumpWomenDaily: A message from Ivanka on extended social distancing guidelines https://tinyurl.com/sul8xof My HealtheVet Update | April 8, 2020 https://tinyurl.com/uklnoy7 Virtual Resume Advice, Online Guided Meditation, Join VA to help us fight COVID-19 https://tinyurl.com/unfjlrn Westwing News: Telehealth Plays Big Role in Coronavirus Cure https://www.whitehouse.gov/westwingreads/ WhiteHouseNews: President Trump's message to America's big banks President Trump called on CEOs from America's largest financial institutions to join him for a conference call yesterday. His message: Keep doing everything you can to support our nation's small businesses during this pandemic. https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600daily/ Latest From AFA: http://tinyurl.com/j7lakqw Students For Life https://tinyurl.com/yd5nxmu6 Latest From OperationRescue: http://www.operationrescue.org/ Latest Product Alert: Mushrooms, Dressers, Tea Pots http://www.emergencyemail.org/products/?fmt=text Latest Health Alert: http://www.emergencyemail.org/health/?fmt=text Click to Give Free https://tinyurl.com/y2abb8d2 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) An uplifting video by spoken word artist Prince EA with a powerful message to cheer you up. https://youtu.be/LBi85WjeDyg --- ...So sweet and true! Thanks LouiseAu :) Remember, when you are in doubt, ask God. Take a moment of silence and ask God. James 1: 5 -- If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. People misunderstand God today and do not realize how much He loves us and how simple He has made things for us. If only we would turn to Him and give Him the respect that He surely deserves. - If you wonder if it is safe to touch this or go there or do that, Ask God. He will tell you. His promise is to ALL mankind! - Let me explain something to you about verse five. Do you see the part where it says God will give you wisdom liberally? The literal translation of this phrase is: `willfully without a second thought'. See This Teaching for more: First Thought http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Basics/FIRST_THOUGHT.htm Isn't God good? TRUST God... 1 John 4: [18] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. There is NO FEAR in love because God is love and when you are in God you are totally in His care. No Fear. 1 Peter 5: [7] Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. There you go! Safe and secure in Love... John 3: [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 1 John 4: [16] And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. -<>- Revisiting... >From Our Friend Linda :) Funny Tim Conway http://videos2view.net/conway.htm Carol Burnette with Tim Conway http://videos2view.net/burnett-conway.htm You'll love this, besides the cute precious 6 week old baby bears (eyes still closed) the guy (Rick Mercer) has some of the funniest lines. This is a special video of retagging a mommy bear. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&vq=medium --- ...Awww, so sweet! And Most Fun! Thanks Linda! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >Bowled Over by Kindness Story Editor: by Mia Shinbrot Joyce Schowalter British Columbia, Canada My old desk chair slanted forward and to the left from many, many years of use by the summer of 2004. I'd been badly in need of a new desk chair for some time and looking for one I could afford. I don't have much money, so that limits what I can buy. I tried second-hand stores but never found anything that was right for me. My physical limitations mean that the vast majority of chairs cause me problems of one sort or another. One week in August my friend Celu pointed out that a particular store was advertising in its sale flyer that they had a "leather" executive chair for $70 as part of their back-to-school sale. I went to the store on a Saturday to see it. I couldn't find those chairs, but a sympathetic clerk named Selena showed me that in fact there were six or seven of them left -- disassembled in boxes. I told her I needed to sit in a chair to work out whether it would work for me. She offered to have one of the men in the back assemble one for me if I could come back on Sunday. I said Sunday is fine, but I might still not buy the chair if it wasn't right. She said no problem; they needed a floor model anyway. (That left the point that if I *did* buy it, they'd still have no floor model.) I went back on Sunday. I decided that though not perfect, the chair would do. For $300 I would have been fussier; for $70 it was remarkable value. I took it through the register where the same clerk was working to pay for it and asked if the store had delivery. Selena wasn't aware of any, but a man who was passing said it could be arranged by asking a manager to arrange it with the receiving department. The clerk phoned the manager from the till. He asked her to ask me where I lived. As soon as I said "Esquimalt" she told him never mind and turned to me to say, "I live in Esquimalt and I have a truck. I'll deliver it for you when I get off work." That was going to be in about 15 minutes from that moment. I had other errands to do and was just about to think of a way I could be home when she delivered the chair, when she said, "Go on about your errands and just phone me whenever you get home." I left the store almost in tears from her kindness. I finished errands, got home, phoned her, and she delivered the chair. It's not perfect, but with a cushion I've made it work. Selena's kindness above and beyond the call of duty is something I'll never, ever forget. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From CupOfCheer: >STAY FOCUSED Staying focused is a matter of reminding yourself. Can you find a way to remind yourself, again and again, of why you're doing what you do? Sure you can. There are plenty of ways to direct your attention back to your purpose when you feel it wandering off. The more intensely you can feel that purpose, and the more quickly you can call up that feeling, the more successfully you'll be able to stay focused. So do yourself a favor, and practice. Spend some quiet time, away from the distractions, and enjoy truly feeling the substance of your most treasured desires. As you do, make note of precisely how it feels, to you, to be connected in a positive way with those desires. Feel yourself living and experiencing the richness of life that will come from the fulfillment of your desires. Make that reason, that purpose, a palpable part of who you are. Then, when you return to the world of confusion and distraction, choose to call up those positive feelings. When you wish to improve your focus, learn to be the one who can reliably deliver it. - Ralph Marston -<>- .-. __| |__ [__ __] | | | | jgs | | '-' >TAP INTO THIS HIDDEN OPPORTUNITY by Jane Powell "Teachers are all around you." We often make the mistake of thinking super-achievers are the only people who can teach us anything. We forget about the single mom next door, who can teach us perseverance; the old man walking slowly in front of us, who can teach us patience; the child playing in the mud, who can teach us that a little dirt isn't the end of the world. You can also gain wisdom from others' mistakes, thoughts, ideas and actions. There are learning opportunities galore all around you, but you need to be open and willing to receive and act upon them. Instead of jumping to conclusions that something isn't relevant to you or telling yourself that you already do something as well as you can, take a new approach. Take a closer look at those around you and ask yourself, "What can I learn?" Do they say it can't be done? Then find a way to do it. Anything that is considered impossible is an opportunity waiting to be harvested. Just imagine the incredible power of being able to say "I can" when everyone else is saying "I can't." "I can't" usually means "I won't." Be the person who will, and a world of opportunity opens up to you. It is easy to say "no," to avoid the challenge and the effort. Success comes to those who say "yes," and then set about to make it happen. Complaints and excuses will keep you imprisoned in a tedious world of mediocrity. Yet what is impossible for others, does not have to be for you. Welcome the challenges. Take the initiative. Feel the satisfaction of accomplishing that which has never before been attempted. Look for things which can't or won't be done. Be the one who makes them happen, and reap their enormous value. -<>- *** * //* //* ** **/| ** ************//*********** ***********//************ ** |/** ** **/| *// //* |/** **/| *** *// *** ***** //* ***** ******* |/** ******* ************* ******* * unkown >WHAT'S HOPE? Hope is knowing that a positive outcome awaits. Hope is not only expecting a dream to come true, but having a deep assurance that it's within your reach. Hope is saying you can. Hope is knowing that you can improve and that you always get better with practice. Hope is knowing that you can achieve your goals through hard work and persistence. Hope is looking to the future with joy and having an expectation of better things to come. Hope is the knowledge that life is everlasting, and that miracles happen every day. Hope is something that never abandons you. Even when your life is filled with sadness and disappointment, a spark remains inside to help you get through the rough times. Hope is one of God's greatest gifts to you, because it's the magic that inspires you to keep trying, learning, loving, and living. -author unknown as seen in Inspiration Plus --- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' ...See this great teaching... Our Valuable Anchor http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/ouranchor.html -<>- . , )). -===- ,(( ))). ,((( ))))). .:::. ,(((((( ))))))))). :. .: ,((((((((' `))))))))))). : - : ,(((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))_:' ':_(((((((((((((((' `)))))))))))).-' \___/ '-._((((((((((( `))))_._.-' __)( )(_ '-._._((((' `))'---)___)))'\_ _/'((((__(---'((' `))))))))))))|' '|((((((((((((' jim `)))))))))/' '\(((((((((' `)))))))| |(((((((' `))))))| |((((((' /' '\ /' '\ /' '\ /' '\ '---..___..---' >HONOR GOD I end this week with an urgency in honoring God in our marriages and the church. Genesis 6: 5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart 7 So the LORD said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. This is the first mention of God's heart in the Bible, by the way, and it's a sad beginning, to be sure. His heart is broken because ours is fallen. I am not sure much has changed and I praise God for sending us His only Son so that we, His children, will not be destroyed. I thank God that we have been covered by the Blood of the Lamb and can have a relationship with God. We have been given much and our sin has been forgiven to never be remembered. Jeremiah 31:4 & Hebrews 8:12 "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." James 2:8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." God has my heart. Does He have yours? My spouse had my heart, does yours? I am certain I didn't do everything right but one thing my husband knew - he had my heart - no question. I honored my husband and I served him even when it was really tough and I wouldn't change a thing even with the end we had because I first honored God. I still have questions that I don't have the answers to and probably never will but what I know without a doubt is I honored God. I have such a peace about things I really do because I sought God, listened and obeyed - now sometimes the obeying part was really hard but I allowed God to work through me and I cannot begin to tell you the Love that flows out of us when we allow Him to do His purpose through our lives. God never condemned me because of my inequities during this trial of divorce. Never not once! Romans 8:1 [ Life Through the Spirit ] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, My prayer is that we begin to treat each other as Christ treats us, with patience, love, grace and mercy. For us to continuously say to one another we should love as Christ loves yet not live it and give it, is very hard for me to understand. The law is summed up in love - how things would change if we just loved as God calls us to! I pray everyone read Ephesians 5 regarding what God says about marriage and the church and how truly it is all connected. I pray that every spouse turn their marriage over to God and love our spouses simply because we love God. God showed me His love by showing me His love for someone that I thought was unlovable. In my humanness, there is no way I could have mustered up love during that storm. Tammy Smith as seen in Friday's Bread -<>- >CONQUERING SUICIDAL FEELINGS 1 Cor 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Several years ago I was severely depressed and was totally burned out because I was trying so much to love others and I was not receiving much love in return, so instead I was being let down badly. At that time I did not understand that you have to love others as yourself with Jesus Christ's love, but rather I was trying to love others with my love which is impossible. It is only when we pray to Jesus to fill us with His love that we can be His true Disciples, and go out into the world with His abundant love. I felt considerably let down by a friend, who had previously helped me while I was bereaved. I therefore relied on him completely, and trusted in him. When he treated me in a dreadful manner I just felt so upset that it destroyed my trust in people. I wanted to die because I believed that real friendship did not exist on earth. I got into a severe depression and I could not cope with it anymore. During the night I woke up and felt that I did not want to carry on living, and I was on the verge of ending my life when my eyes caught sight of the picture of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. That picture stopped me in my tract, and I poured out my heart to Jesus. I told Him how I felt hurt and let down, and that I felt as if my life was useless, and I saw no point in it. I thought of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and how much He had suffered for me, and that he never gave up for love of me and the whole world, and I felt that I could not give up for love of Jesus. I offered Jesus all my suffering because Jesus suffered more than anyone else. He knew all the sins we would commit and how some of us would be sorry, but He also knew that some of us would not believe in Him. He also knew how much He would suffer, yet He still went ahead to be crucified for love of us. Jesus desperately wanted company as He was suffering so much, and when He looked for His Disciples, they were fast asleep and could not even share that hour with Him. The next day when I woke up all my depression had gone, and I made Jesus the center of my life and lived for Him, and did everything out of love for Jesus. Jesus understood what it felt like to be betrayed by friends. When He was arrested, His disciples were so scared that they all ran away, and He was not only betrayed by Judas but Jesus understands how it feels like to be betrayed by a friend. Even Peter denied Him three times. Imagine how Jesus must have felt about that too! The Lord Jesus' love is greater than any kind of suffering because whenever we suffer Jesus experiences our distress too, and if we surrender ourselves to Jesus, He will heal us, and help us conquer that pain. We just have to ask for Jesus' help and trust in Him. Jesus is our Savior and best friend who holds us by the hand, and He is always by our side every moment of the day. All our suffering melts in Christ's love. If only more people would understand how much Jesus loves us with unconditional love. When you are down, focus on the Lord's love, and it will transform your life. Shut your eyes and imagine Jesus calling you by your name and telling you "I love you." Remember that you are precious to Jesus, and may the Lord's love enfold you and fill the whole of your being. If you ever feel suicidal, call on Jesus to help you, and He will come to your rescue. Surrender yourself totally to Jesus and place the way you feel in His control. Do not feel bad about your feelings because Jesus does not condemn you, but He understands your pain. It is only when we admit our true feelings and hand them over to Jesus that He can help us. Marie-H,lsne Bradshaw dominic.bradshaw@orange.fr Marie-H,lsne's full pamphlet "Help me Jesus and Heal My Hurts" is available for free at http://answers2prayer.org/insights/help/index.html as seen in The Illustrator To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to cheer316@sc.rr.com. --- ...Note: See this wonderful teaching here: What does the Bible say about Suicide? https://tinyurl.com/uke6cok ========================================================== ...THE FIRST EASTER BUNNY... by Francine M. O'Connor (ASCII Art by joan stark) __ /^\ .' \ / :.\ This is the story of a long-eared rabbit / \ | :: \ who couldn't learn to do the bunny hop. / /. \ / ::: | His ears were floppy, his feet were sloppy, | |::. \ / :::'/ he'd hippity hop, then he'd trip and plop. | / \::. | / :::'/ `--` \' `~~~ ':'/` / ( So this little rabbit developed the habit / 0 _ 0 \ of staying awake when the sun went down. \/ \_/ \/ He'd stay up all night, -== '.' | '.' ==- till the morning light, and /\ '-^-' /\ practice his hopping just outside of town. \ _ _ / .-`-((\o/))-`-. _ / //^\\ \ _ On the first Easter morn, ."o".( , .:::. , )."o". just before dawn, |o o\\ \:::::/ //o o| He was startled by a bright \ \\ |:::::| // / and blinding light. \ \\__/:::::\__// / And Jesus was there in the \ .:.\ `':::'` /.:. / shimmering glare, \':: |_ _| ::'/ smiling at that funny bunny's plight. jgs `---` `"""""` `---` Don't worry, little lad, and don't be so sad, .-"-. for humankind will celebrate this special day. .'=^=^='. You must bring the word to every beast and bird /=^=^=^=^=\ that I have risen and am in the world to stay. :^= HAPPY =^; |^ EASTER! ^| You should've seen that cottontail hop away, :^=^=^=^=^=^: feeling mighty proud to be the chosen one. \=^=^=^=^=/ Though this story is quite old, it can now be retold `.=^=^=.' to make little children smile on Easter morn. `~~~` ========================================================== >-->Just A Moment - Just One One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room. One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One heart can know what's true. One life can make the difference, You see it's up to YOU!" - Author Unknown _ .-"--._ / \ / ____\ ||\\ / /`( || \\ _| '``'-. | \_\\ ` 9\ , \_ 9 _ '-.= .--'|} | _ \) | / /}} \/ = \ ;_.'/ .=\.--'`\} | `-`__.;---.//` '---./' '.___..-'` `| _/ __.-.__/ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ , .-' .-' ||| | | |/ \| _ \| _ \| | | {|'--. .-/ / |\\ | | | | _/| _/\ / {{\ \ { | /_ / \| |_|_|\___/|_| |_| |_| {/`'--./=. `-\ `\--;` ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _`\.---' `\\ '-. | | | _|| _ |/ __\|_ _|| _|| _ \ / \ |\ || ) / _/ | _|| |\__ \ | | | _|| / \_/ | |// jgs / __.' '--. |___||_|_|\___/ |_| |___||_\_\ (_) \//_/| ( '--. ___))) //\__/ `-..____))) |/ >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? SHARE IT HERE: Share A Recipe ********************************************************************** >TO SUBSCRIBE:Visit Here This Weeks regular Shangy emails OR For the Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com **********************************************************************