When Bad Things Happen... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ >-->2 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This Too Hot To Handle One is from our friend PatDeE. It ha as absolutely beautiful photography sure to give you plenty of Ooos and Awes! Give it time to load, and check it out here... __________________________ /| Art Gallery | / | ____ ____ ____ | / | |o | | , | | _ | | / | | O | |. | |(@) | | / | |_,k,| |_,-,| |\|p | | / /| | | h | | ,; | | | | | / / | | |_z__| |____| |____| | / /@;| | z z | / |Y | z|_{)_______________________| / | / /z /H / /| |/ /z Y / / | / {) d / / %| / /| | |&"| / Y | | / / d | |/ / | / | / | / | / | / |/ Best Of National Geographic 2012 http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/natgeo2012.html --- ...Wow! What a wonderful collection! Thanks PatDeE! This next hotti is from our friend Linda. I do so love trains and this one is a most beautiful inspirational for our New Year! Turn up your sound, give it time to load and check it out here... ______ .-"""".._'. _,## _..__ |.-"""-.| | _,##'`-._ (_____)||_____|| |_,##'`-._,##'` _| |.;-""-. | |#'`-._,##'` _.;_ `--' `\ \ |.'`\._,##'` /.-.\ `\ |.-";.`_, |##'` |\__/ | _..;__ |'-' / '.____.'_.-`)\--' /'-'` //||\\(_.-'_,'-'` (`-...-')_,##'` jgs _,##`-..,-;##` _,##'`-._,##'` _,##'`-._,##'` `-._,##'` New Year Train http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/newyeartrain.html --- ...A delightful one! Thank You Linda! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: __________ /\____;;___\ | / / `. ())oo() . |\(%()*^^()^\ %| |-%-------| % \ | % )) | % \|%________| ejm97 %%%% >NOTHING ALL THAT SPECIAL by Nancy B. Gibbs This past weekend two of our granddaughters, Hannah and Katie came for a visit. We had a great time together doing simple, everyday things that probably wouldn't be all that impressive to too many people. We ate our cereal on the back porch. We called our lunch a picnic when we took it outside. We sang nursery rhymes and children's songs. Two-year-old Katie chattered away. Five-year-old Hannah told us all about kindergarten and even read to us. (It's amazing how quickly children can learn.) When Pa went to take the garbage to the dumpster, Hannah went along. She had a blast! She giggled as she told me how badly it smelled. She explained to me how Pa tossed the bags and they landed right where he aimed. We played with the dogs and cats. We fed the goldfish in our pond. Hannah said the blessing before each meal. Together, we recited her bedtime prayers. I rocked Katie to sleep. We took the girls to the zoo. They shuddered when they spied the alligators and giggled when they saw the monkeys. We drew pictures and colored. We did nothing special. But we had a great time doing it! Sunday came much too quickly. After four nights with Nana and Pa, it was time for the girls to return home. I expected them to be thrilled to get back to their toy room, their outside toys, their pets, and their home. While they were happy to see Mommy and Daddy, they did not want to leave Nana and Pa. We buckled them securely in their car seats, gave them goodbye kisses, and returned home, already missing the girls. After they arrived home and realized that Nana and Pa weren't around anymore, they were definitely unhappy! Our telephone rang. "I want you, Nana," Katie whimpered. "I want Pa too." Hannah came to the telephone. "I miss you Nana," she cried. "I want you to come live with me." While I was not happy that the girls were sad, I was happy to know they had a good time doing nothing all that special with us. I was glad that they enjoyed their stay with us. I was delighted for the time we had to spend with them. For those few days, nothing interfered in my time with the girls. They were my top priority. On Monday morning, Katie awoke asking her Daddy, "Where is Nana and Pa?" Tuesday morning, my telephone rang. I picked it up. "I can't see you Nana," Katie announced. "I want you." There's no way Katie could have possibly understood just how badly I wanted her, as well. I wanted to hold her again, see that sweet little grin, give her a great big old bear hug, and sing her favorite nursery rhymes. While we enjoyed our time together, however, we all had to accept the fact that life goes on. I had to start a new week and go back to work. Hannah had to return to kindergarten and Katie had to go back to preschool. We had to file away those fun times into our memory banks and continue on with life. When was the last time you enjoyed "nothing all that special" with your kids or grandkids?" When was the last time you giggled over the simple things in life? If it's been too long, won't you be determined to see life once again through the eyes of a child? The Bible says, "Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Are there some things a child could teach you today? Hannah and Katie taught me some great truths this past weekend. It is not always about what we do with the ones we love, but the attitude in which we do it. We can have fun rocking and singing. Breakfast is much more enjoyable on the back porch. And even taking the garbage to the dumpster is enjoyable when you do it with the people you love. -- Nancy B. Gibbs ___________________________________________ Nancy is an author, weekly newspaper columnist and inspirational speaker. She has been published in numerous books, magazines and devotional guides including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Guideposts and Happiness. You can visit her website here: http://www.nancybgibbs.com ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Scriptures If I can just hang in there, being faithful to my own tasks, God will make me joyful and content. The responsibility is mine, but the power is His. 1 Timothy 6:6-8 We can't just put our pasts behind us. We have got to put our past in front of God. Read Isaiah 43:18-19 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2: 8-9 If you can forgive the person you were, accept the person you are, and believe in the person you will become, you are headed for joy. So celebrate your life. Read Philippians 4:4 But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you WILL BE SAVED. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:8-10 Cheerfulness prepares a glorious mind for all the noblest acts of religion - love, adoration, praise, and every union with our God. Read Proverbs 12:25 We are what we repetedly do. Excellence then is not an act, It's a habit. Read Proverbs 10:16 A faith that has not been tested cannot be trusted. Read Proverbs 28:5 If your heart has grown cold it is because you have moved away from the fire of His presence. Read Isaiah 40:31 --- ...Amen! Thanks Bunni! ======================================================== >-->Story Time From Our Friend Carol :) >My Miracle I just got home from my Oncologist with news of my last PET scan. He showed me the picture with all my organs, liver, heart, kidneys and of course the lungs. The cancer tumor showed up and from the written part of the scan notes it has went from 8.6 cm in 2010 when it was first diagnosed to 3.0 cm in early 2011 then the tumor shrunk to 2.3 cm late December 2012. Also you might notice I called it tumor with no mention of cancer. I am cancer free. What they saw earlier this year and they thought the cancer was there but it was only a bit of calcification caused by the radiation. So I am cancer free. Wooweee!!! That along with what the GI doctor found earlier in the month showing me I had a healthy stomach, no more Acid Reflux, healthy esophagus, no longer a Barrettes ulcer and my colon had no ulcer meaning I no longer have ulcerative colitis, just colitis. Also the colitis used to be the length of my colon. Now it only extends about 3 inches from my rectum up and the rest is healthy. The odd thing is - I first discovered these in my digestive system in 2002 - ten years ago - and have been fighting them ever since. Last February I passed out in a store and went to ER. I was on Antibiotics for a month then went on steroids. It finally was back to normal about August. Now I find it was not an ulcer, it was the colitis and now is almost healed. Anyone here believe in miracles?? I have no idea why these have healed or almost healed. I think part of the reason was I was the last person who would be able to know where my Dad was living when my half brother was born in 1927. I was able to get my cousins son to provide DNA. He is now one extremely happy man and I spent Christmas with his (and my) family. I am just wondering what else it is that God has planned for me to do. I only have three side effects, Airspace Disease from the Chemo that put tiny holes in my lungs but I'm not having very many problems with that. It requires exercise and breathing exercises. I do those. The radiation caused Radiation Scaring which is not bad, it just put some calcification on my ribs and a few other things that are small problems. The radiation also caused something called Truncal Lymphadema which does --- it does need exercising and massage. So that is no big deal as long as I do what the doctor tells me I have to do. None of the three is terminal. Just a lot of exercise and such and I have been exercising all my life. I also do the massage myself but wish Paul Newman had not passed away and was looking for a job. That would make it more fun. Oh well, nothing is perfect. I am now 78 and a happy lady. I have written this because so many of you have supported me through this nasty mess and we won, well almost and that is good enough for me. Also, always believe in miracles, they do happen and I thank God every day. Carol Clarke (kulwon2@aol.com) --- ...And so do we for you Carol! Thank you so much for sharing this! Always thank God for your normal! Every day, In every way, Give God Praise! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Johanna :) __.------. (__ ___ ) .)e )\ / /_.------ _/_ _/ __.' / ' `-.__ / <.--' `\ / \ \c | / / ) GoT x \ | /\ |c / \.- \ \__/ ) /( ( \ <>'\ / _/ _\- `-. \/_|_ /<> / /--/,-\ _ \ <>.`. \/`--\_._) - / `-/\ `.\ / `. / ) `\ \ \ \___/----' | / `( ___________ \ ./\_ _ \ ______________ / | ) '| __________________ | / \ \ ___________a:f / | |____.) / \ a88a\___/88888a. \_ :)8888888888888888888a. /` `-----' `Y88888888888888888 \____| `88888888888P' >When Bad Things Happen to Good People By Michael Josephson of Character Counts (746.5) Recently two dear friends were inflicted by the soul-searing, heart-rending pain of the deaths of people close to them. One lost her lifelong companion and soul mate, a gentle, good man who lived a good life of 70 years. The other had to say goodbye to her totally innocent newborn son, the victim of a neurological anomaly. I've tried to process these personal tragedies in the context of notorious homicides, including the killing of Ed Thomas, the teacher and coach in Iowa shot by a mentally ill former player, and the murder of Byrd and Melanie Billings, a Florida couple rightly revered for caring for and loving 19 children, including a dozen with special needs. How can we explain the deaths of the good and innocent? In "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People," Rabbi Harold Kushner, whose young son died of a rare disease, shares his struggle to understand undeserved suffering. He found no comfortable answers, thoughtfully discussing and rejecting classic answers, including the ideas that God has a hidden purpose that we cannot and need not understand, that suffering is a test or a lesson, and that God leads our loved ones to a better place. Rabbi Kushner says he found peace of mind when he gave up the idea that everything that happens to us is caused by or purposely allowed by God, or that everything happens for a reason. It's futile and foolish to expect the consequences of natural forces and human nature to conform to our notions of fairness. God, he says, doesn't send us the problem. He gives us the strength to cope with the problem. The question to ask is not, "Why did this happen?" but "What am I going to do with the life I have?" This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts. (c) 2012 Josephson Institute of Ethics; --- ...Very wise! Thank You Johanna! , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' I like that - 'God doesn't send us the problem.' - is one few people can wrap their minds around. They want to believe that God is pulling all the strings so they feel more secure about the world around them. Reality is that God is not pulling the strings. God is not causing all the good and bad things that happen to you. Nor is He 'ALLOWING' things to happen to you. Just look to the Bible and you will understand this truth. Jesus teaches His Disciples: Luke.11 [2] And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. 'Thy Will Be Done' - You don't have to ask God for something that is already true. We are taught... 1 Pet.5: [8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: If God were in control, it wouldn't matter if we were sober or vigilant as He'd make sure the devil couldn't get us. - PERIOD. Why? Because we know God feels this way about us... Pss.116 [15] Precious (costly) in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Losing good people is a loss not only to us, but to God too. God needs good people on earth doing His Will holding down the devil and evil doers! He doesn't need you in a grave waiting for the Rapture. You serve Him no purpose 'sleeping'. See... The Sleep Metaphor http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/sleepmetaphor.html Walking In Power http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/walkingpower.html You Are The ONLY You God Has! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/BibleStudy/onlyyougodhas.html ============================================================ >-->From Our Friend Linda :) %%%% %%%%-( _%%%%%_/ \ ' / _%%%%%%%% - (_) - _%%%%%%%/ \% / , \ %%%%%%%%%\\ \_ %%%%%% \ \\ ) /\_/ /(___. \ '----' ( / ) ---....____/ (_____ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ / )---...___ =-= = -_= -=_= _-=_-_ -=- =-_ ,' ( ```--.._= -_= -_= _-=- -_= _=- ,-' ) ``--._=-_ =-=_-= _-= _ '-._ '-..___( ``-._=_-=_- =_-= ``---....__) `-._-=_-_=- )|)| `-._=-_ gnv '-'-.\_ `-. >Life... One Day, We All Will Be Sitting & Thinking Hard About Life... How it Changed From Simple College Life To Strict Professional Life. How Pocket Money Changed To Huge Monthly Pay Cheques... But Gives Less Happiness. How A Few Local Dresses changed to new branded wardrobe... But Less Occasions To Use Them. How A Single Plate Of Samosa Changed To A Full Pizza... But The Hunger Has Diminished. How A Scooty Always in Reserve Changed To A Car Always On... But Less Places To Go To. How A Tea By Roadside Change To CCD, Barista... But it Now Feels As if The Shop is Far Away. How A General Class Journey Changed To Flight Journey... But Less Vacations For Enjoyment.. May Be This is The Truth Of Journey Called "LIFE". --- ...A thought provoking one! Thanks Linda! The Way I see it... The steps we take are small and one step at a time. One day though we'll look back upon the path we have taken and see that our journey was a great one. Even though the steps seemed small, in reality we have come a very, very, long distance! Even so when we look up to view our future path, we see the road stretches on way beyond our sight. So we continue on. One small step at a time. Living and learning, leaning and trusting on God as we go. ================================================================ >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: mm###########mmm m####################m m#####`"#m m###"""'######m ######*" " " "mm####### m####" , m"#######m m#### m*" ,' ; , "########m ####### m* m |#m ; m ######## |######### mm# |#### #m##########| ###########| |######m############ "##########| |##################" "######### |## /##############" ########| # |/ m########### "####### ###########" """""" """"""""" unknown >GIFT FROM HEART According to legend, a desert wanderer discovered a spring of cool, crystal-clear water. It tasted so good; he filled a leather container with the precious liquid so he could bring it to the king. After a long journey, he presented his gift to the king, who drank it with great pleasure and lavishly thanked the wanderer, who went away with a happy heart. The king's son tasted the water and spit it out. It had picked up the smell of the old leather canteen and had become foul. The boy asked his father why he pretended to like the awful tasting water. The king said, "Son, that man gave me a gift from his heart. It wasn't the water I enjoyed; it was the sweet taste of his generosity. When someone gives you something with genuine love, the thing given is simply the container. The real gift is the thought inside." The wisdom of the king's insight is best experienced when we get a gift from a child who loves us. Whether it's a ceramic tray, a macaroni pin, or a crayon drawing, the purity of the child's sweet intentions generates a form of joy we call gratitude. This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts. C 2006 Josephson Institute of Ethics; reprinted with permission. Michael Josephson, one of the nation's leading ethicists, is the founder of the Josephson Institute of Ethics and the premier youth character education program, CHARACTER COUNTS! For further information visit http://www.charactercounts.org -<>- >A Good Woman A good woman is proud of herself. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, or does she expect them to read her mind. She is quite capable of articulating her needs. A good woman is hopeful. She is strong enough to make all her dreams come true. She knows love, therefore she gives love. She recognizes that her love has great value and must be reciprocated. If her love is taken for granted, it soon disappears. A good woman has a dash of inspiration, a dabble of endurance. She knows that she will, at times, have to inspire others to reach the potential God gave them. A good woman knows her past, understands her present and moves toward the future. A good woman knows God. She knows that with God the world is her playground, but without God she will just be played. A good woman does not live in fear of the future because of her past. Instead, she understands that her life experiences are merely lessons, meant to bring her closer to self knowledge and unconditional self love. -<>- _.--. _.-'_:-'|| _.-'_.-::::'|| _.-:'_.-::::::' || .'`-.-:::::::' || /.'`;|:::::::' ||_ || ||::::::' _.;._'-._ || ||:::::' _.-!oo @.!-._'-. \'. ||:::::.-!()oo @!()@.-'_.| '.'-;|:.-'.&$@.& ()$%-'o.'\U|| `>'-.!@%()@'@_%-'_.-o _.|'|| ||-._'-.@.-'_.-' _.-o |'|| ||=[ '-._.-\U/.-' o |'|| || '-.]=|| |'| o |'|| || || |'| _| '; || || |'| _.-'_.-' |'-._ || |'|_.-'_.-' jgs '-._'-.|| |' `_.-' '-.||_/.-' >Life Out of this life I shall never take Things of silver and gold I make. All that I cherish and hoard away, After I leave, on the earth must stay. Though I have toiled for a painting rare To hang on the wall, I must leave it there. Though I call it mine and I boast its worth, I must give it up when I leave the earth. All that I gather and all that I keep I must leave behind when I fall asleep. And I often wonder what I shall own In that other life when I pass alone. Shall the Great Judge learn when my task is through That my spirit had gathered some riches, too? Or shall at the last it be mine to find That all I had worked for, I left behind? --Author Unknown -<>- ____ ___ | _ \ ___ _ _.' _ `. _ | [_) )' _ `._ _ ___ ! \ | | (_) | _ |:;.| _ <| (_) | \ | |' _ `| \| | _ | .:;| | `.[_) ) _ | \| | (_) | | | | |.',..| ':. `. /| | | | | _ | |\ | | |.' :;::' !::, `-!_| | | |\ | | | | | \ !_!.' ':;! !::; ":;:!.!.\_!_!_!.!-'-':;:'' '''! ';:' `::;::;' '' ., . `: .,. `' .::... . .::;::;' `..:;::;:.. ::;::;:;:;, :;::;' "-:;::;:;: ':;::;:'' ;.-' ""`---...________...---'"" Bugbyte >Which Tree? "Nothing grows under a banyan tree." This South Indian proverb speaks of leadership styles. The banyan is a great tree. It spreads its branches, drops air-roots, develops secondary trunks and covers the land. A full grown banyan may cover more than an acre of land. Birds, animals, and humans find shelter under its shade. But nothing grows under its dense foliage, and when it dies, the ground beneath lies barren and scorched. The banana tree is the opposite. Six months after it sprouts, small shoots appear around it. At twelve months a second circle of shoots appear beside the first ones, now six months old. At eighteen months the main trunk bears bananas which nourish birds, animals, and humans, and then it dies. But the first offspring are now full grown, and in six months they too bear fruit and die. The cycles continue unbroken as new sprouts emerge every six months, grow, give birth to more sprouts, bear fruit, and die. Some religious leaders are like the banyan trees. They have great influence and their ministries are widely productive and beneficial. However, they do not prepare for the transitions which will allow for the emergence of other leaders. They only equip followers, not leaders. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Believe In Your Dreams http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/poems/dream.html Lean On Me http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/poems/leanonme.html Johan's Noah's Ark http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/noahsark.html WORMS! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/worms.html Driftwood Horses http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/horses.html Texas Outhouse art! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/outhouse.html Animal Moms http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/animalmoms.html Amazing Bike Car http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bikecar.html Grand Canyon Skywalk http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/skywalk.html Did You See That? http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/seethat.html IRONIC Isn't It? http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/irony.html Miracle Fawn http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/rupert.html Road Train Trucks http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/roadtrain.html -<>- >From Our Friend PatDeE :) He sent us a more recent Akiane video... http://www.coolestone.com/media/3693/Child-Prodigy-With-Extreme-Talent!/ --- ...Love This! God is the best teacher - ever! Thanks PatDeE! See these too... Akiane Child Prodigy http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy.html Akiane Thru The Years http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy2.html -<>- >From Our Friends at TruthOrTradition.com: You might like listening to an audio teaching. These are pretty good. Just click on the number beside the name of the teaching and turn up your sound... http://tinyurl.com/a4sf8zw -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) She sent us one we have here... Typewriter Art 2 http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/typeart2.html --- ...An Inspirational One! Thanks Linda! -<>- >From Our Friend Geniann :) Video by Scott McKinley Productions, Produced for Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for Ad campaign. Licensed music by Kenny G.. This short video won Grand Prize - Best of Show at International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula Montana ! The majority was shot on location in Yellowstone National Park , Grand Teton National Park and The National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole , Wyoming . http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BUOQ_yPW_0s --- ...Most lovely! Thank You Geniann! -<>- >From Our Friend KarenF :) Adorable identical baby twin girls rock out while their dad plays guitar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7uIG8KYhg&feature=player_embedded --- ...OH HOW CUTE!! Fantastic! Thanks KarenF! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From CupO'Cheer: _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >MAKE PRAYER A HABIT Written by Bob & Debby Gass 'Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.' Luke 5:16 NIV Habits are powerful things. We form our habits, then our habits form us. So this year are you going to stop talking about it, and make it a habit to spend time with God in prayer each day? If your desire is to be like Jesus, you must begin to pray regularly, for He 'often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.' Don't let the word 'lonely' intimidate you. Once you cultivate an awareness of God's presence, you'll prefer His company to that of anybody else. Don't let the word 'withdrew' intimidate you. Just shut off your TV, your computer and your mobile phone and you'll make a wonderful discovery: '...You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore' (Psalm 16:11 NKJV). John Wesley said, 'I have so much to do that I must spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it.' Martin Luther said, 'Prayer is the most important thing in my life. If I should neglect prayer for a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith.' Willian Walford wrote: 'Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, that calls me from a world of care. And bids me at my Father's throne, make all my wants and wishes known. In seasons of distress and grief my soul has often found relief, and often escaped the tempter's snare, by thy return, sweet hour of prayer.' When the disciples asked Jesus about prayer, He began by saying, 'When you pray...' (Matthew 6:9 NCV). He assumed they'd have a regular time for prayer. Could He assume that about you? SoulFood: Gen 44-46, Matt 2:1-8, Ps 97, Pr 31:22-24 as seen in The Word For Today -<>- ,,,,, ////""\ . (((/ m m -|- __ )))c = ) | (__) ////-./~` . [] (((( `.`\ :: [] )))`\ \)).-;.' .------, [] (() `._.-'` _( )[] )/ `. | .'`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))\`.----'`[] jgs ( \' { ~ - ~~ _ ~ - ~~ - ~ - (( | | [] .-.--\ \ { )) | | [] |_;_._`\ |{ ((__|_|-----[] | ; ``` ;{ )) [] | /``-.____/ `~~~[]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-' [] `' (__) (__) >THE PROFIT OF PASSION Psalm 34:1--22 "I sought the Lord, and he answered me ..." (v. 4) The more time we spend with our families and friends the better we get to know them. It is the same with God too. Often I am asked to give a plan on how to conduct a quiet time. Here is one I used to give people many years ago. Decide on the amount of time you can spend, preferably in the morning. The morning is best because it tunes your soul for the day. Having fixed the time, stick to it. Take your Bible and a notebook and read a portion slowly. Let it soak in. Make a note of anything that comes to you. Pray then, mentioning any requests or personal petitions you may have. Then relax and listen to see if God has something to say to you. It is far easier to talk than listen, so don't worry if for some weeks or months nothing comes. Tuning in to God takes time and practice. Nowadays I am reluctant to give people that plan without pointing out the danger of depending on a structure rather than the direction of the Holy Spirit. We would all prefer to go into a quiet time with a plan rather than to abandon ourselves to the Holy Spirit and wait upon Him. Mature Christians should be able to closet themselves alone with God and on occasions simply enjoy His company and presence without even saying a word. The quiet time becomes more effective when we approach it with passion instead of a plan. Good marriages thrive on spontaneity and passion. So does a relationship with the Lord. Prayer: Father, help me come to my quiet time with expectancy -- expectancy that my weakness shall become strength, my doubt become faith, and my passion become stronger. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. For Further Study Ps. 46:1--11; Isa. 30:15; 32:17 1. When can we know God? 2. Find some time today to be still in His presence. as seen in Every Day Light -<>- >MATTER OF CHOICE Life is always a matter of choice. Whatever the circumstances may be, you can choose the level at which you live. You can choose what to think about the various events that play out in front of your eyes. You can choose how to respond to the challenges and opportunities that come into your life. When you choose to consistently and persistently follow a particular purpose, you will manifest that purpose in the world around you. When you choose to focus your thoughts and efforts on things of meaningful value, you will create more value. In the next few hours, or in the next few moments, anything can happen. It may be what you planned or it may be a total surprise. Yet whatever may happen, you can choose what to do about it. Though you are subject to many powerful forces and influences, you can choose the way you deal with them. The life you live is a matter of choice. Choose wisely, and live richly. Ralph Marston -<>- M ' ` | :|`-._ | :|`-._`-._ / ::\ `-._`-._ / ::\ `-(_) |_________| / / `-' / / / / / / / / ________________/ _&_______ /8P' `' Y888/ /P' ____________ Y8/ /' /\ / / / / . \ \ / / / / // \ \ / / / VK / // \ \___________/ / / /// \ \ __ / /8 `' \/ /_/ ./ /88b.____________________.8/ >JUST DO WHAT YOU KNOW Someone pointed out that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it sure beats a blank stare for starting a conversation. Which is all right, for I suppose I have about as little knowledge as anyone. But maybe how much knowledge we have isn’t the point. It’s not always about what we know, what we don’t know and what we think we know. It’s more about what we choose to do with whatever knowledge we may have. News commentator Paul Harvey once related a story which took place during the American presidential administration of Jimmy Carter. Evidently, daughter Amy Carter needed help with homework. It was Friday and the assignment, a question about the Industrial Revolution, was due on Monday. Neither Amy nor her mother quite understood the question she was research, so mother Rosalyn asked a White House aide to run the question by the Labor Department. Sunday afternoon a truck pulled up at the White House loaded with a computer printout. Remember dot matrix printing and tractor feed paper? Someone assumed the president needed the informa- tion urgently, so the Labor Department assigned a team to work all weekend to prepare the documents. When first lady Rosalyn learned that the research had cost hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars she was horrified. But Amy went ahead and used the information to complete her homework. On that homework assignment, by the way, she got a “C.” I see a parable here. You and I are exposed to a “truckload” of information every day. I recently read that a peasant in tenth century Europe was exposed to roughly the same volume of information in a lifetime as is published in just one daily edition of the New York Times today. We’re inundated with information and likely know more than any generation before us. But in the end, it’s not about how much knowledge we may have. It’s about what we choose do with what we know that means anything. My own life can improve significantly if I simply take what I already know and apply it. I know how to forgive, for example, yet I am slow to do it. I know how to love, when to be patient and why I should share generously. I also know that if I do these things as often as possible, it will make a huge difference in my life and to others I care about. But too often I’m reluctant to do them. Most of the time I even know how to be happy. I bet that you do, too. And I know that if I habitually do the kinds of things that promote a happier and more fulfilled life, I will be the better for it. A full and happy life does not come from knowing more than others. And we don’t always need to find the latest book on happiness or a popular self help expert to guide us. Most of us already know the greater part of what we need to do to be our best and to get where we want to go. But this is key: to consistently apply what we know every day. In other words, just do it. You know enough. Apply what you know today and things can truly be different tomorrow. -- Steve Goodier as seen in Life Support -<>- To SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE CUP O'CHEER in the subject line to cheer316kim@sc.rr.com. ============================================================== ad8888888888ba dP' `"8b, 8 ,aaa, "Y888a ,aaaa, ,aaa, ,aa, 8 8' `8 "88baadP""""YbaaadP"""YbdP""Yb 8 8 8 """ """ "" 8b 8 8, ,8 ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd88P 8 `"""' ,d8"" Yb, ,ad8" Normand Veilleux "Y8888888888P" >The Key Story Editor: by Leslie Ligon Joyce Schowalter Colorado, USA Years ago, when Colorado was going through hard economic times, I lost my job and it took me six months to find another. My unemployment ran out, I had no income coming in, and I was behind on my rent. Eventually I was evicted from my apartment, and my 7-year-old daughter and I were living in the car with everything we could fit in it. We sold everything that wasn't absolutely essential and used that money to buy food. We washed up in gas station bathrooms, and I tried to find well-lighted parking lots to sleep in. Even though it was still fall and hadn't snowed yet, the nights were very chilly. I got my daughter to school daily and put in more applications, giving a friend's phone number for call-backs. I told my friend my phone was disconnected, but not that we were living in the car. I didn't tell anyone that we were living in the car, out of embarrassment I guess. After about two weeks, I found a job. I went to see the friend whose phone I'd been using, visiting her at the video store where she worked. She told me I looked really tired, had big bags under my eyes, and asked what was going on. I told her the true story, and added that when I received my first paycheck in two weeks, I'd be able to rent an apartment. I didn't know that a young man was standing in the next aisle over until I finished my story and he came up to me and placed a key in my hand. He said he had just moved to a bigger apartment and his old one was empty and paid for until the end of the month -- three weeks away. He apologized that there was no furniture in the apartment, and said he would call the utility company and tell them leave the electricity on until the end of the month. He then gave me the address. By this time I was crying and trying to tell him that when I got back on my feet I would pay him back. He told me not to worry about it; if the apartment was empty and paid for, someone should use it. I never got that gentleman's name, and he never got mine. The fact that he trusted me to live there, not knowing if I was the type of person to damage the apartment or not, simply amazed me. The three weeks that my daughter and I stayed there allowed me to get myself back on track, and I was able to get an apartment when I got paid. I have had a lot of help from various people throughout my life and I have helped as many people as I could in return, but what that young man did for us that day was moving beyond words. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: _.---,_ .' `'. \ __..-'\ }-"` \ /__,,..---.._| \ | |---..__ | / ``"-./ .'---...__ | .' ``"-./ ,--./...,,,__ / '--.'__ __```.-. /._ / ` ` ' `=/.-.|-._) | .-. .-. "\\ / || O| | O| ""=='_\ .-' '-'o '-' ""=\` `''--/- ""=-,\--._ .---|- ( ""=-. \` \ /`)"=."=|'-. '. _.-' ' "=|\| (`----` '="=|/ `-. "=/` '. =/ \ =| .-. |` "=| ( ~._ | "==| _.-~`\ \ ~. |'"="| _.-~ ) ; ~-.|.-._|_.-~ / / _-( /-.__ ( '._..--~~`/`/-'\-._ `~~- ; jgs /"=| |" =\~-...___.-~ /=" / | "==\ / = (_ \ "==\ ;="= `\_) =="\ >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY Heather, 7, went to see the kittens that the neighbors were trying to give away. She had recently passed a used car lot. Heather boldly said, "Miss Reba, you could probably put them in a box and put on it 'FREE... USED KITTENS!'" -- Janice Finley (grandmother of Heather) of Alabama Here is another one from Janice. Sara, 8, was visiting her grandparents. Out of the blue she went into the computer room and asked Papa James very seriously, "Papa, were you in the Silver War?" (Papa James has silver hair. ) While Kyler, 4, was with his PaPa he found some postage stamps with pictures of vegetables on his grandparents' table. Papa explained that they were not stickers and retrieved them for future use. A few days later Kyler and his mom were at the post office where she was purchasing postage stamps for Kyler's younger brother's birthday invitations. While Kyler was standing next to her and listening, he thought he would inform everyone including the postmaster that, "My Mammo has food stamps!" -- Shari (grandmother of Kyler) of Texas . ,. T."-._..---.._,-"/| l|"-. _.v._ (" | [l /.'_ \; _~"-.`-t Y " _(o} _{o)._ ^.| j T ,--. T ] \ l ( /-^-\ ) ! ! \. \. "~" ./ /c-..,__ ^r- .._ .- .-" `- . ~"--. > \. \ ] ^. \ 3 . "> . Y -Row ,.__.--._ _j \ ~ . ; | ( ~"-._~"^._\ ^. ^._ I . l "-._ ___ ~"-,_7 .Z-._ 7" Y ; \ _ /" "~-(r r _/_--._~-/ / /,.--^-._ / Y "-._ '"~~~>-._~]>--^---./____,.^~ ^.^ ! ~--._ ' Y---. \./ ~~--._ l_ ) \ ~-._~~~---._,____..--- \ ~----"~ \ \ Diane was having some one-on-one time with her grandson, Alton, 2. She was telling him how nice his brown eyes and brown hair looked. "You have brown hair like Mommy and Oggie has blond hair like Grandma," Diane said. Alton replied, "And Daddy has pulled-out hair!" (Dad's a baldy!) -- Diane Schlemmer of LaGrange, Indiana Here is another one from Diane. Her grandson Oggie, 4, had been rummaging through the toy box and had pulled out an assortment of things. He put on the western hat, tied a rope around his waist and put a compass in his pocket. He told Diane, "I'm a REAL cowboy. I've got my hat. I've got my rope. I've got my compass and I've got my salsa!" (He had seen the PACE salsa commercials on TV. ) Kas stayed with her two grandsons. Carson, the older boy, was sick. During the day she had a few problems getting Weston, 5, to listen and behave. Kas told Weston's mom about his behavior and he got in trouble. Later Weston looked at his mom and said, "Can we fire Grammy?" -- Kas Quimby of Elma, Washington .-..--. / \ `. o/' o>| \ .-------. .' | | / `----.___ m__.-'' \__/ J ` __ /| |` | /| / |\/`--' ( / `. .' \ | | | _ _ \ / \ .-' .' \ | \ _ ` `_ ) J L -' .-' | ) \ `. \.' `. _X/ \ |\ .-' | ( \ `````` \ \ \| `-._.-' | | | | | | | |`. \ \ | \ \ \ \ | | | | |-._.-| | | || `. `._`._ \ \_ \ `_ -' |((' | `-)) | | | `.__)__) | `._) `._) | (((/ \))) VK Here is another one from Kas. Right before Christmas Weston asked his mom if Santa kept two lists. She told him yes, one for who's naughty and one for who's nice. He looked up at her with big, sad eyes and said with a quaver in his voice, "Am I going to get ANYTHING???" P. S. He did get presents! Overheard conversation of two little girls: Stephanie: I went ice fishing. Danyelle: Did you get any ICE? Stephanie: Oh, yes. There was lots of ICE. (I guess that's more important than fish when you come from Florida, says Sally Morris of Florida who contributed this story. ) Johnathan, 2, had begun to mock others, saying "Oh my God!" Knowing that was inappropriate, they began teaching him to say "gosh" instead of "God." After much drilling he finally got the message. His Mamaw and Grand-daddy (great-grandparents) had him one day on a road trip. Mamaw was pointing out that "God made the trees and God made the birds and God made him." He looked at her intently and said, "Not God, gosh!" -- Granny Selenda D. Hart of Texas _ |\___/| \\ ) ( |\_/| || =\ /= )a a `,_.-""""-. // )===( =\Y_= / \// / \ `"`\ / / | | | \ | / / \ \ /- \ \ \ / || | // /` jgs_/\_/\_/\_ _/_/\_/\_/\_((_|\((_//\_/\_/\_/\_ Pnina, 3, went shopping with her adult big brother. On the way home, she asked him to pick her up. He asked why, and she said, "I'm not as young as I used to be!" -- Brandel (mother of Pnina) of Jerusalem, Israel When Rose's son was about 5 (he is now 35) she wrote in his Baby Book that he said, "You know, Ma, it's just like Dad said... you are out of the world!" -- Rose of Michigan I remember my son coming to me one day: "Dad? What's the groan area?" "The what?" "You know, Dad! The groan area!" He motioned his hands in front of his private area. "Do you mean the groin area?" "Yeah! That's it! The groin area! What is that, Daddy?" Azrael... ._ .-' `-. .-' \ ; .-'\ ; `._.' ; | | | ; : ; : ; : / / ; : , ; | .-"7| .-'" : .-' .' : .-' \ .' .' `. .' `-. ""-.-'`"" `",`-._..--"7 ; . `-.J `-, ;"`.;|,_, ; _.' | `"" `. ."""--. o \:.-. _.' ."" : ,--`; , `--/}o,' ; ; .___.' / ,--.`-. `-..7_.- /_ \ : `..__.._; .'__; `---..__.-'-.`"-, .' `--. | \_; \' `-._.-") \\ `-, `. -.`_): `. `-"""`. ;__.' ;/ ; " `-.__7" `-..._.'`7 -._;' ``"-'' `--.,__.' fsc Little Benny loves to name his colors. Ginny had him in a department store. She was looking at shirts. As she moved along, slowly examining them, Benny reached out to each one, lifted it and stated the color of the fabric. He came to a new one, reached out, lifted it, put it down and reached for the next. "Benny, you missed one. What color is this?" Ginny asked him. Benny stared at it, a look of concentration on his face. "Yogurt," he finally said. Apparently, his favorite flavor of yogurt is pink. Josh calls trains "HooHoo's." He turned a train car full of tired people into a car full of smiles, as he screamed, "Poppa Mike! Poppa Mike! Look! HooHoo's! And fracks! Poppa, look at the fracks!" Our childhood statements sometimes stick with us for life. Ginny walked up to Mike one day. "There you are!" Mike said. "Here I are!" she replied. It was something she used to say when her parents asked when she was a kid. "Ginny? Where are you?" "Here I are!" she'd say. =============================================================== ,. ,. {^ \-"-/ ^} " """ " { _ } ==_ .:Y:. _== ."" `--^--' "". (,~-~."" "" ,~-~.) ------( )----( )----- ^-'-'-^ ^-'-'-^ _____________________________ |"""" /~.^.~\ """"| hjw ,i-i-i(""( i-i-i. `97 (o o o ))"")( o o o) \(_) /(""( \ (_)/ `--' \""\ `--' )"") (""/ `" >-->A door was left open... Dear God, First, my car broke down I was very late for work But I missed that awful accident Was that your handiwork? I found a house I loved But others got there first I was angry, then relieved When I heard the pipes had burst! I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blessed For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best! I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean the world to me; Some days I "send" and "send," At other times, I let them be. I am so blessed to have these friends, With whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the "Most"! When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And "well wishes" were their intent. So to you, my friends, I would like to say, Thank you for being a part; Of all my daily contacts, This comes right from my heart. God bless you all is my prayer today, I'm honored to call you "friend"; I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until we write again. Happiness comes through doors you didn't know you left open. >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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