When You Worry... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To ShangralaFamilyFun.com The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ .0. / \ ; \_/ ; | | | | | | _______; ;_______ `======='\ /`=======` \ / _ | | _ _( \____|=|____/ )_ ( .---. .---. ) `-' / \ '-' / HUG \ ; ; | .---.|__, jgs : / :--' .--\ \ | `" `"".-' < =""` `"== `""""""` =""` `"""===="""` =""` `""==="""` *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/index.html OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all AND For Google Plus Users: You can find me here... Shangy Bigham https://plus.google.com/106648555948034085752/posts AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ *~* Our hearts and prayers go out to those affected by the devastating wild fires in California. May God Bless, Help and Comfort Them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen -<>- >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This red hot tottie is from our friends Bunni and LouiseAu. If you've been wondering where in the world to go to see amazingly beautiful Fall foliage, this page is sure to delight you. Be sure to check out nature's eye candy here and the gorgeous video: , }`-. , , \ \ '-' \ .-'{ _} . | ,`\ / ' ; .-;\ { \ | | / `/ '-.,/ ; | { -- -. ' '`-, .--._.' ; \__ \ \ | ' / |`. ; _,`\ '. '- ' `_- '.`; ; ,-`_.-' ,--. \ ` /` '--' `;.` (` _ .--.\ '._) '-. \ \ `-. ; `-';| '. -. ' __ '. ; ; _,-' / { __'.\ ' '-,/; `-' ';`.- ` .-' '-. `-._' | `; ;`' .-'` <_ -' ` .\ `; ; (_.'`\ _.;-"``"'-._'. `:; ___, _.-' | .-'\'. '.` \ \_,_`\ ;##` `'; _.' /_'._\ \ \__;#####./###. \` \.' .'`/"`/ (#######)###::.. _.' '.' .' ; , |:. `|()##`"""` jgs `'-../__/_\:: /O()()o ()'._.'`()()' Autumn Around The World 2! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/autumn2.html --- ...So beautiful! Thanks Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: . .. __..---/______//-----. (( ) .".--.```| - /.--. =: ( VROOM! )) (.: {} :__L______: {} :__; __--( __- -_= ) *--* *--* jnh >HOT RODS VS. BABIES by Dawn Thompson The Camaro was always my dream car. I had started wanting one when I was 15 years old. I just knew that would be my first car. I wasn't sure then how I would get it, but I knew I had to have one. I started saving for it as soon as I started working part time in high school. By the time I was 19, out of school and working my first full-time job, I had enough money saved to buy my dream car, put gas in it and pay for insurance. I poured over the newspaper everyday until an ad caught my eye. A metallic blue, 1969 Chevy Camaro with white interior and the original owner! I called right away, breathless and nervous that someone else might get to it before me. I was in luck. It was still available and I knew it was meant to be mine. I bought it that same day. I can still remember just like a photograph how it felt to be sitting in the driver's seat of my new car. I can see the layout of the dashboard all lit up and I can still smell and remember the feel of the leather interior. I was so pleased with myself -- I had worked hard, saved my money and realized my dream. What a great feeling! I loved that car! I drove it for a few years, going on many road trips with my friends to the river and back, gliding over the highways with the windows down, having a great time, young and carefree. I was the designated driver more times than I could count to parties and concerts. A few years later, I met my husband and married him. My beloved blue Camaro went with me to my new home. It started having some problems here and there and some engine trouble after a few years, but my husband was a good mechanic and he could fix almost anything. He did regular maintenance and repairs, but he eventually had to put in a new engine. That worked out great for awhile, but more costly problems started to crop up with the car and we decided to sell it and buy another. This time I went for a new model, a 1978 Camaro, a beautiful brown color with golden flecks in the paint. I loved that car too! The long, rounded front end, the sleeker shape of the car, the light colored pinstripes down the sides of the hood. It was a great car and I was proud to drive it. My husband and I had a lot of fun with that car too, driving back and forth to the local mountains for ski weekends in winter and lazy summer weekends by the lake. A few years later, after we'd been married for about 5 years we decided the time had come for new cars for both of us. We had been doing pretty well at our respective jobs and we felt we had earned our first brand new cars. Of course I wanted another Camaro! Camaros were becoming more and more sleek and racy looking and I was thrilled to be buying another one. It didn't take long for me to find what I wanted -- a brand spanking new sports car, a glossy white with black interior. It was the most gorgeous car I had ever seen. I drove it off the lot that day and I never felt so special. I would look at my reflection driving by in my white sports car and I was on Cloud Nine. I washed and vacuumed that car every weekend myself and polished and oiled the black interior till it shone. Another love affair with another car! A few years later, another love affair was about to begin. I found out I was pregnant for the first time in 1988. My husband and I couldn't have been happier. At this point I had had my sports car for 2 years. The months went by and I got bigger and bigger and the space between my steering wheel and my growing belly got smaller. It got harder for me to lean into the car and put things in the backseat of my two door Camaro. But I knew as soon as I had the baby my belly would go down and I wouldn't have that issue anymore. We were going to fit the baby into our lives just fine! Eventually my due date was only a few weeks away. I was uncomfortable yet very excited and I couldn't wait to see my baby. I got up late one night when I was feeling especially restless and hot and couldn't sleep. I happened to pass by the kitchen window. I stopped and stood looking out at my sporty car and suddenly a feeling of sheer panic came over me -- that car in the driveway was not going to work with my new baby! How would we get the car seat into it? How was I going to fit all of the baby's things in the car? Stroller, playpen, diaper bags? How had I not thought of this before? It became clear as I stood looking out the window. I knew right then and there that the dream car was going to go. I had a new dream. My baby was coming and I knew I needed to replace my beloved car with a vehicle that would accommodate baby and all of baby's things. For the first time, I had the realization that we were going to fit into the baby's life, rather than us fitting him into ours. The baby was going to change our lives in a good way. I made my first really grown up decision that night standing there in the moonlight. I had to get another, roomier car for our new family. My focus was shifting from my youthful wants and desires. Our family was growing and so was I -- I was growing up. -- Dawn Thompson __________________________________________________ Dawn is frmo California and the mother of 3 boys. She loves to read about other people's lives and stories. She says, "I submitted the first story I ever wrote to Heartwarmers a few years ago, and was published, so hopefully here is another." =========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) W __ __ [ ] |::||::| 3 ._. |::||::| ._. /| |:| ._. |::||::| |/| \|// / |:|_|/| |::||::|_ |/| -( )-| |:|"|/|_|::||::|\|_|/| _ J V | |:|"|/|||::||::|\|||/||:| ___ ' / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \/ | ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ >The 'LITTLE' Things of Life As you might remember, the head of a company survived 9/11 Because his son started kindergarten. Another fellow was alive because it was His turn to bring donuts. One woman was late because her Alarm clock didn't go off in time. One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident. One of them missed his bus. One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change. One's car wouldn't start. One couldn't get a taxi. The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning. He took the various means to get to work, but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today. Now when I am ... Stuck in traffic Miss an elevator Turn back to answer a ringing telephone, All the little things that annoy me. I think to myself, This is exactly where God wants me to be At this very moment.. Next time your morning seems to be Going wrong.. You can't seem to find the car keys, You hit every traffic light, Don't get mad or frustrated; It May be just that God is at work watching over you. May God continue to bless you With all those annoying little things And may you remember their possible purpose. Pass this on to someone else, if you'd like. There is NO LUCK attached. If you delete this, it's okay: God's Love Is Not Dependent On E-Mail! (that's the cool part) "Live In Each Moment" And Allow God's Blessings To Surround and Shower You With Life's Abundance. Amen! --- ...A Sweet reminder! Thanks LouiseAu! This is part of this one we have here: W __ __ [ ] |::||::| E ._. |::||::| ._. |\ |:| ._. |::||::| |/| \ \\|/ |:|_|/| |::||::|_ |/| |-( )- |:|"|/|_|::||::|\|_|/| _ | V L |:|"|/|||::||::|\|||/||:| \ ` ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | \/ / ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 9-11 Where God Wants Me http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wheregodwantsme.html It reminds me too of my brother. He was working a paper route one crisp morning and was about to cross the road. He stopped and turned back as he thought he heard the sound of a newspaper falling to the ground behind him. He looked and didn't see anything so continued along his way. Again, he thought he heard the sound of a newspaper falling behind him. So he stopped and looked and again, he could not see any paper on the ground. He continued on and was at the curb about to cross when a semi truck came roaring past him! It shocked him as he hadn't seen any traffic on the road. Had he not been stopped he would have been struck and most likely killed by the big truck. He gives praise to this day to God for saving him. Like we are often told, we can't always see the big picture. God can and whenever He can intervene to help or save His children from impending disaster or harm, He will do just that. Often it is just that little thought we have that warns us that we have the choice to adhere to or ignore. Many times we just ignore it. But if we had our spiritual ears on, we'd know it was God trying to keep us safe. That's why self defense teachers tell us that we should pay attention to our gut feelings about someone or something. It brings to mind another one of our pages... That's God! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/thatsgod.html -<>- >And From Our Friend PatDeE :) My theory is "When God sends you help, don't ask questions." She hurried to the pharmacy to get medication, got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys inside. The woman found an old rusty coat hanger left on the ground. She looked at it and said "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God to send her some HELP. Within 5 minutes a beat-up old motorcycle pulled up, driven by a bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. He got off of his cycle and asked if he could help. She said: "Yes, my daughter is sick. I've locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?" He said "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was open. She hugged the man and through tears said "Thank You SO Much! You are a very nice man." The man replied "Lady, I am NOT a nice man. I just got out of PRISON yesterday, I was in prison for car theft." The woman hugged the man again sobbing, "Oh, thank you, God! You even sent me a Professional!" Is GOD great or what!?! --- ...LOL! Never second guess God! Thanks PatDeE! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: ..::''''::.. .:::. .;'' ``;. .... ::::: :: :: :: :: ,;' .;: () ..: `:::' :: :: :: :: ::. ..:,:;.,:;. . :: .::::. `:' :: .:' :: :: `:. :: '''::, :: :: :: `:: :: ;: .:: : :: : : :: ,:'; ::; :: :: :: :: :: ::,::''. . :: `:. .:' :: `:,,,,;;' ,;; ,;;, ;;, ,;;, ,;;, `:,,,,:' :;: `;..``::::''..;' ``::,,,,::'' >MY AUNT By: Joseph J. Mazzella My Aunt is a remarkable woman. She is on the far side of 80. I won't say how far. Still, she has more energy and enthusiasm for life than I ever could have. Every time we talk on the phone I am filled with delight at the gentle humor and cheerfulness in her voice. Her care and compassion for everyone around her are an inspiration. She is always doing good. She makes sure her friends get to the doctor and to Church. She helps in her community in countless ways. And she does it all with a joyful smile on her face. Her faith and love for God are amazing too. She has lost brothers, sisters, and her husband to death. She has watched her friends, children, and grandchildren deal with health problems. She has faced health difficulties in her own life as well. Through it all, however, her belief in God's love and care have never wavered. When I called her on her last birthday she told me again how awesome God was and how good God had been to her and her family. Whenever I need a shining example to show me how to live my own life all I have to do is remember how my Aunt lives her's. She takes everything that comes her way with faith, humor, and joy. She learns from the problems and tough times she faces and uses them to grow even more loving. She rejoices in all the good times she receives and cherishes each moment with her friends, family, and community. She also uses her goodness, kindness, and giving heart to make the world around her a better place. Most of all she brings her love, joy, light, and oneness with God into the lives of so many others including my own. My Aunt will probably blush when she reads this, but every word is true. She would remind me, though, that we can all live this way too if we wish. Our lives, after all, are just the choices we make each day. May we all choose as beautifully as she does. -<>- _____ / \/_ //\__(\_\ |\ ^ ^ | .//_O \O_ \ \_ (_) / \ \_/ / __/\ /\__ / \ \ / / \ / \/\/\/ \ / | . | \ / | . | \ JRO >4 Main Keys To Abundance 2 CORINTHIANS 9:8 NKJ 'And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.' No matter how little you make, acting on these 4 keys will insure a brighter financial future. Neglecting them, no matter how much you make, will eventually cause a financial crash. 1. Believe God desires to prosper you. True belief requires evidence. God's Word has the evidence to convince you: God's will is abundance for all. The world system constantly shouts a different message, so we must continue to feed on the truth of God's Word to keep our faith strong. 2. Worship God with a portion of all your income. You need God's blessing in your finances. Put God first. Don't neglect this. 3. Spend less than you make. "If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall." Consume all you make and you will never have anything. Discipline yourself to never spend all your "seed." Always save some to invest for a future. 4. Invest the rest, prayerfully. God knows the future. Let Him guide you where to put your money. Don't jump into things that seem like "sure things." Be patient and pray. If you are not sure, don't do it. God knows what's best for you, and He will guide you, if you seek Him. Over time, with God's blessing, your investments, no matter how small they start, will grow and be a great blessing. Don't make excuses. Just act on these 4 vital keys and see what God will do. Start today. SAY THIS: I will act on God's wisdom and God will bless my finances through Christ Jesus! -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >CLOSE YOUR EYES "I will not leave you as orphans." John 14:18 Recently took my mother in law to the orthopedic surgeon for an examination. One of the tests was for her to shut her eyes and try to walk a few steps. She was aware her balance was off, but she did as the doctor asked, anyway. She knew that he was asking her to do something important, and she had confidence that he would catch her when she began to sway and fall. Do we act with the same trust and faith in God as she had done with the doctor? When He asks us to do something we know will be uncomfortable or scary, are we obedient? Do we have faith that He will be there to catch us? That He will not let us fall flat on our faces? That His everlasting arms are big enough to hold us through the frightening times of life? I pray we would have that type of an obedient spirit, and have that much faith. God tells us in the Bible He will never leave or forsake us- and His promises are true! He has proved them over and over to us, time and again throughout the ages as well as with me on a personal level. Thank you, dear Lord, for you promises. Especially the one that says you will always be with us. Marion Smith - noles65@aol.com -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: Financial Stewardship!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/financialstewardship.html Overseer!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/overseer.html The Sleep Metaphor!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/sleepmetaphor.html You Are The Only You God Has!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/onlyyougodhas.html Animals In Fall 2!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/animalsinfall2.html Real Three Bears!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bears.html Rainbows Of Fall!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/fall.html God's Paintings 2!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/gpaints2.html Beautiful Flowers!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bflowers.html Amazing Photos 3!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/amazingphotos3.html Harvest Moonbow!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/moonbow.html Feeding The Eagles!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/eaglefeeding.html Fire Rainbow Cloud!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/firerainbow.html Transparent Butterfly!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/butterfly.html Amazing Horse Trainer!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/horsetrainer.html Attitude Is Everything 5!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude5.html Kinkade - Painter Of Light!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/kinkade.html Fall And Halloween Index Page!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/halloweenindex.html -<>- >Please Visit/Follow me on StumbleUpon http://tinyurl.com/yalmz6q8 -<>- >In The White House News: “TRUMP DEFEATS ISIS IN MONTHS – AFTER YEARS OF EXCUSES FROM OBAMA” - Editorial Board, Investor’s Business Daily The editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily writes “For all intents and purposes, ISIS has been defeated,” following the capture of the ISIS capital Raqqa by U.S.-backed forces, and that in nine months, President Trump did “what Obama couldn’t in the previous three years.” Unlike President Obama’s approach of “micromanaging the war” and telling the country that this was “just the nature of the beast,” President Trump showed confidence in his battlefield commanders by giving them “more decision-making authority,” and resolved to loosen the rules of engagement, “freeing up generals and troops to destroy ISIS,” the editorial board remarks. The editorial board concludes that “while Obama preached patience, Trump promised a swift end to ISIS, and then delivered on it.” http://tinyurl.com/y7dxjcee In Veterans Affairs news, The Washington Examiner editorial board praises the Trump Administration’s actions thus far to reform the VA, including firing “more than 1,000” VA staff for misconduct and outlining a new plan to expand options under the Veterans Choice Program so veterans can seek care at more private facilities. http://tinyurl.com/y8bulj5h Concerning tax reform, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin writes in The Philadelphia Inquirer that “economic recovery is not an academic exercise,” and “the Trump administration is committed” to faster economic growth and tax reform that will spur a “middle-class miracle.” Mnuchin concludes saying “we need to create massive economic growth in this country so that American families, workers, and small businesses can once again succeed.” http://tinyurl.com/y7bedshl The Washington Post Second Lady Karen Pence’s chosen initiative of raising awareness for art therapy, a “little-known mental health profession that she has championed for years.” It is the issue she will be highlighting as wife to Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady during the Trump Administration. http://tinyurl.com/y7dmxv8u Regarding Iran, President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Clifford May comments in The Washington Times that in decertifying the Iran nuclear deal, President Trump “set in motion a process to correct the agreement’s worst flaws,” saying that by making a “tough call” the President has made it possible to put more pressure on the Iranian regime. http://tinyurl.com/ybottf5u Networks Censor Latest Bombshell on Russia/Uranium/Clinton Scandal http://em.mrc.org/ujL0006B8Y0K0h000qdRSk0 -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) We all know how difficult chopping vegetables can be. You either risk cutting your finger or you have to use expensive kitchen appliances. That's why this unlikely gadget is so brilliant. It will truly change the way you prepare food each day in the kitchen! Watch how this unlikely item makes slicing anything a breeze. It should be in everyone’s kitchen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NQ3MrWbuoA A bit long but fantastic pics. So interesting and safe to view. AMAZING GLOBAL PHOTOGRAPHS ..... http://www.woodsmall.com/Unusual-Photos.pdf --- ...Very stunning! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== .-'''''-. |'-----'| /`-.....-`\ | <_} | | .-\-. | _,._ | /# ` \ | __.-` `"""-. | \ / | ..--' `"-. `)_,._ \ '-'-' / (` )--.-"``` `"-.`'-----'` '-----------' ( ) jgs `-------------` >A Most Unexpected Gift Story Editor: by Mandy Bodart Joyce Schowalter South Africa Some years ago I lived in a Victorian "street-front" house in Cape Town, South Africa. These terraced houses have a small, paved front area, about a metre wide and four metres long, between the front door and the street. Where I lived, the street was a major walkway for vagrants on their way to shelter under a nearby fly-over. Barely a day went by but someone knocked on the door asking for food. One very cold winter, the knocks became so frequent that I kept a stack of "vagrant bags" next to the front door. Each contained the fixings for a thick soup/stew and clearly labelled "2" or "4", according to how many people could have a decent meal from each bag. The system worked like clockwork until one evening when I opened the door to an atypical vagrant -- a young Rastafarian who didn't have the weathered face and calloused hands of someone who's been on the streets for years. He apologised for disturbing me and seemed embarrassed to ask for food -- also very unusual! As I automatically reached for a "2" bag, it occurred to me to ask him if he had cooking facilities. Our regular vagrants are as organised as cross-arctic explorers, but he just looked so young and inexperienced. "No," he replied. Luckily I remembered that Rastas are vegetarian, and having made a big pot of veggie curry, I gave him some, with directions to where the homeless people camped every night. The next evening he was back. And the next, and the next.... This went on for three weeks. As "You-can-call-me-Bob" had a hearty appetite, I began to fear I wouldn't be able to continue feeding him daily, and decided to suggest that he vary his choice of "restaurant". That evening he appeared at his usual time, but before I could say anything, he thanked me for my hospitality over the last few weeks, explained that he had been stranded in Cape Town and now had a bus ticket back to his family in Port Elizabeth. He would leave in an hour. At the end of this (for him) lengthy speech, he said he wanted to give me the only possession he had of any value. He pushed a large bag of dagga into my hand and ran off before I could say anything. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There I was holding a large quantity of illegal drugs in my hand, knowing I couldn't burn it because the neighbours would call the cops. I didn't dare put it in the garbage in case it was traced back to me, and at the same time I was so touched that 'Bob' really was giving me his most prized possession! In case you're wondering, I eventually mixed it with sand and dumped it in a municipal bin under cover of darkness. And yes, I remained touched by his generosity, greater far than mine -- for he gave his greatest treasure. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Laugh & Lift: __ __/ \__ / \__/ \ \__/..\__/ / \__/ \ \__/ \__/ \__/ || || || .'/.'\.'. ..'.'..'..'.'. Imran >Cheerful Thoughts (By Rocky Henriques) It was only a glad "Good morning!" As she passed along the way, But it spread the morning's glory Over the living day. --Unknown The little poem above reminds us that sometimes we can have a tremendous impact on the lives of others as we intersect with them. It may be only for a moment, or for an extended period of time. But we can reflect Christ onto them, and perhaps make a difference in their lives. A few years ago, I stopped on the way home from work to purchase gasoline for my car. The place I stopped had the lowest prices around, and it was between five and six o'clock in the evening - so it was busy! I pumped the gas into my car, then headed inside to pay with cash. Apparently the clerk was new, and the equipment was not functioning properly. She was becoming more and more flustered, and the customers waiting there were becoming more and more impatient and short-tempered. And of course, the situation was only making the clerk more and more nervous, leading to more mistakes, leading to... well, you get the picture. My turn came, and I stepped up to the counter. With all the other customers standing around, and the air thick with tension, I said "Ma'am," in such a way as to get her attention. She looked up at me, and I made eye contact. I said in a voice which I intended to be soothing while being heard by everyone else, "It's okay. You're doing fine." That's all I said, but her demeanor changed immediately. Her shoulders slumped in relief, she took a deep breath, and you could almost feel the tension leaving the room. Saying that out loud seemed to make all the customers realize that she was doing the very best she could do, that it wasn't her fault that the equipment wasn't working properly. She was able to complete the transaction, and she moved on to the next person, this time with more confidence and authority. All it took was one person who spoke the right words at the right time to defuse the situation and transform it. But it doesn't have to be a situation like the one I've just described. It could be a lonely old man who just wants human contact, even if it is just a smile. Have you ever thanked the policeman who stopped you for speeding? Have you done something lately for a perfect stranger just because you are a follower of Christ? As we move through our days, let us determine that we are going to be "reflective ambassadors" for the One who died for us, and who lives inside us to this very day-the One who is one day returning to take us home. And let us determine that we are going to make a difference in the lives of other people while we're here. -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' "The Bible is to be read as if written expressly for you." - A. B. Simpson >When You Worry (Written by Kimberley Dubard, Arlington, Virginia, USA) [Edited] Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need. Have you been struggling and planning, worrying and sweating, crying and running at a furious pace, trying to move that mountain by yourself again? God asks that you "cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you" *(1 Peter 5:7)*. Think about what your worrying says to God when you refuse to give things over to Him. When you worry about money, you're telling Him that He is unable to provide for His children, that although He has riches beyond belief in heaven, He is too stingy to share them with you. When you worry that no one understands you, you're telling God that although He has been with you since before you were formed in the womb and has carved you into the palm of His hand, He doesn't know you. When you worry that you will not have enough food, you're telling Him that although He rained down bread from heaven in the desert to feed His children, you are the one He's forgotten. When you worry that your enemies will have victory over you, you're telling God that, although He has given you spiritual battle gear to defend yourself, that despite His track record of being a giant slayer, a Red Sea divider, a lion mouth closer, and a furnace cooler, He can't handle your co-worker, your neighbor, your former friend. When you worry that your children have decided to follow the world instead of your example, you're telling God that He doesn't keep His promises, that, despite the fact that you have raised them up in the way they should go, they'll stray because, basically, He lied. When you worry because the doctors told you that children are impossible, that a cure is impossible, that healing is impossible, you're telling Him that this world controls your fate. You're saying that prayer time with Him is merely something to pass the time. You're saying that although He can raise the dead, make a virgin conceive, open the womb of a woman well past eighty, heal a 12 year issue of blood, make the blind see, and the lame walk, He can't help you. When you worry that you won't be able to do enough to earn forgiveness, you're telling Him, "That's okay, Lord; no need for Your Son to die, I can earn my own forgiveness." You're acting like Jesus never died, or like there was no need for Him to go to the cross. When you worry that no one will love you, that you'll be lonely for the rest of your life, you're telling Him that His love is insufficient. You're also saying that, although He has promised life more abundantly, He was lying, that despite the fact that He started off saying that it is not good that we be alone, He's changed His mind. When you worry and refuse to give the problem over to Him, you're telling God that although He could create the world, He can't handle what's going on in your world, so *you* will. You are saying that He won't work things out, that obstacles cannot be overcome, that mountains can't be climbed, that healing cannot occur, that what is lost will not be found, that joy does not come in the morning, that He is not the God of a second chance, that the promised land has been swallowed up by the desert, and that you have explored the height, depth and width of His love and found it to fall short of your needs. Think about all that you're saying to The One who loves you the most and who has all power. Really think about it. Then open your hands and release what you've been holding onto. Bow down on your knees and ask Him to forgive you for doubting Him. Walk away with a peaceful heart and note the footprints that go before you to straighten the crooked places, prepare a way in the wilderness and make water spring forth in the desert. "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10) Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive my nearsighted nature and pride. That is You around the bend, Lord; how could I not see You? How could I not trust You? Let me tell you, God, all that is on my mind. I'm tired of standing in the rain. Allow me to find shelter under Your wings. My list of worries is long but so is Your patience. Allow me to begin... Through Jesus Christ, my Lord I Pray. SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com ========================================================== >-->From Kidwarmers: ,-~~-.___. / | ' \ It was a dark and stormy night.... ( ) 0 \_/-, ,----' ==== // / \-'~; /~~~(O) / __/~| / | =( _____| (_________| W< >THE FUNNIEST THINGS KIDS SAY Sierra, 7, loves to share all of her first grade knowledge with her younger sister, Paige, 4. Out of the blue their mother heard Sierra ask Paige, "Do you know what 3 + 3 equals?" Paige sarcastically replied, "No!" Sierra then said, "O.K. Earlier Mommy gave us each three cookies for a snack, you three cookies and me three cookies, so what does that equal?" After a short pause, Paige said very matter-of-factly, "That is sooo easy! None, we ate them!" -- Corissa Pugh (mother of Sierra and Paige) of Auburn, Indiana MaKayla, 5, was driving with her grandmother to town. It was a dark day with low, rolling clouds. There was a small break in the clouds and the sunshine spilled out. MaKayla looked up and said, "Oh! Look, Grandma! God's got His door open!" -- Iris Cash (grandmother of MaKayla) of Berne, Indiana Jean's granddaughter, Kaylea, recently asked her mother, "Mom, did Santa Claus make my Anibell (her doll)?" Her mother answered, "Yes." Then Kaylea, who is in first grade and learning to read, asked, "Why does it say 'Made in China?' on the back?" -- Jean Felfe of Spicewood, Texas / _ `_--/-/_ _ ~\/ / | . _ . |--\ _| # ( # ) / \ _ # / -_ _-~ -'--`-_ / . | | |~| |-----,,) -------- |_|_| _~__~__\ W< Nolan, almost 4, was playing with his toys in his room when his mom walked in and asked him why he always makes such a mess when he is playing. Without hesitation he replied, "'Cause I'm like my Daddy." -- Lisa Billingsley (mother of Nolan) of Scaly Mountain, North Carolina Here is a story from England. Susan's sister and her husband and children were having Sunday dinner at their mother's ("Mum's") apartment (called a flat in England). While the children were eating their dinner, Dominic, the youngest son, suddenly looked up and announced, "When I grow up I am going to be a singer on the stage, and Jake (his brother) is going to be a bank robber." -- Susan Lavender of Leicestershire, England Here is another story from Susan. She rang to speak to Jake's mum about something and Jake answered the telephone. Susan asked him what he was doing. Jake replied, "I am watching a program about dinosaurs." Then he paused for a second and said, "I can run faster than them!" Trevor, 5, is always helpful. At his grandmother's eye exam, he kept whispering the correct answer to her: "Grandma, it's a 5." The eye doctor couldn't help but laugh. Grandma tried to explain to him that she couldn't see the letters, however, Trevor thought he would help her by teaching her the alphabet and then promptly whispered the whole eye chart to her! -- Trevor's Aunt Amy of Butler, Pennsylvania `_-@@@-_ |, _ - - - ~-_--; |~ = . _ . = | | | ( ) - -__\ _ /,_-- -_ _-~ .-'--`-_ ~/ . | | |~| |____(,,) /________\ |_|__| _~__~___\ W< Suzy's granddaughter Eden, 5, started school this fall. With excitement, she sang Suzy a song. She said it was in in Japanese because she "is going to a Japanese Virgin School." (She is attending a Japanese Immersion School!) -- Suzy Payne (Nana) of Springfield, Oregon Here is another story about Suzy's granddaughters. Stella, 2, went into her mother's (Traci's) room and said, "Roxie (the cat) says eeeeee." Traci asked her to repeat what she said as she didn't quite understand her. Stella repeated, "Roxie says EEEEE! C'mere I show you." Stella proceeded to walk back into the living room where Roxie was sleeping in the sun. Stella walked up to Roxie and said, "See, when I pull her tail she says EEEEEE!" Another Stella story. Suzy was sitting at her computer and Stella "snuck" up on her to scare her. Suzy could see what was happening so being the wonderful Nana that she is, she acted scared. The moment they were done screaming Stella would turn and say, "Again." She would walk away and "sneak" back up on Suzy. They did this several times. The last time when the screams had died down, she looked Suzy in the eye and said, "You are such a dork!" Isaiah, 5, had just completed his second week of kindergarten. He enjoys it, but mentions often that the days are very long. One night his oldest brother, Zachary, came home for a visit. Zachary is almost 20, lives on his own, and works for their dad. In the morning as Isaiah was getting ready for school he asked Zach where he went to school. Zach told Isaiah that he didn't go to school anymore. Isaiah didn't miss a beat when he asked, "Why, did you give up?" -- Tanya Redfield (mother of Isaiah, Zach and two other sons) of Minnesota Lake, Minnesota __,=,__ .~`` .` `.``~. | . . |____ `-;=============;""""` ( (. _).) \ | | \ `-.___.' / '._ _.' /`''''\ / \ | |/\/\/\/|.-. |-|/\/\/\/|;' ) (__/_______| _) #########'._) jgs |==|=|__ ,,,(______)_),,,, ,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,, ,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,, ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, While at the ballpark, watching her older brothers play baseball, Shawna's 3-year-old daughter was playing in the dirt pile. When Shawna asked her if she had to go potty, she said, "No, I made mud." Of course, they went right to the rest room to clean up! -- Shawna Niblick of Fort Wayne, Indiana The following story has no names, to protect the innocent. A family was preparing for a trip to see the grandparents on the husband's side. In the past they had brought along their dogs but this time the wife's husband informed her that the dogs would have to stay home as Grandma had developed allergies to dog dander. The wife explained this to the kids as they were packing and their daughter asked, "What all is Grandma allergic to?" The wife muttered under her breath, "Anything she doesn't like." The daughter piped up and said, "Well then, why do you get to come?" When Debbie's sister (now in her 40s) was about 5 her best friend was Chuckie, the boy next door. They played together constantly much to the dismay of Susan, the little girl up the street. One day after being told that she couldn't play with them, Susan ran home and told her mom, "Blondes do have more fun!" -- Debbie of Kansas City, Missouri Jeani is a clean freak, but she didn't realize granddaughter, Lea, 2, noticed. Jeani keeps Lea five days a week while her parents work. Jeani's daughter-in-law, Kristin, was commenting the other day to little Lea about how dirty Kristin's ceiling was and Lea piped up, "MeMaw will clean it." -- Jeani Bible (Lea's MeMaw) of Laurens, South Carolina ,--.,-"";-"-. .-;-/ / / .- `\ .-. ` ( ' ' ` ; `\/ \ \ / \ / (. C . ) | .-. | | _ / (` / | \ /}| | )(\ | `-> (____.| / ||| / \=====| | |\| | |====| \ _/ ` \__/=====| |` `-'======| \ |=======/ | |=======| | .--, ########\ |/ / jgs |_|__|| ` `--. ,---;-'--'\ `--. `---`-------'-.___,___.---' Sierra and her brother, Rod, have attended church since a very young age and have understood that Jesus saves them and that He died on the cross for their sins. When Rod was 4 he was conversing with a friend who had never been to church. "Don't you know who Jesus is, Bobby?" Rod asked. "He's the one who died on the Red Cross!" -- Sierra of Central Mississippi Melinda's daughter Erin turned 2 in June. They were outside one evening at dusk and Erin discovered the moon. They had a long discussion about the moon being out at night and the sun sleeping at night. Erin looked at the moon again and said, "Mommy, the moon is broken." Melinda asked Erin how that happened and she said, "Grandpa did it. But it is OK ... Daddy will fix it!" -- Melinda Pippenger of Kendallville, Indiana When Pranav was 5 he wanted to ride his bicycle. His mother told him the tire didn't have enough pressure, and it needed a blow. Pranav took the bicycle inside the house, put it below the fan, and switched on the fan. After a minute came and asked his mother, "Amma, now I have put the blow, can I use it?" Here is another story from Janaki. Their younger son Prabhav, 2, was playing with his father. His father held him tightly and said, "I am an octopus. I will hold you tightly." Prabhav replied, "I am a shark, I will bite you!" He gave a nice sharp bite on his father's hand, and escaped. -- Janaki (mother of Pranav and Prabhav) from Bangalore, India Shelly was having breakfast with her 6-year-old son Mikey when he said, "Mom, some people think Jesus is a hero." Shelly smiled and said, "That's right." Mikey continued, "Mom, some people don't think he's a hero." Shelly again said, "That's right, Son." He ate another spoonful of his breakfast and Shelly could see that he was thinking heavily about the topic. Mikey then said, "Mom, I think he's a hero ... and Batman and Robin!" -- Shelly Alison of Newman College of Higher Education, Birmingham, England ,--""""-., .'` ', / | | _ / __,'(,-'/ `\ _. / .=="=| '-. | .'===,=|-. | / /===\==\| \ \ _;' | |====\==\ '.___,u' \__/ |===.##,=\ |==/####\='-.__ \#|#####|`/^|_))._________________ #######/`| |_.-'""""""=' ] #####/\/ /__,________;------.---' jgs `###' |_/ V V Betty's grandson just had his 5th birthday. As they were leaving his party, Betty gave him a kiss and said, "I love you, Daniel." He continued playing with his new toys and said, quite seriously, "I love you too, my dear." -- Betty Bartz of the U.S. military, retired, Newport News, Virginia Arlynda's granddaughter, who had just turned 2 was sitting on the sofa when Arlynda came in to sit by her. "I'm exhausted," Arlynda said. "Eden, are you exhausted?" Eden turned to Arlynda with a very serious face and said, "I'm not exhausted, I'm Eden!" -- Arlynda Hopkins of Vancouver, Washington Note: You are welcomed to use, copy and share these stories, but please reference http://www.funnykids.com as the source. ========================================================== _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >-->Prayer for Difficult Times Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path. I have sworn and am determined to keep your righteous judgments. I am deeply troubled; preserve my life, O Lord, according to your word. Accept, O Lord, the willing tribute of my lips, and teach me your judgments. My life is always in my hand, yet I do not forget your law. The wicked have set a trap for me, but I have not strayed from your commandments. Your decrees are my inheritance for ever; truly, they are the joy of my heart. I have applied my heart to fulfill your statutes for ever and to the end. - Psalms 119: 105-112 >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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