Where There's A Will... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press! :) This hot tottie comes from our friend Johanna. It was so beautiful it wowed me and when I verified it was a record winner, I just had to do it up to share with all of you! Check it out here... . ee. d" "*$" "c.... .F ^c $ *. """"*b 3 3F . 4 " 4 4" c b J @ $"*e .d$b. $ F d .% ^b 4* ^$ $ 4 $ ." ^. % * $ F .P .P F 4 r $ J zP e* L $ . * $ $ z" .d" d"*c d" ^*e r $ $.z$..d" .ed* "r P *. * 4 e*" *. .ze$$*"" * J ^c $ ." ^$" 4 $ $ *$F %.b . " ^ .d**$e. *c$ .$F "*$e. d $ ^*e $ 'd$. "*bd*" ^*e.$ $$$^* '. 4 3F ^c ..... ..d$ $e$'. * d c .@" """ $. . ez$F 3 "c z *" .$""$c. $$$" $ * $$e$*F J .ze$*" d" 3" 4 4 * $ * d*" .P $ J F b $ ' P $" 4 P b b z * d e" " % $ "e..zP "e$ P F 4 ' $ ^ $ d $ b b c F % $ c ." b. $ 4 $ *$$$*" ^***. *. $r -^ 4 ^c $ . 3. .P *$$***b $*=..$" Gilo94' "*" Al Ain Paradise! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/baskets.html --- ...Lots of Ooos and Awws here! Thanks Johanna! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: __ | +| ,,,|__| $$$ , , $$C > $$$; _< _______/ /_ ___ | |__` \~/o\ _,]-]___]-----> | / \( ) )\/.-// _( \ ) / \ | //| / ,/ \/ '/ o \ / o \ /______/\_\ \ || / \ || / \ || / / )( \ |/ \| :] [: o| |o /o| |o\ b'ger `-' `-' >UNEXPECTED SPOTLIGHT Several years ago, I worked as a nurse manager for a satellite office of a local hospital. It was a job that I really enjoyed because there was a lot of diversity -- filling in for staff, meeting with physicians to help promote programs for their patients, ordering new equipment, and general day to day problem solving. I was a jack of all trades, as most nurses are. However, I was soon to have one extra job on my agenda that particular day, which was above and beyond any nurses's imagination. The day started out like any other. When I got to the office there was the usual routine of assuring that the doctors' schedules had been posted and that there was sufficient staff to work with each one. Our medical clinic shared space with the oncology outpatients from our hospital and there was sometimes a squeeze for exam rooms. On this particular day, I was faced with more than exam room issues. I noticed some unusual paraphernalia in the halls that resembled television cameras. As I was walking through this maze of equipment, I was stopped by the oncology nurse manager who said she had an urgent request. After settling the patient I was attending to, I went back to see what she wanted. She informed me that the hospital was filming a public service commercial to let everyone know about our outstanding oncology program. They decided that it would be easier if they shot the commercial at the clinic, rather than the hospital. I said, "Well, I guess we will do our best to work around this and still be able to promote patient safety." Besides, we did have an unusually light schedule that day. Then she told me that the nurse who was originally slated to be part of the production had backed out at the last minute. She asked me if I would be kind enough to STAR as the nurse in the commercial. I don't quite remember my initial reaction, but I must have been dumbfounded! I was in our church drama group, but filming a commercial for national television was beyond my acting ability. I was quickly assured by the director of this production that my lines would be very few, and that unlike my live drama performances, we could easily do retakes. Duty called! How could I say no? I suddenly realized what I had done. What did I look like today? Had I known I was being filmed I would have had my hair done or worn my best uniform. Oh well, I guess they would just get the real me. After my initial shock subsided, I was introduced to a lovely lady who was a cancer survivor -- the real star of the show. We were told our lines, and introduced to the lights, cameras, and action. It was quite an exciting experience and an honor once the ball got rolling. As the normal work hours started to wind down, a few more members of the staff were recruited for scenes that required hallway activity. It was a long day for just a 60-seond commercial, but during the down time I was able to engage in conversation with this patient and her family. They were a tremendously fun group. It wasn't long before the commercial started to appear on television. It was great fun when I ran into a friend, who said she had been getting ready for work when she heard a familiar voice coming from her television. She couldn't believe who she saw when she looked at the screen. Or when my sister told me that my niece from California phoned her and said she saw a nurse on a commercial that looked and sounded just like her aunt. No, I never received fame or fortune, but did have an experience I will never forget. You just never know what may suddenly happen to you during an otherwise ordinary day. -- Annettee Budzban ___________________________________________ Annettee is a mother and grandmother and lives in Wildwood, Illinois. She is a former registered nurse and has started a writing ministry called, Writings From The Heart. She sends short devotions to friends and others. Her first book, Life Changing Inspirations, was just published and can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1591291348/heart ========================================================== >-->From TheMasti: ,-`"-=') =/////// ,== _,_(((((-`6\ ==.| /,,...\\\C _| .--. ((((\\\\\` _, /;_| )9 )))))./ `. / } _\,_ ,-'))) \ / /=-. ,-./ \/ '))) . /\_/ / \ (,-.%\ / /-' ') \/\ / ( \ (/ \ ' /( ' `-/ \( \ ,- / ( `-' \ . / / \ \ &_) /\ \ | ( /--.- \ \----,------=;% | _/ _); `. ` `-. .`\ ) +++/ \ ,," %&-. ; \\| `-` `-=.;_,.__.__\_,/ )_/___+_/_________\,"(_//_(__)______:-._) gpyy >Portrait Of A Friend I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you and together we will search for answers. I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain, nor the future with it's untold stories. But I can be there now when you need me to care. I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall. Your joys, triumps, success, and happiness are not mine; Yet I can share in your laughter Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask. I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me. I can only pray for you, talk to you, and wait for you. I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, But I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself. I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place. I can't tell you who you are. I can only love you and be your friend. =============================================================== >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Scriptures Good advise is: Don't be robbed of blessings. Stay flexible and make necessary adjustments. Read Proverbs 16:9 (The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.) God watches over His WORD to perform it. (Read Jeremiah 1:12) (The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.") If you were sinking, the devil would pat you on the head by: Adrian Rogers There can be NO faith so feeble that God does not respond to it. Christ came to set men free from their sins. Read Psalms 16:11 (You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.) There are so many times in life we can not choose. Like weather, economy, whether we have a large nose or a small one. Blue eyes or brown, a lot of hair or a little. BUT we can choose where we spend eternity. The big choice God leaves to us. Read Revelation 3;20 (I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him) --- ...Amen! Thanks Bunni! -<>- ___ . _~"| ~~ ~.\.~ / : / / \_ ?"" ; ` ,' ) /-, / . . . | / ~-_ / dp . . | .%"": .? |: . . . | % '. . \|:. . .. . . / / '. 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Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches.) 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's! 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER. 6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. [And God through Jesus Christ!] LIVE while you are alive. 7. Surround yourself with what you love. Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Remember: Your home is your refuge. 8. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. You are worth it! 9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is. 10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. 11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time. - AUTHOR UNKNOWN --- ...Excellent one! Thanks Bunni! =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: __ ( y--. .=-. \_\/_,' / | --("))))))= __|__ | / < > > `\ .=-. .-' `-:._.-. | | / \' / | .\_. | | | ,- `(\|.--. .' \ . / \ / `'| ),' `-\_/ |` ` (\ `-'| / \ ' ; .' \ , /\ .' \ '`-.___.-> \ .> \ /\\ `---'| `. -' || `-..-' hjw .=`-....___ || / _.-`--=._ `----.___// \.' _.-'-.`-. `----' '\ ;' \ ; _.'`-. .' / ___ ' _.-'`. / / ,' , `-._ _.-| / /.--\ \ `._ __.---' `./ | \' \ `. `._.-' `. ``. | | `. d8oooo._\_ `. \ /\ / 988888888b. `. \ /::`-.__.'\ 688888888888b : | ___ |::::::::::\ "d8b""888888, ; |`-. .' _`. |::::::::::::. 8888888 | `. / .::::\ |::::::::::::::. /888888' / / /:::::| \:::::::::::::::.._ .' d88888 ___ .' | |:::::| `:::::::::::::::::"--.' `88888`. .-' _`._ |:::::| `::::::::::::::::-' d8889 `/ ,.::.\`-.__ |:::::/ `::::::::::;'`-._ `"' / /:::::| `-. \:::;' ``''''' `-._ /::::::| `-`"' `-._ |:::::::/ `-._ |::::::/ `. \:::;' `--`"' Recipe sharing time again! Yesterday I made clover honey and it turned out so good I thought I would share the recipe with everyone and encourage you to give it a try! Clover Honey Combine 10 cups sugar 3 cups water ¼ tsp Alum Bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes Remove from heat and add 40 purple clovers 80 white clovers 10 rose petals Let set for 20 minutes then strain through cheese cloth. Pour into sterile pint (or smaller) jars and seal. Delicious! I made two batches yesterday and plan on making a few more to put in quart jars for on pancakes this winter! Nancy -<>- , , `. | `. ` `. \___ \ ,---._ ,' -`./ ,-" "-/ / o `._ `. | o ,-. _ ` `. , , `-' ,' ` `-----"| '`----" | \ / | \ " `. /_ `._ _/| \ ( ". ' \ \ `.`. . |` \" |\ | `. `.,' . | `. \ | | ,` | | | `-`-" , ` , `. _,' `.--" | | || | .-. | |, `,' ) ___,' \ , / /------" \____," KaK author unknown Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band -- he could see it. In his mind's eyes the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you." EPILOGUE: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. -<>- | ___.----' `----.___ _.-' .-' F ` - `-._ .-' .' \ `- `-. .' J `. `. /___ / L ` .--`. ' `-. _.---._ |_.---._ .--"""-.' ' ' | ` | | | | | | | | | A H Yb dB YbmdP VK " >SINGING IN THE RAIN By: Joseph J. Mazzella joecool@wirefire.com If you have never been for a walk during a warm, Summer's rain then I highly recommend it. There is nothing quite so refreshing, delightful, and cleansing as having Heaven's waters shower down on you from the sky. You might want to sing a song, dance in the puddles, and laugh at the clouds while you do it too. The rain, after all, is just as much a part of life as the sunshine is. It is the rain, in fact, that helps us all to grow the most. There is a tremendous joy you get when you can go through all the rains of life with love in your heart and a smile in your soul. I can remember when I used to try to make all the things in my life go my way. It was like standing in the middle of a rainstorm and trying to make it stop raining. These days I just smile and let it pour. I know that there will always be problems in this life. I know that there will always be pains. I know that there will always be disappointments. It doesn't mean that I can't face them joyfully, lovingly, and faithfully. It doesn't mean I can't use them to grow better, stronger, and more at one with God. Stop trying to change the world around you then. Stop trying to make it quit raining. Change yourself instead. Sing in the rain instead. Realize that if you want joy in your soul that you will have to choose to bring it there. Realize that if you are going to be full of love that you will have to stop expecting it from others and start giving it to yourself. Realize that if you truly want happiness in your life that you will have to share that love and joy with others while expecting nothing in return. Realize that if you are going to ever be one with God that you need to invite Him daily into your heart, mind, and soul. There will always be rain in this life. Whether we curse at it or sing in it is up to us. Let us always sing a joyful song then in both the sunshine and the rain. -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment Attitude Is Everything 3 http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude3.html Dreamy Ladies http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/dreamy.html In Days Past! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/dayspast.html Think Positive! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/positive.html Thank You Lord! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/thanks.html Jay's Freedom Rock http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/freedomrock.html Humor In Politics 8 http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/politics8.html Luxury Yacht http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/luxyacht.html Lighthouses Of The World! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lighthouses.html -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) _ ______ / `'. ,-"` '. / /'-.'. ___ .' \ \/ '.\.' ' | .| .'`\ | /`"'--., / \ , _.--'` \/_ | ,----.| _ `_--;` ``` `\-. | | \ | -- C -- _/ \ \ | \ 0 0 / . | | \| ) | '. _.' |.__/ ; \ `'---` / / __ '. .' | (__) /'-._____,-` \ /---'.-""-.\ '. / ||,- \\ ;---`;-._||-= |\ , ."""-. \ ) `|'.___.' \ ___ \'. / '-. \ /`-`-; / \ ,/ `) \ \| \ `` | | \|| / /'.| )_ / || | | \/ .' \ \ .-'/ ` |` |.-' .-~ ~-~-._ |.'` \ ` '-. \___/,__/ ~` _ `~~-., `-.,_\_)`-.,_\) `~-,___ ~___~,,..-~~/ jgs \___/`\____/'._.' Without Arms But She's Still Kicking! 'Where There's A Will There's A Way!' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDZKo2MmuIw --- ...An Excellent Example of Attitude! I love this! Thanks Linda! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com ========================================================== >-->From Laugh&Lift: -=[ Sheriff's badge? ]=- 11/97 () /\ ()--' '--() `. .' / .. \ jgs ()' '() >God and Andy Griffith (By Carmella Broome) [Edited] "The steps of the godly are directed of the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand." (Psalm 37:23, 24 NLT) "I'm in deep trouble, Lord! Rush to my aid, for only you can help and save me." Psalm 70:5 (LB) Andy Griffith, comedian and actor, died on July 3, 2012. He was often referred to as "America's Favorite Sheriff" and I can't disagree. Don't tell the teenagers I work with, but I'm an Andy Griffith fan. Yes, its true. I realized I was finally an adult, when I found myself watching "The Andy Griffith Show" because I wanted to, not because my Dad or Grandma was watching it. I still catch reruns whenever I can, even though I've seen every episode several times already. A marathon was on the weekend after his death, and I spent most of Saturday and Sunday on my couch enjoying it. I think the show is funny. I appreciate the small town life portrayed in the fictional North Carolina town of Mayberry. Its wholesome and unoffensive. The biggest concern they usually have is illegal moonshine and Otis the alcoholic. I love the cast of characters. I think Deputy Fife is tremendously entertaining. I love how he gets all worked up, in contrast to Andy's laid back personality. I love it when Andy plays his guitar and they sing together. Little Ron Howard as Opie Taylor is adorable. I love how Andy is a firm but fair, father with him. There are even scenes where Andy and Opie say bedtime prayers together and various episodes show them in church as a family. I like Sheriff Taylor's feisty pharmacist girlfriend, and then later, his feisty teacher girlfriend. I wish Aunt Bee (AintBee, if you want to pronounce it the way they do) lived in my house and cooked for me. You can tell I really like this show for a lot of reasons, but my favorite part of the show is that, no matter what, Sheriff Andy Taylor always seems to know what to do. He wants right to win, for everyone to get along, and for things to be peaceful. He'll "give someone what for" if he thinks they're out of line, and tell them they need to do right or change how they're thinking, but more often than not, he handles things using charm and humor and that easygoing manner of his. He calms everyone down and finds a clever way to solve whatever problem the town is having. Sometimes, he has to get creative with his solutions. When the grouchy store owner tries to run off Bert the traveling salesman, Andy finesses the situation until Bert winds up working at the store. When Aunt (Aint) Bee and her lady friends are squabbling, he orchestrates them all showing up to pick up pictures from their trip to Mexico at the same time, so they'll start talking again. That Sheriff Taylor. What a guy! I can't imagine what Mayberry would have done without their wise and kind sheriff. The writers of that show did such a great job. "The Andy Griffith Show" is a fictional sitcom, though. It ended before anything could happen to Sheriff Taylor to take him from his town. but what if it had been real? What if that town full of people so dependent on Sheriff Taylor had to face him leaving one day or dying, as the real- life Andy Griffith did. What if he'd taken a job that moved him to Mount Pilot, or even Raleigh? The town survived okay without Deputy Fife (even though it wasn't as funny), but you can't have "The Andy Griffith Show" without Andy Griffith, can you? What would they have done? How would they have solved their problems? Who would they have turned to for guidance and solutions? I recall the episode where Floyd the Barber says in despair, "What're we gonna do, Andy? What are we gonna do?" like the world is about to end. They were depending on a human being who couldn't be around forever. And what about the rest of us? We don't all live in a town like Mayberry where nothing really bad ever happens. We don't all have a Sheriff Taylor to run to, who will help us solve our problems. Our day-to-day world is much more complicated, with bigger concerns and bigger consequences. Its real and it can be scary. We like to know there is a literal "go to" person. After Jesus was crucified and not with them anymore, the disciples hid and freaked out, thinking they were abandoned and without someone to give them direction. Jesus knew they would feel this way, and He knows we feel this way at times, too. Jesus told His followers (including us today) when He was here on Earth, that He would not leave us stranded after He returned to Heaven. He said He would send the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Comforter, to help us (John 14: 15-16.) I don't entirely understand how this works, but the Holy Spirit is described as "indwelling." That means, He lives inside each of us [who believe]. Jesus isn't here on Earth in the flesh anymore, but His Spirit is within us [who believe] and is actively helping us. He also speaks to us through the Bible. It is His letter to us, that we can read whenever we want. I sometimes still wish Jesus would just show up and sit down with me in human form, to hug me or walk with me or to have a conversation. Jesus said it was best that He go away, so we wouldn't be dependent on someone in human form - but on the Holy Spirit. God knows what is best. What we have now is a God who knows our needs and who wants to help us with the problems we face each day. Whether they're big or small, they're important to God because we're His children. He loves us and wants us to come to Him with our worries and concerns. He will give us guidance, wisdom, strength, and peace, and will help us to know what to do. God's ways might not always be as obvious as Sheriff Taylor's. He might not give us a happy ending in half an hour or less, but His ways and His timing are trustworthy. He understands things about what's happening that we don't. He knows the past, present, and future more fully than we ever can. He has an eternal perspective that allows Him to know exactly what we need, before we even know to ask. As much as I enjoy Sheriff Taylor and how he takes care of Mayberry, I'm so much more thankful to have a relationship with the God of the Universe, who knows what needs to happen in every situation and who will lead and guide me as I face the challenges of day-to-day life. SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com ================================================================== .--------------. |~ ~| |H____________H| |.------------.| ||::.. __ || |'--------'--''| | '. ______ .' | | _ |======| _ | |(_)|======|(_)| |___|======|___| [______________] |##| |##| jrei '""' '"" >Tandem Highway Dance Story Editor: by M. H. Niemann Joyce Schowalter Texas, USA It was too early and still dark at 5:30 a.m. as I drove through Houston, Texas on the way to my parents' house for our 2008 Thanksgiving dinner. As I drove south out of town on Highway 59, somewhere between Richmond and Rosenberg, I noted brake lights on the cars in front of me. As I got closer I saw two 18-wheeler tractor-trailer rigs, one in each lane, slowing down until they were next to each other and blocking any traffic from getting around them. I thought maybe there was an accident, or perhaps one of the trucks was getting in position to pass the other one. When the situation continued and the rigs even slowed down even further, I naturally got annoyed and started grumbling at the delay, cursing the rudeness of drivers with no consideration of others sharing the road with them. By this time, the rigs had slowed to almost 20 miles per hour and there was a long line of impatient cars behind them. My whole mindset changed dramatically, however, when I was able to get a peek into the gap between the rigs at the road ahead. I saw a car weaving all over the road, slowing down and speeding up, slewing from one shoulder to the other. The two rigs never faltered in their tandem blockade, ignoring the impatient honks of the cars behind them and moving over as necessary to keep cars from going around them on the highway shoulders. This situation continued for about another 15 minutes until three police cars, lights flashing, came racing up the access road and around the two 18-wheeler rigs. I watched while the police cars herded the weaving car to the side of the highway and forced it to stop. The 18-wheeler rigs then sped up and moved over to let all the cars pass by. I have no doubt those two 18-wheeler rigs saved many lives, not to mention the impaired driver of the weaving car, on that Thanksgiving morning. I only wish I had had the presence of mind to note which trucking companies those drivers worked for so I could have sent their companies a note. I've always considered 18-wheeler truckers the unofficial "angels" of the highway -- they are often in the right place at the right time and always, in my experience, help when they can with no expectations of reward or even thanks. What I observed that November only reinforced my opinion of these unsung Good Samaritans. I gave those two truckers what thanks I could by honking and waving as I drove by... on my way to a truly thankful day with my family. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: >FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY ___ __ __ [_ | / \ / \ / /_| () | () | _|____]\__/ \__/_ _.-"| | | | |"-._ _.-"| | | | | | |"-._ _.-"| | | | | | | | |"-._ _.-"`| | | | | | | | | | |`"-._ _.-" | | | __|.-~|~-.| |_..|.__| | | | | "-._ " | | | |' | ` | \|~"~| | |`-.| | | | | " | | | /| _ | |) |\ | | | |\ | | | | | | | /`| a)| | | | | | | | `\| | | | | | |:` | | /| | | | | | | | | | | | |`-.||` |.-.| ( | |/ |. | | | `;|\ | | | | |`-.|`--|_.'|.;\|__/| | | .| | ||\\ | | | | _ | |:--| | | | | /| |/ | | .'| \\| | | |("\| /|/ | | | | | ' | | | | / | :|; | | |`\'|_/`| | | .\| |/`~|=-.| | |/ | `| | | | `|_.'| | | /`| || | |\ | |( | | | | | | | | |/ |\ || | | `Y| /| \ | | | | | | | | | /| Y || | | || /`| \| | | | | | | | /| | | | || | | || | || | | | | | | | | "-|-" |/__|| | | /_|_| |/__| | | | | | | | | |'""| | | '"|" |"""| | | | __|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|__jgs The Rasp family was driving from Minnesota to visit relatives in Indiana. To pass time during the long car trip, little Ella was listing off the names of people she was hoping to see. Because they had not made definite plans, her parents couldn't give her a firm answer on which cousins they would get together with. Older sister Rebecca explained it this way: "Ella, it's like going to the zoo. You don't know ahead of time which animals will be out!" -- Wendy Rasp (mother of Ella) of Owatonna, Minnesota When the mail came, Danny's grandpa received a letter asking for money. The letter included some return address labels with pictures of President Bush. Grandpa looked at the labels and said Bush is doing a good job as president but he didn't want the labels with his picture. He then gave the labels to Andrew, 5, and Danny, 4, to play with. Danny took his and stuck them all over the front of his shirt. Andrew looked at him a minute and said, "Look, there's Danny hiding behind the Bushes!" -- Sara (mother of Andrew and Danny) of Palominas, Arizona -=[ camel ]=- 11/97 _ .--' | /___^ | .--. ) | / \ / | /` '. | '-' / \ \ | |\ \ / \ /\| \ /'----`\ / ||| \\ | ((| ((| ||| ||| jgs //_( //_( This story is from a few years ago. Shortly after George Bush and Dan Quayle lost to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, cousins Kurt, 5, Jimmy, 7, and Kim, 7, were having an afternoon snack at their grandparents' home. Jimmy said, "I sure wish George Bush would have won." Kim said, "Me, too." Kurt said, "George Bush? All the signs said his name was Bush Quayle." His aunt spoke up and said, "Kurt, actually the signs should have said Bush slash Quayle." Kurt quickly asked, "How do you know his middle name is slash?" -- Kurt, Jimmy and Kim are the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davis of Kendallville, Indiana ___.-~"~-._ __....__ .' ` \ ~"~ ``-. /` _ ) `\ `\ /` a) / | `\ :` / | \ <`-._|` .-. ( / . `;\\ `-. `--'_.'-.;\___/' . . | \\ _ /:--` | / / .' \\ ("\ /`/ | ' ' / :`; `\'\_/`/ .\ /`~`=-.: / `` `._.' /`\ | `\ /( / /\ | `Y / \ jgs J / Y | | /`\ \ / | | | | | | | "---" /___| /___| /__| '""" '""" '""" Landon, 3, was leaving on a family trip the next day. His Paw Paw asked him if he was going to miss pre-school. Landon answered yes. His Paw Paw asked, "Are you going to play hookey?" Landon thought for a moment and said, "I don't think Ms. Donna has that game!" -- Kelli Brinkley (mother of Landon) of Paragould, Arkansas Waverly, 6, is into the new state quarters and likes to see which state is represented whenever she gets a "special" quarter. She was very excited to find one from "New Hampster" ... Waverly had a hard time at the dentist recently. The dentist couldn't get it all done, because Waverly was so upset, so she said that Waverly should come back next week and she'd give her laughing gas so that it wouldn't be so traumatic. Later Waverly asked her mother about the dentist and the "laughing farts" she was going to have (she thought it was a different type of gas!) -- Dart in San Diego (mother of Waverly and Amberlyn) -=[ aardvark ]=- 10/00 ,__ _, ___ '.`\ /`| _.-"``` `'. ; | / .' `} _\|\/_.-' } _.-"a { } .-` __ /._ { }\ '--"` `""` `\ ; { } \ | } __ _\ }\ \ | /;` / :. }` \ \ | | | .-' / / / '. '._ jgs .'__/-' ````.-'.' '-._'-._ ``` ```` `"""` When Hope, 5, received some antibiotics for an infection, she wondered why there are only "auntie-biotics" and no "uncle-biotics," "mummy-biotics" or "daddy-biotics." -- Hope's Auntie of Nairobi Kenya Sylvia is a childminder (a British term for daycare provider). Jack, 2, was about to remove his socks. Sylvia said, "Don't take your socks off, Jack. We'll have trouble finding them and your Mum is coming soon." Jack replied, "But my feet are busy!" -- Sylvia Stilwell of London, England _ o o \ \|/ _, __.' /`_/ /` u ;# `c-_..__,/ ## );:'## | ## |:.:## |. ## |:.'## |.::## / ' ## |.:' ## ;::' .:# / ' '# | .: '::.`'-..__ |:. .::' `', |::: ':. .:,\ \ ', . .::' .:: | | |'.|.:| ' ' /\# | \ '|._.:: | |## | /|.:| `"";`| .:|## / || / | ; '| \ // | \:'\ | | /\ / ; ;| \ | || | | || / | || | | || | _/ j| | _/ J| | (/_/_/ J (/_/_/ j jgs (/_/ (/_/ Kevin, 6, is very keen to have a baby brother or sister, but things do not seem to be happening. They were talking about it the other day and he wanted to know when he will have a baby brother or sister. Someone said perhaps they should adopt. Kevin was very upset because the baby "will not have the same germs as us!" -- Jennie Smith of South Africa Teresa's oldest child was four when they went looking for a card for her Grandmother for Mother's Day. The little girl asked, "Mommy, I know it is Mother's Day but when will it be Mommy's Day?" -- Teresa Ballenger of Abbeville, South Carolina __,__ .--. .-" "-. .--. / .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \ | | '| / Y \ |' | | | \ \ \ 0 | 0 / / / | \ '- ,\.-"`` ``"-./, -' / `'-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-'` .--'| \._ _ _./ |'--. /` \ \.-. / / `\ / '._/ |-' _.' \ / ; /--~' | \ / .'\|.-\--. \ \ / .'-. /.-.;\ |\|'~'-.|\ \ \ `-./`|_\_/ ` `\'. \ '. ; ___) '.`; / '-.,_ ; ___) \/ / \ ``'------'\ \ ` / '. \ '. | ;/_ jgs ___> '. \_ _ _/ , '--. .' '. .-~~~~~-. / |--'`~~-. \ // / .---'/ .-~~-._/ / / /---..__.' / ((_(_/ / / (_(_(_(---.__ .' | | _ `~~` | | \'. \ '....' | '.,___.' Kyle, 4, seems to be into everything all at once. One day he found the highlighters his mother uses for her college texts and "highlighted" his arms, hands, legs and chest pink, yellow and blue. Exasperated his mother said, "Kyle! What have you done to yourself!?" With the yellow highlighter still in hand, he said very seriously, "What? I didn't do that! It was my shadow... my shadow did that!" -- Christal Bricker (mom of Kyle and Caitlin) of Colorado Springs, Colorado ========================================================== _ .-*"""*.).' .-' `. ,*' _.' `. .' .-*':', , '": .' : /-. : |/\`"* \; : ' ' \`$ -' / / .'.___ `. / : : `.`*-. .'`.__.-'`. ; | \ `-. ; : ; `| : \ `. : \ ;+"*:*| . \ `-. `. ;`. ; : \ `. `.: `.:`-..-: \ \ `*-. ;`-..-' \ `. ` ' . `-. /`-._ ;`*-..'\`. : | : . `-._ `. : | ; __.-*', [bug] ; `*-.._.-*' : ; / ' : ; .' `./ / .', :/ / .' / /.'\ / .' : .` `-.. / :: /`-. / `' .. `-._.' ; '; .' | ;: : | : , |`**'; ; : : :*-._, : : : ; ; : ,--+'`*+*; : ; . `*' : .'.`._: `*---*--.'`.' : : .-' `.__.' >-->~ I Heard Him Whisper ~ I heard a whisper in my ear, When He called my name. It was called so softly Without contempt or blame. He said, "Child come with Me. I'll lead you where to go. I'll be your candle in the night, Your shelter from the snow. If only you will follow I'll guide you long your way. I'll fill your heart with true blessings Your darkest nights will be day. I'll teach you what you need to know, I'll be your Savior and your guide. I'll support you in your weakest hour I'll stand right by your side." His soft voice said, "I love you, As I've always done. I'll always let you know That you're my chosen one!" Place your burdens at My feet. I'll cradle you in my arms. Though life will be rough at times, I'll keep you from harm." I heard a whisper in my ear, A soft and loving voice. I said "I'll follow You my Lord!" And that's been my only choice! Lynn King © 2004 >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->BECOMING A CHRISTIAN HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food andd DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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