Worth The Wait!... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This sizzler is from our friends Geniann And PatDeE. It is sure to give you some smiles. Check it out here: _____ / \ (____/\ ) |___ U?(____ _\L. | \ ___ / /"""\ /.-' | |\ | ( / _/u | \___|_)_| \| \\ / / \_(___ __) | \\ / / | | | | ) _/ / ) | | _\__/.-' /___( | | Contemplation or Constipation ? _/ __________/ \ | | // / ( ) | | ( \__|___\ \______ /__|____| \ (___\ |______)_/ \ |\ \ \ / \ | \__ ) )___/ \ \ )/ /__( -Michael Reeung- ___ | /_//___| \_________ _/ ( / OUuuu \ `----'(____________) Designer Toilets http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/designertoilets.html --- ...LOL! These are fun ones! Thanks Geniann and PatDeE! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >WORTH THE WAIT by Karin A. Lovold "Listen closely," I told my two oldest daughters ages nine and seven. "Now's your chance to back out, so, listen up!" They stared at me intently. "We'll wait for three hours outside and then, when they open the doors, we'll wait for another three hours inside," I said. "Can you handle that? It's a lot of waiting time. Do you still want to come?" They both nodded yes, with my seven year old adding emphatically, "I'm coming no matter what." That settled it. I had the tickets, and we were off to go and experience what some little girls never get to experience in their lifetime. I was thirty-five, and I'd yet to experience it. But today was my day. It was our day. We were going to see the President of the United States of America. This will be such a memorable day for my girls, I kept thinking to myself -- a chance of a lifetime. When we arrived at our spot to begin our wait, about fifty people stood in line in front of us. Seven thousand people were expected to be there, so being only fifty people from the front was terrific. We sat, we stood, we sat, we stood. I gabbed to the people next to us, and my girls ran around in what small space they had to play. Three hours slowly ticked down to none and it was finally time for the doors to open. Once inside, we found seats directly across from where the President would be, and then the excitement really began. Different speakers arrived, firing everybody up with their loud voices. A huge choir sang patriotic songs revving up the crowd that slowly piled in. "Isn't this exciting?" I kept nudging my girls. "Pretty soon the President will be standing right there." I pointed to the podium. I could tell the excitement was beginning to get the better of them. I could tell by the looks on their faces. They'll never forget this for as long as they live, I thought. I was so glad they were here to experience such a thing. Time ticked on and, at last, the moment arrived. All of a sudden, the lights went out. Then, music began blaring through the loud speakers. The music grew louder and louder. I could feel the excitement brewing in the air as everyone stood, eyes glued to the place where the President would make his entrance -- the only place where the lights still shone. The anticipation that hovered in the air was palpable. I kept looking at my girls, fully aware that this was a moment they'd never forget. Finally, through the loud speakers we heard, "Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the President of the United States of America!" And out he came. The roar of the crowd was electrifying, and for a brief moment, I forgot all about my girls. But then, I quickly began pointing out the President to them, making sure they could see him. In the midst of all this, I didn't expect my knees to knock, or my legs to turn to jelly, or my hands to tremble so much that I couldn't even take a picture. I didn't expect my fist to fly in the air, while I screamed "Yeah!" at the top of my lungs over and over again. But yet, all of these things happened. I knew it would be the experience of a lifetime for my girls, but I hadn't anticipated the experience it was going to be for me and for everyone there that night. It turned out to be something my girls and I could reminisce about forever. A lifelong memory to talk about -- a day we'd never forget. "Whew," I said when we finally got back in our car. "We waited six hours for that, girls." I looked back at them. "We saw the Prez for about forty-five minutes. So, was it worth the wait?" "Yes!" they both yelled with wide eyes and big grins on their faces. Six hours for forty-five minutes, I thought, and I completely agreed with them. It was definitely worth the wait. -- Karin A. Lovold ___________________________________________ Karin says, "I've been married to Michael for thirteen years, and we raise our three daughters Lindsay, Brittany and Tiffany in Minnesota, where we've lived all our lives. I love to read and write and am currently working on a novel and much more." --- ...Makes me think just how great it shall be for people when we get to heaven and finally get to meet God, Jesus Christ, the Apostles and other of our Bible hero and heroins! Wow! What a most thrilling time for all of us who have waited a lifetime! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend LouiseA :) , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >To Love Sacrificially Christ stated that no one has greater love than he who gives his life for his friend. How does one give his life for another person? To love means that we put the person before ourselves. To love means that we need to put other person’s interests before ours. I know that this not an easy message but it is the truth. Christ did not love us sitting in a chair giving orders. Christ loved us by hanging on a cross. His life was sacrificed that we might have a new life. We love deeply, sincerely, and sacrificially when there is nothing in it for us. We love sacrificially when we clean the house for our spouse even though we are tired. To love sacrificially is to dry the dishes for our spouse even though we're tired. To love sacrificially is to forgive when we have been hurt over and again. To love sacrificially is to help others when they don’t deserve it. To love sacrificially is to cover the mistakes of others instead of talking about them. Loving sacrificially helps others become free and find a new life in the love of God. To love sacrificially is to be like God. God is love. --- ...So true! Thanks LouiseA! ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Jacinto :) ,--. ,--. ( O ) ( O ) `--' \ `--' \ _ >-. / /| `-.__.' Krogg >Good Thoughts: The joy that you give to others is the joy that flows back to you. A happy heart makes a cheerful face. may your day be as happy as your heart. Smile is the lighting system of a face. Cooling system of the heart. Boosting system of the mind. So keep on smiling! May every hour of this day bring something special A thought that makes you smile. A smile that warms your heart and a heart that holds much happiness inside. Smile is the melody of the soul. Work is the service of the spirit. Love is the gift of the heart. May you always be full of smiles. --- ...Aww, so sweet! Thanks Jass! ====================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: _____ / \/_ //\__(\_\ |\ ^ ^ | .//_O \O_ \ \_ (_) / \ \_/ / __/\ /\__ / \ \ / / \ / \/\/\/ \ / | . | \ / | . | \ JRO >A PRESENT FATHER Dr. Stanley often thinks about his father. He tries to picture what it would have been like to grow up knowing his dad. When Dr. Stanley's was only nine months old, his father died. So he was brought up without an earthly father. During his youth, Dr. Stanley never really gave it much thought. Then, many years into his ministry, and after he became a father, Dr. Stanley began to feel a cloud hanging over him. There was a mysterious sadness he couldn't identify. Four close friends helped him discover that, as a child, he had subconsciously dismissed any thought about having a father. Because a dad wasn't around, Dr. Stanley simply deleted the idea from his life. He never realized how this affected his relationship with God. Because his father was absent, Dr. Stanley had a distorted view of a "heavenly Father." Without realizing it, he created a distance between himself and God. His heart was resistant to an intimate Father-child relationship. Embracing almighty God as his heavenly Father changed Dr. Stanley's life. He'll never forget the waves of emotion when he felt the tender love of a Father for the first time. If you're a father, Dr. Stanley prays you'll be a present and active influence in your children's lives. They're looking at you more closely than you can imagine. Their view of God will forever be shaped by the time you spend with them. Show them what He's like. Be a godly dad to your children. About the Author This devotional was written by Dr Charles Stanley. Read more about him here: http://www.tmdevotionals.com/men/authors/charles-stanley/ -<>- _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >Seemingly Unanswered Prayer Rob Chaffart "When my prayers returned to me unanswered, I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother." (Ps 35:13-14 NIV) My youngest son has always loved horses. After begging for riding lessons for four years, my wife and I finally caved. He was seven years old at the time. Now, five years later, he is developing into a good rider. When he jumps with his horse however, my heart still skips a beat. If only the fences weren't so tall! Well, 24" is tall to me! He pays for half of his riding lesson each week by cleaning stalls, and every year he sets aside all of the money he earns raising birds so that he can pay for a partial lease throughout the summer on the horse he rides. It is his dream to one day own an Arabian horse ranch. In fact, you can't spend more than a few minutes with him without him sharing his dream with you! Let's jump ahead about six years... He has just graduated from high school. He is very excited, for he has finally decided on a career as a surgeon, and he's been accepted into the top school in Canada. But higher education hasn't gotten any cheaper with the years, and his chosen program will cost thousands of dollars per year. He isn't worried however, for he knows that his parents have been setting aside money for his education ever since he was born. My response will shock him beyond belief: "I'm sorry, son, but the money we set aside has gone for another cause." "What? You spent all of my University money?" "Well, remember about six years ago, when you wanted to own your own ranch and raise Arabian horses?" "Uh . . . But that was just a kid's dream, dad!" "Well, I took you up on it. I invested all the money I had saved into a ranch in Montana, and have been using the money I would have saved ever since to populate it with a herd of 100 high quality Arabians. Some of them are even black, the rarest color of all! I've even hired a crew of top-notch stable hands." "You - you bought me a - ranch?" "Here are your keys, and here's the address. I don't have any money left to pay for University. I hope you understand. Now go on! Your ranch awaits you!" "But dad, I want to become a surgeon! I want to make a difference in life! I love horses and I still love to ride, but I don't want to become a rancher! What have you done?" "I tried to fulfill your dreams!" "How could you have done this to me?" "But it was your dream for so long!" "Don't you know that dreams can change?" When I read the above story to my 12 year-old, he was quite adamant that I should do just that: Take the money we've set aside for higher education and buy him a horse ranch! But childhood dreams do change, and in another few years, he will be more than happy that I didn't! Friends, the above story is really an illustration of what could happen if all of our prayers were answered. The fact is, if every prayer we ever uttered were to be answered, we would actually be disappointed, not ecstatic! I don't always know why some of my prayers are answered the way I want them to be and some are not, especially when it is relating to people who are suffering and dying. I do know one thing, however: God always answers our prayers! It just isn't always the way we would like them to be answered! You see, we don't always know exactly what to pray for: ". . . Because we do not know what to pray for as we should . . ."(Rom. 8:26b), and God always has our best interest at heart. He knows what's best, even when we don't! He answers not according to what we ask for specifically, but according to what will bring ultimate happiness in the long-run. Like David we can exclaim: "I call on the LORD in my distress, and He answers me." (Ps 120:1 NIV) We need to realize that we only see our true situation dimly: "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Cor 13:12 NIV). Sin has obstructed our clear understanding, and only when we meet Jesus face to face will we realize that He has always kept the promise He gave us in Rom 8:28: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Remember, God always has our best interest in mind. He died so that we could live. He rose up so that we could rise up. He has eternity for us already planned. Remember: "God's gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to come - an eternity of life! You can count on this." (Titus 3:7-8 The Message) Eternity with God! Wow! When I contemplate this, the things of life really dim in comparison to His everlasting love! Our temporary life is but a blink of an eye compared to the eternity He has planned for us. The apostle Paul summarizes this idea in Phil. 1:21-24 "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body." NIV Remember, when we pray, God always hears our prayers, and He always answers them, but not always in the way we want them to be answered. He has our long-term interest in mind, and just like I don't rush out to grant every wish and desire of my boys, just like I look beyond the immediate, God answers our prayers in keeping with our long-term happiness. And just like my boys will one day realize that not giving them every desire of their childish hearts was for their long-term good, we will also see God's loving hand in our seemingly unanswered prayers. Rob Chaffart www.answers2prayer.org -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment: I Believe! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/believe.html Dolphin Rescue! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/dolphinrescue.html Running Horses! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/runninghorses.html 100 Years Ago! http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/yearsago.html Lighthouses Of The World! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lighthouses.html Jobs That Suck! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/jobs.html Molly The Speckled Pony! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/molly.html Having Fun With Pun! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/punnyanimals.html Keep On Smiling! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/smiling.html Beautiful Flowers! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bflowers.html -<>- >From Our Friend Melody :) God Loves People http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Basics/god_loves_people.htm No Other Name http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD5zAY7Iz7U Smile God Loves You! http://smilegodlovesyou.org/ --- ...Most edifying! Thanks Melody! -<>- >From Our Friend Linda :) New Car Coming - Get an ELIO! http://www.eliomotors.com/ Britain's Got Talent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4Fv98jttYA#t=63 A little odd http://www.wimp.com/brassband/ Starry Night https://www.youtube.com/embed/FgBF3sIPm4c --- ...Beautiful! thanks Linda! -<>- >From Our Friend louiseA :) Dolphins are one of the smartest creatures on earth, and they sure prove it in this video. These Georgia bottlenose dolphins use teamwork to do something so smart that it hardly seems possible. This behavior has never been seen anywhere else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FE49xEU_z7g This cool aircraft will make you look twice, or maybe even three times. It looks like science fiction, but it's actually closer than you think. The scientists and engineers at BAE are already working to make these planes a reality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Re29lqCEtpc Ksenia Parkhatskaya could have been plucked from the 1920s and put on the stage today. Just watch her dance the Charleston. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=f4mrDVGouzU --- ...Excellent! Thanks LouiseA! -<>- >From Our Friend PatDeE :) Have you seen the classic pictures of the high storm waves smashing to the top of the lighthouse? http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/lighthouse.html --- ...Wow! Good Grief! Not my idea of fun! Thanks PatDeE! -<>- >From ur Friend Fran :) A Good Horse Laugh! http://mccornack.freehomepage.com/drive1246.html --- ...HaHa! Thanks Fran! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From SermondFodder: ____ / \ u u| _______ \ | .-''#%&#&%#``-. = / ((%&#&#&%&VK&%&)) | `-._#%&##&%_.-' /\/\`--. `-."".-' | | \ /`./ |\/| \ `-' / || | \ / VK >The Tip I deliver pizza to help cover my college tuition. Once I called on customers who sent their seven-year-old son to pay me. As he approached the screen door, I noticed he was carrying a check in one hand and two dollars in the other, which I assumed was my tip. To my dismay, he pocketed the bills before handing me the check, which was for the exact cost of the pizza. "Could that have been a tip?" I asked, trying not to sound accusatory. "Yep," he replied proudly. "not bad for just a walk from the living room and back!" >From Reader's Digest www.rd.org ======================== This post is brought your way by Sermon Fodder and Joke A Day Ministries. To subscribe drop a note to Sermon_Fodder-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or to ajokeaday7-subscribe@topica.com. Please leave this attached if you forward this to friends. ======================== >BROKEN THINGS God uses broken things. Broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever. -- Vance Havner, Leadership, Vol. 4, no. 1. ============================================ (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >My Own Private Neverland A Culture of Lost Boys When J. M. Barrie wrote Peter Pan, the story of a boy who refused to grow up and lived in a place called "Neverland," he was writing fiction to amuse children. And so, Barrie might be surprised to learn that an increasing number of young "adults" have decided to model themselves after Peter Pan. Only, they're not bothering with the "first star to the left and straight on till morning" part; they're turning cities like New York and London into their own Neverlands. A recent article in the New York Times chronicled the emergence of a new cultural trend. Known variously as "Peterpandemonium" or "Rejuveniles," it's characterized by "grown-ups who cultivate juvenile tastes in products and entertainment." For instance, Target sells underpants depicting Scooby-Doo and Spongebob Squarepants in adult sizes. If that's not enough, there's also "fuzzy pajamas with attached feet." If pajamas and undergarments aren't enough for your inner child, there are always toys. As American Greetings, the maker of the Strawberry Shortcake doll, says in its ads, "Who knew you and your daughter would have the same best friend?" Seriously. As a marketer told the Times, "[the] consumer wants Care Bears in their life Š And not just to share with their children." "Peterpandemonium" extends beyond the mall. A surprisingly large part of the audience for children's television shows like the Teletubbies are "young adults." And more people between the ages of 18 and 49 watch the Cartoon Network than watch CNN. And I'm not making that up. To Frank Furedi, a professor of sociology at the University of Kent in England, this trend represents what he calls "the self-conscious cultivation of immaturity." For many young people, he says, there's "nothing attractive about [being an adult] anymore." Furedi rightly criticizes the influence of the media, which equates youth with relevance, and maturity with obsolescence. The media, more than any other institution of our society, has been shaped by the "youth culture" of the 1960s. This youth culture valued play and self-fulfillment over the everyday obligations that are the stuff of adulthood. As a result, according to Brian Page, a professor of anthropology at the University of Miami, "play has become the primary purpose and value in many adult lives. It now borders on the sacred." Page adds that "from a historical standpoint, that's entirely backward." It may be backward, but it explains Furedi's findings. If play is life's "primary purpose and value," is it any wonder that so many young people cultivate immaturity? Now denying that play is life's primary purpose doesn't mean that play isn't a good thing. Our ability to laugh and be amused is the result of our being created in the image of God. We laugh because we, unlike the rest of creation, see the relationship between different things. When we play, we sometimes experience what C. S. Lewis called "joy," the sense that there is something greater than ourselves that calls out to us. This kind of play requires wonder, not the refusal to grow up or to create a new Neverland. And most of all, it understands the difference between "being like a child" and being just plain childish. For printer-friendly version, simply visit www.breakpoint.org and click on Today's Commentary. The printer-friendly link is on the left-hand column. Copyright (c) 2003 Prison Fellowship Ministries THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. "BreakPoint with Chuck Colson" is a daily commentary on news and trends from a Christian perspective. Heard on more than 1000 radio outlets nationwide, BreakPoint transcripts are also available on the Internet. BreakPoint is a production of The Wilberforce Forum, a division of Prison Fellowship Ministries. NOTE: Referral to websites not produced by Prison Fellowship, the Wilberforce Forum, and BreakPoint is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content. Christopher Noxon, "Rejuvenated," Times-Union (Albany, NY), 14 September 2003. (Reprint of New York Times article, "I Don't Want to Grow Up!") Frank Furedi, "The children who won't grow up," Spiked, 29 July 2003. Suzanne Fields, "Adults who won't grow up: Time's not on their side," Tallahassee Democrat, 5 September 2003. Matt Kaufman, "The Virtues of Vacation," Boundless, 7 August 2003. The September 2003 issue of American Demographics includes articles about "how Gen Y's youthful traits will evolve as the cohort crosses the portal of adulthood." (You must be a subscriber to access articles.) C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy (Harvest, 1975). Dr. Armand Nicholi, Jr., The Question of God: C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life (Free Press, 2002). ============================================================= ,"=-. / _),`'". ( /a( ), ) ) C = = ?/ ( )) (_ o-< ) ( `-' \; ( \_ ( | \ ) )| \_/} \ \ \(_;/-|_) )/) `._,--/ / / `!__!! ( (_o)) ---`-._, )--- ------( / |---- | ( | :__/|\_; \ |/ )(\_ /_)--` gpyy \_! >Thieves Who Created Gifts Story Editor: by Jim Walker Anne Wilson California, USA On December 14, 2007 my small car was burglarized while I was inside the supermarket buying baby food with my daughter Audrey. Audrey was 11 months old, totally blind, and had just had surgery for five heart conditions two months before. A Santa Clara County, California, firefighter named Gina witnessed the break-in. When I returned to the car after shopping Gina was already on the phone describing the two suspects to the Campbell police department. Officer Gracie responded to the call and started the investigation. Both Officer Gracie and Gina fell in love with Audrey, and were moved when hearing of her health situation. I was so impressed with their help that I gratefully sent commendation letters to the chiefs of both their departments. Ten days later, Officer Gracie called and asked if I would be home that afternoon, as she had a thank you card for the letters. I laughed and said I didn't need a thank you card, but would be home by 3:00 p.m. if she wanted to drop by. My two sons had been looking at our Christmas tree for a few days, asking when they were going to see some presents under it. We could only tell them that Santa would surely bring something. The answer came in the form of our public safety Christmas angels. That afternoon Gracie, Gina, and Gina's boss all showed up... and surprised us with five bags of gifts. Unknown to us, the policeman's association and the firefighter's association had gotten together and purchased gifts for our whole family, including a different car seat for baby Audrey and toys designed for a blind child. They brought a tool set for me because, the police chief said, "A man has to have his tools," and mine had been stolen from the car. What had been a nearly bare Christmas tree was now filled with gifts from these wonderful women and their departments. While there, Gina's boss took baby Audrey right out of my arms and said, "My 13-year-old son is blind. I know every agency and every person in this valley to get Audrey all the help she needs! There are camp trips and tons of resources for this special little angel." Who would have thought this would come out of a car burglary? These public safety officers give all day in their jobs, and still find time to do things like this. I am truly amazed at the giving nature of these wonderful women and their departments; they are commendable examples of the true caring heart. =======HeroicStories======= >-->From Kidwarmers: .''. .''. *''* :_\/_: . :_\/_: . .:.*_\/_* : /\ : .'.:.'. .''.: /\ : _\(/_ ':'* /\ * : '..'. -=:o:=- :_\/_:'.:::. /)\*''* .|.* '.\'/.'_\(/_'.':'.' : /\ : ::::: '*_\/_* | | -= o =- /)\ ' * '..' ':::' * /\ * |'| .'/.\'. '._____ * __*..* | | : |. |' .---"| _* .-' '-. | | .--'| || | _| | .-'| _.| | || '-__ | | | || | |' | |. | || | | | | || | ___| '-' ' "" '-' '-.' '` |____ jgs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >THE FUNNY THINGS KIDS SAY The forecast was rain for the Fourth of July. On July 3 Debbi was discussing going to the fireworks with her daughters. The girls were worrried because they thought the rain might cancel them. Their father assured them that the professionals knew how to set off fireworks in the rain. "What do they do," asked Anna, 10, "put little umbrellas on them?" -- Debbi Armstrong of Orlando, Florida Zach, 6, was being cared for by a neighbor. One day while she was letting them swim Zach kept asking her to get in and shoot water at them. She did for a while, and then had enough. After a few minutes Zach started in again. She looked at him and said, "Quit badgering me or you'll have to go in and take a nap." He said, "I don't know what that means, so I guess I don't have to take a nap." -- Kimberly Kinyon (mother of Zach) of South Bend, Indiana Kessa, 6, and her mom were talking about state capitols. Her mom asked her so what is the capital of the United States and she said, "That one is easy, Mom, it's U!" - Angela McBride (mother of Kessa) of Portland, Oregon Sally and her granddaughter Danyelle were shopping. "I wear size 4 'cause I'm 4," Danyelle said. After a few purchases, Danyelle asked, "Mema, how old are you?" When Sally said she was 53, Danyelle said, "Let's go find 53!" She thought everyone wore the same size as their age! -- Sally Morris of Wellington, Florida _ |=| | | | | / \ . . |-----| | | |-----| |_____| ============= Samantha's daughter turned 3 at the end of May. When Samantha and her husband asked her what she wanted as a birthday gift, she said, "Ketchup!" -- Samantha Walters of Gainesville, Florida Cheryl's brother was making paper airplans for Cheryl's two littlest brothers, Mark and Luke. They call their paper plans "loop to loop." Luke got his plane first. Then they asked, "Mark, do you want a loop to loop?" Mark looked up with big brown eyes and said, "No, I want a Mark to Mark." -- Cheryl A. Compton of Tieton, Washington Emmanuelle, 6, came to his mother and gave her a hug and a kiss. He said, "I love you," and walked away. His mother said, "I love you, too." Emmanuelle said, "I love you more." His mother said, "That's not possible." After one more go round, he said, "Stop lying to yourself!" And he shut the door behind him. -- Melissa (mother of Emmanuelle) of Lynnwood, Washington Dianne, the busy mother of four, was taking the kids to swimming lessons. She was going too fast and a policaman pulled her over. He gave her a warning and sternly told her to watch her speed. Dianne commented, "I will never hear the end of this from my kids." One of her children piped up, "Mom, you were driving faster than a race car!" -- Dianne of Indiana _.._.-..-._ .-' .' /\ \`._ / / .' `-.\ `. :_.' .. : _.../\ | ;___ .-' //\\. \ _..._ / `/\ // \\\ `-.___.-' /\ //\\ \\: | //\V/ :\\ \\ \ \\/ \\ /\\ `.____.\\ \\ .' \\ // /\\---\\-' \\ fsc // // \\ \\ \\ One day Kathy was riding down the road with her grandson, Alex, 4, and her niece, Katie, 3. They were listening to a song that said, "A baby is a gift from above," and they kept arguing. Kathy asked them what was going on and Alex said Katie was singing the song wrong. She was singing, "A baby is a gift from a bug!" and it was making Alex mad. -- Kathy Blackwell of Marshall, North Carolina Barb works at the front counter of a post office. One day an adorable little girl came in with her aunt. She was about 3 and she started telling Barb about her brand-new 4-day-old sister. She told Barb her sister's name and Barb asked her what her name was. She said, "My name is Jessica." "What a beautiful name that is," Barb said. "What is your middle name?" Jessica looked at Barb and said proudly, "Peanut Butter!" Barb started laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. Jessica's aunt explained that her mom calls her "Peanut Butter." Barb adds, "I was having one of THE worst days until this little angel came in.... Thanks, Jessica!" -- Barb Stern of Warrington, Pennsylvania ========================================================== >-->From Our Friend Fran :) .--. .--. / `. o o .' \ \ \ \ / / / /\_ \ .-"-. / _/\ ( V ^ ^ V ) \_ _| 9_9 |_ _/ `. //\__o__/\\ .' `._//\=======/\\_.' It's Always Bee-est To Share /_/ /\=====/\ \_\ _// \===/ \\_ /_/_//`='\\_\_\ hjw /_/ \_\ >Sharing When we share laughter, There's twice the fun; When we share success, We've surpassed what we've done. When we share problems, There's half the pain; When we share tears, A rainbow follows rain. When we share dreams, They become more real; When we share secrets, It's our hearts we reveal. If we share a smile, That's when our love shows; If we share a hug, That's when our love grows. If we share with someone On whom we depend, That person is always Family or friend. And what draws us closer And makes us all care, Is not what we have, But the things we share ~ Jill Wolf ~ --- ...So True! A sweet one! Thanks Fran! >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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